
Songs in English



Frankfurt 2016


Pierluigi Masini

Vintage Italian Design• Size: 192x228 mm

• Binding: paperback

• Pages: 320/400

• Photographs: approximately 250 colour phots

“Design” is one of the most used words in the world today, with 4,620,000,000 Google results.

Between the 1950s and the end of the twentieth century, Italian design was best represented worldwide by Gio Ponti, Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Marco Zanuso, Franco Albini.

The book presents 150/200 designer objects created between 1950 and 2000

to the general public, some of which are already well-known, and many which are not:

armchairs, chairs, tables, desks, lamps, as well as televisions, mirrors... Characteristics,

designer, company, year, details, stories, anecdotes. A guide to what you already have

or what you may come across, giving you a better perception and therefore giving value

to the object.

Pierluigi Masini ihas a degree in Art History from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He is

director of Poligrafi ci Editoriale’s publishing projects (publisher of Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione).

In 2015 he created the DesignFollia project: a Facebook page that aims to bring daily attention to many

“forgotten” and “non-forgotten” designers, presenting stories and products that are illustrated with contribu-

tions from books and magazines (Domus magazine’s historical archive).

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

Cucina Mancina - Lorenza Dadduzio

FODMAPS Diet• Size: 145x230 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 192

• Photographs: approximately 80 colour phots

Everything about the FODMAP diet, discovered in Australia and now prescribed worldwide.

The new frontier after “gluten-free”.

This book is dedicated to the “Low FODMAP” diet: an introduction and 60 recipes

help you learn more about the diet and how to put it into practice.

An approach that follows a precise protocol to increase your motivation to stick to it

and unleash the power of word of mouth. is the fi rst food community dedicated to people who eat differ-

ently. “Left-handed foodies” can fi nd and suggest recipes and information about various eating styles. The

portal brings together food lovers, food bloggers, photographers, chefs, businesses, restaurants and shops.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

Dario Bressanini

The Science of Meat• Size: 192x228 mm

• Binding: fl exibound

• Pages: 200

• Photographs: about 100 colour photos

Dario Bressanini, born in1963, is a Professor of

chemistry at the University of Insubria in Como. He writes the

monthly column Pentole e provette for the magazine Le Scienze

and is author of the popular blog “Scienza in cucina”. He has

written “Pane e bugie” (Bread and Falsehoods) (2010), “Le

bugie nel carrello” (Falsehoods in the Shopping Trolley) and “Le

leggende e i trucchi del marketing sul cibo che compriamo” (The

Legends and Marketing Tricks for the Food We Buy) (2013),

dedicated to food misinformation, published by Chiarelettere;

“OGM tra leggende e realtà” (The Legends and Truths of

GMOs) (2009) published by Zanichelli; “I giochi matematici di

Fra’ Luca Pacioli” (Luca Pacioli’s Math Games) (2011) published

by Dedalo; and “Contro natura. Dagli OGM al «bio», falsi allarmi

e verità nascoste del cibo che portiamo in tavola” (Against

Nature. From GMOs to ‘Organic’, the false alarms and hidden

truths of the food we eat) , published by Rizzoli, which he wrote

together with Beatrice Mautino. In 2014, his book “La scienza

della Pasticceria” (The Science of Patisserie) was published by

Gribaudo, selling over 20.000 copies.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

By the same author, “La scienza della pasticceria” (The Science of Baking), which sold over 20.000 copies.

A new journey through the world of meat.

Another book in the series by Dario Bano, best-

selling author, scholar and researcher by profession,

which explains the scientifi c principles behind

cooking meat. Bano describes concepts and

techniques to master the secrets of this product and

achieve successful results every time. It contains

photographed recipes, with scientifi c explanations of

procedures, amounts and temperatures, giving you

the tools to alter the preparations with full knowledge

of why you are doing so, at the same time

discrediting culinary myths that have been passed

down the generations, without solid grounds.

In the series:The Science of Baking

Sara Papa

The Bread of Life• Size: 190x228 mm

• Binding: hardback

• Pages: 360

• Photographs: approximately 100 colour photos

By the author who sold 20,000 copies of “Le nuove strade della panifi cazione” (New ways of making bread).

This new book by the queen of bread making

is dedicated to healthy bread, focaccia and bread

sticks: wholemeal or uncommon fl our, low in sugar.

Sara Papa shares her experience so as to teach

anyone to bake like a pro. Most of the recipes

are accompanied by fantastic photographs.

