Download - Advanced excel 01

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Part: 01

Microsoft Advanced ExcelReferences

References (Relative, Absolute, Mixed)


Referring Other Sheets

Useful FunctionsVarious Functions

Conditional Sum, Count, Average

If – Testing Condition

Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)Database Functions

Data Analysis

Sorting (by Characters, by Color, Custom List)Filtering (incl. Advance Filtering)

Conditional Formatting

Tips & Tricks

Muhammad Faisal Shafi

[email protected] 0333-3054495

Associate member of Institute of Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan (ICMAP), has over 10 years of experience in Audit, Accounts and CA firms. Currently he has been working with Pakistan Paper Products Limited as Head of Internal Audit since January 2011.

I have delivered different courses of MS Office (incl. MS Excel upto advance level & MS Access) at Audit & Accounts Training Institute of AGPR. Conducted two workshops of two days each at ICMAP H.O. on Financial Modeling using MS Excel.

With the coordination of KBC I will conduct another two days workshop on Dashboard using Excel at ICMAP H.O. in the next month. I’ve been invited as guest speaker at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) regarding a session on the topic of “Finance and Financial Analysis using MS Excel” scheduled in the next month.

Join me at Xlab (Excel Lab) a facebook group at

Your Trainer

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Part: 02

Microsoft Advanced ExcelYour Trainer

Creating ReportsSub-TotalScenario ManagerGoal SeekData Table (One & Two Variables)Consolidation (3-D, Internal, External)

Improve Visualization of DataCharts (Popular Types, Adding/ Deleting Data, Sub-chart, Secondary Axis)

Pivot Tables (Basics, Filtering, Options, Grouping, Slicer)

Facilitating & Restricting UsersData Validation (incl. Depended Lists)Controls (Combo Box, List Box, Check Box, Option Button, Spin Button, Scroll Bar)Automating Your Repetitive TasksMacro (Intro, Developer Tab, Record, Run, View Code, Sort to get top 3, Methods to Call)Questions & Answers

Muhammad Faisal Shafi

[email protected] 0333-3054495

Associate member of Institute of Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan (ICMAP), has over 10 years of experience in Audit, Accounts and CA firms. Currently he has been working with Pakistan Paper Products Limited as Head of Internal Audit since January 2011.

I have delivered different courses of MS Office (incl. MS Excel upto advance level & MS Access) at Audit & Accounts Training Institute of AGPR. Conducted two workshops of two days each at ICMAP H.O. on Financial Modeling using MS Excel.

With the coordination of KBC I will conduct another two days workshop on Dashboard using Excel at ICMAP H.O. in the next month. I’ve been invited as guest speaker at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) regarding a session on the topic of “Finance and Financial Analysis using MS Excel” scheduled in the next month.

Join me at Xlab (Excel Lab) a facebook group at

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References (Relative,

Absolute, Mixed)


Referring Other Sheets




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Unit Price 25

OrderDate Packets Units @ Packet Total Units Total

6-Jan-13 95 10 950 23,750

23-Jan-13 50 60 3000 75,000

9-Feb-13 36 100 3600 90,000

26-Feb-13 27 12 324 8,100

15-Mar-13 56 100 5600 140,000

1-Apr-13 60 12 720 18,000

18-Apr-13 75 12 900 22,500

5-May-13 90 12 1080 27,000

22-May-13 32 100 3200 80,000

8-Jun-13 60 10 600 15,000

25-Jun-13 90 60 5400 135,000

12-Jul-13 29 10 290 7,250

29-Jul-13 81 100 8100 202,500

15-Aug-13 35 12 420 10,500

1-Sep-13 2 12 24 600

18-Sep-13 16 60 960 24,000

5-Oct-13 28 10 280 7,000

22-Oct-13 64 100 6400 160,000

8-Nov-13 15 10 150 3,750

25-Nov-13 96 10 960 24,000

12-Dec-13 67 60 4020 100,500

29-Dec-13 74 100 7400 185,000

15-Jan-14 46 12 552 13,800

1-Feb-14 87 60 5220 130,500

18-Feb-14 4 10 40 1,000

7-Mar-14 7 100 700 17,500

24-Mar-14 50 10 500 12,500

10-Apr-14 66 60 3960 99,000

27-Apr-14 96 10 960 24,000

14-May-14 53 100 5300 132,500

31-May-14 80 12 960 24,000

17-Jun-14 5 10 50 1,250

4-Jul-14 62 10 620 15,500

21-Jul-14 55 60 3300 82,500

7-Aug-14 42 100 4200 105,000

24-Aug-14 3 12 36 900

10-Sep-14 7 60 420 10,500

27-Sep-14 76 10 760 19,000

14-Oct-14 57 100 5700 142,500

31-Oct-14 14 10 140 3,500

17-Nov-14 11 60 660 16,500

4-Dec-14 94 10 940 23,500

21-Dec-14 28 100 2800 70,000

Rel. Ref.


Abs. Ref.=B3*C3*$


Estimates of sales (quantity) for the year of 2015

Estimated contribution rate 20% 30% 10% 40%

Month Units Sold Doug Dave Brian Larry

January 720 144 216 72 288

February 900 180 270 90 360

March 1,080 216 324 108 432

April 3,200 640 960 320 1,280

May 600 120 180 60 240

June 5,400 1,080 1,620 540 2,160

July 552 110 166 55 221

August 5,220 1,044 1,566 522 2,088

September 40 8 12 4 16

October 700 140 210 70 280

November 500 100 150 50 200

December 3,960 792 1,188 396 1,584

Total 22,872 4,574 6,862 2,287 9,149

Mixed Ref.


References (Relative, Absolute, Mixed)

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Name Rules:

•Names Must Not Exceed 255 Characters•Cell Names Are Not Allowed To Contain Spaces•Excel Does Not Distinguish Between Capital Letter and Lower

Case•Cell Names Must Be Unique and Must Not Resemble a Number,

Cell Address Or Reserve Word•A Cell Name must start with a Letter, or an Underscore

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Sheet to be summarized by taking data from other two



Referring Other Sheets

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External Link: (Link to another excel workbook)

Source file: Module 3 - Inter Ex Data Target file: Module 3

When source file is open ='[Module 3 - Inter Ex Data.xlsx]Jul-Dec'!$C$4

When source file is close ='D:\HOIA\Internal Audit\All About Excel\Excel Practice\Deliverables\Basics to Inter\[Module 3 - Inter Ex Data.xlsx]Jul-Dec'!$C$4

Edit Links:

Referring Other Sheets

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Hyper Link: (Internet type link)

Shortcut key to call this dialogue box is Ctrl + K

Referring Other Sheets

Page 9: Advanced excel   01

Useful Functio


Various Functions

Conditional Sum,

Count, Average

If – Testing Condition

Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp,

Index, Match)

Database Functions

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Various Functions


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Various Functions

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Various Functions

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Concatenate function may be replaced with “&”, however be careful that this symbol is to be placed at each join as well as take care of using “” around adding string value w/o any reference.

