
ACIAR Project CP/2006/114 on the Management

of Cocoa Pod Borer in Papua New Guinea – Follow-up on Project Activities

Date: 28 August – 4 September 2008

Venue: CCI Tavilo and Environs

Second Trip Report


Dr. Ho Cheng Tuck Dr. Lim Guan Soon

CAB International Southeast & East Asia P. O. Box 210

Post Office UPM 43400 Serdang, Selangor


Table of Contents

Page Title of Report i Table of Contents ii List of Abbreviations iii 1. Summary 1 2. Introduction 3 3. Itinerary 5 4. Personnel Met 5 5. Meeting at ACIAR Office, Port Moresby 6 6. Follow-up on Activities of the Project 6 7. Still and Video Footage for CPB Publicity Materials and DVD 8 8. Preparations for the TOMF Course in November 9 9. Administrative Matters 13 10. Summary of Action Points 13 11. Conclusion 13 12. Acknowledgements 14


List of Abbreviations

ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research AESA Agro-Ecosystem Analysis BBT Ballot Box Test CABI CAB International CCI Cocoa Coconut Institute CPB Cocoa Pod Borer ENBP East New Britain Province EZ Eradication Zone FFS Farmer Field School FPTR Farmer Participatory Training and Research IDPM Integrated Disease and Pest Management IPM Integrated Pest Management MF Master Facilitator PAT Pesticide Application Technology PNG Papua New Guinea SEA Southeast Asia TOMF Training-of-Master Facilitators TOT/F Training-of-Trainers/Facilitators TPS Target Pod Spraying



1. This is the second trip report of the ACIAR Project CP/2006/114 on the

Management of Cocoa Pod Borer in Papua New Guinea by the CABI team of Drs. Ho Cheng Tuck and Lim Guan Soon over 28 August to 4 September 2008.

2. The purpose of the trip was to follow-up on activities of the project as agreed

during the inception workshop with special emphasis on field experiments and activities, to collect more video and still materials for CPB publicity materials and DVD, to make preparations for the TOMF course in November and to resolve administrative matters.




3. There was good progress in the implementation of the activities on obtaining baseline information towards the development of a statistically valid and practical CPB sampling method and the refining of the role o pheromone trapping as a tool for the monitoring of CPB save for some minor adjustments in methodology and recording. Plot demarcation for the screening of insecticides for target pod spraying was completed but final selection of insecticide treatments need to be made pending availability o some formulations. There is urgency for the setting up of demonstration plots fo them to be in time for use in the proposed TOMF course.

4. Additional still and video footage on the various CPB management procedures of pruning, complete and frequent harvesting, bagging and burying of pod husks, target pod spraying, fogging, mistblowing and pheromone trapping wasmade for the CPB publicity materials and DVD.

5. The TOMF course was targeted to be held over 13-21 November 2008 and a detailed programme was developed together with the CCI. Selection of participants who can be committed to carry out subsequent training of facilitators and organize farmer field schools is of paramount importance.

6. A problem with over expenditure for the project inception workshop was resolved by the CCI absorbing the additional cost as the institute’s further contribution to the project. Members agreed to be mindful of staying within the budget in all future aspects of the project.

7. Summary of action points arising f om the trip are:

i. Two adjustments will have to be made in the pheromone trapping treatments: (1) Need for treatments with traps placed “within canopy” to be lowered to a point at the mean height between the highest and lowest point of the cocoa canopy; the present position of this treatment being too high;


(2) The aperture for the lobster trap should be smaller and reduced to 4 cm x 4 cm in the center of the side panels.

ii. Need to finalize and initiate treatments of the TPS trial as soon as possible.

Alternatives for Treatments 2 and 3 are cypermethrin → deltamethrin → alphamethrin in descending order of preference.

iii. CABI to send 10 more LSA4 adjustable cone nozzles for the TPS trial. iv. The demonstration plots need to be established urgently. v. Location maps of all trial plots to be prepared. vi. Use prescribed Excel templates for final submission of data. vii. Endeavour to hold the TOMF course on 13-21 November 2008. CCI to

nominate participants who can be hands-on master trainers. Dr. Lim to finalize course materials and logistical requirements.

viii. Project partners to be constantly mindful of the project budget.