Sara Papa is a TV star, she holds courses and events

throughout Italy. She appears in Geo&Geo on RAI 3.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

Alessandra Gennaro - MTChallenge

Baked Lasagna• Size: 192x228 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 144

• Photographs: approximately 70 colour photos

By a network of food bloggers, professional chefs and cooking enthusiasts.

MTChallenge: 180 food bloggers with 5.000 visitors a day.

All you need to know to prepare a symbol of Italian

cuisine to perfection: Lasagna. The book also

includes original and unusual recipes that will satisfy

everyone’s taste buds, including vegetarians and

vegans. The crème de la crème of the combined

experience of professional chefs, food bloggers and

enthusiasts: the result is a kind of huge virtual cooking

school. The fi rst part is dedicated to basic directions

and the second to recipes; all written with the jeu

d’esprit and irony that the world of MTChallenge

is famous for.

Alessandra Gennaro is one of the creators of

MTChallenge, the challenge that has been baptised “the most

entertaining game on the internet” and “a cooking school with-

out teachers.” In fact, MTChallenge isn’t about competition; it

was born from a passion for cooking, and the more that this

passion is shared, the more satisfying and richer it becomes.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

72 73

La mantovana La bella lasagnatanel bosco

di Paola

di Chiara e Maria

Per la besciamella · 1,5 l di latte intero · 150 g di burro · 150 g di farina · noce moscata · sale

Per completare · 50 g di Parmigiano-

Reggiano grattugiato · 10 amaretti sbriciolati

Per la sfoglia · 200 g di farina 0

di grano tenero · 100 g di semola

di grano duro · 3 uova

Per il ripieno · 1 cipolla rossa piccola · 600 g di polpa di zucca

mantovana · 1 cucchiaio di mostarda

di mele mantovana · 2 cucchiai di olio

extravergine d’oliva del Garda

· sale

Per il sugo · 110 g di nocciole sgusciate · 1 carota, 1 scalogno, 1 gambo di sedano · 15 g di porcini essiccati,

ammollati in acqua tiepida · 1 rametto di rosmarino · 1/2 bicchiere di vino rosso · 700 ml di passata di pomodoro · noce moscata, cannella · 150 g di porcini freschi · 4 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva · sale, pepe

Per la sfoglia · 200 g di farina 0 · 100 g di semola

di grano duro · 70 g di polpa di zucca · 3 uova

Per la besciamella · 1 l di latte · 100 g di farina · 80 g di burro, 1 cipolla · 5 chiodi di garofano · noce moscata, sale

Preparate l’impasto come descritto alle pp. 16-19 e fatelo

riposare per 30 minuti.

Per il ripieno: mondate e lavate la cipolla e affettatela

sottilmente. Fatela stufare in un’ampia padella, nell’olio

caldo ma non bollente, aggiungete poi la zucca tagliata

a dadini, salate e fate insaporire a fuoco vivo per pochi

minuti. Abbassate la fi amma, mettete il coperchio e cuo-

cete per 10 minuti circa, fi no a quando la zucca non sarà

diventata tenera. Eventualmente, aggiungete un piccolo

mestolo di acqua calda, qualora si dovesse asciugare trop-

po in cottura. Spegnete il fuoco e incorporate la mostarda

di mele. Mescolate bene e tenete da parte.

Tirate la sfoglia come descritto alle pp. 20-21. Preparate

la besciamella come descritto a p. 122 (ricetta 1).

Cuocete le lasagne (vedi pp. 24-25) e componete il piatto:

allargate un mestolo di besciamella sul fondo della pirofi -

la e coprite con il primo strato di lasagne. Farcite con altra

besciamella, dadini di zucca con la mostarda, un cucchia-

ino di amaretti sbriciolati e una manciata di Parmigiano-

Reggiano. Coprite con il secondo strato di pasta e prose-

guite così fi no al bordo della teglia, chiudendo con zucca,

besciamella, amaretti e una generosa spolverizzata di

Parmigiano-Reggiano. Fate cuocere in forno già caldo a

180 °C per 25 minuti o fi no a quando la superfi cie non sarà

dorata. Sfornate, lasciate riposare per 5 minuti e servite.

Per il sugo: tritate grossolanamente le nocciole, al coltello. In una cas-

seruola, in olio caldo ma non bollente, soffriggete la carota, il sedano

e lo scalogno, tritati fi nemente. Aggiungete le nocciole, i porcini essic-

cati strizzati e sminuzzati e il rosmarino. Sfumate con il vino. Unite la

passata di pomodoro, profumate con le spezie e regolate di sale e pepe.

