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Many students face challenges comprehending texts.

Students are not conscious of strategies that assist with building reading comprehension as well as discipline literacy.

As a result, students are not able to develop skills necessary for meaningful learning (Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz).

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Through class discussion students will be able to interpret meaning of

unknown vocabulary terms offered in a forage resource profile of Malawi.

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The text was selected from an online supplementary article that covers pasture and forage resource profiles of Sub Saharan African countries. Secondary sources providing content specific materials through varying forms of media assists students’ comprehension while generating motivation and interest.The texts’ readability is well beyond the secondary reading level according to the Fry Readability Graph (1977 as cited in Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011). Introduction of the text selection allows students to build upon vocabulary previously offered in the core text, while developing new terms as additives to their funds of knowledge repertoire. The text aligns with the common core social studies standard which requires students make meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words through context of their use. Unknown vocabulary terms provide students with the opportunity to interpret meaning through their position and function in a sentence.

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• Students are divided into groups after initially reading the text.

• Each team is then directed to select one word they would like to learn more about. (The word must have some importance in the text)

• Each group’s word selection is presented to the entire class. A representative for each group identifies the nominated word and answers the following questions:

A. Where is the word found in the text? (The student reads the passage in which the word is found and describes the context the word is used.)

B. What do the team members think the word means? (The team decides on the meaning of the word using the surrounding context.)

C. Why did the team think the class should learn the word? (The team must tell why the word was important enough to single out for understanding.)

*The teacher facilitates the discussion, writes nominated words on the board, and invites class members to contribute additional clarification*

(Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011)

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The Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy is most important as a tool to assist student’s long term acquisition of language in an academic discipline (Vacca, Vacca, Mraz, 2011). It proves most effective for instruction focused on word meaning in context to students across all aptitude levels. This strategy supports equitable access to knowledge construction of difficult text through a model that is rigorous yet attainable. The strategy asks students to select words that are unknown yet relevant to the text. Through group collaboration students begin to build meaning by way of analyzing the position of the word within the text. This interaction combines students’ meta-cognition , self-regulation, and peer evaluation. As a result students are able to make the connection to the enduring understanding of their role as participant in knowledge construction (Enduring Understandings in Social Studies). The VSS strategy aligns to the common core standard which requires students develop meaning of unknown words based on reading and content. Students accomplish this goal by reading the text, selecting unknown words, and developing a definition based on the surrounding context. The Learning outcome is met by peer review of the document and analysis of the unknown words in relation to the neighboring text. From that analysis, students begin to synthesize gathered information to create meaningful understanding of the word.

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The VSS Strategy is best aligned to the socio-cultural learning theory which emphasizes the importance of social and cultural factors in children’s cognitive growth (Ormrod, 2011 pg. 39). Throughout the strategy students work collaboratively to extract unknown words and analyze meaning within the text based upon peer construction of knowledge. The most salient factor I would like students to develop as a result of this lesson is the interconnectedness of word meaning and context. As a result of reading the selection of forage profiles students will be able to increase their funds of knowledge of words within the social studies discipline while developing the skills necessary to independently construct word meaning. Informal assessments are based upon peer evaluations of meaning during discussion.

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Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.

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Learning OutcomeStudents will be able to summarize an autobiographical account of Nelson Mandela in order to distinguish the connection between human survival and natural resources.

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The text was selected from an autobiographical book written by Nelson Mandela, titled Long Walk to Freedom. Primary source documents help students develop an understanding of cultural significance. According to the Fry readability graph (1977 as cited in Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz 2011) the text reads at a ninth grade level. The text provides students the opportunity to make connections between geographical factors and culture. As a result the text aligns to Common Core Standards which requires students determine central ideas and provide an accurate summary of how key ideas develop through historical interpretation.

