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Gf"N.'WATSON, Sc.D., F.R.S.



'Cp /






Page 8: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions
Page 9: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


THIS book has been designed with two objects in view. The first is the

development of applicationsof the fundamental processes of the theory of

functions of complex variables. For this purpose Bessel functions are admirably

adapted; while they offer at the same time a rather wider scope for the appli-cation

of parts of the theory of functions of a real variable than is provided by

trigonometricalfunctions in the theory of Fourier series.

The second object is the compilation of a collection of results which would

be of value to the increasingnumber of Mathematicians and Physicistswho

encounter Bessel functions in the course of their researches. The existence of

such a collection seems to be demanded by the greater abstruseness of properties

of Bessel functions (especiallyof functions of large order) which have been

required in recent years in various problems of Mathematical Physics.

While my endeavour has been to give an account of the theory of Bessel

functions which a Pure Mathematician would regard as fairlycomplete, I have

consequently also endeavoured to include all formulae, whether general or

special,which, although without theoretical interest, are likelyto be required

in practicalapplications;and such results are given, so far as possible,in a

form appropriate for these purposes. The breadth of these aims, combined

with the necessityfor keeping the size of the book within bounds, has made

it necessary to be as concise as is compatible with intelligibility.

Since the book is,for the most part, a development of the theory of func-tions

as expounded in the Course of Modern Analysis by Professor Whittaker

and myself,it has been convenient to regard that treatise as a standard work

of reference for general theorems, rather than to refer the reader to original


It is desirable to draw attention here to the function which I have regarded

as the canonical function of the second kind, namely the function which was

defined by Weber and used subsequently by Schlafii, by (iraf and (Jubk'r and

by Nielsen. For historical and sentimental reasons it would have been pleasing

to have felt justifiedin using Hankel's function of the second kind; but three

considerations prevented this. The first is the necessity for standardizing the

function of the second kind; and, in my opinion,the authority of tlie group

of mathematicians who use Weber's function has greater weight than the

authority of the mathematicians who use any other one function of the second

kind. The second is the parallelismwhich the use of Wi'ber's function exhibits

between the two kinds of Bessel functions and the two kinds (cosine and sine)

Page 10: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


igonometrical functions. The third is the existence of the device by which

jrpolation is made possible in Tables I and III at the end of Chapter XX,

ichseems to make the

useof Weber's function inevitable in numerical work.

It has beenmy policy to give, in connexion with each section, references

CO anymemoirs

ortreatises in which the results of the section have been

previously enunciated; but it is not to be inferred that proofs given in this

bookare necessarily those given in

anyof the

sourcescited. The bibliography

at the end of the book has been madeas complete as possible, though doubtless

omissions will be found in it. While I do not profess to have insertedevery

memoir in which Bessel functionsare mentioned, I have not consciously omitted

anymemoir containing an original contribution, however slight, to the theory

of the functions; with regard to the related topic of Riccati's equation, I have

been eclectic to the extent of inserting only those memoirs which seemed to

be relevant to the general scheme.

In thecase

ofan analytical treatise such

as this, it is probably useless to

hope thatno mistakes, clerical

or other, have remained undetected; but the

munber of such mistakes has been considerably diminished by the criticisms

find the vigilance ofmy colleagues Mr C. T, Preece and Mr T. A. Lumsden,

/whose labours to remove errorsand obscurities have been of the greatest

/ value. To these gentlemen and to the staff of the University Press, who have

* given everyassistance, with unfailing patience, in

awork of great typographical

complexity, I offermy grateful thanks.

G. N. W.

August 21, 1922.

Page 11: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions












































4/ /











Page 12: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Page 62, line11, for "






(i^)^'"" yectc^ "








" 5/1=0



Page 91, line5 from the foot of the

page,for " Brassiue" read " Brassinne."

Page 228, in formula (2), /or " 98720 sec^^" read" 78720 .sec^ ^."

Page 327, line 7 from the foot of the

page,/or " Bruhns " read " Bruns."

Page 13: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



I'l. Riccati's differentialequation.

The theory of Bessel functions is intimatelyconnected with the theory of

a certain type of differential equation of the first order, known as Riccati's

equation. In fact a Bessel function is usuallydefined as a particularsolution

of a linear differential equation of the second order (known as Bessel's equation)which is derived from Riccati's equation by an elementary transformation.

The earliest appearance in Analysisof an equation of Riccati's type occurs

in a paper* on curves which was published by John Bernoulli in 1694. In

this paper Bernoulli gives,as an example, an equation of this type and states

that he has not solved itf.

In various letters:J:to Leibniz, written between 1697 and 1704, James

Bernoulli refers to the equation,which he givesin the form

dy " yydx-'rxxdx,

and states, more than once, his inabilityto solve it. Thus he writes (Jan. 27,

1697): " Vellem porro ex Te scire num et banc tentaveris dy = yydx + xxdx.

Ego in mille formas transmutavi, sed operam mefvm improbum Problema per-

petuo lusit." Five years later he succeeded in reducing the equation to a linear

equation of the second order and wrote" to Leibniz (Nov. 15, 1702): "Qua

occasione recordor aequationesalias memoratae dy = yydx + x'-dx in qua nun-

quam separare potui indeterminatas a se invicem, sicut aequatio maneret

simpliciterdifferentialis : sed separavi illas reducendo aequationem ad banc

differentio-differentialem||ddy ".y = " x- dx"."

When this discoveryhad been made, it was a simple step to solve the last

equation in series,and so to obtain the solution of the equation of the first

order as the quotient of two power-series.

* Acta Eruditorum puhlicata Lipsiae, 1694, pp. 435"


t "Esto proposita aequatio differentialis haec xHx + y'^dx= (i-dy quae an per separationem

indeterminatarum construi possit noudum tentavi" (p.436).

+ See Leihnizens gesamellte Werke, Dritte Folge (Matliematik),iii. (Halle,1855), pp. 50"87.

" Ibid. p. 65. Bernoulli's procedure was, effectively,to take a new variable u defined by the


1 du_

u dx~-^

iu the equation d!/ldx= x^ + y", and then to replace u by y.

IIThe connexion between this equation and a special form of Bessel's equation will be seen

in "4-3.

W. B. F.^

Page 14: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


And, in fact,this form of the solution was communicated to Leibniz byJames Bernoulli within a year (Oct.3, 1703) in the followingterms*:

"Reduce autem aequationemdy=yydx-\-xxdx ad fractionem cujusuterqueterminus per seriem exprimitur,ita

1 L pff.


3 3.4.7 3. 4.




12.15 3




8. 11.12


15.]6. 19


^ X^ X^- .*"!"1 4- " 4-

. _ pf,o3.4



quae series quidem actuali divisione in unam conflari possunt, sed in qua

ratio progressionisnon tam facile patescat,scil.

^ ~


37377"^"^37373737 57777Tn


Of course, at that time, mathematicians concentrated their energy, so far

as differential equationswere concerned,on obtainingsolutions in finiteterms,and consequentlyJames Bernoulli seems to have received hardlythe fullcredit

to which his discoveryentitled him. Thus, twenty-two years later,the paper f,in which Count Riccati first referred to an equationof the type which now

bears his name, was followed by a note;]:by Daniel Bernoulli in which it was

stated that the solution of the equation^

aa-" dx + uudx = hdu

was a hitherto unsolved problem. The note ended with an announcement in

an anagram of the solution :" Solutio problematisab 111.Riccato proposito

characteribus occultis involuta 24a, 66, 6c, 8rf,33e, bf,2g, 4"h,SSi, 61,21in,

2Qn, 16o,Sp,hq,l7r, 16s, 2U, 32w, ^x, 3y,+, -, ,", =, 4, 2, 1."

The anagram appears never to have been solved ; but Bernoulli publishedhis solution 11of the problemabout a year after the publicationof the anagram.

The solution consists of the determination of a set of values of n, namely" 4!m/(2m"1), where m is any integei',for any one of which the equationis

soluble in finite terms; the details of this solution will be givenin ""4-1,4*11.

The prominencegivento the work of Riccati by Daniel Bernoulli,combined

with the fact that Riccati's equationwas of a slightlymore generaltype than

* See Lcihnizens gesamellteWerke, Dritte Folge (Mathematik),iii. (Halle,1855), p. 75.

f Acta Eniditorum, Suppl. viii. (1724),pp. 66" 73. The form in which Kiccati took tlie


x'"''dq= du + xiudx:q,where q = .r".

X Ibid. pp. 73 " 75. Daniel Bernoulli mentioned that solutions had been obtained by three

other members of his family " John, Nicholas and the younger Nicholas.

" The reader should observe that the substitution

b dz

U=--r-z dx

givesrise to an equationwhich is easilysoluble in series.

IIExercitationes quaedam mathematicae (Venice,1724),pp. 77 " 80; Acta Eruditonim, 1725,

pp. 465"473.

Page 15: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


John Bernoulli's equation*has resulted in the name of Riccati beingassociatednot only with the equationwhich he discussed without solving,but also with

a stillmore generaltype of equation.

It is now customary to givethe namef Riccati's generalisedequationto

any equationof the form

where P, Q, M are givenfunctions of x.

It is supposed that neither P nor R is identicallyzero. If B=0, the equation is linear;if P=0, the equation is reducible to the hnear form by taking 1/?/as a new varialjle.

The last equationwas studied by Euler;]:;it is reducible to the generallinear equationof the second order,and this equationis sometimes reducible

to Bessel's equationby an elementarytransformation (cf.""3"1,4"3,4'31).

Mention should be made here of two memoirs by Euler. In the first"itis provedthat,when a particularintegralt/iof Riccati's generalisedequationis known, the equationis reducible to a linear equationof the firstorder byreplacingy hy i/i+ l/u,and so the generalsolution can be effected by two

quadratures.It is also shewn (ibid.p. 59) that,if two particularsolutions are

known, the equationcan be integratedcompletelyby a singlequadrature;andthis result is also to be found in the second ||of the two papers. A brief dis-cussion

of these theorems \villbe givenin Chapter iv.

1'2. Daniel Bernoulli's rnechanical lirohleni.

In 1738 Daniel Bernoulli publisheda memoir IT containingenunciations of

a number of theorems on the oscillations of heavy chains. The eighth** of

these is as follows: " De Jiguracatenae uniforniiteroscillantis. Sit catena AG

uniformiter graviset perfecteflexilissuspensa de puncto J.,eaque oscillationes

facere uniformes intelligatur:perv'eneritcatena in situm AMF\ fueritque

longitudocatenae = ^: longitudocujuscunquepartisFM = x, sumatur n ejus

valoris+fut fit

1 1 -I " V etc. = 0.

n 4/i/i 4.9n3 4.9.16n^ 4.9.1G.25/r'

*- See James Bernoulli, Opera Omnia, ii. (Geneva,1744),pp. 1054"1057 ; it is stated that the

point of Eiccati's problem is the determination of a solution in tinite terms, and a solution which

resembles the solution by Daniel Bernoulli is given.

t The term ' Kiccati's equation'

was used by D'Alembert, Hist, de V Acad. Ii. des Sci. de Berlin,

XIX. (1763),[published 1770],p. 242.

t Institutiones Calculi Iiiteiiraliii,ii. (Petersburg,1769)," 831, pp. 88"89. lu connexion with

the reduction,see James Bernoulli's letter to Leibniz already quoted.

" Novi Comvi. Acad. Petrop. viii. (1760"1761),[published1703], p. 82.

IIIbid. IX. (1762"1763),[published1764],pp. 163"164.

H "Theoremata de oscillationibus coriwrum file flexili connexorura et catenae verticaliter

suspeusae," Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop. vi. (1732"3), [published1738],pp. 108"122.

** Luc. cit. p. 116.

t+ The length of the simple equivalentpendulum is ii.


Page 16: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Ponatiir porro distantia extremi punctiF ah linea vertical! = 1,dico fore

distantiam punctiubicunque assumptiM ab eadem linea verticali aequalem

OC XX x^ x'^ x^"

~w 4)in 4.9?i3 4.9.16n'^

He goes on to say: "Invenitur brevissimo calculo ?i = proxime 0'691 I....

Habet autem littera n infinitos valores alios."

The last series is now described as a Bessel function * of order zero and

argument 2 '\/(x}n);and the last quotationstates that this function has an

infinite number of zeros.

Bernoulli publishedf proofsof his theorems soon afterwards; in theorem

VIII, he obtained the equationof motion by consideringthe forces actingon

the portionFM of lengthx. The equationof motion was also obtained by

Eulerjmany years later from a consideration of the forces actingon an element

of the chain.

The followingis the substance of Euler's investigation:

Let p be the line densityof the chain (supposed uniform) and let T be the tension at

height X above the lowest pointof the chain in its undisturbed position. The motion being

transversal,we obtain the equation 8T=gp8x by resolvingverticallyfor an element of

chain of length8x. The integralof the equationis T=gp,v.

The horizontal component of the tension is,e"ectiYQly,'T{dyldx) where y is the (hori-zontal)

displacementof the element ; and so the equationof motion is

p"^S="^^)If we substitute for T and proceedto the limit,we find that

df^ ^ dx\ dx) '

If / is the lengthof the simple equivalentpendulum for any one normal vibration,wewrite

y=-.n(?)si"(f"^?),where A and f are constants ; and then n {x\f)is a solution of the equation

d f dv\ V

dx \ dx) fIf xlf=u, we obtain the solution in the form of Bernoulli's series,namely

^= 1 -

,+ ^i

" ". -



."r. ^"1 1.4 1.4.9


* On the Continent, the functions are usuallycalled cijlinderfunctions,or, occasionally,/"nc-tions of Fourier -Besisel,after Heine, Journal fur Math. lxix. (1868),p. 128; see also Math. Ann.

111. (1871),pp. 609"610.

t Covim. Acad. Petrop. vii. (1734"5), [published 1740],pp. 162"179.

+ Acta Acad. Petrop. v. pars 1 (Mathematiea),(1781),[published1784],pp. 157"177. Euler

took the weight of length e of the chain to be E, and he defined g to be the measure of the

distance (nottwice the distance)fallen by a particlefrom rest under gravity in a second. Euler's

notation lias been followed in the text apart from the significanceof g and the introduction of

p and 5 (ford).

Page 17: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


"t,where C and

U are constants. Since y is finite when j;=0, C must be zero.

If a isthe whole lengthof the chain,y = 0 when x " a, and so the equation to determine /'is

a a? "fi~ \7f^T:\p~ 1.4. 9r'

+" " "

= 0-

By an extremely ingeniousanalysis,which will be given fullyin Chapter xv, Euler

proceededto shew that the three smallest roots of the equation in a//are 1-445795,7-6658

and 18-63. [More accurate values are 1-4457965, 7-6178156 and 18-7217517.]In the memoir* immediately followingthis investigationEuler obtained the general

solution (inthe form of series)of the equation^ \\i " \-\-v=-0^but his statement of the

law of formation of successive coefhcients is rather incomplete. The law of formation had,

however, been stated in his Institutiones Calculi Integralis\,ir. (Petersburg,1769),i 977,

pp. 233-235.

I'S. Euler s mechanical jjvohlem.

The vibrations of a stretched membrane were investigatedby Euler ;J:in

1764. He arrived at the equation

"ldP^_drz Idz 1 d'z


where z is the transverse displacementat time t at the pointwhose polarcoordinates are (r,"/");and e is a constant depending on the densityand

tension of the membrane.

To obtain a normal solution he wrote

z = u sin (at+ A) sin (/5(/)+ B),

where a, A, ^, B are constants and u is a function of r; and the result of

substitution of this value of z is the differential equation

d-a Idu (d- /3-\

dr- r dr \e- r- j

The solution of this equationwhich is finite at the originis givenon p. 256

of Euler's memoir; it is

u-r 11 -



4 (".+ 1 )(n + 3)e^' " ' f'

where n has been written in placeof 2/3+ 1.

This differential equationis now known as Besscl's equationfor functions

of order /3; and ^ may have ||any of the values 0, 1, 2,....

Save for an omitted constant factor the series is now called a Bessel

coefficient of order ^ and argument ar\e.The periodsof vibration,2-7r/a,of a

* Acta Acad. Petroj).v. pars 1 (Mathematica),(1781),[published1784], pp. 178"190.

t See also "" 935, 93G (p.187 et seq.)for the solution of an associated eiiuationwhich will be

discussed in " 3-52.

+ Novi Coinm. Acad. Petrojj.x. (17G4),[published17t)6J,pp. -243" -200.

" The reason why Euler made this change of notation is not obvious.

IIIf /3 were not an integer,the displacemeut would not be a one-valued function of position,

in view of the factor sin (/30+ B).

Page 18: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


circular membrane of radius a with a fixed boundary* are to be determined

from the consideration that u vanishes when r = a.

This investigationby Euler contains the earliest appearance in Analysisof

a Bessel coefficient of generalintegralorder.

1'4. The researches ofLagrange,Carlini and Laplace.

Only a few years after Euler had arrived at the generalBessel coefficient

in his researches on vibratingmembranes, the functions reappeared,in an

astronomical problem. It was shewn by Lagrangef in 1770 that,in the ellipticmotion of a planetabout the sun at the focus attractingaccordingto the law

of the inverse square, the relations between the radius vector r, the mean

anomaly M and the eccentric anomaly E, which assume the forms

M^E -"iimE, r = a{l-"cosE),

giverise to the expansions


E^M^ t An"inuM, - = l + i6^+ S jB"cos"ilf,n=\ ^ w=l

in which a and e are the semi-majoraxis and the eccentricityof the orbit, and

'^'*" ^m=o2''+''^m\{n+ my.'"'""'"'

^^^^^ 2"+^"" m\ (n + m)l^

Lagrange gave these expressionsfor w = 1,2,3. The objectof the expansionsis to obtain expressionsfor the eccentric anomaly and the radius vector in

terms of the time.

In modern notation these formulae are written

^" = 2/" (ne)/n,5, = - 2 (e/n)J^ (ne).

It was noted by Poisson,Connaissance des Terns,1836 [published1833],p. 6 that

n ae

a memoir by Lefort,Journal de Math. xi. (1846),pp. 142 " 152,in which an error made by

Poisson is corrected,should also be consulted.

A remarkable investigationof the approximatevalue of A.^when n is largeand 0 " e " 1 is due to Carlini :|:;though the analysisis not rigorous(and it

would be difficult to make it rigorous)it is of sufficient interest for a brief

account of it to be givenhere.

* Cf. Bourget, Ann. Sci. de VEcoIe norm. siij}.in. (1866),pp. 55 " 95, and Chree, Quarterly/Journal, xxi. (1886),p. 298.

t Hist, de VAcad. R. des Sci. de Berlin, xxv. (1769),[published1771], pp. 204"233. [Oeuvres,.

III. (1869),pp. 113"138.]

X Riceixhe siiUa courergenza delta serie che serva alia soliizione del problema di Keplero

(Milan, 1817). This work was translated into German by Jacobi, Astr. Nach. xxx. (1850),col. 197"254 {Werke, vii. (1891),pp. 189"245]. See also two papers by Scheibner dated 1856,

reprinted in Math. Ann, xvii. (1880),pp. 531"544, 545"560.

Page 19: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is easy to shew that A^ is a solution of the differentialequation

Define u by the formula J"=2?i"-ie-^"''7"!''^u*ithen

Hence when n is largeeither w or m^ or du/de must be large.

If t"=0 (?""')we should expect w^ and dujde to be 0(?j2o)and 0 ("")respectively;and

on consideringthe highestpowers of n in the various terms of the last differential equation,we find that a = 1. It is consequentlyassumed that u admits of an expansionin descending

powers of n in the form

u = du^, + Ui + v.yjn+. . . ,

where Wq, "i, u^., ...are independentof ".

On substitutingthis series in the differential equationof the firstorder and equatingto

zero the coefficients of the various powers of ??, we find that

where u^ = duJdf ; so that ??o= " -'^, ?"i= t^" :,,

and thereforee 1 " f-

["c7.= M|log-p^-^^,^"^/(l-.^')+l}-ilog(l-e2)+...,

and, since the value of An shews that ^iide~ n log^ewhen e is small,the upper signmust

be taken and no constant of integrationis to be added.

From Stirling'sformula it now follows at once that

6"exp {nj{\-e^)}An ~


and this is the result obtained by Carlini. This method of approximationhas been carried

much further by Aleissel (see " 8-11), while Cauchy* has also discussed approximate

formulae for A^ in the case of comets moving in nearlyparabolicorbits (see " 8'42),for

which Carlini's approximationis obviouslyinadequate.

The investigationof which an account has justbeen givenis much more

plausiblethan the arguments employed by Laplacefto establish the corre-sponding

approximationfor i?".

The investigationgivenby Laplaceisquiterigorousand the method which

he uses is of considerable importancewhen the value of B^ is modified by

takingall the coefficients in the series to be positive" or, alternatively,by

supposingthat e is a pure imaginary.But Laplacegoes on to argue that an

approximationestablished in the case of purelyimaginaryvariables may be

used 'sans crainte ' in the case of real variables. To anyone who is acquainted

with the modem theoryof asymptoticseries,the fallacious character of such

reasoningwill be evident.

* Comptes Rendus, xxxvni. (1854),pp. 990" 9;i3.

t Mecanique Celeste,supplement, t. v. [firstpublished 1827]. Oeuvres, v. (raris.1882),

pp. 486"489.

Page 20: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The earlier portionof Laplace'sinvestigationis based on the principle

that,in the ease of a series of positiveterms in which the terms steadilyin-crease

up to a certain pointand then steadilydecrease,the order of magnitude

of the sum of the series may frequentlybe obtained from a consideration of

the order of magnitude of the greatest term of the series.

For other and more recent applicationsof this principle,see Stokes, Proc. Camb. Phil.

Soc. VI. (1889),pp. 362"366 [Math,and Phys.Papers,v. (1905),pp. 221"225], and Hardy,

Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)ii. (1905),pp. 332"339; Messenger,xxxiv. (1905),pp. 97"101.

A statement of the principlewas given by Borel,Acta Mathematica, xx. (1897),pp. 393 "


The followingexpositionof the principleappliedto the example considered

b} Laplacemay not be without interest :

The .seriesconsidered is

J, I (?;,+ 2m)?i"-^-'"-^f"+ -'"

" ~^,"=o2" + =i"""i!("+ "i)! '

in which n is largeand e has a fixed positivevalue. The greatest term is that for which

m = /x, where fi is the greatestintegersuch that

4^ (n+ ,x){n+ 2^ - 2)^ (n+ 2n)nh%

and so approximatelyequal to

Now, if ?"", denotes the generalterm in II,S^\it is easy to verifyby Stirling'stheorem

that,to a firstapproximation,-^^'r^qi-,where '


Hence B"^'^)r^Uf,{l+ 2q + 2q + 2q^+ ...}

. , . , ,

~2"^^/W(l-g)},since* q is nearly equal to 1.

Now, by Stirling'stheorem,e"-i exp {ns/(H-62)}

and so 5"(i)" |MI"li)l^e"exp{nv-(l+.^)}

The inference which Laplacedrew from this result is that

V Trn' J {l + V(l-e-)}""

This approximateformula happensto be valid when e " 1 (thoughthe reason

for this restriction is not apparent, apart from the fact that it is obviouslynecessary),but it is difficultto prove it without usingthe methods of contour

" The formula l + ^^^f~s'N{^-q)} may be inferred from general theorems on series;

of. Bromwich, Theory of Infinite Series," .51. It is also a consequence of Jacobi's transformationformula in the theoryof ellipticfunctions,

^3(0|r)=(-;r)-H3(0|-T-i);see Modern Analysis,%21-5l.

Page 21: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


integration(cf."8*31 ). Laplaceseems to have been dubious as to the validityof his inference because, immediatelyafter his statement about real and

imaginary variables,he mentioned, by way of confirmation, that he had

another proof;but the latter proofdoes not appear to be extant.

1'5. The researches ofFourier.

In 1822 appearedthe classical treatise by Fourier*, La Theorie analytique

de la Chaleur; in this work Bessel functions of order zero occur in the dis-cussion

of the symmetricalmotion of heat in a solid circular cylinder.It is

shewn by Fo-urier (""118 " 120) that the temperature v, at time t,at distance

X from the axis of the cylinder,satisfiesthe equation

dv K fd'-v 1 dv

dt CD Kda-- xdx

where K, C, D denote respectivelythe Thermal Conductivity,SpecificHeat

and Densityof the material of the cylinder;and he obtained the solution

I 2- ^2^4- 2^4^6-""


where g = mCDjK and m has to be so chosen that

hv + K {dvldx)= 0

at the boundary of the cylinder,where h is the External Conductivity.

Fourier proceededto give a proof(""307 " 309) by Rolle's theorem that

the equationto determine the values of m hasf an infinityof real roots and

no complex roots. His proofis slightlyincompletebecause he assumes that

certain theorems which have been proved for polynomialsare true of integral

functions; the defect is not difficult to remedy,and a memoir by Hurwitz^

has the objectof making Fourier's demonstration quiterigorous.

It should also be mentioned "thatFourier discovered the continued fraction

formula ("313) for the quotientof a Bessel function of order zero and its

derivate ; generalisationsof this formula will be discussed in ""5-6, 9'6o.

Another formula givenby Fourier,namely

1 "

TT -\-7^"

T" 7i

" -. "

^ +...

" " \ COS (a sm x) dx,2- 2". 4- 2-. 4^6- ttJo

had been provedsome years earlier by Parseval";it is a specialcase of what

are now known as Bessel's and Poisson's integrals(""2'2,2"3).* The greater part of Fourier's researches was contained in a memoir depositedin the archives

of the French Institute on Sept. 28, 1811, and crowned on Jan. 6, 1812. This memoir is to be

found in the Mem. de VAcad. des Sci., iv. (1819),[pubHshed 1824], pp. 185" 555; v. (1820),

[published1826], pp. 153"246.

t This is a generalisationof Bernoulli's statement quoted in " 1-2.

+ Math. Ann. xxxiii. (1889),pp. 246"266.

" Mem. des savans etranijers, i. (1805),pp. 639"648. This paper also contains the formal

statement of the theorem on Fourier constants which is sometimes called Parseval's theorem ;

another paper by this little known writer,Mem. des savans etrangers, i. (1805),pp. 379"398, con-tains

a general solution of Laplace's equation in a form involving arbitraryfunctions.

Page 22: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The expansionof an arbitraryfunction into a series of Bessel functions of

order zero was also examined by Fourier (""314"320); he gave the formula

for the generalcoefficient in the expansionas a definite integral.

The validityof Fourier's expansion was examined much more recently by Hankel,

Math. Ann. viii. (1875),pp. 471"494; Schlafli,Math. Ann. x. (1876),pp. 137"142; Diui,

Serie di Fourier, i. (Pisa,1880),pp. 246"269 ; Hobson, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) vii.

(1909),pp. 359"388; and Young, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xviii. (1920),pp. 163"200.

This expansionwill be dealt with in Chapter xviir.

1'6. The researches ofPoisson.

The unsymmetricalmotions of heat in a solid sphereand also in a solid

cylinderwere investigatedby Poisson* in a lengthymemoir publishedin 1823.

In the problemof the spheref,he obtained the equation

where r denotes the distance from the centre, /? is a constant, n is a positive

integer(zeroincluded),and R is that factor of the temperature, in a normal

mode, which is a function of the radius vector. It was shewn by Poisson that

a solution of the equationis

j.n+i IQQg (^y,pQQg jy sin^"^+ ft)dw


and he discussed the cases n = 0, 1, 2 in detail. It will appear subsequently

("3'3)that the definite integralis (save for a factor)a Bessel function of

order n + ^.

In the problemof the cylinder{ibid.p. 340 et seq.)the analogousintegralis

X" cos {h\ cos (o)sin-^codto,.'o

where n=0, 1, 2,...

and X is the distance from the axis of the cylinder.The

integralis now known as Poisson's integral("2-3).In the case n = 0, an importantapproximateformula for the last integral

and its derivate was obtained by Poisson (ibid.,pp. 350" 352) when the variable

is large;the followingis the substance of his investigation:

Let X Jq (k)= - I cos {kcos w) da, J^ Ik)= I cos w sin (k cos w) da.

Then J^{k)is a solution of the equation

* Journal de I'Ecole R. Pohjtechnique,xii. (cahier19),(1823),pp. 249"403.

t Ibid. p. 300 etseq. The equation was also studied by Plana, Mem. della R. Accad. delle Sci.

di Torino, xxv. (1821),pp. 532" 534, and has since been studied by numerous writers,some of

whom are mentioned in " 4-3. See also Poisson, La Theorie Mathematiqite de la Chaleur (Paris,1835),pp. 366, 369.

+ See also Eohrs, Proc. London Math. Soc. v. (1874),pp. 136"137. Tie notation Jg{k) was

not used by Poisson.

Page 24: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so, by equatingto zero the various coefficients,we find that

A'^-Ib,A'-=-,-^,A.A": i^B,...

and hence the expansionof Poisson's integralis

/"tt /ttX r/ 1 9 9.25 \,


cos (/"cos 0,)cfo,~ ^ j LVl-8|-278^^+ 2.^:W3+-r^'^'

\_ 9^ 9.25

, jsin k.

But, since the series on the rightare not convergent, the researches of Lijischitzand

subsequent writers are a necessary preliminaryto the investigationof the significanceof

the latter portionof Poisson's investigation.

It should be mentioned that an explicitformula for the generalterm in the expansion

was first given by W. E. Hamilton, Trans. R. Irish Acad. xrx. (1843),p. 313; his result

was expressedthus :


rcos (2/3sin a)da= -^ 1 [0]" ([- \ff (4^)-"cos (2/3- \nn - \n\

and he described the expansion as semi-convergent; the -expressions[0]~"and [-i]" are

to be interpretedas Ijn ! and {-\) {" %)"".{-n + \).

A result of some importance,which was obtained by Poisson in a subsequent

memoir*, is that the generalsolution of the equation

Jo Jo

where A and B are constants.

It follows at once that the generalsolution of the equation

d-y 1 dy , .^_

dx- X dx"

is 2/ = ^ I e-''^cos"-(y ^. ^ g-7wcos"oiQg(^sij^2 ) ^^.'o 7o

This result was quotedby Stokesf as a known theorem in 1850, and it is

likelythat he derived his knowledge of it from the integralgivenin Poisson's

memoir; but the fact that the integralis substantiallydue to Poisson has

been sometimes overlooked|.

* Journal de I'EcoIe R. Polytechnique, xii. (cahier 19), (1823),p. 476. The correspondiuggeneral integral of an associated partialdifferential equation was given in an earlier memoir,ibid. p. 227.

t Camb. Phil. Trans, ix. (1856),p. [38],[Math, and Phys. Papers,iii. (1901),p. 42].

J See Encyclopedic des Sci. Math. u. 28 ("53),p. 213.

Page 25: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


1'7. The researches of Bessel.

The memoir* in which Bessel examined in detail the functions which now

bear his name was written in 1824, but in an earlier memoiri* he had shewn

that the expansion of the radius vector in planetary motion is

-= 1 + i e- + S Bn cos llM,

where Ba =sin u sin (nu

" ne sin u) du ;nTT Jo

this expression for B^ should be compared with the series given in " 1'4.

In the memoir of 1824 Bessel investigated systematically the function Ij/^

defined by the integral :|:

1 r-'"

// =

^r"cos (hu "

k sin u) du.

He took h to be an integer and obtainedmany

of the results which will be

given in detail in Chapter ii. Bessel's integral is not adapted for defining the

function which is most worth study when h is not an integer (see " lO'l) ; the

function which is of most interest for non-integral values of h is not Ij/^ but

the function defined by Lommel which will be studied in Chapter III.

After the time of Bessel investigations on the functions became so numerous

that it seems convenient at this stage to abandon the chronological account

and to develop the theory in a systematic and logical order.

An historical account of researches from the time of Fourier to 1858 ha" been com|)iled

by Wagner, Beni Mittheilungen, 1894, pp. 204"

266; a briefer account of the early history

was given by Maggi, Atti della R. Accad. dei Lincei, {Transunti), (3) iv. (1880), pp. 259"


* Berliner Ahh. 1824 [published 1826], pp. 1"

52. The date of this memoir, " Untersuchung

des Theils der planetarischen Storungen, welcher aus der Bewegung der Sonne entsteht,"' is

Jan. 29, 1824.

t Berliner Ahh. 1816"17 [published 1819], pp. 49"55.

J This integral occurs in the expansion of the eccentric anomaly ;with the notation of " 1-4,

a formula given by Poisson, Connaissancc des Teins, 1825 [published 1822], p. 383.

Page 26: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



2"1. The definitionof the Bessel coefficients.

The objectof this chapter is the discussion of the fundamental properties

of a set of functions known as Bessel coefficients.There are several ways of

definingthese functions ; the method which will be adopted in this work is to

define them as the coefficients in a certain expansion. This procedure is due

to Schlomilch*, who derived many propertiesof the functions from his defi-nition,

and proved incidentallythat the functions thus defined are equal to the

definite integralsby which they had previouslybeen defined by Bessel f. It

should, however, be mentioned that the converse theorem that Bessel's inte-grals

are equal to the coefficients in the expansion,was discovered by Hansen :J:

fourteen years before the publicationof Schlomilch's memoir. Some similar

results had been published in 1836 by Jacobi ("2-22).

The generatingfunction of the Bessel coefficients is

It will be shewn that this function can be developed into a Laurent series,

qua function of t; the coefficient of P^ in the expansion is called the Bessel

coefficientof argument z and order n, and it is denoted by the symbol /" (z),

so that

(1)eH'-d= i t-J,,{z).

n= -cc

To establish this development, observe that e^'^ can be expanded into an

absolutelyconvergent series of ascending powers of t ; and for all values of t,

with the exception of zero, e~^^'^ can be expanded into an absolutelyconver-gent

series of descending powers of t. When these series are multiplied

together,their product is an absolutelyconvergent series,and so it may be

arranged accordingto powers of t ; that is to say, we have an expansion of the

form (1),which is valid for all values of ^: and t, t = 0 excepted.

* ZeitschriftfiirMath, und Phys. ii. (1857),pp. 137 " 165. For a somewhat similar expansion,

namely that of e^cosO ggg Prullani, 3Iem. Soc. Ital. (Modena), xviii. (1820),p. 503. It must be

pointed out that Schlomilch, following Hansen, denotfed by Jj,, what we now write as J,^{2z);

but the definition given in the text is now universally adopted. Traces of Hansen's notation

are to be found elsewhere, e.g. Schlatli, Math. Ann. in. (1871), p. 148.

t Berliner Ahh. 1824 [published 1826], p. 22.

X Ermittelung der Absoluten Storungen in Ellipsen von beliebiger Excentricitdt und Neigung,

I. theil, [Schrifteu der Sternwarte Seeburg : Gotha, 1843], p. 106. See also the French transla-tion,

Memoire sur la determination des "perturbations absolues (Paris,1845), p. 100, and Leipziger

Abh. II. (1855),pp. 250"251.

Page 27: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If in (1) we write " 1/tfor t,we get

1t= -Xi


= X i-trj.niz),n= " :c

on replacingn by " n. Since the Laurent expansionof a function is unique*,a comparisonof this formula with (1) shews that

(2) /-" {2)= (- r Jn {Z),

where n is any integer" a formula derived by Bessel from his definition of

J,j(0)as an integral.

From (2)it is evident that (1) may be written in the form

(3) e^zit-llt)= J^ (^)+ V l^n+ ( _ Y ^-n^J^ (^)_n = X

A suinmary of elementaryresults concerningJ, (z)has been given by Hall,The Analyst,I. (1874),pp. 81 " 84, and an account of elementary applicationsof these functions to

problems of Mathematical Physics has been compiled by Harris,American Journal of

Math. XXXIV. (1912),pp. 391"420.

The function of order unity has been encountered by TnwieYe,Notiv. Ann. de Math. (4)

IX. (1909),pp. 433 " 441, in connexion with the steepestcurves on the surftice z=y {bx--y^).

2"11. The ascendingseries for Jniz).I

An explicitexpressionfor /" {z)in the form of an ascendingseries of powers

of z is obtainable by consideringthe series for exp {hzt)and exp ( " ^2/^),thus

exp 11^(^-1/0}= S ^-2- V L_I^Z_^.

When n is a positiveintegeror zero, the onlyterm of the firstseries on the

rightwhich, when associated with the generalterm of the second series givesrise to a term involvingt^ is the term for which r = /; + m ; and, since n ^ 0,

there is always one term for which r has this value. On associatingthese

terms for all the values of m, we see that the coefficient of V^ in the productis

I {\zf^ {-\zr

m={i{n-\-m)\ ni\

We therefore have the result

(1) Jn{z)= S^ /rM '

* For, if not, zero could be expanded into a Laurent series in t, in which some of the

coefficients(say,in particular,that of ?"')were not zero. If we then multipUed the expansion by

(-m-i ajj^ integratedit round a circle with centre at the origin,we should obtain a contradiction.

This result was noticed by Cauchy, Coniptesliendus,xiii. (1841),p. 911.

Page 28: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


where n is a positiveintegeror zero. The first few terms of the series are

givenby the formula

z'' ( z^ z^ )

(2) Jn {z)=

2,7-;-,11 -

2M. (n + 1)



2. (n + l){n+ 2) """}'

In particular

(3) ^0 (2) -I22

^2^ 4'' 2^ 42



To obtain the Bessel coefficients of negativeorder,we select the terms in-volving

t'^ in the productof the series representingexp (^zt)and exp (" hz/t),

where n is stilla positiveinteger.The term of the second series which, when

associated with the generalterm of the firstseries givesrise to a term in t~"'

is the term for which m = n + r ; and so we have

whence we evidentlyobtain anew the formula | 2"! (2),namely

J.n{z)= (-rJ,,(z).

It is to be observed that,in the series (1),the ratio of the (m + l)th term

to the mth term is " jz^l{7n(n + m)],and this tends to zero as 711 ^ cc,for all

values of z and n. By D'Alembert's ratio test for convergence, it follows that

the series representingJ" (z)is convergent for all values of z and n, and so it

is an integralfunctionoi z when w= 0, + 1, + 2, " 3,

It will appear later ("4"73)that Jn{z) is not an algebraicfunction of z

and so it is a transcendental function ; moreover, it is not an elementarytranscendent,that is to say it is not expressibleas a finite combination of

exponential,logarithmicand algebraicfunctions operatedon by signs of

indefinite integration.

From (1)we can obtain two useful inequalities,which are of some import-ance(cf Chapter xvi) in the discussion of series whose generalterm is a

multipleof a Bessel coefficient.

Whether z be real or complex,we have


\Jn{z)\^\lz\^ X

_2jf_l_"^ IjZ I

nl,"=o w!(w-|-l)'"'

and so, when n ^ 0, we have

(4) 1/" (.)I, ^ exp (i^'),1ii^"

exp (JI. n.

This result was given in substance by Cauchy,ComptesRendus, xiii. (1841),pp. 687,854 ; a similar but weaker inequality,namely



was givenby Neumann, Theorie der BesseVscken Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 27.

Page 29: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By consideringall the terms of the series for J^ {z)except the first,it is

found that

(5) J"W = "fe^'(l+").

where |ff| exp (Ji^VU"'^P^ '" P - \

It should be observed that the series on the right in " 2'1 (1)converges uniformlyin

any bounded domain of the variables z and t which does not contain the originin the

f-})lane.For if S,A and R are positiveconstants and if

the terms in the expansionof exp {\zi)exp {^zjt)do not exceed in absolute value the corre-sponding

terms of the productexp (^/2a)exp {hR/8),and the uniformityof the convergence

follows from the test of Weierstrass. Similar considerations apply to the series obtained

by term-by-termdifterentiations of the expansion2^"/" {z),whether the differentiations be

performedwith respectto z or t or both z and t.

2" 12. The recurrence formulae.

The equations*2n

(1) Jn-i(Z)+ Jn+l(Z)= -- Jn {z),z

(2) Jn-Az)-Jn+dz) = '^Jn(z\

which connect three contiguousfunctions are useful in constructingTables of

Bessel coefficients;theyare known as recurrence formulae.

To prove the former, differentiate the fundamental expansionof " 2-1,



with respectto t ; we get

h^z{l+ llt^)e'=''~"'^=i nt'^-'Jniz),

n = - ^

SO that

1^(1 + 1/^^)i V'J.Xz)^ i nV'-^Jn{z).)l= "Xl " = " X

If the expressionon the left is arrangedin powers of t and coefficientsof P~i

are equatedin the two Laurent series,which are identicallyequal,it is evident


^Z {Jn-,(z)+ Jn^1 (z)}= nJn (z),

which is the firstof the formulaef.

* Tlnoughout the work primes are used to denote the derivate of a function with respect to

its argument.

f Differentiations are permissiblebecause (g 2 -11)the resultingseries are uniformly convergent.

The equating of coefticients is permissiblebecause Laurent expansionsare unique.

W. B. F. 2

Page 30: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again,differentiate the fundamental expansionwith respect to z ; and then

M= -00

so that \{t-\\t) 2 PJn{z)^ i t^Jniz).n= - CO "i= -X

By equatingcoefficients of f on either side of this identitywe obtain formula


The results of addingand subtracting(1)and (2) are

(3) Z Jn (z)+ n Jn (Z)= Z Jn-,(z),

(4) zJn (z)- n Jn {Z)= -Z Jn+i(^).

These are equivalentto

(5) ^^{z-Jn(z)}=Z-J,,_,{z),

(6) ^Jz-J^{z)}= -z-Jn+d^).

In the case n=0, (1)is trivial while the other formulae reduce to

(7) Jo {z)= - ./,(z).

The formulae (1)and (4) from which the others may be derived were discovered byBessel,Berliner Abh. 1824, [1826],pp. 31, 35. The method of proofgiven here is due to

Schlomilch, Zeitschriftfur Math, und Phys. II. (1857),p. 138. Schlomilch proved (1)in

this manner, but he obtained (2)by direct differentiation of the series for J" {z).

A formula which Schlomilch derived {ibid,p. 143) from (2)is

(8) " ^'~ip= ^ (-)'""c../"-.^."(.X

where ,.C",is a binomial coefficient.

By obvious inductions from (5)and (6),we have

(10) [jj-{z-'''Jn{z)]={-r^Z"^-Jn^,,,{z),where n is any integerand m is any positiveinteger.The formula (10)is dueto Bessel {ibid.p. 34).

As an example of the results of this section observe that

zJ^{z)= ^Jo (z)- zJ^{z)

= U,{z)-8J,(z) + zJ,(z)


4 2 {-Y-'nJ^,(z)+ {-)^'zJ^^^,{z)n=l

= 4 S (-r-'nJ.^,{z),n = l

smce zJ^K+i(z)-*0 as N -* cc, hy ^ 211 (4).

Page 32: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is frequentlyconvenient to modify(1) by bisectingthe range of in-tegration

and writing2'7r" B for 0 in the latter part. This proceduregives

1 /"'"

(2) J""(0)=- cos(nd-zsine)de.

Since the integrandhas period2'rr,the firstequationmay be transformed


(3) Jn{z)= ^ [^'"'^cos{ne-2sind)de,^"n- J


where a is any angle.

To prove (1),multiplythe fundamental expansionof " 2'1 (1)by ^~"~^ and

integrate*round a contour which encircles the originonce counterclockwise.

We thus get


27n Jm"n"i dt.

The integralson the rightall vanish except the one for which m = n; and

so we obtain the formula


Take the contour to be a circle of unit radius and write t = e~'^,so that 0

may be taken to decrease from 27r -t-a to a. It is thus found that

"Zv + c

(4) ^(^)=^( t"^e^'^'-''''dt

(5) ^n(z)=^-I"^%^"(""-^sin^)"(^,"7* J a

a result givenby Hansen f in the case q = 0.

In this equationtake a = " tt, bisect the range of integrationand, in the

former part,replace0 by " 0. This proceduregives

J",^(^)=i-r[e'^ne-zsmO)_^g- line- ^ sine) j^0^

and equation(2),from which (1) may be deduced, is now obvious.

Various modifications of Bessel's integralare obtainable by writing

Jn{z) "- COS nO COS (zsin 0)d0 A" sin "0sin(^sin ^)(Z^.TT J 0


TT j |" ^

If 0 be replacedby tt " ^ in these two integrals,the former changessignwhen

n is odd, the latter when n is even, the other being unaffected in each case ;

and therefore

1 l"'.

Jn ("s^)"~ sin nQ sm {zsm ^) d0

= - I sin n0 sin {zsin 0')d0(n odd).

* Terni-byterm integrationis permitted because the expansion is uniformlj'convergent on the

contour. It is convenient to use the symbol J'""*"'to denote integrationround a contour encircling

the point a once counterclockwise.

t Ermittelung der abioluten Storungen (Gotha,1843),p. 105.

Page 33: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



1 I'""

Jn (z)= - I cos nO cos (z sin 6)dd


2 /'^'^= - cos ??^cos C^'sin ^)c?(9

IT Jo ^

If ^ be replacedhyh-rr-i] in the latter parts of (6)and (7),it is found that

2 r?"(8) J"n{z)= - (-)^*"" ^^

COS nT? sin (2cos 77)dri {n odd),it 1 110

(9) '/"(e)= - (-)*" cos *( 7 cos (zCOS 7;)c^t; (n even)."^


The last two results are due substantially to Jacobi*.

[Note. It was shewn by Parseval,Mem. des savans etrangers,i. (1805),pp. 639"648,that

^~lP" + ^y"

r5~T'" r^r-^,+ ...= COS (a sui A')a.r,

^- Z-.4- z-


.D- TV j 0

and so, in the special case in which 5i = 0, (2) will be described as Parseval's integral.Itwill be seen in " 2-3 that two integralrepresentationsof J^ (2),namely Bessel's integraland Poisson's integralbecome identical when "=0, so a specialname for this case is


The reader will find it interestingto oljtain (afterBessel)the formulae " 2-12 (1)and

" 2-12 (4)from Bessel's integral.

2 "21. Modificationsof ParsevaVs integral.

Two formulae involvingdefinite integralswhich are closelyconnected with ParsevaPs

integralformula are worth notice. The first,namely

(1) Jo {s'{2^-f)\= - r '^-''"' ^

cos {zsin 6)dd,T J 0

is due to Bessel +. The simplestmethod of proving it is to write the expressionon the

rightin the form

1 /"""

Stt J "tt

expand in powers of ^ cos 6 + izsin 6 and use the formulae



the formula then follows without difficulty.

The other definite integral,due to Catalan i,namely

(2) J""(2^"v'2)= -r c(i+-)cos0 cos {(1- z)sin 6)dd,

"n- J 0

is a specialcase of (1)obtained by substitutingI -z and 1 +z for z and ?/ respectively.

* Journal fur Math. xv. (1836),pp. 12"13. [Ges. Math. IVerke, vi. (1891),pp. 100"102] ; the

integralsactuallygiven by Jacobi had limits 0 and w with factors I/ttreplacingthe factors 2/V.

See also Anger, Neiwste Schriftcn der Naturf. Ges. in Danzig, v. (1855),p. 1, aud Caucby,

Comptes Jte7idns,xxxviii. (1854),pp. 910 "913.

t Berliner Ahh., 1824 [published1826], p. 37. See al'io An^er, Keiieste Schriften der Xatiirf.

Ges. in Danzig, v. (1855),p. 10, and Lominel, Zeitschrififilr ^Math. iind P/ji/.v.xv. (1870),p. 151.

t Bulletin deV Acad. 11. de Belgique, (2)xli. (1876),p. 938.

f:(ycos e + izsin 6)''"+ ^de = 0, Q/ cos 6 + iz sin ^)2"dB = Z'"^ if " ^)" ;/


' r (??+ 1)

Page 34: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Catalairs integralmay be established independentlyby usingthe formula

1 1 z'W-^)

m ! 27ri ]so that

00 ^.m I X ^Jn .'(0 +

1 /"("+)

00 ytti 1 X ^Jn r'

./o(2i\/~-)=2 -1"=". 2 -,t-"'~'e'dt

m-o(w!)2 271-?-,"=o"2!./

exp' +

?^^ =

-L / "

exp {e^-9+ ^6- '^lde,

by taking the contour to be a unit circle ; the result then follows by bisectingthe range of


2"22. Jacohi's expansionsin series ofBessel coefficients.

Two series,which are closelyconnected with Bessel's integral,were dis-covered

by Jacobi*. The simplestmethod of obtainingthem is to write

^ = " e'^in the fundamental expansion" 21 (3). We thus get

= J,(z)+ 2 i J,n(^)cos2nd " 2i 2 Jo"+i{z)sin {2n + \)6.n=\ "=0

On addingand subtractingthe two results which are combined in this formula,

we find


(1) cos (^sin ^)= /o(^)+ 2 S J^n(z)cos 2n6,

(2) sin(^sin^)= 2 S Jo"+i(^)sin(2?i+ 1)^.71=0

Write ^TT " 77 for 6,and we get00

(3) cos {zcos 77)= Jq {z)+ 22 (")""J^n{z)cos 2nr],n = \

(4) sin (2cos 77)= 2 i (-fJ"2^+i(^)cos(2?i+ l)77.

The results (3) arid (4)were given by Jacobi,while the others were obtained later by

Anger t. Jacobi's procedure was to expand cosucosj;) and sin (scos r;)into a series of

cosines of multiplesof ?;, and use Fourier's rule to obtain the coefficients in the form of

integralswhich are seen to be associated with Bessel's integrals.

In view of the fact that the first terms in (1) and (3) are not formed

accordingto the same law as the other terms, it is convenient to introduce

Neumanns factor\ "", which is defined to be equal to 2 when n is not zero,

and to be equalto 1 when n is zero. The employment of this factor,which

* Journal fur Math. xv. (1836),p. 12. [Ges. Math. Werke, vi. (1891),p. 101.]

t Neueste Schrifteu der Naturf. Ges. hi Danzig, v. (1855),p. 2.

X Neumann, Theorie der BesseVschen Funcilonen (Leipzig,1867),p. 7.

Page 35: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


will be of frequentoccurrence in the sequel,enables us to write (1)and (2)in

the compact forms:


(5) cos {zsin 6) = S e^n J-m{z)cos 2nd,


(6) sin (2sin ^)= 1, eon+iJm+i{z)^v^{'^n+ l)d.H = 0

If we put ^ = 0 in (0),we find

(7) 1=5 e,,J,n(2).71 = 0

If we differentiate (5)and (6)any number of times before putting = 0, we

obtain expressionsfor various polynomialsas series of Bessel coefficients. We

shall,however, use a slightlydifferent method subsequently("2'7)to prove

that z'^ is expansibleinto a series of Bessel coefficientswhen m is any positive

integer.It is then obvious that any polynomialis thus expansible.This is a

specialcase of an expansiontheorem, due to Neumann, which will be investi-gated

in Chapter xvi.

For the present, we will merelynotice that,if (6)be differentiated once

before d is put equalto 0, there results

(8) z= i6,"+i (2n + 1)Jsn+i(^).

n = 0

while,if 6 be put equalto ^ttafter two differentiations of (5)and (6),then

(9) z sin 2^2 [22J, (z)- 4^ J, (z)+ 6' J, (z)-

. . .],

(10) 2 cos ^ = 2 11- J, (z) - 3- Js (z)+ 5- J, i^)-"""}"

These results are due to Lommel*.

Note. The expressionexp {^^(i-1/0} introduced in ^ ^-l is not a generatingfunction

in be strict sense. The generatingfunction t associated with (,iJn(z)is 2 e,i^"*A{^)-(1=0

If this expressionbe called -S',by using the recurrence formula " 2-12 (2),we have

If we solve this differential equation we get

(11) s=ei-(t-iin+l(^+ ^e^^(t-vnjyh^it-mj^^^d,.A result equivalentto this was givenby Brenke, Bull. American Math. Soc. xvi. (1910),

pp. 225"230.

* Studien ilher die Bessel'schen Fiiitctionen (Leipzig,1868),p. 11.

+ It will be seen in Chapter xvi. that this is a form of "Lommel's function of two variables."

Page 36: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


2"3. Poissoiis integralfor the Bessel coefficients.

Shortl}'before the appearance of Bessel's memoiron planetaryperturbations,Poisson had publishedan importantwork on the Conduction of Heat*, in the

course of which he investigatedintegralsof the typesf

rcos (zcos 6)sin-'^+iddS, j cos (zcos 6) sin^'*dcie,

Jo -JO

where n is a positiveintegeror zero. He proved that these integralsare

solutions of certain differential equations!and gave the investigation,which

has alreadybeen reproducedin " 1"6,to determine an approximationto the

latter integralwhen z is largeand positive,in the specialcase "? = 0.

We shall now prove that

and, in view of the importanceof Poisson's researches,it seems appropriatetodescribe the expressionson the right" as Poisson s integralsfor J^i^).In the

case n = 0, Poisson's integralreduces to Parseval's integral("2"2).

It is easy to prove that the expressionsunder consideration are equalto

Jn{z)',for,if we expand the integrandin powers of z and then integrate

term-by-term||,we have

- cos (zCOS 6)sin2"66.6 = - t \^,,

cos^'" d sin^* OcWT^.'o 7r,,,=o (2m)! Jo

= 2(_)m^2m 1.3.5... (2n - 1). 1



5... (2m - 1)

",=o (2w)!"

2.4.6...(2??+ 2m)

= 1.3. 5. ..(2/1-1) 2 ^,^,,1\,^ .,,

m=o2"^+^'"'m ; {n + ni)I

and the result is obvious.

* Journal de I'Ecole E. Polytechnique,xii. (cahier19), (1823),pp. 249" i03.

t Ibid. p. 293, et seq. ; p. 340, et seq. Integrals equivalent to them had previouslybeenexamined by Euler, Inst. Calc. Int. ii. (Petersburg,1769),Ch. x. " 1036, but Poisson's forms are

more elegant,and his study of them is more systematic. See also " 3-3.+ E.g. on p. 300, he proved that, if

Jothen E satisfies the differentialequation

"PE n{n + l)^

" Nielsen,Handhuch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904), p. 51, calls themBesseVs second integral,but the above nomenclature seems preferable.

IIThe series to be integratedis obviouslyuniformlyconvergent;the procedure adopted is dueto Poisson,ibid. pp. 314, 340.

Page 37: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Poisson also observed* that

gizcos e^^^^n 0dd=r COS (zCOS 6)siri""ddO;.' 0

this is evident when we consider the arithmetic mean of the integralon the

left and the integralderived from it by replacing by tt " 0.

We thus get

(2) /"(.)= j.^;ii|"j^/%-.'sin"^dftA slightmodification of this formula, namely

has suggestedimportantdevelopments(cf." 6'1) in the theoryof Bessel


It should also be noticed that

(4) j cos {zcos 9)sin2" dd0 = 2 j cos (zcos $) sin-'*OddJo Jo

= 2 ['"cos(zsin 6)cos-'* 0d6,Jo

and each of these expressionsgivesrise to a modified form of Poisson 'sintegral.

An interestingapplicationof Bessel's and Poisson's integralswas obtained

by Lommelf who multipliedthe formula


. ,4n-[47i2-22|...(4w2-(2m-2)-}.

, , ,,cos2n^= :i (-)"* ^ -Tii^, ^ ^^sm-"*^

by cos {zcos 6) and integi-ated.It thus follows that



, ,4??-[4n--2-}...[4n--(2m-2)-|j;"(^)

m=0 Z.

lU: Z

2"31. Bessel's investigationofPoisson s integral.

The proof,that ./"{z)is equalto Poisson's integral,which was givenby

Bessel J,is somewhat elaborate;it is substantiallyas follows :

It is seen on differentiation that



cos 6 sin-'*~i6 cos {zcos 6) "

^sin^'*+ 6 sin {zcos 6)

^ ft ~\ X

(2n - 1)sin-"--d - 2w sin^**6 + ;^-^sin-^"+-0^ ^ 2n + 1

cos (zcos 6),

* Poisson actuallymade the statement (p. 293) concerning the integralwhich contains

sin'-"-!-!0 . but, as he pointsout on p. 340, odd powers may be replacedby even powers throughout

his analysis.

f Studien ilher die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),p. 30.

+ Berliner Ahh. 1824 [published1820],pp. 36"37. Jacobi, Journal fiir3Iath. xv. (1836),p. 13.

[Ges. Math. Werke, vi. (1891),p. 102],when givinghis proof("2-32)of Poisson's integralformula,

objectedto the artificialcharacter of Bessel's demonstration.

Page 38: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence, on integration,when n ^ 1,

(2n - 1)f"

cos (zcos 6)sin^'^--ed0 -.2n j cos (zcos 0)sin^" OcW

+-^^^-- ["cos(z cos 0)sin-"+-OdO = 0.

If now we write

T^-rrv-w-r.I"cos(^cos 6)sin- ^fZ^ ^ c {n),

the last formula shews that

z(j)(n - 1) - 2n(f"(n)+ Z(f)(n 4- 1) = 0,

so that (f)(n) and J^ (z)satisfythe same recurrence formula.

But, by usingBessel's integral,it is evident that

(f"{0)= Jo(z),

^r-TT ^ f^ d ( .)

^ (1)= - cos {z cos 6) sin- 6d0 = "

7^ 1^^"c*^^ ^H ^^^ ^^^^

= - sin (^ cos 6) cos Odd = " J^ {")= J^ {z),

and so, by induction from the recurrence formula, we have

when 11 = 0, 1, 2,3, . . ..

232. Jacohis investigationofPoissons integral.

The problemof the direct transformation of Poisson's integralinto Bessel's

integralwas successfullyattacked by Jacobi*; this method necessitates the use

of Jacobi's transformation formula

c?'"-isin-"-i^ 1.3. 5. ..(2/1-1) . "

" " " =(-)"-i ^ ^ smnd,

where fjb= cos 6. We shall assume this formula for the moment, and, since no

simpledirect proof of it seems to have been previouslypublished,we shall

givean account of various proofsin ""2'321 "2'323.

If we observe that the lirstn" 1 derivates of (1 "/a-)'*"*,with respect to

jx, vanish when /i = + 1, it is evident that,by n partialintegrations,we have

z'^ \ COS {zcos B)sin2" ddd = 2" cos {zyC). (1 - yu,-)'*-*fZ/x

= (-r I_^

cos {Zi,- Invr)^

^\^^ dfx.

* Journal fiirMath. xv. (1836),pp. 12"13. [Ges. Math. Werke, vi. (1891),pp. 101"102.] See

also Jom-nal de Math. 1. (1836),pp. 195 " 196.

Page 40: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


2*322. Liouville's proofofJacohVs transformation.

The proofgivenby Liouville of Jacobi's formula is as follows :

Let y = {\-^-}^~-and let I) be written for d/dii;then obviously

Difi'erentiate this equationn times ; and then

but a-'^^)^-^-M^="-^^X^S+'''^^="^^^'

so that f-^,+ nAD"-^7/= 0.

Hence Z""~iy= /1 sinw^ + ^cos??^,

where A and B are constants ; since I)"-'^yis obviouslyan odd function of B, B is zero.

To determine A compare the coefficients of 6 in the expansionsof D"-'^y and A sin??(9 in

ascendingpowers of 6. The term involving 6 in D"-^y is easilyseen to be

so that "4 = (-)"^i 1.3. 5. ..(2/1-1),

and thence we have the result,namely

c?"-isin2"-i(9, , ,

1.3.5. ..(2"-l). .

= ;= (_)""-! ^ ^ sui n6.

2 "323. SchUiJii'sproofof Jacobi's transformation.

We firstrecall Lagrange'sexpansion,which is that,if s = /x + A/'(s),then

ce A n fJn " 1

subjectto the usual conditions of convergence*.

Now take /(2)= _

i (1-^2)^ "^'(2)= V(1 -A

it being supposed that ^'{z)reduces to v^(l-m^), sin 6 when A^-0.

The singularitiesof z qaa function of h are at A = e^'^; and so, when 6 is real,the ex-pansion

of J{\ " z^)in powers of h is convergent when both |h \and |z \are less than unity.

Now 3 = (1_ ^/(1 _ 2^/i+ k^)]ih^

^"""^^-^(1-2^/^+/.^-)'^^^-'^ A? -"

( \)t-i cZ"~^ sin "^""^ ^Hence it follows that

^"\ / -"

.is the coefficient of A"-" in the ex-

2"~i.(?i-l) ! o?/i""i

pansion of J{1 - z-). {czjOjj.)in powers of h. But it is evident that

,2cz _{\-he'')---{\-he-'\'-


I 1.3.5...(2".-1) e^"^-e-"'^"_,

^ ^^'3m /""" = i 2.4.6...(2?t}




and a consideration of the coefficient of /i"~ ^ in the last expressionestablishes the truth of

Jacobi's formula.

* Cf. Modern Analysis," 7-32.

Page 41: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


2'33. An applicationofJacobi's transformation.

The formal expansion

/ (coscc)cos nxdx = I S (")"*a.w/"^'+-'"'(cosx)dx,} 0 . 0 m "= 0

in which a," is the coefficient of p^^-'" in the expansionof Jn{t)/Jo(t)in as-cending

powers of t,has been studied by Jacobi*. To establish it,integratethe expressionon the left n times by parts ; it transforms ("2'32)into

1 f"""

j^ rx I /"^'(cosx) sin-^xdx,,..(2?i-l)Jo1.3. 5. ..(2/1-1)

and, when sin-"^ isreplacedby a series of cosines of multiplesofx, this becomes



r- COS ZX + z ^rr-. ^ COS \Xn-^\ (?i-fl)(w+ 2)


We now integrate/""(cosa?)COS 2.r,/'"'(cosa.')cos 4a;,... by parts, and by

continual repetitionsof this process, we evidentlyarrive at a formal expansionof the type stated. When /(cos a;) is a polynomialin cos a?, the process

obviouslyterminates and the transformation is certainlyvalid.

To determine the values of the coefficients a," in the expansion

If (cosx)cos nxdx = ( 2 (-)'"am/"'"^'""(cosx) dx

thus obtained, write

/(cosx) = (")-'*cos (tcos x),(")i""-i'sin (tcos x),

accordingas n is even or odd, and we deduce from " 2-2 (8)and (9)that

Jn {t)=i (-)'"a,,^"+-^'"{(-r /o(t)],

SO that am has the value stated.

It has been stated that the expansionis valid when /(cosx) is a poly-nomialin cos X ; it can, however, be established when /(cosx) is merelyre-stricted

to be an integralfunction of cos x, say

..5 6"co.s"a;

providedthat lim a/j6" jis less than the smallest positiveroot of the equation

J^ (0 = 0; the investigationof this will not be givensince it seems to be of

no practicalimportance.


* Journal Jilr Math. xv. (1836),pp. 25"26 [Ges. Math. Werke, vi. (1891),pp. 117"118]. See

also Jacobi, Astr. Nach. xxviii. (1849),col. 94 [Ges. Math. Werke, vii. (1891),p. 174].

Page 42: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


24. The addition formulafor the Bessel coefficients.

The Bessel coefficients possess an addition formula by which Jn {y + z)

may be expressedin terms of Bessel coefficients of y and z. This formula,

which was firstgivenby Neumann* and Lommelf, is

(1) J,,{y+ z)= 2 J",(y)Jn-,n{z).in = - CO

The simplestway of provingthis result is from the formula " 2*2 (4),which


/" {y+ z)= ^-~.r "-1 e^'2'+^'"-""'"'dt


1 rto+) CO1

S V^-''-'J,n{y)e^'^^-'!*^dtV.Trl


... _'Zttim = - 00

1 oo /"(0+)

27nm= - 00


= S J,a (y)Jn-m (z),

1)1= -ao

on changingthe order of summation and integrationin the third line of the

analysis; and this is the result to be established.

Numerous generalisationsof this expansionwill be givenin Chapter xi.

2'5. Hansen's series ofsquares and productsofBessel coefficients.

Specialcases of Neumann's addition formula were givenby Hansen J as

earlyas 184-3. The first system of formulae is obtainable by squaringthefundamental expansion" 2'1 (1),so that

(,r = - 00 j I )?( = - X

By expressingthe producton the rightas a Laurent series in t,and equatingthe coefficient of (""in the result to the coefficient of P in the Laurent ex-pansion

of the expressionon the left,we find that


Jn{2z)= 1 Jr{z)Jn-r{z).

In particular,takingn = 0, we have"

(1) J, (2^)= Jo (^)+ 2 5 (-)'"J;^(z)=i (-)'"e, J,'(2).

* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 40.

t Stiidien Uber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 26"27 ; see also Schlafli,Math.Ann. in. (1871),pp. 135"137.

+ Ermittelung der absoluten Storungen (Gotha,1843),p. 107 et seq. Hansen did not give(4),and he gave only the specialcase of (2)in which n = \. The more general formulae are due to

Loramel, Stiidien ilber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),p. 33.

" For brevity,J,f{z)is written in placeof {J^(z)}-.

Page 43: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


From the generalformula we find that

(2) Jni^z) =1 Jr {Z)Jn-r (^)+ 2 1 (-)'"./,(z)J,^,(z),)"=() J' = l

when the Bessel coefficients of negativeorder are removed by using" 21 (2).


= exp {^z(t- 1/01exp [iz(- t + 1/01

= 1,

it follows that

(3) J,H^) + 2 2 /.n^) = l.r = l

in cc

(4) S (-)'-j:,(^)J,"_,.(^)+ 2 2 J, (^)/,"+,.(^)= 0.

r = 0 !" = !

Equation (4) is derived by consideringthe coefficient of P* in the La

expansion; the result of consideringthe coefficient of f-'^+iis nugatory.

A very importantconsequence of (3),namely that,when x is real,

(5) |Jo(^)kl, \Jr{x)\^lls/%

where ?" = 1, 2, 3,...,

was noticed by Hansen.

2'6. Neumanns integralfor Jn"(z).

It is evident from "2-2(5)that


J- r e^ine-zsm9"^0^

and so

To reduce this double integralto a singleintegraltake new variables defined

by the equations6-cf" = 2x, e + "t"= 2f,

so that

It follows that


where the field of integrationis the square for which

Since the integrandis unaffected if both x ^^^^ "^ ^^'" increased by tt, or if x

is increased by tt while \/ris simultaneouslydecreased by tt, the field of inte-gration

may evidentlybe taken to be the rectanglefor which

Page 44: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



1J^n (22COS ;j;)C^X.

"n" .'0

If we replace% by ^tt+ ^,accordingas ;^ is acute or obtuse,we obtain the


(1) J,-^{z)= -

I'"J,n{2zsine)dO.IT I fi


'his formula may obviouslybe written in the form

is the result actuallygivenby Neumann*. It was derived by him by3laborate transformations from the addition-theorem which will be given2. The proofwhich has justbeen given is suggestedby the proofof

jdition-theorem which was publishedby Graf and Gublerf.

3 obtain a different form of the integralif we perform the integration

aspectto Xinstead of with respect to yfr.This proceduregives

Jn'(^)= ^ f"

^0 (22sin f) e^"'l'dyjr,


1 f"Jn (^)=

TT- ^0 (22 sin i/r)COS 2n\lr dyfr


1 f"= " Jo {'22sin ylr)COS 2)i\lrdylr,

""^ Jo

a result which Schlafli;|:attributed to Neumann.

2"61. Neumanns series for J^ (2).

By takingthe formula "2'6(1),expanding the Bessel coefficient on the

rightin powers of 2 and then integratingterm-by-term,Neumann " shewed

that1 Ttt X / \)n "2H+2)n ciri 2n+2*;i O

Jn'(z)=-\ S^ ^ \,^ ''"



TT Jo ;"=o m\{2n -f m).

^ (-Y{2n + 2my.{^2Y"+-'^~

m=o m\{tn+ m)\ {{n+ m)\\-'

' Theorie der BesseVsehen Fiaictionen (Leipzijj,1867), p. 70.

t Einleitung in die Theorie der BesseVsehen Funktioiien,11. (Bera,1900),pp. 81 " 85.

J The formula is an immediate consequence of equation 16 on p. 69 of Neumann's treatise.

" 2Iath. Ann. iir. (1871),p. 603. The memoir, in which this result vv-as given,was first pub-lishedin the Leipziger Berichte,xsi. (1869),pp. 221"256.

Page 45: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This result was written by Neumann in the form

(1) Jn'i^)Toz^




1 {2n + 1) 1.2. (2w + 1)(2/1+ 2)

2/1 + 1


(2/1+1) (2/1+ 3)

(271+ 2)(2/1+ 4)'

(2//+ 1) (2/ + 3) (2/ + 5)'

(2/i+ 2)(2/"+4)(2;z+ 6)'

This expansionis a specialcase of a more generalexpansion(due to

Schlafli)for the productof any two Bessel functions as a series of powers with

comparativelysimplecoefficients ("5"41).

2'7. ScJddinilch's expansionofz^ in a series ofBessel coefficients.

We shall now obtain the result which was foreshadowed in "2*22con-cerning

the expansibilityof z"^ in a series of Bessel coefficients,where m isany

positiveinteger.The result for m= 0 has alreadybeen givenin "2"22(7).

In the results "2-22(1)and (2) substitute for cos 2//^ and sin (2/i+ 1)^their expansionsin powers of sin-6. These expansionsare*

cos 2".= i^(_).M^+--;^f(2,,",).


1 " ('2??+ 1) (n + sV

The results of substitution are

(cos (zsin 6) =. J, (z)+ 2 I J,"(z)\I (-f y*/"t^^'(2sin ^)4,


If we rearrange the series on the rightas power series in sin 0 (assumingthat it is permissibleto do so),we have

'/ " .X

(r / X ^

Sr .

x) ^ (-)H2sin^y^^i 2//..(/i+ .9-l)!^ , J

cos(.sm^)^|/.(.)+ 2JJ..(.)j-+ J^^-^A^^i"^^_^^, ^J.M\,"

," ns ^ (-y(2sindr+' { ^, (2//+ l).(/i+ 5)!

sin(2'sni6')=S --^ rvi"


7 ^n^^ ^

,=0 (2.5+ 1)! {n=s {n-sy."271+1 i^J "

Cf. Hobson, Plane Trigonometry (1918),""80,82.

W. B. F.

Page 46: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we expand the left-hand sides in powers of sin 6 and equate coefficients,

we find that


(i^""=i'^4S^-^'""^)'(^= 1-2.3.-)

(,,)." =i itn+l).(n + sy.

j^^^^ ^^^ (.= 0, 1,2, . . .)n=s v'' ^7-

The firstof these is the result alreadyobtained ; the others may be com-bined

into the singleformula

The particularcases of (1)for which m = 1,2,3, were givenby Schlomilch*.

He also shewed how to obtain the generalformula which was givenexplicitly

some years later by Neumann f and Lommel:|:.

The rearrangemeut of the double series now needs justification;the rearrangement is

permissibleif we can establish the absolute convergence of the double series.

If we make'use of the inequalities

I'^2,,+ 1 {z)!"^2nJrl)\

^^'^ ^^' ''^'72^"^ ^' ^" ^ ^^'

in connexion with the series for sin {zsin 6) we see that

"" I2 sin 6 |2"+i" 5

I "'" "^ I I I, 128 + 1pxn ('AI 2 |2'l"i (2.+ 1)!

I^'l exp(^|2|)

= sinh (Iz sin 6 \)exp (|-1z |2),

and so the series of moduli is convergent. The series for cos (2sin 6) may be treated in

a similar manner.

The somewhat elaborate analysiswhich has justbeen givenis avoided in

Lommel's proofby induction,but this proofsuffers from the fact that it is

supposedthat the form of the expansionis known and merelyneeds verifica-tion.

If,followingLommel, we assume that

az\m- y(m+2n).(m + n-l)l

* ZeitschriftfilrMath, und Phys. ii. (1857),pp. 140"141.

"j-Theorie der BesseV schen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 38.

X Studien iiber die Bessel'schen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 35"36. Lommel's investigationIS given later in this section.

Page 48: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


were obtained by Schlomilch, ZeiiscArift fiirMath, und Phyi. n. (1857), p. 141, and he

gave, as the value of i* ,

where ^C'tis a binomial coefficient and the last term of the summation is that for which k

is ^rfi- 1 or i (m" 1). To prove the first formula, take the equation" 2-22 (1),differentiate

2p times with respect to 6, and then make 6 equal to zero. It is thus found that

The terms of the series for which jn"p, when expanded in asc-endingpowers of 0,

contain no term in $^, and so it is sufficient t"3 evaluate

= -^2 ^1^ 2 -

"' Ci'2//i-2X-)^Di=o (2m; ! t=,"


= 2(-V' 2 z^I^S!,

since terms equidistantfrom the beginningand the end of the summation with respect to

k are equal The truth of equation (1) is now e"dent, and equation ,2} is proved in a

similar manner from " 2-22 (2).

The reader will easilyestablish the followingspecialcases, which were stated bySchlomilch :

|13J, (^)+33 Ja (z)+ bKJ.,(.)+ ...=!(5+^3)^(4)

-,22 ./,(2)+ 42 .7,(2}-5-6^ Jg (")+. . .

= l^,

l2.3.4J3(2;^4.5.6J5(2:-i-6.7.8^-(2)+ ...=M

2-72. Xeumanns expansionofz^ as a series of squares ofBessel coejjicierits.

From Schlomilch's expansion("2-7)of 2^ as a series of Bessel coefficients

of even order,it is easy to derive an expansionof 2*^ as a series of squares of

Bessel coefficients,by usingNeumann's integralgivenin " 2"6.

Thus, if we take the expansion


Q\'^ ^ (2m +2n).(27n +/(-!):..

.^ . ^

and integratewith respect to 6, we find that

^ (2m-2n).{2m-\-n-l^

so that (when rn " 0)

(1) (i^)-=i^ V("2m + 9n).(2rn^n-l):

Page 49: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This resultwas given by Neumann*. An alternative form is

and this is true whenm =

0, for it then reduces to Hansen's formula of " 2"5.

As special cases, wehave


2f". ^n-J^-'Z),





If we differentiate (1), use " 2-12 (2; and then rearrange,it is readily found that

" , ,

m\{rfL-V)\ --" (2"i + 2n-l). (2rft+"-2)!^ ,. j ,,

an expansion whose existence wasindicated by Neumann.

' Leipziger Berichte, xxi. (1869;, p.226. [Math. Ann. iii. (1871), p. 585.]

Page 50: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



3'1. TJie generalisationof BesseVs differentialequation.

The Bessel coefficients,which were discussed in Chapter ii, are functions

of two variables, z and n, of which z is unrestricted but n has hitherto been

required to be an integer. We shall now generalisethese functions so as to

have functions of two unrestricted (complex) variables.

This generalisationwas effected by Lommel*, whose definition of a Bessel

function was effected by a generalisationof Poisson's integral; in the course

of his analysishe shewed that the function, so defined, is a solution of the

linear differential equationwhich is to be discussed in this section. Lommel's

definition of the Bessel function Jv{z) of argument z and order v wasf

J. {z)=

r(^ +1)^(1)C'^''"^' ''''" ^^ ''''"'^'^^'

and the integralon the right is convergent for general complex values of v

for which R{v) exceeds "\. Lommel apparently contemplated only real

values of v, the extension to complex values being effected by HankeliJ:;functions of order less than

" \ were defined by Lommel by means of an ex-tension

of the recurrence formulae of " 2 "12.

The reader will observe, on comparing " 3'8 with " 1'6 that Plana and

Poisson had investigatedBessel functions whose order is half of an odd integer

nearly half a century before the publicationof Lommel's treatise.

We shall now replace the integer n which occurs in Bessel's differential

equation by an unrestricted (realor complex) number" v, and then define a

Bessel finctionof order i^ to be a certain solution of this equation ; it is of

course desirable to select such a solution as reduces to Jn (z) when v assumes

the integralvalue n.

We shall therefore discuss solutions of the differential equation

(1) .^g+ ^g + (.^-.-^)y= 0,

which will be called Bessel's equationfor functionsof order v.

* Studien iiher die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868), p. 1.

t Integrals resembling this (with v not necessarily an integer) were studied byDuhamel, Coum

d'Analyse, ii. (Paris,1840), pp. 118"121.

X Math. Ann. i. (1869), p. 469.

" Following Lommel, we use the symbols v, fj. to denote unrestricted numbers, the symbols

n, m being reserved for integers. This distinction is customary on the Continent, though it has

not yet come into general use in this country. It lias the obvious advantage of shewing at a

glance whether a result is true for unrestricted functions or for functions of integralorder only.

Page 51: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Let us now construct a solution of (1)which is valid near the origin;the

form assumed for such a solution is a series of ascendingpowers of z, say00

y " " ^111 -^"

where the index a and the coefficients c,n are to be determined, with the pro-viso

that Co is not zero.

For brevitythe differential operator which occurs in (1) will be called V^,

so that

(2) ^.,,= *^,^^U,=_,,

It is easy to see that *

w = 0 111 = 0 111=0

The expressionon the rightreduces to the firstterm of the firstseries,

namely Co (a-" i/-)2", if we choose the coefficients Cm so that the coefficients of

correspondingpowers of z in the two series on the rightcancel.

This choice givesthe system of equations

c, {{a+ ly - V-] =0

c,\{a+ 2)--v~\+Co =0

(3) 1

c,n[(a+ mf - v"}+ C,n_-"= 0

If,then, these equationsare satisfied,we have

(4) V, 2 CmZ''+"'=Co{or-v')z'^.

From this result,it is evident that the postulatedseries can be a solution

of "'l)onlyif a = + i^; for Cq is not zero, and ^" vanishes onlyfor exceptionalvalues of z.

Now consider the ntth equationin the system (3)when ui" 1. It can be

written in the form

c,a (a"v + III)(a + f + III)+ c"i_o = 0,

and so it determines c,",in terms of c"i_o for all values of m greater than 1

unless a " ?/ or a-Y v is a negativeinteger,that is,unless " 2v is a negative

integer(when a= " v) or unless 2v is a negativeinteger(when a = i").

We disregardthese exceptionalvalues of v for the moment (see""8'11,

3-5),and then {a+ mf " v- does not vanish when ??i = l, 2, 3, ....

It now

* When the constants a and c,,^have been determined by the following analysis,the series

obtained by formal processes is easilyseen to be convergent and differentiable,so that the formal

procedureactuallyproduces a solution of the differential equation.

Page 52: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


follows from the equations(3) that 01 = 03-65= ...=0, and that c^m is ex-pressible

in terms of Co by the equation


(-rco ^.

The system of equations(3)is now satisfied; and, if we take a = v, we see

from (4)that

(5) Co2- "^",r1 ml{v + l){v+ 2)...{v+ m)

is a formal solution of equation(1). If we take a = ~v, we obtain a second

formal solution

(6) Co'2- 1+ 2,riml{-v + l){-v + 2)...{-v + m)_


In the latter,cj has been written in placeof Cq, because the procedureof

obtaining(6) can evidentlybe carried out without reference to the existence

of (5),so that the constants Cq and Cq are independent.

Any values independentof z may be assignedto the constants Cq and Cq';

but,in view of the desirabilityof obtainingsolutions reducible to Jn{z)w^hen

V -^ n, we define them by the formulae*

The series (5)and (6)may now be w-ritten

" (-y'^(l^)''+2m ^ (-)'"(i^)""^'"',"tom ir{v + m + l)' ,"romir{-v + m + l)'

In the circumstances considered,namely when 2v is not an integer,these series

of powers converge for all values of z, {z= 0 excepted)and so term-by-termdifferentiations are permissible.The operationsinvolved in the analysisf bywhich theywere obtained are consequentlylegitimate,and so we have obtained

two solutions of equation(1).

The first of the two series defines a function called a Bessel functionoforder v and argument z, of the firstkindX; and the function is denoted bythe symbol /^ {z).Since v is unrestricted (apartfrom the condition that,for

the present,2i^ is not an integer),the second series is evidentlyJL. {z).

Accordingly,the functionJt.{z)is definedhy the equation

It is evident from "2-11 that this definition continues to hold when i^ is a

positiveinteger(zeroincluded),a Bessel function of integralorder beingidentical with a Bessel coefficient.

* For propertiesof the Gamma-function, see Modern Analysis, ch. xii.

+ Which, up to the present, has been purely formah

X Functions of the second and third kinds are defined in "" 3-5, 3 54, 3-57, 3*6.

Page 53: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


An interestingsymbolicsolution of Bessel's equationhas been givenby Cotter* in the


[l+z"D-'^z-'^"-B-'^2"+^]-{Az'+ Bz-"),

where D = djdzwhile A and B are constants. This may be derived by writingsuccessively

[D{zB-2v)+z]z''^= 0,

[zD-2v + L"-^z]z''i/=-2vB,

zD{z-''y)+ z--''D-h''^\j=-2vBz-~\

which givesCotter's result.

3'11. Functions whose order is halfof an odd integer.

In "o\, two cases of Bessel's generalisedequationwere temporarilyomitted

from consideration,namely (i)when v is half of an odd integer,(ii)when v is

an integerf. It will now be shewn that case (i)may be included in the general

theoryfor unrestricted values of v.

When V is half of an odd integer,let

ir = (r+ i)^

where r is a positiveintegeror zero.

If we take a = r + - in the analysisof " 3'1, we find that

,,.[Cx.l(2r+ 2) =0,

^ '\c,n.

