  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Yeniliki Srdrlebilir

    Kalknma Yoluyla Sivasl

    Giriimcilerin Rekabet

    Edebilirliini Arttrma

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Training on EU Acquison Food Safety AB Mktesebat Gda

    Gvenlii Eitimi


    Nisan 29- Mays 1 2013

    FormaperUzman Denny Righini

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Eitim Hedefleri AB Genel Gda Yasasn Anlamak

    Gda gvenlii sorumluluklarn ve Gda

    letmeci(business) operotrlerinin zorunluluklarnanlamak

    Gda zlenebilirlii, HACCP ve bunun uygulanmasnanlamak

    Gda Kalitesi ve Sosyal Sorumluluk Arasndaki ilikilerianlamak

    Vaka ncelemeleri ve rnekler

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gda Gvenlii 2000 le lgili Beyaz Kitap Bu Beyaz Kitap; AB gda politikasn etkili, tutarl ve kapsaml bir ara haline

    dntrmek iin yksek dzeyde insan sal ve tketici korumas salamakadna nerilerde bulunmaktadr.

    Bu belgedeki ynlendirici prensip gda gvenlii politikasnn kapsaml ve entegrebir yaklamadayal olmas gerektiidir. Bu, gda zincirinin her halkasn (iftliktenmasaya) ve btn sektrleri kapsayan bir yaklamdr.

    Yem reticileri, iftiler ve gda reticileri/operatrleri gda gvenlii bakmndantemel sorumlulua sahiptir.

    Tketiciler de gdann dzgn biimde saklanmasndan, ilenmesinden vepiirilmesinden sorumludur.

    Baarl bir gda politikas yem ve gdalarn ve bunlarn muhtevasnnizlenebilirliinigerektirir.

    Risk analizi, gda gvenlii politikasnn temeli olmaldr. Uygun durumlarda, ihtiyat prensibi risk ynetimi kararlarnda kullanlacaktr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Genel Gda Yasas

    Tzk (AT) N178/2002Tzk 178/2002, Gda Gvenlii ile lgili AB Beyaz Kitap 2000den

    sonra belirlenmitir. Beyaz Kitapn stratejik ncelikleri unlardr: Bir Avrupa Gda Gvenlii Otoritesi oluturmak Gda mevzuatna dair yaklamlar mzakereye sunmak iin bir

    iftlii hayata geirmek Gda gvenlii bakmndan gda ve yem operatrlerinin temel

    sorumlulua sahip olduu prensibini pekitirmek

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Tzk 178/2002: Esaslar


    GIDA :

    lenmi, ksmen ilenmi, ilenmemi ya da ilenecek

    ya da insanlar tarafndan yenilmesi beklenenherhangi bir madde ya da rn. Gda ,retim,hazrlama ya da ileme esnasnda gdaya bilerekkatlan iecekler, sakz ve herhangi baka maddeleri

    de kapsamaktadr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    unlar Gda Deildir:

    (a) yem;

    (b) insan tketimi iin pazara sunulmak zere yetitirilmeyen canlhayvanlar;

    (c) hasat ncesi bitkiler; (d)Konsey Ynergesi 65/65/EEC (1) ve 92/73/EEC (2) kapsamndaki

    medikal rnler; (e) Konsey Ynergesi 76/768/EEC (3) kapsamndaki kozmetikler; (f) Konsey Ynergesi 89/622/EEC (4 kapsamndaki ttn ve ttn rnleri);

    (g) Birleik Devletler Narkotik lalarla lgili Tek Konvansiyon, 1961, veBirleik Devletler Psikotropik Maddeler ile lgili Konvansiyon, 1971,

    kapsamndaki narkotik ve psikotropik maddeler; (h) Atk ve kirlilik oluturan maddeler.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Dier Tanmlar: gda iletmesi'; devlet ya da zel giriimcilerce kar amal ya

    da kar amac gtmeksizin , gdann retimi, ilenmesi vedatmnn herhangi bir aamasyla ilgili herhangi bir iinyklenilmesi ve yrtlmesidir;

    gda iletmesi operatr, kontrol dahilindeki gdailetmesinin gda yasas gereksinimlerini karladngarantilemekle sorumlu gerek ya da tzel kiilerdir;

    zlenebilirlik bir gdann, yemin, gda reten bir hayvann ya

    da gda olacak bir maddenin ya da yeme ya da gdayakatlacak bir maddenin btn retim, ileme ve datmaamalarnda izlenebilmesini ve takip edilmesini ifade eder.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    retim, ileme ve datm aamalar ithalat da dahil gdann veuygun durumlarda da yemin ilk retim yerinden alnp stoklanmas,tanmas, nihai tketiciye ulatrlmas ya da satlmas ve tedarikiyleilgili herhangi bir aamay ifade etmektedir.;

    temel retim hasat, st alma, ve kesilmeden nceki iftlik hayvan

    dahil temel rnlerin yetitirilmesidir. Bu ayn zamanda avlanma,balk tutuma ve yabani rnlerin hasadn da iermektedir.

    nihai tketicigday herhangi bir iletme operasyonu ya da aktiviteiin kullanmayacak olan nihai tketicidir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    Madde 14: Gda Gvenlii Gereksinimleri

    Gvenli olmayan gdalar pazara

    karlamaz. Gvenli olmayan gdalar: Sala zararl/

    nsan salna uygun deil

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gvenli olmayan gda: Nasl Belirlenir! Normal kullanm koullarn gz nnde bulundurun.

