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Adaptive Intrusion Detection of MaliciousUnmanned Air Vehicles Using Behavior Rule

SpecificationsRobert Mitchell and Ing-Ray ChenDepartment of Computer Science

Virginia Tech{rrmitche, irchen}

Abstract—In this paper, we propose an adaptive specification-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for detecting maliciousunmanned air vehicles (UAVs) in an airborne system in whichcontinuity of operation is of the utmost importance. An IDSaudits UAVs in a distributed system to determine if the UAVs arefunctioning normally or are operating under malicious attacks.We investigate the impact of reckless, random and opportunisticattacker behaviors (modes which many historical cyber attackshave used) on the effectiveness of our behavior rule-based UAVIDS (BRUIDS) which bases its audit on behavior rules to quicklyassess the survivability of the UAV facing malicious attacks.Through a comparative analysis with the multi-agent system/ant-colony clustering model (MAS/ACCM), we demonstrate a highdetection accuracy of BRUIDS for compliant performance. Byadjusting the detection strength, BRUIDS can effectively tradehigher false positives for lower false negatives to cope with moresophisticated random and opportunistic attackers to supportultra safe and secure UAV applications.

Index Terms—Intrusion detection, Unmanned air vehicles,security.


Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) comprise a large part ofthe warfighting capability of modern militaries. Also, theyareemerging in civilian applications such as surveillance forlawenforcement, situational awareness for emergency services,content for news outlets and data collection for researchers.While they pose the same risk as piloted aircraft, the operatoris removed from the vehicle in time and space which callsfor enhanced automated security systems to guarantee thesafe operation. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are securityappliances that review audit data to identify cyber attacksthat jeopardize this safe operation. Our goal in this workis to provide a general framework for intrusion detection ofmalicious UAVs in an airborne system.

In this paper, we propose a specification-based IDS calledBehavior Rule-based Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) IntrusionDetection System (BRUIDS). It requires minimal run timeresources and is adaptive, i.e., it can adapt to the attackertypeand environment changes by adjusting its intrusion detectionstrength dynamically, so as to satisfy the maximum falsenegative rate (pfn) requirement while minimizing the false pos-itive rate (pfp). We demonstrate that BRUIDS can effectivelytrade false positive rate for true positive rate to cope withsophisticated random and opportunistic attackers to support

ultra safe and secure UAV applications. Through a comparativeanalysis, we demonstrate a high detection accuracy of our UAVintrusion detection technique. Three major contributionsof ourpaper are the behavior-rule based intrusion detection theory,the modeling and analysis of our behavior-rule based intrusiondetection design with simulation validation and a list of rulesthat describes the healthy, uncompromised behavior of a UAV.

The focus on UAV electronics protection is not well reportedin the academic literature, only [4], [14], [15], [25] havestudied this topic. However, IDS is well assessed in cybercommunications, and vehicle-based electronics protection iswell known. Blasch et al. [4] proposed a warplanning situa-tional awareness tool that classifies outsiders in the physicaldomain as friendly, neutral or belligerent. Specifically, it is notan IDS that identifies insider attackers in the cyber domain.Trafton and Pizzi [25] described the role of intrusion detectionin airborne military applications. The authors proposed JointAirborne Network Services Suite (JANSS) which provides aframework to integrate an airborne military network. Amongother services, JANSS covers intrusion detection. However,neither concrete solutions nor true/false positive rates werereported. Lauf and Robinson [14], [15] investigated HybrIDS,an anomaly-based approach. HybrIDS comprises two intrusiondetection methods: Maxima Detection System (MDS) andCross-Correlative Detection System (CCDS). MDS detectssingle intruders using audit data after a short training phase andaccomplishes a more in-depth training phase for CCDS. CCDScan detect cooperating intruders after the longer trainingphaseprovided by MDS. HybrIDS was evaluated using a metriccalled “pervasion” defined as the percentage of maliciousnodes in the system. It was reported that intruders can bedetected even with a 22% pervasion.

With the exception of [4], existing work [14], [15], [25]had no numerical data regarding the false negative ratepfn(i.e., missing a malicious node) and the false positive ratepfp(i.e., misidentifying a normal node as a malicious node). Inthis paper we report (pfn, pfp) UAV IDS data to analyze thetradeoff betweenpfn andpfp obtained as a result of applyingour proposed adaptive UAV IDS techniques. When graphinga standard ROC, we use1 − pfn versuspfp with 1 − pfncorresponding to the “true positive rate” the literature refersto.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section

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II, we discuss the system model, including the UAV referencemodel, the threat model and the attacker archetypes. In SectionIII, we describe our UAV intrusion detection design with thegoal to minimize the false negative rate without compromisingthe false positive rate. In Section IV, we report numericaldata. In Section V, we perform a comparative analysis with amultitrust-based IDS scheme and demonstrate the superiorityof our design. In Section VI, we survey related work. InSection VIII, we conclude the paper and outline future work.


A. Reference UAV

Fig. 1. Reference UAV Key Components.

We consider multiple UAVs each embedding cyber physicalsystem (CPS) physical components (sensors and actuators).Figure 1 illustrates a reference UAV embedding physicalsensors and actuators. One cyber physical loop in this modelis the flight control system in each UAV. Inertial sensors driverealtime adjustment of control surfaces and thrust. In addition,locative sensors (navigational components), such as GlobalPositioning System (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite System(GLONASS), Compass, Galileo or inertial sensors drive non-realtime adjustment of control surfaces and thrust. Anothercyber physical loop in this model is the threat countermea-sures system. Radar components detect physical presence ofthreats, and specifically tuned radios detect radio frequency(RF) signatures of threats. These sensors drive the realtimedeployment of countermeasures like flare, chaff and electroniccountermeasures (ECM). Tian et al. [24] discussed majorissues in jamming that are associated with the communicationsliterature. On top of UAVs sit the historian and human machineinterface (HMI) modules which may be replicated to provideUAV control functions over long distance; the literature alsorefers to this segment as a ground control station (GCS). Forreadability, we will use the terms “node” and “UAV” inter-changeably in the paper. The UAV reference model accountsfor some general behaviors of a UAV to allow us to quicklyassess the survivability of the UAV facing malicious attacks.

B. Threat Model

It is important to define the threat model to cover systemvulnerabilities since our UAV IDS technique is based onbehavior rules specifying expected normal behaviors of asensor or actuator embedded in a UAV for detection of thesethreats. We base this threat model on domain experience,literature review [13], [28] and current events [9].

