Page 1: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

A young idler… old beggar

Page 2: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Find the verbs in this sentence

I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today I’m staying home

What tense is the first verb?

What tense is the second?

Page 3: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Read the following sentences and identify the verbs

1.Right now, I’m playing with my doggy.

2.Look at Connie! What is she doing?.

3.My mother doesn’t water the plants every other day.

4.Is your partner wearing a pair of jeans?.

5.I don’t believe you.

6.Susan likes Bob.

8.Look at me! I’m talking to you.

9.Hi Joe! Where are you going?

Page 4: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Page 5: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Present simple


he/ she / it : -s -es (plays, goes)

Conson + y = – ies (study- studies)O = es (go – goes)S, x, ch, sh = es (watch- watches/ mix-mixes)

Don`tDoesn´t + verb We don´t study

She doesn´t study

A + S + V ? Do you study ?Does she study?

+ We study EnglishMy sister watches TV - We don´t study English

My sister doesn´t watch TV

? Do we study English?Does my sister watch TV?

Page 6: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Present simpleThe simple present is used for two main types of action:

actions which happen regularly o on Sundays o Frequency Adverbs : -always, usually, often – o every day, every week, Once a month, etc.


States Things which do not often change ( opinions, conditions, etc)

Page 7: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

HabitYoung-Mi goes to class every day. "Every day" is a habit.

It rains a lot in Vancouver. This means that it rains often.

Santos always talks about his family. "Always" means this is a habit.

Jerry spends Christmas with his parents. This implies that he spends Christmas with his parents every year.

StatesBianca lives in Florida. This is a state, because it doesn't change.

Jean-Paul has red hair. Someone's hair colour doesn't usually change.

Martin likes chocolate. When we like something, usually we will always like it.

Anna believes in God. Beliefs and opinions are states. They don't often change.

Page 8: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of these verbs . do go like listen play

1. I _______ collecting things.2 . Paul _______ to music on the bus.3 . Nicola _______ shopping on Saturdays.4 . My brother _______ martial arts.5 . My friend and I _______ computer games.

Make the sentences negative




1. I don´t like collecting things2. Paul doesn´t listen to music on the bus3. Nicola doesn´t go shopping on Saturdays4. My brother doesn´t do martial arts5. My friends and I don´t play computer games

Page 9: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Frequency adverbs and time expressions





Hardly ever


Every day

Once a day / week / month..

Twice a day / week / month..

Three times a day / week / month..

Twelve times a day / week / month..

How often..?

Before the verb She often plays golf

After to be They are always hungry

At the end of the sentence

I do yoga twice a week

Page 10: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Write sentences.Use the present simple form of the verb and an adverb of frequency.

always √√√√√ usually √√√√ often √√√ sometimes √√ hardly ever √ never X

1. I / be / happy! √√√√√

2. my sister / watch / films √

3. I / play / football √√

4. our teacher / be / nice √√√√

5. we / go / to England X

my dad / make / lunch √√√My dad often makes lunch.

I am always happy

My sister hardly ever watches films

I sometimes play football

Our teacher is usually nice

We never go to England

Page 11: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Practice makes perfect

Something to think about

Page 12: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1 I / go / swimming (often)

2 we / be / bored (hardly ever)

3 our teacher / speak / English (always)

4 I / be / late (never)

5 Marta / watch / horror films (sometimes)

Write sentences. Use the present simple and the adverbs of frequency.

I often go swimming

We are hardly ever bored

Our teacher always speaks in English

I am never late

Marta sometimes watches horror films

Page 13: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Write questions and short answers. Use the present simple.

1 you / like fashion? Yes

2 your teacher / speak Japanese? No,

3 your cousins / live in Spain?Yes,

4 you / play chess?No,

5 your best friend / study English?Yes,

Do you like fashion? Yes, I do

Does your teacher speak Japanese? No, she doesn´t

Do your cousins live in Spain? Yes, they do

Do you play chess? No, I don´t

Does your best friend study English? Yes, she does

Page 14: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

present continuousAmIsAre

+ V-ing

+I am studying you are studying he is studying



V monosilábicos q terminan en 1 vocal + 1 cons., doblan cons. Run—running swim—swimmingV de dos sílabas y acento en la 2ª, doblan consonante Begin—beginningVerbos que acaban en l , doblan l Travel—travellingVerbos que acaban en -ie , cambia a y + ing Die—dying

I am not studyingYou aren´t studyingHe isn´t studying

A + S + V ? Am I studying?Are you studying?Is he studying?

