  • Monthly  Reports  of  the  Indian  Branch  Office  of  the  International  Labour  Organization,  1929-‐1969  


    A  Finding  Aid                                                                          

    Centre  for  Modern  Indian  Studies,  Göttingen,  2012    

  •   i  

    Preface        In  1919,  British-‐ruled   India  was  one  of   the  29   ‘founder  members’   of   the   International  Labour  Organization  (ILO).  While   this  membership  was   intended  to  strengthen  British  influence   on   this   Versailles   treaty   organization,   various   Indian   political   actors   soon  appropriated   the   new   international   platform   to   the   purpose   of   propagating   their  demands   to   the   colonial   government.   By   the   1930s,   with   nationalists   preparing  themselves   for   an   increasingly   discernible   postcolonial   era,   ILO-‐sponsored   models   of  social  policy   seemed   to  offer   them  an  alternative   to  a   scenario  of   escalating   industrial  conflict  and  labour  radicalism  that  had  emerged  in  the  postwar  decade  and  had  reached  a  preliminary  climax  in  1928/29.  In  the  middle  decades  of  the  twentieth  century,  social  policies,  in  India  as  much  as  in  other  regions  of  the  world,  were  thus  strongly  focused  on  the   ‘labour   problem’.   Consequently,   the   subcontinent’s   worlds   of   labour   attracted  considerable  national  and  international  attention.    

    In   this   historical   context,   the   ILO   set   up   a   ‘regional   office’   in   New   Delhi   in  November   1928,   of  which  Dr.   P.   P.   Pillai,   an   economist   and   former   League   of  Nations  official,   served   as   director   until   1947.   Since   its   establishment,   one   of   the   office’s   core  tasks  consisted  in  gathering  information  on  all  issues  concerning  Indian  workers.  From  January   1929   until   December   1969,   the   Delhi   office   thus   prepared   detailed   monthly  reports  on  the  Indian  labour  scene  and  related  problems  of  social  and  economic  policy,  comprising  seldom  less  than  fifty  typed  pages  and  sometimes  more  than  one  hundred.  These  reports  were  regularly  sent  to  the  main  offices  in  Geneva  and,  during  World  War  II,  in  Montreal  and  accumulated  over  time  into  a  considerable  database  of  about  40,000  pages.  Among  the  series  of  reports  the  ILO  received  from  its  various  regional  offices,  the  Indian  series  was  considered  to  be  of  particularly  high  and  consistent  quality.  

    The   reports   contain   summaries   of   newly   enacted   laws,   of   official   reports   and  other  government  materials,  of  conferences  held  or  publications  issued  by  various  non-‐state   actors   such   as   business   associations,   trade   unions   or   political  movements.   They  also   carry   summaries   or   verbatim   copies   of   relevant  press   coverage   in   Indian  English  language  newspapers.  The  reports   constitute  an   important  historical  database   for   two  reasons.  First,  they  provide  a  wide-‐ranging  overview  (rather  than  an  in-‐depth  account)  of  major  events  and  processes  with  regard  to  India’s  economic  and  social  development  from  a  predominantly  national  or  state  level  perspective.  Second,  they  provide  a  detailed  chronology  of  these  events  and  processes  for  the  final  18  years  of  colonial  rule  as  well  as  for  the  Nehruvian  period  and  its  aftermath.  They  thereby  render  visible  processes  that  cut   across   conventional  boundaries  of  periodization   that   continue   to   structure   and,   in  my  view,  impede  studies  of  Indian  contemporary  history.    

  •   ii  

    Providing  us   thus  with  a   semi-‐official  outline  narrative  of  what  might  be   called  the   ‘politics   of   the   social’   and   a   counter-‐intuitive   chronology   over   four   decades,   the  reports   can   serve   as   a   valuable   resource   for   a   multiplicity   of   researches   in   India’s  economic,  social  and  political  history  in  the  mid-‐twentieth  century.  The  range  of  topics  includes   labour   legislation   and   its   implementation,   economic   conditions   and   policies,  various  issues  of  an  emerging  Indian  ‘social  policy’  such  as  education,  health,  or  housing,  and   extends   to   the   cooperative   movement,   public   debates   on   social   reform,   forced  labour  in  India’s  princely  states  and  international  labour  migration.    

    The  originals  of  the  reports  are  preserved  in  the  ILO  Archives  in  Geneva,  where  they   came   to  my   attention   in   the   late   1990s.  With   the   support   of   ILO   colleagues,   the  digitization  of  the  reports  commenced  at  the  Zentrum  Moderner  Orient  (ZMO,  Berlin)  in  the   early   2000s   as   a   side   activity   in   the   context   of   a   more   specific   project   and   was  pursued   more   systematically   and   completed   at   the   Centre   of   Modern   Indian   Studies  (CeMIS)   at   the   University   of   Göttingen   between   2010   and   2012.   The   digitized   set   of  reports  is  almost  complete  with  some  minor  gaps  (mainly  lists  of  relevant  publications).  They  are  open  sources,  mounted  on  several  servers  and  accessible,  at  present,  from  the  websites   of   the   Centre   of   Modern   Indian   Studies   http://www.uni-‐   and   of   the   International   Labour   Organization‐-‐en/index.htm.  

    A  major   impediment   for  making   this   extensive   database   accessible   to   scholars  was   that   the   creation   of   searchable   digital   documents   proved   impossible   given   the  technical  and  financial  constraints  of  the  project.  Most  of  the  reports  were  preserved  in  the   form   of   often   low-‐quality   carbon   copies.   The   pedestrian,   labourious   but   effective  method  we   found   to   overcome   this   impediment   consisted   in  manually   copying   all   the  tables  of   content   that  were  attached   to  most  of   the   reports  and   to   create  new  ones   in  case   they   were   missing.   The   present   finding   aid,   presented   both   in   a   more   lasting  printed  and  a  fully  searchable  electronic  form,  is  the  result  of  this  cumbersome  exercise.  Student   assistants   did   most   of   this   hard   work:   Christoph   Gabler   took   it   up   with  unflinching  perseverance  at  the  ZMO.  Rani  Dhupia,  Kiran  Gall,  Florian  Höllen  and  Stefan  Tetzlaff,   all   associated  with   CeMIS,   completed   the   scanning   process   in   Geneva,   copied  and  edited  the  tables  of  content  –  painfully  unexciting  tasks  that  required  great  care  and  long  hours  of  meticulous  work  nevertheless.  In  Geneva,  reliable  allies  were  found  whose  contributions   to   the   realisation   of   the   project   have   been   crucially   important,   too:   the  ILO’s  archivist  Remo  Becci,  whose  generous  support  made  it  possible  to  commence  the  project,  and,  at  a   later  stage,  Emmanuel  Reynaud  and  Dorothea  Hoehtker,  both  driving  forces   of   the   ILO’s   ‘Century   Project’,   as   well   as   Sandrine   Kott,   University   of   Geneva,  whose  joint  help  enabled  us  to  complete  it.      

    Ravi  Ahuja  

  • January 1929 – C 1903/2 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1 – 22. Congress Week Activities 3 – 113. References to I.L.O. 12 – 144. References to L. N. 15-175. National Labour Legislation 18-226. Conditions of Labour

    - Labour disputes- Labour Conditions in Mines- Conditions in Jamshedpur


    7. Industrial Organisations- Federation of Indian Chambers- All India Railwaymen’s Federation of Commerce- Tinplate Workers’ Union- All India Postmen’s Conference- Workers’ and Peasants’ Conference- The Communist Movement


    8. Industrial Hygiene 429. Women’s Organisations 43-4410. Maritime Affairs 4511. New Publications

    - Factories in India in 1927- Ahmedabad Working Class Budgets


    February 1929 – C 1903/3 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-22. Legislative Assembly

    - Lord Irwin’s Opening Speech- Sarda’s Child Marriage- Public Safety Bill- Workmen’s Compensation Amendment Bill- Trade Disputes Bill


    3. References to the League of Nations- General References- Mr. C.F. Andrews and Gene va- Interim Report


    4. References to I.L.O.- General References- Unemployment Enquiry


    5. Conditions of Labour- The Strike Situation- The Bombay Riots- National Christian Council and Industrial Problems


    6. Industrial Organisation- M.S.M. Railway Employees’ Conference- Pan Asiatic Conference- Indian Merchants’ Chamber



  • 7. Migration- The Hilton-Young Report


    8. Agriculture- Malabar Tenants’ Conference- Dairy Farming Problems- Small Holdings Bill


    9. Cooperation 46-4710. Education

    - Hartog Committee Report- Education of Anglo-Indians- Physical Education in Madras


    11. Maritime 5212. Workmen’s Compensation Act 53

    March 1929 – C 1903/4 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-52. References to the League of Nations 6-113. References to I.L.O. 12-154. National Labour Legislation

    - Workmen’s Compensation Act- C.P. Workmen’s Welfare Bill- C.P. Maternity Benefit Bill- Regulations for prohibiting the employment of women underground

    in Mines


    5. Conditions of Labour- Railway Budget and Labour Welfare- All-India Railwaymen’s Federation- Madras Labour and Simon Commission- Maternity Benefits in the Tata Iron and Steel Company- Strikes in British India- Bombay Strike Enquiry Committee- Ahmedabad Labour Dispute- Colombo Tram Strike


    6. Industrial Organisation- Indian Chamber of Commerce- Upper India Chamber of Commerce- Bengal Chamber of Commerce- U.P. Chamber of Commerce- Indian Mining Federation


    7. Economic Conditions- Budget for 1929-30- Banking Enquiry- Madras Presidency Economic Enquiry- Economic Survey of Hyderabad- Bardoli Committee’s Report- Land Revenue Law Reform in the Punjab- The Cotton Handloom Industry of Madras- Indian Tariff Board’s activities



  • 8. Women and Children- Draft Bill for Registration of Nurses 57

    9. Maritime Affairs- Deferred Rebates Bill 58-59

    April 1929 – C 1903/5 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-92. Interpellations in the Council of State 10-133. References to the League of Nations 14-164. References to the I.L.O. 17-225. National Labour Legislation

    - Workmen’s Compensation Act- Maternity Benefits Bill, Bombay


    6. Conditions of Labour- Cost of living index numbers in Bihar and Orissa- Bombay Strike Enquiry Committee Report- Tata Iron Steel Company and Sickness Benefits


