
GREEN Communicationsmanage the medium, manage the message


For anyone operating in the world of

public relations or communications

GREEN would recommend that you look

at the principles behind Barak Obama’s

campaign for the White House and how

they can be applied to your own


Keep it simple and be consistent.

Everything about the Obama campaign was

big and yet simple. The big ideas addressed

core issues that are crucial to the majority of

Americans. They were communicated and

addressed in a really simple way –

consistency and simplicity ruled together for

maximum effect.

Stay true to your message. Change was the

one word that summarised the campaign and

was referred to again and again. The prospect

of moving away from a Republican

government for the first time in eight years

symbolised it all: change – that, in turn, led

people to believe in change for the good. By

simply staying true to the message, the

campaign created a ground swell of opinion

that it was change that was needed to win.

Obama’s website is even called

Stick to your objectives. Obama’s campaign

was rigorously committed to its objectives and

every aspect of activity was focused on

achieving one, some or all of them

simultaneously. Not only did it achieve the

primary objective of getting people to vote for

Obama, but the campaign also successfully

achieved its fundraising objective - more than

£500m dollars.

Get to the people that matter. At the heart of

the campaign was a quest to embrace and train

local people to build volunteer bases in

different communities – this led to one of the

biggest grassroots campaigns in the world

today. Individual advocacy is the biggest

driver of sales – turning one supporter into an

advocate was worth at least 10 votes, as the

results show.


Make people feel empowered and

involved. This was the real secret of its

success. Every single person involved at the

grassroots was made to feel like he or she had

a role to play. Whether participating in a rally,

donating or training, the campaign ensured

that voters became the most important

participants and felt like their contributions

really mattered. Every piece of

communication was personally addressed to

the recipient with a personal message of

thanks from Obama.

Refine your data gathering and completion.

Such was the scale of the compilation of data

that the campaign’s different hits reached

millions every time. A centralised online

database meant every detail was recorded

and allowed for easy cross-referencing of

information and creation of lists to target

specific groups, ensuring that the commun-

ication was right on target every time

Embrace different media forms. Obama is

the “king of social networking”. During the

general election 46 per cent of Americans

used the internet to get information. As a

result, online activity including YouTube,

myspace and FaceBook were used to

maximum effect

Getting the language right. Every element of

the campaign used language that captured the

audiences and had maximum impact – the

choice of words and tone had to be in harmony

with the campaign’s overall vision and

messages. It was about using few words for

maximum effect – Yes We Can, For the Change

We Need...

Mass integration. Undoubtedly the mass

integration of all forms of communications and

data gathering are mutually beneficial

components of a cohesive political operation.

This was the key to the campaign’s overall

success. It shows that consistency and a

conjoined approach works. To say it broke new

ground would be an understatement.

Protect your brand. It’s all very well building

up a successful brand but it is as important to

ensure that you maintain and protect it. With

expectations now well and truly raised, that is

what we will all be watching for. Obama’s next

challenge is to protect his reputation which will

be another fascinating story to tell…


GREEN offers intelligent ideas, passionately delivered to a set of values that

define who we are as individuals and as an organisation. We extend our clients’

thinking and make their brands, marketing communications and public

relations work harder, enabling them to be successful in a tougher, more

competitive marketplace.

You cannot have an excellent organisation without excellent communications.

That is what we deliver to our clients guided by our expert skills, time, contacts

and networks, and by our values:

• our paranoia about achieving the best results for our clients

• telling things straight, built upon genuine, committed relationships

• using intelligent thinking and creative flair to add value

• accepting our responsibility to make best use of resources and opportunities

• seeking to make the lives of our clients, colleagues and community better


We aim to be strategically creative, tactically effective and "fun". GREEN

practises what it calls three-dimensional communications. We see our clients in

the widest context – from the workforce right through to the end user. We

provide tangible strategic advice through our work. But that is only part of the

story: we live and breathe communications for our clients.

