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Page 3: AIESEC in Uganda Annual Report 2009 - 2010

Cover pictureAmplifire Team

Contents2. President’s Message

3. About AIESEC

4. Exchange

6. Alumni Profile

9. External Relations

11. Talent Management

12. Projects

14. Communication and Information


15. Introducing the New Leadership of AIESEC in Uganda

16. Financial Report

Copyright AIESEC in Uganda, 2010

Design + Printed = Mulindwa Emmanuel, emage Inc. t: +256 752 616 266

Page 4: AIESEC in Uganda Annual Report 2009 - 2010

President’s Message

For 16 years now, AIESEC in Uganda has dedicated itself towards the development of individuals with an overriding commitment of providing an integrated learning experience which comprises providing to its members Leadership opportunities, Participating in a Global Learning Environment and International Internship.2008/2009 saw the expansion of AIESEC in Uganda from the traditional 2 universities to 4 new universities. Bringing the total of AIESEC presence in the Universities to 6.In July 2009, as the National Team of AIESEC in Uganda, we were posed by yet another challenge, a challenge to ensure that all the Local Committees had proper structures to support operations and sustainable growth, a challenge to ensure that the finances of the organization were growing steadily with proper governance and challenge of ensuring that Every day, Every Member was going through a life changing experience, an experience that they would live to cherish and treasure.

Driving growth through university chapters (LCs)The strategy was driving growth through all the 6 Local Committees, to ensure that the National Team was not doing all the operational work, but purely dealing with strategic issues and also to ensure that there was proper Knowledge Management and that every Member was empowered and owned up vision of the Local Committees, in order to ensure growth.

Governance and AccountabilityThis involved introducing the New Financial model which was legislated at the National Planning Conference, forming a Board Of Advisors structure for the university chapters and the national team to follow, Formulating a Coaching structure that enable the university chapters to be able to report to the national team and as well for the national team to let the university chapters know what we were doing. This also entailed sorting all the legality issues – ensuring that AIESEC was recognized by every University Administration that AIESEC is present in. This also meant that the AIESEC in Uganda as the National Body be legally registered to the office of Registrar of Companies.

AmpliFIREThe name of the National Team was Amplifire, what this meant was every success that ever was or has ever existed in AIESEC in Uganda; this was the time to amplify and to magnify them. It was time to show the world what AIESEC in Uganda was all about, it was time to prove to ourselves that we can….!!!!!Coming to the end of our term, I can say that we have achieved tremendously, above and beyond what all our predecessors had ever achieved. This year we have honored those how came before us and made them proud about AIESEC in Uganda. And inspired the future as wellBeing the Top most performing Country in Africa for 3 months consecutively, realizing 150 exchanges in just 6 months.With all these, I really want to thank the National Team for AIESEC in Uganda 09/10 for sticking together even when it was tough – that the time you get to know what strong men are made of.The Local Chapter Presidents from all the 6 university for really supporting the National Team and ensuring that there Directors and Members Understood what AIESEC was all about and hence became committed and delivered results.Lastly to all the BOAs from the National to the Local BOA Team, for keeping AIESEC in Uganda in Check and offering unlimited time and advice.And as you read this publication, I hope you are going to enjoy it and mostly be inspired to take an active role in AIESEC, as a Partner, as a Member, as an alumnus, as a BOA and everyone else.

Yours Faithfully,


Frank J. Muthusi

MCP – AIESEC in Uganda

Chair – Information Management Sub Committee, AIESEC International

Member – Legal and Governance Sub Committee, AIESEC International

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Report by:Irene Nalubega,Member Committee Vice President Exchange, AmpliFIRE 09/10, AIESEC in Uganda.

