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What I Saw When Walking in the Woods at Chucalissa –      

Robert Connolly�

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I  am  taking  a  nature  course  in  a  few  weeks,  cause  all  I  know  is  that  these  are  purple  flowers  in  some  privet  (and  I  am  color-­‐blind,  no  less).  

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Solomon’s  Seal,  or  so  sayeth  the  sign,  in  our  herb  garden.  

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Urban  garden  that  is  planted,  maintained,  and  harvested  by  members  of  the  Westwood  Neighborhood  AssociaFon.  

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Three  Sisters  garden  ready  for  planFng.    On  April  19th  as  part  of  our  Earth  Day  event,  families  are  invited  to  make  a  hill  and  plant,  then  maintain  and  harvest  their  own  hill  of  Three  Sisters  (corn,  beans,  and  squash)  in  the  style  of  the  NaFve  Americans  during  the  prehistoric  era.      

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Trail  head  that  lead’s  into  our  arboretum  and  plant  sanctuary.    This  always  reminds  me  of  the  first  Fme  I  pulled  onto  the  Natchez  Trace  going  north  from  Natchez  Mississippi.    It  was  an  incredibly  hot  day  with  lots  of  traffic  congesFon.    HiSng  the  Trace  was  like  going  down  the  Yellow  Brick  Road  to  Oz.  

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I  like  the  tangle  of  branches,  greens  and  purples  looking  through  an  excavaFon  trench  in  a  residenFal  area  dug  by  the  University  of  Tennessee  in  the  early  1940s.  

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I  asked  Jeremy  from  our  last  AmeriCorps  Team  if  he  could  build  some  sort  of  wriFng  desk  away  from  the  trail  and  behind  a  big  tree.    I  had  in  mind  to  put  a  typewriter  in  the  desk,  assuming  it  would  last  a  few  weeks  before  rusFng  out.    I  like  the  playfulness  and  creaFvity  that  the  desk  invites.  

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The  AmeriCorps  Team  built  this  rain  shelter  (designed  by  Allison)  as  a  place  to  get  out  of  the  rain  or  just  to  sit  and  think.  

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Page 18: A Walk in the Woods at Chucalissa, April 2014

The  next  few  images  are  from  my  favorite  parts  of  the  forest  –  what  I  call  grapevines  and  their  magical  swirls  and  loops  among  the  verFcal  trunks  and  the  green.      

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Mayapple  –  which  grows  in  abundance  throughout  the  forest  

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