2. Introduction The cocoa pod borer (CPB), Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen), is the most serious pest of cocoa through the boring activity of its larvae into the cocoa pod that damages the placenta which in turn retards bean development. Under severe infestations, the beans and mucilage become hardened and could be cemented to the pod husk, bringing about severe loss of crop. The CPB was first detected in the Kerevat area of East New Britain Province (ENBP) in March 2006 and confirmed in Aitape of West Sepik Province (WSP) in June. The Government of PNG, under the National Executive Council decision No. 65 of 2006, directed that the pest be eradicated. Eradication was implemented over a 3,000 ha zone at the ENBP infestation with 1 million cocoa trees being treated. K5,568,406 was expended between Mar 2006-Jan 2007 for eradication but to date, the pest has re-emerged in ENBP. In Jan-Dec 2007, CPB has re-infested the original 3,000 ha eradication zone, and has extended over 1,110 ha towards Rarongo, 150 ha of Tokiala and 1,952 ha towards Vudal Tais/Yapilik. CPB has also over 2007 till to date been found in new sites of ENBP; at Ramandu Plantation (30/11/07), Mandrass (24/1/08), Kalas (2/2/08), Vunapalading (4/2/08), Small Vudal (11/2/08), Totovel, Nagalut, Bulupa (25/2/08) and Gunai, Londip (8/08). The infestations at WSP were never successfully eradicated and new infestations have been confirmed at the Bogia district of Madang Province. The present project, which is entitled “Managing CPB in PNG Through Improved Risk Incursion Management Capabilities, IPM Strategies and Stakeholder Participatory Training” was proposed against the background of the early infestations in 2006 and was developed to final approval for execution in January 2008. Objectives and Activities of the project are: Objective 1: To strengthen CPB surveillance/monitoring efforts in PNG Activity 1: Inception planning workshop Activity 2: Development and testing of a systematic and standardized surveillance

scheme Activity 3: Baseline information and development of a statistically valid yet practical

sampling method for CPB infestation in PNG Activity 4: Refining the role of pheromone trapping as a tool for CPB monitoring Objective 2: To enhance CPB management through development of pragmatic

resource-matched and location-specific IPM programmes Activity 1: Inception planning workshop


Activity 2: Screening of insecticides and pesticide application technology Activity 3: Demonstration plots Objective 3: To develop a Farmer Participatory Training Research (FPTR)

programme towards enabling farmers to effectively implement IPM of CPB and diseases of cocoa through increased knowledge and awareness

Activity 1: Inception planning workshop Activity 2: To assist in organizing and to conduct a Training-of-Master Facilitators

(TOMF) course to train a core group of Master Facilitators (MF) in CCI, Tavilo

Activity 3: To assist Master Facilitators to organize and conduct Training-of-

Facilitators (TOF) courses to train a cadre of local Facilitators who can conduct Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to train farmers

Activity 4: To assist Facilitators to organize and conduct FFS to train smallholder

cocoa growers in the management of CPB Activity 5: To produce CPB publicity materials, including improving existing ones Activity 6: To produce a multimedia CD/ DVD on CPB Management in PNG The Inception Planning Workshop of the project was held at the Cocoa and Coconut Institute (CCI) at Tavilo over 23-24 April 2008. Proceedings of the workshop and activities associated with it have been reported in the first trip report. Drs. Ho Cheng Tuck and Lim Guan Soon made a second trip for the project over 28 August to 4 September 2008 with the following aims:

i. To follow-up on activities of the project as agreed during the inception workshop, with special emphasis on field experiments and activities.

ii. To collect more video and still materials for CPB publicity materials and DVD. iii. To make preparations for the TOMF course in November. iv. To resolve admin matters (accounts, acquittals, etc.).


3. Itinerary Following was itinerary of Drs. Ho and Lim: Date Day Venue/Activity 28 Aug 08 Thursday Depart KL for PNG. 29 Aug 08 Friday Arrival a.m. at Port Moresby.

Meeting with Dr. Jacqui Wright and Ms. Cathy Pianga, ACIAR Country Manager and Assistant Country Manager respectively. Arrival p.m. at Rabaul.

