Page 1: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES (written by graduating seniors from the EHS Class of 2015)


Be open to discovering new talents, interests, and even insecurities that you might have. Things are

going to be thrown at you left and right, both positive and negative things, and you have to be prepared

to accept the fact that you won't be able to deal with everything perfectly every time, but that is what

high school is for: learning. Both academically and internally.

Take care of education FIRST.

If you know you are busy, stay ahead on your work. Use the weekends to get ahead on your homework,

so you are not as stressed during the week.

Use time wisely when demand is low to get ahead in order to stay on top when demand is high. Get

involved and keep an open mind, but always work to your potential in case you decide in the end that

where you're going will require a strong resume.

Buckle down the teachers will give you homework it is inevitable. Learn to manage your time and


Pay attention to your GPA

Study, and take courses that challenge you.

Don't take a semester off in terms of grades.

Don't be a slacker.

Don't overload in terms of classes. Know your boundaries and interests and choose classes accordingly.

On the other end of the academic spectrum, to those who lack direction and focus sophomore year, I'd

tell them to pay attention to grades sophomore year because it'll pay off in just two years.

Studying takes practice

Understand that you're going to have a lot of homework, tests, and late nights. Don't stress out too

much about finals, just study and do your best, that's all you could.

Follow a schedule.

It'll be stressful, but you'll get through it.

Do a little bit every day. Take and use a study hall.

figure out a schedule- time management

Page 2: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Plan out your time wisely

Make sure to manage your time and don't overload yourself with too much work

Put in the time outside of school and the grades will follow.

Take school seriously even if it seems that the important things in life appear too far away to pay

attention to.

DO the work!!!!!!

Do the homework and learn time management

Make sure that you prepare yourself to work hard and don't procrastinate.

Dont get a job. and make sure to do things as soon as they are assigned

Do whatever you can to make sure you stay on top of things. Do not fall behind and always see what

you can do to get help from teachers or your parents. Study for tests, don't think that you can read over

your notes and get by with a good grade. Communicate. Manage your time well. Seriously, it will all

pay off. Make sure that you get what needs to be done first. It may sometimes feel like you have time

to do a lot of things, but don't underestimate yourself or your homework. Use collaborative time to

your advantage. Go in and talk with teachers, get things made up etc. This brings me to homework

assignments. Always do your homework the night it's given to you. If you have a test that's a week

away, don't wait until the night before to do it. You'll just end up more stressed. Always turn in your

assignments the day they are due. ALWAYS DO EXTRA CREDIT WHEN IT COMES UP. It's an easy way

to get an A. Check your grades frequently. Sometimes teachers enter a grade that isn't yours or enter

something incorrect. Finally, have some fun, and enjoy high school and all the memories that come

with it.

Do your best to not procrastinate

To be prepared this isn’t middle school let this last these years will fly by and soon you will be in college

and there are no A and B days you have to do your homework that day/ night.

My advice to future sophomores would be to learn how to manage your time more effectively, and

work hard to complete all your assignments every year in high school.

Make to-do lists and prioritize your homework, don't get too stressed and try to enjoy the first year of

high school, join clubs, and try to create relationships with your teachers

Study and learn how to study

Make it worthwhile and study hard it will pay off. Also visit colleges sooner than later your junior year or

even now maybe your sophomore year.

Don't get too stressed out, just plan your time well and you'll be okay.

You're not going to be able to join all of the clubs you want and managing time is going to be a struggle

Page 3: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Hit the ground running and get all of your eggs in the same basket, because if you don't you will crash

and burn. Hard.

Time management is by far the most important skill, that you need to master as soon as possible

sophomore year.

get stuff done

Finish all long term work a few days before it is due.

Always prioritize what's most important to YOU, as an individual.

To not overload with AP classes and to come up with a homework schedule.

Don't procrastinate, stay on top of your homework.

Be prepared. Stay organized. Keep up on your work. Stay positive and most importantly have fun. Don't

rush through the years. You might wanna skip and just jump to being a senior but you only get to go

through high school once. It might be hard at some points but it will get easier. :)

Make sure you have good time management skills so you can get all your homework done. Also, enjoy

your time at Edina High School.

Learn how to manage your time well in the beginning of the school year, don't fall behind because its

more work to keep trying to catch up with the rest of the class, respect your teachers and they will

respect you.

pay attention

Focus on your grades because that is what matters the most.

To figure out your problems and make plans to fix them so they stop holding you back.

High school is harder than middle school. You need to try harder than you think you are, because your

GPA depends on that, and not doing great your sophomore year could really lower your GPA making it

harder to get into the colleges you want.

Apply yourself, try to find motivation, ask for help if when you need it, get good grades.

Be ready for a change. I hated the first week of high school. It was huge, the kids were huge, the

homework was huge. But you'll grow to love it because you're going to be surrounded with peers and

teachers and staff/admin who care about you and who want you to succeed. And take everything

seriously!! Learn to develop good study habits early on into sophomore year because you'll be thanking

yourself for them later in the middle of junior year when its 1am and you're studying for your unit 5 bio

test. Take the time to get to know your teachers- its awesome when you have a close bond with them,

it allows you to feel more free and gives you more motivation to be active in and outside of class. And

finally, have fun! EHS has amazing school spirit and if we didn't, I really don't know what school would

have been like for me. I'm proud to almost call myself an Edina Alumn. Be involved with as many

Page 4: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

extracurriculars as you can handle, it's a great way to build a college resume and have a great time

meeting people and doing amazing things! Just enjoy your time there- it goes by faster than you

think :')

My advice to incoming sophomores would be to get involved as much as possible, even though it seems

like you won't have time. My best EHS memories have been from my extracurriculars, and it is harder

to procrastinate when you are forced to manage your time.

I would also tell them to take an AP class as a sophomore because it really helped set the tone for the

rest of high school and enriched my academic experience.

don't postpone anything

Put everything in your planner and manage your time well!

don't screw around get good grades it does matter what your GPA is.

Try not to lose all motivation senior year.

Don't slack off, and be prepared to work harder for your grades. Classes are harder at the high school

than at the middle schools. Also, be prepared to use your new freedoms at EHS. Just don't abuse them.

Collaborative Time, Senior Release, Zero Hour, and free periods are all wonderful things, but with these

freedoms comes new responsibilities to manage yourself appropriately.

Focus on time management and get in the habit of not procrastinating.

Just focus on grades and the fun will come later.

To have a schedule ready because you are going to feel stressed with the amounts of homework, which

is normal, but to prepare a schedule so they now how to divide their time without academics and

extracurricular activities.

Manage your time and enjoy high school.

If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits

now!!! This is so important. If you start good habits and keep them going through sophomore year, you

will feel SO much better about junior year, and senior year too. For example, don't let yourself go out

and have fun until you finish your homework. Set your priorities and keep them in line. Sometimes you

are going to have to sacrifice a fun weekend or an outing with your friends to get work done. That's

okay. It will help you in the long run.

