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    An Assessment on truth and reconciliation committee, strengthening of

    security reform and judiciary reform

    Written by Chairul Fahmi

    Two Years Report for Aceh Peace Program (2009 2011)The Aceh InstituteILBH Banda Aceh IKontraS Aceh IAJMI IACSTFSupported by CAFOD

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    Map of Aceh Province Indonesia


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    Program Identification Details

    ID Project INN 124

    Short Title of Programme Aceh Peace Program (APP)

    Name of Lead Institution The Aceh Institute

    Start Date June 2009

    End Date Dec 2011

    Brief Summary of


    This program aims to strengthen the process of the

    establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee

    in Aceh, security, and judiciary reforms. For this reason,

    the Aceh Institute, Aceh Judicial Monitoring Institute

    (AJMI), Aceh Civil Society Task Force (ACSFT), Lembaga

    Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Banda Aceh (Banda Aceh LegalAids Agency), and KontraS Aceh have worked together.

    This particular program is fully supported by CAFOD

    United Kingdom and it has shown very positive progress.

    For example, the bill (rancangan qanun) on the Truth and

    Reconciliation Committee (KKR) is being deliberating at

    the Provincial House of Representative in 2012.

    Country where activities

    have taken placeINDONESIA

    List all implementing


    The Aceh Institute, AJMI, ACSTF, LBH and KontraS Aceh

    Target groups of


    Government, Parliament, Court, Security Institute

    (Police, Army), NGOs, People of Aceh

    Lead Contact Chairul Fahmi

    The Aceh Institute

    (Email:[email protected])

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    Preface and Acknowledgements

    On August 15, 2005, the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh

    Movement (GAM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to end

    the-almost-thirty-year armed conflict in Aceh. In order to establish how it can

    best support the agreement and the peaceful recovery of Aceh, the

    Indonesian government established Aceh Reintegration Board (BRA) which

    supported the combatants in returning to the community and empowering

    their and the conflict victims economy.

    Meanwhile, the process of reconciliation, security and judiciary reforms is yetto become the priority. The Aceh Institute, LBH Banda Aceh, AJMI, ACSTF,

    and KontraS Aceh has developed a joint program supported by CAFOD

    United Kingdom and implemented an assessment on truth and reconciliation

    process, security and judiciary reforms in Aceh from 2009 to 2011. This

    program aimed to endorse the establishment of Truth and Reconciliation

    Committee (TRC) in Aceh as well as to support the process of security and

    judiciary reforms.

    Thank you so much for everyone who has worked so hard to accomplish thisprogram, from the start to the end. Firstly, we would like to thank supportive

    CAFOD Indonesia team; Dini Widiastuti, Wances, and Lauren. We are

    indebted to Lukman Age who always provided ample to advice us on how to

    consolidate with the partners. Our special thanks also go to Juanda Jamal,

    Alja Yusnadi, Agusta Mukhtar, Fadjri Aidit, Hendra Fadhli, Muhammad

    Furqan, Hendra Lawhan, Sri Rahayu and Hospinovizal.

    Finally, a big thank for CAFOD for having supported the Aceh Institute for

    two years and especially for this program. We hope this corporation willalways stand up for the other programs in the future. Thank you very much.

    Banda Aceh, March 2012

    The Aceh Institute

    Chairul Fahmi


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    Aceh Peace Program (APP) is a partnership program involving CAFODs partners such

    as Aceh Civil Society Task Force (ACSTF), Aceh Judicial Monitoring Institute (AJMI),Aceh Institute (AI), Kontras Aceh, and Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Banda Aceh.

    Here, the APP is run by CAFODs five partners and it focuses on three main issues -

    Truth and Reconciliation, Security Sector Reform, and Judicial Reform.

    As a part of this program, Aceh Institute has run certain programs which are

    integrated with other partners programs. Some of the programs include Baseline

    Survey, public discussions, publications through websites and other local media,

    quarterly meetings, and joint publications on research findings of other partners. Such

    research findings are related to the issues of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee,

    security and judicial reforms which are expected to be a reference for all parties.

    A partner of APP program, ACSTF, has monitored the parliament which particularly

    deliberated the bill of TRC. However, the Aceh House of Representatives has not yet

    passed the bill into law despite the fact that the bill was already set as a priority for the

    House to work on in 2012.

    In the meantime, KontraS Aceh has advocated the rights of conflict victims. The

    advocacy was conducted get acknowledgements from the State, especially on the

    violations committed either in the form of killings, forced disappearance, tortures, and


    Similarly, LBH Banda Aceh has provided free legal aids to residents having legal

    problems against the State or enduring human right violations committed by the


    Meanwhile, Aceh Judicial Monitoring Institute (AJMI) has also played its part by

    monitoring the court. Its monitoring activities particularly focused on judicial reforms.

    The reforms include information transparency for victims and fair and just trials.