.ni ('"n+ 2r + 1 )+ c",_, = 0,


and so

(2) c,..--"-*""""

2.4... (2m) . (2r+ 3)(2?-+ 5). . . (2r + 2ni + 1)


which is the value of Com givenby " 3'1 when a and v are replacedby r + ^,

If we take

" 2''+*r(r+ |)'we obtain the solution

,,Zomir (r + m + ^)'

which is naturallydenoted by the symbol Jr+ki^),so that the definition of

" 3-1 (S)is stillvalid.

If,however, we take a = " r " |,the equationswhich determine Cm become

(3)(o..l(-2;) =0.

(",^j^[Cm "

m (m "1 " 2r)+ c,"_2 = 0.

/ As before,Ci, c-^,...,c.2,_i are all zero, but the equationto determine c.",-~iis

0. "",.+!+ Cor-i = 0,

and this equationis satisfiedby an arbitraryvalue of c.i,-+i',when m " r, c.."n+i

is defined by the equationf \in"r



(2r + 3) (2?-+ 5) . . . (27/i+ i ) .


4. . .

(2m - 2/-)"

* Froc. E. Irish. Acad. xxvn. (A),(1909),pp. 157"161.

t The cases combine to form the case in which '2v is au integer.

Page 54: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If Jy{z) be defined by " 3-1 (8) when v=-r-l, the solution now con-structed


Co 2-'--^r (1 - r)J_r-i{z)+ C2.+1 2'-+ r (r+ |)/,+"(^).

It follows that no modification in the definition of J^ {z)is necessary when

v= "{r + \); the real peculiarityof the solution in this case is that the

negativeroot of the indicial equationgivesrise to a series containingtwo

arbitraryconstants, Cq and Car+i, the generalsolution of the differential


3"12. A fundamentalsystem ofsolutions ofBessel's equation.

It is well known that,if yi and 3/2are two solutions of a linear differential

equationof the second order,and if ?//and 2/2'denote their derivates with

respect to the independentvariable,then the solutions are linearlyinde-pendent

if the Wronskian determinant^

does not vanish identically;and if the Wronskian does vanish identically,then, either one of the two solutions vanishes identically,or else the ratio of

the two solutions is a constant.

If the Wronskian does not vanish identically,then any solution of the

differential equationis expressiblein the form c, 2/1+ c^ y-zwhere Cy and Cg are

constants depending on the particularsolution under consideration ; the

solutions 2/1and 3/2are then said to form a fundamental system.

For brevitythe Wronskian of t/iand y^ will be wi'itten in the forms

m^z[y"yo], M|yi,i/.},

the former beingused when it is necessary to specifythe independentvariable.

We now proceedto evaluate


If we multiplythe equations

V, /__,{z)= 0, V, J, {z)= 0

by J^ (z),J"_ (z)respectivelyand subtract the results,we obtain an equationwhich may be written in the form

j^[zm{JAz),J-A^)]]= o,

* lu connexion with series representing this solution,see Plana, 2Iem. della E. Accad. delle

Sci. di Torino, xxvi. (1821),pp. 519"538.

t For references to theorems concerning Wronskians, see Encyclopedledes Sci. Math. u. 16

("23), p. 109. Proofs of the theorems quoted in the text are given by Forsyth, Treatise on

DifferentialEquations (1914),"" 72 " 74.

Page 56: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


concerningBessel functions have their analoguesin the theory of basic Bessel functions,

but the discussion of these analoguesis outside the scope of this work. Jackson's main

results are to be found in a series of papers, Proc. Edinhurgh Math. Soc. xxi. (1903),pp.65"72 ; XXII. (1904),pp. 80"85 ; Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, xxv. (1904),pp. 273"276;

Trans. Royal Soc. Edinhurgh, xli. (1905),pp. 1"28, 105"118, 399-408; Proc. London

Math. Soc. (2)I. (1904),pp. 361"366; (2)ll. (1905),pp. 192"220; (2)III. (1905),pp. 1"23.

The more obvious generalisationof the Bessel function, obtained by increasingthe

number of sets of factors in the deuominators of the terms of the series,will be dealt with

in " 4"4. In connexion with this generalisationsee Cailler,Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de

Oeneve,xxxiv, (1905),p. 354; another generalisation,in the shape of Bessel functions of two

variables,has been dealt with by Whittaker, Math. Ann. LVii. (1903),p. 351, and Perfes,

ComptesRendus, CLXi. (1915),pp. 168"


3'13. General propertiesofJ^,{z).

The series which defines Jy{z)converges absolutelyand uniformly*in any

closed domain of values of z [theoriginnot beinga pointof the domain when

R (v)" 0],and in any bounded domain of values of v.

For, when \v\ N and \z\"$A, the test ratio for this series is


m{v + m) in {m " N)

whenever m is taken to be greater than the positiveroot of the equation

m--mN-l^-' = Q.

This choice of m beingindependentof v and z, the result stated follows from

the test of Weierstrass.

Hencej-J^ (z)is an analyticfunctionofz for all values of z {z= 0 possibly

beingexcepted)and it is an analyticfunctionof v forall values of v.

An importantconsequence of this theorem is that term-by-termdifferen-tiations

and integrations(with respect to z or v) of the series for J^ {z)are


An inequalitydue to Nielsen % should be noticed here,namely

where I i" exp "l,-^'^!,1- 1,

Iko + l \}

and 11/0+ 1 1is the smallest of the numbers |i/+ l|,|i'+ 2|,|i/+ 3j, "

This result may be proved in exactlythe same way as " 2*11 (5); it should be com-pared

with the inequalitieswhich will be given in " 3*3.

Finally,the function z",which is a factor of J^ {z),needs precisespecifica-

* Bromwich, Theory ofInfiniteSeries,"82.

t Modern Analysis, "5"3.

J 3Iath. Ann. Lii. (1899),p. 230; Nyt Tidsskrift,is. B (1898),p. 73; see also Math. Ann. lv.

(1902),p. 494.

Page 57: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


tion. We define it to be exp (vlogz) where the phase(or argument) of z is

givenits principalvalue so that

" TT " arg z ^w.

When it is necessary to "continue" the function J^{z)outside this range of

values of arg z, explicitmention will be made of the process to be carried out.

3'2. Tlie recurrence formulae for J^{z).

Lommel's generalisations*of the recurrence formulae for the Bessel co-efficients

("2'12)are as follows:

(1) J.^,{z)-vJ.^Az)= ^JAz)z

(2) J".-:{z)- J.+,{z)= 2J; (z),

(3) zJ;(z) + vJ..(^)= ^J.-A^\

(4) zJJ (z)- vJ, {z)= - zJ,.+,(z).

These are of preciselythe same form as the results of "2"12,the onlydifference

being the substitution of the unrestricted number v for the integern.

To prove them, we observe firstthat

dz'" ^^' dz ,Zo^"^"^

"m \V{v+ni-rl)

00 / \iti ^iv"l-\-2m^

,"=o 2-^+^'".m!r(i.+ m)

When we differentiate out the producton the left,we at once obtain (3).

In like manner,

J J CO ( " Vn ,2W

dz^ "^^^ dz,r=o^^^'"'.m\V{v^m + l)


-^ 2"+"'"-'. {in-\)\V{v+ 111 + 1)

00 C_y"+i 2'-'"+i

"r= 2''+'^'"+i.

m! r (z/+ m + 2)

= -z-^J,^,{z),

whence (4)is obvious;and (2)and (1) may be obtained by adding and sub-tracting

(8)and (4).

* Studien ilher die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 2, 6, 7. Formula (3)was given

when f is half of an odd integerby Plana, Mem. della R. Accad. ddle Sci. di Torino, xxvi. (1821),

p. 533.

Page 58: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We can now obtain the generalisedformulae

(5) (^)"[Z^J.{Z)\= Z^-^-J.-m(Z),

(6) (^)"[z-^J.(z)]= (-)- ^-'-/.+".(^)

by repeateddifferentiations,when m is any positiveinteger.

Lommel obtained all these results from his generalisationof Poisson's

integralwhich has been described in "3'1.

The formula (1) has been extensivelyused* in the construction of Tables

of Bessel functions.

By expressing/^_i(z)and Ji_^(z)in terms of J"" (z) and J'"^,{z)by (3)

and (4),we can derive Lommel's formula f

(7) /, (z)/i_,iz)+ /_, (z)./,_,(z)= ^~^^f^from formula (2)of "3-12.

Au interestingconsequence of (1)and (2)is that,if Q,,(z)= J^ [z\then

(8) ^^.-i(^)-"?.+i(2)= y";(^);

this formula was discovered by Lommel, who derived various consequences of it,Studien

iiher die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868), pp. 48 et seq. See also Neumann, Math.

Ann. III. (1871),p. 600.

3'21. Bessel functionsofcomplexorder.

The real and imaginaryparts of the function J"^ifj,(x),where v, fx and x

are real,have been discussed in some detail by Lommel J,and his results were

subsequentlyextended by B6cher".

In particular,after definingthe real functions K^^^{x)and Si,^^(x)by the


Lommel obtained the results

(1) ^, {K,,^(x)" iS",A^)]+ {^^^M(^)" iS,,^(x)}

2(v"ifi) + l d,j. , X

, -o / M A

X dx

(2) A",+i,(x)= K,^^(x)+ K'\^^{x),

(3) 'S^^+i,K(^)= 'S^.-.M(^)+ -S^'Vm(^)'

* See, e.g. Lommel, Milnchener Ahh. xv. (1884"1886), pp. 644"647.

t Math. Ann. iv. (1871),p. 105. Some associated formulae are given in " 3'G3.

+ Math. Ann. ra. (1871),pp. 481"486.

" Annals of Math. vi. (1892),pp. 137"160.

IIThe reason for insertingthe factor on the rightis apparent from formulae which will be

established in " 3'3.

Page 59: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


with numerous other formulae of like character. These results seem to be of

no great importance,and consequentlywe merely refer the I'eader to the

memoirs in which they were published.

In the specialcase in which v = 0, Bessel's equationbecomes

solutions of this equationin the form of series were givenby Boole* many

years ago,

3'3. Lormnel's expressionofJ^{z)hy an integralofPoissons type.

We shall now shew that,when R{v)" - ^, then

(1) J. {z)= f"TmvT)//os(^cos 6)sin'^'6 dO.

It was proved by Poissonf that, when 2v is a positiveinteger(zeroin-cluded),

the expressionon the rightis a solution of Bessel's equation; and

this expressionwas adoptedby Lommel;]:as the delinition of J^(2)for positivevalues of V + ^.

Lommel subsequentlyproved that the function, so defined,is a solution of Bessel's

generalisedequation and that it satisfies the recurrence formulae of 5 3"2 ; and he then

defined /" (i)for values of v in the intervals {" h, -f), (" f, " #),(-#, -f), ... hy suc-cessive

applicationsof " 3'2 (1).

To deduce (1) from the definition of Jt,{z)adoptedin this work, we trans-form

the generalterm of the series for Jyiz)in the followingmanner:


(-yjhzy f^ r(i;+ -|)r(m + ^)

m\V{v + m + \) V{v+h)V{hy{' T{v + m + \)

providedthat R(v)" "^.

Now when R(v)^^, the series

s -l^p'-Hi-ty-in"=\ (2r/i)!

^eoiivergesuniformlywith respect to t throughoutthe interval (0,1 ),and so it

may be integratedterm-by-term; on addingto the result the term for which

^ Pliil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. 1844, jj.239. See also a questionset in the Mathematical

Tripos, 1894.

f Journal de VEcole B. Pohjtechnique,xii. (cahier 19), (1823),pp. 300 et seq., 340 ct seq.

Strictlyspeaking, Poisson shewed that, when 21/ is an odd integer,the expressionon the right

multipliedby ijz is a solution of the equation derived from Bessel's equationby the appropriate

change of dependent variable.

J Studien iiher die Boi^eVscheu Fuiictioneii (Leipzig,18G8), jip. 1 et seq.

Page 60: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


m = 0, namely I f-^il " ty^dt,which is convergent, Ave find that, whenJo

'^(""-r(.+ i)r(i)Jo'i"^o (2m)! r^'whence the result stated follows by making the substitution f=sin-^ and

usingthe fact that the integrandis unaffected by writingtt " ^ in placeof 0.

When "^"R(v)"h, the analysisnecessary to establish the last equation is a little

more elaborate. The simplestprocedure seems to be to take the series with the first two

terms omitted and integrateby parts,thus

(2m)! jo m=2v + h (2m)! J^m=2

Vi^ 2^/^ ;, {i-ty"-Kdt

ov-^^ dt i,"=2 (2m)! j

on integratingby parts a second time. The interchangeof the order of summation and

integrationin the second line of analysisis permissibleon account of the uniformityof

convergence of the series. On adding the integralscorrespondingto the terms m = 0, m = \

(whichare convergent),we obtain the desired result.

It follows that,when R{i")" " ^, then

-^^ ' = r(z.l'i)r(|)C^"'*^^ ~ ^' '''' ''^^ ~ ^^'"^^^

Obvious transformations of this result,in addition to (1),are the following:

(2) J, (z)= p.,^^.^!fpp.-r(1 - n-^ cos (zt)dt,

^^^ '^^^^=

r(. +Ijr(i)Wi:'^" ^'^""^^"^^ ^'^^*'

(5) "-^-(^)=rA^t)r(i)IJ''cos(^cos^)sin-^d^,

(6) J.(^) =^



The formula obtained by a partialintegrationof (5),namely

(7) J, (2)= ^:;^^;;^YT I sin(2cos(9)sin^''-^5'cos^rf^,1 (i;+ ^) 1 (^)


is sometimes useful ; it is valid onlywhen R(v)" ^.

Page 61: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


An expansioninvolvingBernouUian polyn(juiialshas been obtained from (4)by Nielsen*

with the help of the expansion

in which (^"(^)denotes the ?ith BernouUian polynomialand a = izt.

[Note. Integralsof the type (3)were studied before Poisson by Plana,Mem. della R.

Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, xxvi. (1821),pp. 519 " 538, and subsequentlyby Kummer,Journal fur Math. xii. (1834),pp. 144 " 147; Lobatto, Journal filrMath. xvii. (1837),pp.363"371; and Duhamel, Cours d'Analyse,li. (Paris,1840),pp. 118 " 121.

A function,substantiallyequivalentto J^,(z),defined by the equation

J (jx,x)=1 (1 - v^)'*cos V.V. do,

J 0

WAS investigatedby Lommel, Archiv der Math, imd Phys. xxxvii. (1861),pp. 349 " 3G0.

The convei'se problem of obtainingthe differential equation satisfied by

z^ [^"f''i,v-af-iv-^J-^dv

was also discussed by Lommel, Archiv der Math, und Phys.xl. (1863),pp. 101 " 126. In

connexion with this integralsee also Euler,Inst. Calc. Int. li. (Petersburg,1769)," 1036,and Petzval,Integrationder linearen Dijferentialgleichungen(Vienna,1851),p. 48.]

3'31. Inequalitiesderived from Poisson's integral.

From "33 ((3)it follows that,if v be real and greater than " i, then

(1) I/. (2)I pj!ff|p(X)j^^exp\I(z)\sin^^edd

By usingthe recurrence formulae "3*2 (1)and (4),we deduce in a similar

manner that

(3) l-A'(^)K^||l+ |^i)|}expr/Wl" (."-i).

By usingthe expressionf{2/(7r^)}2cos ^ for ./_j(z)it may be shewn that

(1)is valid when v = " ^.

-^hese inequalitiesshould be compared with the lessstringentinequalitiesobtained in "3-13. When v is complex,inequalitiesof a more complicatedcharacter can be obtained in the same manner, but theyare of no great im-portance.

* Math. Ann. lix. (1904),p. 108. The notation used iu the text is that yiven iu Modern

Analysis," 7'2; Nielseia uses a different notation.

t The reader should have no difficultyin verifyingthis result. A formal proof of a more

general theorem will be given in " 3'4.

w. B. F."*

Page 62: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


3-32. GegenhauersgeneralisationofPoisson's integral.

The integralformula

in which C^"(t)is the coefficient of a" in the expansionof (1 - 2at + a^)-"in

ascendingpowers of a, is due to Gegenbauer*; the formula is valid when

R(v)"-^ and n is any of the integers0,1,2, ... .

When n = 0, it obviously

reduces to Poisson's integral.

In the specialcase in which v = h, the integralassumes the form

* TV

(2) Jn+i(z)= {-iT (2j'


^'''""' ' ^" (^"^ )^^^ ^ '^^'

this equationhas been the subjectof detailed studyby Whittakerf.

To prove Gegenbauer'sformula,we take Poisson's integralin the form

and integraten times by parts; the result is

J^n {z) -

(_ 2 -y.V{v + n-\-\)Va)jJ I dt- \"*'"

Now it is known that:|:

^ Viv + hjri-lv+n)^^~^'^ ' ^" ^^^'

whence we have

(") '-*"(-)= ^^^ v"^t)f.f(' - ''"^-^^'ft""*"

and Gegenbauer'sresult is evident.

A symbolicform of Gegenbauer'sequationis

this was givenby Rayleigh"in the specialcase v = \.

The reader will find it instructive to establish (3)by induction with the aid of the

recurrence formula

(n+1) ci^ (o=(2.+.o "c/ (0- (1-^2)^?^.* Wiener Sitzuvgsherichte,lxyii. (2),(1873),p. 203; lxx. (2),(1875),p. 15. See also Bauer,

Milnchener Sitzungsberichte,v. (1875),p. 262, and 0. A. Smith, Giornale di Mat. (2)xii. (1905),

pp. 365" 373. The function C^"(t)has been extensivelystudied by Gegenbauer in a series of

memoirs in the Wieiier Sitzungsberichte; some of the more important results obtained by him are

given in Modern Analysis, " 15-8.

t Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv. (1903),pp. 198-206. See "" 6-17, 10-5.

t Cf. Modern Analysis," 15 '8.

" Proc. London Math. Soc. iv. (1873),pp. 100, 263.

Page 64: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


NoAv the integrandis an integralperiodicfunction of yjr,and so the limits of

integrationwith respect to yjrmay be taken to be a and a + 27r,where a is an

arbitrary(complex)number. This follows from Cauchy'stheorem.

We thus get

JJru)^-'^' I'^r


e^'^^'^'^'^^^'^cos-''-^6 sin dd^lrdd7rr(z^).'oJa


ii^Z /""


e^^sinecosi^+a) cos^--! e sin Odyfrdd.7rr(i/)Jo.'o

We now define a by the pairof equations

OT cos a = Z " z cos cf), IS- sin a = z sin cf),

so that

Jv{^)= t,/.

exp [i{Z" z cos (i")sin dcos-dr- iz sin ( sin ^ sin ^]ttI (j/)Jo Jo

cos-"-! ^ sin (9c^'v|rcZ^.

The onlydifference between this formula and the formula

J^ (tij-)= ^\^ I exp [m sin 6 cos i/r]cos^"-! ^ sin Od-^dd

is in the form of the exponentialfactor ; and we now retrace the steps of the

analysiswith the modified form of the exponentialfactor. When the steps are

retraced the successive exponents are

i{Z " z cos (j))l" iz sin ( .m,

i{Z " z cos "f))n " iz sin "/". I,

i{Z~ z cos "^)cos 6 " iz sin " cos -ysin 6.

The last expressionis

iZ cos 6 " iz (cos cos 6 + sin " sin 6 cos "/r),

so that the result of retracingthe steps is

\, exp \iZcos 6 " iz (cos( cos 0 + sin rf)sin 6 cos "\|^)]ttI {v)j oJ 0

sin2''-ii/rsin-^''^rf"/rrf^,and consequentlyGegenbauer'sformula is established.

[Note. The device of using transformations of polarcoordinates,after the manner of

this section,to evaluate definite integralsseems to be due to Legendre,M^m. de I'Acad, des

Sci.,1789, p. 372, and Poisson,lle' I'Acad. des Sci. iii. (1818),p. 126.]

3"4. The expressionofJ"("j^i){z)in finiteterms.

We shall now deduce from Poisson's integralthe importanttheorem that,

when V is halfof an odd integer,the functionJ^iz)is expressiblein finiteterms

hy ineans of algebraicand trigonometricalfunctionsof z.

It will appear later ("4-74)that,when v has not such a value,then J^,(z)is not so expressible; but of course this converse theorem is of a much more

recondite character than the theorem which is now about to be proved.

Page 65: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[Note. Solutions in finiteterms of differential equationsassociated with "/"" i (2)were ob-tained

by various earlywriters ; it was observed by Euler, Misc. Taurinensia,iir. (1762"

1765),p. 76 that a solution of the equationfor e""/^^j(2)isexpressiblein finiteterms; while

the equationsatisfied by 2- t/j,^.i.(2)was solved in finite terms by Laplace,Conn, des Terns,

1823 [1820],pp. 245"257 and MecMnique Celeste,v. (Paris,1825),pp. 82"84 ; by Plana,J/em.

della R. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, (1821),pp. 533 " 534; by Paoli,Mem. di Mat. e

di Fis. {Modena),xx. (1828),pp. 183"188; and also by Stokes in 1850, Trans. Camh. Phil.

Soc. IX. (1856),p. 187 [Math, and Phys. Papers,II. (1883), p. 356]. The investigation

which will now be given is based on the work of Lommel, Sttulien ilber die Bessel'schen

Functione7i (Leipzig,1868),pp. 51 " 56.]

It is convenient to restrict n to be a positiveinteger(zeroincluded),and

then, by " 3-3 (4),

when we integrateby parts 2" + 1 times; since (1 - (-)""is a polynomialof

degree2n, tiie process then terminates.

To simplifythe last expressionwe observe that if d''{l"t-y^/dVbe cal-culated

from Leibniz' theorem by writing(1 " t^y = (1 " ^)"'(1 + ^)^ the onlyterm which does not vanish at the upper limit arises from differentiatingn

times the factor (1"^)", and therefore from differentiatingthe other factor

r " n times; so that we need consider onlythe terms for which r'^n.


and similarly

It follows that




n ' 2-"~'"

I 92*1" r

= {-y- . ,Cn

.n ! "


i=-i (2H-r)

'hn (^)(i^"n+l


Ii"r+l 22"i-""^. !

and hence

(1) /n+j(^)=V(27r^)

his result may be written in the form*



,.=", z''+\{r-n)\ {2n-r)l

^ ^,="^'--i.(r-")K2n-r): j'


,':,rl{7i-r)l(2zy'^^,7, rl {n - r^ (2^)'_

(2) /,n+i "=(~)^


sin (z" ^/?7r)S(-)'".(n+2r)!

+ cos{z" luTr)

,.0 (2r)!(n-2r)!(2^y^'-

"k{n-i) (-Y,(n+2r+l)l

}"=() (2r + !)!("- 2?-- 1)1{"Izy'+\

* A compact method of obtaining this formula is given by de la Vallee Poussin, Ann. de la

Soc. Sci. de Bruxelles, xxix. (1905),pp. 110"143.

Page 66: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In particularwe have

(3) /j{z)= (^"j sm ^, J|(^)= (^~j (^^ cos 5J;

the former of these results is also obvious from the power series for Jjiz).

Again,from the recurrence formula we have

and hence, from (1),


n jr'^A?i+ ry^_ _.^ 4 (- ^")'-'^(7?+ r)!^


,ro rl{n-r)l(22y

But, obviously,by induction we can express

\zdzj z

as a polynomialin 1/zmultipliedby e*'^,and so we must have

",..^ ("iY-''(n + r)\

, ," "^,f d \" e"''2

" 12


for,if not, the precedingidentitywould lead to a result of the form

e'^ "j),(z)- e-'' 4"o{z)= 0,

Avhere ^j {z)and ^o("2)are polynomialsin Ifz;and such an identityis obviously


Hence it follows thatf

I t'-^.Q + r)!.^

- (-tr-"-(n + r)!

r=o r !(" - r):(22)'- ,"0 r !(n - r)!(25r)'-


(4) J^n-l{z)=^


= {-T{2'jryz-^^(^^^\z-iJ_,{z)]= {-y(2'jTz)KI_"_,(z).

^ ^'"+'^(" + /");,


" (-iy+'\{n + r)l'

V(27r^)L ,=0 r !(n - r):(2^)'-^

,.ror !(?i- r)!{2z)

* Cf. Hobson, Squaring the Circle (Cambridge, 1913),p. 51.

t From the series

-i^' r(i) ,"tom!i.f...(m-i)'

it is obvious that J ,lz) = (" ) cos z.

-i \TrzJ

Page 67: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence

(5) J_,,_i{z)=



lo ("2r)!(n-2r)!(2^

" sin (^+ ^/"7r) iV / \

r.=0 (2r + 1)!(rt- 2r - 1)!{2zy^^\


In particular,we have

(6) J_i(.)=(-Vcos^,./_3,(^)=(iy(-^^^_sin^\7r^/

" \7rzJ \ z

We have now expressedin finite terms any Bessel function,whose order is

half of an odd integer,by means of algebraicand trigonometricalfunctions.

The explicitexpressionof a number of these functions can be written down from

numerical results contained in a letter from Hermite to Gordan, Journal fur Math. Lxvi.

(1873),pp. 303"311.

3*41. Notations forfunctionswhose order is halfof an odd integer.

Functions of the types J"(n+h(z)occur with such frequencyin various

branches of Mathematical Physicsthat various writers have found it desirable

to denote them by a specialfunctional symbol. Unfortunatelyno common

notation has been agreedupon and none of the many existingnotations can

be said to predominateover the others. Consequently,apart from the summary

which will now be given,the notations in questionwill not be used in this work.

In his researches on vibratingsphei-essurrounded by a gas, Stokes,Fhil. Trans, of the

Royal Sac. CLViii. (1868),p. 451 [^Math.and Phys.Papers,iv. (1904),p. 306],made use of

the series

"*"2.imr 2.4.(mr)2


which is annihilated by the opei'ator


d ?i(n + l)

dr^ dr ;-^

This series Stokes denoted by the symbol f^ (?")and he wrote

r v/."= "S'"e - i'"'7"(r)+ "S';e"'"'/;,( - r),

where S,^and ;SV/are zonal surftxce harmonics ; so that \/^"is annihilated by the total


and by the partialoperator

dr' 2 d"


dr-' r dr ;-

c2 2 a 1 0 {.


In this notation Stokes was followed by Rayleigh,Proc. London Math. Soc. iv. (1873),

pp. 93"103, 253"283, and again Proc. Royal Soc. LXXii. (19Q3),pp. 40"41 [Sckmtifc

Papers,v. (1912),pp. 112"114], apart from the comparativelytrivial change that Ruyleigh

would have written /"(ijnr)where Stokes wrote f^ (r).

Page 68: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


lu order to obtain a solution finite at the origin,Rayleigh found it necessary to take

Sn =(-)""*"!Sn in the course of his analysis,and then

"/'"= (-0"^^m,SJ" j J,,+ ^(mr).

It follows from " 3-4 that^ "'^/'''^= (i^" -


IX p" ir


and that J^^ (r)= -j^[e' ^^ i" + 1/" (ir)+ e"- ^"- " " i /" (- ir)].

In order to have a simjilenotation for the combinations of the types e+''"/"(" t")which

are requiredfor solutions finite at the origin.Lamb found it convenient to write

2 {271+ 3) 2.4.(2?i+ 3)(2?t+ 5)

in his earlier papers, Froc. London Math. Soc. xiii. (1882),pp. 51 " 66; 189 " 212; xv.

(1884),pp. 139"149; xvi. (1885),pp. 27"43 ; Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. CLXXiv. (1883),

pp. 519 " 549; and he was followed by Eayleigh,Proc. Royal Soc. lxxvii. A, (1906),

pp. 486 " 499 [ScientificPapers, v. (1912),pp. 300 " 312],and by Love*, Proc. London

Math. Soc. xxx. (1899),pp. 308"321.

With this notation it is evident that

T{n + %)f\ r \n, o K f" " -,\ f '^Y ^^^^

^^"(^)= -^T^i-'^"+j(^)= (-)"i-3.5...(2,.+ l).(^_^J^.

Subsequently,however.Lamb found it convenient to modify this notation,and accord-ingly

in his treatise on Hydrodjaiamicsand also Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxii. (1901),

pp. 11"20, 120"150 he used the notation f

^"^^^^1.3.5...(2n+ l)L^~2(2?i+ 3)'''2.4(2?i+ 3)(2w + 5)~ ""J'

(d \ "e

~ *-

zdzj z

SO that ^" iz)= -^^^-"

, ^" (2)= ,7+r^ '

while Eayleigh,Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. CCIII. A, (1904),pp. 87"110 [ScientificPapers,V. (1912)pp. 149

"161 j found it convenient to rejjlacethe symbol f,i{z)by Xn{^)- Love,

Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccxv. A, (1915),p. 112 omitted the factor ( " )"and wrote

while yet another notation has been used by Sommerfeld, Ann. der Physikiind Chemie, (4)XXVIII. (1909),pp. 665

" 736, and two of his pupils,namely March, Aim. der Physik mid

Chemie,(4) xxxvii. (1912),p. 29 and Rybczyiiski,Ann. der Physikund Chemie, (4) XLI.

(1913),p. 191 ; this notation is

V."(2)= (Wj,+.(.)=.-i(^-^-^J"


Cn{^)= {hTrZ)^[J,,+, {^)+ (- )"iJ_, _ ,


and it is certainlythe best adapted for the investigationon electric waves which was the

subjectof their researches.

(d \ " e~^^

"J- ) "

,but, as

stated, he modified the definition in bis later work.

t This is nearer the notation used by Heine, Handbuch der Kugelfimctionen,i. (Berlin,1878),

p. 82 ; except that Heine defined i^,j(z)to be twice the expression on the right in his treatise,but

not in his memoir, Journal fiirMath. lxix. (1869),pp. 128 " 141.

Page 69: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Sommerfeld's notation is a slightlymodified form of the notation used by L. Lorenz,who

used Vn and v" + { - )"nv" in placeof \/r"and f,,; see his memoir on reflexion and refraction

of light,K. Danske Videnshahernes Selskahs Skrifter,(6)vi. (1890),[Oeuvresscientijiques,i.

(1898),pp. 405"502.]

3*5. A second solution ofBesseVs equationforfunctionsofintegralorder.

It has been seen ("3'] 2) that,whenever v is not an integer,a fundamental

system of solutions of Bessel's equationfor functiong^joforder v is formed bythe pairof functions ./ {z)and J_^ {z). When v is an integer(= n),this is no

longerthe case, on account of the relation J_n {z)= (")'*J^ {z).

It is therefore necessary to obtain a solution of Bessel's equationwhich is

linearlyindependentof J",{z);and the combination of this solution with Jn{z)will givea fundamental system of solutions.

The solution which will now be constructed was obtained by Hankel*;

the full details of the analysisinvolved in the construction were firstpublished

by Bocherf.

An alternative method of constructingHankel's solution was discovered by Forsj'th;his jjrocedureis based on the generalmethod of Frobenius,Journal fiirMath, lxxvi. (1874),

pp. 214 " 235, for dealingwith any linear difterential equation. Forsyth'ssolution was

contained in his lectures on differential equationsdelivered in Cambridge in 1894, and it

has since been publishedin his Theory of DifferentialEquations,iv. (Cambridge,1902),

pp. 101 " 102, and in his Treatise on DifferentialEquations(London, 1903 and 1914),

Chajjtervi. note 1.

It is evident that,if v be unrestricted,and if n be any integer(positive,

negativeor zero),the function


is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order v ; and this function

vanishes when v = n.

Consequently,so longas i^ ^ n, the function


V " n

is also a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order v ; and this function

assumes an undetermined form| when v = n.

We shall now evaluate

^ li"/,W-(-)"/-.(^)_r-*n


and we shall shew that it is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of

* Math. Ann. r. (1869),pp 469"472.

t Annals of Math. vi. (1892),pp. 85"90. See also Niemoller,ZeitschriftfilrMath, und Phys.

XXV. (1880),pp. (;5-71.

X The essence of Hankel's investigationis the construction of an expressionwhich satisfies

the equation when p is not an integer,which assumes an undetermined form when v is equal to

the integer n and which has a limit when v-*-n.

Page 70: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


order n and that it is linearlyindependentof Jn (2); so that it may be taken

to be the second solution required*.

It is evident that

V " n

dv^ ^


as v-^n, since both of the differential coefficients existf.



V " n

exists;it is called a Bessel function ofthe second kind of order n.

To distinguishit from other functions which are also called functions of

the second kind it may be described as HankeVs function.FollowingHankel,

we shall denote it by the symbolJ "^ni^)so that


and also


Y" {z)= limn


(/=?ldv ^ ^ dv

It has now to be shewn that Y,; (z)is a solution of Bessel's equation.

Since the two functions J"" (z)are analyticfunctions of both z and v, the

order of performingpartialdifferentiations on J^. (z)with respect to z and v

is a matter of indifference ". Hence the result of differentiatingthe pairof


with respectto v may be written



-o 1- 3 ^ h {z-" V-)"

;r-IvJ "^ (z) = U.

dz^ dv dz dv ^ dv ^^v /

When we combine the results contained in this formula, we find that

dJA^) _^_y^^^J-A^ydv dv

= 2v{jA^)-{-rJ-A^)],

* The reader will realise that,given a solution of a differential equation, it is not obvious that

a limitingform of this solution is a solution of the corresponding limitingform of the equation.+ See "3'1. It is conventional to write differentiations \Yith respect to z as total differential

coefficients while differentiations with respect to v are written as partialdifferentialcoefficients.Of course, in many parts of the theorj',variations in v are not contemplated.

X The symbol r,j(2),which was actuallyused by Hankel, is used in this work to denote a

function equal to I/tttimes Hankel's function ("3-54).

" See, e.g. Hobson, Functions of a Real Variable (1921),"" 312, 313.

Page 72: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the result of term-by-termdifferentiation is

[chap, iti

y0 (^)= 2

= 2 2m=0

V \ ) y%^)^ log(1^)_ flog r(l.+ 7/1 + 1)

.- = 0

{m !)2{logi^-l/rO"+ l)},

where t/tdenotes,as is customary, the logarithmicderivate of the Gamma-

function *.

Since 0"V' ('"+ !)" " when m=\, 2, 3, ...the convergence of the series for Yo(2)

may be estabhshed bj using D'Alembert's ratio-test for the series in which \//-(m-|-l)is

replacedby m. The convergence is also an immediate consequence of a generaltheorem

concerninganalyticfunctions. See Modern Analysis," 5"3.

The followingforms of the expansionare to be noticed :

(1) Yo(^)=2 S^ \^]J {iog(i^)-^(,,,+l)},

(2) Yo(^) = 2 log(i.)../o-(^)-S/ \'\J ^{m + 1)m=0 V''' ")

(8) Yo (z)= 2 h + log(1.)}/o(^)- 2 J^^-y^T|i+ 2+ +


m I-The reader will observe that

1 Yo (z)+ (log2 - 7)/o (^)

is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order zero. The expansionof

this function is

m=lm=0 VW!)

" (-)-(|^n 1^

^ -" 1+ 2'^(m \y rii\

This function was adopted as the canonical function of the second kind of order zero byNeumann, Theorie clerBessel'sche?i Functionen (Leipzig,1867),pp. 42 " 44; see " 3'57.

But the series was obtained as a solution of Bessel's equation,long before,by Euler f.Euler's result in his own notation is that the generalsolution of the equation

xxddy + xdxdy+ gx'^ycx =0

IS2Aq 6Ag'-


'' n? 1.



22Ag^1.8. 27w^






.t'4"+ etc.

nn 1.4?r



1.4. 9?i"a;3"+


+ a "

'^.3?"+ -

-^^ .r-" "

"P''7l?l 1.4h^" 1.4. %i^


1.4.9. 16?i8.r*"-etc. Ua'

1.4.9. 16?i8^"_etc.,

Modern Analysis,Ch. xii. It is to be remembered that,when m is a positiveinteger,then

^(1): "7, ^(m + l)= - + -+... +--Y,

where 7 denotes Euler's constant, 0-57721.57....

t Inst. Calc. Int. 11. (Petersburg,1769),"977, pp. 2.33"235. See also Acta Acad. Petrop.v.

(1781)[published1781], pars i. Mathematica, pp. 186"190.

Page 73: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


wliere A and a are arbitraryconstants. He gave the followinglaw to determine successive

numerators in the first line :

6 = 3.2-1.0, 22 = 5.6-4.2, 100 = 7.22-9.6,

548 = 9.

100 - 16. 22, 3528 = 1 1


548 - 25.

1 00 etc.

If 2(1+ +...

+ !)= '^-^,\1 2 7nJ ml

this law is evidentlyexpressedby the formula

O-m + 1= (2'"+ 1) a-m - rii-CTm - 1 "

3*52. The expansionof Yn(^) in an ascendingseries and the definitionof

We shall now obtain Hankel's* expansionof the more generalfunction

Y,i(^),where n is any positiveinteger.[Cf.equation(4)of " 3'5.]

It is clear that

dv "Zo^v [m ! r (i'+ m + 1 )

= X(_)".(1^).+.

^om.^.r {v + III + I) ^ ^^^ '"

when v-^n, where n is a positiveinteger.That is to say



, ^) r / ^ Vi-f'{hzY+-'''{\ 1 1

The evaluation of \dJ_Az)ldv\=nis a little more tedious because of the pole

of i/r(- I' + m + 1 ) at V = n in the terms for which iii = 0,l,% ...,n-\. We

break the series for J_^ {z)into two parts,thus

low! r{-v + m + l) ;"=H7/i!r(-:/ + m + l)'

and in the former part we replace


r (v " in)sin (v " m) TT


TTT(-v + m+l)

Now, when 0 ^ m " n,

~d ((|^)-''+-'"r (:^- 7/0sin (v - m) ir]'

dv \ TT JJf='

= [{^z)-''+'"'r(v-m)

{tt-iyfr(v " III)sin (i/-m)7r+ cos (v"m) tt -tt-^ log(^z)sin (i/-?")7r}]"="

= (l^r)-"+27nr (w - m) cos (/I- III)TT.

* 3/ai/t. Anil. i. (1869),p. 471.

Page 74: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



dv= 2n-i(-)nr^n-m)(^z) "n+2m


+ S \.//l: ,_.,{-loga^) + "/r(-7? + m + 1)1,

that is to say

m =nw^! (" w + m) !


"( = 0

x[log(-|-^)-A|r("i+l)},when we replacem by ?? + ?7i in the second series.

On combining(1)and (2) we have Hankel's formula,namely

00 ( \m ( \^ \n+im,


,"=oml {n + 7n)\

m = 0

X {2log{^z)-^lr{7n+l)-ylr(n + 111 + 1)}

= 2 {7+ log(1^)1/,,(^)- (1z)- f ^^^~^^;r^^'(i^)""

- (-)'"(l^)"+^^^il1 ,111,

1 ]

In the firstterm {m = 0) of the last summation, the expressionin {|is

11 1-+- +

...+ -.

1 2 n

It is frequentlyconvenient (followingLommel*) to write


so that






{log2+ 'v/r(j;4-??l+ l)}

when V is a negativeinteger, (z)is defined by the limit of the expression

on the right.

We thus have

(6) Y" (z)= 2J, (z)]ogz+ %, {z)+ {-r 3-n {z).

The completesolution of x -j-^^+ ay = 0 was givenin the form of a series (partof which

contained a logarithmicfactor)by Euler, Inst. Cede. Int. li. (Petersburg,1769),"" 935,

936 ; solutions of this equationare

x^ Ji (2ai^2)j^4 Yi (2aia;i).

Euler also gave {ibid."" 937, 938) the complete solution oi xi -j^-\-ay= Q);solutions of

this equationare

x^Ji (4a2^i), .^iY2 (4a*x^).

* Studien ilber die BesseVsehen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),p. 77.

Page 75: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

3-53,3-54] BESSEL FUNCTIONS 63

3-53. The definitionof^,(z).

Hitherto the function of the second kind has been defined onlywhen its

order is an integer.The definition which was adoptedby Hankel* for un-restricted

values of v (integralvalues of 2v excepted)is



sin 2v7r

This definition fails both when v is an integerand when v is half of an

odd integer,because of the vanishingof sin 2p7r. The failure is completeinthe latter case ; but, in the former case, the function is defined by the limit

of the expressionon the rightand it is easy to reconcile this definition with

the definition of " 3*5.

To prove this statement, observe that

Tre""^ p-n J^ {z)cos vtt " J_^ (z)'lim Y^ (3) lim

= {-)" lim

cos VTT sni I'lr v " n

J^,{z)cos VJT " J^y {")'v " n

(")"cos vw " \J^z)= Y,, [z) + lim

= Y" (z),

and so we have provedthat

(2) limY.(^) = Y,(4

It is now evident that Y^(^),defined either by (1)or by the limitingformof that equation,is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order v both

when (i)v has any value for which 2v is not an integer,and when (ii)v is an

integer: the latter result follows from equation(2) combined with " 3*5 (3).The function Y,,(^),defined in this way, is called a Bessel function of the

second kind (ofHankel's type)of order v; and the definition failsonlywhen

v + ^ is an integer.

Note. The reader should be careful to observe that,in spiteof the change of form, the

function Y^ (2),qua function of v, is continuous at i' = n, except when z is zero; and, in

fact,Jt,{z)and Y^(2) approach their limits /" (2)and Y" (2),as v^^n, uniformly with

respectto 2, except in the neighbourhoodof 2 = 0, where n is any integer,positiveor negative.

3*54. The Weber-Schldfifunctionofthe second kind.

The definition of the function of the second kind which was givenbyHankel ("3"5o) was modified slightlyby Weber i' and Schlafii^'in order to

avoid the inconveniences producedby the failure of the definition when the

order of the function is half of an odd integer.* Math. Ann. i. (1869),p. 472.

^ Journal fur Math, lxxvi. (1873),p. 9; Matli. Ann. vi. (1873),p. 148. These papers are

dated Sept. 1872 and Oct. 1872 respectively.In a paper written a few months before these,

Journal filr Math. lxxv. (1873),pp. 75 " 10-5,dated May 1872, Weber had used Neumann's

function of the second kind (see "" 3'57, 3-58).

X Ann. (U Mat. (2)vii. (1875),p. 17 ; this paper is dated Oct. 4, 1872.

Page 76: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The function which was adoptedby Weber as the canonical function of the

second kind isexpressiblein terms of functions of the firstkind by the formula*

J^ {z)cos VTT " J_y (z)

sin viT

(or the limit of this,when v is an integer).

Schlafli,however, inserted a factor ^tt; and he denoted his function bythe symbol K, so that,with his definition,

^^ ^^^J.^(^)cosz^^-J^)_sm VTT

Subsequent writers,however, have usuallyomitted this factor ^tt,e.g. Graf

and Gubler in their treatisef,and also Nielsen,so that these writers work with

Weber's function.

The symbol K is,however, used largelyin this country, especiallyby

Physicists,to denote a completelydifferent type of Bessel function ("3"7),and so it is advisable to use a different notation. The procedurewhich seems

to produceleast confusion is to use the symbolY^,{z)to denote Weber s function,after the manner of NielsenJ,and to adopt this as the canonical function of

the second kind, save in rare instances when the use of Hankel's function of

integialorder saves the insertion of the number ir in certain formulae.

We thus have

(1) n {z)=JA^)^o^v'--J-A^)

^cos^ ^

^ ^ ^ ^smyTT Tre""^'

^ ^

(2) F,.{z)= limJ^i^)^^^^'^-J-^i^)


1Y" (.).

[Note. Schlafli's function has been used by Bocher, Annals of Math. vi. (1892),

pp. 85"90, and by McMabon, Annals of Math. viii. (1894), pp. 57"61; ix. (1895),

pp. 23 " 30. Sehafheitlin and Heaviside use Weber's function with the sign changed,so

that the function which we (with Nielsen)denote by Y^ {z) is written as -. Yy (z)bySehafheitlin " and (when v = 7i)as - Gn (z)by Heaviside||.

Gray and Mathews sometimesH use Weber's function,and they denote it by the

symbol Y".

* Weber's definition was by an integral(see " 6-1) which is equal to this expression; the

expression (withthe factor hw inserted)was actuallygiven by Schlafli.

+ Einleituiujin die Theorie der BeHsel'schen Funktionen, i. (Bern, 1898), p. M et seq.

% Nielsen, as in the case of other functions,writes the number indicatingthe order as an

index, thus Y" [z),Handbuch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen (Leipzig,1904),p. 11. There

are obvious objections to such a notation, and we reserve it for the obsolete function used byNeumann ("3-58).

" See, e.g. Journal fur Math. cxiv. (1895),pp. 31" 44, and other papers; also Die Theorie der

Bessel'schen Funktionen (Leipzig,1908).IIProc. Royal Hoc. liv. (1893),p. 138, and Electroma"inetic. Theory, ii. (London, 1899),p. 255;

a change in sign has been made from his Electrical Papers, ii. (London, 1892),p. 445.

^] A Treati'^e on Bessel Functions (Loudon, 1895),pp. 65 " 66.

Page 77: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Lomrael, in his later work, used Neumann's function of the second kind (see" 3'o7),butin his Studien iiher die BesseVsclien Functi")7ien (Leipzig,1868),pp. 85 " 86, he used the


l-rrYn {z)+ {^l^{n+^)+ log2} Jn (z),

where F" (z)is the function of Weber. One disadvantageof this function is that the

presence of the term \|/-("+ i) makes the recurrence formulae for the function much more

complicated;see Julius, Archives iVeerlandaises,x.xviii. (1895), pp. 221 " 225, in this


3"55. Heine's definitionofthefunctionofthe second kind.

The definition givenby Heine* of the function of the second kind possesses

some advantagesfrom the aspect of the theoryof Legendre functions ; it

enables certain generalisationsof Mehler's formula ("o'71),namely

Km P" (cosdin)= /" {O),

to be expressedin a compact form. The function,which Heine denoted bythe symbol Kn {z),is expressiblein terms of the canonical functions,and it is

equalto "\irYn{z) and to " |Y"(2); the function consequentlydiffers onlyin signfrom the function originallyused by Schlafli.

The use of Heine's function seems to have died out on the Continent many years ago ;

the function was occasionallyused by Gray and Mathews in their treatise t,and theyterm

it Gn {z).In this form the function has been extensivelytabulated first by AldisJ and

Airey",and subsequentlyin British Association Beports,1913, 1914 and 1916.

This revival of the use of Heine's function seems distinctlyunfortunate,both on account

of the existingmultiplicityof functions of the second kind and also on account of the fact

(whichwill become more apparent in Chapters vi and vii) that the relations between the

functions ./"(z)and Vu (z)present many pointsof resemblance to the relations between the

cosine and sine; so that the adoption|jof Jn{z)and 6-'"(2)as canonical functions is com-parable

to the use of cosz and -^ttsinz as canoniciil functions. It must also be pointedout that the symbol G^ {z)has been used in senses other than that justexplainedby at least

two writers,namely Heaviside,Proc. Royal Soc. Liv. (1893),p. 138 (aswas stated in " 3-54),

and Dougall,Proc. Edinhuryk Math. Soc. xviii. (1900),p. 36.

Note. An error in signon p. 245 of Heine's treatise has been pointedout by Morton,

Nature, lxiii. (1901),p. 29 ; the error is equivalentto a change in the signof y in formula

" 3"51 (3)supra. It was also stated by Morton that this error had apparentlybeen copied

by various other writers,including(ashad been previouslynoticed by GrayH) J. J. Thomson,

Rec"iit Researches in Electricityand Magnetism (Oxford,1893), p. 263. A further error

* Haiidbuch der Kugelfanctionen, i. (Berlin,1878), pp. 185 " 248.

t .i Treatise on Bessel Functions (London, 1895),pp. 91, 147, "242.

J Proc. RoijulSoc. lxvi. (1900),pp. 32 " 43.

" Phil. Mag. (6)xxii. (1911),pp. 658"663.

IIFrom the historical pointof view there is something to be said for using Hankel's function,

and also for usiug Neumann's function ; but Heine's function, being more modern than either,

has not even this in its favour.

11 Nature, xlix. (1894),p. 359.

W. B. F. 5

Page 78: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


noticed by Morton in Thomson's work seems to be due to a most confusing notation employed

hj Heine ; for on p. 245 of his treatise Heine nses the symbol Ko to denote the function

called - ^TTJ'oin this work, while on p. 248 the same symbol Kq denotes - W (J^o- ^'^'o)-

3-56. Recurrence formulaefor V^ (2)and Y^ {2).

The recurrence formulae which are satisfied by Y^ (2)are of the same form

as those which are satisfied by J^ (z); they are consequentlyas follows :

(1) " Y,_,(2)+Y^^,(2)= ^Y,{2),

(2) F,_,(^)-F,+,(^)= 2IV(^),

(3) 2Y:{2)^vY,{2) = 2\\_,{2),

(4) zY:{2)-vY,{z) = -zY,.^,{z\

and in these formulae the function Y may be replacedthroughoutby the

function Y.

To prove them we take "3'2 (3)and (4)in the forms

^[z J",{z)]= z^ /,_!(^)

, ^ [z /_, {z)\= -z- /_,+!{z);

if we multiplythese by cot vir and cosec vrr, and then subtract,we have


dz[z F, {z)]= z" F,_,(2),

whence (3)follows at once. Equation(4)is derived in a similar manner from

the formulae

^{z-"J, (z)]= - z-" ./,+!(z),

j^[z- /_, {z)]= ?-" ./_,_,{z).

By addition and subtraction of (3)and (4)we obtain (2)and (1).

The formulae are, so far,provedon the hypothesisthat v is not an integer;but since F^ {z)and its derivatives are continuous functions of v, the result of

proceedingto the limit when v tends to an integralvalue n, is simply to

replacev by n.

Again,the effect of multiplyingthe four equationsby 7re'"'''sec vir, which

is equalto 7re'''='=^'"^sec {v " l)7r,is to replacethe functions Fby the functions

Y throughout.

In tlie case of functions of integralorder, these formulae were given by Lommel,Studien iiher die BesseVschen Fimctionen (Leipzig,1868), p. 87. The reader will find it

instructive to establish them for such functions directlyfrom the series of " 3"52.

Neumann's investigationconnected with the formula (4)will be discussed in " 3-58.

Page 80: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


3-571. The integralofPoissons typefor 7'"'(z).

It was shewn by Poisson* that


is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order zero and argument x ;

and subsequent!}^Stokes obtained an expressionof the integralin the form of

an ascendingseries (see"3'572).

The associated integral

- cos (zsin 6). log(4^ cos^ 6) dO

was identified by Neumannf with the function F""'(z);and the analysisby

Avhich he obtained this result is of sufficient interest to be given here, with

some slightmodifications in matters of detail.

From " 2'2 (9)we have

n nir J o

and so, if Ave assume that the order of summation and integrationcan be

changed,we deduce that

"(-)"/," (-2) 4 /"*-. .

"cos2/?6'2 2 ^~^- ^

= - cos {zcos 0) z

n = l n TT J 0 n = l


cos {zcos 6). log(4 sin^6)dO ;TT ./0

9 rh

from this result combined with Parseval's integral("2 2) and the definition of

F'"'{z),we at once obtain the formula

(1) F"" {z)= -['"cos{z cos 6)

. log{iz sin-6)dd,

from which Neumann's result is obvious.

The change of the order of summation and integrationhas now to be examined,because 2?i~i cos27i^ is non-uniformlyconvergent near ^ = 0. To overcome this difficultywe observe that,since 2 ( - )"Jin{^)lnis convergent, it follows from Abel's theorem % that

2 (-)"^2"(2)/'i= lim 2 (-)"a" J2"(2)/"= hm- 2 j'"

cos {zcos 6)'1=1 a-*-l-0 n = l a-".l-0 TT n=l y 0



* Journal de. VEcole B. Polytechnique, xii. (cahier19),(1823), p. 476. The solution of an

associated partialdifferentialequation had been given earlier {ihid.p. 227). See also Duhamel,Cours d'Analyse, ii. (Paris,1840), pp. 122"124, and Spitzer,Zeitschriftfur Math, und Fhys. ii.

(1857),pp. 16.5"170.

t Theorie der BesseVsr.hen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),pp. 45 " "9. See also Niemoller,Zeit-schrift

fiirMath, imd Fhys. xxv. (1880),pp. 65 " 71.

:J:Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," -51.

Page 81: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

3-571,3-572] BESSEL FUNCTIONS 69

Now, since a is less than 1, 2 (a"cos 2n6)/n does converge uniformlythroughout the

range of integration(by comparison with 2a"),and so the interchangeis permissible; that

is to say

2 S /'*'"/ /iN

"" cos 2;i(9, -

2 fk", ^

" a"cos2?i(9,"

- 2 / cos (2cos 5) d6"- I cos (scos ^) 2 doT n=i y 0

^ '^ ^ 0 n=i n

1 / If

= -- I cos(scos^)log('l-2acos2^-|-a2)c/(9.

Hence we have

2 ^_^^ 22LW^ _ ijjj^ _


^.^,g (_ ^jQg ^^log(1 - 2a cos 2(9+ a'-i)C^5.

We now proceed to shew that*

lim I "

cos(scos^){log(l-2aco.s2^ + a2)-log(4asin-^)}(;(9= 0.a-*'l-0.'0

It is evident that 1 -2acos 26l+ a2-4asin2 ^ = (1-af^O,

and so log(1 - 2a cos 2^ -j-a-) log(4asin^ 6).

Hence, if A be the upper bound t of jcos {zcos 6)\when 0^6 ^ ^tt, we have

I cos (sCOS ^){log(1 - 2a cos -2(9+ a2)- log(4a sin' 6)]d6J Q

^ .4 I {log(1 - 2a cos 26 + a'-)- log(4asin^ 6)]d6J


/An-f " a" cos 2/(^ "1- 1.2 2

"-'^" -^" + log(1/a)- 2 log(2 sin d)\dd0 I "=l ^^ )

= *7rJlog(l/a),

term-by-term integrationbeingpermissiblesince a" 1. Hence, when a" 1,

\ '

cos {zCOS 6){log(1- 2a cos 26 + a^)- log(4osin'-6)\d6Jo

as a-"-l -0; and this is the result to be proved.


i (-)"'^2''("^)=_ lini

1 [-"cos(2COS^).log(4asin2^)c7^

^ ' "''cos(2cos(9).log(4sin2^)rf^.


TT ,,^

and the interchangeis finallyjustified.

The reader will find itinterestingto deduce this result from Poisson's integralfor J^ (z)

combined with " 3"5 (5).

3-572. Stoles' seriesfor the Poisson-Neumann integral.d^y \ dy

., ^ ,

The differential equationconsidered by Stokes +m 1850 was ^ + - ^-m-i/= 0, where

m is a constant. This is Bessel's equation for functions of order zero and argument -im:.

Stokes stated (presumably with reference to Poisson) that it was known that the general

solution was


i^c+D log{zsin2 6)}cosh (mz cos 6) dO.


* The value of this limit was assumed by Neumann.

t If z is real,^ = 1 ; if not, A $ exp {]I {z)\\.

+ Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. ix. (18-56),p. [38]. [Mathematicaland PhijsicaJPapers, iii. (1901),

p. 42.]

Page 82: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is easy to see that,with Neumann's notation,the value of the expressionon the right

^n {C- D log(4m)} Jo {imz)-^\tTDi^W iimz).

The expressionwas expandedinto a series by Stokes ; it is equal to

WiC+D logz)J" (imz)+ 2Z) 2-j^r-^

cos^'^0 logsin 0 dd,,1=0 (,^'i;" J 0

and,by integratingby parts,Stokes obtained a recurrence forroula fi-om which it may be

deduced that

-j^%os2"^logsin^c^^= 2#^|i7rlog2+ i^(l+ +...

+ ^)}.

3-58. Neumanns definitionof F""'{z).

The Bessel function of the second kind,of integralorder n, was defined byNeumann* in terms of F""'{z)by induction from the formula

(1) z ^if^ _ nY^^'^(z)= - ^F"'^+i)(z\

which is a recurrence formula of the same type as "2'12(4).It is evident

from this equationthat

(2) F(") (^)= (- ^r (^)""")(4

Now F'"'(z)satisfiesthe equation

dand, if we applythe operator-f-"r- to this equationn times, and use Leibniz'

theorem, we get

and so

This equationis at once reducible to

(4) V, F""){z)= 0,

and so F'"'(z)is a solution of Bessel's equationfor functions of order ?i.

Again,(3)may be written in the form


* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 51. The function is undefined when

its order is not an integer.

t The analysis is simplifiedby takingiz- = i, so that

d _dzdz~ d^'

Page 83: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

3-58,3-581] BESSEL FUNCTIONS 71

SO that

whence we obtain another recurrence formula

(5) z \^ + /iFe^){z)= ^F"-^' (2).

When we combine (1) with (5) we at once deduce the other recurrence


(6) F'"-i' {z)+ F'"+'){z)=

^ F'")(z),z

r/T''""iz\(7) F""-i'(^)- F'"+" (^)= 2

^ -*.

ConsequentlyF*"'(^")satisfies the same recurrence formulae as Jn{z\ F"(2)

and Y" {z). It follows from "3-57 (2)that

(8) F"") (^)= i TT F" (^)+ (log2 - 7) /, {z)

= iY" (^)+ (log2 - 7) ./,(4

A solution of the equation Vh (y)= 0 in the form of a definite integral,which reduce.s"to

the integralof J^3'571 when n = 0, has been constructed by Spitzer,Zeitschriftfur Math,

und Phys. iii. (1858),pp. 244-246; cf. " 3-583.

3*581. Neumanns expansionof F'"'{z).

The generalisationof the formula "8"57 (1)has been givenby Neumann*;

it is

V(-)-^ {n + 2m)

111 1where s" =

t +9

+o+"""""""' ^o = ^-

To establish this result,we firstdefine the functions L^ (z)and Un (2)by

the equations

(2) Z.,(.)= /. (.)log. - 2 ^-~^, ^,

(3) U,,(z)= ., /,.{z)+ S^ j .

,;^ .

/" (^),

SO that F") (z)= Zo (^)- f/o(^).

We shall prove that Ln{z) and t^^C^)satisfythe recurrence formulae

(4) X"^.:(z)= - L,:(z)+ injz)L" (z), Un^,{z)= - U,:{z)+ {niz)U,,(z\

and then (1)will be evident by induction from "3-58 (2).

* Theorie der BcsseVschen Functioncn (Leipzig,1867), p. o'i. See also Lommel, Stmiien iiher

die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 82"84 ; Otti,Bern Mitthellungen,1898, pp. 31" 3") ;

and Haentzschel, ZeitschriftfiirMath. uiidPIii/.^.xxxi. (1886),pp. 25"33.

Page 84: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



It is evident that

dz\z'' \~^^^dz\z'" ] ^"+i ,,t^{n-m).m\dz\z'''^-'^

- Jn^.(z)log. +-^

+ ^,in-m).mlf ^^^" ^^" ^^^^+"i^^^

-Jn^.{z)\ogz +^

- + J^___|l+___^^_^^^

and the firstpart of (4)is proved. To prove the second part,we have

dzl z'' J ''dz\z"' ] ,^=1 m{n^m) dz\ z'' \

\mJ (z) 1 *" ("Y= - Sn -"- + -" J^"^(;^:^ {^ Jn,.m-.(z)" ("+ m) /",.",,(.)}


and the second part of (4) is proved. It follows from "3'58 (2) that

y"^+'"(Z)- Z"^,(Z)+ Un^,(Z)^

d {"""-"(Z)- Ln jz)+ Un {z)

z'^ dz \ z^

and since the expressionon the rightvanishes when n = 0, it is evident byinduction that it vanishes for all integralvalues of ??. Hence

and the truth of equation(1)is therefore established.

3'582. The power sefiesfor Un(z).

The function Un(z),which was defined in " 3'581 (3)as a series of Bessel

coefficients,has been expressedby Schlafli* as a power series with simplecoefficients,namely

1)1=0 in:{n + m)i

To establish this result,observe that it is true when 7i = 0 by "3"51 (3) and

|3"57(1);and that,by straightforwarddifferentiation,the expressionon the

rightsatisfies the same recurrence formula as that of " 3"581 (4) for Un (z);

equation(1)is then evident by induction.

Note. It will be found interestingto establish this result by evaluatingthe coefficient

of (|2)"+ 2w in the expansionon the rightof " 3-581 (3).

* Math. Ann. in. (1871),pp. 146"147.

Page 85: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

3-582-3-6] BESSEL FUNCTIONS 73

The reader will now easilyprove the followingformulae :

(2) %. (z)= {7 - log2}J, {z)- Un {z),

(3) F"" {z)= Ln {z)+ %, (z)+ {log2-y]J, (z),

(4) 47rYn{z) = L"(z) + %,(z).

3 '583. The intagralof Poisson^s typefor y(") {z).

The Poisson- Neumann formula of "3-571 for F(") (2) was generalised by Lommel,Studien fiber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868), p. 86, with a notation ratlier

different from Neumann's; to obtain Lommel's result in Neumann's notation, we first

observe that,by difierentiation of Poisson's integralfor J^ (2),we have

^ - J, (z)log.=

^-^" ly^j cos (.-sin d)cos^" 6 {log(^cos^ d)-^{, + J)}dO,

and so, from " 3-582 (3),

^'"' ^")= r^fi^WMf'"

^'^^ ^'''''' ^)^'^""'^ '1"S ^'^^ - "/'(n+ 1) - y}c/^+ Ln (z),

and hence, since \^(^)= \//-(1)" 2 log2 = - y - 2 log2, we have the formula

(1) r(") {z)=^.^y


COS (^sin ^)cos2" 0 log(4cos^ 6)d6

- {^ {n+ h_)-y\r(i)}Jn (2)+ /^"(2),

in which it is to be remembered that Z" (2)is expressibleas a finite combination of Bessel

coefficients and powers of z.

3*6. Functions ofthe third kind.

In numerous developmentsof the theoryof Bessel functions,especiallythose which are based on Hankel's researches (ChaptersVI and Vll)on integral

representationsand asymptoticexpansionsof J^ {z)and Y^ {z),two coiiibina-

tions of Bessel functions,namely J^.{z)"iY^,{z),are of frequentoccurrence.

The combinations also present themselves in the theoryof "Bessel functions

of purelyimaginaryargument" ("3"7).

It has consequentlyseemed desirable to Nielsen* to regardthe pairof

functions Jv{z) "iY^{z) as standard solutions of Bessel's equation,and he

describes them as functionsof the third kirid; and,in honour of Hankel,

Nielsen denotes them b} the symbol H. The two functions of the third kind

are defined by the equationsf

(1) H l'(z)= J.,(z)+ iY, {z\ Hf^(z)= J,,(z)- iY^ (z).

From these definitions,combined with " 3-54 (1),we have

\ / "^"^" \^jtsm^TT


" ismi/TT

When V is an integer,the right-handsides are to be replacedby their limits.

Since J^{z)and Y^{z)satisfythe same recurrence formulae (""3-2,3-56),

in which the functions enter linearly,and since the functions of the third kind

* Ofversigt oier det K. Vaiiskc Vide.nskahernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, 1902, p. 125. Huiui-

hucli der Theorie der Cylindcrfunktionen(Leipzig,1904), p. IG.

t Nielsen uses the symbols Hi''{z),11/ [z).

Page 86: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



are linear functions (withconstant coefficients)of J" (z)and Y^ (z),itfollows that

these same recurrence formulae are satisfied by functions of the third kind.

Hence we can at once write down the followingformulae :

dH^^\z)". ,,.

dHf\z),,^ .,.

rf^ "^ ^ "'-1^ "^' dz

^a)."^ .;r,(2)

(6) .^^^-.jy^i)(.)= -. ^(^"(.),z^^^^-rH''\z)= -zH%(z).




Note. Eayleigh on several occasions,e.g. Phil. Mag. (5)xlhi. (1897),i").266 ; (6)xiv.

(1907),pp. 350"359 [ScientificPapers,iv. (1904),p. 290; v. (1912),pp. 410"418],has used the

(2)symbolD^ (z)to denote the function which Nielsen calls ^iriH [z).

3'61. Relations connectingthe three kinds of Bessel functions.

It is easy to obtain the followingset of formulae, which express each

function in terms of functions of the other two kinds. The reader will observe

that some of the formulae are simplythe definitions of the functions on the


,-,, r, ^

H^H^)+ ^f(^) Y.^z) -YA^) cos VTT

^^^ '^''^'^-2


^STT^tT '

e^^^H^\z)+ e-^''^Hfiz)F-, (^)cos ^tt - F, (^)^^^ "^-A^)-


sin;;7r '

.ox Y .,x_


H^^\z)-Hf\z)^"^^ ^^^^^^ sirTW


Yi '

... Y , ,_/..(^)-/-.(^)cos^7r _e^''^Hl'^{z)-e-^-'Hf\z)

W i^-.l^)-g-j^^^


^^ ",

(5) HW^s_J-A^)-e-'"''JA^)^r-.(^)-e--"r,(^)"

I sin T/TT sin i/tt'

(6) jim,.^e^"'JAz)-J-A^) ^Y.,{z)-e^-iY,{z)" isinyTT sinvTT

From (5)and (6)it is obvious that

(7) H^]l(z)= e"- ^i^ (z), H ?;(z)= e"'

7/f^ (z).

Page 88: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is clear from " 3-54(1)that

m, [J,(z),n i^)]= - cosec vir.

Wi [J.(z),J_. (^)l



This result is established on the hypothesisthati^ is not an integer;but con-siderations

of continuitj^shew that

(1) mi{JA^\ r, (^)l= 2/(7r0),

whether v be an integeror not. Hence Jv{z) and F^ {z)alwaysform a funda-mental

system ofsolutions.

It is easy to deduce that

(2) ra{/.W.Y.Wl =


and, in particular*,

(3) im[Jn{z),^n{z)]=2lz.

When we express the functions of the third kind in terms of /" {z)and

Y^ (z),it is found that

(4) Wi [H?(z),hT C^)}=-^i(m{J. {z),F, {z)]= - ii/iTTz),

so that the functions of the third kind also form a fundamental system of

solutions for all values of v.

Various formulae connected with (1)and (3)have been givenby Basset, Proc. London

Math. Soc. XXI. (1889),p. 55; they are readilyobtainable by expressingsuccessive differ-ential

coefficients of J^iz)and Yt,{z)in terms of J^"(2),JJ {z),and r^(2)',JV (s)by re-peated

differentiations of Bessel's equation. Basset's results (of which the earlier ones

are frequentlyrequiredin physicalproblems) are expressedin the notation used in this

work by the followingformulae :

(5) J, (z)IV (z)- 1\ {z)JJ' (2)= - J-2,

(6) j; {z)}v (--)- yj {z)J," (z)=A (^1- ^),

(7) J. (z)IV" (2)- n (2)J.'" (2)= ^.('^-1)'

(8) j; (z)IV" iz)- r; (z)J.'" (z)= ^2(I"- 1)'

(9) J."{z)JV" (z)- Vu'iz)J.'"(2)= A (1-

(10) J, {z)}v-)(-')- y. (z)J^^Kz)=^A,(12 /v*+ Uv'^ 2i/2+3 ,\

(11). j; {z)r,(iv)(z)- JV {z) .("")(^)= - - (^^4 ^-+ V

Throughout these formulae 1\ may be replacedby J_" if the expressionson the right

are multipliedby -sini/7r; and J^, Yy may be replacedby S^^\ZT^^^^throughout if the

expressionson the rightare multipliedby - 2i.

* Cf. Lommel, Math. Ann. iv. (1871),p. 106, and Hankel, Math. Ann. vni. (1875),p. 4-57.

Page 89: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


An associated formula, due to Lomtnel* Math. Ann. iv. (1871),[".106, and Hankel,Math. Ann. viii. (1875),p. 458, is

(12) J,{z)Y,,^{z)-J,,^{^z)l%{z)^-\.irz

This is proved iu the same way as " 32 (7).

3'7. Bessel functionsofpwely imaginaryargument.

The differential equation

which differs from Bessel's equationonlyin the coefficient of y, is of frequentoccurrence in problemsof Mathematical Physics;in such problems,itisusuallydesirable to present the solution in a real form, and the fundamental systems

J^ (iz)and ./_ (iz)or J^,(iz)and Y^ (is)are unsuited for this purpose.

However the function e~-'"'^''J^ (iz)is a real function of z which is a solution

of the equation.It is customary to denote it by the symbol /^(z)so that

When z isregardedas a complexvariable,it is usuallyconvenient to define

itsphase,not with reference to the principalvalue of arg iz,as the consideration

of the function J^ (iz)would suggest,but with reference to the principalvalue

of arg z, so that

(/"(z)= e-i"-'J" {zif\ (- vr " arg z^^ir),

\I,{z)= e^'"^*'J\,(ze--^'^'), (ITT " arg ^ " TT ).

The introduction of the symbol /;,(z)to denote "the function of imaginary

argument" is due to Basset f and it is now in common use. It should be men-tioned

that four years before the publicationof Basset's work, NicolasJhad

suggestedthe use of the symbolF^,{z),but this notation has not been used byother writers.

The relative positionsof Pare and Applied Mathematics on the Continent as compared

with this country are remarkably illustrated by the fact that, in Nielsen's standard

treatise ",neither the function Iv{z)inor the second solution K^iz), which will be defined

immediately,is even mentioned, in spiteof their importance in physicalapplications.

The function I-"{z) is also a solution of (1),and it is easy to prove (c"


^(3) m [L,{z\ /_.(.)}= - ^-^.

* Lommel gave the corresponding formula for Neumann's function of the second kind.

f Fvoc. Camb. Pliil. Soc. vi. (1889),p. 11. [This paper was first publishediu 1880.] Basset,

in this paper, defined the function of integralorder to be t+"J"((^),but he subsequentlychanged

it, in his Hydrodynamics, ii. (Cambridge, 1888),p. 17, to that given iu the text. The more

recent definition is now universallyused,+ Ann. Sci. de VEcole norm. S2ip. (2)xi. (1882),supplement,p. 17.

" Handbuch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904).

Page 90: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that,when v is not an integer,the functions 7^(z)and /_^ (z)form

a fundamental system of solutions of equation(1).

In the case of functions of integralorder,a second solution has to be con-structed

by the methods of ""3*5 " 3"54.

The function Kn (z),which will be adopted throughoutthis work as the

second solution,is defined by the equation

(4) K^ (z)= lim ^-//_,(2)-/,"V " n

An equivalentdefinition (cf" 3'o)is

It may be verified,by the methods of "3'5,that /r"{z)is a solution of (1)when

the order v is equalto n.

The function K^,{z)has been defined, for unrestricted values of v, byMacdonald*, by the equation

(6) K,{z) = ^7r^-''^''^~^''^.Sm I^TT

and, with this definition,it may be verified that

(7) Kn{z)=\miK,{z).

It is easy to deduce from (6)that

(8) K, (z)= ^TTie-^-""'h! (iz)= iTTie-*'"''H[,(iz).The physicalimportanceof the function Ky(z) lies in the fact that it is a

solution of equation(1)which tends exponentiallyto zero as z-^^ x" through

positivevalues. This fundamental property of the function will be established

in "7-23.

The definition of ^,,(2)is due to Basset,Proc. Camh. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),p. 11,and

his definition is equivalentto that given by equations(4)and (5); the infinite integralsbywhich he actuallydefined the function will be discussed in "i 6'14,6:15. Basset subse-quently

modified his definition of the function in his Hydrodynamics,il. (Cambridge,1888),

pp. 18 " 19, and his final definition is equivalent to -"

r-, -^^ "


In order to obtain a function which satisfies the same recurrence formulae as /^ (z),

Gray and Mathews in their work, A Treatise on Bessel Functions (London, 1895), p. 67,

omit the factor 1/2",so that their definition is equivalentto.


The onlysimpleextension of this definition to functions of unrestricted order is by the


K^ (2)= in- cot I/TT {/_^(2)-/^(3)},

* Proc. London Math. Soc. xxx. (1899),p. 167.

Page 91: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(of.Modern Analysis," 17'71)but this function suffers from the serious disadvantagethatit vanishes whenever 1v is an odd integer. Consequentlyin this work, ^lacdonald's

function will be used although it has the disadvantageof not satisfyingthe same recur-rence

formulae as /^ (s).

An inspectionof formula (8)shews that itwould have been advantageousifa factor ^n had

been omitted from the definition of A"^{z); but in view of the existence of extensive tables

of Macdonald's function it is now inadvisable to make the change,and the presence of the

factor is not so undesirable as the presence of the correspondingfactor in Schliifli'sfunction

("3'54)because linear combinations of /^(i)and K^,(z)are not of common occurrence.

3'71. Formulae connected with /"(^)and Ky{z).

We shall now give various formulae for Iv{z)and K^(z) analogousto

those constructed in ""3*2" 3*6 for the ordinaryBessel functions. The proofsof the formulae are left to the reader.

(1) /.-:(Z)- L^. {Z)= ^L (Z),/C-x (Z)- /C+i(^)= -

V^^ (')'

(2) /.-,{z)+ L^, {z)= 2 1: {z\ /C-i {z)+ /C+,{z)= - 2K: (z),

" (3) zlj (z)+ vl,{z)= zl,_,{z), zK: {z)+ vK, (z)= - zK,_, (z),

(4) zi: (z)- vh (z)= zl,+,(z), zKJ {z)- vK, (z)- - zK,^, {z),

5) (^)"{z^L(z)]= ^"-'"/.-m{z),(^^)"[z^K.{z}]= (-)-^''-^._,"{z\

^^^ \zdz) \ s" I z^-^'^^' \zdz)\ Z^ ]

^ ^Z^^'"


(7) I,'{z)=L(z), K: (z)= - K, (z),

(8) I^n{z)= Iniz), K_,{Z)=K"(Z).

The followingintegralformulae are valid onlywhen R(v + h)" 0 :

id) lAz) = r7"XTVr7rx I'^osh(zcos 6)sm'''dde




/'''cosh(z cos d)sin^'edd


liijJL [(1 - t-y-'-cosh (^0 dt.


Page 92: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These results are due to Basset. We also have

[chap. Ill












InH (^)=




n (-)"-(n+ r)!

,%r\{n-r)\{2zrn (^i 4- 7'")I

^^ ^ ,.ZQr\(n-r)\(2zyy

:^ (-Y(n + r)le^ z

^(2-rrz)I r=-orl{n-r)l(2zy

^^ ^ ,^orl(7i-ry.{2zyy

^",,(^)= (^Ve-S (n + r)\

2z) r=Qr\{n-ry.{2zy'

K. (A = - log(iz).7.{z)+ 1 ^i^"f (m + 1),

2,"=o m!(^^)"-""

{logi^z)- \y\r{m + 1) - ^^/r(n + 7n + 1 )},00 /'l9\n+2jn

,=0 m!(M + Hi)!

Z'o(^)=- - f


e^''"^0 {log(2^sin^ ^) + 7]dO,

K, (^e"-')= e-'"-' 7C {z)- iri^^'^"^ /^ (^),sin I/TT


/. (z)K,.^,(z)+ /,+,(z)K^ {z)= 1/z.

The integralinvolved in (16)has been discussed by Stokes (cf." 3-572).

The integralsinvolved in (9)and the series in (14) were discussed by Riemann in his

memoir "Zur Theorie der Nobili'schen Farbenringe,"Ann. der Physikund Chemie, (2) xcv.

(1855),pp. 130 " 139, in the specialcase in which ^=0; he also discussed the ascending

power series for /q(2).

The recurrence formulae have been given by Basset, Proe. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),

pp. 2 " 19; by Macdonald, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxix. (1899), pp. 110 " 115; and by.Aichi, Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. ofJapan, (3) II. (1920),pp. 8 " 19.

Functions of this type whose order is half an odd integer,as in equations(10)and (12),

were used by Hertz in his Berlin Dissertation,1880 {Ges.Werl-e,1. (1895),pp. 77 " 91 J;

and he added yet another notation to those described in " 341.

Page 93: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


3-8. TJiomsons functionsber {z)and bei {z)and theirgeneralisations.

A class of functions which occurs in certain electricalproblemsconsists of

Bessel functions whose arguments have their phasesequalto {iror ftt.

The functions of order zero were firstexamined by W. Thomson*; they

may be defined by the equationj-

(1 ) ber {x)+ i bei {x)= /o{^iVO = I^,(^vVO,

where x is real,and ber and bei denote real functions. For complex aro-u-

ments we adoptthe definitions expressedby the formulae

(2) ber (z)" i bei (z)= ./"(zi\I"i)= h{z^J" i).

Hence we have

(3) bor(.)=l-y;^+ g|-....

(2!)- (6!f'


Extensions of these definitions to functions of any order of the first,second and

third kinds have been effected by Russell:J:and Whitehead".

The functions of the second kind of order zero were defined by Russell by

a pairof equationsresembling(2),the function I^ beingreplacedby the

function K^, thus

(5) ker {z)" i kei {z)= K^ (zVi i).

Functions of unrestricted order i" were defined by Whitehead with reference

to Bessel functions of the firstand third kinds,thus

(6) ber,(z)" i bei,(z)= J, (^e**'^'),

(7) her,(z)" i hei,(z)- if,""(ze^^'"').

It will be observed that||

(8) ker (z)= " hir hei (z), kei (z)= ^tther (z),

in consequence of " 3"7 (8).

The followingseries,due to Russell,are obtainable without difficulty:

(9) ker{z)= -\og(^z).her(z)+ lTrhei{z)

* Presidential Address to the Institute of Electrical Engineers,1889. [Math, and PIiijs.

Papers,in. (1890),p. 492.]

f In the case of fLinetious of zero order,it is customary to omit the suffix which indicates

the order.

t Phil. Mag. (6)xvii. (1909),pp. 524" 552.

" QuarterlyJournal, xlii. (1911),pp. 316"342.

IIIntegralsequal to ker {z)and kei (z)occur in a memoir by Hertz, Ann. der Physik nnd Cheinie.

(3)XXII. (1884),p. 450 [Ges. Werke, i. (1895),p. 289].

\V. B. V.6

Page 94: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(10) kei (z)= - log(1^).

bei {z)- l-rrber (z)

+ 2E.Wtw^"'"'^'^-

It has also been observed by Eussell that the first few terms of the expansion of

ber^ (j)+ bei^ (2)have simplecoefficients,thus


ber2(2)+bei2(.)= l+MV"+ii^+Mf, +...,

but this result had previouslybeen obtained, with a different notation, by Nielsen (cf.

" 5-41); the coefficient of (l^)^"in the expansion on the rightis l/[(mIf . (2m)!].

Numerous expansionsinvolvingsquares and productsof the general

functions have been obtained by Russell ; for such formulae the reader is

referred to Russell's memoir and also to a paper by Savidge*.

Formulae analogousto the results of ""8-61,3"62 have been discussed by

Whitehead ; it is sufficient to quote the followinghere :

(12) ber_"(z)= cos vir .ber^(z)" sin ptt

.[hei (z)" bei^(z)],

(13) bei_"(z)= cos vtt.bei,,(z)+ sin vtt

.[her (z)" ber^(z)],

(14) her_^(2^)= cos vtt.her^(z)" sin vir


(15) hei_^{z)= sin vir.her,,(z)+ cos vtt


The reader will be able to construct the recurrence formulae which have

been worked out at lengthby Whitehead.

The functions of order unityhave recentlybeen examined in some detail

by B. A. Smith f.

3*9. The definitionofcylinderfunctions.

Various writers,especiallySonineiJ:and Nielsen",have studied the general

theoryof analyticfunctions of two variables "^^{z)which satisfythe pairof

recurrence formulae

(1) " '^._,(5)+ -^#.+1(^)= - ^. (^),z

(2) "^.-1(^)- '^Vi(^)= 2*^; (^x

in which z and v are unrestricted complexvariables. These recurrence formulae

are satisfied hy each of the three kinds of Bessel functions.

Functions which satisfyonlyone of the two formulae are also discussed bySonine in his elaborate memoir ; a brief account of his researches will be givenin Chapter X.

*-^ Phil. Mag. (6)xix. (1910),pp. 49"58.

"fProc. American Soc. of Civil Engineers, xlvi. (1920),pp. 375 " 425.

X Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 1"80.

" Handbttch der Tiieorie der Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904),pp. 1, 42 et seq.

Page 96: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Some writers*, following Heine t who called Jn{z) aFourier- Bessel function, call Jn{z)

aFourier function.

Although Bessel coefficients ofany

order were used long before the time of Bessel

(cf. "" 1-3, 1'4), it seemsdesirable to associate Bessel's name

with them, not only because

it has become generally customary to doso,

but also because of the great advance made by

Bessel on the work of his predecessors in the invention of a simple and compact notation

for the functions.

Bessel'sname was

associated with the functions by Jacobi, Journal fur Math. xv.

(1836), p.13 [Oes. Math. Werke, vi. (1891), p. 101]. "Transcendentium /j.* naturam varios-

que ususin determinandis integralibus definitis exposuit ill. Bessel in commentatione


A more recent controversy onthe

name to be applied to the functions is to be found in

aseries of letters in Nature, LX. (1899), pp. 101, 149, 174; Lxxxi. (1909), p.


* E.g. Nicolas, Ann. Sci. de VEcolenorm. sup. (2) xr. (1882), supplement,

f Jonrnal fiir Math. lxix. (1868), p. 128. Heine also seems to be responsible for the term

cylinder function.

