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Why Multitasking Destroys Productivity 11-12

Why is Communication So Hard? 14

Procrastinate Later 16

It Takes More Than Passion! 18

What’s At The Root of All Conflict? 21

Build a Social Media System That Produces Results 22

Time Management—What’s The Real Issue? 24-25

Work Smarter and Generate More Revenue With Strategic Alliances


Renovate Your Life 30

Publisher’s Note 4

Relationships — The Most Important One You'll Ever Have is With YOURSELF!


6 Stages to Goal Achievement 34-35

Darlene Willman

Alex Mandossian

Dr. Gary Chapman

Darlene Willman

Greg Reid

Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks

Ann Evanston

David Allen

Caterina Rando

Michelle Neujahr

Deb Scott

Kerri Salls

The Five Step Formula For Getting Prospects to Call You David Frey 36-37

The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes You Should Avoid Carol Allen 38-39

The Stress of Always Being Late Marla Cilley, The FLY Lady 41

How Technology Affects our RELATIONSHIPS Denise Pellow and Karen Walker


5 Most Common Marriage Problems Mort Fertel 45

Is Being Stubborn Keeping You From the Relationship You Want?

Jonathon Aslay 49

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E V © 2 0 1 1 A C C O M P L I S H M A G A Z I N E

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Graphic Design & Layout— Chantal Stilwell

ACCOMPLISH Radio Broadcast Assistant— Britt Woo

Magazine Distribution & Public Relations— Barb Nelson, Beacon Virtual Assistants

Publisher— Darlene Willman

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that shared how to have better re-lationships with the people that matter most in your life. I espe-cially enjoyed talking with Mort Fertel, creator of the “Marriage Fitness Bootcamp” who shared his own personal and moving story.

We’ve also celebrated OVER 100 RADIO SHOWS and 20,000 lis-teners that take time to be with us and searching for answers on how to be more accomplished.

If you were one of the 700 mem-bers in our Facebook Group, we’re making the switch to our NEW Fan Page! Please take a minute and “LIKE” us at

Remember, anything worthwhile in your life is worth Accomplishing!

P.S. If you’d prefer to get our magazine in full color print, visit our site to get it sent directly to you!

The first quarter of 2011 is ZOOM-ING by and just when you think you’ve accom-plished every-thing, you find even MORE on your TO DO list!

We’ve been making some changes to ACCOMPLISH Magazine & Ra-dio that we believe will be easier to follow and more effective to help-ing you get more accomplished.

Starting in January, we interviewed people who were experts in PRO-DUCTIVITY, TIME MANAGE-MENT, GOAL SETTING and OR-GANIZATION. Then in February, we interviewed some of the best RELATIONSHIP experts we could find. Our publication is about ac-complishing a variety of things in both our personal and professional lives.

I have to admit, I was so excited to be bringing you guests that are

extremely well known such as Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages” and David Allen, author of “Getting Things Done” along with Marla Cilley aka The FLY Lady as well as Dr. Gay Hendricks who was a guest on the OPRAH Show!

With each interview, I learned more strategies and techniques that I’m sure you’ll find very useful for yourself.

I want to personally thank Alex Mandossian for giving us more than an hour of productivity tips for entrepreneurs who need help with emails, meetings, phone calls, pro-jects and outsourcing. His advice has saved me a tremendous amount of stress allowing me to be more productive.

I am also very grateful for David Allen’s interview who encouraged me to start the GTD® System which I am currently working on.

We had so many special guests on the ACCOMPLISH Radio Show

“Most people achieved their greatest success one step beyond what looked like their greatest failure.”

— Brian Tracy

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"Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”

--- Anthony Robbins

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People that either own a business to share their expertise and specialty or interested in learning a new skill. Some positions are paid by performance, some are compen-sated in advertising, some are open for interns and joint venture partners. Here are a variety of positions we have available at ACCOMPLISH Magazine & Radio.


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Mix It Up! Networking Social April 27, 2011 5:00 PM - 07:00 PM Harpo’s - Chesterfield

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Meet the members of THE CLUB and new guests for some social networking. We're interested in learning about you and what makes a great referral. Come prepared to ASK for at least ONE thing you need or want and do your best to GIVE back at least TWO resources or referrals.

Business Card Exchange April 13, 2011 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM TBD

□ Members $20 □ Guests $30

□ Member ticket + Vendor Table $60

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Want More Referrals? Of course, you do! We want to help you find your next customer and send you more business! We have created a new way to connect with people and make new connections! Meet other local professionals offering a vari-ety of products and services. Bring your appointment books to set appoint-ments on the spot! Have plenty of business cards with you, invite a friend and get some referrals!

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Take your networking to a whole new level. The St. Louis Networking Club provides unique and highly ef-fective ways to build and strengthen your professional network while attracting new clients and referrals. PREMIER Membership Includes:

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To Listen to

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Hear His



Productivity Expert,

Alex Mandossian


24 Hours

A Day!


Since 1991, Alex Mandossian has generated over $300 million in sales and profits for his clients and partners via "electronic marketing" media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing. Alex has personally consulted Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1Shopping-Cart Corp.,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, Peak Potentials and many others. He has hosted teleseminars with many of the world's top thought leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Allen, Vic Conant, Brian Tracy, David Bach, Harvey Mackay, Robert Cialdini, Harv Eker, Bobbi De Porter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Bob Proctor, and many others. He is the Founder & CEO of Heritage House Companies – a boutique electronic marketing and publish-ing company that "repurposes" written and spoken educational content for worldwide distribu-tion. He is also the founder of the Electronic Marketing Institute. He has trained over 15,000 teleseminar students since 2002 and claims that practically any entrepreneur can trans-form their annual income into a weekly income once they apply his principle-centered electronic marketing strategies. (KEY POINT: Alex's 2001 annual income became an hourly income by 2006). He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Aimee and two children, Gabriel and Breanna and enjoys over 90 "Free Days" each year.

To listen to this interview go to:

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Why Multitasking Destroys Your Productivity By Alex Mandossian

Most entrepreneurs I know are proud of their “multitasking” ability.

According to Wikipedia, “Human multitasking is the performance by an individual of appearing to han-dle more than one task at the same time.” The keyword that multitasking a myth is: “appearing.”

The term originated with com-puter multitasking – a CPU solves problems by scheduling tasks and switching from task to task until each task gets its turn.

The activity of switching back-and-forth may be a computer-friendly activity, but it’s any-thing but human-friendly when it comes to an entrepreneur’s personal productivity in the office or home!

Dave Crenshaw wrote my favorite book on the topic and I recom-mend it to any entrepreneur who still thinks and feels that multitask-ing is cool.

On page 29 in The Myth of Multi-tasking, Dave writes:

“Around the end of the twentieth century, some wordsmith saw the connection between our increas-ingly hectic world and the world of the computer. A catchword was born.

Newspapers began peppering their articles with the word. Talk shows hosts began using it with fre-quency. Magazines began publish-ing articles about how to multitask more effectively.

Multitasking quickly became as

popular and accepted as the auto-mobile and the hamburger.”

Multitasking is not really conducting two or more (“multi”) activities (“tasking”) simultaneously; rather, it’s

more accurately switching between those task, or switchtasking as Dave Crenshaw puts it.