    The activities of each partner were evaluated in every quarterly meeting facilitated bythe Aceh Institute. This meeting aimed to get information on the latest updates of the

    activities of each partner and to consolidate when faced with problems so that aims

    and results could jointly be attained.

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    Table of Contents page

    Map of Aceh 2

    Program Identification Details 3

    Preface and Acknowledgements 4

    Executive Summary 5

    Table of Contents 6


    1.1. Baseline Survey 7

    1.2. Public Discussion 7

    1.3. Publication (Newspapers and Book) 9

    1.4. Developing a Mailing List of APP 11

    1.5. Face book Page of Aceh Peace Program 11

    1.6. Legal Assistance 12

    1.7. Aceh Law Codification 12

    1.8. Truth and Reconciliation Committee 13

    1.9. Monitoring Clean Judicial Process 14

    1.10. Critical Legal Education 15

    1.11. Security Sector Reform 16

    1.12. Peace Community Engagement 17

    1.13. Progress 2010 2011 (Media Monitoring update) 17

    1.14. Progress towards sustainability of Peace 18



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    1.1. Baseline Survey

    One of Aceh Institutes tasks in the implementation of APP is conducting Baseline

    survey. There three key issues examined in the survey. The issues are the Truth and

    Reconciliation Committee, security and judicial reforms.

    The indicators of the baseline survey are implemented in accordance with the

    framework which has been revised CAFOD Partner Meeting on Aceh Peace Program.

    The meeting was held in Sabang on March 4-6, 2010. The implementation of the

    baseline survey was led by the Aceh Institute by involving all partners of CAFOD,

    either in the process of designing the survey, collecting, or analyzing the data. The

    survey was conducted in 15 (fifteen) districts/cities where APP was implemented. The

    survey involved respondents ranging from program implementers, beneficiaries to

    other stakeholders related to the program.

    Baseline survey is a data collection process which will be used a basis for monitoring

    and evaluation of APP implemented by five CAFODs partners - Aceh Civil Society

    Task Force (ACSTF), Aceh Judicial Monitoring Institute (AJMI), Aceh Institute (AI),

    Kontras Aceh, and Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Banda Aceh.

    Through this survey, each CAFODs partner was able to measure and evaluate each

    program that is being or will be implemented. Such a program is particular related to

    TRC, security, and judicial reforms. Information was retrieved from various related

    institution, the people, and other parties related to the enforcement or establishment

    of the three things (Truth and Reconciliation Committee, Security and Judiciary

    Reforms). The results of the survey can be seen in the attachment (1)

    1.2. Public Discussion

    The public discussion was carried out to provide ample space for various parties toexpress their ideas, suggestions, and knowledge on the issues of Truth and

    Reconciliation Committee, Security and Judiciary Reforms. In addition, the discussion

    became a reference for the partners to formulate steps and strategies in advocating

    issues related to the three things.

    This public discussion was conducted biweekly and was attended by various elements,

    the government, NGOs, students, academicians, or other communal-based

    organizations. The results of the discussion were then published in the local media

    (press releases); hoping to share the results of the discussion to the public. Some of

    the public discussions which have taken placed are listed below:

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    No Title Summary

    1. Examining the


    Personnels Right toVote in 2014 Elections

    The discussion addressed the military and police

    personnels right to vote in the 2014 elections.

    Basically, the right to vote is a constitutional right ofevery citizen as it is acknowledged by the 1945

    Constitution, article 28. However, Military Law

    prohibits every active personnel of military from

    involving in politics. This is somehow related to the

    concerns over the use of military power in support of

    certain political parties if active personnel of the

    military and the police are active in politics. This had

    happened during the New Order (Orba) era. For this

    reason, military and police personnel are yet to be

    granted the right to vote or be voted in the 2014elections unless the police and military institutions can

    run professionally.

    2. The Roles of Customary

    Law in the

    Implementation of

    Sharia Law

    The enforcement of Sharia Law in Aceh is not yet

    running optimally. This lex-specialist law is

    constrained by various problems related to either to

    disintegrated legal substance, weak law enforcers, and

    peopleslow legal awareness.

    3. Book Review: Hasan

    Tiro, Unfinished Story

    of Aceh

    This book contains a collection of articles which talk

    about the conflict and the process of reintegration in

    Aceh. The book also provides different perspectives onHasan Tiros struggle, from the start of the conflict

    itself, the dynamics of struggle to Helsinki peace


    4. Examining the

    Establishment of Truth

    and Reconciliation

    Committee and the

    Fulfillment of Conflict

    Victims rights in Aceh

    Currently, there is a problem with the process of the

    establishment of truth and reconciliation committee in

    Aceh. The problem is especially related to legal issues.

