Page 1: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California

Adventist Health/Portland

2017 Community Health Plan Update/Annual Report (Spring, 2018)

Page 2: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


Table of Contents

Adventist Health Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Letter from the President........................................................................................................................................ 4

Portland Adventist Medical Center (dba Adventist Medical Center) ..................................................................... 5

Community Health Development Team ................................................................................................................. 6

Invitation to a Healthier Community ...................................................................................................................... 7

2017 Community Benefit Update……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 8

Changes in 2018 .................................................................................................................................................... 17

Connecting Strategy and Community and Community Health…………………………………………………………………………18

Page 3: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


Adventist Health Overview Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system

headquartered in Roseville, California. We provide compassionate care in more than 75 communities throughout California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington.

Adventist Health entities include:

• 19 hospitals with more than 2,800 beds

• More than 280 clinics (hospital-based, rural health and physician clinics)

• 13 home care agencies and seven hospice agencies

• Four joint-venture retirement centers

• Workforce of 33,000 includes more than 24,600 employees; 5,000 medical staff physicians; and3,700 volunteers

We owe much of our heritage and organizational success to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which has long been a promoter of prevention and whole person care. Inspired by our belief in the loving and healing power of Jesus Christ, we aim to bring physical, mental and spiritual health and healing to our neighbors of all faiths. Every individual, regardless of his/her personal beliefs, is welcome in our facilities. We are also eager to partner with members of other faiths to enhance the health of the communities we serve.

Our commitment to quality health care stems from our heritage, which dates back to 1866 when the first Seventh-day Adventist health care facility opened in Battle Creek, Michigan. There, dedicated pioneers promoted the “radical” concepts of proper nutrition, exercise and sanitation. Early on, the facility was devoted to prevention as well as healing. They called it a sanitarium, a place where patients—and their families—could learn to be well.

More than a century later, the health care system sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church circles the globe with more than 170 hospitals and more than 500 clinics, nursing homes and dispensaries worldwide. And the same vision to treat the whole person—mind, body and spirit—continues to provide the foundation for our progressive approach to health care.

Page 4: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


Letter from the President

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

For 125 years, Adventist Health Portland has been serving as a community resource for health. We have always been committed to providing more than just care for people who are sick—we strive to help people learn to live well and stay well.

You can have confidence the moment you connect with our team--from our volunteers to our providers to our educators—everyone in our organization is committed to seeing you and caring for you as a whole person. Our understanding of body, mind and spirit makes us unique and confirms our commitment to our mission – Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope.

As Jesus ministered to people, He cared for their physical needs and then went on to address their emotional and spiritual health. Our mission calls us to do the same.

We are expanding our mission focus from “healthcare” and “healing” to “health”. Health calls us to think broadly about the people and the communities we serve. We continue to provide health care and healing, but are also challenging ourselves to think about how we can help each person we encounter to achieve optimal personal health. This means engaging with our communities to understand how we can support population health improvement, as well as creating an optimal work environment for our team members to support a balanced approach to life.

One of the things we’re most proud of is our exceptional team of medical providers. Our providers have the challenge and privilege to help make life-changing decisions each day through mission inspired, compassionate care. Adventist Health Medical Group providers partner with their patients to serve as a wellness resource and make a positive impact through the conversations they have. Our nursing staff maintains the highest certifications because they know every member of our community deserves the best care. And the rest of our team members do their very best work in support of the those providing direct patient care.

We continue to look for opportunities to expand our mission. Last year we provided significant financial support to a community partner who focuses on safe, healthy, affordable housing. We know that housing is health and providing a secure start for families is one of the best ways to impact the health of our community long term.

Thank you for partnering with us in our commitment to—inspire health, wholeness and hope.

With gratitude,

David Russell, President

Page 5: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California



Portland Adventist Medical Center (dba Adventist Medical Center)

Number of Beds: 302

Mailing Address: 10123 SE Market St., Portland, OR 97216

Contact Information: David Russell, President

(503) 251-6150

Existing healthcare facilities that can respond to the health needs of the community:

• Oregon Health Sciences University

• Legacy Health

• Kaiser Permanente

• Providence Health & Services

• Coalition of Community Health Clinics

• County Health Departments, etc.

