
Agriculture Age

Industrial Age

Information Age

8000 B.C 1750 1950 2010

Toffler’s Three Waves

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Agriculture Age8000 B.C. - 1750During the Agriculture Age, therewas a massive and rapid growth inagricultural productivity and vastimprovements in farm technologyand machines.

Other inventions:Abacus – approx. 3000 B.C.Calculators – 1600s

Industrial Age1750 to 1955

1870 - Magic Lantern

1890 – School Slate/Chalkboard

1900 – Pencil

1905 – Stereoscope

1925 – Filmstrip Projector

1925 – Radio

1930 – Overhead Projector

1940 – Mimeograph

1940s – First Electronic Computers

1950 – Language Lab Headset

1950s - Mainframes

“Technology is commonly thought of interms of gadgets, instruments, machines,and devices…most (educators) will deferto technology as computers.” (Muffolette, 1994)

Information Age1955 to present

“You’ve go to think about the big things while you are doing the small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.”

Alvin Toffler

Technology developed during the Information Age:

1957 – Skinner Teaching Machine

1980 - Plato Computer

1985 – CD-ROM Drive

1999 – Interactive Whiteboard

2006 - XO Laptop

2010 - iPad

Information2 Age2010 and beyond

My prediction for the fourth wave is

Information2 Age. This wave will exemplify

Each domain of the previous waves: non-traditional workplaces renewal of the family structure blended classrooms and curriculums Technology for the advancement of human needs and well-being

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