    On one hand, Aceh Special Governing Law (UUPA)

    No.11 year 2006 says that the establishment of the

    truth and reconciliation committee (TRC) will be

    followed up with locally-passed law (qanun). On theother hand, this contradicts to another class saying

    that Acehs TRC is a part of the national TRC. As a

    matter of fact, the Law on the national TRC has been

    revoked by the Government (the Constitutional

    Court). Despite such condition, during the discussion,

    several things were suggested. First, the fulfillments of

    victims rights should not only focuson the fulfillment

    of the victims legal rights but also on their economic

    rights. In this sense, Aceh Reintegration Board (BRA)

    plays a very significant role. BRA should have beenunder the legality of a Presidential Decree like that of

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    Aceh Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR),

    not only under the legality of Gubernatorial Decree.

    5. The Anatomy of Gayo

    Land Conflicts

    This particular discussion addressed research findings

    on the origins of conflicts in Gayo Lands. AfterIndonesia proclaimed its independence, Darul Islam

    (DI)/Indonesian Muslim Soldier (TII) Conflict erupted.

    After this conflict ended, Aceh Free (AM) movement

    appeared and this movement was later renamed (Aceh

    Free Movement (GAM/ASNLF). This discussion was

    attended by academicians, NGO workers, journalists,

    and others.

    6. The Roles

    Consolidation of NGOs

    in the process ofdemocracy in Aceh

    This discussion was carried out to re-consolidate the

    roles of NGOs as the controller of Governments

    Policies in the process of strengthening peace anddemocracy in Aceh.

    7. Security Sector Reform

    on Rights to be elected

    for Police and Military


    Aiming to see how the constitution applies the rights

    for all the citizens, including the rights of police and

    army to be elected in general elections in Indonesia

    1.3. Publications (Newspapers, Website and Book)

    In addition to public discussions, publishing and disseminating information on Truthand Reconciliation Committee, Security and Judiciary Reforms were conducted. The

    information was written in articles published by both local and national mass media.

    The information was also published in books. These books were then distributed to

    numerous parties.

    Below is the list of published article titles:

    A. Newspapers1.

    Antara Aceh dan Jogyakarta (Between Aceh and Jakarta) written by RismanA.Rachman (Aceh Institute founder), published byTEMPO Newspaper

    2. Menduga Jalan Pikiran Hasan Tiro (Predicting Hasan Tiros Minds) written byRisman A.Rachman, published by Serambi Indonesia

    3. Imajinasi Bernegara di Aceh (Imagining a State in Aceh) written by OttoSyamsuddin Ishak (Aceh Institute founder), published by Serambi Indonesia

    4. Politik Halusinasi (Politics of Hallucination) writtenby Otto Syamsuddin Ishak,published by Serambi Indonesia

    5. Peran Kepemimpinan dalam Perdamaian di Aceh (The Roles of Leadership inPeace Process in Aceh) written by Fuad Mardhatillah (Aceh Institute founder),

    published by Serambi Indonesia

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    6. HAM dan Kebebasan Juga Fitrah (Human Rights and Freedom Are HumanDispositions) written by Fuad Mardhatillah, published by Serambi Indonesia

    7. Ada KKR di Simpang KKA (There Was Truth and Reconciliation Committee atKKA Intersection) written by Fajran Zain (Aceh Institutes Analysis Manager),published by Tabloid Kontras

    8. Ilusi Politik Kekuasaan (The Illusions of the Politics of Power), written by ChairulFahmi (Manager of Publications/APP), published by Tabloid Kontras.

    9. Merebut Kursi Melupakan Aspirasi (Running for Offices, Forgetting Aspirations)written by Chairul Fahmi, published by Tabloid Kontras.

    B. BOOK [list of contents]1. Reformasi hukum hanya sebatas jargon (Legal Reforms are jargon only)2. Tantangan Pembentukan KKR di Aceh (The challenges of TRC establishment in


    3. Tantangan baru dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih (Newchallenges in creating clean and good governance)

    4. Revitalisasi hukum Adat (The revitalization of customary laws)5. Politik pemerintahan Irwandi Nazar (The politics of Irwandi Nazars


    6. Pemerintahan IRNA: Tragedi Dimasa Transisi Aceh (IRNAs Administration:Tragedi during Aceh transitional time

    7. Sejarah panjang pembentukan komisi kebenaran aceh (A long history of theestablishment of Aceh truth commission)

    8. Merubah paradigma kepolisian di era reformasi (Changing the paradigms ofpolice forces in reforms era)

    9. KKR, Jalan buntu Kebenaran (TRC, truth dead end)10.Potret Buram Pemenuhan Hak Bantuan Hukum di Aceh (Gloomy Pictures of the

    fulfillment of rights for legal aids in Aceh)

    C. WEBSITEInformation was also published through website. Below is an example of the web


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    This website publication aims to disseminate information regarding the issues of TRC,

    SSR, and JSR in Aceh. The sample web page above is KontraS Acehs web page.

    1.4. Developing a Mailing List of APP

    This activity aims to disseminate information on current issues and debates on TRC,

    SSR and JSR issues. This mailing list is expected to be an alternative discussion media

    for the partners and stakeholders who are concerned about the issues.