The AIESEC global exchange program is one of AIESEC’s core product and work. For any student and graduate, going for exchange is one of the most impactful experiences in their lives as they get exposure to different cultures and ways of living. This program is suitable for students in all areas of study such as engineering, commerce, arts, and education.This year, 2009/2010, AIESEC in Uganda has involved more than 90 companies and organizations, as well as over 30 students and graduates in this program. NGOs, energy companies, insurance companies and banks have participated most in our exchange program this year. AIESEC provides a pool of candidates to companies and organizations from our online database, from which the company chooses the best candidate. We also provide integration of the intern into the country, visa and work permit requirements, and thorough servicing to both the intern and the company/organization.AIESEC Uganda this year has tremendously grown as regards to achieving and contributing to the worldwide AIESEC exchange growth goals and results; as shown in the illustrations below.All these results are achieved through the AIESEC chapters/ universities in Uganda.In the outgoing exchange pool, Ugandan students and graduates have been able to get opportunities to countries such as; Tanzania, Kenya, Germany, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Costa Rica, among others.We have been able to advertise our opportunities to students through direct approach, mega-recruitment drives, events and use of online platforms.


Incoming exchange = 108

Outgoing Exchange = 40


Uganda is also running for the Annual International UBS Awards awarded at the AIESEC International Congress that is to take place in India come August 2010.

By percentage growth rate in four years:

Rankings in Africa from 01.07.2009 to 23rd June, 2010.








































Exchange Realized

Exchange Realized

Rankings in Africa from 01.01.2010 to 23rd June, 2010.

Rankings in Africa from 01.07.2009 to 23rd June, 2010.

Uganda tops Africa!

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Incoming exchange = 108

Uganda in the AIESEC International World rankings

Uganda is number 32 in the world rankings, out of 110 countries and territories.

National Statistics for Uganda

Realised Exchanges: The number of traineeships that have been offered by companies and organizations, and number of students/ graduates that have gone abroad for traineeships.

Outgoing Exchange = 40

AIESEC Uganda’s growth over four years.The general growth trend of AIESEC in Uganda is increasing as both the company/ organisation, and student market increases. The analysis is illustraded below:

Incoming Exchange

• Public Relations

• Brand Activations

• Events & Experiences

Tel: 0312 - 284 552 / 0772 464686Email: [email protected]


Outgoing exchange

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Why did you not go for exchange? For me I guess I felt the conferences I attended in different countries, dealing with trainees, working with different people from different countries and cultures was equivalent to having an exchange experience.

Is AIESEC still relevant?

FRED AND AIESEC XPI could say that this was a period of fantastic growth. I joined AIESEC when I was already on the path of politics but my brother, Kenneth kamulegeya who was already in AIESEC encouraged me to join the organization.I was MCP twice but the first time it was more of circumstances that forced me then the second time around I was better prepared. I learnt a lot in AIESEC, crossed boundaries ,did all that could be done.

Do the dots connect?Definitely. The kind of pressure AIESEC puts you under i.e. doing audited reports, annual reports. The numerous skills that your exposed to just by engaging in AIESEC activities equip you with a lot of skills, that eventually you get to use when you are out of AIESEC.Also the way I got my first job was also interesting, I got hired by Hima cement which was a national partner then before the managing director had a look at my CV, then he eventually did, he found out that I was a forester by training and the job was for commercial manger!!

I could say YES. From a student point of view an active AIESECer stands miles ahead from the average student. From the employer point of view AIESEC is evidently a good source of high

potential talent.


Who is Fred Kyaka?You could say am a passionate young family man,

Married and a father to two lovely kids. I am interested in youth leadership.

Currently I am the key accounts manager for Coca-Cola bottling company and at the same time I

am the director staff trainer success Africa. Education wise, I am a forester by training and

practice (note). I did my undergraduate at Makerere University at the Faculty of Forestry.

Take a Step and meet top graduates at the 2nd AIESEC Career Fair.15th – 16th April 2011, Freedom Square, Makerere University

Testimonials from 2010 Partners:“By participating in the AIESEC Career fair we were able to let graduates know that we offer field attachments. We also managed to bring Kakira Sugar Closer to the people”

Bob Obetti, Kakira Sugar Works (Madhvani group)

For more information Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: 0785-859630 / 0785-724734

Book your exhibition

space now!