Seriously, SERIOUSLY, learn how to use time more efficiently. In a few years you won't have anyone to

hold your hand in school, and you will need to fend for yourself. If you don't learn how to learn, you

simply won't.

Manage your time well.

Schedule you time in the afternoons. Seriously you need to have your homework scheduled and if you

go over that time, stop and take a break, you earned it.

Page 5: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Figure out what study habits work and don't work for you RIGHT AWAY.

First off I would suggest that you should get into a routine of your studying time and work time after

school. Also do your homework actually, it will help you in the future.

learn to study and manage time well

I would say to study harder than ever before

Do not put of any homework, projects, etc. Also do everything to the best of your ability, it will be

worth it in the future.

Don't fail I guess?

Not to stress out too much, prioritize and get your work done first.

STUDY!!!! Don't slack.

Page 6: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you


Enjoy the social aspect of high school just as much as the academic aspect. Stay on top of your work,

and don't push yourself with super hard classes your sophomore year because this is what sets the base

for your GPA and colleges still look at sophomore year. Don't let yourself be stuck in middle school.

Find a new friend group, let your real self show, and get over your expectations if things change.

Although there will be stress, there will be chances to have fun. Take those chances.

Meet people, don't become so absorbed in your studies that you forget about the people around you. I

know when I was a sophomore I had my eyes set on getting into a good college, and placed no value on

a social life. I was so wrong. Yes, of course, good grades, and getting into an awesome college comes

first, but don't forget about the value that having a social life can have. Get out, and enjoy time with

your friends. Go meet people! Taking up a sport or club is a great way to become known. Trust me,

when you are a senior, you will wish that you took advantage of all the great people around you. Keep

your eyes wide, and your arms even wider.

Have FUN

Get good grades, study hard, don't give into pressure, have people that you can talk about thing that

bother you and just talk to in general, have a good relationship with your parents, don't talk poop on

social media, live life well

Stay on top of your work right away and be really outgoing and make tons of new friends. If you don't

like your friend group, find a new one. Don't wait until your senior year to meet awesome people

It's gonna be a rough three years but just find some good friends and buckle down, everyone is pretty


Get involved in as many activities as possible, be open to meet new people, and don't just stick with

your friends from middle school.

Find a group of people (friends, siblings, teachers, parents...) who you trust to look out for you

throughout High School. Also, make sure to look out for your friends and be there for them when they

need you to be. Times get tough and it's important to have that reinforcement that you're never alone.

Also, be yourself and be confident about it. High School experiences are much more fun when you're

not worried about what other people think of you. If someone judges you, they aren't worth your time

and energy anyway. Seek out people who like you for you.

The high school is not as big as it seems. Don't be nervous, and try to get to know some new

people early in the year.

Live it up don't stress about school.

Take sophomore year seriously. Even if it feels like a low stress year, take it seriously. Use that period of

minimal stress to start planning for college, prepping for the ACT, doing things that you love, and

Page 7: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

learning good study habits. You won't have time to do a lot of that stuff (or it'll be a lot more stressful

trying to do all that stuff) come junior and senior year.

Just be nice to everyone, and try to make as many friends as you can no matter what they're interested

in, the more friends you can make the better. If someone does pick on you for something just

understand that they probably have something that's equally worth making fun of, but be the better

person and just walk away. But most importantly, make the most of these last three years.

go to everything you can

Talk to a lot of people outside of your friend group because by the time you're a senior you find yourself

wondering why you weren't friends with everybody before!

Have fun!! Do things other than school work! Extracurricular activities.

Don't have freedom of speech/actions because you will get in trouble/ridiculed by students and staff.

don't stand out or you might get dress coded. don't do anything out of the ordinary or they will call your

parents like you’re a baby.

Grades are really important, but going to events like the homecoming bonfire, and the pep rally and

just going out with your friends are far more important- make as many memories as you can because

these are your last years without responsibility. These are your last years as a kid, so make the most of

it!! Good luck!!!

Keep Your Head Up.

Branch out and meet as many people as you can right away. There are a lot more amazing people at

school than you think and you don't want to meet them too late in the game.

Take advantage of extracurricular opportunities, make friends with a wide-range of people, and get to

know your teachers.

Enjoy your time off--Hang out with friends on Fridays and Saturdays

Don't take yourself too seriously, make sure to enjoy the time you have!

Go to ALL the dances

Make new friends! Meet as many new people as possible.

Do Hornet Friends!

JOIN A SPORT (or a club!) Get involved with extra curricular

Don't be afraid to push yourself

Put your phone away

Get involved in activities and other various events.

Page 8: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Do lots of extracurriculars.

Join Sports, Clubs, and form relationships with your teachers

Grin and bear it. Sign up for extracurricular activities. You will learn more from those activities than you

will learn in class.

Do whatever you want to do that will make you happy and successful as long as you are being

respectful to others. Although you are in highschool it is still YOUR LIFE. Own up to it. If you have a

goal, do anything you can to achieve it. Edina can give you a lot of options if you search them out. Take

advantage of it.

enjoy every moment of high school!!!!! do all of the social events possible (like dances, pep fest, spirit

weeks, etc) and take your school work seriously too. try out for sports and do clubs. it's all so fun if you

involve yourself and you will make SO many friends.

Take advantage of every opportunity given to you, be nice to your peers because they'll have your back,

and try to be the best you can be.

don't fall into peer pressure

good luck, become friends with the lunch ladies and security guards

Get involved with as many activities as you can handle. Don't be too concerned with whether or not you

have friends in the same activity because you can make new ones.

have fun and work hard

Manage your time and enjoy high school.

Never be disrespectful to the administration. They're there for you. And never assume that some

hateful thing you say will go unheard; someone will hear it, and you'll never be able to take it back.

Get involved and stay positive!

Try to do as much as you can and maybe you will make strong friends. Didn't work for me but in theory

should work

Go to every sporting event, go to every dance, talk with new people, etc. You only go to high school

once, live it up.

Join clubs!


Page 9: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you


Challenge yourself until what you perceive to be as your limits. You may just be surprised that your

capacity for what you can handle are even higher than what you thought. Get as involved as possible,

and try anything and everything that you may have the slightest interest in. If you try it and it doesn't

work, do not be afraid to quit. Only through this method will you find what you truly enjoy. In addition,

this will give you a chance to begin building your college resume earlier, and will provide a chance to get

to meet new people and earn more of a sense of community. Also, attend sports games and other

activities to support your fellow classmates, you have no idea how much it means to have fans for any

given activity.

School is important but make sure to also take care of yourself.

Get ready for a whole different experiences, full of different rules and times.

Don't stress so much over little things because at the end of high school, one bad grade doesn't matter.

Don't be too hard on yourself over the little things because the big picture works out in the end.

Go to school to learn, not just to get it over with. The teachers are amazing and you will learn so many

valuable life skills. Also, find something you're passionate about and get involved in it!

Sometimes the people that no one imagines anything of are the people that can do the things no one


Pack a lunch.

Enjoy it while it last, because you'll never get these years back. It will be up to you if that's a good thing

or a bad thing.

