Date : 2 June 2!   "A.M. session#
First $art % introduction on ACMV &asic 'no(led)e Ma*or +e)ulations "H,-A+# and ractices ACMV s/ste0 "HD# and eui$0ent Desi)n "HD# and considerations eror0ance34ased 4uildin) ener)/ code  5u4e cleanin) s/ste0 6 Heat reco7er/
-econd $art % $8oto s8arin) 8otos o actual ACMV installation ossi4le uture de7elo$0ent
9 A
Air3Conditionin) and Mec8anical Ventilation or so0eti0es (ritten as ACMV
Co00onl/ 'no(n as HVAC; (8ic8 is Heatin); Ventilatin) and Air3Conditionin) or HVAC+ (8ere + stand or +eri)eration
ro7ide a sae; 8ealt8/ and co0orta4le  indoor en7iron0ent or occu$ant  5e0$erature : 2>.>°C +elati7e 8u0idit/ : >>? Air 7elocit/ at occu$ied @one : .2>06s Air o( $attern Concentration o indoor air $ollutants <tc.
&asic 'no(led)e "1#
Bnits; $ro$erties o air and (ater; 8eat transer; uid d/na0ics; $s/c8o0etrics; Indoor Air 9ualit/ "IA9# standard; t8er0al co0ort; etc.
-/ste0s "central; standalone; air3cooled; (ater3 cooled; Constant Air Volu0e 3 CAV; Varia4le Air Volu0e 3 VAV; Varia4le +eri)erant Volu0e 3 V+V; direct return; re7erse return; etc.#
Coolin) load esti0ation; 8eat transer
<ner)/ eEcienc/; Instru0entation and direct di)ital control "DDC#
Installation; testin) and co00issionin); o$eration and 0aintenance
&uildin) "Ventilatin) -/ste0s# +e)ulations
&uildin) "<ner)/ <Ecienc/# +e)ulations
<lectricit/ Ordinances and its +e)ulations
Noise and Air ollution Control Ordinance
O@one La/er rotection Ordinance
=ater =or's +e)ulations
Various 5ec8nical Me0orandu0s and Code o ractices ro0 &D; <M-D; <D; F-D; etc.;
HD Desi)n Manuals; -$ecications and De$art0ental )uidelines
Ma*or desi)n 8and4oo's 6 )uidelines ro0 A-H+A<; &- -tandard; CI&-<; etc.
Ot8er rele7ant local and international desi)n )uides 6 8and4oo's; etc.
Manuacturers reco00endation and catalo)ues
-tandalone air conditionin) s/ste0
Central c8illed =ater s/ste0  5/$icall/ consists o air3cooled 6 (ater cooled $ac'a)ed c8illers; circulation $u0$; coolin) to(ers; an coil units; air3 8andlin) units; duct(or's; c8illed (ater and drain $i$es; t8er0al insulation; ans; )rilles; lou7ers and diusers; electric 0otors; auto0atic control and instru0entation s/ste0; acoustic treat0ent and (ater treat0ent s/ste0s; associated electrical installation; etc.
Mainl/ or lar)e co00ercial centre; oEce 4uildin); etc.
ilot -c8e0e or =ider Bse o  Fres8 =ater in <7a$orati7e Coolin)
-c8e0e launc8ed at June 2 and no( etended to Ma/ 2! More ener)/ eEcient t8an t8e con7entional air3cooled air3conditionin) sc8e0e 4/ 1? to >?
<sti0ated sa7in) o electricit/ (ill 4e 1;K 0illions '=8
Le)ionnaire disease "coolin)
to(er# Le)ionnaires disease is a lun) inection "$neu0onia# caused 4/ a 4acteriu0 na0ed Legionella pneumophila. 58e/ are natural in8a4itants o (ater and can 4e detected in ri7ers; la'es; and strea0s.
Coolin) to(ers 8a7e lon) 4een t8ou)8t to 4e a 0a*or source or Legionella; 4ut ne( data su))est t8at t8is is an OV<+<MHA-I<D 0ode o trans0ission.
