Page 1: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Agent definition

Dictionary definition: agent (ay gent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable

of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause. who acts for or in the place of another by authority from him ...

3.a means or instrument by which a guiding intelligence achieves a result.

Page 2: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Agent definition

Computer Science definition: An agent is a computer system, situated in some environment, that is capable of flexible autonomous action in order to meet its design objectives.

This definition embraces three key concepts: situatedness

The agent receives sensory input from its environment and it can perform actions which change the environment in some way.

autonomy flexibility

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Dictionary definitions: Autonomy : self determined freedom, especially moral independence. Autonomous: self governing, independent.

Agent definitionThe system should be able to act without the direct intervention of humans (or other agents). The system should have control over its own actions and internal state. Example: Autonomous navigation

Sometimes used in a stronger sense to mean systems that are capable of learning from experience.

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Examples of existing situated, autonomous computer systems

any process control system: monitor real world environment and perform actions to modify it as conditions change (typically in real time),

simple thermostats, very complex nuclear reactor control systems.

software deamons: monitor software environment and perform actions to modify the environment as conditions change,

UNIX xbiff program, monitors a user's incoming mail and displays an icon when new mail is detected.

However, these systems are not capable of flexible action in order to meet their design objectives.

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pro active: agents should not simply act in response to their environment, they should be able to exhibit opportunistic, goal directed behaviour and take the initiative where appropriate;

social: agents should be able to interact, when appropriate, with other artificial agents and humans in order to complete their own problem solving and to help others with their activities.

responsive: agents should perceive their environment and respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur in it;

Agents may have other characteristics, e.g. mobility, adaptability, but those given here are the distinguishing features of an agent.

Page 6: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

The road to intelligent agents

Agents have their roots in traditional AIAlso builds on contributions from other long established fields:

object oriented programming concurrent object based systems human computer interface design

Historically AI researchers tended to focus on different components of intelligent behaviour, e.g. learning, reasoning, problem solving, vision understanding.The assumption seemed to be that progress was more likely to be made if these aspects of intelligent behaviour were studied in isolation.

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AI development stages

Phase 1: formal, structured problems with well defined boundaries (block worlds, game playing, symbol manipulation, reasoning, theorem proving)

Combination to create integrated AI systems was assumed to be straightforward.

Phase 2: expert systems; building on domain-specific knowledge for specialist problems

Rule-based systemsPhase 3: specialised areas such as vision, speech, natural language processing, robot control, data mining

Mainly sensory data Intelligent agents seen currently as the main integrating force

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Rational agents

The right action is the one that makes the agent the most successful

Need measures of successE.g. pick the most points, make the least number of moves, minimise power consumption, etc.

Rationality depends on performance measures, prior knowledge, actions, event history

For each possible event sequence, the rational agent should select an action that is expected to maximise its performance measure, given the evidence provided by the event sequence and the built-in knowledge the agent has.

Important: rationality maximises expected performance, not actual (we cannot tell the future)

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Rational agents

Rational agents shouldPerform information gathering and explorationLearn from past events Be autonomous

Requires learningStart with built-in reflexes/knowledge, create new behaviour based on learnt experience

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How to design an intelligent agent?

An agent perceives its environment via sensors and acts in that environment with its effectors.Hence, an agent gets percepts one at a time, and maps this percept sequence to actions (one action at a time)

Properties:AutonomousInteracts with other agents plus the environmentReactive to the environmentPro-active (goal-directed)

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An agent and its environment






Page 12: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Examples of agents in different types of applications

Agent type Percepts Actions Goals Environment

Medical diagnosis system

Symptoms, findings, patient's answers

Questions, tests, treatments

Healthy patients, minimize costs Patient, hospital

Satellite image analysis system

Pixels of varying intensity, color

Print a categorization of scene

Correct categorization

Images from orbiting satellite

Part-picking robot 

Pixels of varying intensity

Pick up parts and sort into bins

Place parts in correct bins

Conveyor belts with parts

Refinery controller 


Temperature, pressure readings

Open, close valves; adjust temperature 

Maximize purity, yield, safety 



Interactive English tutor 

Typed words 


Print exercises, suggestions, corrections

Maximize student's score on test

Set of students 


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Characterizing Agents

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Agent’s strategy

Agent’s strategy is a mapping from percept sequence to actionHow to encode an agent’s strategy?

