Page 1: Adif's International Presence

difAdif's InternaPresencePress Office Press Office

Adif's experience in high-speed rail developmt d d i ti f th timanagement and modernisation of the conventiona

made it a world leader in high speed infrastructures.railway experience and knowledge to countries suchStates, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil,Russia, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, CroatiaMorocco, among others.

On the international stage, Adif is highly active in ddefending the interests of the Spanish rail sectororganisations dealing with strategic subjects such astrans-European networks, coordination of theconnection with France, development of safety and iregulations, advancement of freight transport andERTMS on Corridor D, and promoting the two new Euro4 (from Lisbon, Sines and Leixoes in Portugal to AlgSan Sebastián and Irún, and to northern and east,Paris) and 6 (running through southern Europe froAlmeria to Záhony in Hungary, passing through FraSlovenia), etc.


i lational

ment and thel t k hal network hasAdif exports its

h as the UnitedSaudi Arabia,

a, Turkey and

developing andin forums andrevision of the

high speedinteroperabilitydeployment of

opean Corridorsgeciras, Bilbao,tern France viam Madrid and

ance, Italy and



Page 2: Adif's International Presence

Adif's International PresencePress Office / dossiers and reports

With regard to the ERTMS system, Spain has beinteroperability. Spain is the country with the greatestof 2012, in both Level 1 and Level 2). Moreover, it setprovider environment. Adif has succeeded in makingsystems to work with those of other rail companiEuropean Union has been gained through the work o(between Cuautitlán and Buenavista) and the Turkish

Another of Adif's key activities is the creation andcompanies abroad, which has made its presence feVenezuela, Colombia and Poland. It is currently pursuiRussia, the United States, India, Tunisia, Algeria and B

*Saudi ArabiaAdif's flagship international activity in 2011 is as paAdif s flagship international activity in 2011 is as paconstruct, and operate for 12 years, the Mecca-MedinSpanish consortium to carry out this ambitious projeexportable to other countries and markets and that,reference point for high speed, positioning its comunderlying this mode of transport.

Participating in the Spanish-Saudi Al Shoula Group cIneco (reporting to the Ministry of Public Works)Ineco (reporting to the Ministry of Public Works),Dimetronic, Inabensa and TALGO, as well as the Saudi

In January 2012, the contract was signed in Riyadhcities of Mecca and Medina. In September 2012, thRailways Organisation (SRO) to begin work in the cindustry. Important recent project news includesdevelopment in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Spain Train Pr

ecome the world leader in implementation andt length of line with ERTMS (over 1,700 km at the endts itself apart by having implemented this in a multi-all the manufacturers compatible and in getting theires. Experience of implementing ERTMS outside thef Adif, as is the case of the suburban Mexico City linehigh speed line.

support of consortia for the expansion of Spanishlt in the United Kingdom, Turkey, Morocco, Mexico,ing the possibility of expanding into countries such asBrazil.

rt of the Spanish consortium awarded the project tort of the Spanish consortium awarded the project tona High Speed Line in Saudi Arabia. The choice of thect shows that Spanish High Speed is a model that isthanks to its investment effort, Spain has become a

mpanies as world leaders in the various subsectors

consortium are the public companies of Adif, Renfe,Indra OHL Consultrans Copasa Imathia CobraIndra, OHL, Consultrans, Copasa, Imathia, Cobra,

companies, Al Shoula and Al Rosan.

(Saudi Arabia) for the high speed link between thee consortium received authorisation from the Saudi

country, fully consolidating the contract for Spanishcreation of the company responsible for project

roject Company Limited (SSTPC).


Map of the Mecca-Medina high speed line, by permission of by the magazine Vía Libre

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Adif participates as an expert in the developmentresponsible for managing and monitoring the design,related to track and installations, traffic, stations, tramaintenance and operation. It also supervises and ein Phase 1 (developed by a consortium of Chinese, Fremeets the levels required in Phase 2.

The Mecca-Jeddah-Medina High Speed Line – 450 kmg p€12,000 million, of which €6,736 million is earmarSaudi Consortium. This second phase includes therailway facilities (electrification, signalling, commundesigned for speeds of over 300 km/h (with the optperiod of operation), maintenance of this rolling stoperiod of 12 years.

The high-speed line plan used European high-speedThe high speed line plan used European high speedjourney time between the cities of Mecca and Medina

The maximum operating speed will be 300 km/h, witand implementation of the European ERTMS system,very high estimated demand for the line, of aroudemand, in addition to the main terminal stations ofmade on the route at the stations of Central JeddaEconomic CityEconomic City.

*U.S.A.The interest shown by the United States is very signifiofficial delegations (the Transport Secretariat, Congreand the different States and authorities on high-spee

t and operation of railway infrastructures. Adif isproject, construction and commissioning of the areas

affic safety, civil protection and security, as well theirvaluates the quality of infrastructure works includedench and Saudi companies), in order to ensure that it

of electrified double track – has an overall budget ofgrked for the second phase awarded to the Spanish-design and construction of the superstructure and

nications, etc.), the supply of 35 high-speed trainstion to purchase an additional 20 trains during theck and operation and maintenance of the line for a

parameters with a design speed of 320 km/h and aparameters, with a design speed of 320 km/h and aof less than two hours.

h UIC gauge double track, 25 kV 60 Hz electrification,level 2, in which Spain is a world leader. There is and 160,000 passengers a day. In response to thisMecca Central and Medina Central, three stops will beah, Jeddah International Airport and King Abdullah

icant, as shown by numerous visits to Spain made byess and Senate, the Federal Railway Administration,d rail).