Page 97: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



4'1. Daniel Bernoulli's solution ofRiccati's equation.

The solution givenby Bernoulli* of the equation

(1) -^^az''+ bifdz -^

consisted in shewing that when the index n has any of the values

0' "

A "l- _S _8- _12 _12. Ifi Ifi.

while a and h have any constant values f, then the equationis soluble bymeans of algebraic,exjxjnentialand logarithmicfunctions. The values of n

justgivenare comprisedin the formula

Im " 1

where m is zero or a positiveinteger.

Bernoulli's method of solution is as follows : If n be called the index of the

equation,it is firstprovedthat the generalequationJof index n is transformable

into the generalequationof index N, where

(3) N=-'^

n + 1'

and it is also proved that the generalequationof index n is transformable

into the generalequationof index v, where

(4) v = - n- 4.

The Riccati equationof index zero is obviouslyintegrable,because the

variables are separable.Hence, by (4),the equationof index " 4 isintegrable.

Hence, by (3),the equationof index " | is integrable.If this process be con-tinued

by usingthe transformations (3) and (4)alternately,we arrive at the

set of soluble cases given above, and it is easy to see that these cases are

comprisedin the generalformula (2).

* Exercitationes quaedain iiuithematicae (Venice,1724),pp. 77 " 80; Acta Eruditorum, 1725,

pp. 473 " 475. The notation used by Bernoulli has been slightlymodified ; and in this analysis

n is not restricted to be an integer.

t It is assumed that neither a nor Ji is zero. If either were zero the variables would obviously

be separable.t That is,the equation in which r; and h have arbitraiyvalues.

Page 98: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4*11. Daniel Bernoulli s transformationsofRiccatis equation.

Now that the outlines of Bernoulli's procedurehave been indicated,we

proceedto givethe analysisby which the requisitetransformations are effected.

Take "41 (1)as the standard equationof index n and make the substitutions



n + l' -^ Y'

[Note. The substitutions are possiblebecause " 1 is not included among the values of

n. The factor n + \ in the denominator was not inserted by Bernoulli ; the effect of its

presence is that the transformed equationis more simplethan if it were omitted.]

The equationbecomes1 clY

V-2 ,7*7^^


that is

dY~ = h{n + \YZ^ + aY\

where N = - n/(?i+ 1); and this is the generalequationof index N.

Again in "4"1 (1)make the substitutions "

The equationbecomes

where y = " M " 4 ; and this is the generalequationof index v.

The transformations described in " 4"1 are therefore effected,and so the

equationis soluble in the cases stated. But this proceduredoes not give the

solution in a compact form.

4"12. The limitingform ofRiccatis equation,with index " 2.

When the processes described in ""4'1,411 are continuallyappliedtoRiccati's equation,the value to which the index tends, when m -*" x in

"4'] (2),is " 2. The equationwith index " 2 is consequentlynot soluble bya finite number of transformations of the types hitherto under consideration.

To solve the equationwith index " 2, namely

write y = vjz,and the equationbecomes

dv, ,

z T^ tt + V + bv- :


and this is an equationwith the variables separable.

Hence, in this limitingcase, Riccati's equationis still soluble by the use

of elementaryfunctions.

Page 99: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This solution was implicitlygivenby Euler,Inst. Calc. Int. ii. (Petersburg,1769)," 933,

[).185. If we write (cf." 4-14)y =

~"r 'T^-'^^^ equationwhich determines

r) is

which is homogeneous, and consequentlyit is immediately soluble.

Euler does not seem to mention the limitingcase of Riccati's equation explicitly,although he gave both the solution of the homogeneous linear equationand the transforma-tion

which connects any equationof Riccati's type with a linear equation.

It will appear subsequently(""4*7 " 4-75)that the only cases in which

Riccati's equationis soluble in finite terms are the cases which have now been

examined ; that is to say, those in which the index has one of the values

0- _4_4- _S_K. _9

and also the trivial cases in which a or h (orboth) is zero.

This converse theorem, due to Liouville,is,of C(jurse, much more recondite

than Bernoulli's theorem that the equationis soluble in the specifiedcases.

4"13. Elder's solution of Riccati's equation.

A practicalmethod of constructinga solution of Riccati's equationin the

soluble cases was devised by Euler*, and this method (withsome slightchangesin notation),will now be explained.

First transform Riccati's equation,"4"1 (1),by takingnew variables and

constants as follows :

(1) y = -v/h, ah = -c\ n = 2q-2;

the transformed equationis

(2) S + ^' - '"'"'" = ^'

and the soluble cases are those in which 1/qis an odd integer.

Define a new variable w by the equation1 dw

^ -^zu ciz

so that the equationin w is

p ^ + 2c.^- ^ + (? - 1 )^^^'-''^'= 0-

A solution in series of the last equationis



(2qr+ q + l){2qr+ q - 1)


8^c(r + 1 )'

-Nov. Comm. Acad. Petrop. viii. (1760" ]761) [176:^],pp. :5" 63 : and ix. (1762-1763)

[1764],pp. 154"169.

Page 100: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so the series terminates with the term ^m^"*'" if q has either of the values

+ 1/(27H+ 1); and this proceduregivesthe solution* examined by Bernoulli.

The generalsolution of Riccati's equation,which is not obvious by this method, was

givenexplicitlyby Hargreave, QuarterlyJournal, vn. (1866),pp. 256"258, but Hargreave's

form of the solution was unnecessarilycomplicated;two years later Cayley,Phil. Mag. (4)

xsxvi. (1868),pp. 348"351 [CollectedPapers,vii. (1894),pp. 9"12], gave the generalsolu-tion

in a form which closelyresembles Euler's particularsolution,the chief diiference between

the two solutions beingthe reversal of the order of the terms of the series involved.

Cayley used a slightlysimplerform of the equationthan (2),because he took constant

multiplesof both variables in Riccati's equationin such a way as to reduce it to

(5) |+ ,-2_ 2,-2= 0.

4'14. Cayley'sgeneralsolittionofRiccati's equation.

We have justseen that Riccati's equationis reducible to the form


given in " 4'13 (2); and we shall now explainCayley'sfmethod of solvingthis equation,which is to be regarded as a canonical form of Riccati's


When we make the substitution!r] = d (\ogv)/dz,the equationbecomes

(1) ^ - c^z^-^-^v= 0 ;

and, if f/jand U^ are a fundamental system of solutions of this equation,the

g'eneralsolution of the canonical form of Riccati's equationis

Avhere Cj and C^ are arbitraryconstants and primesdenote differentiationswith

respect to z.

To express Ui and U^ in a finite form, we write

V = w exp {cz^jq),

so that the equationsatisfied by zy is " 4-13 (4). A solution of this equationin lu proceedingin ascendingpowers of z'i is


.,^+ (iriKSi^l),2,2.q{q-\) q{q-l)2q{2q-l)


q{q-l)2q(2q-l)Sq{Sq-l)and we take Uj to be exp (czi/q)multipliedby this series.

cV9 +. . . ,

* When the index n of the Eiccati equation is- 2, equation (4)is homogeneous,

t Phil. Mag. (4)xxxvi. (1868),pp. 348"351 [CollectedPapers, vir. (1894),pp. 9"12]. Cf. also

the memoirs by Euler which were cited in " 4-13.

J This is,of course, the substitution used in 1702 by James Bernoulli; cf. " 1-1.

Page 101: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now equation(1)is unaffected by changingthe signof c, and so we take

(q-l){3q-l)U" U, = exip("cz'i/(j)

qiq - 1)'" ^q{q-l)2q{2q^'''''

(q-l){3q~l){5q-l)+ " (fz"i +



and both of these series terminate when q is the reciprocalof an odd positive

integer. Since the ratio U^ : U^ is the exponentialfunction exp {2cz'^lq)

multipliedby an algebraicfunction of z-J,it cannot be a constant ; and so

Ui, U^ form a fundamental system of solutions of (1).

If q were the reciprocalof an odd negativeinteger,we should write

equation(1)in the form

"P (v/z)

d{l/zy-c'{l/z)-"i-'{vlz)= 0,


whence it follows that

where j^ and 72 are constants, and

Fi,V2 = z exp (+ cz^/q)

-q{q + l) q{q + l)2q{2q + l)c-z-"i+


The series which have now been obtained will be examined in much greater

detail in ""4-4 " 4-42.

The reader should have uo difficultyin constructingthe followingsolutions of Riccati's

equation,when it is soluble in finite terms.

It is to be noticed that the series "'1,U2 (or l"i,V.^,as the case may be) are supposed

to terminate with the term before the first term which has a zero factor in tlionumerator ;

see " 4-42 and Glaisher,Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. cLXxn. (1881),p. 773.

Page 102: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Among the writers who have studied equation(1)are Kummer, Journal fur Math. xii.

(1834),pp. 144"147, Lobatto, Journal fiirMath. xvii. (1837),pp- 363"371, Glaisher (in

the memoir to which reference has justbeen made), and Suchar, Bull, de la Sac. Math, de

France,xxxii. (1904),pp. 103"116 ; for other references see " 4-3.

The reader will observe that when q = 0, the equation(1) is homogeneous and imme-diately

soluble ; and that the second order equation solved by James Bernoulli (" M) is

obtainable by takingj = 2 in (1),and so it is not included among the soluble cases.

4-15. SchldfliscoMonical form of Riccati'sequation.

The form of Riccati's equationwhich was examined by Schlafli *was

(1) ^^t^-t-^-Ht\

This is easilyreduced to the form of " 4-13(2)by taking "t-^'laas a new


To solve the equation,Schlafli wrote

''"^dt '

and arrived at the equation

00 pnIff F(a,t)= X

1=0m! r(a + m + 1)


the generalsolution of the equationin y is

2/- c,F(a, t)+ c.d-"F (- a, t).

The solution of (1)is then


cV^+^Fja + 1, 0 + c.,F{-a-l,t)" ~

c^F{a,t)+ cd-^'F (- a, t)

The connexion between Riccati's equation and Bessel's equationis thus

rendered evident ; but a somewhat tedious investigationis necessary ("4*43)to exhibit the connexion between Cayley'ssolution and Schlafli's solution.

Note. The function ^ : s, defined as the series

a 1 a^ 1 a^



" 2^2+1)"""

2T 3"

0^2+17(2+ 2)"^

""* '

which is evidentlyexpressiblein terms of Schlafli's function,was used by Legendre,Elements de Geometrie (Paris,1802),note 4, in the course of his proofthat tt is irrational.

Later the function was studied (witha different notation)by Clifford;see a posthumous

fragment in his Math. Papers(London, 1882),pp. 346 " 349.

* Ann. di Mat. (2)i. (1868),p. 232. The reader will see that James Bernoulli's solution in

series ("1"1)is to be associated with Schlafli's solution rather than with Cayley'ssolutiou.

t This notation should be compared with the notation of " 4-4.

Page 104: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The reader should also consult a short paper by Siacci,Napoli Rendiconti, (3) vir.

(1901),pp. 139"143. And a monograph on Riccati's equation,which apparentlycontains

the majorityof the results of this chapter,has been producedby Feldblum, Warschau

Univ. Nach. 1898, nos. 5, 7,and 1899, no. 4.

4*2. The generalisedRiccati equation.

An obvious generalisationof the equationdiscussed in " 41 is

(1) % = P + Qy^Ry^

where P, Q, R are any given functions of z. This equationwas investigated

by Euler*. It is supposed that neither P nor R is identicallyzero; for,if

either P ox R is zero, the equationis easilyintegrableby quadratures.

It was pointedout by Enestrom, EncyclopMiedes Set. Math. ii. 16, " 10, p. 75, that a

specialequationof this type namely

nxx dx " nyy dx + xx dy = xy dx

was studied by IManfredius,De constructione aeqiiationmndifferentialumpn'mi gradtts

(Bologna,1707),p. 167. "Sed tamen haec eadem aequationon apparet quomodo construi-

bilis sit,neque enim videmus quomod5 illam integremus, nee quomodo indeterminatas ab

invicfem separemus."

The equation(1)is easilyreduced to the linear equationof the second

order,by takinga new dependentvariable u defined by the equationf

1 d logu(2) y = -

R dz

The equationthen becomes

/r,\C^^^* (/^ 1 dR] du

Tin rv

Conversely,if in the generallinear equationof the second order,

/,.dhi du

(4) P^d?-^P^dz'-P''''=^'

(where jJo,Pi, p^ are givenfunctions of z),we write

(5) it = e/.'/d2^

the equationto determine y is

(6) ^J= _ft_"!j, po /)o

which is of the same type as (1). The completeequivalenceof the generalisedRiccati equationwith the linear equationof the second order is consequentlyestablished.

The equationsof this section have been examined by Anisimov, Warschau Univ. Nach.

1896, pp. 1"33. [Jahrhuchilber die Fortschritte der'Math. 1896, p. 256.]

* Nov. Comm. Acad. Petrop.viii. (1760" 1761)[1763],p. 32 ; see also a short paper by W. W.

Johnson, Ann. of Math. ni. (1887),pp. 112 " 115.

t This is the generalisationof James Bernoulli's substitution ("1-1). See also Euler, Inst.

Calc. Int. II. (Petersburg,1769),"" 831, 852, pp. 88, 104.

Page 105: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4'21. Elder H theorems concerningthe generalisedRiccati equation.

It has been shewn by Euler* that, if a particuhirsolution of the

generalisedRiccati equationis known, the generalsolution can be obtained

by two quadratures; if two particularsolutions are known the generalsolution is obtainable by a singlequadraturef. And it follows from theorems

discovered by Weyr and Picard that, if three particularsolutions arc known,

the generalsolution can be effected without a quadrature.

To prove the firstresult,let i/,,he a particularsolution of

and write y = yo + ^/v-The equationin v is

' + {Q+2R"j,)v + R = 0,

of which the solution is

V exp {f{Q+ 2%o) dz]+ JR exp {J{Q+ 2%,0 dz].

dz = 0,

and, since v " l/(y " t/o)"the truth of the firsttheorem is manifest.

To prove the second, let y^ and y^ be two particularsolutions,and write

y - ihw = - " "



The result of substituting{yiW "y")l{w" 1) for y in the equationis

3/0-yi dw_^

w dy,_

1 ^^ p _^ q

Ih'^v- Vq^ ^

(y^'^^- y^

{w"\y- dz w " \ dz w " 1 dz w - I \ iv " 1

and, when we substitute for (dyjdz)and {dy^jdz)the values F + Qy^+ Ry^-and P + Qya+ Ry^^,the last equationis reduced to

1 diu-r, r,

tu dz

so that tu = c exp |/(i?y"- Ryi)dz],

where c is the constant of integration.Hence, from the equationdefiningw,

we see that y is expressedas a function involvinga singlequadrature.

To prove the third result,let y^ and y^ be the solutions alreadyspecified,

le^2 be a third solution,and let c' be the value to be assignedto c to make

y reduce to y.,. Then


c_ yo- yo

y-yi c'


and this is the integralin a form free from quadratures.

* Nov. Gomm. Acad. Fetvop. viii. (1760" 17G1) [1763],p. 32.

t Ihid. p. 59, and ix. (1762"1763) [1764],pp. 163"164. See also Minding, Journal fUr

Math. XL. (1850),p. 361.

Page 106: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that the generalsolution is expressiblein the form

Hence it is evident that,if ^/i,y-u y-i,yi be any four solutions,obtained by

givingC the values C\, Co, C^, 0^ respectively,then the cross-ratio



is independentof z ; for it is equalto



In spiteof the obvious character of this theorem, it does not seem to have

been noticed until some fortyyears ago*.

Other propertiesof the generalisedRiccati equationmay be derived from

propertiesof the correspondinglinear equation("4*2). Thus Rafifyfhas given

two methods of reducingthe Riccati equationto the canonical form

| + "' = ^(f);

these correspondto the methods of reducinga linear equationto its normal

form by changesof the dependentand independentvariables respectively.

Various propertie.sof the solution of Riecati's equation in which P, ", R are rational

functions have been obtained by C. J. D. Hill,Journal far Math. xxv. (1843),pp. 23" 37 ;

Autonne, ComptesReiidus,xcvi.(1883),pp. 1354 " 1356; cxxviii. (1899),pp. 410 " 412; and

Jamet, Comptes Rendus de V Assoc. Francaise (Ajaccio),(1901),pp. 207 " 228; Atm. de la

Fac. des Sci. de Marseille.,xii. (1902),pp. 1 " 21.

The behaviour of the solution near singularitiesof P, "^,R has been studied by Falken-

hagen,Nieuw Archiefroor Wiskunde,(2)VI. (1905),pj). 209 " 248.

The equationof the second order whose primitiveis of the type

Cir)i+C2r]2+ C3rj3^

C1C1+ C2C2+ CSC3'

where Ci, c^, c-^ are constants of integration(which is an obvious generalisationof the

primitiveof the Riccati equation),has been studied by Vessiot,A7m. de la Fac. des Sci. de

Toidouse,IX. (1895),no. 6 and by Wallenburg,Journal fitrMath. CXXi. (1900),pp. 210 217;and Comptes Rendus, cxxxvix. (1903),pp. 1033

" 1035.

* Weyr, Ahh. hdhm. Ges. Wiss. (6)viii. (1875"1876), Math. Mem. i. p. 30; Picard, Ann. Sci.

de VEcole norm. s^ip. (2)vi. (1877),pp. 342"343. Picard's thesis, in which the result is con-tained,

is devoted to the theory of surfaces and twisted curves" a theory in which Kiccati's

equation has various applications.

t Noiiv. Ann. de Math. (4)ii. (1902),pp. 529"545.

Page 107: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4'3. Various transformationsof Bessel's equation.

The equationswhich we are now about to investigateare derived from

Bessel's equationby elementarytransformations of the dependentand inde-pendent


The firsttype which we shall consider is*

where c is an unrestricted constant. The equationis of fi-equentoccurrencein physicalinvestigations,and, in such problems,p is usuallyan integer.

The equation has been encountered in the Tlieoryof Conduction of Heat and the

Theory of Sound by Poisson,Journal de VEcole Polytechnique,xn. (cahier19), (1823),

pp. 249"403; Stokes, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. 1868, pp. 447"464 [Phil.Mag. (4)

XXXVI. (1868),pp. 401"421, Math, and Phys. Papers,iv. (1904),pp. 299"324]; Eayleigh,Proc. London Math. Soc. iv. (1873), pp. 93"103, 253- -283 [ScientificPapers, i. (1899),

pp. 138, 139]. The specialequation in which p = 2 occurs in the Theory of the Figureofthe Earth; see Ellis,Camb. Math. Journal, li. (1841),pp. 169"177, 193"201.

Since equation(1)may be written in the form

^d-{uz-^) d(uz-i).",,. ,1..,, _, .

its general.solution is

(2) ii = zi%+.{ciz).

Consequentlythe equationis equivalentto Bessel's equationwhen p is

unrestricted,and no advantageis to be gainedby studyingequationsof the

form (1)rather than Bessel's equation.But, when jj is an integer,the solu-tions

of (1) are expressible"in finite termsf" (cf." 3 4),and it is then

frequentlydesirable to regard(1) as a canonical form. The relations between

various types of solutions of (1) will be examined in detail in ""4'41 "4'4:).

Tiie second type of equationis derived from (1) by a transformation of

the dependentvariable which makes the indicial equationhave a zero root.

The roots of the indicial equationof (1) are p+l and " p, and so we write

u = vz~P ; we are thus led to the equation

/Q\c?-y 2p dv

2 A

of which the generalsolution is

(4) v = zP+^'",,+,(ciz).

"'" See Plana, Mevi. della B. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, xxvi. (1821),pp. 519"538, andPaoh,

Mem. di Mat. e di Fis. della Soc. Italiana delle Sci. xx. (1828),pp. 183"188.

t This was known to Plana, who studied equations (1)and (5)in the paper to which reference

Las just been made.

Page 108: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Equation (3),which has been studied in detail by Bach, Ann. Sci. de VEcole nm-m. sup.

(2) III. (1874),pp. 47"68, occurs in certain physicalinvestigations;see L. Lorenz, Ann.

der Physikund Chemie, (2)xx. (188.3),pp. 1"21 [OeuvresScientifiques,i. (1898),pp. 371"

396];and Lamb, Hydrodynamics (Cambridge,1906),"" 287"291. Solutions of equation(3)

in the form of continued fractions (cf."" 5-6,9-65)have been examined by Catalan,Bulletin

de VAcad. R. de Belgique,(2)xxxi. (1871),pp. 68"73. See also Le Paige,ibid. (2) XLi.

(1876),pp. 1011"1016, 935"939.

Next, we derive from (3),by a changeof independentvariable,an equation

in itsnormal form. We write z = ^^Iq,where q = l/{2p+1), the equationthen



'^^,-cV^-'v= 0,

and its solution is

(6) v = a'i/qy'^'^^'^m,){ci^'^lq).

When a constant factor is absorbed into the symbol '^,the solution may be

taken to be


Equation (5),which has alreadybeen encountered in " 4-14,has been studied by Plana,

Mem. della R. Accad. delle Sci. di Tonno, xxvi. (1821),pp. 519"538; Cayley,Phil. Mag.

(4) XXXVI. (1868),pp. 348"351 [CollectedPapers,vii. (1894),pp. 9"12]; and Lommel,

Studien uher die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 112"118.

The system of equationswhich has now been constructed has been dis-cussed

systematicallyby Glaisher*, whose important memoir contains an

interestingaccount of the researches of earlier writers.

The equationshave been studied from a different aspect by Haentzschel f

who regardedthem as degenerateforms of Lame's equationsin which both of

the invariants g. and g-^are zero.

The followingpapers by Glaisher should also be consulted : Phil. Mag. (4) xliii. (1872),

pp. 433"438; Messenger,viii. (1879),pp. 20 " 23; Proc. London Math. Soc. ix. (1878),

pp. 197"202.

It may be noted that the forms of equation(1)used by various writers are as follows:

^J+y=^^^" (Plana),

d^R n{n + \)/p



-j^"a-u=" "," - u. (Glaisher).

Equation (5)has been encountered by Greenhill|in his researches on the stabilityof a

vertical poleof variable cross-section,under the action of gravity.When the cross-section

is constant,the specialequation in which j = f is obtained,and the solution of it leads to

Bessel functions of order + 1.

* Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. clxxii. (1881),pp. 759 " 828 ; see also a paper by Curtis,Cam-bridge

and Dublin Math. Journal, ix. (1854),pp. 272"290.

t ZeitschrtftfiirMath, und Phij".xxxi. (1886),pp. 25"33.

X Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. iv. (1883),pp. 65"73.

Page 109: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4'31. Lommel's transformationsofBessel's equation.

Various types of transformations of Bessel's equationwere examined byLommel on two occasions;his earlier researches* were of a somewhat specialtype,the laterf were much more general.

In the earlier investigation,after observingthat the generalsolution of


(2) 3/ = ^'"g;(^),

Lommel proceededby direct transformations to construct the equationwhose

generalsolution is z^''~''9$\{jz^),where a, /3,7 are constants. His result,which it will be sufficient to quote, is that the generalsolution of


(4) it = 2^''-"'2?,(7^^).

When /3= 0, the generalsohition of (3)degeneratesinto

and when 7 = 0, it degenei'atesinto

unless jiv \H zero.

The solution of (3)was givenexpHcitlyby Lommel in nvmierous specialcases. It will

be sufficient to quote the followingfor refei'ence :

(5) cfe^+.-rf^+n.^'-?)^*=^'^^-'^A^.

(7) ,g*+ (l_,)J+l"= 0; "=.i''%^.(v/.).'

ctz- az 4

(9) ^2+ /32/.-23--'u = 0; u= zi-^i/c,^)(yz?).

(11) P^"zu= 0; u=zi^i(izi),2H#j("ul).

An account of Stokes' researches on the solutions of equation(11)will be given in

"" 6-4,10-2.

* Studien liber die Bessel'scken Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 98"120; Math. Ann. iii.

(1871),pp. 475"487.

t Math. Ann. xiv. (1879),pp. 510"536.

w. B. F. 7

Page 110: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Lommel's later researches appearedat about the same time as a memoir

by Pearson*, and several results are common to the two papers. Lommel's

procedurewas to simplifythe equationf

d^jylxi^)] 2v-ld[ylx(z)],


d[y^{z)Y yjriz) d^Jriz) % (^)'

of which the solution is ("4'3)

(12) y = x(^){^i^)V'^Mf(^)}-

On reduction the equationbecomes

^ dz^ [yjr(z) i^iz) x(^)Ja^

l[ylr(z) y}r{z) %(^)]%(^) %(^) ^ ^ ^ -'^ J -^

Now define the function (f)(z)by the equation

It Avillbe adequateto take

(14) "^(^)= ^'(^){%(^)Plt(^)}"-^-

If we eliminate x (^)"it is apparent that the generalsolution of

^ ^dz"- ^{z) dz^\_4^\"l,{z)\2cf"{z)



'Z yfr{z)

( (z)yfr(z)]

+ |^2(^)_^.+ lyfr'(z)]

^'ir{z)\j1J = 0

As a specialcase, if we take (p(z)= 1,it is seen that the generalsolution of

y = 0"^^) 2-IS

(18) y=snir(z)/f'{z)}."^^{.jr(z)}.

Next, returningto (13),we take x (z)= [y\r{z)Y-\ and we find that the generalsolution of


(20) y=W{z)Y'i^^{y^{z)].

* Messenger, ix. (1880),pp. 127"131. f The functions x (z)and i/-(z)are arbitrary.

Page 112: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By " 4-3 this is integrablein finite terms if

where n is an integer; so that

J)4s + (l-r)^}

The equation is also obviouslyintegrablein the trivial cases .4=0 and m= - 2.

(2) ,. + 2="^^^^

4-4. The notation of Pochhamvier for series ofhypergeometrictype.

A compact notation,invented by Pochhammer* and modified b} Barnesf,

is convenient for expressingthe series which are to be investigated.We shall

write now and subsequently

{0L)n= ci{a+ l)(a + 2)... {a+ n- 1), (a)"= 1.

The notation which will be used is,in general,


ITT /. \


V("i)n{Cli)n" " " ("p)n


pJ^gK^i,0(2, ..., ap, pi, p., ..., Pq, 2) " w rr~Y~Y~\ 7T\^

n = 0 ''" \Pi)n \Pi/n " " " \Pq)n

In particular,

^"{Ph 2;(p)2 ^.{ph


i -i"^z-

n = 0^^-\p)n

,F,(p:z)= S

n=0 ni{p)n

The functions defined by the first three series are called generalisedhyper-


It may be noted here that the function iF^(a; p; z) is a solution of the

differential equation

and, when p is not an integer,an independentsolution of this equationis

z^-^ .,F,{a-p + l; -I-p; z).It is evident that

Various integralrepresentationsof functions of the types ji^j,0F2,0-^3have been studied

by Pochhammer, 3Iath. Ann. xli. (1893),pp. 174"178, 197"218.

* Math. Ann. xxxvi. (1890),p. 84 ; xxxviii. (1891),pp. 227, 586, 587. Cf. " 4-15.

t Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)v. (1907),p. 60. The inodilieation due to Barnes is the insenion

of the suffixes _p and q before and after the F to render evident the number of sets of factors.

Page 113: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4 '41. Various solutions in series.

We shall now examine various solutions of the equation

^-c^u = 1-^-2 u,

and obtain relations between them, which will for the most part be expressedin Pochhammer's notation.

It is supposed for the present that p is not a positiveintegeror zero,

and, equally,since the equationis unaltered by replacingp by " ^3" 1, it is

supposedthat p is not a negativeinteger.

It is alreadyknown ("4-3)that the generalsolution* is z^^S'p+'^iciz),and

this givesrise to the specialsolutions

zP+' .oF,{p + r, ic'z'); 3-P .oF,{l-p; ic'z').

The equationmay be written in the forms

which are suggestedby the fact that the functions e*"^^ are solutions of the

originalequationwith the right-handside suppressed.

When ^ is written for z {djdz),the last pairof equationsbecome

(^ - jt)- 1)(^ + jj).{ue^'')" 2c^^ (weT") = o.

When we solve these in series we are led to the followingfour expressionsfor u:

zP+'e^'.^FAp+ l; 2p + 2; -2cz); z'P e''.,F,(- p ; -2p: -2cz);

^p+iQ-cz ,^F,{p+ l; 2p + 2; 2cz); z-^' e''- .iF^{-p\ -2p; 2cz).

Now, by direct multiplicationof series,the two expressionson the left are

expansiblein ascendingseries involvingzV'^'^,z^"^-,zP'^\....

And the expressions

on the rightsimilarlyinvolve z'^, z^-p,z--'',.... Since none of the two sets of

powers are the same when 2p is not an integer,we must have

(1) e'^'.,F,(p+l;2p-v2- - 2cz)= e'".,F,(p + I ; 2p^2; 2cz)

^oFAp + h ic'^')^

J^) e''.,F,(-p;- 2p ; - 2cz) = e-".,F,(- p ; - 2p ; 2cz)

= oF^{i-p; \"fn

These formulae are due to Kummerf. When (1) has been provedfor general

values of p, the truth of (2) is obvious on replacingp by -p " l in (1).

We now have to consider the cases when 2p is an integer.

* It follows from " 3-1 that a specialinvestigationis also necessary when p is half of an odd


t Journal fUr Math. xv. (1836),pp. 138"141.

Page 114: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When p has any of the values i, f , |, ...,the solutions which contain z'P

as a factor have to be replacedby series involvinglogarithms(""3-51,3-52),

and there is only one solution which involves only powers of z. By the

previousreasoning,equation(1) still holds.

When p has any of the values 0, 1,2, ...a comparisonof the lowest powers

of z involved in the solutions shews that (1)stillholds ; but it is not obvious

that there are no relations of the form

z-P,F,{\-p- ic^z"-)= z-Pe'\FA-p- -'2p: -2cz) + kzP+\F,ip + ^; \"z^

= z-Pe-'\F,{-p;-2p; 2cz)+ hzP+\F, {p + ^ ; \c'z%

where kj,ko are constants which are not zero.

We shall consequentlyhave to give an independentinvestigationof (1)

and (2)which dependson direct multiplicationof series.

Note. In addition to Kummer's researches,the reader should consult the investiga-tions

of the series by Cayley,Phil. Mag. (4)xxxvi. (1868),pp. 348"3.51 [CollectedPapers,

VII. (1894),pp. 9"12] and Glaisher,Phil. Mag. (4) XLiii. (1872),pp. 433"438; Phil.

Trans, of the Royal Soc. CLXXii. (1881),pp. 759"828.

4'42. Relations between the solutions in series.

The equation

e'\F^{p+ \\ 2p + 2; -2cz) = e-'\F,{p+ \; 2p + 2; 2cz),

which forms part of equation(1) of " 4-41,is a particularcase of the more

generalformula due to Kummer*

(1) .FAa; p; 0 = e^.FAp-a; p; - 0,

which holds for all values of a and p subjectto certain conventions (whichwill

be stated presently)which have to be made when a and p are negativeintegers.

We firstsuppose that p is not a negativeintegerand then the coefficient of

^" in the expansionof the productof the series for e^ and iF^{p" a; p ; -t) is

"=o(w-m)! w!(p)^ w!(p)nm=o



2 nC"i. {p - "),"(1 - p - n)r,



n !(p)n'

ifwe firstuse Vandermonde's theorem f and then reverse the order of the factors

in the numerator; and the last expressionis the coefficient of ^^ in iFi(a,p',0-The result requiredis therefore established when a and p have generalcomplexvalues J.

* Journal fur Math. xv. (1836),pp. 138 " 141; see also|,Bach,Ann. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (2)

III. (1874),p. 55.

t See, e.g. Chrystal,Algebra, ii. (1900),p. 9.

X Another proof depending on the theoryof contour integrationhas been given by Barnes,

Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xx. (1908),pp. 254"257.

Page 115: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When p is a negativeinteger,equation(1)is obviouslymeaninglessunless

also a is a negativeintegerand |a ]" |p |. The interpretationof (1) in these

circumstances will be derived by an appropriatelimitingprocess.

First let a be a negativeinteger(= " N) and let p not be an integer,so

that the precedinganalysisis valid. The series iF-^{"N; p: ^) is now a

terminatingseries,while ^F^ip+ N ; p; " ^) is an infinite series which con-sists

of iV + 1 terms followed by terms in \vhich the earlier factors p + N,

p + N + 1, p + N + 2,


in the sequences in the numerators can be cancelled

with the later factors of the sequences p, p + I, p +2, ...

in the denominators.

When these factors have been cancelled,the series for i^i(- iV; p; ^) and

li^'i(p + iV ; p ; " O ^11'*^ both continuous functions of p near p "

" M, where

M is any of the integersN,N -\-l,N + 2,....

Hence we 'may proceedto the limit when p -* " M, and the limitingform

of (1) may then be written*

(2) ,i^,(-iV;-."; ^)-]=e^,F,(N-M;-M; -0^,

in w^hich the symbol 1 means that the series is to stop at the term in ^^\i.e.

the last term in which the numerator does not contain a zero factor,w^hile

the symbol']means that the series is to proceednormallyas far as the term

in (^^'~^\and then it is to continue wnth terms in ^^^^"*"\^-^^+-,... ,the vanishing

factors in numerator and denominator being cancelled as though their ratio

were one of equality.

With this convention,it is easy to see that

(3) ,F,(-N; -M: 01 =.F,(-.Y; -M; Ol

When we replaceN hy M " N and ^ by - ^,we have

(4) ,F,iN-M; -M- - ^)^ = ,F,{N - M; -J/; -^1

N\{M-N)\.^^M+l (,Y+ 1 : ^v + 2 ; - H-

As an ordinarycase of (1) we have

y^ ,F,(M-N-\-l- M+2; ^) = e^.FiN +1; M + 2; -^),

and from this result combined with (2),(3)and (4) we deduce that

(.5) ,F,(-N; -M; 0^=e^^F,{Iy-M",-^r:-n-^.

This could have been derived directlyfi'om (1)by givingp-a (insteadof a)

an integralvalue,and then making p tend to its limit.

* Cf. Gayley,Messenger (oldseries),v. (1871),pp.77" 82 [CollectedPapers, vm. (lB95),pp.4oS"

462],and Glaisher, Messenger, viii. (1879),pp. 20" "23.

Page 116: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We next examine the equation

(6) ^\F, (^ + 1 ; 2p + 2 ; - 2cz)= o^^i(^ + f ; \c'z%

which forms the remainder of equation(1)in "4'41,and which is also due to


If we suppose that 2p is not a negativeinteger,the coefficient of {czy'in

the productof the series on the left in (6)is

" (- 2r {p + 1)",^

{-Y I 2,"(p + lX"(-n- 2;)-!)"_",

,"=o {n-m)\m\ (2p+ 2)," (2p + 2)","^o m l{n ~ m) !

1 """

Now" -

S 2'"."C,rt(^J+ l)m ("n-2p- l)n-m is the coefficient of "" in the

expansionof (1 - 2t)-P-'(1 - t)'^+^'-^\and so it is equalto

1 /"(0+) \ no+)


/"(0+) 1 no+)

(1 - 2t)-v-'(1 - ^)"+2i"+ir"-i dt = -".\ (1 - !/2)-p-h"-'"-irfM,

where u = t/(l" t)and the contours enclose the originbut no other singularitiesof the integrands.B}^expandingthe integrandin ascendingpowers of u, we

see that the integralis zero if n is odd, but it is equal to ~^i~~^ when n is


Hence it follows that


^ jczT'

and this is the result to be proved.

When we make p tend to the value of a negativeinteger,- N, we find bythe same limitingprocess as before that

lim ,F^{p+ \: 2p+2; - 2cz)= ,F,(1-N; 2 - 2iY; - 2cz)1^'^


i2N-2)l(2N)Y (- ^"^"""'"^^^(^'

'2^5 - 2cz).

It follows that

oF,{^-N; ic'z"-)= e'''.,F,{l-N;2-2N; -2cz)n


(2i\r-2)!(2^)!^^''^''''""""^^^^^" 2iV^'-2c^"-

If we change the signsof c and z throughoutand add the results so obtained,we find that

(7) 2.,F,{^-N; lc-^z')=e".,F,(l-N;2-2N- -2cz)1

+ e-''.^F,(1 - iY; 2 - 2N; 2cz)~^


* Journal filrMath. xv. (1836),pp. 138"141. In connexion with the proof given here, see

Barnes, Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. xx. (1908),p. 272.

Page 117: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the other terms on the rightcancellingby a use of equation(1). This is,of

course, the expressionfor J-^r+},(icz)in finite terms with a different notation.

For Barnes' proofof Rummer's formulae,by the methods of contour inte-gration,

see " 6"5.

4 "43. Sharpes differentialequation.

The equation

(1) .g + | + (.+ 4), = 0,

which is a generalisationof Bessel's equationfor functions of order zero,

occurs in the theoryof the reflexion of sound by a paraboloid.It has been

investigatedby Sharpe*,who has shewn that the integralwhich reduces to

unityat the originis

(2) y=G\ (io^{zGo^6+A\o^(tot\d)d6,Jo



(3) 1 = C ['"cos(A logcot hd) dd.Jo

This is the appropriatemodification of Parseval's integral("2'3). To in-vestigate

its convergence write cos 6 = tanh (f),and it becomes

(4)r cos (^0+. tanh "^)

^ '^./(, cosh(/) ^

It is easy to see from this form of the integralthat it converges for (complex)

values of A for which j/(^) '

" 1, andf

2C = " cosh ^ttA.


The integTalhas been investigatedin great detail by Sharpe and he has

givenelaborate rules forcalculatingsuccessive coefficients in the expansionof

y in powers of z.

A simpleform of the solution (which was not givenby Sharpe)is

2/ = e"'2,Fi(i+ iU; 1; + 2{z).

The reader should have no difficultyin verifyingthis result.

* Messenger, x. (1881),pp. 174"185 ; xii. (1884),pp. 66"79 ; Proc. Comb. Phil. Soc. x. (1900),

pp. 101"136.

t See, e.g. Watson, Complex Integrationnnd Canchtfs Theorem (1914),pp. 64- -65.

Page 118: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4"5. Equationsof order higherthan the second.


The construction of a differential equationof any order,which is soluble

by means of Bessel functions,has been effected by Lommel*; its possibility

depends on the fact that cylinderfunctions exist for which the quotient

Wy (z)l^_y(2)is independentof 2.

Each of the functions Jn{z) and Yn{z),of integralorder,possesses this

property [""2-31, 3-5];and the functions of the third kind iT,'''{2),H^'^ (z)

possess it ("3"61),whether v is an integeror not.

Now when " 3'9 (5)is written in the form

(1) ^ 2^"^^ (7 ^2) = (Iy)-^*'"") K-.n (7V^),

the cylinderfunction on the rightis of order " y if m = 2v.

This is the case either (i)if v is an integer,n, and m = 2n, or (ii)if

V = n + l and m = 2?i + 1.

Hence if 9^n denotes either J,ior Yn, we have

From this equationwe obtain Lommel's result that the functions 2^^ Jn(y V^)?

2i^Yn{'y/2)are solutions off

where 7 has any value such that 7^"= (")"c^",so that

7 = ic exp {r-rriln). (r = 0, 1, 2,,..,

n" 1)

By giving7 all possiblevalues we obtain 2n solutions of (2),and these

form a fundamental system.

Next, if '^"+.denotes H^'\,+i,we have '^_(n+A)= e'"+^"^'^n+i,so that

and hence 2'^'"''^^H^^\+),(7 ^^z)is a solution of


where 7 has any value such that 7^''+!= c^"+i Q-^n+\)n%^g^ ^j^g^^

y = -ic exp {r7rij{n+ ^)}, (r = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,2?i)

and the solutions so obtained form a fundamental system.

* Studien ilber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,18G8),p. 120; Math. Ann. 11. (1870),

pp. 624"635.

f The more generalequation

has been discussed by Molins, Mem. de VAcad. des Sci. de Toulouse, (7)viii. (1876),pp. 167 " 189.

Page 120: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These four cases givethe followingequationsand their solutions :

(6) 5 = w; ^^ = ^*{"^i(^)+ #i(^2)},

(8) g|,"g|= .l"; u=z-^{"^i{izi)+WU"^h],

These seem to be the onlyequationsof Nicholson's type which are soluble with the aid

of Bessel functions ; in the case n = 2,the equation(5)is homogeneous. Nicholson's general

equation is associated with the function

^3-2fx 2 + 2fi l+2fi z^-'^ \"^^V4-2/x'4-2/i' 4-2/x' (4-2^)V

4*6. Symbolicsolutions of differentialequations.

Numerous mathematicians have givensolutions of the equation" 4'3 (1)


(1) "--=^-^^".in symbolicforms,when j:)is a positiveinteger(zeroincluded).These forms

are intimatelyconnected with the recurrence formulae for Bessel functions.

It has been seen (|4'3)that the generalsolution of the equationis


and from the recurrence formula " 39 (6)we have

zi%^,(ciz)= (- ciyzP^ lj"j'[z-i'S{ciz)].

Since any cylinderfunction of the form 'W {ciz)is expressibleas

where a and /3are constants, it follows that the generalsolution of (1) may

be written

(2) " = .P"(4Y?"!!"^"r.\zdzj z

A modification of this,due to Glaisher*, is

where a = ajc,/8'=" /3/c.This may be seen by differentiatingaV^+/3'e~'^once.

* Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. clxxii. (1881), p. 813. It was remarked by Glaisher that

equation (3)is substantiallygiven by Earnshaw, Partial DifferentialEquations (London, 1871),

p. 92. See also Glaisher, QuarterlyJournal, xi. (1871),p. 269, formula (9),and p. 270.

Page 121: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Note. A result equivalentto (2)was set by Gaskiti as a problem* in the Senate House

Examination, 1839 ; and a proofwas publishedby Leslie Ellis,Camb. Math. Journal, ii.

(1841),pp. 193 " 195, and also by Donkin, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. CXLVii. (1857),

pp. 43 " 57. In the questionas set by Gaskin,the signof c^ was clianged,so that the solu-tion

involved circular functions instead of exponentialfunctions.

Next we shall prove the symbolictheorem, due to Glaisherf,that

z'-(*) ^""(:^J= ii^,dz)z-f""/)".'

In operatingon a function with the operator on the right,it is supposedthat the function is multipliedby 1/^-^"-before the applicationof the

operatorsz^ (d/dz).

It is convenient to write

. = .", .|^= a.

and then to use the symbolicformula

(5) /(^) .(e"'Z)= e"'./(^ + a)Z,

in which a is a constant and Z is any function of z.

The proof of this formula presents no specialdifficulties when/ (5)is a polynomialin

S, as is the case in the present investigation.See, e.g. Forsyth, Treatise on Differential

Equations (1914)," 33.

It is easy to see from (5)that

= e^i-P)B(^ _ 2^ + 2)(^ - 2^)+ 4)(^ - 2jj+ 6). . .


when we bringthe successive functions e~"^(beginningwith those on the left)

past the operators one at a time, by repeatedapplicationsof (5).

We now reverse the order j of the operators in the last result,and by a

reversal of the previousprocedurewe get

zP+' (4-T= ^*'"^" ^ (^ - 2)(^-- 4) ...(^ - 2p + 2)

= e"^-^'"[(^+2^-2) (^ + 2p - 4) . . . (^ + 2)^.e-t^i'-^t"]

= e-"z'+^)e[^e^e^(e-o^)...(e-"^).e-'^^"-'"]

^p+i dzj z-i'^-

* The problem was the second part of question 8, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 8, 1839 ; see the

Cambridge UniversityCalendar, 1839, p. 319.

t Nouvelle Corr. Math. ii. (187(3),pp. 240"243, 349"350 ; and Phil. Trans, of the EoijalSoc.

CLXXii. (1881),pp. 803"80.5.

X It was remarked by Cayley, QuarterlyJournal, xn. (1872),p. 132, in a footnote to a paper by

Glaisher, that differentialoperators of the form s"+' ^-2-", i.e.S - ", obey the commutative law.

Page 122: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and this is the result to be proved. If we replacep hy p + 1, we find that

(6) 2P+1',dz dz) z-P

When we transform (2)and (3)with the aid of (4) and (6),we see that

the generalsolution of (1) is expressiblein the followingforms :

1 /" dyae'^'+ ^e-



u =

zP+^V dz) z

I f ,d y+^ (xe'^ + /3'e




" -

^i'+3\fdz) Z2P

The solutions of the equation

d^v 2p dv

dz- z dz

[(3)of "4-3],which correspondto (2),(3),(7)and (8) are

" c^v = 0,





= !^"-P+id yae^^+ ^e-"'

zdzj z

d, \^+^

V = -\ Z'

V =

dz) z^' '

, d_\P+'ae"^ 4- ^'e''Tzj ^2p

A diflferentand more direct method of obtaining(7)is due to Boole, Phil. Trans, ofthe

Royal Soc. 1844, pp. 251, 252 ; Treatise on DifferentialEquations (London, 1872),ch. xvii.

pp. 423 " 425; see also Curtis, Cambridge and Dublin Math. Journal, IX. (1854),p. 281.

The solution (9)was first given by Leslie Ellis,Camb. Math. Joxirnal,11. (1841),-p\).169,

193, and Lebesgue, Journal de Math. xi. (1846), p. 338; developments in series were

obtained from it by Bach, A^m. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (2)in. (1874),p. 61.

dP'VSimilar symbolic solutions for the equation-1-5

-c-z^'i~^v=0 were discussed by Fields,

John Hopkins UniversityCirculars,vi. (1886 " 7),p. 29.

A transformation of the solution (9),due to Williamson, Phil. Mag. (4) xi. (1856),

pp. 364"371, is

(13) v = c'""(^^.-\{ae''-\-Sie-").

-1 p 1 s

This is derived from the equivalenceof the operators -",-",when theyoperate on

functions of cz.

We thus obtain the equivalenceof the followingoperators

^2^ + 1 :ci)"j]=""^"="*{C:^*)"a= (p.^y-p+ 1-{cz)

_\cz^ccj czj \_\cdcj cj'

it beingsupposed that the operators operate on a function of cz ; and Williamson's formula

is then manifest.

Page 123: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4*7. Liouvilles classificationofelementarytranscendental functions.

Before we givea proofof Liouville's generaltheorem (which was mentioned

in "4-12)concerningthe impossibilityof solvingRiccati's equation"in finite


except in the classical cases discovered by Daniel Bernoulli (and the

limitingform of index "2), we shall give an account of Liouville's* theoryof a class of functions known as elementarytranscendental functions;and we

shall introduce a convenient notation for handlingsuch functions.

For brevitywe write f

k (z)= l{z)^ logz, I,{z)= I(I(z)), I,(z)= I(I,(Z)),...,

e,{z)= e(z)= e', e.(z)= e(e(z)), e-Az)= e (e,(z)),

,,f(z)= ,f{z)=Jf{z)dz, ,,f(z)= ,[,f{z)],,,/(,)= , l,,/(^)},....

A fimction of z is then said to be an elementarytranscendental function\if it is expressibleas an algebraicfunction of z and of functions of the types

lr(j)(z),Cr^iz), '?rX(^).where the auxiliaryfunctions ^{z), -^(z),xi^) ^^^

expressiblein terms of ^^ and of a second set of auxiliaryfunctions,and so on;

providedthat there exists a finite number n, such that the nth set of auxiliaryfunctions are all algebraicfunctions of z.

The order of an elementarytranscendental function of z is then defined

inductivelyas follows:

(I) Any algebraicfunction of z is of order zero|.

(II) If /,.[z)denotes any function of order r, then any algebraicfunction

of functions of the types

lfr{z),efr{z\ ,f,(z),f.(z),fr_,(z),...f(z)

(intowhich at least one of the firstthree enters)is said to be of order ?' + 1.

(III)Any function is supposedto be expressedas a function of the lowest

possibleorder. Thus elfr(z)is to be replacedby fr{z),and it is a function of

order r not of order ?" + 2.

In connexion with this and the followingsections,the reader should study Hardy,Orders ofInfinity(Camb. Math. Tracts, no. 12, 1910). The functions discussed by Hardy

were of a slightlymore restricted character than those now inider consideration,since,for

his Btirposes, the symbol s is not required,and also,for his purposes, it is convenient to

postulatethe realityof the functions which he investigates.

It may be noted that Liouville did not study propertiesof the sj'mboly in detail,but

merely remarked that it had many propertiesakin to those of the symbol I.

* Journal de Math. ii. (1837),pp. 56"10.5 ; in. (18.38),pp. 523"547 : iv. (1839),pp. 423"45(5.

t It is supposed that the integralsare all iudeiinite.

X "Une fonction fiuie explicite."

" For the purposes of this investigation,irratioiKtl powers of :, sucli as z^,of course must

not be regarded as algebraicfunctions.

Page 124: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4-71. Liouvilles firsttheorem* concerninglinear differentialequations.

The investigationof the character of the solution of the equation

d}u, ,

(1) ^^=^^%(^"'

in which x{z) is a transcendant of orderfn, has been made by Liouville,who

has established the followingtheorem :

If equation(1)has a solution luhich is a transcendant oforder ni + \,where

m ^ n, then either there exists a solution of the equationwhich is of orderf n,

or else there exists a solution,u^, ofthe equationexpressiblein theform

(2) u, = (f)^{2).ef^{z),

where ft,.{z)is of order fu,,and the order of 4"^{2)does not exceed fj.,and /m is

such that n^fi":m.

If the equation(1)has a solution of order m + 1, let it be fm+i{^); then

/m+i(^)is an algebraicfunction of one or more functions of the types If^(z)^

?/m("^X fm(^)as well as (possibly)of functions whose order does not exceed

m. Let us concentrate our attention on a particularfunction of one of the

three types,and let it be called ^, ^ or " accordingto its type.

(I) We shall first shew how to prove that,if (1) has a solution of order

m + 1, then a solution can be constructed which does not involve functions of

the types 6 and ^.

For,ifpossible,let/,"+i(z)= F(z, 6),where F is an algebraicfunction of 6;

and any function of z (otherthan 6 itself)of order ni + 1 which occurs in F

is algebraicallyindependentof 6.

Then it is easy to shew that

^^' dz''^^^ ~ dz^^f^Xz)dz dOdz

\ 1 df,,{z)Yd-^F\d \ \ df,,{z)\-\dF^

(/,"{z) dz f 8^"^

^dz (/,"{z) dz \\de "^" ^ ^^ ''

it beingsupposedthat z and 6 are the independentvariables in performingthe partialdifferentiations.

The expressionon the rightin (3) is an algebraicfunction of 6 which

vanishes identicallywhen 6 is replacedby lf"^{z).Hence it must vanish

identicallyfor all values of 6 ; for if it did not, the result of equatingit to

zero would express lfm{z)as an algebraicfunction of transcendants whose

orders do not exceed ni togetherwith transcendants of order wi + 1 which are,

ex hyputhesi,algebraicallyindependentof 6.

* Journal de Math. iv. (1839),pp. 435"442.

t This phrase is used as an abbreviation of " elementary transcendental function of order ".-'

t Null solutions are disregarded ; if u were of order less than n, then,

would be of orderu dz''

less than n, which is contrary to hypothesis.

Page 125: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In particular,the expressionon the rightof (3)vanishes when 6 isreplaced

hy 6 +c, where c is an arbitraryconstant ; and when this changeis made the

expressionon the left of (3)changesinto

which is therefore zero. That is to say

(4) ^^-^ ^ -F{z,0 + c).x(2)= 0.

When we differentiate (4)partiallywith regardto c, we find that

dF(z, e + c) d'Fjz, 0 + c)

ac' dc' '


are solutions of (1)for all values of c independentof z. If we put c = 0 after

performingthe ditferentiations,these expressionsbecome

dF{z, d) d-F{z,e)

which are consequentlysolutions of (1). For brevitythey will be called


Now either F and Fg form a fundamental system of solutions ol'(1) or

theydo not.

If theydo not, we must have*

Fe = AF,

where A is independentboth of z and 0. On integrationwe find that


where $ involves transcendants (of order not exceedingm + 1) which are

algebraicallyindependentof 6. But this is impossiblebecause e^^ is not an

algebraicfunction of 9; and thereforeF and Fq form a fundamentalsystem

ofsolutions of(1).

Hence Fg^ is expressiblein terms of F and Fg by an equationof the form

Fee = AFe + BF,

where A and B are constants. Now this may be regardedas a linear equationin 6 (withconstant coefficients)and its solution is

F ^ ^.e'^-^ ^,e^^ or F ^ e'^ ["i",+ "i".d\,

where "l"iand "I"2are functions of the same nature as cj)while a and jB are

the roots of the equationX- " Ax

"B = 0.

The onlyvalue of F which is an algebraicfunction of 6 is obtained when

a = /3= 0 ; and then F is a linear function"f0.

Similarly,iff^,^^^{z)involves a function of the type ^, wc can prove that

it must be a linear function of '^.

* Since F must involve 0, b'ecannot be identicallyzero,

w. B. ".8

Page 126: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that,in so far as fm^ {z)involves functions of the types 6 and ^,

it involves them linearly,so that we may write

/"^,{z)= te,{z)d,{z)...dp{z).^, {z)% {z)...\ (z). ir,,


where the functions ^p,q(z)are of order m + 1 at most, and the onlyfunctions

of order m + 1 involved in them are of the type 0.

Take any one of the terms in f,n+i(z)which is of the highestdegree,quafunction of O^,6.,,... ^i, ^2,

""",and let it be

e,(z)6,{z)...dp{z).^,{z)... Q {z). tp,Q {z).

Then, by arguments resemblingthose previouslyused, it follows that

d d d d d ^-f ( \

is a solution of (1); i.e.i/rp (z)is a solution of (1).

But '\jrpQ(z)is either a function of order not exceedingm, or else it is a

function of order m + 1 which involves functions of the type 0 and not of

the types 6 and ^.

In the former case, we repeat the process of reduction to functions of lower

order,and in the latter case we see that some solution of the equationis an

algebraicfunction of functions of the type @.

We have therefore provedthat,if (1)has a solution which is a transcendant

of order greater than n, then either it has a solution of order n or else it has a

solution which is an algebraicfunction of functions of the type ef^{z)and

"^ {z),where f^{z)is of order fi and 0^ {z)isof an order which does not exceed /x.

(II) We shall next prove that,whenever (1) has a solution which is a

transcendant of order greater than n, then it has a solution which involves

the transcendant ef {z)onlyin havinga power of it as a factor.

We concentrate our attention on a particulartranscendant 0 of the form

ef^{z),and then the postulatedsolution may be written in the form G{z, 0),

where G is an algebraicfunction of 0 ; and any function (otherthan 0 itself)

of order yu.+ 1 which occurs in G is algebraicallyindependentof 0.

Then it is easy to shew that


+ ^[/m"(^)+{/m'W]^^3-G^.x(^).

The expressionon the rightis an algebraicfunction of 0 which vanishes

when 0 is replacedby ef^{z),and so it vanishes identically,by the argumentsused in (I). In particularit vanishes when 0 is replacedby c 0, where c is

independentof z. But its value is then

^^ -'- (?(5,c 0)

. X {z).

Page 128: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4*72. Liouvilles second theorem concerning linear differentialequations.

We have justseen that,if the equation

(1) 'J= "%W

[inwhich x (^)i^ of order 7i]has a solution which is an elementarytran-

scendant of order greater than n, then it must have a solution of the form

0M (^)e/;{z),

where /u. /;. If the equationhas more than one solution of this type, let a

solution for which /u.has the smallest value be chosen, and let it be called u^.

Liouville's theorem, which we shall now prove, is that,for this solution,the

order of d (logu^jdz is equalto n.


d logu,^ ^


and then t is of order most ; let the order of t be iV,where N ^/x.

If N=n, the theorem requiredis proved. If N"n, then the equationsatisfied by t,namely

(2) ^1+ ^' = ^ (^)'

has a solution whose order N is gi'eaterthan n.

Now t is an algebraicfunction of at least one transcendant of the types

IfN-ii^),";fN-i{z),ef^-iiz)and (possibly)of transcendants whose order does

not exceed iV " 1. We call the ijrsttliree transcendants 6,^, @ respectively.

If t contains more than one transcendant of the type d, we concentrate

our attention on a particularfunction of this type, and we write

t = F(z,e).

By arguments resemblingthose used in "4"7l,we find that,if iV^" n, then

F(z,d + c)

is also a solution of (2). The correspondingsolution of (1)is

exp jF (z,6 + c)dz,

and this is a solution for all values of c independent of z. Hence, bydifferentiation with respect to c, we find that the function u. defined as

l{exil"jF{z,e+ c)dz]_dc

is also a solution of (1); and we have

U2 = itiJFg dz,

so that

du.y dui, "


Page 129: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


But the Wronskian of any two solutions of (1)is a constant*; and so

ih'Fe= C,where G is a constant.

If 0 = 0, J"isindependentof ^,which iscontrary to hypothesis; so C :^0, and

u, = sJiCIF,).

Hence Mj is an algebraicfunctionof 6 ; and similarlyit is an algebraicfunctionof all the functions of the types 6 and ^ which occur in t.

Next consider any function of the type " which occurs in t ; we write

t = Cr{z,"),

and, by arguments resemblingthose used in "4-71 and those used earlier in

this section, we find that the function it., defined as

7) V


is a solution of (1); and we have


so that

du; da,^ ^

This Wronskian is a constant, C'l,and so

Consequentlyu-^is an algebraicfunction, not onlyof all the transcendants of

the types 6 and ?r,but also of those of type 0 which occur in t ; and therefore

^/l is of order N. This is contrary to the hypothesisthat u, is of order /a + 1,

where ^ ^ N, if N " n.

The contradiction shews that N cannot be greaterthan n ; hence the order

of d([ogu,)ldzis n. And this is the theorem to be established.

4"73. Liouville's theorem-]-that BesseVs equationhas no algebraicintegral.

We shall now shew that the equation

has no integral(otherthan a null-function)which is an algebraicfunction of z.

We firstreduce the equationto its normal form

by writing y = uz~, i^ == "v " \-

* See e.g. Forsyth, Treatise on DifferentialEquations (1914),"65.

t Journal de Math. iv. (1839),pp. 429"435 ; vi. (1841),pp. 4"7. Liouville's first investigation

was concerned with the general case in which x i^) is any polynomial; the application(with

"various modifications)to Bessel's equation was given in his later paper. Journal de Math. vi.

"1841),pp. 1"13, 36.

Page 130: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This is of the form



(2) xW="^^-i^^-i.

If possible,let Bessel's equationhave an algebraicintegral; then (1)also

has an algebraicintegral.Let the equationwhich expresses this integral,w,as an algebraicfunction of z be

(3) 64{u,z) = %

where ^ is a polynomialboth in ii and in z ; and it is supposed that S" is


Since u is a solution of (1)we have

(4) MuuMi-'l"4uz^uUz-\-r9lzz-S"r^^-6"^^ux{z)= ^.

The equations(3)and (4)have a common root, and hence all the roots

of (3) satisfy(4).

For, if not, the left-hand sides of (3)and (4){(luafunctions of ii)would

have a highestccrmmon factor other than S4 itself,and this would be a

polynomialin u and in z. Hence s" would be reducible,which is contrary to


Let all the roots of (3)be Mj, lu, ... w,^. Then, if s is any positiveinteger,

is a rational function of z ; and there is at least one value of s not exceedingM for which this sum is not zerof.

Let any such value of s be taken, and let



" tfm

m = \

M 'du.Also let Tf

,= 5 (5 - 1 ) . . . (s - r + 1 ) ^iz/^*-'"r'^X


m=\ \ dz J

where r= 1,2,...

s. Since u^, lu,... u^j are all solutions :Jof (1),it is easy to

prove that


(5) '^"=,r.,dW

(6) ~^=^Vr^ + r{s-r+l)x{z)W,-u (r = 1, 2,...

. - 1)

* That is to say, .^4has no factors which are polynomials in n or in z or in both " and z.

t If not, all the roots of (3) would be zero.

+ Because (4)is satisfied by all the roots of (3),qua equation in ".

Page 131: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since W^ is a rational function of z, it is expressiblein partialfractions,

so that,..


V J " , V __?".?

where A^ and Bn,q are constants, k and A. are integers,n assumes positive

integralvalues onlyin the last summation and ciq^0.

Let the highestpower of l/(^" a.q)which occurs in TFobe \j{z" a^y.

It follows by an easy induction from (5)and (6)that the highestpower of

1/(2" a,y)in Wr is 1/(2" UqY'^'',where ?" = 1,2,...


Hence there is a higherpower on the left of (7) than on the right.This

contradiction shews that there are no terms of the type Bn,q(z " aq)~^ in W^

n= -K

We may now assume that J.a=^0, because this expressionfor W^ must

have a last term if it does not vanish identically.

From (5)and (6) it is easy to see that the terms of highestdegreein z

which occur in Ifo,l^i" ^2, 1^3."""


A^z\ \A",z^-\ A^sz\ \A",{'^s-^2)z^-\....

By a simpleinduction it is possibleto shew that the term of highestdegreein ^;,^M.3...(2r-l).s(s-2)...(s-2r+2).

An induction of a more complicatednature is then necessary to shew that the

term of highestdegreein W^r+\is

\A,z"^-' 2.4... (2r).(s - 1)(s - 3) . . .

(,"- 2r + \)..^,(i, - !"; i - hj] l),-+a,

where the suffix r + 1 indicates that the first ?" + 1 terms onlyof the hyper-

geometricseries are to be taken.

If s is odd, the terms of highestdegree on the left and rightof (7) are

of degreesX " 2 and A. respectively,which is impossible.Hence TFovanishes

whenever s is odd.

When 5 is even, the result of equatingcoefficients of z^~'^in (7) is

\Ak.s\ = -\A,. s\ ,F,(1, - is; i - hs] l)y.

That is to say XA^.sl oFi{h,-^s; ^ - hj; 1) = 0,

and so, by Vandermonde's theorem,


...(.9" 1)

The expressionon the left vanishes onlywhen X, is zero^f*.

* It is to be remembered that the term of highest degree in xi^) ^^- 1-

t The analysisgiven by Liouville, Journal de Math. vi. (1841),p. 7, seems to fail at this

point,because he apparently overlooked the possibilityof \ vanishing. The failure seems in-evitable

in view of the fact that jf^^j(z)+ J'tn-h('" *^ ^^^ algebraicfunction of z, by " 3-4. The

subsequent part of the proof given here is based on a suggestion made by Liouville,Journal de

Math. IV. (1839), p. 435; see also Genocchi, Mem. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, xxiii. (18(51)),

pp. 299"362 ; Coniptes Eendus, lxxxv. (1877),pp. 391"394.

Page 132: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We have therefore provedthat,when s isodd, Wo vanishes,and that,when

s is even, Wn is expressiblein the form

V 4 ~" n

H = ()

where J.o,sdoes not vanish.

From Newton's theorem which expresses the coefficients in an equationin terms of the sums of powers of the roots, it appears that M must be even,

and that the equationrS4{u,z) = 0 is expressiblein the form

(8) u^'+ '1ii''-'^'-}%.(l/z)= 0,r=l

where the functions ^^ are polynomialsin l/z.

When we solve (8) in a series of ascendingpowers of l/z,we find that

each of the branches of u is expressiblein the form

w = 0

where n is a positiveintegerand, in the case of one branch at least,Cq does

not vanish because the constant terms in the functions ^,.are not all zero.

And the series which are of the form


?n = 0

are convergent*for all sufficientlylargevalues of z.

When we substitute the series into the left-hand side of (1),we find that

the coefficientof the constant term in the result is Co, and so, for every branch,

Co must be zero, contrary to what has justbeen proved. The contradiction

thus obtained shews that Bessel's equationhas no algebraicintegral.

4"74. On the impossibilityofintegratingBessel's equationin finiteterms.

We are now in a positionto prove Liouville's theorem f that Bessel's

equationfor functions of order v has no solution (excepta null-function)

which is expressiblein finite terras by means of elementarytranscendental

functions,if 2v is not an odd integer.

As in " 4"73,we reduce Bessel's equationto its normal form

(1) "="^"^)-where -^{z)= -I + p(p + l)/2''and p= " v " ^.

Now write d (logu)/dz= t,and we have

(2) ^^^.,i_"0-l).o.* Goursat, Cours d'Analyse,ii. (Paris,1911),pp. 273"281. Many treatises tacitlyassume the

convergence of a series derived in this manner from an algebraicequation,t Journal de Math. vi. (1841),pp. 1"13, 3G.

Page 133: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since % (z)is of order zero, it follows from " 4'72 that,if Bessel's equationhas an integralexpressiblein finite terms, then (2) must have a solution

which is of order zero, must have an algebraicintegral.

If (2) has an algebraicintegral,let the equationwhich expresses this

integral,t,as an algebraicfunction of z, be

(3) S4 (t,z) = 0,

where S^- is an irreducible polynomialin t and z.

Since t is a solution of (2),we have

(4) az + [x(^) - 1']* = 0.

As in the correspondinganalysisof " 4*73,all the branches of t satisfy(4).

First suppose that there are more than two branches of t, and let three

of them be called ti,to,U, the correspondingvalues of u (definedas exp ^tdz)

being "i, Uo, u^. These functions are all .solutions of (1)and so the Wronskians

du-i du2 dui dii-^ duo dui'"''di

~ ""'~dJ ' '''^~'''~cU' '''Jz" ''"'~d^

are constants, which will be called C\, C^, 0^.

Now it is easy to verifythat

ridtt-i dvo

,,' (J

I= Mo "J K'S -J-

" U-iUs {is" 1.2}'.

and ^3" 1.2is not zero, because, if it were zero, the equation(3)would have a

pairof equalroots,and would therefore be reducible.

Hence Cj^ 0, and so

ii^Us = Gi/{ts- to).

Therefore U0U3 (and similarlyUsUi and Mj Mo)is an algebraicfunction oi z.

But Ui =. / -"


and therefore u^ is an algebraicfunction of z. This, as we have seen in "4-73,

cannot be the case, and so t has not more than two branches.

Next suppose that t has two branches, so that -SW{t,2) is quadraticin t.

LetTthe branches be U " \/V, where U and V are rational functions of z. By

substitutingin (2) we find that

^^^[F'+ 4t7F=0.

Let V be fixctorisedso that


where A is constant, k,^and X are integers,and k,,and a,, are not zero.

Page 134: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


From the second member of (5)it follows that

rr_ _


""? ^9

4^ ^ 4"{z- Clq)'

and then by substitutinginto the firstmember of (5) we have

Now consider the principalpart of the expressionon the left near a^. It

is evident that none of the numbers k^ can be less than " 2, and, if any one

of them is greater than " 2 it must satisfythe equation

Kg + ^fCq^ U,

SO that Kg is 0 or " 4, which are both excluded from consideration. Hence all

the numbers Kg are equalto " 2.

Again,if we consider the principalpart near oo,

we see that the highest

power in V must cancel with the " 1 in ^ (z),so that X = "^ Kg.

It follows that \JV is rational,and consequently/-4{t,z) is reducible,which

is contrary to hypothesis.

Hence t cannot have as many as two branches and so it must be rational.

Accordingly,let the expressionfor t in partialfractions be

^ B

Zg{Z~ag)-'t= 1 Anz''+ ^

n= -K n.

where An and Bn^g are constants, k and X, are integers,ii assumes positivevalues onlyin the last summation and Ug ^ 0.

If we substitute this value of t in (2) we find that

2 nAnZ^^-^- t'"^'''

l^ + I S Anz- + t^^ J' + 1



n=-K n,q\^ (^q) (h=-k \Z " Ojg)J Z

If we consider the principalpart of the left-hand side near a^ we see that

\l{z" ag)cannot occur in ^ to a higherpower than the firstand that

5,,, - B\ g= 0,

SO that ^1 5= 1.

Similarly,if we consider the principalparts near 0 and oo,

we find that

K=l, {A_y-A_,==p(p+1); \ = 0, ^o' = -l.

Since p= "v-^, we may take ^_i = -p without loss of generality.It then follows that

u = z-Pe^''U(z-ag).(J

Accordingly,if we replaceu by z'P e^'^ w in (1),we see that the equation

must have a solution which is a polynomialin z, and the constant term in

this polynomialdoes not vanish.

Page 136: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


4"8. Solutions ofLaplace'sequation.

The firstappearance in analysisof the generalBessel coefficient has been

seen (" I'S)to be in connexion with an equation,equivalentto Laplace's

equation,which occurs in the problemof the vibrations of a circular membrane.

We shall now shew how Bessel coefficients arise in a natural manner from

Whittaker's* solution of Laplace'sequation

d'V d'V d-'V_

The solution in questionis

(2) ^^ ^

I /(^ + *^ ^^^ ^* + *V^i^ ^*'^)^"'J "TT

in which /denotes an arbitraryfunction of the two variables involved.

In particular,a solution is

ek(z+ ixcosu + iysinu) QQ^.^^^^^,^^'

- TT

in which k is any constant and m is any integer.

If we take cylindrical-polarcoordinates,defined by the equations

x = p cos (f),y = p sin ^,this solution becomes

gfcz gikpcoi{u-4,)(jQg y^n^du = e^^I ei*p'="s"cos m (v+ 0) dv,.

"It J"IT

_ 2e^^I eifcpCOS"QQg j^^y QQg j,j0 y^J 0

= 27ri'" e*^cos m(j". /,"(A;/3),

by " 2'2. In like manner a solution is


and this is equal to 27rt"*e^"sin m^ .J",(A:/?).Both of these solutions are

analyticnear the origin.

Again,if Laplace'sequationbe transformed! ^ cylindrical-polarcoordi-nates,

it is found to become


p dp' p- d(f"^-'^

dz^~ '


Monthly Notices of the R. A. S. lxii. (1902),pp. 617"620; 3Iath. Ann. lvii. (1902),

pp. 333"341.

t The simplestmethod of effectingthe transformation is by using Green's theorem. See

W. Thomson, Camb. Math. Journal, iv. (1845),pp. 33"42.

Page 137: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and a normal solution of this equationof which e*^ is a factor must be such that

is independentof (f),and, if the solution is to be one-valued,it must be equalto " m- where ni is an integer.Consequentlythe function of p which is a

factor of V must be annihilated by

dp^ p dp \'


and therefore it must be a multipleof ./,"(kp)if it is to be analyticalongthe

line p =0.

We thus obtain anew the solutions




These solutions have been derived by Hobson* from the sohition ^^J"(kp) by Clerk

Maxwell's method of differentiatingharmonics with respect to axes.

Another solution of Laplace'sequationinvolvingBessel functions has been obtained byHobson {ibid.p. 447) from the equation in cylindrical-polarcoordinates by regardingcjdz

as a symbolicoperator. The solution so obtained is

sin ^- "'"V'^rf^

where/(2)is an arbitraryfunction ; but the interpretationof this solution when '^'"jinvolves

a function of the second kind is open to question. Other solutions involvinga Bcs.sel

function of an operator actingon an arbitraryfunction have been givenby Hobson, P)-oc.

London Math. Soc. xxiv. (1893),pp. 55"67; xxvi. (1895),pp. 492"494.

4*81. Solutions of the equationsof ivave motions.

We shall now examine the equationof wave motions





cr dt^'

in which t representsthe time and c the velocityof propagationof the waves,

from the same aspect.

Whit taker'sf solution of this equationis


(2) y = \ /(^ sin u cos y + y sin v sin v + s cos u + ct, u, v)dudv,

wtere / denotes an arbitraryfunction of the three variables involved.

In particular,a solution is

"ikixsmucasi" + 1/sin u silli}+ Z":osu + ct) ^ /f^f i\dudi*

"TT. (I

where F denotes an arbitraryfunction of u and v.

* Froc. Loudon Matli. Soc. xxii. (1892),pp. 431"449.

t Math. Ann. lvii. (1902), pp. 342" H4o. See also Havelock, Proc. London Math. f^oc. (2)ii.

(1904),pp. 122"137, and Watson, SIr.ssrnijcr,xxxvi, (1907),pp. 98"106.

Page 138: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The physicalimportanceof this particularsolution lies in the fact that it

is the generalsolution in which the waves all have the same frequencykc.

Now let the polarcoordinates of {x,y, z) be (r,6,"^),and let ("",y\r)be the

angularcoordinates of the direction (m,v) referred to new axes for which the

polaraxis is the direction {6,4")and the plane -^= 0 passes through the

^-axis. The well-known formulae of sphericaltrigonometrythen shew that

cos ft) = cos ^ cos u + sin 6 sin u cos {v - (f)),

sin u sin (v" (f))= sin co sin ^fr.

Now take the arbitraryfunction F (n,v) to be Sn (u,v)sin u, where S,,de-notes

a surface harmonic in {u,v) of degreen ; we may then write

Sn {U,V) = Sn {d,(/); Oi, ir),

where Sn is a surface harmonic* in (w,^) of degreen.

We thus get the solution

Vn - e^^"* gikrcosm Sn(d, (});ft),i/r)sin codwdyjr.J -TT.'0

Since Sn is a surface harmonic of degreen in ("","\jr),we may write

Sn {6,"f";(0,ir)= An (0,(f").Pn (cOSft))


-\- S [AJ"'\6,(f))cos m^fr+ BJ""^6,(i))sin mylr\Fn"'(cos(o),

where An{6, 4"),An^"'^{6,"/")and """'""(^,"^)are independentof to and -v/r.

Performingthe integrationwith respect to yjr,we get

Vn = lire'^'^^An(0,(t")Ie^fc'-cos.op^^^qq ^) sin (odo)

" =(2'7r)U-e''^"'^'I^^^An(e,"i")by "8-32.

Now the equationof wave motions is unaffected if we multiplya;,y, z and

t by the same constant factor,i.e.if we multiplyr and t by the same constant

factor,leaving6 and "^unaltered ; so that An {0,(f))may be taken to be in-dependent!

of the constant k which multipliesr and t.

Hence lim (^"~''Vn) is a solution of the equationof wave motions, that is

to say, r''An{d,"f")is a solution (independentof t) of the equationof wave

motions,and isconsequentlya solution of Laplace'sequation.Hence An (^,"/")

This follows from the fact that Laplace's operator is an invariant for changes of rectangular


t This is otherwise obvious, because S, may be taken independent of A-.

Page 139: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is a surface harmonic of degreen. If we assume it to be permissibleto take

An id,"/))to be any such harmonic, we obtain the result that

eikcty-hj ^kr)F,r (cos6)^^^


is a solution ofthe equationof wave motions*; and the motion representedbythis solution has frequencykc.

To justifythe assumption that A,^{6,cf))may be any surface harmonic of degreen, we

construct the normal solution of the equation of wave motions

,bV\ 1 0 /.

^dV\ 1 a-'I' i^d^V/ ,cV\ 1 c /.

^dV\ 1

di-V drj sin 6 d0 \ dd J ^sin^ 6 dcfi^ c"-dfi '



which has factors of the form t;'*"'.

mcb. The factor which involves 6 must then he ofsm

the form P""*(cos6) ; and the factor which involves r is annihilated by the operator

dr \ dr

so that if this factor is to be analyticat the originit must be a multipleof e/^+ {kr)j^h:

-(r'^"yn(n+ l)U-^r^

4'82. Theorems derived from solutions of the equationsof Mathematical


It is possibleto prove (or,at any rate, to render probable)theorems con-cerning

Bessel functions by a comparisonof various solutions of Laplace's

equationor of the equationof wave motions.

Thus, if we take the function

e^^J^i[k^J{p'+ a" " lap cos ^)],

by making a change of originto the point(a,0,0),we see that it is a solution

of Laplace'sequationin cylindrical-polarcoordinates. This solution has e*-'^as

a factor and it is analyticat all pointsof space. It is therefore natural to

expect it to be expansiblein the form


e^^ J.ot/o{kp)-1-2 2 {A,ncos mj) + B"i sin m^) J,"(kp)_

?" = 1

Assuming the possibilityof this expansion,we observe that the function under

consideration is an even function of cf),and so B,n = 0 ; and, from the symmetry

in p and a, A,n is of the form Cm.Jm{ka),where c," is independentof p and a.

/We thus get

Jo \k's/{p"+ a- - -lap cos ^)}= S e,"c,"Jm0"'p)'fn{ka)cos mcf).111=0

If we expand both sides in powers of p, a and cos (f),and compare the

coefficients of (k-pacos "^)",we get

C,)i= i,

* Cf. Bryan, Nature, lxxx. (1909),p. 309.

Page 140: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so we are led to the expansion*00

Jo {k\/(p-+ a-- 2a p cos "/))}= S f,",/m(kp)Jm (ka)cos 7n(f,,m = 0

of which a more formal proofwill be givenin " 11-2.

Again,ifwe take e'*"'^*+^*,which is a solution of the equationof wave motions,

and which representsa wave moving in the direction of the axis of z from

+ 00 to - 00 with frequencykc and wave-length27r/Ar,we expect this expression

to be expansiblef in the form

(^^"^kctI Cni^^J^^^^(kr)Pn{cOS6),

where Cn is a constant ; so that

gikrcose= r^yX c,,i'^/"^.(kr)Pn (cOS6).\KrJ n=0

If we compare the coefficients of (krcos 6)^ on each side,we find that

nl^ ''"2'"+*r(n+ |)'2".(w!/'

and so c" = n + ^ ; we are thus led to the expansion:}:

\icr/ ,1=0

of which a more formal proofwill be givenin " H'o.

4*83. Solutions of the wave equationin space ofp dimensions.

The analysisjustexplainedhas been extended by Hobson"to the case of

the equation" d^-V d-V d^V 1 d'^V

1 1-...

H =

dx{' dx.r dxp^ c- dt-

A normal solution of this equationof frequencykc which is expressibleas a

function of r and t only,where

r= vW- + "2-+ """+ VX

must be annihilated by the operator

d^ p-1 d

j^ r (jr

and so such a solution,containinga time-factor e^*^ must be of the form


* This is due to Neumann, Theorie der Bessel'sclten Functionen (Leipzig,1867), pp. 59"65.

t The tesseral harmonics do not occur because the function is symmetrical about the axis of z.

X This expansion is due to Bauer, Journal fur Math. lyi. (1859),pp. 104, 106.

" Proc. London Matli. Soc. xxv. (1894),pp. 49 " 75.

Page 141: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hobson describes the quotient'(^jip-a)ikr)/{kr)^^P~''^as a cylinderfunctionof rank p ; such a function may be written in the form

By usingthis notation combined with the concept of ^j-dimensionalspace,Hobson succeeded in provinga number of theorems for cylinderfunctions of

integralorder and of order equalto half an odd integersimultaneously.

As an exampleof such theorems we shall consider an expansionfor

J \ks/'if+ a" - %ir cos "/")'p],

where it is convenient to regard(^as beingconnected with Xp by the equation

Xp = r cos 0. This function multipliedby e'^'^*is a solution of the wave equation,and when we write p = r sin "p,it is expressibleas a function of p, "^,t and of

no other coordinates.


e''*"*./{kV(r-+ a- - 2ar cos "/")jp]

is annihilated by the operator

dp'^ p dp dec./'

that is to say, by the operator

dr^ r dr r- sm cf) d(f) r- d(f)'^

Now normal functions which are annihilated by this operatorare of the form


where Fn (cos^ !^)is the coefficient* of aV' in the expansionof

(l -2a cos (f)+ a'y-^p.

By the reasoningused in "4*82, we infer that

J {k\l{r-+ a^ " 2ar cos "^)\p]

1= {kap=Hh^^^^n-/"+i^-ii]^r)Jn+,,,.,{ka)Pn (cos"t"!p).

/N^ow expand all the Bessel functions and equate the coefficients oi'

{k'^arcos "^)'*on each side ; we find that

2^ A^ 2" r (?t+ i/J- 1 )

^M+hp-, ,^ 1 1^^^ + ip^-

)2"+iP-i r {n + lp)f"

n\ r (1^- 1)^


so that An = 2flP- (n + h^p-l)V {hp - 1).

* So that,in Gegenbauer's notation,

I'u (cos"p\p)^ C^/'-^cos./.).

W. 15. K. !)

Page 142: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We thus obtain the expansion

/jp_,{kV(r2 +a^- 2ar cos "f))]

(r + a^ " 2ar cos (f))^^'*

2iP-'/\;f_,^^ i (* + *p-l)e/,^i^-i(^^r)/^,p_,(A:a)Cf-^(cos(/").

An analyticalproofof this expansion,which holds for Bessel functions of

all orders (thoughthe proofgivenhere is valid onlywhen }) is an integer),will

be givenin " 11'4.

4"84. Batemari's solutions ofthe generalisedequationof wave motions.

Two systems of normal solutions of the equation

8^ a^ rr d-V_

1 B^F

have been investigatedby Bateman*, who also established a connexion between

the two systems.

If we take new variables p, a, ^y "^ defined by the equations

Xi = p cos ^, Wx = a cos -yfr,

^2 = p sin Xr ^i = (^ sin -\/r,

the equationtransforms into

A normal solution of this equationwith frequencykc is

J^ (kpcos "t")J^ {ka sin "f")e' ('*x+''"^+^fO^

where "I"is any constant.