Page 9: AIESEC in Uganda Annual Report 2009 - 2010

We created a brand new project in AIESEC Uganda that had more than 100 direct beneficiaries in its first year.

We acted sustainably by leaving a financial balance for next year.

We made close friendships with the trainees and are now inspired to do traineeships of our own.

Info Sessions

9/1 5-6pm9/2 5-7pm9/3 7-9pm

Strong Hall 408

AIESEC Uganda had successfully realized all of the Empower Africa Programmes, so a bold teamof AIESECers set out to organize a brand new project. The resultingMicro Finance &Entrepreneurship (MFE) Project became the most successful in the history of AIESEC Uganda.

Project Director George Mugenyi and Team Leaders Mishera, Donovan, Morris, and Abrahambegan in September 2008 with no partners, no funding, and no project curriculum. With strongvision and perseverance, the team established learning partners, raised internship placements,secured funding, and designed a curriculum to deliver to Ugandan students and graduates.

Ultimately, the MFE Project realized 10 trainees who worked with leading micro financeinstitutions and trained a delegation of over 90 students in microfinance and entrepreneurshipskills. The winning proposal received support from a partner, and many delegates will joinAIESEC in fall 2009. The project left a positive financial balance for next year’s team.

The opening and closing events for the MFE project were attended by the Ugandan Ministerfor Micro Finance, Planning, & Economic Development and the four Board of Advisors. Bothevents were covered by national television stations and print media.

Micro-Finance & Entrepreneurship Project TeamAIESEC MUK, Uganda

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Eva Turyashemererwa, 22, UgandaLC-VP-Projects, AIESEC Kyambogo University

Info Sessions

9/1 5-6pm9/2 5-7pm9/3 7-9pm

Strong Hall 408

Eva joined AIESEC in August 2008, when her LC was just being established, and she was immediately elected as LC-VP-Projects. Eva developed the curriculum for Developing Leaders Day, the major AIESEC event in her LC. Soon after, Eva attended AfroXLDS in Uganda, which introduced her to the whole AIESEC way.

Eva began taking great joy in all of the AIESEC work that she was doing. She began heading member meetings at the request of the LCP and mentoring individual students in the AIESEC way. Inspired to achieve excellence in her project, Eva developed a new concept for the ASK Project. Eva was one of two active members at her LC during the summer. She single-handedly managed all four trainees and realized the project, which impacted over 75 students.

Through all that Eva has achieved, she has become even more ambitious to create more change within AIESEC and the broader community. Eva is very eager to share her experience and to empower other people to have the same life-changing opportunities. Through AIESEC, Eva has found her life purpose of impacting and changing lives toward peace and a joyful world.

Joining AIESEC was my first step to unlocking my potential. Since then, I’ve

enjoyed every minute of what I do in AIESEC. Directing the ASK project was a great

experience in developing myself and working with people from 4 countries.