=CONCATENATE(D80,"-",E80) OR =D80&"-"&E80

Various Functions

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Today Now Day Mont








Various Functions

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Depreciation Methods

SLN : Straight Line MethodSYD : Sum of Years Digits MethodDB : Declining Balance Method



Various Functions

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Syntax:• Abs(Number) Abs = Absolute• Round(No., No. of Digits)• RoundDown(No., No. of Digits)• RoundUp(No., No. of Digits)• Ceiling(No., Significance)• Floor(No., Significance)• Choose(Index No., Value1, Value2,…)• Indirect(Ref)• Large(Array, K)• Small(Array, K)• Rank(No., Ref., [Order]) Order 1 for Ascending• Left(Text, [No. of Characters])• Right(Text, [No. of Characters])• Mid(Text, Start No., [No. of Characters])• Len(Text) Lentgh• Rept(Text, No. of Times) Repeat• Find(Find What, Where, [Start No.])• Search(Find What, Where, [Start No.])

Various Functions

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Syntax:• Concatenate(Text1, Text2,…)• Upper(Text)• Lower(Text)• Proper(Text)• Today()• Now()• Day(Serial No.)• Month(Serial No.)• Year(Serial No.)• Date(Year, Month, Day)• Weekday(Serial No.)• SumProduct(Array1, Array2, …)• RandBetween(Bottom, Top) Random Between• Replace(Old Text, Start No., No. of Characters, New Text)• Substitute(Text, Old Text, New Text)• =SLN(Cost, Salvage Value, Life)• =SYD(Cost, Salvage Value, Life, Per[iod])• =DB(Cost, Salvage Value, Life, Period, [Month])

Various Functions

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Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Syntax:SumIf(Range, Criteria, [Sum Range])CountIf(Range, Criteria)AverageIf(Range, Criteria, [Average Range])

Lets sum of transactions of “Pear” in terms of amount:2,965 =SUMIF(A5:A26,B36,E5:E26)

Lets sum of transactions of “Pear” in terms of quantity:37 =SUMIF(A5:A26,B36,C5:C26)

Lets count number of entries of “Pear”:3 =COUNTIF(A5:A25,B31)

Lets average of transactions of “Pear” in terms of amount:988.33 =AVERAGEIF(A5:A26,B31,E5:E26)

Lets average of transactions of “Pear” in terms of rate:81.67 =AVERAGEIF(A5:A26,B31,D5:D26)

Criteria may also be as “Pear”

Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Lets Sum of quantity where quantity is 12:36 =SUMIF(C5:C25,12)

Lets Sum of amount where amount is greater than 2000:13,040 =SUMIF(E5:E25,">2000")

Lets Sum of amount where quantity is more than 10:22,266 =SUMIF(C5:C25,">10",E5:E25)


? ?



2,875 155

Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Copy (above data of C

ol. A)

Paste Special Values

Select any cell (e.g. A57)

Data R

emove D


Now we are going to make a list of items because in our database there are some items entered more than once.

Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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List of only unique


List after sorting


Be careful about referencing; match total of summary with original database.


Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Running Total of Order

16,956,238 =SUMIF(A2:A7,"<4-1-13",B2:B7)

17,344,335 =SUMIF(A2:A7,">4-1-13",B2:B7)

Go to better

Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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=SMALL(D171:D183,COUNTIF(C171:C183,"")+1) 3



Conditional Sum, Count, Average

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If – Testing Condition

=IF(B2>C2, "Yes", "No")

Alternatively:=IF(E2>1, "Yes", "No")

Syntax:IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

=IF(E19>0,C19*0.01, 0)Alternatively=IF(C19>D19,C19*0.01, 0)

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Alternatively: =MIN(E39,35)


Alternatively: =IF(E39>35,



Alternatively: =MAX(B39-C39,0)*5%

If – Testing Condition

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=IF(C55<=DATE(2000,1,1),"AWARD","NO AWARD")

Alternatively:=IF(C55<=36526,"AWARD","NO AWARD")

If – Testing Condition

Page 30: Advanced excel   01


=IF(AND(G5="Pass",L5="Pass",Q5="Pass"),"OK","Not OK")


If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

Page 32: Advanced excel   01



=IF(AND(C109>=15,D109="F",OR(E109="KORANGI",E109="LANDHI",E109="STEEL TOWN")),30%*B109,IF(C109>19,35%*B109,20%*B109))


If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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Go to better

If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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If – Testing Condition

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=IF(ISBLANK(D235),"Enter your name please: ","Welcome: "&D235)


=IF(ISTEXT(H235),"","Enter a valid class Name:")

=IF(ISNUMBER(H237),"","Enter a valid Roll No.")

=IF(H239=H235&"."&H237,"","Enter a valid Code:")

If – Testing Condition

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=IF(OR(M235=T235,M235=T236,M235=T237,M235=T238,M235=T239,M235=U235,M235=U236,M235=U237,M235=U238,M235=U239),"","Enter a valid Class Name:")

=IF(AND(M237>0,M237<100),"","Enter a valid Roll No.")

=IF(OR(ISBLANK(M235),ISBLANK(M237)),"Enter valid Class Name and Roll No.",IF(EXACT(M239,U240),"","Enter a valid Code:"))

If – Testing Condition

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Back to simple

If – Testing Condition

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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)




Back to simple

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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)



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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)




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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)


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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)



Syntax:Vlookup(Lookup Value, Table Array, Column No., [Range Lookup])

Lookup(Lookup Value, Lookup Vector, [Result Vector])

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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)



Syntax:Hlookup(Lookup Value, Table Array, Row No., [Range Lookup])

Lookup(Lookup Value, Lookup Vector, [Result Vector])

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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)

Look horizontally (row)=MATCH("Product",L2:O2) 2

Look vertically (column)=MATCH("Plum",M3:M7) 2=MATCH("Plum",M2:M7) 3

Arranged Ascending

=MATCH(10573,L3:L7)It took Match Type as Exact

=MATCH(10572,L3:L7)It took Match Type as Less Than

=MATCH(10572,L3:L7,1)Match Type Less Than given by user

=MATCH("Orange",M3:M7)It took Match Type as Exact

=MATCH("Peach",M3:M7)Wrong result because it is neither ascending nor descending

=MATCH("Peach",M3:M7,0)Match Type Exact given by user


=MATCH("*ple",M3:M7,0) 1

=MATCH(MAX(N3:N7),N3:N7,0) 2Right result, by using Match Type to Exact

=MATCH(LARGE(N3:N7,2),N3:N7,0) 3Right result, by using Match Type to Exact

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Lookups (HLookUp, VLookUp, Index, Match)

=INDEX(V3:V7,3)Single Column therefore only Array and Row No. are enough =INDEX(V3:Y7,3,0)

Error because row number is not right

=INDEX(V3:Y7,3,1)All arguments given

=INDEX(V3:Y3,,2)Single Row therefore row reference may be skipped

=INDEX(V3:Y7,,2)Product got from the row where function applied while we wish to get first row’s product

=INDEX(V3:Y7,1,2)All arguments given

=INDEX(V3:Y7,MATCH(W13,W3:W7,0),4)Match will give row No. according to what has been entered at W13 (exact match) in turn index will return respective quantity being 4th column

=INDEX(V3:Y7,MATCH(W17,W3:W7,0),3)List of Data Validation has been applied at W17 to restrict user to select between available list; index will return unit price being 3rd column


