Page 1: Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062€¦ · EASTER 2016 SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062 Phone: 304-748-6710 Web site:



Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir-ton, WV 26062

Phone: 304-748-6710

Web site:

Prayer Line: 304-748-4245 & 304-564-3114

“He is not here! He has been raised!”

Top “The Chapel of the Angel” in the church of the

Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem where the

tomb of Jesus is located.

Right: The marble slab

over the place where the

Page 2: Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062€¦ · EASTER 2016 SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062 Phone: 304-748-6710 Web site:

Welcome Easter Visitors St. Paul Parish welcome all who join us for this joyous and holy feast of our salvation! Welcome to children and grandchildren of the parish who

are in town to visit family for the feast! Welcome to those new to the community who have joined us to celebrate this highest of high holidays! Welcome to those of Christian

traditions who find their way here with family and friends! Welcome to those who for whatever reason are among us this Easter! You are most welcome! Please feel free to be part of our

community anytime.

Words of Special Thanks! all our ministers and musicians and singers and choir members and servers who prepared and participated in the various liturgies of these past days. Also to Carrie Shultz, our Music Director, for all her work in selecting and preparing the music and our musicians. Thank

you for your service and skill! those behind the scenes people and our office staff who printed and assembled folded and folded and folded the many worship aids for the various liturgies! our Decorating Committee for preparing the environment of the church the many, many Christian mothers and Holy Name members who once again made our

annual Fish Fry a profitable success. What an outstanding example of so many people working together for a huge undertaking and having a good time doing it, too! the Christian mothers and their many helpers for the Easter Bread on so many tables and

for the Bread supplied to all our homebound members. all those parishioners who purchased a potted “Glory Garden” plant for our homebound members at Eastertime.

...and to our Ministers of Communion to the Sick who have been busy delivering the Lord in Holy Eucharist and the Easter Bread and Glory Garden plants to the homebound all this past

week. Penn Way Pharmacy for again providing the small bottles we use to take Easter water home to sprinkle our families, homes and gardens.


Our Family Faith FUNdamentals program provides religious education for pre-school through grade eight children from 9:40 through 10:50 every Sunday morning above the parish office.

We have three classes that meet to help our children enrich their Catholic faith. If your children are not yet registered or participating, please call the office immediately this week and sign

them up and then bring them to class next Sunday.


Don’t forget non-perishable foods, soaps, paper products for distribution at our ecumenical food pantry. This month we are asked to donate rice & noodle dishes. Bring them to the offering

baskets to be presented at mass.


Free Hot Meals are provided at First Methodist Church on West Street 5-6 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Everyone is welcome to come to share the meal and the fellowship. Our

next parish day to serve will be April 22. Sign up sheet is in the back of the church.

Page 3: Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062€¦ · EASTER 2016 SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062 Phone: 304-748-6710 Web site:


Ministers of

Communion Lectors

Altar Servers




April 2

5 pm

Frances Veltri

Robert Marino

Theresa Elias

Debra Marino

Ben Jasko

Thomas Sessi

Margaret Barber

Rebecca Biacco

Mary Hadobas

Mary Kay Schuetz

John Cummings

Ron Panko

Jim Elias

Joseph Veltri


April 3

8:30 am

Matthew Glodowski

Terri Nejus

Judith Bartley

Katrina Mills

Catherine Glodowski

Juliana Glodowski

Ed Cashdollar

Jeannie Duffy

Paul Duffy

Thomas Beaumont

Patrick Gurrera

Thomas Lorello

Not Filled


April 3

11 am

Michelle Martin

Melissa Perkins

Cynthia Harcharik

Marlene Hamilton

Mary Ann Petrelle

Darlene Sessi

Carla Gianni Young

Kim Edmiston

Kennedy Martin

Josh Kirkpatrick

Olivia Tennant

Jerry DeFilippo

Sandy Pyle

Peggy Rossi

Edie Wilson

Robert Baker

Robert Chuma

Ed Halsey

Not Filled


April 3

6 pm

Bennie Parr

Not Filled

Not Filled

Darlene Parr

David Connors

James Sauer

A.D. Mastrantoni

Michael Mastrantoni

Mark White

Michael Cucarese

This week: Easter Sunday

Acts 10:34a,37-43, Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-9

Background: Mary Magdala was the first to find the tomb of Jesus empty (and to see him, if we keep reading) in the Gospel of John. She became the “Apostle to

the Apostles.” Peter and John themselves began a footrace to tomb, so excited and astounded were they by the news Mary

brought. Has this news become so old to us and our time that we no longer are excited by it? Do we no longer find it something that causes us to become especially joy-filled about? After all it only means death has no power over us and we are destined to

live forever: no biggie. Right?

Next Week: Acts 5:12-16 Revelation 1:9-11a,12-13,17-19


The local support group for parents, family, friends and community interested in drug and alcohol addiction is now meeting here at St. Paul’s in our parish office conference room on Monday

evenings at 6:00. This wonderful group has been providing encouragement as well as education and support to those in our area struggling with issues related especially to the abuse of

substances. If you have these issues in your family or know someone who does, come on Mondays to find a welcoming group of folks, many of whom have been there and/or are there!

It is an unusual word that is not native to the English or even the Latin liturgical vocabulary: the word "Alleluia." As a matter of fact, it sounds less like a meaningful word than the babbling of a child, and when it is sung with many notes for the final vowel, this impression becomes even stronger.

