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“No two flights are ever the same...”

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Captain of the Ship Accu-Sim Expansion Pack

About This Manual

While much of the information in this manual is basic to many of our readers, we assume that the reader has no knowledge of combustion engine theory. This manual is for everyone, and uses colourful illustrations to teach the basics. The Accu-Sim system, however, is not basic, but is programmed with advanced physics which the professional pilot will appreciate. If you are an advanced pilot, you can likely just briefly skim over the contents of this manual; however, if you are eager to learn a bit about how a great big radial engine works, welcome and read on.

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Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1: Accu-Sim and the Combustion Engine..........................................................................................................................................4

The Combustion Engine....................................................................................................................................................................................4Overview of How the Engine Works and Creates Power..................................................................................................................................4

Air Temperature............................................................................................................................................................................................7Mixture.........................................................................................................................................................................................................8The Mixture Lever........................................................................................................................................................................................9Induction.....................................................................................................................................................................................................10Manifold Pressure = Air Pressure...............................................................................................................................................................11Supercharging.............................................................................................................................................................................................12Supercharging Heats The Air......................................................................................................................................................................14Ignition........................................................................................................................................................................................................15Engine Temperature....................................................................................................................................................................................16CHT (Cylinder Head Temperature) ...........................................................................................................................................................17Lubrication System (Oil)............................................................................................................................................................................18More Cylinders, More Power.....................................................................................................................................................................19The Pratt & Whitney R4360.......................................................................................................................................................................20Torque vs Horsepower................................................................................................................................................................................21

CHAPTER 2: The B377 Accu-Sim Expansion Pack..........................................................................................................................................22The B377 Accu-Sim Expansion Pack.............................................................................................................................................................22Installation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................23Refer to your B377 Stratocruiser Pilot’s Manual............................................................................................................................................23What is the philosophy behind Accu-Sim?.....................................................................................................................................................23

Actions Lead to Consequences...................................................................................................................................................................24Your Crew Talks!........................................................................................................................................................................................24Be Organized – Stay Ahead of Trouble......................................................................................................................................................25Key Systems To Watch...............................................................................................................................................................................25Key Things To Keep In Check...................................................................................................................................................................25

CAT (Carburetor Air Temperature). .....................................................................................................................................................26Turbo Bearing Temperature ..................................................................................................................................................................26RAM Air................................................................................................................................................................................................27Oil Temperature ....................................................................................................................................................................................27Manifold Pressure .................................................................................................................................................................................27


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ADI (Anti Detonation Injection). .........................................................................................................................................................27Engine Health.........................................................................................................................................................................................28Environmental Sounds...........................................................................................................................................................................28Landings ................................................................................................................................................................................................28Enjoy......................................................................................................................................................................................................28

CHAPTER 3: Captain of the Ship......................................................................................................................................................................29History and Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................29Primary Trainer for the Berlin Airlift..............................................................................................................................................................32When Flying Was an Event.............................................................................................................................................................................33Accu-Sim Fliers Are Well Prepared................................................................................................................................................................34Captain of the Ship Features...........................................................................................................................................................................35You Learn the Most When You Are Having Fun ...........................................................................................................................................36New Career System.........................................................................................................................................................................................40Underlying Intelligence System......................................................................................................................................................................42Intelligent Passengers......................................................................................................................................................................................42You are Captain of the Ship.............................................................................................................................................................................43This Is Your Captain Speaking........................................................................................................................................................................43The Buck Stops with You, Captain..................................................................................................................................................................43The Captain Always Takes Full Responsibility...............................................................................................................................................45A Live Engineer...............................................................................................................................................................................................46

Main Panel..................................................................................................................................................................................................47Oil system..............................................................................................................................................................................................47Fuel System............................................................................................................................................................................................47Cowl flaps..............................................................................................................................................................................................47Inter-cooler flaps....................................................................................................................................................................................47Ram / sheltered air.................................................................................................................................................................................47Oil cooling flaps.....................................................................................................................................................................................47Electrical system....................................................................................................................................................................................47Cabin heat and cooling system..............................................................................................................................................................48


Normal...................................................................................................................................................................................................48MP (Manifold Pressure) Hold................................................................................................................................................................48

Her name is “Heidi”........................................................................................................................................................................................49


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Just a Stewardess?...........................................................................................................................................................................................50Navigator’s Station..........................................................................................................................................................................................51Professional Audio..........................................................................................................................................................................................53Natural Speech................................................................................................................................................................................................54Accu-Sim Physics............................................................................................................................................................................................55Real-time passenger loading and unloading ...................................................................................................................................................55Deeper Systems Modelling.............................................................................................................................................................................56New Systems...................................................................................................................................................................................................57New Cabin Pressurization Module..................................................................................................................................................................58New Climate Control Systems........................................................................................................................................................................59Credits.............................................................................................................................................................................................................60


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CHAPTER 1: Accu-Sim and the Combustion Engine

The Combustion Engine

The combustion engine is basically an air pump. It creates power by pulling in an air / fuel mixture, igniting it, and turning the explosion into usable power. The explosion pushes a piston down that turns a crankshaft. As the pistons run up and down with controlled explosions, the crankshaft spins. For an automobile, the spinning crankshaft is connected to a transmission (with gears) that is connected to a drive shaft, which is then connected to the wheels. This is literally “putting power to the pavement.” For an aircraft, the crankshaft is connected to a propeller shaft and the power comes when that spinning propeller takes a bite of the air and pulls the aircraft forward.

The main difference between an engine designed for an automobile and one designed for an aircraft is the aircraft engine will have to produce power up high where the air is thin. To function better in that high, thin air, a supercharger can be installed to push more air into the engine.

Overview of How the Engine Works and Creates Power

Fire needs air. We need air. Engines need air. Engines are just like us as in that they need oxygen to work. Why? Because fire needs oxygen to burn. If you cover a fire, it goes out because you starved it of oxygen. If you have ever used a wood stove or fireplace, you know when you open the vent to allow more air to come in, the fire will burn more. The same principle applies to an engine. Think of an engine like a fire that will burn as hot and fast as you let it.

Look at the four illustrations below and you will understand basically how an engine operates.


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The piston pulls in the fuel / air mixture, then compresses the mixture on its way back up.


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The spark plug ignites the mixture, driving the piston down (power), on its way back up; the burned mixture is forced out the exhaust.


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Air Temperature

Have you ever noticed that your car engine runs smoother and stronger in the cold weather? This is because cold air is denser than hot air and has more oxygen. Hotter air means less power.


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Just before the air enters the combustion chamber it is mixed with fuel. Think of it as an air / fuel mist.


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A general rule is that a 0.08% fuel to air ratio will produce the most power. 0.08% is less than 1%, meaning for every 100 parts of air, there is just less than 1 part fuel. The best economical mixture is 0.0625%.

Why not just use the most economical mixture all the time? It’s because a leaner mixture means a hotter running engine. Fuel actually acts as an engine coolant, so the richer the mixture the cooler the engine will run.

However, since the engine at high power will be nearing its maximum acceptable temperature, you would use your best power mixture (0.08%) when you need power (take-off, climbing), and your best economy mixture (.0625%) when throttled back in a cruise when engine temperatures are low.

So, think of it this way:

For HIGH POWER, use a RICH mixture.For LOW POWER, use a LEAN mixture.

The Mixture Lever

Most piston aircraft have a mixture lever in the cockpit that the pilot can operate. The higher you fly, the thinner the air, and the less fuel you need to achieve the same mixture. So, in general, as you climb you will be gradually pulling that mixture lever backwards, leaning it out as you go to the higher, thinner air.

How do you know when you have the right mixture?The standard technique to achieve the proper mixture in flight is to lean the mixture until you just notice the engine getting a bit weaker, then enrich the mixture until the engine sounds smooth. It is this threshold that you are dialling into your 0.08%, best power mixture. Be aware, if you pull the mixture all the way back to the leanest position, this is mixture cut-off, which will stop the engine.