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Database Functions

Type Date Invoice Name AmountLevel 1 28-Jan-11 595 Poole 8,000.00 Level 1 3-Feb-11 600 Davis 6,000.00 Level 1 17-Feb-11 602 Crowther 7,000.00 Level 1 17-Feb-11 603 Maze 4,000.00 Level 1 18-Feb-11 605 Park 1,000.00 Level 1 24-Feb-11 606 Waterson 6,000.00 Level 1 24-Feb-11 607 Dune 6,000.00 Level 2 19-Jan-11 591 Bryant 34,970.00 Level 2 21-Jan-11 596 Carver 34,545.45 Level 2 25-Feb-11 592 Blythe 25,196.36 Level 2 28-Feb-11 569 Porter 24,913.64 Level 2 28-Feb-11 594 Blair 7,000.00 Level 2 10-Mar-11 611 Boyden 14,545.45 Level 2 21-Mar-11 614 Hayden 17,943.64 Level 2 31-Mar-11 546 Wilson 32,036.36 Level 3 9-Mar-11 610 Dune 84,200.00 Level 4 10-Mar-11 611 Bryant 77,258.18 Level 8 14-Feb-11 575 Constable 8,015.91 Level 8 4-Mar-11 608 Constable 27,272.73 Level 1 6-Apr-11 616 Stuart 6,000.00 Level 2 6-Apr-11 611 Bryant 14,545.45 Level 3 14-Apr-11 618 Hayden 36,533.64 Level 3 24-Apr-11 621 Polter 46,845.45 Level 4 6-Apr-11 611 Blair 77,258.18 Level 4 7-Apr-11 617 Dune 20,719.09 Level 4 12-Apr-11 612 Carver 12,869.09 Level 7 24-May-11 630 Atkins 1,000.00 Level 7 30-May-11 630 Atkins 1,000.00 Level 7 30-May-11 632 Norris 1,000.00 Level 1 10-May-11 623 Arthur 7,000.00 Level 1 11-May-11 623 Arthur 7,000.00 Level 1 24-May-11 630 Atkins 5,000.00

Type Date Invoice Name AmountLevel 1 30-May-11 630 Atkins 5,000.00 Level 2 9-May-11 611 Blair 14,545.45 Level 4 9-May-11 611 Blair 77,258.18 Level 4 19-May-11 627 Hayden 10,023.64 Level 4 20-May-11 627 Hayden 10,023.64 Level 4 24-May-11 626 Wilson 11,909.09 Level 4 27-May-11 625 Blythe 18,946.36 Level 6 23-May-11 628 Craig 707.27 Level 6 23-May-11 629 Polter 126.00 Level 8 2-May-11 608 Craig 27,272.73 Level 8 18-May-11 586 Howard 18,181.82 Level 8 19-May-11 586 Howard 18,181.82 Level 8 23-May-11 608 Craig 27,272.73 Level 8 24-May-11 631 Soul 5,000.00 Level 8 26-May-11 586 Simpson 18,181.82 Level 1 12-Jul-11 653 Roberts 6,000.00 Level 1 22-Jul-11 658 Murray 6,000.00 Level 1 25-Jul-11 658 Murray 6,000.00 Level 4 20-Jul-11 654 Peterson 9,711.82 Level 6 5-Jul-11 646 Barney 2,660.00 Level 6 20-Jul-11 657 Boyden 2,516.36 Level 6 20-Jul-11 657 Boyden 649.09 Level 9 20-Jul-11 652 Soul 35,201.82 Level 9 22-Jul-11 652 Soul 35,201.82 Level 9 26-Jul-11 652 Soul 35,201.82 Level 5 6-Jul-11 648 Simpson 18,181.82 Level 5 25-Jul-11 659 Davis 10,909.09 Level 7 8-Jun-11 630 Atkins 1,000.00 Level 1 8-Jun-11 630 Atkins 5,000.00 Level 1 17-Jun-11 636 Martin 4,000.00 Level 1 20-Jun-11 642 Carter 2,000.00 Level 1 23-Jun-11 643 Carter 5,000.00 Level 6 9-Jun-11 633 Garrison 655.00 Level 5 15-Jun-11 635 Simpson 20,909.09

Page 52: Advanced excel   01

Extract from Database data of “Atkins” to prove


Syntax of DFunctions (Database, Field, Criteria)Criteria

Type Date Date Name AmountLevel 1 >=01/01/2011 <=03/31/2011 Level 2 >=01/01/2011 <=03/31/2011


229,151 15 15,277 34,970 1,000

Field: “Amount”

Name Total SalesNo. of

Transactions Average SaleMaximum


SaleAtkins 18,000 6 3,000 5,000 1,000


Criteria # Data Remove Duplicates# Validation List

Type Date Invoice Name AmountLevel 7 24-May-11 630 Atkins 1,000. Level 1 24-May-11 630 Atkins 5,000 Level 7 30-May-11 630 Atkins 1,000Level 1 30-May-11 630 Atkins 5,000Level 7 8-Jun-11 630 Atkins 1,000Level 1 8-Jun-11 630 Atkins 5,000

Database Functions

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Data Analys


Sorting (by Characters,

by Color, Custom


Filtering (incl.

Advance Filtering)

