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Plytix`s Culture book

Page 2: A Unicorn's Guide to Plytix

Our why...5 Our story...7

The Plytix Principles...11

Do´s and don´ts...19

What`s up with


A short note on

working in an

international team...15


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Our why Our why

“Plytix is the future of commerce.”

1Why we exist

We want to make it easier for brands and retailers to build and deliver amazing products and services to their consumers.

How we work

Simply put: we work smarter. And we have faith in unicorns and purple cows.

What we do

Plytix is the future of commerce and our goal is to bring brands and retailers closer to the consumers. To fulfil this, we provide actionable insights and big data applications enabling brands and retailers to design better products and provide a better experience for retailers has a lot of traffic on their website and therefore a huge contact surface to collect user behaviour data from.

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Our story Our story

“In little over a year Plytix grew from just two guys with an idea.”

2 The idea for Plytix evolved from our time in Google, when we were working with some of the biggest companies in the e-commerce space. Technology then allowed tracking user behaviour on individual websites, but we wanted to give brands and retailers access to a whole new level of detailed data, bringing them even closer to the consumers. So, in the fall 2013 we quit our jobs to pursue the dream of revolutionizing the world of e-commerce.

We decided to move to Southern Spain for a time, enjoying the sun and surf while working on bringing the idea to life. We soon discovered that the city of Málaga offered a bustling entrepreneurial environment and was home to some of the world’s best developers. Our temporary adventure in the sunny South turned into a long-term commitment as we made the decision to set up the Plytix headquarters in Málaga.

In little over a year Plytix grew from just two guys with an idea into a solid team of developers and commercial staff. We work in a classic Andalusian mansion that we’ve remodelled into our headquarters; what used to be bedrooms are now meeting rooms and the living room has been turned into open work spaces. We’ve turned the terrace and garden into an outdoor oasis where we can get fresh air, hold 1:1 meetings or work in

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“We believe that an inspiring environment is key to having happy.”

quiet and inspiring surroundings. We believe that an inspiring environment is key to having happy and productive unicorns that build absolutely amazing products.

Our initial idea of creating a new approach to remarketing steadily evolved into a concept that could disrupt the way e-commerce works. We’d opened the door to a completely unexplored world of product analytics - and we’ve only just begun.

Our story

We’d opened the door to . a completely unexplored .

world of product analytics . and we’ve only just begun. .

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The Plytix principles

The Plytix principles

“Plytix is not just a company, it’s a movement.”

3 Here is the principles that guide our lives at Plytix.

1. Everything is branding

When we become part of Plytix, Plytix becomes part of us.

For us, Plytix is not just a company, it’s a movement. It’s part of who we are and we’re all deeply committed to our mission.

Everyone in Plytix is known to act with integrity and lead by example. We believe that the best way to lead and motivate others is to take the first step ourselves!

We are aware that everything we do inside and outside of work affects the image of Plytix - just as the Plytix brand affects our own image. So whatever we do, we ask ourselves: does this contribute positively to how we want Plytix, ourselves and our colleagues to be perceived?

2. Eat like a bird and pooh like an elephant

This doesn’t mean that we deliver shit :-) It’s simply our way of saying that we aim to create the greatest possible impact with the smallest necessary means.

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We continuously ask “how can this be achieved in an unconventional and smarter way?”.In our eyes, this is key to maintaining our competitive advantage.

It has nothing to do with being on a budget - it’s about thinking like growth hackers and taking pride in pursuing those little strokes of genius that make Plytix the best.

3. Praise The Purple Cow

In Plytix we don’t do things in a certain way just because others do it that way or because that’s how we were taught to do it. We challenge ourselves to think outside the box and do things in our own way. We aim to work smarter, while keeping in mind that we don’t want to reinvent wheel.

Simply put: we always question why we do what we do, as well as how we do it.

It’s crucial to us that we welcome our failures as well as celebrate our successes - because we know they’re both prime teachers. We’re not intimidated by competition and we certainly aren’t afraid to do things that haven’t been done before. We’re not concerned with competitors - we’re concerned with helping our clients.

What makes us remarkable us is that we’re built upon our purpose of making the world a happier place - by making it easier for brands and retailers to build and deliver amazing products and services to their consumers.

4. Always be a unicorn

Unicorns are magical creatures admired by everyone, simply because they cough happiness and pee rainbows. In Plytix we are all unicorns in our own special ways.

There are many ways to becoming a true unicorn - but it starts with being happy. In Plytix every one of us knows what makes

“We always question why we do what we do, as well as how we do it.”

The Plytix principles

him/her happy and how to accomplish that. We each shape our own work environment and take responsibility for our growth and wellbeing.

We always strive to evolve professionally, personally, mentally, and physically by practising our passions and interests - whether that means reading, meditating, doing sports or attending courses. Every day we try to be a better version of ourselves, never compromising our integrity or neglecting our identity.

That’s how we know that we are all magical beings - commonly known as unicorns.

“Every day we try to be a better version of ourselves.”

The Plytix principles

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A short note on working in an international team

A short note on working in an international team

“Be curious and learn from each other!”

4 Plytix was born to be international, when Great Danes and Awesome Spaniards joined forces.

We know that working in an international team can be a challenge. There are plenty of subtle differences that affect how we view the world and how we interpret what we see.

We can’t explain culture, nor can we give you the recipe for navigating in an international team. But we can give you some ideas that might help avoid some basic misunderstandings:

1. Think of culture as a pair of tinted glasses. Your glasses might have a purple tone, while other people’s glasses might have a green or grey tone. If everything you see is tinted purple, how can anyone convince you it’s actually grey? And viceversa. If you don’t understand what a co-worker means, or you find his or her behaviour odd, remember that they might have a different view on things. Be curious and learn from each other!