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Auto-Rich and Auto-Lean

More advanced aircraft may have an AUTO-MIXTURE system, with AUTO-RICH and AUTO-LEAN settings. You simply select which one you want and the auto-mixture system automatically adjusts the mixture for you based on altitude and power setting. In some aircraft, the term WEAK is used instead of LEAN.


As you now know, an engine is an air pump that runs based on timed explosions. Just like a forest fire, it would run out of control unless it is limited. When you push the throttle forward, you are opening a valve allowing your engine to suck in more fuel / air mixture. When at full throttle, your engine is pulling in as much air as your intake system will allow. It is not unlike a watering hose – you crimp the hose and restrict the water. Think of full power as you just opening that water valve and letting the water run free. This is 100% full power.

In general, we don’t run an airplane engine at full power for extended periods of time. Full power is only used when it is absolutely necessary, sometimes on take-off, and otherwise in an emergency situation that requires it. For the most part, you will be ‘throttling’ your motor, meaning you will be setting the limit.


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Manifold Pressure = Air Pressure

You have probably watched the weather on television and seen a large letter L showing where big storms are located. L stands for LOW BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (low air pressure). You’ve seen the H as well, which stands for HIGH BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (high air pressure). While there are air pressure changes all over the world based on weather conditions, these air pressure changes are minor compared to the difference in air pressure with altitude. The higher the altitude, the much lower the air pressure.

On a standard day (59 F), the air pressure at sea level is 29.92Hg BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. To keep things simple, let’s say 30Hg is standard air pressure. You have just taken off and begin to climb. As you reach higher altitudes, you notice your rate of climb slowly getting lower. This is because the higher you fly, the thinner the air is, and the less power your engine can produce. You should also notice your MANIFOLD PRESSURE decreases as you climb as well.

Why does your manifold pressure decrease as you climb?Because manifold pressure is air pressure, only it's measured inside your engine's intake manifold. Since your engine needs air to breath, manifold pressure is a good indicator of how much power your engine can produce.

Now, if you start the engine and idle, why does the manifold pressure go way down?When your engine idles, it is being choked of air. It is given just enough air to sustain itself without stalling. If you could look down your carburetor throat when an engine is idling, those throttle plates would look like they were closed. However if you looked at it really closely, you would notice a little space on the edge of the throttle valve. Through that little crack, air is streaming in. If you turned your ear toward it, you could probably even hear a loud sucking sound. That is how much that engine is trying to breath. Those throttle valves are located at the base of your carburetor, and your carburetor is bolted on top of your intake manifold. Just below those throttle valves and inside your intake manifold, the air is in a vacuum. This is where your manifold pressure gauge's sensor is, and when you are idling, that sensor is reading that very low air pressure in that vacuum.

As you increase power, you will notice your manifold pressure comes up. This is simply because you have used your throttle to open those throttle plates more, and the engine is able to get the air it wants. If you apply full power on a normal engine, that pressure will ultimately reach about the same pressure as the outside, which really just means the air is now equalized as your engine's intake system is running wide open. So if you turned your engine off, your manifold pressure would rise to the outside pressure. So on a standard day at sea level, your manifold pressure with the engine off will be 30”.

So how can an engine produce more power at high altitudes where the air is so thin?Since the power an engine can produce is directly associated with the pressure of the air it can take, at some point during your climb (above 10,000 feet or so), that engine will be producing so little power that the aircraft can no longer climb. This is the point where the engine can barely sustain level flight, and is considered the aircraft’s service ceiling. A supercharger can raise this ceiling.


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The supercharger has a powerful fan installed in your intake system that forces more air into the engine. As you fly higher and the air pressure decreases, your supercharger will help to compensate and keep air pressure higher than it would be otherwise.

Let’s say while air pressure at sea level is 30”, it is 21” at 10,000. At 10,000 feet, your supercharger fan pushes in more air to increase your manifold pressure to 30”. Now your engine will produce the same power at 10,000 feet as it would at sea level. It would feel every bit as


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strong as it did when you took off.

However, even a supercharger has its limitations. At some point, it will hit its own limit of how much air it can force and manifold pressure will again start to drop off. Some aircraft, like the Merlin-powered, P-51 Mustang include a second stage supercharger; this is basically a HIGH / LOW gear. Some planes may automatically kick into HIGH at a certain altitude. When you hit this altitude, you will notice a nice punch of power. Other planes, like the P-47 Thunderbolt, use both a turbocharger and a supercharger. A turbocharger does the exact same thing as a supercharger, except while a supercharger is driven directly off the engine by mechanical gears; a turbocharger is driven by the power of the exhaust pressure. This is where the term ‘turbo lag’ comes from. Turbo lag is the time delay after you apply power and before the exhaust has enough pressure to spin the turbo charger hard enough to push more air into your engine. The turbo, being driven off exhaust, is only applying power when the engine is producing power. So the turbo process is a cycle – engine power produces more turbo power that produces more engine power and so on. It’s like rolling a snowball down a hill; this is your turbo ‘spooling’ up. Since the supercharger is gear driven, it moves perfectly in step with engine RPM – it’s there and ready when you apply throttle.

While turbo and superchargers can be used to compensate for lost air pressure up high, they can also be used to over-boost the power at sea level. This is called “ground boosting.” Ground boosting will add more air pressure (and power) at sea level than would normally be available.

If you add power and see your manifold pressure rise above 30”, then you have some form of supercharging or turbocharging adding more air into the engine than would normally be available. A normal engine that is producing 1,000 horsepower at 30” will produce 2,000 horsepower at 60”, since it is twice the pressure. 45” produces 1,500 horsepower and so on.


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Supercharging Heats The Air

The downside to supercharging is heat. The more you compress air, the more the temperature increases, therefore more supercharging = higher CAT temperatures. The increase in temperature can be extreme. Air at -40° coming into the intake system can be 100° hotter after it exits the supercharger. This is where your INTERCOOLER comes into play.

The INTERCOOLER is a heat exchanger, and is basically a radiator taking heat out of the incoming air. Use your INTERCOOLER FLAPS to transfer heat out of your intake manifold and out the flap doors. The more you open your inter-cooler flaps, the more heat you remove. Use your inter-cooler flaps to keep CAT temps nice and low for a strong and healthy running engine.


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The ignition system provides timed sparks to trigger timed explosions. For safety, aircraft are usually equipped with two completely independent ignition systems. In the event one fails, the other will continue to provide sparks and the engine will continue to run. This means each cylinder will have two spark plugs installed.

An added advantage to having two sparks instead of one is more sparks means a little more power. The pilot can select Ignition 1, Ignition 2, or BOTH by using the MAG switch. You can test that each ignition is working on the ground by selecting each one and watching your engine RPM. There will be a slight drop when you go from BOTH to just one ignition system. This is normal, provided the drop is within your pilot's manual limitation.


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Engine Temperature

All sorts of things create heat in an engine, like friction, air temp, etc., but nothing produces heat like COMBUSTION.

The hotter the metal, the weaker its strength.

Aircraft engines are made of aluminum alloy, due to its strong but lightweight properties. Aluminum maintains most of its strength up to about 150° Celsius. As the temperature approaches 200° Celsius, the strength starts to drop. An aluminum rod at 0° Celsius is about 5X stronger than the same rod at 250° Celsius, so an engine is most prone to fail when it is running hot. Keep your engine temperatures down to keep a healthy running engine.


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CHT (Cylinder Head Temperature)

CHT is a measurement of the temperature in the back of the cylinder head. The combustion is happening right inside the cylinder head, so high power will increase temperature rapidly. The key is to watch and manage your cylinder head temperature by being aware of the outside air temp, keeping your speed up, and using your cowl flaps to control how much cooling is applied. The largest CHT rise will come from sitting on a hot ramp, just after take-off, or in a slow and steep climb.