Conditional Formatting

Page 54: Advanced excel   01

Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS

22-Apr-11 MidWest Vivien R Yahoo WFJ Item 1,087 489

20-Jul-11 North Michael G Yahoo ZCN Item 459 430

22-Jun-11 North Hassan M Yahoo YUZ Item 143 97

29-Jul-11 NorthEast Hassan M Yahoo YCR Item 4,578 1,694

5-Dec-11 SouthEast Donald Wayne Yahoo WZQ Item 5,060 2,176

13-Oct-11 NorthEast Sarabeth L Yahoo ZBJ Item 3,296 3,082

14-Dec-11 NorthEast Anastasiya A Yahoo XLN Item 3,122 1,155

16-Jul-11 MidWest Vivien R Yahoo VGE Item 903 845

1-Feb-12 SouthEast Cherry M Yahoo ZUL Item 6,205 3,599

19-Dec-12 NorthEast Toni M Yahoo ZHN Item 3,214 1,382

12-Feb-11 West Hassan M Yahoo ZBJ Item 6,336 2,851

20-Nov-11 SouthEast Daniil N Yahoo YYC Item 5,673 3,290

9-Feb-11 West Vivien R Yahoo YRA Item 6,514 3,843

2-Apr-11 North Cherry M Yahoo YLH Item 8,135 3,498

26-Nov-11 West Barbara C Yahoo XWY Item 4,863 3,647

13-Aug-11 North Abdisamad A Yahoo XKA Item 8,088 5,500

26-Apr-11 NorthEast Dan Yahoo XDA Item 9,527 4,096

19-Aug-11 MidWest Cherry M Yahoo XAQ Item 5,932 2,669

30-Jul-11 NorthEast Abdisamad A Yahoo WYM Item 7,546 2,792

26-Oct-11 West Abdisamad A Yahoo WSV Item 9,099 6,187

27-Jun-11 NorthEast Nikol M Yahoo WPE Item 9,300 5,394

22-Oct-11 MidWest Shuting Yahoo WOW Item 3,907 1,446

5-Apr-11 MidWest Barbara C Yahoo WLI Item 4,092 2,373

18-Apr-11 North Tonya J Yahoo WKL Item 9,195 8,597

9-Sep-11 MidWest Vivien R Yahoo WIP Item 5,592 3,076

25-Jul-11 West Suzanne M Yahoo VVA Item 8,389 4,950

7-Apr-11 NorthEast Abdisamad A Yahoo VTW Item 4,899 2,204

8-Mar-11 SouthEast Barbara C Yahoo VSH Item 6,510 5,729

17-Sep-11 SouthEast Tonya J Yahoo VPC Item 6,253 3,689

18-May-11 SouthEast Tonya J Yahoo VOO Item 1,818 1,054

17-Sep-11 North Anastasiya A Yahoo VNQ Item 1,762 969

30-Aug-11 SouthEast Nikol M Yahoo UYS Item 8,209 4,844

18-Jul-11 MidWest Michael G Yahoo UXX Item 6,786 4,615

13-Jan-11 SouthEast Suzanne M Yahoo UWC Item 9,416 4,049

30-Jan-11 MidWest Daniil N Yahoo UNF Item 1,334 1,000

24-Aug-11 NorthEast Dan Yahoo UMJ Item 6,951 6,499

28-Jul-11 SouthEast Catherine W Yahoo UJQ Item 8,290 4,808

27-Apr-11 West Analyssa C Yahoo UER Item 1,283 872

12-Feb-11 West Sarabeth L Yahoo UCA Item 2,304 1,267

22-Sep-11 North Cherry M Yahoo UAL Item 9,929 5,858

Custom List:MS Office Button Excel Options Popular Edit Custom Lists

Applying Custom List at Sorting:Data Sort Column; Sort On; Order (Custom List)

Sorted by Font Color then by Cell


Getting unique valuesColumn-wise (one by one Col.)


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Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS 1-Feb-12 SouthEast Cherry M Yahoo ZUL Item 6,205 3,599

12-Feb-11 West Hassan M Yahoo ZBJ Item 6,336 2,851 20-Nov-11 SouthEast Daniil N Yahoo YYC Item 5,673 3,290 9-Feb-11 West Vivien R Yahoo YRA Item 6,514 3,843

26-Nov-11 West Barbara C Yahoo XWY Item 4,863 3,647 5-Dec-11 SouthEast Donald Wayne Yahoo WZQ Item 5,060 2,176 26-Oct-11 West Abdisamad A Yahoo WSV Item 9,099 6,187 25-Jul-11 West Suzanne M Yahoo VVA Item 8,389 4,950 8-Mar-11 SouthEast Barbara C Yahoo VSH Item 6,510 5,729 17-Sep-11 SouthEast Tonya J Yahoo VPC Item 6,253 3,689 18-May-11 SouthEast Tonya J Yahoo VOO Item 1,818 1,054

Custom FilterRegion Greater than “S”

Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS MidWest >5000

Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS MidWest




Data Filter Advanced Filter List Range Criteria Range Copy to

Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS Sales>10-31-2011 >3999 <5001


A valid criteria for such data


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Wild Card (*)


Wild Card (?)

To display data where Customer name consists of “Mart” at any position

To display data where Product name starts

with “C” and ends with “ke”


OrderDate Product OrderID Shipped Customer Invoice Paid

1-Jan-02Coke 10456 1-Aug-02MegaMart 278


3-Jan-02Good*Eats 10457 2-Aug-02MiniMart



3-Jan-02 10458 3-Aug-02SuperMart 1,365


3-Jan-02Produce 10459 4-Aug-02Mart-o-rama



4-Jan-02Coke 10460 5-Aug-02MegaMart 1,348


11-Jan-02Produce 10461 6-Aug-02Mart-o-rama



11-Jan-02Produce 10462 7-Aug-02MegaMart 293


18-Jan-02Produce 10463 8-Aug-02MiniMart 1,803


20-Jan-02Coke 10464 9-Aug-02MegaMart 1,668


20-Jan-02Cake 1046510-Aug-

02MegaMart 566


21-Jan-02Good*Eats 10466




21-Jan-02Produce 1046712-Aug-




25-Jan-02Coke 1046813-Aug-

02MegaMart 176


25-Jan-02Cake 1046914-Aug-

02MiniMart 870


26-Jan-02Cake 1047015-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,682


26-Jan-02Produce 1047116-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,704


3-Feb-02 1047217-Aug-

02SuperMart 460


3-Feb-02Cake 1047318-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,607


4-Feb-02Cake 1047419-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,205


7-Feb-02Coke 1047520-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,192


8-Feb-02Cake 1047621-Aug-

02MiniMart 455


17-Feb-02Good*Eats 10477




17-Feb-02 1047823-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,207


22-Feb-02Good*Eats 10479




23-Feb-02Coke 1048025-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,374


23-Feb-03Cake 1048126-Aug-

02MegaMart 1,348


28-Feb-02Coke 1048227-Aug-

02MegaMart 616


Filtering (Advance)

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OrderDate Product OrderID Shipped Customer Invoice Paid

1-Jan-02Coke 10456 1-Aug-02MegaMart 278


3-Jan-02Good*Eats 10457 2-Aug-02MiniMart



3-Jan-02 10458 3-Aug-02SuperMart 1,365


3-Jan-02Produce 10459 4-Aug-02Mart-o-rama



4-Jan-02Coke 10460 5-Aug-02MegaMart 1,348


11-Jan-02Produce 10461 6-Aug-02Mart-o-rama



11-Jan-02Produce 10462 7-Aug-02MegaMart 293


18-Jan-02Produce 10463 8-Aug-02MiniMart 1,803


20-Jan-02Coke 10464 9-Aug-02MegaMart 1,668


20-Jan-02Cake 1046510-Aug-

02MegaMart 566


21-Jan-02Good*Eats 10466




21-Jan-02Produce 1046712-Aug-




25-Jan-02Coke 1046813-Aug-

02MegaMart 176


25-Jan-02Cake 1046914-Aug-

02MiniMart 870


26-Jan-02Cake 1047015-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,682


26-Jan-02Produce 1047116-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,704


3-Feb-02 1047217-Aug-

02SuperMart 460


3-Feb-02Cake 1047318-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,607


4-Feb-02Cake 1047419-Aug-

02MiniMart 1,205


7-Feb-02Coke 1047520-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,192


8-Feb-02Cake 1047621-Aug-

02MiniMart 455


17-Feb-02Good*Eats 10477




17-Feb-02 1047823-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,207


22-Feb-02Good*Eats 10479




23-Feb-02Coke 1048025-Aug-

02MiniMart 2,374


23-Feb-03Cake 1048126-Aug-

02MegaMart 1,348


28-Feb-02Coke 1048227-Aug-

02MegaMart 616


To display data where Product name is blank



Find Blank

Top/ Bottom 10…, Above Average, and Below Average are available as built-in facility.



To display data where Paid amount differs

with Invoice amount =F2<>



Find No.

