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Active City Administration Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0.2012

Submitted for partial fulfillmentOf

Requirements of the degree of B.Tech.

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Branch: Information Technology Roll No.: (Batch 2008-2012)

CS/IT departmentTechno India NJR Institute of Technology

Plot SPL-T, Bhamashah (RIICO) Industrial Area, Kaladwas,Udaipur – 313001, Rajasthan


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“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, but

as by the obstacle which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.”

A study or a project of this volume can never be the outcome of a single person or just a

mere group of dedicated students. We are indebted to our subject teacher Mr. Sandeep

Upadhayay for being the epitome of guidance during the entire project.

We are also thankful to Mr. Mammohan Sharma, HOD, Computer science Dept for their

encouragement. Without their help this project would not have seen the light of day.

We are happy to present a vote of thanks to them for their sincere advice and co-

operation that they have lent us unconditionally.


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Table of Contents

1.0. Purpose..............................................................................................................................5

1.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................5

1.2. Verson..........................................................................................................................5

1.3. Scope...........................................................................................................................5


1.5. Abbrevations................................................................................................................6

1.6. References...................................................................................................................6

2.0. General description..........................................................................................................7

2.1.Project prespectives......................................................................................................7

2.2. Functional requirements definitions............................................................................7

3.0. User characterstics............................................................................................................7

4.0. Assumptions and Depndencies........................................................................................8

5.0. Diagrams............................................................................................................................9

5.1.UML diagrams.............................................................................................................9

5.2 DFD diagrams………………………………………………………………………185.3. E-R diagram...............................................................................................................21

6.0. Requirement specifications............................................................................................23

6.1.Functional Requirements............................................................................................23

6.2. Non functional Requirements....................................................................................29

7.0. Testing..............................................................................................................................30

7.1.Black-box testing........................................................................................................30

7.2. White-box testing......................................................................................................30

8.0 Requirements………………………………………………………..………………………31

8.1. Software Requirements……………………..…………….……………………….31

8.2.Functional Requirements..........................................................................................32


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Fig: 1 –user Herarchy …..………..………………………..…………………....................7

Fig: 2 – use case diagram for Registration……….….……..……………………………10

Fig: 3 – use case diagram for User………………..…………..……….............................11

Fig: 4 – use case diagram for Visitor…………………..…………………………….......11

Fig: 5 – use case diagram for Complaints…………………….……..…………………...11

Fig: 6 – use case diagram for Forum……….……………………..…………..………....12

Fig: 7 – use case diagram for Polling….……………………………..…………………..13

Fig: 8 – Sequence diagram…………….……..………………………………..................14

Fig: 9 – Activity Diagram…..……………………………..…………….....……….........16

Fig: 10 –Class Diagram………………………………..…………………………............18

Fig: 11 – DFD level-0…..……………………………..…………..………........................19

Fig: 12 – DFD level-1………………………………..…………………...........................20

Fig: 13 – E-R Diagram…..……………………………………………………………..…21


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Software Requirements Specification


1.1 Purpose:

The Active city administration is web application is intended to provide complete solutions for a city people as well as the governing authorities through a single get way using the internet as the sole medium. The ACA create a user-friendly online interface for citizens to communicate with administrative body and, reduce the distance and time barrier between citizens and administration,It provides a online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussions, issue complaints, create suggestion/petitions for improvement of city administration .To encourage the citizens to actively participate in city administration to bring transparency and flexibility in system. The main motive for developing this project was to get multi web applications on one site. The multi web application web hub would lead to lesser efforts of user and less manual work. Using this system, all the operations regarding can be performed systematically and efficiently.

1.2 Scope:

The proposed system will fulfill all the requirements of the users & let them avail the different application on one city administration site. It provides different features like discussions, polling for any survey, complaint management to the administration authorities by the users of the site

The following tasks can be performed by the application:

Discussion Forum

Poll System

Complaint / Suggestion Management

User Guestbook

In order to make the system maintainable and user friendly, the system would respond to any invalid entry or task.

