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ACM Update

September 16, 2011

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• Accomplishments of FY 11

• Priorities for FY ‘12

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FY ‘11

• Outline

– ACM Today

– International initiatives

• China

• India

• Europe

• South America

– Turing Celebration

– Policy initiatives

– Products and services

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ACM Today

• Members (August 31, 2011)

– 108,415 worldwide

• Publications– 50+ periodicals in computing and

computer science

– Significant Digital Library and bibliographic database for computing

– DL is at ~3,000 institutions worldwide

• 36 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)– 150+ sponsored/co-sponsored

conferences, symposia, workshops - annually

• Chapters– 544 student chapters worldwide

– 160 professional chapters

– 704 chapters (total)

• Initiatives

– Image and health of the field

– Being international

– A new Communications of the ACM

• Operations– Volunteers

• Council (16 members)• Regional Councils (India, China, Europe)• USACM Council• ACM-W Council• Four operating boards (Publications, SIGs,

Education, Practitioner)• Hundreds of committees (including SIG

Executive Committee, Conference Committees, Program Committees)

– Headquarters• New York• Full-time staff: 72

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ACM Today

• Membership

August 31, 2011

Core Professional 68,650Core Student 28,075

CCF Professional Members 8,139CCF Student Members 3,147

SBC Professional Members 89SBC Student Members 315

TOTAL 108,415

Professionals 76,878Students 31,537

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Context - ACM Today



































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ACM in General

• Membership (Core)

August 31, 2011

Total 96,725 100%

US 54,841 57%Canada 3,896 4%Europe 17,161 18%India 4,592 5%China 1,533 2%Hong Kong 483 0%Other Intl. 14,219 15%

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ACM in General

• Membership (Core) - Professional

August 31, 2011

Total 68,650 100%

US 40,626 59%Canada 2,851 4%Europe 12,334 18%India 2,724 4%China 678 1%Hong Kong 359 1%Other Intl. 9,078 13%

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ACM in General

• Membership (Core) - Students

August 31, 2011

Total 28,075 100%

US 14,215 51%Canada 1,045 4%Europe 4,827 17%India 1,868 7%China 855 3%Hong Kong 124 0%Other Intl. 5,141 18%

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Membership Trends

Month Jun-08 Jun-09 Jun-10 Aug-11

US Professionals 41,882 42,369 41,331 40,626 -3.0%US Students 11,557 13,239 14,413 14,215 23.0%US Total 53,439 55,608 55,744 54,841 2.6%

Canada Professionals 2,833 2,936 2,890 2,851 0.6%Canada Students 665 769 1,283 1,045 57.1%Canada Total 3,498 3,705 4,173 3,896 11.4%

Europe Professionals 11,131 11,720 12,374 12,334 10.8%Europe Students 3,484 3,608 4,379 4,827 38.5%Europe Total 14,615 15,328 16,753 17,161 17.4%

India Professionals 1,457 1,675 2,425 2,724 87.0%India Students 1,226 1,183 1,443 1,868 52.4%India Total 2,683 2,858 3,868 4,592 71.2%

China Professionals 482 587 719 678 40.7%China Students 667 1,259 1,014 855 28.2%China Total 1,149 1,846 1,733 1,533 33.4%

Hong Kong Professionals 359 357 351 359 0.0%Hong Kong Students 62 99 201 124 100.0%Hong Kong Total 421 456 552 483 14.7%

Other International Professionals 8,391 8,952 8,627 9,078 8.2%Other International Students 4,686 5,451 5,660 5,141 9.7%Other International Total 13,077 14,403 14,287 14,219 8.7%

Total Professional 66,535 68,596 68,717 68,650 3.2%Total Students 22,347 25,608 28,393 28,075 25.6%

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International Initiatives

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International Initiatives

• China

– Agreement signed with CCF

• Provides one-year, complimentary, electronic ACM membership for all CCF members that are eligible/interested

– 6,200 professional members initially– 1,800 student members initially– Adding about 600 professionals and students each month

• CCF will raise dues to cover ACM membership beginning in 2012

• Joint publication

• ACM pages in Communications of the CCF

• ACM keynote at CCF annual conference (CNCC)

• Migrating some YOCSEF chapters into ACM chapters

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International Initiatives

• India

– Application for ACM to be a legal educational/scientific society in India approved

– ACM India business model developed

• Allocate $20 per ACM India member to ACM India

• Should generate about $70,000 annually to support core activities of ACM India

– ACM India Conference

• 600 attendees

• Three major ACM keynotes

• Significant press coverage

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International Initiatives

• India

– ACM India Council

• Moving forward on conferences

• Moving forward on chapters

• Engaging industry

– ACM India education workshop

• ACM India Council

• ACM Education Council/Board

• Goal: develop a program (possibly massive) for improving undergraduate computing education in India

• To be discussed later today

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International Initiatives

• Europe

– Presence at ICT 2010 in Brussels

– Chapters

• Increasing … slowly

– Conferences

• Many ACM conferences in Europe

• Considering reaching out to a select set of existing European conferences

• Considering a ACM Europe Federated Research Conference

– Membership

• Increasing … slowly

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International Initiatives

• South America

– Initial cooperative agreement with SBC (Brazil)

• Trial membership for SBC members

• Aiming to expand to chapter and conference activities

– Starting conversations with Peru

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Turing Centenary

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Turing Centenary

• Turing Centenary

– 2012

– Events being planned throughout the world and throughout the year

– Saturday, June 23, 2012 is the 100th Birthday of Alan Turing

• Events

– Several events being planned in Europe; a few in the US

– A calendar of events is being maintained by the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee


– One-day, curated conference immediately preceding the 2012 Awards Banquet

– Build on the Turing Award as the defining element of ACM’s relationship with Turing

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Turing Centenary

• Current status

– Several research SIGs expressed serious interest in organizing and supporting the ACM Event

• SIGACT (Steve Homer)

• SIGARCH (Doug Burger and John Hennessy)

• SIGCHI (John Thomas) – Program Co-Chair

• SIGCOMM (Vint Cerf) – General Chair of the ACM Turing Centenary Celebration

• SIGDA (Srinivas Katkoori)

• SIGGRAPH (Mary Whitton)

• SIGIR (Keith van Rijsbergen )

• SIGMOD (Yannis Ioannidis)

• SIGOPS (Mike Schroeder) – Program Co-Chair

• SIGPLAN (Andrew Black)

• SIGSOFT (Will Tracz, Mark Grechanik, Carlo Ghezzi)

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Turing Centenary

• A 1 to 1.5 day curated conference immediately preceding the 2012 Awards Banquet

• The program will be built around Turing Award winners

• Would like a distinguished MC/host who understands the community, the Turing Award, and the uniqueness of the event will be sought

• The full day event on Friday would be followed by a major reception

• Proposed schedule:– Wednesday, June 13 - afternoon: ACM EC Meeting

– Thursday, June 14 – all day: ACM Council meeting

– Friday, June 15 – all day: Turing Centenary Celebration (day 1)

– Friday, June 15 - evening: Turing Centenary Reception

– Saturday, June 16 - morning: Turing Centenary Celebration (day 2)

– Saturday, June 16 - evening: ACM Awards Banquet

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Turing Centenary

• Venue: The Palace Hotel, San Francisco

• Financial Model

– Cover the cost of the Turing Celebration from within ACM• ACM General: 50%

• ACM SIGs: 50%

– No registration fee, but registration required

– Seek corporate sponsorship of ~100 student scholarships

• Invitations sent to 38 of 40 living Turing Award winners

– 33 definitely/highly-likely

– 2 no/conflict

– 3 still pursing

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Turing Centenary

1. Marvin Minsky 1969

2. John McCarthy 1971

3. Charles W. Bachman 1973

4. Donald E. Knuth 1974

5. Dana S. Scott 1976

6. Ken Thompson 1983

7. Niklaus Wirth 1984

8. Richard Karp 1985

9. John Hopcroft 1986

10. Robert Tarjan 1986

11. Ivan Sutherland 1988

12. William (Velvel) Kahan 1989

13. Fernando J. Corbato 1990

14. Butler Lampson 1992

15. Juris Hartmanis 1993

16. Richard E. Stearns 1993

17. Edward A. Feigenbaum 1994

18. Raj Reddy 1994

19. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. 1999

20. Andrew C. Yao 2000

21. Adi Shamir 2002

22. Leonard Adleman 2002

23. Ronald Rivest 2002

24. Alan C. Kay 2003

25. Robert E. Kahn 2004

26. Vinton G. Cerf 2004

27. Frances E. Allen 2006

28. E. Allen Emerson 2007

29. Edmund Clarke 2007

30. Joseph Sifakis 2007

31. Barbara Liskov 2008

32. Chuck Thacker 2009

33. Leslie G. Valiant 2010

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Turing Centenary

• No/Conflict

Sir Tony Hoare 1980

Stephan Cook 1982

• Pending

Michael O. Rabin 1976

Dennis M. Ritchie 1983

Manuel Blum 1995

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Policy Initiatives

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Policy Initiatives

• USACM Council

– Five subcommittees are starting to jell

– Filing many comments

– USACM testified before Congress twice in FY ‘11

• Education Policy

– (Cameron Wilson)

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New Products and Services

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New Products and Services

• Major Digital Library Enhancement released

– New citation page

– New model for conferences and event

– Enhanced usability and search

– Institutional pages

• Learning Center

– Books (increasing the number of Safari offerings)

– Courses (increasing the number of Sun and Microsoft courses)

– TechPacks

– Learning Paths

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New Products and Services

• TechPacks

– Annotated bibliography bringing together three valuable ACM assets:

• The ACM Digital Library (ACM DL)

• The ACM Learning Center

• Trusted experts who select content and add insights on cited material

– Topics

Released ComingCloud computing MobilityParallel computing Software as a service


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New Products and Services

• Learning Paths

– New initiative of the PD Committee

– Developed by top practicing computing authorities

– Targeted at busy computing

– Practical, educational training tools focused on mastering essential programming languages and technologies.

– Contain a variety of resources

– First Learning Path – Ruby• Developed by David A. Black, Co-

Founder of Ruby Central

– Second Learning Path – Python

– Initial reaction: very positive

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FY ‘12

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FY ‘12

• Priorities

– Continued focus on membership growth and solid financial performance

– International initiatives• China: integrate CCF members as paid ACM members

• India: launch the Education Initiative

• Europe: Complete planning for ACM ECRC

– European Computing Research Congress)

– Modeled after ACM FCRC

– To be held with CHI ‘13 in Paris in April 2013

• Develop a more complete strategy for engaging with South American societies

– Deliver a successful Turing Celebration

– Continue to push the Education Policy agenda• Surfacing the “C” (computing) in STEM

• Seeing real computer science count at the high school level

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