    7. Industrial Organisation- General- Bombay Millowners’ Association- Indian Tea Association- Workers’ and Peasants’ Conference Rohtak- Bengal Nagpur Railway Indian Railway Union


    8. Economic Conditions- Indian Banking Enquiry 51-53

    9. Social Conditions- Child Slavery in Ceylon- Opium Smoking Acts


    10. Women and Children- The Naik Girls Protection Act- Prevention of Traffic in women in Kashmir


    11. Maritime Affairs- Night Work in Bombay Docks- Hours of work on Board Indian Ships


    May 1929 – 1903/6 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General

    - Indian States Committee Report- The Bombay Riots Enquiry Committee


    2. References to the League of Nations 9-133. References to the I.L.O. 14-174. National Labour Legislation 18


  • 5. Conditions of Laboura) General- Industrial Worker in South India- Bombay Port Trust- The Corporation of Madras and minimum wages- Freedom of Association in Mysore- Bengal Labour Conference- The Madras Electric Tramway and Supply Corporation Employees’

    Union- The Department of Posts and Telegraphs, Government of India

    b) Strikes- Textile Strike in Bombay- Jamshedpur Tinplate Workers- An averted dispute at Ahmedabad- Strikes at Bangalore- Other stoppages of work




    6. Industrial Organisations

    a) Employers’ Organisations- International Chamber of Commerce- S.I. Chamber of Commerce and sickness Insurance- Indian Chamber of Commerce, Tuticorin- South Indian Skin and Hide Merchants Association- The Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce- An organization to promote the economic interests of the country- Indian Merchants’ Chamber, Bombay

    b) Workers’ Organisations- All India Railwaymen’s Federation- All India Trade Union Congress Committee- Grievances of Post and Telegraph employees- All India spinners’ Association



    7. Economic Conditions- The Banking Inquiry- Bardoli Committee Report- Revenue Members’ Conference- Economic distress in the Central Provinces


    8. Social Conditions- Prevention of Prostitution- Opium Consumption in Bombay


    9. Education- The Hartog Committee Report 63-66

    10. Maritime Affairs- Seamen in Bombay- The new Marine Club in Kidderpore- Indians as Marine Engineers- Deck Passengers



  • 11. Migration- Indians Abroad- Cape Town Agreement Threatened- The new Fiji Constitution- Standing Emigration Committee


    June 1929 – C 1903/7 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-62. Royal Commission on Labour 7-93. References to the League of Nations 9-114. References to the I.L.O. 11-18a5. National Labour Legislation

    a) Bombay Maternity Benefit Billb) Proposed Factory Legislation in Barodac) Proposed Amendment of Madras City Municipal Act


    6. Conditions of Laboura) General

    1) The Working of the Indian Workmen’s Compensation Act in1927

    2) Forced Labour in Indian States3) Conditions of Mines in the Central and Berar4) Indian Coolies in Ceylon Tea- gardens5) Industrial Relations in Ceylon

    b) Labour Disputes1) Statistics of Industrial Disputes in British India for quarter

    ending 31-3-19292) The Bombay Textile Strike3) Strikes in Ahmedabad4) Jamshedpur Tinplate Workers’ Strike5) Strike situation in Bangalore6) Strike in Oogaum Gold Mine





    7. Industrial Organisationa) Employers’ Organisations

    1) Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Workmen’s Compensation Act Amendment

    2) Baroda Millowners’ Association

    b) Workers’ Organisations1) G.I.P. Railwaymen’s Union2) Ajmer Postal Conference3) All India Telegraph Workmen’s Union4) Madras Tramway Workmen5) M. & S.M. Railway Employees’ Union




    8. Economic Conditions1) The Banking Inquiry2) The new Rupee Loan of the Government of India3) Removal of Export Duty on Manila Hemp4) Land Revenue Conference5) Inland Waterways of India



  • 9. Unemployment1) Mysore Farming Colony 58-59

    10. Social Conditions1) Temperance Work in India2) Opium Cultivation Statistics3) Social Reform4) Depressed Classes Inquiry Committee


    11. Public Health and Sanitation1) Imperial Medical Research Institute 65-66

    12. Co-operation 6613. Education

    1) Industrial Education in Madras2) Training of Printers’ Apprentices in Calcutta


    14. Agriculture1) Review of Agricultural Operations in India 1927-282) Agricultural Research Council


    July 1929 – C 1903/8 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-72. References to the I.L.0. 8-103. Conditions of Labour

    a) The Bombay Textile Strikeb) The Ahmedabad Textile Industryc) Jamshedpur Tin-plate Workers' Striked) Renewed Strikes in Bangaloree) End of Choolai Mill Strikef) Two Strikes in Calcuttag) Labour Collage for Bombayh) Calcutta Jute Mill Strikei) Forced Labour in Indian States


    4. Industrial Organisationa) General unrest among Railway Workersb) Unrest at Nagpurc) G.I.P. Railway Employees’ Annual Conference


    5. Economic Conditionsa) Floods in Assam 000 000b) Scarcity and Faminec) Land Revenue Settlementd) Advance to Cultivators in Madras Presidencye) The Indian Cotton Industry and Foreign Competition


    6. Social Conditionsa) Age of Consent Committee Reportb) Efforts to Elevate the Depressed Classesc) Adi Karnatik Co-operative society, Mysored) Activities of Labour Commissioner, Madrase) Depressed Classes settlement at Palghatf) Child Marriage Prevention Act, Baroda



  • 5. Migration(a) Indians in East Africa 52-54

    August 1929 - – C 1903/9 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-52. References to the I.L.0. 6-103. National Labour Legislation

    a) Rules framed under Bombay Maternity Benefits Act, 1929b) Amendment of Rules 44 & 46 of Factories Rules (1923), Bombayc) Exemptions regarding Hours of Work in Electrical Transformation

    Factories, Bombayd) Bengal Factories Rules changese) Emergency Legislation in Bombay

    1) The Prevention of Intimidation Bill2) The Presidency Area Security Bill

    f) Amendment to Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923




    4. Conditions of Laboura) Bombay Textile Strikeb) The Bombay Mill Strike Inquiryc) Tinplate Workers’ striked) Jute Mills strikee) Choolai Mill strike, Madrasf) End of Bangalore strikeg) Hours of Work in Baroda factories


    5. Industrial Organisation- The Ahmedabad Millowners’ Association – Annual Meeting 1929 36-38

    6. Economic Conditionsa) Enquiry into Textile Tariff Conditionsb) Duty on Raw Cotton in Bombay Cityc) Tariff Board Enquiry into Salt Industryd) The Bombay Presidency Land League


    7. Social Conditionsa) Early Marriage Prevention Act,(Bhavnagar)b) The Brothels Bill, Madrasc) Prohibitions of Public Gaming Bill


    8. Women and Childrena) Bengal Children Act (1922) Amendment Billb) Maternity and Child Welfare, Madras


    9. Education- Training in State Railway Collieries 47

    10. Agriculture- Long-term loans scheme, Baroda 48-49

    11. Maritime Affairs- Recruitment of Indian Seamen 50-51

    12. Migrationa) Emigration and Immigration Report (1928), Madras Presidencyb) Indian emigrants to F.M. Statesc) Education of Indians in Fidji



  • September 1929 – C 1903/10 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General

    - Assembly Hot Weather Session; President Patel's ruling on Public Safety Bill; Inter change of letters with Lord Irwin; Proposalfor Committee on Rural Conditions; Child Marriage Bill;Adjournment Motion re; Jatin Das' death; Bill to amend Criminal Procedure Code; Bill to Amend Indian Railways Act; Motion re: non- ratification of Geneva Convention on Wage fixing machinery, - Withdrawal of Protection to Tinplate Industry; - East African Indian Deputation in India; - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's election to Congress presidentship 1-10

    2. References to the League of Nations 11-123. References to the I. L. 0. 12-154. National Labour Legislation

    (a) Bill to Amend the Indian Railways Act 16-185. Conditions of Labour

    a) Calcutta Strike situationb) Bombay Textile Strikec) Findings of the Strike Inquiry Committee, Bombayd) Report of the Bombay Riots Inquiry Committeee) Inquiry into Grievances of Indian Telegraphistsf) The Tinplate Workers’ Strike, Jamshedpurg) Factory administration in Bombay, 1928h) Factory Administration in the Punjab, 1928i) Factory Administration in the Central Provinces and Berar,

    1928j) Factory Administration in Bihar & Orissa, 1928k) Factory Administration in Bengal, 1928



    6. Industrial Organisationsa) The United Provinces Trade Union Conferenceb) Indian Seamen’s Unionc) Madras Labour Uniond) All India Railwaymen’s Federatione) Asiatic Labour Congress


    7. Economic Conditionsa) Indian Hide Industryb) Madras Cottage Industries Committeec) Textile Conference Committeed) Tata Iron and Steel Company


    8. Co-operation(a) Progress of the Co-operative Movement in India 56-57

    9. Agriculturea) Indian Sugar Committeeb) Shellac Industry in Biharc) Jute Industry in Bengald) Assam Teae) Indian Rubber Statistics


    10. Migration(a) Indian Labour in Ceylon Plantations 63-66


  • October 1929 – C 1903/11 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General

    - The Viceroy's announcement; Royal Commission on Labour1-7

    2. References to the I. L. 0. 8-133. National Labour Legislation

    a) The Bombay Prevention of Intimidation Actb) The Bombay Presidency Area Security Actc) The Bombay Port Trust Amendment Act


    4. Conditions of Laboura) The Tinplate Workers’ strike, Jamshedpurb) Dock Workers’ Strike, Karachic) Conditions of work - Karachi Port Trustd) Calcutta strike situatione) Bombay textile strikef) Hours and wages in cotton mills; (Bombay Labour Office Inquiry)g) Factory administration in Burma, 1928h) Factory administration in U.P., 1928i) Slavery and Forced Labour in Indian Statesj) Forced Labour in Kashmir


    5. Industrial Organisation- Employers’ Organisations

    (a) Indian Merchants' Chamber, Bombay(b) The Indian Merchants' Chamber and Hours Convention(c) The Associated Chambers of Commerce(d) The Indian Railway Conference(e) Late Seth Narottam Morarjee Workers' Organisations

