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Acts Chapter 1:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. What is a "treatise"?2. To what does the Phrase "former treatise" refers?3. Identify "Theophilus" by giving several suggested possibilities, and then choose one, and give a reason why you believe the one you picked is the right, one.4. What did the Holy Spirit do, according to v. 2?5. What is the commandment that Jesus had given to the apostles?6. When Jesus gave the commandment, how many apostles were there? What had happened to the other one?7. When did Jesus choose the apostles?8. When did Jesus appear to the apostles after his resurrection? List the day of the week and the happenings on each occasion, giving the first six appearances in order. To who else did be appear, other than in these first six appearances?9. What were the proofs of Christ's resurrection? 10.'Why did Jesus tell the apostles not to leave Jerusalem (for the time being)?11."The promise of the father"--what had been promised and by whom, and when?12. How was John's baptism performed, that is, what mode did he use?13. What was the purpose of John's baptism?14. How is it similar or different from the baptism of the Baptist church today?15. What evidence is there that John's baptism ceased to be valid after Pentecost, or at least ceased to be a universal ordinance?16. Who was promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit?17. What did the apostles mean when they talked about "restoring the kingdom"?18. Is Christ's kingdom now in existence, or is it still future? Use scripture in your answer. 19. Did Jesus answer the disciple's questions about the time of the setting up of the kingdom? Where and when?20. Did Jesus attempt to correct their misunderstanding as to the kind of kingdom it was to be? If so, what did He say?21. Acts 1:9 -- why is the ascension recorded by two men not there (Mark and Luke) and not by two apostles (Matthew and John) who were there?22. What was a "Sabbath day's journey"? What was the origin of this practice?23. What was the relative position of Mary (Jesus' mother) in the early church? Is it what the Roman Catholic Church has made it out to be? (You will need several sentences to answer this question.)24. Has any change taken place in the attitudes of the Lord's brothers towards our Lord If so, what? (Cite scriptures in making your answer.)25. Show that you can distinguish between the Helvidian, the Hieronymian, and the Epiphanian views, as the relationship of the "brothers of the Lord" to Jesus.26. What New Testament books did the brothers of the Lord write?27. Who were the 120? And, who were they not (see I Corinthians 15:6)? 28. In what sense were the words quoted from the Old Testament spoken concerning Judas?29. How could Judas buy a field when he was already dead?30. What two names were given to the ground bought with the betrayal money? How do you reconcile the two statements of reason for calling it "Akeldama”?31. The one who was to be chosen to take Judas I place among the apostles was to have certain qualifications. What were they?32. If you were going to pattern our church today after what you find in the New Testament would you have "apostles" in it (for example like the Mormons do)? Give reason, for your answer.

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33. Did the disciples, or God, choose Matthias? Prove your answer.34. "His own place" -- where did Judas go?35. Was the casting of lots (v. 26) gambling? Is casting of lots a good idea today?36. In the light OT Bible teaching, what should be a Christian's attitude toward gambling (like buying chances on a car at the fair, or betting on a ball game, etc.)?37. Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus? (v. 16)

Acts Chapter 2:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class 1. What does the word "Pentecost' mean?2. How did the Jews figure on what day Pentecost came?3. In New Testament times. on what day of the week did Pentecost fall?4. Does it make any difference to us on what day of the week Pentecost was celebrated?5. How was the feast of Pentecost observed?6. "They were an together in one place. " Who were together? How many? To whom do the series of pronouns in verses 2:1-4 refer?7. What filled the house? And what house was it?8. John the Baptist predicted the day when there would be a baptism of the Spirit and of fire. (Matt. 3:11, 12). Is Acts 2:3 the fulfillment of that promise of the baptism of fire? Give evidence to substantiate your answer. Should men today pray for the baptism of fire? Give a reason for your last answer.9. Acts 2:4 -- In what sense was this a "baptism" in the Spirit? How can the action be compared to an "Immersion"? How could they be "filled" and still be "baptized” at the same time?10. How would you respond to a person who claimed to be filled or baptized of the Holy Spirit today? Would you agree, or would you attempt to correct him? If you believe he should be corrected. what would you say?11. "Speaking in tongues”--a) Explain what they were doing. and give scripture proof for your answer.b) Is this something that all Christians can be expected to do as evidence of being filled with the Spirit? (Answer should include Scripture verses to substantiate your argument)c) Show that you have an acquaintance with the modern tongues movement by indicating what is claimed and practiced by those who claim to have been "filled" with the Spirit.d) How would you attempt to correct a person who claims to have spoken in tongues in our day? 12. Does the Bible contain the Word of God, or would you say the Bible is the Word of God? Are the thoughts of the Bible inspired. but not the words?13. What passage in the Bible beat explains the "how" of inspiration? What three points does it teach? Be sure to give a one-sentence definition of each of these three key points.14. What is a "proselyte"? What kinds of proselytes were there? How did they become converts? What is your attitude toward proselyting from the denominations (and show that your attitude has been molded by the Word of God)?15. Verse 13. Why did the mockers make such a charge? Did the apostles act in some strange way because they were under the influence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?16. Who were those who mocked and jeered? Were they sincere?17. How did sweet wine differ from regular wine?