We consider seven threats towards a UAV:

1) The first threat is an attacker that directs a UAV’sweapon against a friendly resource.

2) The second threat is an attacker that corrupts data theUAV reports.

3) The third threat is an attacker that promotes confederateUAVs and marginalizes legitimate UAVs.

4) The fourth threat is an attacker that captures a UAV bydeploying the landing gear when outside of the air base.

5) The fifth threat is an attacker that exfiltrates missiondata.

6) The sixth threat is an attacker that activates a UAV’scountermeasures unnecessarily.

7) The seventh threat is an attacker that decreases a UAV’sendurance by wasting its energy.

Threats 1-4 attack the integrity. Threat 5 attacks the confiden-tiality. Threats 6 and 7 attacks the availability.

C. Monitoring Techniques

Our behavior-rule based IDS approach relies on the useof monitor nodes. We assume that a monitor node performsintrusion detection on a trusted neighbor node. One possibledesign is to have a sensor (actuator) monitor another sensor(actuator respectively) within the same UAV. However, thisdesign requires each sensor (actuator) to have multiple sensingfunctionalities. Another design which we adopt is to havea neighbor UAV or a remote HMI monitor a trusted UAV.We model imperfect monitoring by an error parameter,perr,representing the probability of a monitor node misidentifyingthe status of the trusted node due to ambient noise and/orwireless communication faults in airborne environments. Ingeneral a node may deduceperr at runtime by sensing theamount of ambient noise and wireless communication errorsaround it.perr is not fixed in a particular detection scenario.Rather,perr spans a range of values to model a dynamicallychanging mis-monitoring error probability due to ambientnoise and wireless communication faults reflecting dynam-ically changing environment conditions. Here we note thatwhile perr changes dynamically depending on environmentconditions, it does not depend on the state a trusted UAV isin.

D. Attacker Archetypes

We differentiate three attacker archetypes: reckless, randomand opportunistic. A reckless attacker performs attacks when-ever it has a chance. The main objective is to impair the UAVfunctionality at the earliest possible time. A random attacker,on the other hand, performs attacks only randomly to avoiddetection. It is thus insidious and deceptive with the objective

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to cripple the UAV functionality. We model the attackerbehavior by a random attack probabilitypa. Whenpa = 1 theattacker is a reckless adversary. An opportunistic attacker is thethird archetype we consider. It exploits the environment noisemodeled byperr (probability of mis-monitoring) to performattacks. While a random attacker’spa is fixed, an opportunisticattacker decides its attack probabilitypa based onperr sensed.When perr is higher, the system is more vulnerable, so itspa is higher. An opportunistic attacker can be conservativeor aggressive. We apply the demand-pricing relation function,i.e.,Demand = C×Pricing−ε in the field of Economics [1],[8], [29], which describes how demand changes when pricingchanges, to model the relation between the opportunisticattackers attack probabilitypa (mapped to demand) and theimperfect monitoring probabilityperr (mapped to pricing). Thedemand-pricing relation function predicts that demand shalldecrease when pricing increases and vice versa, the degree ofwhich is controlled by the elastic constantε which determinesthe effect of pricing change. Because bothpa andperr are realnumbers between 0 and 1, let:

pa = C × pεerr. (1)

whereC > 0 covers both conservative and aggressive attackbehaviors:

1) ε = 1: pa increases linearly withperr; this models aconservative opportunistic attacker.

2) ε < 1: pa increases exponentially withperr; this modelsan aggressive opportunistic attacker, the extent of whichis modeled byε.


A. Behavior Rules

Our IDS design for the reference UAV model relies on theuse of simple specification-basedbehavior rules for each UAV.They are oriented toward detecting an inside attacker attachedto embedded sensors or actuators, provide a continuous outputbetween 0 and 1, and allow a monitor node to performintrusion detection on a trusted neighbor through monitoring.Table I lists the behavior rules for detecting a malicious UAVwith the monitor being a peer UAV or an HMI (see Figure 1).Since behavior rules are derived from the threat model, TableI also lists the threat from which a behavior rule originates.

We prioritize the behavior rules so that more impactful rulesare searched first. Table I organizes the behavior rules bydecreasing impact. The highest priority behavior rules protectintegrity, the next priority behavior rules protect confidential-ity, the third priority behavior rules concern availability. Thebehavior rules are optimally searched with the priority criteria.

B. Transforming Rules to State Machines

Each behavior rule does not specify just one state, but anumber of states, some of which are safe states in whichnormal behavior (obedience of this behavior rule) is observed,while others are unsafe states in which malicious behavior(violation of this behavior rule) is observed. A behavior rulethus has a number of state variables, each with a range of


Threat Description Priority CriteriaIndex

1 safe weapons if outside integritybattlespace

2 produce accurate data integrity3 provide true recommendations integrity4 stow landing gear if outside integrity

domestic air base5 do not send to confidentiality

non-whitelisted destinations6 turn off countermeasures if availability

no threat7 use minimum thrust if availability


*The trusted node is a UAV, and the monitor is a peer UAV or an HMIforall behavior rules.

values, together indicating whether the node is in normal ormalicious behavior status (with respect to this rule).

The following procedure transforms a behavior specificationinto a state machine: First we identify the attack behaviorindicator as a result of a behavior rule being violated. Thenwe transform this attack behavior indicator into a conjunctivenormal form predicate and identify the involved state com-ponents in the underlying state machine. Next we combinethe attack behavior indicators into a Boolean expression indisjunctive normal form. Then we transform the union ofall predicate variables into the state components of a statemachine and establish their corresponding ranges. Finallywe manage the number of states by state collapsing andidentifying combinations of values that are not legitimate.

Below we exemplify how a state machine is derived fromthe behavior specification in terms of behavior rules for thereference UAV model.

1) Identify Attack Behavior Indicators: Attacks performedby a compromised sensor (actuator) embedded in a UAVwill drive the UAV into certain attack behavior indicatorsidentifiable through analyzing the specification-based behaviorrules. There are seven attack behavior indicators as a result ofviolating the seven behavior rules for a UAV listed in Table I.