Detail inor0ation can 4e o4tained ro0 8tt$:66(((.le)ionella.or) or <M-D (e43site.
HD ACMV desi)n )uidelines DCG3<3CC; D&-G
<ui$0ent selection nu04ers; si@e; o$eratin) 8rs.; a7aila4ilit/; etc.
-/ste0 selection consider t8e use o (ater3cooled s/ste0; ree3coolin) or
8eat reco7er/ s/ste0 "econo0i@er 6 8eat (8eel# to o$ti0i@e t8e use o ener)/
Location and si@in) o 0a*or eui$0ents C8iller; Circulation u0$; Coolin) 5o(er; L.V.
Desi)n and considerations "2#
Control strate)ies to ac8ie7e 0ai0u0 eEcienc/ and (ell utili@ation o ener)/ &uildin) 0ana)e0ent s/ste0 "&M-# Direct di)ital control "DDC# De0and control 7entilation "DCV#
&uilders (or' suc8 as (ater $oint; drain $oint; access $anel;
static and d/na0ic loadin) o eui$0ent; etc.
Acoustic treat0ent
Associated electrical $ro7isions Fire saet/ VAC control; F- $ro7isions and 4uildin)
Coolin) load esti0ation
Heat )ain t8rou)8 (indo(s; (alls and roo "solar 8eat and trans0ission 8eat#
&uildin) Orientation "<; -; =; N; -<; -=; N<; N=#
Heat )ain t8rou)8 $artitions and oor
Heat )ain ro0 internal a$$liances
Heat )ain ro0 occu$ant "0eta4olic rate under dierent acti7ities#
Inltration and ot8er $ossi4le 8eat load
Manual calculation or co0$uter $ro)ra0
ea' load 6 &loc' load
PROJECT : Hing Wah Estate Phase 1(A/C SystemDetail)  
Date : 04-Jul-05
LOCATION : Arh!e ( "ain Entrane ) at #e$el 1 Prepare By : %&'1
Room Ideti!i"atio ad Room Dime#io S$mmer De#i% Coditio
**m +D, *ne **m %y.e, Height (m) l**r Area (m *i! Area (m *lume (m Dry 'ul2 ( ) W et 'ul2 () ,H, (3)
a101. . ar$ 5,5 46,7 10,1 8 19 ,5 &, A, % em. , 1:,0 ;<A"E :03
Fre#& Airad O""$pa"y# E#timatio **m %em., 4,0 ;<A"E 553
&u.any ate (m.ers*n) = , % he 'i gg es t * ne > il l 2 e se le te ! % *t al re sh Ai r   De#i% Criteria
A!!iti*nalP ers*n = 0 # / P er s* n A ir C han ge i?e! res h A ir   (ms) Wall @r*u. Pea "*nth Pea %ime Di$ersity
% *t al < *, * B & u. an y s = 04 5,0 0,0 0,00 1,0 ' : 16=00 1,0
S$mmer Cooli% LoadCoditio
Solar 'eat Gai (Gla## ) Cod$"tio 'eat Gai (Gla##) Te"&i "al Data Setti%
@lass Area ? SC ? SH@ ? C# Heat @ain at*r ? ( C#%D Heat @ain Density  (ρ) 1,00
E?.*sure (m (W) (W/m) @lass*rr ) (W) C. air  1,00
 < hBg 500
SE #ea$e % ,
S ,00 0,95 0,04 0,50 0,1 0,0059 10,10 0,11 Sat, #e$el 3 753
SW 10,00 0,95 0,479 0,99 ,1 0,0059 10,10 0,56 Cal"$latedRe#$lt
W **m SH *NAME+
 <W h / gair  *NAME+
H*ri*n/Sylight  Su., Air l*> ,..
Solar/Cod$"tio 'eat Gai (Gla##) 01 : ,2 34  C*il Ca.aity *NAME+
Cod$"tio 'eat Gai (1all ) Mi#"el laeo$# 'eat Gai
Wall Area at*r ? (C#%D >all ? F #" ? F W all*rr , *r Heat @ain %y.e Partit i*n Ceiling l**r/@r*un!
