Download - Adjectives



ComparativesComparatives SuperlativesSuperlatives

Luisa Fernanda Álvarez



Superioridad Taller than More intelligent than

Igualdad As …….. as

Inferioridad Less…….than



1-Write the comparative adjectives.BigSmallYoungOldStrongWeakClever



More intelligentMore comfortableMore boringMore beautifulMore interestingMore expensive


ADJECTIVES The tallest


ADJECTIVESThe most intelligent



1- Complete with superlative adjectives:a) The Nile is (long) river in the world.b) Mount Everest is (high) mountain in the world. c) Lake Baikal is (old) lake in the world. d) The Sahara Desert is (big)desert in the world.e) Australia is (small) continent.f) Alice is (intelligent) in the classroom

1- Complete with superlative adjectives:a) The Nile is (long) river in the world.b) Mount Everest is (high) mountain in the world. c) Lake Baikal is (old) lake in the world. d) The Sahara Desert is (big)desert in the world.e) Australia is (small) continent.f) Alice is (intelligent) in the classroom

The longestThe highestThe oldestThe highestThe smallestThe most intelligent

Once upon a time, two Cheyenne brothers went hunting on the plain.Happy Horse was the oldest boy in the family and Mountain Bear was the youngest.

They walked across the plain for a very long time. It was the biggest plain in the country. Soon, they were very hungry. Suddenly they saw an egg on the ground.

Mountain Bear started to eat the egg.

Once upon a time, two Cheyenne brothers went hunting on the plain.Happy Horse was the oldest boy in the family and Mountain Bear was the youngest.

They walked across the plain for a very long time. It was the biggest plain in the country. Soon, they were very hungry. Suddenly they saw an egg on the ground.

Mountain Bear started to eat the egg.

The next morning, Mountain Bear was very ill.

So they looked for water.They walked through a deep valley and over a big hill. Then they arrived at an enormous lake. It was the deepest lake in the country.

Suddenly Mountain Bear´s arms and nose startedto disappear. His skin was slimy.

Mountain Bear drank some water and then he slept.

The next morning, Happy Horse opened his eyes but he didn´t see his brother.

Suddenly an enormous green serpent with red spots appeared.

Mountain Bear drank some water and then he slept.

The next morning, Happy Horse opened his eyes but he didn´t see his brother.

Suddenly an enormous green serpent with red spots appeared.

That´s why the Cheyenne alwaysstop and throw foodinto the water whenthey see a lake or ariver. They want the serpent to be happy.

That´s why the Cheyenne alwaysstop and throw foodinto the water whenthey see a lake or ariver. They want the serpent to be happy.

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