The first UAV attack behavior indicator is that a UAVreadies its weapon when outside the battlespace (when withinits domestic air base or coalition air corridor). This indicatorcatches attackers that intend to direct a UAV’s weapon againsta friendly resource; these attackers attach to the UAV weaponmodule. The second UAV attack behavior indicator is thata trusted node’s embedded sensor reading differs from themonitor’s embedded sensor reading. The monitor is in theneighborhood of the trusted node, measuring the same physicalphenomenon. The third UAV attack behavior indicator is thata monitor UAV provides bad-mouthing attacks, i.e., providingbad recommendations regarding a well-behaving trusted UAV,or good-mouthing attacks, i.e., providing good recommenda-tions regarding a misbehaving trusted UAV. This is detectedby comparing recommendations provided by multiple monitorUAVs and detecting discrepancies. The fourth UAV attackbehavior indicator is that a UAV deploys landing gear whenoutside its domestic air base. This indicator catches attackersthat intend to capture the UAV; these attackers control the UAV

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Attack ExpressionBehaviorIndicator

1 (Weapons = READY)∧ (Location 6= BATTLESPACE)2 | Trusted Node Data - Monitor Data| > δ

3 Trusted Node Audit6= Monitor Audit4 (Gear = DEPLOYED)

∧ (Location 6= DOMESTIC AIR BASE)5 Destination6= WHITELISTED6 (Countermeasures = ACTIVE)∧ (Threat = FALSE)7 (Thrust> T) ∧ (Status = LOITER)

landing gear module. One way an attacker could pursue thisgoal is to launch a shellcode attack that diverts the UAV toan area they control. The fifth UAV attack behavior indicatoris that a node sends bytes to unauthorized parties. Explicitlyauthorized parties are said to be “whitelisted.” This indicatorcatches attackers that intend to exfiltrate mission data. Thesixth UAV attack behavior indicator is that a UAV usescountermeasures without identifying a threat. This indicatorcatches attackers that intend to increase the vulnerability anddecrease the availability of a UAV; these attackers attach tothe UAV countermeasures module. The seventh UAV attackbehavior indicator is that a loitering UAV uses more than theminimum thrust required to maintain altitude. This indicatorcatches attackers that intend to decrease a UAV’s enduranceby wasting its energy; these attackers attach to the UAV thrustmodule.

2) Express Attack Behavior Indicators in Conjunctive Nor-mal Form: Table II lists the UAV attack behavior indicatorsin Conjunctive Normal Form. Here we note that each attackbehavior indicator may have several state variables. For ex-ample, attack behavior indicator 1 in Table II has two statevariables (or components), namely, Weapons and Location, inthe underlying state machine.

3) Consolidate Predicates in Disjunctive Normal Form:((Weapons = READY)∧ (Location 6= BATTLESPACE)) ∨(|Trusted Node Data - Monitor Data| > δ) ∨ (TrustedNode Audit 6= Monitor Audit) ∨ ((Gear = DEPLOYED)∧ (Location 6= DOMESTIC AIR BASE)) ∨ (Destination 6=WHITELISTED) ∨ ((Countermeasures = ACTIVE)∧ (Threat= FALSE)) ∨ ((Thrust> T) ∧ (Status = LOITER))

4) Identify State Components and Component Ranges: Welimit the range of the altitude parameter to the lowest pointon Earth and maximum altitude of a large UAV.

We quantize continuous components at integer scale inpermissible ranges. For example, altitude is in the range of[−423 m, 15000 m] and bank is in the range of[−180◦, 180◦].Table III shows a complete list of the permissible rangesof UAV state components. The resulting HMI and UAVautomatons have181×361×15424×361×361×361×2×2×2×2×101×201×201×201×2×2×2×2 = 9.9553×1027

states. Both of these automata are too large; we deal with thisstate explosion in the next step.

5) Manage State Space: Reducing the size of the statemachine is an important subproblem for this study. Ratherthan approaching state machine reduction in an hoc fashion,


Name Control or RangeReading

latitude reading [−90◦, 90◦]longitude reading [−180◦, 180◦]altitude reading [−423 m, 15000 m]bank reading [−180◦, 180◦]pitch reading [−180◦, 180◦]yaw reading [−180◦, 180◦]threat reading true, falsestall reading true, falsedata reading match, mismatchaudit reading match, mismatchthrust control [0, 100%]aileron control [100% left, 100% right]elevator control [100% down, 100% up]rudder control [100% left, 100% right]gear control deployed, stowedcountermeasure control active, inactiveweapon control safe, readydestination control whitelisted, unauthorized

we applied this broad strategy:1) identify maximum acceptable state machine size;2) while the state machine is too large:

a) choose the state component with the largest do-main;

b) compress the domain of this state component.To manage the number of states, we reduce the size of the statemachine by abbreviating the values for and consolidating somecomponents. Our rules only consider three values for position(domestic air base, coalition air corridor or battlespace), sowe consolidate latitude, longitude and altitude into a singleposition component and restrict this component to three values.Our rules only consider four values for flight status (takeoff,travel, loiter or land), so we consolidate bank, pitch, yaw,stall,aileron, elevator and rudder into a single status componentandrestrict this component to four values. Our rules only considerthree values for thrust (sub-stall, minimal or super-minimal)so we restrict this component to three values. This treatmentyields a modest state machine with3 × 4 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 ×2× 2 × 2 × 2 = 4608 states, out of which 165 are identifiedas safe states and 4443 are unsafe states.

While this flat approach to reducing the state machinemet our needs, results with other configurations may vary.If this strategy does not yield a reasonably sized automaton,hierarchical state analysis is an orthogonal approach thatwillfurther manage the state space.

6) Behavior Rule State Machine: For the UAV state ma-chine, there are 165 safe states and 4443 unsafe states. Firstwe label these states as states1, 2, . . . , n = 4608. Next wedecidepij , the probability that statei goes to statej, for each(i, j) pair in the state machine to reflect a normal (or malicious)UAV’s behavior.

For a compromised UAV,pij depends on its attacker type: Areckless attacker will not go from an unsafe state to a safe statebecause it continuously attacks. Sopij = 0 if i is an unsafestate andj is a safe state. However, the monitoring processis imperfect with error probabilityperr, so the monitor nodemay not observe exactly the same state transitions performed

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by the reckless attacker. As a result,pij = perr instead ofpij = 0 when i is an unsafe state andj is a safe state.