    (Nihai tketici, muhtemel yeniden biimlendirme) Tketiciye sunulan etiket bilgisi( rn. alerjenler) Genotoksik etki? (rn.: mikotoksinler) Kmlatif etki? (rn.: ar metaller) Gda belli bir tketici kitlesine ynelik mi retilmi (rn.:

    bebek gdas) Risk deerlendirmesi ok byk nem tamaktadr: bir

    gda zararl olabilir ancak buna ramen yasal snrlaramyor da olabilir (rn.: yabanc maddeler ve kimyasalkontaminantlar(kirleticiler)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gvenli olmayan gdalar- Dikkate

    alnmas gereken birka nokta daha

    Uygun olmayan gdalar: Amalanan

    kullanm alanna gre kabul edilebilirolmayan gdalar. Patojenik olmayanbakterilerin yaratt yksek

    kontaminasyon, kt koku/tat, bozunma& grsel deiimler

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Mavi Mozzarella Peyniri

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    irinlerin Mozzarellas!

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gvenli GdaAk mdr? Eer Avrupa Topluluunun zel gvenlik artlarn salyorsa bir rngvenli olarak ele alnabilir.


    Gdalar Avrupa Topluluunun zel gvenlik artlarna uysa bile pazara

    k yasak olabilir(rn.: retim esnasnda bir kontaminasyon olmuolabilir ve fabrikann risk deerlendirmesine bal olarak dierpartiler/rnlerin de pazara k yasaklanabilir.)

    Gdann gvenliiyle ilgili hususlarda bir ihlal olduunda, bunun ya salazararl olduu dnlr ya da tketim iin uygun deildir. (rn.:

    gdalardaki kontaminantlarla ilgili mevzuata uygun deil)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gvenli olmayan gda: Ticari sonular Herhangi bir parti gdann bir ksm olan

    gvenli olmayan gda durumunda,

    problemin sadece o parayla ilgili olduuispatlanamad srece, btn parti gvenliolmayan olarak nitelendirilecektir.

    Sonular: rn geri ekme, risk

    deerlendirmeleri, parti byklkleri,izlenebilirlik(rn ve sre).

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Gda letmesi operatrlerininSorumluluklar

    retim, ileme ve datmn btn aamalarnda gda veyem iletmesi operatrleri kontrolleri altndaki iletmeninrettii gda ve yemlerin gda mevzuatna uygun olarakretim yaptn garantilemek durumundadr.

    GOleri gda gvenlii ve mevzuata uygunluu salamaasndan temel yasal sorumlulua sahiptir.

    Sorumluluk GOlerinin kontrol altndaki aktiviteyi ifadeeder ve gda zincirlerinde birbirine baml bir sorumluluk

    oluturur(FTLKTEN ATALA!).

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    GOleri iin Gda Gvenlii Sorumluluklar

    Gda Gvenlii Hijyen ve HACCP prensiplerinin doru

    uygulanmasnn sonucudur. Tz. 852/04 GOleri iin genel hijyen sorumluluklarn

    tanmlamaktadr. (Temel retim ve mteakipilemler: iftlikten atala!)

    Tz. 853/04 hayvan rnleriyle alakal zel hijyengereksinimlerini belirtmektedir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Tz 852/04 Ek I

    Temel rnler hava, toprak, su, yem ve gbre, veteriner ilalar, bitki koruma rnleri, biyositler, stoklama, ileme veatklardan kurtulma kontaminasyonuna kar korunmaldr;

    GOleri insan salyla balantl olan hayvan sal ve refah ve bitki saln garantilemelidir;

    Temel retimde kullanlan tesisler temiz olmal ve temel rnlerin gvenliini tehlikeye sokmamaldr.

    Kullanlan ekipman, konteyner, krate ve aralar kovalar temiz olmal ve gerektiinde dezenfekte edilmelidir. ;

    retim hayvanlar ve kesilecek hayvanlar temiz olmal ve sebzeleri retim ve tanma esnasnda kontaminasyona karkorunmaldr.

    Kontaminasyonu engellemek iin sadece ime suyu ya da temiz su kullanlmaldr;

    Gdalarla uraan alanlar salkl olmal ve salk riskleri konusunda eitim almaldr;

    Sz konusu alanda pest kontrol sistemi bulunmaldr;

    Kontaminasyonu engellemek iin atklar ve zararl maddeler ilenmelidir.