    - Workers Organisation(a) Indian Railway Trade Unions (General)(b) G. I. P. Railwaymen's Union(c) Anglo-Indians in Railway Employ(d) All India Telegraph Workmen's Conference(e) Central Labour Board of Madras(f) Trade Union movement in Burma



    6. Intellectual Workers- Clerks in a Government of India Office 51-52

    7. Economic Conditions- Cotton Ginning Pools in India 53-54

    8. Education- Hartog Committee Report 55-57

    9. Migration- Indians in East Africa : Sir Samuel Wilson's Report 58-59

    November 1929 – C 1903/12 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-42. References to the I.L.O 5-103. Conditions of Labour

    a) Quarterly strike statistics (period ending 30-9-29)b) Strike situation in Bombay, Calcutta and Golmuric) Ahmedabad Wages Dispute: Umpire's Award



  • (d) Hours of Work in Karachi Docks 15(e) Assam Labour Board 16-17(f) Conditions of labourers in S.Indian Tea Gardens 17-18(g) Forced Labour in Gujerat 19-21

    4. Industrial Organisation- Employers’ Organisations

    (a) Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce(b) Associated Chambers of Commerce of India & Ceylon

    - Workers’ Organisations(a) All India Trade Union Congress, Nagpur(b) The All India Trades Union Federation(c) All India Railwaymen's Federation(d) All-Ceylon Trade Union Congress(e) Andhra Labour Conference(f) The Bengal Labour Conference(g) All India Federation of subordinate Govt. services(h) All India Federation of Teachers' Association



    5. Economic Conditionsa) Trade of India in 1928-29b) Imports and Exports: Balance of Tradec) The effect of Industrial Unrest on Economic Conditionsd) Import Tariff on Cotton Piece-goodse) Indian Central Cotton Committee


    6. Indian Labour Abroad- Indian Labour in Malaya 52-59

    December 1929 – C 1903/13 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-32. Indian National Congress: 44th Session 4-113. References to the I.L.O. 12-164. National Labour Legislation

    - Bombay Presidency Area Emergency Security Act17-22

    5. Conditions of Labour:a) Choolai Mill Dispute: leave of employeesb) Jamshedpur Strike situationc) Board of Conciliation for B.B.& C.I. Railway disputed) Labour Conditions in Indian Minese) Immigrant Labour in Assamf) Labour Conditions in Central Provinces and Berar


    6. Industrial Organisation- Employers’ Organisation

    (a) Annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce, Bombay- Workers Organisations

    (a) Madras Labour Union's Memorandum to Sir B.N. Mitra(b) Madras Presidency Postmen's Union(c) M.& S.M. Railway Employees' demands(d) Trade Union Movement in the Punjab(e) Trade Unions in the Bombay Presidency



    7. Intellectual Workers:- All-India Teachers' Federation 49-52


  • 8. Economic Conditions:a) Protective duty for Cotton: Conference in Delhib) Depression in India's Coal Tradec) Cottage Industries in Bengald) Indian Economic Conference, Allahabad


    9. Women and Children:- Medical Relief for Women in Dhanbad Colliery Area 59-60

    10. Education:- Railway Staff College, Dehra Dun 61

    11. Agriculture:- Imperial Council of Agricultural Research 62-63

    12. Maritime Affairs:a) Recruitment of Seamen in Bombayb) The Indian National Steamship Owners' Associationc) Indian Shipping Conference, Delhi


    13. Migrations:- Education of Indians in South Africa 68-69

    January 1930 – C 1903/14 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-22. References to the I. L. 0. 3-73. National Labour Legislation:

    a) The Washington Hours Convention and the Indian Railwaysb) Bill to amend the Indian Railways Act, 1890c) The Railway Servants Hours of Employment Rules, 1930d) India and the Minimum Wage Convention


    4. Conditions of Labour:a) Ahmedabad Wages Disputeb) Conciliation Board Proceedings: B. B. & C. I. Disputesc) Communist propaganda in India (Meerut trial)d) Mining Labour in Mysoree) G. I. P. Railway strikef) Industrial Disputes in British in 1929


    5. Industrial Organisation:- Employers' Organisation

    (a) Bombay Millowners' Association and Employers Representation atI.L. Conference

    b) Proposed All- India Employers' Federationc) Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce, Delhi

    - Workers Organisation(a) Proposed All- India Textile Federation(b) Madura-Tinnevelly Labour Conference(c) N. W. Railway Employees' grievances demand for Court of Inquiry(d) A.I.T.U.C. Executive Council Meeting, Jamshedpur(e) Demands of Postal Employees



    6. Intellectual Workers:a) Salaried Employees' Convention, Calcuttab) Condition of Work of Indian Journalistsc) Provident Fund Scheme for Government Servantsd) New Gratuity and Pens ion Scheme in Mysore



  • 7. Economic Conditions:a) Textile advisory Committee, Madrasb) Indian Trade Commissionersc) Mill Piece- goods Exhibition Train


    8. Employment and Unemployment:- Central Provinces Unemployment Committee 57

    9. Social Conditions:a) Devdasi Bill, Madrasb) Prevention of Gaming Bill, Madrasc) Criminal Tribes in the Punjab


    10. Women and Children:- All- Asia Women's Conference 66

    February 1930 – C 1903/15 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-32. References to the I.L.O 4-83. National Labour Legislation:

    - Indian Railways Act (Amendment) Bill- Government of India Memorandum re: two conventions of 12th



    4. Conditions of Labour- Railway Budget and Labour Welfare- Labour position in Bombay Textile Industry- G.I.P. Railway Strike- Abolition of slavery in Unadministered Triangle Area, Burma- B.B.& C.I. Disputes Conciliation Board's report- Labour Conditions in the Anamalai Plantations- Factory Administration in Madras, 1928


    5. Industrial OrganisationEmployers’ Organisations

    - Federation o In !an Chambers of Commerce and Industry- Indian Committee of International Chamber of Commerce- 4th Annual meeting of Calcutta Jndi~n Indian Chamber of

    CommerceWorkers’ Organisations

    - The Nilgiris Domestic Servants’ Union


    50-516. Economic Conditions

    - Working of Indian Railways, 1928-29- Godaveri Economic Enquiry Committee's Findings


    7. Social Conditions- Prevention of Prostitution in Bombay 60-66

    8. Public Health- Vital Statistics for India for 1927 67-70

    9. Co-operation- Progress of co-operation in the Punjab, 1928-29 71-72

    March 1930 – C 1903/16 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-42. References to the I.L.O. 5-11


  • 3. National Labour Legislation- The Indian Railways (Amendment) Act- Proposed Amendment of the Indian Trade Unions Act


    4. Conditions of Labour- G.I.P. Railway Strike- N.G.S. Railway Strike- Bengal Jute Workers' Strike- 5-days' week in Ahmedabad Mills- Child Slavery in Ceylon


    5. Industrial OrganisationEmployers’ Organisations

    - Upper India Chamber of Commerce – 42nd General meetingWorkers' Organisations

    - All-India Postal and R.M.S. Union Council Meeting- The Ahmedabad Labour Union



    6. Intellectual Workers- Teachers' salaries in India 33-34

    7. Economic Conditions- The Government of India Budget for 1930-31- Scheme for Merger of Bombay Mills- The Ahmedabad Mill Industry- Tanning Industry in the Bombay Presidency


    8. Co-operation- Progress of co-operation in the Bombay Presidency- Progress of Co-operation in Bihar & Orissa


    9. Women and Children- Women in India - Proposed survey Questionnaire 49-51

    10. Education- Compulsory Primary Education Scheme, Mysore 52-54

    11. Maritime Affairs- Indian Seamen's Union's Deputation to Sir George Rainy- The First All-India Dock-Workers' Conference


    12. Migration- Indians in South Africa (Mr. Sastri’s Report) 59-62

    April 1930 – C 1903/17 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-42. References to the I.L.O. 5-93. Conditions of Labour

    - B.B.& C.I. Disputes Conciliation Board's Recommendations- Carters' strike, Calcutta- G. I. P. Railway strike- Lightning strike in Delhi cloth Mills, Delhi- Strike in Kolar Gold Fields- Choolai Mill strike- Jute Mills strike, Calcutta- Child Labour in Beedi Factories, Madras- Industrial Disputes in India 1921-1928- Wages and Hours of Labour in the Cotton Industry


    4. Industrial Organisation


  • - South India Trade Unions and the Recognition Question 41-42- 5th M.S.M. Railway Employees' Annual Conference 42-43- Central Labour Board, Madras 44- Whitley Councils scheme, All India Postal and R. M. S. Union 45

    5. Economic Conditions- Scheme for Central Weavers' Society, Madras- Industrial Development schemes, Hyderabad State


    6. Social Conditions- All India Burma and Ceylon Rural Uplift Conference 52-55

    7. Public Health- Vital statistics of Bombay City 56-59

    8. Women and Children- All-Asian Women's Conference 60

    9. Migration- Government of India Inquiry re: South African repatriates- Indian Emigrants in Ceylon


    May 1930 – C 1903/18 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General. 1-102. References to the I.L.O. 11-163. National Labour Legislation.

    - New Rules under the Indian Mines Act, 1923, Bombay- Exemptions from the Provisions of the Indian Mines Act, 1923- Amendment of Regulation No.11 of Bombay Trade Unions

    Regulations, 1927- Hyderabad Factories Act


    234. Conditions of Labour.

    - Shipping Coolies' Strike, Rangoon- Conditions of work in the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department.

    1928-29- Conditions of Mining Labour in the Central Provinces and Berar,

    1929- Labour Conditions in Bangalore- Report of Special Officer on Calcutta Carters' Grievances- Shippers' Strike, Tuticorin- Strike News in Brief : End of Choolai Mills Strike, Madras; Amritsar

    Carters' Union; Scavengers' Strike, Vizagapatam; Strike in National Jute Mill, Howrah; Strike in Delhi Cloth Mills, Delhi; Trouble in Lillooah Railway Workshops




    39-405. Industrial Organisation.

    Employers' Organisations:- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry- Indian Merchants' Chamber, Bombay- Other Employers' Organisations and the Political situation

    Workers’ Organisations:- All-India Railwaymen's Federations meeting with Railway Board


    48-496. Intellectual Workers.