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The AIESEC Experience is the best personal and professional development experience currently available to university students worldwide. AIESEC people “graduating” from this experience represent the best graduate talent available in the market. This makes AIESEC’s Global Exchange Program the most direct link to tomorrow’s business leaders. In addition to this our unique leadership and community development programs make us the top choice among young people and organizations for activating leadership for a positive impact in the society.Through the External Relations (ER) portfolio, we strive to establish fruitful and value-based relationships with our partners to deliver our promises. 2009/2010 has witnessed a huge progress in the External Relations portfolio for AIESEC in Uganda especially in the field of sales and marketing, events management and external positioning. We have been able to get in touch with more than 50 organizations, raise new partnerships, and realize two major events in Career Fair in addition to receiving more than 20 media mentions. External Relations has been the greatest contributor to the total finances of the organization with company sponsorships making up 34% of the total budget.International Congress 2009The International Congress, the largest annual AIESEC leadership conference, is a global platform for young people to discuss world issues such as Trade, ICT, HIV/AIDS, Poverty, and Entrepreneurship and to engage in leadership skills training. A vigorous sales and marketing campaign for International Congress (IC) 2009 realized two financial sponsors in Libra Energy and Africa Power Initiative which enabled a delegation of 8 AIESEC in Uganda members (the biggest Ugandan delegation to ever attend an International Congress) to attend the international conference in Malaysia between 22nd – 31st August 2009. Uganda Tourism Board provided in kind support in form of promo materials (CDs and magazines) about Uganda that were issued to other country delegations during the conference. Career Fair 2010 AIESEC in Uganda successfully concluded its first Career Fair from 13th – 16th April 2010. The AIESEC Career Fair was aimed at enabling students already at an early stage to sort out their study focus according to the practical world through interacting with top employers from various industries in Uganda. For the sponsors and exhibitors, this was a chance to not only recruit or get to know potential employees, but also to build up and foster their image amongst future managers on a long term. 14 companies participated in the AIESEC Career Fair 2010 as exhibitors. Among these, Standard Chartered Bank was the Gold Sponsor while Madvani Group was the Silver Sponsor. Over the 4 days, we received approximately 2000 attendees from six universities namely Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Uganda Christian University, Kampala International

University, Makerere University Business School and Ndejje University. Career Fair Magazine was one of the key products of AIESEC Career Fair 2010. The Attendees had a lot to learn from the articles included such as “Pimp my CV” among others while the exhibitors/advertisers were particularly impressed with the quality of the compilation and design. Another unique element of AIESEC Career Fair 2010 was the professional development workshops and indoor career presentations. We had a total of 10 workshops covering diverse topics like work abroad opportunities, employer expectations, management and industrial training among others. The Panel discussion involving four successful corporate representatives chaired by Ethan Musolini (CEO, Success Africa) was the main highlight. Annual Stakeholders’ Dinner 2010In addition to communicating our impact for the year 2009/2010, the Annual Stakeholders’ Dinner was designed so that our members can meet face to face with our partners and board of advisors. It is also the perfect time to introduce the new leadership of AIESEC in Uganda to all stakeholders. This year the AIESEC annual Stakeholders’ Dinner will also showcase the Graduate Employer of Choice Awards for rewarding the most popular employer among university students. Our PartnershipsOrganizations support various functional areas of our work and choose specific activities/events to be engaged in. AIESEC works with organizations to bring solutions to the following issues: Diversity, Sustainability, Leadership development, Employer brand, talent mobility and shortage in certain regions and insight in youth opinion. SCB has been our biggest partner this year followed by API and as such the two have been invited to become National Partners of AIESEC in Uganda for the next three years. Other companies involved in the Global Internship Program include UAP, Kenlloyds Logistics and AON.

External Relations

Report by: Wakibu Bunnya,Head of External Relations.

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Lisette Swart, The Netherlands and Uganda

Learn more about AIESEC at

AIESEC in Uganda is present in six Universities, namely Kyambogo, MUBS, MUK, KIU, UCU, and Ndejje (Kampala campus).Please contact any member from these Universities to access your global internship opportunity as long as you are a University student/ a recent graduate from any University in Uganda.

From Nov. 2009 until May 2010 I did an MT in Uganda at UAP Insurance. I had an amazing time, both socially and professionally. I grew as a person because I experienced how it is to work in a corporate environment b particularly in a developing country.

I also learned internship from the work I did v for AIESEC in Uganda, but maybe even more importantly, I met so many amazing people, who hopefully will be friends for life.

The experience I had has really changed my life.

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The term 2009/2010 was what I could say would be the defining moment for AIESEC Uganda because from having only two entities/local chapters i.e. Makerere business school and Makerere University from the previous term then came four additional entities Ndejje university, Kyambogo University, Kampala International University and Uganda Christian University.

The term has been one of strategic change in the area of Talent Management. We have implemented this at the local level through the launch of the MATRIX FORMULA. This formula aided LC’s in recruiting, inducting and talent allocation for each member. The creation and implementation of the matrix meant that members took on a defined role within the Local Committee, and we have actively encouraged and empowered the Local Committees to track the work members are doing, and the contribution they make to their Local Committee.