E?.*sure (m (W/m) **B  *rr ? B ) (W) Area (m 71,0
 < (W/m)B  0,004
 <E %, DiBB, () 7,00
E Sen,Heat (W) = 56,
SE 0,90 0,00 1 ,00 -0,659 ,10 0,0 %y.e **B Sy#ight @lass
S 1,50 0,00 7,00 -1,775 ,10 0,0 Area (m
SW 9,:0 0,00 7,00 -0,659 ,10 0,19 (W/m) =
W 9,00 0,00 :,00 -0,500 ,10 0,1 C#%D
 <W ,50 0,00 6,00 -0,119 ,10 0,06 #"
**B  565,00 0,004 ,00 0,000 ,10 ,4 **B  *rr ,
Cod$"tio 'eat Gai (1all) 01 : 2,7 Sen,Heat (W) =
Iteral 'eat Gai Remar0  
Pe*.le #ights P*>er A..liane +nBilrat i*n
(Pers*n) (<*, *r W) (W) (<*, *r W) (ms)
Gua nt it y * r A re a 04 ,0 0 565,00
nit ate 0,065 0,00
C# 1,00 1,00  
S e # i8 le ' e at G ai ( 01 ) : 5 9 23 5 4 ,9  
nit ate 0,0:5
at*r  1,00
L at e t ' ea t G ai ( 01 ) : 5 4 2. 3 3 3
Fre#& Air 'eat Gai
Air $atity Se#i8le 'eat Gai Latet 'eat Gai Total  
euire! A!!it i*n at*r ASH at*r A#H A%H
(ms) (ms) (W/ms) (W) (W/ms) (W) (W)
1,0 0,00 -6,4 -4.6 ;<A"E *NAME+
P#y"&rometri"C&art (Dra;T&ro$%& Type)
De#"riptio Dry B$l8 1et B$l8 Et&alpy De; Poit
  1, &,A,%em.,C*n!iti*ns 1:,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E
  ,eturn AirC*n!iti*ns 4,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E  
, Air Entering C*n!iti*ns 1,5 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E  
4, Air #ea$ing C*n!iti*ns 0,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E
  5, AirC*n!iti*ns 0,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E
  9,esultant **mC*n!iti*ns 4,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E
  6,**mC*n!iti*ns 4,0 ;<A"E ;<A"E ;<A"E
S$mmary o! 'eat Gai
Area resh Air Air S*lar Heat ASH A%H SH %H @SH @%H Area/@%H
Coolin) load esti0ation or0s
s/c8o0etric C8art
A c8art 0ade u$ at a s$ecic at0os$8ere condition "$ressure# indicatin) t8e $ro$erties o air suc8 as dr/ 4ul4; (et 4ul4; 8u0idit/ ratio; ent8al$/; sensi4le 8eat ratio; de( $oint; 7a$our $ressure; s$ecic 7olu0e; etc.;
Bsed or t8e calculation on air3 conditionin) $rocess
1. Calculation by empirical formula (manual or computer)
2. Special tools or graphs (as shown above)
3. Computer programs
Air c8an)e rate "usuall/; $er 8our#
Lou7er and da0$er si@e location; air o( $attern "a7oid s8ort3circuitin)# directions "lo( le7el inta'e and 8i)8 le7el e8aust#
Varia4le air 7olu0e control 4/ "ti0er; 0ulti3 )as sensor; DDC; DCV; te0$erature; occu$anc/; concentration o indoor air $ollutants; etc.#
Fan selection "t/$e; $ressure; o(; etc.#
out the duty point
Deter0ination o Acce$ta4le Noise Le7el
Measure t8e noise under in7esti)ation
A$$l/ suita4le corrections and calculate t8e Corrected Noise Le7el
-ound le7el 0eter
Hot =ire Ane0o0eter
Ot8er 0a*or reuire0ents
-tatic and d/na0ic loadin) "C8iller; $u0$; etc.# and s$ace or deli7er/ and uture 0aintenance
lant roo0 location; si@e; clear 8eadroo0; nis8in) and ot8er ser7ices
Main $i$e and duct routin)
osition o Grille; Diuser Lou7er "res8 air inta'e or e8aust; su$$l/ or return; indoor or outdoor; 0aterial; 0ountin) le7el; si@e and construction; etc.#
=ater $oint; drain $oint; access $anel; re da0$er; etc.