    So far, all the partners and also focal point have already been registered as the

    members of the mailing list, which has become a media for sharing information not

    only on APP program but also other updates from other parties who are also

    concerned about the same issues. Furthermore, we use this mailing list to promote

    other activities such as workshop, public discussion, information update, and

    publishing the research findings.

    1.5. Facebook Page of Aceh Peace Program

    Besides developing a mailing list, Aceh Institute has created a Facebook account for

    APP. The Facebook page is proposed to disseminate the updated information on

    related issues and to conduct online discussions on TRC, SSR and JSR issues.

    All information of APP programs and the other program has been published on the

    Facebook page. This page is linked to the Aceh InstitutesFacebook page to make it

    easier for the Aceh Institutes webmaster to organize.

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    1.6. Legal Assistance

    During 2010 2011 periods, LBH Banda Aceh handled several cases - litigation, non-

    litigation, or consultations. Altogether, there were 378 cases reported by the people.In particular, 232 cases were reported in 2010 and 146 cases were reported in 2011. Of

    the total cases, 89 cases were categorized as violations against civil and political

    rights, 58 cases were categorized as violations against socio-cultural and economic

    rights, and legal aids were provided to 231 cases. The most common examples of

    violations against civil and legal rights were violation against the principle of equality

    before law, tortures, and mistreatment. In this regard, the police institution was

    deemed to be the main perpetrator. Meanwhile, the examples of socio-cultural and

    economic violations were predominantly structural land disputes.

    LBH handled 232 cases in 2010 and 146 cases in 2011. Of the total cases,89 cases were categorized as violations against civil and political rights,

    58 cases were categorized as violations against socio-cultural and

    economic rights, and legal aids were provided to 231 cases.

    The output of such legal aids was the fact that some 518 people received the legal aids

    provided by the LBH within the duration of 2 years of APP implementation

    throughout Aceh. In providing such legal aids, LBH Banda Aceh not only carried out

    non-litigation approaches but also litigation approaches for any cases whose solutions

    could only be settled in courts.

    1.7. Aceh Law Codification

    In relation to law codification, several activities were carried out. Some of the

    activities include the recruitment of paralegals and training sessions for selected

    paralegals. The law codifications were chosen for analysis.

    35 paralegals have been recruited and they have understood their duties in the

    process of collecting laws. Five paralegals (3 males, 2 females) were assigned in one

    post and they would analyze laws that they collected to see whether the laws have

    met international human rights standard and would be problematic when

    implemented in the community. Not all codified laws were analyzed as the paralegals

    focused more on the laws that had potential tendency to violate instruments of

    human rights and might be problematic when implemented in the community.

    The number of codified local laws is 252 and 26 of them have been

    analyzed. The 26 laws are Aceh Law No. 5 year 2009 on Investment,

    Aceh Law No.11 year 2008 on Child Protection, Aceh Law No.8 year

    2008 on Public Service, Aceh Tenggara Law No.9 year 2010 on

    Health Check in Food and Beverage Industry, Aceh Tenggara Law

    No.14 year 2010 on Market Fees, Langsa City Law No.14/ year 2008

    on Street Vendors, Aceh Tengah Law No.16 year 2008 on District

    Energy and Mining Fees, Aceh Barat Law No.2 year 2010 on Village

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    Administration in Meulaboh, and Lhokseumawe City Law No.10/

    year 2007 on Disturbance Permit Fees.

    Of the 26 analyzed laws, 4 laws have been discussed in seminars. These four lawsinclude Langsa City Law No. 14 year 2008 on Street Vendors, Aceh Barat Law No.2

    year 2010 Village Administration, Aceh Tengah Law No. 13 year 2008 on Public Peace

    and Order, and Aceh Law No5 year 2009 on Investment.

    1.8. Truth and Reconciliation Committee

    The elements of Aceh civil societies consisting of conflict victims and human right

    activists who associated themselves into the Coalition of Truth Disclosures (KPK) have

    drafted civil-society version of a bill of law and Truth and Reconciliation Committee

    (TRC) Academic Draft. The TRC proposed by KPK explains the process of truthdisclosures at local levels and is designed and implemented in Aceh. Here, the main

    aim was to listen to the victims experiences and expectations. It was also expected

    that there would be acknowledgement and recognition on the victims experiences

    and fullfillments of victims fundamental rights. The drafts were submitted to

    members of Aceh House of Representatives (DPRA) on September 16, 2008.

    Unfortunately, the drafts were never deliberated until the end of the tenure of the

    previous DPRA, period of 2004-2009.

    At the time, the Speaker of DPRA and lawmakers from a number of fractions signed a

    commitment to deliberate the drafts and pass law on TRC by July 2011. Nonetheless,

    TRC Bill of Law was never passed into law. One of the reasons for this failure was thefact that national TRC law was revoked by the Constitutional Court.