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Lubrication System (Oil)

An internal combustion engine has precision machined metal parts that are designed to run against other metal surfaces. There needs to be a layer of oil between those surfaces at all times. If you were to run an engine and pull the oil plug and let all the oil drain out, after just minutes, the engine would run hot, slow down, and ultimately seize up completely from the metal on metal friction.

There is a minimum amount of oil pressure required for every engine to run safely. If the oil pressure falls below this minimum, then the engine parts are in danger of making contact with each other and incurring damage. A trained pilot quickly learns to look at his oil pressure gauge as soon as the engine starts, because if the oil pressure does not rise within seconds, then the engine must be shut down immediately.

Below is a simple illustration of a crankshaft that is located between two metal caps, bolted together. This is the very crankshaft where all of the engine's power ends up. Vital oil is pressure-injected in between these surfaces when the engine is running. The only time the crankshaft ever physically touches these metal caps is at start-up and shutdown. The moment oil pressure drops below its minimum, these surfaces make contact. The crankshaft is where all the power comes from, so if you starve this vital component of oil, the engine can seize. However, this is just one of hundreds of moving parts in an engine that need a constant supply of oil to run properly.


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More Cylinders, More Power

The very first combustion engines were just one or two cylinders. Then, as technology advanced, and the demand for more power increased, cylinders were made larger. Ultimately, they were not only made larger, but more were added to an engine.

Here are some illustrations to show how an engine may be configured as more cylinders are added.

The more cylinders you add to an engine, the more heat it produces. Eventually, engine manufacturers started to add additional “rows” of cylinders. Sometimes two engines would literally be mated together, with the 2nd row being rotated slightly so the cylinders could get a direct flow of air.


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The Pratt & Whitney R4360

Pratt & Whitney took this even further, creating the R4360, with 28 Cylinders. The cylinders were so run so deep, it became known as the “Corn Cob.” This is the most powerful piston aircraft engine to reach production. There are a LOT of moving parts on this engine.


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Torque vs Horsepower

Torque is a measure of twisting force. If you put a foot long wrench on a bolt, and applied 1 pound of force at the handle, you would be applying 1 foot-pound of torque to that bolt. The moment a spark triggers an explosion, and that piston is driven down, that is the moment that piston is creating torque, and using that torque to twist the crankshaft. With a more powerful explosion, comes more torque. The more fuel and air that can be exploded the more torque will be available. You can increase an engine's power by either making bigger cylinders, adding more cylinders, or both.

Horsepower, on the other hand, is the TOTAL power that engine is creating. Horsepower is calculated by combining torque with speed (RPM). If an engine can produce 500 foot pounds of torque at 1,000 RPM and produce the same amount of torque at 2,000 RPM, then that engine is producing twice the HORSEPOWER at 2,000 RPM than it is at 1,000 RPM. Torque is the twisting force. Horsepower is how fast that twisting force is being applied.

If your airplane has a torque meter, keep that engine torque within the limits or you can break internal components. Typically, an engine produces the most torque in the low to mid RPM range, and highest horsepower in the upper RPM range.


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CHAPTER 2: The B377 Accu-Sim Expansion Pack

Accu-Sim Expansion Packs upgrade core areas of Microsoft Flight Simulator X to more realism and immersion possible. Each pack is developed and tailored to a specific aircraft. Our very first pack has been created for our latest and greatest, Wings of Silver Boeing 377 Stratocruiser.

The B377 Accu-Sim Expansion Pack

• Piston combustion engine modeling

• Real-world conditions affect system conditions, including engine temperatures. Manage temperatures with engine cowl flaps and oil cooler flaps

• Use inter-cooler flaps to cool Carburetor Air Temperatures (CAT) as high temperatures can adversely affect engine performance while low temperatures can lead to gradual carburetor icing.

• Spark plugs can clog and eventually foul if engines are allowed to idle too low for too long. Throttling up an engine with oil-soaked spark plugs can help clear them out and smoke will pour out of exhaust as oil is burned off.

• Serious overheating can cause scoring of cylinder head walls including ultimate failure if warnings are ignored and overly abused.

• Realistic water injection (ADI) turns on gradually when enabled. Pushing the engine too hard without water injection automatically injects more fuel to keep cylinders cooler, creating realistic black smoke from unburned fuel.

• Experience authentic asymmetrical drag when operating various flap systems in flight.

• On hot summer days you will need to pay very close attention to your systems, possibly expediting your takeoff to avoid overheating due to radiant ground heat.

• Systems are influenced based on real world conditions.

• Experience a realistic start-up with an engine that can cough and sputter until it catches and turns over.22

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• Your crew can help you, the captain, fly the plane by giving you critical information when you need it. For example, the Stratocruiser has a built-in takeoff flap warning system that sounds if you apply more than 3/4 throttle and the flaps are not set to takeoff position. If you apply throttle with flaps not properly set and hear this warning, your copilot will make a comment like, "Captain, you need to set your flaps to 25 degrees for takeoff." Your flight engineer gives you advanced updates on systems, giving you time to react. Crew speech is not robotic but quick and natural. This system was created to help you fly the plane, just like a real crew, and to make your experience more pleasurable.

• Environmental sounds including everything from passengers to brakes squealing to the aircraft creaking.


Once your Wings of Silver Boeing Stratocruiser is installed, run the B377 Accu-Sim expansion pack installer and follow on screen prompts. The installer should find both Flight Simulator X and the Wings of Silver Boeing 377 Stratocruiser automatically. If not, it will ask you to BROWSE for the correct location. Keep in mind, if Microsoft Flight Simulator X is properly installed, the Accu-Sim installation should be simple and straight forward.

Refer to your B377 Stratocruiser Pilot’s Manual

Included with your Wings of Silver Stratocruiser is a detailed pilot’s manual. The Accu-Sim upgrade is built into this product from the ground up, so refer to your pilots manual for specific systems operation.

What is the philosophy behind Accu-Sim?

Real pilots will tell you that no two aircraft are the same. Even taking the same aircraft up from the same airport to the same location will result in a different experience. For example, you may notice one day an engine is running a bit hotter than usual and you might just open your cowl flaps a bit more and be on your way, or maybe this is a sign of something more serious developing under the hood. Regardless, you expect these things to occur in a simulation just as they do in real life. This is Accu-Sim - it puts the gauge back in the game.

Realism does not mean having a difficult time with your flying. While Accu-Sim is created by pilots, it is built for everyone. This means everything from having a professional crew there to help you manage the systems, to an intuitive layout, or just the ability to turn the system


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on or off with a single switch. However, if Accu-Sim is enabled and the needles are in the red, there will be consequences. It is no longer just an aircraft, it's a simulation.

Actions Lead to Consequences

Your Wings of Silver Boeing 377 Stratocruiser is a complete aircraft with full system modeling. However, flying an aircraft as large and complex as the Stratocruiser requires constant attention to the systems. The infinite changing conditions around you and your aircraft have impact on these systems. As systems operate both inside and outside their limitations, they behave differently. For example, the temperature of the air that enters your carburetor has a direct impact on the power your engine can produce. Pushing an engine too hard may produce just slight damage that you, as a pilot, may see as it is just not running quite as good as the other engines. You may run a engine so hot, that it catches fire. However, it may not catch fire; it may just quit, or run really poorly. This is Accu-Sim – it’s not only the realism of all of these systems working in harmony, but also all the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle predictability of it all. The end result is when flying in an Accu-Sim powered aircraft; it just feels real enough that you can even smell the avgas.

Why did we start with one of the world’s most complex aircraft, such as the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser? That question has been asked numerous times, and the best answer I can give is we all, at A2A Simulations, must be certifiably insane. This aircraft and the accompanying Accu-Sim system took every ounce of energy out of our team. We are now quite proud and relieved to be making the manual for such an amazing product.

Your Crew Talks!

The Boeing 377 required a full crew to operate, so bringing them in with Accu-Sim was a priority for the success of this package. You typically will be moving back and forth between Pilot and Engineer, and sometimes shooting back to the Navigator’s spot to look at your maps. For the most part, when you are the Pilot, like the real pilot, you will need to manually fly the plane.