For a random attacker with attack probabilitypa, pij valuessum topa for a giveni for all unsafe statesj andpij valuessum to 1 − pa for a given i for all safe statesj because itwill stop attacking with probability1 − pa. With imperfectmonitoring, a monitor node sees:pij values sum topa × (1−perr)+ (1− pa)× perr for a giveni for all unsafe statesj andpij values sum to(1− pa)× (1− perr)+ pa× perr for a giveni for all safe statesj.

In practice, during the testing phase one will seed anattacker and assign a monitor node to observe the statesthis attacker enters to assign individualpij values. For thespecial case in which every unsafe state among all is enteredwith equal probability and every safe state among all is alsoentered with equal probability, a compromised UAV withrandom attack probabilitypa will be observed as havingpijas((1−pa)× (1−perr)+pa×perr)/165 whenj is one of the165 safe states, and as(pa×(1−perr)+(1−pa)×perr)/4443whenj is one of the 4443 unsafe states. Figure 2 illustrates thebehavior rule state machine for a compromised UAV. Crosseddotted slashes over a state indicate an unsafe state.

Here we note that the random attacker behavior-rule statemachine derived above covers all three attacker models: reck-less for which pa = 1, random for whichpa < 1, andopportunistic for whichpa is related toperr by Equation 1.

Fig. 2. Random Attacker Behavior Rule State Machine.

For a normal UAV, it should stay in safe states 100% ofthe time; however, occasionally it may be misidentified by themonitor node as staying in an unsafe state due to ambientnoise, temporary system faults and wireless communicationfaults with error probabilityperr. For the special case in whichevery unsafe state among all is entered with equal probabilityand every safe state among all is also entered with equalprobability, a normal UAV node will be observed as havingpij as(1−perr)/165 whenj is one of the 165 safe states, andasperr/4443 whenj is one of the 4443 unsafe states. Figure 3illustrates the behavior rule state machine for a normal UAV.Again, crossed dotted slashes over a state indicate an unsafestate. While they look similar, Figures 2 and 3 are actuallydifferent because the transition rates are different for a random

attacker (Figure 2) versus for a normal node (Figure 3). Theylook similar because they have the same number of states asgenerated from the behavior rules.

Fig. 3. Good Node Behavior Rule State Machine.

C. Collect Compliance Degree Data

Our BRUIDS relies on the use of monitor nodes, e.g., aUAV or HMI is a monitor node of another UAV. The monitornode knows the state machine of the trusted node assigned toit. The monitor node periodically measures the amount of timethe trusted node stays in safe and unsafe states as the trustednode migrates from one state to another triggered by eventscausing state transitions. We consider a binary grading policy,i.e., assigning a compliance degree of 1 to a safe state and 0to an unsafe state.

Let c be the compliance degree of a node. The compliancedegreec of a node essentially is equal to the proportion of thetime the node is in safe states. LetS be the set of safe statesthe trusted node traverses over a period of timeT . Let ti bethe amount of time that the trusted node stays in a safe statei, as measured by the monitor node. Then the monitor nodecollects an instance of compliance degreec by:

c =




If a node stays only in safe states duringT , then by Equation2, its compliance degreec is one. On the other hand, if a nodestays only in unsafe states only duringT , then its compliancedegreec is zero. The monitor node monitors and collects thetrusted node’s compliance degree historyc1, c2, . . . , cn forn monitoring periods, wheren is sufficiently large, basedon which it concludes whether or not the trusted node iscompromised.

We leverage the state machines generated to collect compli-ance degree data of a normal UAV (or a malicious UAV) dur-ing the testing phase. Following Equation 2 which measurescompliance degree as the proportion of time a trusted UAV isin safe states, the compliance degreec is essentially equal tothe sum of the probabilities of safe states i.e.,c =


πj ,whereπj is the limiting probability that the node is in statej of the state machine andS is the set of safe states in the

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state machine. We utilize Monte Carlo simulation to obtainthe limiting probabilityπj . Specifically, we collect compliancedegree historyc1, c2, . . . , cn of a UAV with n runs of MonteCarlo simulation. In runi, given a normal (or a malicious)UAV’s state machine as input, we start from state 0 and thenfollow the stochastic process of this node as it goes fromone state to another. We continue doing this until at leastone state is reentered sufficiently often (say 100 times). Thenwe calculateπj using the ratio of the number of transitionsleading to statej to the total number of state transitions.After πj is obtained, we collectci in the ith simulation runby


πj . We repeat a sufficiently largen test runs tocollect c1, c2, . . . , cn needed for computing the distribution ofthe compliance degree of a normal UAV or a malicious UAVperforming reckless, random or opportunistic attacks.

D. Compliance Degree Distribution

The measurement of compliance degree of a node frequentlyis not perfect and can be affected by noise and unreliablewireless communication in the airborne system. We modelthe compliance degree by a random variableX with G(·) =Beta(α, β) distribution [20], with the value 0 indicating thatthe output is totally unacceptable (zero compliance) and 1indicating the output is completely acceptable (perfect com-pliance), such thatG(a), 0 ≤ a ≤ 1, is given by

G(a) =

∫ a


Γ(α+ β)

Γ(α)Γ(β)xα−1(1− x)β−1 dx (3)

and the expected value ofX is given by

EB [X] =

∫ 1


xΓ(α+ β)

Γ(α)Γ(β)xα−1(1− x)β−1 dx =


α+ β(4)

The α and β parameters are to be estimated based on themethod of maximum likelihood by using the compliancedegree history collected (c1, c2, . . . , cn) during the system’stesting phase. We choose theBeta distribution because it isdefined on the interval[0, 1], continuous and used across manydisciplines.