OUR MEMBERS.Statistically AIESEC Uganda has 255 members all registered on my AIESEC.NET. The numbers of active members are approximately 130 members; therefore there are about 125 non active members. The membership of our students is significantly diverse given all entities have a number of east Africans as part of their student body. In addition to Ugandans there are Rwandese, Sudanese, Kenyans, and Tanzanians .

There is no particular inclining to a certain degree/ bachelors in our membership. Members come from diverse background i.e. science, engineering, technical, mathematics, business studies, social sciences and arts.

This year gender has also shown a significant improvement or balance. Out of the six universities we have had 2 Local chapter female presidents’ Prima Babirye and Catherine Wahome. Also there is a significant improvement on the number of females taking up leadership roles.

LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT.The average number of a local executive board is 7. This year has also seen a lot of leadership positions created within the local chapter, on average the minimum number of leadership position created by each Local Chapter being 15. The leadership positions have come from project teams, Portfolio teams and events teams.

This year we have led a more proactive membership who are proud to be a part of AIESEC and who believe in the possibility of achieving exceptional results. This shift in attitude is evident in the results being delivered, for example, both Kyambogo, Ndejje and UCU have been able to increase the number of Outgoing exchange while Makerere University have single handedly raised and realized the 5 Managerial traineeship to be done at the local level.

CONFERENCES.AIESEC Uganda has three conferences in a year. NIS ( Newees Induction Seminar), NLDS (National Leadership development seminar) and Planning Conference. AIESEC Uganda members also attended other two regional conferences making in total 6 the number of conferences members have attended.

We have focused on providing high-level, high quality training to our membership to increase their understanding of the organization, challenge them and those running the conference, and enhance their enjoyment of the conference, empowering them to return to their LCs and deliver.

We have also focused on alumni integration in the conferences. The alumni integration was very vital for our members’ motivation and also for them to learn our history. All the conferences were chaired by former Presidents and some facilitated by other alumni.

This year has also seen the re- launch of the membership excellence award which rewards the best Local chapter of the term.

Talent Management

Report by:Eunice Wanjira,Member Committee Vice President Talent Management, AmpliFIRE 09/10, AIESEC in Uganda.

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PROJECTSIn AIESEC Uganda’s quest to develop globally minded and socially responsible young leaders, Projects are the fundamental unit where our international platform takes shape. Each Project must fulfill the following criteria:

1. Based on Exchange – the Project creates opportunities for international youth to come to Uganda for rewarding internship experiences and encourages Ugandan students to go out for similar international exchange experiences.

2. Financial Sustainability – the Project has a revenue generating strategy and manages its expenditures through a detailed budget, in order to leave reserves for future growth.

3. Activating Leadership – the Project creates several leadership experiences for Ugandan students who are designing and implementing the Project.

4. Positive Impact on Society – the Project addresses a critical issue in Ugandan society and creates positive impact by training and empowering a clearly defined target audience.

Calendar of the Projects that AIESEC in Uganda delivered during the 2009-2010 period:


Kyambogo UniversityUganda Christian UniversityNdejje University



Makerere University, KampalaMakerere University Business SchoolKampala International University

AfriTour ALTA MYLNovember-2009December-2009



August-2010Total Phases 1 1 1



















Project Issue Addressed

ASK Training youth to be HIV/AIDS peer-educators (Answers Solutions Knowledge)


Teaching computer & IT skills to enhance youths’ opportunities, productivity, job readiness and quality of life (Information Technology)


Training youth in Micro-Finance & Entrepreneurship skills to create new jobs and wealth for the community (Young EntrepreneurS)

AfTr Empowering youth to foster sustainable development in the tourism sector (AfriTour)


Appreciating Life Through Art - teaching visual and performing arts to youth to build multiculturalism, self-confidence, & peace


Mind Your Language - Educating secondary-school students in languages and cultures (including Chinese, Swahili, French, German, and English)

Performance measurement: Exchange

The number of projects delivered during this term (2009-2010) was 17, which marks a 143% growth over the number or projects delivered in the previous term (7 projects in 2008-2009).The total number of international trainees coming to Uganda to take part in Projects increased from 29 trainees in 2008-2009 to 85 trainees in 2009-2010, which exhibits growth of 193%.

