  • 1. Welcome
    Im Adrian
    My Life
    My Eyes
  • 2. A typical day for all in the institution
  • 3. Carol.....
    Adrian was placed in an Institution from the age of 17mths until the introduction of the deinstitutionalisation in 1990.
    Adrian attended the local Kindyuntil he reached school age and was able to attend main stream school for two mornings a week.
    He graduated from State School in year 7 and went to High School for 2 years.
    Adrian came to live with our family until he turned 18.
    The time then came when we had to have discussions about his life as he was becoming an adult person.
    He needed to have a valued life and we believed he had lots of gifts to offer the community.
  • 4. A day at school (Kindy) in the institution and the day I left to a new home and the start of a new Life.
  • 5. My Thoughts and Feelings
    I was lost in a world of pain and stiffness and no one to touch me, then along came Carol and Ray and my world changed. I was loved and held and given a reason to live I was nearly dead inside and out but now Im alive all over. The world thought here is a dummy that isnt worth looking after, let him die and we all can relax, but Carol just kept me alive until I was stronger, but still no one knew who I really was. I was a blob in a wheelchair.
    Written by Adrian
    On his communication board.
    My new Mum and Dad
  • 6. My friends at State School
    My friends at after school care
  • 7. My Graduation Day
    Me, Mum, Dad and my big Sister on my 21st Birthday
  • 8. Carol .....
    We knew from the beginning that Adrians comprehension was very good. The services and other professionals kept telling us that he was profoundly deaf and had an intellectual impairment as well. After a lot of searching we had testing done that proved his hearing was OK. We had always used a form or Facilitated Communication with him. We met a Speech Therapist who also believed in him and took the communication to another level. This gave Adrian a sense of freedom which he never had before. It opened many doors for him.
    I got the chance to try typing with Alice and my world changed. Mum cried and I was crying too but they were tears of happiness. Now I can be who I am outside as well as inside. I have grown into an adult although I look like a kid.
  • 9. Having fun at a Golf day with some of my friends
    Out with some friends at Sizzlers
  • 10. Adrian...
    It took me ages to realise I have power, words have power and my words were getting things done. Getting people gone who were just getting the money and didnt give a damn and they were the worst.
    The smart smiling people who pretended they cared and just took the money and just let me rot. They were about to say the right things, but didnt do it. I hated them they were liars and cheats. If you dont want to be with me and help me to live my life to full as I want it to be then go away and stop wasting my money.
  • 11. Adrian...
    It is hard enough to make my body do things without you ignoring my efforts, you must be able to learn to type with me, if not just go away, I will tell on you trust me on this.
    My Mum (Carol) helps me with selecting staff, she assists me with the communication by using the communication board with me. I have the final say. Sometimes I get it right but sometimes I do not.
  • 12. Going fishing with one of my friends
    My special friend at a Ball
  • 13. The closing of one part of my life ready for the next step
    I would not have been able to lead the life I have if it had not been for my family believing in me and supporting me to have a life of my own.
    The next phase in my life is Adulthood and living independently in my own home. This would not have happened if I did not have my Individual Package or my own home.
    If I had to follow what was asked of me I would be in a group home not having a choice on my daily activities or my life. I would have to fit in with the other people and whom I did not choose to live with.
    It is very important to me to be an individual like my brothers and sisters and other family members.
  • 14. The Next Phase in my Life's Story
    I am now living in my own home, my first home was a 3 bedroom unit which I liked. But Housing had other ideas and after 3 years of dealing with them Mum gave in and I moved to a 2 Bedroom unit in the same block of unit.
    We decided that it may be the best thing to keep the pressure off having to share with someone who I did not want to share with.
    I am getting used it now, knowing that I will not have to move or have someone else with a disability sharing with me.
  • 15. Carol.
    It was a really difficult decision to make.
    After a lot of talking we decided it may be for the best to move from a 3 bedroom unit to a 2 bedroom unit, that way we would not have to keep worrying that Adrian would be made to share with someone not of his choice.
    There are advantages and disadvantages in the decision we came too. One disadvantage is that it may be a little harder to have a flat mate, but it is not impossible.
  • 16.
  • 17. Finally a Family Governed Association
    With Adrian settled in his new home the next step was to see what we could do about the funding and the service in which it was held.
    We were very unhappy with the service we were receiving for Adrian . Trying to get the service to be transparent was a very difficult task.
    We had many meetings with the management from the service , this did not seem to make any difference.
    Another family and myself had meetings with the service to see if they would consider a Family Governed Service within the service. They were very open to this idea, but did nothing about it.
    Four years later we have now become our own approved organization by Disability Services to manage our sons funding package .The young men now have total say in their lives
  • 18.
  • 19. Carol
    Adrian is known by all the tenants in the block of units where he lives. He often has people dropping in to say hello.
    He attends a writing group once a month in Brisbane. It is called Brotherhood of the wordless. They wrote and preformed a play in 1998 in front of about 200 people. This year the group presented a number of poems written by them at the State Library in Brisbane to a full house.
    He writes articles for the Parent to Parent bulletin from time to time which he enjoys. He takes part in his house meetings, staff training and choosing staff. This is where he has told them if they do not believe in him, than he does not want them . Even saying this he has been hurt a few times with false promises.
    Adrians writing
    A big day in the world
    Here our words , words with wings , wings with words
    Freely we fly on wings of words
    No more dying inside
    No more darkness
    We are free, we are free
  • 20. Carol..
    Adrian leads a very full life . He attends TAFE twice a week and swimming. Adrian visits the local library where he is a member, He is a welcomed member of the local Gym. While he is lying doing his exercises he is checking out some of the ladies . He is a member of the Local Arts council and attends some shows as well as once a month he goes to a hotel where the Blues Club play.
    One of his greatest loves would have to be surfing. He has been a member of the Disable Surfing since it started on the Coast. What a wonderful feeling. He now has his own group for the day.
    He is also a member of the local RSL club where he checks out the girls and the pokies as well as the great music. He is recognized by a number of staff and Patrons.
  • 21.
  • 22. VIDEO
  • 23. Carol..
    One of the things missing in Adrians life was his spiritual side. Adrian attended Church and Sunday school when he was a lot younger . Now he is an adult this was missing. He now attends church on a Sunday with his special friends from Canada who support him . He sometimes wonder about them with all there different ways , but he enjoys the company.
    A few weeks ago he was asked if he would mind reading out some of his writings. He wrote something special for that day . One of his supporters read a couple cut and all the Congregation were crying.
  • 24. Carol..
    This is just a snippet of Adrian's wonderful Lifestyle. There is a lot more things happening and a lot more doors are yet to open for him.
    E.g : More independence.
    Alfie The Legend
    Ive been caught by a white whale
  • 25.
  • 26. As you can see Adrian has a full life and many valued roles.
    He makes his own choices , has real friends and is respected for his contributions.
    Adrian told his brother-in- law, when he was going through a rough time.
    You need to believe in yourself To us Adrian has been our inspiration and will continue to challenge us and others.

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