30 Aug 08 Saturday Visit trial sites of Activities 3 and 4 of Objective 1 with Mr. Paul Gende. Discussion on improvements and making still and video footage of the activities.

31 Apr 08 Sunday Drafting of proposed TOMF course programme. 1 Sep 08 Monday Meeting with Dr. Samson Laup, Messrs. Paul

Gende and Alfred Nongkas on the TOMF course programme. Discussion on project budget and acquittals with Samson and Paul. Inspection of field plots for Activities 2 and 3 of Objective 2. Making still and video footage of cocoa pruning and target pod spraying.

2 Sep 08 Tuesday Visit to Tokiala Plantation to make still and video footage of complete and frequent harvesting, bagging and burying of pod husks, target pod spraying, fogging, and mistblowing. Clinic on target pod spraying.

3 Sep 08 Wednesday Travel to Port Moresby. 4 Sep 08 Thursday Return to Malaysia. 4. Personnel Met The following personnel were met/interacted with in the course of this trip:

Name Designation Organization

1. Dr. Jacqui Wright ACIAR Country Manager ACIAR 2. Ms. Cathy Pianga ACIAR Assistant Country

Manager ACIAR

3. Dr. Samson Laup Principal Entomologist CCI 4. Mr. Paul Gende Entomologist CCI 5. Mr. Alfred Nongkas Head, Industry Services Div. CCI


6. Mr. Sebastine Embupa ARO CCI 7. Mr. Rodney Minana ARO CCI 8. Ms. Matiran Michael ARO CCI 9. Ms. Dorcas Lotu Secretary CCI

10. Mr. Otto Koimba Plantation Manager Newmark Plantations

5. Meeting at ACIAR Office, Port Moresby The writers called on the ACIAR Office at Port Moresby on arrival on the morning of 29 August. Discussions were made with Dr. Jacqui Wright and Ms. Cathy Pianga on progress of the project, developments on personnel involved both at ACIAR and CCI, and details on reporting. These were very helpful in equipping the authors to better execute the project. 6. Follow-up on Activities of the Project Although methodology of the various activities of the project was deliberated in detail during the Inception Workshop, need for further clarifications, if not addressing of issues, invariably arose when implementing them in the field. One of the major aims of the present trip was to provide these clarifications in recognition of the importance of getting trial layouts and methodology right in the specific situations of the final trial sites at this early stage of the project. Salient observations and recommendations for the various field trials are as follows. The first Trip Report should be referred to for details on methodology. In Activity 3 of Objective 1 on “Baseline information and development of a statistically valid yet practical sampling method for CPB infestation in PNG”, the 6 ha sampling plots have been replicated at Raulawat, Tavilo and Kervera plantations respectively. Four rounds of all-points census of CPB infestation pattern on each tree of the plots have been completed. Raw data have been entered into Excel spreadsheets and it now remains for these to be transposed to the templates developed during the inception workshop for ease of analysis of the data. The pheromone trap treatments of Activity 4 of Objective 1 on “Refining the role of pheromone trapping as a tool for CPB monitoring” have been implemented, each trap design (delta, sandwich and lobster) and position (above and within canopy) being placed in the center of a 1 ha plot replicated at Raulawat, Tavilo and Kervera plantations (Figure 1). The treatments are generally well-implemented, only points for correction being: (1) Need for treatments with traps placed “within canopy” to be lowered to a point to the mean height in between the highest and lowest point of the cocoa canopy; the present position of this treatment being too high; (2) The aperture for the lobster trap should be smaller at 4 cm x 4 cm in the center of the side panels.