Page 6: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


Community Health Development Team

Terry Johnsson, DMin

Administrative Director of Mission Fulfillment

CHNA/CHP contact: Peter Morgan III [email protected] 503-251-6346Community Benefits Specialist 10123 SE Market St. To request a copy, provide comments or view electronic copies of current and previous community health needs assessments: or

Edward Hoover, MA

Manager, LivingWell/Community Wellness

Peter Morgan, MBA

Community Benefits Specialist

Page 7: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


Together Inspired

Invitation to a Healthier Community

Fulfilling Adventist Health’s Mission

Where and how we live is vital to our health. We recognize that health status is a product of multiple factors. To comprehensively address the needs of our community, we must take into account health behaviors and risks, the physical environment, the health system, and social determinant of health. Each component influences the next and through strategic and collective action improved health can be achieved.

The Community Health Plan marks the second phase in a collaborative effort to systematically investigate and identify our community’s most pressing needs. After a thorough review of health status in our community through the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), we identified areas that we could address using our resources, expertise, and community partners. Through these actions and relationships, we aim to empower our community and fulfill our mission, “to share God’s love by providing physical, mental and spiritual healing.”

Identified Community Needs

The results of the CHNA guided the creation of this document and aided us in how we could best provide benefit to our community and the most vulnerable among us. As a result, Adventist Health Portland has adopted the following priority areas for our community health investments for 2017-2019:

• Chronic Disease

• Access to Care

• Behavioral Health/Addictions

• Social Determinants of Health

Additionally, we engage in a process of continuous quality improvement, whereby we ask the following questions for each priority area:

• Are our interventions making a difference in improving health outcomes?• Are we providing the appropriate resources in the appropriate locations?• What changes or collaborations within our system need to be made?• How are we using technology to track our health improvements and providing relevant feedback at the

local level?• Do we have the resources as a region to elevate the population’s health status?

Building a healthy community requires multiple stakeholders working together with a common purpose. We invite you to explore how we intend to address health challenges in our community and partner to achieve change. More importantly though, we hope you imagine a healthier region and work with us to find solutions across a broad range of sectors to create communities we all want for ourselves and our families.

Page 8: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Priority Need - Chronic Disease Objective 1: Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths. Expand National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) grant funded mammography screenings to include 39 or more low-income, medically underserved women in 2017 which would triple the number from 2016.

Intervention: Develop new “needy-population” partnerships, and simplify referral process: Number of Community Members Served: 39 Mammography screens

Objective 2: Reduce Colorectal Cancer Deaths.

Intervention: Established new, “needy population” partnerships, and streamlined access to Colonoscopies/FIT testing – Approximately a 20% increase in screens, including a number of FREE FIT screenings.

Intervention: Provided culturally appropriate educational materials with translations now available.

Intervention: Community Colorectal/Digestive Health Education Activities (Included in Objective 6)

Objective 3: Reduce Lung Cancer Deaths through prevention and early detection.

Intervention: Provider education and simplifying referral process for Smokers Lung CT Scan Program.

• Number of Community Members Served: 45 screens Smoker CT Scans

Intervention: Community Radon Awareness Campaign, host Regional Radon event, distribute free/reduced fee home test kits.

• Number of Community Households Served: 64 Kits out: 53

Objective 4: Reduce deaths from Heart Disease

Intervention: Train people in AHA “Hands-only” CPR at special clinics & community events.

• Number of Community Members Served: 14 hands on trainings. Approx. 300 HOCPRtraining handouts distributed (English/Spanish)

Objective 5: Provide Healthier futures for babies and families

Intervention: Car Safety Seat/Bed Project.

• Number of Families Served: 9 Families (7 car seats, 2 car beds)

Page 9: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Priority Need - Chronic Disease (Continued)Objective 6: Promote the adoption of healthier lifestyles to prevent/manage/help reverse chronic diseases, and provide emotional support.

Intervention: Community Classes and support groups.

• Number of Community Members Served: 2564+ encounters

Intervention: Health for Life Publication - Quarterly health publication that covers a variety of relevant health topics and community wellness news.

• Number of Community Members Served: Average 80,000 per mailing

Intervention: VegFest 2017 – Interactive education/materials about plant-based nutrition and other life style factors related to health/chronic disease prevention/spiritual life.

• Number of Community Members Served: 1,000+

Intervention: Media health related Educational Outreach (Podcasts, Blog)

• Number of Community Members Served: 2000+ (Five new Podcasts in 2017)

Objective 7: Train Healthcare professionals in the application of Plant-based Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine

Intervention: Co-sponsored the 8th Northwest Health & Nutrition Conference at the Oregon Convention Center.