Heck, even top jugglers are switchtaskers at heart because they can only touch one ball at a time.

Multitasking or switchtasking re-duces your efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things) because it constantly switches your mental focus.

As your concentration diminishes during the switch-over time (less than a second in most cases) the number of errors and mistakes you make dramatically increases.

In fact, many states such as Califor-nia have outlawed multitasking on the highway by making it an illegal to speak on handheld mobile phone while driving a car.

“A mere half second of time lost to task switching can mean the differ-ence between life and death for a driver using a cell phone, because during the time that the car is not

totally under control, it can travel far enough to crash into obstacles the driver might have otherwise avoided,” reports Dr. David Meyer from the Univer-sity of Michigan.

His findings aren’t very surpris-ing in the over-communicated world we live in these days. But what is astounding to me is that Dr. Meyer published his findings way back in the Au-gust, 2001!

Okay, so let me ask you a can-did question. How many of these 7 common multitasking activities do you engage in?

Writing emails while speaking on the telephone

Instant messaging while con-ducting teleseminars

Checking voice mail while speaking to your spouse

Reading the newspaper while listening to the news

Watching TV while having a family conversation

Driving your car while talking on your cell phone

Tweeting while emailing while IMing while … (cont.)


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If you’re like most entrepreneurs I know, you’ve done “all of the above” at some point in your adult life. But my point isn’t to nag you about multitasking as it is to make you conscious of how destructive it can be for your future.

The fundamental problem of multi-tasking is not about doing the tasks. It is about the splintered at-tention you tend to experience as you think about doing the tasks. Your results become mediocre at best.

Stacking vs. Multitasking: Now what if you could do two things at once, but only kept the majority of your attention on ONE thing, that’s a good thing. I call that stacking and Dave Crenshaw calls it back-ground tasking.

You can call it whatever you wish, but it is a productive use of time doing multiple things because only ONE of the tasks you’re doing re-quires mental effort. Stacking helps you to get more done, faster, better and with less mental effort.

Here are a few stacking activities that boost your efficiency:

Eating dinner while watching TV

Jogging while listening to your iPod

Driving while listening to the radio

Writing email while printing a letter

Eating a snack while riding a bicycle

Listening to the news while showing

Reading a book while getting a haircut

Stacking doesn’t necessarily guar-

antee that you’ll become more effec-tive (doing the right things), but it can practically guarantee more efficiency (doing things right) for greater pro-ductivity, which is maximum results in minimum time.

Stacking & America’s Middle-Class: Henry Ford didn’t invent the car, but he did produce automobiles within the economic reach of the average American.

Many historians and economics credit Ford helping suburbs grow and even creating the Middle Class in America. I believe he did this by pre-venting his workers from multitask-ing.

Ford’s ability to produce affordable automobiles was through the devel-opment of assembly lines that in-creased the efficiency of car manu-facturing while decreasing costs. Ford did not invent the assembly line, he simply improved it.

Prior to the introduction of the as-sembly line, cars were individually crafted by teams of skilled workmen which was a very slow and expen-sive process. This is classic multi-tasking during the Industrial Age.

Ford’s assembly line reversed the process of car manufacturing. In-stead of forcing his workers to multi-task and go to each car individually, he created a stacking environment in which the cars came to the workers who performed the same task of as-sembly again and again.

The stacking power of the assembly line made it possible to reduce the manufacturing time of a Model T from thirteen hours to less than six hours!

Here’s what resulted: When Model T made its debut in 1908, it was of-fered at a purchase price of $825. Four years later the price dropped to

$575. By 1914, Ford claimed a 48% share of the world’s automo-bile market!

It’s All About WHEN: The next time when you catch yourself multitask-ing, stop what you’re doing, take a quick pause and focus on complet-ing ONE activity before you decide to switch tasks. A lack of comple-tion is really what makes multitask-ing such a destructive force.

You not only become more men-tally stressed by splintering your attention on two or more activities at the same time (and make more mistakes along the way), you also have to deal with the guilt of in-completion!

When you favor stacking over mul-titasking your daily activities, you almost instantly become more effi-cient, more effective and you start feeling better about yourself for getting the job done with a great sense of focus.

What To Do Now: You can stop the insanity of multitasking right now by listing (in the Comments Section of this blog post) 2 to 3 multitasking activities you com-monly engage in at work or at home.

If none come to mind, just grab your mouse and scroll-up and re-read the 7 common multitasking activities I listed earlier.

The next time you find yourself multitasking, take a moment to think about what you’re doing and then quickly decide which task you want to complete first and com-plete that one.

Remember: Sloppy success with a single task is far superior than per-fect mediocrity with multiple tasks.


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“Because we

are NOT mind


Don’t Stop

Talking or


Why does communication break down after marriage?

Often, the answer lies in emotions. Before marriage we felt one over-powering emotion . . . love. But now the emotions of hurt, anger, disappointment, and fear often dominate. These emo-tions do not encourage us to communicate. Or, if we com-municate it is likely to be critical.

We speak out of our anger and create even more nega-tive feelings. The key is learning how share emotions without condemnation. “I’m feeling hurt and when you have time, I need your help.” Identifying your feelings and choosing to share them is step one. Step two is accept-ing the feelings of your mate

and asking, “What can I do to help?”

Why is communication so important in a relationship? Because we are not mind readers. The apostle Paul recognized this reality when he asked the question, “Who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one com-prehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” The reason we know what God is like is because God has chosen to reveal Himself. If we reciprocate, we can have a love relation-ship with God.

Likewise, when we reveal ourselves to another, and they listen and reciprocate, we can build an intimate

Why is Communication So Hard? By Dr. Gary Chapman

relationship with that per-son. Communication is to a relationship what breath-ing is to the body. Don’t stop talking and don’t stop listening.


*Adapted from The Mar-riage You’ve Always Wanted by Dr. Gary Chapman

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Author of The Five Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman

To listen to this interview go to:

Learn About



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from our Radio

Show, simply

click on the

blue button Dr. Gary Chapman is a well-known marriage counselor and director of marriage seminars. He has served as the senior associate pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, N.C. for more than 30 years and has written more than 30 books. The Five Love Languages, one of Chapman’s most popular titles, topped various bestseller charts for years, selling upwards of five million copies and landing on the #1 spot of the New York Times best-seller list. Chapman has been directly involved in real-life family counseling for more than 30 years. His nationally-syndicated radio program, Building Relationships, airs weekly on more than 200 stations, and his daily program, A Love Language Minute airs on more than 220 stations..Chapm an is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in anthropology from Wheaton College and Wake Forest University, respectively. He has received M.R.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and taken postgraduate work at the University of North Carolina and Duke University. Chapman and his wife, Karolyn, have been married for more than 40 years and reside in Winston-Salem, N.C.

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“Take care of

the hardest

task FIRST.”



Do you remember cramming for exams in school and couldn’t sleep the night be-fore? I actually put off study-ing as much as possible be-cause I just had other things that were more enjoyable.

Isn’t that what everyone does?

It doesn’t matter who you are, I’m sure at one point in your life you got behind or you put off what needed to be taken care of. I’m guilty of that in my business with taking care of the bookkeep-ing. I know I’m not a num-bers person and have little patience for entering data…BORING!