Figure 1: Trap designs evaluated. (1) Delta trap. (2) Sandwich. (3) Lobster. This design will have to be improved with a smaller 4 cm x 4 cm aperture in the center of the side panels. Plot demarcation for Activity 2 of Objective 2 on “Screening of insecticides and pesticide application technology” has been carried out, a replicate being located at Raulawat, Tavilo and Tokiala plantations respectively. Treatments are nevertheless yet to commence owing to the uncertainty of availability/prohibition of use of some candidate insecticides, e.g., cypermethrin and propoxur. Mr. Gende will have to immediately check with AgMark on the availability of cypermethrin and possible alternatives in deltamethrin and alphamethrin and confirm with CABI on the final choice of treatments and their rates. The LSA4 adjustable cone nozzles sent from Malaysia are confirmed to be the most suitable for target pod spraying (TPS) of insecticides in the PNG environment. As they continue to be unavailable in the country, CABI will send another 10 nozzles for use in the trial. Dr. Ho has also discussed and demonstrated the use of the nozzle and TPS at Tokiala Plantation and the management has agreed to investigate the possibility of AgMark importing the nozzles for use by the cocoa industry in the country. The setting up of demonstration plots as per Activity 3 of Objective 2 is yet to be done. This is emphasized to be a priority as the forthcoming TOMF course will need the plots for teaching. CCI has identified the plots to be set up at Block 10 of Tavilo plantation. It was agreed that location maps of all trial plots be prepared for ease of reference in the course of the project. Of equal importance would be for CCI to ensure that final submission of all data for the project be entered in the prescribed Excel templates of the inception workshop to facilitate further summarization and analysis.


7. Still and Video Footage for CPB Publicity Materials and DVD In the course of the field work, additional still and video footage was made of the following processes for the CPB publicity materials and DVD :

i. Pruning. ii. Complete and frequent harvesting. iii. Sanitation for CPB management, e.g., bagging and burying of pod husks. iv. Target pod spraying – the proper procedure for doing this. v. Fogging and mistblowing – to show what not to do. vi. Pheromone trapping – use of sandwich, lobster and delta traps.

Some of these are depicted in Figure 2.

igure 2: Some CPB management procedures that were recorded. – burying of

F(1) Pruning. (2) Complete and frequent harvesting. (3) Sanitationhusks. (4) Bagging of husks. (5) Target pod spraying. (6) Pheromone trapping.


8. Preparations for the TOMF Course in November

iscussions conducted with Drs. Laup, Ho, Lim and Messrs. Gende and Nongkas


Training of Master Fac

Cocoa Coconut Institute (CCI), Tavilo r, 2008

ay 1: 13 November, 2008 (Thursday) tivities Group/person(s)-

Dhave agreed on the programme below:

ilitators (TOMF) Course

on Cocoa Pod Borer (CPB)

, Papua New Guinea, 13-21 Novembe

DTime Ac

in-charge 07:45-08:30 Registration • CCI 08:30-09:00 • Prayer

• Welcome

Opening remarks


• •

• CCI to a• CCI National

coordinator CEO (CCI)

09:00:09:30 Coffee/Tea Break 09:30-12:00 • TOMF course – brief on ba

sub-groups) nd

• curriculum

Lim GS ckground • Survey of participants’ background • Introduction and group formation (3 • Roles and responsibilities - Farmers, Facilitators a

Master Facilitators TOMF course – the

12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:30


Participatory training and discovery

n PNG rning: Global

• ics: Turning fish around (moving only 3



• Lim GS

13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 1

learning• IDPM efforts in PNG • Experiences on FFS i• FFS and discovery-based lea

experiences Group dynamsticks)

•• Batil • Lim G

15:00-15:30 Coffee/Tea Break 15:30-15:45 • Recall activities of the day • Group of day 15:45-16:30 Discussion/planning activities of next day • Lim GS 16:30 End of day Day 2: 14 November, 2008 (Friday)

Activities Group/person(s)-Time in-charge

08:00-08:20 • Prayer tivities of previous day

• CCI to arrange • Recall ac • Group of day


Occurrence of CPB and its management in SEA 8:50-09:20 0

• Occurrence/status of CPB in PNG •

• Samson Laup/ Paul Gende • Ho CT

09:20-09:50 Coffee/Tea Break 09:50-10:20 10:20-10:50

• CPB: Biology, ecology andares

• Ho CT nature of damage Group dynamics: Convert 3 squares into 5 squ • Lim GS


10:50-11:20 • M ds of CPB

ctivities • Ho CT


(moving 3 sticks) anagement metho

• Explanation on afternoon field a

• Lim GS 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-15:00

(Field) • Exercise 1: Identifying and collec ipe, ripe,

• xercise

• Look for/collect CPB adults (underneath

• Ho CT, Lim GS ting unrhealthy and CPB infested pods in the field

Exercise 2: Why do canopy/height control? Eon harvesting efficiency in pruned and un-pruned trees. The importance of complete and frequent harvesting Exercise 3:branches), larvae (in pods) and pupae (on fallen leaves)

