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Airline Reservation System

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

In today’s airline industry users or customers can reserve seat or book flight from any place in

the world as long as they are connected to internet. The Innovation of technology has made

traveling in the air easier for customers with airline reservation or booking just a click away.

The fastest means of transportation today is by air. Thousands of people flock the airline industry

this days so that they can arrive their destination within a short period of time. Vehicles, train

e.t.c cannot drive across the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, so customers tend to travel to

other state, countries, and continents using air transportation. Their by with an hour’s interval the

customers would have arrive their destination.

Therefore, if thousands of people use the aero- planes on a daily basis to travel from one place

to another. Don’t you think there should be a system to help this user’s book flight, reserve seat,

pay for flight, at their homes or at the airport?

Definitely yes. There should be because in a business environment customers come first, then the

profits, it is obvious airline industries makes million of dollars on a daily basis from customers,

so why not improve the market into a more technical oriented one. That is when airline

reservation system came into existence. Users can reserve seat, book flight and set the date if

their departure and arrival using a global distributed system called the internet. These airline

industries have website whereby users can reserve and book for flights with ease, despite the

geographical area, country or spoken language.

Before now Airline Reservation system used to be a standalone system, where by each airline

has its own system disconnected from ticket agency or other operating airlines. But because of

the Airline Deregulation period which occurred in the 1978 which theme was based on the

importance of computerized airline reservation system and their accessibility travel agency was

able to purchase reservation systems such as Airline reservation system.

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Finally, The Airline Reservation system allows users of the system to log into the system,

reserve flight, book flight, pay for flight, select seat, set departure airport and date, set arrival

airport, with ease.

Chapter 2

2.1 Literature Review:

David J. wardel, said in his published journal titled “Airline Reservation System A report and

Overview:” that Airline computerized reservation systems are in the primary form of travel

computerizations in the world. These systems manage the millions of business transactions

Also David J. Wardel wrote The Computer Reservation System function as extremely powerful

and valuable distribution and marketing tools for their airline owners. Today's travel agency

competitive environment

Is largely defined and controlled by airline Computer Reservation System (CRS).

2.2 History of Airline Reservation System.

David J. Wardel said in his journal that before the electronic age reservation were managed

manually using records book and manifest and other printed media, many reservation system in

today’s world are still met in this way.

The Author Dick Pere Ilaye said in his published journal Titled Airline Reservation System

( ARS) that Airline Reservation System used to be a standalone system whereby every airline

had it’s own system disconnected from other Airline Reservation system or ticketing agents and

makes uses of only a designated numbers of airline employees.

Also Dick Pere Ilaye made mention in his journal that during the 1970’s Travel Agency pushed

for the access to the Airline systems and also that today’s air travel information is linked, stored

and retrieved by a network of computer Reservation systems ( CRS), Which are accessible by

multiple airlines and travel agents.

Dick Pere Ilaye said that an American Airline was the first to establish an automated booking

system in the year 1946 using a system to track information and improve efficiency. This

automated booking system endured years of development and alterations.

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The Next booking systems were developed in the year 1953 by a Trans- Canada airline, this

Trans –Canada Airlines developed a computer based system with remote terminals that

eventually took over operations in 1953.

In the same year that the Trans Canada company developed their computer based system , the

American Airlines worked closely with IBM to develop an improved system and the Airline

Reservation System (ARS) and the semi- Automated Business Research System ( SABRE),

which was lunched thereafter in 1960.The development ARS was completed in 1964 and has

been recognized as the largest data processing system in existence.

From the 1960’s to 1970’s Airline Industries invented a lot on research on how to improve the

Airline Reservation System any towards the end of the 1970’s Airlines have been able to own

their private Airline Reservation System. The United Airlines were responsible for the

development of the Apollo Reservation system and shortly after the development of the Apollo

Reservation system travel agents were given access to make the use of the system.