However, if you love to do a certain kind of task, you dig right in and before you know it, you’re done. Isn’t there a certain amount of satisfac-tion in accomplishing tasks?

Admit it, if you are a list per-son and you get a thrill over getting things done, I’d bet

you take time to write down the tasks that you’ve

already done simply to be able to cross it off!

I’m a big believer in getting the hardest things done first thing in the beginning of your day. The main reason is because I feel ambitious and know that if I get it done early, I can take the rest of the day to do some-thing more enjoyable.

In fact, I teach my children to do their homework imme-diately after school since they are still in the mode of learning and not playing.

Procrastination only leads to failure and if you’re read-ing this article, you don’t want to fail at anything really. You want to acceler-ate and move quickly to success as soon as possi-ble. I can honestly tell you, when you focus on the most important things first and let the other things take a back seat, you’ll achieve more results.

Here are a few quick ques-tions to ask yourself to de-termine if you need to han-dle it now or can procrasti-nate later on:

Procrastinate Later By Darlene Willman

Will this task take me closer to my goal or put me further away?

If I accomplish this project, will the end result be worth it?

Is this a revenue source that will in-crease my income?

Am I avoiding some-thing else and filling my time with useless busy tasks?

If I don’t take care of it and simply eliminate it, what affect will this have?

The sooner you realize how to maximize your re-sults and delay projects that don’t need you’re im-mediate attention, the sooner you’ll take your business to another level.


Darlene Willman is dedicated to supporting small businesses. She continues to find and share resources, referrals, and business tools for businesses locally and across the na-tion. Having hosted over 200 networking events in her career and publishing over 100 articles, she is a predominant leader in her field.

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It Takes More Than Passion! By Greg Reid

You’ve seen these late night infomer-cial people, telling you to succeed – all you need is passion for what you do.


Let me ask you something, have you ever watched one of those on air tal-ent contests?

Sure, the contestant may have tre-mendous passion and fire for what they do, yet if they simply not tal-ented, will they make it through the show?

Of course not.

That’s because, passion is not enough.

To be truly successful, we need more ingredients in the mix.

Like what you ask?

After you have Passion, and you know you have talent, what good is this gift unless you do something with it?

Its all about – Action.

You’ve heard this through the maga-zine a thousand times, it’s the Action behind the attrAction that really makes your dreams come true.

Here’s a challenge.

You already know what excites you, so combine it with what you are good at – and then do something about it.

Now is the time to separate yourself from the people who dream of suc-cess to the small percentage that achieves it.

Write down 3 simple tasks that you may follow.

When you wake tomorrow – do those three things.

Once completed, repeat the cycle and do it again – yes, it really is that easy.

Just like the adage goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a singe footstep.”

It’s time to start moving – your dream is out there waiting for you to get there.


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Learn the

13 Keys to



24 Hours

A Day!


Filmmaker and Motivational Speaker Greg S. Reid is a #1 best-selling author, entrepreneur, and the CEO of several successful corporations, who has dedicated his life to helping others achieve the ultimate fulfill-ment of finding and living a life of purpose. Published in over 35 books including “Three Feet From Gold” and producer of “Pass It On”.

To listen to this interview go to:

Napoleon Hill, The Road to Riches 13 Keys to Success

with Greg Reid

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Hear his secrets

on creating




Relationship Solutions with Dr. Gay Hendricks


24 Hours

A Day!


To listen to this interview go to:

Dr. Gay Hendricks is the President of Hendricks Institute and has served for more than 35 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and body mind therapies. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the co-author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. He is the author of 33 books, including The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living and The Big Leap. Dr. Hendricks re-ceived his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford in 1974. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University Colorado, he and Kathlyn founded The Hendricks Institute, which is based in (OH, hi) Ojai, California and offers semi-nars worldwide. In recent years he has also been active in creating new forms of conscious entertainment. In 2003, along with movie producer Stephen Simon, Dr. Hendricks founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies to subscribers in 70+ countries around the world, He has appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and many others.

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Think back to a recent relation-ship hassle with a mate, co-worker, friend, and let your body feel the hot rush of right-eousness and incredulity that he/she just doesn’t understand! Then take a few breaths, wiggle and move around a little to get ready for the big reveal about such moments. Here we go: breathe in ahh… breathe out, ahh… You, and me and almost every-one confuses reacting with re-sponding. When you stand in full presence and can make several possible choices, you are taking responsibility. When you react in that same old way, you are not. Lack of responsibil-ity is at the root of all conflict, and learning to take 100% re-sponsibility could solve the vast majority of conflicts in the world, not just your house. What does 100% responsibility look like? Responsibility is an action

you take, rather than a thing or a point on a graph. You consciously move from blame or burden to owner-ship. No matter what the situation, you WONDER, "What might this have t o d o w i t h m e ? "

You don’t wait for the other person to do it first, you ini-tiate curiosity and creativity.

Taking responsibility does

not mean blaming yourself, which can contribute to stress and withholding feel-ings. If you take responsibil-ity for an old pattern, you don't have to blame your-self. You just acknowledge that it happened, accept the feelings you felt and the interpretations you created out of the experience. This acknowledgment frees ad-ditional energy to discover what you really want.

Ultimately, people don’t

take responsibility because they haven’t had the felt experience of how every-thing is connected to every-thing. What have you done today to feel your connec-tion to those you love, to your community, to the planet itself?

Here are some moves that make a difference, from our Conscious Living and Lov-ing Initiative. Instead of blaming, I’ll take healthy responsibility, as in “Hmmm, I wonder how I’m contributing to this sense of uneasiness?” I’ll create a pleasurable “hmmm” tone that lasts through my entire out-breath. Exploring different pitches and different places in my chest and throat I’ll create the best-feeling hum. Then, while humming, I’ll invoke wonder by asking questions like: “Hmmm, I wonder how this is familiar and where I learned this?” or “Hmmm, I wonder how I can better face and embrace this?”

What’s At The Root Of All Conflict? (Besides The Addiction To Being Right)

By Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks

Dr. Kathryn Hendricks

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Build a Social Media System That Produces Results By Ann Evanston

3. Do I have internal sys-tems in my company that increase revenue, follow up with custom-ers and demonstrate value?

I love that there are tons of great resources and content out there. Often, when we are trying to achieve a goal all the resources we can get overwhelmed and not to anything. If, like in the video you want certain results (muscles, organization, increased sales, etc) a system is critical. To me, a true expert can demon-strate to you a system, or ap-proach to get the desired result. Anyone can share “what’s out there”. Experts weed through what’s out there and help you get results.

If you consider your-self an expert ask yourself:

1. How do I show potential cus-tomers that I have a process, a system to help them?

2. If my system is one that I use more “mentally” (i.e. as a de-signer has a system for choosing colors with a client) how will my clients under-s t a n d i t s b e n e f i t s ?

To me, if you really want to stand out, create systems. Systems allow your customers to see re-sults, to trust you, to come back and want more! My Social Net-working Coaching Club is a system, my speaking engage-ments are internally systema-tized, my revenue growth is as well.

Where might you need to create a sys-tem?