15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea Break in Field 15:15-16:00

(Field) • Exercise 4: Importance

• All groups of husk and placentae

sanitation (comparing burying and bagging withhusks and placentae left in situ)

15:30-16:00 • sect zoos (to set up) e and adults from field –

• All groups (classroom)

In• Breeding out CPB pupa

collected pupae and larvae respectively 16:00-16:15 Re • Group of day call activities of the day 16:15-17:00 Discuss forward activities for Sat, Sun & Monday • Lim GS 17:00 End of day Day 3: 15 November, 2008 (Saturday)

art 1

. Continue with field work of previous afternoon if unfinished


Prepare in flip chart first day’s activities for presentation of the following:

. Insect zoo (observe, draw and describe) s, CPB adult and resting position, egg, pupa, larva and

2. hy do canopy/height control? and without canopy and height control), including leaves,

rating reachable and unreachable

Da 4: 16 November, 2008 (Sunday) – Free

ay 5: 17 November, 2008 (Monday)

tivities of previous day • CCI to arrange

P 1 P


Unripe, ripe, healthy and CPB infested podinternal pod damage WDraw trees in relative scale (withbranches, pods (unripe, ripe, infested) before and after the harvesting exercise Indicate reachable and unreachable height for each tree Indicate total number of pods (unripe, ripe, infested), sepaSummarise findings, conclusions and decisions for actions


D08:00-08:20 • Prayer • Recall ac • Group of day 08:20-09:45 lt emergence) • Check insect zoos (pupa and adu • All groups


• Presentation of homework of Day 3

09:45-10.00 Coffee/Tea Break 10:00-12:00 • Pheromones and CPB mon t

• xercise 5: Making pheromone traps

• Ho CT, Paul

• s

itoring/managemen E

Gende All group

12:00-13:00 h Lunc13:00-15:00 (Field: 2 hr)

• Exercise 6: Set up pheromone tra • All groups,

ps • Practice: Canopy and height control Paul Gende

15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea Break 15:15-16:15 • Group dynamics: Guess th • Lim GS e actions 16:15-16:30 Recall activities of the day • Group of day 16:30-17:00 Discussion/planning activities of next day • Lim GS 17:00 End of day Day 6: 18 November, 2008 (Tuesday)

tivities of previous day • CCI to arrange 08:00-08:20 • Prayer

• Recall ac • Group of day 08:20-11:00

(Field) • Exercise 7: Target pod spraying vs conventional

whole tree spraying

• Lim GS, HoCT, CCI

09:45-10:00 Coffee/Tea Break in Field 10:00-11:00

(Field) • Continue Exer vs • im GS, Ho CT, cise 7: Target pod spraying

conventional whole tree spraying LCCI

11:00-12:00 • f Exercise 7

• oups (Classroom)

Check insect zoos • Summarise results o

All gr

12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 • Presentation of Exercise 7 (flip ch • All groups art) 14:00-15:00 • Facilitation, group dynamics (games, ice breakers,

• perk-ups, songs, etc) Giving lift at bus stop

• Lim GS

15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea Break 15:15-16:00 • Ballot Box Test (BBT) – pu • Lim GS rpose & design

• Discuss/plan BBT examples (2 per group) • All groups 16:00-16:15 Recall activities of the day • Group of day16:15-17:00 Discussion/planning activities of next day • Lim GS 17:00 End of day Day 7: 19 November, 2008 (Wednesday)

tivities of previous day • CCI to arrange 08:00-08:20 • Prayer

• Recall ac • Group of day 08:20-10:15 nd husk sanitation

• aterials for BBT construction (Field)

• Check/collect pheromone traps aexercise Collect m

• All groups

10:15-10:30 Break Coffee/Tea 10:30-12:00

• Check insect zoos (pupa a

• ough all dots, without lifting

• All groups

Lim GS

nd adult emergence)• Present/discuss findings of husk sanitation and

pheromone trap catches 9-dots (4 straight lines thrpen)