Your co-pilot is there to confirm things are being done. For example, he will let you know when your gear is up or down, or the degree of the flaps just so you can keep your head out the window and fly the plane. He will also call out speeds as you take-off, and even altitudes as you descend. This is what a real co-pilot does, and you will find him to be most helpful as your experience will simply be easier, and better. Your co-pilot will also warn you when you approach a dangerous limitation, like flying too fast with your flaps down, or perhaps just letting you know to turn your ADI on if you have forgotten. He will also let you know when you have really managed a great landing.

Your engineer is the heart of the plane. For the most part, you will need to be the engineer to operate the various systems. We have allowed him to take over the turbo system for you, so you can just use the single throttle for power. He will perform all turbo calibrations as well so all engines, assuming they are in proper working condition, run in synch. However, if your engineer warns you of


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an engine getting too hot, you should first insure your autopilot is on then move to the engineer’s seat and look over the systems. The auto pilot is a very simple and useful tool, probably even more so for a simulation, so make sure you know how to use it. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to very quickly engage it, then pop in the back and take your time knowing the plane is under good control. You can also manipulate all engine controls from the engineer’s station, and seeing that the plane for most of the flight will be using the autopilot, you may find you sit in the engineer’s seat more than the pilot’s seat for a full flight.

Be Organized – Stay Ahead of Trouble

The key to successfully operating your 377 is to stay ahead of the curve, and on top of things. Your engineer will let you know well in advance so there shouldn’t be any panic. Your crew watches many instruments and systems for you. We have included for you, the pilot, a little “Clipboard” panel which the engineer will use to list the hottest engine and turbo in the system. This is invaluable when you are flying the aircraft. You can keep this little window up and see instantly your most vulnerable system.

Key Systems To Watch

Cylinder Head Temperatures (CAT) - This is a measurement of the actual cylinder heads in each of the 4 engines. This temperature is quick to heat up, and cool down (unlike your oil temperatures which take longer to change.) This is your most critical area to watch. Running these too hot can quickly result in catastrophe. Never let these temps get above 260°, as you not only risk engine damage but fire. THE MOST COMMON MISTAKE for a junior pilot is FORGETTING TO REDUCE POWER AFTER TAKEOFF. If you watch your CHT temp during take-off, through your little 2D Clipboard panel, you will see how fast those temperatures rise when full power is applied. This is why the Stratocruiser has a MAXIMUM CHT TEMP BEFORE TAKE-OFF of 170°. Most of the time, you should be well within this limit. If you simply follow common sense procedures, your engines should stay well within limits, and everyone should have a wonderful flight.

Key Things To Keep In Check

1. Open Cowl Flaps to 3”

2. Reduce power immediately after takeoff to 49-51”

3. Do not climb too steeply to insure adequate airflow – keep speeds over 150mph


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CAT (Carburetor Air Temperature).

This is the temperature of the air before it enters your engine. If it is too low, carb icing can occur. This is when you would close your INTERCOOLER flaps and turn your CARB HEAT ON. If CAT is too high, power will be much less. The biggest contributor to hot CAT is using your Turbo-supercharger (high power or high altitude). The compressing of the air causes the temp to dramatically rise. Use your INTERCOOLER FLAPS to keep temps in check.

Turbo Bearing Temperature

As you climb, your turbos will work harder, and spin faster to continue to keep a good supply of air coming into your engine. The harder they work, the hotter those bearings get. Hot turbo bearing temperatures should not be an issue until you start to reach altitudes over 20,000 feet. If you are working the turbo lever yourself, you will need to be careful – you can’t just run these turbos at full blast at high alt, as they will pretty much run too fast. There is a built in limiter that limits their speed for you to 22,000RPM. This RPM is not available to you or the crew, but you can push these turbos to their maximum value only for about 15 minutes, according to the manual. You will notice, if you run them this hard, temps will eventually rise and you will have to back them off. A turbo lever value of 7 is a pretty safe max setting to keep in mind. Also, if you choose to ignore warnings and run these turbos well above their turbo bearing temperature limits, they could fail. A failed turbo at high altitude is serious; as it pretty much takes that engine completely out until you get to lower altitudes. Be careful, once a turbo fails, there is no getting it back until the ground crew can repair or replace it for you.

The turbo bearing temperature gauges should be monitored periodically while the turbos are in operation and temperature limits should be observed. The gauges will normally stabilize and indicate in the low or mid green range and may vary 10 - 15°C between turbos; however, this variation should remain constant. A variation of plus or minus 20°C on any one gauge from the next highest or lowest indication, respectively, is indicative of an impending turbo malfunction and eventual failure. A plus 20° C variation indicates rough turbo bearings or a slightly cracked nozzle box and that turbo should be shut down to prevent further damage.

The plus 20° C variation is only indicative of an impending failure. There may be a time lag of 5 minutes to an hour before complete failure occurs. If the mission requires high power on all four engines, and the turbo is left in operation, monitor the high reading gauge constantly for a rapid steady rise or a plus variation of over 30° C. If either of these indications should occur, the turbo must be shut down immediately. A minus 20° C variation is indicative of a lubrication failure and that turbo should be shutdown to prevent further damage. There may be a time lag of 5 to 30 minutes before complete failure occurs. Usually the complete failure is preceded momentarily by a rapid steady rise in bearing temperature. If the mission requires high power on all four engines, and the turbo is left in operation, the low reading gauge must be monitored constantly for an indication of a rapid temperature rise. At the first sign of rapid rise, the turbo must be shut down immediately.


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For the most part, you will want your RAM AIR to be ON. This simply insures a nice flow of air into your engines. If RAM AIR is OFF, your turbo charger will have to work harder to produce the same power. If you are operating in icing conditions, you may want to turn your RAM AIR OFF at least until your CAT is in the green.

Oil Temperature

Oil temperatures will raise based on your power levels and RPM. Your oil cooler flaps are set to AUTO by default. They will open and close automatically to regulate the oil temperature for you. You can manually adjust these if you see fit, but for the most part, AUTO works well, as intended.

Manifold Pressure

Your manifold pressure is the pressure of the air inside your carburetor. Idling chokes the engine of fuel / air, so air pressure will be very low at idle. As you increase power, and your turbo-superchargers start to push in more air, manifold pressure increases. A damaged engine will tend to show a HIGHER manifold pressure than a healthy engine as the damaged one will not be pulling as much air as the healthy engine, creating more of a bottleneck at the carburetor. So, if you see a manifold pressure gauge on one engine showing slightly higher than the others, either your Turbos are out of calibration or that engine is experiencing some trouble. Keep an eye on the CHT if this is the case.

ADI (Anti Detonation Injection).

Your ADI is basically water injected into the engine to keep temperatures down, so you can push the engine harder (run higher manifold pressures). If your ADI is ON, and you are applying HIGH POWER, your engine will automatically increase the mixture to keep engines cooler. You will notice black smoke under these conditions. Do not be alarmed, but be aware you should never apply FULL POWER with ADI OFF. Doing so can cause permanent engine damage.


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Engine Health

Every time you load up your Accu-Sim Stratocruiser, you get new engines. By “New” we mean, different. This means you may get 4 beauties that operate very close to each other, but most of the time they will all have differences. This is simply the way it was and is in any multi-engine piston aircraft. The gauges are never the same. There are just too many moving parts, variables, changes, etc. that continually alter their condition. Sometimes however, you may find only after you take-off, one engine is not really up to par with the rest. It may be running too hot, or may just not be producing the same power. You will need to, and eventually learn to keep an eye on that one engine until you get your plane on the ground so it can be looked at by maintenance.

Environmental Sounds

Microsoft Flight Simulator X, like any piece of software, has its limitations. Accu-Sim breaks this open by augmenting the sound system with our own, adding all kinds of little sounds to make things just be more believable, from running the defroster to turning on the seat-belt sign to scaring your passengers (and crew). We really enjoyed making these sounds.