Nevertheless several airlines started developing their own systems, Delta Airlines Lunched the

Delta Automated Travel Account Systems (DATAS) in 1968, United Airlines and Tran’s world

Airlines followed in 1971 with the Apollo Reservation system and Programmed Airline

Reservation System (PARS). Later on travels agents began pushing for a system that could

automate their side of the princess by accessing the Airline Reservation System directly to make


Because of the assessment of the Travel to agent to make reservation directly the Airline

industry provided an Airline deregulation rule, this Airline deregulation occurred in the year

1978, it deals with the magnifying the importance of the computerized airline reservation

systems and their accessibility.

The main purpose of the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act in the U.S was to eliminate government

control over commercial aviation and ensure competitive behavior and fair business practices in

the Airline Industry.

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2.3 Definition of Airline Reservation System.

Before defining the term Airline Reservation System, terms such as System, computerized,

Airline Industry, And reservation should be define.

System: can be defined as a set of detailed method or procedure which is used to carry out a duty

or a task.

Computerized: this has to do with the entering of a process, or store information in a computer

information system,

Reservation: Simply means the act of keeping back, with held. In terms of records and data it

also means a written record or promise of an arrangement by which the task or data’s are secured

in advance.

Airline Industry: can be define as the type of industry which is responsible for the

transportation of passengers such as peoples, cargos, good and service from on destination to

another through air by means of Helicopter or Aero-plane in other to make profit.

Airline Reservation System.

Airline Reservation system could be define as a computerized system which allows users to

store, retrieve, Reserve, information and also conduct business transaction related to air travel.

2.4 Existing system:

Most Airline Reservation system today is designed based on (http) Hypertext transfer protocol,

and client server Architecture, millions of users log into this sites on a daily basis to book flight

and reserve flight, Airline Reservation site like Air Asia.

Existing website like have a good human computer that allows users to feel free

and roam around the site, making reservations and paying for reserved seats.

2.5 Airline Reservation system Design Architecture

There are two main Airline Reservation Design Architecture and they are

1. Service oriented Architecture

2. Traditional software oriented Architecture.

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Service Oriented Architecture: this type of architecture is used in a distributed system, where

by ticketing agents are referred to as services, this architecture is usually implemented using

XML (extensible Markup Language), WSDL (Web service description Language), SOAP

(Simple object access protocol) and UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration).

In this architecture the designed web service that was implemented to follow this architecture

would be uploaded to the service registry using UDDI so that client or customer can access the

web service from their local operating system. By so doing the customer can access the

implemented web service from their various homes, they can reserve flights with ease, search for

seats and make payment with ease without going to the airport to do it the old fashioned way.

Traditional Software Oriented Architecture: This type of architecture is the type of

architecture that involves ticketing agent desktop application software that is not connected to

the web service and it requires customers to move down to the ticketing reservation place to

book or reserve flight.

Most undeveloped nations still make use of architecture, but this ticketing reservation

architecture requires a lot of time and effort from both the ticketing agent and the customer,

while in the service oriented architecture you can reserve flight with just a click away.

2.6 Pros and cons of Airline Reservation System.

Anything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage, people log into the Airline reservation

system based on the pros of the system and most times over looks the cons of the system.

Pros of Airline Reservation system.

The advantages of Airline Reservation systems are

1. Convenience. This advantage simply means that users of the proposed system can book

or reserve ticket anytime they want, be it at day or at night, also the proposed Airline

reservation system has no geographical boundary.

2. Easy changes: This advantage allows user to change flight any time they want, if they

want to postpone the date of their journey. Most existing Airline reservation site allows

users to make changes before log in.

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3. Early check in: Airline Reservation system allows users to check in up to 24 hours

before their flight, select seat and print boarding passes from home, by doing so users of

the Airline reservation system can skip long line at the Airport.

Cons of Airline Reservation System.

The disadvantages of Airline Reservation are:

1. Live Help: when users of Airline reservation system reserves seat online , and they have

any worries or Question, this worries and Question can’t be attend to online, they need an

administrative advice to help them solve their problem.

2. Customization: Most Airline Reservation system Advertise cheap Tickets, but add taxes

and surcharge to make it expensive.