We consider a single parameterBeta(β) distribution withα equal to 1. In this case, the density isβ(1 − x)β−1 for0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and0 otherwise. The maximum likelihood estimateof β is

β̂ =n



1− ci)


E. False Positive and Negative Rates

Our intrusion detection is characterized by false negativeand false positive rates, denoted bypfn andpfp, respectively.A false positive occurs when a normal UAV is misdiagnosedas malicious, while a false negative occurs when a maliciousUAV is missed as normal. While neither is desirable, a falsenegative is especially impactful to the system’s continuityof operation. While many detection criteria [2], [6], [7] arepossible, we consider a threshold criterion in this paper. Thatis, if a malicious node’s compliance degree denoted byXb

with a probability distribution obtained by Equation 3 is higher


RANDOM ATTACK MODELS FORUAV (CT = 0.90, perr = 0.01).

pa β pfn pfp

1.00 99.3 < 0.001% 2.30%0.80 4.33 0.005% 2.30%0.40 1.10 8.02% 2.30%0.20 0.632 23.3% 2.30%0.10 0.449 35.5% 2.30%



Model β pfn pfp ε pa

aggressive 0.734 18.5% 2.30% 0.8 0.251aggressive 0.555 27.9% 2.30% 0.9 0.158conservative 0.449 35.5% 2.30% 1.0 0.1

than a system minimum compliance thresholdCT then thereis a false negative. Suppose that the compliance degreeXb

of a malicious node is modeled by aG(·) = Beta(α, β)distribution. Then the host IDS false negative ratepfn is givenby:

pfn = Pr{Xb > CT } = 1−G(CT ). (6)

On the other hand, if a normal node’s compliance degreedenoted byXg is less thanCT then there is a false positive.Again, suppose that the compliance degreeXg of a normalnode is modeled by aG(·) = Beta(α, β) distribution. Thenthe host false positive ratepfp is given by:

pfp = Pr{Xg ≤ CT } = G(CT ). (7)


We report numerical data in this section. We execute theprocedure described in Section III to collect a sequence ofcompliance degree values (c1, c2, . . . , cn) for n = 1000 MonteCarlo simulation runs for the UAV. We then apply Equation5 to compute theβ parameter value ofG(·) = Beta(α, β)for the probability distribution of the compliance degree for anormal node or a malicious node. We then calculatepfn andpfp by Equations 6 and 7, respectively. We adjust the minimumcompliance thresholdCT to controlpfn andpfp obtainable.

Tables IV and V exemplify theβ values and the resultingpfn andpfp values obtained whenCT is 0.9 (CT is a designparameter to be fine-tuned to trade high false positives for lowfalse negatives) andperr = 0.01 for random and opportunisticattackers, respectively.

Sinceα/(α + β) (with α = 1) is the expected compliancedegree detected out of a trusted UAV, theβ value detected issensitive and adaptive to the attacker archetypes. A recklessattacker withpa = 1 will reveal a low compliance degreeand, hence, will have a highβ value. A random attacker whoperforms attacks only probabilistically with ratepa will have arelatively high compliance degree and, hence, a relativelylowβ value. This trend of increasingβ with increasingpa is clearlyshown in Table IV. For opportunistic attackers, aggressiveattackers tend to reveal a relatively low compliance degreecompared with conservative attackers and, hence, a relatively

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high β value. This trend of increasingβ with increasingaggressiveness is demonstrated in Table V.

From Table IV, we observe that when the random attackprobability pa is high, the attacker can be easily detected asevidenced by a low false negative rate. Especially whenpa =1, a reckless attacker can hardly be missed. On the other hand,aspa decreases, a random attacker becomes more hidden andinsidious and the false negative rate increases.

From Table V, we observe that the resultingpfn values ob-tained depend on the aggressiveness of opportunistic attackers.More aggressive opportunistic attackers (those with a smallerε) will have a better true positive rate (1− pfn) because of ahigher attacker probabilitypa being used.

Here we note that in both Tables IV and V, the falsepositive ratepfp remains the same regardless of the randomattack probability, becausepfp measures the probability ofmisidentifying a normal node only.







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1CT


perr = 0.05perr = 0.04perr = 0.03perr = 0.02perr = 0.01

pfn = 1% reference

Fig. 4. False Negative Rate Versus Compliance Threshold for aRecklessAttacker under Varyingperr.







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1CT


pa = 0.2 perr = 0.01pa = 0.2 perr = 0.02pa = 0.2 perr = 0.03pa = 0.2 perr = 0.04pa = 0.2 perr = 0.05pa = 0.4 perr = 0.01pa = 0.4 perr = 0.02pa = 0.4 perr = 0.03pa = 0.4 perr = 0.04pa = 0.4 perr = 0.05pa = 0.8 perr = 0.01pa = 0.8 perr = 0.02pa = 0.8 perr = 0.03pa = 0.8 perr = 0.04pa = 0.8 perr = 0.05pfn = 1% reference

Fig. 5. False Negative Rate Versus Compliance Threshold for aRandomAttacker under Varyingperr.

Figures 4, 5 and 6 illustrate the effect ofCT and perron pfn of different types of attackers. They show the falsenegative rate decreases asCT increases; this is because as thecompliance threshold increases, a malicious node is less likelyto evade detection. While Figure 4 shows that a largerperr willbenefit a reckless attacker, a smallerperr will benefit randomand opportunistic attackers with a small attack probability pa.












0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1CT


ε = 0.8(Exponential)

perr = 0.01perr = 0.02perr = 0.03perr = 0.04perr = 0.05

pfn = 1% reference

Fig. 6. False Negative Rate Versus Compliance Threshold for an Oppor-tunistic Attacker under Varyingperr.

This is becauseperr will obscure some of uniformly hostilebehavior of the reckless attacker but will undermine the de-ceptively compliant behavior of the random and opportunisticattackers with a smallpa. Figure 5 shows that a smallerperrwill benefit random attackers whenpa is small (0.2), a largerperr will benefit random attackers whenpa is large (0.8).










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1CT


perr = 0.05perr = 0.04perr = 0.03perr = 0.02perr = 0.01

Fig. 7. False Positive Rate Versus Compliance Threshold for aGood Nodeunder Varyingperr.

Figure 7 illustrates the effect ofperr on pfp for a normalnode. It shows the false positive rate increases asCT increases;this is because as the compliance threshold increases, a normalnode is more likely to be incorrectly misidentified as amalicious node. Also, it shows a smallerperr will benefita normal node; this is becauseperr distorts the uniformlycompliant behavior of a normal node.

