Page 1: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Action Research Action Research Deployment TeamsDeployment Teams

September, 2006September, 2006

Page 2: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Welcome!Welcome! Housekeeping ItemsHousekeeping Items

Workshop Materials/BinderWorkshop Materials/Binder Meeting DatesMeeting Dates

How are things different at your school How are things different at your school this year compared to last year (in the this year compared to last year (in the context of continuous improvement?)context of continuous improvement?) What kinds of things did you think What kinds of things did you think

about/plan for?about/plan for?

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Page 4: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Last Year’s Focus…Last Year’s Focus… Setting and Communicating DirectionSetting and Communicating Direction

District Strategic Plan (on a page)District Strategic Plan (on a page) A focus on the School Improvement Plan A focus on the School Improvement Plan

(SIP)(SIP) 4 Quality Levels4 Quality Levels

Establishing structure/common languageEstablishing structure/common language Building Leadership Teams (BLTs)Building Leadership Teams (BLTs) Action Research Deployment Action Research Deployment

Teams Teams Quality LiaisonsQuality Liaisons

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This Year’s Focus…This Year’s Focus… Utilize the School Improvement Plan Utilize the School Improvement Plan

(SIP) to align efforts(SIP) to align efforts Deeper understanding of PDSADeeper understanding of PDSA

Practice each step of PDSAPractice each step of PDSA Learn the tools used Learn the tools used

Connect all employees to School Connect all employees to School Improvement Plans and Improvement Plans and the District strategic plan the District strategic plan

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Hoover School Improvement Plan 2006-2007

Excellence for All

The mission of the Hoover community is to develop life-long learners and responsible citizens through continuous

improvement and excellence for all.

Customer Satisfaction Data-Driven Decisions

Learning for All Teamwork

Visionary Leadership

Reading Comprehension During the 2006-2007 school year the number of K-5 students at Hoover who improve their reading comprehension skills will increase by 5% in each grade level as measured by the District Benchmark Reading Assessments (LAPO & ERA). Math Computation During the 2006-2007 school year, the percentage of students scoring in the high and intermediate proficiency levels will increase in math computation at Hoover Elementary as measured by the district math assessments and the ITBS. Social, Emotional, Behavioral- School Climate During the 2006-2007 school year, Hoover students in grade 2-5 will increase their level of student respect based on the Hoover student satisfaction survey.

Continuous Improvement






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Action Research Is…Action Research Is… Professional Learning Communities Professional Learning Communities

working together to solve problemsworking together to solve problems Utilization of the 7 step, data-driven Utilization of the 7 step, data-driven

process of Plan-Do-Study-Actprocess of Plan-Do-Study-Act Implementation of research-based best Implementation of research-based best

practices/improvement theory based root practices/improvement theory based root causescauses

A focus on continuous A focus on continuous improvement by practitioners improvement by practitioners closest to the problem closest to the problem

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What do we really mean… What do we really mean… Professional Learning Professional Learning

Communities (PLC)Communities (PLC)

In a professional learning In a professional learning community, there are deep community, there are deep collaborative discussions collaborative discussions about current practices that about current practices that might be hindering student might be hindering student academic success.academic success.

- DuFour and Eaker- DuFour and Eaker

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Action Research; The Vehicle Action Research; The Vehicle Professional Learning Professional Learning Communities Use To Communities Use To Implement ChangeImplement Change

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ITBS Language Total Scores

This data shows “the big picture” of language proficiency …

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This data “digs deeper” through sub test areas of language skills…

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This data “digs deeper through disaggregation ” of student subgroups & non-proficient groups…


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Non-Proficient Subgroups:

•African American

•American Indian


•Low Income

Data Review- A Laser Like Focus!