    - Pay and Status of Vakils'.Clerks 507. Economic Conditions.

    - The Boycott movement and its economic consequences 51-53


  • - Cottage Industries Committee Report, Madras 54-558. Unemployment.

    - Unemployment in the Punjab: Remedial Measures 56-609. Public Health.

    - Slum clearing schemes in Hyderabad, Deccan 61-6310. Co-operation.

    - Co-operation in Madras, 1926-29 64-6711. Agriculture.

    - Progress of Agricultural Research: Advisory Board’s Plans 68-6912. Migration.

    - Indian Labour in Mauritius 70-71

    Juni 1930 – C 1903/19 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General. 1-92. The Simon Commission's Report. 10-173. Conditions of Labour.

    - Re-Introduction of 54 hour-week in Jute Mills, Calcutta- Grievances of Textile Workers, Madras- Labour conditions in Travancore Tea Estates- East Indian Railway Loco Workshop strike, Lucknow- Enquiry into Labour conditions in Kolar Gold Fields, Mysore- Working of the Trades Disputes Act, 1929 in Bombay Presidency

    during 1929- Working of the Indian Workmen's Compensation Act, for the year

    1928- Shipping Coolies' Strike, Rangoon- Quarterly Strike Statistics (period ending 30-3-1930)




    4. Industrial Organisation.Workers Organisation:

    - Trade Union Statistics of Bombay Presidency (1928-1929)- All India Railwaymen’s Federation’s Conference with Railway

    Board- G.I.P. Railway Staff Unions Annual Conference, 1930- British help for organising Indian Mining Labour



    5. Economic Conditions.- Tariff Board Enquiry into Sugar Industry- Statistics of Joint Stock Company Registration (1929-1930)


    6. Employment and Unemployment.- Unemployment in the Central Provinces 62-63

    8. Social Conditions.- Cocaine Traffic: Efforts at special investigation 64-66

    9. Public Health.- Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, Mysore 67

    10. Women and Children.- Medical relief for women in Dhanbad Colliery Area 68-69

    11. Education.- Industrial Bias in Schools: Hesketh Committee's Recommendations- New Scheme for Medical Education in India


    12. Maritime Affairs.- Bombay Port Trust Docks Staff Union 74


  • - First Batch of Naval Cadets from Training Ship "Dufferin” 7513. Migration.

    - Closer Union of East Africa and Indian Interests- The Indian Franchise in Ceylon


    July 1930 – C 1903/20 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General. 1-112. Labour Representation in the Legislatures:

    - Simon Commission Recommendations 12-143. References to the I.L.O. 15.214. National Labour Legislation.

    - Amendment of Madras Trade Union Regulations,1927- Proposed amendment of Bengal Trade Union Regulations, 1927- India and the Convention re: Protection of Workers

    against Accidents- India and the Convention concerning the Marking of Weight on

    heavy packages transferred by Vessels



    32-335. Conditions of Labour.

    - Factory Administration in India, 1928- Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, in Burma

    during 1929- Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, in Central

    Provinces and Berar during 1929- Factory Administration in Central Provinces and Berar during 1929- Wages of Shipping Labour, Rangoon- Hours of Work on Indian Railways- Conditions of Work of Press Employees in C.P.- Indian Labour in Burma: Occupational Distribution- Review of Jute Mill Strikes during 1929- Labour News in Brief




    6. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisations:- The Swadeshi Sabha, Ahmedabad

    Workers' Organisations:- Proposed All- India Labour Conference, Lahore- Meeting of the General Council of the All- India Railwaymen’s

    Federation, Simla- The Madras Labour Union




    Intellectual Workers.- Revision of the Time Tests in Post Offices 63

    8. Economic Conditions.- Conditions in Cotton Mill Industry, Bombay, during 1929.- Slate Industry in Madras Presidency- Government of India New Rupee Loan- Enhancement of United States' Tariffs: Indian Protests


    9. Social Conditions.- The Starte Committee's Report- Abolition of Devadasi System in Travancore- The Child Marriage Restraint Amendment Bill (Council of State)


    10. Public Health.


  • - Factory Site Scheme, Hyderabad (Deccan)- Industrial Housing in India


    11. Co-operation.- Co-operative Societies Bill, Madras- Co-operation in Mysore State


    12. Women and Children.- Scheme for Training Village Midwives, Baroda.- Mill Creches in Ahmedabad- Employment of children as Drain Cleaners, Calcutta


    13. Education.- Industrial Education in the Punjab 88-90

    August 1930 – C 1903/21 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General 1-62. References to the I. L. 0. 7-133. National Labour Legislation.

    - Proposed Extension of the Hyderabad Factories Act14

    4. Conditions of Labour.- Quarterly Strike Statistics of British India (period ending 30-6-

    1930)- Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, in Bengal

    during 1929- Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, in the

    Madras Presidency during 1929- Factory Administration in Bombay Presidency 1929- Factory Administration in Madras Presidency 1929- Factory Administration in Bengal, 1929- Factory Administration in Burma, 1929




    5. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisations:

    - 37th Annual Meeting of the U.P.A.S.I.- All India Employers' Federation: Proposal shelved


    6. Intellectual Workers.- Annual Meeting of the Madras Teachers Guild, 1930- Salaried Employees' Activities- Scheme for House building advances for officers, Mysore State- Gratuities for Retired Temporary Employees, Hyderabad


    7. Economic Conditions.- Economic Depression in India- Future of Indian Cotton Mill Industry- Indian Tea Consumption Statistics- Proposed State Aid to Industries Bill, Bengal- Development of Industries, Hyderabad State- Protection of Indian Industries: Sir P.Ginwala's Condemnation of

    Governments Apathy- Progress of Banking in India- Indian Stores Purchase: Revised Rules



    8. Women and Children.- Maternity and Child Welfare Work, Delhi Province 63-65

    9. Education.


  • - Rural Primary Education Bill, Bengal- Scheme for Education of Colliery Workers- Reconstruction of Mining Education Advisory Board


    10. Agriculture.- Subsidies for Agricultural Schemes: Principles Governing Grants 70-71

    11. Maritime Affairs.- Recruitment of Indian Seamen, Bombay- Administration of the Madras Port Trust, 1929-30- Administration of the Calcutta Port Trust, 1929-30- Revision of Service Conditions, Bombay Port Trust


    12. Migration.- Indian Migration to Malaya and Ceylon- Amendment of F.M.S. Labour Code, 1923


    September 1930 – C 1903/22 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-82. National Labour Legislation.

    - Proposed Extension of the Workmen’s Compensation Act to Aerial Ropeway Workers 9

    3. Conditions of Labour.1) Recruitment of Labour for Assam Tea Gardens2) Minimum Wage for Staff of Municipal

    Corporation, Madras3) Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Indian Railways: A.I.R.

    Federation's Interview with Railway Board4) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Bombay

    Presidency during 19295) Programme of the Royal Commission on Labour6) Industrial Housing Schemes, Bombay7) Municipal Schemes for Industrial Housing, Ahmadabad





    4. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisations :

    - Indian Merchants' Chamber, Bombay, and Boycott of Foreign Trade 25-26

    5. Economic Conditions.1) Jute Industry2) Cotton Industry3) Bombay Cotton Mill Merger4) Indian Lac Cess Act5) Hides Cass Inquiry Committee's Report


    6. Employment and Unemployment.1) Employment Bureaux on English Models for India2) Scheme for Technical School, Calcutta


    7. Social Conditions.1) The Bombay Prevention of Prostitution (Amendment) Act,

    1930 39-408. Co-operation.

    1) Agricultural Co-operation: Land Mortgage Banks2) Progress of Co-operation in Hyderabad State3) Co-operation in Central Provinces and Berar, 1928-29



  • 9. Women and Children.1) Training in Borstal Schools, Madras, 19292) All-Asian Women's Conference


    10. Education.1) Industrial Education in C. P. & Berar, 19292) Now Schemes for Women's Education3) All-Asian Educational Conference


    11. Maritime Affairs.1) Working Hours in Karachi Docks2) Scheme for Indian Seamen's Home, Bombay3) Administration of Bombay Port Trust, 1929-30


    12. Migration.1) Temporary Stoppage of Indian Labour Recruitment to Malaya2) Reduced Wages for Indian Labour in the Straits and Malaya3) Repatriation of Indian Labourers from Malaya


    October 1930 – C 1903/23 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I. L. 0. 1-32. Conditions of Labour

    a) Medical Certificate for Sick Leave: Protest of G. I. P. RailwayWorkers

    b) Conditions of Labour in Coimbatore Cotton Millsc) Proposals for Economy in the Indian Posts and

    Telegraphs Departmentd) Indebtedness of Railway Employees: Scheme for Reliefe) Minimum Wages for Indian Labour in Ceylon: Proposal for

    Reductionf) Factory Administration in the Punjab, 1929g) Factory Administration in Bihar and Orissa, 1929h) Forced Labour in Backward Orissa States




    3. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisations:

    - The Indian Railway Conference, 1930Workers' Organisations:

    - N.W. Railwaymen's Union: Unrest among Railway Workers


    21-234. Economic Conditions.

    a) The New Government Loanb) (b) The Indian Tariff Board: Galvanized Sheetsc) Cotton Growers' Problemsd) Bombay Mill Mergere) Bombay Mills and the Boycottf) Jute Industry


    5. Unemployment.- European Unemployment in Rubber Plantations 37

    6. Social Conditions.a) Servants of India Societyb) The Indian Census of 1931: New Features


    7. Co-operation- The Mysore Provincial Co-operative Conference, 1930 42

    8. Women and Children.


  • a) Training in Reformatory Schools, Bombay Presidency 1929-30b) Ensuing All- India Conference of Women on Labour, Bombayc) Juvenile Court for Madras City


    9. Migration.- Emigration – General

    November 1930 – C 1903/24 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-62. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Immigrant Labour in Assam for the year ending 30th June 1930b) Indian Labour in Ceylon, 1929c) Working of the Minimum Wage Ordinance, Ceylond) Proposed reduction of Minimum Wages, Ceylone) Labour conditions in Indian Mines, 1929f) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the Punjab during

    1929g) Factory Administration in the United Provinces, 1929h) Railwaymen's Grievances: Subjects for discussion with Railway

    Boardi) Protection of Interests of Indian Labourers in Burma:

    New Committee formedj) Quarterly Strike Statistics (period ending30-9-30)





    3. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisations:

    a) The Calcutta Corporation Employees' Associationb) Trade Union Movement in the Punjab, 1929-30c) Executive Committee Meeting of the All India Trade Union

    Congress, Calcuttad) Place of Indian Labour in Reformed Constitution of India



    4. Intellectual Workers.- Proposed Reduction in Salaries of Higher Paid Staff of

    Bombay Municipal Corporation 465. Economic Conditions.

    a) Criticism of Government of India's Sterling Loansb) Plea for Lower Freight Rates for Wheat and Cottonc) Working of Indian Railways, 1929-30


    6. Co-operation.- Co-operation in Bihar and Orissa, 1929 51-54

    7. Women and Childrena) Postponement of All-India Conference of Women on Labour,

    Bombayb) Bill to regulate Domestic Service of Children, Ceylonc) Scheme for Street Boys' Clubs, Calcuttad) Demand for Qualified Inspectresses of Factories: 5th

    Women's Educational Conference, Madras


    588. Education

    - Education in India, 1927-28 59-60

    December 1930 – C 1903/25 – (CD Nr. 1)


  • 1. References to the I.L.0. 1-72. National Labour Legislation.

    a) Bill to amend the Indian Merchant Shipping Actb) Bill to amend the Indian Ports Act


    3. Conditions of Laboura) Conditions of work on Indian Railwaysb) Recruitment of labour for Assamc) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Assam during

    1929d) Sickness benefits for the operatives in the Empress Mills, Nagpure) Women's welfare in the Angus Jute Millsf) Increasing the efficiency of the Bombay Mill operativesg) The Nagpur Industrial Conferenceh) Bombay Maternity Benefit Acti) The M.& S.M. Railway Dispute



    4. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisations :

    - Annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Indiaand Ceylon, 1930

    Workers' Organisations:a) East Indian Railway Unions: Amalgamation Planb) All India Postal and R.M.S. Union



    5. Intellectual Workers.- The Non-Gazetted Government Officers of Madras 50-51

    6. Economic Conditions.a) The Indian Tariff Board; Galvanized Iron Sheetsb) Progress of Bombay Textile Industry


    7. Unemployment.- Unemployment in Ceylon

    8. Education- Textile Education for the Bombay Mill operatives 58-59

    9. Migration.a) Indians in South Africab) Indians in Malaya


    January 1931 – C 1903/26 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I. L. 0. 1-42. Conditions of Labour:

    a) Labour Conditions in the Jharia Coal Minesb) Goan Emigrants in British India: Enquiry Commission’s Reportc) B.B. & C.I. Railway Staff Committees: Plea for abolitiond) Railway Staff Benefit Fund: Draft Rulese) Two Reports by the Labour Office, Bombay


    3. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisations:

    a) The All-India (including Burma) Postal and R.M.S. Union:Activities during 1929-30

    b) Trade Union Movement in the Central Provinces 1929-30c) Madras Tramway Employees' Union, 1929-30


    4. Intellectual Workers.


  • - Revision of Pay of Shroffs in Currency Office 255. Economic Conditions.

    a) Trade of India in 1929-30b) Tariff Changes in 1929-30c) Effect of Industrial Unrest on Economic Conditions


    6. Social Conditions.a) The Immoral Traffic Act, Madrasb) Proposed Legislation to Stop Beggar Nuisance, Madras


    7. Public Health.a) Housing Scheme for E. I. Railway Employeesb) Industrial Housing Scheme, Bombay


    8. Co-operation.- A Co-operative Estate Scheme in the Sunderbans, Bengal 44

    9. Women and Children.a) The Fifth All-India Women's Educational Conference, Lahoreb) The First All- Asian Women's Conference, Lahore


    10. Education.a) Industrial Education in the Punjab, 1929-30b) Extension of Literacy in U.P.: Enquiry Committees’



    51-5311. Maritime Affairs.

    a) The Indian Sailors’ Home, Bombayb) The Indian Seamen’s Union, Bombay, 1929-30


    12. Migration.a) Conditions of South African Repatriates in Indiab) Agitation against the Transvaal Asiatic Land Tenure Bill


    February 1931 – C 1903/27 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-82. Conditions of Labour:

    a) Recruitment of Labour for Assam Tea Gardens from the MadrasPresidency,1929-30

    b) Reduction of Working Hours in Jute Millsc) Working of the Piece-Work System in the N.W. Railwayd) Grievances of Hyderabad (Deccan) Railway Workerse) Industrial Disputes in British India in 1930f) Quarterly Strike Statistics (period ending 31-12-1930)


    3. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisation:

    - Textile Labour Association, Ahmedabad 204. Intellectual Workers.

    a) Forthcoming Second All-India Salaried Employees' Conventionb) Salaried Employees of Bombay


    5. Economic Conditions.a) Railway Budget for 1931-32, and Wages of Railway Workersb) Board of Economic Inquiry, U.P.c) Decline in Import of Textiles: Figures for 1930.


    6. Unemployment.- Unemployment among Anglo-Indians in Calcutta 30

    7. Social Conditions.


  • - Abolition of Devadasi System in Cochin State 318. Public Health.

    - Housing Scheme for Empress Mills' Employees, Nagpur 32-339. Co-operation.

    a) Progress of Co-operation in Hyderabad State during 1930b) Co-operative Estate Scheme in the Sunderbans, Bengalc) A Colonisation Scheme for Anglo-Indians


    10. Education.a) Education in India, 1928-29b) Education in Bihar and Orissa, 1929-30


    March 1931 – C 1903/28 – (CD Nr. 1)1. General. 1-32. References to the I.L.O. 4-113. India and the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce. 12-144. National Labour Legislation.

    a) Indian Factories (Amendment) Act, 1931b) Extension of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, to

    Aerial Ropeway Workersc) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1931d) General Funds of Trade Unions: Extension of Scope of Spending



    5. Conditions of Labour.a) Retrenchment in Railway Workshopsb) Railway Budget (1931-32) and Service Conditions of Railwaymenc) Jute Mill Strikes, Calcuttad) Madras Labour Department and the Depressed Classese) Labour Troubles in Harvey Mills, Maduraf) Enquiry into incidence of Sickness among Cotton Mill Operatives,

    Bombay Cityg) Labour in Mysore



    6. Industrial Organisations.Workers’ Organisations:

    a) 7th Annual Convention of A.I.R. Federation, 1931, Ajmerb) B.B.& C.I, Railwaymen's Annual Conference, 1931, Ajmerc) Textile Labour Association, Ahmedabad


    7. Intellectual Workers.a) Bombay Clerks' Union: Demand for Regulation of Hours of Workb) Pay and Prospects of Indian Civil Servantsc) 10th All- India Audit and Accounts Offices Conference, 1931,



    428. Economic Conditions.

    a) Budget of the Government of India for 1931-32b) The Bengal Jute Bill, 1930c) Failure of Textile Merger Scheme, Bombayd) Estimates of Area and Yield of Principal Indian Crops, 1929-30


    9. Social Conditions.- Census of India: Provisional Figures 54-55

    10. Co-operationa) Co-operative Societies Bill, 1931, Madrasb) Co-operation in Delhi Province, 1928-29



  • (c) Progress of Co-operation in the Punjab1929-30 59-6011. Women and Children

    a) Work for protection of Children, Madrasb) Treatment of First Offenders: Resolution in the Council of State


    12. Education- Technical and Industrial Education in U.P. 1929-30 65-66

    13. Maritime Affairs- National Seamen’s Union of India, Bombay 67

    14. Migration- Cape Town Agreement: Revision Plans 68-69

    April 1931 – C 1903/29 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-82. India and the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce 9-273. Recommendation re: the Prevention of Industrial accidents 28-314. Conditions of Labour.

    1) Labour Conditions in Dharvi Tanneries, Bombay2) Burmese Dock Labourers' strike, Rangoon3) End of Harvey Mills Dispute, Madura4) Retrenchment in Railways: Railwaymen's protest5) Labour News in Brief:

    (a) Hours Convention: Application to N.W. & E.I. Railways(b) Strike of Press Operatives,Jubbulpore(c) End of Ahmedabad Mill Strike(d) Trade Depression Compels Closure of two Bombay Mills(e) Mysore Government Press Strike, Bangalore


    5. Industrial Organisation.A) Employers' Organisations

    (1) Annual Meeting of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce, Delhi

    (2) 2nd Annual Meeting of the Indian Committee of theInternational Chamber of Commerce

    B) Workers' Organisations(1) 7th Session of the Travancore Labour Association,,

    Alleppey(2) Scheme for All-India Textile Federation(3) A.T.R.F. General Council Meeting




    6. Intellectual Workers.1) Disabilities of Indian Journalists2) The 2nd All India Salaried Employees Convention, Madras3) Clerks in Commercial Offices


    7. Economic Conditions.1) Congress and Indians Public Debts.2) Scheme for Re-export of Foreign Cloth3) Mill Merger Scheme : Reasons of Failure4) Protection for Indian Match Industry5) Protection to Paper Industry6) Government of India Budget for 1931 -32


    8. Unemployment.(1) Unemployment in Bombay; Need for Labour Exchanges 72-74


  • (2) ‘Compulsory Leave’ Scheme 74-759. Social Conditions.

    1) Child Marriage Restraint Act,1931, Idar State2) (2) Restraint of Child Marriage in Mysore State


    10. Co-operation.1) Progress of Co-operation in the Bombay Presidency, 1929—302) Progress of Co-operation in the Madras Presidency, 1929-303) 2nd All-India-Co-operative Institutes’ Conference,

    1931, Hyderabad


    84-8611. Women and Children.

    (1) Boys' Welfare Association, Calcutta 87-8812. Maritime Affairs.

    (1) Conference of Eastern Countries on Pilgrim Traffic in the East 8913. Migration.