I would tell them that time management and balance is key. It is good to challenge yourself

academically, but also leave room for you breathe and have time to do what you want to do. If you

spend all your time worrying about a grade or completing work for the acceptance of teachers or your

other classmates, high school will not be as enjoyable. Yet, if you allow yourself to have fun and be a kid

while still completing your work, that's the best position you can be in.

Be who you want to be.

Don't do drugs.

Don't bring drugs to school because they will check your backpacks and suspend you.

Be prepared for homework and set aside time to get it done, and do it well. Do not blow it off. If you are

planning to take an AP course, do know that it will take time and effort, just because your friends are

taking the course does not mean that you have to take it. Take the classes that you want and can take.

Page 10: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Be ready and willing to work with others and interact with people you aren't familiar with, high School

is a lot more work then middle school, be prepared to study and take time to do homework, it's so

important to not cheat, academic honesty is a key factor in any high school, your work reflects on how

you will perform in the classroom.

Enjoy it. It goes by faster than you think. I never listened to anyone when they said that to me but they

are 100 percent right.

Do the best that you can do, it’s all you can do.

Don't stress over little things.

Don't worry.

Speak your mind. No matter if you are the minority or not.

Try new things, you never know how great it could be.

Take school seriously even if it seems that the important things in life appear too far away to pay

attention to.

Work hard, study, eat healthy organic foods, sleep full hours at night, play sports, hydrate, and get to

know people and teachers.

Don't do anything you don't love. It isn't worth the stress to play sports you don't like, or to join clubs

you don't care about, or to take classes that don't interest you. Colleges want you to be you, and being

you is healthier as a whole.

Try new things, you never know how great it could be.

High School in movies is nothing at all like what High School is like in real life. Don't worry.

It's only three years. And it's a little like childbirth. Once it's over, you'll forget how hellish it was.

most things that cause stress will not impact you as much as you think they will. take a deep breath and

move on

Don't compare yourself to anyone. You will find your path in life. Do things that make you happy, but

work hard to get good grades but more importantly to understand and learn. Too much of my time has

been spent just focusing on grades and test scores. I don't feel like Edina has taught me how to be a

lifelong learner very well.

Challenge yourself and get involved

Be open to anything, you may come to really like something that you never thought you would even

consider doing.

Smile, you're having a bad day, not a bad life.

Page 11: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Smile because you can.

As I have a sophomore sibling so I have experience with this. My advice is do your best and have fun

while doing it. Don't pull all nighters studying. Most teachers will help you when you need it. Some

won't. You will have some great teachers and some not so great that won't fully teach their subject.

What you get out of your high school experience is what you put in it. You are the only one that can

decide what your high school experience will be like.

Don't worry too much about what your current grades are in the middle of a semester because it will

only stress you out and waste time. Instead, just put in the work and it will pay off.

Hang in there kid

Don't be afraid to reach out

Don't conform to what others do and/or wear. All of the "cool kids" do the exact same things and they

all look alike and it's stupid. There's no variety so you should try to add some variation to the


Have low expectations but high hopes

RELAX, take it seriously

Make the most of every minute at Edina, because through theater and choir Edina offers experiences

that are without equal. You may think that high school is stupid and that you just want to get to college,

but high school is a very important time to figure out who you are as a person and what you want to do

with your life.

Your time at EHS will be what you make it. Don't be afraid to ask questions, to reach out, and to get out

of your comfort zone.

Try your best to make new friends.

Stay in school, drink your milk, get 8 hours of sleep, and don't do drugs!


Find one or two extracurriculars that you love, and stick with them all throughout high school. It's okay

to make new friends, and it's okay to be friends with people who are in a grade above or below yours.

Grades are important, but so is your mental health. If you have an assignment that's due tomorrow, but

you genuinely need sleep, go to bed, and do the assignment in the morning. If you have been

consistently turning in assignments on time, and you miss one, sometimes teachers will let you turn

things in late. Have a good attitude about school, and you'll enjoy it. Look forward to seeing your

friends if nothing else.

Get involved but still find time for yourself

Be ready.

Page 12: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

You will receive what you put into your Edina High School education. Partake in extra-cirricular clubs

and activities. The teachers at EHS are nothing but the best, use them to your advantage and seek

remediation or acceleration when you need it.

Keep a positive attitude and be open to trying new things!

have friends who accept you as that person.

Stay strong.

Don't be afraid to try new things.

don't worry about being the cool kid, think of your future

One mistake does NOT define you. That one test you failed sophomore year isn't going to be

remembered by the time you are a senior. Learn to shake things off and move on but make sure you

find the people and things that bring you joy, because that's what you will remember.

Expand and learn about yourself though the opportunities provided at the high school. There really is

something for everyone, and it is up to you to find activities that interest yourself.

Don't mess around or think about doing a jump start get good grades throughout your high school year.

My advice would be to stay focused and on task at ALL times, because one mistake will come back and

bite you during your junior and senior year.

Be yourself and make sure to stay on top of your school work before doing anything else

Don't worry too much over little things, they aren't as important in the long run. Just manage your time

well and show your teachers that you care.

HAVE FUN!!! High school only happens once and it was honestly some of the best years of my life!!

Meet new people and do new things because you will become a better person in the long run!!!

The sky is the limit. Seriously. I know it sounds cheesy, but do not put any limits on yourself. High

school is short, and it is the time where small choices you make like joining Model UN or trying out for

the Volleyball team end up making a big impact on your life, and make you a better person. Be kind to

everyone you meet. It's pretty easy to do, you just gotta tell yourself that there is no other alternative to

being kind to people. No one deserves anything less. Trust me, you never know how far kindness can

actually get you.

Do not stress out about social events, they are not that big of a deal and are overrated. Do not be too

hard on yourself, try your best and give yourself a challenge, but do not make school absorb your life or

think that if you are having a tough time keeping up with your workload that you are a poor student, we

often underestimate just how much we are actually doing or accomplishing, even our own intelligence

when a work load is too great. Balance in one’s life will lead to the best results in every aspect of it.

Page 13: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Work hard now and get good grades so that it will pay off in the near future. The harder you work now

the better you will be at working hard.

try to get involved in school activities and don't stress too much

Don't complain about everything and team up with your teachers instead to find a way to make

yourself most successful in that class. Don't take high school for granted, because I remember the

assembly on the morning of the first day of high school like it was just this past fall, and I'm graduating

in ONE MONTH. It's going to fly by so quickly, so get yourself involved, develop friendships, take

classes you like, and make the most of your schooldays and life outside of school.

Do whatever you want to do that will make you happy and successful as long as you are being

respectful to others. Although you are in highschool it is still YOUR LIFE. Own up to it. If you have a

goal, do anything you can to achieve it. Edina can give you a lot of options if you search them out. Take

advantage of it.

High school probably won't be what you expect unless you go out of your way to make it that way. It

will take any preconceived notions you have and throw them away brutally. A large majority of the time

you will have no idea what you are getting into, so take that into account during preparation. Also, be

social with different groups, but still find a niche of core friends you can always rely on.