Further, if we write

p = ?" cos (f",(T=r sin "^,

so that(r,%, i/r,) form a system of polarcoordinates,equation(2)transformsinto

,g. ^ir.??7,l?!r cot"/"-tan"/)aF^ ' ar^ r dr r- d(l"^

"^r^ df

1 a'^F 1 a^Fia^F"*"

r^ cos- "^a^'^

r- sin-"/"a-"/r-~

c^ 1)"'

Now normal solutions of this equationwhich have e""('^x-l-'"/'-t-^cOas a factor

are annihilated by the operator

K^" + 7, 5^ + '^ + ^ loT^ + (cot 6 " tan "i)-^r~ -. )",or- rdr v [a"^2v r r/

^^ ^^^^^ sm' "j"\'

* Messenger, xxxm. (1904),pp. 182"188; Proc. Lo7idon Math. Soc. (2)in. (1905),pp. 111"123.

Page 144: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



5*1. Indefiniteintegralscontaininga singleBessel function.

In this chapter we shall discuss some propertiesof Bessel functions which

have not found a place in the two preceding chapters,and which have but

one feature in common, namely that they are all obtainable by processes of a

definitelyelementary character.

We shall first evaluate some indefinite integrals.

The recurrence formulae " 3'.9 (5) and (6) at once lead to the results

(1) 1%"+^'^.(^)dz = z^+^ ^C+i {z),

(2) l~z--^^ "^,{z)dz = - z-"^' 'e,^ (z).

To generalisethese formulae, consider

j%''^^f(zy^^{z)dz;let this integralbe equal to

z''+^{A(z)"^^(z)+ B(z)K^,(z)l

where A (z)and B {z) are to be determined.

The result of differentiation is that

^"^Vl^) K (z)^ z"^' \a'(z)"^^{z)+ A {z)^''^"^^{z)-A{z)^^^,(^)|+ z"-^^ [B'{z)-^^.^j{z) + B {z)"W.{z)\.

In order that A {z)and B {z) may not depend on the cylinderfunction, we

take A (^) = B' (z),and then

f{z)^A'{z)^^^^A{z)^B{z).Hence it follows that

(3) j'

z^^^ \^"{z)+ ^^ B' (z)-f B (z)].^^ {z)dz

= z^^^ [E {z) ^^ {z)+ B {z)%\^, {z%.

This result was obtained by Sonine, Math. Ami. xvi. (1880), p. 30, though an equivalentformula (with a diflPerent notation)had been obtained previously by Lommel, Studien iiher

die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868), p. 70. Some developments of formula (3) are

due to Nielsen, Nyt Tidsskrift,ix. (1898), pp. 73"83 and Ann. di Mat. (3) vi. (1901),

pp. 43"46.

For some associated integralswhich involve the functions ber and bei,see Whitehead,Quarterly Journal, XLii. (1911),pp. 338

" 340.

Page 145: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The followingreduction formula, which is an obvious consequence of (3),

should be noted:

(4) I~

z'^^''",{z)dz = - ifji'- V- )r z"--'K {z)dz

+ [^'^^''C+i {z)+ {^J^-v)zi^^,{z)'\.

5"11. Lommel's integralscontainingtwo cylinderfunctions.

The simplestintegralswhich contain two Bessel functions are those

derived from the Wronskian formula of " 312 (2),namely

/. iz)J'_.(.)- /_. {z)j;(z)= -



which gives


P dz^

IT J-.{z)

J z J^^{z) 2 sin VTT J^ {z)

^^ j Z ./.,(Z)J_, (Z) 2 sin VTT^^

/, (z)'

and similarly,from " 3"6o (1),

dz 77 V^{z)(3)


;zJ^H^) 2J^{z)'

^^ ' zJ,{z)YAz)-2'''^JA^)'

dz TT J^ (z)(5)

zY:-{z) 2 F,(2r)'

The reader should have no difficultyin evaluatingthe similar integralswhich contain

any two cylinderfunctions of the same order in the denominator. The fornmlae actually

given are due to Lommel, Math. Ann. rv. (1871),pp. 103"116. The reader should compare

(3) with the result due to Euler which was quoted in " 1 '2.

Some more interestingresults,also due to Lommel*, are obtained from

genei'alisationsof Bessel's equation.

It is at once verified by differentiation that,if y and "?;satisfythe equations

then f (P-Qyy'}'^^= y "'''""

* Math. Ann. xiv. (1879),pp. 520"536.

Page 146: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now applythis result to any two equationsof the type of " 4"31 (17). If

I,^v denote any two cylinderfunctions of orders \x and v respectively,we have

(6) ".,^^^^.,.^^Ap^dz dz



-2;p(7)4|^P(7)I" '^ ^'^"' +^^l^(-)n

where (f)(z)and y{r(z)are arbitraryfunctions of ^^.

This formula is too generalto be of practicaluse. As a specialcase, take

(f){z)and ^{^(z)to be multiplesof 2^,say kz and Iz. It is then found that

(7) {k^-l^)z-IX' " V


= z \k%^, {kz)f,{Iz)- m^ (kz) ?,+i(Iz)]-ifji-v)9^ {kz)%\ {Iz).

The expressionon the leftsimplifiesstillfurther in two specialcases (i)/u,= i/,

(ii)k = l.

If we take ix= v,\i is found that

(8) {kz) 6^ {tz)dz =


This formula may be verified by differentiatingthe expressionon the right.It becomes nugatory when k=l, for the denominator is then zero, while the

numerator is a constant.

If this constant is omitted, an applicationof THospital'srule shews that,

when l-^k,

(9) z"^ {kz)%\ {kz)dz = -^ [kz ^^,(kz)'6; {kz)

- kz90 (kz)f^V+i{kz)- '^^(kz)#^+1(kz)}.

The result of using recurrence formulae to remove the derivates on the

rightof (9)is

(10) z^^ (kz)9^^(kz)dz = \z-'[W^ (kz)%% (kz)- 9^^_,(kz)%%+, (kz)


Page 147: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Specialcases of these formulae are :

(11) f~K' {kz)dz = ^z'{'e;~{kz)- '-^^_.{kz)'^,^,{kz)]

= Iz^-|(l- ^\ 9B,'{kz)+ '^; (/.^)J,

a 2) ^~z'W^{kz)f_^ {kz)dz = \z"-{2'^^^{kz)'f_^ {kz)+ W^_,{kz)Wf_^_,{kz)

+ 9?,^,{kz)^_^^,{kz)],

the latter equationbeing obtained by regardinge~'^'''-Yi}^{kz)as a cylinderfunction of order " fi.

To obtain a different class of elementaryintegralstake k=l in (7)and it

is found that

(13) rfe-(fe)-g,iic.)^=-^" ^^'*''"^ ' ^^"^" ^'^'"^"^'^'-"^'^^'


The result of making z/ ^-/a in this formula is

(-14) I ?^^(^"^)6.^ (A;^T


2~ 1 '""^' '"


_ ^^ (yr,^)M+i(^)l


The last equationis also readilyobtainable by multiplyingthe equations

^.'^,(^)= 0, V,^^^^=2/.t^(^)y '

~a ' ~^"^\^) respectively,subtractmg and mtegrating, and then re-Z 0 fJi Z

placingz by kz.

As a specialcase we have

(15) j./m-H^^)^=|^{/..,(A-,^)!i|M(^-^)-/.(^-^)3M+.(/^-^)}+ 2^^.M^-4Arfalternative method of obtainingthis result will be givenimmediately.

Results equivalentto (11) are as old as Fourier's treatise,La Theorie Analytiquede la

Chaleur (Paris,1822),"5 318"319, in the case of functions of order zero ; but none of the

other formulae of this section seem to have been discovered before the publicationof

Lommel's memoir.

Various specialcases of the formulae have been worked out in detail by Marcolongo,

Napoli Rendiconti,(2)ni. (1889),pp. 91"99 and by Chessin, Trans. Aaid. Sci. of St Louis,

XII. (1902),pp. 99"108.

Page 148: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


5'12. Indefimte integralscontainingtwo cylinderfunctions; LommeVs

second method.

An alternative method has been givenby Lommel* for evaluatingsomeof the integralsjustdiscussed. By this method their values are obtained in a

form more suitable for numerical computation.

The method consists in addingthe two results

^ {z" ^ (z)#. (z)]= -z"' {'^,(z)W,^, (z)+ %^, (z)W'.(z)]

+ (p + ^+ v)z'"-'1^^{z)W,{z),

^{p-^-v-2) z""-^ ^^+, {z)%\^,{z),,

so that

(p + /x + v){~z^-'%\ (z) ,{z)dz+ (p-fM-v- 2)r ZP-' ^^+, (z)W ,+1 (z)dz

= z^ re (z)f.{z)+ ^,+, (z) ,+1(z)l

and then givingspecialvalues to p.

Thus we have

(1) fz-"^-''-^%^Az)'^^^,{z)dz

2(/7^+l)^"^^'^ ^ ^' + '^'^-^^^' '^"^^ ^"^'

(2) J ^'^""-''+i'^e(^)%% (^)f/^ =

g^^^^_^^^{^,(z) ^ (z)+ -e+^(z)'^^^,(zy^.

As specialcases of these

(3) f^-'"-'"^V+i(^)c^ = - 4^ l^,'(z)+ "^W, (z)},


['z-^-+ '^C {z)dz = ^^ ("^,(z)+ "^^,+,(^)}.

Again,if p be made zero,it is found that

= K (z)%\ {z)+ ^^^, {z)%\^, (z),

so that,by summing formulae of this type, we get

(5) if.+ v)f%\ (z)W,(z)^-(p,+ , + 2n)j'W,^,,(z) ?.+,(z)^

Math. Ann. xiv. (1879),pp. 530"536.

Page 149: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In particular,if /u.= z^ = 0,

dz(6) j %\{z)'"n{z)~

1 r, r-^

"-ll'^0(^) 0 (^)+ 2 2 '",n{z)'^\n{z)+ '^niz)'^n{z)

m = I

where n = 1, 2, 3, ....

But there seems to be no simpleformula for

j%{z)%\ {z) .

For a specialcase of (1)see Rayleigh,Phil. Mag. (.5)xi. (1881),p. 217. {ScientificPapers,

I. (1899),p. 516.]

5 "IS. So7mie's integralscontainingtioo cylinderfunctions.

The analysisof " .5-1 has been extended by Sonine,Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 30"33,

to the discussion of conditions that

may be expressiblein the form

^ (^)-^Mi' (^")J;5.{^ (^)H^ (s)-2?^^,{0 (^)}-f,{"/^(^)}

+ C (z)"^^{0 (.-)}%-^^ {V.(3)}+i" (.-)-gf^^j{0 (z)}^^,{^ {z%

but the results are too complicatedand not sufficientlyimportant to justifytheir insertion


5 '14. Scliafheitlinsreduction formula.

A reduction formula for


which is a natural extension of the formula " 5"1 (4),has been discovered by

Schafheitlin* and appliedby him to discuss the rate of change of the zeros of

^v{z) as V varies ("15"6).

To obtain the formula we observe that



--fz^W.i^)\z^^^z^m^)dz-^ [_ ^^+2^"^_(^)r^;(^)]+ I


{^^+-2^;2 (^)+ (^ + 1 , ^^+1 -i^(^)'^-;(^)|dz.

Now, by a partialintegration,

(/j.+ S)\'z'^+"(^J-'(z)dz= [z"^+''^\''{z)]

+ 2 1%'^+'K' (z)[z"^:{z)+ {z"-- v')K (^)ldz,

* Berliner Sitzunf/nberichte,v. (1906),p. 88,

Page 150: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so

{fjL+ 1)I%'^+'^/^{z)dz = r^'^+ K" {z)]+ 2 ['2'^+^(^'^- v'^)'^,(^)-g^;(^)dz.

Hence, on substitution,

{lji+\)\%"^{z'--v')9^-'{z)dz= [^'^+"-^/ (2)- (/x+ 1)z^^' '^v(z)'^J (z)]

+ 2 1%^^+-'9^.(z)%%' (z)dz + {{fi+ If - -22.^11%'^+'^,(z)W;{z)dz

= [z"'+'"W:^(z)-(fi+1) z"'+'"^.{z)"^J{z)+ z"^+-''g?,2{z)

+ {hAjJi+ lf-v^z"^+'^ii,'{z)]

- {fi+3)[V+^ W^ {z)- (/x+ 1){1{^l+ 1)^- v'\J^*^'i'/{z)dz.

By reari'angingwe find that

{fji+ 2)['z"^+^^i^fj'{z)dz= {ti+l)[v'-\{fi+ ^f^^'z^9Sj'{z)dz+ 1 [^'^+1{z9S:(^)- i (m + 1) '^.(^)}+ ^'^+^ [z'- 7.^+ H/^ + ^)1'^^.(^)].

and this is the reduction formula in question.

5'2. Expansionsin series ofBessel functions.

We shall now discuss some of the simplestexpansionsof the type ob-tained

for (1^)'"^in " 2'7. The generaltheoryof such expansionsis reserved

for Chapter XVI.

The result of " 27 at once suggests the possibilityof the expansion


(1) (i.)^=s(^i"MIV+ .")^^^^(,)_

which is due to Gegenbauer* and is valid when fi is not a negativeinteger.

To establish the expansion,observe that

is a series of analyticfunctions which converges uniformlythroughout any

bounded domain of the ^;-plane(cf " 3'13);and since

d (^z)~'^

^{(i^)"J^+on(Z)]= -^_^^^ {nJ^+^n-l(z)-(fl+ n) J^+2n+l(z)],

it is evident that the derivate of the series now under consideration is

i"n1 = 0 n-

n = o ^"

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxiv. (2),(1877),pp. 124"130.

= 0,

Page 152: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By a slightmodification of the analysis,we may prove that,if k is any


X oi^i{fi+ n, -n\ V + 1\ A--)(yu,+ 2n)J^,+^n{z).

This formula will be requiredin establishingsome more generalexpansions

in" 11-6.

5'22. LommeVs expansionsof{z + A)**''./^\\/{z+ h)].

It is evident that {z + A)~^"J" [s/{z+ h)],qua function of z + h, is analyticfor all values of the variable,and consequently,by Taylor'stheorem combined

with " .3"21 (6),w^e have

00 Am (Jm

(1) {z + hr^^j.yiz +h)] = s -


w = 0 mf+Wl (V^).

Again, (^+ A)"'/,.{\/('2'+ ^)}is analyticexcept when z-\-h = 0; and so,

providedthat |A |" j ^ |,we have

(2) (.+/o^''J. {V( + h)]=1 -. ^ {.i^/.(V^)]

These formulae are dtie to Lommel*. If we take y = - ^ in (1)and v = ^ in

(2)we deduce from "3*4,after making some slightchangesin notation,

(3) l^\cos ^(z^- 2zt)=^ --^ J.n-i(z),yirzj ,n=o m.

(4) " sin ^/{z^-+ 2zt)= S " ./i_ (z),

equation(4) being true only when |i|"^|2^j.These formulae are due to

Glaisherf,who regardedthe left-hand sides as the generatingfunctions

associated with the functions whose order is half of an odd integer,just as

exp f^^'(^" 1/0} is the generatingfunction associated with the Bessel co-efficients.

Proofs of (3) and (4) by direct expansionof the right-handsides have

been givenby Glaisher ; the algebrainvolved in investigationsof this nature

is somewhat formidable.

* Studien ilber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),pp. 11" 16. Formula (1) was given

by Bessel, Berliner Abh. 1824 [1826],p. 35, for the Bessel coefficients.

t Quarterly Journal, xii. (1873),p. 136 ; British Association Report, 1878, pp. 469"470. Phil.

Trans, of the Royal Soc. clxxii. (1881),pp. 774"781, 813.

Page 153: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We shall now enumerate various modifications of (1) and (2).

In (1)replacez and //by z- and ^"2 and then

(5) J, {W(l + h)\= (1 + hr S^ ^



and, in particular,

(6) /.(^V2)^2^^ S - "7f J^^-Az).

If we divide (5)by (1 + A:)^"and then make ^ -^" 1, we find that

In like manner, from (2),

(8) J. {W(l + A-)H (1 + AO-i" i ^-^^^-/.-,"(^),

providedthat |.^|" 1.

If we make A'^ - 1 + 0, we find,by Abel's theorem,

A--*-l+0 m=0 W'i

providedthat the series on the rightis convergent. The convergence isobvious

when V is an integer.If v is not an integer,then, for largevalues of ?",

"??l! TT.

in] ^ "^ I n

Hence the condition for convergence is R {v)" 0, and if the condition is

satisfied,the convergence is absolute. Consequently,when R (v)" 0, and also

when V is any integer,

(9) S^-^ ^f^J.-,"{z)= 0.


In like manner, if R(v)" " 1, and also when v is aiii/integer,we have

(10) /. (W2) = 2-^" t ^^ J,_",{z).III--

It should be observed that functions of the second kind may be substituted

for functions of the first kind in (1),(2),(5) and (8) providedthat |A j" | |

and j "I" 1 ; so that

111 = 0 "*-!

(12) (z + h)i''r, y{2 + h)] =5 ^i^^]:"'^!-"-)Y,_,,wz),

(13) F. [zV(l + AOJ= (1 + Z^)^"S^ ^ ^7"^ iW-" (--),

/" = 0

(14) Y^ {zv(i + ^01= (1 + k)-^-"t ^ I }-;_,"(4

Page 154: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These may be proved by expressingthe functions of the second kind as a

linear combination of functions of the firstkind ; by proceedingto the limit

when V tends to an integralvalue, we see that they hold for functions of


By combining (11)" (14) with the correspondingresults for functions of

the first kind, we see that we may substitute the symbol W for the symbolY throughout.

These last formulae were noted by Lommel, Stadien, p. 87. Numerous generalisations

of them will be givenin Chapter xi. It has been observed by Airey,Phil. Mag. (6) xxxvi.

(1918),pp. 234" 242, that they are of some use in calculations connected with zeros of

Besael functions.

When we combine (5)and (13),and then replace\/(l-\-k)by X, we find

that,when |X^ " 1 1" 1,00 (_\m (\-2 _ -\\m il^\m

(15) ^. (M = x^ S U__^^_Ji-Ai^"g',^",{z),

and, in particular,when X is unrestricted,

00 ("\m (\2 _-\\m.(lp'\m

(16) /. (X^)= X-' S^ ^ ^^


^ ^''^J.^,n{z).

These two results are fi*equentlydescribed* as multiplicationtheorems for

Bessel functions.

It may be observed that the result of treating(14) in the same way as (8) is that

(when V is taken equal to an integern)

(17) -{a-l)\ (2/zr= n 2 i-i^ F"_,"(4?n=0 ''''


An alternative proofof the multiplicationformula has been givenby Bohmer, Berliner

Sitzungsberichte,xiii. (1913),p. 35, with the aid of the methods of complex integration;

see also Nielsen, Math. Ann. lix. (1904),p. 108, and (fornumerous extensions of the

formulae) Wagner, Bern Mittheilungen,1895, pp. 115 " 119; 1896, pp. 53"60.

[Note. A specialcase of formula (1),namely that in which ^ = 1, was discovered byLommel seven years before the publicationof his treatise ; see Archiv der Math, xxxvii.

(1861),p. 356."

His method consisted, in takingthe integral

^II c,os,{^rcos 6 + r]rsin Q) d^d-q

over the area of the circle ^~+ rf'"l.,and evaluatingit by two difif'erentmethods.

The result of integratingwith resi:)ectto rj is

27r /_i

sin (^rcos 6 + r^rsin 6)^i^-^") di


= - j cos{^cose)iimU{l-P).riim6}~^^

"7r"i=o (2?n+ l)! 7 _i^^ / \ b/ "=

- (-)'"(lrsing)2"J^^i(?-cosg)TO=o ml (/-cos^)'"*!'

See, e.g. Schafheitlin,Die Theorie der Besselschen Funktionen (Leipzig,1908), p. 83.

Page 155: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the result of changing to polarcoordinates {p,(p)is

1 /"jr ri 1 /""^ r^-"

I I cos {ri}cos {(f)" d)}p dpd(f)= ^"I cos (rpcoh (f))pdpdcf)

'2n I "TT J 0"^"n' ./"n J I)

If we compare these equationswe obtain (1)in the case i/ = l with z and h replacedbyr'^cos''^and r^ sin- ^.]

5*23. The expansionof a Bessel functionas a series ofBessel functions.

From formula " 5'22 (7),Lommel has deduced an interestingseries of

Bessel functions which represents any givenBessel function.

If fjband V are unequal,and jx is not a negativeinteger,we have

The repeatedseries is absolutelyconvergent; consequentlywe may re-arrange

it by replacingp by tn " n, and then we have

and hence, by Vandermonde's theorem,

This formula was given by Lommel, Studien ilher die Bessel'schen Functionen (Leipzig,

1868),pp. 22 " 23, in the sjjecialcase /i = 0; by differentiatingwith respect to v and then

puttingv = 0, it is found that

(2) knY,{z) = J,{z)\0g{hz)-''^f^-}^i ^-^~^{"r-''J,..,n{z)M ~ MJ m=0 l"l "}

and, when /i=0, we have Lommel's formula

(3) 1^ Y, (z)= ./o(^)" {y+ log(1-0}+ 2 ^^'ff"f;/'^.

"J/l^\ lit " ilv"

This should be compared with Neumann's expansiongiven in " 3'571.

53. An addition formula for Bessel functions.

An extension of the formula of " 2'4 to Be.ssel functions of any order is

(1) J,{z + t)= i J.-"^{t)J,n{z),7/1 = " 00

where |2; |" j ],v beingunrestricted. This formula is due to Schlafli* ; and

the similar but more generalformula

(2) %\{z + t)= X %\-,n{t)J,.{z)m = " X

is due to Soninef.

* Math. Ann. in. (1871),pp. 13-')" 137. t ^'^'''-x^'i- (1^80),pp. 7"8.

Page 156: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It will first be shewn that the series on the rightof (1) is a uniformly

convergent series of analyticfunctions of both z and t when

I2^ I^ r, 7? ^ I^ I A,

where r, R, A are unequalpositivenumbers in ascendingorder of magnitude.

When m is largeand positive,Ju-m(i)Jm(^) is comparablewith

r (m - v)sin vir.i^


and the convergence of the series is comparablewith that of the binomial

series for {l"rjR)". When m is largeand negative{= " n), the generalterm is comparablewith

V{v + n+\).n\

and the uniformityof the convergence follows for both sets of values of iii bythe test of Weierstrass.

Term-by-termdifferentiation is consequentlypermissible*,so that

il-P)i J.-.n{t)Jrr,{z)=l \J\-n,{t)J^{z) - J ,_,n{t)J'm{z)]\"jt CZj^=-tx^ 1,1= -ao

1 *

^m= " "x"

1 ""


9S J^-m (0 [Jm-l{2)- Jm+i (^)}


and it is seen, on rearrangement, that all the terms on the rightcancel,sothat


Hence, when 12^ ]" ji|,the series 2 J^,-m(t)Jm {z)is an analyticfunction

m = - X

of z and t which is expressibleas a functionof z-\-t only,since its derivates

with respect to z and t are identicallyequal. If this function be called

F{z + 1),then

m= " oc

If we put z = 0, we see that F {t)^J^{t),and the truth of (1) becomes


Again,if the signsof v and w in (1)be changed,we have

in= - "

and when this result is combined with (1),we see that

(3) Y,{z + t)= I Y^_rr,(t)J,n{z).m=- CO

* Cf. Modern Analysis, "5-8.

Page 157: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When this is combined with (1),equation(2) becomes evident.

The reader will readilyprove by the same method that,when | |" i" |,

(4) J,{t-Z)= i J,^,n{t)J,,{z\

(5)- 'i^,{t-z)= I %%^,,(t)J,n{Z),

(6) Y,{t-z)= 2 F,+",(0 "/".(4)" = " ";

Of these results,(3) was given by Lommel, Studien iiber die BesseVschen Functionen

(Leijjzig,1868),when v is an integer; while (4),(5)and (6)were given*explicitlyby Graf,

Math. Ann. XLiii. (1893),pp. 141 " 142. Various generahsationsof these formulae will be

givenin Chapter xi.

5'4. Products ofBessel functions.

The ascendingseries for the productJ^ (z)J^ (z)has been givenby various

writers;the expansionis sometimes stated to be due to Schonholzerf,who

publishedit in 1877, but it had, in fact,been previouslypublished(in1870)

by Schlafli^.More recentlythe producthas been examined by Orr",while

Nicholsonjlhas givenexpansions(c"" 5-42)for productsof the forms

J^ (z)Yn (z)and l^^(z)Yn (z).

In the presentsection we shall construct the differentialequationsatisfied

by the productof two Bessel functions,and solve it in series. We shall then

("541) obtain the expansionanew by direct multiplicationof series.

Given two differential equationsin their normal forms

az- dz-

ify denotes the productvw, we have

y" = v"iu + 2v'w' + vtu"

= -{I + J)y + 2v'tu',

where primesindicate differentiations with respectto z.

* See also Epstein,Die vier Reclinungsoperationenmit BesseVschen Ftniciionen (Bern,1894),

[Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1893"1894, pp. 845"846].

yXJeber die Auswertlmng bestimmterlntegralemit Hiilfevon l^mndertmgen des Integratioimceges

(Bern,1877),p. 13. The authorities who attribute the expansionto Schonholzer include Graf and

Gubler, Einleitung in die Theorie der BessrVschen Funktionen, ii. (Bern, 1900), pp. 85"87, and

Nielsen,Ann. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)xviii. (1901),p. 50 ; Handbuch der Theorie der Cylin-

derfiinktionen(Leipzig,1904), p. 20. According to Nielsen, None. Ann. de Math. (4)ii. (1902),

p. 396, Meissel obtained some series for productsin the Iserhhn Frogramm, 1862.

$ Math. Ann. iii. (1871),pp. 141-142. A trivial defect in SchlaHi's proof is that he uses a

contour integralwhich (ashe pointsout) converges only when R(fi + i" + l)"0.

" Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. x. (1900),pp. 93"100.

IIQuarterly Journal, xliii. (1912),pp. 78"100.


Page 158: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that ^Jy"+ (^ + ^) 2/1= 2^"^' + 2v'rv"

= -2Ivw'-2Jv'w

and hence y'"+ 2(1 + J) y + (/'+J')y = {I- J) (v'w- viv').

Hence, in the specialcase when I =J, y satisfiesthe equation

(1) 2/'"+ 4// + 2/'2/=0;

but, if I ^ J, it-iseasy to shew by differentiation that

This is the form of the differential equationused by Git; in connexion with (1),see

Appell,Comptes Rendus, xci. (1880),pp. 211"214.

To applythese results to Bessel's equation,the equationhas to be reduced

to a normal form ; both Orr and Nicholson effect the reduction by taking

z^^^{z) as a new dependentvariable,but,for purposes of solution in series,it

is simplerto take a new independentvariable by writing


g d _d^_

so that ^-^ + ^^''- ^'^^^ ^^ = ^"

Hence the equationsatisfied by J^ {z)Jy (z),when /x- ^ v', is

5? S + 2 (2^=-- .'"- .^ + 4e-,}+ (^=- .=)"=y = 0,

that is to say

(3) [^^-2(fi'+ v') 2 + (fM'- vj] y + 4e-"'(^ + 1)(^ + 2)3/= 0,

and the equationsatisfied by J^ {z)J"" (z)is

(4) ^(^^-4z;2)2/+ 4e2"(^+ l)?/= 0.

Solutions in series of (8)are


where a= " /j " v and

4(a + 2m-l)(a + 2m)c,"_iCm "

{a+ fx + u + 2ni ){cc+ /J," V + 2m) (a " yu,+ z/ + 2m) {a " fi " v + 2m)'

If we take a = /m + pand*


^'~2''+''r{fi+ i)r(v + i)'we obtain the series

^ (-)'"(1^)'^+'^+""T(fi+ v+2m + l)

,"^oml r {fi+ V + m + l)r {/jl+ 7n + l)r (v + m + 1)'

and the other series which are solutions of (3)are obtained by changingthe

signsof either fx or v or both /x and v.

Page 160: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



This obvious mode of procedure does not seem to have been noticed by any of the

earlier writers;it was givenby Nielsen,Math. Ann. lii. (1899),p. 228.

The series for Jq{z)coszand J(i{z)ii\mwere obtained by Bessel,Berliner Abh. 1824,

[1826],pp. 38 " 39, and the correspondingresults for J^{z)cos,z and J^ (2)sin 2 were

deduced from Eoisson's integralby Lommel, Studien iiher die BesseV schen Functionen

(Leipzig,1868),pp. 16 " 18. Some deductions concerningthe functions ber and bei have

been made by Whitehead, QuarterlyJournal, XLii. (1911),p. 342.

More generally,if we multiplythe series for J^(az) and J^ibz),we obtain

an expansionin which the coefficient of (-)"'a'^h"(|2r)^+''+-""is

fow!T{v + n + l).{m -n)\ r{fi + m-n + l)



tt'-"'oF^(- m, - //-- m; 1/ + 1 ; 6-/a^)m! r(yLt+ m + l)r(i/+ l)

and so

{hazY (Ibz)"(2) J^(az)J,{bz)=

r(^ + l)

^ (-)'"(|a^)^'"2^1(- m, -fi-m; v + 1; "/a')Jlo mWiji + m + l)

and this result can be simplifiedwhenever the hypergeometricseries is

expressiblein a compact form.

One case of reduction is the case b = a, which has alreadybeen discussed ;

another is the case b = ia,providedthat /i- = v".

In this case we use the formula*

Fia ^- a-^4-1- -1)=r("-^-fl)r(i)

and then Ave see that

/ox I- / \ A / X Vi-y" (^azy''+ cos hiiTT


= 2(-)'"(^a^)2''+^'"

m =oml T{v + m-^ l)r{i' + 2m+ 1)'

(4) J_.(az)L(az)= X(-)- (i"^r cos (I.- lm)7r

If we take a = e^'^"in (3) we find that

(6) ber,2(^)+ bei.H^)= S~-^,


an expansionof which the leadingterms Avere givenin " SS.

* Cf, Kummer, Journal fur Math. xv. (1830),p. 78, formula (53).

Page 161: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The formulae (3),(4),(5) were discovered by Nielsen,Attidella R. Aecad. dei Lincei,(5)

XV. (1906),pp. 490 " 497 and Monatsheftefar Math, und Phys. xix. (1908),pp. 1G4" 170,

from a consideration of the differential equationsatisfied by J^,{a.z)J^v{bz).

Some series have been given,QuarterlyJournal, XLi. (1910),p. 55, for productsof the

types J^^{z)and J^^(z)J^ "

(/:),but they are too cumbrous to be of any importance.

By giving/* the specialvalues + | in (2),it is easy to prove that

(7) e--" /._, {zsin ^) = ^ (2 sin By-^ S rT^^TZT^^'"'' "' "-i y\) M=o 1- \^v + n)

The specialcase of this formula in which 2i/ is an integerhas been given

by Hobson*.

5'42. Products involvingBessel functionsofthe second kind.

The series for the productsJ^ {2)F" (z),J,n{z)Yn (z),and Y,n(z)F" (z)

have been the subjectof detailed studyby Nicholsonf ; the followingis an

outline of his analysiswith some modifications.

We have

TtJ,(z)Yn {Z)= I;{J (Z)/. (Z)]- (-r I [J,(^)/-. (^)l,

where v is to be made equalto n after the differentiations have been performed.



+ 2r=0 rlT{fi + v + r + l)r{fM + r + l)r{v+ri-l)

x{f(fjL+ v + 2r + l)-ylr{/u.+v + r + 1) - i/r(z.+ ?" + 1)}


1 [J,{z)J_. (z)}= - logiiz).J, {z}/_, (z)


V(_)'"(i^)^--+^'T(/^-i+ 2r + l)

.=0 irlr (fM- v + r + 1) r (fi+ r + 1) r (- V + r + 1)

{^|r{f^-v+ 2r -\-l)-^lr{fl-v+ r + l)-^jr{-v + r + l)]

We divide the last series into two parts, S and %.

In the former part we

r=o r=n


^^"1 (-i' + r + l)

* Proc. Lotidon Math. Soc. xxv. (1894),p. 0(3; see also Cailler,Mem. de l"iSoc. de

Geneve, xxxiv. (1902"1905), p. 316.

t Quarterly Journal, xliii. (1912),pp. 78"100. The expansion of Jo(z)Yo(z)had been giveu

previouslyby Nielsen,Handbuch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904),p. 21.

Page 162: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


while in the latter part there is no undetermined form to be evaluated. When

r is replacedin this part by n + r, it is seen that


--^ (l^r-"+^'-(;.- n + r + 1),(n - r - 1)!(1) 7r/,(^)J.(^)= - 2^ r!r(;a+ r + l)

\.to r\{n+r)\T{fi + r+\)

X [21og(i^)+ 2"/r(yLt+ " + 2r + l)

- -v/r(yu,+ ?i + r + 1) - "/r(yLt+ r + 1)


The expressionon the rightis a continuous function of /a at yu-= m where

m = 0, 1,2,...,

and so the series for 7rJ'm{z)Yn{z)is obtained by replacingfx,

by m on the rightin (1).

The series for Yj,i{z)F" {z)can be calculated by constructingseries for



in a similar manner. The details of the analysis,which is extremelylaborious,

have been givenby Nicholson, and will not be repeatedhere.

fj."= m, c = M

5*43. The integralfor J^ {z)J^ {z).

A generalisationof Neumann's integral("2*6)for Jn^(z)is obtainable by

applyingthe formula*

to the result of "5*41 ; the integralhas this value when m = 0,l,2, ...,provided

that R(fi + v)"-l.

It is then evident that

J^{z)J^{z) = - X, T^ ,


--" COS (fi-v)6 dO,

so that,when R{/jb+ v)" " l,

(1) J^(z)J, (z)= -('^J^+,{2zcos 6)cos (fi- v)dde ;

T Jo

the change of the order of summation and integrationpresents no serious


* This formula is due to Cauchy ; for a proof by contour integration,see Modern Analysis,

p. 263.

Page 163: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If w be a positiveintegerand R(/ji" n) " " 1, then

(2) J^ (z)J,,(z)=

^-t)!['V^_,{2zcos d)cos (ix+ n)\ede,

and this formula is also true if /a and n are both integers,but are otherwise


Formula (1)was given by Schlafli,Math. Ann. iii. (1871),p. 142, when yi"v are both

integers;the general formula is due to Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsherichte,cxi. (2a),

(1902),p. 567.

5*5. The expansiono/QzY'^''as a series ofproducts.

A natural generalisationof the formulae of Neumann (""2'7)and Gegenbauer

("5-2)is that

a^ (i,w..-r(,.+ i)r(. + i)(i) (2^r -

r(/x + . + i)


The formula is true if p, and v are not negativeintegers,but the following

proofappliesonlyif i2 (^ + i' + 1) " " 1.

From "5"2 we have

(zcosey+''= s ^^" - "

^"T^ ^/^+,+,",(22cos^).

If we multiplyby cos (p " v)6 and integrate,it is clear from "5"43that

cos'*+''6 cos (/u-p)Odd= S"

^ /^ "


77" Jo.

m = 0"i'

X '-/^+"i,(2^)t/,,+m(2),

and the result follows by evaluatingthe integralon the left; for other values

of fx and V the result may be established by analyticcontinuation.

The formula is at once deducible from formulae given by Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungs-herichte,

Lxxv. (2),(1877),p. 220.

5'51. LommeVs series ofsquares ofBessel functions.

An expansionderived by Lommel* from the formula

2vdJ^^{z)^ -j"irz~'='^^-'^'^-'^^^'^^^

r, /,x V 2(v + 2n)dJU,,,(z)IS J-^_i {z) = Z ~r- ,

71=0 ^ a^

so that

2JzJ\_i(z)dz = i (v+ 2n)J\^,,,(z)a = 0

* The results of this section will be fouud in Math. Ann. 11. (1870),pp. 632"633 ; xiv. (1878),

p. 532 ; Milnchener Ahh. xv. (1886),pp. 548"549.

Page 164: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, by "5'11 (11),we have.. -

(1) Iz^{./^_i(z)- J,-,(z)J, (z)}= i (i/+ 2n) J%+,n{z),n = 0

on takingzero as the lower limit when R{v)"0\ by adding on terms at the

beginningof the series,it may be seen that the restriction R{v)"0 is super-fluous.

If we take in turn v = h;,v= %,and add and subtract the results so obtained,

we have ("3*4)z

(2) -= 2 (w+ i)/Wi(4

(3) sm2.^ "


while,by taking7- = 1. we see that

(4) Iz^[J:-(z)+ J,'(z)]= i (2n + 1)J%"^,(z).

Another formula of the same type is derived by differentiatingthe series

^ fn " 'v+n ("3');


for it is evident that

d "^00

J- 2^ end 'v+n \2) = 2 Z" e,iJv+n (^) v+n i^)


= S "n J"+n(2)[Ju+n-i(^)- '/^-f-n+ii^)}

= J,(z)lJ,_,(z)+ J,^,(z)]

= 2vJj^{z)/z,

and so. Avhen R(v) "0, we obtain a modification of Hansen's formula ("2-5),namely

(5) 2 enJ-\^,,{z)= 2v\J.'{t)~." = o .'0 t

An importantconsequence of this formula, namely the value of an upperbound for |J^ {x)\,will be givenin "13 42.

By takingy = i, it is found that

2 en /-n+i{z)= -\ sin^ ti = 0



2 sin^^ 2 r^.

^.cZ^+ - sni 2t -

0 TT ; 0^

and so

(6) I J\+,{z) = -Si{2z),.n=^0 TT

where, as usual,the symbolSi denotes the "sine integi'al."This result isgivenby Lommel in the third of the memoirs to which reference has been made.

Page 165: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


5"6. Continued fractionformulae.

Expressionsfor quotientsof Bessel functions as continued fractions are

deducible immediatelyfrom the recurrence formula givenby ^3'2(1);thus,if the formula be written

it is at once apparent that

(u AM=W^ i^V{^(1 + 1)1 i^V{(^+ i)(^-f2)1^ ^

J^_,iz) 1 - 1 - 1

\z-/{(v+rn~l)(v+m)} ^z J^+rn^i(z)l{v+ ni)

" i^ " J"+,"(2)

This formula is easilytransformed into

^^^/,_,(z) 2vlz-2(v + l)/z-...-2(v + m)!z - ./,+",{z)


These results are true for generalvalues of i^; (1) was discovered byBessel* for integralvalues of v. An equivalentresult,due to Schlomilchf,is

that,if Q" {z)= /,+!{z)l[^zJ" {z)],then

Other formulae, givenby Lommel:|:,are


Z Z"' Z" Z"- Zj,+,n+l{2)(4)

J,{z) 2{v + \)--l{v + 2)-2{v\-^)-...-2{v + m)- J.^m{z)'


' ^2{v+ l)-2(v + 2)-...-2(,^ + m)-^)'

The Bessel functions in all these formulae may obviouslybe replacedby any


It was assumed b} Bessel that,when /m -^ 00,the last quotientmay be

neglected,so that

JAz) _hzlv \z"-l\v{v+ l)] \z^'l[{v^l){v+2)]^

J,_,{z) 1 - 1 _ 1 _....

* Berliner Abh. (1824),[1820],p. 31. Formula (2)seems not to have been given by the earlier

writers ; see Kncydopedie des Sci. Math. 11. 28, " 08, p. 217. A slightlyditt'erent form is used by

Graf, Ami. di Mat. (2) xxiii. (1895),p. 47.

t ZeitschriftfiirMath, uiid Plnjs.11. (1857),p. 142 ; Schlomilch considered integralvalues of

p only.

I Stiidien iiher die BessePsclien Fiinctiunen (Leipzig,1868),p. 5; see also Spitzer, Archir dcr

Math, und Phys. xxx. (1858),p. 332, and Giinther, Archiv der Math, uiid Phys-. lvi. (1874),

pp. 292"297.

Page 166: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is not obvious that this assumptionis justifiable,though it happens to

be so, and a rigorousproofof the expansionof a quotientof Bessel functions

into an infinite continued fraction will be givenin "9'65 with the helpof the

theoryof " Lommel's polynomials."

[Note. The reason why the assumption is not obviouslycorrect is that,even though

the fraction pjom tends to a limit as "i-*-co,it is not necessarilythe case that

^'"^"' ^"'+ ^

tends to that limit ; this may be seen by taking

jt?"i=m + sinw, q,a = m, a,"=-l.] "

The reader will find an elaborate discussion on the representationoi J^{z)/J^_i(s)as a

continued fraction in a memoir* by Perron, MUnchenei' Sitzttngsberichie,xxxvii. (1907),

pp. 483" 504; solutions of Riccati's equation,depending on such a representation,have

been considered by Wilton, QuarterlyJournal,XLVI. (1915),pji. 320 " 323. The connexion

between continued fractions of the types considered in this section and the relations con-necting

contiguoushypergeometric functions has been noticed by Heine, Journal filrMath. LVii. (1860), pp. 231"247 and Christoffel,Journal fiir Math. Lvur. (1861),

pp. 90"92.

" "^'"=j",i"Tl)-'^-(^'''^^+ i-4fJ

5*7. Hansen's expressionfor J^(z)as a limit ofa hypergeometricfunction.

It was stated by Hansen j-that

We shall prove this result for general(complex)values of v and z when \ and

fjLtend to infinitythroughcomplex values.

If X= 1/8,fi = I/tj,the (m+ l)th term of the expansionon the rightis

_i ) \2^)n [(l+ rS)(l+ r7,)].

m! V{v + m + 1) ^ =


This is a continuous function of h and 77 ; and, if 80, 770 are arbitrarypositive

numbers (lessthan 2 |z |~i),the series of which it is the {m + l)th term con-verges

uniformlywith respect to h and ?; whenever both |S |" Soand 177 1 770.

For the term in questionisnumericallyless than the modulus of the {m + 1 )thterm of the (absolutelyconvergent)expansionof

and the uniformityof the convergence follows from the test of Weierstrass.

Since the convergence is uniform, the sum of the terms is a continuous

* This memoir is the subjectof a paper by Nielsen, Milnchener Sitzungsberichte,xxxviii.(1908),pp. 85"88.

t Leipziger Abh. 11. (1855),p. 252 ; see also a Halberstadt dissertation by F. Neumann, 1909.

[Jahrbuch ilber die Fortschritte dcr Math. 1909, p. 575.]

Page 168: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We take Murphy'sformula

P" (coszjn)= o/^i(- n, n + 1 ; 1 ; sin-^z/n);

and the reasoningof the precedingsection is applicablewith the slight

modification that we use the inequality

when \z\^ 2\n\,and then we can compare the two series

,F,(- n, w + 1 ; 1 ; sin^' z/n), ,F,(1/So,1|^ + 1 ; 1 ; ^B^ |^ ^),

where Bqis an arbitrarypositivenumber less than f j |~ and the comparisonis made when \n\" l/8o-The details of the proofmay now be left to the reader.

When n is restricted to be a positiveinteger,the series for P" (cosz/n)

terminates,and it is convenient to appealto Tannery'stheorem * to completethe proof This fact was firstnoticed by Giuliani ; the earlier writers took for

grantedthe permissibilityof the passage to the limit.

In the case of generalisedLegendre functions (of unrestricted order '7"i),the definition depends on whether the argument of the functions is between

+ 1 and " 1 or not ; for real values of x (between 0 and ir)we have

P"- (cos^)= ^^^^^^.F,(- ., n + l;m + l; sm^ |.r/.),

so that

(2) lim"-P,r"'(cos-)=j;"(^),

but otherwise,we have

Pn'"^ (cosh ~] =

p ^^^\^j^^^ oPi(- n, n + 1; m -\-1 ; -

smh^ |-^/"),

so that

(3) lim n^-P,r-^(cosh-)= /,,{z).

The correspondingformula for functions of the second kind may be deduced

from the equationwhich expressesfQ""*in terms of P""* and P"~"' ; it is

?i~'" sin n IT

(4) lim Qn"'[cosh = Km (2).

This formula has been given(with a different notation)by Heine ;]:;it is most

easilyprovedby substitutingthe integralof Laplace'stype for the Legendrefunction,proceedingto the limit and usingformula (5)of "6-22.

* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 49.

+ Cf. Barnes, QuarterlyJournal, xxxxx. (1908),p. 109; the equation is

_" ,


sin mir sin nir P~"^ P '"

2r (- ??^ - n) 5 g/" ="


r(l-m + n) T{l + m + n)in Barnes' notation, which is adopted in this work.

t Journal fiirMath. lxix. (1868),p. 131.

Page 169: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Another formula,slightlydifferent from those justdiscussed,is

(5)" lim P,,g^) = /o(2.);

this is due to Laurent*, and it may be provedby usingthe second of Murphy'sformulae, namely

Pn (cose) = cos" ^e .2F1(- n, -n; 1 ; - tan- ^^).

[Note. The existence of the formulae of this section must be emphasized because it

used to be generallybelieved that there was no connexion between Legendre functions and

Bessel functions. Thus it was stated by Todhunter in his Eleuientan/Treatise on Laplace's

Functions^ Lamfs Functions and BesseVs Functions (London, 1875), p. vi,that "these

[i.e.Bessel functions]are not connected with the main subjectof this book."]

5"72. Integralsassociated luith Mehlers formula.

A completelydifferent method of establishingthe formulae of the last

section was givenby Mehler and also,later,by Rayleigh; this method depends

on a use of Laplace'sintegral,thus ":

P,j(cos6) = ^ \ (cos6 + i sin 6 cos "/))"^cZd)

1 T"__ g" log (cos0+i sine cos "/))^Jj


n log{cos{zjn)+ i sin {zjn)cos 0} -^ iz cos 0

uniformlyas n -^ go when 0 ^ ^ ^ tt, we have at once

1 f"lim P" (cos2/n)= - e'''"''"^d(f)= J^(z).

Heine f and de Ball.Ihave made similar passages to the limit with integralsof Laplace'stype for Legendre functions. In this way Heine has definedBessel functions of the second and third kinds ; reference will be made to his

results in " 6'22 when we deal with integralrepresentationsof Y^,{z).

Mehler has also given a proofof his formula by usingthe Mehler- Dirichlet integral

2 /'^ cos {n + ^)(f)d(f)

"^ J 0 V{2 (^os(p- cos (9)}

If n"p= y\rit may be shewn that

2 /" cos ^|rd^P"(coss/")^- --r:y,


-.u,'^ J 0 \'V -

Y )

bvit the passage to the limit ])resentssome little difficultybecause the integralis an im-proper


Various formulae have been givenrecentlywhich exhibit the way in which

* Juuriml de Math. (3) i. (1875),pp. 384"385; the formula actuallygiven by Laurent is

enoneous on account of an arithmetical error.

t Journal J'iirMath. lxix. (1808),p. 131. See also Sharpe, (juarterli/Journal, xxiv. (1890),

pp. 383"386.

t Ai"tr. Nacli. cxxviii. (1891),col. 1"4.

Page 170: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the Legendre function approachesits limit as its degree tends to infinity.

Thus, a formal expansiondue to Macdonald* is

(1) P^-'-lcos^)

= (n + 1)-" (cosi^)-""[Jm(^')

where a; = (2?i+ 1)sin ^6.

Other formulae,which exhibit an upper limit for the error due to replacing

a Legendre function of largedegreeby a Bessel function,aref

(2) Pn (cos7])" ITT-l Qn (cOS7])

= V(sec7;). e" ("+*)""("-tan')) [/,,|( + 1)tan 77}" iY^ {(n+ 1) tan 77}]


(3) Pn (cosh j = (^) /o(nf)+ ^-^-^ ,

(4) Qn (coshf) = e-("+4)(f-tanhj) ^(gech I) .7^0{(w+ i)tanh ^|


i? (n)+ i,

where, in (2),0 ^ ?; " ^ir,and, in (3) and (4),f ^ 0 ; the numbers 6^,62,6s are

less than unityin absolute magnitude,and n may be complex providedthat

its real part is positive.But the proofof these results is too lengthyto be


5 " 73. Th e formulae of OlbricJd.

The fact that a Bessel function is expressibleby Hansen's formula as a

limit of a hypergeometricfunction has led Olbricht;):to investigatemethods

by which Bessel's equationis expressibleas a confluent form of equationsassociated with Riemann's P-functions.

If we take the equation

S-^|-(-'^" = o.

of which a fundamental system of solutions is the pairof functions

and compare the equationwith the equationdefined by the scheme

'a, b, c,

pU ^, 1,

A, /3',7',* Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xiii. (1U14),pp. 220"221 ; some associated results had been

obtained previouslyby the same writer,Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxi. (1899),p. 269.

+ Watson, Tram. Camh. Phil. Soc. xxii. (1918),pp. 277" 308 ; Messenger, xlvii. (1918),pp. 151"160.

X Nova Acta Caes.-Leop.-Acad.(Halle),1888, pp. 1"48.

Page 171: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions





1 -^-^'^ 1-7-y] ^

d^;^ \ z " a z " h z " c ] dz

_^f"a (g -h){a- c)

_^y3/3{h -c){b- a)

_^7y(c-a)(c-6) |

I 2 " a 2' " 6 ^ " c J


(2:" a) (s'- b) {z " c)

we see that the latter reduces to the former if

a = 0, a= V " IX,o! = " V " fx,

while h, c, /3,/3',7, 7' tend to infinityin such a way that /3+ /3'and 7 4- 7'

remain finite (theirsum being 2/a+ 1) while /3/3'= 77' = {6- and h + c = 0.

We thus obtain the scheme

0, 2^/3, - 2i/3,

lim P IV " fi, ^, 'y, z

I- J/ - /i, - /^, 7 ,

where 7, 7' = ^ + ^ + ^[{ix+ i-)-+ ^Q-}.

Another similar scheme is

lim PlV- IX, ^, 7,

\-v-ii, "p, 7,

with the same values of 7and 7' as before.

A scheme for J^ {z)derived directlyfrom Hansen's formula is

r 0, 00, -4a/3, \

lim pJii/, a-hv, 0, ^^".

(;^::) [_ij,l^-\v, v+l-a-^.

Olbricht has given other schemes but they are of no great importance and

those which have now been constructed will be sufficient examples.

Note. It has been observed by Haentzschel, Zeitschriftfur Math, unci Phys. xxxi.

(1886),p. 31, that the equation

whose solution {% 4-3) is iih^"^v(/m), may be derived by confluence from Lame's equation

when the invariants ^2 and g-^ of the Weierstrassiau eUiptic function are made to tend to


Page 172: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



6'1. Generalisations of Foisson's integral.

In this chapter we shall study various contour integralsassociated with

Poisson's integral(""2'3,3"3)and Bessel's integral("2'2). By suitable choices

of the contour of integration,largenumbers of elegantformulae can be obtained

which express Bessel functions as definite integrals.The contour integralswill

also be applied in Chapters vii and viii to obtain approximate formulae and

asymptotic expansions for /^ (z) when z or v is large.

It happens that the applicationsof Poisson's integral are of a more

elementary character than the applicationsof Bessel's integral,and accordingly

we shall now study integralsof Poisson's type, deferringthe study of integrals

of Bessel's type to " 6"2. The investigationof generalisationsof Poisson's

integralwhich we shall now give is due in substance to Hankel *.

The simplestof the formulae of " 3"3 is "3*3 (4),since this formula contains

a singleexponentialunder the integralsign,while the other formulae contain

circular functions, Avhich are expressiblein terms of two exponentials. We

shall therefore examine the circumstances in which contour integralsof the type

2^1e'^'TdtJ a

are solutions of Bessel's equation; it is supposed that T is a function of t but

not of z, and that the end-points,a and h, are complex numbers independent

of z.

The result of operating on the integralwith Bessel's differential operator

V", defined in " 3"1, is as follows:

'f e'-'TdA = ^"+2

/gu'fj(i _ ^2~)n + (^2v+ 1) ("+' Te'-'^Ttdt

= t"''+i e^~^'T{t'-l)h fb




* Math. Ann. i. (1869), pp. 473"

485. The discussion of the corresponding integi-alsfor Iv(z}

and AV(2) is due to Schladi, Ann. di Mat. (2) i. (1868), pp. 232"242, though Schlafli's results

are expressed in the notation explained in " 4-15. The integralshave also been examined in great

detail by Gubler, Zurich Vierteljahrsschrijt,xxxni. (1888),pp. 147 "172, and, from the aspect of

the theory of the linear differential equations which they satisfy,by Graf, Math. Ann. xlv. (1894),

pp. 235"

262 ; lvi. (1903),pp. 432" 444. See also de la Vallee Poussin, Ann. de la Soc. Sci. de

Bruxelles, xxis. (1905), pp. 140 " 143.

Page 173: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


by a partialintegration.Accordinglywe obtain a solution of Bessel's equationif T, a, h are so chosen that

^^{T{t^-l)]^{2v+ l)Tt, eiztT(t^-l) = 0.

The former of these equationsshews that T is a constant multipleof

(t^" I)""*,and the latter shews that we may choose the path of integration,either so that it is a closed circuit such that e''^*(^2" 1)"+ ^ returns to its

initial value after t has described the circuit,or so that e'^ {t-- 1)"+ ^ vanishes

at each limit.

A contour of the first type is a figure-of-eightpassinground the pointt = l counter-clockwise and round t = "l clockwise. And, if we suppose

temporarilythat the real part of z is positive,a contour of the second type is

one which starts from -|-ooi and returns there after encirclingboth the points-1,-1-1 counter-clockwise (Fig.1 and Fig.2). If we take a, 6 = " 1,it is


Fig. 2.

necessary to suppose that R{v + h)"0, and we merely obtain Poisson's


To make the many- valued function (i"" 1)""*definite*,we take the phasesof ^ " 1 and ^ + 1 to vanish at the pointA where the contours cross the real

axis on the rightof ^= 1,

We therefore proceedto examine the contour integrals

"(i+, -1-)


It is supposed that v lias not one of the values i,| , tt ,

^ ^,... ; for then the integrandsare analytic

at "1, and both integralsvanish, by Cauchy's theorem.

w. B. F. 11

Page 174: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is to be observed that,when R {")" 0, both integralsare convergent,

and differentiations under the integralsign are permissible.Also, both

integralsare analyticfunctions of v for all values of v.

In order to express the first integralin terms of Bessel functions,we

expand the integi-andin powers of z, the resultingseries being uniformly

convergent with respect to t on the contour. It follows that

/"(!+,-1-) oo ,;in2:v^m r{,\+,-l-)

z- ^^t(f--ly-i dt= 2 r-t'^(P - 1)"" dt

J A m = 0ml J A

Now f^it^" 1)"" is an even or an odd function of t accordingas m is even

or odd; and so, takingthe contour to be symmetricalwith respectto the origin,

we see that the alternate terms of the series on the rightvanish,and we are

then left with the equation

/"(1+,-1-) 00 (_\m^v+2m /"(!+)2" efe*(^f-- 1)"-*dt = 2 1

^ i^^,

f^'"(f-- l)"-*dtJ A m = 0 (2m): Jo

a" (_\7nf.v+2)n /"(1+)

= s^ / ; u^"^-Hn-iy-idu,

7/1 = 0 {'^lll): Jq

on writingt = \/u; in the last integralthe phasesof u and w " 1 vanish when

u is on the real axis on the rightoi u = \.

To evaluate the integralson the right,we assume temporarilythati? (i/+ 1) " 0 ; the contour may then be deformed into the straightlinefrom 0 to 1 taken twice; on the first part, going from 0 to 1, we have

u " l = {\"u)e~''',and on the second part,returningfrom 1 to 0, we have

u " l = {\ " u)6+"',where, in each case, the phase oil "u is zero.

We thus get

f(l+) r\

ti""-h(xi_ 1)^-*du = {e-(""-*)'r^'_ e(''-*)T'}tcn-h (1 _ u)"-^-du

= 2t cos VTT V,






Now both sides of the equation

f"^'""-"("- 1)-' rf. = 2i cos ^ I"^^"ili""i)are analyticfunctions of v for all values of v; and so, by the generaltheoryof

analyticcontinuation*,this result,which has been provedwhen R(v + ^)"0,persistsfor all values of v.

* Modern Analysis," 5-5. The reader will also find it possible to obtain the result, when

-R ("+ i)" 0, by repeatedlyusing the recurrence formula

P+^.-4 (u - 1)"+-* du = -

- +J'"-"_1 f"\,"-i(" _ i)v+"Hdu,Jo " + nA-h J 0

which is obtained by integratingthe formula

|^{u'"+^(u-l)''+"+il-= (m + . + n + l)u"'-^(u-l)''+"+ i+ (,+ " + !)M"'-i(u_!)"'+ "-*;

the integralis then expressed in terms of au integralof the same type in which the exponent of

u-1 has a positivereal part.

Page 176: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Thus, when R(z)"0 and 2/ + - is not a positiveinteger,


"7/V'"rtVi "y /"(-!+.1+)

[chap. VI

27rtr(|)This equationwas also obtained by Hankel.

Next consider

f(-i+,i+). , ,

J 00 i esp(-!to)

where co is an acute angle,positiveor negative.This integraldefines a function

of z which is analyticwhen

" iTT + ft) " arg z K^TT + 0);

and, if z is subjectto the further condition that |arg z j" ^tt,the contour can

be deformed into the second of the two contours justconsidered. Hence the

analyticcontinuation of J-t,(z)can be defined by the new integralover an

extended range of values of arg z; so that we have

(3) J-.(^)='^%yrnV e^^Hf-- ly-Ut,ZttI L {^) J cciexp(-iuy)

where arg z has any value between "^tt + o) and ^ir+ (o.

By givingw a suitable value*, we can obtain a representationof J_^(z)for any assignedvalue of arg z between " tt and tt.

When jR (2)" 0 and R (v+ ^)"0 we may take the contour to be that shewn in Fig.3,



in which it is supposed that the radii of the circles are ultimatelymade indefinitelysmall.

By takingeach straightline in the contour separately,we get

J-.{z)-^"^^^s^T/:" '-'"'-")-*


+ e^"e'^'(''-i)(l-"2)i/-i^^1* If iw Ibe increased in a series of stages to an appropriate value (greaterthan Jtt),a repre-sentation

of J-I, (z)valid for any preassigned value of arg z may be obtained.

Page 177: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


On bisectingthe third path of integrationand replacingt in the various integralsby it,

" t, "t, t,it respectively,we obtain a formula for J^v{z),due to Gubler*, which corre-sponds

to Poisson's integralfor ./^(s); the formula is

(4) J-A^) =

^,^J;jf[smvTTl^\-^^{l+ t^^r-hdt+rcoB{zt+ vn).{l-t^y-idt'],

i {" + 2) "" K^J L J 0 Jo J

and, if this be combined with Poisson's integral,it is found that

2{^zr(5) n(^) = j\m{zt).{\-t^-)''-hdt-I e-'i{\-irt'^Y-hdt\,


a formula which was also discovered by Gubler,though it had been previouslystated byWeber t in the case of integralvalues of v.

After what has gone before the reader should have no difficultyin obtaininga formula

closelyconnected with (1),namely


in which it is supposed that the phase of t'^"\ vanishes when t is on the real axis on the

rightof i = l.

6 '11. ModificationsofHankeVs contour integrals.

Taking R {z)" 0, let us modifythe two contours of "6"1 into the contours

shewn in Figs.4 and 5 respectivefy.

Fiff.4. Fik'.5.

By making those portionsof the contours which are parallelto the real

* Zurich Vierteljahrsschrift,xxxiii. (1888),p. 159. See also Graf, ZeitschriftfiirMath, and

Phys. xxxvm. (1893),p. 115.

t Journal filrMath, lxxvi. (1873),p. 9. Cf. Hayashi, Nyt Tidssk riftfor Math, xxiii. is,(1012),

pp. 86"00. The formula was examined in the case i-^O by Escherich, MonatsheftcfiirMath,

und Phys. iii. (1892),pp. 142, 234.

Page 178: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


axis move off to infinity(sothat the integralsalong them tend to zero),we

obtain the two followingformulae:


(2) J_.U) =


r(^-v) e"- (i0)


i J -1+coi




r(i+), ,


I l+ooi ./"1 + 00}

In the firstresult the many-valued functions are to be interpretedby takingthe phaseof t^"1 to be 0 at J. and to be + tt at B, while in the second the

phaseof f- " 1 is 0 at JL cmd is " it at B.

To avoid confusion it is desirable to have the phase of ^- " 1 interpretedin the same way in both formulae; and when it is supposedthat the phaseof

^- " 1 is + TT at i?,the formula (1)is of course unaltered,while (2)is replacedby

(3) J.A^) =


27rt r (1)


e^^{t--\y-^dt-\-el + OOl

(-1-)-vm\ e^'^{t--iy-^dt

-1 + 00 j

In the last of these integrals,the direction of the contour has been reversed

and the alteration in the convention determiningthe phase of i^ " 1 has

necessitated the insertion of the factor g-slv-jj^ri

On comparingequations(1)and (3)with " 3"61 equations(1)and (2),wesee that



H.^H^) = ^^\-"r}a'fl''^'e^^^{t^-iy-idt,

*""* ^ \2.' J -1 + oot

unless V is an integer,in which case equations(1)and (3)are not independent.We can, however, obtain (4)and (5)in the case when v has an integral

value (w),from a consideration of the fact that all the functions involved are

continuous functions of v near v = n. Thus

ir""i'{z)= lim fr;i'(z)

y^n-JTl 1 (t) ; 1+ooi


r(|-n).(i^)^ fi^^)

iriVil) 1+ooi


and similarlyfor ^"*^'{z).

Page 179: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


As in the correspondinganalysisof " 6'1,the ranges of validityof (4)and

(5)may be extended by swinginground the contours and usingthe theoryof


Thus, if " ^77" "y " f TT, we have

(6) ^.'^'(z)= '^\.;ViV ^"*(i'- 1)"--dt;

while,if - f TT " 6) " Itt,we have

(7) ^;=) (z)= ^^-vwrf I ^"'(^'- 1)^"- ^^^''^1' i- \2)

" cotexp( " !w)

providedthat,in both (6)and (7),the phase of z lies between " ^tt+ " and

^TT4- ").

Representationsare thus obtained of ^^'^'(5)when arg z has any value

between " tt and 27r,and of H^^- (z) when arg ^ has any value between

" 27r and tt.

If o) be increased beyond the limits stated,it is necessary to make the contours coil

round the singularpoints of the integrand,and numerical errors are liable to occur

in the interpretationof the integralsunless great care is taken. Weber, however, has

adopted this procedure.Math. Ann. xxxvii. (1890),pp. 411"412, to determine the for-mulae

of " 3-62 connectingH^C^)( - z\ Hj:^)( - .-)with H,m (s),HyC^)(z).

Note. The formula 2ii\{z) = Hy('^){z)-HJ~'){z)makes it possibleto express 3^ (2)in

terms of loop integrals,and in this manner Hankel obtained the series of " 3-52 for

Yn(3); this investigationwill not be reproduced in view of the greater simplicityof

Hankel's other method which has been described in " 3-52.

6"12. Integralrepresentationsoffunctionsofthe third kind.

In the formula " 6-11 (6)suppose that the phase of z has any givenvalue

between" tt and 27r,and define /3by the equation

arg z = (o + ^,

so that " Itt" /3" Itt.

Then we shall write

t-l= e-^^iz-^ (- m).

so that the phaseof - u increases from - tt + /3 to tt + /3 as t describes the

contour; and it follows immediatelythat

(1) H^^ (z)=

-^^ 7,f,-. e- (- uy-^ 1 + A du,

where the phaseof 1 + ^iulzhas its principalvalue. Again,if ^ be a given

acute angle(positiveor negative),this formula affords a representationof

i/'^"i"{z)valid over the sector of the 2r-planein which

_- -Itt+ /3" arg zk^it + 13.

Page 180: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Similarly*,from " 611 (7),

(3) HJ'"(.)= {^ l.^,;I .-" "-* (l+ 2i)-.

w i."w=Q VTTTirl.-"''-K^-s)*''

where /3is any acute angle(positiveor negative)and

- |7r+ /3" arg ^ " Itt+ ^.

Since t,by "3-61 (7),H^^^' {2)= e""' iT^D(^),it follows that we lose nothing

by restrictingv so that R(v + ^)"0; and it is then permissibleto deform

the contours into the line joiningthe originto 00 expt/3,taken twice; for the

integralstaken round a small circle (withcentre at the origin)tend to zero

with the radius of the circle|.

On deformingthe contour of (1)in the specifiedmanner, we find that

where /3may be any acute angle(positiveor negative)and

R{v + l)"0, - Itt+ /3" arg ^ " f tt + /3.

In like manner, from (2),

2 \^ g"Hz"ivTr"iTT)rxexp'jS / iu\''~^

where ^ may be any acute angle(positiveor negative)and

R(v + l)"0, -f7r + /3"arg^" |7r+ yS.

The results (3) and (4) have not yet been proved when 2u is an odd positiveinteger.

But in view of the continuitynear v = n + ^ of the functions involved (where ?j = 0, 1,2,...)

it follows,as in the somewhat similar work of " 6"11,that (3)and (4)are true when v = ^,", #, ....

The results may also be obtained for such values of v by expanding the integrandsin terminatingseries of descendingpowers of z, and integratingterm-by-term;the formulae

so obtained are easilyreconciled with the equationsof " 3' 4.

The generalformulae (3) and (4) are of fundamental importancein the

discussion of asymptoticexpansionsof J"" (z)for largev^alues of \z\. These

applicationsof the formulae will be dealt with in ChapterVll.

A useful modification of the formulae is due to Schafheitlin".If we take

arg z = l3 (sothat arg z is restricted to be an acute angle),and then write

u=2z cot 6,it follows that

,^. rT(.^,^2"+'^" r^-cos''-*(9.e-"'"^-''^+^'^

" ,^ ,^

* To obtain this formula,write

f-h l =e~^" 2-^ ( - h), t - l =


f There seems to be no simple direct proof that

is an even function of v.

J Cf. Modem Analysis," 12-22. " Journal fur Matlu cxn-. (1894),pp. 31"44.

Page 181: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence that

2^1^^ li''008"-'^$. sin (z-vO + hO)_.^^^^^g ,.

(7) ^''(^)-r(i;+i)r(i)Josin^-'+i^-

e ^" rf^,

These formulae, which are of course valid onlywhen R(v + ^)"0, were

appliedby Schafheitlin to obtain propertiesof the zeros of Bossd functions

(""15'32 " 15"35).They were obtained by him from the consideration that the

expressionson the rightare solutions of Bessel's equationwhich behave in the

appropriatemanner near the origin.

The integral I e~"^ u^'^ {l+ ii)'^~^du, which is reducible to integralsof the typesJo

occurringin (3)and (4)when ix = v, has been studied in some detail by Nielsen,Math. Ann.

Lix. (1904),pp. 89"102.

The integralsof this section are also discussed from the aspect of the theoryof asymp-totic

solutions of differential equationsby Brajtzew, Wm'sckau Polyt.Inst. Nach. 1902,

nos. 1,2 [Jahrhuchiiher die Fortschritte der Math. 1903, pp. 575 " 577].

6*13. The generalisedMehler-Sonine integrals.

Some elegantdefiniteintegralsmaybe obtained to representBessel functions

of a positivevariable of a suitablyrestricted order. To construct them, observe

that,when z is positive(= x) and the real part of v is less than |,it is per-missible

to take ") = Itt in " G'll (6)and to take " = " ^ttin " 6'11 (7),so

that the contours are those shewn in Fig.6. When, in addition,the real part

of V is greater than " |, it is permissibleto deform the contours (afterthe

manner of "6"12) so that the first contour consists of the real axis from + 1

to + 00 taken twice while the second contour consists of the real axis from

" 1 to " 00 taken twice.

N.-^.^ r,^^


- Fig. 6.

We thus obtain the formulae

Ri^) (,.;)=

^ (i^^lM (1 _ e-.(-*t--)[V*{t'- 1)^- dt,

I/f^(-3)(^,)= ^"^Skl^^-(1 _ e=(-5)-) e-'-'it?- 1)"- dt,1 iriv (o) .'1

the second beingderived from "Gil (7)by replacingt by - 1.

Page 182: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In these formulae replacez; by - 1^ and use the transformation formulae

givenby "3-61 (7).It follows that,when x"0 and -l"R{v)"^, then

2 ['* e^^*dt(1) iT.W(a;)=iY{l-v)T(i).{lxy]1 {t'-iy-^i'

2 [* e-^'^^dt

so that

(3) /. (^)=

2 f'"sin (a:;^).



2 r"" cos (xt).

di(4) Y^ {x)= _ -

^ _ ^^J,^^ _ ^^^^^I^ ^^.^_ ^^^^^


Of these results,(3) was given by Mehler, Mat/t. Ann. v. (1872),p. 142, in the special

case v-0, while Sonine, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 39, gave both (3) aud (4)in the same

specialcase. Other generalisationsof the Mehler-Sonine integralswill be given in " 6-21,

6*14. Symbolicformulae due to Hargreave and Maodonald.

"When R{z)"0 and ^ (i/+^) " 0, it is evident from formula " 6-11 (6)that

where the phase of 1 " i^ lies between 0 and " \tt.

If D denotes {djdz)and / is any polynomial,then


and so, token v+\ is a positiveinteger.,we have

-r("+i)r ("''+""' z

When v + J is not a positiveinteger,the last expressionmay be regarded as a symbolic

representationof ^^O {z\ on the understandingthat/(Z))(e"'^/2)is to be interpretedas

', I e^^'/(^"0 dt.


(1) B^K^-s(z)= ly (i+i)y-j"i!iizi^2^,and similarly

SO that

Page 184: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


in which the phasesof t--l and of 1 - ^^ are both zero. Now, from "8-71 (9),

we have

and so

(3) 7_, (z)- /.(z)=^^ ^^iMiy


^ " ^ '

that is to say*

(4) /C(^)='^^|4^/V'(*"-!)'-**,

whence we obtain the formula

(5) K, (z)= ^^i^i^fe" '^" sinh^''^d^,^ i (i/+ t) Jo

a result set by Hobson as a problemin the Mathematical Tripos,1898. The

formulae are all valid when R{v + l)"0 and [arg^ |" Itt. The reader will

find it instructive to obtain (4)directlyfrom " G'll (6).

6*16. Basset's integralfor K^,{xz).

When X is positiveand ^ is a complex number subjectto the condition

Iarg ^ I" l-TT,the integralfor H^^{xze^-"^)derived from "611 (6)may be written

in the form

Now, when R(v)^-l, the integral,taken round arcs of a circle from p to

p gijTTi-iargz^tends to zero as p ^ oo,by Jordan's lemma. Hence, by Cauchy's

theorem, the path of integrationmay be openedout until it becomes the line

on which R (zt)= 0. If then we write zt = iu,the phaseof " {u-jz^)" 1 is " tt

at the originin the ?t-plane.

It then follows from " 3-7 (8)that

K, {xz)= iTTie-i"-* iT^l^(.r^e^-O

2r(i) J..V.(^^-i)"^-^

V{v+\). {Izy p e-^^' du

and so we have Basset's formula

,^,_^_V{v + \).{"zy r"" co^xu.du

valid when R{v + \)^0, x "0,\ arg z\"\7r. The formula was obtained byBasset f, for integralvalues of v only,by regardingKq{x) as the limit of

* The integralon the rightwas examined in the case v = 0 by Kiemann, Ann. der Physik und

Chemie, (3)xcv. (1855),pp. 130"139.

t Proc. Camh. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),p. H ; Hydrodynamics, ii. (Cambridge,1888),p. 19.

Page 185: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


a Legendrefunction of the second kind and expressingit by the correspondinglimit of the integralof Laplace'stype (ModernAnalysis,"15"33).The formula

for Kn ("^^)is obtainable by repeatedapplicationsof the operator "

j- .

Basset also investigateda similar formula for I^,(xz),but there is an error

in his result.

The integralon the rightin (1)was studied by numerous mathematicians before Basset.

Among these investigatorswere Poisson (see" 6"32),Journal de I'Fcole Polytechnique,ix.

(1813), pp. 239"241; Catalan, Journal de Math. v. (1840),pp. 110"114 (reprintedwith

some corrections,Mem. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Liege,(2)xii. (1885),pp. 20" 31); and

Serret,Journal de Math. viii. (1843),pp. 20, 21; ix. (1844),pp. 193"210; SL-hlomilch,

AnalytischenStudien, u. (Leipzig,1848),pp. 96" 97. These writers evaluated the integral

in ianite terms when j/+|is a positiveinteger.

Other writers who must be mentioned are Malmsten, K. Svenska V. Akad. Handl. lxii.

(1841),pp. 65 "74 (see" 7-23); Svanberg,Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsula,x. (1832),p. 232 ;

Leslie Ellis,Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc, viii. (1849),pp. 213"215 ; Enneper, Math. Ann. vi.

(1873), pp. 360"

365 ; Glaisher, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. CLXXii. (1881),pp. 792"

815 ; J. J. Thomson, QuarterlyJournal, xviii. (1882),pp. 377"381 ; Coates,Quarterly

Journal,xx. (1885),pp. 250"260 ; and Oltramare, Comptes Rendus de V Assoc. Frangaise,XXIV. (1895),part il. pp. 167"171.

The last named writer provedby contour integrationthat

r cos .Ku.


(-)"-' TT ["(i"-'/e--"-^Vi"\-j


(-)"-i7r r c^"-! e-


The former of these results may be obtained by differentiatingthe equation

cos xu.

du ire~ ^^ '^P

/.and the latter is then obtainable by using Lagrange'sexpansion.

6"17. Whittakers*' generalisationsofHankel's integrals.

Formulae of the type contained in " 3'32 suggest that solutions of Bessel's

equationshould be constructed in the form



It may be shewn by the methods of " 6'1 that

v,.|."/%.""|^r* (" d"T dT )

and so the integralis a solution if T is a solution of Legendre'sequationfor

functions of order v"\ and the values of the integratedpart are the same at

each end of the contour.

* Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv. (1903),pii. 19S" 206.

Page 186: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If T be taken to be the Legendre function Q^_j(^),the contour may start

and end at +00 iexp(" ?'")),where w is an acute angle(positiveor negative)

providedthat z satisfies the inequalities

" Itt+ w " arg z" ^TT+ 0).

If T be taken to be Py-^{t),the same contour is possible;but the

logarithmicsingularityof P^_i (^ at ^ = " 1 (when t- " | is not an integer)

makes it impossibleto take the line joining" 1 to 1 as a contour except in

the specialcase considered in "3'32;for a detailed discussion of the integralin the generalcase, see " 10"5.

We now proceedto take various contours in detail.

First consider

/"(-!+,1+)zi e'''Q,..(t)dt,

J ootexp(" /(o)

where the phaseof t is zero at the point on the rightof ^ = 1 at which the

contour crosses the real axis. Take the contour to liewhollyoutside the circle

1^1= 1 and expand Qv-^{t)in descendingpowers of t. It is thus found,as in

the similar analysisof " 6'1,that


(1) J^ (^)= ^Hn^n " I ""* Q-i (0 dt,I' ^ \2) .

xi exp ( - 2u))

and therefore

(2) J-A^) = -^l,^. ^'' Q-^-k(t)dt""^va/ J ixiiexp ( - iu")

If we combine these formulae and use the relation* connectingthe two

kinds of Legendre functions,Ave find that

TT i (2 ) cos VTT J ooiexp(iai)TT r (I)cos VTT J ooiexp(ia.)


zH e'''Q,_^{t)dt;J at: 7 AT-n ( " },.\)


"K i exp (" iuj)

this is a solution of Bessel's equation,and, if the contour be taken to lie on the

rightof the line R {t)= a, it is clear that the integralis 0 [z exp {"a\z \)]asz -^-\- coi. Hence the integralis a multipleof ^^"' (^).Similarlyby makingz ^ " 00%, we find that

/"(-1+)U "'~'Q,_,{t)dtJ ooiexp( " i"o)


Tlie relation, discovered by Schlafii,is

p"(.) = *^{Q" (.)-"_"_,(.)}:TT

cf.Hobson, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. clxxxvii. (1896),p. 461.2

Page 187: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is a multipleof iT/-'(z). From a consideration of (1)it is then clear that

(4) H^^H^) =

^ ^^p.i.I e"^Hl_,{t)dt,7* *- V2/ " 00! exp(-iaj)

C^z^h p-h'v+h)ni r(-l+)

(5) H^^^ {z)=

^ I e-' Q,_,(t)dt,

and hence, by " 3"61 combined with Schlafli's relation,

(TLz\h pk(v+ h)Tvi r{-\ + )

(6) H.^^(z)= l^.\^.^^^^^ e^' P._i (0 dt;TT 1 (2/ COS VTT J rjj j-exp{-ioj)

this is also obvious from (3).

The integralwhich differsfrom (6)onlyb} encirclingthe point+ 1 instead

of " 1 is zero since the integrandis analyticinside such a contour.

In (5)and (6),arg {t+ 1) vanishes where the contour crosses the real axis

on the rightof " 1, and, in (5),arg ("" 1)is " tt at that point.

6*2. Genei^alisations of BesseVs integral.

We shall next examine various representationsof Bessel functions by a

system of definite integralsand contour integralsdue to Sonine* and

Schlaflif.The fundamental formula which will be obtained is easilyreduced

to Bessel's integralin the case of functions whose order is an integer.

We take Hankel's well-known generalisation;]:of the second Eulerian

integral1 1 r(o+)

V{v + m + l)^^i].^^" '""^*^^'

in which the phaseof t increases from " tt to tt as t describes the contour, and


2 \^ ' ^TT

= ^-


t-"-^-^ e^ dt.

Consider the function obtained by interchangingthe signsof summation

and integi'ationon the right;it is

/"{0+) { Z-)

This is an analyticfunction of z for all values of z, and, when expandedin

ascendingpowers of z by Maclaurin's theorem, the coefficients may be obtained

by differentiatingwith regardto z under the integralsignand making z zero

after the differentiations ". Hence

t-''-'exp\t-~[dt=S LJ_llfZ_ t-''-^--U'dt,-00 ( 'it) "j=o

'/h! J-00

* Matlmnatical Collection, v. (Moscow, 1870); Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 9"29.

t Ann. di Mat. (2)v. (1873),p. 204. His memoir, Math. An7i. iii. (1871),pp. 134"149, sliould

also be consulted. In addition,see Graf, Math. Ann. lvi. (1903),pp. 423"432, and Chessin, John

Hopkins UniversityCirculars,xiv. (1895),pp. 20 " 21.

+ Cf. 3Iodern Analysis," 12-22. " Cf. Modern Analysis,"" 5-32, 4-44.

Page 188: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so we have at once

(1) "^'W=y/_j-'--pK4*This result,which was discovered by Schlafli,was rediscovered by Sonine;

and the latter writer was the first to pointout its importance.

When Iarg z\"^7r, we may swing round the contour about the originuntil

it passes to infinityin a direction making an angle arg z with the negativereal axis.

On writingt = Izu,we then find that,when |arg z \" |7r,

(2) ^"'^^)= 2^-L""~''"'exp|i^(i.--j|^z^.This form was givenin Sonine's earlier paper (p.335).

Again,writingu = e'",we have

(3) J, (Z)=^r".


valid when jarg^ [" ^tt. This is the first of the results obtained by Schlafli.

In this formula take the contour to consist of three sides of a rectangle,as

in Fig.8, with vertices at oc " iri," iri,rri and x + m.




If we write t + tti for iv on the sides parallelto the real axis and + id for w

on the linesjoining0 to + tri,we get Schlaflis generalisationofBesseVs integral

(4) /.(2)=- f''cos(i/6'-^sin^)rf^-^H^^["e-^'-^^'^ht^^^

valid when jarg z \" ^tt.

If we make arg^ -^ " ^tt,the firstintegralon the rightis continuous and,

if R (v)" 0, so also is the second,and /^ (z)is known to be continuous. So (4)is stilltrue when ^r is a pure imaginaryif R (v)is positive.

The integralsjustdiscussed were examined methodicallyby Sonine in his

second memoir; in that memoir he obtained numerous definite integralsby

appropriatemodifications of the contour. For example,if yfrbe an acute angle

(positiveor negative)and if

Page 189: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the contour in (3) may be replacedby one which goes from x " (tt" yfr)i to

00 + (tt+^|^)^.By takingthe contour to be three sides of a rectanglewith

corners at cc " (v " y}/)i,- (tt" -v/r)i,(tt+ y}r)i,and co + (tt+ -v/r)i,we obtain,

as a modification of (4),

g" viip fn

(5) Ju{z)= e'^''*"''"-'^^*'cos(i^^-^cos-v|rsin^)rf0

e-"'* sin ITT f". . ,,^.,, . ,


Again,if we take -^ to be an anglebetween 0 and tt, the contour in (3)maybe replacedby one which passes from oo " (|7r4"y\r)ito go + (|7r4-\|r){,and

so we find that

1 riT + ^

(6) ./^(^)= 1[" cos(i^^-^sin6')r/6?

1 f"^_ _

g-zsinh"sin^-.,?g-j-(2rCOsh t COS "^-

1I^TT - J^a/t)dt,

ttJ 0

providedthat |arg z \is less than both "\\rand tt " ^.

When R {i")" 0 and z is positive(=x),we may take "|r= 0 in the last

formula,and get*1 fi'^


1 r^

(7) ./ (a;)= - cos {yO " x sin 0)dd + e""' sin (a;cosh t " I^'tt)c/^.

