  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc




    MAY 2006


    Foundation for the Development ofLeather Production (FDLP)

    ARMONO BuildingOffice No. !"#hingi$ %tr. "!

    &han'ul Di$trictlaanaatar

    *'Mail+ lpdf,

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  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc



    1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1

    2 INDUSTRY BACKGROUND.......................................................................................3!.- he /loal Leather 0ndu$tr1.............................................................................................

    !.! he Mongolian Leather 0ndu$tr1.......................................................................................22.2.1 Output Development of the Sector................................................................................42.2.2 Human Resource Development in the Sector................................................................5

    2.2.3 Actors in the Sector......................................................................................................6

    2.2.4 Current e!islation in the Sector.................................................................................."

    2.2.5 Other #mportant Characteristics..................................................................................$

    3 SUPPLY OF RAW HIDES AND SKINS....................................................................10.- Live$toc3 in Mongolia and the Preparation of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$..............................-6.! %uppl1 %1$tem of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$..........................................................................-!. 7ualit1 of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$.....................................................................................-!

    3.3.1 Dama!es Cause% &' (reservation..............................................................................13

    3.3.2 Defects in ivin! Animals...........................................................................................14

    .2 Price$ of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$........................................................................................-2." Leather %tandard$ and nit$ of Mea$urement.................................................................-8.8 *9port of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$.......................................................................................-:

    4 TANNERIES................................................................................................................202.- #apacit1 Development and Output of Mongolian annerie$...........................................!62.! *9port and 0mport of Fini$hed Leather...........................................................................!!2. %uppl1 of #hemical$.......................................................................................................!!2.2 ;a$te ;ater reatment and Related *nvironmental #hallenge$.....................................!2

    5 FINISHED LEATHER GOODS MANUFACTURERS...........................................26".- #apacit1 Development of Fini$hed Leather /ood$ Manufacturer$.................................!8

    ".! Output< 0mport and *9port of Fini$hed Leather /ood$ Manufacturer$...........................!=6 SWOT ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................31

    7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................32=.- #onclu$ion$.....................................................................................................................!=.! Recommendation$...........................................................................................................2

    ".2.1 At )overnment evel..................................................................................................34

    ".2.2 Su&*sector+ Ra, Hi%es an% S-ins...............................................................................35

    ".2.3 Su&*sector+ anneries.................................................................................................35

    ".2.4 Su&*sector+ (ro%uction of /inishe% eather )oo%s....................................................3"

    ".2.5 Role of Other Actors...................................................................................................3"


    ANN*> - Li$t of Participating #ompanie$ and Organi?ation$......................................26ANN*> ! otal Numer of Live$toc3< Pre$erved 5ide$ and %3in$...............................2!ANN*> Average Price$ of 5ide$ and %3in$ in *meelt and Nalaih Mar3et$ (!66'

    !66").............................................................................................................2ANN*> 2 *9port of Leather Ra4 Material...................................................................2"ANN*> " #urrent %ituation of annerie$......................................................................28ANN*> 8 %urve1 on the #apacit1 of the annerie$......................................................."6ANN*> = *9port of Fini$hed Leather............................................................................"!ANN*> : 0mport of Fini$hed Leather............................................................................"

    ANN*> @ %urve1 on the #apacit1 of Fini$hed Leather /ood$ Manufacturer$............."2ANN*> -6 /lo$$ar1........................................................................................................."8


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc



  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc



    ale -+ Output of the Leather %ector....................................................................................."ale !+ Average Price of 5ide$ and %3in$ on the Dome$tic Mar3et (in MN)...................-"ale + Price$ of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$ in %elected #ountrie$............................................-:

    ale 2+ *9port of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$..............................................................................-:ale "+ nit *9port Price of Ra4 5ide$ and %3in$ (in %D).............................................-@ale 8+ /ro$$ Output of Fini$hed Leather /ood$ Manufacturer$.......................................!=ale =+ otal Demand of Fini$hed Leather /ood$ Manufacturer$ for Ra4 Material$........!:ale :+ otal Demand for 0mported Ra4 Material$............................................................!:


    Figure -+ #ompo$ition of the Mongolian Leather %ector.......................................................@Figure !+ otal Numer of Live$toc3 in !662 (in -666 head$).............................................-6

    Figure + otal Numer of Pre$erved 5ide$ and %3in$ (in -666 piece$)..............................--Figure 2+ Average Price$ of 5ide$ and %3in$ on the Dome$tic Mar3et (in MNpiece).... ..-"Figure "+ nit *9port Price of 5ide$ and %3in$ (in %D)....................................................-@Figure 8+ Decrea$e in the #apacit1 of the #entral reatment Plant due to #hromium

    Re$idue$ in Pre'treated ;a$te ;ater......................................................................!"Figure =+ Average Price$ of 5ide$ and %3in$ in *meelt and Nalaih Mar3et$ (!66'!66"). .22


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc



    #P #entral reatment Plant* *uropean nion/ /erman echnical #ooperation C Deut$che /e$ell$chaft fr

    techni$che u$ammenareit /m5N/O Non'governmental Organi$ationPP Pre'treatment PlantEA Ealue'added ta9;O ;orld rade Organi$ation


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc




    he foundation for one of the main indu$tr1 $ector$ of Mongolia C the leather $ector C 4a$

    laid in -@2 4ith the e$tali$hment of the fir$t tanner1. During the fir$t fe4 decade$< it

    developed rapidl1< production machiner1 4a$ continuou$l1 moderni?ed and human

    re$ource$ developed. he fall of #ommuni$m and the tran$ition to a mar3et econom1

    rought aout dramatic change$ in the $ocial and economic $tructure of the countr1. 0n the

    leather $ector< production of the formerl1 $tate'o4ned tannerie$ and fini$hed leather good$

    manufacturer$ $tagnated and output declined $harpl1. A numer of $mall' and medium C

    $i?ed enterpri$e$ 4a$ ne4l1 e$tali$hed< ut the1 produce at a lo4 level ualit1 level.

    Overall< production output a$ 4ell a$ capacit1 utili?ation have decrea$ed $harpl1 $ince


    0t i$ difficult to tac3le the$e prolem$ and find 4or3ale $olution$ for the Mongolian leather

    indu$tr1 4ithout eing ale to revert to complete and accurate data. p to no4< data from

    the leather $ector have never een compiled and pre$ented in a comprehen$ive 4a1. hu$$%&$+) (+, O-)-) & M&+&%(+ T(++$*$

    According to official data of the Mini$tr1 of rade and 0ndu$tr1 of Mongolia< there are 82

    tannerie$ in Mongolia. From the$e< 2 tannerie$ are continuou$l1 in operation< 4hile !8

    tannerie$ produce fini$hed leather< and : tannerie$ engage onl1 in 4et'lue proce$$ing (%ee

    Anne9 " #urrent %ituation of annerie$).

    0n total< the current annual capacit1 of tannerie$ i$ :. million for 4et'lue proce$$ing of

    $3in$< 6.8 million for the fini$hed proce$$ing of hide$< and !.2 million for the fini$hed

    proce$$ing of $3in$. he $urve1< ho4ever< reveal$ that actual capacit1 utili?ation of

    tannerie$ for producing and e9porting 4et'lue i$ aout 26 per cent< 4hile capacit1

    utili?ation of tannerie$ for the proce$$ing of fini$hed leather i$ onl1 -:. per cent on

    average (Plea$e $ee Anne9 8 for a %urve1 on the #apacit1 of annerie$). 0n actual figure$$*$,;

    Rene4ale< aundant< relativel1 ine9pen$ivera4 material re$ource$

    %ufficient capacit1 of tannerie$ and fini$hedleather good$ manufacturer$

    5igh dome$tic demand for fini$hed leathergood$

    #oncentrated location of tannerie$ (in

    Dar3han and laanaatar) 5ighl1'e9perienced due to the long hi$tor1 of

    leather production in Mongolia *9port'orientation One of the priorit1 indu$trie$ in Mongolia #ontinuou$ $uppl1 of ra4 hide$ and $3in$< a$

    traditionall1 Mongolian$ are great con$umer$of meat< $o the numer of live$toc3 remain$con$i$tent

    /loal increa$e in demand for leather product$ /ro4ing economie$ of neighoring countrie$< e.g.