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An important visit was made in May 2011 by the Trathe AVE high-speed train to Cuenca to get first handpublicly declared the Spanish High Speed system to beOctober 20th 2011, by the Lieutenant Governor of Waand the Regulation and Control and 24H Incident Man

These visits follow on the meetings that took place inand Illinois, which have significant transport infrastru, g p

.*Collaboration and technological transfer with the UnAdif offered permanent collaboration in 2011 on themaking the Declaration of Interest to participate in tFrancisco, in California – for which it made a detaileCHSRA (California High Speed Rail Authority) –, butCHSRA and the Federal Railway Administrator (FRA) oboth for California and for projects in the Midwest aroboth for California and for projects in the Midwest aro

Adif presented its experience in the construction, dethe Steering Committee of the CHSRA and in the frameheld in June 2011 in the city of San Francisco.

The conference, organised by the Ministry of Public Wthe Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), aimed tattempted to answer some questions still under debaattempted to answer some questions still under debabe constructed in California. Spain has become a majthe United States, in the context of the decision takelaunched by President Obama, to provide $8 billion of

ansport Secretary, Mr. Ray Lahood. After travelling ond experience of our latest line to go into service, hee the finest in the world. The most recent visit was onashington State, who visited Puerta de Atocha stationnagement centres – both at this station.

2011 with the Governors of the States of Washingtoncture projects underway.p j y

nited Statese development of High Speed in the U.S.A., not onlythe High Speed project between Los Angeles and Saned project orientation study that was provided to the

also by participating in various evaluations for theon environmental issues and High Speed operations,und Chicagound Chicago.

evelopment and management of High Speed lines toework of the Spain-California High Speed Conference,

Works, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade ando show Spain's experience in high-speed rail and

ate in the project for a high speed railway corridor toate in the project for a high speed railway corridor toor point of reference for high-speed development inn by the White House, in the Economic Stimulus Planf aid to promote various US high-speed corridors.


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In fact, in February 2010, Spain and the United StateWashington, by which a Spanish expert is to collatechnological and environmental issues.

Adif also took part in 2010 in the Joint Rail ConferenceIllinois, in the town of Urbana, in the State of Illinoistransport in the United States. The goal of the congorganisations, including the Institute of Electricalg , gdevelopment of high speed rail in the United Statedevelopment of new railway infrastructure technologi

Adif's contribution took the form of two papers on Rwas on monitoring railway infrastructures using fibrspeed traffic from side winds. The congress was alswhich presented two projects developed with Adif,infrastructuresinfrastructures.

In 2012, Adif participated in the World Congress on HFRA in Philadelphia in July. Here we presented our eand maintained contacts with Congress in order toSpeed Rail.

Also, since July 2012, we have been collaborating actiNEC Forum initiative This aims to promote modernisNEC Forum initiative. This aims to promote modernisNew York and Washington, with the gradual intperformance levels than those currently available.

With regard to California, the first phase of its high sprogress and the tender has been announced for civilof the five prequalified groups.

es concluded a railway collaboration memorandum inborate directly with the FRA team on a variety of

e, held on the polytechnic campus of the University ofs, which discussed high-speed rail as a new mode ofgress, promoted by important American engineering

and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), was to promoteg ( ), pes, by disseminating best practices in research andes.

R&D&i projects implemented in our country. The firstre optic sensors, and the second on protecting higho attended by the Polytechnic University of Madrid,focussing on the area of safety in high speed rail

igh Speed Rail, organised jointly by the UIC, APTA andxperience in the plenary and in specialised sessions,convey our confidence in the development of High

vely with the American public operator, Amtrak, in itsation of the NEC Northeast Corridor between Bostonation of the NEC Northeast Corridor between Boston,roduction of high speed services, offering higher

speed project between Fresno and Madero has madeengineering works, with Spanish companies in three


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*Visits by other delegations:Other delegations wishing to learn about the SpanishKingdom, Sweden, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, CroDenmark, Norway, China, Chile, Saudi Arabia, UniteIndonesia, Tunisia, Algeria, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico

*Adif and Spanish railways as world leaders

Adif's strengthened international presence also respois acquiring in the world context. Adif, as a railwayrepresenting Spanish interests in various internationtransferring Spanish technology, establishing broadRussia, Poland, Turkey, Morocco and Croatia.

As an example, a delegation from RZD (Russian Railwaagreement on high-speed technologies and R&D&activities, such as taking the TALGO train to Malaga,where Vialia was shown as a model of public privaRailway Technology Centre (CTF) in Malaga, as andevelopment and rail innovation. During the visit totraffic management systems – especially the Da Vindetection systems protection systems for level crossidetection systems, protection systems for level crossichange systems.