Another importantformula,derived from (1),is obtained by spreadingout

the contour until it isparallelto the imaginaryaxis on the rightof the origin;

by Jordan's lemma this is permissibleif R{v)" " 1, and we then obtain the


(8) J.(^)=^-^^-J t-''-^exi^]t--\dt,^TTl J

c " X i4^1

in which c may have any positivevalue ; this integralis the basis of many of

Sonine's investigations.

Integralswhich resemble those givenin this section are of importancein the investiga-tion

of the diffraction of lightby a prism ; see Carslaw, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxx.

(1899),pp. 121"161 ; W. H. Jackson, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)i. (1904),pp. 393"414;

Whipple,Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xvi. (1917),pp. 94 " HI.

6-21. Integralswhich representfunctionsufthe second and third kinds.

If we substitute Schlafli'sintegral"6-2 (4)for both of the Bessel functions

on the rightof the equation

Y^ {z)= /" {z)cot v-TT - /_,.{z)cosec vtt,

we find that

fir C^

"n Y, {z)= cot VTT COS {v6- z sin d)dd - cosec pit cos (r6 + ^ sin ^)dBJ (,


- cos VTTr e-"'-''"'^''dt -

f"e"'-""'!''dt.Jo J ^

* Cf. Gubler, Math. Aiiit. xi.ix. (18',)7),pp. 583"584.

W. 13. V.^-^

Page 190: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Replace^ by tt " ^ in the second integralon the right,and it is found on re-duction


1 /'"" 1 C"(1) Y, (2)= - sin {2sin e-v6)d6- -\ (e"*+ e""* cos v-n)g-^inhf ^^^

a formula,practicallydiscovered by Schlafli (who actuallygave the correspond-ingformula for Neumann's function),which is valid when [arg z \" ^tt.

By means of this result we can evaluate

TTlj _x

when Iarg zIk^tt; for we take the contour to be rectilinear,as in Fig.9,and

li y



write " t,id,t + irifor w on the three parts of the contour ; we then see that

the expressionis equalto

"] ("00 1 /"" p"vni roo

and this is equalto /" (z)+ i Y^{z)from formula (1)combined with "6"2 (4).

Hence, when |arg z\"^7r, we have

(2) jy^d'(z) =".( "'e^sinhw-w^'^^^

(3) JY,(^)(z)= .! "'

e^ ^'"h w -uw fi^TTlJ -co

" Formulae equivalentto these were discovered by Somnierfeld,Math. Ann. XLVii. (1896),

pp. 327"357. The only difierence between these formulae and Sommerfeld's is a rotation

of the contours through a rightangle,with a correspondingchange in the parametric

variable; see also Hopf and Sommerfeld, Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3) xviii. (1911),

pp. 1"16.

By an obvious change of variable we may write (2)and (3)in the forms

(4) ir,('){z)= "

.I M-"-^ expU^[u- ^^jdu,

1 roc exp(-7ri) ( / 1 V 1

(5) H.^^ (z)= -

A., ,-.-. exp |.. (u-i)|du "

Page 192: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Modifications of (2)and (3)are obtained by replacingw by w " ^iri; it is

thus found that*

(8) HJ^'H2)= ^" ei2coshw-vw^^

2g" i'"ri fao+iTT

TTl Jo

TTl J -oc+hni


gizcosh w qqqY^ J^W.dw,

(9) ir^(-'(Z)= r-g-izcoshw-,'Wd^

g-izcosh w qqq]^ j/|y.dw,


providedthat |arg zIk^tt.

Formulae of specialinterest arise by taking^^ positive(=") in (6) and (7)

and "l"R{v)"l. A double applicationof Jordan's lemma (to circles of

largeand small radius respectively)shews that,in such circumstances,we may

take (o = ^7rin (6) and w = " ^ttin (7). It is thus clear,if u be replacedby" ie'',that

(10) HJ'^Ux)=r-

e^^coshi-.'^^^^ __ e'-'cosh ^ cosh z^^f/",TTl j_oo 7n J 0

ijkvni roc OpkvrriI"ao

(11) ff/" (x)= ^g-ixcosht-ut fli 1^ g-ixcoshtcogh i,t


TTl J _ 00"TTl J 0

and hence, when ^ " 0 and " 1 " iit(i^)" 1, we have

2 C'^

(12) J^,(x)=- I sin (xcosh ^ " ^ vtt). cosh vt.dt,


(13) F^(a;)= "-I cos (" cosh i " A j/tt).

cosh i/.

c? ;

and, in particular(cf."6'13),


F.w=-?r5^*,when we replacecosh t by ^.

The last two formulae are due to Meliler,Math. Ann. v. (1872),p. 142, and SoDinc,Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 39, respectively;aud they have also been discussed by Basset,Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. viii. (1895),pp. 122 " 128.

A slightlydifferent form of (14) has been given by Hardy, QuarterlyJournal, xxxii.

(1901),pp. 369"384; if in (14) we write x = 2 J{ah),xt^au + bjw,we find that

(16) j'%in("u+ ^^)^^=.yo{2v/("6)}.Note. The reader will find it instructive to obtain (14) from the formula

A(cos^) =

^ f'- sin(n + ^|)(^77 je ^/{2(cos^-cos0)}"^

combined with the formula 5 5-71 (1). This was Mehler's originalmethod.

* Cf. Coates,QuarterlyJournal,xxi. (1886),pp. 183"192.

Page 193: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


6 "22. Integralsrepresenting/"(^)and Ky(z).

The modifications of the previousanalysiswhich arc involved in the dis-cussion

of I^(z)and K^ (z)are of sufficient interest to be givenfully;theyare

due to Schlafli*,though he expressedhis results mainly in terms of the

function F{a, t)of " 415.

The analysisof "62 is easilymodified so as to prove that

and hence, when |arg z\"^'ir,

(3) /,(z)=J"-V"

(!"""'""-"""dw.-iTT% J 00"17}

The formulae (2)and (3) are valid when arg^: = + ^tt if E (v)" 0.

If in (3)the contour is taken to be three sides of a rectanglewith corners

at 00 " Tri," iri,-rri,x + iri,it is found that

1 '

ir Sin VTT I"^

(4) IJ2)=- e'^'^'^cosvede ^ e-'^^^^'f-"'dt,

SO that2 sin 77 77 r ^

/_. (z)- L {z)= e-^c"**h"cosh vt.dt,

and hence, when jarg^ " ^tt,

(5) K, {z)=re-^coshtcosh jjt.dt,


a formula obtained by Schlaflif by means of somewhat elaborate transforma-tions.

From the results justobtained, we can evaluate

27rie^ cosh w-uw d^

" cc "ni

when \arg z\"^7r. For it is easilyseen that

"I r r=o-7r/ r^+TTi]

= _!-. J + gZCOS\MV-VWd^fj27^^ [j_^_^,- J oo-ni)

27nJ" X " TTi

= ^.j e-"^'''^''-'''dt+ I,(z)"l-TTlJ



1i sm vir

[I_^{z)-L{z)]+ L{z\

* Ann. di Mat. (2)v. (1873),pp. 199"205.

t Ann. di Mat. (2)v. (1873),pp. 199"201 ; this formula was used by Heine, Journal Jur

Math. Lxix. (1868),p. 131, as the definition to which reference was made in " 5-72.

Page 194: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence







Again,we may write (5)in the form

2i sin vir

(7) KAz) = ^r e-'^^'^"-''Ult,

and hence,by the processes used in "6-21,

n fee exp ( - ill)

' Oexpiuj(8)

1 /""=exp(-i".) r / 1\),

^"(^) =

9u"^exp - iWw + -) du,

when " TT " fi) " TT and " ^tt+ " " arg z " ^tt+ (o.


"^ .s -r/xsinz^TT /'""exp(,r-a"),- r / ix)

(9) e""' /_, (^)- e-''" I,(z)= it-"-^ exp nz(u+-h du ;7^ J0exp{-7r+"o)j ( V "^^/j

this is valid when 0 " aX 27r and - ^tt+ """ arg ^ " ^tt+ co.

The contours for the formulae (8) and (9) are shewn in Figs.13 and 14


Fig.13. Fig.14.

Further, when z is positive(= x) and "1" R(v)"l, the path of integra-tion

in (8) may be swung round until it becomes the positivehalf of the

imaginaryaxis ; it is thus found that

-^v(^)= le"^""' y"""^ exp ^-lixiv-

so that

(10) K^ (x)= le-i""j e-f^sinh(-vt ^

and, on changingthe signof v,

(11) K^ (x)= Iei""^*r e-'*sinht+vt ^f^J - 00


Page 195: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


From these results we see that

(12) 2 cos IvTT.K^ (x)= [ g-'^sinht ^q^]^^^^^^^^

SO that

1 f"^(13) K^,(x)= -

^/ cos (a;sinh 0 cosh ;4



and these formulae are all valid when x " 0 and "l"R(v)" i.

In particular

(14) K, [x)= cos {xsnih 0 dt = ),/ ,

: 0 Jo V (t"+ -I)

a result obtained by Mehler* in 1870.

It may be observed that if,in (7),we make the substitution ^ze'= T, we find that

(15) A'.(^)= I {^y j exp {- r - "}~


providedthat R {z^)" 0. The integralon the righthas been studied bj numerous mathe-maticians,

among whom may be mentioned Poisson, Journal de V Ecole Pol^technique,ix.

(cahier16), 1813, p. 237; Glaisher, British Association Report,1872, pp. 15 " 17; Proc.

Camb. Phil. Sac. in. (1880),pp. 5"12; and Kapteyn, Bull, des Sci. Math. (2)xvi. (1892),

pp. 41 " 44. The integralsin whicli v has the specialvalues \ and f were discussed by

Euler,Inst. Calc. Int. iv. (Petersburg,1794), p. 415 ; and, when v is half of an odd

integer,the integralhas been evaluated by Legendre,Exercices de Cidcid Integral,i. (Paris,

1811), p. 366; Cauchy, Exercices des Math. (Paris,1826), pp. 54 " 56; and Schlomilch,

Journal fur Math, xxxiii. (1846),pp. 268"

280. The integralin which the limits of inte-gration

are arbitraryhas been examined by Binet, GomptesRendus, xii. (1841),pp. 958"


6*23. Hardy s formulaefor integralsofDu Bois Reyinond'stype.

The integrals


/j,2 r-a gO.

I sin t.

sin "

.i""^ dt, cos t

.cos "


^""^ dt,Jo ^ Jo i

in which ./" " 0, "1"B {v)" 1, have been examined by Hardy f as examples

of Du Bois Reymond's integrals

r txtf^'^t.f-'dt,Jo cos

in which f{t)oscillatesrapidlyas ^ ^ 0. By constructinga differentialequation

of the fourth order,Hardy succeeded in expressingthem in terms of Bessel

functions ; but a simplerway of evaluatingthem is to make use of the results

of ""6-21,6-22.

* Math. Ann. xviii. (1881),p. 182.

t Messenger, xl. (1911),pp. 44"51.

Page 196: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we replacet by xe\ it is clear that

sin ^ sin "


t"-''dt = x" sin {xe^)sin (^e"*). e"*c?^Jo ^ J -"


j^ "v I fg2ij;cosh"I g-2ia;cosli(_ gSiasinhf_ g-2ia;siiilitjgf*^^

J "00

= - i^" [7rtW'""'f/'^_^*(2.2;)-TTte^"-*H^^^j,{2x)

- 2e-^'"^'iT^(2a;)- 2ei'"^7i_,

(2a;)],and hence we have

(1) sinisin^.^''-irf^= -rT-^ [/.(2.t")-J"_,(2.r)+ /_,(2^)-/,(2./0]-

and similarly

(2) cos ^ cos ^.

r-i cZ =

,, [/_.(2^)- /.,{2x)+ /_,.{Ix)- 1"{2x)].

When V has the specialvalue zero, these formulae become

(3) sinisin^.^= |7rFo(2a-)+ A'"(2a.O,.'0 t t

(4) f"

cos t cos ^'.

"^^= - IttFo(2a;)+ K, {2x).Jo it

6 "24. Theisinger^sextension of BesseVs integral.

A curious extension of Jacobi's formulae of " 2*2 has been obtained in the case of Jq {x)and Ji{x)by Theisinger,MonatskeftefiirMath, und Phj/s.xxiv. (1913),pp. 337 " 341 ; we

shall now givea generalisationof Theisinger'sformula which is valid for functions of order

V where - h"v"\.

If a is any positivenumber*, it is obvious from Poisson's integralthat


^ ^^fj, ^

[""e-"'^"'"cos(A'cos^)sin2''^c?^'"' 'r(r + A)r(i) jo ^

j^ " '-"f/^^^


(i-e-"^8ine)cos(^cos^)sin2''^"Z^.^r(r+|)r(i)jo ^ ) \ I

/"in-Now 2


(1-e-"^sinfl)COS (.rCOS (9)sin-" "9o?^} 0

Ttt 1 _ g" aarsin^




;rssinh ix sin ^ - u; cos 6) sin-" ^cZ^

j 0 snili [x sin 5)


/"! 1-exp (lag;.-(.-!/.)} /._-l/A^''"?2~ j_t sinhl:|.rz(2-l/2)}

^ ^ ^^'V 2/ ; 2'

where the contour passes above the origin.Take the contour to be the real axis with an

indentation at the origin,and write z" +tan \^ on the two parts of the contom*; we thus

find that the last expressionis equal to

- ^ I ^^, T" r,-- sui ix tan ^0) .

e""^'cot-" d).^^

y 0 sui (x cot (^) - sin "p

+ ^"f-"^ ^-^--^W^^-^^^t'^)sin Grtan l"^).e-"-' cot^" c^-^/o sui(.rcot0) -^ ^sm0


/I 4. JLN /I 4. J ,

sin (.rtan i"^) c?6= 4 I sin (ia.rcot (/")cos (iax cot d) " vn)

.'-. r-",


cot^" d, -^-^,

Jo -7 / \_ -r

sin (.rcot 0) ^sin 9

* In Theisinger'sanalysis,a is au even integer.

Page 197: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and therefore

(1) " .wis/ -^.(""")="

e-"^-^"'e cos (.rcos )sin'^" c^^

+ 2 f""

sin (ia.vcot 0) cos (Ur cot (h-un)"*"' (f_^50)^ot^^ "i

_^^j (I

" "

sni (.rcot (Ji) '^sui ^

The transformation fails when I'^A, hecause the integralround the indentation does

not tend to zero with the radius of the indentation. The form given by Theisingerin the

case v = l differs from (1)because he works with " 3"3 (7)which gives

(2) ^-fej^I^^-^i/(*")= f'"

"""'=''" "ii ("""cos e)sin2''-'.^d cos ^ cW

, ,f-"""

,1 i.j\ /I xj ,sin'''(i^ tan i(i)

,,, ., ,

deb+ 4 I sm (^a.rcot 0) cos (iax cot (b - vtt)" "^ fJ-icot-"-- (h ^-J"


jo T- X- T- /

sni (a-cot (/)) ^sni^"^

providedthat ^"v "f.

6*3. The equivalenceof the integralrepresentationsof K^{z).

Three different types of integralswhich represent K^ {z)have now been

obtained in ""6*15 (4),6"22 (5) and G"16 (1),namely

= f e--^'""'"*coshi/".c?^,Jo

The equalityof the first and second was directlydemonstrated in 1871 by

Schlalii*;but Poisson provedthe equivalenceof the second and third as early

as 1813, while Malmsten gave a less direct proofof the equivalenceof the

second and third in 1841. We proceedto describe the three transformations

in question.

6'31. Scldiifli'stransformation.

We firstgive an abstract of the analysisused by Schliifli,Ann. di Mat. (2) v. (1873),

pp. 199" 201, to prove the relation

r (1). {\z)^j"

^_,^ _ ^y_.^^^^r e-^coshs cosh vOde^ r("+^) j, ^ ' j"

which arises from a comparison of two of the integralrepresentationsof K^ (z),and which

may be established by analysisresemblingthat of ^ 2"323.

We have,of course, to suppose tliat R {z)" 0 to secure convergence, and it is convenient

at firstto taket -~h"R {v)" 1.

* Au earlier proof is due to Kuinmer, Journal filrMath. xvii. (1837),pp. i-iS" 242, but it is

much more elaborate than Scblatii's invesligation.

t The result is established for larger values of 11 (c)eitlier by the theory of analyticcoutinua-

tion or by the use of recurrence fornuilae.

Page 198: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now define S by the equation

where x^l; and theu^ii t=x-{x-l) u, we have

on expandingthe last factor of the integrandin powers of u and integratingterm-by-term.

Replacingx by cosh 0, we see that

J, ^ ^(coshd-ty uFii)

so that,by a partialintegration,

^'^^^""'"^/""e-^eoshecoshr^c/^^^"^^^","'"^^1 e-^^^i^esinh ^sinh r^cZ^

r(i) jo "FC*) jo


= F(I^)/,i/"'""'"-'""'(^'

rci-.-) ji jo ^ ^zt"

= 2" re-'^f"-iy-idt;J 1

the inversion of the order of the integrationspresents no great theoretical difficulty,and

the transformation is established.

6*32. Poisson's transformation.

The direct proof that

2 j-. ^""'r(i) jo {w^+z-^y^h

is due to Poisson* Journal de VEcole Polytechnique,ix. (1813),pp. 239"241. The equationis true when |arg2|"-|7r,x"0 and R{v)" "

-g,but it is convenient to assume in the

course of the proofthat R{v)"^ and |arg 2 |" jtt, and to derive the result for other values

of 2 and V by an appealto recurrence formulae and the theory of analyticcontinuation.

If we replace^ by a new variable defined by the equation v^x^e'^, we see that it is

suflficientto prove that


* See also Paoli,Mem. di Mat. e di Fis. della Soc. Italiana delle Sci. xx. (1828),p. 172.

Page 200: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the firstis consequentlya linear combination of the second and third. In view of the

unboundedness of the third as x-^+oo, it is obvious that the first must he a constant

multipleof the second so that

J 0 {U +2')" -^ J X

where C is independentof .v. To determine C, make x-^0 and then

/0 (u + z^)

. r (.)r (^) _Cri2v)sotnat

2z^^T{v+ i) z'" '

and the requiredtransformation follows,when R{p)"0, if we use the duplicationformula

for the Gamma function.

",,, ,, " ,. " r, ,

[ "^

cos xu.du


An immediate consequence of Malmsten's transformation is that /^" 2m


expressiblein finite terms ; for it is equal to


2^-i{(n-l)!}^j,' ^' ^^

^g-w "-i(2a's)'"(2/i-"i-1):

This method of evaluatingthe integralis simpler than a method given by Catalan,

Journal de Math. v. (1840),pp. 110 " 114; and his investigationis not rigorous in all its

stages. The transformation is discussed by Serret,Journal de Math. viii. (1843),pp. 20,

21; IX. (1844), pp. 193 " 216; see also Cayley,Journal de ,Math. xii. (1847),p. 23G

{CollectedPapers,i. (1889),p. 313.]

6*4. Airi/sintegral.

The integral

r cos {t " xt)dtJo

which appearedin the researches of Aiiy* "On the Intensityof Lightin the

neighbourhoodof a Caustic" is a member of a class of integralswhich are

expressiblein terms of Bessel functions. The integralwas tabulated by Airy

by quadratures,but the process was excessivelylaborious. Later,De Morgan"(-

obtained a series in ascendingpowers ot'x by a process which needs justificationeither by Stokes' transformation (which will be explainedimmediately)or bythe use of Hardy'stheoryof generalisedintegrals^.

* Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1838),pp. 379"402. Airy used the form

cos In (iv'^- mro)die,0

but thif?is easilyreduced to the integralgiven above.

f The result was communicated to Airj'on March 11, 1818 ; see Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. viii.

(1849),pp. 595"599.

+ Quarterly Journal, xxxv. (1904),pp. 22"66 ; 2'rans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi. (1912),pp. 1"48.

Page 201: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It was noticed by Stokes* that the integralis annihilated by the operator

and Stokes also obtained the asymptoticexpansionsof the integralfor largevalues of x, both positiveand negative.

The reader will observe that Stokes' differential equationfor Aii-y'sintegral is identical

with one of the transformed forms of Bessel's equation(^ 4-3). This fact was noticed byStokes {loc.cit.p. 187),but no specialuse was made of it until Nicholson,Phil. Man. (6)XVIII. (1909),pp. 6"17, expressedAiry'sintegraldirectlyin terms of Bessel functions of

orders "7'..These Bessel functions have latelyassumed considerable importancef; see

Weyl, Math. Ann. Lxviii. (1910),p. 267,and the approximate formulae described in " 8'43.

Subsequently Hardy, QuarterlyJournal, XLi. (1910),pp. 226"240, pointedout the con-nexion

between Airy'sintegraland the integralsdiscussed in 5^.6"21,6-22,and he then

examined various generalisationsof Airy'sintegral(""10"2 " 10'22).

To evaluate Airy'sintegral;]:,we observe that it may be written in the form

1 r*

^I exp {if + ixt)dt.

Now consider this integrandtaken alongtwo arcs of a circle of radius p with

centre at the origin,the arcs terminatingat p, pe"'^''and pe^'^',pe^ respectively.The integralsalongthese arcs tend to zero asp -* oc

, by Jordan's lemma, and

hence, by Cauchy'stheorem, we obtain Stokes' transformation

/"CO Y rcoexp^TTtcos {f "xt)dt =

-^ exp {iV"" ixt)dtJo 2 .'CO exp fTTJ

= lr [e^""'exp (- T^ " e^'^'t) + e- ^'^'

exp (- T^ " e- i'^'xr)]dr ;


the contour of the second integralconsists of tvro rays emerging from the

originand the third integralis obtained by writingre^'^re^'^*for t on these


Now, since the resultingseries are convergent, it may be shewn that"

exp (- 73 " e-s"''xt) dr = S ^-^ t'" exp (- 7-*)dr,Jo 111=0 '^""'- .0

* Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. ix. (185ii),pp- 166"187. [Math, and Pli,/s.Paper.-",11. (1883),

pp. 329"349.] See also Stokes' letter of May 12, 1848, to Airy, Sir G. G. Stoke/^,Memoir and

ScientificCorrespondence, 11. (Cambridge,1907),pp. 159 " 160.

t The functions occur in a problem concerningthe stabilityof motion of a viscous fluid; an

account of the problem (with a bibliography)is given by Kayleigh,Phil. Mag. (6)xxvin. (1914),

pp. G09" 619; xxx. (1915),pp. 329"338. [ScientificPapers, vi. (1920),pp. 266"275; 341"349.]

X The integralis convergent. Cf. Plardy, loc. cit. p. 228, or de la ValltJe Poussin, Ann. de la

Soc. Sci. de Bruxelles,xvi. (1892),pp. 150"180.

" Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteScries, " 176.

Page 202: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so


^ ,^ (+ a;)*"cos(Im + f) TT r=^

". / ,x 7cos(f + xt)dt= S ^^="^ ^ ^^" T"'exp(-Tnc?T0

^ - '

,,^^0ml Jo


^S (" ^)" sin f (m + 1)TT


r {^vt+ ^j)/m!"J

m = 0

= i7r(" i^)

,^=0^?^!r(?n +

This is the result obtained by De Morgan. When the series on the right

are expressedin terms of Bessel functions,we obtain Nicholson's formulae, in

Avhich a; is to be taken to be positive:



cos {t^" Xt)dt = ^TT'\/(^x) J-"[/2x\/a-





+ J,i2x\Jx


2x \JxJ f2x\/x\ /2x.\/x\


6*5. Barnes' integralrepresentationsofBessel f unctions.

By usingintegralsof a type introduced by Pincherle* and Mellinf,Barnes^has obtained representationsof Bessel functions which render possiblean easy

proofof Rummer's formula of "4"42.

Let us consider the residue of

- r (2m - s). {izf

at s = 2m + r, where ?' = 0, 1,2,. . . .

This residue is (")'"(iz)'^"''^^'lrl,so the sum

of the residues is ("^'n^amg-iz^

Hence, by Cauchy'stheorem,

J, (z)e"''=

(hzy 5 /"""+'r(2m-s).{izyds,



2'Tri =0 iX

2^'" .mWiv + m + l)

if the contour encloses the points0, 1, 2,"

It may be verified,by using

Stirling'sformula that the integralsare convergent.

Now suppose that R{v) " " |, and choose the contour so that, on it,

R (v + s)" " ^. When this last condition is satisfied the series

r (2m - s)

~o 2^"'.mir(v + m + l)is convergent and equalto

* Rend, del R. Istituto Lombardo, (2) six. (1886),pp. 559"562; Atti della R. Accad. dci

Lincei, ser. 4, Rendicoiiti, iv. (1888),pp. 694"700, 792"799.

t Mellin has given a summary of his researched,Math. Ann. lxviii. (1910),pp. 305 " 337.

J Gamb. Phil. Trans, xx. (1908),pp. 270 " 279. For a bibliographyof researches on inte;,Mals

of this type, see Barnes, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)v. (1907),pp. 59 " 65.

Page 203: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


by the well-known formula due to Gauss. If therefore we change the order

of summation and integration*we have

The onlypolesof the integrandinside the contour are at 0, 1, 2,....


we calculate the sum of the residues at these poles,we find that

so that

(1) J^ {z)e-- = f^^r+1)1^1(' + I ; 2r + 1 ; - 2iz),

which is Kummer's relation. In like manner, we find that

(2) ,h {z)e^'= Y%'ll)'^'^" + i ; 2z. + 1 ; 2iz).

These formulae,provedwhen R{v) " " \,are relations connectingfunctions

of V which are analyticfor all values of v, and so, by the theoryof analyticcontinuation,they are universallytrue.

It is also possibleto representBessel functions by integralsin which no

exponentialfactor is involved. To do this,we consider the function


qua function of 5. It has polesat the points

5 = 0, 1, 2, ...; -v,-v + l,-v + 2,....

The residue at s = m is

TTJ^ (-)"'(2 ^)'"^'"'

sin vir


m\ T {v -{-m + 1)'

while the residue at 5 = " i^ + in is

-iri-" (-)"(l2)-''+='"sin vTT


ml T (v + m + 1)'

so that

(3) 7re-i"''+i'"'i/,'-'(z) -^.ir{-v-s)r(-s)(lizY^''ds,

and, in like manner,

(4) Treic+it'^''^,w {z)= - ~[r(-v- s)r (- s)(- yzy+'' ds,

where the contours start from and return to + oo after encirclingthe polesof

the integrandcounter-clockwise. When |arg iz \" hir in (3)or jarg (" iz)\" |7rin (4) the contours may be opened out, so as to start from oo i and end at

" X i. If we reverse the directions of the contours we find that

(5) 7re-i"'+^'-'H/'^ (z)= ^. f'^"'r (- V - s)V (- s)(^izy^''ds,ItTI J -c-jai

* Cf. Bromwich, 'Theoryof InfiniteSeries, " 176.

Page 204: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


, providedthat \arg izlK^ir; and

providedthat \arg (" iz)|" ^tt;and, in each integral,c is any positivenumber

exceedingIl{v)and the path of integrationis parallelto the imaginaryaxis.

There is an integralresemblingthese which representsthe function of the

firstkind of order v, but it converges onlywhen R(v)"0 and the argument

of the function is positive.The integralin questionis

and it is obtained in the same way as the precedingintegrals; the reader

will notice that,when js |islargeon the contour, the integrandis 0 {\sl"""^).

6'51. Barnes' representationsoffunctionsofthe third kind.

By usingthe duplicationformula for the Gamma function we may write

the results justobtained in the form

\^} ^vK^)e 2i.^/7r}r(s + l)r(2i.+ s+l)sins7r"

Consider now the integral

{2zy f"'

T{-s)r(-2v-s)r(v + s + i).{2izyds,2iVt.


in which the integi-anddiffers from the integrandin (1)by a factor which is

periodicin s. It is to be supposedtemporarilythat 2v is not an integerand

that the path of integrationis so drawn that the sequences of poles0,1,2, ... ;

" 2j^,1 " 2v, 2 " 2i^,... lie on the rightof the contour while the sequence of

poles" V " ^,"v~^, " '' " f, """

lies on the left of the contour. In the first

place,we shall shew that,if jarg iz |" |7r,the integraltaken round a semi-circle

of radius p on the rightof the imaginaryaxis tends to zero as p ^ y:) ;

for,if s = pe'^,we have

,r(-.)r(-2..-")r(.+.H).(2,-.).^p^^"/r(.+ . + i).(2,"r1 (s)r (2i/+ 5 + 1)sm STT sm (2i + s)TT

and, by Stirling'sformula,

r{v + s + i).(2izy''^r(s+ i)r{2i^+ s + i)

~ pe' log(2iz)-(v + pe'^)(logp + id)+ pe^^- h log(27r);and the real part of this tends to - x when " -|-tt " ^ " ^tt,because the dominant

term is - p cos 6 logp. When 6 isnearlyequalto " ^tt,|sin s-k \iscomparablewith \ exp \piTjsin 6 j}and the dominant term in the real part of the logarithmof s times the integrandis

p cos 6 log122 [" p sin ^. arg 2iz " pcosd\ogp + pOamO -{-pcosd " 2p\^\nd\,

and this tends to " x as /a " x if|arg iz i" |7r.

Page 205: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence s times the integrandtends to zero allalongthe semicircle,and so

the integralround the semicircle tends to zero if the semicircle isdrawn so as

to pass between (and not through)the polesof the integrand.

It follows from Cauchy'stheorem that,when |argiz\" |7rand 2v is not an


r' r (- s)r (- 2v - s)r (v + s + i).{2izydsJ

"- "x"i

may be calculated by evaluatingthe residues at the poleson the rightof the


The residues of

r (- .9)r (- 2/.-s)r{v+s + 1).(2/^)-^

at 5 = m and s = " 2^ + 7)1 are respectively

TT r (v+ m + 1). {2iz)'"'_

TT r (- ;/ + m + 1). (2i")-2''+"'

sin 2viT rn !F (2i/+ m + 1)'

sin ^vir nil r(" 2i^+ m + 1)

and hence

-Pr r r{-s)T{-2v-s)T(v + s+l).{2tzYds

= snr2;^r(2TTT)-^^^^+^-^^+i' -^^"

g" H2^)-vr^r(i-z.)


sin 2t'7r

It follows that,when |argiz |" ftt,

(2) i,,..(,,=^-'"-'""=-(^-)-(2-)"


77 '^


X r (- s)r (- 2/v - .9)r (i.+ s + 1) . i2izyds," XI

and similarly,when jarg (" iz)\" ftt,

giiz-.'Tr)cos (i^tt).(22:)"

(3) F.'^'(2)=

X r (- .s)r (- 2i' - s)r (r+ .9+ 1).(- 2{zyds.


The restriction that v is not to be an integermay be removed in the usual

manner by a limitingprocess, but the restriction that 2i" must not be an odd

integercannot be removed, since then poleswhich must be on the rightof the

contour would have to coincide with poleswhich must be on the left.

AV. B. F. 13

Page 206: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



7*1. Approximate formulae for Jv{z)-

In Chapter III various representationsof Bessel functions were obtained

in the form of series of ascendingpowers of the argument z, multipliedin some

cases by logz. These series are well adapted for numerical computation when

z^ is not largecompared with 4 (i + 1),4 (i + 2),4(^ + 3),. .. ,

since the series

converge fairlyrapidlyfor such values of z. But, when |-^ I is large,the series

converge slowly,and an inspectionof their initial terms affords no clue to the

approximate values of J^ {z)and Y^,{z). There is one exceptionto this state-ment

; when i^ + 1 is an integerwhich is not large,the expressionsfor Jj^ {z)

in finite terms ("3'4)enable the functions to be calculated without difiiculty.

The objectof this chapter is the determination of formulae which render

possiblethe calculation of the values of a fundamental system of solutions of

Bessel's equation when z is large.

There are reallytwo aspects of the problem to be considered ; the investi-gation

when V is largeis very different from the investigationwhen v is not

large. The former investigationis, in every respect, of a more recondite

character than the latter,and it is postponed until Chapter viii.

It must, however, be mentioned that the first step towards the solution of

the more recondite problem was made by Carlini* some years before Poisson'sf

investigationof the behaviour of Jq {x), for large positivevalues of x, was


The formal expansion obtained by Poisson was

f 1^ 1- 3^ 5^


when X is largeand positive.But, since the series on the right are not con-vergent,

and since Poisson gave no investigationof the remainders in the

series,his analysis(apart from his method of obtainingthe dominant term) is

to be regarded as suggestiveand ingeniousrather than convincing.

* Ricerche siilla convergenza della serie che serva alia soluzione del prohlema di Keplero (Milan,

1817). An account of these investigations has already been given in " 1*4.

t Journal de VEcole Pohjteclinique,xii. (cahier19), (1823),pp. 350" 352 ; see " 1-6. An in-vestigation

of Jv {x) similar to Poisson's investigation of Jq (^) has been constructed by Gray and

Mathews, A Treatise on Bessel Functions (London, 1895), pp. 34 "38.

Page 208: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The generalcharacter of the formula for F" (z)had been indicated by Lommel, Studien

iiber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),just before the publicationof Haukel's

memoir; and the researches of Weber, 3Iath. Ann. vi. (1873),pp. 146 " 149 must also be


The asymptoticexpansionof K^{z) was investigated(and proved to be

asymptotic)at an earlydate by Kummer* ; this result was reproduced,with

the addition of the correspondingformula for /^{z),by Kirchhoff f ; and a little-

known paper by Malmsten:]:also contains an investigationof the asymptotic

expansionof K^ {z).

A close study of the remainders in the asymptotic expansionsof J^{x\ Fq {x\ Iq{x)

and Kq{x) has been made by Stieltjes,Ann. Sci. de I'Ecole norm. sup. (3) in. (1886),

pp. 233 " 252, and parts of his analysishave been extended by Callandreau,Didl. des Sci.

Math. (2) XIV. (1890), pp. 110 " 114, to include functions of any integralorder; while

results concerningthe remainders when the variables are complex have been obtained by

Weber, Alath. Ann. xxxvii. (1890),pp. 404"416.

The expansionshave also been investigatedby Adaraoft",PetersburgAnn. Inst, polyt.

1906, pp. 239" 265, and by Valewink|| in a Haarlem dissertation,1905.

Investigationsconcerningasymptoticexpaosionsof t/ [z)and F" {z),when

l^iis largewhile v is fixed,seem to be most simplycarried out with the aid

of integralsof Poisson's type. But Schlafli*[has shewn that a largenumber of

results are obtainable by a peculiartreatment of integralsof Bessel's type,

while, more recently,Barnes** has discussed the asymptoticexpansionsbymeans of the Pincherle-Mellin integrals,involvinggamma-functions,which

were examined in ||6"5,6"51.

7'2. AsymptoticexpansionsofHJ^^(z)and HJ-^(z)afterHankel.

We shall now obtain the asymptoticexpansionsof the functions of the

third kind, valid for largevalues of \z\;the analysis,apart from some slightmodifications,will follow that givenby Hankel ff.

Take the formula "6'12 (3),namely

valid when -|7r"/3"|7r and - ^tt-f-/3" arg^^ " 3,^ + ^, provided that

R{v + l)"0.

The expansionof the factor (1 + liu/z)"'in descendingpowers of z is




* Journal fur Math. xvii. (1837),pp. 228"242. f Ibid, xlviii. (1854),pp. 348"376.

t K. Svenska V. Akad. Handl. lxii. (1841),pp. 65"74.

" See the Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1907, p. 492.

IIIbid. 1905, p. 328. H Ann. di Mat. (2) vi. (1875),pp. 1"20.** Tra)is. Camb. Phil. Soc. xx. (1908),pp. 270"279.

tt Math. Ann. i. (1869),pp. 491"495.

Page 209: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


but since this expansionis not convergent all alongthe path of integration,we shall replaceit by a finite number of terms plusa remainder.

For all positiveintegralvalues of p, we have*

"2zJ ",=o"^' V^i2/ (p~\)l\2izJ Jo V 2tz/

It is convenient to take p so largethat R(v"p " l)^0; and we then choose

any positiveangleS which satisfiesthe inequalities

j/3|^|7r" S, Iarg^- " (Itt+ /3)'"7r " S.

The effect of this choice is that,when 8 is given,z is restricted so that

" TT f 2S ^ arg z ^2-77 " 2S.

When the choice has been made, then


2iz" sin S, ""'^^-h

ut\" TT,

for the values of t and ii under consideration,and so


] "I ^e-!'"''):(sinS)""''-^-i'= ^p,

say, where Ap is independentof z.

On substitutingits expansionfor (1 + ^iu/zy- and integratingterm-by-

term, we find that

"p"i(|-i/),".r(i^+ m + |)_^ ^^(j)'


(I - ^).i? (1)I"

^^ I^' ^-(p-iy:r(v+i)(2iz)p\]o


Z, mlT{v + l).{2izy

X exp i(3

(1 - ty-'dt .-U I^^v+p- ; ^^f^

where 5^ is a function of v, p and 8 which is independentof z.

Hence, when R(v-p-l)"0 and R(v+l)"0, we have

when z is such that - tt + 2S ^ arg 2^ ^ 27r - 28, 8 being any positiveacute

angle";and the symbol 0 is the Bachmann-Landau symbol which denotes a

function of the order of magnitudef of z~J^ as |-^ |^^ oo.

The formula (1)is also valid when R(p-p-l)"0; this may be seen by

* Cf. Blodern Analysis, "5-41. The use of this form of the binomial expansion seems to be

due to Graf and Gubler, Einlcitung in die Theorie der BcsseVschen Fiinktioncn, i. (Bern,1S9S).

pp. 86"87. Cf. Whittaker, Modern Analysis(Cambridge, 1902), " 161; Gibson, Proc. Edinburgh

Math. Soc. xxxviii. (1920),pp. 6"9 ; and MacRobert, (7;/(/.pp. 10"19.

t Cf. Modern Analysis, " 2-1.

Page 210: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


supposingthat R(v " p " ^)"0 and then takingan integerq so largethat

B,(^i," q " ^)".0; if the expressionwhich is contained in [ ] in (1) is then

rewritten with q in placeof p throughout,it may be expressedas p terms

followed by q"p + 1 terms each of which is 0 (^"^0or o {z~^'); and the sum

of these q " p + 1 terms is therefore 0 {z~v).

In a similar manner (bychangingthe signof i throughoutthe previous

work) we can deduce from "6'12 (4)that

(2) ir,W(^)=('A'j%-^.-4--i:r)_,r=om!(-2.-.)-

+^^^ "J'

providedthat R{v + \)"0 and that the domain of -values of z is now given

by the inequalities- 277 + 28 ^ arg z^ir -1h.

If,followingHankel, we write

(i - v\nil+ v)y,{v,m) = (-)

T {v + m + 1)ml m !r (i/- m + I)


{4i^^- 1^}{4i/-- 3-^}" " . {4i^^- (2m - 1)^}

these expansionsbecome


2 \^(3)

TV 2f/



(4) ir;^)(^)= Aye-M3-A.^-i^,''"^ (v,m)

For brevitywe write these equationsthus :

+ 0(z-p)



^ ^ WzJ,^.0 (2t2)"'

Since (v,m) is an even function of t, it follows from the formulae of

"3'61 (7),which connect functions of the third kind of order i/ with the corre-sponding

fimctions of order " v, that the restriction that the real part of v

exceeds " | is unnecessary. So the formulae (1)" (6)are valid for all values

of V, when z is confined to one or other of two sectors of anglejustless than Stt.

In the notation of generalisedhypergeometricfunctions,the expansionsare

(7) ^^" (^)~ (;^)'^'"'^--'"^"''^'..F,U+ .,l-v; i-J,

(8) m^ (z)~ (A)*e-^^-i"'-^-^ ".^0(i+ ^, i - ^ ; - 2^-^'

of which (7)is valid when " tt " arg 2 " 27r,and (8)when " 27r " arg z " tt.

Page 211: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


7 '21. AsymptoticexpansionsofJ^{z),J-^(z)and Y^{z).

If we combine the formulae of "7-2,we deduce from the formulae of "3-61

(which express Bessel functions of the first and second kinds in terms of

functions of the third kind) that

(1) '/.iz)"


cos (z vir


" (-r "{v,2m)

^ '-^to (2#-

(-)"^(^',2//i+l)'-sm{z-h"rr-\Tr). S

w = 0 (^2r)-irt+l

(2) -^A^)'^ " sm(2'-iz/7r-i7r). S ^^-^"



\lTZj7H = 0 {Izf

+ COS(^ " I i^TT" f7r). N \ ^ ^ ' ''

m = ()

(3) J-. {z)

(4) F_.(^)^





/ , 1 1 X V(-)'"

" (^.2w)




/ . 1 1 X V(-)"'"(^.2m + 1)'


1 .^-^- ^ ^

sin( + |z^7r- ;f7r).2

m = 0 \-"^}

{-f.{y, 2m)

+ C0s(2'+ |z/7r-:^7r).Sm = 0

(-)"^(/',2??i+ i)"


and (inthe case of functions oi integralorder n only),

(-)"*. {n,2m)(5) Y, ^z)

2lTs\n{z-\mT-\'Tr). %

1)1 = 0

+ co^{z" \mr " {'TT).S


(-)'".(n,2m +1)'

m = 0 ^^^-^

These formulae are all valid for largevalues of | |providedthat |arg z\"Tr;

and the error due to stoppingat any term is obviouslyof the order of magni-tudeof that terra multipliedby Ijz.Actually,however, this factor Ijz vcaxy

be replacedby Ijz-; this may be seen by takingthe expansionsof HJ^^ (z)and

H^'--'(z)to two terms further than the last term requiredin the particularcombination with which we have to deal.

As has been seen in " 7"2, the integralswhich are dealt with when

R{v)" -I represent H^,^^(z)and H^^- (z),but, when R(v)"-1, the integralsfrom which the asymptoticexpansionsare derived are those iv/iichrepresent

H^^'"_^{z)and H^"^^^(z).This difference in the mode of treatment of J^,{z)

and Yt,(z)for such values of i' seems to have led some writei'S to think* that

formula (1)is not valid unless R{v) " " ^.

* Cf. Sheppard, Quarterh/ Journal, xxiii. (188:)),p. 223 ; Searle, QnarterhjJournal, xxxix.

(1908),p. ()0. The error appears to have originatedfrom Todhunter, An Elementary Treatise on

Laplace'sFunctions, Lame's Functions and BesseVs Functions (London, 1875), pp. 312"313.

Page 212: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The asymptoticexpansionof Jo{2)was obtained by Lipschitz*by inte-grating

e*'^'(1 - t^)~round a rectangle(indentedat " 1) with corners at + 1

and + 1 + X i. Cauchy'stheorem givesat once

f" ei""I e-"'+"" zr ^ (2 - ui)"-dn = 0,

-1 .'0


and the analysisthen proceedson the lines alreadygiven; but in order to

obtain asymptoticexpansionsof a pair of solutions of Bessel's equationit

seems necessary to use a method which involves at some stage the loop

integralsdiscussed in Chaptervi.

It may be convenient to note explicitlythe initial terms in the expansions

involved in equations(1)" (4); they are as follows :

- (-y^ . {v,2m)^

(4.V"-- 1-)(iv-- 3^)

.r^o i^^T"' 2! (8^)^


^ (-yn.{v,2m + l.)_4i"--l- (4t/^- 1-)(4i/-- 30 (4i/-- 5'^)

""=o (2zym+i 1182 3! (82^)3

The reader should notice that

J,^{z)+ J,^^Hz)o^2/(m),

a formula givenby Lommel, Stttdien,p. 67.

Note. The method by which Lommel endeavoured to obtain the asymptoticexpansion

of F,i(2)in his Studien, pp. 93 " 97, was by differentiatingthe expansionsof J^^ (z)with

respect to v ; but of course it is now known that the term-by-term differentiation of an

asymptoticexpansion with respect to a parameter raises various theoretical difficulties.

It should be noticed that Lommel's later work, Math. Ann. iv. (1871),p. 103, is free from

the algebraicalerrors which occur in his earlier work. These errors have been enumerated

by Julius,Archives A'eerlandaises,xxviir. (1895),pp. 221 " 225. The asymptoticexpansionsof '-Ai(^) and T"{z) have also been studied by McMahon, Ann. of Math. viii. (1894),

pp. 57 " 61, and Kapteyn, MonatsheftefiirMath, und Phys. xiv. (1903),pp. 275 "282.

A novel applicationof these asymptoticexpansionshas been discovered

in recent 3'ears : they are of some importancein the analytictheoryof the

divisors of numbers. In such investigationsthe dominant terms of the ex-pansions

are adequatefor the purpose in view. This fact combined with the

consideration that the theoryof Bessel functions forms onlya trivial part of

the investigationsin questionhas made it seem desirable merelyto mention

the work of Voronoifand WigertJ and the more recent papers by Hardy".

* Journal fiirMath. lvi. (1859),pp. 189"196.

\ Ann. Sci. de VEcolc norm. sup. (3) xxi. (1904),pp. 207"268, 459-534; Verh. dcs Int.

Math. Kongresses in Heidelberg, 1904, pp. 241 " 245.

% Acta Mathematica, xxxvii. (1914),pp. 113" 140.

%Quarterhj Journal, xlvi. (1915),pp. 263"283; Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xv. (1916),

pp. 1"25.

Page 213: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


7"22. Stokes' phenomenon.

The formula " 7-21 (1)for J^{z) was established for values of z such that

!arg2^|"7r.If we took axg z to lie between 0 and 27r (so that arg^'g"''''lies

between " tt and tt)we should consequentlyhave

/.,(z)= e-"^'-A (2'e~"')

2CO e"

TT ze'

so that,when 0 " arg z " 'lir,

/ 9

cos (ire"'" A i/TT "

i tt) z --^^"


"/-HI 1 X ^ (-)"'"(J^,2m + 1)'

TTZcos(^ + li/7r+ i7r) S

(2lpWi = 0

" sin(^+ |i^7r+ Itt) S(-)'".(!/,27" + iy

III =11

and this expansion is superficiallyquite different from the expansionof

"7"21 (1). We shall now make a close examination of this change.

The expansionsof "7'21are derived from the formula

and throughoutthe sector in which " tt " arg z " 27r,the function HJ^^(z)has

the asymptoticexpansion


The correspondingexpansionfor //^''-^(z),namely

(1) ^;^)(^)oo I " I e


-Hz- 4" J-) I ('\'"'\

is,however, valid for the sector - 27r " arg z " tt. To obtain an expansionvalid for the sector 0 " arg 2^ " 'Iir we use the formula of "3"62 (6),namely

E,^'(z)= 2 cos VTT.H,^- {ze-^')+ e"^' F,'"{ze-^%

and this gives



+ 2cos...(iY.^-i-^-^(-r.(^,-)

(2) H,('Hz)c^(~Ye

\lT4yJ "i = 0 \-'"^ .'

The expansions(1) and (2) are both valid when 0"arg^"7r; now the

difference between them has the asymptoticexpansion

2cos^7r.(" ) e''^+i-+i-" S^ U'-W


and, on account of the factor e'^ which multipliesthe series,this exi)ressionis

oi lower' order ofmagnitude{when \z\\blarge)than the error duo to stopping

Page 214: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


at any definiteterm of the expansion(1); for this error is 0 (e~^^z~P~^)when

we stop at the pth term. Hence the discrepancybetween (1)and (2),which

occurs when 0"arg2^"7r, is onlyapparent, since the series in (1) has to be

used in conjunctionwith its remainder.

Generallywe have

where the constants Ci, c^ have values which depend on the domain of values

assignedto arg z. And, if arg z is continuallyincreased (ordecreased)while

I Iis unaltered,the values of Cj and Co have to be changedabruptlyat various

stages,the change in either constant being made when the function which

multipliesit is negligiblecompared with the function multiplyingthe other

constant. That is to say, changes in Cj occur when I {z) is positive,while

changesin Cg occur when I {z)is negative.

It is not difficultto prove that the values to be assignedto the constants

Cj and Ca are as follows :

c, = le2p{"'+i)" Co =1 e2^(''+^)-^,[(2^- 1 ) TT " arg z " {2p + 1)tt],

Ci = |e-^+i)"^i^^', c, = le2?"(''+i)-^ [2p7r" arg ^ " (2p + 2)tt],

where p is any integer,positiveor negative.

This phenomenon of the discontinuityof the constants was discovered byStokes and was discussed by him in a series of papers. It is a phenomenonwhich is not confined to Bessel functions,and it is characteristic of integralfunctions which possess asymptoticexpansionsof a simpletype*.

The fact that the constants involved in the asymptoticexpansionof the analyticfunction

Jy (z)are discontinuous was discovered by Stokes in (March?) 1857, and the discoverywas

apparentlyone of those which are made at three o'clock in the morning. See Sir GeorgeGabriel Stokes,Memoir and ScientificCorrespondence,i. (Cambridge, 1907), p. 62. The

papers in which Stokes xniblishedhis discoveryare the followingt: Trans. Camb. Phil.

Soc. X. (1864),pp. 106"128; Xl. (1871),pp. 412"425; Acta Math. xxvi. (1902),pp. :39.3-"

397. [Math,and Phys.Papers,IV. (1904),pp. 77"109 ; 283"298 ; V. (1905),pp. 283-287.]The third of these seems to have been the last paper written by Stokes.

7 '23. AsymptoticexpansionsofIy,{z)and K^(z).

The formula " 7'2 (5) combined with equation" 3"7 (8),which connects

K^ (z)and H^^^'"(iz),shews at once that

(1) ^^'W~y ''"!"(2ir

CO (")'1 H h " ' +^1!82 2!(8^)-


* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 133.

t Stokes illustrated the change with the aid of Bessel functions whose orders are 0 and " ^,

the latter being those associated with Airy'sintegral("6'4).

Page 216: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


be quotedhere. The functions of zero order had been examined previouslybyRussell*; he found itconvenient to deal with the logarithms!of the functions

of the third kind which are involved,and his formulae may be written as follows:

iber(^)^expg(^)cos^^ \hei(z)V(27r^)sin ^ '^ ^'

|ker(z) expa(-^)cos

^"'^ [kei(^) ^{-Iz/Tr)sin^^^'


_z 1 25 13

"^^^^~V2"^8^V2384^^/2 128^* ""'

^^^V2 8 8^v'2 162'^ 3842V2

The ranges of validityof the formulae are |arg^-j" ^irin the case of (1)and

Iarg z \" |7rin the case of (2).

These results have been expressedin a modified form by Savidge,Phil. Mag. (6) xix.

(1910),p. 51.

7*25. Hadamard's modificationofthe asrjmptoticexpansions.

A result which is of considerable theoretical importance is due to

Hadamard:[:;he has shewn that itispossibleto modifythe various asymptoticexpansions,so that theybecome convergentseries togetherluith a negligiblere-mainder

term. The formulae will-be stated for real values of the variables,but

the reader should have no difficultyin making the modifications appropriateto complexvariables.

We take firstthe case of /"(";)when v " " \. When we replacesin |^ by

u, we have

ilxyU^) =


1 (i + i) I (i)Jo

nSm) ir'(- '"'^"" ""^' - "^'~'-'"

2(2xye'' " i^-v) [^w2.+2mexp (_ 2u-x)du,""" Jo

the last result beingvalid because the series of integralsis convergent.We may write this equationin the form


e^ I (^-v\,^.y(v+ m + l,2x)

V(27r")^=o r{r + l).m':{2xy-'

where y denotes the "incompleteGamma-function" of Legendre".* Phil. Mag. (6) xvii. (1909),pp. 531, 537.

t Cf. the similar procedure due to Meissel,which will be explained in " 8-11.

+ Bull, de la Soc. Math, de France, xxxvi. (1908),pp. 77"85. " Cf, Modern Analysis," lG-2.

Page 217: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


For largevalues of x, the difference between

is 0{x''^"-'^he~-^-)which is o(l) for each integralvalue of n.

In the case of the ordinaryBessel functions,we take the expressionfor

the function of the third kind

/ 9 \-Splix-iv:r-j;ntfee , 'i),\v-h

so that

(2) fl !."(,)= (A)',,-,.-i..-i" i -^-^';'"'_7"''+'"+.%;""+ 0(..-.-n

and similarly

^ir-xj^ = 0

r (y+ I).m !(" 2ta;)^

From these results it is easy to derive convergent series for the functions

of the firstand second kinds.

Hadamard gave the formulae for functions of order zero only; but the extension to

functions of any order exceeding " | is obvious.

7'3. Formulae for the remainders in the asymptoticexpansions.

In "7'2 we gave an investigationwhich shewed that the remainders in

the asymptoticexpansionsof H^,^^{z)and i/^"-'{z) are of the same order of

magnitude as the firstterms neglected.In the case of functions of the first

and second kinds, it is easy to obtain a more exact and rather remarkable

theorem to the effect that when v is real* and x is positivethe remainders

after a certain stage in the asymptoticexpansionsof J"^ {x) and Y"t,(x) are

numericallyless than the first terms neglected,and, by a slightlymore re-condite

investigation("7"32),it can be provedthat the remainders are of the

sapie signas the firstterms neglected.

Let us write

e "-'!(i-v"r+(i-i^.n'^-^'"-).

* We may take v^O without losinggenerality.

Page 218: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


SO that

(1) /i, {x)={-^) [cos(oc+ IvTT- Itt)P (x,v) - Sin {x^-lvir-Itt)Q {x,v)\yrrx/

/ 2 \*_

(2) F"^ {sc)= \ " [sin{x^-lvir-^tt)P (^,i^)+ cos {x + lvir-{it)Q (x,v)].yrrx J

Now l{v) = 0 and, in the analysisof "7"2,we may take h to be ^ttsince

the variables are real,and so ^2^^= 1-

It follows that, if p be taken so largethat 2p^v " |, there exists a

number 6,not exceedingunityin absolute value,such that

[-2x) "r=o ml \.2ixJ^

{2p)l \2ixJ '

and, on addingthe results combined in this formula, we have*

V^2x) V 2xJ ,Zo (2m)! \2ixJ^

{2p)\ \2x) '

where | o1 1 ; ^"^' since 6o is obviouslyreal," 1 ^ ^o^ 1.

It follows on integrationthat

^ ' ^^^Zo (2"0 !i2xy^^


(2p)!(2xypr(p + ^)Jo ' '

and since

r doe-" zf+2p-* du ^ I e-" if+'^P-du = T{v + 2p^ I),\h Jo

we see that the remainder after p terms in the expansionof P (x,v)does not

exceed the (p + l)th term in absolute value,providedthat 2p" v " ^.

From the formula

(l +"'Y""= V(i - V)m (" MV" e.Jl- v),^+,/+ U\'P+^

V 2x) "r=o ml \2ixJ"^

{2p + l)l \2ixJ '

we find in a similar manner that the remainder after p terms in the expansionof Q {x,v) does not exceed the {p + l)thterm in absolute value,providedthat


These results were given by Hankel, Math. Ann. i. (1869),pp. 491" 494, and were

reproduced by Gray and Mathews in their Treatise on Bessel Functions (London, 1895),

p. 70, but small inaccuracies have been pointed out in both investigationsby Orr, Travis.

Camb. Phil. Sac. xvii. (1899),pp. 172"180.

In the case of if^,{x)we have the formula

* This result was obtained in a rather different mariner by Lipschitz,Journal filrMath. lvi.

(1859),pp. 189"196.

Page 219: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



and, when j)'^v " \,the last term may be written

where 0 " ^i"$ 1, and so, on integration,

v^^jv,m) {v,p)

?H = 0 (2^-)'"' (2^)pJ'

where 0 "$ ^o "^ 1 when jj ^ ;^ " |.

This is a more exact result than those obtained for P {x,v) and Q (x,v)

by the same methods ; the reason why the greater exactness is secured is,of

course, the fact that (1 + ^ut/xy~P~iis positiveand does not oscillate in signafter the manner of (1 + liut/xy-^'i+ (1 - liut/xy~P-i.

7'31. The 7'esearckes ofStieltjeson Jo{x),Y^Xx) and Kq(x).

The results of " 7'3 were put into a more preciseform by Stieltjes*,who

proved not onlythat the remainders in the asymptoticexpansionsassociated

with Jo (x),Yf,(x)and Kq (x)are numericallyless than the firstterms neglected,but also that the remainders have the same signas those terms.

Stieltjesalso examined Iq(x),but his result is comj'licatedand we shall not reproduceitt. It is onlyto be expectedthat /q(."")is intractable because in the dominant expansionthe terms all have the same signwhereas in the other three asymptoticexpansionsthe

terms alternate in sign.

It is evident from the definitions of " 7 "3 that

P {x,0)=^r e-- u-i {(1+ |m)-i + (1 - |V")-*]dv,

Q (x,0) = ^ f%" w-i {(1+ iuO-i - (1 - im)-^}du.

In these formulae replace(1 + ^iu)~^by

2 r^- d(f)


01 " 2

^^' Si^^^'

* Ann. Sci. de. VEcole norm. sjyj. (3)in. (188G),pp. 233"252.

t The function /^(.r)has also been examined by Schafheitliii, Jithre.fhericlit der Deutschen

Math.-Vereinigung,xix. (1910), pp. 120 " 129, but he appears to use Lagrange's form for tlie

remainder in Taylor'stheorem when it is inapplicable.

Page 220: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is then evident that

(1 + iiu)--+ (1 - Iiu)~^= -

T ,. 2

". ,^

-^ ^ '^ -^

TT. 01 + ^ttsin-*^


^ ['"{1_ xu^ sin^(/"+ ...+ (-)^-'(Art^sin""^)?'-i

+ i-y iiu'sin"(/))^V(1+ 1'*'sin"0)}d(j",


where jj is any positiveinteger(zeroincluded).

Now, obviously,

0 l+^u'sm-"f) ^ Jo

where 0 lies between 0 and 1 ; and hence

l{(l+ l|u)-4+ (l-lm)-4} = l-^^(iu)^+ ^^^^f^(in)"-...

If we multiplyby the positivefunction e~"* m"^ and integrate,it is evident


(^i; ^(,a;,u; i

2!(8;r)'^'^ ^

(2p - 2)!(8^)^-^

. ,.l^3^5^..(4"-l)2

where 0 " ^i " 1,and p is any positiveinteger(zeroincluded);and this is the

result which had to be provedfor P {x,0).

Similarly,from the formula

we find that



l-.3^5^..(4^-3)-(2) Q(^,0)- 118^+3,(8^)3""" + ()'


,l^3^5^."(4p + l)-

^'^ ^- (2^ + l)!(8a;)^^+i


where 0 "6.2"1, and p is any positiveinteger(zeroincluded); and this is the

result which had to be provedfor Q {x,0).

In the case oi Kq{x),Stieltjestook the formula

K, {x)= ^'JJe-"^ "-^ (1 + lu)-'-du,

2 "i'^ dd)and replaced(1 + lu)~-by -

. ., ,

; the procedure then follows the^ ^ ^

TT.o 1+ Jtfsm-'"|) ^

method justexplained,and givesagainthe result of "7*3.

By an ingeniousdevice,Callandreau* svicceeded in applying the result of Stieltjesto

obtain the correspondingresults for functions of any integraloi'der ; but we shall now explaina method which is effective in obtainingthe preciseresults for functions of a,ny real order.

* Bull, des Sci. Math. (2)xiv. (1890),pp. 110"114.

Page 221: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


7*32. The signsof tJieremainders in the asijmptoticexpansionsassociatedwith J" ix)and Y^ {x).

It has alreadybeen seen that J^ {x)and Y^ {x)are expressiblein terms of

two functions P{x,v) and Q{x,i')which have asymptoticexpansionsof a

simplertype. We shall now extend the result of Stieltjes("7'31)so as to

shew that for any real value* of the order v, the remainder after p terms of

the expansionof P (a;,v)isofthe same signas (inaddition to beingnumericallylessthanf)the {p + l)thterm providedthat '2p" v " |; a correspondingresultholds for Q (x,v)Avhen 2])"v " f .

The restrictions which these conditions layon p enable the theorem to be stated in the followingmanner:

In the oscillatoryparts ofthe seriesfor P {x,v) and Q {x,v),the remainders

are ofthe same signas, and numericallyless than,the firstterms neglected.

By a slightmodification of the formulae of "7"3,we have

P G'P")= ^^^l^f"^~"'"""^ Kl +2'"'O"-^'+ (1 - ii")"-^!du,

and, exactlyas in "7'3,we may shew that

11(1+ iuo-i + (1 - iiuy-^ Ji (_r-(h ^'Uihuy^^

m=o {^m)l

^ (-)^(l-^Wi^r-Y^-^_ ^^,^_,1.

,^^^ liuty-^p+i- (1 - ^iuty-'p^i]dt

The reader will see that we can establish the theorem if we can prove that,

when 2p "v " |,the last term on the rightis of fixed signand itssignisthat of


It is clearlysufficient to shew that

-^1(1 - ty^-'I i {(1+ iiutY-'i"+'^- (1 - 1iuty-'P+i]dt2p-v-i^o

is positive.Now this expressionis equaltoij:


In- typ-'~li.

I x-v-"-^\e- "+='"'"'- e-^ '^-i'""}rf\dt

{2p-v-^)T{2p-p-l)]o^ ^ ^ Jo ^




ru ff"(1- ^y'"" ""^ ^i'^ 2^w^)" ^-'d\dt1 {2p " p + i)JoJo




V^-"-^ e-^ [(1 - ty-"-sin (hXut)dtdX.1 {2p-v + ^)Jo .'o

* As in " 7-3 we may take i-^O without loss of generality,

t This has already been proved in g 7"3.

X Since isin (hXut)\^i\ut, the condition 2p"v-h secures the absolute convergence of the


W. B. P.^^

Page 222: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now (1 " typ~'is a monotonic decreasingfunction of t; and hence,by the

second mean-value theorem, a number f,between 0 and 1, exists such that

f(1 - 0'^~'sin (iXut)dt= r sin (IXut)dt ^ 0.

Jo "- 0

Since F (2p " v + ^) is positive,we have succeeded in transforming


I" -

f(1 - typ-"-ii {(1+ ^iuty-'p^i- (1 - iiuty-'p+dt

2/5" I' "


into an infiniteintegralin which the integrandispositive,and so the expression'under consideration is positive.

That is to say,

1 {(1+ liuy- + (1 - liuy-i]


p^i(-r " (I- v)Uiur- (-y.(i-v\p{h^y^nZo i^my.



where 0:^0 when 2jw"i/" |. And it has alreadybeen seen ("7"3)that in

these circumstances | { 1. Consequently0 ^ ^ ^ 1 ; and then, on multiplyingthe last equationby e~^^ it""^and integrating,Ave at once obtain the propertystated for P (x,v).

The correspondingproperty for Q (x,v) follows from the equation

2iK' + i"'^'-^- (1 - i"')'-'i= -,!o '"J:t

the details of the analysiswill easilybe suppliedby the reader.

Note. The analysisfails when "h"v"^ if we take p = 0, but then the phase of

{l"Uuy-^ Hes between 0 and "h(v-^)7r, and so l{{l+liuy-h + {l-Uuy-h} has the

same signas unity,and, in like manner, ^{{l+^iu)''~i" {\-iiu)''~h}/iha,iithe same signas

2 (""""")'''^^^ hence P{x, v) and Q {x, v) have the same sign as the first terms in their

expansions,so the conclusions are still true ; and the conclusion is true for Q {.v,v) when

i"./"f if^ = 0.

7*33. Weber's formulaefor the remainders in the expansionsoffunctions

ofthe third kind.

Some inequalitieswhich are satisfied by the remainders in the asymptotic

expansionsof HJ^''(z)and JT^'^i(^^-^hg^ve been givenby Weber*. These inequali-tiesowe their importanceto the fact that theyare true whether 2 and v are real

or complex. In the investigationswhich we shall giveit will be supposedfor

simplicitythat ;/ is real,though it will be obvious that modifications of detail

onlyare adequateto make the mode of analysisapplicableto complex values

* Math. Ann. xxxvii. (1890),pp. 404"416.

Page 224: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


where A (z)and B (z)are functions of z so chosen that

(A' (z) ,"''(z)+ B' (z)ZT,'^'(z)= 0,

Y'(z) H^^ (z)+ B' (z) H/^^ (z)=^ - (iTT.)-e'-"-i" i'^"/(-2i^U'

It follows that

A' {z)= ^7ri^TTzrie^;-J" J'^)|l^ H/^^ (z),

and so

A(z)==A-i, tt/J{iTT(.+ 0}- e^-^^^^-^-i^^{-2i(z+l\^^"^ ^'+ ^" ^'

where J. is a constant.

We obtain a similar expressionfor B (z),and hence it follows that

S;" {z; p) = [AH,^'{z)+ 5^,'-^'{z)]{^'rrz)\g-'X^-J" J'^)

-h^'rrp.{v,p)l(^J l-2i(. + 0P"^^^

By consideringthe behaviour of both sides of this equationas ^^ -^ + oo,


is not difficultto see that A=l and 5 = 0.

Hence we may write Hankel's formulae in the forms


^"'^ ^^^" (")"^"'""^'""''"1-"'"(^ 'i')+ ^i'"'!'

where the remainder 72^*"may be defined by the Equation

i?/'= i7rp.(.,^.)j^(^ 1_2,"(,_^,)}.^^-

Since R (z) 0, we have \z+ t]"^\J{r+ i^),and so, by using the crude

inequalities,we see that the modulus of the last integranddoes not exceed


Ijs^"i'I$ 2'-p G'p I{v,p) jr (7-'+ i2)-i(p+i)dt,Jo

and so, when p^l, we have

and similarly

These are the results obtained by Weber ; and it will be observed that in

the analysisno hypothesishas been made concerningthe relative values of v

and p; in this respect Weber's results differ from the results obtained byother writers.

Page 225: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


7*34. Approximationsto remainders in the asymptoticexpansions.

When the argument of a Bessel function is not very large*,the asymptoticexpansionis not well adaptedfor numerical computationbecause the smallest

term in it (with the remainder after the smallest term) is not particularlysmall ; at the same time the argument may be sufficientlylargefor the

ascendingseries to converge very slowly.

An ingeniousmethod for meetingthese numerical difficultieswas devised

by Stieltjesf;we shall explainthe method in detail as appliedto the function

Kq{x) and state the results which were obtained by Stieltjesby applyingthe

method. to Jo("^^)and Yf^{x).

We applythe transformation indicated in " 7"31 to the formula "6'15 (4),

so that

e-^ r e-^" du

e-^V2 r i'*" e-'^'^dedu

TT .',).'o "*(! + I'usin^^)


p-1 /"" rjTTp-xu

--^(- hi sin'Oy^dddu

+x/T ,

"i ^"rnrdd du

Jo Jo w^l +|"sm-^)





v^'{0,ni)L".=0 (2*')'"

+ {-y R,

X^ r {"6-="''{\U BIXV d)V

iri 1 ,-, 1 ^-T^dd du.

0 .'oi""(l+i"/sin-^)

Now the value of m for which (0,ni)l{2xy"'is least is nearlyequalto 2x

when X is large; accordingly,in order to consider the remainder after the

smallest term of the series for K^ (x),we choose p so that

X = ^j)+ a,

where a is numericallyless than unity; and then

/Now, as u increases from 0 to oo,^ue~^"'increases from 0 up to a maximum

e~^ (when u = 2) and then decreases to zero ; so we write "


1 ue-^" = e-'-^'\

where ^ increases from " oo to oo,and, for similar reasons, wc write

sin- 6 = e"'''.

" The range of values of .r under contemplationfor the functions .7o("'")"^'o(-Oi"'i "'"-o(-''}is

from about 4 to about 10.

t Ann. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (8)in. (1886),pp. 241"252.

Page 226: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The domain of integrationbecomes the whole of the (|,77)plane; and it is

found that

TT* J -00 J -00 ("%s = 0i.^




2 ' ^,"

^"24' ^0,2 "

8 '

by some rather tedious arithmetic. It follows* that the dominant terms of

the asymptoticexpansionof R^ for largevalues of p are


ITJ 'p

so that

(2) A~2(--V^-'

c^o,2+ cr2,o,

1, "^' + ?V7.+

TT/ J9 |_2 p

It is easy to verifyby Stirling'stheorem that


'{-) " V) p'

so that the error due to stoppingat one of the smallest terms is roughlyhalf of the first

term omitted.-

In like manner Stieltjesprovedthat,if P {x,0) and Q {x,0) are defined as

in "7*3,then

i'(^,0)= ^X"=^9|=;^^(-)'i^;",w = 0

.3(..o)= -s"-"'"ff:r^'^(-)^ie;^'.""=0



TT/ p 1_2

Vtt/ ^ _2 p"""






^""-- vw J, L2

providedthat p is chosen so as to be nearlyequalto x, and t is defined to

\iQ.X " p.

Eesults of this character are useful for tabulatingBessel functions in the critical range;

some similar formulae have been actuallyused for that purpose by Airey,Arcliiv der Math,

und Phys.(3)xx. (1913),pp. 240"244 ; (3)xxil. (1914),pp. 30"43 ; and British Association

Reports,1913, 1914.

It would be of some interest to extend the results,which Stieltjeshas established for

Bessel functions of zero order (as well as for the logarithmicintegraland some other

functions),to Bessel functions of arbiti'aryorder.

* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries,"" 133, 137, and 174, or the lemma which will be

proved in " 8'3.

Page 227: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


7"35. Deductions from Schafheitliris integrals.

If we replacea by 2 tan 6 in the formulae of "7"32,we deduce that

^. ,

(2^)"+* f*-sin"-* ^ sin (i/- 1)6/, , , ,^

which resemble Schafheitlin's integralsof "6*12.

It is obvious from these results that

P (.'T,V) " 0, (- i " ,. " f)

Q ('^,v) " 0, (h " i' " f)

Q (*",i^)" 0. (_ 1 " ^ " 1)

An interestingconsequence of these results is that we can prove that

Q (x,v)/F (x,v)

is an increasingfunction of x when " h;"v "h: and that it is a decreasingfunction of x when h " v " ^.

For we have




n//i .N(sin^ sin d))"-*

, ., ,, , -.^ ^ " , ix ,^^^' ^^ = (cos^cos.Jj^^^^^ ^ - *^" ^^ '"' ^" " *^^ ''''^"" ^^'^'

so that

F(0, cf")+ P(c^, ) = ^^'^"^^^7^^Pi-(^^"^ - t-^^ '^)^^ (2 - ^)(^ - "^)-

If we interchangethe parametricvariables 0,cj)in the double integraland

add the results so obtained we see that,when " l"v" %, the double integralhas the same signas I" v ; and this pi'oves the result.

7'4. Schlaflisinvestigationofthe asymptoticexpansionsofBessel functions.

In a memoir which seems hardlyto have received the recognitionwhich

itsimportance deserves, Schlafli* has given a very elegantbut somewhat

elaborate investigationof the asymptoticexpansionsof the fvmctions of the

third kind.

The integralformulae from which he derived these expansionsare

generalisationsof Bessel's integral; althoughBessel's integralis not so well

adapted as Poisson's integralfor constructingthe asymptoticexpansionot

* Ann. di Mat. (2)vi. (1875),pp. 1"20. The only standard work on Bessel functions in which

the importance of this memoir is recognisedis the treatise by Graf and Gubler.

Page 228: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Jt,{z)when z is largeand v is fixed,yet Schlafli's method not onlysucceeds

in obtainingthe expansion,but also it expresses the remainders in a neat and

compact form.

Schlafli'sprocedureconsisted in takingintegralsof the type

^.jH-"- exp |"i7-e-(u+ ^)Jdu,and selectingthe contour of integrationin such a way that,on it,the phcifie*of

ire'"(?/- 2 + l/w)

is constant. He took two contours, the constants for the respectivecontours

being0 and tt ; and it is supposedthat r is positiveand a is real.

(I) Let us firsttake the phase to be tt ; write

u = l + pe*",

where p is positiveand 6 is real,and then

re^'p^e-'^/il+ pe'^)

is negative,and is consequentlyequalto its conjugatecomplex.

Hence we have

..,,sin (a + 2^) sin ^

.". , ,

^^ P sin (a + ^)' sin (a+ ^)

Next choose a new parametricvariable "^such that*

"/)= 2^ + a-7r,

and then

cos !("-(/)) (m-1)2 -rsin-"^(2) n =

cos i (a + 0)'

u cos |(a " 0) cos |(a + 0)"

Now, as ^ varies from " (tt" ot)to (tt" a),u traces out a contour emergingfrom the originat an angle " (tt" a)with the positivereal axis and passingto

infinityat an angle(tt" a) with the positivereal axis,providedthat 0 " a " 27r.

If this restriction is not laid on a the contour passes to infinitymorethan once.

We shall now laythis restriction on a ; and then the contour is of the type

specifiedfor formula "6*22 (9),providedthat we give to and arg z the same

value a, as is permissible.

It follows that

e""' /_^ (re'*)- e'^^i I^(re^")= 2 IZ'j'""''P 1^''''"("+ ")1" % ^'^-

'2isin vir

where u is defined in terms of "^by equation(2).

* The reader will find it interestingto compare the general methods of this section with the

"method of steepest descents" which is applied to obtain various asymptotic expansions in

Chapter viii.

Page 229: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Changing the signof " isequivalentto replacingu by 1/u,and so, replacingthe expressionon the left by its value as a function of the thii'dkind,we have

(.S)ei""'i/,w (j-e'("-^^-)) =X r 'or"+ u") exp

11/-e'""L + ^]\.



From (2)it follows that "re"^{i(" 1)-/hincreases steadily*from 0 to + x

as "/)varies monotonicallyfrom 0 to ir " a: and, if we write

- ?-e'"'("- lf/u = t,

so that t is positivewhen u is on the contour, we have

du dt_



- re'" (a - Tfi()~

e-H'^-")^("i+ u.-i)/{rt)'

the range of values of arg u beingless than tt.

Next, by Cauchy'stheorem,

it is convenient to take the point^=1 inside the contour, but ^ = 0 must be

outside the contour because the originis a branch-point.

It follows that



iii+ u-i i '" +" !/"+' ^--Ht-1)(^^


/rx rr m / ", 4 "xe-J'"^'exp(re''^)r " r ("+. i/"+, i+) g-i^r* ^""H?- l)"^^c?^

^^ " ^^ ^27r'-'?;r^e*-JoJ (^- 1)-+ ^^/(7-e'-)

Now it is evident that

1 p-i (^_y,impn (-)yl;pfP

where 2" is any positiveinteger(zeroincluded). It will be convenient subse-quently

to suppose that p exceeds both R(v " h) and R("v " i).

On making this substitution in the last integrandand observingthat

1 /"("+,1/M.+,1+) r (i;-I-m 4- A) m I(v,m)

"2^j ^ "^^"-^^ '^^~r(v-m+ i,).(2vil) (2m)!

(wjththe notation of "7'2),we deduce that

(9\i r j'-i ("V" (i'w)


-^^*'" 2"W(27r),'oJ (T^n:p^(7^e^'M(^^^"^+T^"^}*

t? sin-"* sin0(l+2cosacos0 + cos-"/))SincG " ^^ " " ~" "'

d(j)cos a + cos (p (cos a + cos (/")-

Page 230: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


First consider

[chap. VII

1 /"("+,1/U+, 1+) ^"^p-id^

When p is so largethat it exceeds both R(v " ^)and R{"v " -|),we take the

contour to be as shewn in Fig.15; and when the radii of the largeand small

circles tend to oo and 0 respectivelythe integralsalong them tend to zero.

If now we write

on the two rays (whichare all that survives of the contour),we find that

(-)Pcos vir n .-kP-"-*(1 - xy-^'''^d.v

TT Jo I - tx {I - x)/{re^'')


Now the numerator of the integrandis positive(when v is real),and the

modulus of the denominator is never less than 1 when ^tt" a " |7r; for other

values of a it is never less than |sin a !.


do\cos virft d' 1"^ l^7rrV(2^ e-ittP-i xP-''-i(1 - a:)P+''-idxdt = 6^I{v,p) I^ {2r)P,

^TJ")j 0 J 0

where j o1is 1 or |cosec a \accordingas cos a isnegativeor positive.When v

is complex,it is easy to see that

cosi^TT I6o\{R(v),p)jcos R (vtt)1


{27')P'(7) V^ i

Page 232: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence, if now

t = re^''(u"lf/u,we find that

We have consequentlyexpresseda second solution of Bessel's equationin a

form from which its asymptoticexpansioncan be deduced ; and the analysis

proceedsas in the case of 77^'^*(z),the final result beingthat,when


(13) ^.'M.)=Q^--"--f:!:[i^;^^"ii;where |02.\does not exceed 1 or |secarg^ ]accoi'dingas l{z)^0 or l{z)^0,

providedthat v is real and l)+ l"\v\; and R (d^)" 0 when I(z) 0. If y is

complexthe form of the remainder has to be modified,justas in the case of (8).

It should be observed that,since the integrandsin (3) and (11) are even

functions of v, it is unnecessary in this investigationto suppose that R {v)

must exceed " |,

as was necessary in investigationsbased on integralsof

Poisson's type.

7"5. Barnes investigation*ofasymptoticexpansionsofBessel functions.

The asymptoticexpansionsof functions.of the third kind follow immediatelyfrom Barnes' formulae which were obtained in ""6*5,6'51. Let us consider

r{~s)V{-2v-s)V{v + s + i){-^izyds"cci"v"p


T{~s + v+p)r(-s-v+p)r{s-p + Di-2izyds.J

- " i

If iarg (" iz)\^%Tr" 8, we have

r{-s + v+2))r(-s-v+p) r(s-p + i)(-2izycisJ " X i

^T' \r(-s + v+p)r(-s-v+p)r(s-p + i)e^''-^y''^ds


J- cc i

and the last integralis convergent and so the firstintegralof all is

0 {(-2iz)-'-P\.

But, by the arguments of "6"51,the firstintegralis " 'Im times the sum

of the residues at the poleson the rightof the contour, and so it is equalto" TT^H^^^ {z)l{f^^~'"'^cos VTT (22^)"]plus " ^Tvi timcs the sum of the residues at

s = - V " ^, " V " %, ... ," V" p + \. The residue at " i^ " ??i" ^ is

(-)"'r (1/+ m + ^)r (- 1/ + m + h)

* Tram. Camb. Phil. Soc. xx. (1908),pp. 273"279.

Page 233: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so, when jarg (" t" | f-n-" S

(iy,...,-.p,;i.g",o(..-.)-and this is equivalentto the result obtained in " 7'2. The investigationof

//^'-'(2')may be constructed by replacing by - i throughout.

The reader should notice that,althoughthe determination of the 07'der of

magnitude of the remainders by this method is transparentlysimple,it is not

possibleto obtain concrete formulae,concerningthe magnitude and the signof the remainders, which are ultimatelysuppliedby the methods which have

been previouslyconsidered.

7*51. AsymptoticexpansionsofproductsofBessel functions.

It does not seem possibleto obtain asymptoticexpansionsof the four

productsJ"fj,{z)J"y(z) in which the coefficients have simple forms, even

when fx = v. The reason for this is that the productsi/^"'(2^)//^" (2^)and

H^^i (z)H^'"'(z) have asymptoticexpansionsfor which no simpleexpressionexists for the generalterm ; the leadingterms in the tv/o expansionsare


2fx-+ 2p' - 1

TTZ I 4^12

The productsir^"^'{z)H^^-{z)and//^"-'(2)^^""(^),however,do possess simple

asymptoticexpansions; and from them we can deduce asymptoticexpansions



and for J^ (z)F, (z)- V^ (z)./,{z).

The simplestway of constructingthe expansionsis by Barnes' method,

justexplainedin " 7'5. A consideration of series of the type obtained in

"5"41 suggests that we should examine the integral


the contour is to be chosen so that the polesof F (2s+ 1) lie on the left of the

contour and the polesof the other four Gamma functions lie on the rightof

the contour ; and it is temporarilysupposed that /u,,r and fi " i^ are not

integers,so that the integrandhas no double poles.Tlie integralisconvergent

providedthat Iarg (?2)I" |7r.

Page 234: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


First evaluate the integralby swinging round the contour to enclose the

sequences of poleswhich lie to the rightof the originalcontour ; the expression

is equal to minus the sum of the residues at these poles,and the residue at

m + ^{/x+ v) is

sin /ATT.sin + v)'7r'm\ r{/x + ')n + l)r{v + m+ l)r i/x+ v + m + l)

It follows that


sin fXTTsin vir \ sin (,a+ v)7r sin (/a" i/)tt

sin (i;" yti)7r sm(/ji+ v)'Tr

sin {/J,+ v)7r{J,(z)J,{z)+Y,(z)YAz)\

^3g-j(M+w"|2cosit7rcosi/7r+tsm//i+ i')7r}, r / \ \r ^ ^ t^ / \ r / \)

^S ^ ^"7 ^^^- " WM(z) 1 Az)-ru. (z)J^ {z)\


[[/,(^)j,(^)+F^(^)r,(^)}2sin|(/x + v)Tr

- cot i (/.- I/)TT {/^{_z)F, (^)- F^ {z)J, (^)}]


+ tan i (/.- ^) TT {./,(^) F, {z)- Y, (z)/, {z)]].