To display data where Order ID consists of “8”

at any position=FIND(8,C


Filtering (Advance)

Page 58: Advanced excel   01

G.R. No. Student Math English Urdu Islamiat Total %age Grade

1005 Hashim 74 42 34 96 246 62%B

1030 Bilal 47 55 99 80 281 70%A

1021 Basheer 42 40 52 91 225 56%C

1054 Javaria 78 36 66 27 207 52%Fail

1074 Bushra 42 61 51 58 212 53%C

1084 Saqib 37 31 39 107 27%Fail

1005 Rehana 73 36 54 62 225 56%C

1065 Mubashir 42 47 52 40 181 45%D

1036 Waqar 41 61 91 78 271 68%B

1043 Khalid 78 76 83 99 336 84%A+

1024 Junaid 36 75 90 82 283 71%A

1027 Chaman 34 36 38 33 141 35%Pass


Lower than 33

Grading Criteria33% Pass40% D50% C60% B70% A80% A+

Greater than 79

Top 3

Bottom 3

Containing “a”


Conditional Formatting

Page 59: Advanced excel   01

Conditional Formatting

Sales by BuilderDate Builder Total

11 Feb 13 Doug 4,64017 Jan 13 Morgan 2,32831 Jan 13 Dave 3,850

19 Aug 10 Gill 3,81023 Jun 10 Dave 2,31302 Feb 13 Brian 1,56515 Apr 10 Larry 5,74020 Mar 10 Rob 5,84005 Feb 10 Morgan 1,88414 Feb 13 Jones 54811 Jan 10 Brian 4,128

14 Nov 09 Rob 4,64012 Nov 09 Jones 2,12503 Nov 09 Doug 63904 Nov 09 Richard 4,11005 Nov 09 Sime 96912 Dec 09 Mandis 80225 Jan 10 Rogger 3,420

19 Mar 10 Dave 3,56003 May 10 Dave 1,63624 May 10 Dave 3,88802 Jun 10 Larry 6,63003 Jun 10 Brian 3,80023 Jul 10 Larry 1,605

01 Aug 10 Rob 1,98903 Sep 10 Rob 3,04017 Sep 10 Brian 2,76012 Oct 10 Dave 2,44824 Nov 10 Larry 2,223

Highlight other than


ht Below


Dates Occurrin

g This Month

Hide Error

Sales by BuilderDate Builder Total

11 Feb 13 Doug 4,64017 Jan 13 Morgan 2,32831 Jan 13 Dave 3,85019 Aug 10 Gill 3,81023 Jun 10 Dave 2,31302 Feb 13 Brian 1,56515 Apr 10 Larry 5,74020 Mar 10 Rob 5,84005 Feb 10 Morgan 1,88414 Feb 13 Jones 54811 Jan 10 Brian 4,12814 Nov 09 Rob 4,64012 Nov 09 Jones 2,12503 Nov 09 Doug 63904 Nov 09 Richard 4,11005 Nov 09 Sime 96912 Dec 09 Mandis 80225 Jan 10 Rogger19 Mar 10 Dave 3,56003 May 10 Dave 1,63624 May 10 Dave 3,88802 Jun 10 Larry 6,63003 Jun 10 Brian 3,80023 Jul 10 Larry 1,605

01 Aug 10 Rob 1,98903 Sep 10 Rob 3,04017 Sep 10 Brian 2,76012 Oct 10 Dave 2,44824 Nov 10 Larry 2,223

Icon Sets

Data Bars

Page 60: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Page 61: Advanced excel   01

Tips & TricksF6 to move b/w open filesCtrl + Pg Up/ Pg Dn to move b/w sheetsDrag & Drop (to cut/ paste or copy/ paste or to make place for cut/ paste)Shift + Space to select entire rowCtrl + Space to select entire columnF4 to repeat last commandShift + F2 to edit comments

Insert a Sheet

Right-click on sheet tab

Delete a Sheet

Rename a Sheet

Hide a Sheet

Move or Copy a Sheet

Page 62: Advanced excel   01

Desired Location of SheetWe can move or copy to the same book or any open book or a new bookDesired Order of SheetCopy of SheetCheck it to make a copy otherwise Excel will move the sheet

Move means Cut & PasteCopy means Copy & Paste

Tips & Tricks

Page 63: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Page 64: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks








Requirement: From the ledger of repair of vehicles (given below), we have to extract entries of vehicle # “AB-0131”

Page 65: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Page 66: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Page 67: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Alternatively: Sorted for “KDN-9779” from the following list


Page 68: Advanced excel   01

Tips & Tricks

Page 69: Advanced excel   01

Tips & TricksGo To SpecialConstants, Formulas, Blanks, Row Differences, Column Differences, Visible Cells Only

Paste SpecialFormulas, Values, Formats, Comments, Validation, Column Widths, Operation, Transpose, Paste Link

Link a picture

Hide functions from view

Custom Formatting (Symbols e.g. Kg, Rounding e.g. in thousands)

Page 70: Advanced excel   01


Scenario Manager

Goal Seek

Data Table (One & Two Variables)

Consolidation (3-D, Internal, External)



g R



Page 71: Advanced excel   01


Sort by Region then by Sale Rep; Sub-Total at each change in Region; again Sub-Total at each change in Sales Rep (uncheck replace current sub-totals).Apply formatting to only sub-totals of any level expand or collapse accordingly then ^G Special Visible Cells Only; Sub-Total Remove All

Date Region Sales Rep Customer Product Sales COGS

Abdisamad A Total 105,487 71,869 Analyssa C Total 43,768 26,289 Anastasiya A Total 58,381 35,444 Barbara C Total 69,882 48,002 Catherine W Total 47,563 28,338 Cherry M Total 126,926 74,191 Dan Total 56,677 38,142 Dana L Total 99,612 64,527 Daniil N Total 57,301 32,180 Desiree A Total 63,582 46,800 Dina Total 70,651 40,473 Donald Wayne Total 63,125 33,664 Hassan M Total 103,656 70,381 Michael G Total 56,431 30,055 Nikol M Total 97,765 62,610 Sarabeth L Total 105,861 63,141 Shannon L Total 71,010 39,335

Shuting Total 106,369 57,344 Suzanne M Total 79,980 48,651 Toni M Total 75,657 42,140 Tonya J Total 100,052 67,262 Vivien R Total 46,682 23,305 North Total 1,706,418 1,044,143 Abdisamad A Total 72,645 47,760 Analyssa C Total 82,114 58,072 Anastasiya A Total 65,258 42,246 Barbara C Total 97,979 57,088

Page 72: Advanced excel   01

Sales Person AreaMonthly Sales

(Dec. 2012)Region 1

Hashim Gulshan 110,000 Basheer Liaquatabad 90,000 Javaria F.B. Area 120,000

320,000 320,000 Region 2

Khalid Nazimabad 125,000 Rehana Hyderi 95,000 Chaman North Karachi 75,000 Waqar Orangi 120,000 Saqib Golimar 75,000

490,000 490,000 Region 3

Bushra Saddar 85,000 Mubashir Shahra-e-Faisal 105,000 Bilal Malir 125,000 Junaid Super Highway 150,000

465,000 465,000

1,275,000 1,275,000

Sales Person AreaMonthly Sales

(Dec. 2012)

Region 1

Hashim Gulshan 110,000

Javaria F.B. Area 120,000

320,000 230,000

Region 2

Khalid Nazimabad 125,000

Waqar Orangi 120,000

490,000 245,000

Region 3

Mubashir Shahra-e-Faisal 105,000

Bilal Malir 125,000

Junaid Super Highway 150,000

465,000 380,000

1,275,000 855,000

9 9



Only records greater than 99,999 (below

figure records have been hidden).