Also, during this visit, RZD and Adif held a meetingconsortium to participate in bidding for the Moscowmade in collaborative activities for 2012-13, within th

h system visited us from countries such as the Unitedoatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bosnia Herzegovina,ed Arab Emirates and Gulf countries, Israel, India,o, Japan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

onds to the important role the Spanish railway sectorinfrastructure manager, is very active internationally,al institutions and collaborating in the processes ofagreements with the railways of countries such as

ays) visited Spain in 2012 as part of the collaboration&i. The programme for the visit included several

a technical visit to Málaga María Zambrano station,ate partnership (PPP) in stations, and a visit to the

example of business collaboration in technologyo this facility, Adif's experience was demonstrated inci system –, ICT laboratories, development of ERTMSings innovation in energy management and gaugeings, innovation in energy management, and gauge

with the Spanish companies currently constituting aw-St Petersburg high-speed line. Progress was alsohe Adif – RZD Collaboration Agreement.

The delegation from Russian Railways


The delegation from Russian Railwaysparticipates in the seminar on: “Adif'sexperience in the management of traffic on highspeed lines in 2011”.

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In 2011, another Russian Railways delegation, led bythe facilities of the CASH24 National Safety Centre,Protection and Safety Centre at Madrid's Puerta de Atotunnel on the Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid High Speedsafety in the area of railways and Spain's experience in

Also important in 2011 was the Adif CEO's participatioMoscow in November of that year, in which our compy , pwhere references to our experience in High Speed seran eye to the 2018 World Football Championship.

These collaborative activities with Russia stem from thMoscow, between Adif and the Russian entity, RZD, tlaid the foundations for cooperation between theinnovation in railway technology, design, construexchanging railway infrastructure technology (ERTMSexchanging railway infrastructure technology (ERTMSlines).

In May 2010, within the framework of this agreemencompany signed a Joint Cooperation Declaration, in tSpanish gauge changers as a solution for interoperabigauge – and the European rail systems – using inteproject's economic efficiency and the basic analysis ofor investmentfor investment.

The Declaration was signed in the framework of t“Strategic Cooperation 1520”. This brought together oas well as supporting Adif's collaboration in authoris(satisfactory tests having been carried out to analyseMoscow-Brest high performance lines), had the tangiand Talgo, for the supply of 7 Talgo trains, each withKi d b t M d W /B liKiev, and between Moscow and Warsaw/Berlin.

y the vice-president of RZD, Georgy Kornilov, visitedthe Regional Centre in Chamartín Station and the

ocha Station. They also visited the 28 km Guadarramad Line, as part of a technical seminar specialising inn civil protection in railway infrastructures.

on in the 2nd Railway Congress, organised by RZD inany was the only infrastructure manager invited andy y grved to support RZD's own projects in this field, with

e railway collaboration agreement, signed in 2007 inthe world's largest railway company. This agreement

two organisations on exchanging experience andction and development of High Speed Rail, and

automatic gauge change new gauges on existing, automatic gauge change, new gauges on existing

nt, Adif, RZD Russian Railways and the Spanish Talgohe Russian city of Sochi, to study the viability of thelity between the Russian network – with a 1,520 mm

ernational 1,435 mm gauge –, considering both theof the technical/operational conditions and the need

the 5th International Business Forum on Railwaysover 300 companies from 35 different countries and,sing the variable gauge Talgo train for use in Russiae their behaviour on the Moscow-St. Petersburg andble result of the contract signed in June 2011 by RZD

h 20 carriages, for the services between Moscow and


Gauge changers

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At the 6th edition of the Sochi forum, held in May 20experience in stations came to bear in promotingagreement on a range of technical matters and the TKievski Station. In this context, in June 2012, the mayde Atocha Station.

A large group of Russian journalists, selected by Rexperience in High Speed lines and stations. This visitp g ptelevision media, showing Spain's experience and succ

In addition, in order to include the training aspect ofwas signed in November 2008 with Moscow State Rai2000, has included Seminars for RZD's managerialfinancial management, budgetary and accounting plhuman resources management, strategic developmsystems and operating high speed lines traffic masystems and operating high speed lines, traffic mainteroperability and solutions for integrating the Hchangers), and current problems in rail transpmaintenance.

In the European sphere, we should also mention the2011 between Adif and the Bosnia and Herzegovinaof information and experience in railway matters, atechnology operating studies management constrtechnology, operating, studies, management, constrrailway stations. This has resulted in the signing, in Owith Spanish companies, to collaborate on projects ilevel crossings.

This agreement resulted in a visit, in April 2012, byEuropean Commission's TAIEX (Technical Assistance aexperience in implementing European Union railway le


11, our considerable operational, trade and businesscollaboration in this area, with the signing of anTwinning of Puerta de Atocha Station with Moscow'syor of Moscow, Sergéi Sobianin, visited Madrid Puerta

RZD, visited in November 2012 to learn about ourresulted in significant coverage in Russian press andg g p

cess as a world leader.

the Adif-RZD relationship, a collaboration agreementlways University. This relationship, begun in the yearand specialist staff, on aspects such as economic-anning, internal auditing and management control,

ment of railway companies, modern managementanagement and infrastructure maintenance ERTMSanagement and infrastructure maintenance, ERTMSHS network with the conventional network (gaugeort management: development, innovation and

e collaboration framework agreement signed in AprilPublic Railways Corporation (BHZJK) for the exchangeas well as for cooperation in various areas such asruction and maintenance of the infrastructure andruction and maintenance of the infrastructure andOctober, of a specific protocol for Adif, in conjunctioninvolving signalling, electrification and protection of

y a delegation of these railways, sponsored by theand Information Exchange), to learn about Spain'segislation.