Accu-Sim watches your landings, and the moment your wheels hit the pavement, you will hear the appropriate sounds (thanks to the new sound engine capabilities). Slam it on the ground and you may hear metal crunching, or just kiss the pavement perfectly and the passengers just may be so impressed they applaud. This landing system part of Accu-Sim makes every landing challenging and fun.


Accu-Sim is about maximizing the joy of flight. We at A2A Simulations are passionate about aviation, and are proud to be the makers of both the Wings of Silver Stratocruiser, and its accompanying Accu-Sim expansion pack. Please feel free to email us, post on our forums, or let us know what you think. Sharing this passion with you is what makes us happy.


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CHAPTER 3: Captain of the Ship

History and Overview

If you are familiar with our original Accu-Sim 377, then you know it is about deeply simulating the aircraft systems and the entire cockpit environment. This was our very first Accu-Sim product, and the day it came out virtually every single customer was flying an Accu-Sim aircraft for the first time.

So we found ourselves with more and more customers that, for the first time, were in front of so many systems that hadn't had any meaning before. Our concern was getting over-loaded with customers asking for help (we had spent months preparing for this moment). However, after release, we weren't getting bombarded by customers in need of help. Instead they were busy exploring all of these newly working systems and simply, having fun learning. Yes, there was probably a record high of aircraft crashes shortly after take-off, but people were excited and engaged. Cylinder head temperature wasn't a useless gauge anymore; it not only showed correct readings, but these readings meant something. This was also the first time many heard of CAT (carburetor air temperature). You can read about this stuff, but it's not until you live it do you truly understand not only what it is, but what it means. We included an authentic automatic mixture system, independent and manually operated turbochargers, spark plugs that could gradually foul (not just turn your engines off), and a new water-injection system. The list of first-time systems goes on. However, within weeks, what quickly became the most common request was, “we want more.”


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So we took what we learned from the 377 and used it to create our next Accu-Sim aircraft, the P-47 Thunderbolt, which most notably included a brand new sound system. Every single switch, dial, and lever in that cockpit was painstakingly reproduced. Finally, you could open your canopy and hear physically driven wind and prop sounds that delivered a genuine open canopy experience.

After the P47, we took stock in what we had created, and wanted to make sure we were not getting ahead of ourselves, perhaps walking past some of the nuances to a true stick-and-rudder experience. So, to make sure we had every basic item completely covered, we decided to do the most famous basic airplane of all, the Piper J-3 Cub. To give an example, we spent a week studying and coding the physics of that little oil-based magnetic compass.

This is because, when you have so few indicators in a cockpit, J-3 pilots really got to know every nuance of each gauge and we needed to not only know it, but reproduce it. We applied this thinking to the entire cockpit, and simply moved throughout the airplane one step at a time. Ultimately, we were hand-starting the airplane, getting “on the step” with the float plane, and even paddling it to the shore. But in the air, this airplane is all about feel, and this is where the wind, drag, and new Accu-Sim physics came into play. In the words of one of our high-time flight instructors, “for the first time I can actually teach proper spin entry and exit procedures”. But, putting all that aside, probably the Cub's biggest claim to fame was that little pretty passenger we threw in the front seat, that the community came to affectionately known as “Heidi.” Heidi's popularity comes from her personality, her attitude, and her intelligence. She seems alive.


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Moving forward from the Cub, we just made a much bigger (and more complex) Cub, the Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress.” The B-17 was one of the first massive “electric airplanes” with flaps and even landing gear operated not by more traditional hydraulic or pneumatic systems, but by electrical motors. In addition, it was a large 4-engined bomber designed to be flown by young, inexperienced pilots so it included some innovative equipment that helped make the airplane pilot friendly

The Accu-Sim B-17 was really a culmination of everything in one package. We had an active and historic crew, and we created a new, highly expanded maintenance hangar that drove deep into those aircraft systems.

Then for our next product, we attacked an area that has been so lacking in flight simulators, the propeller. To anyone who has studied aeronautics, they know and respect all of the almost countless nuances that go into simulating the physics of a propeller. We studied everything that was considered the accepted propeller physics, yet there were still areas missing. So we actually created our very own propeller physics engine allowing those missing elements to count. With this we created a tutorial video showing the differences between different kinds of propellers, and how dramatic these differences are. Our Accu-Sim Spitfire customers now have hands-on experience with fixed, variable, and constant speed propellers. And they are experiencing the only system in the world that does it in such a way.


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Primary Trainer for the Berlin Airlift

However, during much of this time, we have maintained contact with Tim Chopp of the Berlin Airlift. For years he has been restoring and re-designing his C-97 Stratofreighter to join the Berlin Airlift to take part in tours with his C-54 Skymaster around the United States and beyond. However, when we first met Tim, he simply needed a better training tool. And we just happened to have created the Accu-Sim Stratocruiser, which is the civilian version of his C-97 Stratofrieghter. So we met up with Tim and provided him with the tools he needs to better train for his C-97. Since then he has been using our Boeing B377 almost daily for training and preparation for his C-97.

Now Tim is a certified C-97 engineer, but he is also certified to fly left seat. So up to this point, Tim has been using our simulator to train as the engineer. But this is half the training he requires. He also needs to train to fly this aircraft left seat and have a capable engineer working with him while he handles all the responsibilities of directly flying the aircraft.

So for the past half-year, we have been slowly building an intelligent flight engineer that can manage this entire panel and react humanly to almost every situation.


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When Flying Was an Event

Now during the glory days of aviation, flying wasn't about going from point A to point B, it was an event. And flying on the new, double-deck, Boeing 377 Stratocruiser was literally the biggest aviation event there was. These passengers have paid to fly on the largest, most advanced, most luxurious aircraft in the world. And at the very least, they expect a smooth flight. What they don't expect is an inexperienced, ham-fisted captain at the controls. These passengers expect and deserve the very best.

However there is somebody else on board who also deserves the absolute best from you and your crew, and she may very well be the most important person on this plane. So who better to fill this position, and back by popular demand, our very own “Heidi.”


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Accu-Sim Fliers Are Well Prepared

If you have been flying our Stratocruiser, then you already have a solid foundation for managing the aircraft systems. This strong, hands-on technical background will only help you be a better captain. So you are ready to step up and fly left seat in this package.

You will now be able to concentrate on the overall responsibility of managing and flying the aircraft. This is your flight, this is your plane, this is your crew, and this is your responsibility because YOU are the Captain of the Ship.

Thank you for your interest in A2A products. There is so much in this package that we have been having a ton of fun with, that we are extremely happy to have it out in the public. We look forward to hearing about your new experiences.


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Captain of the Ship Features

• You learn the most when you are having fun. Our former Accu-Sim 377 is extensively used by Tim Chopp, owner of the Berlin Airlift’s C-54 and C-97 Stratofreighter for his own personal training

• New career system is based on how well you manage your aircraft systems, quality of flight, and emergencies

• Intelligent passengers react to the weather, flight, and cabin conditions.

• This Is Your Captain Speaking... The captain keeps passengers informed on the flight’s progress

• A Live Engineer manages systems which allows a true left-seat experience

• Virtual flight attendant performs her duties and reports to the crew

• Navigator’s station with real-time monitoring and calculations of wind and flight conditions

• Professional Audio with new sound suite including over 15 electrical motors, authentic switches, wind, cabin creaks, etc.

• Natural Speech constructs sentences dynamically from a pool of over 1000 sound recordings strong.

• Accu-Sim physics system shakes the cockpit and airframe based on both external and internal conditions

• Real-time passenger loading and unloading

• Deeper systems modeling throughout including oil pressure loss, friction heat, and cabin pressurization failures.

• New Cabin Pressurization Module driven by the turbochargers

• New Climate Control Systems including 24,000 watt air conditioning compressors along with dual body heaters


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You Learn the Most When You Are Having Fun

We built a custom PC with our A2A 377 Stratocruiser for Tim Chopp of the Berlin Airlift.