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18. Joel (in the prophecy quoted by Peter) predicted that women would be inspired. Did this happen on the day of Pentecost? If not, how would you reply to those who assert that Joel in a prediction that women all thru the church age would be inspired? (Include in your explanation a comment on “the last days” in v. 17.)19. Pentecostalists use the verse about women being Inspired as a proof text that people today are still being fined with the Spirit, and therefore should be expected to speak in tongues, or prophesy, etc. How would you respond to this argument?20. 2:21 -How does one go about "calling" an the name of the Lord?21. What four statements does Peter make about Jesus? Which of these four things were already known to his audience, and which did they not know (and therefore were in need of further proof)?22. Is there any difference between "mighty works”, "wonders", and "signs"?23. Who is responsible for crucifying Christ?24. Is it Biblical to be anti-Semitic because of the Jew's part in the crucifixion? Does the Bible suggest that many of the terrible things that happen to the Jews, happen because of their part in the rejection and crucifixion of Christ?25. What two proofs did Peter offer of the Resurrection of Jesus?26. Outline Peter's argument drawn from David’s writings.27. What was "Hades" into which Christ's soul went while his body was in the tomb? Does any other New Testament passage speak of this place to which Christ went between his death and resurrection? If so, what does it tell us about Christ's activities during the time his body was In the tomb?28. What do the Mormons teach about Christ's activities while his body was in the tomb? Does their doctrine agree or contradict what Peter says?29. Is Christ now reigning on David's throne, or is His reign still future even to our time? What bearing does this passage in Acts have on the doctrine of Premillennialism that Christ will yet reign from an earthly throne located in Jerusalem?30. What proof did Peter give that Christ was sitting at the right hand of God?31. What is meant by the term "Lord"? What does it tell us about Christ's present activities?32. What interpretation do the "faith only" people give to Acts 2:38? How do you meet their argument, or are they correct?33. What interpretation do the "Pentecostals” give to Acts 2:38? How do you meet their argument, or are they correct?34. What is repentance? Have you repented?35. What is baptism? Have you been baptized?36. Verse 39 -- "For to you is the promise" -- the promise of what, when, and by whom? (Be sure to include in your answer a discussion of the people involved -- "to you, "to your children ", and "to all who are afar off").37. How do you reply to Lenski's suggestion that "children" is a proof text showing the correctness of infant baptism?38. Verse 40. "Save yourselves" -- can a person save himself? What part does the man have and what part does God have in the plan of salvation? Where can you find verses in the Word that show that there is both man's and God's parts to salvation?

39. What places were available in and around Jerusalem where these baptisms could have been done? How long would it take to immerse 3000? Are there any Instances of such a feat (3000 baptized in one day) in our day that show it can be done? What?40. Verse 41. "They were added" -- to what were they added, and by whom? (If the church began on Pentecost, and these were the first converts, is it proper to say they were "added to the church"?)41. Were these 3000 voted on as proper candidates before being accepted into the church? In the light of the New Testament teaching, what should we think about the

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practice of "voting people into the church" as it is practiced by some religious bodies?42. Verse 42. What does each (of the four things named) term indicate? Are these four activities part of the early church's "worship", or are they part of "the program of work" for the church?43. Verse 45 is an example of the New Testament church selling "their possessions and goods and parting them to all, according as any man had need." Must we today, to be a New Testament church, follow this example? What need was there then for such liberal giving? How soon did such giving die out of the church?44. Verse 47 -- "those that were being saved. " Does this mean that "salvation" is a process, as opposed to an "instantaneous act"? Or does this mean that a succession of people were saved at a time?45. What was the early church like? When did it begin? What is your belief about the liberal critic's theory of church growth, namely that there was no "pattern" for the church, nor to one given in the New Testament? ("Which church in what city would you copy," they ask, "If you would be a New Testament church?") VOCABULARY BUILDER (Underline the correct word or words in parentheses to complete the following sentences)1. PENTECOST was (a great man's birthday, a month in the Jewish calendar, a Jewish festival, a heathen celebration).2. CLOVEN tongues were (parting, unknown, deceitful, poison) tongues.3. When the people were CONFOUNDED, they were (infuriated, insulted, perplexed, converted)4. The DETERMINATE COUNSEL of God means (God’s anger, His pity, His foreordained plan that Christ should suffer, His forbearance).5. A PATRIARCH was (a miser, an idolater, a musician, a Jewish father).6. When the apostles TESTIFIED, they (prayed, bore witness, assembled).7. (Perverse, unlearned, enlightened) is a synonym of CROCKED.8. UTTERANCE to (weakness. riches, speech, hatred).9. David's SEPULCHER was his (wife, harp, psalms, tomb, son). MEMORY WORK

Memorize Acts 2:38, and reproduce It below, from memory. Memorize Acts 2:42, and reproduce it below, from memory.Acts Chapter 3:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class

1. What were the hours of prayer? (That is, what time or times of day was it?)2. Isn't there, something wrong with Christians keeping Jewish practices, like these men were? 3. What door was it (3:2)? Was this a gate ' in the wall of the temple area and thus one of the gates of the city, or was it a doorway into the court of women?' Could it be identified with any other gate in the temple area?4. What are alms? List some OT rules governing alms? Also give Jesus' words on alms.