    1) Government of India's Despatch re: Closure Union of East Africa2) Indian Emigrants to France: Rules for Admission3) 4th All-Malaya Indian Conference,19314) Indians in British Self- Governing Colonies


    May 1931 – C 1903/30 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-102. National Labour Legislation.

    a) The C.P. Maternity Benefit Act, 1934b) The Railway Servants’ Hours of Employment Rules, 1931


    3. Conditions of Labour.a) Quarterly Strike Statistics, (period ending 31-3-1931)b) Rules of the Railway Staff Benefit Fundc) Conditions of Mining Labour in C.P. & Berar, 1930d) ) Fire in Nundydroog Mine, Kolar Gold Fields, Mysoree) Wages of Indian Labourers in Ceylon: Protest against attempt at

    reductionf) Workmen's Compensation Claims Bureau, Calcutta, 1930g) Forced Labour in Balasinor Stateh) Sporadic Strikes in Textile Mills, Bombayi) Ahmedabad Industrial Housing Scheme: Millowners' Co-operationj) Working of the Trade Disputes Act, 1929, in the Bombay

    Presidency, 1930k) Conditions of Work in the Indian Posts and Telegraph

    Department, 1929-30l) Plight of Indians in Burma: Hostility of Burmansm) Labour News in Brief:

    (1) Labour Settlement near Cochin Harbour(2) Dispute over Holidays in Mills, Ahmedabad(3) Permanent Board Of Conciliation Ahmedabad(4) Night Shifts in Bombay Mills(5) Agrarian Strike, Dharapuram, (S. lndia.)(6) Carters' Strike, Tuticorin(7) Report on the Working Class House Rents in Bombay City





    4. Industrial Organisation.(A) Employers’ Organisations:


  • - 8th Annual Meeting of Indian Mine Managers' Association, JhariaB) Workers’ Organisations:

    (a) Meeting of the General Council of A.I.R.F., Bombay(b) Trade Union Unity Conference, Bombay(c) 4th Annual Conference of B.I.P. Railway Staff Union,

    Bombay(d) Trade Union Movement in the Bombay Presidency, 1929-

    30(e) All-India Trade union congress. Preparations for

    11th session(f) The Madras Central Labour Board Extension of Activities(g) Joint Conference of Employers & Employees, Ahmedabad






    5. Intellectual Workers.- Conditions of Service of Teachers in Aided Schools (Madras) :

    Demand for Enquiry 65-666. Economic Conditions.

    a) Protection for Indian Nail Industry: Tariff Board Enquiryb) New Sterling Loan for Indiac) Findings of the Economic Inquiry Committee, Madrasd) Agricultural Depression Enquiry Committee, Mysoree) Central Banking Enquiry Committeef) Prospects of Tata Iron & Steel Co.: Statement of Directorsg) Cotton Mill Industry Scheme for Bengal: Anglo-

    Bengalee Partnershiph) Industrial Development in Afghanistan



    7. Public Health.- Vital statistics for India for 1928 76-80

    8. Women & Children.- Protection for Child Beggars, Calcutta 81-82

    9. Education.a) Agricultural Classes in Schools: Progress of Bengal Experimentb) Education in Mysore, 1929-30


    10. Maritime Affairs.a) Employment of Children in Bengal Portsb) Right to terminate Agreement: Agents urge Revision of Ruling


    11. Migration.a) Repatriation from Malaya Estatesb) Two Reports on Repatriation Problems


    June 1931 – C 1903/31 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I. L. O. 1-122. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Congress and Labour Reformsb) Labour in Indian Statesc) Minimum wages of Indian Labour in Ceylond) Plight of Indian Labour in Burmae) Wages and Hours of Work in Printing Presses in Bombay City,

    1929f) M. & S.M. Railway Strike, Peramburg) Mysore Railway Workshop Strike, Mysore




  • (h) Enquiry into the Standard of Living of Jute Mill Workers in Bengal 22-273. Industrial Organisation.

    Workers’ Organisations:a) A.I.R.F.'s 3rd Half- yearly Conference with the Railway Boardb) The First Mysore Labour Conference, Bangalorec) All-India Trade Union Congress: Executive Council Meeting ,



    32-344. Intellectual Workers.

    - Salaried Employees' Conference, Bombay 35-375. Economic Conditions.

    a) Scheme for an Economic Advisory Organisation in India: SirArthur Salter’s Report

    b) Foreign Cloth Re-export Schemec) Retrenchment in Civil Services Salary Cuts contemplatedd) Sterling Loan of May 1931e) Hoover’s Moratorium: Extension to India


    6. Social Conditions.a) The Bengal Opium Smoking Bill, l931b) Indore Nukta (Funeral Feast) Act, 1931c) Rural Reconstruction in India


    7. Maritime Affairs.a) Indian Seamen and the Round Table Conferenceb) Lascar Seamen: Right to Claim Discharge


    8. Migration.- Indian Migration to Malaya and Ceylon in 1930 64-70

    July 1931 – C 1903/32 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-52. Whitley Commission Report. 6-93. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Indian Labour in Ceylon, 1930b) Forced Labour in Indian Statesc) Forced Labour in Bihar and Orissad) Hours of Work in Jute Millse) Factory Administration in Burma during 1930f) Working of the Workmen’s Compensation Act,1923, in 1929g) Working of the Workmen’s Compensation Act in Burma, 1930h) Factory Administration in Hyderabad State, Fasli 1339 (A.D. 1930)i) Binny Mills Dispute, Bangalorej) Labour Trouble in Sholapur Textile Millsk) Labour Conditions in Mysore State, 1929-30l) Conditions of Labour of Labour of Printing Press Employees

    in Indiam) Retrenchment on Indian Railways: Decision to Appoint Court

    of Enquiryn) Provision to Suppress Traffic in Slaves: Bill to Amend Hyderabad

    Penal Code4. Industrial Organisation.

    Workers’ Organisations:(a) 11th Session of the A.I.T.D.C. Calcutta 49-54


  • b) ) Meeting of Left-Wingers of A.I.T.U.C. at Matiabruzc) Freedom of Association in Indian States


    5. Intellectual Workers.- 5th Hyderabad State Teachers' Conference 56-57

    6. Economic Conditions.a) State Aid to Industries Bill, Bengalb) Sir Victor Sasson Shifts Activities to Chinac) Retrenchment in Central Governments: Sub-Committee’s Workd) Bombay Retrenchment Committee’s Report


    7. Unemployment.- Unemployment in Bengs: Two Settlement Schemes 63-64

    8. Social Conditions.a) Proposed Bengal Brothels Billb) Bill to Amend Immoral Traffic Act,1930, Madrasc) Working of the Criminal Tribes Act in the Bombay

    Presidency, 1930-31


    68-709. Public Health.

    - Health Conditions in Asansol Coal Mines,1929-30 71-7410. Education.

    - Scheme for Industrial Education in Ceylon 75-7711. Agriculture.

    - Agricultural Press in India in 1930 78-7912. Maritime Affairs.

    a) Unemployment … Indian Seaman: Joint Conference at Calcuttab) Conditions of work of Indian Steam-ship Crews: Demand for

    Enquiryc) Conditions of Work of Bombay Seamen.d) Fire Extinguishing Appliances (Pilgrim) Ship Rules, 1931.



    13. Migration.- Labour Conditions in Federated Malay State during 1930 92-93

    August 1931 – C 1903/33 (=> Full Report as well as Original Index missing!)

    1. Reference to the I.L.O. 1-2 2. National Labour Legislation.

    - The Rangoon Labour Housing Bill, 1931. - Amendment of Bengal Factories Rule, 1928 (re latrines)

    3-4 5

    3. Conditions of Labour. - Factory Administration in India, 1929. (Factory Administration in Bombay 1930, Madras, C.P. and Berar, Bengal, Punjab) - Working of the Workmen´s Compensation Act in C.P. and Berar, 1930. - Standing Board of Conciliation for Mysore. - Quaterly Strike Statistics: Period ending 30 June 1931. - Retrenchment on Railways. Threat of the All Indian Railwaymen´s Federation to boycott the Court of Enquiry. - All Indian Postal and R.M.S. Union´s Memorandum regarding retrenchment.

    5-7 7 8 8


    9 4. Industrial Organisation.

    -Thirty-eight annual meeting of the United Planters´ Association of Southern India 10


  • - U.P. Trade Union Conference,1931. 11 5. Intellectual Workers.

    - Retrenchment in superior cadres of Railway. 12 6. Economic Conditions.

    - Reduction of jute acreage in Bengal. - State Aid to Industries Bill (Bengal). - Proposed State Aid to Industries Bill (Punjab)

    12-13 13 14

    7. Social Conditions. - Criminal Tribes in the Punjab, 1930. 14

    8. Public Health. - Reorganisation of Medical Service in State Railways. - Prevention of Malaria: League Commission's Recommendation.

    15 15

    9. Education. - Compulsory adult and industrial Education in Delhi Province, 1929-30. 16

    10. Maritime Affairs. - Southern India Port Trust and Dock Workers´ Conference, Madras. - Bombay Seamen demand enquiry into grievances. - Bengal inland steamer Employees´ Grievances: Mariners´ Union demands. - Demands of the Indian Quartermasters´ Union Calcutta.

    16 17

    17 17

    11. Migration. - Indians in South Africa, 1930. 18

    September 1931 – C 1903/34 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I. L. 0. 1-72. National Labour Legislation.

    - The Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1931 83. Government and the Whitley Report: Probable Lines of Action 9-104. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Bill to Regulate Conditions of Labour in Beedi Factories, Madrasb) Indianisation in Tata Steel Works, Jamshedpurc) Hours of Work of Railway Servantsd) Recruitment for Assam Tea Gardens: Conference to Implement

    Whitley Recommendationse) Hours of Work in Textile Mills in Indian States: Congress's Efforts

    to Establish 10-hour Dayf) Minimum Wages in Ceylon: Questions re. Reduction in Assemblyg) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Bihar and Orissa,





  • 1930h) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Bengal, 1930i) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the Madras

    Presidency, 1930j) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the Punjab, 1930k) Factory Administration in the United Provinces,1930l) Retrenchment in Railways: Proceedings of Court of Enquirym) Labour News in Brief



    5. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisations:

    a) 11th Session of the A.I.T.U. Congress: Resolutions Passedb) A.I.T.U. Congress and Foreign Affiliationsc) 1st All Bengal Trade Union Congress, Kankinarad) Pondicherry Labour Conference, 1931


    6. Intellectual Workers.a) Activities of the Indian Journalists' Association, Calcutta, 1930-31b) Rules for Staff Retrenchment in Government Offices


    7. Economic Conditions.a) The Indian Central Banking Enquiry Committee Reportb) Trade of India in 1930-31c) Congress and the Indian Coal Industry: Plea for Preferential

    Treatmentd) Progress of Banking in India, 1929



    8. Social Conditions.a) Abolition of Devadasi System in Savantwadi Stateb) Special Backward Class Officer for Bombay


    9. Public Health.a) Industrial Housing Scheme, Bombay, 1930-31b) Slum Clearing in Madras: Corporation's Housing Scheme


    10. Co-operation.a) Progress of Co-operation in C.P. and Berar, 1929-30b) (b) The Banking Enquiry Committee's Recommendations re. Co-



    7211. Women and Children.

    - Working of the David Sassoon Reformatory Institute, Bombay, 1930-31 73

    12. Education.a) Industrial Education in the Punjab, 1930-31b) Industrial Education in C.P. and Berar, 1930


    13. Maritime Affairs.a) R.I.M. Dock Workers Union, Bombayb) Conditions of Work of Indian Quartermasters


    14. Migration.- Indians Abroad: References in Viceroy's Address to the Legislature 82-83

    September 1931 – C 1903/35 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.0. 1-72. National Labour Legislation.