Ann Evanston, MA is a social psychologist who has taken her networking strategies and tactics and applied them in person and online with great success. Over the last year and a half she has received a book series deal (first released April 2009), 14 speaking en-gagements, and over $50,000 in closed business through social networking. She is ranked #2 of top influencers in the SF bay area on Twitter and has over one million Google-able hits. In addition, she has been interviewed for the American Management Associations podcast on using Twitter and countless other radio shows and teleseminars. All due to social media. Her success comes from understanding the social psychology of networking online, a point many people miss.

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24 Hours

A Day!


“We’d like to personally thank Mr. Allen for TWEETING about our interview to over a million of his fans!”

Darlene Willman, Publisher & Talk Show Host

ACCOMPLISH Magazine & Radio

To listen to this interview go to:

Top Leading Authority on Productivity,

Author of Getting Things Done Interview with David Allen

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Work Smarter and Generate More Revenue With Strategic Alliances

By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

In today's fast paced, round the clock, overnight, instant, have it on my desk yesterday business climate, recognize that many can accomplish more than a few or the one. Keep that in mind as you try to figure out how to get more done in less time while reaching more people. Even when you are a sole proprietor or a small business owner it can still be possible to leverage your time and your marketing dollars by creating strategic alliances with other individu-als, organizations or companies that serve your same client base.

Bread bakers refer dessert makers, dietitians refer personal trainers and visa versa and doctors, lawyers and therapists refer based on specialty. People who are in a totally different field serve the same clients as you do before or after you have begun the job.

Some companies get together and form groups of service providers. What this does is create a separate business entity that all the member companies are a part of in addition to the companies operating before. This allow efforts of each company to serve the whole group.

Follow these ideas to maximize your strategic alliance efforts.

Look at the Possibility Get together with the other people or companies you would like to align yourself with. Discuss how you would like to work together and what prod-ucts or services each of your would provide.

Do Some Strategic Planning Sit down and figure out a strategic plan for how you are going to make your alliance work. Discuss how you are going to promote each other and share your client lists.

Create A Written Agreement Write out what you will do for each other, what resources you can contrib-ute and any financial compensation you may wish to provide to each other when certain parties are responsible for bringing in a client.

Educate Yourself Learn everything you can about the other companies you are aligning with and become an expert at what they offer so that you can know who are the right clients for them and what they can offer your clients.

Keep Your Eyes Open Instead of thinking only about how to bring in clients for your company now you have to be looking out for how to bring in business for your strategic

alliance partners.

Cross Promote When you send out your brochure send out your strategic partners as well.

Give each other coupons for dis-counts that you pass on to each others customers.

Sell Each Other When you meet with clients and potential clients make sure you discuss with them what your strate-gic partners have to offer. Answer questions, make the initial call for your client, set up appointments

Share Resources Let each other know about oppor-tunities you come across that will benefit each other. Be observant in your business activities notice what kinds of marketing and other opportunities you come across that would be of benefit to your strate-gic partners.

By creating successful strategic alliances you can consistently cre-ate more momentum, more oppor-tunities and more success for your-self and your strategic partners.


Caterina Rando shows entrepreneurs how to build thriving businesses. She is a sought after business strategist, speaker and founder of Thrive Publishing which creates books that build businesses. To learn more about upcoming projects visit our website.

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P A G E 3 0 Renovate Your Life Renovate: To Revive, To Reinvigorate And/Or to Make New

By Michelle Neujahr

I owned a residential reno-vation company for ten years. During that time I led many clients through the home renovation process. Each time I took a client through the process I thought about how home renovation is much like life renovation. When you renovate a home, you look around and get honest about your cur-rent space. You assess what you like and what you want to change. Usually there are so many positives about your current home that you would rather risk a home renovation than to sell and get a new home. The life renovation process begins the same way. We look around and assess what we love about our lives and we get honest about what isn’t working. We recognize the good and identify what needs work. The part that needs work, the part that keeps us from moving forward in our life, is the part that needs renova-tion.

Getting honest is the first step. Then the works be-gins. After we have identi-fied the part of our life that needs work, we must cre-ate a plan as to how we will renovate that area. We have to get really clear about what we are willing to do to make a change. Setting goals and the ob-jectives needed to accom-plish those goals is the meat of this step. And while we are setting our goals and objectives we must keep our eye on the vision. The vision, what our life will look like once we make the change, is what pushes us forward. Having a plan is great but the real work starts once we being to work the plan. This step is where many fall off. It’s easy to say you want to renovate and even to identify what you need to do to make change hap-pen. It’s harder to actually do the work it takes. One way to follow through is to ask for help. Recruit people to support you and

hold your feet to the fire. Renovation is not an individ-ual venture – it’s a group project. A home isn’t reno-vated by a lone carpenter anymore than our lives are renovated by us flying solo. Having people to hold us accountable and encourage us along the way can keep us on track. A renovation project takes time. We did not create the bad habit or area of weakness overnight. It took time to get to where we are and it will take time to change. Give yourself per-mission to take the time you need to see the renovation all the way through. Renovating our lives is hard work and yet it’s the most rewarding work you will ever do. Give yourself permission to start your own renovation project this month.


Michelle Neujahr provides motivational keynotes, in-house training seminars and small business consult-ing services to organizations ready to take their business to the next level. She delivers high energy, dy-namic presentations guaranteed to reinvigorate your organization and revive your people. With more than a decade of experience as a motivational speaker, Michelle has given over 1,000 presentations to audi-ences across the country. In addition Michelle has owned three businesses, worked in the corporate world as Director of Sales & Marketing and is the author of Hey Girlfriend – Live Passionately Real. In 2007 she won the Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year at SMCC where she serves as the director of the entrepreneurial center.

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“You are the

CEO of your

own unique


Relationships — The Most Important One You'll Ever Have is With YOURSELF!

By: Deb Scott

You hear people say how important it is to build good relationships in your family and business. You read endless articles about how to heal broken relationships, or who is going through the revolving door of a new rela-tionship in Hollywood . Therapists make a living on listening to people talk about their relationship troubles, and the Internet is filled with promises to help you find the relationship of your dreams. The rage of relationships is a hot topic to discuss at any age, in any venue, at all times. But what about the most im-

portant relationship you'll ever have in your entire life, the one rela-tionship that will for cer-tain last a lifetime? The inescapable relation-

ship you have with your-self. Let's face it, if you can't get along with yourself and enjoy your own company, how can you expect any-one else to? Taking time to integrate a solid self-esteem, aware-ness of who you are and what motivates you, is criti-cal to being at peace in your own skin suit. There is no substitute for authen-tic acceptance of your core beliefs and personal pas-sion. Me, Myself, and I - My Mis-sion Statement. Your assignment, if you chose to accept it, is to create your one-of-a-kind brand mission statement.

The legacy you must leave the world before you die. The gifts you must share, the love you must give, the talents you must teach to another soul on the journey with you. The classroom of silence will teach you what you need to know. It's already in your heart, you just need to connect the feeling into words your head can trans-late through your hands onto paper. Pray and/or mediate for God, your Higher Power, the Uni-verse, to reveal what you were created to Accom-plish. Remember, you are CEO of your own unique magnifi-cence.