Long list of what should be done for each possible percept sequence vs. shorter specification (e.g. algorithm)

Page 15: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Skeleton Agent

function SKELETON-AGENT (percept) returns action static: memory, the agent’s memory of the world

memory UPDATE-MEMORY(memory,percept) action CHOOSE-BEST-ACTION(memory) memory UPDATE-MEMORY(memory, action) return action

On each invocation, the agent’s memory is updated to reflect the new percept, the best action is chosen, and the fact that the action was taken is also stored in the memory. The memory persists from one invocation to the next.

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Examples of how the agent function can be implemented

1. Table-driven agent2. Simple reflex agent3. Reflex agent with

internal state4. Agent with explicit goals5. Utility-based agent

More sophisticated

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Table-driven agent

function TABLE-DRIVEN-AGENT (percept) returns action static: percepts, a sequence, initially empty table, a table, indexed by percept sequences, initially fully specified

append percept to the end of percepts action LOOKUP(percepts, table) return action

An agent based on a prespecified lookup table. It keeps track of percept sequence and just looks up the best action

• Problems

– Huge number of possible percepts (consider an automated taxi with a camera as the sensor) => lookup table would be huge

– Takes long time to build the table

– Not adaptive to changes in the environment; requires entire table to be updated if changes occur

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Simple reflex agent

Differs from the lookup table based agent in that the condition (that determines the action) is already higher-level interpretation of the percepts

Percepts could be e.g. the pixels on the camera of the automated taxi

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Simple Reflex Agentsensors

What the world is like now

What action I should do now

Condition - action rules




function SIMPLE-REFLEX-AGENT(percept) returns action static: rules, a set of condition-action rules

state INTERPRET-INPUT (percept) rule RULE-MATCH (state,rules) action RULE-ACTION [rule] return action

First match.No further matches sought.Only one level of deduction.

A simple reflex agent works by finding a rule whose condition matches the current situation (as defined by the percept) and then doing the action associated with that rule.

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Simple reflex agent…

Table lookup of condition-action pairs defining all possible condition-action rules necessary to interact in an environment

e.g. if car-in-front-is-breaking then initiate breakingProblems

Table is still too big to generate and to store (e.g. taxi)Takes long time to build the tableNo knowledge of non-perceptual parts of the current stateNot adaptive to changes in the environment; requires entire table to be updated if changes occurLooping: Can’t make actions conditional

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Reflex Agent with Internal State


What the world is like now

What action I should do now

Condition - action rules





How the world evolves

What my actions do

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Reflex Agent with Internal State …

function REFLEX-AGENT-WITH-STATE (percept) returns action static: state, a description of the current world state rules, a set of condition-action rules

state UPDATE-STATE (state, percept) rule RULE-MATCH (state, rules) action RULE-ACTION [rule] state UPDATE-STATE (state, action) return action

A reflex agent with internal state works by finding a rule whose condition matches the current situation (as defined by the percept and the stored internal state) and then doing the action associated with that rule.

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Reflex Agent with Internal State …

Encode “internal state of the world to remember the past as contained in earlier perceptsNeeded because sensors do not usually give the entire state of the world at each input, so perception of the environment is captured over time. Requires ability to represent change in the world with/without the agent

one possibility is to represent just the latest state, but then cannot reason about hypothetical courses of action

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Agent with Explicit Goals


What the world is like now

What action I should do now






How the world evolves

What my actions do

What it will be like if I do action A

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Agent with Explicit Goals

Choose actions so as to achieve a (given or computed) goal = a description of desirable situations. e.g. where the taxi wants to goKeeping track of the current state is often not enough – need to add goals to decide which situations are goodDeliberative instead of reactiveMay have to consider long sequences of possible actions before deciding if goal is achieved – involves considerations of the future, “what will happen if I do…?” (search and planning)More flexible than reflex agent. (e.g. rain / new destination)