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5. Give a brief history of the temple, stating who built each building that was located on this spot and when.6. 3:5 -- Did the lame man show faith? Was (and is) faith necessary on, the part of the person who would be healed? 7. 3:7a) was this a miracle? (Does "immediately" have any significance here?)b. How long had Peter had the ability to perform miracles?c. If the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost’ gave Peter this ability, how do you explain that Peter could-work miracles before Pentecost?8. 3:8 What is meant by “he entered with them into the Temple”? 9. 3:10 -- how did all the people know the man?10. Locate the. Porch of Solomon, and describe it. Why was it so called?11. Give the points (in outline form) of Peter's second sermon.12."Faith" is mentioned twice in verse 16. In each case, whose faith is spoken about?13. What is Peter offering to the Jews when he says, "in ignorance ye did it"?14. 3:18-a) In It God who did the fulfilling when men crucified Jesus? b) Was God responsible for Christ's death?15. 3:19 What is the difference between’ repentance" and turning again?16 What are the seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord"?17. How does God blot out sin? For how long?18. According to 2 Cor 5:10 "evil" deeds will be recalled during the Final Judgment. How do harmonize 2 Cor 5: 10 with 'verses like this in Acts that say the sins were blotted out"? 19. Some Bible teachers have asserted that the Christian will not stand in the final judgment. In this way, they believe are the Scriptures to be harmonized that promise the believer's sins are blotted out and "remembered no mate" (Heb.). What is your belief about the Christian standing in the final judgment? Why?20. 3:20 -- When will God send Christ? And what does "holy" v. 21) Mean?21. When in, the "times of the restoration of all things?" Why use the word "restoration;22. 3:22-Compare fully Moses as a type of Christ.23. What does it mean to be a "son of the, prophets" and a "son of the covenant"?24. What is a "covenant? 25. 3:25- To whom does the word seed" refer?26. Why was the Gospel send to the Jews first?

Acts Chapter 4:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. Verse 1 - "as they spoke"–Did Peter and John both speak?2. Note the footnote at verse 1. Explain the difference between "priests" and "chief priests " and "high priest.3. Who was ‘the "captain of the temple"? Was he a Roman officer? How many soldiers did he command? What was the purpose of this force of men?4. Why did the Sadducees lead out in this arrest?

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5. Briefly outline the history and major beliefs of the five major parties of the Jews.6. Who were included in the 5, 000? How large was the church by this time?7. Verse 5 -- "rulers, elders. Scribes" -- what body is signified by these three names8. Explain the authority and power and jurisdiction of this body.9. Briefly identify the office held by each -- ruler, elder, scribe.10. Verse 8 -- Filled with the Spirit" -- when did this filling take place?11. Was there any difference between the power to perform miracles and the power to speak by inspiration (cf. John the Baptist)?12. Verse 10 - "whom ye crucified" -- what did Peter expect to gain by such bluntness?13. Discuss (giving pros and cons) the modern soft approach to sin by some men in the pulpits today.14. Verse 12-- -, Is it proper to urge that the "name" In which one is saved is "Christian at least as far as this verse is concerned? What in the point of the word "name"'15. Verse. 13 -- "unlearned and ignorant" -- By what standards were they "unlearned an ignorant"? What do each of the words really mean?16. Verse.16 --a), did they admit a miracle had been done? b) What did this private conference reveal as to the purpose of the Sanhedrin, and as to the character of its personnel? (Note: the question isn't phrased, "What shall we do with the truth?17. Verses 19, 20), a. under what conditions might patriotism and Christianity conflict? b) What passages of Scripture teach, the. Doctrine of "separation of church and state"? c) What rule shall be followed by the Christian when church and state conflict? 18. To whom did the apostles report after leaving the courtroom?19. Verse 24, to who is this prayer addressed?20. To who are most prayers addressed?  Is there any evidence in the Bible or in early church history of prayers addressed to Jesus?How about addressing pray to the Holy Spirit?21. Is it proper, when praying, to quote scripture of God? Give evidence for your answer.22. Verse 29 --, on what is the request contained in this verse based? What all is included in their request (i.e. what are they asking for)?23. What is an imprecatory prayer? Are imprecatory prayers proper prayers for Christians to make today?24. Verse 31 -- The Pentecostalists believe that the filling here spoken of was a filling that the people who had become Christians since the day of Pentecost received, and they further teach that this filling resulted in speaking In tongues, Just like the filling on the day of Pentecost did. They also teach that this is an example of history all people are filled sometime AFTER they have become Christians. What does the Bible teach on this matter? Are the Pentecostalists right? How do you answer them (giving Scripture)25.If it was the apostles N. 3 1) who were filled of the Spirit, explain how this filling gave them anything" other than what they had already received before (on the day of Pentecost) when they were baptized of the Holy Spirit.

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26.Verse 33. --What Is the meaning of the word "power"? And what is "grace" here?27.What can action is there between this. Power and the great liberality and unity spoken of in verse 34?28.Verse 36 --, what is the meaning of "son of exhortation"? (See the footnote also) Vocabulary Builder (taken from chapters 3 &4)(Match the numbers to the definitions given at the right) 1. Alms                                                              Agreement2. Restitution                                                    One who copies manuscripts3. Covenant                                                      Helpless4. Sadducees                                                     Gifts of Mercy5. Scribe                                                            One who could perform Jewish rights6. Impotent                                                       Jews who denied resurrection, spirits, & Angels7. Council                                                          Uncivilized people8. Counsel                                                         Restoration9. Heathen                                                        A group of Jewish Judges10. Priest                                                           Prudence, wisdom  Memory WorkMemorize Acts 4:12, and reproduce it below, from memory.