Page 73: Advanced excel   01

If Sub-Total used on filtered data then it accounts for only visible cells

Take both hidden & unhidden

Ignores hidden ce

lls, however,

hidden row(s)

after fil

tering will n

ot work

Advantages of Sub-TotalIf any range of total is wrong but grand total range is correct

then grand total will be correct.In case of hidden data as a result of filtering then it will

calculate only unhidden data

Disadvantages of Sub-TotalWe have to know function number of the functionIn case of hidden data as a result of filtering then it will

calculate only unhidden data


Page 74: Advanced excel   01

Scenario Manager

Changing Cells Resulting Cells

Units Sold 15000 Total Revenue 1,500,000

S.P./ Unit 100 Total Costs 1,050,000

V.C./ Unit 40 Profit 450,000

Fixed Costs 450,000

1) Data-->What-If Analysis-->Scenario ManagerAdd-->Scenario Name: Pessimistic Approach-->Changing Cells: B4:B7 [Rel. Ref.] (1000;100;50;400,000)-->OK-->OK

2) Data-->What-If Analysis-->Scenario ManagerAdd-->Scenario Name: Optimistic Approach-->Changing Cells: B4:B7 [Rel. Ref.] (20000;150;60;1,000,000)-->OK-->OK

3) Data-->What-If Analysis-->Scenario ManagerAdd-->Scenario Name: Normal Approach-->Changing Cells: B4:B7 [Rel. Ref.] (10000;110;55;500,000)-->OK-->OK

4) Data-->What-If Analysis-->Scenario Manager-->SummaryResult Cells-->F4:F6 [Rel. Ref.]-->OK



Page 75: Advanced excel   01

Scenario Summary

Current Values: Pessimistic Approach Optimistic Approach Normal Approach

Changing Cells:

Units_Sold 15000 1000 20000 10000

S.P.__Unit 100 100 150 110

V.C.__Unit 40 50 60 55

Fixed_Costs 450,000 400,000 1,000,000 500,000

Result Cells:

Total_Revenue 1,500,000 100,000 3,000,000 1,100,000

Total_Costs 1,050,000 450,000 2,200,000 1,050,000

Profit 450,000 (350,000) 800,000 50,000

Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at

time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each

scenario are highlighted in gray.

Scenario Manager

Page 76: Advanced excel   01

Sales 145,769 Variable Costs 66,519 Contribution Margin 79,250 Fixed Costs 79,250 Net Income -

Assumptions  Units Sold 4,859 Price per Unit 30.00 Variable Cost per Unit 13.69 Fixed Costs 79,250

Sales 170,769 Variable Costs 66,519 Contribution Margin 104,250 Fixed Costs 79,250 Net Income 25,000

Assumptions  Units Sold 4,859 Price per Unit 35.15 Variable Cost per Unit 13.69 Fixed Costs 79,250

Sales 237,738 Variable Costs 108,488 Contribution Margin 129,250 Fixed Costs 79,250 Net Income 50,000

Assumptions  Units Sold 7,925 Price per Unit 30.00 Variable Cost per Unit 13.69 Fixed Costs 79,250

Original – Break Even PointWe may come to this situation

applying on any other situation by setting value to 0


Price Per Unit changed to earn a profit of


Units Sold changed to earn a profit of


Data What-If Analysis Goal Seek Set Cell (having a formula/ function) To Value By Changing Cell (without any formula/ function)

Goal Seek

Page 77: Advanced excel   01

One VariableInterest Rate Monthly Repayment Total Repayment Total Interest

10.00% 1,718 206,155 76,155 1%










Interest Rate Monthly Repayment Total Repayment Total Interest

10.00% 1,718 206,155 76,155 1%










Step 2

Step 3

Select Table Area

Tractor Loan

Amount of loan 130,000 Interest Rate 10.00%Term of Loan (Years) 10Number of Payments (per Year) 12

Amount of Payment


Total Paid 206,155 Interest Paid 76,155 To be Repaid by June 2023

Step 1





Data Table

Page 78: Advanced excel   01

One VariableStep 4 Data What-If Analysis Data Table

Keep Row Input Cell blankIn Column Input Cell ref. to original cell containing Interest Rate i.e. K4

Interest Rate

Monthly Repayment

Total Repayment

Total Interest

10.00% 396 47,574 17,574

1% 1,139 136,662 6,662

3% 1,255 150,635 20,635

5% 1,379 165,462 35,462

7% 1,509 181,129 51,129

10% 1,718 206,155 76,155

12% 1,865 223,815 93,815 15% 2,097 251,683 121,683

20% 2,512 301,479 171,479

25% 2,957 354,889 224,889

30% 3,427 411,244 281,244

Final Output Value

generated by Data Table

Now we may make this row invisible by changing font color

to white

Data Table

Page 79: Advanced excel   01

Two Variables

Select Table Area

Tractor Loan

Amount of loan 130,000 Interest Rate 10.00%Term of Loan (Years) 10Number of Payments (per Year) 12

Amount of Payment


Total Paid 206,155 Interest Paid 76,155 To be Repaid by June 2023

Step 1

T e r m o f L o a n

1,718 5 10 12 151%










Step 3


T e r m o f L o a n

1,718 5 10 12 151%










Step 2

Data Table

Page 80: Advanced excel   01

Two VariablesStep 4 Data What-If Analysis Data Table

In Row Input Cell ref. to original cell containing Term of Loan i.e. K5In Column Input Cell ref. to original cell containing Interest Rate i.e. K4

Final Output

Value generated

by Data Table

Now we may make this cell invisible by changing font color similar to fill color

of the row.

Term of Loan

396 5 10 12 151% 2,222 1,139 958 778 3% 2,336 1,255 1,076 898 5% 2,453 1,379 1,202 1,028

7% 2,574 1,509 1,337 1,168 10% 2,762 1,718 1,554 1,397 12% 2,892 1,865 1,707 1,560 15% 3,093 2,097 1,951 1,819 20% 3,444 2,512 2,388 2,283 25% 3,816 2,957 2,855 2,776 30% 4,206 3,427 3,346 3,289

Data Table

Page 81: Advanced excel   01


Product/Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Carlota 71 158 114 96 142 62 112 103 114 140 115 115 1342

Yanaki 109 161 147 79 97 109 184 114 110 168 146 132 1556

Aspen 143 181 96 138 115 88 111 155 135 179 156 89 1586

Sunset 134 155 89 101 98 72 106 120 141 171 131 142 1460

Delicate Arch 139 139 123 140 115 74 142 150 111 189 128 124 1574

Bellen 156 114 77 148 110 122 181 143 162 119 113 164 1609

Total 752 908 646 702 677 527 836 785 773 966 789 766 9127

3-D Reference

There may be lot of sheets excluding such sheets to be incorporated here. It may give wrong results if any sheet moved from the range sheets. Similar spaces should be used in all sheets.


Type “=Sum(“Go to Store(1) Select relevant cell Shift + Go to Store(5) Enter

We may also put simply =sum('sto*'!B3) then it will converted itself to such 3D Ref.

A more reliable method to select the same cell from all sheet one by one instead of 3-D referencing.