In the reflex agent, the entire database of rules would have to be rewritten

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Utility-Based Agent


What the world is like now

What action I should do now






How the world evolves

What my actions do

What it will be like if I do action A

How happy I will be in such as a state

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Utility-Based Agent

When there are multiple possible alternatives, how to decide which one is best?A goal specifies a crude destination from an unhappy to a happy state, but often need a more general performance measure that describes “degree of happiness”Utility function U: State Reals indicating a measure of success or happiness when at a given stateAllows decisions comparing

choice between conflicting goalschoice between likelihood of success and importance of goal (if achievement is uncertain)

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Characterizing Environments

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Environments – Accessible vs. Inaccessible

An accessible environment is one in which the agent can obtain complete, accurate, up-to-date information about the environment’s stateMost moderately complex environments (including, for example, the everyday physical world and the Internet) are inaccessibleThe more accessible an environment is, the simpler it is to build agents to operate in it

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Environments –Deterministic vs. Non-

deterministicA deterministic environment is one in which any action has a single guaranteed effect — there is no uncertainty about the state that will result from performing an actionSubjective non-determinism

Limited memoryToo complex environment to model directly (weather, dice)Inaccessibility

The physical world can to all intents and purposes be regarded as non-deterministic Non-deterministic environments present greater problems for the agent designer

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Environments - Episodic vs. Non-episodic

The agent’s experience is divided into independent “episodes,” each episode consisting of agent perceiving and then acting. Quality of action depends just on the episode itself, because subsequent episodes do not depend on what actions occur in previous episodes. Do not need to think ahead Episodic environments are simpler from the agent developer’s perspective because the agent can decide what action to perform based only on the current episode — it need not reason about the interactions between this and future episodes

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Environments - Static vs. Dynamic

A static environment is one that can be assumed to remain unchanged except by the performance of actions by the agentA dynamic environment is one that has other processes operating on it, and which therefore changes in ways beyond the agent’s controlOther processes can interfere with the agent’s actions (as in concurrent systems theory)The physical world is a highly dynamic environment

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Environments – Discrete vs. Continuous

An environment is discrete if there are a fixed, finite number of actions and percepts in itA chess game is an example of a discrete environment, and taxi driving as an example of a continuous oneContinuous environments have a certain level of mismatch with computer systemsDiscrete environments could in principle be handled by a kind of “lookup table”

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Environment Accessible Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete

Chess with a clock Yes Yes No Semi Yes

Chess without a clock Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Poker No No No Yes Yes

Backgammon Yes No No Yes Yes

Taxi driving No No No No No

Medical diagnosis system No No No No No

Image-analysis system Yes Yes Yes Semi No

Part-picking robot No No Yes No No

Refinery controller No No No No No

Interactive English tutor No No No No Yes

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Agents and Objects

Are agents just objects by another name?Object:

encapsulates some statecommunicates via message passinghas methods, corresponding to operations that may be performed on this state

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Agents and Objects

Main differences:agents are autonomous:

agents embody stronger notion of autonomy than objects, and in particular, they decide for themselves whether or not to perform an action on request from another agent

agents are smart:capable of flexible (reactive, pro-active, social) behavior, and the standard object model has nothing to say about such types of behavior

agents are active:a multi-agent system is inherently multi-threaded, in that each agent is assumed to have at least one thread of active control

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Agents as Intentional Systems

When explaining human activity, it is often useful to make statements such as the following

Janine took her umbrella because she believed it was going to rain.Michael worked hard because he wanted to possess a PhD.

These statements make use of a folk psychology, by which human behavior is predicted and explained through the attribution of attitudes, such as believing and wanting (as in the above examples), hoping, fearing, and so onThe attitudes employed in such folk psychological descriptions are called the intentional notions

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Agents as Intentional Systems

The philosopher Daniel Dennett coined the term intentional system to describe entities ‘whose behavior can be predicted by the method of attributing belief, desires and rational acumen’Dennett identifies different ‘grades’ of intentional system:

‘A first-order intentional system has beliefs and desires (etc.) but no beliefs and desires about beliefs and desires. …A second-order intentional system is more sophisticated; it has beliefs and desires (and no doubt other intentional states) about beliefs and desires (and other intentional states) — both those of others and its own’

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Agents as Intentional Systems

Is it legitimate or useful to attribute beliefs, desires, and so on, to computer systems?