Acts Chapter 5:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. What may have been the motives of Ananias and Sapphira?2. What does it mean, "you have not lied unto men but unto God”?3. Verse 3 speaks of "Satan" as “filling their hearts.” What did the Devil do?4. Verse 4 speaks of Ananias "conceiving this thing in his heart.” What did Ananias do that was different than what verse 3 speaks about?5. What three things are involved in any act of sin?6. In what way were they "tempting the Holy Spirit"?7. What power did this event show that Peter had?8. There are two kinds of church discipline -- formative and corrective. Show that you understand what each is, and give the steps to be taken in corrective discipline.9. What kind of attitude should the church have as it goes about its action of disciplining a sinning member?10. What should be done for the disciplined member who repents?11. Give a list of the sins for which a member should be disciplined.12. Who was it that "durst not join the apostles"? And why? (Verse 13)13. Verse 14 why do you think there was such an increase of additions to the church?14. Verse 16 what to an "unclean spirit"? Identify them by giving their origin, and by writing some of the Scriptures, that tell of their activities.

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15. Are such "unclean spirits" active today? Where? How can they be active in the light of Jude 6, which speaks of their being "chained"?16. Verse 17 -- explain the meaning of the term "sect" then, and explain what it means today. Also explain the difference in meaning (today) between a "sect" and a "cult17. What is the meaning of "bring his blood upon us”? (v. 28)18. Verse 31 -- How can repentance "be given"9 isn’t repentance something that a man himself does?19. Verse 32 how was the Holy Spirit a witness?20. Verse 33 Explain the language "were minded to slay them.21. Who were Theudas and Judas, the men mentioned by Gamaliel?22. Verses 38, 39 -a) Is this a good test to apply to religions today, to see whether or not they are "of God"?b) Justify your answer with Scripture.23. Verse 41 speaks of the apostles a "rejoicing.” What is there to be happy about in a "beating" (N. 40)?24. Is there an example for us in verse 42? If so, what is it?25. Did Peter's shadow (v. 16) heal anyone? How were the people healed? Who did it?

Acts Chapter 6:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class

1. Explain the difference between "Grecian Jews" and. "Hebrews. 2. What was the "daily ministration” the feeding of the windows and orphans? 3. Verse 1 - - Why are widows specially mentioned? 4. How did the Jewish Law provide for widows?

5. What does the New Testament suggest else where concerning the care of widows?

6. Verse 3 -- "seven men". a)  Was this the office of deacon?b) Does the number "seven" here have any significance for us as to the number

of "deacons" we may have in any congregation?c) Is this the first mention of deacons in the book of Acts?

7. Why the laying on of hands, v. 6? Is this a precedent for us to have ordination services?

8. What can you learn from this selection of men to serve that will help us when we would select men to serve the congregation today?

9. What significance is there in the obedience of the priests, v. 7?

10. Verse 9 -- a)     Who were the Libertines?b)     The Cyenians?c)     The Alexandrians?d)     Where is the "Asia" mentioned in this verse?

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11. Why did they have a synagogue (synagogues)? 12. What charges were preferred against Stephen? 13. What truth was at the bottom of all the charges made against Stephen? 14. What was the nature of the change in Stephen's face? 15. What is "blasphemy"? v. 11? 16. What is the 'holy place", v. 13? 17. Did Jesus say he would destroy "this place"? What

did He say? (v.14). Acts Chapter 7:

Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. Four charges had been made against Stephen.

a) What verses are Included in his answer to each charge?

b) In one or two sentences, summarize his answer to each charge.

2. Negative critics have charged that Stephen made five errors in his speech. What is their purpose in making such a charge?

3. What are the five errors he is charged with making?

4. How do you reply to each of the critic's charges? That is, on what basis would you assert that Stephen did NOT make a mistake? (Answer separately for each of the five alleged mistakes).

5. Verse 2. -What is the meaning of the expression, "Glory to God"?

6. How do we know that Abraham was called by God to leave Ur of Chaldees? Does Old Testament record that call? Is It implied anywhere in the Old Testament? Where?

7. Verse 6 speaks of a "strange land.” Identify it. Tell how Abraham's descendants finally came to live there.                                 


     Read the following Old Testament stories In a Bible Story Book -- Egermeier's or Hurlbuts, or some similar Bible Story Book -- and Include in your notes any helpful thoughts gained from your reading -- helpful being defined as things that help you become more familiar with the Old Testament Story.

Call at Abraham - - Genesis 12

Birth and Sacrifice of Isaac -- Genesis 22

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Joseph Sold Into Egypt Genesis 37-40

Joseph in Egypt -- Genesis 41-50,

Moses -- Exodus 1-15

The Golden Calf Exodus 32,

The Tabernacle Exodus 34-40,

Joshua and Jericho -- Joshua 3-6

Building of the Temple -- I Kings 5-9

9. What is the date of the Exodus from BMW? (Note that there is a conservative and a liberal dating of this event. Which do you accept, and an what evidence?

10. Verse 29 -- Locate the land of Midian. (A sketch map would be a good way to answer this question)

11. Verse 35 -- is the angel mentioned in the Old Testament account? If not, do you find it unusual or "out of line” that the Now Testament writer given facts not recorded in the Old Testament? Where did the. New Testament writers got their information?

12. Verse 38 --, what in the meaning of the phrase "CHURCH in the wilderness"? if the church did not begin until Pentecost, 30 AD, how can it be said there was a church in the days of Moses, 1500 BC?

