Page 1: A2 Media Studies Evaluation

A2 Media Studies

Evaluation Emma Cleary

(2) How effective is

the combination of

your main product and

ancillary texts?

Page 2: A2 Media Studies Evaluation

Each of my media products has a different function however all contain the same corporate

image; the purpose of the teaser trailer is to ‘tease’ the target audience with small clips

edited together to entice their attention and encourage them to watch the film on release.

The trailer should not include too much information nor should it contain any spoilers. The

key role of the movie poster is to advertise the film giving away little information. This is

usually released after the teaser trailer as it tends to give a more accurate release date. This

is followed by the magazine front cover in which should contain more information into the

story and works as a way of promoting or advertising the film further.

Within all three of my media products, in order to create a strong advertisement campaign, I

tried to create an on-going theme in which my target audience would be able to recognise

and relate to my film. To do this, I had to think carefully about the different colours, text

font, and type of images that I used in order to link all my productions together.

Ancillary Tasks

My final movie poster and magazine front cover both include a main image of my main

character Autumn. In these main images, she is dressed in similar style clothing, with exactly

the same hair and make-up. By doing this I have introduced and promoted the character

and made it apparent to my audience that she is the main focus within the film. By using

realistic clothes that my target audience would associate as ‘every day wear’, it indicates the

genre on the film instantly and therefore viewers who favour this genre may be more

inclined to find more out about the film; becoming more encouraged to watch it on release.

Alongside this, excluding credits, I have used similar fonts throughout both productions.

Particularly in the word ‘Autumn’; by doing this it creates a theme which the audience is

able to relate to and recognise.

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This was something that I also did

within the tag line for the film; as in

both productions I have chosen the

same colour change effect to

emphasise the words of ‘a season of


By doing this again it gives my audience another feature that they can relate to the film

when they see it. Also it draws attention towards the tagline as it is presented in a unique

way that differs from existing media products.

An element within my magazine front cover in particular is the colour scheme. I have chosen

a combination of autumn colours alongside an autumn background in order to link the front

cover to the name of the film.

However within my movie poster, I changed the colour scheme slightly in order to create a

diverse look on the film. I believed that by using the different colours it draw a larger

audience in as it may appeal to different people other than in my target audience.

Therefore, using the colours that had been created from the Bokeh effect in the background

image, I used these to aid my colour

choice for the text.

Although by using the same effect on

my tagline, this related back to the

film. Also within the background image

some leaves are visible on the ground

and the orange/red within them

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contrasts against the pink making them appear visible. This then links to my magazine front

cover and to the title of the film as it still includes the original autumn colours.

Main Task

In order to build a good promotional package for my film I had to also ensure that my teaser

trailer included some of the same elements that I have included within the ancillary tasks.

By doing this it allows the audience to create a representation for the film that they can

instantly relate to when they see it. For example: the main character alongside the autumn

colours or the tagline for the film.

Firstly, within my teaser trailer, I attempted to recreate the Bokeh effect over text when it

appeared. By doing this it links back to the same effect in which is used across the

background of my movie poster. This reinforces that they are representing the same film

and create an image or design which represents the film.

Finally, by using the same character that appears in my ancillary task as the main focus

within my trailer this also allows the audience to relate the two media products together.

All in all, the combination of my movie poster, magazine front cover and teaser trailer

presents a corporate image. I have closely linked all three productions together so that are

clear and realistic representations of the film and promote and present a film package.

All three of my productions link together and my trailer can be well recognised by my

promotional products: my magazine front cover and movie poster. They create a strong

promotional package together that is important when releasing a film as audiences tend to

learn most about upcoming films from productions like I have created. Therefore it was

important that I create products that portrayed the film well and gave the audience slight

hints without ‘spoiling’ the film.

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