Page 1: Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI) - IFDC


Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI)


This report by IFDC was made possible through funding support from the Walmart Foundation.

Page 2: Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI) - IFDC

AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 i

Table of Contents

Highlights ................................................................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Results ................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Technical Activities ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Technology Transfer ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Piloting Polynet Houses with Trickle Irrigation ................................................................................................. 4

Improving Farmer Access to Market Information .............................................................................................. 5

Reporting................................................................................................................................................................. 8


Table 1. Activities Conducted for 2018-19 Winter Vegetable Season Through September 2018 .................... 6

Table 2. Newspaper and Television Reports, News, and Publicity, September 2018 ....................................... 7

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 ii

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AVPI Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement

BMO Briquetting Machine Owner

DAE Department of Agricultural Extension

FDP Fertilizer Deep Placement

FTF Feed the Future

GAP Good Agricultural Practice

IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center

mt metric ton

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NPK Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Page 4: Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI) - IFDC

AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 1

Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI)

Monthly Report | September 2018



The Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement (AVPI) project is the second partnership between the

Walmart Foundation and the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) to improve the livelihoods of

low-income female vegetable and fruit farmers in Bangladesh.

The project targets the horticulture subsector (vegetables and fruits), which is particularly relevant to women

farmers. The project is expected to reach an estimated about 38,000 beneficiaries.1 This report contains a monthly

update covering project activities in September 2018.


• Area Coverage under Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), including Fertilizer Deep Placement (FDP)

Technology, in Winter 2018-19: Winter season vegetable cultivation began in August. Application of GAPs,

including FDP, by women horticulture farmers in winter 2018-19 started in the middle of August at AVPI

project locations. As per AVPI weekly reports, a total of 830 hectares (ha) of vegetables and fruit have been

brought under FDP technology during the winter season of 2018-19 until the reporting period.

• FDP Briquette Production: Information is being collected on Guti (briquette) fertilizer production from 233

AVPI villages. In September 2018, a total of 251.50 metric tons (mt) of Guti urea and 21.50 mt of NPK

briquettes were produced. The overall production of Guti fertilizers in AVPI villages during the winter 2018-

19 vegetable and fruit season was 454.90 mt (431.90 mt Guti urea and 23.00 mt NPK briquette) as of the

reporting month.

1 AVPI conducted a census during winter 2016-17 to determine the current agriculture status of all 28,360 women farmers who were

trained during the IFDC-Walmart activity 2013-15 period in the Feed the Future (FTF) zone. A total of 21,892 farmers were found

active in winter 2016-17. AVPI will train another 16,000 women horticulture farmers in 400 batches throughout the life of the project.

Therefore, the number of expected beneficiaries will be 21,892 + 16,000 = 37,892.

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 2

Technical Activities

Winter Season 2018-19: AVPI began its winter season 2018-19 activities in August as per the approved work

plan. The activities include: women horticulture farmers’ training on GAPs (including FDP) and polynet houses

with trickle irrigation; motivational meetings with previously trained women horticulture farmers; motivational

workshops and operational training of fertilizer briquetting machine owners (BMOs); farmers’ orientation

training for demonstration establishment; establishment of demonstration plots to show the results of improved

technologies compared to farmers’ practices; vegetable marketing seminars to improve the knowledge of women

horticulture farmers on product quality and marketing-related issues; and agro-input retailers’ training to educate

them on polynet houses and trickle irrigation systems.

AVPI completed the following activities for the winter 2018-19 season during September 2018.

Technology Transfer

• Farmers’ Training on GAPs and FDP: In

September, 50 batches of AVPI training programs

for 2018-19 winter season vegetables and fruits were

organized with the participation of 2,000 women

farmers. The training program lasted for two days,

with four hours each day. Day 1 focused on the

theoretical aspects of vegetable and fruit production,

while Day 2 focused on practical demonstrations of

FDP and GAPs application. Training topics include:

(1) human nutrition from vegetables and fruits; (2) soil fertility, balanced fertilizer use, and benefits of FDP

technology; (3) fertilizer briquette rates and application methods for selected vegetable and fruit crops;

(4) integrated pest management (IPM) practices; (5) land preparation, plant spacing, and planting/harvesting

times for selected fruit and vegetable crops; (6) quality seed and variety selection for selected crops;

(7) gender issues related to the marketing of vegetables and fruits; (8) practical demonstration of FDP

application; and (9) trainee feedback/question-and-answer session. Department of Agricultural Extension

(DAE) officials also participated in these training programs. So far, 91 (70 percent) of 130 targeted training

programs for winter 2018-19 have been completed.