Deb Scott, BA, CPC, is a Certified Professional Coach, Speaker, Award Winning Author of "The Sky is Green and The Grass is Blue - turning your upside down world right side up!", and host of the "Best People We Know!" Radio Show. Deb can help you be your best in life and business,

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6 Stages to Goal Achievement By Kerri Salls

Have you ever hit a deadline or the date when a goal was to be met – and you missed it? It feels awful doesn’t it? If you feel responsible or ac-countable, you might start tearing yourself apart finding fault with what you did, how you did it, second guessing what you could have done differently.

Here’s a process to break that cycle for good. There are 6 simple stages to achieving every goal you set.

1. Excitement of the goals

This part is always fun. It’s possibility thinking, it’s dreaming big without the blinders of practical reality to rein you in. Your goals should be so compelling emotionally, so much bigger than you, that the goals themselves seem to pull you forward to take action now.

2. How to achieve the goals

This step is skipped by 80% of all business owners. If you

are serious and excited to achieve the goal, take the time now while your pas-sion is so high, to think through exactly how your business will roll out or your goals for next year can be achieved. Be specific. Put them on a timeline. You may ‘think’ you’ll remember what that felt like. You may ‘think’ you’ll remember how and when you wanted to implement a certain step (marketing strategy, new product offering, etc) – but as you get consumed in the doing to achieve the goal, the clarity of those thoughts fade. Document how you will achieve every goal and how you’ll break down each goal to make it doable on your timeline. This is where the definition of SMART goals is useful.

3. Just Do It. This is the stage most peo-ple who start a business want to get to and where they’d like to stay. Those are the people who skip Stage 2. Then there are

some people who are comfortable in the plan-ning, never get to Stage 3. They keep planning and preparing to launch and they never do. Nike says ‘Just Do It’. I like Michael Masterson's approach ‘Ready, Fire, Aim’. Just start. Just launch. You can always improve it once it’s launched.

4. Ouch! – Do It Anyway As you get busy and as your business grows you will start to hit ‘speed bumps’. These are the sur-prises along the way that you did not anticipate in Stage 2. They make it harder to Just Do It. Speed bumps like a bookkeeper who embezzles, an illness in the family, an injury to you – they all could be show stoppers IF YOU LET THEM. Don’t let them! Feel the pain or difficulty. And keep going. If your goal is compelling enough in Stage 1 and you take the time to plan out how to


Kerri Salls, the Goal Achievement Expert, works with high-achieving business owners around the globe to build a foundation of systems, strategies and processes to transform their businesses for massive results. If you can conceive and believe in your big bold business goals, you can achieve them.

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P A G E 3 5 achieve your goals specifically enough in Stage 2, you will have contingency plans in place to keep on keeping on.

5. Commit to Reach Your Goal A commitment is an agreement to do something in the future, something pledged. It’s being obligated or emotionally propelled to reach your goal. Over time, the glow of Stage 1 can fade. This is when your character and integrity are tested. At Stage 5, your drive, dedication and conviction can pull you toward the finish line. Use them to reach your goal.

6. Pow! Victory! It is essential to acknowledge, recognize and celebrate every victory – even if you have more to do to achieve other goals that are looming. Savor the exhilaration. It feels a lot like Stage 1 excitement doesn’t it? And each victory will inspire you to strive for the next.

Don’t skip any of these stages and your drive, passion and persistence will see you through to achieve every goal.

If you struggle with any of these stages, you back slide or just quit on the goal, then you need some outside reinforcements.

The best, most powerful kind, the most compelling reinforcement to ensure your highest results, is to pay for the best mentor/advisor you can hire.

If you are resolved to find a way/make a way to achieve your goal, don’t be cheap and don’t procrastinate. Invest now. You and your business are worth far more.

Get a FREE Report when you subscribe to Kerri’s Newsletter at “7 Ways to Easily Achieve Any Goal Fast”

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The Five Step Formula For Getting Prospects to Call You

By David Frey

Are you tired of prospecting for new business?

Are you sick of networking, begging for referrals, or spending a small fortune on advertisements that produce little results?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just sit down at your desk and have the phone ring knowing that new busi-ness is on the other end of the line?

Who wouldn't, right...?

The Secret Formula for Get-ting People to Call You

No matter what product or service you sell, there is a formula for getting people to call you (instead of the other way around.)

Let me take a moment and explain each step in this for-mula and give you a few ex-amples of how it works...

Step 1. Interrupt Their Train of Thought People are busy, busy, busy. At any one moment you and I have a thousand things going on. So the first step to effectively market to some-

one is to interrupt them and grab their attention.

You can do this with...

a. Bold, compelling head-lines

b. Unusual graphics or pho-tos

c. Unique opening state-ments

I run an ad in a trade maga-zine in the most competitive section of the publication. But my ad sticks out like a sore thumb because I place it UPSIDE DOWN!

That ad pulls as much as a quarter page ad does and it's only a tiny little 2' x 2' ad.

(By the way, if you want to see that ad and you have in interest in coaching you can find it in my ttp:// package.

Step 2. Engage Their Mind With Relevant Con-tent Once you have your pros-pects attention, the next step is to pull them into your message. The best way to

do that is to use relevant content.

By that I mean, say some-thing that they would be keenly interested in. For instance, I have no interest in cats so I would skip right over the headline, "How to Stop Your Cat from Rip-ping Your Couch and Car-pet Apart."

It's not relevant to me.

But if I saw a headline that said, "The Deal Is S eal ed. . . S haq G et s Traded," that would stop me in my tracks (I'm a bas-ketball nut).

Your message must be relevant to your prospect.

Step 3. Educate Them On How to Solve Their Problem Now it's time to educate your prospect. Education-Based Marketing is one of the most powerful market-ing strategies available today and does a number of positive things for you:

a. It gives your prospect the REASON WHY they should care about what


David Frey is the CEO and Founder of, a marketing and publish-ing company that helps small business owners make more money. David's marketing articles and videos have been featured in numerous magazine publications and websites on the inter-net. David is author of the "The Small Business Marketing Bible" and "Instant Referral Sys-tems Program." He is considered one of the top 3 referral marketing experts in the world to-day. David has trained thousands of small business owners how to triple the amount of refer-rals they regularly generate by using simple referral systems that are simple to implement.

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Step 4. Prove That Your Solution Actually Works People today are so SKEPTICAL. No one believes anybody anymore. Every marketing message is taken with a grain of salt.

That's why you MUST PROVE what you're saying is true. Proof can come through customer success stories, study findings, quotes from experts, before and after photos etc.

You have to consider yourself as being on trial and your prospects are sitting in the jury box. You've got to prove to them what you're saying is true.

Are you proving your solution in your marketing efforts?

Step 5. Offer Them Additional Help For their Problem The last step is to naturally offer your prospect additional help. Up to this point you've only teased them. Now you must lead them to the next step.

The next step should be some offer for help. This could be a free report, a video, an audio program (notice that I like low cost information products) or a free catalog, or even access to a free question and answer help line.

If you want to decrease your response and increase the quality of prospects that come to you, you can charge a small fee to make the next step.

A Live Case Study

I used to do a lot of direct response advertising to generate leads for potential hot tub buyers.

I offered a free video to the respondents. We were getting a lot of leads, but many of them were from people who already owned a hot tub (if you can believe that).