Report by: Andrew Klein, Member Committee Vice President Projects, AmpliFIRE 09/10, AIESEC in Uganda.

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Performance measurement: Financial Sustainability

AIESEC in Uganda was awarded two major grants to carry out Projects during 2009-2010. These were the Standard Chartered Bank - Living with HIV Grant to deliver the ASK Project and the Proctor & Gamble Alumni Network Grant to deliver the swITch Project. These grants totaled more than 5,000 USD in financial support, to enable AIESEC Uganda’s projects to run sustainably.

Performance measurement: Activating Leaders

The role of managing projects in the AIESEC Local Committees has created over 60 leadership experiences for Ugandan students. These leaders have grown their professional network, gained practical experience, and adopted value-based leadership. These experiences are of immense value as these Ugandan students become agents of positive change through their professional career.

Performance measurement: Positive Impact on Society

During this term, AIESEC in Uganda is training 5,000 individuals in Answers Solutions & Knowledge (ASK) on HIV and AIDS, so that these individuals can go on to be peer-educators around this issue. The primary target audience is secondary school students, while we are also targeting some university students and the community at large.

AIESEC in Uganda has also trained 550 individuals in computer and information technology skills, so as to improve their job readiness, productivity, and quality of life. This Project primarily took place

University ASK swITch YES/MFE AfTr MYL ALTA Total:UCU 7 14 9 30MUBS 3 10 9 2 24MUK 7 3 9 19Kyambogo 5 0 3 8Ndejje 4 4KIU 0 0Total: 19 20 32 9 2 3 85

Incoming Trainees for Projects

in Uganda Prisons, as a means of enhancing the quality of life of prisoners and improving their chances of reintegrating in society following their sentence.

AIESEC in Uganda is training over 100 university students in entrepreneurship and skills of creating a business plan, with a mission of converting the youth from job-seekers to job-creators. AIESEC in Uganda also expanded into the issue of Micro-Finance through the entrepreneurship project to target the least wealthy communities as a base of empowering entrepreneurial ideas.

Finally, AIESEC in Uganda has pioneered two projects on new issues this year. The Appreciating Life Through Art (ALTA) Project is teaching a curriculum of diverse art forms to develop cross cultural understanding, self-confidence, and peace among disadvantaged youth. The Mind Your Language (MYL) Project is equipping the youth with language and cultural skills to make them more successful in international business opportunities in Uganda. Both of these new projects will be comprehensively evaluated when they conclude in August 2010 and revised to achieve greater impact in the coming term.

AIESEC trainee with school children in an outskirt of Kampala, where she is teaching and volunteering for the ASK Project

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In June 2009, AIESEC in Uganda introduced a new portfolio on its National team to ensure that, AIESEC in Uganda was delivering the right message to its audience and market as well as increase the organization’s visibility and media presence and train and develop our members in this crucial area of virtual systems, and how much opportunities they can offer any organization,

After a slow start, we gained presence especially through the innovation and contribution of our members in using and taking advantage of the different platforms, Embracing the different social media avenues, led to the creation of numerous and diverse social networks, to co-ordinate team activities, boost talent morale, ensure member and stakeholder participation in various events as well as ensuring public relations lessons and compete in various areas of communication and information management with the final goal being ensuring the storage of relevant information so future teams and leaders can have a resource place from which to learn from, which was not there before.

The relevance of this role was acknowledged greatly, by the impact the processes had on our events, activities, project, individual involvement and morale-boosting as well as updating various stakeholders. Therefore this role has been modified so that it can formally be carried out within each University in which we have a presence for a more effective presentation of the great opportunities AIESEC in Uganda is for University students, recent graduates and other stakeholders, within and without the University campus.