    - The Indian Mines (Amendment ) Act, 1931 8


  • 3. Government and the Whitley Report.- Probable Lines of Action 9-10

    4. Conditions of Labour.a) Bill to Regulate Conditions of Labour in Beedi Factories, Madrasb) Indianisation in Tata Steel Works, Jamshedpurc) Hours of Work of Railway Servantsd) Recruitment for Assam Tea Gardens: Conference to Implement

    Whitley Recommendationse) Hours of Work in Textile Mills in Indian States: Congress's Efforts

    to Establish 10-hour Dayf) Minimum Wages in Ceylon: Questions re. Reduction in Assemblyg) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Bihar and

    Orissa, 1930h) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in Bengal, 1930i) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the Madras

    Presidency, 1930j) Working of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the Punjab, 1930k) Factory Administration in the United Provinces, 1930l) Retrenchment in Railways: Proceedings of Court of Enquirym) Labour News in Brief






    5. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisations:

    a) 11th Session of the A.I.T.U. Congress: Resolutions Passedb) A.I.T.U. Congress and Foreign Affiliationsc) 1st All Bengal Trade Union Congress, Kankinara, 1931d) Pondicherry Labour Conference, 1931


    6. Intellectual Workers.a) Activities of the Indian Journalists' Association, Calcutta, 1930-31b) Rules for Staff Retrenchment in Government Offices


    7. Economic Conditions.a) The Indian Central Banking Enquiry Committee Reportb) Trade of India in 1930-31c) Congress and the Indian Coal Industry: Plea for Preferential

    Treatmentd) Progress of Banking in India, 1929



    8. Social Conditions.a) Abolition of Devadasi System in Savantwadi Stateb) Special Backward Class Officer for Bombay


    9. Public Health.a) Industrial Housing Scheme, Bo mbay, 1930-31b) Slum Clearing in Madras: Corporation's Housing Scheme


    10. Co-operation.a) Progress of Co-operation in C.P. and Berar, 1929-30b) The Banking Enquiry Committee's Recommendations re. Co-



    7211. Women and Children.

    - Working of the David Sassoon Reformatory Institute, Bombay,1930-31 73

    12. Education.a) Industrial Education in the Punjab, 1930-31b) Industrial Education in C.P. and Berar, 1930



  • 13. Maritime Affairs.a) R.I.M. Dock Workers Union, Bombayb) Conditions of Work of Indian Quartermasters


    14. Migration.- Indians Abroad: References in Viceroy's Address to the Legislature 82-83

    October 1931 – C 1903/35 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-72. India and Geneva Conventional.

    a) India and the Recommendation re. Prevention of Industrial Accidents

    b) Resolution re. Draft Convention on Forced Labourc) Resolution re. Draft Convention on Hours of Work in Commercial

    Offices, etc.d) The Council of State and Geneva Conventions



    3. National Labour Legislation.a) The C.P. Workmen's Welfare Bill, 1931b) The Bengal Mining Settlement Amendment Act,1931


    4. Conditions of Labour.a) Wages in Burmese Rice Milling Industryb) Conciliation Committees in Bombay Millsc) Economy Measures in Tata Iron and Steel Co.: General Manager's

    Statementd) Postponement of Application of Hours Convention to Railwayse) Retrenchment on Railways: Proceedings of Court of Enquiryf) Proposal to retrench 10,000 railwaymen: Federation meets Railway

    Boardg) Labour News in Brief




    5. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisation :

    - 28th Session of A.I. Railway Conference, 1931 Workers' Organisation:

    a) 11th Session of A.I. Postal and R.M.S. Conference, Delhi, 1931b) Trade Union Movement in Burma, 1930-31c) Secessions from A.I. Postal Uniond) Efforts at Trade Union Unity: Meeting of Madras Sub-Committeee) All India Trade Union Congress Council



    6. Intellectual Workers.a) Medical Council for Indiab) Salary Cuts: Protests of Employees' Organisations


    7. Economic Conditions.a) The C.P. Money Lenders' Bill, 1931b) Emergency Budget of Government of India: Cuts in Salariesc) Agrarian Unrest in U.P.


    8. Social Conditions.- 1931 Census of India - Revised Figures 58-60

    9. Public Health.(a) Ahmedabad Industrial Housing Scheme: Resolution before

    Municipality 61-62


  • b) Health Conditions in Jharia Coal Mines, 1930-31c) Bogipalayam Housing Scheme, Madrasd) Housing of Mill Operatives, Ahmedabad


    10. Co-operation.a) Progress of Co-operation in India, 1929-30b) B.& 0. Committee on Co-operation


    11. Women and Children.a) 6th Madras Women's Conference, 1931b) Creches in Factories in Bombay Presidency


    12. Education.a) Industrial Education in Madras Presidency, 1930-31b) Two Bills to amend Bombay Primary Education Actsc) Adult Education Scheme, Bombayd) Vocational Education in Municipal Schools, Poonae) Amendment of Elementary Education Act, Madras


    13. Maritime Affairs.a) Administration of Bombay Port Trust, 1930-31b) Indian Seamen's Grievances: Representation to Government

    of Indiac) Indian Seamen's Union, Calcutta, 1930-31d) The Bombay Port Trust Employees' Union, 1930-31

    November 1931 – C 1903/36 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-42. National Labour Legislation.

    - Extension of Scope of Workmen’s Compensation Act 53. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Working of the Labour Department, Madras, 1930-31b) Proposed Safety First League, Bombayc) Action on the Whitley Report: Government of India's letter to

    Local-Governmentsd) Abolition of Forced Labour in Bilaspur, C.Pe) Factory Administration in Bihar & Orissa,1930f) Working of the Bombay Maternity Benefit Act, 1930-31g) Employment of Women Underground in Mines: Move for Total




    16-174. Industrial Organisation.

    Workers' Organisations:a) A.I. National Federation of Textile Labour, Ahmedabadb) Textile Labour Association, Ahmedabad, 1930c) Progress of the A.I. Postal & R.M.S. Union, l930-31d) Resolutions passed at 11th Session of A.I. Postal Conference, 1931e) Progress of Trade Union Movement in C.P., 1930-31f) 4th Half Yearly Meeting between A.I. R. Federation and Railway



    285. Salaried Employees.

    a) Rates of Cut in Salaries: Postal & Railway Departmentsb) Salary Cuts: A.I. Government Employees Federation’s Protestc) Indian Pay (Temporary Abatement) Bill, 1931



  • 6. Economic Conditions.a) Experimental Debt Conciliation Boards in C .P.b) The Bombay Regulation of Accounts Billc) Tea Depression in Assamd) Protection of Bengal Industries: Proposed Trade Conventione) Enhanced Income & Super Tax Rates: Protest by Millowners'

    Association, Bombayf) Agrarian Unrest in U.P.: Peace Efforts Fail



    7. Social Conditions.- Bill to Amend Madras Immoral Traffic 1930, Passed 42

    8. Public Health.a) Ahmedabad Industrial Housing Scheme: Action by Municipalityb) First Aid for Workers: Bombay Millowners' Scheme


    9. Co-operation.a) Co-operation in Bihar & Orissa, 1930b) Anglo-Indian Colonisation: The McCluski Scheme


    10. Women & Children.a) Bill to Amend Madras Children Actb) Plea for Social Reform: Resolutions by Women’s Conferences


    11. Agriculture.a) Progress of Agricultural Research in India, 1929-31b) Progress of-Agricultural Education in Burma, 1930-31c) Progress of Agricultural Education in Madras Presidency, 1930-31


    12. Migration.a) Forth coming Cape Town Conference: Prospects of Revision

    of Cape Town Agreementb) Repatriation from South Africa: Discontinuance Urgedc) Indians in Malaya,1930d) Closer Union of East Africa: Joint Parliamentary

    Committee's Report



    December 1931 – C 1903/37 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I. L. 0. 1-72. National Labour Legislation.