    #hina endenc1 in improvement of ra4 hide$ and $3in$ 0ncrea$e in capacit1 utili?ation and proce$$ing Po$$ile increa$e in foreign inve$tment 0ncrea$e in competitivene$$ and $3ill of laor

    force o $olve environmental challenge$ Dome$tic cu$tomer$ 4illing to u1 Mongolian

    leather if ualit1 i$ improved #on$i$tent demand for leather product$< therefore

    e9i$ting e9port potential 0mproving the e$tali$hed $1$tem for the

    pre$ervation of hide$ and $3in$

    W$(?+$$ T#*$() 8 -**$+) )*$+, &+)+-$;

    Decline in production output Poor organi?ation of the ra4 material $uppl1

    $1$tem Poor ualit1 of ra4 hide$ and $3in$ Poor e9portimport regulation$ and 4ea3

    control of e9port$ import$ Lac3 of current a$$et$ #a$h flo4 difficultie$ 4ith the re$ult that

    in$ufficient amount$ of ra4 hide$ and $3in$can e purcha$ed 4hen availale to en$urecontinuit1 of production

    0n$ufficient colatertal$ to guarantee loan$

    high intere$t rate$ and $hort'term loan$ Lo4 capacit1 utili?ation $e of outdated machiner1 and technolog1 Lo4 level of proce$$ing (mo$tl1 4et'lue) %mall $hare in value chain Lac3 of formal training facilitie$ for 4or3er$

    and leather technologi$t$ Lac3 of competitivene$$ of manufacturer$ %mall dome$tic cu$tomer a$e 0n$ufficient regulation$ on environmental

    i$$ue$ Dependenc1 on import$ of additional

    material$ for production Lac3 of implementation of governmentalpolicie$ and $trategic planning

    ;or$ening of the environmental $ituation ife$tali$hment of rule$ and regulation$ i$ furtherdela1ed (thi$ 4ill al$o have a negative impact onother indu$trie$ $uch a$ the touri$m indu$tr1)

    Further decline in inve$tment due to high intere$trate$ and $hort'term loan$

    Ban3ruptc1 of $mall and medium $i?edenterpri$e$

    *9port of all Mongolian ra4 hide$ and $3in$ Decline in living $tandard of re$ource $upplier$

    (herder$) /ro4th of leather $ector in neighoring #hina


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP %;O ANALI%0%


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc




    hi$ $tud1 of the Mongolian leather $ector intended to e$tali$h the frame4or3< on the a$i$

    of 4hich entrepreneur$ and u$ine$$e$ can ta3e initiative$ to reali?e their idea$ and ma3e

    u$e of e9i$ting opportunitie$. 0n the fir$t part of the #hapter< the conclu$ion$ are outlined on

    the a$i$ of the aove anal1$i$. hi$ 4ill e 4ill e follo4ed 1 a pre$entation of $pecific

    recommendation$ for future action$.

    7.1 C&+%-&+

    he aove anal1$i$ revealed the advantage$ and $hortcoming$ of the Mongolian leather$ector and demon$trated that $ome urgent action$ need to e ta3en to fo$ter the

    development of the $ector. MaHor $hortcoming$ in government regulation and at all $tage$

    of production impede on the output of high'ualit1 leather and fini$hed leather good$. At

    pre$ent< Mongolia i$ a provider of commoditie$ and i$ lac3ing the production of value'

    added product$ a$ the maHorit1 of hide$ and $3in$ i$ at e$t $emi'proce$$ed and then

    e9ported. he e9i$ting /overnment Action Plan i$ in$ufficientl1 implemented< and the

    $ector lac3$ coherent e9portimport regulation$ and a differentiated ta9ation polic1. he

    environmental challenge$ that re$ult during the tanning proce$$ are al$o not dealt 4ith at

    government level.