The Mayor of Moscow visiting Madrid's Puerta deAtocha Station

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In November 2011, the CEO of Adif, Antonio GonzáleInfrastructure (HZI), Branimir Jerneic, signed a framinstitutions on matters of technology, operationsconstruction and maintenance of railway infrastructuthree years, provides for the exchange of informatiorelating to railway infrastructure management.

A delegation from HZI, headed by the directors ofg , yOctober 2012 to learn about our experience inmethodologies, continuous improvement of leveldevelopment of projects through public private partnfunds. The programme included a visit to Malaga Maof the Vialia business model was given

In Poland collaboration has continued, linked to theWarsaw-Lodz-Poznan/Wroclaw high speed line with tWarsaw Lodz Poznan/Wroclaw high speed line, with tis made by the Spanish engineering firm, IDOM Internwas also given for contracts awarded to the Spanishfor interoperability and a viability study on the urban

In 2012, this partnership resulted in a delegation frvisiting Spain, on 16-18 May, to learn about Adif'equipment, employing capacity and private resourcesThe programme for the PKP PLK delegation includedThe programme for the PKP PLK delegation includedand Control Centre in Atocha Station and the 24H Netw

On 26 November, another Polish delegation visited ARegulation and Control Centre in Zaragoza and the Cha

ez Marín, and the president of the Croatian Railwaysmework collaboration agreement between the two, exchange of experience, studies, management,re and stations. This agreement, covering a period of

on and documentation on issues of common interest

Assets and European Funds, visited Adif on 22-23p ,n railway traffic facilities, planning and controlcrossing protection systems, Assets management,

nerships (PPP) and managing and auditing Europeanaría Zambrano Station, where a detailed explanation

e Contract signed in 2010 for a viability study of thethe Polish infrastructure manager PKP-PLK The studythe Polish infrastructure manager, PKP PLK. The studynacional, with a budget of 12 million euros. Backingcompany, SENER, to prepare technical specificationstunnel in Lodz.

rom the Polish Infrastructure Administrator (PKP PLP)'s experience in developing rail infrastructures ands through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.

technical visits to the High Speed Traffic Regulationtechnical visits to the High Speed Traffic Regulationwork Management Centre.

Adif offices and facilities, specifically the High Speedamartín Control Post in Madrid.


The Croatian Railways delegationduring its visit to Malaga MaríaZambrano Station

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They also had a meeting with the Capacity Planning aour systems of Traffic Planning and Management, trac

Another country interested in our railway experienceAdif's installations by various delegations from theattached to the country's Transport Ministry, to learnof operating, with special attention to High Speed.

The ANTT is in charge of regulating and planning landin charge of Brazil's high speed project, between Riovisits to Adif was to gather Spanish experience in this

The Federal Government of Brazil approved a Growthrailways, both for freight transport and connection toThe Growth Acceleration Plan includes the Rio, Sao Pa15 billion euros and a new Statement of Specification15 billion euros and a new Statement of SpecificationSpanish experience in the organisation of tendering inand limitation of risks for the private sector.

In December 2012, the final specifications were presbetween Rio and Sao Paulo, representing the Annsubmission of bids set at July 2013. Phase 1, in whicsuperstructure, supplying trains and operating the line

and Management Division to learn at first hand aboutk allocation, running plans, etc.

is Brazil. In 2010 and 2011, this resulted in visits toe National Land Transport Agency of Brazil (ANTT) ,

about the Spanish rail system's regulations and way

d transport in Brazil, particularly rail transport. Beingo and Sao Paolo, one of the main objectives of theirfield.

h Acceleration Plan indicating the importance of theports, and the development of a high speed railway.olo and Campinhas HSL, with an estimated budget of

ns (called “edital” in Brazil) making great reference tons (called edital in Brazil) making great reference tonto phases, the need for public financial contribution

sented for the Tender for the High Speed connectionnouncement of the tender, with the deadline forh Adif has shown its interest, includes equipping thee for the concession period.


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Adif's international presence is also clearly seen ininnovative technological products developed in Spainmanagers and specialists in key areas. These are examexperience and capability in high speed rail, througdeveloped in our internal railway, exchanging experidevelopment of railway technology.

During 2012, several countries have shown interest ig ,collaboration agreements for the exchange of knowlspeed rail. This is the case with the West Japan Railwagreement in September with Adif and Renfe to exmaintenance, management and technical developmemade for training sessions, seminars and speciinfrastructures, both in Spain and Japan. The agreeme

JR-West is one of the companies incorporated in theJR West is one of the companies incorporated in theoperates railway lines in Japan. Based in Osaka, JR-Wwhich are high speed, and more than 1,200 statconventional trains and over 270 high speed traShinkansen).