13. What in an "oracle"? What does the word signify?

14. Verse 42 -- what in the "host of heaven"?

15. Identify "Rephan" (verse 43). What did the worshippers do as they worshipped this?

16. Identify "Moloch.” Describe the worship of Moloch.

17. Verse 42-- -

            a) Explain the language "the book of the prophets.

            b) Into what three parts was the Hebrew Old Testament divided?

            c) What books were included in each?

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18. Verse 51 -- "Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart" -- He accuses his bearers of being in the same class with lost Gentiles. Why does Stephen take this new tack' Why is there this shift in the thrust of his message?

19. In what specific way were they resisting the Holy Spirit?

20. How was the Law "ordained by angels", v. 53?

21. Verse 54 Explain what "gnashing on them with their teeth" means...

22. Verse 58 Identify the "witnesses".

23. What did the laying of their garments at Saul's feet signify?

24. How old do you picture Saul as being as been at this time? How do you arrive at your conclusion?

25. Verse.55 --, what is the "glory of God"? And why was Jesus "standing"?

26. Some people have found verse 60 ("and he fell asleep") to teach the doctrine of if soul sleep" in the case of the dead. What do they mean when they speak of it soul sleep is the doctrine Biblical? On what do you base your last answer?

27. What did "circumcision" signify In the Old Testament age? (Verse 8)

28. Who are the 12 patriarchs" spoken of in verse 8?

29. Who was Moses' wife? What were his son's names? (Verse 29)

30. What was the "tabernacle of testimony" (verse)? Draw a picture of it.

31. Name some things for which one could be stoned In the Old Testament times. (verse. 58)

Acts Chapter 8:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. By Paul's own accounts, what was his former manner of life before he appears in

the narrative at Acts 8:1?

2. Verse 2 -- Who buried Stephen?

3. Stephen had been executed as a blasphemer. Was a burial regularly included in the “Last rites" for a blasphemer? Explain.

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4. What reason might be suggested to explain why the apostles stayed behind (verse 2)? Why were they not killed?

5. Give your evaluation of the idea that the Jerusalem church had not been obeying Jesus' great commission, and therefore God scattered the church by means of persecution, in order to get the church to obey the commission.

6. Verse 5 Is Philip the evangelist to be identified with the apostle Philip, or with the deacon named Philip? Give a reason for your answer.

7. Verse 6 -- Since Samaritans had no dealings with Jews, how do we explain the fact that the gospel is so readily accepted by the Samaritans?

8. Verse 9 -- What is "sorcery"? What phenomena in our 20th century world would be similar?

9. Verse 9 -- "giving out that he was some great one" -- What was Simon pretending to be?

10. Why did the people so promptly desert Simon, and turn to Philip? What caused Simon himself to yield?

11. What use is made of this account about Simon by those who teach the doctrine of "Eternal Security"? How do you meet their argument? Does verse 23 help?

12. Why were Peter and John sent to Samaria? Does this have any bearing on church polity today -- that is, can “headquarters" send someone to the local churches to organize or Implement programs?

13. How do verses 14-17 contradict the Catholic idea of Peter's papacy?

14. Verse 15 -- "receive the Holy Spirit"

a) If the Samaritans had been baptized (and verse 12 asserts they had been I), in what way had they not received the Holy Spirit?

b) Was this the gift of the Holy Spirit (compare Acts 2:38) that Peter offered to the Samaritans?

c) Was Peter offering them the miraculous gifts of the Spirit?

d) How wan this gift administered?

e) Some teachers assert that every time the gospel goes to a now country, there is a re-occurrence of "Pentecost", including the baptism of the Spirit, and tongues. Is Acts 8:15-17 the record of the "Samaritan

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Pentecost"? Give reasons for your answer. Do you find the Bible teaching that "another Pentecost" accompanies the spread of the gospel from country to country? Give Scripture evidence for your answer.

f) Why did not Philip impart the Holy Spirit to the Samaritans? What did Peter have that Philip did not, do you suppose?

15. What is the road back to God for the Christian who has backslidden? What passage of Scripture shows this?

16. Explain the phrases "gall of bitterness" and "bond of iniquity". v. 23.

17. What bearing does the paragraph (verses 14-25) have? On the question of "Are there miracles today like you read about in the New Testament?”

18. Verse 26 -- What does "desert" mean? What was desert the city, or the road?

19. The Ethiopian -- was he a Jew by birth or a proselyte? Was he a Negro? Give your own, opinion as to how he might have become treasurer of Ethiopia.

20. Make a map, and on it locate Gaza, and Ethiopia, in relation to Jerusalem.

21. Verse, 30 -- Does this verse support the position that the "clergy" (or some other authoritative Interpreter) must interpret the Bible for the People (as the Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses assert)? Reply to this Idea.

22. What version of the Bible was the Ethiopian reading? What passage? How was this passage suitable for "preaching Jesus"?

23. If I was the Eunuch reading the Old.Testament instead of the New Testament? Would not some passage in one of the Gospels been much more suitable as a text for Philip's sermon about Jesus?

24. Discuss why the ASV (and most modern versions) omits the verse that is verse 37 in the KJV.

25. In it possible to preach Jesus like preachers in the Bible preached Him, without preaching baptism? See verse 35 ff.

26. Discuss the proper place of feeling and emotion in "being saved.

27. Note the part that an angel (v. 26) and the Spirit (v. 29) had in the conversion of the Ethiopian. Do you think that such activities occur in cases of conversion today? If they do not, how can it be said that God is no respecter of persons (for after all he did it for one man -- why not others)?