Page 15: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

present continuous

The present continuous tense is used for two main types of action:

A temporary action happening now :

Something which is going on right now (but it will stop in the future) Algo que está ocurriendo ahora pero parará en el futuro)

A definite plan for the future :

Something we intend to do, usually in the near future.Algo que tenemos la intención de hacer en un futuro cercano

Page 16: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Temporary action happening now

John is winning the game. Right now, John is winning, but the game isn't finished yet.

It's raining outside. It's raining right now (but it may stop soon).

Soraya's working in the library. She's working there right now.

Sihol is spending Christmas with his family. He's spending Christmas with his family right now, this year. (Maybe next year he won't.)

Page 17: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

A definite plan for the future

I'm playing soccer tomorrow. This plan is already arranged and definite.

Sarah's leaving for San Francisco on Friday. She has probably already bought her ticket.

The Olympics are taking place here next year. This is already certain.

I'm having a party next week. All the plans have been made.

Time expressionsToday , at the moment ,

now ,

tomorrow , this morning.

Page 18: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

There are some verbs that you don't usually use in the continuous form, just as in


Generally speaking they're verbs that describe states and not actions, such as these:

verbs describing thought processes and opinions:

think, believe, remember, know, forget, agree, disagree…

verbs describing emotions:

want, like, love, hate, adore, detest…

verbs describing the senses:

see, hear, taste, feel, smell…

This doesn't mean that it's impossible to use these verbs in the continuous. It just means that it's unusual and would probably be very specific in a particular situation.

Non-continuous verbs / Stative verbs

Page 19: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1 Marc _____________ a shower.

2 Nigel and Phil _____________ football.

3 We _____________ our homework at the moment.

4 Dad _____________ in the office.

5 Jane’s mum _____________ dinner.

6 Mum and dad _____________ at salsa club!

7 Martha _____________ to her sister on the phone.

8 I _____________ by train.

Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

make not have dance playspeak not travel work not do

isn’t having

are playing

aren’t doing

is working

is making

are dancing

is speaking

am not travelling

Page 20: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Write complete sentences. Use the present continuous and because.

Activity WeatherGail cycle windyLiz sunbathe hot Andy and Jim swim warmTim and Sara camp cold Gary shop snowing

1 Gail _____________

2 Liz _____________

3 Andy and Jim ____________

4 Tim and Sara _____________

5 Gary _____________

isn’t cycling because it’s windy.

is sunbathing because it’s hot

are swimming because it’s warm

aren’t camping because it’s cold

isn’t shopping because it’s snowing.

Page 21: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Present Simple Present Continuous

• today • now • often • on Sundays • every year • tomorrow night

• this morning • at this moment • twice a week • usually

Complete the table with the time expressions and adverbs of frequency below.


on Sundays

every year

twice a week




tomorrow night

this morning

at this moment

Page 22: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1 your friends / watch / a film? Yes

2 Jon / have / a shower? No

3 you / do / an exam? Yes, 4 it / snow / now? Yes,

5 Anna / listen / to her new CD? Yes 6 your parents / tidy / the house? No

Write questions. Then complete the short answers. Use the present continuous

Are your friends watching a film? Yes, they are.

Is Jon having a shower? No, he isn’t.

Are you doing an exam? Yes, I am.

Is it snowing now? Yes, it is.

Is Anna listening to her new CD? Yes, she is.

Are your parents tidying the house? No, they aren’t

Page 23: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.

1. We _________ (do) a test at the moment.

2. My parents _________ (not work) on Sundays.

3. _______ your mum _________ (work) today?

4. My sister _________ (get up) at seven o’clock.

5. I ____________ (not meet) my friends this evening.

6. _____your best friend ______ (live) near you?