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Agents as Intentional Systems

McCarthy argued that there are occasions when the intentional stance is appropriate:‘To ascribe beliefs, free will, intentions, consciousness, abilities, or wants

to a machine is legitimate when such an ascription expresses the same information about the machine that it expresses about a person. It is useful when the ascription helps us understand the structure of the machine, its past or future behavior, or how to repair or improve it. It is perhaps never logically required even for humans, but expressing reasonably briefly what is actually known about the state of the machine in a particular situation may require mental qualities or qualities isomorphic to them. Theories of belief, knowledge and wanting can be constructed for machines in a simpler setting than for humans, and later applied to humans. Ascription of mental qualities is most straightforward for machines of known structure such as thermostats and computer operating systems, but is most useful when applied to entities whose structure is incompletely known’.

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Agents as Intentional Systems

What objects can be described by the intentional stance?As it turns out, more or less anything can. . . consider a light switch:

But most adults would find such a description absurd!Why is this?

‘It is perfectly coherent to treat a light switch as a (very cooperative) agent with the capability of transmitting current at will, who invariably transmits current when it believes that we want it transmitted and not otherwise; flicking the switch is simply our way of communicating our desires’. (Yoav Shoham)

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Agents as Intentional Systems

The answer seems to be that while the intentional stance description is consistent,

. . . it does not buy us anything, since we essentially understand the mechanism sufficiently to have a simpler, mechanistic description of its behavior.

(Yoav Shoham)Put crudely, the more we know about a system, the less we need to rely on animistic, intentional explanations of its behaviorBut with very complex systems, a mechanistic, explanation of its behavior may not be practicableAs computer systems become ever more complex, we need more powerful abstractions and metaphors to explain their operation — low level explanations become impractical. The intentional stance is such an abstraction

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Agents as Intentional Systems

The intentional notions are thus abstraction tools, which provide us with a convenient and familiar way of describing, explaining, and predicting the behavior of complex systemsRemember: most important developments in computing are based on new abstractions:

procedural abstractionabstract data typesobjects

Agents, and agents as intentional systems, represent a further, and increasingly powerful abstractionSo agent theorists start from the (strong) view of agents as intentional systems: one whose simplest consistent description requires the intentional stance

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Agents as Intentional Systems

This intentional stance is an abstraction tool — a convenient way of talking about complex systems, which allows us to predict and explain their behavior without having to understand how the mechanism actually worksNow, much of computer science is concerned with looking for abstraction mechanisms (witness procedural abstraction, ADTs, objects,…)

So why not use the intentional stance as an abstraction tool in computing — to explain, understand, and, crucially, program

computer systems?This is an important argument in favor of agents

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Agents as Intentional Systems

3 Other points in favor of this idea:Characterizing Agents:

It provides us with a familiar, non-technical way of understanding & explaining agents

Nested Representations:It gives us the potential to specify systems that include representations of other systemsIt is widely accepted that such nested representations are essential for agents that must cooperate with other agents

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Agents as Intentional Systems

Post-Declarative Systems:This view of agents leads to a kind of post-declarative programming:

In procedural programming, we say exactly what a system should doIn declarative programming, we state something that we want to achieve, give the system general info about the relationships between objects, and let a built-in control mechanism (e.g., goal-directed theorem proving) figure out what to doWith agents, we give a very abstract specification of the system, and let the control mechanism figure out what to do, knowing that it will act in accordance with some built-in theory of agency (e.g., the well-known Cohen-Levesque model of intention)

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Multiagent Systems

A multiagent system is one that consists of a number of agents, which interact with one-anotherIn the most general case, agents will be acting on behalf of users with different goals and motivationsTo successfully interact, they will require the ability to cooperate, coordinate, and negotiate with each other, much as people do

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Agent Design vs Society Design

There are two basic questions we ask when discussing agents

How do we build agents capable of independent, autonomous action, so that they can successfully carry out tasks we delegate to them?How do we build agents that are capable of interacting (cooperating, coordinating, negotiating) with other agents in order to successfully carry out those delegated tasks, especially when the other agents cannot be assumed to share the same interests/goals?