3. Special Need: Users of the Airline Reservation system can’t confirm any special need at

the time of their online reservation, such as requesting a wheel chair.

Chapter 3.

3.1 Proposed system Design and Methodology.

Proposed System Design: The Proposed system for this Airline Reservation system, would

allow users to reserve flight, reserve seat, select departure date and departure airport, set arrival

airport, would allow users to choose flight based on the price range of the flight and based on

the time allocated for the trip . The proposed system would be designed using because it

supports good human computer interaction.

Figure 1: Collaborative Diagram

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Use Case Diagrams.

Figure 2: Use case Diagram

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Use case Description

This use case the shows how a customer of an Airline Reservation system can reserve

flight online

Actors: Customer, Administrator

Precondition: The customer must book flight before payment,, the

customers and admin must make sure the flight details

such as departure airport and date are correct

Basic Flow of Event -Users Log into the system

- users enters flight details

- users enter personal details such as name, address and

social security number

-users reserve ticket

-users pay for ticket by credit card or pay pal

Alternate Flow -If the users of the systems enters wrong information, like

if the departure date is after the supposed arrival date, A

pop message would show

- if no destination is added the system would tell the user

to ass a destination

Key Scenarios -The users of this system must enter the correct details

before sending the http Request

Post Condition -Successful Completion: The user has finished making

the Reservation and has obtained a receipt

-Failure Completion: The user did not enter details

correct, incorrect password, did not pay.

Special Requirement -Users must be connected to the internet

- Users should use webs browsers such as google chrome

and internet Explorer.

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Sequence Diagram.

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram


The Sequence diagram above helps to elaborate on how a user of the proposed system can

reserve or book ticket in an Airline Reservation system. The user’s makes reservation, by

entering flight details and customer details, the systems responds by showing the system the

available flights and cost of the Flights. The users of this system having seen the price of the

seats proceeds by selecting seat, if the user cannot select a seat, the system can help Assign seat

to the user, but if the user sees the seat he or she prefers he can proceed and select it and the

proceed and make payment, the system would automatically Generate a receipt for the user.

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Activity Diagram

Figure 4: Activity Diagram


The Activity Diagram shows the activity taken by the actors of the Airline Reservation system,

where by users of the system reserves flight, users can also check flight Availability, the server

for the Airline reservation system would reply by providing Flight details, flight choices and

prices. After getting the flights price and choices users of this system proceeds and book flight,

makes payment, confirm seat, the Airline Reservation system would respond by issuing a ticket

to the customer.

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State Machine Diagram.

Figure 5: state chart diagram


The Diagram above shows the state in which task are being carried out in the Airline Reservation

system, the first state shows the flight schedule state, in this state the users of this system go

through the see flight details, book flight, the next state is availability of seat, where users have

to select seat and book seat, the Final state is when the users of the airline reservation system

departs the Airport.

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Class Diagram

Figure 6: class diagram


The class diagram above shows the cardinality, multiplicity and relationship between the

different classes in the system.

Flight – Ticket

That one flight can have many Tickets.

Customer – Airline

More Than 1 customer can be registered to one Airline.

Customer –ticket

More than 1 customer can reserve more than 1 ticket and

Airline – Reservation:

Finally one airline has more than 1 flights registered to it.

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The proposed system would be design based on the service oriented Architecture (SOA) that was

mentioned in the literature review and mesh topology for connecting all the branches to one

centralized database, I proposed to use SOA architecture because this type of architecture or

approach is the most efficient, flexible and reliable approach used in airline reservation system


Another reason is because it requires clients to make reservation from their different location at

any given time and date, as long as there is an available flight and the clients as enough finances

in his or her debit card. Also it has no geographical boundary.

So therefore the proposed system would be implemented using SOA Architecture and mesh

topology because it supports wireless networking. And since the proposed distributes system is a

wireless one and also a web based project. The two methods would be useful.

A network Diagram for the proposed Airline Reservation System.

The network Diagram above shows how three different branches of the proposed system

scattered all over the world operate, the first branch being KL, second Abuja Nigeria, third New

York America. The diagram shows how these three branches are connected to ensure consistency

and reliability.