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After delivering the new system with the A2A Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, Tim Chopp began training and, to this day, has accumulated over 1,000 hours with our Accu-Sim Stratocruiser. In Tim's words to us, “Training on your Accu-Sim Stratocruiser has changed the way I train. I now enter my airplane and am immediately familiar with the systems.”


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Our engineer’s panel is fully functional and Tim has been spending most of his time here, training as the engineer. You can train with the exact same panel.


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Now it's time to train left seat.


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New Career System

New Career System is based on how well you manage your aircraft systems, quality of flight, and emergencies

In real life, every action we do (or don't do) has consequences that go alone with it.

This is never truer than when piloting a system-rich, period airliner like the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser.

However, as captain, you are not only responsible for the entire aircraft, but for every life on that plane. By law, every person on board that plane must follow the orders of the pilot in command. In fact, the captain has the authority to refuse a direct order from an air traffic controller if he is acting in the interest of the safety of his aircraft. So understand that the captain has the ultimate authority and responsibility for the safety of everyone on board his aircraft.

Training aside, you will find that managing an aircraft with passengers is mostly rooted in common sense. Your passengers, like all people, like to be in a comfortable climate, don't like being subjected to sudden forces, and enjoy good food and drink, so when you fly with your new Accu-Sim Career Module, remember the following:

(NOTE: You do not have to remember what is on this list. It's just all common sense you will know instinctively)

• In cold climates, be sure to allow your crew time to heat up the cabin prior to loading passengers

• In hot climates, start the engines a few minutes prior to boarding to cool the cabin down

• If you choose to fly exclusively left seat, give your engineer time to set the systems up and your crew to perform their ground duties before just throttling up and taking off.

• Be easy on your engines from the very start. You are responsible for wear and damage on that plane, so only use the power you need.


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• Turn the seat-belt sign on during takeoff, landings, at lower altitudes, transitioning through clouds, and in any expected turbulent conditions. Ensure you turn it off when the flying is smooth.

• Allow your passengers to finish eating a meal before landing

• When passengers are eating, fly with a feather's touch. It is recommended you keep the plane in a steady flight in smooth air if possible.

• Fly carefully when passengers are sleeping

• Make coordinated turns. USE THE BALL! If you do this correctly, unless someone is looking out the window, they won't even know you are turning.

• Be very careful with the rudder, as it is powerful and can cause all kinds of bad things to happen in the cabin especially when food and drinks are throughout the cabin.

• Plan your descents and don't force fast pressure transitions. This can cause bad ear pain for passengers, including little passengers that cry and can ruin the flight for others.

• Make the absolute best landing you can. This starts with a proper, steady approach. Making landings takes PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Landing is HARD WORK for even the very best pilots.

• Be calm during emergencies, because your passengers will likely not be, and they will look to you, the captain, to maintain control. Under a critical emergency like a lost engine, engine fire, or pressurization failure, get that plane on the ground safely and your passengers will thank you forever.

• If you are unlucky enough to have a passenger fall seriously ill on your flight, get that plane to the closest appropriate airfield as soon as you can.

• Sometimes a VIP will board the plane. With VIP's come press and attention, so think of it as doubling down in Vegas. Make a good flight, and reap the recognition. Make a bad call, and that will be remembered too.


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Underlying Intelligence System

The very core of Captain of the Ship is an intelligent human-like system that watches... and learns. Yes, Accu-Sim doesn't just pull variables from the host program, in this case Microsoft FSX. It observes, and adapts. Why? Well frankly, repetition is boring and a true simulation demands freedom, and freedom of choice is the very essence of a simulation experience. After all, you are the boss, and the very nature of being a leader is making choices.

So once this system was tested and in place, we are now able to deliver naturally speaking people, including the captain. Our Accu-Sim sound system now includes a Natural Speech module that dynamically constructs sentences on the fly. It pulls from a pool of over one thousand sound recordings strong and produces natural speech. The end result is a captain, co-pilot, navigator, engineer, and even a flight attendant that just speaks. There are no canned

captain's call buttons. Your new natural speech captain speaks based on the surrounding conditions, and does so without canned or triggered repetition.

Intelligent Passengers

Passengers react to the weather, flight, and cabin conditions

We try hard to simulate all conditions, and not just expected ones, because life is full of surprises. The passenger module was built on top of our famous “Heidi” intelligence module made for our Piper J3. This time, it's not an individual, but more of a crowd mentality. Be smart and keep them comfortable, fly the aircraft well, and be prepared for emergencies, and you will likely have a successful career.


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You are Captain of the Ship

When you are a captain of the largest, most luxurious airliner in the world, you carry an enormous responsibility to not only the aircraft itself, but to the passengers and crew. A2A Simulations is proud to introduce our newest Accu-Sim intelligence module, “Captain of the Ship.”

This Is Your Captain Speaking...

Your captain observes the flight, its state, and the surrounding conditions and will report updates to the cabin from time to time. He speaks using natural expressions, rather than canned, triggered recordings.

The Buck Stops with You, Captain

You, as the captain, will be remembered and judged by your actions (hopefully not lack of action). The Accu-Sim Career Module is built around this premise. Your reputation is builtby repeated and consistent good flying, but there always lurks the unexpected and rare emergency. Those rare unexpected moments are known as a “Captain's Call.”


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In a completely unexpected, crisis situation, what are you going to do? Are you going to hesitate? Are you going to fumble around with the manuals? Or are you going to get right to it? What if you have a minor pressurization failure? Will you make a death plunge for the lower altitudes where the air is thicker; effectively turning what was a minor situation into a crisis? What if you have a medical emergency in flight? What about a simple problem like a heating failure happening half-way across the Atlantic at 30,000 feet, where the air is sixty below zero?

Most of your flights are not going to have drama, but every experienced pilot knows that unexpected events are lurking in the shadows just waiting to happen. However, you cannot control or prevent these unexpected events. A machine shop that forged a faulty rod that happens to give while you are at the controls is not within your control. The mechanic that fails to fasten down an oil line is not in control. All you can do as Captain is to know your aircraft, operate it responsibly, and be prepared for anything that might happen.

And this, we believe, is where the magic comes in with Captain of the Ship, because everything you do is remembered. In real life, the best is brought out in those who are held accountable for their actions. The same thing applies to a simulation. When you are held to account for all of your actions and all of these actions are remembered and together, create your identity and reputation, suddenly it is an entirely new experience.


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The Captain Always Takes Full Responsibility

A lot of you for the first time are going to notice “The Ball.” If you are someone who has not cared about this ball before (located on your Turn & Slip gauge), you are going to care about it now. Because this ball will allow you to make perfectly coordinated turns. When you make a coordinated turn, people in the back won't even know you are turning. I am sure you have been in an airplane and suddenly looked out the window and you are looking either straight down at the ground or up in the sky, and before you didn't even know you were turning. Now THAT is a coordinated turn. I am also sure you have been in an airplane and that aircraft is banking, and you know it. Now that is NOT a coordinated turn. That kind of turn is acceptable when people are sitting down and your seat-belt is fastened. An uncoordinated turn like that is not acceptable when people are roaming about the cabin or eating a full course meal. Now, you have to be that experienced pilot.

Let me show you some examples of how our testers are flying differently now. First, on very cold or warm days, they have learned to give their crew extra time to prepare the cabin. This may mean running the body heaters, or starting the engines early and blasting some fresh, cool air into that cabin.

Now if you are a combustion engine mechanic or a prop-aircraft owner, you know that running a combustion engine at its maximum power wears it down much faster than running that same engine at say cruise power, or even climb power. Don't be surprised with Captain of the Ship, if you find yourself taking off with something less than take-off power.

Maybe you were used to raising your flaps quickly after take-off and didn't mind if you sink a little bit, but now you may think a little differently because there are people in the back.