    In response to this, LBH Banda Aceh along with some other NGOs continues

    advocating and lobbying concerned parties either at local or national levels in order to

    gain wide supports from the community and to secure strong commitment from

    policymakers to make policies on TRC. Besides lobbying and advocating, LBH Banda

    Aceh continues empowering the victims, disseminating information on the

    importance of TRC at the grassroots levels, and campaigning for human rights issues.

    The campaigns that promote TRC were linked to historical moments related to humanrights. Some of the historical moments were the commemoration of Agriculture Day

    on September 26, 2011 held in Simpang Lima Circle, the commemoration of Anti

    Forced Disappearance Day on May 17, 2011, held in Jambo Keupok Village, Aceh

    Selatan, the commemoration of World Human Rights Day on December 10, 2010,

    held in front of the DPRA Building.

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    As an effort to empower the victims, three workshops were conducted. The workshop

    aimed to strengthen the victims and to disseminate information on the importance of

    TRC as well as to seek supports from the ulemas, public figures and prominent women

    for the implementation of TRC Law. The first workshop was conducted on May 19,2011 in Lhokseumawe and it was attended by 25 participants consisting of ulemas,

    public figures, and local customary leaders. The second workshop was conducted on

    June 23, 2011 in Meulaboh. The workshop was attended by 18 participants (five of

    them were women). Finally, the third workshop was conducted in on July 20, 2011 in

    Langsa. The workshop was attended by local public figures (leaders), ulemas,

    prominent women, students, and conflict victims.

    The output of the workshops could be seen from the fact that workshop participants

    fully supported the efforts carried out by civil societies to enact law on TRC. The

    participants in fact suggested that a petition be made to urge the enactment of the


    As a result of the lobbies and advocacy, Legislation Body of the DPRA has agreed to

    prioritize the deliberation of the bill of TRC Law in 2012.

    1.9. Monitoring Clean Trial Process

    During the implementation period of APP, LBH Banda Aceh had monitored 12 legal

    cases. The cases included shooting incident as the police of Aceh Utara were trying to

    arrest Kamaruzzaman on February 15, 2011. The victim was accused of being involved

    in robbery case in Aceh Utara. After arresting him without standard and legal

    procedure, police investigators shot him to death because, according to the police, naming themselves Peoples Voice for Truth and

    Reconciliation Committees or SURAK Aceh staged a peace rally in front of the building of Banda

    Aceh House of Representatives (DPRK) on Friday (9/12/2011).
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    Kamaruzzaman was trying to flee. This monitoring activity aimed to monitor the trial

    processes that did not run legally and violated code of conducts.

    Another case was the report filed by the people of Aceh Singkil to the local police overthe alleged land grabbing committed by PT. Ubertraco. The report was filed on may

    09, 2011 but the people have never been informed about how far the case has been

    handled by the police.

    In regard to these cases, LBH provided legal assistance. LBH accompanied the victims

    while they were being questioned at the court level such as pre-court lawsuit. LBH

    also accompanied the victims when their cases were being scrutinized, when they

    reported/sent letters to higher level police institutions such as Aceh Police

    Headquarters about the cases that were handled by the local police. Further, LBH

    would report judges who allegedly violated the law and code of conducts. Thismonitoring activity aimed to monitor the trial processes that did not run legally and

    violated code of conducts.

    Samples of cases: a shooting case committed by local police officers in Aceh Utara

    against victim Kamaruzzaman. He was shot during the process of his arrest; then,

    Aceh Singkil Police did not follow the report filed by the local people; similarly, a case

    that was being really slowly processed by Lhoknga Police Precinct; the dossiers of

    witness accounts were faked by police investigator from Nagan Raya Police

    Headquarters and this was revealed during trial at Meulaboh State Court. Civil law

    violation case was allegedly committed by the judge during a trial sentence session.

    The judge has been reported to Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia.

    1.10. Critical Legal Education

    Critical legal education was a part of activities carried out by LBH and it aimed to raise

    peoples legal awareness toward their civil rights. Critical legal education sessions

    were conducted twice. The first session was conducted on June 27, 2011 in Tapaktuan

    (for Manggamat). This session was attended by 20 participants (12 males and 8

    females) and the topic of this particular session was fair and independence

    management of natural resources. The session aimed to promote clean and fair justice

    and to educate people about their rights in the management of natural resources. Inthis case, attention was on the mining system. On June 29, 2011, another critical legal

    education session was conducted in Panji village, Longkip sub-district or

    Subulussalam. There were about 33 participants (27 males and 6 females) and the

    topic of the session was the dynamics of agrarian conflicts in Aceh. The session aimed

    to promote clean and fair justice and to educate people about their rights in the

    management of natural resources. In this case, the focus was on the rights over lands.

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    LBH ACEH OPENS JUDGE MONITORING POSTK12-11 | Glori K. Wadrianto | Friday, 8 July 2011 | 18:34 WIB

    BANDA ACEH LBH Banda Aceh opens clean judicialmonitoring post in order to improve monitoring and evaluation toward the

    performance of judges and the courts. The Director of LBH Banda Aceh

    Hospinovizal Sabri, stated that the post which is open in collaboration with

    Judicial Commission aims to make it easier for people to file their reports on

    trail processes or judges performance which are deemed to inappropriate.