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Using the Guided Reading Procedure

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*Teacher introduces activity by asking students what they know about summarizing texts and how they go about developing main ideas. Use this discussion to segue into reading strategy* 1.Have students read a text passage, then turn their books face down and try to recall everything of importance. (The teacher records what students recall on the board)2.Teacher demonstrates how to delete trivial and repetitious information on the list.3.Students are given a chance to return to the passage and double check for missing points.4.Teacher guides student’s organization of a graphic outline using information gathered. (Here is where students can be shown how to collapse individual data into conceptual categories. These categories can be used for identifying or creating topic sentences).5.Students individually integrate the main points into a summary. (Teacher asks for advice on revisions to make their passages more coherent).6.As a final point of discussion, team students and let them read their summaries to one another. Students peer evaluate on writing in progress.(Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz 2011)

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Today we will create summaries using an autobiographical account of Nelson Mandela’s experience and interaction with the environment as a young boy. I would like you to take a few minutes to answer a couple questions before we begin the exercise. Afterwards, we will discuss some of your responses.

What is the importance in summarizing reading material?

How would you go about summarizing what you have read?

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Name______________ Date_____________________

Read your partner’s summary. As you read answer the following questions to assist in a polished revision:

What details of the text should be left out?What details should be added to the summary?Are there details that can be grouped together?Does the summary need a topic sentence?Were all of the categories developed in the summary?

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The Guided Reading Procedure is aligned to both narrative and expository texts. The strategy assists secondary students recall what they have read, self-correct responses, develop organizational skills, and create their own questions during the reading process. Through group participation students are able to gather information and organize it around important ideas as they reconstruct the author’s message (Vacca, Vacca, and Mraz 2011).

As student’s incorporate the GRP strategy while reading a personal narrative, they develop the enduring understanding that geography, climate, and natural resources affect the way people live and work (Enduring Understanding in Social Studies). In this way, both the learning outcome and common core standard are met as students read a primary source document to determine its central ideas and key events through an organized summary. Another learning outcome developed through this lesson is the cultural connection made while gathering evidence to build an interpretation in support of the idea that human survival is dependent upon natural resources.

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The group reading procedure best aligns to the social cognitive theory which focuses on how people learn by observing others and how they eventually assume control over their own behaviors (Ormrod, 2011 pg. 323). Throughout the strategy students work collectively gathering key details and ideas, self correcting through discussion about initial accounts, and peer evaluating each other’s summaries for a polished product. As student’s develop the organizational skills for proper summarization they acquire the processes necessary to self-regulate or monitor their own decisions (Ormrod,2011).I would like student’s to make the connections among synthesizing ideas, analyzing information, and identifying key concepts in the effort to develop higher order thinking. Formal assessments are developed through a pre-reading activity (funds of knowledge), summary product, and peer evaluation forms. Informal assessments are based upon group discussion as students develop the skills necessary to organize their ideas while delineating unnecessary information in completion of a polished summary.

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Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature.

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Learning Outcome

Students will be able to explore a cultural experience reflected in an African Folktale in creation of a visual/virtual museum project.

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The text was selected from an African Folktale provided as an online instructional resource. Folktales develop from oral traditions of people who share a common history. They also provide cultural imagery about the community from which it originated. The text’s readability is aligned to a ninth grade reading level according to the Fry Readability Graph (1977 as cited in Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011). Introduction of the text provides student’s with the necessary platform to engage in imagination, elaborating, predictions, and confirmation of this exchange through textual clues. As a traditional African Folktale the text supports the common core standard which requires students analyze a cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States.

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Imagine Elaborate Predict Confirm

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1. Select a passage from the text that is appropriate for developing imagery. (Teacher can read this selection to the class)

2. Imagine-Have students close their eyes to imagine a scene from the book or text they are going to read. Encourage them to think about their five senses to associate with the topic. (Have students share their images with the class as teacher records their responses)

3. Elaborate-Once initial responses have been recorded ask students to think about additional details associated with their imagery. (Teacher asks questions that will prompt them to elaborate and records responses)

4. Predict-have students use their initial images and elaboration of those images to make predictions about the text. (Teacher records students’ responses)

5. Confirm-During and after reading, encourage students to recall their predictions. Were they able to confirm their predictions or did they have to make modifications? (Teacher records responses)

(Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz 2011)