The results obtained above can be used by the systemto adaptively select the minimumCT value dynamically tosatisfy the imposedpfn requirement while minimizingpfp asmuch as possible in response to the environment condition(e.g., ambient noise) and the suspected attacker type detectedat runtime (e.g., a random attacker). Table VI illustrates ascenario in which the maximumpfn allowable is 1%, whichmust be satisfied. Given aperr value and the attacker typeas input, there is aCT value at whichpfn = 1% as decidedfrom Figures 4, 5, 6 (following the horizontal dashed line atpfn = 0.01). Then from theCT value selected, one can decide

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Reckless Random Opportunisticperr CT pfn pfp CT pfn pfp CT pfn pfp

0.01 0.045313 0.01 0.000468 0.999315 0.01 0.070959 0.998123 0.01 0.0614460.02 0.088882 0.01 0.001898 0.999219 0.01 0.135857 0.977295 0.01 0.0743400.03 0.131062 0.01 0.004335 0.999109 0.01 0.195247 0.905752 0.01 0.0704420.04 0.171620 0.01 0.007814 0.998992 0.01 0.249849 0.749324 0.01 0.0560190.05 0.210615 0.01 0.012370 0.998862 0.01 0.300077 0.475645 0.01 0.033407

the resultingpfp based on Equation 7. Table VI summarizestheCT settings for all attacker types over a range ofperr. Forexample, the system manager should setCT to 0.905752 whenfacing an opportunistic attacker withperr = 0.03, andε = 0.8to achievepfn = 1% andpfp = 7%. ThisCT value is obtainedby following the middle curve in Figure 6 intersecting withthe horizontal dashed line atpfn = 1%.

Table VI illustrates adaptive IDS design: the system selectsthe minimumCT value that would satisfy the maximumpfnrequirement while providing apfp as small as possible, givenknowledge of the attacker type andperr. An an example,suppose a suspected attacker is of opportunistic type whoseattacking behavior is characterized byε = 0.8 as described inTable VI. After determiningperr = 0.01 (which is detectable),the system would select a highCT value (i.e.,CT = 0.998123)to yield pfn = 1% while minimizing pfp to 6.1446%. If theattacker type is reckless, on the other hand, then the systemwould select a lowCT value (i.e.,CT = 0.045313) to yieldpfn = 1% while minimizing pfp to 0.0468%.

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.01
















1 - pfn

recklessrandom (pa = 0.2)

opportunistic (ε = 0.9)



1 - pfn

Fig. 8. BRUIDS Receiver Operating Characteristic Graph.

By adjusting CT , our specification-based IDS techniquecan effectively trade higher false positives for lower falsenegatives to cope with more sophisticated and hidden randomattackers. This is especially desirable for ultra safe and secureUAV applications for which a false negative may have a direconsequence. Figure 8 shows a ROC graph of true positive rate(1−pfn) versus false positive rate (pfp) obtained as a result ofadjustingCT for reckless, random and opportunistic attackersgiven differentperr. As we increaseCT , the true positive rateincreases while the false positive rate increases. We see thatwith our specification-based IDS technique, the true positiverate can approach 100% for detecting attackers when using a

sufficiently highCT , i.e., an attacker is always detected withprobability 1 without false negatives, while bounding the falsepositive rate to below 0.05% for reckless attackers, below 7%for random attackers with attack probability as low as 0.2, andand below 6.1% for opportunistic attackers, whenperr = 1%(the first entry in Table VI). Note the ROC surfaces forrandom and opportunistic attackers cross over roughly alonga curve atperr = 0.015, indicating that whenperr < 0.015an opportunistic attacker withε = 0.8 is more difficult to bedetected than a random attacker withpa = 0.2, and vice versaafterperr > 0.015. The highlighted dots show the points on thecorresponding surface that meet the maximumpfn requirement(1%) while minimizingpfp. Our adaptive IDS design allowsthe system to adaptively adjustCT dynamically to satisfy theimposedpfn requirement while minimizingpfp in response todynamically changing environment conditions (throughperr)and the suspected attacker type detected at runtime (e.g., arandom attacker).


In this section, we compare our IDS design with a multitrustanomaly-based IDS called Multi-agent System (MAS) devel-oped by Tsang and Kwong [26] intended for industrial CPSs.MAS includes an analysis function called Ant Colony Clus-tering Model (ACCM) to reduce the characteristically highfalse positive rate associated with anomaly-based approacheswhile minimizing the training period by using an unsupervisedapproach to machine learning. MAS uses a standard data set,KDD Cup 1999, for testing. We use it as a benchmark againstwhich our IDS is compared for three reasons: First, there isno existing UAV IDS available for performance comparison;industrial process control environments of MAS/ACCM areclose to UAV environments with similar safety requirements.Second, MAS/ACCM reported false positive rate and falsenegative rate data for ease of comparison. Third, unlikeanomaly-based IDS approaches, ACCM generated good falsepositive rates (reported 1 to 6%). We visualize Tsang andKwong’s results in Figure 9.

Figure 10 visually compares the ROC graphs (true positiverate or1 − pfn versuspfp) for BRUIDS and ACCM. We setperr = 0.010 for UAVs. This is because 1% of mis-monitoringdue to ambient noise, temporary system faults and wirelesscommunication faults in airborne environments is reasonable.This is based on Ho and Shimamoto reporting a0.2 − 7.5%packet error rate (depending on altitude, network size andchannel access technique) [11] and Palazzi et al. experimentingwith packet error rates between 0.1 and 1.0% [18]. Figure 10shows for reckless and highly aggressive random attackers,

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0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06pfp

1 - pfn

Fig. 9. ACCM Receiver Operating Characteristic Graph.

BRUIDS outperforms ACCM across the domain ofpfp. Also,it shows that BRUIDS outperforms ACCM forpfp > 0.02 forcautious random attackers.

We first note that the coverage area (out of a one byone area) below the ROC curve, referred to as Area Underthe Curve (AUC), measures the IDS accuracy. An area of 1represents a perfect test; an area of 0.5 represents a worthlesstest.

We clearly see that for BRUIDS withpa = 1 or 0.8, the truepositive rate is always higher than ACCM, given the same falsepositive rate. Therefore the AUC of BRUIDS is clearly greaterthan that of ACCM for these configurations. For BRUIDS withpa = 0.4 (a more cunning attacker), the detection rate is notalways higher than ACCM; however, a closer look throughFigure 11 reveals that the AUC of BRUIDS is still greater.Moreover, in the experiment conducted by Tsang and Kwong[26], presumably only reckless attackers were considered inwhich case BRUIDS with a AUC nearly equal to 1 clearlyoutperforms ACCM.












0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09pfp

1 - pfn

UIDS pa = 1.0 perr = 0.01UIDS pa = 0.8 perr = 0.01UIDS pa = 0.4 perr = 0.01


Fig. 10. BRUIDS and ACCM ROC Graph Comparison.