    This post aims to advocate clean and fair judiciary as an estuary of justice

    channel so that the feeling of justice could be reached equally, said


    As an output, this activity supposedly provided participants with better understandingon clean and fair judicial process and peoples rights on lands. This could be seen from

    the many critical questions posed by the participants. For example, some of the

    participants, in Subullussalam, asked about the lands that they have fought for

    ownership for quite some time. They claimed that they have not yet owned the lands

    despite the fact that they were imprisoned because they demanded that they grabbed

    lands be returned to them. LBH representative recommended that the people pay

    attention to whether the plantation company was still cultivating peoples lands

    located outside its rightful lands. The people demand clarification from Subulussalam

    Lands Authority Agency (BPN) about this case. The representative also suggested

    that the people need to have strategies in order to get their lands back. This isimportant as they people will be able to avoid being criminalized or charged.

    1.11. Security Sector Reform

    Within the last six months, KontraS Aceh, after conducting a series of monitoring

    activities, found that many military officials issued political statements and got

    involved security works which should solely be the responsibility of the police. Some

    military personnel were still involved in various business activities such as parking

    management, sands or gravels mining, and illegal logging.

    From budgeting side, KontraS Aceh also found that the Local Government still

    allocated local funds for the military and police and many military or police personnel

    were involved in various violent acts. Similarly, Public Order Police/Sharia Police

    (Satpol PP/WH) often committed violent acts when conducting raids. Further,

    violance also happened in penitentiaries where the wardens were the perpetrators.

    In order to support security sector reforms, KontraS Aceh has also conducted capacity

    building training for members of parliaments at district/city levels, civil societies,and

    university students. KontraS Aceh also published its field findings in regard to securitysector reforms and human rights issues in Aceh in Newslatter.

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    11 There have been behaviorial changes within the police institutions in Aceh. such

    changes could be seen from the fact that the local police leaders have punished

    their subordinates that violated laws.

    12 Aceh Police implemented regulatory policy on the operations of law enforcers

    13 Aceh Police showed it commitment to conduct sustainable monitoring activities

    on the behaviors of law enforcers.

    14 Good partnership was built between KontraS Aceh and Aceh Police.

    15 There was transparent public information from each police institution in Aceh.

    16 Documentation and Information Management officials were appointed by Aceh

    Police Headquarters.

    17 In order to minimize violence, police-people partnership forum was established.

    18 Public figures, religious leaders, and customary leaders who attended the

    seminar on police-people partnership forum supported the forum as an effort toreject all forms of violence happening within the community.

    19 KontraS Aceh built partnership with Bireuen Police in dealing with legal cases.

    20 KontraS Aceh also built good partnership with several members of Bireuen

    Ulema Council

    21 There was a commitment to build partnership in order to promote good

    governance and encourage executives and legislatives that are committed to

    produce local laws that sensitive to human rights protection and Islamic values.

    22 The case which involved Aiyub and his followers was finally resolved.

    23 The National Commission of Human Rights successfully mediated the land-

    based conflict between the local people and the Navy.24 The Government of Sabang City supported the settlement of land-based


    25 A concept on how to minimize violence when enforcing law and Sharia Law was

    structured. The law enforcers should carry out simple, measurable, achievable,

    precise, and timely law enforcement measures.

    26 Law enforcement agencies, ulema councils, and community elements were

    involved when making written policies in order to minimize violence committed

    by the police officers, judges, prosecutors, police order police officers, lawyers,

    ulemas, and community elements. This is done on both routine and accidentally

    basis.27 Law enforcement agencies and other related institutions have improved their

    partnership and coordination and their partnership and coordination are based

    on written agreement.

    26 The Legislation Body of DPRA and government team agreed to prioritize the

    deliberation of 15 bills in 2012.

    28 The Secretary of Legislation Body of DPA, Abdullah Saleh, said in Banda Aceh on

    January 1, 2011 that the House would schedule plenary meeting to deliberate the

    list of prioritized bills in 2012. Abdullah Saleh further stated that the plenary

    meeting would be held in February, 2012.

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    A lobby and advocacy team of TRC Law was formed. The team consists of

    KontraS Aceh, the Coalition of Human Rights NGOs, LBH Banda Aceh, and

    representatives of the victims.

    29 The observance of Pusong/KNPI incident took place in Al-Hilal Mosque inLhokseumawe on January 09, 2011. This observance was held by the Community

    of Human Right Violation Victims of Aceh Utara (K2HAU) and it was supported

    by the local people and other mass organizations.

    30 In Pusong, Lhokseumawe, victims were allowed to disclose the truth. As many as

    three victims provided their accounts in front of the public.

