Page 1: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a
Page 2: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Agape Love By Marilyn Lyon

Page 3: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Agape Love

Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance.

Not just a state of mind, but a state of doing. One we

often dream of obtaining. One, we can easily assume we

live in naturally. Seems most of us do not get the

opportunity to practice it.

I could mourn the crack addiction. I could pray for it to

leave. I could try to contribute to its death. I could

pretend it was not here, year after year, or that it might

always be here.

Maybe even that death might take it away, as well as my

son, or that there is and was a quick and easy answer.

What I could do is share with him the place I reached

after many years of both our failures. I could give us

both a relationship, of sorts. It could be called Agape

Love, although at the time I called it my program for

surviving my pain.

Eventually some inner belief planted itself that he could

find an answer one of these next times. Then the new

uplifting knowledge that each time he tried and failed, he

could start again from where he left off the last time he…

Page 4: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Chapter 8

I sat down after Christmas Day and wrote this to my son.

--- Everyone in the family wants you to know we are here if you

need us. This is not just your problem, it is our problem together.

We are all experiencing 'the crack crap' as well as the emotional

and mental dysfunction it causes.

--- We do not know everything but we know enough. We do not

have the answer or answers. We will constantly seek for them or

it. We stumble and falter and briefly give up. But we get back up

and begin again.

--- Our support may seem meaningless to you especially as we

travel further along in this and try and choose the support in

areas we have learned is not helpful to you. Our support will have

to come in your faith that it is there, and it does mean


--- We have made mistakes collectively and individually. We

believe in the successes not the failures. Divine intervention

needs its place, not just when all else fails, but to believe that

there is an answer.

--- I felt very much alone writing this. I needed to write it. I

knew the family in their hearts did feel this way, but had really

given up on him. Why then could not I?

--- I also found George Medzerian’ s book. It opened a door

inside me that would allow me to continue being a partner in my

son's fight with crackcocaine. It gave me a role and function,

which made sense. A way I could live with his crack-crap.

Page 5: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

The Last Page

--- Is there one simple cure or program? At the moment

no. Maybe there never will be. Crackheads are

complicated substance abusers. We are people, mostly

women with some primitive instincts, which can force us

into a heart-mode separating artistically every single

aspect of life not related to a problem we insist on solving

with the shear, will of just our heart. My daughter said I

helped. So- it was GOD, he says! He is not denying all

the other things but…Todd said he was so terrified of the

feeling, the overwhelming lure of that future moment he

was sure no matter how many sponsors or books or

meetings or memorizing of triggers or help of any kind-

he could not resist.

--- It was a lot of things, least of all the right time. Time

to collect-time to understand-time to hurt too much-but

what I wanted above all…

Marilyn Ruth Lyon

March 2, 1935 - July 26, 1994

Page 6: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

75 Day Do-It-Yourself-Program

Destroy Crack Cocaine


75 Days 3rd



The Crack Conqueror

a.k.a. Todd Gibson

This book contains a spiritually supported detoxification format for the process of

decontaminating your body, soul and spirit from the possession of crack cocaine.

Copyright © DVC Ministry

Page 7: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Smoking crack cocaine will destroy everything

you have ever thought, felt, desired, loved or

believed in.

It is not in any religion that an answer can be found.

Answers start to formulate when we develop a

relationship with printed words of powerful healing

truths; scriptures from the Holy Bible are where they

can be found.

Nothing gets in the way of crack cocaine once it

has possession. Standard treatment does not

address the extreme possession that does occur

during crack cocaine use.

Feeling possessed by the crack-bite is the

loneliest, darkest, sickest, most ugly gnawing

and truly captivating all consuming demonic

place to be.

Page 8: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

This booklet is in a format that without a doubt

saved my life. When I was jotting down all these

notes, I had no idea it would come to this. As we

know God has weird ways to get us where HE wants

us to be whether we want to be there or not. HIS

way works.

Each day away from crack cocaine brings us closer

to being completely free from crack. With a true

desire and the understanding where this stuff is

really coming from and its only mission to destroy;

this understanding and desire will bring you the

strength necessary for success.