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Next Steps…Next Steps… The Building Leadership Team The Building Leadership Team

writes a SMART Goal that is writes a SMART Goal that is included in the School included in the School Improvement Plan (SIP)Improvement Plan (SIP)

Then, the Action Research Team Then, the Action Research Team utilizes the PDSA process utilizes the PDSA process to work on the goal to work on the goal

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Plan Continuous


Define the System

Standardize Improvement

Study the Results

Assess Current Situation

Try Out Improvement


Analyze Causes

So.. After reviewing vocabulary assessment data, teachers discuss options at a team meeting and use the PDSA process

They define how they are currently teaching vocabulary (flowcharts)

The team determines what other in-process measures they could use to see how students are doing in vocabulary and they collect data (run charts & pareto diagrams) to get baseline

The team reviews the baseline data they collected and discuss root causes for the results they see (cause & effect diagrams & relations diagrams)

Once root causes are identified, each member researches articles and best practices related to vocabulary instruction and submits the best to the group (improvement theory)

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Plan Continuous


Define the System

Standardize Improvement

Study the Results

Assess Current Situation

Try Out Improvement


Analyze Causes

The team writes an action plan to carry out the improvement theory in their classrooms. Members practice newly-learned strategies (improvement theory), and measure the effectiveness of the strategies

Members coach each other & may go into each others classroom to observe and provide feedback

Members monitor student data to determine effectiveness of strategies (compare to baseline)

Members reflect, observe, practice, receive feedback, gain expertise and standardize the new vocabulary instruction practice (new flowchart)

Teams continue to use the PDSA cycle to make improvements in the realm of their professional learning community

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Pre Planning: Identification of Need1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments3. Review assessment data4. Identify areas of need based on assessment

Plan:1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need

(flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area

identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram)3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram)4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas

of need

DO1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan)2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning

Study:1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline)2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on

student achievement

Act:1. Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system)2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes)

Action ResearchOverview

for Professional

Learning Communitie


Page 18: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Pre Planning: Identification of Need1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments3. Review assessment data4. Identify areas of need based on assessment

Plan:1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need

(flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area

identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram)3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram)4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas

of need

DO1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan)2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning

Study:1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline)2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on

student achievement

Act:1. Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system)2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes)

Action ResearchOverview

for Professional

Learning Communitie


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Page 20: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Pre Planning: Identification of Need1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments3. Review assessment data4. Identify areas of need based on assessment

Plan:1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need

(flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area

identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram)3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram)4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas

of need

DO1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan)2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning

Study:1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline)2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on

student achievement

Act:1. Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system)2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes)

Action ResearchOverview

for Professional

Learning Communitie


Page 21: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Plan- Define The SystemPlan- Define The System

What is the current way that What is the current way that the process is done or the process is done or handled?handled?

Tool: Flow ChartTool: Flow Chart

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Page 23: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Flow ChartWhat is it?- A picture of any process

- Drawn with standard symbols representing different types of activities

- Different styles available:- Deployment

- Process

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Flow ChartPurpose

- Defines the system being studied

- Gets agreement

- Identifies “value added” activities

- Identifies “dead wood” activities”

- Documents changes to the process

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Deployment Flow Chart

How is it made?1. Define the process boundaries (starting point / stopping point).2. Describe the process in operation.3. Draw the People Coordinate.4. List major steps in the process.5. Draw the flow chart, using symbols6. Study the flow chart.

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Start Task Make a Decision

Yes No

Conduct a

MeetingReport Out

End of Process

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Flow Chart


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KidsParentsBed Time

Initiate Bed Time Procedures

Are Kids Ready

For Bed?

Begin Bed Time Routine

Brush Teeth

Go Potty

Put On P.J.’s



Meet Need So Kids Are Ready

For Bed

Read Story

Say PrayersTuck In Kids

Gets Into Bed

Page 29: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Flow Chart• Let’s practice the “Flow Chart


• At your table, create a flow chart for “the teacher’s lunch break routine”–Describe the process and

key steps involved

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Team Time!1. Define the process boundaries (starting point / stopping point).2. Describe the process in operation.3. Draw the People Coordinate.4. List major steps in the process.5. Draw the flow chart, using symbols6. Study the flow chart.

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Pre Planning: Identification of Need1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments3. Review assessment data4. Identify areas of need based on assessment

Plan:1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need

(flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area

identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram)3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Why’s, Relations Diagram)4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas

of need

DO1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan)2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning

Study:1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline)2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on

student achievement

Act:1. Standardize the implementation of research-based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system)2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes)

Action ResearchOverview

for Professional

Learning Communitie


Page 32: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

In Process Measures• Data that can be collected frequently

• How much data is needed? How many data points?