    Yeni hayvanlarn gelmesi hastalklarn yaylmasna zemin oluturmamaldr.

    nsan salna kar herhangi bir riski gz nnde bulundurarak hayvan ve bitkilerden numune alnmaldr.

    Yem katk maddeleri, veteriner ilalar, bitki koruma rnleri ve biyositler mevzuata belirlendii ekilleriyle kullanlmaldr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Tzk 852/04, Kaytlar

    Hayvan yetitiren ya da hayvan kkenli temel rnler reten gda iletmesi operatrleri unlarla ilgili kayt tutmakzorundadr:

    (a)hayvanlara verilen yemin yaps ve kayna;

    (b) hayvanlara verilen veteriner ilalar ve uygulanan tedaviler, bunlarn balama ve biti tarihleri;

    (c) hayvan kkenli rnlerin gvenliini etkileyecek hastalklarn meydana gelip gelmedii;

    (d) hayvanlardan alnan ve insan sal bakmndan nemli olan numunelerle ilgili analizler ve tehise ynelik alnan

    numune sonular;

    (e) hayvanlar ve hayvan kkenli rnler zerinde yaplan kontrollerle ilgili raporlar.

    9. Gda iletmesi operatrleri ya da bitkisel rn hasat eden kiiler unlarla ilgili kayt tutmak zorundadr:

    (a) abitikiyi korumaya ynelik rnler ya da biyositler;

    (b)bitkisel kkenli rnlerin gvenliini etkileyecek herhangi bir pers ya da hastalk oluumu

    (c) bitkilerden alnan ve insan sal bakmndan nemli olan numunelerle ilgili analizlerve bunlarn sonular

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik (Gda Yasas, madde.18)


    rnnn orijinalliini korumak iin

    rn ve reticinin namn korumak iin Gda gvenliiyle ilgili sorunlarn daha iyi

    idame edilmesi iin (rnn hzl bir ekilde

    belirlenmesi & hedef geri ekme& riskdeerlendirmesi& iletiim)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik: Tanm(Gda Mevzuat 18. Madde)

    zlenebilirlik bir yemin, gdann, yem yada

    gda reten bir hayvann , gda olacak ya dagdaya katlacak bir maddenin retim, ilemeve datmn btn aamalar boyunca takip

    edilebilmesi demektir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik: lgili tanmlar

    -Zincir zlenebilirlii: gdann gemiinin, gda zincirinin btn evrelerinde tutulan kaytlar yoluylaincelenmesidir.

    -Geri zleme: arz zincirindeki belli bir birim ya da parti maln daha evvel tutulan kaytlardan yola karakkaynann belirlenmesidir.

    -leri zleme: arz zincirindeki belli bir birim ya da parti maln eitli kurululardan sat noktasna varana

    kadarki izlenme srecidir. - zlenebilirlik: Belli bir birim ya da parti maln irketin iinde ya da irketin iindeki belli bir birimde

    izlenmesidir. - ekilme: gdann, gda iletmesinin kontrolnden kt durumda, pazardan ekilmesi prosedrdr. - Geri toplama : gdann iletmenin kontrolnden kp tketiciye ulam olabilecei durumda gday

    pazarDan ekmedir. NOT: parti ayn ekilde retilmi ya da paketlenmi gda partisine verilen addr. (AB 89/396).

    Kaynak: CIES Gda letmesi Forumu

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik: Gereksinimler (GdaMevzuat)

    Gda ve yem iletmesi operatrleri izlenebilirlik bilgisini eldeetmeye salayan bilgisini sunan sistem ve prosedrlere sahipolmaldr.

    Gda ve yem iletmesi operatrleri, rnlerinin arz edildiiiletmelere kullanlan sistem ve prosedrleri belirtmekdurumundadr.

    AT dahilinde pazara km ya da kacak olan gda ve yemlerizlenebilirlik asndan ilgili dokman ve bilgilerleetiketlendirilmelidir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik in 3 Basit Adm (Gda

    Mevzuat Belirleme: Materyal ya da ilk paketleme, ekipman veoperatrler gibi herhangi bir retim faktr akabelirtilmelidir. Materyaller parti kavram kullanlarakbelirlenecektir.

    Kayt (Geri zleme):Belli bir rn iin kullanlm materyallerinkayd zerinde tarih olan ve yetkili kiilerce hazrlanmbelgelerle kaydedilmek durumundadr.

    Kayt (leri zleme):retimi tamamlanm rnlerin varacayerlerle ilgili bilgiler zerinde tarih olan ve yetkili kiilerce

    hazrlanm belgelerle kaydedilmek durumundadr.Miktarlarnda belirtilmesi gerekmektedir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Bir izlenebilirlik sistemi uartlarda memnun edicidir.