Major achievements;

• Each University had at least two leaders, developed in online Public Relations practices, the relevance of media to the success of any organization, developing a smart communication strategy, which leaders could then easily transfer this knowledge to the members and ensure new ideas as well as foster creativity, and talent development within each University's unique environment.

• Growth in Media positioning especially the digital type, from using the systems in research on various subjects and given roles, to assisting in correlating member activities, recruiting members, and Global work experience participants, communicating our events to various stakeholders, as well as giving our members the opportunity to innovate and produce promotional materials like poster, logos, brand aligned t-shirts, videos as well as gaining other skills out of their classrooms for example creating PowerPoint slides, photo editing and mastering several graphic software to create professional works ensuring the addition of several skills to do with public relations, graphic artistry, and advertising to add onto their given courses within the University, thus producing a multi- talented individual.

We look forward to communication and Information Management partnerships, both for media in terms of communication within and without the organization and Infrastructure like internet enabled computers to encourage the growth of talent and innovation around this particular area of our organization as it is a core part of any successful organization, as well as to aid in knowledge sharing and management processes within our very innovative and diverse membership and stakeholders.


• Web page refurbishment

• Social media presence Aiesec in Uganda group and 6 other affiliate groups of Aiesec in Uganda on face book, twitter group for Aiesec in Uganda, a Ning Social network for AIESEC in Uganda and presence on others like u-tube.

• Traditional media mentions in articles in newspapers, magazines, as well as on TV.

• Developing the portfolio in terms of talent recognition and innovation for graphics work like logo making, trainings held on how best to refurbish and put up a web page and websites.

Communication & Information Management

I am an AIESECer

Report by: Anna Bella Nakato,Member Committee Vice President Information Management & Communication, AmpliFIRE 09/10, AIESEC in Uganda.

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We proudly present you the MC 2010/11, an energetic and ambitious team, that consists of 10 individuals.

The new MC team was formed in a highly democratic process covering written manifestos, review panels, election of the President, respectively confidence voting and selections for the Vice Presidents.

We are proud to mention that over 15 members (all with previous leadership experience!) were running for the top positions, displaying a great level of member development and motivation in AIESEC in Uganda.

The new team is highly diverse. Four Ugandan Universities are represented, four MC members are graduates from AIESEC Kyambogo, one Vice President is from MUBS and UCU each and two team members are from Makerere University. The team is completed by two international team members, Jimmy from AIESEC in Kenya and Manuela with background from AIESEC in Germany and Kenya.

Worth mentioning is also that 4 of the team members have already participated in the AIESEC global internship program and have gone for all four types of AIESEC traineeships! Eunice went for a Technical Traineeship in Nigeria, Manuela for a Management Traineeship in Poland, Matthew for an Educational Traineeship in India and Jimmy for a Development Traineeship in Tanzania.

All the best for the new MC team in leading the country to excellent results and growth!

Introducing the new Leadership Team of AIESEC in Uganda

PRESIdEnT Manuela Müller

VICE PRESIdEnT FInAnCE & AdMInISTRATIOn Eva Turyashemererwa



VICE PRESIdEnT InCOMIng ExChAngE Prima Babirye

VICE PRESIdEnT OUTgOIng ExChAngE Matthew Mugagga




nATIOnAL ALUMnI MAnAgER Frank Nyakahuma

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AIESEC activities smoothly. The financial interim structure was implemented on a trial basis and will be officially passed into the organization’s national compendium in June.

AIESEC in Uganda has this year experienced growth in terms of its incomes and expenditures as compared to the last year. Incomes have been earned from project grants, company sponsorship, goodwill support as well as our exchange activities. The percentage contribution is as follows as of May 2010:

INCOME PERCENTAGECompany sponsorships (events or otherwise)


Grants for various projects 29%Goodwill support 25%Exchange 12%TOTAL 100%

A generous portion of company sponsorships mainly came in through various AIESEC events such as the career fair.