1.3 Defination:

Term DefinitionAdmin Admin is the person who can manage all in the complains,

forums and other features provided by the application.

Complain The text information posted by authorized citizen to get the proper solution through the related department.

User In this document the user entity specifically used only for the citizen who have his/her unique id.


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Complain BoxCollection of all the information about complains resides in database.

Employee Here employee is a municipal authority who is responsible for the complain of his/her department.

NGONon government organizations which are activate in city problems and other activities this access is provided only to a single person for each organization.

Status Status for organization and user is a term which shows weather the user is using his account or not.

1.4 Abbreviations:


OSM Online Shopping Mall

Asp Active Server Pages

SRS Software Requirement Specification

N\A Not available

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

1.5 References:

[IEEE] The applicable IEEE standards are published in “IEEE Standards Collection,” 2001edition.

[PRESSMAN]The principal source of textbook material is “Software Engineering: by ROGER S. PRESSMAN sixth edition

For PhP tutorial

Wikipedia for various diagrams & informations methods

2. General Description

2.1 Project Perspective:

The Active City Administration System has three active actors and one cooperating system. The user, municipal authority & administrator access the online database through the Internet. Any user or municipal authority communication with the system is through online web application. The Admin accesses the entire system directly. The division of the ACA System into four component parts, complaint/suggestion box ,discussion forum, online poll & guestbook.


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2.2 Project Functions: This section outlines the use cases for each of the active user separately. The citizen, the and

municipal authority have only one use case apiece while the admin is main actor in this system.

3. User Characteristics:

3.1 Admin:

Admin can create and update accounts for employees and provide them access to

the complain box of their departments.

Admin can remove and create forums and update any information of the ACA


Admin can directly communicate with the user.

Admin can publish any notifications on main page.


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3.2 Authorities:

Authorities are municipal authorities provided account by admin.

Authorities can not access the personal information about the users.

Authorities can access the instructions provided by the admin.

Status of any complain can be updated by the Authorities and send it to the


Authorities can provide notification of his/her department on main page of

the ACA system.

3.3 User:

User has to create their account by providing their essential information.

User has unique id and password.

User can post in existing forum and also can create new forum.

User can upload photos on forum.

User can communicate with the admin directly if he/she does not get

satisfied replies from the municipal authority. (employee)

Forum discussion is only way to communicate user to other activate user.

3.4 Visitors: Visitors can make their account on the site. Visitors can visit the site. Visitors can view news headlines on site.

4. Assumptions & Dependencies:

In Royce's original waterfall model Thus the waterfall model maintains that one should move to a phase only when its preceding phase is completed and perfected. However, there are various modified waterfall models (including Royce's final model) that may include slight or major variations on this process.

Especially in this project the involvement of the end user known at stage of releasing, so it is difficult to judge the requirements of end user so we follow predefined strategy and after release get happen we easily can manage the requirements.

5. Diagram:


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a. UML Diagrams i. Use Case Diagram

1) Use case diagram of user


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ii. Sequence Diagram


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iii. Activity Diagram


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iv. Class Diagram:


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b) Data Flow Diagram

i. DFD-0 level :


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ii. DFD-1 level:


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C) E-R Diagram :



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6. Requirement Specification

6.1 Functional Requirement

6.1.1 Functional Requirement Specification-1

User’s new account creation

Use Case Name: Create a new account

Priority Essential

Trigger Menu selection

Precondition The user must be connected to the Internet and must be on the home page.

Basic Path The User clicks on make a new account.

The Server returns a form.

The User fills in the form and clicks submit.

The Server checks to see if any required field is empty.

If any required field is empty the Server will send a message and return the User to the new entry form page.

If no required field is empty the Server will create a new record in tbluser Table in the Database, and return the User to the User’s Home Page.

If the User selects Cancel, the form is cleared and the use gets returned to the Home page.