By writing " i for i throughout the analysis we deduce that, if both

arg iz Iand |arg (" iz)\are less than fvr,i.e. if jarg^: j" tt, then

- cot H/* - ") '^"!-^(Z)I^.(^) -

1,.(2)^. (^)l]

Page 235: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



+ tan J(^ - ^) TT. [J,(z)r. (z)- F" (2)/. (z)]]

X r ("-^^- .)r (-^ - .).in ... (i.r ds.

These results hold for all values of fi and v (whether integersor not)

providedthat,in the case of the former u+ v and fj," v are not even integers,and. in the case of the latter /jl+ v and fu," v are not odd integers.

We now obtain the asymptoticexpansionsof the functions on the left of

(1)and (2)after the manner of " 7'5,

We firsttake p to be an integerso largethat the onlypolesof the in-tegrands

on the leftof the line R{s) = "2)-j are polesof F (2s+ 1); and then

J -xi J -xi-p " \

(when either integrandis inserted)is equal to 27ri times the sum of the

residues at the polesbetween the contours. Since

r~'~'f(s)(izrds=^0{z-^P-i),J - txi- p " \

we deduce that the asymptoticexpansions,when [arg z\ " ir, are

(3) [J^(z)J, (z)+ Y^ (z)n (2)]- cot H/^ - ^)'r. [J,(z)Y. iz)- /, (z)Y, (z)]

11 + V

Sm "^" TT


,^.(-rT(^%."+i)r(^V",+ i)r5g+,"+i)r(-'y+,.+i

~ .".^;7",..F.(^'+i.^"+1, '-/+i.i-'^; I,-\)

iTZ- sm I (yu," i^)TT V 2 ^ ^ 2 2 ^^-y


. (4) [./{z)J, iz)+ Y^ {z)F, (z)]+ tan \{y,-v)'rr.\_J{z)F, {z)- J, {z)Y,{z)]

2 //i+ IZ + l ^l"V + l V " ix+l \ " ^ " v.




TT^COS ^{iJb" v)7r

//A+ 1/ + 1 /A " ?-'+ 1 ^' " /i+ 1 1 " /i." i^.



"\^'^ 2

' 2 ' 2' 2 '2' W*

Page 236: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In the special casewhen

jx = v,the last formula reduces to

(5) JH^)+Y^^{z)^^ 2 {1.3.5...(2m-l)l^\

and, in particular,

mJHz)+YHz)^-''~ ^ (-r{1^3^5"""(2.^-l)}-

(b) Jo(^)+io(^)-^^^-^(2m)! (2.)-

Formula (5) seems to have been discovered by Lorenz, K. Danske Vidensk. Selskahs

Sh-ifter, (6) vi. (1890). [Oeuvres scientijiqties, I. (1898), p. 435], while the more general

formulae (3) and (4) v^ere stated by Orr, P)-oc. Camb. Phil. Soc. x. (1900), p.99. A proof

of (5) which depends ontransformations of repeated integrals was given by Nielsen, Hand-

huch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen (Leipzig, 1904), pp.245



the expansion (5)

is, however, attributed to Walter Gregory by A. Lodge, British Association Report., 1906,


It is noteasy

to estimate exactly the magnitude orthe sign of the



number of terms in these asymptotic expansions when this

method is used. An alternative method of obtaining the asymptotic expansion

of Jy' {z) + Yy- {z) will be given in " 13"75, and it will then be possible to form

such anestimate.

Page 237: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



8"1. Bessel functionsof largeorder.

The subjectof this chapteris the investigationof descriptiveproperties,

includingapproximateformulae, complete asymptoticexpansions,and in-equalities

of various types connected with Bessel functions ; and the pro-perties

which will be examined are of primaryimportancewhen the orders ofthe

functionsconcerned are large,though many of the results happen to be true

for functions of all positiveorders.

We shall first obtain results which are of a purelyformal character,

associated with Carlini's formula ("1'4). Next, we shall obtain certain

approximate formulae with the aid of Kelvin's* "principleof stationary

phase." And finally,we shall examine the contour integralsdiscovered by

Debyet ; these will be employedfirstlyto obtain asymptoticexpansionswhen

the variables concerned are real,secondly,to obtain numerous inequalitiesof

varyingdegreesof importance,and thirdly,to obtain asymptoticexpansionsof Bessel functions in which both the order and the argument are complex.

In dealingwith the function /^ (sc),in which v and sc are positive,it is

found that the problems under consideration have to be divided into three

classes,accordingas x/v is less than, nearlyequalto, or greater than unity.Similar sub-divisions also have to be made in the correspondingtheorems

concerned with complex variables.

The trivial problem of determiningthe asymptotic expansion of Jy (z),when v is largeand 2 is fixed,may he noticed here.

It is evident,by applyingStirling'stheorem to the expansionof " .3-1,that

Jy (z)~ exp [v+ V logi^z)-{v + ^)logv}.V V

where tV|= l/v^(27r);this result has been pointed out by Horn, Math. Ann. Lll. (1899),

p. 359.

[Note. For physicalapplicationsof approximate formulae for functions of largeorder,

theJi^Howingwriters may be consulted: Macdonald, Proc. Royal Soc. lxxi. (1903),pp. 251 "

258 ; Lxxii. (1904),pp. 59"68 ; xc. A (1914),pp. .50"61 ; Phil. Trans, ofthe Royal Soc. cxx. A

(1910),pp. 11.3"144; Debye, Ann. der Physik und Chcmie, (4) xxx. (1909),pp. 57"136;

March, Ann. der Physikund Chemie^ (4) xxxvii. (1912),pp. 29"50; Rybczyiiski,Ann. der

* Phil. Mcifj.(5)xxiii. (1887),pp. 252"255. [Math, and Phijs.Papers, iv. (1910),pp. 303"306.]

In connexion with the principle,see Stokes, Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. ix. (185G),p. 175 footnote.

[Math, and Phys. Papers, ii. (1883),p. 341.]

t Math. Ann. lxvii. (1909),pp. 535"558; Milnchener Sitzungsberichte,xl. [5],(1910).

W. B. F. 15

Page 238: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Physik und Chemie,(4) XLi. (1913),pp. 191"208; Nicholson,FMl. Mag. (6) xix. (1910),

pp. 516"537 ; Love, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccxv. A (1915),pp. 105" 131 ; Watson,

Proc. Royal Soc. xcv. A (1918), pp. 83"99, 546"563. The works quoted all deal with

the problem of the propagation of electric waves over the sui'face of the earth, and are

largelyconcerned with attempts to reconcile theoretical with experimentalresults.]

8'11. MeisseVs firstextension of Carlini's formula.

The approximation ("1-4)obtained by Carlini is the first term of the

asymptoticexpansionof a Bessel function of largeorder ; subsequentterms

in the expansionwere formallycalculated by Meissel, Astr. Nach. cxxix.

(1892),col. 281" 284, in the followingmanner :

It is clear that Bessel's equationmay be written

(1) ,-^^-_+._^_ v^{l-z^)JAvz) = i);

if we define a function u {z)by the equation

then equation(1)transforms into

(2) z''{u'{z)+ [u{z)Y'\+ ZU {z)-v-'il- z")= 0.

If now we assume that, for largevalues of v, u (z)is expansiblein a series

of descendingpowers of v, thus

U (Z)= VUq + Ml + Un/v+ u-s/v^+...,

where iio, u^, u.2, ih, ...

denote functions of z which are independentof v, by

substitutingin (2)and equatingto zero the coefficients of the various powers

of V on the left,we find that

Uo=Wil- z-)]/z,Ui=ir7z. "

, W2=-2(1-^^)'


8(1-^^)^'4^+10^^ + ^^ 64^ + 560^3 + 456^5+2,52'



8(1-^-^)^ 128(1-2^)-

16^ + 368^3 + 924^5 + 374^' + ISz^


Hence, on integration,it is found (cf."1'4)that

j\ (z)dz = V jlog^ ^^'^^

_ ^,^+ V(l - ^^)- l}- i log(1 - z-^)

2 + 32^ J 42^ + z'

24i; ((1-^2)^ j lQv''{l-z'-f

1 (16 - 1 5122- - 36542-* - 375^"_"'"5T60l"{ (1-^^)^

322-^ + 2882" + 2322" + 132"

Page 240: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


where *

(1) P. = ^^(4sec^y8+ sec"'/3)


-^"^ (32 sec^ yS+ 288 sec^ /3+ 232 sec" /3-)-13 sec" /3)

+ g"'g(768sec^yg+ 41280 sec*/3+ 14884 sec"y9+ 17493 sec"/3

+ 4242 sec^o ^8+ 103 sec^^ /3)'


" " " 5

(2) Q, = z;(tan^-/3)-^||^(2+ 3sec=/3)

^(16 - 1512 sec- /3- 3654 sec* /3- 375 sec" yS)


- o^^-Va.(256+X8720 sec-y3+ 1891200 sec^/3+ 4744640 sec"/S


+ 1914210 sec^yS+ 67599 sec^" /3)+


To determine J^ {ysec /8)in terms of these expansions,we take ySto tend

to ^TT,and compare the results so obtained with the expansionsof Hankel's

type givenin " 7*21 ; we see that,as /3" \'k,

P. " ", Q.~z^(sec/S-^7r),and we infer that

(3) ir,w iysec /3)= a/(^-^)"e-^^+'^Q.'-^'"',

(4) ^,*="(i/sec /3)= a/(^-^^)"


It follows that

(5) J, (vsec y8)= y/'(?^^).

e-P"'cos (Q, - ivr),

(6) F. (^'^^^^ = v/(^^)" '"'''''^^ ^^"'~ ^'^)'

where P^ and Q^,are defined by (1) and (2). It will appear subsequently

("8'41)that these formulae are actuallyasymptoticexpansionsof t/ (y sec /3)

and Y^ (vsec /3)when v is largeand ^ is any assignedacute angle.

Formulae which are valid for small values of yS,i.e.asymptoticexpansionsof Jt,(z)and Y^ (z)which are valid when z and v are both largeand are nearly

equal,cannot easilybe obtained by this method ; but it will be seen in " 8'2

that,for such values of the variables,approximationscan be obtained by

rigorousmethods from Schlafli's extension of Bessel's integral.

* The reader will observe that the approximation has been carried two stagesfurther than in

the correspondinganalysisof " 8*11.

Page 241: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Note. The dominant terms in the expansions(5)and (6),which may be written in the


(7) J^{x)= M^cos{Q^-^7r), }\ix)= M,sm{Q,-^7r),

/ 9 \1'

where 3f"

Qv ~ 'J{-'^'^~ ^'^)" ^vir-\-varc sin {vjx),

had been obtained two years before the publicationof Meissel's paper by L. Lorenz in a

memoir on PhysicalOptics,K. Danske Videnskahernes SelsJcahs Skrifter,(6) vi. (1890).

[OeuvresScientifiques,i. (1898),pp. 421 " 436.]

The procedureof Lorenz was to take for granted that,as a consequence of the result

which has been proved in " 7'51,

iro: [_ 2 .'- 2.4 .r*

^.^L "^'- J '

and then to use the exact equation

^ 'dx



which is easilydeduced from the Wronskian formula of " 3'63 (1),to prove that

Q. = x-y.-\ {^-l}^whence the approximation .stated for Qv follows without difficulty.

Subsequent researches on the lines laid down by Lorenz are due to Macdonald, Phil.

Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccx. A (1910),pp. 131 " 144, and Nicholson,Phil. Mag. (6)xiv.

(1907),pp. 697"707 ; (6)xix. (1910),pp. 228"249; 516"537; Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)

IX. (1911),pp. 67"80; (2)xi. (1913),pp. 104"126. A result concerningQ^ + i-Qv, which

is closelyconnected with (8),has been publishedby A. Lodge, British Association Report,

1906, pp. 494"498.

8*2, The principleof stationaryi^hase.Bessel functionsof equal order

and argument.

The principleof stationaryphase was formallyenunciated by Kelvin* in

connexion with a problemof Hydrodynamics,thoughthe essence of the principleis to be found in some much earlier work by Stokes f on Airy'sintegi-al("6'4)

and Parse val's integral("2-2),and also in a posthumous paper by Riemann^.

The problem which Kelvin propounded was to find an approximate expressionfor the


?/ = -"/ cos [m [x - tf{m)}]dm,"In J 0

which expresses the effect at placeand time {x,t)of an impulsivedisturbance at placeand

time (0,0),when f{m) is the velocityof propagationof two-dimensional waves in water

correspondingto a wave-length27r/??i.The principleof interference set forth by Stokes

* Phil. Mag. (5)xsiii. (1887),pp. "252" 255. [Math, and Phijs.Papers, iv. (1910),pp. 303"306.]

t Cavib. Phil. Trans, ix. (1856),pp. 175, 183. [Math, and Phijs.Papers,ii. (1883),pp. 341, 351.]

t Ges. Math. Werke (Leipzig,1876),pp. 400"406.

Page 242: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and Rayleighin their treatment of group-velocityand wave-velocitysuggestedto Kelvin

that,for largevalues of .v " tf{m),the parts of the integraloutside the range (/x-a, n + a)

of values of m are negligibleon account of interference if /a is a value (orthe value)of m

which makes

"^[m{x-tf(,m)}]= 0.

In the range (/^-a, /x+ a),the expression7n{x"tf{m)] is then replacedby the first

three terms of its expansionby Taylor'stheorem,namely

and it is found that,if*

then M'

v/[-Mm/"(m)+ 2/'(m)]'

/"cos {",i2y'(/x)+ 0-2}c/o-

7rv^f-2r;Mr(M)+ 2/'(M)}]

C0S,V/'(M) + i7r}

v/[-27^^[M/"(M)+ 2/'(;.)}]"

In the last integralthe limits for o-, which are largeeven though a be small,have been

replacedby - oo and + oo.

It will be seen from the foregoinganalysisthat Kelvin's principleis,effectively,that in

the case of the integralof a rapidlyoscillatingfunction,the importantpart ofthe integralis

due to that part of the range of integrationnear xohich the phase of the trigonometrical

functioninvolved is stationary^.

It has subsequentlybeen noticed J that it is possibleto give a formal

mathematical proofof Kelvin's principle,for a largeclass of oscillatingfunctions,

by usingBromwich's generalisation" of an integralformula due to Dirichlet.

The form of Bromwich's theorem which will be adequatefor the applica-tionsof the principleto Bessel functions is as follows :

Let F{x) be a functionof x which has limited totalfluctuationwhen x^O;

letybe a functionof v which is such that vy^- cc as v-^ oc. Then,if"l"fj,"l,

j,Mr a;''-^F(x)smvx.dx^F(+0) f t''-'sin t .dt= F (+ 0)T (fi)sin ^/jltt;Jo Jo

and, if0 " fji" 1, the sines may he replacedby cosines throughout.

The method which has justbeen explainedwill now be used to obtain an

* This is the appropriatesubstitution when m{.x-tf{m)) has a minimum at m=fjL; for a

maximum the sign of the expression under the radical is changed.

t A persistentsearch reveals traces of the use of the principlein the writingsof Cauchy. See

e.g. equation (119) in note 16 of his Theorie de la propagation des Ondes, crowned Sept.1815,

21/"?m.presentes par divers savants, i. (1827).[Oeiivres,(1)i. (1882),p. 230.]

t Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. xix. (1918),pp. 49"55.

" Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 174.

Page 243: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


approximateformula for Jv{v) when v is largeand positive.This formula,

which was discovered by Cauchy*, is

r(i)(1) JA^)

^2 ^1 1


3^ TTV^

This formula has been investigatedby means of the principleof stationaryphase,com-paratively

recently,by Nicholson, Phil. Mag. (6) xvi. (1909),pp. 276"277, and Rayleigh,

Phil. Mag. (6)xx. (1910),pp. 1001"1004 [ScientificPapers,v. (1912),pp. 617"620]; see

also Watson, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. xix. (1918),pp. 42"48.

From " 6"2 (4)it is evident that

and obviouslysm vir I g_^,j+sinhi!)^^


77. 0 -rr Jo

J^ U) = -

I"cos[v(6 - sin 6)}cie + 0 (l/v).

Now let (f)= 6 " sin 0,and then

,.(0 2But Imi = "


6l-*.0 1 " COS p 6"

and hence, if (f)'^/{l" cos 6) has limited totalfluctuationin the interval (0,tt),

itfollowsfrom Bromzvich's theorem that

" cosi/d),,

2 r* ,_a , ,,^"

-a9'^" I 9"" cos v(pd(p

0 1 " cos 6^ 6 ' -^'0

= r^x r(i)cos^7r,

and then (1)follows at once.

It stillhas to be proved that "^^/(l- cos 6) has limited total fluctuation ; to establish

this result we observe that

d f ^s 1_



whelT ";(^)=illl^^^3(^-sin^),so that 5f(0)= 0, ^(7r-0)=+oo,


^'(^)= (1 - cos ^)2/(l+ cos ^) ^ 0,

and therefore,by integration,g{d)^0 when O^e^n. Consequently 0*/(l-cos^) is

monotonic and it is obviouslybounded. The result rpquiredis therefore proved.

* Comptes Eendus, xxxviii. (1854),p. 993. [Oeuvrcs, (1) xii. (1900),p. 663.] A proof by

Cauchy's methods will be given in " 8"21.

Page 244: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By means of some tedious integrationsby parts*,it is possibleto obtain

a second approximation,namely

and it may also be provedthat

(3) JJ(v)=^^^+ o(v-i);

an associated formula is

(4) r.w~-M).

The asymptoticexpansions,of which these results give the dominant

terms, will be investigatedwith the aid of more powerfulanalyticalmachinery

in ^ 8-42.

8'21. Meissel's third expansion.

The integraljustdiscussed has been used by Cauchyf and Meissel:]:to

obtain the formal asymptoticexpansionof Jnin) when w is a largeinteger.It will now be explainedhow this expansionwas obtained by Cauchy and (in

a more completeform) by Meissel; the theoretical justificationof the pro-cesses

employed will be investigatedin "8 '42.

Taking the formula

1 f'^Jn {n)= " cos {?i(6 " sin ^)|cW,

let us write 6 " sin 6 = ^t^;itthen follows that,for sufficientlysmall values of t,

/9_/_l_l/3i 1 /5i _V-x /2m+l .

u " i -f "^"qI -r Y4^^t' -r . . ." "" A"jt, ,

w = 0

and Xo = 1, Xi = ^\, Xa =

tioo '^^ ~ asio^' ^^ ~


\ "1213.

*-5 ~"

7 20 7 200000' """*

It follows that

Jn(n) = -r\ I (2m + l)X",tAcos(Ut')^dd.'^

.0 [ m=0 J Cit"

When n is large,nt^is largeat the upper limit,and Meissel inferred that

J,,(7i)~ -

i (2"i+ 1)X",.

(? r r" cos (^n f) dt,'7r,H=o .0

* SeeProc. Camb. Phil. Soc. xix. (1918),pp. 42" i8.

t Comptes Rendus, xxxviii. (1854),pp. 990"993, 1104"1107. [Oeuvres, (1) xii. (1900),

pp. 161"164, 167"170.]+ Astr. Nach. cxxvii. (1891),col. 359" 362; cxxviii. (1891),col. 145"154. Concerning

formula (1),Meissel stated "Sclion vor dreissigJahren war ich zu folgendenFormel gelangt."

Page 245: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


where G is the signindicatinga "generalisedintegral"("6'4);and hence,by

integratingterm-by-termand usingEuler's formula,Meissel deduced that

(1) /.(n)-- :i:X.,r("m + f) -) cos(im-hi)7r.

Meissel also gave an approximationfor A,",valid when m is large;and this approxima-tion

exhibits the divergentcharacter of the expansion(1).

The approximation is obtainable by the theorydevelopedin the memoir of Darboux,

"Sur I'approximationdes fonctions de tr5s grandsnombres," Joiirnal de Math. (3)iv. (1878),

pp. 5"56, 377"416.

AVe consider the singularitiesof 6 qua function of t ; the singularities(where 6 fails to

be monogenic) are the pointsat which 6 = 2/-7r and ^ = (12r7r)5,where /= "1, "2, "3, ... ;

and near* t= "(127r)^the dominant terms in the expansion of 6 are

"27r + (367r)3il+

t }^\ (127r)-^i

By the theory of Darboux, an approximation to X,h is the sum of the coefi"cients of

fim + i jrithe expansionsof the two functions comprisedin the last formula ; that is to say

that1 2

1 *.*."... (2/n-i)\,"~ 2


'^ "'^ ^

(2m + 1)! (12,7)*'"+ ^


3^r(t)r(2?rt+ 2).(127r

and so, by Stirling'sformula,1

("^) in~

1 4 2j""


This is Meissel's approximation; an approximationof the same character was obtained

by Cauchy, loc. cit.,p. 1106.

8"22. The cqyplicationofKelvins 'principleto J^,(vsec^).

The principleof stationaryphase has been appliedby Rayleighfto obtain

an approximateformula for J^ {vsec /3)where /3is a fixed positiveacute angle,

and V is largeI.

As in " 8*2 we have

J,(vsecl3) = - fcos[v(6 - sec /3sin 6)}cW+ Oil Iv),/^ TJ"


and 6 " sec /3sin 6 is stationary(a minimum) when 6 = j3.

Write 6 " sec 13sin 6 ^ ^ " tan /3-t-"/",so that ^ decreases to zero as 6 in-creases

from 0 to /3and then increases as 6 increases from /3 to tt.

* These are the singularitieswhich are nearest to the origin,

t Phil. Mag. (G)xx. (1910), p. 1004. [ScientificPapers, v. (1912),p. 620.]

J See also Macdouald, Phil. Trans, of the RoijalSoc. ccx. A (1910),pp. 131"144; and Proc.

Royal Soc. lxxi. (1903),pp. 251"258; lxsii. (1904),pp. 59"68.

Page 246: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


^ Now

cos {v(6" sec /3sin 6)]dd

0 /"T-^ + tan^"


_^tan^-/3 JO

(10COS {i(" + ^ " tan /3)}j-. dcfi.

and ^^dd I



rf"/)"^V(2tany8)as ^ " /S.

Hence, t/ (^*(dd/dcf))has limited total fluctuationin the range 0^0 f^7r,it

followsfrom BroniwicK s theorem that

pcos[v(0 - sec /3sin 6)]dd ~ 2 T cos [v("/"+ /3 - tan /3)}//gl-^^^

.cos [v(tan^ " /3)-

i tt],vi/tan /3

and so

^cos {v(tan /3 - ^) - ^tt}

(1) /.(.sec^)^V(i.^tan^)


The formula

(2) F.(.secffl~^'"'-'";,f^r^^:'"'"^ "'\ r-/ v(2-i''''tan;S)

is derived in a similar manner from "6"21 (1).

The reader will observe that these are the dominant terms in Meissel's

expansions"8'12 (5),(6).

To complete the rigorousproofof these formulae we have to shew that (f)^{dd/d(j")haslimited total fluctuation.

Now the square of this function,namely 0 {d6ld(f))^,is equalto

^ - sec /3sin ^ - 3 + tan ^_

(1 - sec /3cos (9)2

say. But

cos 3 cosec ^ (1 - sec /3cos 6)"^-2 ((9-sec/Ssin6 - /3+ tan ^

cos /3cosee ^ (1 - sec (3cos 6)^

The numerator, k (d),of this fraction has the differential coefficient

" cos /3cos 6 cosec^ ^ (1 - sec /3cos 6)^,

and so k{6) decreases steadilyas B increases from 0 to ^tt,and then increases steadilyas B increases from ^ttto tt ; since k{B)= 0 when B = ^"^7r, it follows that h'{B)^0

when 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ and h' {B) changes sign once (from negative to positive)in the range


Hence |Jh (B)|is monotonic (and decreasing)when 0 ^ ^ ^ ^, and it has one stationarypoint (a minimum) in the range ^ ". B " tt ; since !s,fh{6)\ is bounded and continuous

when 0 "$ 0 ^TT it consequentlyhas limited total fluctuation when 0 ^ B ^ ir, as had to be


Page 248: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The contour has now been selected* so that the integranddoes not

oscillate rapidlyon it; and so we may expect that an approximatevalue of

the integralwill be determined from a consideration of the integrandin the

neighbourhoodof the pass : from the physicalpointof view, we have evaded

the interference effects (cf."8'2)which occur with any other type of contour.

The mode of derivation of asymptoticexpansionsfrom the integralwill be

seen clearlyfrom the specialfunctions which will be studied in ""8'4 " 8 '43,

8'6,8"61 ; but it is convenient to enunciate at this stage a lemma f which will

be useful subsequentlyin provingthat the expansionswhich will be obtained

are asymptoticin the sense of Poiucare.

Lemma. Let F{t) be analyticwhen \t\r^a + 8, luhere a " 0, B "0 ; and let


m = l

when IT I a, r beingpositive;also, let \F (t)\"Ke^'',luhere K and b are

positivenumbers independentof t, ivhen r is positiveand r ^ a. Then the


e-"-"F (t)dr '^ :i:a,nT (m/r)v-'^"'Jo m = l

is valid in the sense ofPoincare when \v\issufficientlylargeand

1arg z/ ! ^TT- A,

where A is an arbitrarypositivenumber.

It is evident that, if M be any fixed integer,a constant K^ can be found

such thatM-l

m = 1

whenever r ^ 0 whether t ^ a or r ^ a ; and therefore

e-^'F{T)dT= 2 e-''^a"iT""*/^'-^dT+ i2j/,^0 ni=l J 0

where \Rm\^\ \e-"''\.K^r^^^'^^-^e^ dr


= K,T{Mfr)/{R(v)-b]^/^

providedthat R {v)" b,which is the case when \v\"b cosec A. The analysis

remains valid even when 6 is a function of v such that R{v) " b is not small

compared with v. We have therefore proved that

/"" 31-1

e-''F{r)dT= % a^T (m/r)v-"^''+ 0 {y-^^l"-),Jo j)i = l

and so the lemma is established.

* For an account of researches in which the contour is the real axis see pp. 1343 " 1350 of

Burkhardt's article in the Encyclopddie der Math. Wiss. ii. 1 (1916).

t Cf. Proc. London Math. Sac. (2)xvii. (1918),p. 133.

Page 249: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


8'31. The construction ofDebyes contours* when the variables are real.

It has been seen in ""6-2,6'21 that the various types of functions associated

with J^ {x)can be representedby integralsof the form

taken alongsuitable contours. On the hypothesisthat v and x are positive,we shall now^ examine whether any of the contours appropriatefor the

method of steepestdescents are of the types investigatedin "|6'2,6"21.

In accordance with the principlesof the method of steepest descents,as

explainedin " 8*3,we have first to find the stationarypointsof

X sinh w " viv,

qua function of ^v, i.e.we have to solve the equation

(1) X cosh w " v={)\

and it is at once seen that we shall have three distinct cases to consider,in which xjvis less than, greater than, or equalto 1, respectively.We con-sider

these three cases in turn.

(I) When xjv" 1, w^e can find a positivenumber a such that

(2) a; = z/sechct,

and then the completesolution of (1)is

w = + a + 2?i7rt.

It will be sufficient to confine our attention to the stationarypointsf" a; at

these pointsthe imaginarypart of x sinh lu " vw is zero, and so the equationof the contour to be discussed is

/ {x sinh w " viv)= 0.

W^rite iv = it + iv,where u, v are real,and this equationbecomes

cosh u sin v " v cosh a = 0,

so that V = 0, or


(S) coshw = " -.



/-' The contour v = 0 givesa divergentintegral.We therefore consider the

contour given by equation(3). To values of v between 0 and tt, corre-spond

pairsof values of it which are equal but oppositein sign; and as v

increases from 0 to tt, the positivevalue of u steadilyincreases from ot to + x.

* The contours investigatedin this section are those which were discussed in Debye'searlier

paper, Math. Ann. i.xvii. (1909),pp. 535 " 558, except that their orientation is different;cf."6-21.

+ The effect of taking stationarypoints other than " a would be to translate the contour

parallelto the imaginary axis.

Page 250: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The equationis unaltered by changing the sign of v and so the contour is

symmetricalwith regardto the axes ; the shape of the part of the contour

between v = " tt and v = tt is shewn in Fig.16.

Fig. 16.

If T = sinh a " a cosh a " (sinhw " w cosh a),

it is easy to verifythat t (whichis real on the curves shewn in the figure)increases in the directions indicated by the arrows.

As w travels alongthe contour from x " iri to oc + tti, t decreases from

+ 00 to 0 and then increases to + x ; and since,by " 6"2 (3),


we have obtained a curve from which we can derive information concerningJ^(cc)when cc and v are largeand xlv" 1. The detailed discussion of the

integralwill be givensubsequentlyin ""8'4,8*5.

The contours from " x to x + iri give information concerninga second

solution of Bessel's equation;but this problem is complicatedby Stokes'

phenomenon, on account of the two stationarypointson the contour.

(II) When a:jv " 1, we can find a positiveacute angle/3such that

(4) a;=v sec /9,

and the relevant stationarypoints,which are now roots of the e"|uation

cosh w " cos yS= 0,

are tv"" i/3.

When we take the stationarypointi/3,the contour which we obtain is

/ (sinhtu " 10 cos /3)= sin /3" /3cos /3,

so that,replacingiv by u + iv,the equationof the contour is

sin /3+ (y " /3)cos ^(5) cosh li =


Page 251: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now, for values of v between 0 and tt, the function

sin ^ + (v " /3)cos /3" sin v

has one minimum (v = /3)at which the value of the function is zero ; for other

values of v between 0 and tt,

sin /3+ (i'" /3)cos l3" sin v.

Hence, for values of v between 0 and tt, equation(5)givestwo real values

of u (equalbut oppositein sign),and these coincide onlywhen v = /3. They

are infinite when t; is 0 or tt.

The shape of the curves givenby equation(5) is as shewn in the upper

half of Fig.17 ; and if

T = i (sin/3" y8cos /3)" (sinhw " w cos 13),

it is easy to verifythat r (which is real on the curves) increases in the

directions indicated by the arrows. As w travels alongthe contour from " x

to 00 + iri,T decreases from + oo to 0 and then increases to + oo and so we

Fig. 17.

have obtained a curve from which ["6"21 (4)]we can derive information con-cerning

ZT;,'^'(.*")when x and v are largeand x/v" 1. The detailed discussion

of the"integralwill be givenin ""8'41, 15'8.

If we had taken the stationarypoint"i/3, we should have obtained the

curves shewn in the lower half of Fig.17, and the curve going from " oc to

00 " TTi givesan integralassociated with HJ-^(w); this also will be discussed

in " 8"41. The two integralsnow obtained form a fundamental system of

solutions of Bessel's equation,so that there is a marked distinction between

the case x/v" 1 and the case xjv " 1.

Page 252: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(III) The case in which v = x may be derived as a limitingcase either

from (I)or from (II)by takinga or /3equalto 0. The curves now to be con-sidered

are v "0 and

(6) cosh u = v/sinv,

and they are shewn in Fig.18.


We obtain information concerningB.y^{y)and B.}'^'^{v)by consideringthe

curves from " x to oc + mi, while information concerningJ^,(v)is obtained

from the curve which passes from x " Trt to x + vrz'.The detailed investiga-tionwill be givenin ""8-42,8-53,8-54.

8*32. Geometrical p-opertiesofDehye'scontours.

An interestingi-esult which will be found to be important in dealingwith zeros of

Bessel functions (5 15'8),and which is also used in proving certain approximate formulae

which will be stated in " 8'43,is associated with the second of the three contours justdis-cussed

(Fig.17 of " 8-31). The theorem in question is that the slope*of the branch from" X to X + iriispositiveand does not exceed J3.

It is evident that,for the curve in question,

. ,

du sin (v " ^) " (v " 8) coti V cos 8sinh u-^r =

^^" '.

.. .

do sm^ V

But sin(i;" ^)secv-(i;-j3)cos/3 has the positivederivative cos^tan^v, and hence it

follows that

sin (w" ^) " {v" ^) cos V cos /3

has the same signt as v " ^. Therefore since v " ^ and u are both positiveor both negativefor the curve under consideration,dvjdu is positive.

* Proc. Camh. Phil. Soc. xix. (1918),p. 105. Since, in the limitingcase (Fig. 18) in which

(3=0, the slope is 0 on the left of the originand is ^/3immediately on the right of the origin,no

better results of this type exist.

+ This is obvious from a figui-e.

Page 253: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again,to prove that dvjdu does not exceed y/S,we write

sin y'

and then it is sufficient to prove that

3^/.'2(^")-^^2("i;)+ l ^0.

Now the expressionon the left (whiclivanishes when v = ^) has the derivate

= J3

''^[(t' - ,3){sin2(.+ 3 cos- v]cos /3+ sin^ y sin ^ - 3 cos v sin {v- /3)].

ly . , a\ ,, ,

sin2 i7sin/3-3cos vsin(i;-/a)But (v-B)cos,B-\ r--

i -'^ ^' ^

sm^v + 3cos2i;

, ,, -x- J"



has the positivedenvate -^~,"

~z 5-^.,,and so, since it is ixjsitive when v = 0, it is

(sin-i'-(-3cos^y)- "

^ ,v i^

positivewhen 0"v "tt. Therefore,since y\r'(v)has the same signan 0- (3,it follows that

has the same signas v - /3,and consequently

has v = l3for its only minimum Ijetween v = 0 and v = tt ; and therefore it is not neo-ative.

This proves the result stated.

8"4. The asymptoticexpansion*ofJ^ {v sech a).

From the results obtained in ^8'31 we shall now obtain the asymptotic

expansionof the function of the firstkind in which the argument is less than

the order,both beinglargeand positive.

We retain the notation of "8'31 (I); and it is clear that,correspondingto

any positivevalue of r, there are two values of w, which will be called u\ and

Wo; the values of Wj and w., differ onlyin the signof their imaginarypart,and

it will be supposedthat

l{w,)"0, /0"o)"0.

We then have

./,{v sech a) =

^^g-*' ^ - -7-7 ^t,

'Itti J 0 (dr dr j

where x = v sech a.

Next we discuss the expansionsof Wi and tu.^in ascendingpowers of r.

SintJe T and drjdtvvanish when lu = a, it follows that the expansionof r in

powers of lu " a beginswith a term in {w " a.)-;by revertingthis expansion,

we obtain expansionsof the form

"i=oW + l -

",=om+l *

* The asymptotic expansions contained in this section and in Si 8'41,8-42 were established

by Debye, Math. Ami. lxvu. (1909),pp. 535" 55B.

w. B. F.16

Page 254: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and, by Lagrange'stheorem, these expansionsare valid for sufficientlysmall

values of IT I. Moreover

1 r(0+'0+V^wA dra,n =





("+) dw

The double circuit in the r-planeis necessary in order to disposeof the

fractional powers of r ; and a singlecircuit round oc in the w-planecorrespondsto a double circuit round the originin the r-plane.From the last contour

integralit follows that a^n is the coefficient of l/{w" a) in the expansionof

^-iiin+i)jjjascendingpowers of w " a; we are thus enabled to calculate the

coefficients a,,,,.

Write w " 0.= IF and we have

T = " sinh a (coshW " 1) " cosh a (sinhTT " Tf)

= TFHco + CiTf + c,3F^+...),

where Co = " | sinh a, Ci = " | cosh a, c^ = " ^^ sinh a, Therefore a", is the

coefficient of Tf'" in the expansionof {co+ Ci Tf + c, W^ + ...)-*("+i'.

The coefficients in this expansionwill be called ao(m), ai(?)i),azivi),...,

and so we have

ao(m) = Co-^("'+^),

m + 1 Gi]"271! -^o;


771 + 1 C.2 (m + 1) (m + S) Cf

2.1! 'co 2^2!

m + 1 Cs (?)i+ l)(m + 3) 2ciC2



(m+ l)(m + 3)(/?i+ 5) d^


a,{m)-c, - ^2.1! -Co 2^2! V Co' CoCoV

3{ '

2^3! Co-'

+(m + 1)(?H + 3)(m + 5) (m + 7) Cj^

2*. 4! 'c*


On substitution we find that

f aQ=a"^ (0)= + (" 1 sinh a)~*,

I Oi = "! (1)= " (" I sinh ot)~*{Icoth a},I

tto = do (2)= " (" 1 sinh a)~^{^- -j coth^ a},

Itta= ":;(3)= " (" I sinh a)~^{y^coth a " ^j coth* a},

\a, = a, (4)= + (- i sinh a)-t{y^g- /Jj.coth^a + ^%%\coth^a},

Page 256: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


8'41. The asymptoticexpansionsofJ" {vsec /8)and Y^ {vsec ^).

In "8"4 we obtained the asymptoticexpansionof a Bessel function in

which the argument was less than the order,both beinglarge; we shall now

obtain the asymptoticexpansionsof a fundamental system of solutions of

Bessel's equationwhen the argument isgreaterthan the order,both beinglarge.

We retain the notation of "8"31 (II); it is clear that,correspondingto any

positivevalue of t, there are two values of w lyingon the contour which

passes from " oo to go +7^^; these values will be called w^ and w^, and it will

be supposedthatR (wj)" 0, R (wo)" 0.

We then have

HJ^^ (v sec yQ)= -. e-*" \~ r^\dr,TTi J i) [ar dr )

Avhere x = v8ec^. The analysisnow proceedsexactlyon the lines of "8*4

except that a is replacedthroughoutby i/3,and the Bessel function is of the

third kind.

It is thus found that



\dr dr] "t=oaf"^^

To determine the phase of a^, that is of (" |tsin/3)~*,we observe that

arg [{iL\" i^)lr]--"- + 5 TT as T ^^ 0, and so

a" = ei'VV(ism/3).

Consequentlyg..i(taii/3-^)-i" " r(m + |) Aj

(1) ir,""(i/sec/3)^^m

^'i^virtan yS).^oT {\)


{\vitan /8)-"

In like manner, by takingas contour the reflexion of the precedingcontour

in the real axis of the w-plane,we find that

(2)* H (^)(. sec B) ^ri*!-^^^!!^ r(m + |) A^

In these formulae, which are valid when 0 is a fixed positiveacute angleand V is largeand positive,we have to make the substitutions :

If we combine (1)and (2),we find that

(4) J^ {vsec yS)-^


vir tan /3/ . o o 1 ^x

(-y"r(2m + |) Acos(i/tany9-^/3-|7r)Z 2m

m=o r(i) '(iJ/ tan ye)-"'

+ sin(.tan^-.^-l.)J/^^iM).^^^_^J^,^

Page 257: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(5) F"(i'sec/9)~

( 2 -^^r"

/ f /D o 1 . V(-)'"r(2m + i) A^


; 7, sin (z/tan /3 - z^/3- 1tt) S -^" =^-- ^



The dominant terms in these expansionsare those obtained by the principleof stationaryphase in "8*21


8*42. AsymptoticexpansionsofBessel functionswhose order and argument

are nearlyequal.

The formulae which have been established in ""8'4,8"41 obviouslyfail

to give adequate approximationswhen a (or/S)is small,that is when the

argument and order of the Bessel function concerned are nearlyequal.It is,

however, possibleto use the same method for determiningasymptoticex-pansions

in these circumstances,and it ha]3pensthat no complicationsarise by

supposingthe variables to be complex.

Accordinglywe shall discuss the functions

where z and v are complex numbers of largemodulus, such that \z " v\ is

not large.It will appear that it is necessary to assume that z " v = o (z^),in

order that the terms of low rank in the expansionsmay be small.

We shall write

i' = z(l -e),

and it is convenient to suppose temporarilythat


We then have

(1) iy"^'*(z)= ". j exp [z(sinhlu - w) + zeiv]dtu,

where the contour is that shewn in Fig.18; on this contour sinh w " w is real

and negative.

We write

T = w " sinh w,

and the values of w correspondingto any positivevalue of r will be called lUi

and W2, of which w^ is a complex number with a positivereal part,and w., is

a real negativenumber.

We then have

(2) H^^''(z)= "


e-'"-jexp (zeiu^)-~ - exp {zew. -j^)"dr.

Page 258: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The expansionof t in powers of w beginswith a term in lu^,and hence we

obtain expansionsof the form

exp {zeiu^) = T-s 2 h,nt^"*,ttr ,"=o

don '^

exp(^6m,)5^'= T-3 2 ei('"+i'-'6,"TH(IT

7H = 0

and these are valid when [t jis sufficientlysmall.

To determine the coefficients b^awe observe that

1 /"(0+,0+,0+ );

^^^yjS ^^

Gtti ^^P^"^^^^"-(l^)ri (m+i)


67ri] ^""P^'''''^(w - sinh iv)i"'"+^)


As in the analogousinvestigationof ^8'4, a singlecircuit in the r-planeis inadequate,and the triplecircuit is necessary to disposeof the fractional

powers of t; a triplecircuit round the originin the r-planecorrespondsto a singlecircuit in the ?y-plane.

It follows that bniis equalto igJc^+D^i multipliedby the coefficient of w'"

in the expansionof

exp (zeiu). {(sinhlu " w)/^'}"*^"*^^).

The coefficientsin this expansionwill be called 6o(//i),6i(m),b.^im), that

It is easy to shew that

fbo{m)= 6^^'^+'\


~2~ 60 J'

e^z^ (vi+ l)ez

6 60

o.K^u) o 124 120^

.50400 J"

For brevitywe write

b,,{m)= m^+'^Bm{"z\

Page 259: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


so that*



^B,{ez)= i-,^'z^-i-^e-^z'+ ^^,

B, {ez)= j^^z^ - ij^e'z+ "|toe^"

By {ez)= ez,

B,{ez)= h^'z'-j'-Eez,

[Bs{0)= " -^^Sjjj,Bs{0) " jjiisooo' -'"io(0)" 6 5 5-ioOOOO-J

We then have

diUi 00

ex^(zewyp = lT-i 2 e^^+'^-^6''"'+'B,,,{ez)Ti''\dr


"i = 0


exp (zew.)-p =1 T-' 2 e"'"+i)-''6i('"+^"5" (e^)r^'",

and [exTp(zeiv). (dw/dT)]satisfiesthe conditions of the lemma of "8'3.

It follows from the lemma of 5 8'3 that

i" 00

(5) ^,w (^)~ - o^ S e3"-+"'^ B,,(ez)smh{m + l)7r. ,^1'^ ,

and similarly

(6) H^^H^)^-^ S e-3(-+i)-5,,(6^)sini(^"i-Hl)7r.-^^^^^

We deduce at once that

(V) J.{z)1 '^ ram + 1)

(8) i^(^)~-o;l (-r^5,"Msin4(m + l)7r.-4^^^

From the Cauchy-Meisselformula " 8-21 (2),it is to be inferred that,when

1)1 is large,(_)m (-|)s

^^^ ^^"' ^^""

r(").(7/i+ i)Hl27r)3'"'

but there seems to be no very simpleapproximateformula for 5"i{ez).

The dominant terms in (7) were obtained by Meissel, in a Kiel Programmi, 1892;

and some similar results,which seem to resemble those stated in " 8-43,were obtained by

Koppe in a Berlin Programml, 1899. The dominant terms in (8) as well as in (7) were

also investigatedby Nicholson, Phil. Mag. (6)xvi. (1908),pp. 271"279, shortlybefore the

ap^aranceof Debye'smemoir.

* The values of Bo(0), /"'2(0),... L'lo(0) were given by Meissel, Astr. Nach. cxxvii. (1891),

col. 3.59"362; apart from the use of the contours Meissel's analysis (of." 8-21)is substautially

the same as the analysisgiven in this section. The object of using the methods of contour

integrationis to evade the difficulties produced by using generalisedintegrals.

The values of .Bo{ez),B-,[ez]and B^ (ez)will be found in a paper by Airey,Phil. M(h;. (0)xxxi.

(1916),p. 524.

t See the Jahrhuch ilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1892, pp. 476"478.

X See the Jahrhuch iiber die Fortxcliritte der Math. 1899, pp. 420, 421.

Page 260: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We next consider the extent to which the condition jarg2^|"^7r,which

has so far been imposed on formulae (5)" (8),is removable.

The singularitiesof the integrandin (2),qua function of t, are the values

of T for which Wi (or w^) fails to be a monogenic function of t, so that the

singularitiesare the values of t correspondingto those values of w for which

dr/dw = 0.

They are therefore the pointsT = 2u7ri,

where n assumes all integralvalues.

It is consequentlypermissibleto swing the contour throughany anglet)

less than a right angle (eitherpositivelyor negatively),and we then

obtain the analyticcontinuation of ^^'^'(z) or H^^'-(z) over the range

" ^TT " 77 " arg^: " ^TT " 7]. By giving77 suitable values,we thus find that

the expansions(5)" (8)are valid over the extended region" TT " arg z " TT.

If we confine our attention to real variables,we see that the solution of the problem is

not quite complete; we have determined asymptoticexpansionsof J^ (x)valid when x and

V are largeand (i)xjv " 1,(ii)x/v " 1,(iii)| - i* | not largecompared with x^. But there

are transitional regionsbetween (i)and (iii)and also between (ii)and (iii),and in these

transitional regionsxjv is nearlyequal to 1 while \x " v\ is large. In these transitional

regionssimpleexpansions(involvingelementaryfunctions onlyin each term) do not exist.

But important approximate formulae have been discovered by Nicholson,which involve

Bessel functions of orders " J. Formulae of this type will now be investigated.

8'43. Approccimateformidaevalid in the transitional regions.

The failure of the formulae of ""8*4 " 8'42 in the transitional regionsled

Nicholson* to investigatesecond approximationsto Bessel's integralin the

followingmanner :

In the case of functions of integralorder n,

Jn (^)= - COS {nd " X sin 6)dO,

and, when x and n are nearlyequal(bothbeinglarge),it follows from Kelvin's

principleof stationaryphase ("8*2)that the importantpart of the path of

integrationis the part on which 6 is small ; now, on this part of the path,sin 6 is approximatelyequalto ^" \6'^.It is inferred that,for the values of

X and n under consideration,

Jn{x)'^- r cos {nd -xd + IxO')ddIT } Q

- rQos{ne-xd-^lxe^)dd,TJ" JoTTJO

* Phil. Mag. (6) xix. (1910),pp. 247"249; see also Emde, Archiv der Math, und Phys. (3)XXIV. (1916),pp. 239"250.

Page 261: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the last expressionis one of Airy'sintegrals("6*4). It follows that,when X " n,

and, when x " n,

(2) Jn{x)^^\^^ ^j{/_i+ J:.i,

where the arguments of the Bessel functions on the rightare ^ {2{x " )i)|=/a,'i.

The correspondingformula for F" {x) when x" n was also found byNicholson ; with the notation employed in this work it is

(3) F,.(.)~-j^i^l'{J_,-J,}.3^

The chief disadvantageof these formulae is that it seems impossibleto

determine, by rigorousmethods, their domains of validityand the order of

magnitude of the errors introduced in usingthem.

With a view to remedying this defect, Watson* examined Debye.'s

integrals,and discovered a method which is theoreticallysimple(thoughactuallyit is very laborious),by means of which formulae analogoustoNicholson's are obtained togetherwith an upper limit for the errors involved.

The method employed is the following:

Debye'sintegralfor a Bessel iunction whose order v exceeds its argument

x{= i^sech a) may be written in the formf

J^ {v sech a) = " - "



/ e"^''div,-iTTt J


where t = " sinh a (coshlu " 1) " cosh a (sinhw " iv),

the contour beingchosen so that t is positiveon it.

If T is expanded in ascendingpowers of w, Carlini's formula is obtained

when we approximate by neglectingall powers of lu save the lowest,

" |ry"^sinha;and when a = 0, Cauchy'sfornnila of "82(1) is similarlyob-tained

by neglectingall powers of w save the lowest," \iv^.

These considerations suggest that it is desirable to examine whether the

firsttwo terms, namely" ^w'-sinh a " ^vf cosh a,

nlay not givean approximationvalid throughoutthe firsttransitional region.

The integralwhich we shall investigateis therefore

where r = " |IF- sinh a - ^ W'^ cosh a,

* Proc. Camb. Phil. Soe. xix. (1918),pp. 96"110.

t This is deducible from "8-31 by making a change of originin the "--plane.

Page 262: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the contour in the planeof the complex variable W is so chosen that r is

positiveon it. If TF s U -{-iV,this contour is the right-handbranch of the

hyperbolaC^tanha + it^^=iF^

and this curve has contact of the third order with Debye'scontour at the origin.

It therefore has to be shewn that an approximationto

CO +7ri /"ocexpCaTrOe-^'Uhv is e-''^dW.

These integralsdiffer by


X Jo)

and so the problem is reduced to the determination of an upper bound for

\[d{tu"W)ldT]\. And it has been proved,by exceedinglyheavy analysis

which will not be reproducedhere,that

d {lu- W)

and so

di" Stt sech a,


(div dW],

i Gtt

{dr dT \ V



where | j|" 1.

To evaluate the integralon the right(which is of the type discussed in

"6"4),modify the contour into two lines startingfrom the point at which

W = " tanh a and making angles"\'ttwith the real axis.

If we write W"" tanh a + ^q-^I-^^on the respectiverays, the integralbecomes

e^" exp {\vtanh^ a)f exp {-\v^'-\ v^e^'""'tanh- o}d^Jo

" e~^''exp ( V tanh^ a)/ exp {"^v^^ " Iv^e~ ^"^ tanh'^a\d^.Jo

Expand the integrandsin powers of tanh- a and integrateterm-by-term" a

procedurewhich is easilyjustified"and we get on reduction

"77*tanh a exp (^i tanh* a) . [/_i{^vtanh^ a) " I^(^vtanh^*a)],

and hence we obtain the formula

tanh a

(4) Jt,{vsech a) =

7r\/3exp [v(tanha + ^ tanh=^a " "x)}K^(lvtanh^ a)

+ 8^ii^~'exp{i/(tanhoc " a)},

where [ i|" 1. This is the more preciseform of Nicholson's approximation(1).

Page 264: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


expand the integrandsin powers of tan- /3,integrateterm-by-term,and it is

found that

/OO eXp jTTt

g-^"" dW " ^-rritan /8exp (" i vi tan* /Q)" 00 " / tail ;3

X [e-i-'J_j(ii/tan* /S)-h e*'^'/i (^i tan* yS)]

Tre^-^ tan ^^^^ ^_ ^^^.^^ ^, ^^,^,^^^,^^3^^_


On equatingreal and imaginaryparts,it is at once found that

(5) J^ {v sec yS)= itan /3cos [v(tan/S- ^tan*/3- /3)}. [/-j-f /j]

+ :3-Han /3sin {i/(tan/3-

1 tan* /3- yS)|. [/-j - J{\+ 24^^/^',

(6) F^ (isec 13)=i tan yQsin [v(tanyS-

1 tan* /8- /3)}. [./_1 -H J^.]

- 3 -* tan /3cos {1/(tan/3-

1 tan* /S- /9)}. [/_ .- J^]+ 24^3/1^,

where the argument of each of the Bessel functions J"i on the rightis

1^1/tan* ^; and |0.^ and j glare both less than 1. These are the more precise

forms of Nicholson's formulae (2)and (3);and theygiveeffective approxima-tions

except near the zeros of the dominant terms on the right.

It is highlyprobablethat the upper limits obtained for the errors are

largelyin excess of the actual values of the errors.

8*5. Descriptiveproperties*ofJ^ {vx)luhen 0 " a; ^ 1.

The contour integral,which was obtained in "8"31(I)to represent

Jv {vsech a) was shewn in "8*4 to yieldan asymptoticexpansionof the function.

But the contour integralisreallyof much greaterimportancethan has hitherto

appeared;for an integralis an exact representationof a function,whereas an

asymptoticexpansioncan onlygive,at best,an approximaterepresentation.And the contour integral(togetherwith the limitingform of it when x = 1)

is peculiarlywell adaptedfor givinginterestinginformation concerning/" {vx)when V is positive.

In the contour integraltake v to be positiveand write

%u = log{?'e'^|,so that u = logr, v = 0.

With the contour selected,

X sinh w " w

is equalto its conjugatecomplex,and the path of integrationis its own re-flexion

in the real axis. Hence

1 foc+-rri


qv (Xsinh w"w) ^y

* The results of this section are investigatedin rather greaterdetail in Proc. London Math. Soc.

(2)XVI. (1917),pp. 150"174.

Page 265: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Changing the notation,we find that the equationof the contour is

1 2^r + -


r X sin 6

so that

x^md{ V \ 6-

and, when this substitution is made for /",the value of (lu " x'sinh w) is

log^ \ . ^

'-- cot ^

. V(^' - *' sm^ 6).X sin 0

This last expressionwill invariablybe denoted by the symbol* F(6,x),

so that

(1) J,(vx)= -re-^'P^''-^Ue,

and by differentiatingunder the integralsign (a procedurewhich is easily

justified)it is found that

(2) .//(")= ifV-"..'^p^^ldff.TT j 0 X \J{U'" X- sm- u)

This is also easilydeduced from the equation


^-. \ e" ^"'^''"'^''-"'' sinh lo dw.

Before proceedingto obtain further results concerningBessel functions,it

is convenient to set on record various properties!oi F(6,x). The reader will


(4) 4^,o,.)= -^-^.o.SO that

(5) F{e,x)^F(0,x)^F(0,l) = 0;

and also

. "


^n/n \

^ " ^' sin 6 cos 6

Next we shall establish the more abstruse property

(7) F(e,x)^F(0,x)-\-^(e^--x''sm'e)/^(l^x').'

To prove it,we shall firstshew that

,a N

^ " a;^sin ^ COS ^

* This function will not be confused with Schlafli's function defined in " 4'15.

t It is supposed throughout the followinganalysisthat 0".r^l, 0^0 ^tt.

Page 266: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is clear that

g(7r,x)=l "^/(l+x%

so that,if g{d,x),qua function of 6, attained its greatest value at 0 or tt,

that value would be less than \J{1+X'). If,however, g{6,x) attained its

greatest value when 6 had a value 6q between 0 and tt, then

1" A'- cos 2^0 (^0" ^'sin ^oCos ^o)^/^

(6,^- X- sin-^o)^ (^o'- ^ sin^d^f

and therefore

g {6,x)^g {do,x)= \/{l- af-cos 2^o) \/(l+ ^),

so that,no matter where g(d,x) attains its greatest value,that value does

not exceed V(l +-'^'')-




and so

whence (7)follows at once.

Another, but simpler,inequalityof the same type is

(8) F(d,x)^F{0,x)+^d'^{l-x').

To prove this,observe that

^-^^^^" ^{0' - x^ sin^e)^e V(l - ^),

and integrate; then the inequalityis obvious.

From these results we are now in a positionto obtain theorems concerning

J^{i"x)and // (px)qua functions of v.

Thus, since


1= -

i rF(d,x) e-"^^''""dd ^ 0,TTJOdv

the integrandbeing positiveby (5),it follows that Jt,(vx)is a positivede-creasing

functionof v\ in like manner, // (I'a;)is a positivedecreasingfunction


Also, since

OV TT.'0

the integrandbeingpositiveb} (5),it follows that e"^^^-^'J^{vx)is a decreasing

functionofv; and so also,similarly,is e"^'*^-*)//(i/a;).

Page 267: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again,from (8)we have

Q"vF[0,X)j-irg-vF{0,X)j-irJ, (vx) exp [- i z;(9-V(1 - ^')1cie

"^ J {}

r CO


g-vF(0,x) /-co


SO that


(1 - a;^)*\/{2'7rv)

The last expressionis easilyreduced to Carlini's approximateexpression

(""1*4,8-11) for J^{vx); and so Carlini's expressionis always in error by

excess, for all* positivevalues o^ v.

The correspondingresult for JJ {vx)is derived from (7). Write


and replaceG {6,x) by G for brevity.


2xJ: {vx)=

^ fV^^(^--' 'Ei^ [G(6,x)]-icWTr.'o cL"


exp I- ^vG/'^il+ x'^)].





g-vF{0,x} rao

exp [-ij.{?/^(l+^2)1.Q-hdG,

and so

(10) xJJ {vx) e-^^'f. ) (1 + ,^"2)V^/(27^I^).

The absence of the factor \/(l"a;-)from the denominator is remarkable.

It is possibleto prove the formula f

in a very similar manner.

This concludes the results which we shall establish concerninga single

Bessel function whose argument is less than its order.

8"51. Lemma concerningF {6,x).

Wfi shall now prove the lemma that,when 0 ":a;^l and 0^0 ^tt, then

^^^ -16-^- ^^^^'"^ - ^ ^^' ^^

^^-^"^sin-^^ ^-

The lemma will be used immediatelyto prove an importanttheorem con-cerning

the rate of increase of J^ {vx).

* It is evident from Debye'sexpansion that the expression is in error b^-excess for siificientUj

large values of v.

t Cf. Froc. London Math. Soc. (2)xvi. (1917),p. 157.

Page 268: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If \J{"^" X- sin- 6) = H{6, x),we shall firstprove that

dO I dd

is a non-decreasingfunction of 6 ; that is to say that

(l-^cot^)- + 6?--A'-sin-^

6 " of sin 6 cos 6

is a non-decreasingfunction of 6.

The differential coefficient of this last function of 6 is

{6 - X- sin 6 cos d)- [{d^-cosec^ O-l-^ sin^d)(1 - a^)

+ 2 (^2cosec- 6*- ^='cot ^ cosec'^ 9 -

i sin^6){\- x-)

+ 2a;2(1 _ ^ cot 6){d cosec ^ - cos Of + sin-(9(1-a,-'^)-],

and every group of terms in this expressionispositive(orzero)in consequence

of elementarytrigonometricalinequalities.

To establish the trigonometricalinequalities,we first observe that,when 0 $ ^ ^ tt,

(i) (9+ sin ^ cos (9-2(9-1 sin'-(9^0,

(ii)6 + sin (9cos (9- 26- cot "9^ 0,


because the expressionson the left vanish when 6 = 0 and have the positivedifferential


(i) 2(cos^-"9-isin^)2,(ii)2 (cos - (9cosec ^)2, (iii)sin (9((9-sin ^ cos ^),

and then

(92cosec2 6-6'^ cot 6 cosec- 6-1 sin^ 6

= {6-cosec2 ^ - 1)(1 - ^ cot ^)+ cosec 6 (sin6 -6 con 6- 1 sin-"*6)^ 0,

^2cosec2^-l-Jsin2^= 6 cosec^ 6 {6+ sin 6 cos 6-26'^ sin^ ^)+ cosec 6 (sin - ^ cos ^ - ^ sin^ 5)" 0,

so that the inequalitiesare proved.

It has consequentlybeen shsAvn that

re \m^ "'


where the variables are understood to bo 6 and x, and primesdenote differ

entiations with regardto ^. It is now obvious that

d [FH Jrj

d {F')^


and, if we integratethis inequalityfrom 0 to 6, we get

F'H e



Since F' and HJH' vanish when ^ = 0, this inequalityis equivalentto

and the truth of the lemma becomes obvious when we substitute the value

of H {6,x) in the last inequality.

Page 269: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


8"52. The monotonic property ofJ^(vic)fJ^(v).

We shall now prove a theorem of some importance,to the effect that,if oc

is fixed,and 0 ^if ^ 1,then J^ {ikv)/J^(v)is a nun -increasingfunctionof v, when

V is positive.

[The actual proof of the theorem will lie valid only wlien S $./""!, (wliere8 is an

arbitrarilysmall positivenumber), since some expressionsintroduced in the jjroofcontain an

X- in their denominators; but the theorem is obvious when 0 ^ .r ^ 8 since e"^*"- )J^ (i/.r)and

e-''F(o,ce)iJ(^)are non-increasingfunctions of p when x is sufficientlysmall ; moreover, as

will be seen in Chapter xvii, the theorem owes its real importance to the fact that it is

true for values of x in the neighbourhoodofuniiT/.]

It will first be shewn that

(1) 'JV {yx) --, -, -^ ^ " 0,

dpooc ox Ov

To establish this result,we observe that,with the usual notation,

J,{vx)= ^Te-'Fi^'^^dylr,

dJ^,{vx) V f'^[G^l^"^')}"^^^"e-"^"'^'-)dx Stta-Jo ' dd

and, when we differentiate under the integralsign,

dJ^iix) 1


dv "n" 0



1 p j_.d_G{ex)^_^,^,^^^^^^dvdx 27rxjo ' ^ ^"' dO

F{0, x){G (6,x)]-i"fj^^"''^^''"'"l^27rxj 0






if we integrateby parts the former of the two integrals.

Hence it follows that

' dvdx dx dv ztt^xJoJo


n{e,ir)= 2{Gid,x)]i'dF(e,x) F(ylr,x)-F(0,x)dG{9, ^


2G(e,x) dd



, [dF{d,x) F(0, x) - F(e, x) dG (0,x)

dd '"G{d,x) dd

by usingthe inequalityF{-\\r,x)^F{0, x)combined with the theorem of ^8"51.

W. B. F. l?

Page 270: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since O (0,yjr)is not negative,the repeatedintegralcannot be negative;that is to say, we have provedthat

T/.d'~Ju(vx) dJv{vx)dJ^(vx)


so that

Integratingthis inequalitybetween the limits x and 1, we get

dJy(vx) /r /


dx dv

J^ivxyr 0.


so that


Since J^{i'x)and J^"(t')are both positive,this inequalitymay be written

in the form



and this exhibits the result which was to be proved,namely that J^(vx)/J^(v)

is a non-increasingfunction of v.

8 "53. Propertiesof J^(v) and JJ{v).

If,for brevity,we write F{6) in placeoi F{d, I),so that

(1) F(e)^ log-^^r" - "' ^ ^(^'- ^'"'"""

the formulae* for Jv{v) and Jv'{v)are

(2) ,/""4/"-....,.;(.) = lj7^^^^ia|^^-.."."rf..The first term in the expansionof F {6) in ascendingpowers of 9 is


'^^^ ^^'^ shall prove a series of inequalitiesleadingup to the

result that F {6)16 is a non-decreasingfunction of 6.

We shall firstshew that

dd\ e-^ P^-

To prove this we observe that

F' id)_

\{\-e cot e)id^Y, .-, ua, ,i". Q ,

* It is to be understood that Jl,'(v)means the value of dJ" {.r)ld.rwhen .r lias the particuhir

value V.

Page 272: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


8"54. Monotonic propertiesofJ^{v)and J^'{v).

It has alreadybeen seen ("8"5)that the functions J^ (p)and JJ (v) are

decreasingfunctions of v. It will now be shewn that both v^J^,(v)and v^JJ{v)

are steadilyincreasing* functionsof v.

To prove the firstresult we observe that

dv StT J 0 TT j 0

"SttOe-^P^^) + ^ I


W (^) - 3^ (^)l ""^'^'dd0 "J7' .'0


since the integratedpart vanishes at each limit and ("8"53)the integrandis


Hence v^Jv (v)is an increasingfunction of v ; and therefore

(1) v^J,{v)"lim {i.-^/,(!/)]= r(i)/(2^3^7r)= 0-44731.

In connexion with this result it may be noted that

Ji (1)= 0-44005, 2^8 (8)= 0-44691.

To prove the second result,by followingthe same method we find that

d \v j; (v)] 2i'-^dv Stt

e--ne) ^(^2_ sin2 0)0

by " 8*53 (5),and so v^J^ iv)is an increasingfunction of v.


(2) v-^J: {v)" lim {vJ J (v)]= 3^ r (|)/(2*tt)= 0-41085.

It is to be noted that

Ji'(1)= 0-32515, 4^8'(8)= 0-.38854.

8"55. The monotonic property ofv^JJ {v)jJ^{v).

A theorem which is slightlymore recondite than the theorems justprovedis that the quotient

is a steadilyincreasingfunctionof v.

* It is not possibleto deduce these monotonic propertiesfrom the asymptoticexpansions. If,

asv-^-Qo, f (v)~(p{v),and if (j){v)is monotonic, nothing can be inferred coucerning monotonia

propertiesof/(j')in the absence of further information coucerning /(j*).

Page 273: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To prove this result we use the integralsalreadymentioned in ""8"53,8*54 for the four functions

dv dv

Taking the parametricvariable in the firstand third integralsto be -^ in

placeof 6, we find that


n, {6, ) = IF' (0)V(^-'- sin^0) - l^~^^ F (6)

^ - sin ^ cos ^,

, , XT/ / , X CT / , M


(",r (6)- F(e)] - 'j-^^ \ifr(f) - F(n.

by "8'51. The function n^{d,-yfr)does not seem to be essentiallypositive

(cf"8"52); to overcome this difficulty,interchangethe parametricvariables

0 and yjr,when it will be found that

Now, from the inequalityjustproved,

n, (d,f) + Hi ("/.,d)

^|^+ i/rsin i|rcos x/r- 2 sin--^n ^^p' /zdn P/Z3M

^2 + ^sin^cos6^-2sin-^,.

, -p, . , . ti,,\)

^ ^V(^--sm-.)^*^^ ^^^ ~ ^^^^^""

Since 0-^ ^J{0-- sin-0)and 4 0i?"(^)- F{0) are both ("8-53)increasingfunctions

of 0, the ftictorsof the first term in the sum on the rightare both positiveor

both negative;and, by ""8-51,8-53, the second and third terms arc both

positive.Hence Hi {0,~^)+ i\ {^,0) is positive,and therefore

which establishes the result stated.


Page 274: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


8 '6. Asymptoticexpansionsof Bessel functionsof largecomplexorder.

The results obtained (""8-31" 8'42) b}-Debye in connexion with ./^(.r)and Y^{x) where v and x are largeand positivewere subsequent!}^extended*

to the case of complex variables. In the followinginvestigation,which is,in

some respects,more detailed than Debye'smemoir, we shall obtain asymptotic

expansionsassociated with J^ {z)when v and z are largeand complex.

It will firstbe supposedthat jarg z "^Tr, and we shall write

v = z cosh 'y = z cosh (a + 1/3),

where a and /3 are real and 7 is complex. There is a one -one correspondencebetween a + i^ and vjzif we suppose that /3 is restricted to lie between f 0

and TT, while a may have any real value. This restriction prevents zjv from

lyingbetween " 1 and 1, but this case has already("8"4)been investigated.

The integralsto be investigatedare

H,^' {z)= ".r^^\-'-f^'^'^dw,TTlJ


-t rcc-H 1 rcc

i7;2)(^x= -A e-zf{w)^^^ = _ "


/ e^/(""dw,

where f(iv)= to cosh 7 " sinh ic.

A stationarypoint of the integrandis at 7, and we shall therefore in-vestigate

the curve whose equationis

If(w) = Ifij).

If we replacew by k + iv,this equationmay be written in the form

(v - /3)cosh a cos ^ + (u " a.)sinh a sin y8- cosh u sin v + cosh a sin /3= 0.

The shapeof the curve near (a,/3)is

{(u- ay -{v- /8)-}cosh a sin /3+ 2 (u-a){v- y8)sinh a cos /3= 0,

so the slopesof the two branches throughthat pointare

Itt+ ^arc tan (tanh a cot /3),

" jTT -!-^arc tan (tanh o cot y8),

where the arc tan denotes an acute angle,positiveor negative; Rf{iu) in-creases

as w moves away from 7 on the first branch, while it decreases as w

moves away from 7 on the second branch. The increase (ordecrease)is steady,and Rf(w) tends to + x (or " oc) as tu moves off to infinityunless the curve

has a second double-pointJ.

* Miinchener Sitzungsherichte,xl. [5],(1910);the asymptotic expansionsof /^(.r)and AV(.r)were stated explicitlyby Nicholson, Phil. Mag. (6)xx. (1910),pp. 938"943.

"j-That is to say 0"/3"7r.

+As will be seen later,this is the exceptionalcase.

Page 275: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If (i)and (ii)denote the whole of the contours of which a portionaremarked with those numbers in Fig'.19, we shall write

TTi. (i) """* J (ii)

and by analysisidentical with that of "8'41 (exceptthat 2/3is to be replaced

by 7),it is found that the asymptoticexpansionsof S^^^(z)and S^,'-'(z) are

givenby the formulae

(1) "SV'^'(z)

(2) S,-"{z)

v/(-h v-witanh 7) ",10 T ( )'

{hv tanh 7)'"'



s/{- h,v-rritanh 7) ," "T (|)


(- 1 1' tanh 7)"^'

"where arg (" |viritanh 7) = arg z + arg (" i sinh 7),

and the value of arg (" isinh 7) which liesbetween " ^tt and ^ttis to be taken.


Fig. 19.

The values of ^4o,A-^,A.^,...are



^0=1, ^i = i-Acoth^7"

-4.= tIs - 5"ffcoth= 7 + iff^coth^ 7,

It remains to express if^,'"{z)and ff^'^'(^)in terms of "S^'i'(2)and "SV'"(^);

and to do this an intensive studyof the curve on which

If{^) = ^/(7)is necessary.

8-61. The form ofDebyes contours when the variables are complex.

The equationof the curve introduced in the last section is

(1)- {v " /3)cosh a cos y8+ {u " a)sinh a sin |8.

" cosh u sin v + cosh a sin /3= 0,

where {u,v) are current Cartesian coordinates and 0" /3" tt.

Since the equationis unaltered by a change of signin both u and a, we

shall firststudythe case in which a ^ 0 ; and since the equationis unaltered

when TT-v and tt - y8 are written for v and /S,we shall also at first suppose

that 0"/8"i7r, though many of the results which will be provedwhen (3is

an acute angleare stilltrue when ^ is an obtuse angle.

Page 276: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


For brevity,the expressionon the left in (1)will be called (f)(u,v). Since

d(f){u,v) . , .

^. ,

--~ = sinh a sm B " smh a sm v,ou

it follows that,when v is given,dcp/duvanishes for onlyone value of u, and so

the equationin u,

(p(w,v) = 0,

has at most two real roots ; and one of these is infinite whenever v is a multipleof TT.

When 0 " ?' " TT, we have*

(f"{-X ,v) = " OC,

(f){+x ,v) = " CC,

(f)(a,v) = cosh a {{v" /3)cos fS" sin v + sin /3|" 0^

and so one root of the equationin u,

4"(% v) = 0,

is less than a and the other is greaterthan a, both becomingequalwhen v = 0.

By consideringthe finite root of the equations

(^(w,0)= 0, "^(;^,7r)= 0,

it is seen that,in each case, this root is less than a, so the largerroot tends

to + OC as v tends to + 0 or to tt " 0, and for values of v justless than 0 or just

greater than tt the equation(f)(u,v)= 0 has a largenegativeroot. The shapeof the curve is therefore roughlyas shewn by the continuous lines in Fig.20.

Next consider the configurationwhen v lies between 0 and " tt.

When V is " ^,d(f"{u,v)lduvanishes at li = " o, and hence ^(v/," /3)has a

minimum value

2 cosh a sin /8(1 " /3cot /3" a tanh a)

at It = " a. There are now two cases to consider accordingas

1 " /3cot y8" a tanh a

is (I)positiveor (II)negative.

* Since d(p(a,v)ldv=cosh a. (cos - cos v),and this has the same sign as i" - j3,(p(a,r) has a

minimum value zero at r = /J.

Page 277: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The domains of values of the complex y = a + t/3for which

1 " /3cot /3" a tanh a

is positive(in the strip0"$/3^7r) are numbered 1, 4, 5 in Fig.21; in the

domains numbered 2, 3, 6a, 6b, la, 7b the expressionis negative;the cor-responding

domains for the complex v/z=cosh (a+ ^yS)have the same numbers

in Fig.22.

N^ 6/" 6c?


Fig.21. Fig.22

(I) When 1 " y8cot /3" a tanh a ispositive,"^(u," /S)isessentiallypositive,

so that the curve never crosses the line v = " /3. The onlypossibilitytherefore

is that the curve after crossingthe real axis goes off to " x as shewn by the

upper dotted curve in Fig.20.

(II) When 1 " /3cot /3" a tanh a is negative,the equation(f)(" a, v) = 0

has no real root between 0 and ^ " 27r,for

d(f){" a, v)jdv= cosh a (cos/3 " cos v).

Therefore (f)("a,v)has a singlemaximum at " /3,and its value there is

negative,so that "^(" a, v) is negativewhen v lies between 0 and /3" 27r.

Also -h(a, /3" 27r)has a maximum at a = a, and its value there isnegative,

so that the purve (p(u,v) = 0 does not cross v = jB" 'lir; hence, after crossingthe real axis, the curve must pass off to x - irl,as shewn by the dotted curve

on the rightof Fig.20.

Tjiiscompletesthe discussion of the j^artof the curve associated with

^V'"'{z)when a " 0, 0 " /3$ Itt.

Next we have to consider what happens to the curve after crossingthe

line w = + TT.

Since "/"(a,v)= cosh a [{v" /3)cos /3" sin v + sin /3},

and the expressionon the rightispositivewhen /' ^ (3,the curve never crosses

the line u = a.; also

0 {u,iitt)= {u " a.)sinh a sin /3+ (mr - jS)cosh a cos y8+ cosh a sin /5,

Page 278: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and this is positivewhen u " a, so that the parts of the curve which go off to

infinityon the rightmust lie as shewn in the north-east corner of Fig.23.

When 1 - a tanh a + (tt- /3)cot y8" 0,

i.e.when (a,/3)lies in any of the domains numbered 1,2 and 3 in Fig.21, it is

found that the curve does not cross v = 27r " ^, and so the curve after crossingv = 7r passes off to " x + tti as shewn in Fig.23 by a broken curve.


We now have to consider what happens when (a,/8)lies in the domain

numbered 6a in Fig.21. In such circumstances

1 " a tanh " + (tt" /S)cot /3" 0 ;

and (f)(" a, v) has a maximum at v = 2tt " ^, the value of "})(" a, 'Itt - /3)being

negative.The curve, after crossingv = tt, consequentlyremains on the rightof

u = " a until it has got above v=27r " y3.

Now "f)(" a, v) is increasingin the intervals

(;g,27r-/3),(27r+ /3,47r-)S), (^tt+ y8,Gtt - /3),. . . ;

let the firstof these intervals in which it becomes positivebe

(2il/7r+ /8,2i/7r+27r-yS).

Then ^ (u, Mir + 2ir" ^) has a minimum at m = " a, at which its value is

positive,and so the curve cannot cross the line v= 2M'Tr + 2Tr " ^ ; it must

therefore go off to infinityon the left,and consequentlygoes to

-00 +(2M+l)7ri;

it cannot go to infinitylower than this,for then the completecurve would

meet a horizontal line in more than two points.

Page 280: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The reader will find it interestingto prove that,in the critical case /3= |7r,the contours

pass from " oo to cc + iri and from " qc + 7^^'to go,

so that the expansionsappropriateto

the region1 are valid.

Note. The differences between the formulae for the regions6a and 66 and also for the

regionsla and 76 appear to have been overlooked by Debye, and by Watson, Proc. RoyalSoc. xcv. A, (1918),p. 91.

8*7. Kapteyns inequalityfor J^ (nz).

An extension of Carlini's formuhi (""8"11,8'5) to Bessel coefficients in

which the argument is complex has been effected by Kapteyn* who has

shewn that, when z has any value,real or complex,for which z- " 1 is not

a real positivenumberf ,


z''eKp{n\/(l-z^)}(1) \Jn(nz)\^

{1+ V(l - 2')]^

This formula is less precisethan Carlini's formula because the factor {irrn)"(1"z-)* does

not appear in the denominator on the right,but nevertheless the inequalityis sufficientlypowerfulfor the purposes for which it is required;]:.

To obtain the inequality,consider the integralformula

1 /'""+'J, (nz)= ^-^.

r'*-i exp {Inz{t - 1/0}dt,

in which the contour is a circle of radius e",where u is a positivenumber to

be chosen subsequently.

If we write t = e"^'^,we get

J^ (nz)=


exp [n [^z(e^e'"- e-"e-'")- u - iO]]dO.

Now, if M be the maximum value of

Iexp [\z(e"e'^- e-"e-'^)-u- id]\

on the contour, it is clear that

IJn {nz)I" M-.

But if ^ = /je'",where p is positiveand a is real,then the real part of

\z {e^e'^- e-"e-'^)- " - i9

is |p fe"cos {a+ 6) " e~" cos (a - 6)]" u,

and this attains its maximum value when

tan 6 = " coth u tan a,

and its value is then

p V(sinh u + sin- a) " u.

* Aim. Sci. de I'Kcole norm sup. (3)x. (1893),pp. 91^120.

t Since both sides of (1)are continuous when z approaches the real axis it follows that the

inequalityis stilltrue when z- - 1 is positive: for such values of z, either signmay be given to the

radicals accordingto tlie way in which z approaches the cuts.

J See Chapter xvii.

Page 281: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, for all positivevalues of a,

IJji(npe"^)j exp [npv/(sinh-u + sin-a) " nu].

We now choose u so that the expressionon the rightmay be as small as

possiblein order to get the strongestinequalityattainable by this method.

The expressionp /v/(sinh-// + sin- a) " a

has a minimum, qua function of m, when u is chosen to be the positiveroot of

the equation*sinh u cosh u 1

\/(sinh-u + sin- a) p'

With this choice of u it may be provedthat

2 \/(l" "s^O" sinh u cosh u = " (cosh2ii " e-''^),

and, by takingz to be real,it is clear that the positivesignmust be taken in

the ambiguity. Hence

2 [1+ x/(l- z"")]sinh u cosh u = e-"'- e"-'^

and so

logz exp V(l - 2^)^


i^^"2 V(sinh-u + sin^a) .

\exp v'(l- "2")'

1 + V(l - 2')= log

g2M _ g2la

/h (n^) I


sinh^ u + sin- a

sinh u cosh li

= p V(sinh-u + sin- a) " u,

and it is now clear that

iz exp \/(l" "2")I( 1 +v(i-^T'

An interestingconsequence of this inequalityis that ;Jn (nz)i^ 1 so long

as both 1-J I$ 1 and

\zexp \/(l" z'^)^


^^' " 1

I 1 + V(i-^') "

To construct the domain in which the last inequalityis satisfied,write as

before z = pe'",and define u by the equation

sinh u cosh u 1

\/(sinh-u + sin- a) p'

The previousanalysisshews at once that,when

z exp v(l "2')



p \/(sinh-u + sin- a) " u = 0.

This equation is a quadratic in sinh- u with one positiveroot.

Page 282: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that^


p- =

sinh 2u'

sin^ a =sinh w {u cosh u "

sinh u).

As u increases from 0 to 1-1997...,

sin- a increases from 0 to 1 andp


z exp \/(l " ^^)creases from 1 to * 0-6627434


It is then clear that ^1

inside and on the boundary of an oval curve containing the origin. This curve

Fig. 24. The domaiu in which |J" (nz) j certainly does not exceed unity.

is shewn in Fig. 24 ; it will prove to be of considerable importance in the

theory of Kapteyn series (Chapter xvil).

When the order of the Bessel function is positive but not i-estricted to be an integer we

take the contour of integraiion to be a circle of radius 6" terminated b\- two rays inclined

+ TT - arc tan (coth w tan a) to the real axis. If we take |^ |= 6" on these rays, we get

cosh (u + v)- cos 2a cosh (v - u)\J^{vz)\4:M''-{-


=$3/" 1 +

/"" r1


I ex-^ { " V {v - u)] dv\^ \ J u


"vv do

and so

This vahie is given by Plummer, Dynamical Astronomy (Cambridge, 1918), p. 47.

Page 283: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



9'1. The definitionof Neumanns polynoynialOn(t).

The objectof this chapteris the discussion of certain polynomialswhich

occur in various types of investigationsconnected with Bessel functions.

The first of these polynomialsto appear in analysisoccurs in Neumann's*

investigationof the problem of expanding an arbitrary;inalyticfunction /(^)into a series of the form Xa^.Jni^)-The function On{t),which is now usuallycalled Neumanns jJolynomial,is defined as the coefficient of enJn {z) iu the

expansionof l/(^" z) as a series of Bessel coefficients f, so that

(1) .-^= Jo (z)0, (t)+ 2.1,(z)0, (t)+ 2J, (z)0, (t)+


=i ^n-Jn{z)Onit).

From this definition we shall derive an explicitexpressionfor the function,

and it will then appear that the expansion(1) is valid whenever \z\" ^t.

In order to obtain this expression,assume that |2;|" |^|and, after expanding

l/{t" z) in ascendingj)owers of z, substitute Schlomilch's series of Bessel

coefficients ("27) for each power of 2'.

This proceduregives

1 1 ^ ^_

1 " - 2M - (s + 2m).(s + m-l)l )=

7 - e2m'J2m{z)+ i -f^j :i " Js^2m{2)l.I ni=0 S = l f' (./n= 0 '"i J

Assuming for the moment that the repeatedseries isabsolutelyconvergent :|',


* Tluorif dcr BeascVschen Functioiicn (Leipzig,1867), pp. 8" lo, 83 ; see also Journal fiir

Maih. Lxvii. (1867), pp. 310 "'6\\. Neumann's procedure,after assuming; the expansion (1),is to

deriv^tlie differential equation which will be given subsequently (" !)-12)and to solve it in


f In anticipation of " 16 11, we observe that the expansion of an arbitraryfunction is obtained

by substituting for l/((- :)in the formula


X Cf. Pincherle's rather more general investigation,Reiuliconti Jt. Lst. Loiiibardo,[2)xv. (1882),

pp. 224"225.

Page 284: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


we effect a rearrangement by replacings by n " 2m, and the rearrangedseries

is a series of Bessel coefficients ; we thus get

1 1 ^^ .. ^ |"i(.-i)2"-^r"-in.(n-m-l)l)

^,,= - ^ f2m^2m(^)+ S e" ^ ".

