Page 1: Actionable Software Engineering Research

software evolution & architecture lab

University of Zurich, Switzerland @ ECSS Symposium, Luxembourg, 08 Jan 2014

Harald Gall

Actionable SE A Position Statement

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Actionable State of the Art?

‣ Credible answers to fundamental SE problems! ‣ technical (conceptual art) ‣ empirical (modern art) ‣ economical (contemporary art) ‣ social (romanticism) ‣ psychological (impressionism)

!‣ .. featuring the

interdisciplinary nature of SE!

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1’000’000 $ Contest:!Improve Movie Predictions


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Example: Computation & Economics

‣ Interplay between economic thinking and computational thinking as it relates to ‣ e-commerce, social networks, collective intelligence,

networked systems ‣ game theory, market mechanism design, p2p file-

sharing, auctions, behavioral economics, human computation, crowdsourcing, social choice, prediction markets, reputation systems, recommender systems, social networks, network dynamics, electronic currency systems…

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Example: Code Ownership

C. Bird, N. Nagappan, B. Murphy, H. Gall, P Devanbu, Don't touch my code! Examining the effects of ownership on software quality, ESEC/FSE ’11

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Actionable Findings

‣ “Changes made by minor contributors should be reviewed with more scrutiny.”

‣ “Potential minor contributors should communicate desired changes to developers experienced with the respective binary.”

‣ “Components with low ownership should be given priority by QA.”

C. Bird, N. Nagappan, B. Murphy, H. Gall, P Devanbu, Don't touch my code! Examining the effects of ownership on software quality, ESEC/FSE ’11

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Actionable & Tailored

‣ We need to tailor information to the information needs of stakeholders, such as developers, testers, project managers, or quality analysts ‣ study their needs beyond typical developer needs

‘questions developers ask’ by Sillito et al.)

‣ devise prototypes to elicit that information needs, for example, SQA-Mashup for Integrating Quality Data

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Mashup: A Developer’s view

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Mashup: A Tester’s view

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Mashup: A project’s timeline

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Where to go from here?

‣ Goal Question Action Metrics :-) ‣ User-centered stakeholder-tailored multi-source

multi-device mashups ‣ Actionable & tailored


‣ Good News: ‣ lots of open questions! ‣ NIER or ERA papers to start off

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