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Since this is a mesh topology network, if server 1 is down, server 2 would be able to provide the

same consistency and reliability needed to help transfer files, or to help customer make ticket

reservation. So goes to the switch, if one switch or a router is faulty the other takes control over

the systems. No one would even have a clue about what is going in there.

3.2 Pseudo code For Airline Reservation.

Class Airline Reservation

Set Ticket Price as Integer (int);

Set Ticket Number as Integer (int);

Set Admin username as String;

Set Customer user name as String;

Set Admin password as Integer(int);

Set Customer password as Integer (int);

Ticket Price =" 200";

User name = “ “

User password =””

Admin = “admin”;

Password= “12345”;

If Admin Textbox. Text= “admin” and passwordTextBox.Text = “Password Then

Display Homepage ();


MsgBox. Show (“Incorrect user Name and Password”);

End If.

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If UsernameTextBox.text = “” and User PasswordTextBox.Text = “” Then

Display HomePage();


MsgBox. Show (“Incorrect user Name and Password”);

End if

If Flight Details = Matching Flight Then

Display Flight Cost


Enter Flight Details

End if

Set customer Details

if customer Details = "True" Then

Display Seat Map


Enter Customer Detail

End if

if Display seat ="Selected" then

show Payment Information


Assign Seat()

End IF

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if payment = ticket Price then

Issue Ticket

MSG BOX.SHOW ("wait for your Receipt");


Do WHILE payment < Ticket Price

MSG BOX.SHOW (" The payment fee is Insufficient");

End do while

Do WHILE Payment > Ticket Price

MSG BOX. Show (" The money is paid is more than Required");



End class

Chapter 4

4.1 Evaluation and Discussion

The Evaluation of this system would be done using Remote Procedure Call (RPC), we used the

remote procedures call to evaluate the system because it deals with the distributed nature of

service between the client and a server.

In other to evaluate this system the (10) ten basics step of Remote Procedure Call (RPC), would

have to be put into due consideration. The airline reservation system we are about to consider

here is being assumed that the client/customer have not gain access yet to the system to

commence reservation or booking, he or she still needs to log into the system and connect to the


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Step 1. Client Procedure call clients stub in Normal way.

In this step the customer of the Airline reservation system, enters the name of the website in the

http page of his or her computer.

For example: If the domain name of the system is, the customer opens

up a web browser and types the name.

By so doing, the customers is calling the client stub informing the stub that he or she wants to

access the web page.

Step 2: Clients Stub Builds message and call local OS

In this step, the client stub would have to convert the domain name entered by the customer into

something the local operating system can understand and process. If the messages have been

converted into what the operating system can understand then the client stub would send a

message to operating system informing the operating system about the request of the customer.

Step 3: Client OS sends message to the Remote OS

In this step the client operating system, after receiving the message from the client stub about the

customer request, would send the same converted message send to it by the client stub to the

remote operating system. This so because the converted message was converted so that operating

system can pronounce so be it remotely or not.

Step 4: Remote OS gives message to server Stub.

In this step, the remote operating system, which is the operating system that the Airline

reservation is implemented, receives the converted message from the client operating system, go

through the message, make sure there is no error and sends the message to the website server

stub, so that the message can be converted there and sent to the server. Also take note, the remote

system send information to the server stub on a first in first out basis because of the amount of

task it processes on a daily basis

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Step 5: Server Stub Unpacks Parameters, calls Server

In this phase of RPC, what the server stubs does after receiving the message from the remote

operating system and converting it into a language the server would understand, it would then

call the server of the proposed designed system, also note stub can either sends a message on a

first in first out (FIFO) or a Last in first out (LIFO) basics, but the important thing to note here is

the fact that message send to the server are all queued up in the server stub, and are attended one

after the other by any means necessary, sometimes the server stub responds to smaller request

first before responding to the bigger request.

Step 6: Server does work and return result to the stub.