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Once there was a rich man named Haptom who lived in a beautiful home and had many servants. Although he had many possessions, he was not happy. He had nothing to interest him or keep him busy.Haptom had a servant named Arha. Now Arha did not have riches, but he was a happy man. One day he was building a fire for Haptom. Fire is a wonderful thing, he said to Haptom. Yes, Haptom agreed sullenly. It is nice to have fire when it is cold. In fact I wonder how cold it would have to be before a man could freeze. I cannot imagine! Arha responded. But it probably would not be long on a cold night in a cold place.I wonder, Haptom said slowly, if a man would freeze to death if he stood on top of a mountain on the coldest night and he had no clothes or fire to keep him warm. Only a very foolish man would try such a thing, said Arha. I bet no one could do it, said Haptom. I don’t know that but it does not matter because I have nothing to bet, laughed, Arha. Well, this amuses me. I have much that I could bet, said Haptom. In fact, Arha, if you go to the top of the mountain and stay all night without clothes or a fire to warm you, and you do not freeze, I will give you a farm and a house and cattle. Arha was amazed. He had always wanted to have his own farm for his wife and family and so he said, Yet, I would do anything to have my own farm. I will take the bet. Arha then went to the home of a wise friend. Old man he began, I have done a stupid thing. I have made a bet that I could stand on top of the mountain all night with no clothes or fire to keep me warm. If I can do this without freezing, I will win a farm of my own. If I cannot I will freeze to death and my wife and children will have nothing. What a foolish thing I have done!The next night Haptom called two of his servants and told them to take Arha to the top of the mountain. He told them to take Arha’s clothes and guard him all night to be sure he had no fire to warm him. Arha went with the two servants to the top of the mountain. He took off his clothes and searched the horizon for the fire the old man had built in the village. Once he saw the fire he did not take his eyes off of it. He thought about how warm it would be standing next to the fire. He could feel himself warming his hands by the fire and he began to feel warm. All night he stood on the freezing mountain but he did not freeze. The next morning the servants took him to Haptom.I stayed on the mountain all night with no fire and no clothes and I did not freeze. You owe me a farm and a home and cattle!How did you do it, Arha? Haptom was amazed.The old man built a fire in the village below the mountains. I watched it all night and it kept me warm, said Arha. Then do I owe you a farm said Haptom. I said there were to be no fires! Arha could not believe what he was hearing. Haptom would not give him the farm after all. He went to a judge in the village. The judge was a fair man. He listened to the story and thought about it. Then he gave his judgment.Haptom said that there were to be no fires. Since you were warmed by the fire you watched in the village all night, you have not kept your part of the bet. You do not win the farm. Arha and the old man were surprised at the verdict but they were silent. The old man took Arha aside and said I have a plan. Do not give up yet.A few days later the old man invited everyone in the village to a feast. He invited the judge and Haptom as special guests. All day wonderful smells came from the old man’s kitchen. When the guests arrived the aroma of delicious food filled the house. As night wore on the guests became hungry. They could smell the food being prepared but nothing was served. They became hungrier and hungrier until finally the judge could stand no more and he spoke up for everyone.Old man we have been invited for dinner. Everyone is hungry and we would like to eat. Do you plan to feed us soon, he inquired? Why of course not! You do not need to eat the food. If Arha was warmed by seeing the fire in the village, you must be full from smelling the food in my kitchen. The old man smiled at the judge.The judge listened to this and shook his head. I was wrong. Just seeing the fire was not enough just as smelling the food is not enough. I am sorry Haptom but you have lost the bet. You must pay Arha his farm his home and cattle. The old man has proved his point.     

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Passage Read by TeacherHaptom had a servant named Arha. Now Arha did not have riches, but he was a happy man. One day he was building a fire for Haptom. Fire is a wonderful thing, he said to Haptom. Yes, Haptom agreed sullenly. It is nice to have fire when it is cold. In fact I wonder how cold it would have to be before a man could freeze. I cannot imagine! Arha responded. But it probably would not be long on a cold night in a cold place.I wonder, Haptom said slowly, if a man would freeze to death if he stood on top of a mountain on the coldest night and he had no clothes or fire to keep him warm. Only a very foolish man would try such a thing, said Arha. I bet no one could do it, said Haptom. I don’t know that but it does not matter because I have nothing to bet, laughed, Arha. Questions Prompting ElaborationWhat details in the passage helped your mental image?Who was poor?Who was rich?Who made the bet?

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Imagine Elaborate Predict Confirm


Blue-modifiedI’m thinking of a man standing on top of a mountain with frost bite.


Haptom wondered how cold it would have to be for a man to freeze.

Haptom and Arha will place a bet to see how long they can stand on top of a cold mountain.