The topic of IDS and airborne networks is not widelydiscussed in the academic literature, so we highlight somerelated examples that motivated our work. We first survey








0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035pfp

1 - pfn

UIDS pa = 1.0 perr = 0.01UIDS pa = 0.8 perr = 0.01UIDS pa = 0.4 perr = 0.01


Fig. 11. Detail for AUC Inspection.

existing work in airborne systems IDS in the literature.Because airborne system applications may be deployed inmobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) with embedded CPSphysical components, we also survey related IDS techniquesin MANETs and CPSs.

A. Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Blasch et al. [4] proposes a warplanning situational aware-ness tool that classifies outsiders in the physical domainas friendly, neutral or belligerent. Specifically, it is notanIDS that identifies insider attackers in the cyber domain.The authors use several metrics to evaluate their classifier:precision, recall, accuracy, activities of interest, timeliness andthroughput. They use ROC plots to visualize their classifier’seffectiveness: they transform their recall metric into truepositive rate and their precision metric into the false positiverate. In particular, Blasch et al. include a 3D ROC plot whereclassification latency is the third dimension.

Trafton and Pizzi [25] did an investigation which motivatedand broadly described the role of intrusion detection in thisapplication but did not propose let alone measure a solution.The authors proposed Joint Airborne Network Services Suite(JANSS) which provides a framework to integrate an air-borne military network. Among other services, JANSS coversintrusion detection. They describe IDS as part of a largerInformation Assurance strategy. They only say that the IDSshould be host-based; the alternative is a network-based IDS.

Lauf and Robinson [14] investigated Distributed Apt Re-source Transference System (DARTS). DARTS is an intrusiontolerance strategy that reallocates resources to toleratefaultsand attacks. It built on their prior work, HybrIDS [15], whichprompts (triggers) resource reallocation. The key innovation inDARTS is its service discovery protocol (SDP): It combinesan on-demand flooding approach with a gossip approach toget the benefits while masking the drawbacks of each. Thedrawback of an on-demand flooding SDP is an intractableburst of communications. The drawback of a gossiping SDPis staleness. The authors measure the effectiveness of DARTSusing communications overhead (messages exchanged for re-allocation) and downtime (time to reallocation).

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HybrIDS is an anomaly-based approach. Specifically, Hy-brIDS comprises two semi-supervised approaches resultinginthree operational phases: MDS training, MDS testing/CCDStraining and CCDS testing. They chose a behavior-basedapproach rather than a traffic-based approach due to timeand memory constraints of an embedded system. HybrIDS isdistributed for scalability. HybrIDS comprises two intrusiondetection methods: Maxima Detection System (MDS) andCross-Correlative Detection System (CCDS). MDS detectssingle intruders after a short training phase and accomplishes amore in-depth training phase for CCDS. CCDS can detect co-operating intruders after the longer training phase provided byMDS. Lauf et al. measure the performance of HybrIDS usingpervasion, which they define as the percentage of maliciousnodes in the system. The authors could detect intruders evenwith a 22% pervasion; a Byzantine fault model establishes atheoretic limit of 33%. During the training/MDS phase, theycollect data regarding system state. They sequence the nominalsystem states for use by CCDS so that the probability densityfunction (PDF) resembles a chi-squared distribution. Laufetal. [15] use applications’ system call history as their auditdata. The authors identify two parameters to create an effectiveIDS for a resource constrained application: audit collectionperiod [data collection cycle (DCC)] and audit analysis period[data processing cycle (DPC)]. A longer DCC increases thememory stress while increasing the detection accuracy of anintrusion detector, and a shorter DPC increases the processorstress while decreasing the detection latency of an intrusiondetector. No analysis was given regarding the tradeoff betweenDCC and DPC. More importantly, [14], [15], [25] did notreport false negative ratepfn (i.e., missing a malicious node)and the false positive ratepfp (i.e., misidentifying a normalnode as a malicious node).

While we address which type of style the player (UAV-target jamming) is using, in [22], Shen et al. use game theoryto model the different types of approaches. The authors usetheir model to generate flight plans for a fleet of UAVsthat will maximize target coverage and UAV survivability.Their model has three levels: object, situation and threat.Shen et al. consider cooperative effects of defending nodesby distinguishing self-protection from support jamming. In[21], Shen et al. consider six types of attack: buffer overflow,semantic URL attack, e-mail bombing, e-mail spam, malwareattachment and DoS. The authors consider four defensivemeasures: IDS deployment, firewall configuration, email-filterconfiguration and server shutdown or reset.

B. Ad Hoc Networks

Existing IDS techniques for MANETs are centered aroundsecure routing, using monitoring techniques to detect deviationof normal behaviors in data routing or forwarding. Often,specific MANET routing protocols such as Dynamic SourceRouting (DSR) and Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector(AODV) are being considered in IDS design.

Bella et al. [3] propose a reputation-based IDS that basesnode reputation on the energy it uses for others in comparisonwith the energy it uses for itself: specifically, the ratio ofpack-ets forwarded to packets sourced. They calculate aggregate

reputation score as the weighted sum of the locally observedreputation score, the Neighbor Reputation Table (NRT) value,historical global reputation score, the Global ReputationTable(GRT) value and a third party recommendation; the designages scores such that the reputation of inactive nodes de-teriorates. One con of this study is that nodes that do nothave a demand for forwarding will be penalized unfairly.Moreover, only reputation scores over time for normal, selfishand malicious nodes were reported, without providing falsepositive rates, true positive rates or accuracy data. Theirdesignis geared toward detection of misbehaving nodes, rather thandetection of compromised nodes.

Buchegger and Le Boudec [5] propose a distributed IDScalled CONFIDANT which extends dynamic source rout-ing (DSR) by measuring reputation with “no forwarding”behavior. The authors distinguish three levels of multitrust:experienced data is a firsthand account which has the mostweight,observed data which has less weight than experienceddata happens in the neighborhood (within radio range) andreported data which has less weight than experienced orobserved data is an account coming from outside the neigh-borhood. Borrowing from the field of ecology, they classifynodes into one of three categories: suckers (who always assistneighbors), cheats (who never assist neighbors) and grudgers(who assist neighbors until they experience non-reciprocation).One strength of this study is the capability for reformed orfalsely detected nodes to rejoin the network. Buchegger andLe Boudec measured packet drops, packet drop rate, goodput(which they define as packets received over packets sourced),throughput and overhead; time, network size and level ofnetwork hostility were their independent variables. Again, nodata were reported on false positive rates, true positive ratesor accuracy data in this study.