Another delegation, from Israel Railways, visited Spaiexperience in electrification, signalling and the protecdelegation wishing to give impetus to its railway wadelegation, wishing to give impetus to its railway, wain the possibility of making a collaboration agreemgovernment unanimously approved the proposed Telthe time of the 350 km journey between Tel Aviv and

In September 2012, Adif, in conjunction with Renfe Othe technical mission to define the possibilities anddesigned the proposal to participate as a Developmen

b tl b itt d t h I li t tsubsequently submitted to her Israeli counterpart.

n the implementation in railway infrastructures ofn (the Da Vinci system), as well as in the training ofmples of how Adif gives international exposure to ourh transmitting abroad the technological innovationsience and collaborating in training, research and the

n the Spanish network, with the intention of signingp , g gedge and technology, especially in the area of highway Company (JR-West), which signed a partnershipxchange knowledge and technology in the area ofent. As a result of this agreement, plans have beenialised technical visits regarding operations andent will last for three years.

Japan Railways Group (JR Group) the company thatJapan Railways Group (JR Group), the company thatWest manages 5,012 km of railway lines, 644 km oftions. The company operates daily more than 500ins on the line linking Osaka to Fukuoka (Sanyo

n in July 2012 to learn about different aspects of ourction of tracks and infrastructure facilities. The Israelias so satisfied with the visit that it expressed interestas so satisfied with the visit that it expressed interestment between the two administrations. The IsraeliAviv-Eilat high speed rail project, which is to reducethe southern port city of Eilat to 2 hours.

Operadora, Ineco and Expansión Exterior, took part ind scope of Spanish collaboration in the project, andnt Partner, which the Spanish Minister of Public Works


The Israeli delegation's visit to Zaragoza

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*The Da Vinci System, property of AdifThe Da Vinci system, which manages the Spaniscollaboration with Adif. Da Vinci is the result ofcollaboration agreement was signed between the Sp(ONCF) to implement the Da Vinci system, with an awa

Subsequently, Indra was awarded an internationalmanagement platform, property of Adif, on Lithg p , p p y ,management on its 1,700 km rail network.

This platform is also implemented in the United Kingdhas been presented for various international tenders.

*Main aspects of Adif's activity in the international sceMain aspects of Adif s activity in the international sce

Adif has international agreements and collaborative exEurope: Russia, Turkey, Bosnia Herzegovina, Poland anAmerica: Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Mexico, Brazil anAfrica: Morocco, Tunisia, and in preparation, Algeria aAsia: India and Japan.

*South America:In South America, the next objective for Spanish comspeed line in Brazil between Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paolodate in the first quarter of 2012.

h High Speed Lines, was developed by Indra ina major R&D&i investment. In February 2009, a

panish Adif-Indra consortium and Moroccan Railwaysrded contract amount of 3.2 million euros.

contract to implement the Da Vinci railway trafficuania's railway, enabling it to modernise trafficy, g

dom, Morocco and Colombia (the Medellín Metro), and


xperience in the following countries:nd Croatia.nd the U.S.A.nd Egypt.

mpanies in conjunction with Adif is the future higho-Campinhas, a project with a tender announcement


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Adif's presence in this zone has taken the form of vprovides technical assistance to Fenoco (Northern Colo(Traffic) on the mining line from La Loma to Santa Matender to develop and maintain the Greta rail traffic mline. The collaboration between Adif and Fenoco invsupport for exploitation and technical contracting,operation, assistance in the construction and maintenthe management and regulation of railway traffic.g g y

Specifically, Greta is the solution developed in thmanagement of freight traffic on the 230 km of thisover 26 million tonnes of coal a year demanding an in

Technical assistance is currently being given by Adif2000, the work team has varied from two to five expe

Adif has also signed collaboration agreements withrailway projects in Colombia, with the aim of promrailway sector.

Under these agreements, Adif will provide suppInfraestructuras in order for them to bid for tendeColombia, as well as for improving and renovatingmodernisation plans being promoted by the Governmmodernisation plans being promoted by the Governm

arious technical assistance projects. In Colombia Adifombia Railways) for Track Maintenance and Operationarta in the north, and in 2011 we were awarded themanagement tool on this Northern Colombia Railwaysvolves fields ranging from the training of personnel,

the drafting of rules and procedures for railwaynance of the infrastructure, to information systems for

he collaboration between Adif and Fenoco for thes line, specialised in mining transport, with traffic ofncrease in capacity.

expert staff travelling to Colombia. Since it began inerts, depending on the project phase.

the companies, Acciona and Assignia, to carry outmoting the process of internationalising the Spanish

port to Acciona Infraestructuras and to Assigniars for the development of new railway corridors in

g of existing lines, in the context of the importantent of this country for the 2011 2014 periodent of this country for the 2011-2014 period.


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In Mexico, Adif collaborated in the suburban BuenaviTechnical Assistance (2006-2009) for its commissioninled by CAF (Andean Development Corporation) saw tsector (OHL, Thales, Indra, Telvent, Abeinsa, Ineco and

Adif has also provided technical service assistance to Cthe computer service to regulate and manage rail trap g g10-12 September 2012, a delegation from EFE visitedtrack and catenary maintenance developed by Adifauscultation vehicles. During their stay, the Level Clevel crossing protection system developed by Adcommunication with peripherals, which, while mreduction in installation, operation and maintenance

*Africa:Adif has collaboration agreements with Morocco, sitechnology, operations, experience, studies, manageinfrastructure, and which have led to technical visitsERTMS, certification of railway material and otherassistance in the area of stations, conceived as travassistance, Adif's CEO visited Morocco in June 2012 wtwo countries on railway stations There he had a meetwo countries on railway stations. There he had a meeof Morocco's railway management division – Officewhom he delivered the final report of the first phastation spaces in the Moroccan rail network. This actioin July 2011 in Rabat regarding technical assistance inetwork.

ista-Cuautitlán line (System 1), through a contract ofng and subsequent commercial operation. The project,the participation of other Spanish companies in thethe former Constructora Hispánica, now Assignia).

