  • 1. ACETECH Growth Strategy Program Market Validation Module Presentation. Narrated by Ralph Turfus

2. Principles & Structure of the Growth Strategy ProgramOur Mutual Goal is YOU ACQUIRING CUSTOMERS!! Good News! There is a Framework that can substantially improve the likelihood ofsuccess for your opportunity! Within the Framework,1st determine the Few Things (80/20 rule) that need to bedone well to Commercialize your opportunity. Then, for each of the Few Things needed to Commercialize, identify and deliverthe Best Practices models and tools. Then, Mentor so that the Best Practices are live and become part of the culture,rhythm and discipline of your business. It then comes down to YOU LEARNING AND DOING! 3. Market Validation ProgramAny road will get you there if you dont know where you are going! Alice in WonderlandStep 1 Create Hypotheses for your Go to Market Strategy and key Sales Tactics Positioning StatementValue PropositionsMarket SegmentationStep 2 Do research to reduce Risk and convert your Hypotheses to Facts Talk to potential customers and revise your Hypotheses until you have good confidence Do market research size; growth rates; sweet spots; key influencers; demographics Identify Early Adopter CustomersStep 3 Build your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Build your MVP with the few features needed initially learned from your interviews Create a Product RoadmapStep 4 Your Action Plan to Acquire Early Adopter Customers This confirms your Hypotheses are now Facts customers paying to use your product! 4. Growth Strategy Program CultureConfidentiality is the #1 priority - what goes on in the room stays in the roomAttendance is the #2 priority - attend all 3 meetings; no make up sessionsGo LIVE with the Best Practices - stay with the content of the program; doing homework and using the Best Practices is mandatory in order to receive mentoringParticipation A balance of listen and talk Park your ego at the door - we all are in learning mode Very candid conversation but supportive no shoulds Disengage from your office - cell phones off, check email during the breaks Punctuality - start of day, returning from breaksAccountability do what you say you are going to do; stay with the pace of the program; mentor to hold your feet to the fireOther Meeting Materials/Handouts in hard copy only Food and beverages provided 5. Comfort Zone & Additions to your ThinkingFROMTO Selling SuccessProduct & Feature Customer & ValueInternal focusExternal focus Strategy SuccessLots of FeaturesDifferentiator / Sweet SpotReactive; R&D Proactive; Organization Company SuccessUnpredictable results Reliable; SustainableCash In from InvestorsCash In from Customers 6. SummaryExpected Outcomes from the Market Validation Program are: Customer Acquisition is the Success Measure There is a Framework that can help guide you to become a SuccessfulStartup! Words of Advice: Learn the Best Practices and get them Live fast Leverage your Mentor(s) get every bit of wisdom you can; listen well A startup is built on Hypotheses your Goal is to Reduce Risk byestablishing Facts ASAP which only occurs through CUSTOMER USE! Speak Customer Value - not Features

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