    31 The Deputy Mayor of Lhokseumawe and the Speaker of Lhokseumawe House of

    Representatives (DPRK) delivered their speeches during the observance of

    Pusong/KNPI incident.

    32 The observance of Simpang KKA of Aceh Utara managed to take place and it

    was supported by K2HAU, the local people, and other mass organizations.33 The victims disclosed the truth of their version. As many as five victims provided

    their accounts in front of the public

    34 Members of local House, representative of Aceh Reintegration Board, and

    representative of Aceh Utara Government delivered their political speeches in

    support of the victims.

    35 There was an exhibition of victims photographs, blood drive events, writing and

    poem reading competition for elementary, junior high, and senior high school

    levels. The poems were about human rights and violation of human rights.

    36 The observance of Jambo Keupok incident was held in Aceh Selatan.

    37 A joint prayer session was held. There was also a joint declaration of statements

    asking for the end of violence and urging the government to settle human rights

    violation cases happening in the past.

    38 The laying the first stones session for the construction of Jumbo Keupok

    Monument was carried out.

    39 The observance of human rights activists kidnapping case of Mukhlis and

    Zulfikar was held by the Victim Community (SKOP HAM) through the use of

    social network websites.

    40 The victims were able to disclosure the truth on the human right activist

    kidnapping case.

    1.14. Progress towards sustainability of Peace

    One of the reasons for the failure of the establishment of TRC in Aceh was the

    unavailability of legal basis at the national level. As has been said, the Government of

    Aceh has said in many occasions that Law No. 11 year 2006, on Aceh Governance,

    article 229, verse 2 and 3, state that Aceh TRC is a part of the national TRC and it is

    governed by the applicable laws.

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    At the national level, there was in fact Law No. 27 year 2004 on TRC but it law was

    revoked by the Constitutional Court in 2006. To some practitioners or observers, this

    ruling has made Aceh TRCs legal basis disappear.

    More particularly, verse 1, article 229 or Law No. 11 year 2006 clearly says that in

    order to seek for the truths and reconciliation, through this law, Truth and Reconciliation

    shall be established in Aceh. The verse obviously says that the establishment of TRC in

    Aceh should be based on Law No. 11 year 2006. Further, article 230 of the law

    stipulates technical matters of TRC in Aceh. The TRC should be based on local law

    (qanun). Qanun is a law that is made by Aceh House of Representatives along with the

    Governor of Aceh. Seen from these two legal bases, the establishment of TRC in Aceh

    has already had legal bases.

    Therefore, it is indeed exaggerated to say that the establishment of TRC in Aceh islacking of necessary legal basis. What is needed now is fact that the Government

    should have the courage and optimism to take measures.

    The establishment of TRC can depend on the local potentials. There are two

    guidelines for this. First, there is international convention which has been ratified and,

    secondly, there is Aceh Governing Law article 229, verse 4 which says that local

    customary principles shall be considered. TRC can still work even with minimal

    authority as other things can wait for necessary law to be made. At least, the

    principles of the international convention and local wisdoms can still be used.

    As a matter of fact, Acehs TRC can potentially stimulate the establishment of thenational TRC. In a different, this kind of thing indeed has happened. For example,

    other areas in Indonesia did not have laws or regulations on the direct elections of

    local leaders and they did not recognize independent candidates. Aceh had managed

    to break the rigid system by introducing new concept which recognizes independent

    candidates. As a result, this kind new regulation was widely adopted.

    Importantly, up until today, Aceh has contributed several new models in democracy in

    Indonesia. If Acehs TRC can find solutions to various past human rights violation

    cases, it can be adopted as the national concept of TRC. At least, it can be the

    comparisons or reminders for other areas where human rights violation hadhappened.

    The peace was the agreement reached by both GAM and the Republic of Indonesia on

    August 15, 2005. This peace has also resolved the conflict which had long torn Aceh.

    As seen from other post-conflict regions in other countries, conflict may return within

    the first 10 years. Therefore, all parties and elements should work hard to minimize

    the seeds of new conflicts which can ruin the peace.

    In the context of Aceh, if we talk about peace, we would first have a look at Helsinki

    MoU. Of all articles contained in the agreement, some can be directly implemented

    and some would need other legal bases before they can be implemented. For this

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    reason, Law No. 11 year 2006 on Aceh Governance (UUPA) was made. TRC is

    stipulated in UUPA which was demanded by Helsinki MoU. In this case, implementing

    the UUPA means implementing the Helsinki MoU.

    As a basis for peace deal, the points agreed in the Helsinki MoU and stipulated in the

    UUPA can be seen as an effort to sustain the peace in Aceh. We should not let the

    things that Helsinki MoU is not being implemented as the points stipulated in the

    UUPA are properly implemented. This can potentially threaten the peace and the

    Government can be blamed for sustaining the peace seriously.

    Even though they were not directly involved in the dispute (Aceh war), the local

    people were mostly victimized. In this sense, the peace will mean nothing if rights of

    the conflict victims are ignored. It is a good thing to reveal what really happened

    during the war as it can provide clearer information about human rights abuses inAceh.