Chile's State Railways Company (EFE) (2002-2010), foraffic (the SITRA computer application), since 2002. On( p pp ),

Adif to learn about the methods and technologies offor the conventional network, based on the use ofrossings Division explained to the EFE delegation theif. It is powered by solar panels and has radioaintaining complete safety, provides a significantcosts.

gned in February 2007, covering different areas ofement, construction and maintenance of the railways and seminars on areas such as high speed, traffic,subsystems, and to the arrangement of technical

el, business and leisure centres. With regard to thiswith the aim of deepening collaboration between theeting with Mohamed Rabie Khlie the Director Generaleting with Mohamed Rabie Khlie, the Director GeneralNational des Chemins de Fer du Maroc (ONCF) –, to

ase of Adif's technical assistance in adding value toon responds to the agreement signedn adding value to station spaces in the Moroccan rail


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This technical assistance is based on Spanish expecompleted, or are in the execution phase, in the statiand Oujda, although the agreement is open to more s

Aspects covered by this cooperation include the mastations, the design and sizing of a station taking iintegration, intermodality, customer care, commercialother aspects to enable Moroccan railway stations to pp y p

Another example of the intense collaboration withSeminar on High Speed Rail Safety, organised by theRailways (ONCF), which took place in Ifrane (Morocco) f

The aim of this seminar was to deal with technical aprocedures in high speed systems, as well as servincompanies and countries interested in the high speedcompanies and countries interested in the high speed

In the course of the sessions, Adif presented the Da Viproperty of Adif –, considered the world's most advthanks to integration of the different systems to supsingle environment. The Moroccan rail network willacquired by ONCF for the management and contrimplementable on the Tangier-Rabat High Speed Linephase of this system began At present it is being usedphase of this system began. At present it is being usedalso be used on the high speed network. Precisely dmonitored in implementation of the DaVinci integrate

erience in various similar projects that have beenons of Casa-Voyageurs, Rabat-Agdal, Kenitra, Tangiertations being included.

anagement of space assessment projects for railwaynto account its environmental characteristics, urbanl and business development, spatial organisation andprovide advanced services to their users.p

Morocco's railways was Adif's participation in thee International Union of Railways (UIC) and Moroccanfrom the 20th to the 22nd of April 2011.

and institutional aspects of railway safety and safetyg as a meeting point to share experiences betweensectorsector.

inci system – developed by Indra and the intellectualvanced platform for the management of rail traffic,ervise and control traffic and railway facilities into abe wholly managed by Da Vinci, since the version

rol of traffic in the conventional network will bee, currently under construction. In May 2011, the firstd on the conventional network and will subsequentlyd on the conventional network and will subsequentlyuring the Adif CEO's visit in June 2012, progress wasd rail traffic management system in ONCF.


Adif's CEO during his visit toMorocco in June 2012

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Adif's International PresencePress Office / dossiers and reports


Along with the many activities already mentioned, it sSpanish technology to develop its High-Speed rail proand modernisation of Turkey's railway network, havCollaboration Agreement between Adif and TCDD (Turki

Under this agreement, training courses and seminarsg , gand track maintenance on high-speed lines, traffaddition, in March 2009, a group of Adif specialistsfirst high-speed section in Turkey, from Istanbul to An.Similar support was given in 2011, when a trainingresponsible for the second High-Speed line betweeseminar was given on high speed line Traffic Managem

In September 2011, an Adif delegation visited TurkeyThe visit focussed on the second Turkish high speelearned about the main Turkish high speed projectsinvolvement of Spanish companies already seen in thIstanbul (also with Spanish high speed trains), and inthe ERTMS system was installed by Dimetronic. The Adproject, which is to create a high-capacity railway lincluding a tunnel under the Bosphorus Strait In thiincluding a tunnel under the Bosphorus Strait. In thiof OHL and Dimetronics was awarded the tender, alloequipment and improvement of current local trainsystems), as well as the addition of a third track for in

should be noted that Turkey is the first country to useogramme. Adif provides supports for the developmentving extended, in December 2012, the scope of theish Railways), signed in October 2008.

have been given in the areas of traffic managementg gic safety and enterprise resource management. Intravelled to Ankara to support commissioning of the


seminar was given for maintenance and traffic staffen Ankara and Konya, while, in November 2012, ament.

to promote collaboration between the two countries.d line, between Ankara and Konya. The delegation, in which it is hoped to maintain the high level ofhe first phase of the high speed line from Ankara to

n the new line in service since August 2011, on whichdif delegation also visited the works in the Marmarayine connecting Istanbul's European and Asian sides,s ambitious project the Spanish consortium made ups ambitious project the Spanish consortium made upocated over 1 billion euros, for this tunnels's railway

lines (civil, mechanical and electrical engineeringtercity trains.