Michiardi and Molva [16] propose an IDS called Collabora-tive Reputation Mechanism (CORE). Neighbors of a suspectcalculate itssubjective reputation score from experience ofsome propertyf (for example, DSR routing or packet forward-ing) weighting earlier and later observations differently, andnodes calculate a suspect’sfunctional reputation over multiplef weighting variousf differently and aging (decreasing overtime) the reputations of inactive nodes. In CORE, each noderegards every other node as either trusted (positive reputation)or misbehaving (negative reputation); nodes deny service re-quests and ignore reputation information from misbehavingnodes. Strengths of this study are the toleration of slanderattacks and distinct sanctions for selfish and malicious nodes.Michiardi and Molva did not report any numerical data.

Tseng et al. [27] use an AODV-based finite state machine(FSM) to establish a specification for a traffic-based IDS. Dis-tributed network monitors maintain an FSM for each routingtransaction (request and reply). States are normal, alarm orsuspicious; in suspicious states, the network monitor asksitspeers for additional audit data for the transaction. The work isspecific to AODV for secure routing. However, no data werereported on false positive and negative probabilities.

Hadjichristofi et al. [10] studied an integrated managementframework for MANET which encompasses routing, security,resource management and network monitoring functions. The

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authors propose a novel routing protocol that informs theresource management function. The security function includesa trust management approach. The trust management approachbegins with authentication and updates scores based on thetrusted node’s behavior.

Kiess and Mauve [12] survey real-world implementationsof MANETs in order to identify viable test beds for MANETresearch. The authors motivate this study by highlighting theshortcomings of MANET simulations and emulations.


Another broader research area that could encompass in-trusion detection for airborne networks and communicationsare CPSs. CPSs typically have multiple control loops, stricttiming requirements, a wireless network segment, predictablenetwork traffic and contain physical components [23]. CPSsfuse cyber (network components and commodity servers) andphysical (sensors and actuators) domains. They may containhuman actors and mobile nodes. The focuses for CPS IDSsare leveraging unique CPS traits (sensor inputs, algorithms andcontrol outputs) and detecting unknown attacks.

Porras and Neumann [19] study a hierarchical multitrustbehavior-based IDS called Event Monitoring Enabling Re-sponses to Anomalous Live Disturbances (EMERALD) usingcomplementary signature based and anomaly-based analysis.The authors identify a signature-based analysis trade betweenthe state space created/runtime burden imposed by rich rulesets and the increased false negatives that stem from a lessexpressive rule set. Porras and Neumann highlight two spe-cific anomaly-based techniques using statistical analysis: onestudies user sessions (to detect live intruders), and the otherstudies the runtime behavior of programs (to detect maliciouscode). EMERALD provides a generic analysis frameworkthat is flexible enough to allow anomaly detectors to runwith different scopes of multitrust data (service, domain orenterprise). However, Porras and Neumann did not report falsepositive or false negative rate data.

Tsang and Kwong [26] propose a multitrust IDS calledMulti-agent System (MAS) that includes an analysis functioncalled Ant Colony Clustering Model (ACCM). The authorsintend for ACCM to reduce the characteristically high falsepositive rate of anomaly-based approaches while minimizingthe training period by using an unsupervised approach tomachine learning. MAS is hierarchical and contains a largenumber of roles: monitor agents collect audit data, decisionagents perform analysis, action agents effect responses, coordi-nation agents manage multitrust communication, user interfaceagents interact with human operators and registration agentsmanage agent appearance and disappearance. Their resultsindicate ACCM slightly outperforms the true positive ratesand significantly outperforms the false positive rates of k-means and expectation-maximization approaches. Because ofthe good false positive results reported, i.e., the ACCM falsepositive rate ranges from 1 to 6%, we use [26] as a benchmarkin our comparative analysis in Section V.

Ying et al. [30] model fault diagnosis related to a medicalCPS with a Hidden Markov Model. There are critical differ-ences between fault diagnosis and intrusion detection. Faults

may be uniformly or normally distributed, while cyber attacksare not random. Faults do not seek to evade detection, whileintruders do. While faults cannot be attributed to a humanactor, intrusions can.


One practical consideration is that behavior rules are di-rectly derived from threats. Hence, the threat model must bebroad enough to cover all possible threats that exploit systemvulnerabilities. This places the responsibility for developinga complete attack model with the system designers. When athreat is overlooked, the state machine will lack unsafe statesassociated with the overlooked attack behavior indicator,andthe attack will go undetected by BRUIDS. A second consider-ation is that when new threats are discovered and introducedto the threat model, new behavior rules corresponding to thenew threats must be added to the rule set because behaviorrules are derived directly from threats. BRUIDS allows newlyidentified threats to be added to the threat model and hence thecorresponding new behavior rules to be derived from whichthe state machine is automatically generated for intrusiondetection. Finally, while BRUIDS can adaptively adjust thedetection strength in terms of theCT value to satisfy themaximum pfn requirement while providing apfp as smallas possible given knowledge of the attacker type andperr,determination of the attacker type andperr with precision atruntime deserves more research efforts.


For UAVs, being able to detect attackers while limitingthe false positive rate is of utmost importance to protect thecontinuity of operation. In this paper we proposed an adaptivebehavior-rule specification-based IDS technique for intrusiondetection of compromised UAVs using an applied rule setderived from the UAV threat model. We demonstrated thatthe true positive rate approaches one (that is, we can alwayscatch the attacker without false negatives) while boundingthefalse positive rate to below 0.05% for reckless attackers, below7% for random attackers with attack probability as low as0.2 and below 6% for opportunistic attackers, when the errorof monitoring due to environment noise is at 1%. Througha comparative analysis, we demonstrated our behavior-rulespecification-based IDS technique outperforms an existingmultitrust anomaly-based IDS approach in detection accuracy.

In the course of this study, we identified a number of futureresearch areas. The first is to consider additional performancemetrics such as detection latency. The second open areaconcerns the attack model. One can consider additional insiderattack behaviors such as insidious attackers that lie in waituntil they have co-opted enough nodes to launch a devastatingattack. The third line of investigation concerns the defender’sresponse [17]. For example, the IDS can perform better if itretunes its parameters (such as compliance threshold, auditinterval and state machine granularity) based on the type andstrength of adversary it faces.

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