When a client takes on GREEN it gets a team. Each client enjoys a dedicated

account manager for the day-to-day activities and to progress the agreed

programme of work, who is in turn supported by an account executive. In

addition, there is further support from a director who is responsible for the

initial strategy and for keeping a watching brief over the account.

There is always a wider network of expertise to call upon, providing the client

with the best people for the right price. GREEN operates according to strict

standards of service.


Building your profile, managing your reputation, communicating with your

markets - they all depend on the media.

Public relations and media relations is one of the cornerstones of the GREEN

service. We use the power of the media - newspapers, magazines,

broadcasters and social media - to communicate your messages to your target


We work in partnership with our clients to ensure the right message is being

given to the right people at the right time to generate positive coverage to

underpin your corporate and business objectives.

We have extensive experience of providing pro-active, hardworking, cost-

effective and successful media relations programmes for a broad range of

clients. We also provide support in the following areas:

Marketing services: GREEN can provide objective, impartial advice, to give

strategic direction to your brand and campaign, or produce high quality

collateral, advertising and direct marketing campaigns. It is all about getting

the maximum attention of the public by using minimal resources.


Social Media: The internet is changing. It is no longer a place where passive

audiences read online news and reviews. It is becoming a place where active

audiences take part in a conversation – through blogs and social networks.

GREEN is a leader in the field of social media and emerging Web2.0

technologies. You can’t control these conversations, but with GREEN’s help you

can engage with them and help shape them to accurately reflect your brand.

Crisis Management: At GREEN we have an unrivalled track record in helping

clients to deal with a major crisis. We can work with your management team to

effectively prevent today's problem becoming tomorrow's crisis.

Graphic Design: GREEN prides itself on highly creative graphic design. From

corporate identities and branding to leaflets and brochures, from exhibitions

and newsletters to packaging and websites.

Brand Workshop: Far too often organisations do not make their most precious

asset work hard enough for them. Brands and corporate identities can take

years to build up, and just seconds to convey the right message. From a simple

logo design to a fully detailed corporate identity manual, we can provide you

with a full Brand Workout which ensures your brand messages are fit for



Community relations: Never forget that the local community is a stakeholder

in your business. For public bodies such as local councils and government

agencies, communities are often the critically important audience because they

will be directly affected by a decision or a policy. GREEN has a wealth of

experience and expertise in dealing with the community when there are

sensitive issues to communicate.

Internal communications: We all say it. Our people are our best asset. But too

often we keep them in the dark when we know that illumination gets the best

out of them. Effective internal communication must reflect the style and values

of your organisation, provide information, be motivational and result in

improved overall performance.

Events management: Sometimes you need a big splash in order to make an

impression. A launch event can bring together many strands of your public

relations strategy, enabling you to meet key people face-to-face, impress them

with the quality of the event and provide a good story for the media. GREEN is

experienced at planning and managing events to ensure they meet your

objectives - and occasionally surpass them!


GREEN Communications has worked with a wide range of clients in a number

of sectors. We have delivered award-winning public relations campaigns

delivering fantastic results for our clients. We have designed outstanding

brochures and other marketing collateral, built compelling websites and

created memorable brands. Here are a few of them:

Redcats / United Utilities / Northern Gas Networks / Warburtons plc / Greens

Health & Fitness / NetConstrct / The Wensleydale Creamery / LINPAC Plastics

Yorkshire Water plc / Netto Foodstores / Pace Micro Technology / Grant

Thornton / Rollits / Nabarro Nathanson / Brooke North / GVA Grimley

Partnership Investment Finance / McInnesCorporateFinance / Ernst & Young

Yorkshire Housing Group / Enterprise Insight / Learning & Skills Council

Univentures / Yorkshire Forward / South Yorkshire Investment Fund

GraduatesYorkshire / Yorkshire Universities / Yorkshire Tourist Board / Best

Western / Fuelmyblog / First / Business Link / West Yorkshire Police

Calderdale Health Authority / Calderdale Council / Strulch / Leeds University

Business Schools / Northern Leadership Academy / Gamestec / Danoptra

Euro Car Parts / ByBox / PicPac / Platinum Rails / Park Cake Bakeries

Swarcliffe & Brunel Housing / Mini-Roles / Quickplay Sport / Prostar

a body

of work


In September 2003, after almost 20 years under the control of Scottish Courage, the Theakston family sought to acquire the Masham-based brewer they gave their name to.The family, led by Simon Theakston invited GREEN Communications to devise a public and media relations programme that positioned the new business as an independent family brewer.The key objectives therefore were to position Theakstonas the premier brewer of quality cask ale in the UK and re-position the company as a “born-again family business resurrecting old traditions and values”.

Planning & Research

GREEN identified the need to focus on the “family” and the return of one of Yorkshire’s most famous brands to theTheakston fold – Under Old Management—and reinforce the traditions associated with the brand.We also considered the various issues that would be thrown up by an historical schism created by a Theakstonfamily split 20 years previously when Paul Theakstonestablished the rival Black Sheep rival. Directors Simon Theakston and Collin Wood were given an intense media training session over a two day period to prepare them for press, telephone, radio and TV interviews.A series of press releases were prepared together

with follow up materials relating to planned sponsorship opportunities previously identified – the largest of these being the launch of the Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year to coincide with the Harrogate Crime Writers Festival.


Liaising with the Scottish Courage Press office which,under Stock Exchange rules was bound to make the announcement to the markets, GREEN held various talks with target media to prepare them for the announcement of the deal.Target media included all regional morning, evening and weekly titles; all regional TV and radio; trade press; CAMRA titles; and nationals.GREEN also arranged for several one-to-one interviews with the Theakston family and established a portfolio of strong photographic images to accompany all press materials.


Coverage of Theakston: Under Old Management was outstanding. It is calculated that the coverage generated was worth in excess of £750,000. Key outputs included coverage by all regional media - frequently as a front page lead.The story even made it on to the Wall Street Journal, BBC Look North, The Today Programme and BBC

Newcastle allocated more than four minutes to the story band subsequently commissioned a follow-up piece.Similarly Yorkshire TV’s Calendar did two features on the buy back and one-to-one interview with Simon Theakstonand the staff.The Guardian – carried a full page story and dedicated a Leader to the buy back drawing positive association with the current discussions about the world trade agreement.CAMRA directly re-engaged with Theakston and local correspondent, Barrie Pepper wrote several subsequent “freelance” pieces.Interest in the story remains high and subsequent sponsorships, including the launch of the Old PeculierCrime Novel of the Year, continue to maintain momentum in the media.

Simon Theakston, Managing Director,

Theakstons, said: “GREEN was

instrumental is re-positioning our

business in the eyes of the beer drinker

and the landlord and helped reinforce all

the values associated with our brands.”



Graduates Yorkshire is an online graduate recruitment company providing a recruitment service to meet the growing demand for graduates in SMEs and, with its growing success, its services later expanded to help employers of any size. Graduates Yorkshire was spun out of the Careers Service of the regions 10 universities which retain a stake in the social enterprise.In January 2007 Graduates Yorkshire re-launched its website and was spun out from the region’s 10 university shareholders a stand alone social enterprise business. Key objectives included:

• Position GraduatesYorkshire as the first port of call for employers in the region seeking graduate recruitment.

• Drive traffic to the website through creative use of public and media relations and guerrilla marketing techniques.

• Engage with, and encourage Yorkshire business to recruit from the region’s student cohort.

• Ensure more students graduating from the region’s universities take up employment in the region.

• Engage directly with the region’s business community –creating a powerful peer-to-peer community through theGraduatesYorkshire website.