    Kriz ynetimi hzl, etkili ve kesindirrnn kimliibelirlenir ve bilgi elde edilir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik: bir uygulama rnei Vine Reeli retimi

    Gerekli Belgeler- zlenebilirlik ynetimi ile ilgili operatif bilgiler

    - Kayt belgeleri

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    STEP 1

    STEP 2

    STEP 3

    STEP 4

    STEP 5

    STEP 6

    STEP 7

    STEP 8

    STEP 9

    STEP 10

    STEP 11

    Production farm

    Raw cherries delivery

    into factory (batches)


    Selection and


    De stoning/stalking



    Sugar Cooking

    Hot fill



    Finished product


    Identification of cultivating area and related

    cultivars, records for fertilisation and

    chemical/pesticide treatments, agricultural

    practices, picking date and batches,

    register for chemicals/fertilizers/pesticides,

    register for waste materials

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Belirleme(Adm1 & 2)

    Hammaddenin cinsine gre hammaddeninkodifikasyonu :

    1. Materyalin kayna (kendi retimleri ya da satn


    2. Teslimat tarihi

    3. Tedariki

    Bir i parti numaras belirlenir. Vine kovalarna i partinumarasn belirten etiketler konacaktr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Belirleme(4. admdan 10. adma) Her bir retim hatt bir kodla


    Ara rnler de belirtilecektir. Yan ve atk rnler de belirtilecektir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Belirleme (Adm 11) Her bir kavanoz/kutu vine reeli

    etiketlenecek ve etikette bir partinumaras bulunacaktr. Parti numaraskodifikasyon sistemi geri izleme iin

    gerekli olan btn bilgileri ierecektir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Kayt Adm 1: miktar, tedariki, teslimat bilgileri

    Adm 2: Hammadde girdi kaytlar

    Adm 3-10: operasyon tarih ve zamanlar, sz konusu

    partiler, girdi-kt dengesi, atk madde miktar, szkonusu hat, ilk paketleme iin teslimat belgeleri

    Adm 11: Stok kaytlar. Not: FIFO prensibininuygulanmas

    leri izlenebilirlik: Tarih, miktar, referanslar, partiler vemteriyle ilgili teslimat detaylar

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    zlenebilirlik yasal olarak zorunlu deildir.Bunun sayesinde rnlerin girdisini ve ktsntakip etmek kolaylar. rn.: tek bir

    hammadde partisi birok bitmi rndekullanlabilir.

    arkasndaki dnce geri ekilme

    operasyonlarnn daha iyi idame edilmesiylealakaldr. (zamandan ve maliyetten tasarruf)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Yasal zlenebilirlikle ilgili zel durumlar:Biftek, Kmes Hayvanlar, Balk, GDO,


    ABde bu gdalar daha fazla bilginintoplanmasn gerektirir.

    zlenebilirlik prensipleri ayndr ancak

    daha skdr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik: Hangi bilgiler saklanmaldr?

    Gda mevzuat hangi bilgilerin saklanacan belirtmemektedir. Minimum gereksinim olarak unlar saklanmaldr: - Hammaddeler: Tedarikinin ad ve iletiim detaylar,

    parti numaras + rn ad ve miktar - Bitmi rnler: mterinin ad ve iletiim detaylar,, parti

    numaras + rn ad ve miktar Satn alnma/teslimat tarih ve zamanlaryla ilgili referans

    Datm zincirinin mkellefiyetini anlamak nemlidir. (rn.:fabrika dnda satn alnan ya da teslim edilen rnler)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik bilgisi ne kadar sreylesaklanmaldr?

    Gda mevzuat belgelerin en az ne kadar sreyle saklanacanbelirtmemektedir.

    Tketiciye direkt olarak ulatrlan pastrize st gibi sreli rnler ve tazemeyve gibi abuk bozulan rnler : retim/teslimat sonras 6 ay

    Tketiciye direkt olarak ulatrlan son kullanm tarihi olan rnler (UHT stgibi) : rn mr + 6 ay

    Raf mrnn geerli olmad rnler(arap gibi): 5 yl rnn mteriye mi yoksa dier reticilere mi arz edildiinin bilinmesi

    nemlidir. Bu durumda rnn yine ileme tabi tutulacaunutulmamaldr. rnein 20 gnlk kullanm olan bir peynirdondurulmu pizzada kullanlabilir(1 yllk raf mr).

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    rnek 1zlenebilirlik

    Geri ekilme & ToplamaMadde.19, Gda Mevzuat: Eer bir gda iletmesi operatr retilen, ihrac

    yaplan, ilenene ve datlan bir rnn gda gvenlii kurallarnauymadn dnyorsa, sz konusu rn pazardan ekmek iin

    prosedr balatmak ve yetkili birimleri durum hakknda haberdar etmekdurumundadr.Eer rn tketiciye ulamsa, retici geri ekilmeninsebeplerini tketiciyle paylamal ve eer gerekliyse ve dier nlemler

    sal koruma balamnda yeterli deilse rn tketicilerdentoplatlacaktr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Vaka ncelemesi: Sudan 1 Krmz tozbiber kontaminasyonu

    Sudan I , textil ya da zcler gibi gda olmayan eylerde kullanlan turuncu-krmz yapay birboya grubu belirtmektedir.. EFSA Sudan I iin genotoksik ve kanserojen aktivite olduunubelirtmitir. Bu boya yasad bir ekilde krmz biber ve hurma yanda kullanlmtr.