You may even find yourself reaching for that seat-belt sign BEFORE you hit turbulence. Why? Well, maybe because on your last flight you hit turbulence shortly after take-off and the seat-belt sign was off. After that flight, a passenger decided to voice his grievance with the airline. Also, please note that people like a smooth flight when they are eating dinner.

You may find yourself taking the extra time to make a proper approach. This new-found patience may be from the consequences of your last flight making last minute corrections or perhaps a sloppy kick of the rudder to get back onto the glide slope. With every new experience, BANG! you’ve just became a better pilot. Why? - Because you are accountable.

It sounds like a lot perhaps, but you will be surprised just how natural it all comes to you, and you will just remember because it all makes sense in the real world, and now does in the simulated world.


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A Live Engineer

Flying with a live engineer allows you to have a truer left-seat experience

About 6 months of AI coding and testing has gone into breathing true life into a systems engineer who will handle the engineer's panel properly in almost every possible scenario.

It is important that our engineer, Larry, acts not like a computer but like a person, because in real life people manage this aircraft, not computers. While Larry is capable, he is not perfect. If you hand the panel over to him, give him time to go through the systems, checking one by one. He needs to scan the panel with his eyes, needs to think, and make adjustments.

Your engineer actually talks to himself while he works, so as you are flying left seat, you can hear cues of what he is adjusting.


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Main Panel

This covers the entire panel including:

Oil system

Initially, the oil levels will be checked and reported to the captain. Later, during flight, if any of the engine oil tanks fall below ten gallons, a gallon will be injected from the main tank to that tank.

Fuel System

The fuel selectors with booster pumps will be set accordingly to the current flight stage, fuel level, and balance requirements.

Cowl flaps

Cowl flaps will be set to approximately 3” when idling on the ground. In flight, the flaps will be opened just enough to adequately cool the engines, while maintaining the least amount of drag.

Inter-cooler flaps

Inter-cooler flaps will be opened just enough to adequately cool the turbocharged air, while maintaining the least amount of drag. The flaps will be opened based on not just the present temperature but where the engineer believes the temperature is headed, in an effort to set and forget as much as possible, rather than constantly chasing and adjusting the flaps.

Ram / sheltered air

Ram air will be used in most situations except in icing conditions or when the CAT gets too low despite closing the inter-cooler flaps. In sheltered mode, the air is slightly warmer than in RAM mode.

Oil cooling flaps

While these can be manually operated, the engineer leaves these in automatic mode and the oil cooler flaps adjust accordingly.

Electrical system

Generators will be enabled on engines that are running and disabled when the engine has stopped.


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Cabin heat and cooling system

The ground blower will be turned on when needed on the ground and off when the RAM air becomes adequate. NOTE, this is not to be confused with the engine RAM air flaps, as this is an independent system. The master air system will be enabled and either the cooling compressors or body heaters will be enabled based on the outside and cabin and cockpit temperatures.


He will handle the turbo bleeders, cabin pressurization rate of change, and cabin pressurization altitude.


There are two ways the engineer can manage your turbochargers:


Turbochargers will be managed based on the outside pressure altitude, giving you about maximum available power at all altitudes. If you are throttled back he will move the turbo lever ahead just enough to maintain enough differential pressure for the cabin pressurization to work properly.

MP (Manifold Pressure) Hold

Turbochargers will be managed to maintain a constant manifold pressure. This can also be helpful if you wish to run the turbos harder or easier. If you ask the engineer to hold, say 50”, then pull back your throttle, he will increase the turbo's until 50” is restored, effectively working the turbo's harder, raising your CAT (carb air temperature). If you push the throttles forward, he will then back off the turbo's essentially using less turbo, therefore lowering your CAT.

IMPORTANT: Larry will not adjust the turbo lever in MP HOLD mode to maintain cabin pressurization, so be careful not to apply too much throttle, as he may back off the turbos too much in an effort to hold the manifold pressure you requested.

If your CAT or turbo bearing temperatures get too high, he will back off the turbos to prevent damage from high heat.


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Her name is “Heidi”

The young Cub Pilot who flew 15 B-17 missions as Co-Pilot and 24 more as Captain over Europe until May 8, 1945 (VE Day), when he volunteered to go back to the States to train in the new B-29. He flew 18 missions as a B-29 Captain in the Pacific Theatre until August 14, 1945 (VJ day).

After leaving the service in October, 1945, he went to work at Boeing in Seattle to help them to develop their C-97 for civilian use as the 377 Stratocruiser. In June, 1948 he began receiving many very attractive offers from a number of airlines to train their pilots and crews to fly the new 377s which they were purchasing. He accepted one such offer in August, 1948, and did this job very well for a while. However, he missed performing the duties of a flying Captain. So, in March, 1950, he became a 377 Captain for a major airline where, a month later, to his surprise and delight, he was reunited with newly-promoted Chief Stewardess Heide, whom he hadn’t seen since he went overseas to England in December, 1942. They flew together for the next 36 years until October, 1986 when he retired. They are still close friends.

Heide joined the WACs in January, 1941. She became an AAF Air Traffic Controller (ATC) and rose to the rank of Major, having served in England during the war and in Germany after VE Day. She left the service in June, 1949, after having participated in the Berlin Airlift. She worked for the CAA as an ATC for a while, but wanted to get into the air again and applied to and was accepted at a major airline’s stewardess school. She began working for them in that capacity in November, 1949; quickly advancing to Chief Stewardess in April, 1950.

Although on a number of occasions Heide received offers from the Air Force and the FAA to return as an ATC, and also was wooed by a few major stewardess schools to be their director, after her reunion with her dear old friend, she remained as Flight Crew on his flights until he retired in October, 1986, when she, too, retired. - Mitchell Glicksman


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Just a Stewardess?

In many ways, the stewardess (flight attendant) is the most important person on the plane. She does a job that very few people could do well. She is the face of the airline and she is directly responsible for servicing the passenger’s needs. She greets people with a smile while boarding and she helps them with all their needs including finding their seat and stowing their luggage. She is also responsible for making sure all passengers understand the minimal safety precautions from showing them where the exits are to how to use oxygen in an emergency.

Once the aircraft is airborne, she continues to work to respond to every need while serving drinks, snacks, and full course meals. On overnight flights, she will will attend to every passengers need so that they get the most comfortable night’s sleep possible. She is on constant alert and takes very few breaks.

Your head stewardess, Heidi, works during a time in aviation when flying was a major event. Additionally, the Boeing Stratocruiser was the largest and most advanced passenger plane in the world. This means just like every crew member aboard this first-class airliner, she is held to the very highest standard.

Just like a highly experienced captain, she is at the very top of her game. Therefore, she deserves the very best from you, her Captain. Give her a smooth flight so the passengers feel safe and comfortable. Be responsible with your climbs and descents, and be sure to alert the cabin with a seat-belt warning before you enter into turbulent conditions.


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Navigator’s Station

The Navigator’s station includes real-time monitoring and calculations of wind and flight conditions. Your navigator gets reports of the wind conditions and determines any cross, tail, or head winds.

He also monitors how the aircraft is behaving and determines what the turbulence level is regardless of what any weather reporting stations may be reporting.


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Aircraft time is tracked, basically meaning the time the passengers are on regardless of what time zones you have crossed over. He has a gold pocket watch he keeps on his table that you can look at. Meals are served based on this time, and not local or global time.

See your updated Captain of the Ship Edition flight manual for details.


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Professional Audio

A new sound system with over one thousand brand new recordings.

Any great sound begins with a great recording, and the highest quality audio can only be captured by industry professional sound engineers using the very finest audio equipment.

First, we visit the aircraft and analyze all of the sounds that it is capable of making, whether it is sitting on the ground or flying through a thunderstorm. Then we isolate and capture hundreds, sometimes thousands of sounds as they occur.

Once back in the studio, the sound then gets processed and entered into our latest Accu-Sim sound engine, where they are driven and even modified by the actual physics inside our aircraft.