• Number of Community Members Served: 247Community Partners

• American Cancer Society

• American Lung Association, Northwest Radon Coalition

• American Heart Association

• Compassion Connect (with area churches)

• Multnomah County Health Clinics

• Northwest VEG

• Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS)

Page 10: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Program highlight: Free Cancer Screenings

In a small Colorectal Cancer Outreach Project, we joined with Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS) to increase colorectal screenings for low-income, medically uninsured individuals. The clinic identified approximately 15 individuals who were appropriate candidates and provided counseling about the process for using FIT tests. Somewhat surprisingly the patients were eager to take the test and completed them. One of them came back positive. As they had no insurance, PACS reached out to another AH community partner, Project Access Now, and they arranged for the patient to receive a follow-up colonoscopy and care.

Priority Need - Access to Care (“culturally appropriate”) Objective 1: Strengthen the continuum of health care and create additional healthcare access points with a focus on low-income adults, ages 19– 64, and those living below 200% of the FPL.

Intervention: Expand Compassion Connect Mini-Clinic Network holding free community medical/dental clinics to address the need for access to health care in our primary service area.

o We have added three additional mini-clinics to the original three, quarterly cliniclocations. Total clinics in 2017: 17 clinics (Last new clinic came online in March 2018.

o Number of Community Members Served: 545o Volunteers Serving: 555

Intervention: Impact Your Health Portland Clinic: Impact Your Health free clinics offer free dental and vision care (including glasses), general medical care, and health education services to uninsured and under-insured people in the Portland metro area.

• Number of Community Members Served: 740+

Intervention: CCC Housing Is Health Clinic.

• Number of Community Members Served: N/A Under Construction.

Intervention: Continue to promote awareness of the new Parkrose Urgent Care location that opened in 2016 and located in zip code 97230.

• Number of Community Members Served: 5,432 clinic visits through end of December2017.

Page 11: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Priority Need - Access to Care (Continued)Objective 2: Continue to assist the uninsured/underinsured by removing undesirable barriers to receiving appropriate health care, or being crushed by unmanageable health care bills.

Intervention: Adventist Health Financial Assistance Policy updated

Intervention: Patient Enrollment Assistance into means tested programs.

• Number of Community Members Served: 1,100

Intervention: Help fund Project Access NOW which connects low-income, uninsured people to donated care across the Portland metropolitan area. The mission of Project Access NOW is “…to improve the health of our community by creating access to care and services for those most in need.”

• Number of Community Members Served: 1,146

Objective 3: To establish practices and processes to help provide more culturally responsive whole-person healthcare services to selected communities within our service area.

Intervention: Charting modifications to more appropriately respond to concerns from LGBTQ community members. Completed.

Objective 4: Train/mentor multiethnic young people, and more seasoned adults to be whole-person health care workers serving our community.

Intervention: CPE training of Community Chaplains of diverse cultural backgrounds

o Clinical Pastoral Education Students (12 participants trained)

o Spiritual Care Volunteers (15 volunteers trained)

o Area Pastors (50 churches, and 15 on-call chaplain/pastors engaged)

Intervention: Set up Student Healthcare Leaders Program for High School age students in partnership with local schools. Update: Planning in 2017. First class started last week of February 2018

Community Partners:

• Greater Portland Area SDA Churches

• Compassion Connect (with area churches)

• Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN)

Page 12: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Community Partners:

• Central City Concern (and other healthcare partners)

• Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS)

• Project Access NOW

• Selected area schools – David Douglas High, Portland Adventist Academy

A Program Highlight – The Impact of Compassion

“We have gone to the Compassion Clinics. It is an amazing opportunity for those of us that really need their services. You all are a Godsend and very much apprecaited. Without your services we really didn’t have options for my husband. Many blessings to you all. You do our communities a great service.” - Rose Ford, Compassion Clinic Guest

“After many years of nursing education and many years of hard work in a hospital setting, I wanted to return to volunteering in my community. Compassion mini-clinics have been the perfect fit! Each mini clinic is fresh and new and I love how I can touch a new life with God;s love each time I come. I leave a clinic just a little more blessed and I know our guests leave blessed too.” - Anna Smith, RN, AH Portland Nurse

Page 13: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Priority Need – Behavioral Health/Addictions Objective 1: Open UNITY Center for Behavioral Health (a partnership) in early 2017.

Intervention: Partner with other groups to open the Center in 2017. The UNITY Center opened February 1, 2017.

Objective 2: Expand access to outpatient, intermediate mental health care on AH Campus.