    Cuma 9 Mays 2003

    Fransa, yaplan testlerde Hindistandan gelen ac krmz biber rnlerinde Sudan Ide yasadboyalarn kullanldn ATye bildirmitir.

    30 Temmuz aramba 2003AT gvenlik llerinin Birleik Krallkta hayata gemesi, Hindistan'dan ithal edilen krmzbiber rnlerini de kapsamaktadr. Btn sevkiyatlarda test edilmi ve Sudan Iden bamszolduklarna dair dair bir sertifika olmaldr..

    7 ubat Pazartesi 2005

    Premier Gda, talya'daki bir Worchester sosunun mteri numunesinin Sudan I bakmndanpozitif olduunu FSAya bildirmitir. (Crosse & Blackwell Worcester Sosu). Bu sos BirleikKralla 2003ten nce gelmi krmz biber kullanlarak retilmiti. Worchester sosununkullanlabilir hale gelmesi iin 1 yla ihtiya vardr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    9 ubat aramba 2005

    Premier Gda FSAy etkilenmi olabilecek be rn hakknda bilgilendirmitir.10 ubat Perembe 2005Test sonular FSA tarafndan alnd Crosse ve Blackwell Worcester Sosunun ve bir 2002 krmzbiber partisinin Sudan I bakmndan pozitif olduu belirlendi.11 ubat Cuma 2005Premier Gda FSAya sz konusu be rn iin bir mteri listesi hazrladn belirtti.14 ubat Pazartesi 2005Premier Gda FSAya Birleik Krallkta 160dan fazla mterinin adn verdi. Yzlerce rnpotansiyel olarak etkilemi durumdayd.15ubat Sal 2005FSA gda sanayisinin temsilcileriyle grt ve tehdit altndaki rnlerin firmalarncaaklanmasn, bu rnlerin sattan ekilmesini ve mterilerin gerekli ekilde bilgilendirilmesiniistedi.

    8 Mart Sal 2005Sudan I kontaminasyonu sonucu toplamda 580 rn piyasadan ekildi. Sz konusu maliyet 110 MEurodan fazlayd.A total of 580 products have been withdrawn from the food chain as a result ofSudan I contamination. The cost for the industry exceeds 110 M Euros.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    sisteminizi nasl tevikedersiniz! zlenebilirlik ylda en az bir kere tevik edilmelidir. Bu eitilmesi gereken

    personeldeki deiimi de gz nnde bulundurmaldr. Snama mmknolduunca gereki olmal hem mteri hem de tedarikilerle olan ibirliide gz nnde bulundurulmaldr.

    zlenebilirlik ve geri ekilme/toplama srelerini tevik etmek yararldr.Vaka A: Datm zinciri deponuzdan rastgele bir parti sein. retimihammaddelerin teslimatna kadar geriye doru takip edin.Vaka B: Rastgele bir hammadde sein ve btn sreler boyunca bu

    hammaddenin yolunu, sreleri, rnn bitiini ve mteri depolarnnisimlerine varana kadar takip edin.

    Kitle dengesinin dorulanmas sizin izlenebilirlik sisteminize deer katar.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    zlenebilirlik testini tamamladktan sonra,uyumsuzluk analizi belli konulara deinmelidir.

    Hedef, sorumluluk ve ilerin tamamlanmasgereken son tarihle ilgili dorulayc aktivitelerplanlanmaldr.

    zlenebilirlik testi ve ilgili aktivitelerin kaydkant olarak saklanmaldr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    1960lar Pillsbury irketi,ABD Ordusu ve NASA Hedefi : ABD uzay program iingvenli gda retimi. NASA astronotlarn uzayda tketecei gdalarn gvenliiningarantilenmesi iin sfr hata program dzenledi.

    Innovation is HACCP is reducing dependence on end product inspection andtesting through risk a pro active approach

    Pillsbury 1971de gdalarn korunmas iin , bir konferansta HACCP kavramn tantt. 1974te FDA HACCP yaklamn teneke kutudaki az asitli gdalarla ilgili

    dzenlemelerde kulland. 1980lerin banda HACCP yaklam byk gda irketleri tarafndan kabul edildi. Abd milli bilim akademisi 1985te HACCP yaklamnn gda gvenliinin salanmas

    iin gda ileme kurumlarnda kullanlmasn nerdi. u anki btn gda gvenlii standartlar , Gda Gvenlii Planlar iin HACCPyi

    esas olarak almaktadr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    HACCPgda gvenlii iin nemli olan tehlikeleri belirleyen,deerlendiren ve kontrol eden bir sistem.Tehlikesalk asndan olumsuz bir etki yaratacak potansiyelesahip biyolojik, kimyasal ve fiziksel ajan.Tehlike Analizi: Tehlike ve bu tehlikelere yol aan artlarla ilgili

    bilginin toplanmas ve deerlendirilmesi ve bunlardan hangisiningda gvenlii asndan tehlikeli olduunun belirlenip HACCPplanna dahil edilmesi gerektiinin belirlenmesiKritik Kontrol Noktas : Kontroln uygulanabilecei ve gda

    gvenliine ilikin bir tehlikenin engellenebilecei ya da kabuledilebilir bir seviyeye getirilebilecei bir nokta

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    HACCPN KOULLAR HACCP programnn memnun edici bir ekilde

    uygulanabilmesi iin uygun koullarn olmas gerekir.