,n-2m+i' ", I^n {z)

Accordinglythe functions On{t) are defined by the equations

^x ^ / X

1 It**""(" - m - 1):

(3) 0.(0 = l/".

It is easy to see that

(4) e. On (t)= ^^;^-i +2 (2" _ 2)



4.(2" - 2)(2n - 4)

"^" " "


and the series terminates before there is any possibilityof a denominator factor

beingzero or negative.

We have now to consider the permissibilityof rearranging the repeated series for

\l{t" z). A sufficient condition is that the series

" 2" J - {s+ 27n).{s+ m-l)\ \,r7i"+"i1 \ ^\ '"'''+2'''f.^/If

should be convergent. To prove that this is actuallythe case, we observe that,by " 2*11

(4),we have

,"!o r,i !I''** 2- ^'"

" ^,"!o-n^Hs + ^ir^l)!^^^iil^l)

"2(^l2i)' + 2"'{exp(i|0P)}/(2m)!



" 2' f" (.s+ 2?w).(s+ OT-l)!,,

,,1 " \z\',,, ",

^,|7^ ^ ^r~ ^l"^..2m(^)|U2iexp(i|0p)s=l I '' I \,m=0 "'

" j s=l I' I


Ig Iexp (^Iz P)I^Ki^l-MI)


The absolute convergence of the repeatedseries is therefore established

under the hypothesisthat i^|"!i{j.And so the expansion(1) is valid when

\z\" \t\,and the coefficients of the Bessel functions in the expansionare

defined by (2)and (3).

It is also easy to establish the uniformityof the convergence of the ex-pansion

(1)throughoutthe regions\t\^R, | ^ | r, where R "r"0.

Page 285: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When these inequalitiesare satistied,the sum of the moduli of the terms does not


i -^ ^

Since the expressionon the rightis independent of z and ", the uniformityof the

convergence follows from the test of Weierstrass.

(g+ 2m).(g + m-l)! (^r)"-^2'"exp(|-/-2)1exp (ir^)

The function 0"(Owas called by Neumann a Bessel functionofthe secoyid

kind*; but this tei'm is now used (cf.""3"53,3*54)to describe a certain solution

of Bessel's equation,and so it has become obsolete as a descriptionof Neumann's

function. The function 0"(0 is a polynomialof degreen + 1 in l/t,and it is

usuallycalled Neumanns polynomialoforder n.

If the order of the terms in Neumann's polynomialis reversed by writing\n " m or \{yi" \)"m for m in (2),accordingas n is even or odd, it is at

once found that

(5) 0" it)= 5 S (l,_,.)!(iO--^^ '^'"^

= - -I 1 ^^H ^ ^" +

. .

(6) 0 /,)_l^^V^^,Jii(iZi+"^-i)' (n odd)

n V (n~- in n Ctf-- 1""^)(n- - 3^

t^ t' f

These results mav be combined in the formula

The equations(5),(6)and (7)were givenby Neumann.

By the methods of " 21 1, it is easilyprovedthat

(8) \enOn{t)\^i.{n\).{^\t\)"^exip il\t\%

(9) enOn(t)= i^.(nl).{H)"^{l+ d), (n"l)


| j [exp(^\t f) - l]/(2/;- 2).

From these formulae it follows that the series San Jn (^)On (t)isconvergentwhenever the series -an{zjt)"'isabsolutelyconvergent ; and, when z isoutside

the circle of convergence of the latter series.anJn{^)0,i(t)does not tend to

zero ,as^7i -^ oc,

and so the former series does not converge. Again,it is easy

to prove that,as *; -^ oo,

en Jn {Z)On {t)= ^"Sl|l" ^^ + 0 (/^-^)|,

* By analogy with the Legendre function of the second kind, y" {t),which is such that

' " ^71 = 0

Cf. Modern Analysis," 15"4.

W. B. F. 18

Page 286: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence it may be shewn* that the pointson the circle of convergence at

which either series convergesfare identical with the pointson the circle at

which the other series is convergent. It may also be provedthat,if either

series is uniformlyconvergent in any domains of values of z and t,so also is

the other series.

Since the series on the rightof (1) is a uniformlyconvergent series of

analyticfunctions when \z\" \t\,it follows by differentiation J that

,.r..(-)i.{p+ qV._ " dPJn(2)d"iOn(t)

^ ^{t-zf+9+i ^^/n ^^p ^^q '

where p, q are any positiveintegers(zeroincluded).

It may be convenient to placeon record the followingexpressions:

0" (t)= 1/t, 0, (t)= l/f;

0, (0 = V^ + 4/^^ Os (t)= S/t'+ 24"/t*,

0, (0 = l/t+ IQ/t'+ 192/i^ 0, {t)= 5/t'+ 120/^ + 1920/^".

The coefficieuts in the polynomial 0" (0, for n = 0, 1,2, ... 15, have been calculated by

Otti,Bern Mittheilunyen,1898, pp. 4, 5.


The recurrence formulaesatisfiedhy On(t).

We shall now obtain the formulae

(1) (" - 1)0.^,(0 + {n + 1)0,Ut) -

^ ^"\~^''Onit)=^^^"^B!W,(,,,^1)

(2) 0,^,(0 - 0"+,(0 = 20,/ (t), (n^ 1)

(3) -0,(t)=Oo'(t).

The firstof these was stated by Schliifli,Math. Ann. iii. (1871),p. 137, and proved b}-

Gegenbauer, ^Viener Sitzungsberichte,LXV. (2),(1872),pp. 33" 35, but the other two were

proved some years earlier by Neumann, Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),

p. 21.

Since earlyproofsconsisted merelyof a verification,we shall not repeat

them, but give in their placean investigationby which the recurrence for-mulae

are derived in a natural manner from the correspondingformulae for

Bessel coefficients.

Taking | |" | |,observe that,by "91 (1)and " 2-22 (7),

{t-z)^ enJn {z)On (0 = 1 =- e" COS* |n7r.

Jn {z),"=0 n=0

* It is sufficient to use the theorems that, if 2?)"is convergent, so also is "Zbjn, and that then

llbjn^is absolutely convergent.

t This was pointedout by Pincherle, Bologna Memorie, (4)iii. (1881" 2),p. 160.

X Cf. Modern Analysis," o*33.

Page 288: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By combining(1)and (2)we at once obtain the equivalentformulae

(4) ntOn-x(t)-{n--l)Onit) = (n-l) tOn (t)+ n sin-Inir,

(5) ntOn+ (t)- (n^- 1 )0" (0 = -(n + l)tOn (t)+ n sin^Ititt.

If ^ be written for t {djdt),these formulae become

(6) (w - 1)(^ + n + 1)On (0 = ^i {iOn-,(0 - sin'i?i7r},

(7) (/I+ 1)(^ - n + 1 )On (t)= - n [tOn+(t)- sin^l^iir].

The Neumann polynomialof negativeintegralorder was defined by Schlafli*

by the equation

(8) 0.n(t) = i-rOn(t).

With this definition the formulae (1)" (7) are valid for all integralvalues of n.

9*12. The differentialequation satisfiedhy On(t).

From the recurrence formulae "9'11 (6)and (7),it is clear that

(^ + ?i + 1)(^ - n + 1)On (0 = r(^ + n + 1){- ntOn+,{t)+ n sin''|n7r}ft j~ X

= ^ (^ + n + 2) On+i(t)+ n sin^^mr

= " t {tOn(t)" cos^ 2^7r}+ n sin^^nir,

and consequentlyOn (t)satisfiesthe differentialequation

(^ + 1)^On (t)+ (t^- 71')On(t) - t cos- ^/iTT+ 7? sin-|??7r.

It follows that the generalsolution of the differential equation

d^y S dy /, n- " 1\ cos^ hiir n sin-hiir"i" -d-'-tI+ V--^)y = "^^-^^

is y=On{t) + t-'Wn(t),

and so the onlysolution of (1) which is expressibleas a terminatingseries

is On (t).

It is sometimes convenient to write (1)in the form

^-^^ dt'^tdt^V f- r^"^^'



/A_i^/^' (**"^^")^"^ ^""^^^~

[nit'. (71odd)

* Moth. Ami. Tii. (1871),p. 138.

t Neumann, Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 13; Journal fiirMath.

Lxvii. (1867),p. 314.

Page 289: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Another method of constructing the differential equationis to observe that

and so i^"""^*^"^^^ " ^^^= f'


a;^ '"'}r^2


2z^ z 22

("-2)3 ("-2)2 "-Z

Now 1 = 2 f2"'^2"(2), 2= 2 e2n + l(2^i+ l)"^2n+ l(4


and hence t + z = fi '2

e",9'"(0 "/"(2)."i=0


2 e",./"(2)7(=0

^'5 """ 4+ ^ "*" ' " ""'j^" ^^^~ ^'"^" ^^]= ^"

On equatingto zero the coefficient oi J^iz) on the left-hand side of this identity,just

as in " 9"11,we obtain at once the difterential equationsatisfied by On (t).

9'13. Neumann's contour integralsassociated with On{z).

It has been shewn by Neumann* that, if G be any closed contour,

(1) \ 0^{z)On {z)dz = 0, {m = n and m i^n)Jc

(2) ! J^{z)On{z)dz = 0, (m?^n')J c

(3) [Jn (z)On (z)dz = 27rikl"n,

where k is the excess of the number of positivecircuits of the contour round

the originover the number of negativecircuits.

The firstresult is obvious from Cauchy'stheorem, because the onlysingu-larity

of Om{z) On{z) is at the origin,and the residue there is zero.

The third result follows in a similar manner ; the onlypoleof the inte-grand

is a simplepoleat the origin,and the residue at this pointis l/e".

To prove the second result,multiplythe equations

/- V,,J^ {z)= 0, V, {zOn(z)}= z'gn(z)

by zOn (z)and /,"(z)respectively,and subtract. If U {z)be written in placeof

,.d{zOn(z)}_ (.dJjAz)

^""^^^ dz' ''^^dz '

the result of subtractingassumes the form

Z'U' (Z)+ ZU{Z) + {W? - ?i^)Zj,n{Z)On {Z)= Z'gn{z)Jm (z),

* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,18G7), p. !!".

Page 290: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence

[zU {zyic+ (w' - rr)\ J^ {z)On {z)dz=\z^^g{z)J^ (z)dz.J c J c

The integratedpart vanishes because U(z) is one- valued,and the integralon the rightvanishes because the integrandisanalyticfor all values of z ; and

hence we deduce (2)when m^ ^ n^.

Two corollaries,due to Schlafli,Math. Ann. iii. (1871),p. 138, are that

1 /"(0+ )

(4)/"(0+ )

^-./ Jn {X + y) 0^ (y)dy = Jr,-m (*")+ (-)'"^n + m


(5) "

./ 0^ (^+y) Jn Lv)dy = J^,

_ ,, (^)+ ( - )"J^^ " {x).

The firstis obtained by applying(2)and (3)to the formula " 2-4 (1),namely

"4("+.y)= 2 Jn+p{x)J_j,{y),P= " QC

and the second follows by making an obvious change of variable.

9*14. Neumann's integralfor On{z).

It was stated by Neumann* that

(1) 0. (.)=/;'"^ ^""' + ^^'^^- ^""' + ^'"'"e-'du.

We shall now prove by induction the equivalentformula

/"ooexp ia

(2) On {z)= l\ [[t+ V(l + "^)}"+[t- V(l + r-'))"]e-' d^,

where a is any anglesuch that |a. + arg 2^ |" ^tt; on writingt = u/z,the truth

of (1) will then be manifest.

A modification of equation(2)is

(3) On (z)= I f""

'"{e""+ (-)""-"*}e-^sinhflcosh Odd.Jo

To prove (2)we observe that

foaexpia fee exp ia

Ooiz)= e-''dt, Oi(^)= " te-'^dt;Jo Jo

and so, by usingthe recurrence formula "9'11 (2),it follows that we may write

Too expia

On(z)= "\in{t)e-''dt,J 0


(4) "\"n+,it)- 2t"Pn(t)- (t"n-i(0 = 0,


(5) "^o(0=l. "PAt)= t.

* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 16; Journal fiirMath, lxvii. (1867),

p. 312.

Page 291: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The solution of the difference equation(4)is

4",(t)= A[t + ^{t^-+ 1)}"-\-B\t-V(l + ^0}".

where A and B are independentof n, though theymight be functions of t.

The conditions (5) shew, however, that A = B = \\ and the formula (2) is


This proofwas given in a symbolicform by Sonine* who wrote (^"(Z)). {\lz)where we

/"oc exp ia-

have written / ^" {t)e~"' dt, D standingfor {djdz).'/:

A completelydifferent investigationof this result is due to Kapteynf,whose analysisis based on the expansionof "9"1 (1),which we now write in

the form

z " ^ "=o

When j i" !2^ i,

we have

-r,= - \ exp \^ ii\du

2 J 0 ("=-oo

if p be so chosen that

=K^-^)-w 1


It follows that

^-r=r[ i i^i"4^:"i2i!.^"(f)e~" du.

We shall now shew that the interchangeof summation and integrationis justifiable;it

will be sufficient to shew that,for any given values of ^ and z (suchthat |C 1" I |),

n=N^\ J 0

and so


can be made arbitrarilysmall by taking N sufficientlylarge| ; now

\u"s/{u + z^)\^^{u + \z\),

|2!" Jul

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 7. For a similar syinbalicinvestigationsee " G-l-l supra.

t ^rm. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)x. (1893),p. 108.

J Cf. Bromwich, Theonj of InfiniteSeries, " 176.

Page 292: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Therefore,since !f |" i2 |,we have

r {u"J{u^ + z')Y . I ,IC^+^ Iexp {Iz \+ i IC?}


and the expressionon the left can be made arbitrarilysmall by takingN sufficientlylarge

when z and ( are fixed.

Hence, when | j" |^ |,

we have

"3 b"=-"" .'0 ^

= ienJniOOniz)," = 0


where 0" (i^)is definedby the equation

and it is easy to see that 0" {z),so defined,is a polynomialin \jz of degree

?i+ 1.

When the integrandis expanded* in powers of z and integratedterm by

term, it is easy to reconcile this definition of On{z) with the formula "9'1 (4).

9'15. Sonine's investigationofNeumanns integral.

An extremelyinterestingand suggestiveinvestigationof a generaltypeof expansionof l/(a" z) is due to Soninef; from this generalexpansion,Neumann's formula ("9*1)with the integralof "9'14 can be derived without

difficulty.Sonine's generaltheorem is as follows:

Let a/t(w) be an arbitraryfunctionof w ; and,if yjr{w) = cc,let lu " ^ (x),

so that -//vis thefunctioninverse to yjr.

Let Zn and A^ be definedby the equationsl

Then ^ =^ ^nAn,

it beingassumed that the series on the rightis convergent.

Suppose that for any given positivevalue o{ x,\w\"\-^{x)\ on o. closed

curve C surroundingthe originand the pointz, and \'w\"\^{x)\on a closed

* Cf. Hobson, Plane Trigonometry(1918)," 264.

t Mathematical Collection (Moscow), v (1870),pp. 323 "382. Sonine's notation has been

modified slightly,but the symbols \f/and //iare his.

X This is connected with Laplace's transformation. See Burkhardt, Encyclopadieder Math.

Wiss. II. (Analysis){m"), pp. 781"784.

Page 293: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


curve c surroundingthe originbut not enclosingthe pointz. Then

' n-=OJ 0 J C

1 '"^,f^' f W'^

27riJo [JC Jr] tu " -/fi{x)

"I I QZ"il(W\"aiX

2'rriJ0 J w " jf^{x)


provided that R{z)"R (a); and the result is established if it is assumed

that the various transformations are permissible.

In order to obtain Neumann's expansion,take

yfr{iv)= 1 (w - 1/w), ^ (x)^x" ^(x" + 1 ),and then

"" ^ 11= -'X


=y 1,

M = 0


^" + (-)" ^-n =r e--"" [[x" ^(ar + 1)]"+ (-)" [x" V(*'-'+ 1)}-"]dx,0

we at once obtain Neumann's intesfralo'

Sonine notes (p. 328) that

so that the expansion of l/(a-2) converges when |2 |" ja j; and in the later part of his

memoir he gives further applicationsof his generalexpansion.

9*16. The generatingfunctionof On {z).

The series 2 (- )"e"i!"0"(2),which is a generatingfunction associated with 0"(2),

does not converge for any value of t except zero. Kaptejn* however,has "summed" the

series after the method of Borel,in the followingmanner :


, , /^ , N1 "^ '"" n.(n + m-l)\t~''

"i=0'^ n=() "(=o \i''

" inj . (^2*/


* " {n+ ^).{n+m)l t^"-^'^

'''^_1 1 + r^ ""

^ n.{n + m-l)\ t-'"'

_1 - {2m) I f^"'(l+t^)_\ '^ (2TO+ 1)!i!^'"+ '(l+i'^)

Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (2),vi. (190.5),pp. 49 " 55.

Page 294: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



-57" " "-

,and this integral

is convergent so long as (1 - fi)zjtis not negative.00

There is no great difficultyin verifyingthat the series 2 ( " )"f"^"0"(3)is an asym-n=o

ptoticexpansionof the integralfor small positivevalues of t when |arg 2 1" tt, and so the

integralmay be regardedas the generatingfunction of On (2).Kapteyn has built up much

of the theoryof Neumann's function from ihis result.

9 "17. The inequalityofKapteyn s typefor On{nz).

It is possibleto deduce from Neumann's integralan inequalitysatisfied

by On (n^;)which closelyresembles the inequalitysatisfied by J^inz) obtained

in "8-7.

We have

^" (^^^)= 2^ f"

1^^^^^^ '^^^' ^'^^"+ {w - V(w^ + ^-)}"]e-""- dw,

the path of integrationbeing a contour in the w-plane,and so

where that value of the radical is taken which givesthe integrandwith the

greater modulus.

Now the stationarypointof

is \/(l" "2^),and so

where the path of integrationis one for which the integrandisgreatestat the


If a surface of the type indicated in "8*3 is constructed over the ty-plane,the stationarypoint is the only pass on the surface ; and both w = 0 and

ta = + cc are at a lower level than the pass if

(2)z exp V(l - Z-)

Hence, since a contour joiningthe originto infinitycan be drawn when (2) is

satisfied,and since the integralinvolved in (1)is convergent with this contour,

it follows that,throughoutthe domain in which (2)is satisfied,the inequality

1 + V(l - ^') ""'

(3) On(nz)"r^^z exp \/(l" 2^)

is satisfied for some constant value of A ; and this is an inequalityof the same

character as the inequalityof "8"7.

Page 296: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The differential equationof which J.""(")is a solution is


The generalsolution of (8)is An,"(t)+ 1"-' '^^+"(0-

Of these results,(3),(4),(8)and (9)are due to Gegenbauer ; and he also


(10) "

. j An,.(t)e-* dt = 2" i- r (v)

.(v+ n) C." (z),

where Cn {z)is the coefficient of a" in the expansionof (1 " 2az -\-a^)'"\ this

formula iseasilyprovedby calculatingthe residue of (t^^^)"*An,v{t)at the origin.

The correspondingformula for Neumann's polynomialis

1 ;*"""""*

(11) - "


I On (t)e^^ dt = i^ cos \narc cos z],"tti J

The followingformulae may also be mentioned :

(12) I Ajt,"{z) An y{z)dz = 0, (m = n and m ^ n)J c


(13) [2-''J,^,n(z)An,Az)dz= 0, (m^:^w=)J c

(14) (z-''J,+niz)An,,{z)dz= 27rik,.'c

where C is any closed contour, vi = 0, 1,2,. . . ,

and k is the excess of the number

of positivecircuits over the number of negativecircuits of C round the origin.

The firstand third of theSe last results are provedby the method of "9'13 ;

the second is derived from the equations

^i'+mdv+m{z)= 0, ^v+n{z^ " An,v\Z)\= Z^ gn,v\Z),

whence we find that

(m - n) {2v\-m + n) z-" J^+ni(z)An, u

{z)dz = \ z''-"gn, v{z)J"^+,"{z)dz = 0.

J c J c

9*3. Schldfli'spolynomialSn (t).

A polynomialcloselyconnected with Neumann's polynomial0" (t) was

investigatedby Schlafli. In view of the greater simplicityof some of its

properties,it is frequentlyconvenient to use it rather than Neumann's poly-nomial.

Page 297: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Schlafli's definition* of the polynomialis

(1) S,"(t)=t"^:^^l^l^)}(lt)--^-m^(u^l)"=o


(2) So(t)= 0.

On comparing(1)with " 9-1 (2),we see at once that

('3) |/iSn (t)= tOn (t)- cos2 hmr.

If we substitute for the functions 0,j(t)in the recurrence formulae "9-11 (1)

and (2),we find from the former that

(4) Sn+ it)+ .S;_i{t)- 2)H-' S,,(t)= U-' cos-1


and from the latter,

i (n - l)Sn-^ (t)-^(n + l).9"+,(0 = nS^'(t)- nt-' S,,(t)- 2t-' cos^ i/^tt.

If we multiplythis by 2 and add the result to (4),we get

The formulae (4)and (5) may, of course, be proved by elementaryalgebra

by using the definition of Sn{t),without appealingto the propertiesof

Neumann's polynomial.

The definition of Schlafli's polynomialof negativeorder is

and, with this definition,(4)and (5) are true for all integralvalues of w.

The interestingformula,pointedout by Schlafli,

is easilyderived from (3)and (4).

Other forms of the recurrence formulae which may be derived from (4)

and (5) are

(8) tS"_,(t)- nS" (t)- tS,,'(t)= 2 cos-^Imtt,

(9) tS,,+,(t)- 7lS,,(t)+ tSn (t)- 2 COS^ i UTT.

If wfc write ^ for t (d/dt),these formulae become

(10) {^+77)Sn(t)= tSn_,(0-2 COS'-i 7l7r,

(11) (^ - n)Sn (t)= - tSn+,(t)+ 2 COS-1 WTT.


(^"-- n-)Sn {t)= t(' + l- n)Sn-i(t)+ -In cos^ |mr

= " ^'-*S'"{t)+ 2t sin'^ UTT 4- 2u cos- i nir,

and so Sn{t)is a solution of the differential equation

(12) t'^i^^+t'',+{P-H-)u^-lt sin^\ mr + 2n cos- 1 ?i7r.

* Math. Ann. in. (1871),p. 138.

Page 298: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It may be convenient to placeon record the followingexpressions:

S,(t)= 2/t+ 16 It', S,(0 = 8/t'+ 96/f,

S,(t)= 2/t+ 48/t'+ 768/t', S,(t)= 12/t'+ 384/^^ + 7680/^.

The generaldescendingseries,givenexplicitlyby Otti,are

^ (|n + m-l):

,=1 (ln-m)l{ity(13) Sn{t)= 2 ,il_.^.i..,,n (neven)

2n 2n{n"-2'-) 2n(n- -2-)(n- -4^-)

t- f f'

_2 2 {ii"- 1^) 2 (/?.^- 1-){n?- 3-).

-^+ ^^+


The coefi"cients in the polynomial"S'"{t),for " = 1,2, ... 12, have been calculated by Otti,

Bern Mittheilungen,1898, pp. 13 " 14; Otti's formulae are reproduced (with some obvious

errors)by Graf and Gubler, Einleitungin die Theorie der BesseVschen Funktionen,ii. (Bern,

1900),p. 24.

9"31. Formulae connectingthe polynomialsof Neumann and Schldfli.

We have alreadyencountered two formulae connectingthe polynomialsof

Neumann and Schlatli,namely

\n Sn (t)= tOn (t)" cos'^|?l7r,

Sn-^(t)+ S,^^(t)= Wn{t),

of which the former is an immediate consequence of the definitions of the

functions,and the latter follows from the recurrence formulae. A number of

other formulae connectingthe two functions are due to Crelier*;they are

easilyderivable from the formulae alreadyobtained,and we shall now discuss

the more importantof them.

When we eliminate cos-|w7rfrom "9"3 (3) and either " 9"3 (8) or (9),we

find that

(1) Sn-At)-Sn'{t)= 20nit),

(2) S"^,{t)+ S,;{t)= 20n{t).

Next, on summing equationsof the type " 9'3 (5),we find that

(3) .Sf"{t)= -2 ^^T' *Sf'"_""_i(t)+ sin^ iUTT :S,it),

and hence

(4) Sn {t)+ S,,_,(0 - - 2 's'n-m-i

(t)+ S,it).m = 0


Comptes Rendus, cxxv. (1897),pp. 421"423, 860"863; BernMittheilungen, 1897, pp. 61"96.

Page 299: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again from "9"3 (7)and (5) we have

4 [On-,it)+ On^. {t)]= Sn-, (t)+ 28,,(t)+ S,,^,(t)

= {S,^2(t)- S" (t)]-\Sn(t)- Sn^,(t)}4"Sn(t)

SO that

(5) Sn" (t)+ S, (t)= 0"_, {t)+ 0,,+,(t).

This is the most interestingof the formulae obtained by Crelier.

Again,on summing formulae of the type of "9'11(2),we find that

(6) On {t)= -2 S 0'"_.","_! (0 + sin- 1

nir.0, {t)+ cos^ | n-Tr


-.11= 0

and hence

(7) 0"(t)+ 0n-At) = -2 t 0',,_,,,_,(t)+ 0,{t)+0,{t).m = 0

9'32. Graf'sexpressionofSn(z) as a sum.

The peculiarsummatory formula

(1) Sn(z) = 'rri [Jn(^)ym(2)-J"n(z)Yn(^)}

III = -n

was stated by Graf* in 1893, the proof being suppliedlater in Graf and

Gubler's treatisef.This formula is most readilyproved by induction; it is

obviouslytrue when 7i = 0, and also,by "3'63(12),when n = l. If now the

sum on the rightbe denoted temporarilyby (f}n{2),it is clear that

nfl n+1 4

= IT Jn+i{Z) t Y,n{Z)- TT Yn+i{z) S J," {z)

m- " ?i-l "ft=-"-l

n" 1 n-l

+ irJ.n-,{z) S Y,,{z)-'7TYn-,{z) 1 J ,,{z)m,= "n + l m = " )i+\

-{2n7rlz)Jn(z) S Y,,(z)+ ('In-rr/z)Yn{z) I /,"(4in = " n m= - n

Now modify the summations on the rightby suppressingor insertingterms

at the beginningand end so that all the summations run fi'ora " n to n ; and

we then see that the completecoefficients of the sums !"t/"i(2)and 2 F,"(2)vanish. It follows that

"^"+,(2)+ "/)"_!{z)- {2n\z)(f)n(z)

^= 7r/"+,{z)\F"+, {z)+ F_"_j {z)]- IT F"+i(2){./"+j{z)+ /_"_,{z)\

- TT J"_j{z)[F" {z)+ Y_, {z\\+'TTIV, ^z)[J,,(z)+ J_n {z)]= _ ^ |i^ (_ i)"}!/"_ (^)r, (^)_ /" (.) F,_^(2)}

= 4^~^cos--^?i7r,

by "3'63(12);and so (^n{z)satisfiesthe recurrence formula which is satisfied

by Sn{z),and the induction that "i"n(z)= Sn{z) is evident.

* Math. Ann. xliii. (1893),p. 138.

t Einleitiuig in die Theorie dcr Besserscli'm Funkliou""n,11. (Bern, 1900), pp. 34"


Page 300: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


9'33. Creliers integralfor Sn{z).

If we take the formula "9'14(2),namely

r X exp ia

On (^)= i I [[t+ V(l + t^)Y+{t- V(l + P)Y'\e-^'dt,

and integrateby parts,we find that

On {z)= ''I^'

+ o- ( e-^^ [{ + v(l + t^r +{t- V(l + t^r] dt


Hence it follows that

1z\ dt

"_ f"exp /a ; + V(l+^^)]"-|^_^(l+f2)j"_^^

"^2 Jo V(l+"0^

(1) '^-^^^-Jo v(i + ^=')rfi.

This equation,which was givenby Schlafli,Math. Ann. iii. (1871),p. 146, in the form

(2) Sn{z)= j "{enB-^-y^e-ne^e-ZBinhdcld^

is fundamental in Crelier's researches* of which we shall now give an outline.

We write temporarily

Tn = {t+ x/(l+ t^)}-{t- V(l + t')Y\

T "^fT"T " 0-*"71+1 -t -*-n -* n" 1

" '-')

and then

so that



1= 2t +

and therefore

-* n/J-n"i

^^= 2^ +

1 1 1^; ^'^2^ + 2^+. ..+2r

the continued fraction having n elements. It follows that Tn^^jT^is the

quotientof two simplecontinuants^ so that

Tn+i_ K{2t,2t,...,


Tn" K{-lt,2t,...,2t)n-,'

the suffixes n, n " \ denotingthe number of elements in the continuants.

It follows that|TJK(2t)n-i is independentof n ; and since

r, = 2vXl + n K{2t\=\,we have

T,,= -l^{\+t^).K{2t)n-,,


Comptes Rendus, cxxv. (18!)7),pp. 421"423, 860"863 ; Bern Mittheilungen,1897,pp. 61"96.

t Chrystal,Algebra, ii. (1900),pp. 494"502.

X Since all the elements of the continuant are the same, the continuant may be expressedbythis abbreviated notation.

Page 301: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence

/"a3exp ia

(3) Sn{z)=2 K{2t)n-^e-''dt.Jo

From this result it is possibleto obtain all the recurrence formulae for

Sn (z)by usingpropertiesof continuants.

9*34. SchldfiisexpansionofSn{t+ z) as a series ofBessel coefficients.

We shall now obtain the result due to Schlafli* that, when \z\"'t\,

Sn (t+ z) can be expandedin the form

(1) Sn(t + z)^ I S,_",{t)J,,(z).m = " 00

The simplestmethod of establishingthis formula for positivevalues of n

is by inductionf.It is evidentlytrue when n = 0, for then both sides vanish ;

when 7i = 1, the expressionon the rightis equalto

m = 1

= 20o (t)./"{-z)h I {^",,_i(0 + 'SV,(t)}J,,(- z)m=l

= 2 1 e",0,n{t)Jra{-z)m = 0

= 2l(t+ z) = 8,(t+ z),

by " 9-1(1)and "9-3(7).

Now, if we assume the truth of (1) for Schlafli's polynomialsof orders

0, 1, 2, ... n, we- have

S,,+,{t+ z) = S^_,{t+ z}- 2S,:(t+ z)

m = " X w = " Qo

=? {Sn-,a-^it)- 2.S""_",{t)\J,",(Z)

m = " X

and the induction is established ; to obtain the second line in the analysis,

we have used the obvious result that

s,:{t+ z)=^^s,,(t+ z).

* Math. Ann. iii. (1871),pj:).139 " 141; tlie examiuation of the convergence of the series is

left to the reader (of." 9-1).t The extension to negative values of n follows on the proof for positivevalue?,by " 9-3 (6).

W. B. F.10

Page 302: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The expansion was obtained by Sclilafli by expanding every term on the rightof (1)in

ascendingpowers of z and descending powers of t. The investigationgiven here is due to

Sonine,Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 7 ; Soniue's investigationwas concerned with a more

generalclass of functions than Sehlafli's polynomial,known as hemi-cylindricalfunctions


When we make use of equation" 9'3 (7),it is clear that,when [^ |" | |,

(2) On{t + z)= i On-rn{t)J,niz).m= " 00

This was proved directlyby Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxvi. (2),(1872),

pp. 220 " 223, who expanded 0" {t+ z) in ascending powers of z by Taylor'stheorem, used

the obvious formula [cf.j^9'll(2)]

(3) 2" "^' = ^^2^( - )-,C",. 0"_p+2,H{t),dtp


and rearrangedthe resultingdouble series.

It is easy to deduce Graf's * results (validwhen \z\ " \t\),


(4) Sn{t-z)=^ 1 S"^,"(t)J.Az),

(5) On{t-z)= i On^,n(t)J,n(z).m= ^00

9'4. The definitionofNeumann's polynomialiln{t)-

The problem of expanding an arbitraryeven analyticfunction into a

series of squares of Bessel coefficients was suggestedto Neumann f by the

formulae of "2'72,which express any even power of ^ as a series of this type.

The preliminaryexpansion,correspondingto the expansionof l/(t" z)

given in " 9"1, is the expansionof \l{t-"z'^)]and the function n" (i)will

be defined as the coefficient of enJn{z) in the expansionof l/(f-" z^),so that

(1) ,T^= Jo'(^)^0 (0 + ^J^ (^)-^1(0 + 2/2^(z)a (0 +. . .

"i = 0

To obtain an explicitexpressionfor n"(^),take ^'j" |i |,and, after ex-panding

l/(^^" z"^in ascendingpowers of z, substitute for each power of z the

* 'Math. Ann. xliii. (1893), pp. Ill " 142; see also Epstein, Die vier liechnung"operationen

mil BesseVschen Functionen (Bern, 1894). [JuJirbuchilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1893"1891,

pp. 845"846.]

t LeipzigerBerichte, xxi. (1869),pp. 221"256. [Math. Ann. in. (1871).pp. 581"610.]

Page 304: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By reasoningsimilar to that given at the end of " 91, it is easy to shew

that the domains of convergence of the series Sa^ J^ {z)n,i{t)and 2a,i{zjty^

are the same.

The reader should have no difficultyin verifyingthe curious formula, due

to Kapteyn*,

(10) n"(o = -2^/;'o..(J|-,)rf^.

9*41. The recurrence formulaef 07' n" {t).

The formulae correspondingto " 9"11 (2) and (3)are

(1) |n"'(o= ^H^-5^-??4", ("^2)t n " \ 71 + 1 Tn}" \

(2) (2/0n/ (0 -^ iHo {t)- in, (0,

(3) (2/0Ho'(0 = - 2n, (0 + m, (0-

There seems to be no simpleanalogueof " 9*11 (1). The method by which

Neumann f obtained these formulae is that described in | 9'11.

Take the fundamental expansion" 9*4 (1),and observe that

and that,by Hansen's expansionof " 2*5,

2J"o{z)J: (z)=-zi {J\-,(z)- /Vi (z)]/"'

w = l

We find by differentiations with regardto t,and with regardto z, that

n = 0

2z/{t'- zj = 2 Jo (z)/"'(z)Ho {t)+ zl [J\_,{z)- J\^, {z)\n" (0/n

=zl [J^^.,{z)-J\+,{z)]{n^{t)-n,{t)]|n.

On comparingthese res'dts,it is clear that

t-^ i e"Jn'{z)^n{t)+ i \J\^,{Z)- J\^AZ)\ .[Unit)-^o{t)]ln= 0.

n=0 M-1

On selectingthe coefficient of Jn{z) on the left and equatingit to zero

(cf." 9'1),we at once obtain the three stated formulae.

* Ann. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)x. (1893),p. 111.

t LtipzigerBerichte,xxi. (1869),p. 251. [Matli.Ann. iii. (1871),p. 606.]

Page 305: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


9*5. Oegenbaner'sgeneralisationofA^eumanns polynomialI^nCO-

If we expand z'^'^^l{t" z) in ascendingpowers of ^ and replaceeach power

of z by its expansionas a series of productsof Bessel functions givenin " 5"5,

we find on rearrangement (by replacings hy n " 2m) that


" 2'"+"+ ^ i|,r(ju+ |^+l)r("/+ ^g+ l){fM+ i'+ s + 2m)V in-Vv + s + m)^

s^ot'-"' (m=o~ r{fi+v^s+l) ml

X JfjL+ ^s + m \^) " f + As + w \^) f

00 I " A" 9/x + f + n " 2m

n = () (w=0"i" 2?n + i

(ft+ 1/ + //)r (/A+ i?i- ??i + 1 ) r (i/+ -^n-m+l)T(fj,+ v-{-n- m)

m\V{iJi,^-v+ n -'Im + l)

it is supposedthat | |" |i |,

and then the rearrangement presents no greater

theoretical difficultiesthan the correspondingrearrangement of " 9"1.

We consequentlyare led to consider the polynomial5".^_^(^),defined bythe equation

(1) Bn,^,,{t)=


^''V{lx+ \n-m + l)V{v + \n-m + l)V{fi+ v+n-m)

This polynomialwas investigatedby Gegenbauer*; it satisfies various

recurrence formulae,none of which are of a simplecharacter.

It may be noted that

(2) B,n.,.At)=^nt^n{t).

The followinggeneralisationsof Gegenbauer'sformulae are worth placing

on record. They are obtained by expandingthe Bessel functions in ascending

series and calculatingthe residues.

(3) ^. \^'''^\-^J,{^t%m6)B," + ,,^,At)dt=i).

(4) ^.^ t-" J. {2tsin (l")B,n.,,,At) dt



2'^+" (/i+ t; + 2/0 r (/x+ 1 )r (/A+ 1/ + w) sin" (f"~

n\ r(/i+ i^+ 1)

X 3^2(- n, ^l^\,ii.^"V'^n\\^l"\"\v+ \,\^JL^\v^r\\sin-"/)).

In the specialcase in which /x = i',this reduces to

(5) ^ r"V''/,(2"sin(^)i^,";...(0rf^=2-=''('+")r(^)siii''"^C',/(cos2(/.).LlTl J

This formula may be stillfurther specialisedby taking"/"equalto ^ttor ^tt.

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxv, (2),(1877),pp. 218"222.

Page 306: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


9'6. The genesisofLommel's* 'polynomialRm,v{z).

The recurrence formula

.7^+1{z)= {2vlz)J^ (z)- /,_i(z)

may obviouslybe used to express Jv+m (-2^)linearlyin terms of J^ (z)and

J"-i(z); and the coefficients in this linear relation are polynomialsin 1/zwhich are known as LortimeVs polynomials.We proceed to shew how to

obtain explicitexpressionsfor them.

The result of eliminating.Z^+i{z),J^+2i^)," " "Jv\-m-\i^)from the system of


7^+^+1{z)- {2(v+ p)lz]J,+p{Z)+ ./,+p_i{Z)= 0, (p = 0,1, ...771 - 1)

is easilyseen to be

Jv^m{z\ -2z-'^{v+m-\\ 1, 0

0, 1, -22-i(i/+ ffi-2), 0

0, 0, 1, 0

0, 0, 0, 1

Jy{z\ 0, 0, -22-i(v+l)

J,_i{z)-{2v/z)J,(z), 0, 0, 1

By expanding in cofactors of the first column, we see that the cofactor of

Jv+m (2)is unity; and the cofactor of (")"'~J" (z)is

-2?-i(j/+ m-l), 1, 0,

1, -2z-^{p+m-2), 1,

0, 1, -23-i(i/+ m-3),

0, 0, 0, -2z-i{v + l), 1

0, 0, 0, 1, -2z-^v

The cofactor of (")"^~'J^-i(2)is this determinant modified by the suppressionof the last row and column.

The cofactor of ("y"~^J^(z)is denoted by the symbol ("y'^Em,y{z)'"and

I^m,v{z),thus defined,is called Lommel's polynomial.It is of degreem in \jzand it is also of degreeni in v.

The effect of suppressingthe last row and column of the determinant bywhich Rm,v("2')is defined is equivalentto increasingv and diminishingm by

unity; and so the cofactor of (")'"~J^-i{z)is (")*"-!/2,"_]"+i {z).

Hence it follows that

Jy+m {Z)- Jv {Z)R,n," {Z)+ /^_i{z)i?,"_i,^+i {z)= 0,

* Math. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 108"116.

Page 307: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


that is to say

It is easy to see that* R,n^^{z)is the numerator of the last convergent of

the continued fraction

2z-'(p+ ni-1)2z-' (v + m - 2) - 2z-' (i'+ m - 8) -

. . .

- 2^-' v


The function R,n,^^,(z)was defined by Lommel by means of equation(1).He then derived an explicitexpressionfor the coefficients in the polynomial

by a somewhat elaborate induction ; it is,however, simplerto determine the

coefficients by usingthe series for the productof two Bessel functions in the

way which will be explainedin " 9'61.

It had been observed by Bessel,Berliner Abk., 1824, p. 32, that,in consequence of the

recurrence formulae,polynomials^b_i (2),At-i (z)exist such that

where [cf." 9-62 (8)]

^n-l (z)B,,{z)- A,,(z)B"_i{z)=^,



,^^^ _ ^y,g^^"

It should be noticed that Graft and Crelier|use a notation which differs from

Lommel's notation ; they write equation(i)in the form


(^0= P"" ^

(x)J ix) -P"

, ix)J ,{x\

9'61. The seriesfor LommeVs liolynoviial.

It is easy to see that (" )'"J_^_,"(^),qua function of the integerm, satisfies

the same recurrence formulae as /"+,"{z); and hence the analysisof " 9'6 also

shews that

(1) (-)'"./_,_,{Z) = ./_,{Z)R,n.,.(z)+ ./_,+,(Z)Rra-l,.+l(z).

Multiplythis equationby ./,_i(z)and " 9-6 (1)by ./_^+i(z),and add the results.

It follows that

(2) J,+" (z)./_,+!(z)+ (-)- /_,_,"(z)/,_!(z)

= R,n,u{z)[Ju(z)/_,+!(z)+ ./_,(z)/,_,(z)]

2 sin VTT


* Cf. Chrystal, Algebra, 11. (1900),p. 502.

t Ann. di Mat. (2)xxiii. (1895),pp. 45" fi5;Einh'ilang in die Theorie der BesscVschen Funk-

tionen,11. (Bern, 1900),pp. 98"109.

t Anu. di Mat. (2) xxiv. (1896),jip. 131"163.

Page 308: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


by " 3-2 (7). But, by " 5-41, we have

n ^Qn\V{- V - in + ?i + 1)r(i/+ n)

when Ave replacen in the last summation b}-m + p + 1. Now it is clear


{V+})m+p+^ (??t+ 2j)+ 1)!^

(m+jj + 2)p

and so, when we combine the series for the productsof the Bessel functions,we

find that

2 sin vir" / x


v izT^H-jn + ")"(i^)-'"+^^-i


sin vir "|"'(-)"(m -n)\r{v+ m - n)(|^)-^+^*-^,


V~ "to w ! (m - 2n)ir{v + n)'

the terms for which n"^m. vanish on account of the presence of the factor

(" on + n)n in the numerator.

When V is not an integer,we infer that

n^ 7? f.\ -

^s"(-r On - n)l r (v+ m - n)(|^)-'"+^"^d; ii,,,,{z)-

^^^^ n\{m-2n)\r(v + n)


^^"(^Y c

^ (^+ "^ - ''""( 1 ,)-^n^-^n

n=o 1 (t*+ ";

But the originaldefinition of R,n"iz),by means of a determinant, shews

that R^^{z) is a continuous function of v for all values of v, integralor not;

.and so, by an obvious limitingprocess, we infer that (3)is a valid expressionfor Rjft"(z)even when v is an integer.When z/ is a negativeintegerit maybe necessary to replacethe quotient

^(^ + ^n - n)^^ ^_^",

n-v-n + l)

r{v+n) ^ ^ ^r{-v-m + n + l)

in part of the series.

The series (3) was given by Lommel, Math. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 108 " 111; an equi-valentresult,in a different notation,had,however,been publishedby him ten years earlier,

Archiv der Math. 7md Phys.xxxvii. (1861),pp. 354 " 355.

An interestingresult,dependingon the equivalenceof the quotientsjustmentioned, was firstnoticed by Graf*, namely that

(4) R,n,. {z)= (-)'"Rm,-.-",+! {z).

* Ann. di Mat. (2) xxiii. (1895),p. 56.

Page 309: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In the notation of Pochhammer (cf.|"4*4,4*42 ),we have

(5) 72,"_^(2)= (v)"i(Iz)-'". oF,(I - I m, -\m; v, - in, \ -v-m; - z"-).

Since R,"^v{z)/2is a linear combination of productsof cylinderfunctions of

orders v + m and i" " l,itfollows from 15"4 that it is annihilated by the operator

[^^-2{{v + mf + (v - If]^'^ + {{i'+ my -{v- If}-']+ 4"z^(^' + 3^ + 2) ;

where ^ = ^ (d/dz); and so i?","(2^)is a solution of the differential equation

(6) [(^+ m) (^ + 2v + m - 2)(^ - 2i; - m) (^ - ,u - 2)]y

+ 4^-^^(^+ 1)^ = 0.

An equation equivalent to this was stated by Hurwitz, Math. Ann. xxxill. (1889),

p. 251 ; and a lengthy proof of it was given by Nielsen,Ann. di Mat. (3) vi. (1901),

pp. 332 " 334 ; a simple proof,differingfrom the proof just given,may be obtained from

fornuila (5).

9*62. Various 'propertiesof LommeVs polynomial.

We proceedto enumerate some theorems concerningRm,i'{z),which were

publishedby Lommel in his memoir of 1871.

In the firstplace," 9'6 (1) holds if the Bessel functions are replacedby any

other functions satisfyingthe same recurrence formulae ; and, in particular,

(1) };,+",{z)= F, {z)R", , {z)- r,_i(z)E",_",,+, (z),

whence it follows that

(2) 7,+,,(z)o\_,{z)- J,^,,(z)F"_i (z)

= R,n,A^)[l\{z)/,_,{z)- J, {z)F,_,(2)|=- 2R,nA^)l{irz).

Next, in "9'61 (2),take m to be an even integer; replacem by 2//",and

vhy V - m. The equationthen becomes

(3) J,+,n(z)Jm+i-.(z)+ J-.-,.{Z)j_,n.l+.{Z)- 2 (-)'"sin VIT. R.^,n,.-m{z)l(-7rz),

and, in'the speciafcasev = }2,we get

(4) J%n^,(z)+ J^_,"_i{z)= 2 (-)- i?,,,,i_,"iz)l(7rzl

that is to say2 ^, (2^r--""(2m-n)!(2m-2")!

(5) J^"+.{z)+ ./-_,"_"(z)= "^

^"" -

.,,, ,


This is the sj)ecialcase of the asymptoticexpansionof " 7-51 when the

order is half of an odd integer.

In particular,we have

J%(z) + JU(z) = --,



2 /, 1


2 /, 6 45 225,

Page 310: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Formula (5) was publishedin 1870 by Lommel* who derived it at that time by a

direct multiplicationof the expansions("3"4)

^...iWT(-)".-^-,-iw-(i)*(T.T^-."-;i/'"-;^;.)f-j^g.followed by a somewhat lengthyinduction to determine the coeflQcients in the product.

As specialcases of " 9*6 (1)and " 9"61 (1),we have

/ / 2 \* / 2 \5

(7)2 \^ / 2 \^

(-)" J_rn-i(2)={~) cos ^. R"t,J (^)+ (^j sin z

. R.^-i,I (z).

By squaringand adding we deduce from (4)thatf

(8) R%n, (2)+ R\n-:,^,(z)= (-)'"R^m,i-,H (^).

Finally,if,in " 9*6 1 (2),we replacem by the odd integer2m + 1 and then

replacev hy v " m, we get

(9) J^^m+i \Z)J -v+m+i \Z) " J_i,_^_i i^z)J^^jn^i(z)

= 2 (-)"""sin v7rR2,n+i,"-,n{z)l{'rrz).

An interestingresult,pointed out by Nielsen,Ann. di Mat. (3)v. (1901),p. 23, is that


if we have any identityof the type 2 /m (2)"/i,+ m ("2)" 0" where the functions /,"(2)arem=o

algebraicin z, we can at once infer the two identities

n n

2 f,n{z)-Rm.v{z)= 0, 2 /",(2)/i!".-l,"+ l(2)sO,7rt=0 m=0

by writingthe postulatedidentityin the form

2 /,"(Z){J^{z)R,n,v{l)-J.-\{z)Rm-l,v^i(2)}= 0,7)1=0 " "

and observingthat,by " 4-74 combined with " 3*2 (3),the quotientJ^-i{z)lJv(2)is not an

algebraicfunction. Nielsen pointsout in this memoir, and its sequel,ibid. (3) vi. (1901),

pp. 331 " 340, that this result leads to many interestingexpansionsin series of Lommel's

polynomials; some of these formulae will be found in his Handhuch der Theorie der

Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904), but they do not seem to be of sufficient practical

importance to justifytheir insertion here.

9 '63. Recurrence formulaefor Lommel's polynomial.

In the fundamental formula

Jf+m(2)= Jv {z)Rm,Az)- Jv-\{z)Rm-\ v+i (z),

replacem and v by m + 1 and i^ " 1 ; on comparing the two expressionsfor

Jv+m{z),we see that

Jy-X{z)[R,n_,^y+, (z)+ i?^+i_^_i (z)}= [Jy(z)+ J"^_2(^)lR,n,u (z).

* Math. Ann. 11. (1870),pp. 627"632.

t This result was obtained by Lommel, Math. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 115"116.

Page 312: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


9"64. Three-term relations connectingLommel polynomials.

It is possibleto deduce from the recurrence formulae a class of relations

which has been discussed by Crelier*. The relations were obtained by Crelier

from the theoryof continued fractions.

First observe that "9-63 (2)shews that J^^m{z)and i^,""{z),qua functions

of m, satisfypreciselythe same recurrence formula connectingthree contiguous

functions;and so a repetitionof the arguments of "9*6 (modifiedhy replacing

the Bessel functions by the appropriateLommel polynomials)shews that

(1) Rm+u,i'{z)= Rm,^{z)Rn,v+m(^)" J^m-i.f(^)Rn-i.f+m+i(^)-

Next in "9-63 (2) replacem by m - 1 and v by v+l, and eliminate

2 {nt+ v)/zfrom the two equations; it is then seen that

" Rm"\,v\Z)"tl'm-\,v+\\^) ~ Rm,v \^)-f^'m"2,i'+i K^/y

and so the value of the function on the left is unaffected by changingm into

m " 1. It is consequentlyindependentof ?"; and, since its value when m = 0

is unity,we have Crelier's formula

(2) Rm,Az) Rm.f+l(^)- Rm+hA^) Rm-l,^+l(^)= 1,

a result essentiallydue to Bessel (cf "96) in the specialcase v = 0.

More generally,if in "9"63 (2) we had replacedm by m " n and i/ by v + n,

we should have similarlyfound that

Rm, V \Z)R^n-n+i,v+n \^) ~ Rni+i.v \Z)Rm-n, f +n \Z)

= Rjn-A,v\^)Rm"n, v+n \^)~ Rm, v \^)tlm"n"\,v-\-nV'Jy

and so the value of the function on the left is unaffected by changingm into

m " 1. It is consequentlyindependentof m ; and since its value when m = n

is Rn-,,,{z),we find from "9-63(10)that

(3) R,n,V ("2')Rm-n+\,v+n {^)~ J^m+i,v {^)Rm-n,v+n \^)" Rn~i,v \Z),

a result givenin a different form by Lommel f.

Replacem and n by m - 1 and ?n- 1 in this equation,and it is found that

(4) Rin-'i,v{z)l^m-n-\,v+n^i{z)" Rm,v{z)Rm-n-'i,v+n+\{z)= Rn,v\2')-

If we rewrite this equationwith p in placeof n and eliminate Rm-\,v{z)be-tween

the two equations,we see that

Rn,V (^)Rm-2}--i,v+p+\{^)~ Rp,V{z)Rm-^n-i,v+n+i \^)

= R,n^^{z)\^Rm-p-2,v+p+\(^)Rm-n-\,v+n+i(^)"" Rm-n-i,v+n+i{z)Rm-p-i,v+p+i(^)J

^ J^m,v\Z) iin"p"i,v+p+i \Z),

by (3). If we transform the second factor of each term by means of "9'63 (10),

we obtain Crelier's result {loc.cit.p. 143),

(5) Rn,V(z)Rp-m-i,v+m+i {z)" Rp,v iz)Rn-^m-i,v+m+i {z)

= Rm, v\Z) -tl^;"-ji-i,f+TH-l \Z)-

* Ann. di Mat. (2)xxiv. (1890),p. 136 et seq. f ^^atJi. Ann. iv. (1871),p. 115.

Page 313: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This is the most generallinear relation of the types considered by Crelier;it

connects any three polynomialsR,"^^{z),Rn,,(z),Rp^^{z)which have the same

parameter v and the same argument z. The formula may be written more


that is to say

(7) S Rn,A2)Rp-m-^,pJrm+\{z)= ^"

1)1,n, p

A similar result may be obtained which connects any three Bessel

functions whose orders differ by integers.If we eliminate '/"+m-i(z)between

the equations*

]''v+n \^) ^^ 'Jv-\-tii\^) i^n"m,v+m \^) 'J

v+in"i \^)"ti'n"m"i,v+tn+\\^)"

'Jv+p \Z) = 'J

v+in \^) ^^p"}n,v+7ii\^) 'Jv+m"\ \^) -'^p"m"i,i'+m-\-i\^)"

we find that

"v + n \Z)iip"),i"\,v+m+\(-2')" "'v+p

\^) ^n"m~l,v-\-m+i\^)

^^ 'Jv+m \^) V^n"m^u+in,\^) -t^p"m"-i,v+m-\-\\^) ~ J^p"m^f+ni\^) ^n"m"i,i'+vt+i\^)\

= 'Jv+m \^)-ti'p"n"l.i'+n+i\^) i

the last expressionis obtained from a specialcase of (5)derived by replacing

m, n, ", V by 0, n " m, p " m, i" + m respectively.

It follows that

m, n, p

and obviouslywe can prove the more generalequation

(9) S '^^+n{2)Rp-jn-i,i'+m+i(^)= ^,m,n,p


where ^denotes any cylinderfunction.

The last two formulae seem never to have been previouslystated explicitly,though

Graf and Gubler hint at the existence of such equations,Einleitungin die Theorie der

BesseVschen Funktionen,ii. (Bern,1900),p}). 108, 109.

[Note. If we eliminate J^-i {z)from the equations

W^ + m-l {^)= Jv {Z)R,n-\,V (Z)-Jv-\ {z)Rm--2.v + 1 {z),

and use (2)to simplifythe resultingequation,we find that

J" (2)= " J^4. "j (z)Rin~-",v+1 (^)+ "^i/

+ m-1 (z)I^m~\,v + \ \Z)i

and/SO,replacingv hj v - m, we have

Jv-m\Z)= "^'v (z)Rm-2, v-m + l (-)+"i'-l (-)"?n - 1, v-m + \ {Zj-

By using " 9'G3 (10),we deduce that

"^v-m {z)" Jv (z)R-m, v

(z)-J^-\ (z)R-m-l, v+1 (^)"

that is to say that the equation i^9-6 (1),which has hitherto been considered only for

positivevalues of the parameter ??;,is stilltrue for negativevalues.]

* It is supposed temporarily tliat m is the snmllest of the intepiers?;(, ", p; but since the final

result is symmetrical,this restriction may be removed. See also the note at tlieeiul of the section.

Page 314: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


9'65. Hurwitz limit of a Lommel polynomial.

We shall now prove that

(1) lim (iy-^^".-i(^)= j^ (^).

This result was appliedby Hurwitz, Math. Ann. xxxiii. (1889),pp. 250 " 252, to discuss

the realityof the zeros oiJy{z)when v has an assignedreal value (" 15"27). It has also

been examined by Graf,Ann. di Mat. (2) xxiii. (1895),pp. 49 " 52, and by Crelier,Bern

Mittheilwngen.,1897, pp. 92 " 96.

From "9-61 (3)we have

r(i/+ 7?i+l) "=o?'!r(z'+ ?i + l)' (m-2w)!r(y + m + l)'

Now write

{m " n)\r (//+ m " n + 1)_


{m-2n)ir{v + m + l)= ^ ^"''''"''

so that

(m " n){m " n " 1)... (m " 2?/ + 1)

6 (m, n){v + m){v + m " 1) ...{v+ m " n + 1)'

If now N be the greatestintegercontained in \v\,then each factor in the

numerator of 6 (m, n) is numericallyless than the correspondingfactor in the

denominator, providedthat n " N.

Hence, when 7i " N, and m " 2N,

I6 {m, n) \" 1,

while,w^hen n has any fixedvalue,.

lim 0 {m, n) = 1,

in-*- X

Since i "-);"^^""'",

is absolutelyconvergent, it follows from Tannery'stheorem* that

m-*x"n = 0 "!r(l/+7l+l)^ '

"=oW !T (j/+ /I + 1)

and the theorem of Hurwitz is established.

Again, since the convergence of 2 \' ^^ " is uniform in any bounded domain t

of values of z (by the test due to Weiei'strass),it follows that the convergence of

(i0)''+'"i?,",,+i(2)/r(v+'/"+ i)

to its limit is also uniform in any bounded domain of values of z.

* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteScries," 49.

t An arbitrarilysmall region of which the origin is an internal point must obviouslybe

excluded from this domain when R [v] 0.

Page 315: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


From the theorem of Hurwitz it is easy to derive an infinite continued

fraction for t/^_i{z)IJ"{z). For, when ./"{z)^ 0, we have

= inn

VI-*- y.

2pz-' - 1-^'m,v+i \Z)

by " 9-63 (1). On carryingout the process of reduction and noticingthat

JXo ,/_1-'"h" 1 \ Z )

^ .


we find that

"^2{v+m-l)z "

-'"'"i.v+mv^y9^-1 (I'+ m)

and hence

= 2vz-' -


2 (i.+ 1)^-^ - 2 (2/+ 2) ^-1 -


- 2 (v + m) ^-1'

(2) = 2i.^-i-


2 (17+ 1)^-1 -2 (i.+ 2)^-1 -

This procedure avoids the necessityof jn-ovingdirectlythat, when wi-s-oo, the last

element of the continued fraction


"^V+ 7(i + 1 (2)

may be neglected; the method is due to Graf, Ann. di Mat. (2)xxirr. (1895),p. 52.

9"7. The modified notation for Lommel polynomials.

In order to discuss propertiesof the zeros of Lommel polynomials,it is

convenient to follow Hurwitz by making a change in the notation,for the

reason that Lommel polynomialscontain onlyalternate powers of the variable.

Accordinglywe define the modified Lommel polynomialgm,v{z)by the

equation*{-yV {v + m- n + l)z'''


so that


gm,v\Z) "

-^ m-iv^n

n = 0 r{v + n+l)

By making the requisitechanges in notation in ""9"63,9"64,the reader

will easilyobtain the followingformulae :

(3) g.n+,,Az)= {v + m + \)g"r,.{z)- zg",_,^^{z), ["9-63 (2)]

(4)^ gm+^,.-l {Z)= vg,n,Az)- ^5''m-i,.'+i(-)" [" 'OS (1)]

(5) ^^{^''i/,.,.(^)|= ^^.-..(^)+i/".-i-.,.-:(4["9-(^'K7)]

(6) ym+-2

dz{z~"'-'g,u,. (z)}= g,n+,,.-1 {z) - grn-,:,. (z), ["9-63 (4)]

(7) gm,Az)g,"+,"+,{z)-g,"^.^^{z)g,n-i,y+i{z)= z'''go,v(z)g,^^+",+i(z).

[A specialcase of " 9'64 (5).]

* This notation differs in unimportant detailf* from the notation used by Hurwitz.

Page 316: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These results will be requiredin the sequel;it will not be necessary to write

down the analoguesof all the other formulae of |"9*6 " 9'64.

The result of eliminatingalternate functions from the system (3) is of

some importance.The eliminant is

{if+ m) gm+2,u {2)= C,n {z)ffm,u {z)- {v + iU + 2)Z' g"t_o^ (z),

where c,n (z)= {v+ m + I) [(v+ m){v + m + 2) " 1z].

We thus obtain the set of equations:

^ (i.+ 2)g, ,{z)= c, (z)g, ,{z)-(u + 4")z'g^,. {z),

{v+ 4)^G,.(^)= Ciiz)g,^,{z)- (i/+ 6)z''g.2,^{z),

(8) "

(v+ 2s)(/2S+2,^(z)= c.^{z)g^^ ^(z)-(v+ 2s + 2)z^g^^o," {z),


(v+ 2m - 2)g^^ ^{z)= c.^rn- (z)g^_^^ ^{z)-{v+ 2m) z'^g.^^n-i,v


9*71. The realityofthe zeros ofg.2m,v{z)u'hen v exceeds " 2.

We shall now giveHurwitz' proofof his theorem* that luhen v " " 2,the

zeros of gzm,v(z)cl^'^ cdl real; and also that theyare all positive,except when

" 1 " 1/ " - 2, in which case one ofthem is negative.

After observingthat g-2m,v{2)is a polynomialin z of degreem, we shall

shew that the set of functions g."m,v{z),"7m-2,.'(^),""" g2,v{z),ga,v{z)form a set

of Sturm's functions. Sufficient conditions for this to be the case are (i)the

existence of the set of relations "9"7 (8),combined with (ii)the theorem that

the real zeros oi g^m-^^viz)alternate with those of (/2ot,v(^)-

To prove that the zeros alternate,it is sufficient to prove that the quotient

g2m,v{z)lgim-2,v{z)is a monotonic function of the real variable z, except at the

zeros of the denominator, where the quotientis discontinuous.

We have g'^m~2,u(z)-r- l/'"''"tA = ~ ^^2m,2m-2,dz [,v{z))

where W^r, ..

= g,-,u (z)g's,y {z)- g^,u (z)g'r," {z);

and from |9'7 (3)it follows that

^^""m,2,n-2- g-2m~2,A^)+ (v+ 2m) 5l21,"i-l.2"n-2,

^512R.,,"_i.2m-2= Z" S(?B2m-3,m-4+ (r + 2"" - 2)g%m-^,y{z),

SO that

^^"m,^n-2= g'^-2A^) + {v-^ 2m) 1. {v + 2r)z'-^'^^-' g%r-^,.{z),r = l

and therefore,if m ^ 1,^^2m,-im-2is expressibleas a sum of positiveterms

when V " " 2.

* Math. Ann. xxxiii. (1889),pp. 254"256.

Page 317: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The monotonic property is therefore established,and it is obvious from a

graph that the real zeros of g.2m-2,i"(z)separatethose of ^a^,.-(^)-

It follows from Sturm's theorem that the number of zeros of g^m^vi^)on

any interval of the real axis is the excess of the number of alternations of signin the set of expressionsgo.m,v{z),g2m-2, u

i^)," " " . ^'o,.-(2')at the right-handend of

the interval over the number of alternations at the left-hand end.

The reason why the mimber of zeros is the excess and not the deficiencyis that the

quotientg^m, v {^)/g2m-2,v(^)is a decreasingfunction,and not an increasingfunction of z,

as in the usual version of Sturm's theoi-em. See Burnside and Panton, Theoryof Equations^I. (1918)," 96.

The arrangementsof signsfor the set of functions when z has the values

" X,0, oc are as follows :

The upper or lower signsare to be taken accordingas y -I-1 is positiveor

negative; and the truth of Hurwitz' theorem is obvious from an inspectionof this Table.

9"72. Negativezeros ofg.2m,^,{z)when p " " 2.

Let ^" be less than - 2, and let the positiveintegers be defined by the


" 2s"v"- 2s " 2.

It will now be shewn that*, ivhen v liesbetween - 2.sand - 25 - 1,g^mA^)

has no negativezero; hut that,when v liesbetween - 2s- 1 and - 2s - 2,,v{z)

has one negativezero. Provided that,in each case, m is taken to be so large

that V + 2m ispositive.

It will firstbe shewn that the negativezeros (ifany)of g-mA^) alternate

with those of g2"i-2,v{^)-

* This proofdiffers from the proof given by Hurwitz; see Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xix.

(1921),pp. 266"272.

W. B. F.20

Page 318: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By means of the formulae quotedin " 9'7,it is clear that

" 9'^^-^,''\^)1^5'aOT-i,"'('2^)+5'2w+i,i'"i(^)f~ 9im,v\Z) \g2m-\,v-A^)~ 9'2m-\,v\^)\

= (v + 2m) g\n_-^^^{z)^-go,n^2,v{^)92^n^^,v-i{z)-g2m~i,v-i{z)92m,v{z)

= {v+ 2m) g%n-i,u(z)- z-'''~'goA^)9i,"'+27n-i{z)

^(v + 27n){g\,"^,,^{z)-z"-'^'']


providedthat v + 2m is positiveand z is negative.Therefore,in the circum-stances

postulated,the quotient

is a decreasingfunction,and the alternation of the zeros is evident.

The existence of the system of equations" 9'7 (8) now shews that the set

of functions

-92s-2,A^)"+92s-i,M, .-., (-y9o,,(z)

form a set of Sturm's functions.

The signsof these functions when ^^ is - oo are

+, +,....

+, +, -, +, ...,(-)*,

and there are s alternations of sign. When z is zero, the signs of the

functions are

", ",...,

",+, - +, ...,(-)*,

the upper signsbeing taken when "2s " v " " 2s" 1, and the lower signs

beingtaken when " 2s" 1 "v""2s"2; there are s and s + 1 alternations

of signin the respectivecases. Hence, when "2s"v" " 2s " l,92m,v(z)has

no negativezero ; but when " 2s " 1 " ^ " "2s " 2,g2m,vi^)has one negative

zero. The theorem stated is therefore proved.

9*73. Positive and complexzeros ofg.^^t,{z)when v " " 2.

As in " 9"72,define the positiveintegers by the inequalities

- 2s " 7/ " - 2s - 2.

It will now be shewn* that when v lies behueen " 2s and " 2s" 1,gim,v{z)

has m " 2s positivezeros; but that,when v lies between " 2s " 1 and " 2s " 2,

g"imv{z)has m " 2s " 1 positivezeros. Provided that,in each case, m is so large

that m+ V ispositive.

* This proof is of a more elementary character than the proof given by Hurwitz ; see the

paper cited in " 9"72,

Page 320: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



10"1. The functions Ji,{z) and E^ (2^)investigatedby Anger and H. F.


In this chapter we shall examine the propertiesof various functions whose

definitions are suggested by certain representationsof Bessel functions. We

shall first investigatefunctions defined by integralsresembling Bessel's inte-gral

and Poisson's integral,and, after discussingthe propertiesof several

functions connected with !'"(z) we shall study a class of functions,first defined

by Lommel, of which Bessel functions are a particularcase.

The first function to be examined, J^ (z),is suggested by Bessel's integral.

It is defined by the equation

(1) J, (^)= -

1'cos(i/^- ^ sin ^) f/^.

This function obviouslyreduces to Jn(z) when u has the integralvalue n.

It follows from " 6"2 (4) that, when v is not an integer,the two functions are

distinct. A function of the same type as J" (^) was studied by Anger*, but

he took the upper limit of the integralto be 27r; and the function J"(^) is

convenientlydescribed as Anger's function of argument z and order v.

A similar function was discussed later by H. F. Weberf, and he also

investigatedthe function E^(e) defined by the equation

(2) E, (z)=

iI"sin(v0 - z sin 0) dO.

In connexion with this function reference should also be made to researches by Lommel,

Math. Ann. xvi. (1880), pp. 183-208.

1 /'2'rIt may be noted that the function

" 1 cos (i*^- 2 .sin6) d6 which was actually dis-

cussed by Anger is easilyexpressiblein terms of J^ (2)and E" (2); for,if we replace 6 by

^TT " B in the right-hand half of the range of integration,we get

1 /"Sn- 1 /"" 1 /""^" - / co"{v6-ziim6)dd=z- I cob (vd -zsin 6)dd + --

I cos (21/77-1/^+ 2 sin ^) 0?^27r_/o 27r_/o ' 2iT J 0

= cos2 vn.Jt,(z)+ sin vn cos vtt

.E^ (z).

* Neueste Schriften der Naturf. Ges,. in Danzig, v. (1855),pp. 1" "29. It was shewn by Poisson that

V" I cos (j/^-2siu ^) "Z^ = (2 - f)siuI'TT,

Additions a la Conn, des Temps, 1836, p. 15 (cf." 10-12),but as he did no more it seems reasonable

to give Anger's name to the function.

t Zurich I'iirteljahrsschriJ't,xxiv. (1879),pp. 33" 76. Weber omits the factor l/iriu his defi-nition

of Hv(z).

Page 321: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To expand J"(z) and E^(^) in ascendingpowers of z, write ^tt+ (}ifur 8

in the integralsand proceedthus :

sin" 0 sin v6d0" I cos"* 0 sin {^vir+ vcf))dcf)J

" hw

= 2 sin ^VTT cos"' (f)cos v(f)d(j). 0

TT .m !sin ^j/tt

2'"r(im-|i/ + l)r(im + ii.+l)'

by a formula due to Cauchy*.

In like manner,


rn n aja'^

"'" !COS Jptt

sm'" d cos /'^cf =z,


=-- ;-"

^i-; .

But, evidently,

I 00 / \m, ^lin fn 1 ^ (_\tn ^2m+l fn

J,(^)=- 2 \i,,

sin^"*^cosi/^(^^+- :i '^VTvr

sin^"+' ^ sin ?/^fZ6',

so that

(3) J^ {z)= cos ^vrr X{-y-(^zr

=0r (m - |j.+ 1) i'(m + ^2/+ 1)

+ sinii'7r S

and similarly

(4) E, (^)= sin ii^TT S

=0r (m - ij/+ 1)r (/w+ 1;/+ 1)



or(m-iz/+l)r(m + ij.+ l)

" cos |z/7r1(-r (W^^'

,"=or (m - 1^^+ 1)r (m + ii/+ f)


These results may be written in the alternative forms

(5) J^{z)=



sin vir


22_ i;2


("22 _ ^2)(4-2_ ^2) {2?-v^)(^^-^- j.2)(G^-j,^)+


+ -

TT Ll'-^' (l'-I^-)(S--Z^2)(12_j,2)('32_j,2)(52_y2)

(6) E.(^)=

1 " COS vir


2- Z*1-- T.+,-^

9i_J/- (2--i;^)(42-i;-)

1 + COS I'TT



_r--V- (l^-I/^XS^-V^) (12_j,2)(32_j,2)(52_j,2)""

Results equivalentto these were givenby Anger and Weber.

The formula correspondingto (5) was given by Anger (beforethe publicationof his

memoir) in a letter to Cauchy which was communicated to the French Academy on July

17, 1854; see ComptesRendus, xxxix. (1854),pp. 128"135.

Mem. sur les integralesdefiniea (Paris,1825),p. 40. Cf. Modern Analysis,p. 263.

Page 322: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


For a reason which will be apparent subsequently("10'7),it is convenient

to write

z z^ z^

(7) Sq^v\Z)--.^ 2 /'12_ ,.2\/Q2_,.2\

"*"I2_y2 (p_j;2-)(32_j,2^(1^-7^0(3" i/2^(52-I/-^)"""'


1 ^- z^

(8) s_,^,{z)=-

-, +^,, 22_ ^2)


^2 (22_ ^2-)(42_ ^2-)+

" " " '

and, with this notation,we have

/n\ T / \sini/TT


j^sini"7r(9) J, {z)= 5o,, (z)- s_i ^


/iA\ -ci / \l-4-cosy7r i;(l-coSi'Tr)

(10) E, (z)= So,. (z)-

-^ ^5_i,, (^).

TT 7r

It is easy to deduce the followingformulae from these results :

(11) I cos v6.cos (zsin 6)dd = " v sin i^tt

. s_i ^ (2),Jo

(12) sin vd.cos (2sin d)dd = " v (1 " cos vrr)

. s_i j,(z),


(13) I sin vd.

sin (^sin 6)dd = sin i'tt. "" ^ (z),


(14) I cos vd.

sin (2;sin 6) dd = (I + cos i/tt). *" "/(2^),

J 0


(15) I cos i'(^. cos (^cos "^)rf(^= " 1/ sin -|-i/7r. s_j ^


(16) cos v(f". sin (zcos 0) cZ(= cos ^vir. ^o ^ (z).Jo

Integralssomewhat resemblingthe integralsdiscussed in this section,namely

f COSlesin*


J sin

have been examined by Unferdinger,Wiener Sitzutigsberichte,LVii. (2),(1868),pp. 611 " 620.

Also,Hardy,Messenger,xxxv. (1906),pp. 158 " 166, has investigatedthe integral

I sm (v^-2sm 6) -3-,Jo o

and has proved that, when v is real,it is equal to hn 2 ?;"Jn (2),where )j" is 1,0 or - 1

accordingas v " a is positive,zero, or negative.

10*11. Webe7-'sformulae connectinghis functionswith Anger'sfunctions.

It is evident from the formulae " 10*1 (9),(10),(15)and (16) that

/I \ -r / \ -." / \

4 COS wI/TT fi"^,


,, ,


(1) Jt,{z)+ J^t,{z)= " I COS vd) COS {zCOS d")d(p,TT Jo

/ ,\ -r / \ " / X

4 sin Ai/7rr*'',


/ ,.7,

{2) J^{z) " J_^{z)= ' " cosv(f"sin{zcos(b)d(p,TT


Page 323: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(3) E^(z) + E_^(2) = " cos 1/0sin (^cos A) d^,

(4) E^ (z) - E_^ (z)=^^ I


cos v"b cos (zcos 0) dxf).

It follows on addition that

J, (z)=1 cot IvTT[E^(z) - E_^ (s)}- I tan |i/7r{E^(^)+ E_^ (z)\


so that

(5) sin I'TT.J" (z)= cos i'tt

.E^ (z)- E_^ {z),

and similarly

(6) sin vir .E^ (2:)= J_^ (z)" cos i^tt .

J^ (z).

The formulae (5)and (6) are due to Weber.

10'12. Recurrence fornmlaefor J^(^) and E"(^).

The recurrence formulae which are satisfied by the functions of Anger and

Weber have been determined by Weber.

It is evident from the definite integralsthat

J"_i (z)+ J".+i(2)^

J^ (2)= - (cos ^ - - )cos {v6- z sin 6^)ddZ TT j 0 V Zj



2 sin vir



E,_, (z)+ E,+, {z)--"R^{z)=~Vfcos 6'- ")sin {vO - z sin 6)dd

= ^\^^.{cos{vO - ^ sin d)\deTTZ 0 f'C'

2(1 " coSfTr)


It is also very easy to prove that

j._, (^)- j.,+,(s)- 2 j; {z)= 0,

1e,_,(^)-e.+,(^)-2e;(^) = o.

From these results we deduce the eightformulae

2i/, ^

2 sm TTT

(1) J._,(^)+ J.+:(^)= -J.(^)- -^^ ,

(2) j,_,(^)-j,+,(^)-2j;(^),

(3) (^ + I/)J, {z)= 2 J,_i (2)+ (sini;7r)/7r,

(4) ("^- v)J, (z)= - zJ^+,{z)- (sinj;7r)/7r,

Page 324: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(6) E,_,(^)-E,+i(^) = 2E;(^),

(7) (^ + z.)E, (2)= ^ E,_i (^)+ (1 - cos i/7r)/7r,

(8) (^ - v)E, {z)= - 0E,+, {z)- (1 - cos i^ttVtf,

where ^, as usual,stands for z(djdz).

Next we construct the differential equations;it is evident that

(^2_ y2)j^ (^)= (^ _ J,)[ j^_j (z)+ (sin7/7r)/7r}

= "" (^ + 1 " z--)J"_i (z)" {vsin v'Tr)l'Tr

= " z'^Jy,(z)+ (zsin v7r)/Tr- (vsin z/7r)/7r,so that

T7 T / \(^ - I')sin 7"7r

(9) V^J^(^) =^



We also have

C^'- v')E, (z)= {'^-v) {zE,_,(z)+ (1 - cos i/7r)/7r}

= ^ (^ + 1 - i^)E^_i (^)- 2^ (1 - cos i^7r)/7r

= " ^^ E^ {z)" z(l + cos i/7r)/7r" y (1 " cos v'ir)l'ir,so that

(10) V,E,(^) =

vr TT

Formulae equivalentto (9) and (10) were obtained by Anger, Neueste Schriftender

Naturf.Ges. in Danzig, v. (1855),p. 17 and by Weber, Zurich Vierteljahrsschrift,xxiv.

(1879),p. 47, respectively;formula (9)had been discovered earlier by Poisson (cf." 101).

10" 13. Integralsexpressiblein terms of the functionsof Anger and

H. F. Weber.

It is evident from the definitions that

(1) J^(z)"i-E,{z)=- rex^{"i(vd-zsme)}de.

By means of this result,combined with formulae obtained in ""6"2 " 622, it

is possibleto express numerous definite integralsin terms of the functions of

Bessel,Anger and Weber. Thus, from " 6*2 (4)we have

(2) r e-''"-"inh"dt = ^- {J,(z)- J, (z)],

when larg^ "|7r; the result is valid when |arg^| = |7r,provided that


Again,we have

(3) r e-'^-^-i''dt = -^ I/_, (z)- J., (z)},J 0 sin I'TT

Page 325: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


SO that,when we combine (2)and (8),

(4) f"

e-2"i"h"cosh vt dt = h7r tan ^vtt {J,(z)- J, (z)]- \iv|E,{z)+ F, (z)},

. 0

(5) I e-"'"''' sinh vt dt^hir cot | i/tt {J,(z)- J, (^)j- itt [E,(^)+ F, (z)].


The integi'alI e~^^"'^^cosh pt dt has ah-eadybeen evaluated ("6'3);butJo

r ^


does not appear to be expressiblein a simpleform; its expansionin ascending

powers of z can be obtained from the formula of " 6'2'2 (4),

2 /"'^ 2 sin VTT f"^/_^ (z)+ /. (z)= - e^"="*cos ;'^f^ + g-^^^o^'^*sinh vtdt,

but, since

T".-. /I 7,1

(")*"sin i^TT"

/ I' + 7/i,

v + m ,\i""'""'"'" -^"-^ "" ''" = W(ir+^" =^'(''"" ^ '^ - -

2- ; - V "

the integralunder consideration cannot be evaluated in any simpleform *.

The formulae (2)" (5)are nugatory when v is an integer,but from ""6'21,9"33 we have

(6) f'e"f" i"h' dt = l {.%(z)- ttE, (z)- TT Y, (z)},Jo

(7) g-nl-z.uAU ^^ =i (_y.+ i {,S;^(^)+ ^E, iz)+ TT F" (^)}.


The associated integrals

f '^ COS / ^ COJS

e-"' .' U' sinh 0 rf", e""^. (.fcosh ")c/i!

./0 "in'

Jo sui

have been noticed by Coates,QuarterlyJournal.,xx. (1885),p. 260.

Various integralsof these types occur in researches on diftVaction by a prism; see, e.g.

Whipple, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xvi. (1917),p. 106.

10-14. Asj/mptoticexpansionsofAnger- Weber functionsoflargeargument.

It follows from " 101 3 (2)that,in order to obtain the asymptoticexpansion

of J"A^) when l^-jis largeand |arg^' |"^-7r,it is sufficient to obtain the

asymptoticexpansionof the integrals

I gTvt " zsmh t ^JfJo

To carry out this investigationwe shall first expand cosh vt/cosht and

sinh i^f/cosht in a series of ascendingpowers of sinh t.

* See Anding, Sechsstelline Taft'lnder Be-fttelschen Ftinktionen imanhiriren Arfiumeuts (Leipzig,

1911) [Jahrbuchiiber die Furtschritk' der Matli. 1911, pp. "l'J3" 494],and Takeuehi, Tohoku Moth.

Journal, xviii. (1920),pp. 295"296.

Page 326: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If e^ = u, we have, after the manner of " 7"4,

I f(u + .llu+) f ^h l/uh ]W*" + II


^" "^'"- \y + v\t \d^,

SO that

coshz.^ 1 r("+.i/"+.i+) ^i"'-^{^-l)d^





and, if we take p so largethat R(p + ^"^v) " 0, and then take the contour

to be that shewn in Fig.15 of " 7 "4,we find that

(wH-,l/M+.l + ) ^P+ i''~i d^

2iri] (^- 1)^-1{(t-l^'-4fsinh*"]


(-)Pcos^y7r (^xP-^^-^jl -xY+^^-^dx~

TT Jo 1 + 4a;(l" a;)sinh2i

If V and t are real,the last expressionmay be written in the form

{-)Pqo^Ivttr(p+i + ^i/)r(p 4-^-^1/)

TT (2jO)!

where 0 ^ ^i ^1, since 1 + 4ic (1 " a;)sinh'- ^ 1.

It follows that,when R{p "\-\"\v)^Q, we have

cosh vt_

COS^I'TTcosh t TT

'i'(-rr(m + KWr(m + ^-i.)^2,i"h ^""

m=o (2m) !


For complex values of v and ^ this equationhas to be modified by replacingthe condition 0 ^ ^j :";1 by a less stringentcondition,in a way with which the

reader will be familiar in view of the similar analysisoccurringin various

sections of Chapter vii.

Similarlywe have

1 nu+,iiu+) f 1 1 1

Page 328: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*15. AsymptoticexpansionsofAnger-Weber functionsoflargeorder and


We shall now obtain asymptoticexpansions,of a type similar to the

expansionsinvestigatedin Chapter viii, which represent J^ {z) and E" {z)when iV \and |z \are both large.

In view of the results obtained in " 1013, it will be adequateto obtain

asymptoticexpansionsof the two integrals


As in Chapterviii, we write

v = z cosh (a + t/3)= z cosh 7,

where 0 ^ /3:$ tt and 7 is not nearlyequal*to iri.

(I) We firstconsider the integral

/g" 1/"" zsinh"-7/

= _ j g" z("coshy+sinh t)^/ttJo '""Jo

in which itissupposedtemporarilythat vizispositive.When cosh 7 ispositive,t cosh 7 + sinh t steadilyincreases from 0 to 00 as ^ increases from 0 to 00 ; we

shall take this function of ^ as a new variable t.