    5o4ever< $ound government police$ cannot e in$tigated 4ithout a dialogue et4een

    government and other $ta3eholder$ of the $ector. annerie$ and fini$hed leather good$

    manufacturer$ in Mongolia< ho4ever< lac3 organi?ed repre$entation and lo1ing 4or3 to

    e9ert pre$$ure on the government.

    he initial head$tone for the lo4 ualit1 of hide$ and $3in$ i$ alread1 laid during the rai$ing

    of live$toc3 and mi$ta3e$ in the preparation of hide$ and $3in$. 5erder$ have in$ufficient

    acce$$ to veterinar1 $ervice$< and lac3 the $3ill$ and 3no4ledge regarding the proper

    preparation of hide$ and $3in$. 0mprovement of veterinar1 $ervice$ and training of herder$

    i$ crucial at that $tage for improving product ualit1.

  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc



    Although Mongolia ha$ a road a$e of live$toc3 and i$ preparing a relativel1 large numer

    of ra4 hide$ and $3in$< onl1 a $mall $hare i$ proce$$ed into fini$hed leather good$ locall1. 0t

    i$ vital for the development of the indu$tr1 that a larger uantit1 of hide$ and $3in$ are

    proce$$ed into fini$hed leather and fini$hed leather good$.

    %u$tantial deficit$ in ca$h flo4 have a negative impact on the tanning indu$tr1 a$

    companie$ are unale oth to u1 the nece$$ar1 amount of ra4 hide$ and $3in$ to en$ure

    continuit1 of production and to inve$t into the moderni?ation of their outdated euipment a$

    4ell a$ the purcha$e of good'ualit1 chemical$. 0f through an initial inve$tment to u1

    larger uantitie$ of ra4 hide$ and $3in$ proce$$ing output 4ere increa$ed< the ca$h flo4

    prolem$ could e re$olved. %ea$onal $hortage$ in ra4 hide$ and $3in$ could e overcome

    a$ tannerie$ for fini$hed leather proce$$ing could engage in the proce$$ing of non'

    putref1ing 4et'lue during the period of live$toc3 $laughtering and con$umption 4hile

    leaving further proce$$ing to the time 4hen ra4 hide$ and $3in$ are not a$ readil1 availale.

    hi$ 4ould contriute to improving capacit1 utili?ation and en$uring proce$$ing continuit1.

    0nve$tment into the moderni?ation of tannerie$G euipment< proce$$ing technologie$ and the

    u$e of high'ualit1 chemical$ 4ould al$o re$ult in an improvement in product ualit1.

    0deall1< the maHorit1 of dome$tic demand of fini$hed leather good$ manufacturer$ for

    leather could e $ati$fied. he tannerie$ 4ould thu$ have a larger cu$tomer a$e< and the

    manufacturer could cut production co$t$ 1 u1ing locall1 produced fini$hed leather at

    lo4er co$t than imported leather. For the manufacturer$< $peciall1 the $maller one$< thi$

    4ould al$o have the advantage that the1 4ould no longer $uffer from an incon$i$tent $uppl1

    of leather for production. hi$ 4ould partiall1 ameliorate their $ituation a$ the reliance on

    import$ of other material$ for production remain$.

    A re$ult of the u$e improved proce$$ing technolog1 and efficient con$umption of high'

    ualit1 chemical$ 4ould furthermore mean that environmental pollution 4ould e reduced

    in Mongolia.

    From the aove< it can e concluded that in order to fo$ter the development of the $ector$)&?: P*$$*>$, H,$ (+, S?+

    8+ )#&- #$(,: $$ ;

    L>$)&?2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    head$ piece$ head$ piece$ head$ piece$ head$ piece$ head$ piece$C($% !!.@ !. !:".! @." !" =.8 !"8.= !2.2 !"8." 2.=H&*$ !886.= !"2.- !-@-.: "-. -@::.@ 82.2 -@8:.@ !"8.- !66".2 -=.@C())%$ 6@=.8 "!.= [email protected] -6"6.2 -::2. "6:.! -=@!.: 28@ -:2-.2 28!.!S#$$ -:=8.2 !8:@.! --@=. 2-62.: -688.8 866." -6="8.2 22.= --8:8." !2.2G&() -6!8@." -="= @"@-. !2-@.: @-2.: !62".8 -68"!.@ -"=:. -!!:.- !22".-