    Bu koullar n koullar olarak bilinmektedir. Temizlik ve hijyen

    Bcek kontrol

    Ekipman ve binalar iin bakm programlar

    Kiisel hijyen gereksinimleri

    alanlarn eitimi

    Satn alma

    Nakliye dzenlemeleri

    apraz kontaminasyonu engelleme sreleri Alerjen kontrolleri

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Adm 1 (Codex Alimentarius)

    HACCP Gda Gvenlii Takm HACCP takm multidisiplinerdir.

    Bu Kalite/Teknik, Ynetim, retim ve dier nemli alanlardantemsilcilerin bulunmas demektir. Takm yelerinin HACCP

    bilgisi olmaldr. Bir takm lideri seilmelidir.

    HACCP takm HACCP plannn kapsamn belirleyecektir. Bukapsamda gda zincirinin hangi blmnn olduu ve szkonusu genel tehlikeler belirtilmelidir.

    Dardan ekspertiz almak mmkndr fakat firma gnlkolarak gda gvenlii ynetimini srdrmelidir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Adm 2 (Codex Alimentarius) rnn Tarif Edilmesi

    HACCP takm HACCP plan dahilindeki rn ve sreleri tarfedecektir. Bu, gvenlik zerinde herhangi bir etkisi olabilecekbtn rn/sre zelliklerini kapsar(rn.: su aktivitesi, pHscaklklar, paketleme, stoklama, datm koullar, hedef raf

    mr, kullanm talimatlar ve yanl kullanm deerlendirmesi)Tehlike deerlendirmesiyle ilgili bilgi kaynaklar dabelirtilecektir. Bunlar bilimsel literatr, rehberler, tarihselveriler, gda gvenlii mevzuat ve zel mteri gereksinimleriolabilir.

    Mevzuat ve gvenlikle ilgili konularda rnlerin gideceilkeler gz nnde bulundurulmaldr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Adm 3 (Codex Alimentarius)

    Kullanm Alannn Belirlenmesi

    rnn kullanlaca alan gz nndebulundurup bunu hedef mteri kitlelerine

    bildirmek gerekir. Bebekler, sal bozukolanlar, yallar, alerjik ve intolerans olanlardikkate alnmal ve gvenlik artlarndaki

    deiimler bildirilmelidir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Adm 4 (Codex Alimentarius)

    PFD Oluturma HACCP takm her bir rn/sre ya da rn kategorisi/sreci iin

    PFD belirleyecektir. PFDler Gda Gvenliiyle alakal btnmevzular hesaba katmaldr.

    Sre Parametreleri CCPler

    Hijyenle ilgili olarak fabrika/ekipman dzeni gz nndebulundurulacaktr(dk/yksek riskli alanlar)

    Herhangi olas bir muhteva (buhar,buz, su) ve ilk paketleme dahilhammaddeler Sequence and interaction of all process steps

    Dardan ya da alt birimlerden alnan iler Standart artlardan olas sapmalar: gecikme, yeniden yapma

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Adm 5 (Codex Alimentarius)Ak Diyagramn Dorulama

    HACCP takm fabrikann fiili koul veuygulamalarn gz nnde bulundurarakPFDlerin kesinliini dorulayacaktr. Bu,muhtemel gnlk/sezonluk deiimleri de


  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Tehlike Analizi Yapn

    CA Adm 6, Kural 1 Tehlikeler: Biyolojik, Kimyasal, Fiziksel HACCP takm PFDnin her admnda olabilecek btn tehlikeleri belirleyip

    kaydedecek ve ncl artlarca kontrol altna alnp alnmadn belirleyecektir(tesisler, tedariki kontrol, bcek kontrol, ekipman, eitim, spesifikasyonlar,temizlik ve hijyen, kimyasal kontrol.GMP&GMH)

    HA (hazard analysisi/tehlike analizi) bu tehlikeleri ve hangilerinin engellenmesi,azatlmas ya da kabul edilebilir seviyeler ekilmesi gerektiini belirtecektir. (Budurumda HACCP takm kontrol llerini belirleyecektir)

    HA unlar belirleyecektir:-Olas tehlike (tarihsel veriler, kamusal veri tabanlarEFSA, RASFF, FAO)- Mteri gvenliiyle ilgilietkilerin iddeti