Early on GREEN recognised it was important to co-opt a series of advocates who would support the Graduates Yorkshire. GREEN approached a number of politicians, business leaders and student groups.GREEN also began talks with key media offering them exclusive coverage on the different stories generated. We also sought to create a strong online presence making best use of Web2.0 and social networks – Facebook in particular.Research was also commissioned by leading economist Professor Mark Hepworth and demographics expert, Martin Frost called Graduates Economies in Britain which would lend weight to the Graduates Yorkshire cause.Meanwhile, a series of launch events were organised at all the key universities to which students and employees were invited.All the above was to be supported by a steady stream of press materials, including features and case studies for alltargetted media.


GREEN developed a launch event in Leeds to publicise the publication of Graduates Economies in Britain to which all leading regional and recruitment press were invited. Forward planning and feature calendars were notified to spread the message.

GREEN also created a dedicated weblog which integrated several social media tools including Facebook, Flickr and a discussion forum as well as Digg, Technorati and ranking tools.Additional materials and functionality were also added to the Graduates Yorkshire website. A programme for a regular drip feed of press materials and interviews with key titles was also put in place.

Creative Input

GREEN brainstormed a series of creative story angles to target different media. These included:

Independent Research – GREEN and Graduates Yorkshire commissioned by leading economist Professor MarkHepworth and demographics expert, Martin Frost called Graduates Economies in Britain which would lend weight to the Graduates Yorkshire cause.


Picture This! – A photography competition was launched through the website encouraging students to send in their images of the region. Users of the website were invited to vote on their favourite.

Me & My Graduate – GREEN developed a series of real-life case studies based of graduates who had met their employer through the Graduates Yorkshire website.

Regional Road Show – A road show launching the Graduates Yorkshire service held events in Sheffield, Leeds, York, Hull, Bradford and Huddersfield.


Phenomenal regional press coverage was achieved, including interviews with Martin Edmondson on BBC Radio Leeds and several other local radio stations.Crucially the Human Resource trade press also carried stories about Graduates Yorkshire’s re-launch as social enterprise. The total AVE is calculated as £195,595Significant broadcast coverage was achieved including mentions on BBC Radio Leeds, Viking Radio and Minster FM. Graduates Yorkshire continues to attract more than 350,000 monthly average web hits. During the course of the campaign GREEN generated considerable coverage in key media. The events held

as part of a month long road show attracted significant audiences and support from local SMEs.During the period traffic to the Graduates Yorkshire website rose by 20 per cent on previous years – crucially with major employers signing up to the service includingHBoS, Asda, the NHS as well as the target market ofSMEs.

Martin Edmondson, Chief Executive of

Graduates Yorkshire: “GREEN has

worked hard to deliver a fantastic PR

campaign generating huge interest in

Graduates Yorkshire. They had a very

precise and logical plan and delivered

perfectly on that as can be seen by the

rise in traffic to our service."


Situated in the market town of Hawes in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, The WensleydaleCreamery prides itself on being the only maker of real Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese in the World.GREEN was tasked with devising a creative campaign to support The Wensleydale Creamery’s bid for Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) which aims to promote and protect food products in the EU. Under PDO rules manufacturers of cheese based outside Wensleydale, North Yorkshire, would be banned from calling their cheese real Yorkshire Wensleydale.PDO status for The Wensleydale Creamery would protect the regional heritage of real Yorkshire Wensleydalecheese. It will also help to ensure that consumers are getting the genuine article – a hand-crafted cheese made in Wensleydale. Key objectives included:• Successfully promote and support the Creamery’s bid for PDO status• Build and maintain brand profile with key multiples and independents• Increase sales across the Real Yorkshire Wensleydalerange• Generate significant news coverage in consumer and trade press

From the beginning GREEN was determined to spread the word about Real Yorkshire Wensleydale via the web and through emerging social media, making best use of a dedicated Wensleydale blog; the blohosphere; wikis; pod-

casts; and other UGC. GREEN also made best use of online social networks likeFlickr, Facebook and other feeds to add to the “conversation”. Our aim was to use social media as a platform to spread the “conversation” about Wensleydaleand translate that into genuine deadwood media coverage.A petition in support of the campaign – available online and at the visitor centre – was also put in place.