    T&)(% 30227.1 5256.3 26075.2 115. 237.6 6526.3 25427.7 5762.5 2027. 6503.3%ource+ Mongolian %tati$tical Iearoo3 !662'National %tati$tical Office of Mongolia


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*>

    ANNE! 3 A>$*($ P*$ & H,$ (+, S?+ + E$$%) (+, N(%(# M(*?$) 8200392005;

    1pe$ of hide$ and $3in$ nit of mea$urement!66

    0 00 000 0E E E0 E00 E000 0> > >0 >00

    5or$e piece$ -2"66 -"666 -2666 -!!"6 -!666 -="66 -@666 -2666 -=666 !666 !6666 !-1pe$ of hide$ and $3in$ nit of mea$urement!662

    0 00 000 0E E E0 E00 E000 0> > >0 >00

    5or$e piece$ !-666 !6"66 -:"66 -:"66 -:"66 -:666 -:666 !6"66 !6666 !6"66 !6666 6666Bovine piece$ 6666 !:"66 !"="6 !8"66 !:666 !:666 !=666 !:"66 !@666 !:"66 !@666 !=!"6%heep piece$ -6=66 @:66 :!"6 @666 ::66 :"66 @666 =666 =666 8266 =666 =666/oat piece$ -!266 --"66 :866 8"66 2"66 "666 2866 "666 -6!"6 =:66 -6!"6 --="6

    1pe$ of hide$ and $3in$ nit of mea$urement!66"

    0 00 000 0E E E0 E00 E000 0> > >0 >00

    5or$e piece$ -:"66 !-666 -:"66 !6"66 !6666 !="66 @666 -@"66 !!666 !!"66 !!666 -666Bovine piece$ !!"66 !8666 !"666 !!666 -="66 -:="6 -:"66 !!"66 !""66 !"666 !""66 !666%heep piece$ =666 "866 ""66 "66 "66 !"6 266 ""66 !@66 666 !@66 !"66/oat piece$ -8"66 -="66 -666 !"66 "66 "66 266 "!66 -6666 :666 -6666 --"66

    %ource+ Mongolian %tati$tical Iearoo3 !662'National %tati$tical Office of Mongolia


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*>

    F-*$ 7 A>$*($ P*$ & H,$ (+, S?+ + E$$%) (+, N(%(# M(*?$) 8200392005;


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*> 2

    ANNE! 4 E=&*) & H,$ (+, S?+

    + )#&-.$$

    I+,()&* U+) & $(-*$$+) C&-+)*$ 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    5or$e hide thou$.piece$#hina !=.: =-." 2=.= ":." -@:.@apan !.8 2.: -. -.!

    %outh &orea 6."T&)(% 276.4 376. 43.0 35.7 1.

    Bovine hide thou$.piece$

    #hina -

  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*> "

    ANNE! 5 C-**$+) S)-()&+ & T(++$*$

    N($ & )(++$*/L$>$% &


    Y$(* &

    $)('%#$+)C-**$+) )-()&+

    - Argaliin ul F%P !66! #hine$e'o4ned< it 4or3$ in the area of F%P. %ince !668< it operate$ under the name #hicago.

    ! Arildii F%P -@@!0t 4a$ e$tali$hed for the purpo$e of fini$hed leather< not connected to PP. 0n recent 1ear$< it$capacit1 i$ eing increa$ed.

    Armono #orporation Fini$hed leather -@=- %tate'o4ned enterpri$e< renting out it$ premi$e$. 0t i$ not connected to PP

    2 Buligaar Fini$hed leather -@2Privati?ation ha$ not 1et completed< det i$ high. %ince !66"< output of production ha$ eenincrea$ing a$ a re$ult of collaoration 4ith an 0talian leather good$ manfacturere.

    " Buural /ol Fini$hed leather -@@8#apacit1 utili?ation and the ualit1 of product$ are relativel1 good< ho4ever< it i$ not connectedto PP. 0t $topped it$ operation$ in !66"..