Page 9: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

How the 75 Day Program Works

This program may take more than once to fully detoxify the

possession of crack cocaine from your soul.

1. NOT following the rules and instructions exactly as described

in this program will directly affect the outcome and results of

learning how to squash the crack cocaine urges.

2. Believe crack cocaine is the devils candy and act like it.

3. Understand and accept this is a spiritual battle for your soul.

4. Learn the crack-attacking scriptures, and attack crack with


5. Carry the 75 Day Booklet with you at ALL times. No excuse’s

not to.

Page 10: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

6. Practicing faith and earning trust are essential

components in our actions, words, willingness to change

and being able to see those results.

7. We expect and accept anything that works to attack

crack only.

8. Do not be ashamed or shy about saying the powerful words of healing truths in this booklet loud enough for anyone to hear, including the enemy.

9. Spend more time doing this 75 Day Program a day

than thinking, searching, lying, conniving or anything

else going towards or about crack cocaine.

10. Do not go ahead. Stay on the day you are on. You

may go back to a different day to find power over crack

cocaine, but DO NOT GO FORWARD. After the first

time through this book, if a second, third or more times

are needed, then you can use any day that helps after

doing the days in order (like the first time through), then

using any other day after for extra power.

Page 11: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

11. Get really pissed-off at crack cocaine. Get so angry

it will be okay to yell at crack cocaine. Go ahead and

yell at crack. Try it and start attacking crack.

12. Commit to God’s word and to this 75 Day Program until you’re free from crack cocaine possession forever. This program will work when you work it. It has never failed me and it will not fail you. You can fail the program but the program will NOT fail you.

13. REMEMBER: Stopping the madness of smoking crack cocaine sometimes gets worse before it gets better. Knowing this helps in how long it will take for you to get serious about finding a life crack free! The stranglehold from crack cocaine tightens before it loosens, especially now that this journey has begun.

Crack cocaine can be conquered and destroyed forever!

Let your journey begin!

Page 12: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a





By Camille Gibson

A Survivor

Page 13: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Over the years of our Ministry I have reached out to offer

help to quite a few people. Along the way I have told bits

and pieces of my story. Recently, I have felt compelled to

share my own crack cocaine journey, in the hope that it

might help others. I realized this would be a daunting task

if I were to tell all; one that would require me to expose old

wounds and re-live painful events. Events, that I had been

determined to put behind me.

When you are finished reading this book, you will

understand that crack cocaine is not just an addiction.

Crack cocaine is an entity. A truly evil entity with a mission

to kill the user and destroy all those they love.

Scatted within these pages is an arsenal filled with

weapons, tools and armor. Gather them up, they just

might make the difference between life and death.

Page 14: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

You may think it is hopeless, but hope anyway. You

may think you are losing, but never ever surrender.

Believe me you can win this battle. My family is living

proof. You can not only win the battle, but together

we will win the war! What a sight, an entire army of

ex crack addicts and their battle weary loved

ones….a blessed people traveling out of the

darkness into the light. Survivors all, moving

towards the lives they have fought so hard to live.

This is my survival story……….

…Yours is waiting to be written.

Page 15: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

That evening when I got home from work I called Todd.

We hit it off immediately and talked for a full three hours!

We talked about many things but mostly about my life, my

daughter, my ex-husband and a little bit about his life.

Finally, I said, “Do you want to meet?”

That would be my first date in seven years!

As I walked through the door I tried not to hyperventilate,

I spotted Todd right away. The first thing came to my mind

was oh my gosh!...he is so tiny. How in the world am I

going to get out of this?

As he stood at the bar paying for our drinks, I did notice

his nicely shaped butt … (sorry could not help myself had to put that in).

When we got in the car he kissed me… the sweetest,

deepest, most passionate kiss I have ever felt in my life.

Oh, that kiss… I melted into his mouth! I got butterflies in

my stomach. It took my breath away. There has never

been any man in my life that brought those feelings to me.