    - Olaslk x iddet = Risk (Nitel ya da nicel); ssz konusu mikroorganizmalarn yaamas ya da oalmas; Toksin, kimyasal, ve fiziksel ajanlarn gdalarda remesi ve kalmas yukarda bahsedilenlere yol aan artlar (en sonuncusu 2 puan)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    CCPlerin belirlenmesiCA Adm 7, Kural 2

    CCP identifikasyonu mantkl bir yaklamn

    uygulanmasn gerektirir. rn.: risk belirlemeve karar aac. Belli bir admla ilgili tehlikeninkontrol mmkn olmadnda, rn/sre bir

    nceki ya da sonraki adma kaydrlr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    CCPnin Belirlenmesi iin RiskDeerlendirmesi



    Yksek ya da3

    Yksek(CCP)MXMMxHHxHYa da4ten yksek

    Orta ya da 2

    Dk ya da1


    Grmedengelinebilir yada 0



    gelinebilir yada 0

    Dk ya da


    Orta ya da 2 Yksek ya da


    iddet (S)

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    CCPnin belirlenmesi iin Karar Aac

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Her bir CCP N Kritik Limitlerin

    Belirlenmesi CA Adm 8, Kural 3 Her bir CCP iin uygun kritik limitler belirlenecektir Kritik limitler kontrol ve kontrol d durumlar

    tanmlayacaktr. CLnin belirlenmesinin altndaki mantk netleecek

    ve yasal gereksinimler ve talimatlar gz nndebulundurulacaktr.

    Kritik limitler llebilir olacak ve bu mmkn

    olmadnda resimler ya da rnekler kullanlacaktr. Kritik limitlerin geerli hale gelmesi

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Heer bir CCP iin bir takip sistemi olutuRMA caAdm 9, Kural 4

    Belirlenen kritik limitlerin almadn

    garantilemek iin her bir CCP takip edilmelidir. Takip skl, uygun zamanda tepki vermek ve

    CA bakmndan uygun olmaldr.

    Yaplan takip kayda alnmaldr.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Dzeltmeye Ynelik Hareket Plan CAAdm 10, Kural 5

    Takip sonular kritik limitlerin aldn ya da

    alacak gibi olduunu gsterdiinde szkonusu prosedrler hangi CAnnuygulanacan belirleyecektir.

    Potansiyel olarak gvenli olmayan gdalarbelirlenecek ve karantinaya alnacak/atlacak/yeniden ilenecektir.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Establish verification procedures

    CA Step 11, Principle 6 It is necessary to collect objective evidence that HACCP is


    Verification can be achieved through review of internal audits,

    customer complaints, haccp records, product analyses andtests

    HACCP documentation and records keepingCA Step 12, Principle 7

    Records will be kept to demonstrate HACCP planimplementation and to allow verification, validation

    and improvement/review activities

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    TraceabilityExercise I

    Object:Understanding EU traceability requirements

    Activity:Develop a list with all relevant traceability information applying to provided PFDAdd all necessary information to PFD


    Reg 178/2002 (Traceability)PFD for production of Mozzarella cheese in brine

    Results:List with all information necessary to satisfy traceability requirements

    Steps:Read PFD

    Part I: Identity information necessary for traceability in all stepsAssign this information to each stepList information required to satisfy traceability requirementsPart II: Discussion among working groups


    Mozzarella Cheese in brine

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Mozzarella Cheese in brine














  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Food SafetyExercise I


    Understanding management of food safety related issues

    Activity:Take into account the described issue among two companies (producer named Salami Forti and its customer named Go ABread.

    Group 1: You are Salami Forti. Describe how you will investigate on described issue. This will involve internal investigation and possibly further requests ofdetails to Go ABread. Results of this investigation and proposal of corrective actions should be introduced to Go ABread.

    Group 2: You are Go ABread. Describe how you will handle the issue and evaluate, based on a risk assessment, the best solution to guarantee productioncontinuity.

    Documents:Reg 178/2002 (Traceability)Description of the incurred issue among parts.Salami PFD

    Results:Describe outcome of your investigation with details for identified causes and related corrective actions.

    Activity organisation:Group

    Steps:Read Issue descriptionDiscuss within your working groupRefer to other group and agree a forward strategy

    ISSUE DESCRIPTION:Salami Forti is a produces of raw cured Salami. This company supplies de skinned salami under vacuum (ready to slice) to Go Abread. Go Abread slices

    Salami Fortis product and uses sliced salami as topping for frozen pizzas. Frozen pizzas are sold to al countrys major retailers. During production(slicing operations) in Go Abread some sticks in Salami batches n.214 and n.216 were found contaminated by foreign bodies (blue plastic).

    Salami Forti does not have immediate stock replacement as production of Salami is completed in 60 days.