Be ready for a change. I hated the first week of high school. It was huge, the kids were huge, the

homework was huge. But you'll grow to love it because you're going to be surrounded with peers and

teachers and staff/admin who care about you and who want you to succeed. And take everything

seriously!! Learn to develop good study habits early on into sophomore year because you'll be thanking

yourself for them later in the middle of junior year when its 1am and you're studying for your unit 5 bio

test. Take the time to get to know your teachers- its awesome when you have a close bond with them,

it allows you to feel more free and gives you more motivation to be active in and outside of class. And

finally, have fun! EHS has amazing school spirit and if we didn't, I really don't know what school would

have been like for me. I'm proud to almost call myself an Edina Alumn. Be involved with as many

extracurriculars as you can handle, it's a great way to build a college resume and have a great time

meeting people and doing amazing things! Just enjoy your time there- it goes by faster than you

think :')

Think about what you want out of your life. Pick the classes that will best enable you to obtain that. If

you don't know what you want out of life, try as many electives and extra-curriculars as you can so that

you might discover it. Don't be afraid to drop out of band or music, or to stop participating in an activity

that does not interest you. If possible spread out your APs across as many years as you can, not just

junior year.

Go for it. Don't stop just because your friends are not doing what you want to. You can may be doing

yourself a favor for just going for things you want to do, trust me I wish I did many different activities

but was afraid of being alone doing them. You'll find people in those activities and they would help and

your friends would understand, trust me again mine did.

Page 14: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

My advice would be to get involved in the things around you! Everything from Student Council and 212

Leadership to Science Club and Hornet Connections, getting involved in extracurriculars lets you meet

so many people and determine the kinds of things you're interested in.

You're going to change in some way--embrace it. Look to the future and control the present to get to


Confidence in your own abilities, no matter how cliche it seems, will be your most dependable tool in

High School.

My only regret in life is succumbing to the way of thinking that someone more busy and stressed was a

better person. I've never felt less fulfilled and less happy with myself and my life than when I was "high

achieving." Ignore what everyone says and do what you love.

Be tenacious and confident. If you aren't, then fake it until you make it. Even the introverts, yeah I know

you think this doesn't apply to you. It applies to everyone and everyone can do it. The school is

wonderful but if you want something sometimes you really have to push. (Listen to Brittany and

Beyonce for inspiration, you know the songs I'm talking about.)

Don’t care about what people think, do what makes you happy. In three years you'll never see these

people again and all you will have are your memories.

You're not going to like all of it, but hang on to the parts that you do like.

High school is a hurdle you need to get through for life. Do your best and be the best person you can be,

it goes quick.

Manage your time well. Know that you will have to make sacrifices in terms of sleep and social outings,

especially during your junior year, so be prepared for that. If you want to succeed you really have to put

the effort in at the start and the best way to do that is to figure out a schedule that works for you.

Come into high school with an open mind, meet new people and get close with your teachers. Don't be

afraid to approach them for help. And most importantly, don't stress out too much about your grades.

Don't forget to have fun in high school.

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Take physical universe.

My advice to incoming sophomores would be to get to know your teachers as a person, and try to get

yourself out there to them. Often, I found that when I knew and respected a teacher and when they

knew and respected me, I would do so much better in that class. This was mainly because the teacher

knew my needs as a student, and because I knew what their teaching style was and how to adapt to it.

Take classes that interest you! Even if it isn't an AP or enriched course; it is important to find out what

you are passionate about so you can explore that in college.

Relax and take classes that you enjoy because it makes the class much easier and more fun.

The passion project might suck but it helps you in the long run.

Don't take AP classes just because everyone takes them. Only take AP classes that you know you are

good at, that will pass you out of classes in college, or in those that you are interested.

Pick Classes you like

One piece of advice I would give to incoming sophomores would be to really get to know your teachers.

Most of the teachers we have here at Edina are very fabulous. They most definitely have your best

interest at heart, really do want to see you succeed, and will take the steps needed in order to assist you

in achieving that success. Getting to know your teachers will make you more comfortable asking

questions and getting help if needed. Also you will have a more enjoyable time in class!

Take advantage of PSEO they have great classes and opportunity to take classes they don't offer at the

high school.

Challenge yourself your first year at the High School so you don't find yourself having everything piling

up your Senior Year. I wish I had taken more AP classes my Sophomore year instead of feeling the need

to take them my last year here.

take a lot of extra curriculars. it keeps your grades up and keeps you focused

do all work and study for all tests because grades matter a lot more now

Take AP lit sophomore (junior) year, because it teaches you how to write a lot better, and I wish I

would've taken it for that reason.

Don't worry about what your friends are doing for classes, focus on yourself and take classes you can do

well in. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

take DECA

Do NOT take an AP course unless you love the subject and wish to learn more in depth information on

the topics in the class. Don't let your parents or the school force you into taking them, because if you

Page 16: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

are not motivated to do well, you will end up with a bad grade and will not learn anything, and will be

more stressed than necessary.

Study early for finals, take AP courses (some of the best teachers teach APs), get to know your

counselor (they're great), apply to college early

Take chemistry

Don't take Zephyrus, or if you do, write the most insane funniest article possible.

Get to know your counselor and a few teachers really well!!! They will be your best support system as

you go through high school and they will always be there to help you no matter what topics!!!

You don't have to take all AP classes, if you don't really love the subject. I definitely tired to spread

myself thin, by taking AP courses in subjects that I wasn't that gifted in, and didn't enjoy that much, and

it ended up lowering all of my grades, including in classes that I could have done much better in.

Stay in band or join band! It has made me into the person I am today, teaching me ever life skill I will

need to continue to grow as a student. In addition you're never without friends and band is truely like

one big family.

Know how to manage your time and do you homework!!! Don't complain about having to study so

much before the test if you never do your homework, especially in math and science courses.

Try hard to not fall behind, see teachers regularly if you are confused about something.

If you can get through Pre-AP 10, you will be fine. Pray you don't get XXXX if you take Stats. Manage

your time well and always try hard on assignments because everything counts for something.

Take all of your fun electives senior year second semester it makes the semester way easier on yourself

take ceramics. you will regret it if you don't.

only take classes you are interested in. the others will not be interesting and you will have no

motivation to learn the material.

Teachers and interest in the subject material make all the difference. Even if you're smart and the work

is easy, an AP class in a subject you don't like with a teacher who you find less than charming is one of

the most boring/frustrating/motivation-sucking/worst things I have ever experienced.


-Take a foods class at least once

-If you're in a sport take blended guided fitness

-Don't be afraid to branch out

-Get to know your teachers well

Page 17: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you


Start working hard on your academics from the beginning, because a hard start will provide you a lot of

college choices.

GRADES are not everything--not everyone can go to an IVY. Don't take AP classes just for your

transcript, take them because you actually like the subject. Ask for help!

Do your school work on time.

Work hard, study harder.

Study hard - pay attention - be yourself

The next 3 years of school will be stressful, but rewarding in the end!