This is the phase where the server receives the parameters sent by the server stub; the server then

goes through the request of the customer, where the converted message would indicate the

customer needs access to the airline reservation system, the server can respond if the domain

name entered is the correct one, or if the customer is connected to the internet otherwise an error

message would b send to client telling the customer to write the url page correctly or get

connected to the internet. The main this in this step is that this is where most of the work are

done, because anything the server replies here is what would be transmitted down to the

customer operating system and then the customer.

Step 7: Server stubs packs it in Message and calls local OS.

In this phase this server stub has receives the respond from the server, the respond might be

either access granted or declines, it is not the job of the server stub to ask the server why? Rather

it is the job of the server stub to convert this message sent to it by the server to a message server

operating system would understand quickly and send it.

Step 8: Server OS sends Message to the client OS.

This phase is more or less known as a correspondence phase, because in this phase server

operating system would alert the customers operating system, that the server has received the

request of the user and has studied it and has now responded to it. The server operating system

now deliver the message to the client operating system, telling the cline operating system, that if

access id granted the customer should go out and use the system to reserve, book, and pay for

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flights, but if the respond given by the server is access not granted then the server operating

system would tell the client operating system to either connect to the internet or type the website

name correctly.

If you can remember in step 8: server stub sent similar message if not the same to the client

operating system, and now server operating system is sending the same message to the client

operating system. It does this because the Airline Reservation Operating systems needs to be

sure that the customers operating system got the message it sent using the server stub, also server

operating wanted to know if the message received by the client operating system is still the same

message the server sent.

Step 9: Client OS gives message to the Client stub.

In this phase the client operating systems has already received the information or message from

the server and the server stub, which shows whether the customer can access the internet or not if

the customer has internet service in his operating system then he or she can access Airline

Reservation system website, otherwise the server would send a network error to t client operating

system, or a low network coverage message to the client operating system.

Also in this phase the messaged sent from the client operating system to the client stub is sent

on a first in first out (FIFO) basis. So client stub has to convert the parameters and sends the

message back to the client by either given access to the system if there is internet coverage or not

given access if there is no internet coverage.

Step 10: Stub unpacks result, return to client

This is the last phase of the remote procedure call, in this phase the client has gain access to the

Airline Reservation system, and the customer is now making reservation and booking flight. It

doesn’t matter where you are located in the world as long you have internet connection you can

make you of a web based Airline Reservation system, just like the customer here. All thanks to

Global distribution system and Remote procedure calls in web services.

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The research above was based journals, books, reports the research shows how an airline

reservation system is implemented, the pros and cons of airline reservation system, the design

architecture used in airline reservation system. The research also discussed about the history of

Airline reservation system, from the inception of airline business to this day that almost

everything if not everything are all based on IT related technology.

Furthermore the proposed system was discussed and how the proposed system would be

designed, I did made mention in the report that the proposed system would be designed using

Service oriented Architecture because it is the type of architecture used for web based system.

And also mesh topology because the proposed system would all be connected to one centralized


Finally, the pseudo code of the proposed system was developed and also the proposed Airline

reservation system was evaluated using RPC Evaluation for web service.

In conclusion, Airline reservation system is a major part of the airline reservation system, it is as

important to the clients as it is to the airlines, because as much as customers want s to reserve

flight and travel around the world. Airline industry wants to keep records of all their flights and

also use this business to make profit. With millions of users using this system on a daily basis to

reserve flight Airline companies stand to make a lot of profit.

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1. Kaavya kuppa “Airline reservation system” CIS 896 Department of computing and

information science Kansas State University

2. Kaavya kuppa “Airline reservation system” Department of computing and information

science Kansas State University, Page 35-36

3. James Edwin “Airline Reservation system software” January 13th 2011

4. Shaik Mahmeed “ Airline Booking system”

5. Mr Sarbjit singh “Airline Reservation system” ROLL NO 03, Page 2- 5

6. Sohel khan “ Airline Reservation system” Page 3-7

7. David J Warderl “ Airline Reservation system” July 1991, Page 3- 20

8. Fang Fang Chua “Design and Implementation of Airline Reservation web service

using service oriented Architecture”June 30th –july 2010 London, UK

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