Page 1: Advancements in Phased Array Scan Planning

Phased Array Scan PlanningConsiderations for Weld Inspection

University of Ultrasonics

Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas Webinar

February 4th, 2014

Page 2: Advancements in Phased Array Scan Planning

• Scan Planning Introduction

• Basic Scan Plan Requirements

• Basic Methodology

• Hands-on Demonstration

Short Course Outline

Page 3: Advancements in Phased Array Scan Planning

Scan Plan History• Scan planning is deeply rooted in day-to-day conventional

UT routines:

– Evaluating Transducer Characteristics

– Determining proper “pullback”/skip distance for Angle Beam

– Beam overlap for C-Scan coverage

– Focal Spot Size Calculations

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Scan Plans???• Before ANY Phased Array Inspection is

performed a SCAN PLAN should be in place.– Scan Plans – A documented inspection strategy (plan

of attack) to provide repeatability for inspections. These will aide in evaluating the material and provide insight to individuals reviewing data.

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Scan Plan Importance• Variability of Phased Array inspections can create issues in

consistency, repeatability, and personnel training

• The above scan plan includes several scan plan variables, can you find them???

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Phased Array Variability• Sectorial Scanning

• E-Scanning

• Encoded vs. Manual

• Aperture Determination

• Multi-Channel/Grouping

• Focusing effects

• Transducer Selection– Frequency & Beam

Spread Considerations

• Angle Selection

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Scan Planning

Code Perspective

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Scan Plan Variables

• Phased Array Scan plans should provide at minimum:– Part Details (Weld Design,

Curvatures, Connections)

– Probe and Wedge to be Used

– Focal Law Configuration to be Used (Including initial instrument settings)

– Index Offset Info

– Number of Scans

– Direction of Scans

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ASME Example Requirements

• Section V

Article 4

• Requirements

of Scan

Planning in

Appendix V

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AWS Example Requirements


Info Related to Scan Planning under Part G

Testing Procedure under Annex S

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API Example Requirements


Info Related to Scan Planning

Procedure specific

Specialized Calibration Requirements

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Phased Array

Scan Plan Equipment

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• Forming a scan plan involves 3 essential variables:

– Part Configuration

– Probe & Wedge Selection

– Focal Law Selection

• Information may be hand-drawn or plotted via software

Scan Plan Essentials

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• Pros:

– Accounts for errors in Equipment

– Plots actual beam index point

– Focal Law adjustments visualized

• Cons:

– Time Consuming

– Visual Measurements

– Requires Equipment

– Actual Inspection piece may vary


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• Pros:– Fast and efficient

– Easier Part Drawing/Dimensioning

– Traceable & Transferable

– Flexibility on Custom Parts

• Cons:– Equipment Variations

– Part Variations

– Estimation of Focal Laws

– Manual Prove up required


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• Choosing the proper equipment is as much scan

planning as choosing the proper angles or focal laws.

• Transducers should be proper for material properties

• Wedges should allow for good contact and transmission

• Instruments should be capable of handling both

Equipment Selection

Page 17: Advancements in Phased Array Scan Planning

• Differences in array patterns will provide unique beam


• 4 Primary Variables:

– Element Qty. - A

– Element Size - E

– Pitch - P

– Elevation - H

Element Configuration

p g




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• Focusing in Phased Array is

dependent upon the Aperture used

and Pitch of those elements

• Larger Pitch Transducers and Higher

Aperture sizes will provide better


• Sometime necessary when Height

Sizing is important

“VPA” Considerations - Focusing

16 element aperture

32 element aperture

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• Steering in Phased Array is dependent upon the amount of beam spread from individual elements

• Over steering a transducer can lead to grating lobes, resolution losses, and increased errors in refracted angle

