Page 1: About devops @SthlmDevOps 2014-01-20

devopsUlf Månsson  ­  @ulfmansson  ­  Recorded Future AB

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What about?

● Delivers

● Hundreds of deployment per week

● Early return of investment of development

● Agile all over (What is the value of only agile development?)

● Uptime

● Quality

● Satisfaction and happiness

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Deployed is done done

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● But can help you on the path

● Driven from a need to change

● Adopted by agile startups

● Spread to larger corporations

– To suppliers

● To Gartners et al– To ads at air ports... (not yet)

devops is not the answer

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The problem

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Break the silos

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devops is a movement

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CAMS by John Willis

● Culture

● Automation

● Monitoring

● Sharing

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● People and process first.

● If you don’t have culture, all automation attempts will be fruitless.

● It's about changing people and mind set

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Culture ...

● Openness

● Celebrate success and failure

● Not the normal blame game culture

● Be part of business

● Work together

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● Once you understand your culture.

● It's about automate processes

● Reduce human errors

● Tools for release management, provisioning, configuration management, systems integration, monitoring and control, and orchestration become important pieces in building a Devops fabric..

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Automation cont...

Infrastructure as code

Infrastructure via API


No planning of upcoming demand

Throw away old instances

Parallel environments

Everything is documented by code

Knowledge is in the code and not only inside your head

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● If you can’t measure, you can’t improve.

● A successful Devops implementation will measure everything it can as often as it can…

– performance metrics

– process metrics

– even people metrics.

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● Sharing is the loopback in the CAMS cycle.

● Creating a culture where people share ideas and problems is critical.

● Another interesting motivation in the Devops movement is the way sharing Devops success stories helps others.

● First, it attracts talent, and second, there is a belief that by exposing ideas you can create a great open feedback that in the end helps them improve.

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What devops is not

● devops is not a technology problem

● devops is not a jobtitle

● devops is not a product

● devops can't be sold to you

● devops is not a team

● devops is not just about automation

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Devops ­ inspired by lean tools

● Gemba - the real place

● Kanban - signboard

● Kaizen - change for the better

● Kata - the form and order of doing things

● Muda - waste

● Mura - inconsistency

● Muri - overburden

● Poka-yoke

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Poka­yoke ­ failure proof

Poka­Yoke is a system that, after being implemented, makes the creation of a defect in the manufacturing process impossible to happen.

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Example of Poka-yoke

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Devops + Poka­yoke = true

Make processes fail proofs

Safer for everyone to do tasks by them self

Everyone should be able to do simple tasks as a deploy

Self administration

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