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    Raw meats intake Other Ingredients(spices, preservatives)


    Raw meat storage Storage

    Raw meat thawing(possible)




    Mix storage

    Meat mix in bowel




    De skinning andvacuum packaging

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    HACCP, Exercise IIDescribe product and intended use

    Object:Understanding how to describe product and intended use in order to identify potential hazards associated.


    Choose a product or product group and describe characteristics affecting food safety. Specify intended use in relation to foodsafety.


    Exercise formats


    Product description

    Product intended use & target population

    Activity organisation:



    Take into account exercise formats

    Include in product description, as a minimum: name of the product, ingredients and composition, potential to support microbialgrowth (water activity [Aw], pH, etc.), brief details of the process and technology used in production, appropriate packaging

    Include in intended use: how product is meant to be processed/prepared, which are the target consumer groups with a details forvulnerable groups (infants, immune depressed, intolerants/allergy sufferers, elder people).

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Product (group) description

    Product name

    Composition (raw materials, ingredients,allergens, recipe)

    Physical/chemical safety product characteristics

    (Aw, pH..)

    Origin of the ingredients and associated

    contaminations (biological, chemical, physical)

    Treatment and processing (cooking, cooling..)

    Packaging systems (vacuum, canned, modified

    atmosphere..) and packaging materials

    Storage and distribution conditions (refrigerated,ambient..)

    Target shelf life under prescribed storage and

    usage conditions

    Instructions for use and potential known misuse

    (storage, preparation..)

    Intended use & consumers target groups

    Description for the intended use of the productby the customer

    Consumers target groups

    Vulnerable consumers

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    HACCP, Exercise IIIHazard analysis and CCPs determination

    Object:Understanding hazards analysis, CP & CCP and management

    Activity:Take into account some process steps. For these steps define hazards, CCPs (if applicable) and CCP management (critical limits

    and monitoring).


    Codex Alimentarius and CA Decision Tree

    Results:Complete risk analysis for steps 1,5, 7Define CCPs using decision treeDefine critical limits and monitoring measures

    Activity organisation:Groups

    Steps:Read documentsDevelop risk assessmentDefine CCPsDiscuss

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO


    1 Raw materials


    2 Washing

    4 Cutting

    5 Drying

    Disposal in Imhoff

    6 Freezing

    7 Packaging and


    F0, 2 min @ 80C

    3 Selection

    WaterGrey waters

    Sold as animal feed



    Steam from





    Ba s

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Semi Dry Tom IQF Hazards

    Hazards Origin Notes

    Physical Stones



    Dirt (from ground)

    Metal fragments

    Chemical PesticidesNitrites

    Contaminants from

    contact materials

    PAHs (from over



    Biological Insects

    Pathogenic bacteriaSpoilage bacteria



  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Example of Decision Tree Schedule (see page 53)

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    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO



    Step P C B Hazard Description CP CCP CCP: critical limits Monitoring

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    HACCP, Exercise IVEvaluate PFD and CCPs, establish critical limits and monitoring system


    Understanding PFD and CCPs identification


    Take into account PFD and associated CCPs. Evaluate if PFD and CCPs are appropriate. If necessary amend PFD/CCPs. Establishcritical limits and CCPs monitoring

    Documents:PFD & CCPs


    Evaluation of PFD and CCPs. Determination of critical limits and CCP monitoring methods/frequency/responsibility

    Activity organisation:



    Take into account PFD and CCPs

    Discuss, evaluate, identify and establish

    Process flow diagram: Dry grated cheese

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Process flow diagram: Dry grated cheese





    100g -1000gsachet

    Storage, finishedproducts



    Box FillingBox labelling(bulk cheese)


    80g -250gplastic jar

    Packaging250g- 500gMetal jar

    Metal detector


    Raw material Delivery Dry Grated Cheese

    Raw material Delivery Hard Cheese

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Further HACCP food quality system

    ISO 22000:2004

    International Food Standard (IFS) and BritishRetail Consortium (BRC)

    ISO 26000 principles and SA8000 certification

    for social responsability

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Guidelines of ISO 26000:2010 Responsability



    Respect for stakeholders

    Respect for law

    Respect of international principles for behaviour

    Respect for human rights

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    The Contracting Authority This Project is implemented under the partnership of Formaper and Sivas TSO

    Benefits for SA8000 certification

    optimize internal processes and ensure the integration of managementsystems and the commitment to social responsibility and sustainability

    improve your relationship with partners, the government, the media,suppliers, colleagues, customers and the communities in which it operates

    optimize risk management, dramatically reducing the potential forconflicts between the parties involved, the bad publicity and internalcrises

    increase staff trust and the ability to attract and retain workers, thanks toits "good reputation

    attract more investors, sponsors and the financial community generallymore interested in investing in organizations ethically sound

  • 7/30/2019 Act.9 EU Acquis on Food Safety Eng (1)


    ETCF II Project is co-funded by the European Unionand the Republic of Turkey

    List of printed material for trainees:

    Training slides and exercises

    Reg 178/02

    Reg 852/04

    Reg 853/04Codex Alimentarius CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003

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