    8 Bu1antog$Fini$hed leather :

    ANNE! I&*) & F+#$, L$()#$*

    8$$: )#&-.US.,&%%(*;

    L$()#$* *&2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    ,2 P*$ + USD ,2 P*$ + USD ,2 P*$ + USD ,2 P*$ + USD ,2 P*$ + USD

    H,$ 2

  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*> @

    ANNE! S-*>$/ &+ )#$ C(()/ & F+#$, L$()#$* G&&, M(+-()-*$*

    N($ T/$ & *&,-)E)('%#$, (()/

    8+ $$;

    - Mon Lan$ Bag$< $mall article$ -6666 ag$! Odnoo #ollection Bag$< $mall article$ 2"66 ag$ M/L'go1ol Bag$< $mall article$ -6666 ag$2 Onl1 one Bag$< $mall article$ 2"66 ag$" /uravhan Du$al Bag$< $mall article$ 2"66 ag$8 /%F Fur< leather good$ -"66 fur cloth$= Mongol %av3hi Leather cloth$< glove$ 2666 cloth: N%B /love$ 86666 pair$@ Montulga %ouviner$< $mall article$ -!6666 $mall article$

    -6 L*% %ouviner$< $mall article$ :6666 $mall article$

    -- Dar3han Ne3hi Doule'face clothe$ !6666 coat$-! Dar3han MinH Doule'face clothe$ "666 coat$- 5ulan %hoe$ 66 pair$-2 BS B% Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth-" ran %haglaa Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth-8 Dalla$ Leather clothe$ 8"6 cloth-= Ma$ter #entre Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth-: De$igner #lu Leather clothe$ 2666 cloth-@ Mon il Leather clothe$ 2666 cloth!6 %mart Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth!- Mongol %hevro Leather clothe$ 2666 cloth!! Yd /o1ol Leather clothe$ 8"6 cloth! Agni Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth!2 B/5 Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth!" Bu1antog$ Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth!8 &ho$ A? %hoe$ "6666 pair$!= Pici Bag$< $mall article$ 2"66 ag$!: Badam #ollection Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth!@ &hoh ug Bag$< $mall article$ 2"66 ag$6 *B0 /love$ 86666 pair$- Ne4 Fa$hion Leather clothe$ -!66 cloth! origt %ouviner$< $mall article$ -666 $mall article$ %ergen Mandalt Doule'face clothe$ "666 doule'face

    2 M%/ /love$ 86666 pair$" /utal %hoe$ -"666 pair$8 BB% %hoe$ 66 pair$= Dar3han %av3hi Leather clothe$ -"66 cloth: *B %hoe$< $mall article$ 66 piece

    T&)(% (()/

    Leather garment$ 8"666 piece Leather glove$ !66666 pair$ Doule'face garment$ 6666 piece Leather oot$ ""666 pair$ Bag$ 86666 piece

    %ouvenir and $mall leather good -!66666 pieceT&)(% -)%()&+ & (()/


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*> @

    Leather garment 26V Leather glove 26V Doule'face garment 2V Leather oot "V Bag$ -V %ouvenir and $mall leather good 26V

    T&)(% N-'$* & E%&/$$ Leather garment !26

    Leather glove !6 Doule'face garment 86 Leather oot !"6 Bag$ -68 %ouvenir and $mall leather good 66 T&)(% 76

    %ource+ O4n calculation$


  • 8/11/2019 AGR - VCA - FDL - MON - EN - MAY 2006 - An analysis of the mongolian leather sector.doc


    FDLP ANN*> -6

    ANNE! 10 G%&(*/

    #onver$ion factor$ forunit$ of area




    acre #m! Dm! M!

    - $uarefoot( $.ft)

    -22 - 6.---- ' @!@ @.!@ 6.6@!@

    Ra4 hide$ are $old 1 the 3ilogram and $3in$ are $old 1$urface area (dm!) a$ a Mongolian %tandard. All 4et'lue t1pe$e9ported to #hina are 1 the piece. 0n the dome$tic mar3et

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