2. Imagine this: you take a coin, sit down in front of one of your co-workers, and hold up the coin between you. Ask your co-worker what’s on the coin. Your colleague’s description will sound flawed to you, because it doesn’t

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“Clichés are overly simplified, slightly dramatized statements used to divide people in categories we can easily understand.”

match what you see. Your co-worker is, however, right about what the coin looks like from his own perspective. Just as there are two sides to a coin, there can be two sides to reality. They are both true, but neither one is complete.

3. Start by asking why. If someone acts in a way you find strange or your co-worker has an odd habit, don’t judge them. Instead, ask the person why he or she acts that way. There is most likely a perfect reason for it - and in the odd case there is not, both of you might have been inspired to do things in a new way.

4. Be careful with clichés. They are overly simplified, slightly dramatized statements used to divide people in categories we can easily understand. If someone says “Spanish people are lazy” it might be because he has seen Spanish people having long lunches. But many Spanish employees work more hours than other people. They just organize their work in a different way. Or if someone says “Danes don’t care about other people” it might be because Danes don’t tend to ask private questions to strangers. Danish people are taught not to interfere with other people’s business - but are often happy to listen if people are willing to tell their story.

A short note on working in an international team

Plytix was born to be International so be curious and learn from each other!

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Do´s and. don´ts.

“Get to know your co-workers better.”

5Do’s and don’ts


Bring cookies to the office (or grapes - we like fruit, too!).

Have lunch with your co-workers and get to know them better.

Catch up - share your weekend plans and holiday adventures.

Move around - even though we have comfortable chairs in the office, we encourage you to go for a walk, stretch, grab a snack (mmh.. cookies…).

Make time to play once in a while - work will be more enjoyable this way.

Play music - we have a Sonos and everyone is welcome to share their choice of songs. Just don’t monopolize it!

Share books, videos, events and other inspirational stuff you think might interest your co-workers.

Personalize your desk if you wish - flowers, pictures, sports items - whatever floats your boat.

The kitchen has water, tea, coffee, and snacks - help yourself (and help us keep the kitchen tidy).

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Take care of the office as if it were your second home - and take care of nature, too; everything from boxes to soda cans and water bottles are recycled.

Take care of yourself and of those around you - if we thrive, Plytix thrives.

Learn and teach - we are long-life learners, and we love to learn from each other.

Share information openly and proactively, so everyone knows what is going on in Plytix - even if it’s not directly related to their role.

Use good judgement - go for a walk, take a long weekend away, go explore the world - we trust you’ll use this freedom in a responsible manner. After all, what matters is what you achieve - not whether you sit on your chair from 9 to 5.

Challenge your comfort zone! You see that bubble around each of us? That’s our comfort zone. Where do amazing things happen? Outside of that bubble. Development and growth come from constantly stretching our comfort zone. When you have new experiences, especially the slightly uncomfortable ones, the unknown becomes known and you and Plytix grow.

Allow yourself to be awesome.

And above all, when in doubt - apply common sense!

Do’s and don’ts

“Allow yourself to be awesome.”

Do’s and don’ts


There aren’t that many Don’ts in Plytix - we believe that you know how to apply your common sense and unicorn instinct.

Don’t be overly formal - we aren’t robots! We’re a bunch of easy going people and our personalities shine better when we display our individuality.

Don’t hide that Youtube video or amusing Facebook status when someone walks by your desk - let’s have a laugh together. If you do a great job, having fun is very much encouraged :-)

Don’t be afraid to ask - we value curiosity and willingness to learn.

Don’t disagree silently - if you disagree, be transparent about it.

Speak up in an honest and respectful manner and share your alternative ideas. We are all responsible for the growth and success of Plytix.

“We are all responsible for the growth and success of Plytix.”

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What´s up with happiness?

What’s up with happiness?

“When we’re happy, we’re more productive, motivated and dedicated.”

6Many people think that happiness comes when you’re successful. But we believe that it’s the other way around: when you’re happy, success follows! When we’re happy, we perform better. We’re more productive, motivated and dedicated.

Happiness is not necessarily about creating big results (although this might also contribute to it :-). Happiness is about working towards something. It’s about growing, aiming higher and trusting in your own worth.

You can do a lot to increase your own happiness. Our brains actually adapt to our behaviour and to our expectations - so if you expect a positive outcome, you’re more likely to get one...

- If you act as if you’re confident and open, it will soon come naturally to you.

- If you believe that you’re capable of achieving your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them.

- If you believe that you can grow - you can!

This also goes for how you treat your co-workers. If you believe that someone has potential, you’ll soon see the person live up to your expectations (this is called the Pygmalion effect).

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“Think about what you can do daily to contribute to your own and others’ happiness.”

What’s up with happiness?

You can actively change your mindset and your behaviour to make happiness come easier to you, for instance by…

- focusing on opportunities instead of limitations

- talking positively to and about the people around you

- welcoming your failures as opportunities for growth

Finally, social interaction spawns happiness - in other words: hanging out with your co-workers makes you more engaged, focused and energized.

This also goes for your relationship with you boss, so don’t hesitate to ask how his/her weekend was or invite him/her out for a beer after work!

So, think about what you can do daily to contribute to your own and others’ happiness:

1. Send happy vibes when we gather for scrums :-)

2. Don’t be afraid to crack a joke and lighten the mood 3. Hang out with other unicorns and get to know them

4. Watch funny videos and share them (yes, it’s scientifically proven to increase happiness)

5. Believe in yourself and others - and tell them!

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