Download - Acts 8:2-25

Page 1: Acts 8:2-25

Lessons for3rd grade – 5th grade.

Lessons week 22Acts 8:2-25

What do you see in this pictureNumber of vases_______1Number of people _____ 5Number of Tunnels _____2Number of bottles ______1Number of Mexican hats _2Number of guitars ______1Number of clay pots ____5Number of buildings ____1Number of rabbits ______1What else can you find?Some see these objects some do not, just magic???????

Stare at the center for a few seconds. How many rings are rotating? _____

Stare at the black dot for a few seconds. How many ropes are growing? _____

Page 2: Acts 8:2-25

Song: Christ Build His Church(tune: There’s a Fountain Free on site: In Search of the Lord's Way Music ( )

“On this rock I’ll build, I will build my Church

And the gates of hell shall not prevail”

Our dear Lord thus said in the long ago,

And we know this promise did not fail.


“I will build, I will build my church:

I will build, I will build my church”

And He did, yes, he built His church,

He built it for you and for me.

‘Twas at nine o’clock on a Sunday morn,

On that Pentecost of long ago.

Peter preached to them at Jerusalem,

And the church of Christ begun, we know.

Chorus: repeat

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People in our lesson:Phillip, a man selected in Acts 6 to help with the feeding of the Grecian widows.Peter, one of the original 12 apostlesSimon the Sorcerer, A man that though he was great because he could astonish people with his magic tricks.

• 1. Where did Phillip go to preach? Ax 8:5 _________________

• 2. In Ax 8:7 What did Phillip do to let people know he was sent from God? _________

• 3. What did Simon practice? Ax 8:9____

• 4. Where did the people think Simon got his power? _____________________

• 5. How did Simon think of himself? ________________________• 6. How did Simon amaze the people of Samaria? Ax.8:11 _______• _____________________________________________________

Page 4: Acts 8:2-25

After Stephen was stoned to death he was buried and mourned by the Christians. Saul, who had supervised the stoning, started going from house to house dragging Christians off to prison. As the persecution grew, Christians were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Only the Apostles were left in Jerusalem.

Those who had been forced out of Jerusalem told people about Jesus wherever they went. One Christian, Philip, went to the city of Samaria and started proclaiming about Jesus. Crowds gathered to hear what he had to say.

Those who had been forced out of Jerusalem told people about Jesus wherever they went. One Christian, Philip, went to the city of Samaria and started proclaiming about Jesus. Crowds gathered to hear what he had to say.

59 While they were throwing stones,

Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my

spirit!” 60 He fell on his knees and cried in a

loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin

against them!” After Stephen said this, he

died …Christians even do good to their

enemies. Instead of hatred, Stephen asks

for forgiveness for his murderers. That

truly was a great example of living like Jesus.

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Many of the Samaritans believed in Jesus and were baptized.

One man who came to hear Philip was Simon, a sorcerer, who had boasted he was someone great. People had been impressed with his powers. and called him ‘The great power of God’. But when they saw what Philip did in the name of Jesus they believed what Philip said instead.

Simon also turned away from sorcery, believed in Jesus and was baptized. He followed Philip wherever he went, amazed at the miracles he saw.

News of what was happening in Samaria soon reached the apostles in Jerusalem. Peter and John travelled to Samaria to find out what was happening.

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Peter and John prayed for new believers and placed their hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit

When Simon saw the power of the Holy Spirit at work he offered money to Peter. ‘Give me this ability to put my hands on people so they receive the Holy Spirit,’ he begged.

‘May your money perish with you for thinking you could buy the gift of God with money,’ Peter answered. ‘You have no part in this work as your heart is not right with God. Repent and pray that God will forgive you, for you are a man full of bitterness and disobedience.’ ‘Pray to the Lord for me,’ begged Simon, ‘so that nothing you say will happen to me.’

After telling others about Jesus in Samaria, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem peaching in Samaritan villages along the way

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Questions for a review game.

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