• Smaller Element Sizes and Reduced Pitches aid in steering

“VPA” Considerations - Steering

Page 20: Advancements in Phased Array Scan Planning

• Caution should be taken in using Phased Array in Axial

or Long Seam weld inspections

• Smaller equipment is easier to use as the compensation

through focal laws may not be necessary

• Larger wedges create non-linear focal law calculations

that sometimes require the addition of special software

Curvature Considerations

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Phased Array

Scan Plan Creation

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• From the perspective of the technician, a scan plan provides instruction for probe placement and focal law creation

• With no direct code instruction and high variance on Phased Array use, this leaves more room for interpretation and how to provide these instructions

• 2 Extremes of Scan Plan Creation– Minimalistic

– Flood Method

Scan Plan Thoughts

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• From a Code standpoint, coverage is the only requirement and the minimalist approach fulfills only that basic necessity

• Pros: High-Speed, minimal setup time, ease of analysis

• Cons: May require manual follow up, risk of undercalling, difficulties in flaw characterization

Minimalist Scan Plans

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• From a Detection standpoint, flaw orientation is always variable and is best detected by multiple beam positions

• Pros: High Resolution, Increased Probability of detection, Improved Sizing

• Cons: Slow Scan speeds, Longer Analysis/Setup times

Flood Scan Plans

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• First need a plan of attack….– How am I to approach the inspection? (Single side

access…duel side access..etc.)

– What types of flaw mechanisms are potentially present?

– What incident angles will best reveal the potential flaw mechanisms?


• Most codes simply state full volumetric coverage including the Heat Affected Zone is required….. This is too vague.

• Breaking that required coverage into specific areas and specific angles will provide consistency and reliability.

Scan Plan Focal Law Methodology

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• More than just coverage!!!!

• Must interrogate specific parts of the joint with specific angles which will provide optimum responses to suspected flaw mechanisms.

• General coverage principles for Weld Inspection– Root Coverage

– Fusion Zone Coverage

– Heat affected zone coverage

– Volumetric

• This does NOT indicate that 4 scans on each side must be configured.…The number of scans is determined by your proof of coverage.

Scan Plan Methodology Welds

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• 1. Weld Root Interrogation – First objective is to index close to the weld toe with the intent of weld root interrogation– Primary Flaw Types: Lack of penetration, Root or ID Cracks,

Centerline Cracking in Double Vee Weld

– This is the most critical part of a weld joint and the first objective to cover in scan planning.

– First have to consider the joint type and the potential flaws.

– This also assures maximum 1st leg inspection coverage.

Scan Plan Methodology continued

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• 2. Fusion Zone Coverage – second objective is to ensure the fusion zone is covered WITH SPECIFIC ANGLES.

• Primary Flaw Types: Lack of side wall fusion, Sidewall Cracking

• With conventional ultrasonics, the optimum bevel incident angle (BIA) is considered between 5 and 7 degrees of normal incidence with some dependency on the frequency of the sound wave.

• Studies have found that with Phased Array, the optimum BIA with • Sectorial Scans = +/-10 degrees of normal incidence

• E-Scans = +/-5 degrees of normal incidence.

Scan Plan Methodology continued

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• Example:– With a 30 degree bevel – perfect bevel incidence would result

from a 60 degree refracted shear wave.

– Fusion Zone to be covered with refracted waves between 50 and 70 degrees (+/- 10 of 60 degrees.)



Scan Plan Methodology continued

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• 3. Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Coverage – The total code specified area of interest must be covered. ASME specifies the weld zone plus 1” or “t” whichever is less for materials less than 3” thick.

– Primary Flaw Types: CRACKING

– Studies have identified that optimum responses from a notch corner result from shear waves between approximately 35 and 58 degrees.

– Plan for these angles to interrogate the HAZ zone.

– Occasionally, HAZ coverage may be specified as being achieved on the probe side for a given index position.

Scan Plan Methodology continued

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• 4. Volumetric Coverage – If the previous three steps

are complete, this will be sufficiently covered without

addition considerations.

– This is for slag and porosity detection which are typically omni-

directional type reflectors (similar to a Side-drilled hole, omni-

directional reflectors tend to reflect sound regardless of the angle

of attack).

Scan Plan Methodology continued

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