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Adif's International PresencePress Office / dossiers and reports

The relationship between Adif and the Polish infrascollaboration agreement signed in October 2008 toinnovation in railway technology between the two org

Adif's experience – in constructing, managing and msystem, constructing and managing railway stationsmodel for developing infrastructures – is of great valprojects in Poland.

Specifically, the agreement provides for actions such aexperts, technical assistance, control and receipt oexploitation, as well as collaboration on technological

In addition, in Europe Adif collaborates on the devecoordination of high speed connections with Francesafety and interoperability rules, and promotes the insafety and interoperability rules, and promotes the in

Adif took part in the Spain-Romania 2012 Railway Secapital of Bucharest. During the seminar, the Rominterest in learning more about Adif's experience inand management, CFR SA's CEO expressing his wish toorder to provide a framework for exchanging experien

Spain-France international gauge. In December 20Perpignan was inaugurated with the new internationIberian and international gauge trains are used inVilafant and freight trains being able to continue to tcross-border, international gauge, freight corridor becorridor is 168 km long, 92 km of which correspond winternational gauge.

tructures manager, PKP PLK, is underpinned by thefacilitate the exchange of business experience and


maintaining high speed lines, developing the ERTMSs and in the use of public-private partnership as aue to PKP PLK, given its high speed line construction

as information exchange, staff training, study trips forf material related to railway infrastructure and itsmatters.

lopment of the trans-European rail network, fosterse, participates in the development of internationalstallation of ERTMS on Corridor D.stallation of ERTMS on Corridor D.

eminar, held from 17 to 19 October in the Romanianmanian National Railway Company, CFR SA, showed

various areas of railway infrastructure constructiono establish an Adif-CFR SA Collaboration Agreement innces in areas of common interest.

010, the connection between Figueres-Vilafant andal gauge infrastructure connecting the two countries.

n conjunction, passengers transferring at Figueres-he Port of Barcelona. On 22 December 2010, the firstetween Spain and France went into service. The newwith the conventional network, with a third track for


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The commissioning of the high-speed Barcelona-Figtransport available between Spain and the rest of Etravel between Barcelona and Paris is expected to be o

*At European level, Adif participates in internationalrailway modernisation and cooperation on projects aimy p p j

•Association of European Rail Infrastructures Managers

•Rail Net Europe (RNE)Rail Net Europe (RNE)

•Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Co

•International Union of Railways (UIC)

*Adif also participates in multi-sector European organ

• European Centre of Employers and Enterprisesrepresentative by the EU.

gueres connection in January 2013 makes passengerEurope, especially France. In fact, direct high-speedoperating by mid-2013.

organisation and forums in the sector that promotemed at this modernisation:

s (EIM)

ompanies (CER)

isations such as:

providing Public Services (CEEP), recognised as a


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Adif's International PresencePress Office / dossiers and reports

• Adif also participates in work groups and meetings oCommission, such as the ERTMS Corridors Group and th

*Major issues in the European sphere:

•Development of Corridors / Planning and financing of Tp g g•Regulations for the development of competitive freigh•Revision of the First Railway Package (liberalisation)European railway system.•Implementation of the European ERTMS rail traffic ma•Development of Technical Specifications of Interopera•European R&D&i projects.•Collaboration on the development of High SpeedDenmark Poland Russia Belarus Croatia Bosnia HerDenmark, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Croatia, Bosnia HerHS in Europe.•Preparation of the 2010-2020 White Paper on Transp

•Adif also participates in European Economic Interestlinked to international rail Corridors and Trans-Europe

•Vitoria Dax SEA (Southern European Atlantic)EEIG in cothe France-Spain connection on the Atlantic side. (10.

•Corridor D ERTMS (Valencia-Lujbliana) EEIG. In this gromanagers of France (RFF), Italy (RFI) and Slovenia tocorridor and to create a competitive freight corridor. (

organised and supported by the European he ERTMS Users Group.

Trans-European Networks.pht transport.) and design of actions for the modernisation of the

anagement system.ability and Safety.

rail in other countries (Portugal, Sweden, Norway,rzegovina etc) Spain as the main reference point forrzegovina, etc). Spain as the main reference point for


Groups (EEIGs), which develop cross-border projectsean Transport Networks: (TEN-Ts)

ollaboration with the French manager RFF, to promote.05.2005)

oup Adif works in conjunction with the infrastructurepromote implementation of the ERTMS system in the29.08.07)


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Adif's International PresencePress Office / dossiers and reports

•AVEP (Spain-Portugal) EEIG with Portugal, representespeed connection of the two countries.

•Pyrenees TGC EEIG (High-capacity rail across the Pyre(RFF) to carry out environmental, territorial, routingstudies for a new trans-Pyrenees hub from Zaragoza t

•ERTMS Users' Group EEIG. In this group Adif works wItaly (RFI), Holland (ProRail), the United Kingdom (Nand Denmark (BD) to collaborate with the Europeand Denmark (BD) to collaborate with the Europeregulations for operating the ERTMS system.