Page 16: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

As the night was winding down, Todd told me he was

facing jail time for retail fraud (stealing) and that he once had

a crack cocaine problem. I remember thinking to myself,

oh great... the first man whose kisses gave me butterflies

is going to jail. What great luck I have!

I fully expected to end the relationship, which in my mind,

really hadn't begun. I only saw him twice before he started

to serve his time.

I had never even seen the inside of a jail before. The only

jail cell or prisoners I had seen were on TV. I was so

curious, I went to visit him. What a pathetic sight! This

same man, who only a few days before had me in a flutter

was starring back at me through a glass window.

Recalling the events of how crack entered my life was

difficult. I had put all this behind me and moved on. I had

asked God to give me peace over the crack hell and He

did. Now I asked God to bring these memories back.

Page 17: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

My first experience with crack happened a few weeks

after Todd got out of jail

I was all ready for bed when he pulled up and knocked

on the door (which became the famous ‘crack knock’ we

all have heard). Todd walks in and holds me tight for a

long time it seemed, and then he walked into the living

room and sat in a corner chair. Who is this man?

He was dirty, he was unshaved, pasty looking, thinner

and smelled.

He spoke so soft I could barely hear him. “I did it again…I

went right back to it.” I said did what?

“Crack cocaine…I did it again, 13 months in jail did not

stop me and I hurt my Grandma…I dragged her into

crack… I cannot believe it!”

Page 18: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

The first major incident I can recall is a time Todd stole my

car while I was asleep. Todd was out on a binge. While I

was driving my dad’s car to drop my dad off at his favorite

bar, I spotted Todd in my car. I chased him all through

town going 90 miles an hour in residential streets with my

baby sitting next to me in the seatbelt because her car

seat was in my car.

The second major recall was well after the pattern of

getting paid, disappear smoking crack, begging to come

back, I am sorry and here we are broke, again. He had

stolen from me and my parents, once again broke his

dads heart, digging himself into the fires of the crack hell.

I had every intention to not see him again. I was DONE

again! ENOUGH was enough!

I knew in my heart I had to fight this crack, it cannot win

and ohhh the fight it gave.

Page 19: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

The truth will set you free from crack. What do Todd and

I teach? EXPOSE the crack lies and you will gain power

over crack cocaine. This is the answer of how to get the

enemy within out.


will be set free and no longer be a slave to it.

Crack cocaine can be conquered!

Believing God’s best to you always,

Camille L. Gibson

Page 20: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Devil’s CanDy By Todd Gibson

It is just as it was and will always be just as it is.

Page 21: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

I have put down on paper words that helped me eliminate

crack cocaine from my life.

The journeys that crack took me on, ended up being many

blessings. It exposed me to the evil side of life.

I had a relentless desire to smoke crack at any and all

expense. I did this no matter what, no matter who, no

matter how, no matter why, no matter when, no matter

where, no matter…it was truly a horrible passion.

When I finally looked at crack cocaine as an actual force, I

concluded that this is by far more than just substance

abuse or addiction. This is when I was finally able to fight

the tremendous pull crack cocaine has on one’s soul and


For a long time, a very long and terrible time I was caught

up in the revolving treatment doors and the revolving jail

doors. Both kept my life spinning for many years of misery

and despair and the absolute feeling of no hope of ever

ridding oneself from the power of crack.

Page 22: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

If one would put as much effort into being clean and

understanding the road ahead as we did in chasing the

candy, everyone could quit. Reality says that a majority

will not put that same effort into getting clean and staying


The process of getting clean from crack cocaine sucks.

Not the end results but the process. All the crack-crap that

has trailed you from crack use comes up and takes a

chunk out of your crack-ass!

Jail really sucked. I sat all day doing nothing except

listening to all the jail-talk. Yada,Yada,Yada…and on and

on and on, waiting for an opening. Three weeks went by,

still just listening all day doing nothing.