7. Jaime _________ (not like) dancing.

8. Look! Pedro _________ (copy) my answers!

9. _____ you often _________ (speak) English?

10. I never _________ (play) tennis in winter.

are doing

don´t work

Is working

gets up

am not meeting

Do live

doesn´t like

is copying

Do speak


Page 24: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1. I can´t go shopping now. I (work)

2. Bob never during the week (go out)

3. Where´s Jim? He with friends (stay)

4. What this afternoon (do)? Nothing

5. Rhinos in Africa, India and Indonesia. (live)

6. This year I French and German. (study)

7. We to Manchester tomorrow (go)

8. Look out of the window! It (rain)

9. It never in Murcia (snow)

10.Hi, is Alison there?

Yes, but can you ring back in 10 minutes? She a shower (have)

11.He swimming every day (go)

12. Right now, I to music and surfing the Net (listen)

am working

goes out

is staying

are you doing


am studying

are going

is raining


is having


am listening

Use the verbs in brackets to fill the gaps

Page 25: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1 Angie is a teacher. She _____________ (not work) in an office.

2 Corrie and Liz _____________ (sunbathe) on the beach.

3 Marcus always _____________ (travel) to school by bike.

4 Sally _____________ (not live) in Paris at the moment.

5 My mum usually _____________ (work) from nine o’clock to five o’clock.

6 I _____________ (not study) at home today.

7 We _____________ (do) our homework now.

8 Jon and Ann are bad at languages. They _____________ (not speak) Spanish

or French.

Complete the sentences.Use the present continuous or present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

doesn’t work

are sunbathing


isn’t living


am not studying

are doing

don’t speak

Page 26: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1. What are you cooking? It smells / is smelling wonderful.

2.What time do you usually go / are you usually going to bed?

3.Be quiet! The baby sleeps / is sleeping.

4.How often do you visit / are you visiting your grandmother?

5.In most US schools, the students don’t wear / aren’t wearing


6.Turn off the television. The children don’t watch / aren’t

watching it.

7.You don’t need an umbrella this morning. It doesn’t rain / isn’t


8.He is a vegetarian. He doesn’t eat / isn’t eating meat.

9.Right now, the president meets / is meeting some important


10.Tom has got a car now so he doesn’t walk / isn’t walking to

school any more.

Choose the correct answer.

Page 27: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1. My mother ……………………… (wash) her car every weekend.

2. I ……………………… (do) an English grammar exercise at this


3. The British sometimes ……………………… (eat) fish and chips for


4. My friends and I ……………………… (go) shopping tomorrow.

5. On Saturdays, I ……………………… (not get up) till 12.00.

6. Our teacher is ill. She ……………………… (not work) today.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.


am doing


are going

don’t get up

isn’t working

Page 28: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1. ………………………………………….……..

Yes, he loves chocolates.

2. ………………………………………………...

They live in Paris.

3. …………………………………………………….

The children are playing tennis.

4. ………………………………………………………

I’m wearing a coat because it is cold outside.

5. ……………………………………………………….

She finishes school at 3.30.

6. ……………………………………………………….

Yes, she is leaving tonight.

Write the questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

Does he love chocolates?

Where do they live?

What are the children playing?

Why are you wearing a coat?

When does she finish school?

Is she leaving tonight?

Page 29: A young idler… old beggar. Find the verbs in this sentence I usually go to the fitness club on Tuesdays but today Im staying home What tense is the

1.She ……………………… (not go) swimming with her friends today

because she ……………………… (not know) how to swim. She

……………………… (want) to learn and she ……………………… (wait) for

the swimming course to start next month.

2.Teacher: Graham, ……………………… you ……………………… (listen)

to me?

Student: Yes, Mrs Black, but I still ……………………… (not

understand) the story.

3.The world ……………………… (get) warmer and most world leaders

……………………… (believe) that this is a big problem. Next month,

many of these leaders ……………………… (meet) to talk about the


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

isn’t going

doesn’t know wants

is waiting


don’t understand

is getting


are meeting

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