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VOCABULARY BUILDER (words taken from chapters 5 to 8)

 1. LAMENTATION means (joy, doubt, anger, weeping).

2. When the people GNASHED on Stephen with their teeth, they (bit him, cursed him, ground their teeth at him).

3. By the CHURCH being in the wilderness is meant that (there is where it was established, that the Israelites found it there, that Israel, themselves composed a church a. called out group).

4. When Moses AVENGED the oppressed, he (ignored, hated, befriended-J. insulted, killed) him.

5. "Our fathers found no SUSTENANCE" means they had no (friends, money, food, enemies. means of transportation).

8. SUBORN Means to (bribe to give false testimony, imprison. release, scold severely

8. People who were VEXED were (tickled, tormented, comforted. pleased).

7. PHARISEES were (heathen, criminals. sorcerers, a sect of the Jews).

9. When the Sadducees LAW HANDS ON the apostles they (ordained, pushed, arrested massaged) them.

10. PALSY is (St. Vitus's dance, a skin rash, paralysis, baldness).

Acts Chapter 9:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. List some of the facts we know about Paul's youth including his ancestry, his

birthplace, and his education.2. As Acts 9 opens, is Paul a member of the Sanhedrin? (What can be said fm- and

against the idea that he was a Sanhedrin member?) 3. Is Damascus the only city where Paul went to persecute Christians? What proof

can you give for your answer?4. Did anyone but Stephen lose his life as a result of the persecution? What evidence

can you give to show the correctness of your answer?5. 9:2 speaks of letters from the Sanhedrin to Damascus.

a) What authority did the Sanhedrin have in the far-off town of Damascus?b) The letters were addressed to the synagogues. Did the Christians belong to

the synagogues? If not, why address letters to the synagogues?

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6. What did Paul learn from his experience near Damascus on the Damascus road?7. What prevented Paul from thinking he had had an Illusion?8. Why did Christ appear to Paul?9. 9:4 -- What had Paul been "kicking against"?10. 9:6 Why did not Jesus personally tell Paul what to do to be

saved?11. How do you reconcile the apparent contradiction between 9:7 ("hearing the

voice") and 22:9 ("not hearing the voice")?12. 9:9 - What was the purpose of Paul's fasting?13.  9:10 -- "Ananias"

a) If "Ananias" died (Acts 5), how can there be an "Ananias" at Damascus, a year or two later?

b) Some Baptists insist that Ananias was a "Baptist preacher”. After all, he taught and practiced "baptism" just like the first Baptist, John the Baptist, they say. How would you reply to this line of doctrine?

c) Who gave Ananias the authority to baptize? (Can this be an undoubted came of "un-official baptism"?)

d) Where did he get his ability to lay hands on people and heal them (v. 17)?14. 9:13– "Thy SAINTS in Jerusalem.” By what other names are the Christians

know in the record thus far in Acts?15. 9:13– How had Ananias heard of Saul's present mission to Damascus?16. 9:17 –How could Ananias call Saul, "Brother Saul,” before Saul was a

Christian?17. 9:17 – What does it mean for Paul to be "filled with the Spirit"?18. If we are correct that only an Apostle could pass an "spiritual gift", and If we

are correct that no man could pass on the "baptism of the Spirit " (it being something that Christ himself gave) -- what part did Ananias have in Saul's being "filled with the Spirit"?

19. 9:18 -- How did Saul know he should be baptized?20. Following his conversion in Damascus, Paul preaches to the Jews in the

synagogue of Damascus.a) How did he get admission to the Jewish synagogue?b) How would he be the one to preach there?c) What could he preach?d) Would he be speaking by inspiration at this time in his life? Justify your

answer.21. Galatians. 1:17.18 speak of a three-year period of time

spent by Paul in Arabia.a) Where was he, geographically speaking? b) Where do we fit these three years into the narrative of

Acts 9?22. 9:23-25

a) Date the event here recorded from Paul's life. b) How do we know this date is approximately correct?

23. 9-26 - "not believing that he was a disciple" a) Why did they fall to believe that Paul was a disciple?

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b) Had they board the particulars of Paul's conversion? c) How did Barnabas know about Paul's conversion? (v. 27)

24. 9:20 --To whom is Paul preaching while he is in Jerusalem? Who else do we know that spoke to the same audience?

25. There are those in the religious world who assert that men will have an experience as they are being saved and it to by this experience that they can know that they are saved. Appeal in often made to Paul’s Damascus' Road experience as evidence that such experiences accompany salvation. How would you respond to such teaching?

28. 9:27 a) How many apostles were present? b) How many men are called "apostles" In the New Testament? c) McGarvey calls all those save Paul and the original 12 "sub-apostles." What

do you -find in the New Testament as to whether there were some who bold positions of authority just a bit under the positions hold by Paul and the original twelve, but higher in authority than the elders of the local church? (If McGarvey is right, ought not our church government today reflect this by having "Bishops” with authority over all the churches in a given-area?)

27. 9:31 -- The KJV reads "churches" but there is no manuscript evidence for the plural. The ASV correctly reads "the church" (singular).

a) Since there were by now a number at local congregations, why not say "churches”?

b) What is the meaning of the singular in the light of the plurality of congregations?

28. 9:31 - What is the difference between "edified" and "multiplied”?29. 9:32 - What was Peter's reason for traveling? Now would you reply to those who

would find in this activity a proof for a church hierarchy keeping "tabs" on the people scattered here and there?

