Download - Activities week #3

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Learning Activities

Week # 3

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Grammar Exercises in Flash

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• Quiz Results for: Adverb or Adjective? (Charles Kelly)

• Quiz Score: 85% (11 / 13) Remaining: 0 Correct: 11 Wrong: 2

• Game Points: 180 (out of a possible 260)

• Total Time: 284 seconds.• Flash Quizzes for English Study•

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• Quiz Results for: Verb Forms (Dennis Oliver)

• Quiz Score: 75% (6 / 8) Remaining: 0 Correct: 6 Wrong: 2

• Game Points: 160 (out of a possible 320)

• Total Time: 81 seconds.• Flash Quizzes for English Study• :// http

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• Quiz Results for: Identify the Parts of Speech (Noreen Artar)

• Quiz Score: 80% (8 / 10) Remaining: 0 Correct: 8 Wrong: 2

• Game Points: 600 (out of a possible 1000)

• Total Time: 112 seconds.• Flash Quizzes for English Study•

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English Test

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• Present Progressive Test • Evaluation and Answers• You answered 24 out of 30

(80%) questions correctly. That is 2.

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• Test• Positive Sentences - Part 1• In this section you answered 5 out of 5 (100%) questions correctly.• Choose the correct present progressive form.• Look! Andy is working in the garden. • I am watching TV at the moment. • We are reading a book. • She is playing the piano. • Listen! Sue and John are singing . • → Relevant explanation and exercises• Positive Sentences - Part 2• In this section you answered 4 out of 5 (80%) questions correctly.• Put the verbs into present progressive.• My sister (Your answer: »is cleanig«) is cleaning the bathroom. • Look! They are going inside. • I am waiting in the car now. • Mrs Miller is listening to CDs. • We are speaking English at the moment. • → Relevant explanation and exercises• Exceptions• In this section you answered 3 out of 5 (60%) questions correctly.• Choose the correct form. Note that there are exceptions in spelling when adding 'ing.'• His brother is writing a test at the moment. • They (Your answer: »are swiming«) are swimming in the pool. • Look! David and Max are coming home. • My dog Charlie (Your answer: »is runing«) is running to the park. • I am making breakfast now. • → Relevant explanation and exercises• Kurz- und Langform• In this section you answered 5 out of 5 (100%) questions correctly.• Rewrite the sentences using the short forms (where long forms are given) or the long forms (where short forms

are given).• We are reading a letter. We're reading a letter. • He is opening the window. He's opening the window. • I am playing computer games. I'm playing computer games. • She's dancing at the party. She is dancing at the party. • They're drinking a cup of tea. They are drinking a cup of tea.

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• Quiz Results for: Tag Questions (Ladaporn Chaiyon)

• Quiz Score: 40% (4 / 10) Remaining: 0 Correct: 4 Wrong: 6

• Game Points: -80 (out of a possible 400)• Total Time: 1012 seconds.• Flash Quizzes for English Study•

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