So we simply asked for a shipping fee of $2.95 for the video and it cut down our leads but dramatically in-creased our closing rate.

How to Use this Process for Your Own Purposes You might be thinking, thanks David, but "how" do I use this information for my own business.

It's simple...take each step and ask yourself these questions...

Step 1 - "What headline, photo, or gimmick can I use that would stop my unique prospect and make them pause for a moment?"

Step 2 - "What problem does my prospect have that is painful, ugly, dirty, and smelly?" When you have the answer to that question, use it in a headline, sub headline or opening statement to engage them in your mes-sage.

Step 3 - "How can I make the problem in Step 2 sound even worse and then how can I explain to them how my solution solves it."

Step 4 - "What proof can I come up with that my solution actually works and has worked for many companies (or people)?"

Step 5 - "What offer can I come up with that would be so irresistible that my prospects would have to pick up the phone and call me immediately?"

If you ask yourself these five questions and can come up with some good answers then you're well on your way to getting people to chase you down instead of you begging to steal a moment of their time. (Yuck!)

To listen to this interview go to:

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As a Vedic astrologer, relationship coach, and radio host who’s been happily married for over ten years, Carol Allen has made it her mission to show women how the stars combined with their own right actions can help them make the most of their love lives. Her methods are a unique marriage of East and West, combining her training in the astrology of India with cutting-edge, real-world relationship research. As the author of the best-selling eBook Love Is In The Stars, Carol covers little-known but critical astrological truths about love. Her favorite insights into compatibility can be found in The Right Man Report using the most accurate, in-depth technique in all of astrology, looked to for generations to arrange marriages. It instantly identifies how to make the most of things with a potential – or current – mate (or if you should…). Her free e-newsletter explores this life-changing material and so much more. Carol’s been featured on Lifetime Television, E! Televi-

sion Network, “Bridezillas,” CBS News, and in Chicken Soup For The Soul, Hot Chocolate For The Mystical Soul, “Woman’s World,” and Daily Candy. To find out about any of Carol’s programs or to subscribe to her free e-newsletter, go to:

The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes You Should Avoid By Carol Allen

Sometimes finding a rela-tionship you know will last forever feels impossible. When you’re struggling in love or have had your heart broken, it can be inspiring to turn to Vedic Astrology for help. We’ve all heard about Vedic Astrology helping to reveal compatibility -- but what else makes a success-ful relationship? Learn the five critical mistakes that may be keeping you from a greater love life…

Mistake #1: You Jump To Conclusions While compatibility is re-vealed in Vedic Astrology and is very important, it’s simply not enough. Why? Because you can be wildly compatible with a man who isn’t a nice man. He may be an addict, an abuser or have commitment issues and will never meet your expecta-tions. At the same time, if you’re not compatible, then nothing else will matter.

The Warning Sign If you don’t feel good around him, if you can’t talk and

have him understand what you’re saying, if you don’t have a foundation of friend-ship and healthy mutual attraction -- you won’t be happy no matter how much everything else is working and no matter how great of a guy he is. If you feel like you’re working too hard on your relationship, chances are you’re not compatible.

Mistake #2: You Don’t Read The Material You must find a man that’s “relationship material.” He must want a relationship, know how to have one and be available. Relationship-oriented men are obvious: They’re usually in relation-ships! They like women. They have friends. They get along with their families and people at work. Besides, you can find out if he’s rela-tionship-oriented or not by looking at his Vedic chart.

“Vedic astrology can reveal when you’re in a 'season of love' and when you’re not. And when you’re not, it doesn’t matter how hard

you try, or who you meet.”

The Warning Sign Men who are not relation-ship-oriented are not close with their families - or they’re way too close to their families. They whine about or have drama with friends, they dislike every-body at work or they spend most of their time alone. You cannot turn a man who is not good at relation-ships, or healthy enough emotionally, into a man who is.

Mistake #3: You Rush Into Things Vedic Astrology can reveal when you’re in a “season of love” and when you’re not. And when you’re not, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, or who you meet. You could hire the best matchmaker in the world, and be on every Internet dating site, and you won’t find “him.” Just as flowers can’t grow when the ground is frozen, but effort-lessly do so when the

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P A G E 3 9 The Warning Sign It’s important to wait until it is time. Focus on having the best life possible in the meantime, so you’ll be as attractive and ready for a great man when the right time comes. Studies show 50% of men getting married report they could have just as easily married someone else from their past and been just as happy, but that the timing wasn’t right. And that part of the reason they’re marrying the woman they’re marrying, is that the timing just feels right -- now.

Mistake #4: You Settle For Less You have to want the same kind of life. One of the biggest reasons couples break up is when one person wants children and the other doesn’t. Or, one wants to live in the city and the other one wants the country. You have to be the kind of person he’s looking for, and he has to be the kind of person you’re looking for.

The Warning Sign You’re not going to turn a quiet chess player into a party animal. Or a man who hates snow into one who wants to go skiing every weekend. Or a man who doesn’t care about material things, and isn’t very ambitious, into one who wants to build an empire for you. If you find yourself wanting to change the person he is now, first get clear on the kind of life you want and the kind of guy you’ll need to have that life. Then, go find him -- and resist all others.

Mistake #5: You Don’t Develop The Skills Often, two good people get together and are happy for a while, but then one of them starts to harm or neglect the relationship. Even healthy, smart and attractive people sometimes don't know how to relate. They try to find the reason for miserable love lives, “blaming the stars” for the latest breakup, or lack of closeness with their partner - when usually they don’t understand how to communicate, or ask for what they want.

The Warning Sign Once they learned those crucial aspects, their relationships improve, and they are able to get back that spark. So, if you’ve lost your spark with the one you love, or if he used to seem like your dream man but now you’re not so sure, or if he’s withdrawn from you and is not as enthusiastic as you’d like, then your relationship skills need an upgrade. You have the power to improve your love life.

So keep these mistakes (and their warning signs) in mind and you’ll avoid a lot of heartache and pain… And to find out what’s going on with YOUR love timing, check out a thirty-year report I’ve created called, “Cycles of Saturn - Charting The Ups and Downs of Your Life and How to Make the Most of Them.”

This personalized report (just for you!) tells you when your ground is frozen - when you’re in a “love-blocking” time and you’ll likely not meet anyone, or anyone who’ll “stick”- and when you’re NOT.

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Learn How

To Eliminate



24 Hours

A Day!


Marla Cilley is The FlyLady. She does not fly a plane! To keep a long story short, Marla loves to teach people to FlyFish. That is how she got the name - FlyLady. Marla is a SHE' (Sidetracked Home Executive). This system saved her life and continues to bless her. When Marla found the website years ago, she needed a user name for the forums. Everyone was trying to help her come up with one. When they found out that she loved to flyfish and she taught it at a local college, they came up with "FlyLady". It is because of Marla's SHEness that she can now teach others. On Decem-ber 7, 1999 someone asked Marla for help and the FlyLady mentoring group began. This group has always been her gift to whoever joined. All Marla ever wanted to do was help people. And now, the name, FlyLady, has come to mean so much more. One of her members came up with a great acronym for it: Finally Loving Yourself (FLY) - this is the gift that FlyLady wants you to receive. It was only after Marla learned out how to "FLY" that she was able to become the person of her dreams. She has three rules that she lives by: Don't sweat the small stuff; what doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Laugh everyday. Even if it is at yourself. Love like there is no tomorrow.