Work really hard, you will regret it later if you missed opportunities that came from that.

To take your learning seriously, and to exercise the freedom you get in a responsible and respectful


No matter who your teacher is in pre-ap 10, you're going to suffer the same as everyone else, do your

homework all the time or you'll cry and maybe have a mental break, start applying to colleges right

after junior year ends, don't be afraid to ask the schools questions about the application process.

Study hard, study early.

Do your reading. DO YOUR READING.

Don't take AP Biology. Don't do it.

If you enjoy your world language class, keep taking it past the required two credits.

Don't feel pressured to take every AP or Enriched course. It's okay to skip out on a few, especially in

topics that you aren't talented or interested in.

Put in the time outside of school and the grades will follow.

Work right right from the start or you'll regret it down the road

Work hard, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Everything will work out in the end.

Learn the lay out of the high school quickly.

Work hard because your choices affect your future more than you realize.

Manage your time well and work as hard as you can. Grades matter, but also have fun.

Page 18: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Don't use todays meet.

It matters now, don't mess around.

Each year matters so always try your best.

Start caring about grades your sophomore year. There’s nothing worse than a couple Cs from 10th

grade bringing your GPA down and you will for sure regret not trying harder.

Keep to yourself do your studies and do the necessary preparations so you don't end up a super senior

like me


Try everything you can and stick to the things that you have a passion for and where you find the most


Take your grades into your hands as soon as possible, you will miss out if you start trying in your junior


Do your homework as soon as you can!

Go in for help-find those resources you need.

Study Hard - Get to know your teacher.


Do your homework and take the ACT as soon as possible.

Stay on top of your work and don't fall behind

Be prepared this year so you are ready for junior year, get acclimated to the schedule and get used to

homework every night, I think you will enjoy the high school more than the middle school.

Hard work pays off

Learn study habits. Even if you hate them and don't think you need to study. It helps SO much more

than just winging it or cramming.

Try your best in High School

Don't take it lightly. Actually do your work because if you work hard the 1st two years senior year is a


Stay on top of your homework and other studies, but have fun and enjoy high school-it goes by really


Missing homework can ruin your grade.

Page 19: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Grind the first two years, take in the knowledge and do well in classes. But, senior year branch out and

take classes that interest you. My senior schedule consisted of four AP classes not because I wanted the

challenge; because I enjoyed those topics and wanted the knowledge.

Don't escape the school and do drugs during collab time.

Work hard with your teachers, they only want to see you succeeding.

My advice to incoming sophomores is to really work your butt of Sophomore and Junior year so that

you can have time to apply to college and have fun senior year.

Really study for your ACT/SAT.

You don't have to be a part of everything. You need your sanity.

Be ready for a busy schedule!

Keep your grades up, it's much harder to try and fix them later in the year than if you stay on top of

them right from the get go.

There's gonna be points where you're too tired to do everything. You won't have enough time, you

won't have enough energy, and it will all seem like too much. And sometimes it's ok.

Sometimes that one assignment won't get done. Sometimes you just have to sleep in because you

worked too hard. Its ok. As important as it is to do work and get good grades and hang out with friends,

remember, you have to cooperate with yourself. Do yourself a favor: if you need it, take a while to just

breathe. Sorry if it sounds stupid.

Don't take anything for granted and work your butt off because you won't regret working hard, you'll

only regret not working hard enough!!

I would advise sophomores to take it a bit easier on themselves Junior year than they believe that they

do. It's better to get good grades in all your classes than to take all APs and have your GPA tank.

Bring materials

Stay on top of your homework and study for tests.

Do not skip class, focus on grades, and realize how important your family is for a support system at


Form study groups for your classes.

Take your hardest classes sophomore and junior year, so you have more time to deal with college stuff

senior year.

Don't be lazy, don't fall behind and turn in things on time.

Page 20: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

I advise not to overload yourself sophomore year with AP courses, no matter how good you may think

they look to colleges. Push and challenge yourself. Work hard, play hard. Get involved in

extracurriculars and be committed to those activities. I participated in marching band, girl's varsity

basketball, community service and sober squad. Sometimes I felt that I was spreading myself thin, but I

ended up having great memories and experiences from my involvement.

If you take an AP class sophomore year and it seems like it's going to be a lot of work or you don't think

you can handle it, wait it out a bit because the first month is always the hardest. Once you get in the

swing of things it becomes so much easier and you will be so happy that you stuck with it at the end of

the year.

Form study groups for your classes.

Work for the few extra points to bump your grade up because when you're a senior and your cumulative

GPA is a 3.48 you feel super stupid not getting the robes for graduation.


Don't think that Junior grades are the only ones that matter. You need to put just as much effort into

your sophomore year and senior year as you plan on putting into your junior year. And don't stress

about your future because if you work the best you can everything will work out.

Take school seriously and make sure to do your reading for each class.

Don't slack off sophomore year because the work habits you build during sophomore year will affect

your future learning habits/motivation.

Study and work on writing mechanics because writing at a college level is very difficult.

Manage your time well and do what you personally need to do to get good grades. Teachers will say it's

not all about grades, but it is. Grades are really all that matter to colleges, as well as maybe a little bit of

extracurricular stuff.

take all classes seriously and don't slack.

Don't get too overwhelmed. Time management is one of the biggest factors that I saw while moving

from middle school to high school. Be prepared to get homework and other assignments done on time.

Do not slack off!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't overload yourself of you will suffer. That is all.

I would recommend they get to know their teachers on a personal basis. Those relationships are really

beneficial in the long run.

I would recommend that they try as many extracurriculars as possible and make sure to study in all of

your classes right away and get into a habit.

Study hard and do your school work but don't forget to have fun and do what you love

Page 21: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you


Please study hard, know what you want out of high school and start thinking about college/what you

want to major in. Consider PSEO, please take advantage of this!

The amount of homework you have sophomore year compared to freshman year is substantially

bigger, but don't drop out of the AP classes you're in. Having an AP class teaches you how to manage

your time and also helps you find out how you best learn and study. Even though you're just a

sophomore, be thinking about colleges. Work on being a well-rounded student (academics, clubs,

volunteering, leadership, working, etc.), it will be very important when it comes time to apply to


Start thinking about college, and join as many activities and clubs as you can. Don't wait to think about

college your junior year because that just adds so much more stress.

They say you have a lot of time before you start thinking about college, but I would start studying for

the ACT in 10th grade, join lots of different clubs, start doing community service, play a sport, play an

instrument, and realize that this time will fly.

GPA is forever.

If you sacrifice the next 3 years in the name of grades and school work it will pay off a lot better than if

you just goof off.

Don't involve yourself in so many different things just to look good for colleges, do things because you

want to. At the same time, care about your grades and what you're doing because it matters. This is

your time to experiment and take risks. It's the time to figure out what you might want to do with your

life so embrace that. Try new things. Sign up for new clubs. Meet new people. But only do things you

really care about because that's the only way to keep your sanity throughout high school. Also, it's not

that bad. It's actually pretty good. So have fun and enjoy the experience because it goes by quickly.