AVPI practical training on GAPs and FDP application for women horticulture farmers

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 3

• Motivational Meeting with Walmart/IFDC-Trained Beneficiaries: In September, 40 batches of

motivational meetings were organized with 2,000 beneficiaries who were trained previously under Walmart-

IFDC activities. The purpose of the meetings was to identify the beneficiaries’ plans regarding GAPs and

FDP application in horticulture crop production and motivate them to continue GAPs and FDP practices. So

far, 80 (80 percent) of 100 targeted motivational meetings for winter 2018-19 have been completed.

• Establishment of FDP Demonstration: Technology results demonstration is one of the most important AVPI

activities. AVPI demonstrates the results of FDP technology in selected vegetables. The demonstration plots

consist of two plots, each measuring 200 square meters – one using FDP and the other broadcasting

conventional urea, keeping all other inputs such as seed and fertilizers and all other management practices the

same. A total of 15 targeted vegetable demonstrations plots (100%), which included seven on cabbage and

eight on cauliflower, for winter 2018-19 have been completed.

• Field Data Entry and Analysis: AVPI completed data entry, checking and verification of the following

surveys and crop cuts. The analyses are in process, and the results will be presented in the AVPI second annual

report, which is due in November 2018.

➢ FDP Demonstration Plot Crop Cuts on Vegetables, Summer 2018: Data from 20 demonstration plots

were recorded. The crop cuts included bitter gourd, cucumber, eggplant, and taro. Five replications were

made for each crop to measure the comparison of crop yield between FDP and broadcast urea application.

➢ Farmers’ Field Crop Cuts on Vegetables, Summer 2018: Data from 30 farmers’ field crop cuts were

recorded. The crop cuts included bitter gourd, cucumber, eggplant, pointed gourd, teasel gourd, and taro.

Five replications were made for each crop to calculate the gross margin by crops for FDP and broadcast

urea application.

➢ Trained Sample Household Survey for Summer 2018: A total of 3,272 randomly selected trained

households were surveyed. The sample represents 10% of the total AVPI-trained beneficiaries. The survey

was taken to assess the degree to which AVPI beneficiaries used GAPs and FDP technology in

horticultural crops during summer 2018.

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 4

➢ Cluster Village Monitoring Survey Summer 2018: Data were taken from 233 AVPI cluster villages

through interviews with key informants on GAPs and FDP application in horticulture crop production.

Piloting Polynet Houses with Trickle Irrigation

• Establishment of Demonstration Plots under Polynet Houses with Trickle Irrigation: In September, five

demonstration plots on eggplant production were established under polynet houses with trickle irrigation using

FDP and broadcast urea and also farmers’ practice without polynet houses and trickle irrigation to show the

results of crop production between these technologies and farmers’ practice. Therefore, all 10 targeted

demonstrations (five on seedling raising and five on crop production) for winter 2018-19 have been


• Field Days on Seedling Raising under Polynet

Houses: In September, AVPI organized five field day

programs on the use of polynet houses for raising

eggplant seedlings. A total of 200 farmers (female-157

and male-43) participated in these five events. The

seedlings grown under polynet houses were uniform

with high vigor, good size, shape and color, and

maximum root formation, and were strong compared to

farmers’ practices without polynet houses. No

insecticides were used on polynet seedlings, whereas on

three occasions insecticides were sprayed on seedlings without polynet. The market value of polynet seedlings

is about 25 percent higher compared to without polynet seedlings.

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 5

• Agro-Input Retailer Training: In September, AVPI

organized two batches of agro-input retailer training

programs as targeted for winter 2018-19. A total of 24

agro-input retailers and five BMOs attended the training

program. The program included theoretical discussion

and presentation on the benefits and use of polynet,

trickle irrigation, and fertilizer deep placement

technologies, followed by practical demonstrations of

these technologies in fields. By introducing these

technologies, AVPI expects that the attendee retailers

and BMOs will ensure that the materials of these

technologies are provided as needed by the farmers. AVPI also provided the contact information of the

manufacturer of these materials to the participants.

Improving Farmer Access to Market Information

• Vegetable and Fruit Marketing Seminar: In

September, AVPI organized one vegetable marketing

seminar in Pirojpur district to improve the women

farmers’ market knowledge and their access to market

information. In this seminar, the findings of the three

studies conducted by AVPI were presented and

discussed in detail with the participants. AVPI women

vegetable and fruit farmers, who are playing a

leadership role in their communities, along with market

actors (faria/bepari/aratdar/paiker/retailers), DAE

officials, the district marketing officer, non-

governmental organization (NGO) officials, and media representatives attended the seminar. In the seminar,

a SWOT analysis was conducted by the participants. This allowed for each participant to become aware and

learn about the opportunities and threats they are facing in the production and marketing of their products in

the markets. The female farmers and market actors were divided in four mixed groups for a group SWOT

exercise, followed by a presentation from each group. So far, one of the two targeted vegetable and fruit

marketing seminars for winter 2018-19 has been completed.