Haptom is going to win the bet.

Haptom and Arha did place a bet on who could stay on the cold mountain with no fire or clothes.

Arha won the bet.

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• Students will work in preselected groups of five.• Projects should include images that represent your

interpretation of African society (work, community, culture, and traditions).

• Any form of media (PowerPoint, voice thread, YouTube, etc.) may be used as well as hand drawn pictures.

• Each group must present visual/virtual museums with explanations for each image selected in relation to culture and its significance to the past.

• A rubric will be provided to peer evaluate your classmates’ presentations.

• *As you develop your projects refer back to the IEPC chart as a guide for your image selections and explanations*

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Identifies cultural characteristics (languages and celebrations)


Identifies significant cultural characteristics and provides comprehensive information about characteristic using words and pictures

Identifies significant cultural characteristics and provides detailed information about characteristics using words and pictures

Identifies significant cultural characteristics and provides partial information about characteristics using words and pictures

Identifies significant cultural characteristics and provides only sketchy information about characteristics using words and pictures

Identifies events from the past(

Identifies a significant tradition and provides comprehensive information about it using words and pictures

Identifies a significant tradition and provides detailed information about it using words and pictures

Identifies a significant tradition and provides partial information about it using words and pictures

Identifies a significant tradition and provides only sketchy information about it using words and pictures

Uses technology to support a presentation


Uses technology skillfully to create a visual that informs and interests the audience

Uses technology to create a visual that effectively informs and interests the audience

Uses technology to create a visual that generally informs and interests the audience

Uses technology to create a visual that does little to informs and interests the audience

Presents Orally(2.S.8.1)

Presents orally to enhance audience understanding and holds the interest of the audience

Presents orally to support audience understanding and maintains audience interest.

Presents orally to partially support audience understanding but does not sustain audience interest

Presents orally in a way that does little to assist audience understanding and does not sustain audience interest

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The imagine, elaborate, predict, and confirm strategy assists many students, especially those who struggle with reading and have difficulty creating mental images as they read (Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz 2011 pg.184). This strategy supports assignments that require students create a visual representation of cultural experiences. Students are guided through an imaginative exercise using a folktale from Africa while creating predictions and confirming their responses during and after reading. The IEPC strategy aligns to the enduring understanding that students are a part of the human story and they are capable of viewing it from multiple perspectives while using past lessons to shape the future (Enduring Understanding in Social Studies). The strategy supports the learning outcome and common core standard through incorporation of a cultural experience provided in an African folktale in preparation for a visual/virtual museum project. In this way, students are provided with the scaffold necessary to develop skills of mental images while making predictions and analyzing the text in confirmation of their predictions.

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The IEPC strategy best supports the social constructivist theory which emphasizes people’s collective efforts to impose meaning on the world (Ormrod, 2011 pg. 221). Throughout the strategy student’s worked collectively in the imaginative process while predicting and confirming textual clues in an African folktale. As a result of this interaction students were able to analyze a cultural experience provided in a work of literature from outside the United States. I would like students’ to make the connection between thinking critically and creatively about what they are learning and apply that learning to authentic situations (NCSS).Informal assessments are provided through group creation of the IEPC chart while reading. Development of the visual/virtual museum with adjoining rubric provide a diagnostic assessment of the learning activity.

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As students engage with varied text aligned to the core chapter covering Sub Saharan African Landforms; I want them to make the connection among multiple perspectives regarding analysis of a subject. I also want them to understand the link between land and human history. As they participate collectively toward a common goal of knowledge acquisition through textual strategies, students begin to evolve as learners using the art of analysis, synthesis, and argumentation.

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Boehm, Richard G. (2012). World Geography and Cultures. Ohio: McGraw-Hill. Common Core Standards Retrieved on 10/24/2012 Understanding In Social Studies Retrieved on 10/24/ and Pasture Crops Retrieved on 10/24/,LANDFORMSANDLesson Plan for Sub Saharan Africa Retrieved on 10/21/ -Martha-TurnipseedMandela, N. (1995) Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Back Bay Books.NCSS Retrieved on 10/29/12, J.E. (2011). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (7th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson.Vacca, Richard T., Vacca, Jo Anne L., and Mraz, MaryAnn. Content Area Reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 10th Edition 2011

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