The first problem is agent design, the second is society design (micro/macro)

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Multiagent Systems

In Multiagent Systems, we address questions such as:

How can cooperation emerge in societies of self-interested agents?What kinds of languages can agents use to communicate?How can self-interested agents recognize conflict, and how can they (nevertheless) reach agreement?How can autonomous agents coordinate their activities so as to cooperatively achieve goals?

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Multiagent Systems

While these questions are all addressed in part by other disciplines (notably economics and social sciences), what makes the multiagent systems field unique is that it emphasizes that the agents in question are computational, information processing entities.

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Multiagent Research Issues

How do you state your preferences to your agent?How can your agent compare different deals from different vendors? What if there are many different parameters?What algorithms can your agent use to negotiate with other agents (to make sure you get a good deal)?These issues aren’t frivolous – automated procurement could be used massively by (for example) government agencies

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Multiagents are Interdisciplinary

The field of Multiagent Systems is influenced and inspired by many other fields:

EconomicsPhilosophyGame TheoryLogicEcologySocial Sciences

This can be both a strength (infusing well-founded methodologies into the field) and a weakness (there are many different views as to what the field is about)This has analogies with artificial intelligence itself

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”Risky Business”

Jeopardy style trivia gamePlayers attempt to be the first to answer trivia questions in order to win virtual money and virtual prizes

Played in the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) worldHosted by a computer agent named RobBotAvailable 24/7.

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What is IRC

“IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world can meet and talk; you'll find the whole diversity of human interests, ideas, and issues here, and you'll be able to participate in group discussions on one of the many thousands of IRC channels, on hundreds of IRC networks, or just talk in private to family or friends, wherever they are in the world.”

mIRC Homepage (

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Has knowledge ofIRC commandsHow the game is playedRules and etiquette to maintain the channelTechniques for self-preservation within the IRC environment

Human operators are capable of ”correcting” the gameKeeps records of individual player statistics

Number of games wonHigh scores

All knowledge must be input by human operator.

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Risky Sample I

<RobBot> Current category: Footwear. Question Value: 800.<RobBot> Question 5 of 30: Low cut woman's shoe or a device to pass gasoline<BrandEx> rob pump<Texmex> rob pump<RobBot> brandex: That is CORRECT! You win 800. Your total is -300.<RobBot> Please wait while preparing the next Gullivers Travels question...<jennew> brand rocks!<RobBot> Current category: Gullivers Travels. Question Value: 400.<RobBot> Category Comment: Trivia about Gullivers Travels

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Risky Sample II

<RobBot> Question 6 of 30: The only thing the Laputian king wanted to learn about the outside world<Texmex> oh this one sux<Mach> what food do you like rob<RobBot> Pass the ho-ho's!<Mach> rob mathematics<MastrLion> rob flug<RobBot> mastrlion: Bzzt! That is incorrect. You lose 400. Your total is -500.<RobBot> mach: That is CORRECT! You win 400. Your total is 400.

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Risky Features

RobBot recognizes text prefaced by ”Rob” as input relating to the gameMost player input is either commands or an answer to a trivia questionRobBot can also respond to text which is not an answer

In response to question of food RobBot makes a comment about Ho-Ho’s.This type of reply helps establish RobBots personalityMaybe he is a junk-food addict

Players socialize with each other during the gameTexmex comments on how he dislikes the current categoryJennew praises BrandEx for answering a question correctly

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RobBot as Agent

Relevant characteristics of an intelligent agent

AutonomyPersonalizabilityDiscourseRisk and trustGraceful degradationCooperationAnthropomorphismExpectationEntertainment and social needs

Each of these can be interpreted as facilitators for a social setting

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RobBot as Agent

AutonomyRobBot hosts game without human intervention

Despite serious neglect at times by the creators, the game has continued to run and flourish on its own

Must be able to run independently if it is to have any value in terms of entertainment or social interaction

If human operator must constantly provide direction, RobBot would become a tool of the human rather than a separate entity

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RobBot as Agent

DependenceSome degree of dependence on humans is important from both technical and sociological viewpointDependence invokes a sense of responsibility and power in the human operator