Page 82: Advanced excel   01


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL


Software 28,175 50,244 52,910 55,480 54,890 54,800 56,380 52,910 52,910 57,360 52,910 24,000 592,969

Books 47,700 74,550 78,000 82,500 81,250 81,420 56,500 78,220 78,220 84,780 78,220 54,700 876,060

Videos 26,500 49,750 51,850 55,850 55,400 53,500 55,500 53,750 53,750 56,500 53,750 25,250 285,600

CD-ROMs 49,532 48,720 51,258 53,998 54,810 54,303 26,460 51,258 51,258 56,840 51,258 26,513 576,205

SALES TOTAL 151,907 223,264 234,018 247,828 246,350 244,023 194,840 236,138 236,138 255,480 236,138 130,463 2,636,584


Cost of Goods 12,153 17,861 18,721 19,826 19,708 19,522 15,587 18,891 18,891 20,438 18,891 10,437 210,927

Advertising 8,878 12,306 15,236 14,650 16,115 15,383 10,450 15,236 15,236 13,185 15,236 10,556 162,467

Rent 4,053 6,153 6,153 6,153 6,153 6,153 3,990 6,153 6,153 6,153 6,153 4,263 67,683

Supplies 2,509 3,516 4,102 3,809 3,663 4,102 2,470 4,102 4,102 3,663 3,956 2,842 42,835

Salaries 30,880 46,880 48,345 48,345 48,345 49,810 32,300 49,810 49,810 49,810 51,275 35,525 541,135

Shipping 27,503 40,288 42,485 43,950 42,485 43,218 28,500 42,485 42,485 46,148 44,683 29,435 473,663

Utilities 965 1,758 1,758 1,612 1,758 1,905 1,235 1,758 1,758 1,905 1,758 1,218 19,387

EXPENSES TOTAL 86,940 128,762 136,800 138,345 138,227 140,091 94,532 138,435 138,435 141,301 141,951 94,276 1,518,095

GROSS PROFIT 64,967 94,502 97,217 109,483 108,124 103,931 100,308 97,703 97,703 114,179 94,187 36,187 1,118,489

Consolidated data from three sheets (Div-A, Div-B, and Div-C) all sheets use similar labels for rows and columns, however, there was different patterns in the sheets (e.g. number of columns and rows are different even order of rows were different but consolidation made according to labels used therein.

Created a new sheet (i.e. Div-A2C) Data Consolidate Added (addresses) Use Labels in: Top Row & Left Column Create Links to Source Data

Page 83: Advanced excel   01


January February March April May June July August September October November December


Branch A 16,498 16,549 15,524 15,356 17,657 15,216 15,926 15,621 16,517 18,315 15,613 15,643

Branch B 17,861 15,205 16,090 18,372 18,351 16,799 16,749 18,312 15,097 17,943 17,509 15,869

Branch C 18,807 17,256 17,893 17,686 18,344 15,190 15,377 18,592 15,696 15,641 16,344 18,537

Sale of Shirts 53,166 49,010 49,507 51,414 54,352 47,205 48,052 52,525 47,310 51,899 49,466 50,049

Branch A 12,057 10,078 11,695 12,056 11,525 11,907 10,076 12,054 11,357 13,882 10,376 11,903

Branch B 10,795 13,444 12,355 10,811 10,475 13,834 12,197 11,425 11,290 12,812 10,089 10,996

Branch C 11,401 10,122 12,127 11,534 11,593 13,154 10,739 13,650 13,364 10,038 12,237 13,950

Sale of Pants 34,253 33,644 36,177 34,401 33,593 38,895 33,012 37,129 36,011 36,732 32,702 36,849

Branch A 8,618 8,940 8,142 7,043 7,346 8,911 8,084 8,535 8,682 7,656 8,479 8,092

Branch B 7,670 8,920 8,147 8,631 8,657 8,183 8,062 7,810 8,653 7,964 7,883 7,496

Branch C 8,296 7,047 7,545 8,180 7,989 8,781 7,956 8,050 8,803 7,271 7,376 7,277

Sale of Shoes 24,584 24,907 23,834 23,854 23,992 25,875 24,102 24,395 26,138 22,891 23,738 22,865

Consolidated data from three workbooks(Br-A, Br-B, and Br-C). For convenience in referring ranges have been given name.

Created a new sheet (i.e. Br-A2C) Data Consolidate Browse to file Edit name of range Added (addresses) Use Labels in: Top Row & Left Column Create Links to Source Data

Consolidation with other workbooks (external data)

Page 84: Advanced excel   01

Improve Visualization of Data

Charts (Popular Types, Adding/ Deleting Data,

Sub-chart, Secondary Axis)

Pivot Tables (Basics,

Filtering, Options,

Grouping, Slicer)

Page 85: Advanced excel   01

Year Sales Expense Profit

2005 4,689

2,326 2,363

2006 4,946

2,152 2,794

2007 3,383

2,493 890

2008 4,978

2,065 2,913

2009 2,696

2,005 691

2010 3,339

2,190 1,149

Rs. in Thousands

Charts Sample


Page 86: Advanced excel   01


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 -








Column Chart

Line Chart2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010








4,689 4,946



2,696 Expense Expense

ExpenseExpense Expense

2005 2006






sData Series

Data LabelData Point





Popular Types

Page 87: Advanced excel   01


Pie Chart

Bar Chart

Sales 4,689

Expense 2,326

Profit 2,363

Financial Year 2005







- 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000


Format Data LabelsLabel OptionsCategory Name, Value, Separator

Popular Types

Page 88: Advanced excel   01


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 -








Doughnut Chart

Financial Year 2005SalesExpenseProfit

It may be used for more than one data categories but distinction may not be maintained.

Area Chart

Popular Types

Page 89: Advanced excel   01


Year Sales Expense Profit

2005 4,689



2006 4,946



2007 3,383



2008 4,978



2009 2,696



2010 3,339



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 -








Rs. in ThousandsTo add another series select chart then apply Chart Tools Design Tab Data Select Data Add (Series)

Alternatively select cells containing Expense data Copy Paste Special after selecting chart Add Cells as: New Series Values (Y) in: Columns Series Names in the First Row: Check it.

Adding a Series

Page 90: Advanced excel   01


Expenses AmountAdministrative Expenses 2,843,916,990

Financial Charges 944,943,570

Selling and Distribution Exp. 1,791,012,930 Sales Promotion 560,828,520

Staff Salaries and Benefits 538,637,000

Depreciation 331,181,000

Vehicle Expenses 174,699,000

Cartage and Forwarding 161,624,000

Other Selling Expenses 23,868,410

Tender Fees 175,000

Administrative Expenses

Financial Charges

Sales Promotion

Staff Salaries and Benefits

DepreciationVehicle Expenses Cartage and Forwarding Other Selling Expenses



ak u

p of







n ex



Select Data excl. Selling and Distribution Exp.; Format Data Series Series Options Split Series by:


Page 91: Advanced excel   01

Product Sales 2008Productgroup A 3,216,546

Product B 987,987

Product C 256,446

Product D 565,467

Product E 466,361

Product F 426,450

Product G 386,539

Product H 346,628






426,450386,539 346,628Sales by Productgroup in 2009

Productgroup AProduct BProduct CProduct DProduct EProduct FProduct GProduct H



Page 92: Advanced excel   01

Year Production Capacity2001 36,641 48,215 2002 47,761 48,215 2003 41,006 58,632 2004 40,432 58,632 2005 34,622 58,632 2006 38,478 58,632 2007 43,539 58,632 2008 48,439 58,632 2009 54,419 58,632 2010 45,122 58,632 2011 45,690 58,632 2012 53,230 58,632

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 -








Capacity Production

Area ChartColum

n Chart

Secondary AxisChart


Page 93: Advanced excel   01

Pivot Tables


A pivot table is a great reporting tool that sorts and sums independent of the

original data layout in the spreadsheet. It can automatically sort, count, and total

spreadsheet data and then create a second table to display the summarized data.