To listen to this interview go to:

Get Organized & Stop the Clutter Chaos with

Marla Cilley aka “The FLY Lady”

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Many of you are habitually late! This is a common trait for most of us. Our husbands hate it too. Believe it or not this has to do with our martyred attitude. Tar-diness is a passive-aggressive behavior. I know you don't think it is! We are in control when we make people wait on us, con-sciously or unconsciously! The problem also arises because of our perfectionism; I just need to do one more thing! This may become more of a problem after you have your routines in place. So what is making us late? We are the reason because of our lack of thinking ahead. When we put a little forethought to our day and take precautions to keep ourselves from getting off track. This is why our Before Bed Routine is so important to a peaceful start to your day. Ask yourself; how much time do you spend searching for things? If you could put your hands on an item when you need it, this could save you precious time every day. Right now, where are your car keys? I keep mine clipped to my purse. Before I get out of the car, I hook them to my purse. I never have to hunt for my keys. This used to be a big problem for me. I would get down to the car and then have to run back up to the house to search for my keys. I have also hidden a key on my car in a magnetic case, just in case I get sidetracked again. Do you search for bills that need to be paid? When I first got organized, I devised a note-book similar to the control jour-nal, except I didn't have rou-tines in it. This was a portable zippered notebook with a han-dle. It had pockets, zippered

pouches and it would hold a three ring binder. In this note-book, I kept my bills to be paid, my check stubs, my file for my paid bills(at that time I kept every receipt: I don't do this anymore), pens, pencils, note-book paper, my menus, grocery list, greeting cards, thank you notes, paper clips, little stapler and stamps. This became my portable office. At work, on my break I could work on my menus or grocery list or at lunch, I could pay a few bills and work on my budget. This was a quiet time that I could take 15-20 minutes of uninter-rupted time and take care of our finances, plan our menus and make out a grocery list. It was always with me. This was the proto-type for our Office in a Bag. Another reason we run late is we don't fill our cars up with gas, when it is convenient. We wait till we are smack dab on empty and we are running be-hind schedule. This cost us time and our safety. Running late, makes us rush and rushing can cause us to be careless. Keep a $20 bill hidden for emergencies or that opportune time to fill up. I also keep a $100 dollar bill stashed for larger problems. I rarely have to use it, but I know I have it, if needed. This gives me a sense of relief and that translates to less stress in my life. I have even done this when I only had thirteen cents to my name. It took a while to save it up, but I did it. inspiration ses-sions? We have to curb our thinking! When we hear ourselves say, "I can do that later!" Let this be the trigger that tells you, "Right away is the easy way!" Putting

things off usually make them more difficult to do. The reality is we think, we dread, and we continue to procrastinate until it just has to be done. The whole time we are beating ourselves up over not doing the task when it was so sim-ple. My Sweet Darling calls this the "Do it Now Principle." You know that awful feeling when you should have put that roll of toilet paper in the holder when you first thought about it, now you really, really need it!!! When you think about something that could be so simple to do right now, don't put it off until later. Now this is not getting sidetrack. I am talking about very short simple jobs that will save time and energy if done now. You know what your granny's al-ways said, "A stitch in time, saves nine!" Learning to ACT in advance instead of Re-Act will help you gain precious minutes to your day. Eventually this will be-come a habit and you will sur-prise yourself. I have had to look up and make sure I had paid a bill, because I did it without even thinking. This is a wonderful feeling. FLYing is so easy, when you look ahead, For more help getting rid of your CHAOS, check out her website and join her free men-t o r i n g g r o u p a t or her book, Sink Reflections published by Random House and her New York Times Best Selling book, Body Clutter published by Simon and Schuster. Copy-right 2011 Marla Cilley Used by permission in this publica-tion.

The Stress of Always Being Late By The FlyLady, Marla Cilley

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How Technology Affects Our RELATIONSHIPS By: Denise Pellow & Karen Walker

Let's face it relationships take work. Healthy relationships re-quire connection, but does a digital connection really cut it? Getting connected, while iso-lated and alone behind your computer screen, just doesn't have that personal human con-tact we need when we meet face-to-face with our friends, family and colleagues. Technol-ogy presents a whole new set of challenges in terms of creating and maintaining healthy rela-tionships. In business for instance, tech-nology has improved our busi-ness' visibility, branding and given it a broader marketing reach with global accessibility of the Internet. The ability to con-duct business through video conferencing, email, voice mail and computers, has not only changed the way we conduct business, but has changed how we interact with others in busi-ness. Businesses that operate in to-day's technologies are chal-lenged in

terms of customer interaction. Customer service suffers with electronic interactions, when a phone call is clearly the better alternative. Businesses may find increased liability with the majority of business communi-cation now sent electronically. The need is there to help em-ployees find balance and under-standing of how they impact the business through their elec-tronic communications, which is essential for continued success of the business. This is done through the employer/employee relationships. Technology can have a negative

impact on our work relation-ships when email is used as a confrontation tool, or when ca-reers are put at risk by viewing inappropriate websites during work hours. The 24/7 accessibil-ity to a company's website with remote access to work files, cre-ates a particular temptation for the workaholic which may im-pact their personal relation-ships. Telecommuting, while conven-ient for team members, can di-minish the momentum that is often gained by a member’s abil-ity to effectively communicate while sharing the same airspace.


Denise Pellow is an Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur of KidsBeSafeOnline LLC. She has spent 4 years providing information concerning kids, technology and the Internet. Her book is entitled: The Five Dangerous Trends concerning Kids, Technology and the Inter-net. She has been featured in magazine articles, seen or heard on radio and TV helping bring awareness to the risks associated with kids and technology. Together she and Karen have joined efforts to help society understand how technology affects relationships.

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Karen K. Walker, PLPC (Professional Counselor) is in private practice in St. Charles, MO. Karen has spent her career in business management and understands the needs of her client s in business as well as their relationships. Karen also provides, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, individual counseling, family consultations and profes-sional speaking services. Look for Karen’s and Denise’s new book release this fall.

P A G E 4 3 Face-to-face interactions are rich with learning opportunities. Children ex-perience how to read body language, facial expressions, deal with accep-tance and rejection, and humor. Chil-dren gain the opportunity to learn and practice confrontation skills face-to-face with their friends, family, and au-thority figures. Electronic communi-cations can provide what children may think is a safe place for cyber bullying, and a false sense of ano-nymity. Social media opens the door to a whole host of trust issues with cou-ples. Couples who leave their ex-partner in their contacts, or con-tinue to send/receive messages from them, how-ever innocent, cause their partner to wonder and sometimes obsess about what might be going on in a former relation-ship. As trust de-teriorates, so does the relationship. Another technology issue plaguing both individuals and couples is the topic of Internet addiction. Individu-als can become so caught up in their addiction, that it severely impacts how they function in life and in their

relationships. With any addiction an individual will often choose their “drug of choice” over the relationships in their life. Technology addiction can take the form of obsessive: texting, gaming, porn, emailing, social media, shop-ping, and gambling. Like a junkie, the technology addict obsesses about checking the Internet, keeping secrets about their usage, and slowly shifts their lives into isolation. As their addic-tion gains power, relationships often fall away or end, time is lost, and dreams are often unfulfilled.