    - Rules framed under the Indian Merchant Shipping Act 8-93. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Immigrant Labour in Assam,1930-31b) Recruitment of Labour for Assam: Labour Board's Report,1930-31c) Quarterly Strike Statistics for Period ending 30-9-1931d) Labour Conditions in Kolar Gold Fields: Enquiry Reporte) Action on the Whitley Report: Proposed Legislative Measuresf) Forced Labour in Koti Stateg) Retrenchment on Railways: Result of Federation's Discussion with

    Railway Boardh) Retrenchment on Railways: Proceedings of Court of Enquiryi) Mofussil Labour and Wages (Bombay Presidency), 1930-31j) Mill Workers' Welfare in Calcutta: Survey by Dr. Balfour



    4. Industrial Organisation.Employers' Organisation :


  • - Annual Meeting of Associated Chambers of Commerce of Indiaand Ceylon, 1931

    Workers' Organisations:a) A.I.T.U.C. Executive Council Meeting, Bombayb) The Punjab Provincial Trade Union Congress, 1930-31c) Press Employees' Association, Calcutta, 1930-31



    5. Intellectual Workers.a) 7th A.I. Educational Conference, Bangalore, 1931b) Recognition of All- India Postal and R.M.S. Union Withdrawn


    6. Economic Conditions.a) Cotton Mills in India - Statistics for 1931b) Railway Budgets Board faces Serious Deficitc) Banking Committee Report: Mysore to consider Adaptationd) 15th Session of Indian Economic Conference, Bombaye) U.P. Cottage Industries: Committee of Investigationf) Agrarian Unrest in U.P.: Issue of Ordinance


    7. Employment and Unemployment.- Statistics of Unemployment in Delhi Province: Plan for Register 45

    8. Public Health.a) Health Conditions in Asansol Coal Mines, 1930-31b) Safety First Association of India, Bombayc) Slum Clearing in Madras


    9. Co-operation.- Anglo-Indian Colonisation Schemes: Report of Bishop's

    Conference 50-5310. Women and Children.

    a) 6th All India Women's Conference, Madras, 1931b) National Council of Women in India: Forthcoming Labour



    5811. Agriculture.

    - New Branch for the Study of Agricultural Matereology 59-6012. Maritime Affairs.

    a) Opening of Indian Sailors' Home, Bombayb) Recruitment of Seamen in Bombay: Employers Insist on Right of




    January 1932 – C 1903/28 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-62. National Labour Legislation.

    a) Employers and Workmen (Disputes) Repealing Bill, 1932b) Bombay Maternity Benefit Act, 1929: Proposed Amendmentc) Better Fencing of Machinery: Amendment of C.P. and Berar

    Factory Rules


    10-123. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Rubber Estate Labour in Ceylon, 1930b) G.I.P. Railway Workshop Dispute, Matungac) Recruitment of Labour for Assam Tea Gardens from the Madras

    Presidencyd) Labour Conditions in Indian Mines, 1930




  • e) Labour and the Reformed Constitution: Main Demandsf) Factory Administration in India, 1930g) Wage Cut s in the M.& S.M. Railway


    4. Industrial Organisation.Workers' Organisations:

    a) Progress of Trade Unionism in India, 1927-30b) Indian Colliory Employees' Association, Jharia, 1931c) Bombay Trade Union Conference, Bombay, 1932


    5. Employment and Unemployment.- An Employment Bureau Experiment, Delhi 48-49

    6. Public Health.- Bangalore Municipal housing Scheme 50-51

    7. Co-operation.a) Progress of Co-operation in Bengal, 1929-30b) Co-operation in India: Proposals for Reform


    8. Women and Children.- Women's Labour Conferences Postponement to September 1932 57

    9. Education.- Vernacular Education Act, 1931, Baroda 58

    10. Maritime Affairs.a) Asiatic Seamen and U.S.A. Portal Protest Against U.S. Bill to

    Prevent Entryb) Madras Port Trust Workers' Unions Protest against Retrenchment


    11. Migration.- Cape Town Conference, 1932 61

    February 1932 – C 1903/39 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-42. India & I. L. Conventions.

    a) India and Convention re. Hours of Work in Coal Mines;Possibilities of Reduction to be Examined by Governor General in Council

    b) Council of State and the Convention re. Hours of Work in CoalMines


    93. National Labour Legislation.

    - The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment)Bill, 1932 10-274. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Quarterly Strike Statistics, (period ending 31-12-31)b) Industrial Disputes in British India in 1931c) Working of the Workmen’s Compensation Act in India, 1930d) Retrenchment in Railways A.I.R.F.S’ Meeting with the Railway

    Boarde) Report of the Court of Enquiry into Railway Retrenchments Main

    findings Summarised



    36-425. Industrial Organisation.

    Employers' Organisations :- Bombay Mill owners' Association: Review of Activities in 1931

    Workers' Organisations:(a) Trade Union Movement in the Bombay Presidency, 1930-31




  • (b) Trade Union Unity Conference Postponed to 5-3-1932 486. Intellectual Workers.

    - Recognition of A.I. Postal Union: Deputation to Director General 49-507. Economic Conditions.

    a) Agricultural Indebtedness in Hyderabad Stateb) Agricultural Debt in U.P.s Enquiry Committee's Report


    8. Unemployment.- Karachi's Efforts to lessen Unemployment: Proposed Industrial

    Institute 549. Social Conditions.

    a) The Immoral Traffic (Amendment) Act,1930, Madras: RestrictedApplication to Madras City

    b) U.P. Suppression of Immoral Traffic Bill, 1932: Referred to Select Committee

    c) Re- marriage of Hindu Widows: New Gwalior Legislation



    10. Co-operation- Progress of Co-operation in the Punjab,1930-31 58-59

    11. Education.a) Dhanbad School of Mines: Progress in 1930-31b) Primary Education in Baroda: Advisory Committee appointed


    12. Agriculture.- Rural Uplift in Baroda: Kosamba Scheme 63

    13. Maritime Affairs.a) Recruitment of Seamen in Bombayb) Port Trust Workers' Union, Madras: Agitation against

    Retrenchment and Pay Cutsc) Indian Coastal Traffic (Reservation) Bill, 1932



    14. Migration.a) Cape Town Conferenceb) East African Indian National Congress, 1932c) Repatriation of Indians from Malaya


    March 1932 – C 1903/40 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-62. Ratifications.

    a) Draft Convention and Recommendations concerning the Protectionagainst Accidents of Workers employed in Loading or Unloading Ships: Ratification Postponed. Council of State

    b) Draft Convention and Recommendations re. Protection againstAccidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships: Ratification Postponed. Legislative Assembly


    83. National Labour Legislation.

    a) The Tea Districts Emigrant Labour Bill – 1932b) Implementing of Whitley Recommendations: Promise

    of Accelerated Legislation


    14-154. Conditions of Labour.

    a) Conditions of Work in the Indian Posts and Telegraph Department, l930-31

    b) Indian Railways (Amendment) Act, 1930 (Hours of Employment):16-20


  • Extension to G.I.P. and E.B. Railways on 1.4.1932c) A.I.R. Federation and Murphy Report: Threat of Genral Striked) Workmen's Compensation: Bombay Government Inquiry re.

    Extension to Agricultural and Forest Workerse) Welfare Work in Bombay Cotton Mills: New Lady Officerf) Labour Welfare Work in Government Rifle Factory, Ishaporeg) Welfare Work in Buckingham and. Carnatic Mills, Madras: Report

    for 1831-32



    27-295. Industrial Organisation.

    Employers’ Organisations:a) 5th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Indian Chambers of

    Commerce and Industry, Delhi,1932b) Employers’ Right of Association: Federation Members’

    Protest Against Prohibition Order.c) Indian National Committee of the International Chamber

    of Commerce: 3rd Annual Meeting, Delhi, 1932Workers’ Organisations:

    a) Communalism in Railway Unions: Move to organise A.I. Railway Muslims’ Association

    b) Recognition of G.I.P. Railway Workers’ Union, Bombay





    6. Intellectual Workers.a) Restoration of Recognition to A.I. Postal Union: Government’s

    Conditionsb) 2nd

    All India Muslim Postal & R.M.S. Conference, Delhi

    c) Salaried Employees in Ceylon: Retrenchment CommissionAppointed


    477. Economic Conditions

    a) Development of Assam Tea Industry, 1930-31b) Glut of Jute Production in Bengalc) Economic Conditions in Bombay Industries, 1930-31d) Rural Indebtedness in the Punjab: Investigation Committee

    Appointede) Protection to Cotton Industry: Tariff Board Inquiryf) Water Hyacinth’s Possibilities: A New Indian Industryg) Budget of the Government of India for 1932-33



    8. Employment and Unemployment.(a) Unemployment Statistics in India 62

    9. Social Conditions.- Social Workers' Conference, Madras, l932 63-64

    10. Social Insurance.- State Unemployment Insurance: Mr. N.M. Joshi’s suggestion to

    Consultative Committee 6511. Co-operation.

    a) Madras Co-operative Societies Bill (No.lf of 1931): Passed intoLaw

    b) 1st All India Rural Representatives’ Conference, Delhi,193266-6768-71

    12. Women and Children.- National Council of Women: 3rd Biennial Meeting, Bombay, 1932 72-73

    13. Education.- Educational Reforms Punjab Students Demands 74-76

    14. Maritime Affairs.


  • a) Dock Workers' Strike Bombayb) Dock Yard Workers’ Strike, Madrasc) Bengal Mariners’ Union: Protest Against Wage Cutd) National Seamen’s Union of India: Amalgamation of two

    Bombay Unions


    8015. Migration.

    a) Cape Town Conference Parleys: Report Delayedb) Facilities for Indian Emigration to Brazil


    April 1932 – C 1903/41 – (CD Nr. 1)1. References to the I.L.O. 1-52. Ratifications.

    a) Abolition of Forced Labour in C.P.: Bill to Amend C.P. LandRevenue Act, 1917

    b) Questionnaire on Age of Admission of Children to Employment inNon-Industrial Occupations: Views of Industrial Interests in Bombay Presidency


    63. National Labour Legislation.

    a) The Tea Districts Emigrant Labour Bill, 1932: Reference to SelectCommittee

    b) The Employers and Workmen (Disputes) Repealing Act, 19327-1011

    4. Conditions of Labour.a) Conditions of Work on Indian Railways, 1930-31b) Labour Conditions in Kolar Gold Fields: Government Review on

    Enquiry Reportc) Interesting U.P. Compensation Case: Owner Responsible for

    Faulty Machinery



    21-225. Industrial Organisation.

    Workers' Organisation:a) 1st Textile Labour Union Conference, Hubli,1932b) Report of Trade Union Unity Committee, 1932c) A.I. Trade Union Congress: Council to Meet on 9-5-1932


    6. Intellectual Workers.a) Disabilities of Indian Medical Practitioners: Delhi Medical

    Association's Demandsb) Provident Fund Scheme for Journalists: Report of Indian

    Journalists' Association, Calcutta, 1931-32


    29-317. Economic Conditions.

    a) Large Industrial Establishments in India, 1929b) Area and Yield of Principal Crops in India, 1930-31c) Unfair Competition of Prison Labour: Punjab Chamber

    of Commerce's Protestd) Imperial Preference in the Ottawa Conference: Indian Employers'

    Hostile Attitudee) Sugar Industry Protection Bill, 1932: Passed by Assembly on 2-4-

    1932f) Jute Crisis in Bengal: Demand for Government Intervention





    8. Employment and Unemployment.(a) Unemployed Workers' League, Bo

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