Intervention: Open New Outpatient Emotional Wellness Clinic @ AHP campus by June 2017.

• Number of Community Members Served: 402

Objective 3: Provide additional Behavioral Health and related services on Eastside in partnership with other groups like Central City Concern.

Intervention: Help fund and build CCC Eastside Health Center and housing facility. Number of Community Members Served: Facility under construction. Open Winter 2018.

Objective 4: Serve 1,000 residents via First Friday, Soup & Salad, Grief Support and PrayerWorks/AMEN Programs.

Intervention: Further develop/promote First Friday Program, etc. Number of Community Members Served: 782 served, 1,975 attended meetings

Community Partners

• Central City Concern, plus AH Portland, CareOregon, Kaiser Permanente Northwest, LegacyHealth, OHSU, Providence Health & Services

• UNITY Center for Behavioral Health partners (AH, Legacy Health, OHSU, Kaiser Permanente)

• Area churches in First Friday Project including Pleasant Valley Church, Sunnyside SDA Church,Oasis Christian Center, Ohana Christian Fellowship, ROC Fellowship, and Sharon SDA Church

• KPDQ 93.9/The Fish 104.1 FM (First Friday, etc.)

A Program Highlight – Grief Recovery and so much more

Eliza (not her real name) experienced a significant loss because her partner for many years had died. Lack of adequate resources and a supportive community left her in a dark place of continuous pain. Her last straw was to join a grief support group, and if it didn’t work, she would check out and be at rest with her spouse who had died. She was afraid that she would not be accepted in the group, but everyone totally supported each other, and as a result, she comfortably communicated her deep struggles in a space where everyone was dealing with

Page 14: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

A Program Highlight – Grief Recovery continued

similar grief issues. The shared experiences allowed her to recognize her own story in others which helped her to realize that she was not alone in her pain.

Several weeks after participating and engaging in the group, Eliza’s sad demeanor began to disappear from her countenance. In one of the sessions, I encouraged the group to participate in healthy eating habits and regular exercise. Since she was extremely overweight, after completing the support group, she immediately joined the CHIP program to further continue the healing journey. her growth and healing process was very exciting to watching.

About six months later, I was deeply touched when she brought a lady who had recently lost her husband suddenly to the grief class. The two women met at their apartment complex garbage dumpster while disposing their trash. They shared their grief story and Eliza was quick to share the grief support class she had attended and the positive outcome she had experienced there. The lady expressed genuine interest in the group, but told Eliza that she had no transportation. Eliza volunteered to take her to the class after a full day’s work for several weeks. Two weeks before the class came to an end, Eliza was unable to take her due to previously arranged work assignments to Hawaii. To my surprise, she arranged for a friend to take her so she would not miss any of the sessions. The friend was a nurse on my unit who had recently loss her grandmother and was having a very difficult time coping. The nurse benefited both from the experience of giving and receiving. The wise man Solomon shares these words, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered (Proverb 11:24-25). Submitted by Chaplain Pam Strachan, AP Portland Spiritual Care

Priority Need - Social Determinates of Health Objective 1: Improve Housing/Social Services for Special Need groups on the Eastside of Portland.

Intervention: Help fund Central City Concern’s Housing is Health Initiative - Three comprehensive housing projects (331 units) for medically fragile and those in recovery, as well as workforce housing in East Portland. Number of Community Members Served: Currently under construction. Due late 2018.

Objective 2: Improve Nutrition and Reduce Food Insecurity for needy Mid-county residents.

Intervention: Recruit AH volunteer leaders and others to deliver 500+ nutritious meals to needy individuals in 2017 in partnership with Meals on Wheels. Number of Community Members Served: 50 with 2,232 meals served

Intervention: Increase access to fresh produce by partnering with Outgrowing Hunger (replaced GROW Portland as partner) to establish a community garden adjacent to AH Portland. Number of Community Members Served: N/A. Garden under development. Anticipated for Spring/Summer 2018.

Page 15: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Priority Need - Social Determinates of Health(Continued)

Intervention: Collect food/clothing donations from special hospital-sponsored events and classes. Donations funneled through Portland Adventist Community Services to needy community members. Over 1,900 pounds of food, and 3,000 pairs of socks were collected for those in need.