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24 Hours

A Day!


Mort Fertel is a world authority on the psychology of relationships and has an interna-tional reputation for saving marriages. In addition to working with couples, he teaches individuals how to single-handedly transform their marital situation. People from all over the world schedule private tele-sessions with Mort Fertel and seek his counsel by joining the Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp. He is the author of Marriage Fitness Audio Learn-ing System and the creator of Marriage Fitness Home-Flex, the most comprehensive relationship home learning kit in the world. Over 100,000 people a year subscribe to his free e-zine. Mort Fertel was a featured expert on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and the Fox News Network. He is also a frequent guest on talk radio programs. His breakthrough program, Marriage Fitness, appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los An-geles Times, USA Today, Family Circle, Psychology Today, Ladies Home Journal, Glam-our Magazine, Parent & Child Magazine, Philadelphia Inquirer, Library Journal, Women's Health, Denver Post, Orlando Sentinel, Baltimore Sun, and Toronto Sun. Mort's Marriage Fitness program is endorsed by marriage counselors, therapists, relationship experts, and mental health professionals. And he has helped save thousands of marriages. Mort Fertel graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, was the CEO of an international non-profit organization, and a former marathon runner.

Marriage Fitness & Renewal with

Mort Fertel

To listen to this interview go to:

Renew Your


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Mort Fertel, America’s Premier Marriage Coach

Mort Fertel is the author of Marriage Fitness, a sought after public speaker, and considered by many to be the world’s premier marriage coach. The president of MarriageMax, Inc., Fertel is the first to approach marriage from the perspective of health and wellness rather than problem solving.

His revolutionary MarriageMax™ 4-Step Plan is consistent with traditional family values and on the cutting edge of sociological advancement; it is also endorsed by relationship experts around the world including John Gray, PH.D., author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and Dr. Stephen Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effec-tive People.

Mort Fertel has appeared on NBC, CBS, PBS, and the Fox News Network. He is also a frequent guest on talk radio programs including NPR. His breakthrough work, Marriage Fitness, has been profiled in Family Circle, Glamour Magazine, Fitness Magazine, The Library Journal, The Denver Post, The Orlando Sentinel, The Buffalo News, The Baltimore Sun, and The Toronto Sun.

A graduate of the Wharton School of Business and the University of Pennsylvania, Mort Fertel worked on Wall Street, founded a direct mail advertising company, and was the CEO of an international non-profit organization. He is also a former marathon runner and is com-mitted to physical (as well as marriage) fitness. He lives with his wife and four children (including triplets) in Baltimore, Maryland.

And How To Avoid Making Them Worse

(Baltimore, MD) - No marriage is perfect. So what are the most common problems that 60 million married couples face? A recent survey revealed that the 5 most common marriage problems are:

1. Infidelity 2. Constant low-grade bickering 3. Money issues 4. Neglect/silent treatments 5. Boredom/lost spark.

The survey was conducted by Mort Fertel, author of Marriage Fitness, who is no stranger to marital conflict.

“Unlike most relationship experts, for me the topic of marriage success is personal,” says Fertel. “My wife and I were deeply in love. But then three of our children died as newborns. Very quickly we became roommates rather than soul mates.

After a disappointing experience with traditional therapy, the Fertels saved their marriage by instituting positive relationship habits.

“The experts wanted us to tackle our problems,” says Fertel. “But focusing on what was wrong just made our situation worse. When we let go of our problems and did positive things, that’s when we got results.”

Now a sought after public speaker and marriage coach, Fertel wrote Marriage Fitness to provide a step-by-step system of healthy relationship habits. Endorsed by relationship experts around the world, Marriage Fit-ness prescribes “marriage fitness exercises” rather than conflict resolution and communication techniques.

“The solution to most marital situations is to let go of problems and spend your energy building your relation-ship through positive actions,” says Fertel. “If a couple does this correctly, their problems will dissipate and what remains of them can be more easily resolved in a safer, softer, and more forgiving marital environment.”

Fertel cautions that if your relationship is on the rocks, you should NOT tackle your problems. Fertel explains that if your timing is off, you can damage your marriage and make it less likely that you’ll ever find resolution.

“Lasting love is NOT the result of successful problem solving,” says Fertel. “A successful marriage comes from establishing positive habits and doing them consistently.”

P.S. After restoring their marriage, the Fertels went on to give birth to TRIPLETS!

Get the FREE breakthrough report, “7 Secrets for a Stronger Marriage” at

# # #


7 ways to “make” more love in your marriage.

5 ways to “move

from me to we.” 2 steps to tickling

your spouse’s soul. 4 steps to building

& maintaining phe-nomenal love.

CONTACT Mort Fertel 410.764.1552 410.499.1447 cell [email protected]

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Hear a Man’s


of view

“Achieving Women, Threatened Men”

with Jonathan Aslay


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24 Hours

A Day!

After turning 40 and going through a divorce in 2005, Jonathon Aslay began internet dating with the hopes of beginning the second chapter of his life with someone new. What he didn't expect was that online dating and almost 10,000 hours of conversations listening to women share their relationship stories would change his life. Many of these newfound friendships began reaching out for his advice and Jonathon became fascinated why some relationships work and so many just end. This is when Jonathon found his true gift and passion in life as a relationship confidant. Jonathon now shares the mind of a single/divorced man to women over 35, and helps them answer the questions that baffle them most when it comes to dating and relationships with men over 40. In 2007 Jonathon wrote his first book "Online Dating Secrets Revealed" and then his coaching career began. Jonathon is a successful entrepreneur, coach, speaker, international author and he launched his Understand Men NOW dot com website in 2010 helping women understand men better through his monthly membership program.

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“Well, Jonathon, that was a bold statement, what makes you think I am stubborn?” Well my friend, have you ever heard the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “Jonathon, do you think I am insane?” Of course not. So my friend, here is why I think you might be stubborn: My take is based after reading numerous comments on my Facebook posts, many of you are projecting the problem of not having a relationship as the man being the issue and that you feel you are in a healthy place. So if you continue to see men as the problem, then can you really find a happy relation-ship with a man? Is it possible

you will continue to attract emo-tionally unavailable men if your belief around men is unyield-ing? Imagine this, imagine if you can let go of all your preconceptions around every man you meet in the future and just look for the soul of a man: his integrity, honor and character. While you logically know most human beings (men) have is-sues and baggage (and it’s just a matter of degrees of slightly bad to really bad), what if you set the intention that you will attract men who are doing per-sonal growth work, working on bettering themselves, are emo-tionally available and have high integrity? Do you think if your mindset is focused on attracting that kind of man the likelihood of finding him is greater than the opposite mindset? Now ask yourself this, are you

i n a healthy happy place in your life? If you are, GREAT. If not, how can you attract a man who wants you if you are not in a good place? What per-sonal growth work have you done on yourself to be in a place to receive the relation-ship you truly want? If your mindset is rigid then you are probably stubborn and you may not be in a place to attract the relationship you desire. My advice: stop being stub-born.

Is Being Stubborn Keeping You From the Relationship You Want?

By Jonathon Aslay

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