Proseguite la cottura per circa un’ora e mezza, a fi amma dolcissima e

recipiente coperto, allungando con un po’ di acqua calda se si dovesse

asciugare. Nel frattempo, pulite i funghi freschi e tagliateli a listarel-

le. Aggiungeteli al sugo verso fi ne cottura e fate cuocere per altri 15

minuti. Tagliate la zucca a pezzi e avvolgeteli in un foglio di alluminio

per alimenti. Cuocete in forno a 180 °C per 10 minuti circa, fi no a quan-

do la polpa non sarà tenera. Riducetela poi in purea, al mixer o al pas-

saverdure, e ripassatela in padella, a fi amma vivace. Fate raffreddare.

Preparate l’impasto e tirate la sfoglia come descritto alle pp. 16-21.

Preparate la besciamella come descritto a p. 122 (ricetta 2).

Cuocete le lasagne (vedi pp. 24-25) e componete il piatto: allargate

un mestolo di sugo e qualche cucchiaio di besciamella

sul fondo di una pirofi la. Coprite con il primo strato

di lasagne e farcite con il ragù e la salsa. Fate un

secondo strato e proseguite così fi no a

esaurire gli ingredienti. Cuocete in

forno preriscaldato a 180 °C per

20 minuti. Sfornate, fate riposare

per qualche minuto e servite.

Lasagne di zucca con sugo di nocciole e porcini

Lasagne con amaretti, zucca e mostarda di mele

Se preferite una versione più sfi ziosa potete preparare una sfoglia al cacao, sostituendo 30 g di semola con 30 g di cacao.



Vieni, c’è un’acciuga

nel bosco...

di Pasquale

Per il ripieno · 6 noci di Sorrento · 200 g di nocciole non tostate · 2 spicchi di aglio · 1 cucchiaio di pinoli · olio extravergine di oliva · sale

Per la sfoglia · 200 g di farina 00 · 100 g di semola di grano duro · 3 uova medie · prezzemolo fresco tritato

Per la besciamella · 1 l di latte · 100 g di burro · 100 g di farina · sale

Per completare · 5 fi letti d’acciuga sotto sale · 200 g di fi ordilatte · 100 g di Parmigiano-Reggiano


Preparate il ripieno sgusciando le noci e tritando grossolanamente i gherigli

al coltello, assieme alle nocciole. Fate soffriggere lentamente l’aglio in un’am-

pia padella, in poco olio caldo ma non bollente, per qualche minuto, unitevi il

trito di noci e nocciole e i pinoli e fate insaporire, a fi amma vivace, mescolan-

do spesso, per pochi minuti. Spegnete il fuoco e mettete da parte.

Preparate l’impasto e tirate la sfoglia come descritto alle pp. 16-21.

Preparate la besciamella come descritto a p. 122 (ricetta 1).

Cuocete le lasagne (vedi pp. 24-25) e componete il piatto: allargate un me-

stolo di besciamella sul fondo della teglia, in modo da ricoprirlo uniforme-

mente. Rivestitelo con il primo strato di lasagne e farcite con uno strato di

frutta secca, i fi letti di acciuga dissalati, diliscati e sminuzzati, una manciata

di fi ordilatte a dadini, una di Parmigiano-Reggiano e qualche cucchiaio di

besciamella. Coprite con un secondo strato di lasagne e proseguite così, fi no

al bordo della pirofi la. Infornate a 180 °C per 20-25 minuti. Sfornate e lascia-

te intiepidire per 10-15 minuti prima di servire.

A dispetto di un ingrediente che fa pensare all’Italia settentrionale, queste lasagne sono un piatto tipico della vigilia di Natale in Campania, che delle nocciole è il primo produttore italiano.

Lasagne alla nocciolese e fiordilatte







Piergiorgio Giorilli

Slow Rise• Size: 192x250 mm

• Binding: hardback

• Pages: 192

• Photographs: approximately 100 colour photos

A world expert’s reference book for breadmaking.

3rd Edition

Over 50 preparations characterised by long rising

times, all photographed and with lots of technical

information deriving from the baker’s experience:

directions on how to prepare yeast or poolish…

The shared experience of a much respected

professional in the fi eld, makes it possible for the slow

rise procedure to be carried out easily at home.

