  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


    pepaation of the defense fo puoses of the ovenents obligation to disclose unde R.C.M.701(a)(2)(A).")(emphasis added); Adens 56 M J at 733 (We espectlly disagee with ousiste cou's naow interpetation that the tem ateil to the pepaation of the defense' inRCM 701(a)(2)(A) and (B) is liited to exculpatory evidence unde theBrady line of casesand hold that ou siste cours decision in Trimper should no longe be followed in Ay cous-

    maial The is no language in RCM 701, o in its alysis, indicating any intent by thePesident to limit disclosue unde Aticle 46, UCM J, to constitutionally equied exculpatoymattes As noted above, R.C.M. 701 is specically intended to povide fo boade discoveythn is equied in Fedeal pactice (CM. 701 Analysis, at A21 32), and unquestionably is

    intended to implement an independent stattoy ight to discovey unde Aicle 46 UCM")United States v. Webb, 66 M J 89, 92 (C.AAF 2008) ( [U]pon equest o the defense, e tial

    counsel ust peit the defense to inspect y documents within the custody, o contol ofmilitary autoities that ae mateial to the pepaation of the defense R.C.M. 701(a)(2)(A).Thus an accuseds ight to discovey is not limit to evidence that would be known to beadmissible at tial. It includes mateials that would assist the defense in foulating a defensestategy")

    20. Thus, unde R.C.M. 701(a)(2)(A), the Govement must tu ove specically equesteditems that ae mateial to the pepaation of the Defense. The Defense does not need to show

    that the ites ae elevant and necessa" unde RCM 703 as the ovenent believes

    21 If the oveent does not think that the equested ites ae mateial to the pepaation ofthe defense " the Goveent cnot, unde any cicumstances, unilateally withold discoveySee United States v Gonzalez 62 M.J 303, 306 (CAAF 2006) (When a defendnt mes aspecic equest fo discoveable infoation, it is eo if the Goveent does not povide theuested infoation ") The appopiate couse of action if the Goveent maintains that theuested mateial does not eet the R.C.M. 701(a)(2)(A) standad is to follow the pocedues

    outlined in RC.M. 701(g)(2) fo n in camea deterination by the Militay Judge The Rulepovides, in perinent par:

    Upon a sufcient showing the militay udge ay at any time ode that the

    discovery o inspection be denied, estricted, o deferred, o me such otheode as is appopiate. Upon otion by a paty, the mility judge ay peit

    the py to make such showing, in whole o in p, in witing to be inspectedonly by the militay judge

    22 I othe wods, if the Goveent believes that a discovey equest is inappopiate, it ustle a motion with the ilitay judge equesting in caea eview It cnot continue to state

    that the Defse has not adequately demonstated ateality within e meing of RC M701(a)(2)(A) and theeby ese the discovey equest. Alteatively, if the mateial isclassied, the oveent ust poceed unde MR.E. 505, discussed below This compors

    9 For exam the Govent dos not biv hat th ard drivs of sodir iin PF Maning's nit "vt and necssry (the rong sdad Prhaps his also mns tht th Gvnt ds nt biv thtthis physil vidn is mtril t th prprn of h Dfns If s th Gvnt must mn th MiitryJudg undr RCM. 70g)2) fora pprprit dtrmintion r undr CM 505, if th mtri is ssid)t nt ontinu, s it hs fr mst tw yrs t rs t prvid th disvry to Dfns bus it dsnt f tht th Dfns shud gt it


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 AE 26 Defense reply to prosecution resposne to Motion to Compel discovery.pdf


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