AVPI practical training for agro-input retailers and BMOs on setting-up trickle irrigation systems under polynet house

Group work on SWOT analysis by participants

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 6

Table 1 provides information on the activities accomplished as of September 2018 against targets for the 2018-

19 winter vegetable season.

Table 1. Activities Conducted for 2018-19 Winter Vegetable Season Through September 2018

Media Campaign: The media campaign for AVPI activities during September 2018 is shown in Table 2, covering

daily national newspapers, local print media, electronic media, and online news. In the media campaign, Walmart

Foundation, as the donor, is always emphasized in relation to AVPI activities. Some news reports about AVPI

activities in August are also included in the following table due to the late receipt of the newspapers from fields.

Activities Unit

AVPI Progress Through September 2018

Remarks Target Actual %

Objective 1: Fertilizer Deep Placement (FDP)/Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)

Farmer training Batch 130 91 70%

Farmer orientation for demo establishment Batch 1 1 100%

Motivational meeting with trained farmers Number 100 80 80%

Motivational workshop and operational training of BMOs Number 2 2 100%

Field demonstration Number 15 15 100%

Crop cuts from

➢ Demo plots Number 15

➢ Farmers’ field Number 20

Field days Number 5

Design and develop technical leaflets, flyers, posters, signboards, flags, promotional bags, and caps

* * Continuing activity

Objective 2: Piloting Polynet Houses with Trickle Irrigation

Farmer orientation for demo establishment Batch 1 1 100%

Field demonstration (seedling raising-5 + crop production-5)

Number 10 10 100%

Farmer training Batch 10 5 50%

Field days Number 10 5 50%

Provide direct technical assistance to farmers in introducing polynet houses with trickle irrigation and FDP technology

* * Continuing activity

Agro-input retailer training Number 2 2 100%

Objective 3: Improving Farmer Market Knowledge/Access to Market Information

Vegetable marketing seminar Number 2 1 50%

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 7

Table 2. Newspaper and Television Reports, News, and Publicity, September 2018

Sl. No. News Heading Media Date/Time Remark

A. Electronic Media

B. Print Media

(i) National Newspaper

1. Farmers training program at Jhikargachha The Daily Jaijaidin 02-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

2. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily Kalerkantho 03-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

3. Vegetable and fruits marketing seminar at


The Daily Ittefaq 19-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

4. Vegetable and fruits marketing seminar at


The Daily Manab


19-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

5. Vegetable and fruits marketing seminar at


The Daily Vorer


19-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

6. Vegetable and fruits marketing seminar at


The Daily Vorerpata 19-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

(ii) Local Newspaper

1. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily


27-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

2. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily Akash


28-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

3. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily Sokaler


28-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

4. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily


28-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

5. Organized BMO workshop at Chuadanga The Daily Akash


30-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

6. Farmers training program at Jhikargachha The Daily Protidiner


30-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

7. Organized BMO workshop at Jessore The Daily Spandan 31-Aug-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

8. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily Spandan 03-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

9. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Daily Diner


13-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

10. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Daily Matrikantha 13-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

11. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Dainik Kushtia 13-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

12. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Daily Matrikantha 14-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

13. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily Sokaler


14-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

14. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily


14-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

15. Field Day on Polynet Houses at

Chuadanga Sadar

The Daily


14-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

16. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Dainik Kushtia 15-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

17. Farmers training program at Bhola Sadar The Daily Banglar


17-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

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AVPI Monthly Report | September 2018 8

Sl. No. News Heading Media Date/Time Remark

18. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily Akash


17-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

19. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily Sokaler


17-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

20. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily


17-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

21. Farmers training program at Burhanuddin The Daily Banglar


20-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

22. Farmers training program at Rajbari Sadar The Daily Matrikantha 20-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

23. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Dainik Kalyan 21-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

24. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Daily Samajer


21-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

25. Field Day on Polynet Houses at


The Dainik Noapara 21-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

26. Farmers training program at Baliakandi The Daily


25-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

27. Agro input retailer training program at


The Daily Sokaler


26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

28. Agro input retailer training program at


The Daily


26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

29. Agro input retailer training program at


The Daily Akash


26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

30. Farmers training program at Rajbari Sadar The Daily Diner


26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

31. Farmers training program at Rajbari Sadar The Daily Matrikantha 26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

32. Farmers training program at Rajbari Sadar The Dainik Kushtia 26-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

33. Field Day on Polynet Houses at Jessore


The Daily Spandan 28-Sep-18 Hard Copy of News Documented

(iii) Online News


The AVPI Monthly Report of August 2018 was submitted to the Walmart Foundation.

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