Page 1: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Acceleration -

• rate of change of velocity (speed or direction),

• occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Page 2: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied


• point of a planet’s orbit when it is at its greatest distance from the Sun

Page 3: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Astronomical Unit

• average distance from the Earth to the Sun

Page 4: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Center of Mass

• average position in space of a group of massive bodies

Page 5: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Centripetal Force

• force that pulls an object into a curved path

Page 6: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Eccentricity -

• measure of the flatness of an ellipse

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• elongated circle

• shape of orbits

Page 8: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Escape Velocity

• speed required for an object to escape gravitational pull

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• point an object orbits (elliptically)

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• a push or pull

• primarily gravity

Page 11: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Gravitational Constant -

• constant of proportionality in the law of Universal Gravitation

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Gravitational Field

• field created by object with mass, determines its influence on other objects

Page 13: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Gravitational Force

• the attractive force a massive object has on all other massive objects

Page 14: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Gravitational Slingshot

• use of gravitational pull of massive object to increase velocity of a passing satellite

Page 15: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Heliocentric -

• solar system model with Sun at the center

Page 16: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Hyperbola -

• geometric shape of an unbound orbit

Page 17: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Inertia -

• tendency of objects to resist acceleration,

• Newton’s 1st Law

Page 18: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Inverse-Square Law

• strength of field decreases with square of the distance

Page 19: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

• three laws which summarize the motion of the planets

Page 20: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Major axis -

• the long axis of an ellipse

Page 21: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Momentum -

• a measure of the inertia of a body,

• mass X velocity

Page 22: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Newtonian Mechanics -

• basic laws of motion, postulated by Newton

Page 23: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Parabola -

• shape of orbit with just enough energy to escape gravitational field

Page 24: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Perihelion -

• closest approach to Sun in an orbit

Page 25: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Radar -

• radio detection and ranging, waves are bounced off an object and timed to find distance

Page 26: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Renaissance -

• historical period with a rebirth in scientific inquiry

Page 27: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Semi-major Axis

• average distance of a planet from the Sun

Page 28: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Unbound -

• an orbit in which the satellite will never return to the object it orbits

Page 29: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

Weight -

• a measure of the gravitational pull between two objects

Page 30: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

1. Why did the Ptolemaic picture of the universe survive for so long?

• Traditionalists were reluctant to give up the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Page 31: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

2. What was the great contribution of Copernicus?• Placing the Sun at the center of the solar


Page 32: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

3. What was Copernicus’ major motivation for introducing the heliocentric model of the universe?• Copernicus wanted to simplify the view of

the solar system.

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4. When were Copernicus ideas finally accepted?• Late 1600s to early 1700s.

Page 34: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

5. What is the Copernican principle?• The Earth is not special in a cosmological


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6. What discoveries of Galileo helped confirm the views of Copernicus?• He found moons that orbited Jupiter. He

saw phases of the planet Venus.

Page 36: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

7. What was Kepler’s contribution to astronomy?• Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

• 1. planets’ orbits are elliptical

• 2. planets sweep out equal areas of the ellipse in equal periods of time (move faster closer to the Sun)

• 3. square of a planet’s orbital period is proportional to the cube of its distance from the Sun

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8. What did Kepler use as the basis for his ideas?• The observations of Tycho Brahe.

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9. Do Kepler’s laws let us specify the actual distances between orbits of the planets and thereby the scale of the solar system?• Kepler’s laws tell relative distances, not

actual distances.

Page 39: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

10. How can radar be used to find the distance between Earth and Venus?• INFERIOR CONJUNCTION


• The sum of the two distances divided by two is one astronomical unit.

Page 40: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

11. What is inertia? Give one example.• Objects resist acceleration.

• Seat belts keep you from slamming through the windshield.

Page 41: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

12. Consider the gravitational interaction between Earth and a baseball thrown into the air. If the force of gravity is acting on both of them, why does the baseball move toward Earth and not Earth toward the baseball?

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F = m X a

• F on each object is equal, but m for the Earth is huge while m for the baseball is very small. That makes a for the Earth very small while a for the baseball is huge.

Page 43: Acceleration - rate of change of velocity (speed or direction), occurs any time an unbalanced force is applied

13. Why would a baseball go higher if it were thrown upward from the surface of the Moon?

• The mass of the Moon is less than Earth’s so the acceleration due to gravity is less. Therefore, it would take the ball longer to lose its velocity.

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14. Why can the motion of a planet around the Sun be described as a tug-of-war?

• The Sun pulls on the planet and the planet pulls on the Sun. This makes them each orbit a common center of mass.

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15. Do planets orbit the center of mass of the Sun?

• No, a planet and the Sun orbit a common center of mass.

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