Objective 3: Community and relationship building with a health promotion focus, including

Intervention: Special Neighborhood Events

o Gladstone Community Festivalo Festival of Nationso Montavilla Street Fairo National Nite Out Eventso SunnyCity Festivalo Number of Community Members Served: 420+

Intervention: Establish QR Fit Trail to bring together area residents around fitness. Tie in with Community Garden Project. Number of Community Members Served: N/A. Still under development. Due Spring, 2018

Community Partners

• Central City Concern (and partners mentioned earlier)

• Outgrowing Hunger

• Meals on Wheels – Mid-County Site

• Neighborhood Associations, Division Midway Alliance & other groups

• CherryWood Village

• Cherry Blossom Estates – Low Income Housing

• Sunnyside SDA Church

Page 16: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

A Program Highlight – Housing is Health

Addressing some of the massive Social and Environmental challenges that impact the health of certain populations is daunting, and often beyond the resources of one organization. Adventist Health has partnered with Central City Concern and other health and community groups to help fund three significant housing and medical/social service projects in the East Portland area. All three parts of the bold Housing is Health Initiative are currently under construction. The Hazel Heights

Apartments on Stark Street will provide affordable housing and a supportive environment for people exiting transitional housing programs who have gained employment, but still may have barriers to housing and seek permanent housing. Central City Concern expects to attract potential tenants from the immediate East Portland neighborhood. The four-story building will contain 153 homes total: 92 one-bedroom, and 61 two-bedroom apartments.

The Blackburn Building and Eastside Health Center is a six-story building that includes a health care facility, pharmacy and commercial space, with 52 units of respite care transitional housing and 10 units of palliative care housing. Central City Concern will provide comprehensive case management and clinical services to support

stabilization and rebuilding lives. Integrated housing and clinical services will focus on recovery and mental health services, with some targeted primary care services. The clinic will serve about 3,000 patients annually.

A third housing complex, Charlotte B. Rutherford Place, is also underway to help serve employed clients who are seeking to moveout of transitional housing programs, or who have been displaced by gentrification in the North and Northeast Portland areas. There will be 51 apartments.

Other Community Needs AddressedIntervention: Medical Education

o Physicians: 35o Nursing Students: 183o Rehab students: 10

Intervention: AH Clinical Trails

o Number of Community Members Served: 37

Page 17: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California


OUR MISSION: Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope

Changes in 2018 Development of corporate Mission Integration Team that will serve the hospitals in integrating best practices in population health initiatives.

Establishment of a local Mission Integration Team

The role of the Mission Integration Committee is to:

1. Intentionally expand the mission of Adventist Health outside the hospital walls and into the communities we serve.

2. Ensure the integration of Adventist Health’s mission, identity, spirituality, heritage and values into its care delivery, community engagement, leadership, operations and culture.

The new expanded relationship with OHSU partnership will create additional opportunities to impact the health of our community.

Page 18: Adventist Health/Portland...Adventist Health Portland is an affiliate of Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system headquartered in Roseville, California



To share God’s love by

providing physical, mental

Connecting Strategy and Community Health

As hospitals move toward population health management, community health interventions are a key element in achieving the overall goals of reducing the overall cost of health care, improving the health of the population, and improving access to affordable health services for the community both in outpatient and community settings. The key factor in improving quality and efficiency of the care hospitals provide is to include the larger community they serve as a part of their overall strategy.

Health systems must now step outside of the traditional roles of hospitals to begin to address the social, economic, and environmental conditions that contribute to poor health in the communities we serve. Bold leadership is required from our administrators, healthcare providers, and governing boards to meet the pressing health challenges we face as a nation. These challenges include a paradigm shift in how hospitals and health systems are positioning themselves and their strategies for success in a new payment environment. This will impact everyone in a community and will require shared responsibility among all stakeholders.

Population health is not just the overall health of a population but also includes the distribution of health. Overall health could be quite high if the majority of the population is relatively healthy—even though a minority of the population is much less healthy. Ideally such differences would be eliminated or at least substantially reduced.

Community health can serve as a strategic platform to improve the health outcomes of a defined group of people, concentrating on three correlated stages:

1) The distribution of specific health statuses and outcomes within a population;2) Factors that cause the present outcomes distribution; and3) Interventions that may modify the factors to improve health outcomes.

Improving population health requires effective initiatives to: 1) Increase the prevalence of evidence-based preventive health services and preventive health behaviors,2) Improve care quality and patient safety and3) Advance care coordination across the health care continuum.

Our mission as a health system is to share God's love by providing physical, mental and spiritual healing and we believe the best way to re-imagine our future business model with a major emphasis of community health is by working together with our community.

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