Once you have finished looking at the summarized data, you can quickly re-sort

your data and look at it from a totally different perspective, and all of this can be

done without using functions or formulas.


Page 94: Advanced excel   01

Pivot Tables


Field FilteringYear 2006Qtr Q 3 & Q 4Column Labels Direct Sales,

Internet, Retail

We may apply filtering on any one filter or more filters as below:

Page 95: Advanced excel   01

Pivot Tables


Applying different options by right-click or Options Pivot Table Options

Page 96: Advanced excel   01

Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


For instance Catering of Jan divided by Feb (72,000/75,990) X 100.

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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Pivot Tables


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Facilitating &

Restricting Users

Data Validation (incl. Depended


Controls (Combo Box, List Box,

Check Box, Option Button, Spin

Button, Scroll Bar)

Page 107: Advanced excel   01

G.R. No. Student Math English Urdu Islamiat Total %age Grade

Whole number between (minimum:) 0 & (maximum:) 100

To avoid duplicate entries: =COUNTIF($K$2:$K$13,K2)<2

Prepared by:




Custom: =ISTEXT(L6)Text Length: equal to 15

Date: Between 1-Jan-2011 to Today()


Invoice Amount Paid AmountCustom:


Data Validation

Page 108: Advanced excel   01

Data Validation


Country Pakistani Cities Indian CitiesBangladeshi

CitiesPakistan Faisalabad Agra BarisalIndia Hyderabad Ahmedabad Chittagong

Bangladesh Islamabad Chanai Comilla

Karachi Colcata DhakaLahore Goa Gazipur

Lodhran Jaipur KhulnaPeshawar Mumbai Rangpur

Quetta New Dehli

Sadiqabad PunaSukkur

Secondary lists

Primary list




Name of Cell(s) containing cities of a country must be same as Country in Primary List (e.g. G4:G13 must be named as "Pakistan" instead of "Pak" because in the Primary List this is "Pakistan")

Page 109: Advanced excel   01

Data Validation

To be applied at City e.g. B4

Page 110: Advanced excel   01


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Automating Your Repetitive TasksMacro (Intro, Developer Tab, Record, Run, View Code, Sort to get top 3, Methods to Call)

Page 114: Advanced excel   01


What is an Excel Macro?An excel macro is a series of keystrokes, mouse clicks, and other commands that you can record and reuse to save time. The next time you want to perform those steps, you can run the macro and then sit back while Microsoft Excel does the work for you. Suggestions before creating a macro

•Plan your macro•Initially you may use the copy of original work•Before record a macro - once perform desired tasks (as

rehearsal)•Initially it is advisable to use more than one small macros

instead of a single for all your tasks

Uses of Excel MacroEveryday users use the macro recorder to automate simple

tasksApplication developers create completely custom applications


Page 115: Advanced excel   01


Developer Tab

Adding the Developer Tab in Excel 2007

Click on the Excel Options buttonClick on the Popular optionClick on the Show Developer Tab in the ribbonClick on OK

Page 116: Advanced excel   01


Record – Dialogue Box

Macro Name: Use naming conventions; invalid name if starts with digit or having space, “.”, punctuation marks

Shortcut Key: Assign a shortcut without conflict of built-in commands (may be any small/ capital letter or digit)

Store Macro in: 1. This workbook (The macro is

available only in this file.)2. New workbook (This option opens a

new Excel file. The macro is available only in this new file.)

3. Personal macro workbook(This option creates a hidden file Personal.xls which stores your macros and makes them available to you in all Excel files.)

Description - (optional)

Page 117: Advanced excel   01


Record – First Example

1. Click on the Home tab of the ribbon.

2. Select cells A1 to F1.

3. Click on the Merge and Center icon to center the title b/w A1 and F1.

4. Click on the Fill Color icon.

5. Choose Blue to turn the background color to blue.

6. Click on the Font Color icon.

7. Choose White to turn the text to white.

8. Click on the Font Size icon.

9. Choose 16 to change the size of text.

10. Click on the Developer tab of the ribbon.

11. Click the Stop Recording button on the ribbon.

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Run – First Example

1. Click on the Sheet2 tab.

2. Click on cell A1.

3. Type the title:  Profit & Loss Statement of April 2013.

4. Click on the Developer tab of the ribbon.

5. Click Macros button on the ribbon to bring up Macro dialog box.

Alternatively a short cut to call this dialogue box by applying Alt + F8.

6. Click on the format_titles macro in the Macro name window.

7. Click the Run button. 

8. The steps of the macro should run automatically and apply the same

formatting steps applied to the title on sheet 1.

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View Code – First Example

Unnecessary portion of code may be deleted instantly or after making them comments to read it conformably as well as to speed up it execution.

Shortcut to view code is

Alt +F11

Excel Macro-Enabled

Workbook supports a

workbook containing


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Sort to get top 3

G.R. No. Student Math English Urdu Islamiat Total %age Grade1021 Basheer 42 40 52 91 225 56% C1030 Bilal 47 55 99 80 281 70% A1074 Bushra 42 61 51 58 212 53% C1027 Chaman 34 36 38 33 141 35% Pass1017 Fawad 88 52 65 87 292 73% A1005 Hashim 74 42 34 96 246 62% B1004 Jamshed 81 54 - 25 160 40% Fail1054 Javaria 78 36 66 27 207 52% Fail1024 Junaid 36 75 90 82 283 71% A1043 Khalid 78 76 83 99 336 84% A+1046 Mehmood 5 27 43 81 156 39% Fail1065 Mubashir 42 47 52 40 181 45% D1053 Nasir 37 20 20 38 115 29% Fail1032 Rais 13 28 52 76 169 42% Fail1050 Rehana 73 36 54 62 225 56% C1084 Sikandar 37 31 - 39 107 27% Fail1036 Waqar 41 61 91 78 271 68% B1039 Zeeshan 67 29 79 99 274 69% B

This is our original

data which is sorted by

student name.

RequirementsWe need to extract top 3 students particulars in the following

manner:Position G.R. No. Name Total Grade1st 1043 Khalid 336A+2nd 1017 Fawad 292A3rd 1024 Junaid 283A

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Sort to get top 3

1. Select Columns A to I

2. Data Sort Total Values Largest to Smallest

3. Select A2:B4; Copy and Paste to L2:M4

4. Select G2:G4; Copy and Paste Special to N2:N4

5. Select I2:I4; Copy and Paste Special to O2:O4

6. Select Columns A to I

7. Data Sort G.R. No. Values Smallest to Largest

Add a Button to Run Macro

Developer Insert Form Controls Button

Draw the Button

Right-Click Edit Text: Top 3 Students

Right-Click Assign Macro…

Select Macro Name OK

Macro Name: Top_3

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Methods to Call Macro

Adding graphical aids to run macro:

Insert Clip Art Select any image Draw the image & place at a suitable

place Right-Click Assign Macro… Select Macro Name

Adding Button to Run Macro Developer Insert Form Controls Button

Draw the Button & place at a suitable place

Right-Click Edit Text

Right-Click Assign Macro… Select Macro Name OK

Now due to relative references we may apply these macros at any column

where similar kind of data (irrespective of size) with similar error may be

available there. So reach at respective columns heading and apply the

respective macro.

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