"Alleluia" does, of course, have a meaning. It is a Hebrew word, and down the centuries the church has brought it with her, untranslated (like "Amen"), as a product of the Jewish soil from which she herself sprang and as a reminder of her earliest days. The word is a cry of jubilation meaning "Praise the Lord," and occurs frequently in the psalms ....

But the translation does not explain why the church chose and retained this word from the Hebrew language of prayer in order to express her Easter jubilation, even though in later centuries her own children did not understand the meaning. I think the church meant to say: "In the presence of the mystery that we celebrate on Easter, the mystery of our redemption, our usual intelligible vocabulary is inadequate; when faced with the superabundant mercy of God we can only stammer in amazement like children."

That is how it is with us Christians: As we gaze at the Sun that has risen high over the darkness and cold of our Good Friday, all well-chosen words are useless. We can only er stammer out our Alleluia of wonder and jubilation.

Adult Bible Study Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the parish office

conference room. Come discuss and learn about the coming Sunday’s Gospel text.

Page 4: Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062€¦ · EASTER 2016 SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Address: 140 Walnut Street, Weir- ton, WV 26062 Phone: 304-748-6710 Web site:

PRAY FOR OUR SICK MEMBERS : Weirton Medical Center: Tony Battista, Robert Starr , Guy Ceraolo, Mario Colantonio, Dr. Ray Greco, Alice Matask Golden Oaks—Theresa Petroski Country Club Nursing Home: Frances Oliver Wyngate: Virginia Yoklic Serra Manor—Lillian Beagle Weirton Geriatrics-Inez Oliver, Elsie Saleh Chris Dorich is at 71 Darlington Rd, Room 141, Beaver Falls, PA

Thank you! On behalf of the students and staff of St. Paul's School, we'd like to thank Donald Mentzer for donating a digital piano to the school in memory of his wife, Rita Mentzer, who sang in our parish adult choir for many years. We have many talented students who will utilize this gift well! St. Paul Cemetery announces that all Christmas decorations must be off the graves by March 15th, 2016. No artificial flowers are to be stuck in the ground. They all have to be placed in a approved vase near the stone to make it easier to cut the grass on the graves.

Charismatic Mass and Healing Prayer A Charismatic Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, March 31, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Family Church in Steubenville. Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton will be the cele-brant. Prayer ministry for healing or other needs will be offered following Mass. All Catholics in the area are invited to attend. Refreshments following. The Madonna High School Drama Club will present “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” on April 8 and 9 at 7:30 pm and April 10 at 3:00 pm. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students and may be purchased by calling the school at (304) 723-0545 or at the door. The CREIGHTON MODEL FERTILITYCARE™ SYSTEM- if you want help with INFERTILITY; if you are interested in learning about a natural & effective means of FAMILY PLAN-NING; or looking for a way to treat WOMEN’S HEALTH PROBLEMS then you need to come to a Creighton System Introductory Session. The next Introductory Session will be held Monday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker Church. There is a $10 fee and reservations are necessary. For more information or to make a reservation call Kathy Hirkala at 304-723-0478. St. Paul’s School Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 7th at Mountaineer Woodview Golf Course. This golf tournament is one of the school’s largest fund raisers. We are acccepting hole sponsorships in two levels: Hole Sponsor $125.00 (your business name will appear on an individual sign on a designated hole) & Patron of any donation under $125.00 ( your business will appear on our donors board posted in the shelter.) All golfers who want to sign up for this tournament are to call 304-748-5225. 1st prize $500, 2nd place $300.00 every golfer receives a gift. Cost $70 per player.


Saturday March 26

8:30 pm Great Easter Vigil (For All Our People)

Sunday March 27



8:30 am

11:00 am

7:00 pm

Sunday Eucharist (For All Our People) Sunday Eucharist (For All Our People) Alcoholics Anonymous in cafeteria

Monday March 28

8:00 am 6:00 pm

Weekday Eucharist: (Mary Lou Miller) Never Alone Meeting (Conference room)

Tuesday, March 29

8:00 am 6:30 pm

Weekday Eucharist (Rosanne Costello) Weekly Word in conference room

Wednesday March 30

9:30 am All School Easter Eucharist Mass

Thursday March 31

8:00 am Weekday Eucharist (Michael Barnhart)

Friday April 1

8:00 am Weekday Eucharist (Lydia Angelo)

Saturday April 2

4:00 pm 5:00 pm

Confessions Sunday Eucharist (George Charnie)

Sunday April 3

2nd Sunday

of Easter

8:30 am

9:40 am

11:00 am

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

7:15 pm

Sunday Eucharist (Mary Susan Slowikowski)

Faith FUNdamentals

Sunday Eucharist/Children’s Church (Elvira Bellisario)

Sunday Eucharist (For All Our People)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Confirmation “What Does It Mean To Say ‘I Do’”

Don’t forget your parish, please consider giving a percentage of whatever remains in your estate to the parish memorial endow-ment fund. Bequests for the parish should read, “To the Most Rev. Michael J. Bransfield, Bishop of Wheeling Charleston or his successors in office for the exclusive use of St. Paul Parish (or School) in Weir-ton, WV Memorial Endowment Fd)

Weekly Collections March 20, 1016

Envelopes $ 7276.00

Offertory $ 584.00

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