12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 • Exercise 8: Construct BBT and presentation • All groups


14:00: 15:00 • Agro-Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) • TOF, FFS (typical) & farmer field day

CT • Lim GS, Ho

15:00-15:15 Break Coffee/Tea15:15-16:15 • Record keeping, reports & • Lim GS follow-up activities 16:15-16:30 Recall activities of the day • Group of day 16:30-17:00 Discussion/planning activities of next day • Lim GS 17:00 End of day Day 8: 20 November, 2008 (Thursday)

tivities of previous day • CCI to arrange 08:00-08:20 • Prayer

• Recall ac • Group of day 08:20-12:00 (Field: 3 hr 40 min)

• FFS (role play & practice)

• Lim GS

12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-15:00

• Check insect zoos and present fifield day

• All groups

ndings • Planning/organising TOF, FFS & farmer

- the steps 15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea Break 15:15-16:00 • Planning/organising TOF, FFS & farmer field day • All groups

- the steps (to continue) 16:00-16:45 or developing TOF, FFS &

• aluation

• Participants • Presentations: Steps ffarmer field day Course impact ev

16:45-17:00 • Group of day Recall activities of the day 17:00-17:15 Discussion/planning activities of next day • Lim GS 17:15 End of day Day 9: 21 November, 2008 (Friday)

drawing ns learnt & suggestions

• CCI to arrange 08:00-10:00 • Prayer • Blindfold

• Feedback: on lesso• All participants • All participants

10:00-10:15 k Coffee/Tea Brea10:15-12:15 • Feedback on course evalua • Lim GS


• Awarding of TOMF certificates • Closing remarks



ate of the course was informed to coincide with a planned CCI Internal Review

embers agreed that the TOMF course should carry on as scheduled. CCI will make

DMeeting (IRM) but owing to the unavailability of the CABI facilitators at any other time for the rest of the year, members agreed to seek the permission of the CEO of CCI to shift the CCI IRM to immediately after the TOMF course. This adjustment will have the advantage of travelling cost of participants from other provinces being covered by the planned CCI travel for the IRM. Mthe final selection of participants, their ability to follow-up their training by training others being a most important criterion. Dr. Lim will provide further details of course material and logistical requirements.


9. Administrative Matters

he issue of budget over-run for the Project Inception Workshop has been resolved

0. Summary of Action Points

he following are action points arising from the present trip.

i. Two adjustments will have to be made in the pheromone trapping

ii. Need to finalize and initiate treatments of the TPS trial as soon as

iii. CABI to send 10 more LSA4 adjustable cone nozzles for the TPS trial.

iv. The demonstration plots need to be established urgently.

v. Location maps of all trial plots to be prepared.

vi. Use prescribed Excel templates for final submission of data.

vii. Endeavour to hold the TOMF course on 13-21 November 2008. CCI to

viii. Project partners to be constantly mindful of the project budget.

1. Conclusion

is clear from the foregoing accounts that the second project trip has met its earlier-

Twith CCI agreeing to take up the difference as a further contribution of the Institute to the project. This means that budget for the project is now back on track. Members agreed to be mindful of staying within the budget in all future aspects of the project. 1 T

treatments: (1) Need for treatments with traps placed “within canopy” to be lowered to a point at the mean height in between the highest and lowest point of the cocoa canopy; the present position of this treatment being too high; (2) The aperture for the lobster trap should be smaller and reduced to 4 cm x 4 cm in the center of the side panels.

possible. Alternatives for Treatments 2 and 3 are cypermethrin → deltamethrin → alphamethrin in descending order of preference.

nominate participants who can be hands-on master trainers. Dr. Lim to finalize course materials and logistical requirements.

1 Itdefined objectives.


12. Acknowledgements

he CABI team would like to thank Dr. Jacqui Wright, Ms. Cathy Pianga, Dr. Samson TLaup, Mr. Paul Gende, Mr. Otto Koimba and members of the CCI Entomology Section for the time, cooperation and hospitality extended to the authors in the course of this mission.


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