o(er consu0$tion and li)8tin) le7el
A$$ro$riate F- $ro7isions "F.<.; AFA s/ste0#
Acoustic treat0ent "reer to <Ds reco00endations#
Main Contractor
Various su43contractors
B$ildi% Eer%y Code (PB-BEC)B$ildi% Eer%y Code (PB-BEC)
!or B$ildi%# i 'o% <o%!or B$ildi%# i 'o% <o%
Ba#ed oBa#ed o
Cater# !or t&e itera"tio o! =ario$# "ompoet#Cater# !or t&e itera"tio o! =ario$# "ompoet#  - Total 8$ildi% eer%y- Total 8$ildi% eer%y
1&at i# PB-BEC1&at i# PB-BEC
IHeat gain thr*ugh 2uil!ing en$el*.e IS*lar inBiltrati*n thr*ugh >in!*>/sylight IHeat l*a! Br*m &u.ant8 #ighting8 ser eui.ment8 Bresh air  IAC eui. t* *BBset heat l*a!
E"o$ra%e#E"o$ra%e# I 'i%& e!!i"ie"y e>$ip e% &i%& COP'i%& e!!i"ie"y e>$ip e% &i%& COP
"&iller? &i%& e!! Motor? T9 li%&ti%? &eat"&iller? &i%& e!! Motor? T9 li%&ti%? &eat
I Io=ati=e BS I#tallatio# e% e&a"edIo=ati=e BS I#tallatio# e% e&a"ed
"otrol? ree;a8le eer%y?"otrol? ree;a8le eer%y?
&i%& >$ality li%&ti% "om!ort?&i%& >$ality li%&ti% "om!ort?
idire"t li%&ti%idire"t li%&ti%
PB-BEC @ Ad=ata%e#PB-BEC @ Ad=ata%e#
PB-BEC - Ba"0%ro$dPB-BEC - Ba"0%ro$d
PB-BEC @ a ;orld;ide tredPB-BEC @ a ;orld;ide tred I $#e i S? Caada? <? S;iterlad? S;ede?I $#e i S? Caada? <? S;iterlad? S;ede?
Nor;ay? A$#tralia? Ne; ealad et"? 8ei% "o#ideredNor;ay? A$#tralia? Ne; ealad et"? 8ei% "o#idered
i Si%aporei Si%apore 
1TO ad APEC re>$iremet# o per!orma"e-8a#ed1TO ad APEC re>$iremet# o per!orma"e-8a#ed
#tadard to remo=e trade 8arrier#tadard to remo=e trade 8arrier
OTT Re=ie; i 5666 ideti!ied:OTT Re=ie; i 5666 ideti!ied: Li%&t poll$tio pro8lem o! re!le"ti=e %la## - lo; S&adi%Li%&t poll$tio pro8lem o! re!le"ti=e %la## - lo; S&adi%
Coe!!i"iet (SC) ad &i%& i#i8le Li%&t Re!le"ta"e (LR)Coe!!i"iet (SC) ad &i%& i#i8le Li%&t Re!le"ta"e (LR)
Need to "o#ider Dayli%&t "redit !rom %la## ;it& &i%& LTNeed to "o#ider Dayli%&t "redit !rom %la## ;it& &i%& LT
De#ira8ility to mo=e o to a more "ompre&e#i=e "otrolDe#ira8ility to mo=e o to a more "ompre&e#i=e "otrol
"o=eri% all 8$ildi% "ompoet# iterrelatio e%"o=eri% all 8$ildi% "ompoet# iterrelatio e%
PB-BEC - De=elopmetPB-BEC - De=elopmet
C$rret BEC# pa=i% t&e ;ayC$rret BEC# pa=i% t&e ;ay OTT - Ba#i" re>$iremetOTT - Ba#i" re>$iremet
C$rret EMSD BEC#F %ood e%ieeri% pra"ti"e#HC$rret EMSD BEC#F %ood e%ieeri% pra"ti"e#H
Ip$tIp$t Sim$latioSim$latio O$tp$t:O$tp$t: Total B$ildi% Eer%yTotal B$ildi% Eer%y??