GREEN developed the Wensleydaleblog– using theWordPress blogging platform - which integrated several social media tools including Facebook, Flickr and a discussion forum, as well as Digg, Technorati and ranking tools. We also included an RSS feed to allow visitors to subscribe to our feeds.The blog also made tactical links with other partner sites including the Yorkshire Dales National Park, British Cheese Board, Wallace & Gromit and the Yorkshire Post which launched their own “Uniquely Yorkshire” campaign in support of Real Yorkshire Wensleydale ensuring regular coverage. They also developed a dedicated website in support of the campaign.An entry for Wensleydale cheese was also accepted byWikipedia which further added online authority to the campaign. Elsewhere, GREEN established an online petition for those wishing to support the PDO

campaign and launched a series of competitions to get people involved. Apodcast of a poem – To MakeWensleydale Cheese - written by Yorkshire poet Ian McMillan also generated further traffic and media coverage.


GREEN brainstormed a series of creative angles to be used on the website. These included:

• Wensleydaleblog – A dedicated weblogwas created and updated regularly with news about PDO and other developments at the Creamery. Other social media tools were also used including Facebook and Flickr.

• Online Petition – An online petition was created inviting visitors to add their support.

• Wensleydale Cookery demonstration –More than 60 consumer and cookery writers were invited to an event at NatMags House where celebrity chef Brian Turner demonstrated a range ofWensleydale recipes. Pictures of


the event were posted on the Wensleydale Flickr account.• An Ode to Wensleydale – Yorkshire poet Ian McMillan was commissioned to write a poem in praise of Yorkshire’s favourite cheese.• More Wensleydale Gromit! – Britain’s favourite plasticinecharacters and cheese fans, Wallace & Gromit were approached for their support and a post was placed on the site.


Phenomenal press coverage was achieved, including a news piece and a supplement in the Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Daily Express and BBC News online. Extensive regional coverage was achieved in the Yorkshire Post; Yorkshire Evening Post; Northern Echo and Darlington and Stockton Times. Coverage was achieved in numerous trade titles, including The Grocer; Food Industry News; Food Manufacture; Fine Food Digest; Dairy Industries International; Farmers Weekly and International Sandwich and Snack News. Meanwhile, consumer women’s press featured stories about the cheese and associated recipes including Fresh, Delicious, Express Woman, BBC Good Food and Country Kitchens.The Yorkshire Post launched their own Uniquely Yorkshire campaign with a dedicated website in support of the Creamery. This ensured regular coverage throughout the campaign. The total AVE is calculated as £200,000.

Significant broadcast coverage was achieved including mentions on BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme; BBC Radio 2 news and GMTV news. Locally there were several features on BBC Look North and Calendar. Wensleydaleblog continues to attract more than 400 unique visitors a week. Visitors can leave messages of support, sign the online petition and upload pictures and recipes. A podcast of Ian McMillan’s poem in praise of Yorkshire’s favourite cheese was also broadcast on the site and formed the basis of a poetry competition – which generated further press coverage.More than 18,000 people signed the petition in support of the campaign and this was delivered to Westminster. The PDO application is due to go to Brussels once approved by DEFRA and the final decision is due later this year. Wensleydaleblog continues to be updated.

David Hartley, Managing Director of the

Creamery said: “GREEN has worked hard

to deliver a fantastic PR campaign

generating huge interest in the Creamery.

We have been particularly impressed by

how the blog has generated so much

goodwill for our brand.”


