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2019 Shalom Retreat - A very intense focus on the healing of the inner personPlease read this details about the upcoming Shalom English Retreat taking place in 2019. This will help

you prayerfully discern if you should attend this retreat.

Registrations are available online and by phone

You can call Shalom office to register as well at (215)366-3031

Context – What is the purpose of this Retreat?

1. A lot of people out there are deeply wounded in their inner person. As we go through life, all kinds

of sin (even very tiny sins) affect us and if not dealt with, it slowly begins to paralyze us and snub out

every joy in our life.

2. Secondly, from the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb till now many painful experi-

ences affect us and from our mind, these painful memories slip into our unconscious mind and pile

up. Many have forgotten these painful memories, but they lie deep within their inner person. If the

Precious Blood of Jesus is not allowed to trickle into our unconscious mind, these painful memories

can enslave us.

Shalom Media has realized therefore that a strong need of the time is RETREATS with a very intense focus

on the healing of the inner person from SIN and WOUND. In this retreat, also people should be taught spe-

cifically how to clean their inner person daily from sin and wound – this process should be taught and they

should continue this lifestyle till the end of their lives.

About the Retreat

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What will take place during the shalom retreat?Fr. George who has done numerous such retreats for many years is a powerful preacher from India. Nu-

merous physical, emotional and spiritual healings have been experienced by participants of these retreats.

Fr. George and his Team will take participants of the Shalom Retreat through:

1. Intense exercise of self-examination in preparationfor a Powerful Confession experience

Ezekiel 36:26 states “I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. I will remove the heart

of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Hebrews 4:12 states “the word of God is living and

effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.”

a. The Bible is the surgical instrument of God and Fr. George will break open the word (there will be

powerful preaching of the Word) and using the teaching of the Church, he will take us into the heart of the

Ten commandments giving us a profound understanding of how various types of sins (even casual sins and

very tiny sins) affect our inner person. The end result of this is a powerful realization that “HOLINESS IS NOTAN OPTION.” We have to be very serious about allowing the Lord to eradicate every form of sin from our

inner person.

b. Once we receive this conviction about Holiness and do the intense self-examination, then the

confession that follows is lengthy but very liberating. The key focus of the retreat is that each person

receive that tremendous outpouring of healing and grace from the Sacrament of Confession

2. Inner healing talk, reflection, adoration and spiritualcounseling

Fr. George and members of his team have powerful gifts of discernment and Word of knowledge and

with the Holy Spirit’s help during the inner healing talks, spiritual counseling and adoration they will help

each person identify those deep wounded areas of their inner person, memories buried deep within their

unconscious mind. This is a powerful session because there will be things that we have forgotten or did

not know about that will be brought to the surface. As we revisit those memories, we will be asking Jesus

to come into those situations and be with us and flood us with His love and provide total healing. This

process is very powerful because it renews our inner person.

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3. Anointing PrayerAfter each person attending retreat has done their confession and has had a chance for Spiritual counsel-

ing, the final session of the retreat will then be the Anointing Prayer. Here Fr. George and his Team will lay

their hands on each person and pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that we are empowered

to live our Catholic calling in the manner the God desires. Just imagine when our inner person is healed

powerfully from SIN and WOUND, and we receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, how spiritually

strong we will be. Not only that, we are deeply convicted and empowered to continue this process of the

renewal of our inner person daily. So when we are hurt again, we do not allow that wound to fester and

become worse and then enslave us. We immediately deal with it by allowing Jesus to touch and bathe it in

the sacrament of confession and through personal prayer, etc. Once our inner person is renewed, the JOY

of CHRIST does not just last for a short time. But it remains with us and grows in intensity each day and we

can then evangelize more effectively and more powerfully.

Testimony of a person who attended shalom retreatMy thoughts about the Shalom “Taking it to the Next Level” Retreat. I have been on a number of retreats in

my life. While in a high school seminary we had a few retreats which were wonderful but as a teen, I can’t

say that I received the full measure of what was going on. It was like looking at a picture of the beach. I did

get the desire to visit the beach.

The speakers were great. Their topics fit together wonderfully. The music added greatly to the experience.

If that was all there was this would have been like other experiences. The Mass each day would build in

intensity. One exercise which was done following a talk allowed me to see for the first time very clearly how

wounded I am. I was able to put into focus many wounds I was carrying around, which I had been ignoring.

They had been building within for so long they had become a part of me.

There is limited seating because Fr. George and his Team really want to take their time with each person

– make sure they go through this complete healing process as described in detail above so that nobody

leaves the retreat without getting the maximum grace from God. Thank You.

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