All the stories, news and crime associated with crack are

at times very dark. Other times, so unbelievable it makes

me cringe when thinking about all the horrible things I did

just to smoke crack-cocaine. The seriousness of crack has

whittled down to $5.00.

Page 23: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Hope is about all there is when it comes to a true crack-


When you are fully contaminated and in the midst of

despair, anything or just something could help. Doing

nothing won’t. Because it is so spiritually binding, I know it

becomes a spiritual battle.

Without the sacrifice of being safe with safe people and

the desire for faith and of trust, and doing whatever it

takes to have these things, otherwise the desire to smoke

crack will deceive you and destroy all that stands in its


Every crackhead has a smoking pattern. It starts way

before the crackling sound fills the bubble and starts the

journey to Crackville, USA.

It is far beyond anyone’s wildest idea how strong the pull

of crack is.

You will always be a crackhead!

Not Me!

Page 24: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Faith is the trigger for God’s awesome power. Without

faith, you might as well forget it. When His time is right He

will bring you out. As a matter of fact He will shine His

flashlight right in your face! If your heart is right and your

faith in check, the realization that smoking crack is not

what God wants you to be doing will manifest whether you

want it to or not.

I find power and relief in the printed word, in both reading

and writing, more in the writing than the reading. When my

despair was below hitting bottom, I started writing anything

that came to mind.

The first scripture that I read that actually felt real and

that it might be true or at least I was desperately hoping

could be true was Psalm 34. I was living in a rat and cock-

roach infested rooming hotel. Every drug addict, pimp and

easy crack babe were no further than 50 feet away at any

given moment.

It was years later that I was finally crack-free!

How much joy can I express in printed words that

describe the ultimate high in life…to play music that

moves the soul and spirit; a lifelong dream since I was 6

years old.

Page 25: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

The year of 2002 was the year a life long dream was

fulfilled. I recorded a CD in my new basement on my home

computer recording studio that I am very proud of. The

melodies are soothing harmonic melodies. Some

originated from right in the midst of the crack despair and

hoping to find some peace.

At the age of 29 I smoked crack. Playing guitar was not

on life’s list anymore. I pawned my one prize possession

in life…my 1958 double cut away Sunburst finish with

circle fret marks Gibson ES-330 or 335, I am not positive

which number exactly, but it was a dream guitar bought by

my parents for my 11th birthday from just a guy going to

Vietnam and was so sad to sell it. They bought it for $150.

I pawned it for the last time for $75, to smoke crack, and I

never was able to get it back.

And still more treatment. How many is enough? Why

can’t I stop smoking crack? Is it because of what I am told

as far as not following all the ‘treatment’ steps and

traditions and not making it work? Or is it because this

stuff called the “Devil’s Candy” is more than just an

addiction or just plain substance abuse? So what is it?

How do I stop?

I wish I had one word or one program or one sentence or

one example or one scripture or one anything that I could

say or tell that would stop the madness of smoking crack


Page 26: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

The despair is so en-lodged in one’s spirit, it is only

unlocked by God’s grace and mercy. Here we find true

peace and can get all the defenses we will need to battle

an enemy willing to go to any length to contaminate your

soul, or run airplanes into towers filled with people.

What – To – Believe…….Who – To – Follow?

Just thinking of all the wasted time on smoking crack-

cocaine is staggering.

There does come a time when crack cocaine does not

dominate your entire mind. It could take some time to get


When the family structure decays from crack, this is the

casting of the crew. You are being picked for a

performance. By destroying the family, our strength and

structure are seriously diminished. This allows the ‘candy’

to appear so sweet. The instant wow this is so intensely

good……and the race is now on.

Page 27: Agape Love - · Agape Love Agape Love; unconditional love, a perfect feat of balance. Not just a state of mind, but a

Crack cocaine LOVES you…

Crack cocaine is sick…

Crack Cocaine is disgusting…

Crack cocaine is…


…….is pissin me off!

Hope you enjoyed this eBook Sampler!

All 4 PAPERBACK Books are available at this link:

The 75 Day Paperback can be purchased by itself at this link:


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