It is never too early to start looking at colleges and studying for the ACT. You do not have as much time

as you think you do, high school goes by way too quickly and you don't even know it.

I would inform them to letter in community service as much as possible. Due to helping so much in

getting into good colleges. Also it gives back to the community.

Study early for the ACT. Also keep up with your homework so you don't get so stressed towards the end

of the semester.

Pay attention to your grades because they matter so much! Also begin looking at colleges now, as

weird as it may seem it is beneficial to start the search early to help refine decisions.

Work hard. your grades count and if you want to get into a prestigious college or university you need to

work very hard.

My advice to sophomores is to stay focused on school work, study hard and give it your best because

colleges are going to see how hard you worked your sophomore and junior year

Page 22: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Look into college options early so you can set a goal and motivate yourself to get good grades. This

motivation would have helped me immensely.

Start studying for the standardized tests. They're brutal and annoying.

Stay Positive, it is most defiantly going to be hard the first 2 years, but when you get to your senior year

and you are proud of the work that you put in during Sophomore and Junior year, and you get in to the

college that you want to go to for the next 4 years of your life, Its one of the most gratifying feelings


Work hard from the moment you enter the doors on the first day. You hear way too many students say

they wished they would have done better sophomore year. Your grades do count sophomore year so

work hard to get the grades you want. The last thing you want is to get to your senior year and not be

able to get into your dream school because you didn't try hard enough your sophomore year. In

addition, get involved. EHS has so much to offer extracurricular wise, so take advantage of that. Join as

many clubs, sports, etc as you can because I can promise you it will make your EHS experience that

much better and will create great friendships and long lasting memories.

Start ACT tutoring sophomore year.

Enjoy high school - it goes by too fast.

Challenge yourselves in courses. Colleges want to see that you tried to challenge yourself.

Take easy AP classes your sophomore and junior year to get a GPA boost and start taking and studying

for the ACT as early as possible. Additionally, use collaborative time for work.

Stay motivated.

To take classes you are interested in and achieving a balance in difficult and more moderate classes.

Also to get involved in extra curricular activities and try for leadership positions.

Take as many AP classes as you can. Once you have more than 2 on your plate, it's all the same. After 2

classes, you get into a groove for studying that makes you academically invincible. That is how it was

for me. Plus you learn a lot and get to know how it feels to be academically competitive. Not to

mention colleges love to see tough class loads.

It's going to be tough but remember that all of this will help you determine your future so don't give up.

Also take the ACT ahead of time and plan for college earlier and not wait till last minute

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Work Hard, Play Hard.

Ignore the drama, focus on what's important.

Yes, academics are important, but make sure to make friends and strengthen relationships. Those are

the things that you will remember, and those relationships could stay with you long after high school.

Pay attention in class because what Jack and Fred were arguing about is not as important as the

quadratic formula.

Edina has so many opportunities so get involved! You'll get out of high school exactly what you put in so

take hard classes that interest you, work at extra-curriculars that are fun for you, and make time for

your friends (sometimes they're more important than your homework).

Do your homework so that you can enjoy all that there is to the high school. Go to the the sports

games, plays, and musical events. You won't regret it.

My advice to incoming sophomores is to work your hardest, learn how to study, manage your time, and

most importantly have fun. These are three of the best years of your life!

Have fun! Make as many friends as possible, be friendly, get to know your teachers, try your

best, study study study, join as many clubs as you want.

Try different experiences, take some classes you think you might be interested in and try some

different student groups you think you'd like.

Stay on top of your tasks and plan your time accordingly, but keep yourself busy with extracurriculars.

Manage your time well and participate in activities that interest you.

I know you won't listen to me because I didn't listen to the seniors who said it to me when I was a

sophomore but you're going to blink and it's all going to be over. At a school this size the name you

make for yourself as a sophomore will stick with you until graduation, remember you'll get through the

bad stuff and enjoy the good stuff. Most things that seem like the end of the world right now probably

won't matter in a year. Fill out all of your college apps the summer before your senior year and don't

take too challenging of classes. Make time to enjoy your senior year, go to every sporting event you

can, dress up for spirit week, be inclusive and spend as much time with your friends as possible.

Don’t stress out, things will be okay.

Don't procrastinate or forget to have fun. You should find time to enjoy yourself and don't overdo it on


Time flies by faster than you think and grades aren't everything your teachers and parents make them

out to be.

Page 24: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

try your hardest and even though the transition is hard don’t let it get to you.

play football (For boys), connect with your teachers.

Be as involved as you can and don't be afraid to push yourself in difficult classes, but at the same time

grades don't mean everything and have fun!

School goes before extracurricular activities (especially if your taking AP's). despite this, still try to fit in

fun. It shouldn't be all stress.

Don't try to be perfect, do what you're best at and just enjoy it, you're only in High School once.

Don't mess up, it's on your shoulders now.

If you can get as many credits done, do it. Socially it may cut you short on, but senior year will be a

reward with free time.

I would tell incoming sophomores to work their very hardest right from the start and be open to new

things. I would also tell them not to be intimidated my notoriously hard classes and believe in

themselves as makes the challenge so worthwhile in the end. Additionally, I would

encourage incoming sophomores to really step outside of their comfort zone and get involved in a lot of

different things. Lastly, I would say that it's very important to be understanding and appreciative of

diversity...Edina is very diverse, giving the students to appreciate people of all different backgrounds

Try new things. don't be scared to.

There's a lot of things you're going to want to worry about, but you shouldn't. Try in school, but don't

let it consume your life. Make these years worth it

I would advise sophomores to challenge themselves but don't have a schedule that's too overwhelming.

Also, they should participate in clubs and activities that they love and would like to try.

Work hard at everything and don't give up in hard classes.

Study hard but also have fun because 3 years might sound like a lot but it goes by faster than you could

imagine so spend time with your friends because the time you spend with them will come to a complete

stop very soon.

Time moves slow but passes quickly.

Take school seriously but also make time to have fun.

Be prepared to have a lot more fun.

Leave, before it's too late.

Get involved!! Don't complain about not being able to make a difference - that's just you being lazy. If

you want to make a change, you have to be proactive.

Page 25: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Join clubs and sports

Take your grades seriously because they affect the rest of your future. Also enjoy your time at the high

school and step out of your comfort zone and meet new people so you can leave without any regrets.

Do your homework, study for your tests and join new sports. Get involved it’s fun!

Try your best and enjoy it, high school goes by fast and you should have good memories with your

friends but also never keep your eyes off the prize and take your school work seriously.

My advice to incoming sophomores is to try and do something that nearly every student, and person,

struggles with: Try to find a balance between living in the now and planning for the future. There is a lot

of pressure to do both in high school, so try to find a balance with which will suit you best.

Get a job and do PSEO.

Do your assignments on time and do your homework but also keep a social life and don't only focus on

studying. Have fun because your time at Edina High School goes by a lot faster than you would think.