30. Draw a map and locate Lydda on it. How was it possible for there to be Christians in this tow already? What in "Sharon" (v. 35)?

31. Was Aeneas a Christian? Why did am miracle effect so much (see verse 35)?32. Locate Joppa on the map drawn for question #30. What interesting OT event is

connected with this town?33. What did the Christians have in mind when they sent for Peter, v. 38? It will

help to consider v. 37 in the light of Jewish burial customs.34. 9:39- "all the widows” see also 6:1 and 9:41. Is this evidence of an early "Ladies

Aid Society”? Biblically, what is woman's position in the church, and what are some of the tasks that a woman may do in the church, and yet be in her Scriptural place?

35. For what purpose was the miracle of the raising of Dorcas wrought?36. 9:41 -- What does the word "saints" mean? What bearing does a verse like this

have an the Roman Catholic Idea of "saints"937. 9:43 -- Simon

a) With whom in Peter staying?b) List the Simons of the New Testament.

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c) What change of attitude (perhaps) does Peter show, in that he is staying with a tamer?

Acts Chapter 10:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1. Locate Caesarea on a map. Is this Caesarea Philippi?2. Was Cornelius a gentile? How do we know?3. What new problem of evangelism is tackled now by the church?4. What was the "Italian Band"?5. What were Cornelius' virtues, religiously?6. How had he acquired these religious virtues?7. What do we mean when we say a man to a "good moral man"? Will being good

morally save a man? How do you know?8. Is there any difference between the "vision" Cornelius had (v. 3), and the  

"trance" Peter had (v. 10)?9. What other man were put in contact with God's messenger by means of a

miracle?10. Does God bear the prayer offered by a sinner? (See Acts 10:4, Proverbs 28:9,

Psm 119:105. 106). If he does bear any of their prayers, what prayers offered by a non-Christian does God bear?

11. Was Cornelius saved by this "religious experience" of the vision? How do you know?

12. Verse 7 -- how did the soldier become devout?13. What direction to it from Joppa to Caesarea and how far is it? (Verse 8)14. Verse 9 -- Why pick the housetop as a place to pray?15. Read Deut. 14:3-21 and ten why Peter did not want to eat some of the contents of

the vessel he saw in the trance?16. Verse 15 -- how had God cleansed the meat?17. How did the messengers from Cornelius find the house where Peter was?

(Verse17)?18. Verse 20– In what sense had the Spirit sent them?19. Verse 20 -- why did Peter need such directions? Didn't he know his duty by

inspiration?20. Verse 23 – “brethren"

a) Who were they? b) How many accompanied Peter? c) Why did they go with Peter? d) Did these men contribute to the saving of Cornelius? (Verse 48)

21. Why did Cornelius fall down at Peter's feet and worship him? (Verse 25)22. Verse 28 -- who made it unlawful to enter a Gentile's house? Explain the severe

Hebrew customs in   regard to entering a Gentile home, and vice-versa. Why were Jews not to associate with other nations?

23. Verse 28 -- "me of another nation" -- what is the difference between the word "nation" and the word "Gentile'? In the same Greek and Hebrew word translated by both English words in cur versions? What does the word mean?

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24. Verse 30 -- "Four days ago” -- Explain the passage of time. How are the days figured?

25. Verse 33–Who was in the audience and why had they come together here at Cornelius’s home?

26. Verses 34, 35–How had Peter come to "perceive" what he here states in his introductory remarks?

27. Verse 34 -- "God is no respecter of persons." a) If someone is a respecter of persons, what does he do? (Deut., 10:17-18; Gal

3:28.29; Rom 2:11; 2 Chronicles 19:7) b) Does "respect of persons" hold back today the evangelistic program of the

church?c) How shall it be combated?

28. Verse 35 -- what is the difference between "fearing him" and “working righteousness"?

29. Verses 37 a) What facts does Peter rehearse concerning the career of Jesus?b) How many of them were already known to the bearers?

30. Verse 38 -- When had Jesus been anointed with the Holy Spirit? What did this anointing do for Jesus?    

31. Verse 39 -- what does the word "witness" mean?32. What proof of Jesus' resurrection does Peter present?33. Why do you suppose that Jesus appeared to "witnesses chosen before", and not

to 21-1 the people? (Verses 40, 41)34. Verse 42 -- when had Jesus given the charge to preach that to here referred to?35. Where did Peter get his knowledge that Jesus was ordained to be

the Judge? Had Jesus ever spoken about this in Peter's presence?36. Verse 43 "All the prophets"–What prophets contain the most Messianic

material?37. Verse 43 Can you show that the plan of salvation here preached by Peter was the

same as preached on the day of Pentecost?38. Verse to this "falling of the Holy Spirit" the same as any other event(s) in the

New Testament? Cite reasons for your answer. What Scripture definitely proves that Cornelius and his house were baptized of the Holy Spirit?  

39. What was the purpose of this miracle? Was it to save Cornelius and his house? How do you know?

40. As far as the Now Testament record to concerned was any one's sins forgiven because there had been this baptism (from God) of the Holy Spirit? Was the baptism, at the Holy Spirit ever connected with the forgiveness of sing?

41. Verse 47 -- how would you reply to Lenski's suggestion that Peter was calling for Water to be brought -- brought for the purpose at sprinkling or pouring the converts

42. Verse 48 - - Does this verse imply anything as to the necessity of baptism?43. Verse 46 -- "In the name of the Lord Jesus.” There are thaw who baptize In the

name of "Jesus only.” Does the baptismal formula here and in Acts 2:38 conflict with the Instructions given by Jesus in the Great Commission according to Matthew’s account?

