
Acts that increase and decrease Rizq By: Ayatullah Imamat Kashan Courtesy: Group of five THINGS THAT INCREASE "RIZQ: 1-Good intentions; 2- " Sila-e-Reham" -Staying in touch with family and relatives and being caring towards them; 3-Always staying in a state of "wuzu". 4-Telling the truth; 5-Not swearing/taking oaths; 6- "Istighfar" - Seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT); 7-"Good ikhlaq" - Good moral/ethics; 8-Not being greedy and being gracious for the blessings; 9-Joining the two namazes and reciting the "taqeebat"; 10-Being present in the mosque at the time of "Azan"; 11-Saying namaz in Jamaat; 12-Being absolutely attentive and humble during namaz; 13-Being kind to all the 40 neighbours on each of the four sides of your house; 14-Clipping nails on Thursday; 15- Sweeping the main door of the house and keeping it tidy; 16-Having a good behaviour with the momineen; 17-Combing the hair; 18-Punctuality; 19-Being trustworthy; 20-Saying the azan and repeating it while it is being said; 21-Staying awake in the morning; 22-Giving priority to Allahs (SWT) commands over people's wishes; 23-Must not consider "rizq" to be something insignificant;


24-Giving "sadqa" alms; 25-Reciting Sura-e-Yaseen in the morning and Sura-e-Waqia at night; 26-Saying namaz-e-vitr; 27-Praying for the momineen in their absence; 28-Avoiding futile conversations; 29-Avoiding unchaste actions; 30-Not talking in the toilet; 31-Good handwriting; 32-Being a pleasant speaker; 33-Recitng this 100 times everyday: La illaha illalahul malikul haqul mobeen; 34-Frequently repetition of: Lahol wa la qooata illa billahil aliul azeem; 35-Saying this while in a state of sajda: Ya khairul musooleen wa ya khairul moateen urzuqni warzuq ayali min fazleyka; 36-Reciting sura-e-Tawheed when entering the house; 37-Wearing a finger ring either of "aqeeq" or "firouza" with " lahol wa la qooata illa billahil aliul azeem" engraved on the stone; 38--Washing hair with the herbs of "sidr" and Khutmi"; 39-Saying "subhan Allah" 30 times daily; 40-Turning on the lights of the house before the sunset; 41-Washing hands before and after eating; THINGS THAT REDUCE "RIZQ": 1-Considering namaz to be insignificant; 2-Being disrespectful with parents; 3-Adressing parents by their names; 4-Walking in front of the aged; 5-Cursing one's own children and praying bad things for them; 6-Breaking ties with the relatives; 7-Managing the financial affairs without any consideration and prior thought;


8-False swearing; 9-Expressing greed; 10-A habit of lying; 11- turning away the needy; 12-Rushing out of the mosque; 13-Going to the market before sunrise; 14-Taking a long time in the markets; 15-Buying bread from a "faqeer" beggar; 16- Sleeping a lot; 17-Sleeping naked; 18-Eating while lying down; 19-Keeping the dishes undone (not washing them); 20-Not honouring bread crumbs; 21-Not washing hands before and after eating; 22-Using all kinds of wood for a toothpick; 23-Biting nails; 24-Combing hair with a broken comb; 25-Being stingy; 26- Lavish expenditures without a purpose; 27- Eating and drinking in a state of "janabat"; 28-Urinating in the shower; 29-Urinating while naked; 30-Shameless behaviour; 31-Not wiping the spider webs; 32-Keeping garbage in the rooms; 33-Sleeping while the sun is setting; 34-Listening to music;


35- Sitting at the main door; 36-Eating in an unclean and cracked dish; 37-Sleeping between the time for namaz-e-Fajr and sunrise; 38-Wiping the hands and mouth with sleeves; 39-Sweeping the house at night; 40-Leaving the food and drinks uncovered; 41-Having an appearance of a beggar; 44-Being lazy; 45-Being lazy in the religious and worldly affairs and not working enough; END


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