Piergiorgio Giorilli has been the Master Baker at

industry-specifi c Vocational Schools since 1987, and has been

teaching at the CAST Alimenti culinary school in Brescia since

1998. In the 2002, he led the Italian team to victory in Bulle (CH),

at the Coupe d’Europe de la boulangerie artisanale. In 2007 he

was Chairman of the Jury at Mondial du Pain in Lyon. Gribaudo

also published his books “Pane & Pani” (Bread and Breads),

“Snack Food - spuntini & stuzzichini” (Snack Food – snacks and

nibbles) and “Il grande libro del pane” (The Big Book of Bread).

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

In the series:The Big Book of Bread






Federico Prodon

Desserts in a Glass• Size: 192x228 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 160

• Photographs: approximately 70 colour photos

The fi rst complete volume of patisserie served in a glass.

Haute patisserie within everyone’s reach.

Delicious and impressive preparations,

easy for any enthusiast to make.

Delectable and elegant recipes served

in wine glasses and glasses.

Federico Prodon, insurance broker and passionate

pastry chef. He teaches at the A Tavola con Lo Chef culinary

school. The second edition of his fi rst book “Progetto crostata”

(The Jam Tart Project), published by Gribaudo, was reprinted

just one month after its release.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]




127 g di panna liquida 35% mg

20 g di zucchero semolato

30 g di tuorlo pastorizzato

1 g di gelatina animale in fogli

20 g di pasta di pistacchio 100% Bronte Agrimontana


50 g di stracciatella di fichi Agrimontana


67 g di albume pastorizzato

101 g di zucchero semolato

31 g di acqua


56 g di mascarpone

45 g di pasta di pistacchio 100% Bronte Agrimontana

84 g di meringa italiana

112 g di panna liquida 35% mg

colorante alimentare in polvere verde

3 g di gelatina animale in fogli


127 g di uova

46 g di zucchero invertito

69 g di zucchero semolato

69 g di tuorlo pastorizzato

3 g di zeste di limone

45 g di farina di pistacchi

45 g di pasta di pistacchio 100% Bronte Agrimontana

26 g di fecola

46 g di farina 00

4,1 g di lievito in polvere

1 g di sale


65 g di albume pastorizzato

63 g di zucchero semolato

63 g di zucchero a velo

10 g di amido di mais


4 pistacchi

oro alimentare 18K








In the series:The Jam Tart Project






Stefania Viti

Traditional Sushi• Size: 192x228 mm

• Binding: hardback

• Pages: 160

• Photographs: about 60 colour photos

All the secrets you need to make traditional sushi.

A volume that conveys the rich history and universe

of sushi. The original Japanese recipes are

reinterpreted and modernised by the author,

in order to make and serve the best of Japanese

cuisine at home, fully respecting tradition.

The characteristics of fi sh, pairing with other

ingredients, preparation and lots of useful

information to help you remove all doubts: the

recipes are enriched with lots of extra content.

Stefania Viti, professional journalist and video reporter,

resides between Italy and Japan, where she lived for about ten

years. She writes about society, current events, fashion, culture

and politics, with particular reference to contemporary Japan.

She created and directed the lifestyle programme “+8, Racconti

da Tokyo” (+8, Tales from Tokyo) for Repubblica Tv. From 2008

to 2010 she was editor for the Japanese magazine Amarena.

She edited the book “Il Sushi” for Feltrinelli.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

Laura Lombardini Pranzetti Michele D’Andrea

Man and Gentleman• Size: 150x210 mm

• Binding: hardback

• Pages: 200

• Photographs: about 100 colour photos

• Illustrations: about 100 colour drawings

A practical manual for the perfect gentleman.

Practical tips, photos and drawings to illustrate what gives a man great style.

A true bible for the modern gentleman, divided into

3 sections: public, private and institutional settings,

in which good manners, elegance and fashion go

hand-in-hand. From everyday private life to public

occasions: even if you are not a born gentleman,

you can become one. This little book of etiquette

sets the most important rules of style with an air

of irony and dry humour.

Laura Lombardini Pranzetti is the founder of the Accademia del Cerimoniale, which brings

together leading national experts on etiquette. Gribaudo published her books “Dizionario contemporaneo di

buone maniere” (Contemporary Dictionary of Good Manners), in 2012, and “Galateo della corrispondenza”

(Etiquette of Correspondence), in 2015, which she wrote with Michele D’Andrea.