Alternate Path NA

Postcondition A record is created in the tbluser Table of the Database.

Exception Path 1. If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Server is returned to the wait state.

2. If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the User returned to the Home Page, the record is created in the tbluser Table of the Database.

Other NA


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6.1.2 Functional Requirement Specification-2

Enter any complain to administrator

Use Case Name: Complain

Priority Not Essential

Trigger Menu selection

Precondition The user must be connected to the Internet and must be on the home page.

Basic Path The User clicks on make a complain.

The Server returns a form.

The User fills in the form and clicks submit.

The Server checks to see if any required field is empty.

If any required field is empty the Server will send a message and return the User to the new entry form page.

If no required field is empty the Server will create a new record in tblcmpl Table in the Database, and return the User to the User’s Home Page.

If the User selects Cancel, the form is cleared and the use gets returned to the Home page.

Alternate Path NA

Postcondition A record is created in the tblcmpl Table of the Database.

Exception Path If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Server is returned to the wait state.

If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the User returned to the Home Page, the record is created in the tblcmpl Table of the Database.

Other NA


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6.1.3 Functional Requirement Specification-3

Enter any Dicussion on forum

Use Case Name: Create Forum

Priority Not Essential

Trigger Menu selection

Precondition The user must be connected to the Internet and must be on the home page.

Basic Path The User clicks on make create a forum.

The Server returns a form.

The User fills in the form and clicks submit.

The Server checks to see if any required field is empty.

If any required field is empty the Server will send a message and return the User to the new entry form page.

If no required field is empty the Server will create a new record in tblfrm Table in the Database, and return the User to the User’s Home Page.

If the User selects Cancel, the form is cleared and the use gets returned to the Home page.

Alternate Path NA

Postcondition A record is created in the tblfrm Table of the Database.

Exception Path If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Server is returned to the wait state.

If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the User returned to the Home Page, the record is created in the tblfrm Table of the Database.

Other NA


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6.1.4 Functional Requirement Specification-4

Create an account for Authorities

Use Case Name: Create an account for Authority

Priority Not Essential

Trigger Menu selection

Precondition The Admin must be connected to the Internet and must be on the home page.

Basic Path The Admin clicks on create an account.

The Server returns a form.

The Admin fills in the form and clicks submit.

The Server checks to see if any required field is empty.

If any required field is empty the Server will send a message and return the Admin to the new entry form page.

If no required field is empty the Server will create a new record in tblemp Table in the Database, and return the Admin to the admin’s Home Page.

Alternate Path NA

Postcondition A record is created in the tblaut Table of the Database.

Exception Path If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Server is returned to the wait state.

If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the User returned to the Home Page, the record is created in the tblaut Table of the Database.

Other NA


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6.1.5 Functional Requirement Specification-5

Enter any Poll for Voting

Use Case Name: Create Poll

Priority Not Essential

Trigger Menu selection

Precondition The user must be connected to the Internet and must be on the home page.

Basic Path The User clicks on make create a poll.

The Server returns a form.

The User fills in the form and clicks submit.

The Server checks to see if any required field is empty.

If any required field is empty the Server will send a message and return the User to the new entry form page.

If no required field is empty the Server will create a new record in tblpoll Table in the Database, and return the User to the User’s Home Page.

If the User selects Cancel, the form is cleared and the use gets returned to the Home page.

Alternate Path NA

Postcondition A record is created in the tblpoll Table of the Database.

Exception Path If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Server is returned to the wait state.

If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the User returned to the Home Page, the record is created in the tblpoll Table of the Database.