NETTO is the UK’s leading value retailer with more than 150 stores throughout the UK. It offers customers value and quality in equal measure through its Smart Shopping philosophy of offering a leading brand and NETTO’s own brand alternative. Conscious of the gap between Danish perceptions of NETTO – where it is regarded as part of the mainstream shopping experience appealing to all shoppers including the middle class – and the UK, where discounting is still frowned upon, GREEN conducted an on-going media relations programme addressing all aspects of the store group’s brand, from new products, key personnel profiling, new store openings, corporate communications and promotions and competitions. The aim of the communications programme is to illustrate how shopping at NETTO is a positive experience by concentrating on the quality of the product, the best value ethos and an efficient shopping experience.The main objective of programme is to position NETTO as a genuine alternative to the major UK supermarkets and promote the quality and value of its product offering.


Comprehensive research was commissioned with ACNeilsen, the retail knowledge group, to assess positive and negative perceptions about the NETTO brand. This showed that many consumers associated

NETTO as being a cheap, poor quality retailer appealing to lower demographic shoppers. These perceptions were based on un-informed prejudice as many of the respondents had not even entered a NETTO store. The more positive reaction came from men who were keen on buying major brands at low prices and had no concerns about where they shopped. They were smart about shopping.


The overall strategy is based on engaging journalists with NETTO, bringing them closer to the brand and the people behind it. The media relations programme focuses on quality of product, store openings, spot items and corporate profile. Key to the programme were the following initiatives:

Quality Counts - NETTO is very proud of the quality products it stocks and GREEN invested a great deal of time in bringing this to the attention of key consumer journalists in the regional, national press and women’s magazines as well as the trade press.

Tried & Tested - product samples – including wine - were dispatched to key consumer titles each time a product was launched in store or repackaged.

Store opening - NETTO has an ambitious store

opening programme and in the past 12 months has opened more 25 new stores across the UK. Each new store opening is supported by an intensive media and press relations campaign in the local press and through door-to-door fliers highlighting the benefits of Smart Shopping and current special offers.

Competitions - at each new store opening shoppers were offered the opportunity to enter a competition to win a variety of prizes, including Smart cars, holidays and trolley dashes. These competitions were run in partnership with the local press and radio.

The results

Coverage in press – including The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent on Sunday, Yorkshire Post, Chat, Woman’s Own, Bella, Daily Express, The Grocer, Checkout and other leading titles - has been very positive. In some cases the titles have editorialised the issue challenging British snobbery when it comes to shopping at NETTO.


Recurrent headlines were: Store snobs pay the price, Treat in store at NETTO, No frills thrills, NETTO for best value, Smart arrival of bigger thinking, NETTO makes supermarket sweep, NETTO’s smart move. Meanwhile, at a local level further coverage was generated in local and regional press about the store opening programme. Meanwhile, a separate launchinto Wales generated significant press coverage in The Western Mail (page lead with follow up features) and all key titles including Barry & District News; Barry Post; Bridgend & District Recorder; Campaign Blackwood/Newbridge; Campaign Caerphilly,Ystrad Mynach & Bargoed; Campaign North Gwent; Campaign Pontypridd; Cardigan & Tivy-Side Advertiser; Daily Post; Pontypridd Observer Group; South Wales Argus - Newport; South Wales Echo; South Wales Evening Post and South Wales Guardian.Significant radio coverage was also achieved and both independent and BBC TV stations devoted at

least two minutes each to the story. There was also a significant online presence for the story.Coverage culminated in a five minute package on theNetto phenomenon on BBC Wales, when GREEN facilitated visit to Netto in Denmark for the business correspondent. In this he reviewed the growth of Netto in Europe, Netto’s trendy antecedents in Denmark, the firm’s Smart Shopping ethos and the quality of food - all key messages for Netto.Estimated value of total editorial valued coverage was £1.2m.

Netto Managing Director Claus

Waedeled: “GREEN have consistently

delivered excellent media coverage for

Netto and have raised the companies

profile far beyond our expectations.”

GREEN Communications

Wakefield Media Centre

19 King Street


WF1 2sQ

Tel: +44 (o)845 4503210

Fax: +44 (o)845 4503211

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