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 MEMORY WORK:Memorize Acts 10:34, 35; and reproduce it on paper.

Acts Chapter 11:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1.     Verse 2—“they that were of the circumcision”—Who is intended by this language?  2.     Why did “they of the circumcision” make “visiting” and “eating” the ground of their

complaint against Peter? (Verse 3).  3.     Why did Peter mention the six brethren? (Verse 12)  4.     Verse 14--What additional thing do we learn here in Peter’s rehearsal of the

conversion of Cornelius, that we did not learn in chapter 10?  5.     Verse 14—What evidence does this verse give that Cornelius was not saved by his

“experience”?  6.     Verse 14—How is one saved “by words”?  7.     Verse 18—What convinced the complaints?  8.     The Holy Spirit leads men to the truth. How did he lead Peter to the truth about the

Gentiles? What difference is there between the way the “circumcision” at Jerusalem was convinced and the way Peter was convinced? Since Peter was an apostle, why did not they at Jerusalem just know Peter was right without questioning him?

  9.     Verse 18—How had God “granted repentance” to the Gentiles?  10.  Verse 19—To what event in the early church’s history do we now return? What is

the date? How many years ago?  11.  What is significant about the order of the three localities given in v. 19?  12.  Verse 20—When did the preaching to the Greeks begin? Does this mean that earlier

than Cornelius, Gentiles had been converted to Antioch?  13.  Verse 22—Have we met Barnabas before in the book of Acts? Where?  14.  What is meant by the phrase “local autonomy”? Verse 22 has been used to support

the idea of local autonomy and individual congregational participation in missionary work—rather than an organization directed missionary work. Would you use this passage as proof that the NT pattern is individual congregational participation? What passages other than this teach the “how” of sending missionaries?


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15.  Verse 24—Why was Barnabas selected? Can you think of another reason besides the one given here?

  16.  Verse 25—Why did he go after Saul?  17.  When had Saul gone to Tarsus? How many years ago was that?  18.  Verse 26—Why did they remain in Antioch so long? How long did other

missionaries (in Bible times) stay in a new work? IS there a pattern in this for us?  19.  Verse 26—“Called Christians”—Was this name a nickname given by the enemies of

the church? By whom were the disciples called Christians? Why was this a suitable name?

  20.  Verse 28—What other prophecy did Agabus make?  21.  Verse 28—Date the famine (“in the days of Claudius”)  22.  Why send relief to Judea, when the famine was to be in Antioch as well? Why were

there poverty stricken people in Jerusalem?  23.  Verse 29—“according to his ability”—Does the NT command tithing as a standard of

giving for the Christian? Cite scripture to substantiate your answer.  24.  Verse 30—When had the brethren in Judea appointed elders? What does this imply

about whether elders have a hand in the financial matters of the church?  VOCABULARY BUILDER. (Words from chapters 10-12)Match the numbers to the right definitions.  1.               Centurion ___ Explained2.               Tanner ___ Reviewed3.               Inquiry ___ A ruler’s official manager4.               Perceive ___ Speech5.               Contended ___ News6.               Expounded ___ Resist7.               Withstand ___ Argued8.               Report ___ Sixteen soldiers divided into four watches9.               Taken ___ Maintained10.            Four Quaternion ___ Leather maker11.            Chamberlain ___ Understand12.            Oration ___ Arrested13.            Affirmation                  ___ Investigation

___ An officer who led about 100 soldiers  MEMORY WORK

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Memorize Acts 11:26, and reproduce it below. Acts Chapter 12:Extra Credit Questions for Mr. Reese's Acts Class1.     Verse 1—“Herod the king”—What Herod was this? What did he hope to gain by this

persecution?2.     Verse 2—“killed…with a sword”—Is the method of execution any indication of how

serious the charges were that were made against James? What laws must he have been accused of breaking?

3.     Verse 3—When were the days of unleavened bread?4.     Verse 4—How many were four quaternions?5.     Verse 4-“After Passover’—At what season of the year was it? Why would this be a

good time for the Antioch church to receive and send an offering?6.     Peter was well guarded (verses 6-10). Why did they take so many precautions?7.     Verse 10—Why did the guards not see Peter as he walked down the hall past them?8.     Verse 12—Why should Peter pick Mary’s house as a place to go? Haave othe

important things perhaps been held there? What?9.     Verse 12—For what had the brethren been praying?10.  Verse 15—Does the expression “it is this angel” mean that there is such a thing as

guardian angels? Briefly discuss the Bible teaching about angels, their origin, work, etc.

11.  Verse 17—Who is this “James”?12.  Verse 17—Where do the Catholics affirm that Peter now went? By giving scripture,

show whether their teaching is true or not.13.  Why were the guards put to death by Herod (v. 19)? What defense could they have

mad when questioned about where the prisoner went/14.  Verse 20—What is a chamberlain?15.  Verse 20—What does it mean when it says, “their country was fed from the kings”?16.  Verse 21—Where was this “throne” located?17.  Verse 23---In the light of Josephus’ account of Herod’s death, how can Luke say he

was “smitten by an angel”?18.  Why did the word now grow and multiply? (v. 24)19.  What was the mission Barnabas and Saul had fulfilled? (v. 25)

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