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6.2 Non Functional Requirement

6.2.1 Non- Functional Requirement-1

User’s profile

Attribute Name Key Attribute Type Attribute Size

U_name NA String 30

U_FirstName NA String 30

U_LastName NA String 30

Address1 NA String 50

Address2 NA String 50

E-mailAddress NA String 20

U_id Primary Key String 20

Pa Password NA String 10

Status NA Boolean 1

6.2.2 Non- Functional Requirement-2

Authorities profile

Attribute Name Key Attribute Type Attribute Size

Name NA String 30

FirstName NA String 30

LastName NA String 30

Address1 NA String 50

Address2 NA String 50

E-mailAddress NA String 20

Auth_id Primary Key String 20

Pa Password NA String 10

Department NA String 20


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6.2.3 Non- Functional Requirement-3

Complain box

Attribute Name Key Attribute Type Attribute Size

cmpl_id Primary key String 30

Cmpl_type NA String 30

Cmpl_date NA timestamp 30

Description NA String 50

Emp_id NA String 50

E-mailAddress NA String 20

U_id NA String 20

Pa reply_date NA timestamp 10

Status NA Boolean 1

6.2.5 Non- Functional Requirement-5

Discussion forum

Attribute Name Key Attribute Type Attribute Size

forum_topic NA String 30

Forum_id Primary key String 30

User _id NA String 30

Date NA timestamp 50

6.2.5 Non- Functional Requirement-6

Online Polling

Attribute Name Key Attribute Type Attribute Size

Poll_topic NA String 30

Poll_id Primary key String 30

User _id NA String 30

Date NA timestamp 50


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7. Testing

7.1 Black Box Testing

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of an application

as opposed to its internal structures or workings. Specific knowledge of the application's

code/internal structure and programming knowledge in general is not required. The tester is

only aware of what the software is supposed to do, but not how i.e. when he enters a certain

input, he gets a certain output; without being aware of how the output was produced in the first

place. Test cases are built around specifications and requirements, i.e., what the application is

supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software, including specifications,

requirements, and designs to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional,

though usually functional. The test designer selects valid and invalid inputs and determines the

correct output. There is no knowledge of the test object's internal structure.

7.2 White Box Testing

White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their

Code works as expected. In this chapter, we will explain the following:

• A method for writing a set of white-box test cases that exercise the paths in the code

• The use of equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis to manage the number of

Test cases that need to be written and to examine error-prone/extreme “corner” test cases

• How to measure how thoroughly the test cases exercise the code


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9. Resource Requirement9.1 Software Requirement:

9.1.1 Language


PHP is an acronym stand for Hypertext PreProcessor. It is an open source scripting language which is used for web development and can be embedded in HTML. PHP is free, efficient, and that's why it is very popular in web development scenario.

PHP coding is enclosed within <?php   ?> tag. The page originates as PHP code on the server but is transformed into HTML code before sending along to the PHP code and converts it into HTML code.


It is a special kind of text document that is used by Web browsers to present text and

graphics. The text includes markup tags such as <p> to indicate the start of a paragraph,

and </p> to indicate the end of a paragraph. HTML documents are often refered to as

"Web pages". The browser retrieves Web pages from Web servers that thanks to the

Internet, can be pretty much anywhere in World.HTML

9.1.2 Database


Overview of the SQL Server Tools

My SQL Server includes many graphical and command prompt utilities that

allow users, programmers, and administrators to:

1. Administer and configure SQL Server.

2. Determine the catalog information in a copy of SQL Server.

3. Design and test queries for retrieving data.

4. Copy, import, export, and transform data.

5. Provide diagnostic information.

6. Start and stop SQL Server.


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In addition to these utilities, SQL Server contains several wizards to walk

administrators and programmers through the steps needed to perform more complex

administrative tasks.

9.1.3 Others

Design: - CSS (Cascade Style Sheet)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe

the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup

language. Its most common application is to style web pages written

in HTML and XHTML, but the language can also be applied to any kind

of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL.

9.2 Hardware Requirement:

9.2.1 Client Processor: Pentium 4 and above RAM: 256MB Memory: 20 GB

9.2.2 Server Processor: Pentium 4 and above RAM: 256MB Memory: 20 GB


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