Branch out of your original "friend groups" because you will meet so many amazing people but don't

forget who your true friends are.

To take things seriously and not everything involves school so be open to people and don't judge them

people to badly because in a year or two the people you hang with are not going to be always be by

your side. Don't let senior slide happen too early and just focus it's your last year.

Get involved and stay involved with any and all clubs or activities that interest you, don't be afraid to

make friends from all different groups & try hard even in the classes you don't naturally excel in.

Go to all the sporting events, dances, etc. that you can. I regret not going to every single one. Also

you're grades actually matter to get into college.

Doing your school work well should always the most important thing.

Balance the focus and the fun.

Don't think about social aspect. You're there to learn, get done and get out...If you stop to care about a

social life in school, you will only end up getting hurt.

Attend all the sporting events and dances! Keep your GPA up starting sophomore year.

Participate in any extra curricular activities that you find interesting, it'll help you make friends, build

confidence, and find more interests.

Work hard and you won't regret it

High school is harder than middle school. You need to try harder than you think you are, because your

GPA depends on that, and not doing great your sophomore year could really lower your GPA making it

harder to get into the colleges you want.

Page 26: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

My advice to incoming sophomores would be to make the most of the next few years, because

although it will be a stressful couple of years they are receiving one of the best educations in the nation.

I would tell sophomores to take all the AP classes that interest them, and just know they have to step

up to the work load. Although the work is hard and there are a lot of long stressful nights of little sleep

the education and feeling of accomplishment is worth it in the end.

I would tell the sophomores not to stress as much, that sleep is very important. But they should NOT

just stop trying, they should get on a schedule and be able to take some breaks every once and a while.

I'd say to get to know your teachers well and if you have any problems you can talk to them because

they are people too and they do care about you.

Manage your time wisely.

Start out with a somewhat manageable homework load. There is too much emphasis on taking AP

classes when they aren't for everyone. Really evaluate your schedule and plan around homework and


I advise incoming sophomores to continue to be social and have fun throughout high school. College is

the end goal for most people, but giving up friends, family, and fun is not worth the potentially

increased chances of getting into a more prestigious school. The increased homework and studying

load will be difficult at first, but as long as you stay involved in what you are genuinely interested in, it

will be easier to create a positive balance.

I would tell incoming sophomores that it is important they realize that their academics are very

important. At the same time I would advise kids to try a variety of extra-curricular because my main

high school regrets center around not trying activities I think I would have liked.

Don't value grades over you personal well-being.

Don't overwork yourself, manage your time well and engage in all elements of high school, not just


Just keep swimming, things get easier each year, just fight through both the academic and social


My advice to work hard, but don't stress over it. As long as you are doing what you want to do to

succeed in the future you will get there. Most of all have fun, you don't to just remember doing

homework in High school, but doing other activities with friends.

Make the most of your time at the high school by joining extracurricular activities and taking the time

to get to know your teachers. Stay on top of all the coursework by managing your time.

Try really hard sophomore and junior year so senior year you can relax a bit!

Page 27: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you


1) Recognize what you like vs. what you love.

2) Find something you're passionate about - something you /want/ to stay up late for.

3) Prioritize certain activities above others (see #1).

4) Don't be afraid to challenge yourself academically. Sometimes it's worth doing poorly at first

in a subject because it forces you to work harder, develop tenacity, and learn how to learn.

5) Doing zero hours and online gym/health is totally worth it.

6) Start your college essays early (when it comes time for that) and get support and guidance

from your counselors and English teachers.

7) Having good relationships with teachers is important. When you're in a class with a teacher

you really like or get along with, take the time to get to know them.

8) Do your calculus homework.

9) Bored in school? You can teach yourself. If you want to learn a language, try Duolingo. If you

want to learn about something in STEM, MIT has almost all their classes available for free on

OpenCourseWare - video lectures, homework, exams, lecture notes... You can find a way to

learn just about anything you want.

10) Don't be afraid to change. It'll often be for the better

2) 1) Don't be afraid to try new things.

2) Manage your time. Do your homework on time and be prepared for tests and those kinds of

assignments as they come.

3) Help each other out. Don't be afraid to ask and don't be afraid to give help if need be.

1) Get involved! EHS has SO many awesome extracurriculars and clubs and its so fun to be a part of these different communities. Don't be scared to try new things! You only get to be in High School once, and this is when you figure out your interests, so if any part of you at all is interested in something, give it shot! "Oh wells" are better than "what ifs". I randomly tried Nordic and Theater my sophomore year and it was the best decision ever to try out these new activities. 2) Enjoy the classes. The classes can be very interesting, and if you look for the cool things a class has to offer, doing homework and sitting through the hour is a lot less harsh. Finding interests in what you're learning about makes the material easier to remember as well.

Page 28: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Everyone should take physical universe and AP Psychology!! 3) Get to know your teachers (and counselor). Basically every single one of my teachers at EHS has been amazing and I've loved getting to know them! They're all so interesting and funny and I've loved building friendships with them. Having a good relationship with your counselor is another important thing- it made my crazy scheduling and indecision way more enjoyable.

My advice to incoming sophomores would be: High School is not as scary as you think. I think the best

way to get through it successfully is to

A) Create reasonable goals for yourself. You do this for many reasons but I think the most important is

for college. Take AP courses, try to get good grades, go for leadership positions... B) Experiment early

on with time management plans for yourself. It is better to be over-the-top organized right off the bat

than to figure this out all too late and have to do damage control. Seriously, don't underestimate the

power of planners, folders and color-coding.

C) Put yourself out there at least once. Though cliche, you'll never know what you might end up

enjoying or who you'll meet if you don't at least explore a little.

D) Don't stress too much. I struggled with this a lot sophomore and junior year... Remember that one

test is not the deciding factor, that your social stressors will generally be insignificant or forgotten soon,

that everyone else is experiencing the same things and you're really all in it together... which leads me

to my final point,

E) Be yourself. I figured this out unfortunately late in the game, but I discovered that I fit in most when I

let my guard down and started doing what I wanted to do. You'll find that most people gravitate toward

interesting, different and confident people. And if you think about it, how are you going to truly

connect with others when they're not seeing the real YOU? Plus, this is what will make you happiest

and I can tell you that it is difficult to be successful when you are unhappy. So, with that, have fun (but

be responsible). Enjoy every minute of it even if you are sad, stressed or bored. It'll pass by so quickly

and you don't want to come out of it with regrets. High School is definitely a time of growth, change

and discovery, so appreciate it for all it's worth.

1. In all reality, you are going to go through some tough times. It is just a part of high school. You will

lose friends you once were super close with, be faced with some awkward social situations, and not do

well on a test. With that being said, you will meet new people and make friends, have fun joining clubs

and extracurriculars, and learn how to study the right way.

2. High school is all about balancing your academics and social time. Make sure you are working hard in

school, but don't overdo it with academics. It is ok to not take AP classes. They aren't for everyone.

3. Try something new! If you are a girl and don't want to join the track team again (like I did), join

badminton! It is super fun and you don't need to try out.