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RobBot as Agent

PersonalizabilityRobBot maintains his own personality through the responses programmed into his lexicon

Life-like qualities help to provide an atmosphere that is inducive to socialization

He is capable of recording information about other users

Scores that players have obtained

Player’s scores and record are important measures of social status on the gaming channels

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RobBot as Agent

Risk and Trust, Graceful DegradationRobBot does make errors while conducting the game

Players may phrase an answer differently than the answer stored in the answer databaseSpellling errors may be present in the answer database

Sometimes human operators are present to correct errors but usually not

Sometimes errors are found humorous by players Sometimes players band together to curse RobBot for his errorsBoth cases encourage socialization among the players

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RobBot as Agent

CooperationPlayer and agent cooperation is crucial to the gameRobBot does not question players

But, provides feedback to verify that command requests are being processed

Even the primitive type of cooperation provided encourages socialization between players and RobBot

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RobBot as Agent

AnthropomorphismRobBot relies heavily on anthropomorphism to accomplish his tasks as a game show hostMain task is to provide entertainment as a game show host

Not to pass the Turing Test!Technology based on keyword mappings and canned phrases gets RobBot remarkably far in fulfilling his main task

Page 66: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer

Agent supports the sociological features necessary for an on-going social environmentAs a core group of players engage in Risky Business, the network becomes meaningfully ritualized in its context

A subculture is formed that can be transmitted to new playersComponents of a subculture include

Contextual stabilityShared language, history, and purpose

These lead to mutually sharednorms (behavior patterns)Values (common goals)

Agent’s main task is to support and encourage development of the subculture.

Page 67: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer


ConvenienceStable structure

Rules basically stay the same from day to day and month to month

Responses that exist to the game environment can be learned and become predictable

Stable structure helps facilitate the development of a social history of the game-playing environment

Page 68: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer

Personality and AnthropomorphismLead to the development of a shared language

Bot typically utters certain phrasesUsed by participants as symbols of events and conceptsBot’s consistency of phrasing leads to players acceptance and standardization of language

When RobBot consistently expresses delight about chocolate via *choco* all participants can use *choco* as a keyword for joy

Page 69: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer

Personality and AnthropomorphismFlattery

RobBot has a set of canned responses for some players when he sees their namesE.g., in response to “Do you know Cass?”

“Hey! Cass is a real cutie! Woohoo!”

Players react strongly to these personalized messages

Often input questions that cause RobBot to frequently cycle through a small set of responses

Flattery from a computer agent appears to have a similar effect to flattery coming from a real person

Page 70: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer

AnthropomorphismImpact of genderChange name from RobBot to ReneeBot + make minor changes in the vocabulary

Result is significant attitude changes towards the botRobBot is treated like a man

Players joke with him about stereotypical male thingsWomen flirt with himPlayers can be brusque and treat him rudely

ReneeBot is treated differentlyMen flirt with herPlayers treat her more politely

Page 71: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

RobBot as Social Engineer

CooperationHelps shape behavior patterns of playersReinforces a definition of social orderE.g., swearing is frowned upon

Any player using certain utterances will get“<Player 1> This is a family channel! Be warned or I’ll have to call the bouncers!”

Persistence will get the player kicked off the channelE.g., in another game, Acro, bot provides no guidance on coarse language

Result is that it is a common feature of the playersThere was a morality play between certain playersEventually those who could not deal with occasional vulgarity stopped playing

Page 72: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Bots – The Bigger Picture

Many people who cross the boundary from the real world to the Internet world are not prepared to make too great of a leapAs the numbers of such people increase, they acquire the power to demand familiar institutions from the real world that cater to the social animal

BarsNeighborhoodsDating servicesEtc.

Page 73: Agent definition Dictionary definition: agent (aygent) n. 1.something that produces or is capable of producing an effect: an active or efficient cause

Bots – The Bigger Picture

One role of AI in the cyberspace world is to provide a familiar interface to the participantsRobBot’s AI (minimal as it is) creates a persona to which people can relate

He is something understood and non-threatening

He plays an essential part in acclimatizing people to the world of the internetWith more and better AI, the line between user and software artifcat would become more blurred

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