• Measurement instrument may need to be created if one is not readily available

• Need an “apples to apples” comparison to determine if improvement theory worked

• At your table… Brainstorm possible measures for each SIP goal

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In-Process Measure Example

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Assess The Situation• Once in-process measures have been

identified and data collected…

• What does the baseline data look like?– This shows the “current state” of the area

being studied

• Tools: Run Chart & Pareto Diagram

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Page 36: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Run Chart

What is it?

• A line graph (data plotted over time)

• Looks at the system’s

behavior over time

• Used by teams when gathering baseline data at the beginning of a PDSA project and again after the improvement theory has been tried

Page 37: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Estimation Check Sheet Weekly

Class Errors

Hour 1 - Mr. Albert

Strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6




29-Sep 3-Oct

10-Oct 17-Oct  

Addition 2 2 1 1 0 0 6

Subtraction 2 2 3 1 2 1 11

Multiplication 7 8 7 8 7 7 44

Division 10 11 10 11 12 10 64

Application 11 11 10 11 12 12 67

28 students              

Total Errors 32 34 31 32 33 30 192

Number of Students 28 28 28 28 28 28

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Estimation Check SheetHour 1 - Class Errors







9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/17


tal N



of E



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Next… Pareto Diagram• Pareto’s Law “80/20”

• Run chart = data over time

• Pareto Diagram = discrepancy data

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Pareto DiagramWhat is it?

- A bar chart which ranks related measures in decreasing order of occurrence

- A tool to separate the significant aspects from the trivial ones

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Pareto DiagramHow is it made?

1. Collect the data.2. Construct a frequency table.3. Draw and scale the horizontal and

vertical axes.4. Draw and label the bars for each category5. Draw the cumulative percentage line.6. Review the results of the Pareto.

Page 42: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Pareto Diagram SampleCollect The Data

Category Total

Unexcused Absences 35

Drug & Alcohol Abuse 7

Tardiness 47

Illegal Parking 2

Dress Code Violation 1

Vandalism 2

Class Disruption 19

Fighting & Assault 10

Total 123

Raw Data

Page 43: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Construct Frequency TableCategory Frequency Cumulative Frequency

1. Tardiness 47 47

2. Unexcused Absences 35 82

3. Class Disruption 19 101

4. Fighting & Assault 10 111

5. Drug & Alcohol Abuse 7 118

6. Illegal Parking 2 120

7. Vandalism 2 122

8. Dress Code Violation 1 123

Total 123  

Data In O


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Draw & Scale Horizontal & Vertical Axes








Page 45: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Draw & Label The BarsDraw Cumulative % Line


1910 7 2 2 1





96% 98% 99% 100%













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Page 47: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Estimation Strategies 6 Week total Addition 6 Subtraction 11 Multiplication 44 Division 64 Application 67 Total 192

Cumulative Frequency Table Strategy Frequency Cumulative Frequency 1) Application 67 2) Division 64 131 3) Multiplication 44 175 4) Subtraction 11 186 5) Addition 6 192


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Estimation Check Sheet SkillsWeeks 1- 6

67 64 44 11 6 192















Application Division Multiplication Subtraction Addition Total N




e o

f E


















This bar represents the total (N

) of your pareto.

Page 49: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

PDSA Tidbits!• Time to implement/deploy varies by team and

content area

• Doesn’t happen necessarily in a school year

• The entire school doesn’t have to implement all improvement theories at once

• Multiple grades/departments could be working on individual aspects of the issue

• Is a PROCESS and a work in progress!

Page 50: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

In Closing…• Workshop Evaluation• Next steps…• Focus each PDSA team on the SMART

goal of the SIP• Consult the PDSA guides for help• Work on Define the System (Flow Chart)

• Work on Assess the Situation (In-Process Measures, Run Chart, Pareto Diagram)

• Set and communicate direction!

Page 51: Action Research Deployment Teams September, 2006

Action Research Action Research Deployment TeamsDeployment Teams

September, 2006September, 2006

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