As far as expenditures are concerned, they have been centered around projects, conferences, events as well miscellaneous expenses. The percentage breakdown of expenditures is as follows:

EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGEConferences 35%Projects 34%Events 23%Miscellaneous 8%TOTAL 100%

Report by:Victoria Nyakundi,Member Committee Vice President Finance and Administration, AmpliFIRE 09/10, AIESEC in Uganda.


Financial sustainability has for the past couple of years been a major focus area of AIESEC in Uganda and the year 09/10 is no exception. This had in the past proved to be a great challenge and this year marked the beginning of a significant turn towards achieving this goal. This was mainly done by the introduction of a financial interim structure that has guided the local chapters on how to gain from the activities that they run. As a result we have seen local chapters improve on their incomes and have at least been able to secure funds to run their various

Conferences and projects have taken up a considerable amount of the expenditures because these activities greatly impact upon our members and improve on their learning such that they are gaining from their participation in AIESEC activities.

We mainly carry out our financial transactions via cheques and only in exceptional cases do we do transactions by use of cash. Our expenditure is checked by the signatories to the cheque who ensure that we are spending wisely and in line to the budget presented that year.

The following is a breakdown of the yearly incomes and expenditures in monetary terms to give a general overview of the financial status of AIESEC in Uganda. Amounts are presented in the local currency, Ugandan shillings unless otherwise stated.

INCOMES AMOUNT (UGSHS.)Opening Balance 5,761,510.00

International Congress Sponsorship 4,140,000.00

Sponsorship for ASK project 3,221,975.00 Reimbursement for travel to International President’s meeting


Partnership payment by PWC 2,000,000.00

Company Sponsorship by Standard Chartered 2,425,200.00

Company Sponsorship by Madhvani 1,200,000.00

Sponsorship for SwITch Project 1,613,640.00

Exchange 1,962,305.00

TOTAL 24,499,630.00


Projects (June 2009) 2,020,000.00

International Congress Support 3,963,000.00

1Planning conference (June 2009) 640,000.00

1Newees Induction Seminar (October 2009) 527,500.00

Registration of AIESEC in Uganda 300,000.00

International President’s Meeting 2,170,000.00

1National Conference ‘The Score’ 1,300,000.00

Career Fair 4,269,000.00

Work permit for an intern 1,170,000.00

Accommodation for interns 1,000,000.00

Projects (May 2010) 1,298,000.00

TOTAL 18,657,500.00

Total incomes 24,499,630.00

Total expenditures 18,657,500.00

Balance 5,842,130.00

AIESEC in Uganda has had a relatively strong financial base this year and hopefully will continue to do so in the following years.

[email protected]

1- Please note that the expenditures for conferences represent the amount topped up from the organization’s account. Major expenses are catered to by the conference fee paid by delegates.

Page 19: AIESEC in Uganda Annual Report 2009 - 2010

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leaders of tomorrow, changing the world


National Partnership AgreementThe agreement spans a period of three years during which time:

The national partner will take on 1. three or more international interns a year.The National partner will provide financial 2. support amounting to at least US $1000 for one or two national events.The National partner will invest training resources (venue, 3. trainers, curriculum, and materials) to build the capacity of members of AIESEC in Uganda. The National partner will send at least four representatives to 4. attend the Annual AIESEC Stakeholders Dinner.

Become a national partner of AIESEC in Uganda today!Become a national partner of AIESEC in Uganda today!

National Partner BenefitsAccess to top local and international talent Brand placement on AIESEC Uganda’s website, in email signatures, publications and at media events.Advertising space in the annual report to all stakeholders Presentation time during AIESEC events and conferences Access to database of AIESEC members, alumni and returning Ugandan trainees

Our National Partners: Supporters:

UAP | HCCP | Oscar IndustriesAON | Right To Play Uganda | Daily Monitor

Page 20: AIESEC in Uganda Annual Report 2009 - 2010

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