Michele D’Andrea is an historian, armourist and phaleristic scholar. He wrote, among others,

“Vestire gli onori” (Wearing Honours) (2005), published by In.Edit. Gribaudo published “Galateo della

corrispondenza” (2015), which he wrote with Laura Lombardini Pranzetti.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

Simona Recanatini, born in 1971, lives in Milan. She has always had a strong passion for travel and

fl avours: cookery classes, trying unusual ingredients and dreaming of new destinations are her favourite pastimes.

Sonia Sassi, born in 1967 in Milan, has always been a huge enthusiast of cooking, travel and, above

all, photography, and she now specialises in food. In 2010, Simona and Sonia created this blog, a diary with

simple and delicious recipes, embellished with travel notes and descriptions of their food and wine experiences.

Morello Pecchioli is a journalist, writer of the special feature pages Gusto, Turismo, Week End, Salute

e benessere and Motori.

Simona Recanatini - Sonia Sassi

Forgotten Flours• Size: 150x200 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 200

Morello Pecchioli

Forgotten Vegetables• Size: 150x200 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 200

Discovering fl avours of the past.

Once upon a time, there were many different varieties

of fl our. Rustic, unrefi ned fl ours, with characteristic

aromas that infused the baked products that they were

the basic ingredient of. This book takes you on a journey through the fl avours of the past:

oatmeal, chestnuts, rye, chickpea and many other traditional fl ours, with a series of recipes

given for each one. The nutritional properties of each type of fl our are also indicated;

precious qualities that are benefi cial to our health.

For living a more aware life-style.

The logics of large-scale distribution have led to the

standardisation of fl avours and a drastic decline in

biodiversity. The wealth of fl avours that minor vegetables

can offer us is rich enough to make any gourmet happy. This book presents a selection

of age-old and often forgotten vegetables, which are not impossible to fi nd, and for

each vegetable it provides information on their place of origin, history, characteristics,

nutritional properties and uses in the kitchen, as well as several recipes.

Lorenza Dadduzio - Flavia Giordano

Diverse Cuisine• Size: 155x227 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 160

• Photographs: approximately 60 colour photos

Flavia Giordano has a super-heightened sense

of smell, a sublingual scanner, and plays ‘guess

the ingredients’ of any dish she tastes for the fi rst

time. She defi nes herself as “free food thinker”

and divides the world into those who love coriander

and those who hate it. is the fi rst food community

dedicated to people who eat differently:

the “left-handed foodies”.

Flavia Giordano has a super-heightened sense of

smell, a sublingual scanner, and plays ‘guess the ingredients’

of any dish she tastes for the fi rst time. She defi nes herself as

“free food thinker” and divides the world into those who love

coriander and those who hate it. is the fi rst food

community dedicated to people who eat differently: the “left-

handed foodies”.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]


In the series:Eat Different

Martino Beria - Antonia Mattiello

Vegan Gourmand• Size: 192x250 mm

• Binding: hardback

• Pages: 360

• Photographs: approximately 70 colour photos

The vegan universe: shopping, pantry, recycling.

“Our home refl ects who we are; it is a place where

we feel at ease, where we liberate our personalities

and ideas. Its heart is the kitchen, always busy and

alive with activity.”

This book is a manifesto of the vegan philosophy,

and not just in the kitchen. The simplicity of a near

zero waste lifestyle: eco-friendly products, energy

boosting foods, picnic ideas, the principles of

combinations in cooking, as well as 100 simple,

easy-to-understand recipes.

Martino Beria is a media chef, he fi rst became vegetar-

ian and then vegan, founding the website www.lacucinavege- He works as a vegan chef and offers training in natural

and cruelty-free cooking.

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]


Instant French• Size: 145x230 mm

• Binding: fl apped paperback

• Pages: 384

• Illustrations: approximately 100 duotone photos

John Peter Sloan’s successful formula, in a new manual with his hallmark.

This book teaches French in a simple, practical

and innovative way: not only does it provide the

grammar, but also the necessary tools to be able

to start speaking French immediately, using the

successful formula of Instant English by John Peter

Sloan. Like all the books in “Instant” series, it is

characterised by an ironic, light tone, thanks to the

drawings, cartoons and simple, easy-to-understand


Girls4teaching is a website that brings together native

speakers from around the world, providing lessons in various

languages through the use of easy-to-understand videos,

simple language and a smart approach.

In the series:Instant SpanishInstant DeutschInstant English di John Peter SloanInstant English 2 di John Peter SloanInstant English Plus di John Peter Sloan

G R I B A U D OForeign Rights: book@ literary agency | [email protected]

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