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Baby Jogger 2010 City Select Stroller Second Seat Kit

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In their quest to create the most practical pushchairs possible, manufacturers are launching ever more accessories alongside their buggy models. These days it's easy to end up buying a pushchair and then spending the same again on must-have accessories - not what you need when making do with maternity pay... You have to ask, are these accessories absolutely necessary, or just an excuse for cynical manufacturers to squeeze more cash out of excited parents-to-be?

Certainly though, some of the accessories on offer can be a lifesaver; but with an array of foot muffs, parasols, cup holders, buggy liners and even phone holders on offer, how are you supposed to decide what you really need and what's just an indulgent luxury you could really live without?

A parasol or a foot muff can make a great difference and make sure that your buggy is a super snug and comfy environment for your baby and a buggy liner can be useful, making the seat unit more cosy and protecting the seat from the inevitable spills

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and stains that come with babies and toddlers; but beyond that choosing your accessories is really about working out what will make your life easier. Depending on where and how you plan to use your pushchair, different accessories may be especially useful to you; a dedicated jogger might find an attachable cup holder invaluable, or a travel case might be great for a jet setting family.

Yes, the massive choice on pushchair accessories currently on the market can help to make your buggy into a truly invaluable addition to your family but it's hard to ignore the fact that perhaps there is a more cynical, commercial reason behind the choice. New parents are rightly concerned with buying everything they need to make their new baby as comfortable and safe as possible and it's easy to get carried away in the excitement of preparing for your new arrival and some of the options on offer do seem to appeal to this desire to buy anything and everything your baby might need.

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Added to this, there is a growing trend towards personalised buggies, which require you to buy essential elements, like seat units, separately from the buggy chassis - pushing the overall cost up considerably. And, as more and more pushchairs become travel system compatible there is the additional cost of purchasing a compatible car seat, along with adaptors. So, once you've bought everything you need for your pushchair the costs can really start to mount up.

Pushchair accessories are now an important factor to consider when you look at the different buggies on offer. As well as looking at what models will work best for your new family it's worth taking a little time to think about what comes with the buggy and what you have to buy separately. What initially looks like a good deal can become very expensive when you add on the cost of the accessories you need. Shopping around can also really help you to keep the costs down - there are some fantastic deals and package offers available.

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Strollers For Jogging - Tips on Essential Fitness For Mums!

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Baby Trend Expedition LX Travel System, Millennium

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I would have to admit that my wife has reached another level, should I say first level, in her "getting fitter" regime - with strollers for jogging. In my opinion, it's an essential fitness programme for moms.

Level Two belongs to our little boy who is entertained to oblivion with a burst of fresh air and bemused dogs' barks in the park.

The logic is simple. It is simultaneous bonding with children through exercise. After giving birth, my wife was determined to "get back in shape". But words are one thing and action is another. Most moms can relate to that.

Tiredness and a genuine lack of exercise can lead to weight-gain, fatigue, depression, lack of concentration, anxiety and more, especially in the post-natal period. How long does it last? Well, clichd as it sounds, it depends solely on your current state of mind and your outlook on the future.

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So, my wife became really interested in finding ways to get fitter while still spending time with our son. She loved the healthy and creative concept of jogging in the park, taking our boy along for the ride, even seizing the initiative and convincing other moms to join her.

Protecting your child from different dangers, these strollers have sun canopies, five-point safety harnesses and even reclining seats. They are manufactured with an amazing amount of care and detail and they come with storage space under the main seat with a durable yet lightweight steel frame.

Standard Features (and Benefits) Include:

* Hood, foot muff, basket and PVC covering - providing comfort for your little one whatever the weather

* Removable accessories that are machine washable, fitting easily into your busy schedule

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* Pneumatic tyres for a comfortable ride - stones on the sidewalk or in the park won't disturb your baby's sleep

* Lie-back facility, for added comfort

* Quick release wheels, which make your life easier, especially when you're laden with shopping

* Folds flat for easy storage (you'll hardly notice it's there)

* Available as a single or double

All-terrain three-wheeler strollers are usually sturdy models with excellent comfort and safety features, especially designed for jogging or running. They're great at absorbing impact and are equally comfortable in everyday use.

The conclusion is simple. Consider your needs, your baby's needs and your lifestyle. All-terrain buggies represent the highest level of science and engineering for aspiration moms.

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