•Signing and development of Collaboration Agreement

•Russian Railways. Adif-RZD Rail TransportProtocol for Cooperation between Adif-Renfe O•Moscow University of Railway Engineering.11 11 08)11.11.08).•Croatian Railways (HZL) Collaboration agreeme•Turkish Railways (TCDD). Adif-TCDD Collaborabetween Adif and TCDD to increase the level of•France, Coordination agreementBarcelona/Figueres/Perpignan/Nimes Mediterra•Polish Railway Infrastructures Manager PKP P08.10.08) Annex to the framework collaborati•Moroccan Railway Company (ONCF). Adif-Technical Assistance Agreement with ONCF by w•Tunisian Railways, SNCFT, (Madrid, 22.06.201

ed by RAVE (Portuguese High Speed Network) for high

nees). A direct relationship with the French managerg, socioeconomic profitability and financial viabilityo France.

ith its counterparts from France (RFF), Germany (DB),etworkRail), Sweden (Traficverket), Switzerland(SBB)an Railway Agency harmonising specifications andan Railway Agency harmonising specifications and

ts and Protocols:

Cooperation Agreement (Moscow, 05.10.07).(RZD).Operadora and RZD. (03.03.09)

(MIIT). Adif-MIIT Collaboration Agreement (Madrid,

ent between Adif and HZL (23.11.11)ation Agreement (Istanbul, 15.10.08). An agreementf collaboration. (02.12.11)for Spanish-French operation of the

anean hub. (03.03.09)PLK. Adif-PKP PLK Collaboration Agreement (Cordoba,on agreement (09.11.09)ONCF Collaboration Agreement (Rabat, 05.02.07).which Adif assesses ONCF “station” spaces (12.07.11)10).


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•Northern Colombia Railways, FENOCO (1999-2for constructing and operating the 230 km La•Chilean Railway Company, EFE (2002-2010).computer service used to regulate and manag•Mexico Valley Suburban Railway (2006-2009and, subsequently, support commercial opsuburban line. Technical assistance providerunning the line that it has operated and maig pentirely responsible since 5 January 2009, deRules and Specifications, Management Informa•West Japan Railway, (JR-West), in Septemberailway maintenance and services manageme•Indian Railways, in October 2012, the SpanRenfe Operadora, signed an agreement with In

*Participation Protocols in Organisations, the Minis

•CIDITRANS (Ibero-American Centre for Integrregional railways and integration programmes•AECID (Spanish Agency for International Coopwithin the Public Administration in the areaexperience in the field of railways of mutudeveloped technologies and technical assistandeveloped technologies and technical assistan•·CAF (Andean Development Corporation) Objecpossible lines of collaboration that permit the organising, planning and managing the sectoSpanish experience.•CEOE. Business meetings linked to internation•Madrid Chamber of Commerce. Business meet•Casa de América. Meetings and public forums

2010). Technical assistance provided by Adif to FENOCOLoma–Puerto de Santa María railway line.Technical assistance provided by Adif to EFE for the

e rail traffic (the SITRA computer application).9). Technical assistance given by Adif to commissionperation of the Buenavista-Cuautitlán (System 1)ed by Adif to the concessionaire for renovating andintained since 7 May 2008, and for which it has beeny ,efining the Traffic Management Model, Staff Training,ation and Train Regulation 2012, to collaborate on technology development,nt.nish Minister of Public Works, representing Adif andndian Railways.

stry of Public Works and business organisations:

ated Transport Development). Objective: To develops in Latin America.peration and Development) Objective: To pool effortsa of International Cooperation, contributing specifical interest and preferred studies and projects, co-

nce in railway operations and managementnce in railway operations and management.ctive: To promote and complement financing of spread of best experiences and practices in r of infrastructures in Latin America, based on

nal activitytings linked to international activitys on Latin America.


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*Institutional support to the Spanish railway sector

•Brazil. Rio-Sao Paolo-Campinhas High Speed Line Pro•Colombia•Mexico•Venezuela•Chile•The United States. Visits from delegations (developmeg ( pState Governments in Spain's HS development as astrengthens the railway as the most sustainable modeVisits of delegations in 2010-2011:- Visit of the Federal Government Transport Secretary- Delegation from the Senate, Congress and the Depar- Delegation from the Federal Accounting Office- Delegation from the Federal Railways Administration- Delegations from the States of California Georgia anDelegations from the States of California, Georgia an- Delegation from the Midwest High Speed Rail Associa•Saudi Arabia. Adif's participation, as part of the SpaMedina HSL project, with responsibility for managingand implementation in the areas related to tracks, inand civil protection, as well as maintenance and oper•India. Institutional support for Spanish companies on- Railway Ministry Plan for the construction of two new

Development Project for the new station at New Delh- Development Project for the new station at New Delh•Vietnam.•Slovenia.•As well as in the countries already mentioned in the l

r for international activities in:


ent of new High Speed Lines). Interest of Federal andg p )model of excellence within a transport policy that

e of transport.

rtment of Transport

nnd Texasnd Texasation (Midwest States).nish consortium, in the second phase of the Mecca-and monitoring the design, the project, constructionstallations, traffic, stations, traffic safety and securityation of all of the above.

n projects for the modernisation of Indian railwaysw freight corridorshihi.

list of signed Agreements.


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