Iterpretatio o! re#$lt#Iterpretatio o! re#$lt#
PBPB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio
Input of building characteristicsInput of building characteristics
OrientationOrientation No. of floorsNo. of floors Floor heightFloor height Areas: wall / floor / windowAreas: wall / floor / window External shadingExternal shading Theral properties: wall / roof / windowTheral properties: wall / roof / window
,riar) s)ste: chillers" condensers" pups,riar) s)ste: chillers" condensers" pups Secondar): F&# / -A- / A#Secondar): F&# / -A- / A# Fans: suppl)" return extractFans: suppl)" return extract Auxiliar) plant: boiler" heat pup" waste heatAuxiliar) plant: boiler" heat pup" waste heat
reco%er) etc.reco%er) etc. Efficienc) of e*uipent" including part loadEfficienc) of e*uipent" including part load &ontrol operating conditions&ontrol operating conditions (oad assignent(oad assignent 0a)light control of lighting0a)light control of lighting Fuel t)peFuel t)pe 1enewable energ)1enewable energ)
Input of s)ste characteristicsInput of s)ste characteristics
PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)
S)ste anal)sisS)ste anal)sis
,lant anal)sis,lant anal)sis
PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)
Output of siulationOutput of siulation Input suar)Input suar)
$$ walls constructions" wall / fa6ade diensions" fa6ade #$%alues shading coefficients walls constructions" wall / fa6ade diensions" fa6ade #$%alues shading coefficients
$ theral +ones" occupanc) etc.$ theral +ones" occupanc) etc.   S)ste suar)S)ste suar)
$$ s)stes configurations: t)pes of chillers" pups" condensers fans and si+es etc.s)stes configurations: t)pes of chillers" pups" condensers fans and si+es etc.
$ chilled water teperatures" suppl) return air teperatures etc.$ chilled water teperatures" suppl) return air teperatures etc.
Total building energ)Total building energ)
$$ brea7down into s)stes: chiller" pup" fan" lighting" S8" user9s e*uipent etc.brea7down into s)stes: chiller" pup" fan" lighting" S8" user9s e*uipent etc.
Annual s)ste load distributionAnnual s)ste load distribution
&oparison&oparison between 0esign uilding and 1eferencebetween 0esign uilding and 1eference
uilding" different design options" and fine$tuning of design touilding" different design options" and fine$tuning of design to
achie%e copliance and ost suitable optionachie%e copliance and ost suitable option
PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)PB-BEC @ Comp$ter Sim$latio (CotFd)
Heat reco7er/ s/ste0
+otar/ 8eat reco7er/ are installed across 8ot and cold air ducts.
As it rotates; t8e etended surace is 8eated 4/ t8e 8ot air strea0.

1 0inutes 4rea' P
Internet % c8ec'in) or accurac/ Q
roessional institutions
Manuacturer s$ecications and reco00endations "catalogues#
/ (
ossi4le uture de7elo$0ent
Indoor air ualit/ "IA9# standard suc8 as concentration le7el o indoor air $ollutants :3 as4estos; car4on 0onoide; or0alde8/de; lead; nitro)en dioide; o@one; $articulate; radon; sulur dioide; car4on dioide; 4acteria; etc.
<ecti7e use o <N<+GY suc8 as :3 8eat reco7er/ s/ste0; ree coolin) s/ste0; econo0i@er; 7aria4le 7olu0e control; &M-; DCV; 0otion sensor; ener)/ audit; etc.
<n7iron0entall/ riendl/ s/ste0
An/ uestion Q

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