    Peace means not only destroying GAMs weapons, troop withdrawals, local po litical

    parties, independent candidates but also providing justice for conflict victims who

    suffered the most during the conflict. Various forms of violence, torture, and killing

    would certainly leave wounds and long-lasting scars. If the State does not settle

    problems happening in the past, new conflict might arise as the victims and their

    families do not receive justice for what happened during the conflict. It is also

    important to pay attention the impacts of the human right violations where, for

    example, the victims who are breadwinners of their families become physicallydisabled or died; their families would suffer financially and mentally. The life of the

    victims wives and children would be threatened in future. Similar thing would also

    happen to people whose wealth or belongings were robbed from them. TRC, as a

    settlement system of past human rights violations, can answer the victims and their

    families suffering through compensations (one of them).

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    Lesson-Learned: from Aceh to Indonesia

    The Program which has been supported by the Catholic Agency for OverseasDevelopment (CAFOD) of the United Kingdom aims to take advantage of

    opportunities for civic engagement that have emerged since the signing of Aceh

    Peace Agreement in August 15, 2005 in Helsinki. The peace agreement had

    made it possible for the reintegration process in political, economy as well as in

    ideology. Moreover this space has emerged to establish peace, justice and

    prosperity in Aceh.

    Some of the ways to provide justice and to support reintegration are

    reconciliation and truth disclosures. In this context, UUPA, as a law made in

    accordance with Helsinki MoU, should support the establishment of TRC inAceh.

    The establishment of TRC in Aceh will be a starting point for the establishment

    of TRC at the national level. As has been said, since the Constitutional Court

    revoked Law No. 27 year 2004 in 2006, TRC was the legally dissolved.

    Meanwhile, various human rights violations happening in the past are yet to be

    probed for sake of truth and reconciliation with the victims.

    If TRC in Aceh is promoted, TRC at the national will also be, expectedly, born.

    This means that Aceh Qanun on TRC will be the basis for the establishment ofTRC in Indonesia.

    Further, this has provided a lot of learning for the civil societies in Aceh. Their

    partnership in fight for justice and truth seemed to be more meaningful and has

    brought about broad effects for all.

    II. Closing and Recommendations

    In general, Aceh Peace Program run by five local NGOs in Aceh and supported byCAFOD has showed significant progress in the fight for human rights, justice, and

    truth finding in regard to the victims of Aceh conflict which happened for almost 30

    years. However, all parties, especially the Government of Aceh, should work hard.

    One of the things that the Government of Aceh can do is producing regulations in

    support of the establishment of TRC institution in Aceh. Then, security and judicial

    reforms should be thoroughly synergized with all stakeholders in Indonesia. This is

    important because security and judicial sectors play central part in Indonesia. Indeed,

    the security and judicial institutions authority in carrying out reforms depends on the

    policies made by the President and the House of Representatives of the Republic ofIndonesia.

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    Again, the contexts of Aceh, there are several points that should be evaluated in order

    to strengthen the democracy, justice, and human rights in Aceh. These points include:

    1. The Government of Aceh can construct its own political and bureaucratictraditions in accordance with its authority which is granted by Law No. 11 year

    2006 (UUPA) by developing integrated mechanism among institutions at the

    provincial and district levels. This is important as Acehs future developments

    can be easily controlled and can meet the peoples needs and interests.

    2. Peoples understanding on politics should be improved because they will knowand understand various laws being implemented by the Government.

    Therefore, any advocacy activities which aim to fight for the public interests

    can be done more actively, either at executive or legislative levels.

    3. The Government and the people of Aceh should develop a resourcesmanagement system. The resources can include natural and human resources.The existing infrastructure can be used to manage real sectors, mining, and

    mineral resources in order to improve the peoples quality of life.

    4. The Government of Aceh should grow its commitment to settle conflict-basedproblems through the strengthening of economic and social reintegration

    program at the grass root levels. The implementation of TRC and human right

    courts will help grow new spirit to create security stability through security

    sector reforms, create political stability through the strengthening of

    democracy for political institutions and mass organizations, develop peoples

    economy through sector real developments, and integrate social and culture

    through local characteristic approaches.5. The Government and civil society organizations can strengthen peace process

    in Aceh through the exchange of experiences with several post conflict areas in

    Indonesia or other regions in South East Asia. New inputs will certainly enrich

    the process of strengthening peace in Aceh.

    6. Civil society organizations can strengthen their orientations in developingactivities that can meet the interests of the people at the grass root levels.

    Those interests should be made collective and would be advocated to the

    Government. In turn, strong new generations will be born, basic services will

    improve, bureaucratic and political changes. These all will promote peoples


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    Picture 1: The Victim asked for legalized of Qanun (Local Regulation) on TRC

    Picture 2: The Student of University was demonstrated the Parliament for legalized of

    the Qanun (Local regulation) on TRC.

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