Now when you flick a switch, you hear the actual switch live, on the fly. The same applies to all kinds of levers, buttons, and knobs. Furthermore, these switches and knobs control newly recorded electrical motors and servos. You will hear the actual cowl flap wind up, run, and wind down. Additional motors control the inter-cooler flaps, oil cooler flaps, and oil pump motors as they pulse and whir. A genuine Boeing APU was captured and winds high or strains when you put higher electrical loads on it. You can even open the window and hear the props through the window. You can hear the air as it passes smoothly over your airframe or as it slams into the side or underneath areas of the aircraft. Flying through a thunderstorm is a true, Accu-Sim audio experience in FSX. Just be sure to put the seat-belt sign on so your passengers stay safe.


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Natural Speech

Captain of the Ship includes a Natural Speech Module which constructs sentences dynamically from a pool of over 1000 sound recordings strong.

For speech to sound natural in a game, simulation, or movie, it always begins with a convincing actor (or actress) captured by sound professionals using high quality microphones. But in today's high tech world, that is where the natural part ends. Those recordings are then digitally processed and placed inside ambient environments to simulate how speech is heard whether it comes over a head set, over a PA system, normal talking behind a closed door, or right next to you.

From there our brand new Accu-Sim sound module constructs sentences on the fly based on actual conditions. This means the captain can update the cabin several times during a flight and always sounds natural and spontaneous.

Your engineer is constantly keeping you updated and instead of hearing the same repeated sentence, you hear natural, live updates. When your head stewardess, Heidi, comes in to serve meals, she reads from the menu on the fly just like we do in real life. Across the board, all talking is managed with this new speech module, which hopefully gives you the immersion of being among thinking individuals.

This is absolutely necessary to make it all sound “natural” to you, the end user.


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Accu-Sim Physics

Accu-Sim physics system shakes the cockpit and airframe based on both external and internal conditions. When the engines start running they vibrate and shake your cockpit. Once the airframe starts to move, ground bumps punch and buck the aircraft through the wheel struts. It shakes, bucks, and strains as it rolls on the ground and ultimately as it takes to the air above. Wind forces can cause your airframe to creak and stress and even the air that passes over the elevator at slow speeds also shakes the aircraft, just prior to the wing completely stalling.

Real-time passenger loading and unloading

Every time you load your plane, you will get a fresh new load of passengers. Some passengers travel alone, while others travel in groups / families. Clicking on any of the load pre-sets will start a real time loading of your airplane. You can always hit FAST LOAD, and it will still load realistically but will simply do it much faster. Your ground crew and stewardess will also keep you informed of the progress.

You can also see a more accurate status in your CREW REPORTS (SHIFT-2) panel pop up.


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Deeper Systems Modelling

Deeper systems modelling throughout including oil pressure loss, friction heat, and cabin pressurization failures.

Your crew is smart and will usually be able to figure out when things are not right. We have added deeper modelling of the oil system and internal engine pressures. Also, damaged engines can send vibrations through the entire aircraft.

If you notice any of the following, you may be experiencing engine trouble:

More vibrations than you are used toHigher than expected oil tempsLower than expected oil pressuresLower than expected torque

If you or your crew has determined you have internal engine trouble, it is recommended that you feather the prop and shut the engine down. This is because the engine is at risk of degrading into a possible emergency situation like a sudden engine failure or even worse, a fire. At the very least, if you MUST keep the engine running, use it at the most minimal power possible.


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New Systems

Some people will notice some new gauges here, including a pressurization system that uses the pressurized air coming from the engine turbochargers. It's a very interesting system to get to know and to use. Your engineer can handle this along with a brand new air conditioning cooling and heating system. He can also manage your electrical system, which is all-new in this Captain of the Ship package. One of the biggest selling points of the Boeing 377 is giving pressurized, air-conditioned comfort all the way to 30,000 feet. The air conditioning on this aircraft is equal to the power of 300 refrigerators. You can see these babies kicking in an out on our electrical panel and anything from turning on various lights to various systems and pumps can be seen placing their draw here. You can isolate your battery and individual generators and see how they are performing.

We have also used our latest sound engine to bring this aircraft to life. Every switch, dial, lever, and up to fifteen electrical motors can be simultaneously heard in the cockpit. Add this to all the creaking, rattling, and bucking in this airframe, it becomes an orchestra of sound in the cabin.


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New Cabin Pressurization Module

New Cabin Pressurization Module is driven by the turbochargers.

As you climb into the higher thinner air, it holds less oxygen. To remedy this, a pressurization system is employed to make the air denser, and therefore to being close to its natural density at sea level. Such a system requires an aircraft cabin that is sealed and has minimal leakage.

The Boeing 377 Stratocruiser uses the higher air pressure generated by the engine turbochargers to increase the cabin air pressure. This requires the turbochargers to be running, especially as you fly into the very high, thin air up at 30,000 feet.

You have four turbo bleeder switches, which control the tapping into each of the four turbochargers. Together they provide a combined increased pressure to the cabin. There are also two turbo differential gauges that show the pressure difference between the cabin pressure and the pressure coming from the turbochargers. You always want to see some reading on these gauges as it means you have some extra pressure 'headroom' coming from the turbochargers.

You can play with the throttle and turbo lever to see this authentic, period system in action.

Trouble occurs most when you expose an average person to rapid changes in pressure. Usually, this is felt in the ears and sometimes head. Aviators can build a tolerance to this, but average “folks” can range from being tolerant to very sensitive to air pressure changes. Babies tend to be very sensitive to these changes as many reading this manual have experienced a crying baby on an airplane.

As the engineer of the plane, do your best to avoid changes in “cabin altitude” in excess of 300 ft /min and the folks in the back will be comfortable.


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The crew will put on their oxygen masks should the cabin altitude go higher than 10,000 feet.

New Climate Control Systems

The Climate Control Systems includes 24,000 watt air conditioning compressors along with powerful, dual body heaters.

The Boeing 377 Stratocruiser was designed for the very highest, 1st class comfort possible, and this includes not only two strong body heaters but an air conditioning system of the power of three-hundred refrigerators. The air conditioning compressors are not mechanical, but electrical and therefore place an enormous weight on the electrical system. To run your air conditioning (cooling) at just 50% efficiency, you need to have three engines running and maximum efficiency requires all four engines to be running.


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Microsoft: Creators of Microsoft FSX and its excellent open-architecture system that allowed us to port in our Accu-Sim technology

Accu-Sim Systems Programming: Scott Gentile, Robert Rogalski, Michał Krawczyk

Technical Director and 3D Modeling: Robert Rogalski

C++ Programming: Michał Krawczyk

Aircraft Painting: Martin Catney

Audio: Scott Gentile

Public Relations, Web Design, Maintenance Hangar Concept: Lewis Bloomfield

Pilot's Notes and Operating Manual: Mitchell Glicksman and Scott Gentile (with special thanks to Darryl Hackett OBF)

Accu-Sim Manual: Scott Gentile

Accu-Sim Manual Proofreading: Forest "FAC257" Crooke, Matt Guy Newton (mattgn), Oskar Wagner, and the beta team.

Quality Control Beta Team: The world's most effective and knowledgeable flight simulation beta team, including Cody Bergland, Forest "FAC257" Crooke, Glenn Cummings (GlennC), Ryan "Hog Driver" Gann, Mitchell Glicksman, Captain Jakey, Matt Guy Newton (mattgn), Erwin Schultze (dutch506), Guenter Steiner, Paul "Gypsy Baron" Strogen, and Oskar Wagner.

Special Thanks to: Tim Chopp of the Berlin Airlift for granting us unlimited access to his C97, the Dover Airbase and all their friendly staff, Oskar Wagner for his expertise in aircraft pressurization systems, and our friends and families who stuck by us and worked hard to support our efforts

Very Special Thanks to our friends and families who stuck by us and worked hard to support our efforts.


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“This is your captain, prepare for takeoff...”


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