4. Do talk to your counselor the first year. Ask them all of your questions about your classes, schedule,

Page 29: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

and college plans. They aren't scary and will only help you plan for the future. The future can be scary,

but it is also exciting.

5. Do your math homework! Even though your math teacher might not check it, it will save your test


6. Don't worry about being judged for something you love to do. Do what you want to do because you

have a passion for it.

First off, not to worry about the lunch schedule. My Sophomore year I hardly knew anyone in my lunch

block, but eventually some friends moved into my lunch block. The first couple weeks without them

was hard, but I was able to meet new people and create new friendships. Instead of looking at it as

losing time with your friends, you should look at it as a time to make new ones. I would also strongly

recommend going to at least one of the dances Sophomore year. Homecoming can be a bit dramatic

with everyone making a big deal about it, but if you can get to just one dance that's enough to have fun

and again, a good opportunity to meet new people and expand your friend group.

There's no such thing as not having enough time at the high school, and I strongly recommend

occupying yourself with extracurricular activities. I was always involved in extracurricular during Fall and

Winter, and it makes the high school experience so much better. You get a chance to hang out with

people from school, but you're all working to accomplish something. Along with participating in

extracurricular activities, you should also make sure you attend some of the concerts and games. It's

really fun to see your friends doing something not school related and succeeding in it. This is what helps

build a strong high school community, and by supporting others they can be sure to support you.

Finally, the biggest piece of advice I could give is to just enjoy yourself. High school is the last time

you're with the people you've known your whole life, and you should just enjoy the time you have with

them. It's gonna be an awesome three years at high school!

As a sophomore, my biggest mistake was not taking the coursework seriously enough, and not knowing what really had to be done in order to succeed academically. I think all sophomores need to know that, while high school is fun and allows for plenty of socializing, the primary reason we are all at school is to learn and to prepare for life after high school. This takes a type of studying and focus that is unlike anything required or even dreamt about in middle school. Sophomores need to know that having no time after school for playing during the school week is normal, at least until you figure out how to study more efficiently. If your are working as hard as you should work in high school, it will be hard, and it won’t always be fun. But there will be rewards to your hard work and times when you can relax from the stress, like on weekends. Sophomores should work as hard as they can to get good study habits soon so that they don’t see the consequences of middle school study habits on their transcripts later.

-Take as many AP classes as you can -Don't take enriched classes because they don't count for anything at Edina -Be involved in as many activities as you can so you can write in on the Common App -Work hard and don't get too stressed out the first year, b

Page 30: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

Work your butt off sophomore year and junior year if you wanna be able to have a more relaxing senior year. Try new things and make new friend sophomore year! Go to the dances and as many sporting events as you can! Do things you normally wouldn't do. Make mistakes and don't be too hard on yourself. Live in the moment but be smart with what you're doing. Remember that high school is just a chapter of your life but that chapter could change the rest of your story. Don't hope high school will go by faster because it's gone by fast and I wish I could start over again. Enjoy the little things and don't stress about things you can not change. Finally, don't be afraid to be yourself. If you fake being someone you're not then you'll only have friends who accept you as that person.

Never be the slow walker in the hallways, especially in the circle hallway.

Don't be scared of upperclassman, they only bite sometimes.

Everyone has a bad day every now and then so just relax. Also have fun while it lasts because high school goes by fast so go to all the pep fests and coronations and dances because those are some of the memories I will have for the rest of my life.

I would tell them to be outgoing in high school and don't be afraid to make new friends. Go out and meet new people from the other middle school because they're not the "Valley View/South View" kids anymore, you're all at Edina High School. They should stay involved in as many activities as they can while still being able to keep up with their coursework. Extracurricular activities look great on a college application but most importantly, this is what I enjoyed the most about being in high school. The relationships I have made through sports, student council and clubs will stay with me long past my high school years and it is something that I value a lot. I would tell the sophomores to manage their time as well as they can and to get their homework done early so they can try to get as much sleep as they can at night. Overall, I hope they can make the most of their high school experience because these are some of the best years of our lives and they shouldn't let them go to waste.

High school probably won't be what you expect unless you go out of your way to make it that way. It

will take any preconceived notions you have and throw them away brutally. A large majority of the time

you will have no idea what you are getting into, so take that into account during preparation. Also, be

social with different groups, but still find a niche of core friends you can always rely on.

1) Always put in the work

Do every homework assignment, read every book, and study for every test. It seems like a lot at

times, but it's worth it in the end to work hard in order to do well. It will help you to gain skills

which will be useful later on in life, and working hard will impress your teachers and make them

respect you.

2) Don't doubt yourself

If there is an AP or enriched course you aren't sure about signing up for, try it! You might love it,

and you'll never know if you don't try. If you need to drop, that is always an option, but you'll be

happy you tried.

3) Don't forget to be a kid

This is something I forget constantly, but sometimes you have to do things to stay sane. If

you've been studying for a long time and someone asks you to go do something fun, you should

Page 31: ADVICE TO INCOMING SOPHOMORES - Edina · If you had good study/homework habits in middle school, keep it going! If you didn't, start good habits now!!! This is so important. If you

go. Your studying will be there when you get back, and chances are if you've been working hard

for awhile, you've studied enough. You shouldn't spend all of your high school years with your

head in a book. Make memories, and don't regret doing something that makes you happy.

Run while you still can, and if you are going to leave the building make sure your friends with a

senior who can let you in.

talk to a lot of people, join clubs, do homework, join sports, get to know your teachers.

dont do anything stupid

Always be on your toes, Edina has a lot of surprises.

1. Start talking to teachers

2. Avoid useless drama that everyone hates

3. Don't stand in the middle of the hallway if you do not want your 5 dollar coffee spilled on you.

4. Get involved in extra curricular activities

5. Pick up an instrument, because band is awesome.

It's okay if you mess up, and it's far better to do that now in high school so that you won't do it again

later in life.

Just bite the bullet. You're going to have to take classes you're not fond of, but you'll make it out.

-Get close with your counselor, it will be helpful in the long run.

-Don't under estimate yourself; If you're thinking of taking an Enriched or AP class

Look at High School as if it is a catapult that shoots you into the real world. The harder you work, the

more you wind the catapult and the more momentum you will have to launch you farther.

Don't lose focus. High school is a big part of your life, despite people saying that "how you do in high

school doesn't determine your future", know that it is huge, because it is where you will find what you

believe to be right and wrong, give you a glimpse into what the outside world outside of Edina looks like

(even if it's only a peek), and ultimately define for yourself who you are. But even after all that, know

that who you are doesn't matter if you aren't someone with influence. Stand up and be the leaders of

tomorrow because life is too short not to take risks. You may get hurt/ hurt the feelings of others in the

process, but it's worth it if you can save lives by speaking up. I know my ideas are everywhere, and some

of it may not even make sense, but I'm telling you as a senior who will most likely be forgotten by

everyone else, that you can do better than I have. And that your life can be something that future

students will aspire towards, as long as you apply yourself and be willing to take the next step.

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