It is easy to shew that " is a monogenic function of t, except possiblywhen

T = (2%+ 1 )Trt cosh -y+ sinh-y+ y cosh y,

where n is an integer;and, when coshy is positive,none of these vakies of t is a real

positivenumber ; for,when y is real,(2?i+ 1)Tr/cosh y does not vanish,and, when y is a pure

imaginary (= 2/3),the singularitiesare on the imaginary axis and the originis not one of

them since y is not equal to iri.

The expansionof dtfdrin ascendingpowers of r is


Va T-"-m '

.;(o+) I dt

^1 /"(+")dt

where a", =r^




rrrr, . T-dT

'" liriJ T--""+i"

dr 2iri j t^'"+" '

and so a," is the coefficient of l/tin the expansionof t"^*"-! in ascending

powers of t. In particularwe have




^ ~ cosh 7

1+ cosh 7' '2(1 + cosh 7)^' '

24(1+ cosh 7)7'

225- 54 cosh 7 + cosh- 7


720(1 + cosh 7)10

From the generaltheorem of " 83, we are now in a positionto write down

the expansion

(1) -

fV''*-^"*"h"(^"~ -

i lML?i".

Expansions valid near y = Tri are obtained at the end of this section.

Page 329: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This expansionis valid when vjzis positive; it has, so far,been established

on the hypothesisthat jarg^-j" ^tt,but, by a process of swinginground the

contour in the r-plane,the range of validitymay bo extended to cover the

domain in which |arg z \" it.

Next, we consider the modifications caused by abandoningthe hypothesisthat cosh 7 is real. If we write t = u+iv, the curve on which r is real has

for its equationu sinh a sin y8+ V cosh a cos ^ -f cosh u sin v = 0.

The shape of this curve has to be examined by methods resemblingthose

of " 8'61. For brevitywe write

It sinh a sin /3+ v cosh a cos ^ + cosh u sin w = cf"(u,v).

Since "1"(ti,v) is unaffected by a change of sign of both a and o, we first

studythe curve in which a " 0. It is evident that the curve has the originas

its centre.

Since 9"I"{u,v)/du= sinh a sin /3 + sinh u sin v,

it follows that,when v has any assignedvalue, d(i"/bu vanishes for onlyone

value of u, and so the equationin u

has, at most, two real roots ; and one of these is infinite whenever v is a

multipleof tt.

When 0 " v " " TT, we have

"I"(" 00,t')= " X


(J)(+ 00,y) = " CO ;

and, when v = /B ~ ir, the maximum value of ^{u, v),qua function of u, is at

u " a, the value of "I"(u,v) then being

" cosh a sin /5{1 "a tanh a + (tt" /3)cot /S}.

If this is negative,the equation {u,/3 " tt)= 0 has no real root, and so the

contour does not meet the line v = /3 " ir or (by symmetry) the line

V = TT " fB.

Hence providedthat the point (a, /3)lies in one of the domains num-bered

1, 2, 3 in Fig.21 of " 8-61, the contour "1"(a,v)=0 lies as in Fig.25,

the continuous curve indicatingthe shape of the contour when a is positive

Fig. 25.

and the broken curve the shape when a. is negative;the direction in which r

increases is marked by an arrow.

Page 330: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that the expansion(1) is valid when (a,^) lies in any of the

domains 1, 2, 3.

Next, we have to consider the asymptoticexpansionwhen (a,/3)does not

lie in any of these domains. To effect our purpose we have to determine the

destinations of the branch of the curve "t"(w,v) = 0 which passes throughthe


Consider firstthe case in which a is positiveand /Sis acute. The function

'^ (a,v) has maxima at v = {2n + 1) tt " /3and minima at v = (2??+ 1) tt + /3,

each minimum beinggreater than the preceding;and since (f)(a,fi" tt)is now

positive,it follows that "^(a,v) is positivewhen v is greater than " tt.

Hence the curve cannot cross the line w = a above the point at which

"y = " TT, and similarlyit cannot cross the line u = " a below the pointat which

V = TT. The branch which goes downwards at the originis therefore confined

to the strip" a " w " a until it gets below the line v= " ^Ktt + w " /3,where

K is the smallest integerfor which

1 - a tanh a + {(2K + 1) tt - /?}cot /9" 0.

The curve cannot cross the line v = " (2K + 1) ir + ^, and so it crosses the

line u = a and goes off to infinityin the direction of the line v = " ^Kir.

Hence, if a is positiveand /3is acute, we get

(2)^ r'^^',-.t-.sinh.^^^ L 5 (ML?^


while,if a is negativeand /3is acute, we get

(3) l[^^^^%-.-"i..h.^,^lV(2-)!a.

TTJo 7r"" = oz"^"-'

By combining these results with those obtained in " 8'61, we obtain the

asymptoticexpansionsfor the domains 6a and 7a.

If,however, y3is obtuse and a is positive,the branch which goes below the

axis of w at the origincannot cross the line u = a below (a,tt " 13)and itdoes not

cross the i"-axisagain,so it must go to " x alongthe line v = " (2L + 1) tt,

where L is the smallest integerfor which

1 -atanha-{(2Z+ 1) tt + /Sjcot y8" 0.

Hence, if a is positiveand /3is obtuse, we get

(4) - I e-"^- -"'^ ^dt^- S^ l-^'''


while,if a is negativeand ^ is obtuse, we get

1 /"-x+(2i+i)7r; 1 00 /9mV a

(5) l\ .-."-"i..^'*~iS "--|i^".

Page 331: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By combiningthese results with those obtained in " 8"61,we obtain the

asymptoticexpansionsfor the domains 4, 5, 6b and 76.

Since formula (1)is the onlyone which is of practicalimportance,we shall

not givethe other expansionsin greater detail.

An approximate formula for a," when m is largeand y is zero, namely


was obtained by Cauchy, Comptes Rendus, xxxviii. (1854),p. 1106.

(II) Next consider the integral

1 i"^-' 1 r*_ Qvt-zsm\it ".


/ g-zi-"coshy+sinh")(^^TTJo TtJo

The onlydifference between this and the previousintegralis the change in

the signof cosh 7; and so, when 7 lies in any of the regionsnumbered 1, 4,

5 in Fig.21 of "861, we have

where a,/ is derived from a", by changingthe signof cosh 7, so that


,2 9 + cosh 7

^" -

1 _ cosh 7'

^' ~

(1- cosh 7)^'^'

"24(1 -cosh 7)'

This expansionfails to be significantwhen 7 is small,justas the previousex-pansion

(1)failed when 7 was nearlyequalto iri.

To deal with this case we write

v " z{\ " e), T = ^ " sinh^,

after the method of " 8-42. It is thus found that

vrjo TTJo oC^

'Sir '0 m=0

and hence

(7) - e"' """'^'rfi~^S.i^a,m+i,


A result equivalentto this has been given by Airey,Proc. Roi/alSoc. xciv. A, (1918),

p. 313.

Page 332: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*2. Hardy s generalisationsofAirys integral.

The integralconsidered by Airy and Stokes ("6'3) has been generalised

by Hardy* in the followingmanner:

If s = sinh "^,then

{2 cosh 20 = 46'-+ 2

2 sinh 3"/"= 85=*+ 65

2 cosh 4(^= 16s* +165^ + 2

I,2 sinh h"\)= 32s" + 405=*+ 10s,


and generally

2 ^?'jjnc^= {2s)\F,(- ir.,i - In ; 1 - n ; - l/s%SI

the cosh or sinh beingtaken accordingas n is even or odd.

Now write

Tn (t,a) = P. si^,(- in, 1-

17j ; 1 - n ; - 4a/"0.

so that

r,ao) = f^ + 2a

T.,{t,a)= t^ + f]at

T,(t,a) = P+ iaf + '2o?

Then the followingthree integralsare generalisationsf of Airy'sintegral:


Gin{a)=i^cos Tn it,a)dt,Jo

(2) Sin(a)= r sin Tnit,a)dt,Jo

(3) Bin (")=["exp {- Tn (t,a)}dt.

It may be shewn ;[that the first two integralsare convergent when a is

real (whetherpositiveor negative)if n = 2,3, 4 But the third integral

converges when a is complex; and it is indeed fairlyobvious that Ein (a) is

an integralfunction of a.

When n is an even integer,the three functions are expressiblein terms

of Bessel functions ; but when n is odd, the first onlyis so expressible,the

other two involvingthe function of H. F. Weber.

Before evaluatingthe integrals,we observe that integralfunctions exist

which reduce to Cin(a)and Sin(")when a is real ; for take the combination

Gin (a)+ iSin(a)= exp {iTn {t,a)}dt.Jo

* Quarterly Journal, xli. (1910),pp. 226"240.

t The sine-iutegralin the case n "

S was examined by Stokes, Camb. Phil. Trans, ix. (1856),

pp. 168"182. [3Iath.and Phys. Papers, ii. (1883),pp. 332"349.]

X Hardy, loc. cit.,p. 228.

Page 333: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By Jordan's lemma, the integral,when taken round an arc of a circle of

radius R with centre at the origin(the arc being terminated by the pointswith complexcoordinates R, Re^'"'"'),tends to zero as R^^oc


And therefore


Cin(cc)+ iSin(a)= | exp {i1\ {t,a)}dt

= ei-^'/n exp {- T" (t,oLe-"'"'^)]dr,J 0

where t = te"^"''"; and the last integralis an integralfunction of a. The

combination Cin(cc)" iSin(a) may be treated in a similar manner, and the

result is then evident.

10'21. 'The evaluation ofAiry-Hardy integralsofeven order.

To evaluate the three integralsCin{oL),Sin{a),Ein{a) when n is even, we

suppose temporarilythat a is positive,and then,making the substitution

t = 2a* sinh {ujn)

in the integrals,we find that,by "6'21 (10),

2a* r""Cin(a)+ iSin(a)= " exp (2a*"i cosh u) cosh {ujn)du

n J 0

= iriain-' e*'''"iTi/^^^'(2a*"),that is to sav

Cin(a)+ iSi,(a)= ^^^ {e*"^'/"J-vn (2a*")- e-*-V"J,^ (2a*")}.

If we equate real and imaginaryparts,we have

In a similar manner,

2a* T"""4 (a)= " exp (" 2a*" cosh u) cosh {u/n)du,

" J 0

so that,by "6-22 (5),

(3) ^V"(a) = (2a*/n)iiri;."(2a*").

Tljese results have been obtained on the hypothesisthat a is positive;and

the expressionson the rightare the integralfunctions of a which reduce to

Cin(a),Sin(a)and Ein (a)when a isreal,whether positiveor negative.Hence,

when a isnegativethe equations(1),(2),(3)are stillvalid,so that,for example,

we have


whether a be positiveor negative

^*"^" "

2wsin(j7r/r0{,,?ovilT(,n + l-lln)" " J,,pil r{"u + l + Vn)\


W. B. F.2T

Page 334: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, replacinga by " /3,we see that,when /3is positiveand n is even,


It follows from " 4-31 (9) that,when n is even, the functions Gin{oL)and

8i,i(a)are annihilated by the operator

and that Einia) is annihilated by the operator

-Z ^,2Qn-2

In the case of the first two functions it is difficult to obtain this result*

directlyfrom the definitions,because the integralsobtained by differentiatingtwice under the integralsignare not convergent.

10"22. The evaluation ofAiry-Hardy integralsof odd order.

To evaluate Gin (a) when n is odd, we suppose temporarilythat a is

positive,and then, by "6"22 (13),

2a- r^Gin (a)= " cos (2a^"sinh n) cosh {iijn)du




That is to say,

(1) ft"(")= ??^^2ilW!0^.,"(.2".")

j/_""(2ci")- /"" (2al")i.2n sin (^tt/t?)

Using the device explainedin " 10'21, we see that,when ySis positive.

It follows that the equation" 10-21 (4)is true whether n be even or odd ;

and, whether n be even or odd, Gin(a)is annihilated by the operator

J^^+ (-)"n--=a"-^

for all real values of o.

* It has been proved by Hardy, loc. cit.,p. 229, with the aid of the theory of "generalised


Page 336: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence, for all real values of a,

(7) 17"2

~ ^'"*'~i'^^'(")= - ^'"* '""'*"

This equationwas givenby Stokes in the case n = 3.

It should be noticed that

(8) Si,(a)+ (-)4-+^)Ein (a)= ^^^^^^{sin{^M + (- l)-^"'^+''}

= w\X{sin(Uhi) + (- 1)*'"+''}

nsm {Tr/n)' v- / / \ j

X {/_,/"(2/3i")-J,/,,(2y3i")lwhere ^ = " a, and a and /3are real.

The formulae of the precedingthree sections are due to Hardy,thoughhis methods of obtainingthem were different and he gave some of them onlyin the specialcase n = 3.

10'3. Cauchys numbers.

In connexion with a generalisationof Bessel's integi'alwhich was defined

by Bourget,and subsequentlystudied by Giuliani (see"10"31),it is convenientto investigatea class of functions known as Cauchy'snumbers.

The typicalnumber, N_nic,m,is defined by Cauchy* as the coefficient of

the term independentof i in the expansionof

in ascendingpowers of t. It is supposedthat n, k,and m are integersof which

the last two are not negative.

It follows from Cauchy'stheorem that

1 ,"(0+) / 1 \^"/ 1 \""

(1) ^-..M. = 2;".Jt-'-'lt+^){t~-)dt


= I [e-'"+ {-y e"^*}cos* d sin'"BdS

Orn+k r-rr

= cos (^niTT " nd)cos* 6 sin'"Odd.TT Jo

It is evident from the definition that iV^_n,fc,mis zero if "n-\-k + m is odd or

if it is a negativeinteger.

* Comptes Rendu"", xi. (1840),pp. 473" 475, 510"511; xii, (1841),pp. 92"93; xiii. (1841),

pp. 682"687, 850"854.

Page 337: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


From (1)it is seen that

(2) N_nX,n.= i-)^ NnX^a = (-)""*N^Xm-

These results,togetherwith recurrence formulae from which successive

numbers may be calculated,were givenby Bourget*.

The recurrence formulae are

(3) N_n, k. in

= ^^-n-rl,k-1, m+ ^-n-i,k-l, )ii "

('*) -'"'"",t,m^^ -^'

" n+i,i-,m" 1~ -^'

" n" i,fc,"(-i"

and they are immediate consequences of the identities

r" {t+ i/tf(t- 1/0'"= t'-''(t+ ijtf-'(t- i/t)""+ r"-i {t+ i/tf-'(t- 1/0'^

r" (t+ ijtf{t- 1/0"'= "'"''(t+ 1/0^'{t- 1/0"~'- 1'""'^ ( + 1/0*(^- I/O'""'-

By means of these formulae any Cauchy'snumber is ultimatelyexpressiblein

terms of numbers of the types H^n.k.O'-n,o,m-

A different class of recurrence formulae, also due to Bourget,owes its

existence to the equationd f l\ 1

It follows that

h^)\ {'-7)s {'-"('+7)}*27ri (1

by a partialintegration.On performingthe differentiation we see that

(5) {m + 1 )N_n k,m= nN-n,k-l, m+i

- (A'- 1 )i\^_",k-2. m+2,

and similarly

(6) (^"+ 1 )-^^-n,/t,m= nN_n.k+i,m~i - (m - 1 )iV_",.+0 ",_2.

Developments due to Chessiu, Annals of Math. x. (1895" 6),pp. 1 " 2, are




(8) -^-n, k, ?rt= 2 ( " )'gC^. iV_" + 3_2,-, fr,))i-8'

These may be deduced by induction from (3)and (4).

Another formula due to Chessin is

(9) A^-n,k,.n= 2 i-YkCp-r-mOr,("=0

where p = hU-+m " n). This is proved by selectingthe coefficient of t" in the product


* Journal de Math. (2)vi. (1861),pp. 33"54.

Page 338: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10"31. The functionsofB our get and Giuliani.

The function Jn,k{z)is defined by the generalisationof Bessel's integral

(1) JnA^)= 2^.j'"^'r"-(^+ ^)'expji^(^-^)|rftwhere n is an integer,and k is a positiveinteger.

It follows that

1 f'"Jn jfc(2')= ^r- exp {"i {nO " z sin d)\.

(2 cos Qf dd,Ztt J


and therefore

(2) J-,,(,-)= -r(2cos 6'/-cos (?i6'- sin 6*)fZa


The function "/",(2) has been studied by Bourget, Journal de Math. (2) vi. (1861),

pp. 42 " 55,for the sake of various astronomical applications; while Giuliani,Giornale di Mat.

XXVI. (1888),pp. 151 " 171, has constructed a linear differential equation of the fourth

order satisfied by the function.

[Note. An earlier paper by Giuliani,Giornale di Mat. xxv. (1887),pp. 198 " 202,

contains propertiesof another generalisationof Bessel's integral,namely

1 M- / cos("(9-2PsinP^)(:/^,

but parts of the analysisin this paper seem to be incorrect.]

If we expand the integrandof (1)in powers of 2^,we deduce from "lO'B that

and it is evident from (1)that

(4) J",o(^)= J"(4

Again from " lO'S (2)and (3)it is evident that

(5) J_,,,(2)= (-)-^-J",(^),

(6) Jn,k{z)= Jn-xk-i{2)+ Jn+i,k-i(z)',

and, if we take ^'= 1 in this formula,

(7) J",,iz)= ^J,,(z).These results were obtained by Bourget; and the reader should have no

difficultyin provingthat

(8) 2/Va^) = Jn-,,ic{z)- Jn+,A').

Other recurrence formulae (due to Bourget and Giuliani respectively)are

(9) J,,,+,{z)= ^ j:,,,^,(z)-

^J^"}1{^,^_,, (^)_ /,^^,_,(^)},

(10) 4/'Vt_,(z)= /".,(z)- 4/",,_3{z).

Page 339: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The differential equationis most simplyconstructed by the method used

by Giuliani ; thus

1 f'"d^n Jn,k(^)= -

;Tn {- (n + z cos 6) sin {jid- z sin 6)](2 cos df ddIT j 0


2k r



in + z cos 6) sin {nd - z^\u 6)(2 cos Of-' sin OdO

= - 2kzJ'n^k{z)+ ^ [\jQcos {nd - z sin 6)1(2 cos df-^ sinj^f/^

= - IkzJ'n^j,(z)-" cos {nd - z sin 6');^ {(2cos ^)^-sin d]dd,

and so

V, Jn,k{Z)= - 2kzJ'n" {Z)- kK/,,_k(Z)+ 4.k(k - 1) /,,,_,(z).

d^Operatingon this equationby ;7^, + 1, and using(10),it follows that

(^,+ l)IV, ./.,,(z)+ 2kzJ'"^k(z)+ k^Jn,k{z)\= k (k - 1)/,,,(z),

and hence we have Giuliani's equation

(11) 2^J'\, (z)+ {2k + 5)^J"'",,(z)+ {'2z'+ (/^-+ 2)^- n^}J"n^,{z)

+ (2^"+ 5)zJ'n^k{z)+ {z'+ k + '2- n')J^,^.{z)= 0.

It was also observed by Giuliani that

(12) e'-"i""(2cos6?)^-=S e,",Ln,k{z)cos 2ndrt = 0

+ i S e.n+iJ2n+i,k{z)sin {2n + l)d;

this is verified by applyingFourier's rule (cf."2'2) to the function on the


A somewhat similar function J {z; v, Jc)has been studied by Bruhns, Astr. Nach. civ.

(1883),col. 1 "8. This function is defined by the series

The most important property of this function is that

(14) J{z; V, k)-J{z; V, J^+l) = j^^^^^f^:^^ff^f:^ywhence it follows that

n^N // z^_ % "2vJ^^.2m{z)^^^^ "^^'' ''''^^-,"?,(v+ 2".-2)(. + 2m + 2)'

Page 340: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*4. The definitionofStruve's function'H.^{z).

Now that we have completelyexamined the functions defined by integrals

resemblingBessel's integral,it is natural to investigatea function defined byan integralresemblingPoisson's integral.This function is called Struve's

function,although Struve investigated*only the sjDecialfunctions of this

type of orders zero and unity. The propertiesof the generalfunction have

been examined at some lengthby Siemonf and by J. Walker;):.

Struve's function H^ (z),of order v, is defined by the equations


r(i;+ i)r(|).io

providedthat R(v) " -h.

By analysissimilar to that of "3'3,we have

(1^)" ^ (-)"*227ft+".m!

r(i),"=o(2m+ l)!r(^ + m + f)'so that

(2) H,(^)= S

The function H^ (z)is defined by this equationfor all values of v, whether

R(v) exceeds " | or not. It is evident that H^(z) is an integralfunction of v

and, if the factor (^z)"be suppressed,the resultingexpressionis also an in-tegral

function of z.

It is easy to see [cf""2-11 (5),3-121 (1)]that



^'^ "'W=IWPT?Ti)"'^'*'

and I 0 + 1 1is the smallest of the numbers |i/+ f|,li'+ fl,li'+ li,"

* Mem. de VAcad. Imp. den Sci. de St Petersbourg,(7) xxx. (1882),no. 8; Ann. der Physik,

(3)XVII. (1882),pp. 1008 " 1016. See also Lommel, Archiv der Math, und Fhijs.xxxvi. (1861),

p. 399.

t Prograinm, Luisenschule, Berlin,1890. [Jahrbuch ilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1890,

pp. 340"342.]

X The AnalyticalTheory of Light (Cambridge,1904), pp. 892 " 895. The results contained in

this section,with the exception of (3),(4),(10)and (11),are there given.

Page 341: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We can obtain recurrence formulae thus :

and similarly^

b-H (5V=^ (-)-(2m + l)^-

c?^ ^" ^ ^^ ^^to2''+-^-+ir (m + f) r (v+ m ^)

" /_y"+i22m+2

^,""_i2'^+^+-1^(m + I) r (i;+ m + 1)1

~2''r(z.+ l)r(i)"^"H.+iC^

On comparingthese results,we find that

(5) H,_. (.). H," (.)=. ^ H. (.)+ J^llV-^^^.

(6) H._.(.)-H."(.) = 2H/,.)-p^(i|]l^^.(7) (a + WH,(") = 2H,^,(2),

In particularwe have

(9) ^ {m, (^)]= zU, (z),I

{Ho(^)}= I- H, (^).

Again,from (7)and (8),we have ^

C^-^- V-')H, (2)= (^ - v)|^H,_i(z)}

= z('^-v + l)II,_,{z)

r(i.+ |)r(i)^"""'*^^^'

so that H^ (z)satisfiesthe differential equation

(10) V,H,(^) =

^(^'+ i)^(|)"

The function L^ (z)which bears the same relation to Struve's function as /^ (z)bears

to J^(s)has been studied (inthe case v = 0) by* Nicholson, QxiarterlyJournal XLn. (1911),

p. 218. This function is defined by the equation

(11) L. (2)= 2*^^^

' ^^",=or(w + #)r(:.+m + f)

r (,.+ A) r (1) /0

"'^^"^ '''*^'* ^- "'^"'''' ^^'

the integralformula being valid only when R {%")" "\.

The reader should have no difficultyin obtainingthe fundamental propertiesof this


* See also Gubler, Zurich I'ierteljahrsschrijt,xlvii. (1902),p. 421.

Page 342: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*41. The loop-integralfor H^(^).

It was noticed in " 10*4 that the integraldefinition of H^ {z)fails when

R{v)":" ^,because the integraldoes not converge at the upper limit. We

can avoid this disabilityby consideringa loop-integralin placeof the definite


Let us take

(f - ly-^-sin zt.dt,


where the phase of f^ " l vanishes at the pointon the rightof ^ = 1 at which

the contour crosses the real axis,and the contour does not enclose the pointt = -l.

If we suppose that Ti{v)" " \, we may deform the contour into the seg-ment

(0,1) of the real axis,taken twice,and we find that

r(i+) n

{t-- ly-i sin zt.

dt = 2i cos VTT (1 - t-y- sin zt.dt,

Jo Jo

where the phase of 1" ^^ is zero.

Hence, when R(v)" " ^, we have

(1) H. {z)=

^^";Vil I "f'- ^y-"-"i" 'i


dt-in 1 (2) "' 0

Both sides of this equationare analyticfunctions of v for all* values of v ;

and so, by the generaltheoryof analyticcontinuation,equation(1) holds for

all values of v.

From this result,combined with "6"1 (6),we deduce that

(2) j^{z)+ iH, {z)=^^.;;Vi\-' e-' {t^- 1 )"'-dt.

To transform this result,let " be any acute angle(positiveor negative),and let the phase of z lie between " ^tt-f "" and |-7r+ w. We then deform

the contour into that shewn in Fig. 26, in which the four parallellines

make an angle " w with the imaginaryaxis. It is evident that,as the lines

parallelto the real axis move off to infinity,the integralsalongthem tend to

zero. The integralalongthe path which starts from and returns to 1 + so ie~''"

is equalto i/^w {z); and on the lines through the originwe write t" iu,so

that on them

(f-- 1)"-*= eT {"'-h)W (1 + ^c^y-h,

It follows that

/, (z)+ in, {z)= i/.a)(^)+ jT^^y^p^^ j^e-' (1 + u^-^ du,

* The isolated values |, #, |, ...

are excepted,because the expressionon the rightis then an

undetermined form.

Page 344: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we write z = ix in (3),where x is positive,we see that,when R{v)"\,

and,by consideringimaginary parts,we deduce that

(6) lty{x)=-I_^{x)-2 {W

r(i/+*)r(i) josin {xu)


a result given by Nicholson, QuarterlyJournal, XLii. (1911),p. 219, in the specialcase in

which V = 0.

10*42. Tlie asyni])toticexpansionof H^ {z)when jz \is large.

We shall now obtain an asymptoticexpansionwhich may be used for tabu-lating

Struve's function when the argument z is large,the order v beingfixed.

Since the correspondingasymptoticexpansionof V^,(z)has been completely

investigatedin Chapter Vil, it follows from | 10"41 (4)that it is sufficient to

determine the asymptoticexpansionof

As in ^ 7'2,we have

(-1)^2sv-J P^^i-y^'.ik-vXr.Uam

w = 0mlz''

+(-)^.a-^)pw^ r



We take p so largethat R (v " p " h)^0, and take S to be any positiveanglefor which

|/3|-$^7r"S, Iargi: " yS|$ Jtt" S,

so that z is confined to the sector of the planefor which

" TT + 2S ^ arg z ^7r " 28.

We then have

so that

ill\/t\, .

5V1 + " ~ 1!^ sin 6, arg {I "ill\Jt


1 + ~Y ^ * I^ e^-i/WI (sin8)2i2W-2p-i= A^,

say, where A^ is independentof z.

It follows on integrationthat

/"J 0 \ -^ / 7)1 = 0


whereI^p i

^-^ "1^--

= 0 (^-2^).

ao exp ip

e-" it'^Pc?w

Page 345: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We deduce that,when {arg z\"Tr and | is large,

providedthat R{p" v -[-\)^0;but, as in " 7'2,this last restriction may be


This asymptoticexpansionmay also be written in the form Lo


1 /'-I V (m 4- ^\ '

(2) H,(^) = F,(^)+ Sp, ^1


+ Q(^'^~^M-^ ' ^ 7r"i=ol (^ + 1 " w)(^2-y"*"+1

It may be provedwithout difficultythat,if v is real and z is positive,the

remainder after 'p terms in the asymptoticexpansionis of the same sign

as, and numericallyless than the first term neglected,provided that

'R{'p-\-\"v)'^^.This may be established by the method used in " 7-32.

The asymptoticexpausion* was given by Kayleigh,Proc. London Math. Soc. xix. (1888),

p. 504 in the case i' = 0, by Struve, Mem. de VAcad. Imp. des Sci. de St Petershourg,(7)XXX. (1882),no. 8, -p. 101, and Ann. der Phys. und Chemiey (.3)xvii. (1882),p. 1012 in the

case v = \; the result for generalvalues of v was given by J. Walker, The Analytical

Theory ofLight(Cambridge,1904),pp. 394"395.

If V has any of the values ^, %,...,

then (1 + u-/^-)""-is expressibleas a

terminatingseries and Y^ {z)is also expressiblein a finite form. It follows

that,when v is half of an odd positiveinteger,H^ {z) is exjDressiblein terms

of elementaryfunctions. In particular

[Hj(^)=(-)"(!-cos ^),

^^^ l-r,r.X

/ ^ ^^^ 2\ /2\V "COS^

10"43. The asymptoticexpansionofSti'uve'sfunctionsoflai-georder.

We shall now obtain asymptoticexpansions,of a type similar to the

expansionsinvestigatedin Chapter viil, which represent Struve's function

H^ {z)when jv \and |z \are both large.

As usual, we shall write

V = z cosh (a+ t/3)= z cosh 7

and,x^r simplicity,we shall confine the investigationto the specialcase in

which cosh 7 is real and positive.The more generalcase in which cosh 7 is

complex may be investigatedby the methods used in " 8'6 and " 10' 15,but it is

of no great practicalimportanceand it involves some rather intricate analysis.

* For an asymptoticexpansion of the associated integral

see Kayleigh,Phil. Mag. (6)viii. (1904),pp. 481"487. [ScientificPapers, v. (1912),pp. 20G" 211.]

Page 346: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The method of steepestdescents has to be appliedto an integralof Poisson's

t3"pe,and not, as in the previousinvestigations,to one of Bessel's type.

In view of the formula of " 10"41 (3),we consider the integral


which we write in the form


where t = w - cosh 7 . log(1 + tv^).

It is evident that r, qua function of w, has stationarypointswhere w = e-y,

so that,since 7 is equaleither to a or to lyS,two cases have to be considered,

which giverise to the stationarypoints

(I) e"", (II)e""^.

Accordinglywe consider separatelythe cases (I)in which zjvis less than 1,and

(II)in which zjvis greater than 1.

(I) When 7 is a real positivenumber a, t is real when w is real,and, as iv

increases from 0 to oc,

t first increases from 0 to e~" " cosh o.log(i-\-e~^),then decreases to e"^ " cosh a

. log(1 + e^")and finallyincreases to + ao.

In order to obtain a contour alongwhich t continuallyincreases,we suppose

that w first moves along the real axis from the originto the pointe~'^,and

then starts moving along a certain curve, which leaves the real axis at right

angles,on which t is positiveand increasing.

To find the ultimate destination of this curve, it is convenient to make a

change of variables by writing

w = sinh ^, C = 1 + ^'7" 6"" = sinh ^0,

where ^,rj and ^0are real.

The curve in the ^-plane,on which t is real,has for its equation

cosh ^ sin ?; = 2 cosh a arc tan (tanh^ tan 1;),

and it has a double point*at ^o-

We now write


J,2 arc tan (tanh ^ tan 77)

cosh ^ sin -t]

and examine the values of i^(f,r})as ^ traces out the rectanglewhose corners

0, A, B, C have complex coordinates

0, arc sinh 1, arc sinh 1 + |tti, ^iri.

As ^goes from 0 to A, F{^, t])\s,equalto 2 sinh |/cosh'-f,and this steadilyincreases from 0 to 1.

* Except when a = 0, in which case it has a triplepoint.

Page 347: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When ^ is on AB, F (^,??)is equalto

\/2.arc tan ("

7^^ ).cosec 77,


V \/2

and this steadilyincreases from 1 to 7r/\/2as rj increases from 0 to ^tt.

Note. To establish this result,write tan r]= t J2 and observe that

d U(l+2fi)^

\ 1 (t+ 2fi,


dt 1"

r~^'' '^''


t^Tiu^) \t+7^- "'" ''"7 ^ *"'

t + 2t^. . . . .

2fi (2 + fi)because

^j 5-- arc tan t,which vanishes with t,has the positivederivate ^ .

When ^is on BG, F(^, 77)is equal to ir sech ^,and this increases steadilyfrom irls^'Ito tt as ^ goes from B to C; and finallywhen ^ is on CO, F {^,-q)

is zero.

Hence the curve, on which F {^,77)is equalto sech a, cannot emerge from

the rectangleOABC, except at the double pointon the side OA ; and so the

part of the curve inside the rectanglemust pass from this double pointto the


The contours in the 2t'-planefor which a has the values 0, i are shewn in Fig.27 bybroken and continuous curves respectively.

Fig. 27.

Cdnsequentlya contour in the tf-plane,on which r is real,consists of the

part of the real axis joiningthe originto e"" and a curve from this pointto

the singularpointi; and, as w traces out this contour, r increases ft'om

0 to + 00.

It follows that,if the expansionof d^/ch in powers of t is

^i= - h r'"ar "i=o

Page 348: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions




w = 0 *

and hence, by 10-4 (1),we have

/-.x XT / \"

r / \ .2(*^)''


(1) H,(^)~-i/,(^)+p" -^--^^",


It is easy to prove that

bo= I, 6i= 2 cosh 7, 62= 6 cosh- 7 " i,

63= 20 cosh^ 7 " 4 cosh 7,

(II) When 7 is a pure imaginary(= i^), t is real and increases steadilyfrom 0 to CO as w travels alongthe real axis from 0 to 00 ; and so

";.- (1 + ".)'-"dn, = /;.-"[^^^*"|4r.

Hence, from " 1041 (3)it follows that

(2) H.(.)~F.(^)+^//^/";,,,i ^'^-

providedthat jarg z \" ^tt.This result can be extended to a somewhat wider

domain of values of arg z, after the manner of " 8"42.

From the correspondingresults in the theoryof Bessel functions,it isto be

expectedthat these results are valid for suitable domains of complex values

of the arguments.

In pcirticular,we can prove that,in the case of functions of purelyimaginaryargument,

(3) Ii"(vx) ~ I^ (vx)

when 11- 1is large,|arg v |" ^tt,x is fixed,and the error is of the order of magnitude of

] ri+j(i+x^).^ ..,^ .,,,7

^ " [ "

2" ^''i''

~ ^^ ''""^"^*

times the expressionon the right.

[Note. If in (I)we had taken the contour from w"0 to ?"; = e~" and thence to w= " i,

we should have obtained the formula containingiJy(2)in placeof - iJy(2). This indicates

that we get a case of Stokes' phenomenon as y crosses the line /3=0.]

10"44. The relation between H,i (z)and E" (z).

When the order ?; is a positiveinteger(or zero),Ave can deduce from

" lO'l (4) that E,i (z)differs from " H" (z)by a polynomialin z; and when n

is a negativeinteger,the two functions differ by a polynomialiu 1/z.

Page 349: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


For, when n is a positiveintegeror zero, we have


m = - nr{hu + \)T{\m + n + \)




" \"mri (l"\n+m

" ^ ^ ^ ^"=o

r {\m + 1 ) r (i//i+ n + 1 )'

and therefore,since Jn(z)= Jn(z),we have

," = i1 (1 - pn) r (?i+ 1 - |m)

that is to say

(1) E,.{s)=l%ii^""^Ml"L^_ H,.(.).

In like manner, when " ?? is a negativeinteger,

(2) E_. (.)=

L-)"ft ^"'-"-^Vtf""'"'- H-" (4

10'45. T/ie si^n of Str live s function.

We shall now prove the interestingresult that lrl^(x)ispositivewhen a; is

positiveand v has any positivevalue greaterthan or equalto ^. This result,

which was pointedout by Struve* in the case i^ = 1, is derivable from a

definite integral(which will be established in " 13'47) which is of con-siderable

importancein the Theory of Diffraction.

To obtain the result by an elementajymethod, we integrate" 10'4(1)bypartsand then we see that,for values of v exceeding|,


V{v + h)V{\) \icos (.a;cos 6)sin-"" 6


- (2z;- 1) I'

COS {x cos d)sin-"--^ cos ddd"^

/= h /

^^"^'fxn / 1 X

11 - (2^'- 1)['"cos{xcos d)sin-"--^ cos Odd]1 (^ + 2)^ (i) I h J

= 4^ " tvWtt sin^''--'6'cos ^ 11 - cos {x cos 6)}dO


since the integrandis positive.

* Mem. de VAcad. Imp. des Sci. de St Petersbourg,(7)xxx. (188'2),no. 8, pp. 100"101. The

proofgiven here is the natural extension of Struve's proof.

w. B. F. 22

Page 350: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When p is less than h,the partialintegrationcannot be performed; and,when v = |,we


Hi(.^")= (^.)*(l-cos.^')^0,and the theorem is completelyestablished.

A comparison of the asj'mptoticexpansionwhich was proved in " 10"42 with that of

Y^ (,v)givenin " 7"21 shews that,tc/ien x is sufficientijilargeand positive,H^ {x)is positive

if 1/ " 3and that Hk (.r)is not one-signedwhen j' " ^ ; for the dominant term of the

asymptoticexpansionof H^ {x)is

or ( " I^ sin (x " Ivn - i-n)



accordingas i/ " i or i^ " i.

The theorem of this section proves the more extended result

that Struve's function is positivefor all positivevalues of x when i/ " i and not merelyfor sufficientlylargevalues.

The theorem indicates an essential difference between Struve's function and Bessel

functions ; for the asymptoticexpansionsof Chapter vii shew that,for sufficientlylargevalues of x, J^ {x)and Y^ (x)are not of constant sign.

10 "46. Theisinger'sintegral.

If we take the equation

/"in- 1 JUi'piQ

J -hn^ 1 - te'e

r./"* f A- / 1\"1

,l + iz dz


IZ z'

and choose the contour to be the imaginary axis,indented at the origin* and then write

z=. +itau 1^, we find that



and so

- pT di"" {h (^)- I"oix))= / cos {x cot ^) logtan (iir+ *0) -^ ,

(1) /o(^)- Lo i-v)="i r"

cos {x tan "/")logcot {h"i") ,

a formula givenby Theisinger,MonatsheftefUr Math, und Phys. xxiv. (1913),p. 341.

If we replacex by .vsiu 6, multiply by sin 6,and integrate,we find,on changing the

order of the integrationsin the absolutelyconvergent integralon the right,

I El {xtan "^)logcot (|0)-^ = |f'"

(^ (^ "^" ^) ' ^o (- sin 6)}sin 6de

so that

\-e-'(2) /'"

El {x tan 0) logcot (*0) -^ = fJ 0 cos (p ^cos (f) 2' X


on expanding the integrandon the rightin powers of x. This curious result is also due to


* The presence of the logarithmic factor ensures the convergence of the integralround tlie


Page 352: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The function is thus seen to be equalto

= - -uUrL ^"""".^-'"- '"* -

-vw) /, '"' """^'-'^''""

Now it is known that*, near t=l,


/cos i^TryI r(m-i/ + |)r(m + i/ + i) /I - ty

X jlog(^^)- 2-"/r(m + 1)+ A/r(m - i; + 1)+ Vr(m + r + 1)1,

and since

"'-"\,-.n-./i-^r^^^^''^-^r(/.+ i)


i:"^",-"..-"fL^M'",,J'-'r(M+i)1 V 2 / "2'^^'^+i

we obtain the asymptoticexpansion

(7) W, (^)~ iiT,"'(^)



TT V(27r2^)

+ yfr(m + ^ + v)" yfr{m+J)-\og2z" ^iri]

Some functions which satisfyequations of the same generaltype as (1) have been

noticed by Nagaoka, Journal of the Coll. ofSci. Imp. Univ. Japan, iv. (1891),p. 310.

10'6. The functionscomposingYn{z).

The reader will remember that the Bessel function of the second kind, of

integralorder,may be written in the form ("3"52)

IX . ,'""-^(n-m-\)\

,, ,


+.!"Jid'+l)!I^'"g(i^)-V'(''"+!)-"/.(.+ ",. + 1)1.

The series on the rightmay be expressedas the sum of four functions,each of

which has fairlysimplerecurrence properties,thus

* Cf. Barnes, QuarterlyJournal, xxxix. (1908),p. 111.

Page 353: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions





and (of."3-.582)

m !

(3) Un{z)= 2(-rd^f^"""

=0 ?u!(n+ "i)!{i/r(/|+w+ l)--"/r(l)}

The functions T'n(2)^i-nd Un{z) have been studied by Schlafli,Math. Ann. ill. (1871),

pp. 142 " 147, though he used the sHghtlydifferent notation indicated by the equations

more recent investigationsare due to Otti* and to Gi*af and Gublert.

The function Tn{z)is most simplyrepresentedby the definite integral

(4) Tn {z)= - ["(iTT-d) sin (zsin d - nO) d9.

To establish this result,observe that



"i"_j"_jr {m + 1 + e)r (?i+ m + 1 - e)Je=,



27rt Lae,""_j,,_j(n + 2m)! j_i V^+'^^e=0

1 (-)""(i^y^+--"^/"'"+"(1+ tY+'''log

27n\^".';"_i(/i+ 2m)! ./_i f'^^^

2 TT X e"'9(-i" sin ^f +"-'".(^-Itt),.

=; I 2,

;;" CW,

'7^^ Jo m"-irt-i (n+ 27H)!

where t has been replacedby eC-^'-'^ii.

It follows that



and so

I (- iz sin ^)"+2'"_

jcosh(- iz sin ^) (n even)

,^"_j"_j (h + 2?/i)!~

[sinh(- iz sin 6) (n odd)

TTl J 0

* Bern Mittheilungen,1898, pp. 1"56.

t Einleitimgin die Theorie der BesseVscken Funktionen, 11. (Bern,1900),pp. 42 " 09. Loramel's

treatise,pp. 77 " 87, should also be consulted.

Page 354: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If 6 is replacedby tt " ^ in the integralobtained by consideringonlythe

second of the two exponentials,the formula (4),which is due to Schlafli,is

obtained at once.

The correspondingintegralfor Un (z)is obtained by observingthat

Un {Z)= -

~d_I (-)' (1^)"+^"r (1 + 6)

_9e,"=o m ! r (n + 7/i + 1 + e) "=0

aeKi^)-^r(i + e)j-,+,(^)}


and so, from "6*2 (4),we deduce that

(o) p-"w = fiog(i^)-t(i)K"W

-r+ -

r^ sin (n(9- ^ sin ^)rf^ + (-)"[ e-""-^smhf^^,TT Jo y 0

10*61. Recurr-ence formulaefor Tn{z) and (Jn(z).

From " 10"6 (4)we see that


= - (Itt- (9)sin (zsin ^ - n^). {2cos 6

- 2n/z]dO

= -"

r(hir-6) {cos(zsin d-ne)}deTTZ J Q

" civ

4 4= - COS^ 4 ??7r Jn (z),



on integratingby parts and usingBessel's integral.


(1) Tn-.{z)+ 7^,,+,{z)= (2n/2)T^ {z)+ 4 {cosInvr- J" {z)]\z.

22 /"'^Again T"'(^)= " I (Itt " ^)sin ^ cos {zsin ^ " nd)(^5*,

and so


From these formulae it follows that

(3) (SV+ n)Tn {Z)= zTn-, (Z)- 2 COS^ 1IITT + 2J" (z),

(4) (^ - " )Tn {z)= -z Tn+,{z)+ 2 cos^ * nTT - 2/" (^),

and hence (cf."1012) we find that

(5) V,jTn {z)= 2 [zsin2 1?i7r + n cos^ Iwtt}- 4h Jn (z).

Page 355: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


With the aid of these formulae combined with the correspondingformulaefor Jn {z),Y" {z)and Sn [z),we deduce from " 10"6 (1)that

(6) Un-, {z)+ Un^,{z)= {2n/z)Un (z)- (2/z)J,,(z),

(7) f^"_:(Z)- Un+,{Z)= 2 U,:(Z)- {21Z)J, {z),

(8) (^ + n) Un {z)= zUn-. [z)+ 2J, {z),

(9)^ (^-^0 U,(z)= -zUn^,(z), [of.""3-58(1),3-58(2)]

(10) V,,Un(z) = -2zJ,^,(z).

The reader may verifythese directlyfrom the definition," 10'6 (3).

It is convenient to define the function T_n(z),of negativeorder,by the

equivalentof " 10"6 (4). If we replace by tt " ^ in the integralwe find that

T_n (z)= - f"(17^ - ^)sin (zsin 6 + nO) cW

= (ivr" ^)sin (^sin 6 " nO }" inr)dd,

and so

(11) T_,,{z)= (-r+^TA^).

We now define U^niz) by supposhig" 10"6 (1) to hold for all values of n ;

it is then found that

(12) t7_,{Z)= i-Y {Un (Z) - Tu (Z)+ Sn (z)].

10-62. Series for Tn{z) and Un{z).

We shall now shew how to derive the expansion

(1) Tn{z)= t -{Ju+2nAz)-Jn-,,niz)]m = l "''

from "10-6 (4). The method which we shall use is to substitute

^ sin 2m0TT^---0=^ s

in the integralfor Tn (z),and then integrateterm-by-term.This procedureneeds justification,since the Fourier series does not converge uniformlynear

^ = 0 ^d 6 = iT, and, in fact,the equationjustquotedis untrue for these two

values of 0.

To justifythe process*,let S and e be arbitrarilysmall positivenumbex's. Since the

series converges uniformlywhen S ^ ^ ^ tt " S, we can find an integermo such that

^^sm 2m(9

{\7T-6)- 2

m=i m


* The analysisimmediately following is due to D. Jackson, Palermo Rendiconti, xxxii. (1911),

pp. 257" -262. The value of the constant A is 1-8519....

Page 356: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


throughout the range 8 ^ 6 ^ ir " 8,for all values of M exceedingWq- Again, for all values

of 6 between 0 and tt, we have


-M^sin 2m0


= I'

{l+2cos2^ + 2cos4^ +...

+ 2cos2i"i!}o?^



J (

dtg t SUl t



f(M+h)^ sin 07,

= iTT ;^

" dt= Jtt I ao;- ] ^ t ' ./(23f+l).f. ^

for some value of 0 between 6 and ^tt,by the second mean-value theorem, since tlsintis

a monotonic (increasing)function.

By drawing the graph of .r~isinjp it is easy to see that the last expressioncannot

/ "^ sni T

exceed Jrr I "


dx in absolute value ; if this be called hnA. we have- jo ^

Tn{z) 2 I sm(2Sin^-"^)rf^^ m=i J 0 "*

/Tf ^ sin 2?u^lJ(i:r-^)-2 -^^ [sin(zsine- nd)dd

n [ '

m=l "i J

sin (2 sin 6 " n6)\d6^ U 0 y 5 r J TT-Sj 11' m=l " J

"-{7r.48 + (7r-2S)f}^,

where 5 is the upper bound of |sin {zsin 6 - n6) |.

Since (2J.8 4- e)5 is arbitrarilysmall,it follows from the definition of an

infinite series that*

Tn {z)=- I r 'i'^-?sin (zsin d - nd)cW

~ ^I3r Wn+2m (-3")" Jn-2m \^)h

and the result is established.

It will be remembered that Uniz)has alreadybeen defined ("3'581)as a

series of Bessel coefiicients by the equation

and that,in "3-582, this definition was identified with the definition of Un (z)

as a power series givenin "10 Q (3).

10"63. Graf'sexpansionof T^ {z+ t)as a series ofBessel coefficients.

It is easy to obtain the expansion

(1) Tn(z + t)= 1 Tn-,,{t)J^\z),m= "00

* This expansionwas discovered by Schlafli,Math. Aitn. iii. (1871),p. 146.

Page 357: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


for,from " 10-6(4),it is evident that

T; (^+ ^)=

^ ["(1 TT - 6)sin {tsin e-nd-\-z sin 0)dd


0 j/i = - cc

= ^["(1,^-^)I ./,"(^)sin ( sin ^- (71-m)l9)r/^,TT j 0 m = - CO

by using" 2"1 ; since the series under the integralsign is uniformlycon-vergent,

the order of summation and integrationmay be changed,and the

result is evident.

The proofof the formula givenby Graf, Math. Ann. xliii. (1893),p. 141, is more com-plicated

; it depends on the use of the series of " 10-62 combined with " 2-4.

There seems to be no equallysimpleexpressionfor "/""{z+ t).

10"7. The genesisofLommeV s functionsS^^y(z)and s^^t,{z).

A function,which includes as specialcases the polynomialszOn {z) and

8n {z)of Neumann and Schlafli,was derived by Loramel, Math. Ann. ix. (1876),

pp. 425" 444, as a particularintegralof the equation

(1) V,y = kz"-+\

where k and /* are constants. It is easy to shew that a particularintegralof

this equation,proceedingin ascendingpowers of z beginningwith z'^^'^,is

(2) y = k +(^ + 1)._ ,r- [{f,+ \r-- v^-]{( + 3)^- .^j

=kz^-^ i (-)-(iy"+--^

^, ,_i I (-)"n(l^)em+2r(l;.-l+ l)r(l^ + |. + |)

,"to V{l^Ji-\v+ m+^,)^{\^l-^\v + m + ^)

For brevitythe expressionson the rightare written in the form

The function s^^^{z)is evidentlyundefined when either of the numbers

/x + f is an odd negativeinteger*.Apart from this restriction the general

solution of (1)isevidently

(3) 2/ = '^,(2r)+ A-S,,,(0).

In like manner the generalsolution of


(5) y-z-'-^''-'Hr^,{z)+ks,,A^))-

* The solution of the equation for such values of /x and v is discussed in " 10-71.

Page 358: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Next let us consider the solution of (1) by the method of "variation of

parameters."We assume as a solution*

where A (z)and B {z)are functions of z determined by the equations

J,{z)A'(z)+ J_A^)B'(z) = 0,

J',(z)A' (z)+ J'_,{z)B' {z)= kz^-\

On using"3"12 (2),we see that

A(^) =.


z sm v-TT

z'^J_^ {z)dz, B{z) = -


2 sm vTT

z"^ Jy {")dz.

Hence a solution f of (1)is

(6) i/=

72 sin vK

J^ {z) z^ J_^ {z)dz - J_^ {z) z^ J^ {z)dz

where the lower limits of the integralsare arbitrary.

Similarlya solution of (1) which is valid for all values of v, whether

integersor not, is

(7) y = i^'T^F, {z) z^ J^ {z)dz - ./,{z) z^ Y^ (s)dz

It is easy to see that,if both of the numbers /x + i^ + 1 have positivereal

parts,the lower limits in (6)and (7) may be taken to be zero. If we expandthe integrandsin ascendingpowers of z, Ave see that the expressionon the

rightin (6)is expressibleas a power series containingno powers of z other

than z^^^,z^'^'^,z^'^^,"

Hence, from (3),it follows that, since neither of the

numbers /m " v is an odd negativeinteger,we must have

(8) V..(^)=


2 sin VTT

J^ {z) z''/.^ (z)dz - J.Jo

zi^ Jv {z)dz

In obtainingthis result it was supposed that v is not an integer;but if

we introduce functions of the second kind, we find that

(9) s^^Az)= l7r Y^ {z) z^ J^ {z)dz - J^ {z) z^ Y^ (^)dz

and in this formula we may proceedto the limit in making v an integer.

It should be observed that,in Pochhammer's notation ("4"4),

(10) V^(^)-(^_^+ l)(^^^_^l)

x,2^2(l;\ii-\v^\,\ii^\v + \\ -\z').

* Cf. Forsyth,Treatise on DifferentialEquations (1914),"66; it is supposed temporaiilythat

V is not an integer.

f The generaUsationof this result,obtained by replacingzt^+'^ in (1)by an arbitrary function

of 2, was given by Chessin, Comptes Rendus, cxxxv. (1902),pp. 678"679; and it was appliedby

him, Comptes Eendus, cxxxvi. (1903),pp. 1124" 1126, to solve a sequence of equations resembling

Bessel's equation.

Page 360: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It will appear in "10"75 that the series (1),by means of which S^^"{z)is

defined when either of the numbers /x + y is an odd positiveinteger,is still

of significancewhen the numbers fx "v are not odd positiveintegers.It

yields,in fact,an asymptoticexpansionof S^^y{z)valid for largevalues of

the variable z.

10*72. Recurrence formulaesatisfiedhy LommeVs functions.

It is evident from "10-7 (2)that

that is to say

Again,it is easy to verifythat


^ [z"Sm,V {z)\={^l+ v-\)z'' S^_i,,_i {z),

so that

(2) s'^ {z)+ {vjz)s^^y(z)= (/x+ v- 1)s^_,,_i (z),and similarly

(3) sV." (z)- (viz).9^,(z)= (fl-V-l) S^i, ^+1(z).

On subtractingand addingthese results we obtain the formulae

(4) {2v/z)s^^^(z)= (^ + v-l) .9^_,,,_, (z)-{fx-v-l) s^,, ,+1 (z),

(o) 2sV,.(^)= {fJ'+ V-l) S^_,,^.i{z)+ {fM-v- 1)S^_i.^+i(z).

The reader will find it easy to deduce from "10"71 (2) that the functions of

the type s^"(z)may be replacedthroughoutthese formulae by functions of

the type "S^_^ (z); so that

(6) S,^,,. (z)= z'^^ -{(^ + iy- "^|,SV..(z),

0) S',,.(Z)+ {viz)S,,,(Z)= {fji+ V- 1)"^^_,._,(z),

(8) S'^^^z)- (vjz)S^^,(z)= (fM-v-l) 5f^,.,+,(z),

(9) {2vlz)S,^,(z)^(fi+v-l)S^,,^_,{z)-(fi-v-l)S^.,^,^,{z),

(10) 2S',,,(Z)= (,M+ V-1) ^,_,,,.,(z)+ifjL-V-1)"^^_,.+x(Z).

These formulae may be transformed in various ways by using (1)and (6). They are

due to Lommel, Math. Ann. ix. (1876),pp. 429 " 432,but his methods of provingthem were

not in all cases completelysatisfactory.

10' 73. LommeV s functionsS^^y(z)when fi "v is an odd negativeinteger.

The formula " 10"71 (2) assumes an undetermined form when /j," v or fi + v

is an odd negativeinteger*.We can easilydefine 'S^"_2p_i,v(^)in terms of

'S"_i,^(^)by a repeateduse of " 10'72 (6)which gives

m 9 .,x"^^ (.yn,.-.p^.n (-)PS^_,,^{Z)

(1) ^.-.p-^,Az)-

_-^ 2.^^ (_^^^^^(^_^)^^^+2..^,(1 _ ^)^


* Since S^,v (z)is an even function of v, it is sufficient to consider the case in which fi-v is an

odd negativeinteger.

Page 361: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We next define S^^i"(z)by the limitingform of "10 72 (6),namely

(2) ^"_i," {2)= lini

^^^_l 1_(/L6" y + 1)(/U,+ 1/ + 1)j'

The numerator (which is an analyticfunction of /x near /x = v " l) vanishes

when fx = v" 1, and so, by L'Hospital'stheorem*


^Z,V Jfl IJ.= P"1

Now it is easy to verifythat



. = .-1

' ^ \,Zo{m+ iy.r(v+m + 2)

X (2logz + ^|r{\)+ y}r(v+l)-^|r{m + 2) - yjr(v+ m + 2)}.

^{2'^+ir(l/.-l^+ f)r(l^ + ii + |)cosl(^ + z07r}y^i





and hence it follows that

= 2" r(i.+ 1)sin vir {log2 + |-f(1)+ l^|r(v+l) + ^7rcotvir},

{2'^+!r (l/x- ii.+ I)rCl/i+ ii;+ 1)cos1 (/^- ^)77}


jn = i'" 1

2''-^7rr{v+ l),

(3) "Sf,_,,(^)= i^T(z.) Si=o^"i!r{v + 'in+ 1)

X {2\oghz - y}r{v + m + 1) - f (m + 1)}-2"--^tt T (v)Y, (z),

and this formula, which apjjears to be nugatory whenever v is a negative

integer,is,in effect,nugatory onlywhen i' = 0 ; for when v = " 7i (where n is

a positiveinteger)we define the function by the formula

"S^_"_i,_n(z)= 'S-w-i,n (2),

in which the function on the rightis defined by equation" 1073 (1).

To discuss the case in which i' = 0, we take the fm-uiula

V, 0 (z)-

which gives 'S-i,o(2)=

, ^,{s''^'-^%^2,0(^)}M=-l

Since S, ,,,,{z)=^z--^{V{^ + f)}- 2,

/ '^J ,

+ 2" + 1 {r(l/L.+ i)}2{cosAyxTT. J'o(z)- Sin i/xTT. Jo (--)),

it follows,on reduction,that

* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 152.

Page 362: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*74. Functions expi-essiblein terms ofLomtneVs functions.

From the descendingseries givenin "10'7l (1)itisevident that Neumann's

poljmomialOn{z)isexpressiblein terms of Lomrael's functions by the equations

(1) 0.,,n{Z)= (If2)S,^n. (Z), 0^,^+1{z)= {(2//i+ 1 )/^}/S",,,n+x {z),

and Schlafli's polynomialSn{z) is similarlyexpressibleby the equations

(2) S^ (z)= 4m "Sf_i,2," (z), S^,^ (z)= 26'o,o,"+,(z).

It is also possibleto express the importantintegrals

I zi^ J^ {z)dz, I z"^ Y^ {z)dz

in terms of Lommel's functions ; thus we have

^{0"J, (z)


^1-" ^^_i,,_; (z)]= zJ,.,{z)8^_,,_i (z)+(^-v-l) zJ, {z) ^_2., {z),


^ [z'-'/,_i{z).Z-- S^ ,

(z)]= - zJ, (z)S^_,{z)+ {fi+ v-l) zJ,_,(z),Sf^_,,,_i (z).

On eliminating/S^_j^_i(2:)from the rightof these equations,and using

" 10'72 (6),we find by integratingthat

(8) ['z^ J,{z)dz= {fi+ v-l) zJ^ (z)"SV_3.._,(z) - zJ,^,(z)/Sf^., (z),

and proofsof the same nature shew that

(4) j%:^Y^iz)dz= {, + v-l)zY,(z)S,_,,,_,(z)-zY,.,(z)S^,^(z),

and, more generally,

(5) j^z'^K{z)dz= {^ + v-l) z^, (z)S^_,,_, (z)- z%\^, (z) V .(z).

Specialcases of these formulae are obtained by choosing/u,and i" so that

the functions on the rightreduce to Neumann's or Schlafli's polynomials,thus

(6) fz^,,,(z)dz = z^ I-J^%" (z)0,,_,(z)- "^^,_,(z)0,",(^)l,

0) r''^2,0+,(Z)dz = ^Z {'(^,,ri+,(Z)S^" (Z)- %rn (z) 2m+i(z)].

Of these results,(1),(3),(4)and (6)are contained in Lommel's paper, Math. Ann. ix.

(1876), pp. 425 " 444; (6) and (7) were given by Nielsen, Handbuch der Theorie der

Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904),p. 100, but his formuljie contain some misprints.

It should be noticed that Lommel's function,in those eases when it is

Page 363: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


expressiblein finite terms, is equivalentto Gegenbauer'spolynomialof "9"2.

The formulae connectingthe functions are*



2''r{v + m) V + 2m

lit i z

A ( X-2''+^r(^^+m + l) i/ + 2w + l^ .,

It follows that the most generalcase in which the integral(5)isexpressiblein terms of elementaryfunctions and cylinderfunctions isgivenby the formula

("') j ^ (^.+.. (^)dz -

^.p(^^^,^^ L ,. + 2/M - 1

V + 2m

The function defined by the series

(-)'"2''+ 2'" 4:Z's

)((.lor(i/+ 2??i+ i) r(..+ i)*''+7,i^^'*

has been studied in great detail by W. H. Voung + ; this function possesses many propertiesanalogousto those of Bessel functions,but the increase of simplicityover Lommel's more

generalfunction seems insufficient to justifyan account of them here.

Tiie integralv j,/

.-sdt has been studied (when v is an integer)by H. A. Wel)b,

Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),p. 58 ; and he stated that,when v = n, its value is 0" (z). This is

incorrect (as was pointedout by Kapteyn) ; and the value for generalvalues of v isJ


when Ji (v)" 0 and |arg {-z')\"7r.

10'75. The asymptoticexpansionofS^"(z).

We shall now shew by Barnes' method" that, when /x "v are not odd

positiveintegers,then S^^^{2)admits of the asymptoticexpansion

when i' jis largeand |arg z\ "7r.

Let us take the integral

_^ p.-Phini-lfi + ^v-sjTi^-lfM-^v-s) TTJ-Uy-'ds/Stti j _co/_^,+j r(^ " ^/j,+ ^v) r (I " h/J'" ^f)



The contour is to be drawn by taking j to be an integerso largethat the

onlypolesof the integrandon the left of the contour are polesof cosec sir, the

polesof the Gamma functions being on the rightof the contour.

* Oegenbauer, Wiener Silzungsberichte,lxxiv. (2),(1877),p. 126.

+ QuarterlyJournal, xliii. (1911),pp. 161 " 177.

I Cf. Gubler,Zurich Vierteljahrsschrift,xlvii. (1902),pp. 422"428.

" Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)v. (1907), pp. 59"118; cf. "" 6-o,7-5, 7-51.

"^ (;.- 1)^- ^.^ [(f,- If - v^-\{(^- 3)-^- V-

z"- z*

Page 364: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The integralis convergent when [arg ^ |" tt, and it may be seen without

difficultythat it is 0 (zf^'-P).

It may be shewn from the asymptoticexpansionof the Gamma function

that the same integrand,when integratedround a semicircle,of radius R with

centre at " p " f,on the rightof the contour, tends to zero fis R-^oo


that R tends to infinityin such a manner that the semicircle never passes

throughany of the polesof the integrand.

It follows that the expressiongiven above is equal to the sum of the

residues of

^'^ '

r(^-ifi + iv)r{i-ifi-iv)"


at the pointss

0,-1,-2,. ..,-(^-1),


1 1,, _li, 3_1,, _1,, 5_1,, _!,.2

" 2A* 2^'' 2 2/^2*'' ^ 2/* 2'^---)

2 2/^ ' 2^" 2 2A''+2'" ^ 2^^2*^'

When we calculate these residues we find that


^^1 (-)'"r{l-ifi + ^v + 711)r (I - l/i-

11; + m)

,_,^ (-rr(i + ifjL-iv)T{i+ ^f.+ iv)qz)^

r(|-|yu.+ |i^)sini'7r^=oWi!T{l"v-\-m)

2"-^7rra+ia-i.) -^ (-rd^r--^ ^

so that


X [cosl(/jL-v)7r./_, (z)- cos l(fi+ i')'7r.J, (z)]= 0 (z'^-'P),

and so, by "1071 (2),we have the formula

and this is equivalentto the asymptoticexpansionstated in (1).

Page 365: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10'8. Henii-cylindricalfunctions.

Functions Sn{z) which satisfythe singlerecurrence formula

(1) S"_, (^)- S,+,(^)= 2S,/(^)combined with

(2) S,{z)= -S:{z)

have been studied in great detail by Sonine*. They will be called hemi-


It is evident that S^i{z)is expressiblein the form

S, {z)=/" {D) . So (z),

where D = d/dzand fn(D) is a polynomialin D of degreen ; and the polynomialfn(^)satisfiesthe recurrence formula

combined with

/o(^)= l, /(^) = -e

It follows by induction (cf."9"14)that

/n(^)=H{-^ + v(r+i)i"+{-i-v(r+i)}'aand therefore

(3) S"{z)=^[{-D + ^{D-^+l)]-+{-D-,/{D-^+ l)\n].s,{z).

If it issupposedthat (1)holds for negativevalues of n, it is easy to see that

(4) S_n{z) = {-rSn{z).

To obtain an alternative expressionto (3),put ^ = sinh t,and thenf

J''^^' {-Qmhnt (wodd)

' 2l ^ 4l r +" " . {n even)


^n{n'- 1-)


[-1,^- 3;'r----- (^odd)


(5) S"(^) =

a- n- (n^ " 2^)So {z)+ ^ So"(z)+ "^

^So' {z)+ .,. (neven)2|--" \-y "


PSo {z) ~ So {z}- .... {n odd)

It isto be noticed that On {z),T, (z)and En(z) are hemi-cylindricalfunctions,but Sn(z),Un {z)and H" {z)are not hemi-cylindricalfunctions.

It should be remarked that the singlerecurrence formula

S,_,(^)+ X.+,(^)= ^S.(^)givesrise to functions of no gi-eaterintrinsic interest than Lommel's polynomials.

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 1"0, 71"80.

t See e.g. Hobson, Fhme Tiigonometry (1918),"264.

w. B. P. 23

Page 366: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


10*81. TJie addition theorem for hemi-cylindricalfunctions.

We shall now establish Sonine's importantexpansion*

(1) S",( + 0= i Jn{t)S,^-n{z);n = " 00

the expansionis valid when z -\-tlies inside the largestcircle,whose centre is

at the pointz, which does not contain any singularityof the hemi-cylindricalfunction under consideration.

Take as contour a circle C with centre z such that So (^)has no singularityinside or on the circle. Then

Ziri j c ^"z " t

The series converges uniformlyon the contour, and so we have

iTTl ,i=o J C

= ^. l.nJn{t)fni-^)\^-^d^2in

,j=o V dzj J c ^-z


f d\= S "nJn{t)fn[-J-^j^m{z)dz

=J^.,./.("/"(-|)/.,.(j'^)s.(.)d..But it is easy to verifythat

2/n(- ^)/"(^)=/r"-"(f)+ (-)"/""+"(f).

so that

S^(0 + O = ^o(OSm(^)+ i Jn{t)[S,n-n{t)+ {-T^,n^n{t)],M = l

whence Sonine's formula is obvious.

It should be noticed that,if S" {z)denotes a function of a more general

type than a hemi-cylindricalfunction,namely one which merelysatisfiesthe


without satisfyingthe equationS-^{z)= " So'(^),we stillhave

fn(- )S",{Z)= S,n-n (z)+ (-)"S",+"(z),

and so the formula (1) is stillvalid. We thus have an alternative proofof

the formulae of ""5-3,91, 934 and 10-63.

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 4"8. See also Konig, Math. Ann. v. (1872),pp. 310"340 ; ibid.

XVII. (1880),pp. 85"86.

Page 368: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


given,and, after definingct^ (z)by (6) and (7),we solve (5) by the method

of variation of parameters. The solution is

(9) F,(z) = J,(z)\c,-l7rY,{t)^,(t)dt

+ Y, (z)\d,+ iTT J, (0 ^, (0 dt\,

where a and h are arbitraryconstants; and Ct, and dt,may be taken to be

independentof z, though they will,in general,depend on v.

It remains to be shewn that c^ and c?"can be chosen so that the value of

F,{z) given by (9) satisfies (1) and (2),or (what comes to the same thing)that it satisfies(3)and (4). If (3)is satisfied,then

zJy-i(^)]c. - ^TTI Y, (t)m^ (t)dt ]"- ^irzJy (z)Y^ {z) ^ {z)

+ Z F^_i{Z)\d -k- TT{ J^ (t)-ST^(t)dt[+ ^TTZF" (Z)J^ (Z)Tff^{z)

"" zJ^_ {z)j(_1,

"v"\ 2 'TT Y,_,{t)7n^_,{t)dt\

that is to say,


+ ^F,_i(2)

+ ^F^-i {z)\d"-i+ l-TT J,_i(0 ^^-1 (t)dt\-a^ {z),

--1-l'^\\Y" (0 ^. (0 - Y^_,(t)t^,_, (0}

J a


d^ - (/,_!+ Itt {J,(t) At)- J,-,(t)CT,_i (Ojdt + ofp(z)= 0.

But it is easy to verifythat


dz ._, (z)/3,_i{z)- ^, {z)", {z)]= isr,{z) , (z)- t^,_i (z)'^,_,{z\

since (6)and (7)are satisfied;and so (3)is satisfied if

zJ^_^{z)\c" - c^_i - Itt F,_i{z)/S._,{z)- F, {z)a, (z)

+ ^F^_i {z)\d^ - fZ^_,4- Itt /,_!{z)/3,_i(^)- J^ {z)a, (z) + a,(z)= 0,

and this condition,by " 3*63 (12),reduces to

zJ^_i(z){c^- c"_i + Itt[F^_i(a)/3^_i(a)- F^ (a)a^ (a)]}

+ ^F,_, (^){o5,- d,_,- Itt [J,_,(b)/3._,(6)- -/.(b)a, (b)]}= 0.

Consequently,so far as (3)is concerned, it is sufiicient to choose c" and d^

to satisfythe diiference equations

|(10) c^ - c^_i = - ^TT{F^_i(a)yS^_i(a) - F^ (a)"^ (a)),

i(ll) d, - d,_,= Itt {J,_,(6)/3,_,(6)- /, (6)", (6)};

Page 369: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the reader will have no difficulty in verifying that, if these same two

difference equations (with v replaced by i/ + 1 throughout) are satisfied, then

the value of F^ (z) given by (9) is a solution of (4).

These difference equations are of a type whose solutions maybe regarded

as known*; and so the condition (8) is a sufficient, as well as a necessary,

condition for the existence of a solution of the given pair of functional equa-tions

(1) and (2).

If, as ^^ -^ 00,

f^(z) = 0(z^-% g^{z) = 0{zi-^),

where S " 0, then we maymake a -*- oo


h^~ zc,

and we have

Cy = c""i, cti, ^ rt"_i,

so that the general solutionmay

be written

(12) F, (z) = /, {z)L, (v) + Itt ["F, (0 ^. (t)


+ F, (Z) ItT,(l/)-

ItT ["J, (t) 7Z, (t)dtl


where 7ri(i/)and 773(1/) are arbitrary periodic functions ofv

with period unity.

Note. Some interesting properties of functions which satisfy equation (2) 07ili/are to

be found in Nielsen's earlierpaper, A)in. di Mat. (3) v. (1901), pp. 17


31. Thus, from a

set of formulae of the type


J{z)+F, ^,{z)- (2vlz) F(z) = 2g, {z)lz,

it is easy to deduce that

(13) F,,,,{z) = F,{z)R",,{z)-F,_,{z)R,,.,,,^,{z)


+ (2/2) 2 gv^-miz)Rn-m-hv^m+\{z);

the first two terms on the right are the complementary function of the difference equation,

and the series is the particular integral.

* An account of various memoirs dealing with such equations is given by Barnes, Proc. London

Math. Soc. (2) 11. (1904), pp. 438"469.

Page 370: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



11*1. The general nature of addition theorems.

It has been proved ("4"73) that Bessel functions are not algebraicfunctions,

and it is fairlyobvious from the asymptoticexpansions obtained in Chapter vii

that they are not simply periodicfunctions, and, a fortiori,that they are not

doubly periodicfunctions. Consequently,in accordance with a theorem due

to Weierstrass*, it is not possibleto express Jv{Z "\-z) as an algebraicfunction

of Jv (Z) and Jy (z). That is to say, that Bessel functions do not possess

addition theorems in the strict sense of the term.

There are, however, two classes of formulae which are commonly described

as addition theorems. In the case of functions of order zero the two classes

coincide ; and the formula for functions of the first kind is


Jo {'\/{Z'^+ Z- "2Zz cos ^)} = S e^nJm {Z) Jm i^)COS m(f",

7)1 = 0

which has alreadybeen indicated in " 4"82.

The simplestrigorousproof of this formula, which is due to Neumann f,

depends on a transformation of Parseval's integral; another proof is due to

Heine |,who obtained the formula as a confluent form of the addition theorem

for Legendre functions.

11*2. Neumanns addition theoi'eni^.

We shall now establish the result


(1) ^0 M = S ^mJ'm {Z) J,n{z)COS 7/10,

where, for brevity,we write

CT = sJiZ + 2^ -2Zz cos 0),

and all the variables are supposed to have generalcomplex values.

* The theorem was stated in "" 1"

3 of Schwarz' edition of Weierstrass' lectures (Berlin,

1893) ; see Phragmen, Acta Math. vii. (1885), pp. 33"42, and Forsyth, Theory of Functions (1918),

Ch. xni for proofs of the theorem.

t Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867), pp. -lO" 70.

XHandbuch der Kugelfunctionen, i. (Berlin, 1878), pp. 340"343; cf. " 5-71 and Modern

Analysis, " 15'7.

" In addition to Neumann's treatise cited in " 11-1, see Beltrami, Atti della R. Accad. di Torino,

XVI. (1880"1881), pp. 201"202.

Page 371: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

11-1-11 -3] ADDITION THEOREMS 359

We take the formula (Parse val's integral)

If'' 1 /"'"

^TT J-n


which isvalid for all(complex)values of sr and a, the integrandbeinga periodic

analyticfunction of 6 with period27r. We next suppose that a is defined bythe equations

ts sin a = Z " 2 cos (f),-ur cos a. = z sin "^,

and it is then apparent that

\ [".

,/"(ct)= X"I exp [i(Z " ^^ cos ^) sin ^ + i^ sin cf)cos ^]c?^

2^S /,"(2)}H = - X


^TT)".= " :HI = - X


= t ./",(^)J..(^)e-'^"l = " X

the interchangeof the order of summation and integrationfollowingfrom

the uniformityof convergence of the series,and the next step followingfrom

the periodicityof the integrand.

If we group the terms for which the values of m differ onlyin sign,we

immediatelyobtain Neumann's formula.

The correspondingformulae for Bessel functions of order " ^ were obtained by Clebsch,

Journal filrMath. LXi. (1863),pp. 224 " 227, four years before the publicationof Neumann's

formula; see J511 '4.

11*3. Graf'sgeneralisationofNeumanns form'tda.

Neumann's addition theorem has been extended to functions of arbitraryorder v in two different ways. The extension which seems to be of more

immediate importance in physicalapplicationsis due to Graf*, whose

form uJ^ is


ze~^)^^ ""

(1) J^{^).\^^\ = S J,^,"(^)/,"(^)e-*,( ^ ze^ ) III =-00

and this formula is valid providedthat both of the numbers \ze^''^\are less


* Math. Aim. xliii. (1893),pp. 142 " 144 and Verhandlungen der Schiceiz. Natitrf. Gen. 1896,

pp. 59 " 61. A specialcase of the result has also been obtained by Nielsen,Math. Ann. lii. (1899),

p. 241.

Page 372: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Graf's proofis based on the theoryof contour integration,but,two years after it was

pubhshed, an independentproofwas givenby G. T. Walker, Messenger,xxv. (1896),pp. 76 "

80; this proof is applicableto functions of integralorder only,and it may be obtained

from Graf's proofby replacingthe contour integralsby definite integrals.

To prove the generalformula, observe that the series on the rightin (1)is convergent in the circumstances postulated,and so, if arg Z"a, we have

m= " 'x


2 exp\lZ(t--)\r "---' J,,(z)e-^'Ut^T!"*

w=-oo J -a)exp(-"a) (, \ f /J

there is no specialdifficultyin interchangingthe order of summation and


Now write

{Z - ze-'' )t = -uTU, {Z- ze''l')/t= ^ju,

where, as usual, -sr = \/{Z'^+ z^ " 2Zz cos (f"),

and it is supposednow that that value of the square root is taken which makes

-07 -^ + Z when z ^^0.

For all admissible values of z, the phase of "ay/Zis now an acute angle,positiveor negative.This determination of -nr renders it possibleto take the

w-contour to start from and end at " oo exp(" 1/9),where y3= arg zsr.

We then have

2 J." (Z)J, (.)."- =i-.l^^^)'r exp

h. (u- ')]m=-oo

27rl V CT / J-ooexp{-ip) [ V uj } v''+'


by " 6-2 (2);and this is Graf's result.

If we define the anglei/rby the equations

Z " z cos 0 = OT cos -v/r,z sin (f"" nr sin yjr,

where yjr^^ 0 as z -^ 0 {sothat,for real values of the variables,we obtain the

relation indicated by Fig.28),then Graf's formula may be written

(2) e"^^/. (tsr)= i /.+,.(^)/,.(^)e'"'*m = " 00

and, on changingthe signsof ^ and yjr,we have

(3) e-^'*M^)= t J.^m{Z)Jm{z)e--^'\Wl= " 00

* Cf. Bromwicb, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 176.

Page 373: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


whence it follows that



olll "" = " 00oill

jn= " 00

Fig. 28.

If,in this formula,we change the signsof v and in, we readilydeduce from

8'54 that


and so




^ ^ ' '


sm)" = " Qo


The formula (5)was given by Neumann in his treatise in the specialcase ^ = 0; see

also Sommerfeld, Math. Ann. XLV. (1894),p. 276; ibid. XLVii. (1896),p. 356. Some physical

applicationsof the formulae are due to Schwarzschild,Math. Ann. lv. (1902),pj).177 " 247.

If we replaceZ, z and w in,these equationsby iZ, iz and i-^ respectively,it is apparent that



sin1M= "rr,

Olll)" = " 00


billiij=" cr !5J11)H = " X

Of these results,(7)was stated by Beltrami, Atti della R. Accad. di Torino,xvi. (1880"

1881),pp. 201"202.

The followingspecialresults,obtained by taking(^=|7r,should be noticed :



9^,{m)(,o%v^= S {-y^9^.+,,n{Z)J,"^{^\

'^,(B7)sini;r/r=S {-rK+,m+i{Z) J,m+,{z),?Ji = " X

where Z = ^ cos ""^,z =-st sin yfrand \z\" \Z\.

For the physicalinterpretationof these formulae the reader is referred to

the papers by G. T. Walker and Schwarzschild ; it should be observed that,in

the specialcase in which v is an integerand the onlyfunctions involved are

of the firstkind, the inequalities|2^e***\"\Z\ need not be in force.

Page 374: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


11 '4. Gegenhauer^'saddition theorem.

The second type of generalisationof Neumann's addition theorem was

obtained by Gegenbaiier*nearlytwenty years before the publicationof

Graf's paper.

If Neumann's formula of " 111 is differentiated n times with respect to

cos "^,we find that

Jn ("r) " Jm+n {Z) J,n+n(^)d""COS (m + ?i)0.(1) -^^ = 2 e.

tsr'^ ,",'Zo'^^''Z"" z'' d (cos"f"y'

This formula was extended by Gegenbauer to functions of non-integralorder

by means of the theory of partialdifferential equations(see" ir42); but

Soninef gave a proofby a direct transformation of series,and this proofwe

shall now reproduce;it is to be noted that,in (1), is not restricted (as in

" 11 '3)with reference to Z.

We take Lommel's expansionof " 5'22,namely


^ (- hh)pj.^A^)

and replacef and h by Z'^+ z^ and "2Zzcos(})respectively;if we write O

in placeof J^ (otj/ct"for brevity,it is found that

- (Zzcos"t")PJ.+pW(Z^+2')}



I (-yzP+^COSP"f" J^p^giZ)^ro,to 2^.p\ql Z'^^


by a further applicationof Lommel's expansionwith ^ and h replacedby Z^

and 2l

But, by " 5-21,

J,+p+g{Z)_ 9 ql v+p+2k r(p + p + k)T^


{:,k\{q-k)\ 29 Tiv + p-^q+k + iy"^^^'^^^^'and so

^ _

^ ^ 4 (-)g{v + v^ 2k) r (v+ P + k)zP^'i cos^ 0 J,+j,+^Zl^ro^ro^ro 2'^plkl{q-k)ir{,"-\-p+ q+k+l) Z"

the tripleseries on the rightbeing absolutelyconvergent, by comparisonwith

00 00 qi

S 2 S

/)=0g-0 A:-0

r (r+ p + A;)zP^-^'iZ'^^^

2P+-2q+2kj)i/.\ ^ _ ^.)!r (j,+ p ^ 2k) r{v+p + q + k + i)

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxx. (2),(1875),pp. 6 " 16.

t Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 22"23.

Page 376: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


thoughit isused implicitlyin obtainingsome of the results givensubsequentlyin this section.

Unlike the formulae of " 11"4, the formula is true onlywhen l^'lis so

small that both the inequalities|ze^^^ \"\^\ are satisfied;but,in provingthe

formula,it is convenient first to suppose that the further inequalities

\2Zzcos(f"\"\Z + z''\,\z\"\Z\are satisfied.

We then use Lommel's expansionof " 5'22 (2)in the form

i)=0 P!

which is valid when |A |" |^|.

It is then found by making slightalterations in the analysisof 111"4 that


^ ^ I (-)y+i{v^-2i + 2k)V {- V - p - q- k) zP+-'9cos^ "f"J-,-p- {Z)

"3oA/t=o 2-^'iplk\(q-k)ir{l-v-p-k) Z"


^ ^ Z (-)P+'(i+ P+ '2k)r(-v-p-2k- n) ^P-H*+^" cos^ (t"J-,.p-,kjZ)- .;i,C""X 2^^-^-p\k\n\Y{\-v-p-k) Z^

_I I i-y^^ 2"^ {v+p + 2k)T{v + p + k) cosy ^ J_,_p_^(Z)J,+p+,k(z)piok% p\k\ Z^ z^

I "4" (-)m-fc2''+"'-2^-{v+ m) r (i/+ m - k) cos"'"^^ "/"J-^-m (Z) J^+m (z)

~,.=oA=o {m-2k)lk\ Z" z"

= 2-'r (.) i (-r (^+ m) ^-7/^%^ G^" (COS,/,),

SO the requiredresult is established under the conditions

\2Zzcos"f"\"\Z'+ z^\, \z\"\Z\.

Now the last expressionis an analyticfunction of z when z lies inside the

circle of convergence of the series*

I (y+ 7n)Z-'"-"^ z'^ Cm''(cos(b)

,"=o r(l -v-m)T{\-\-v^-m) '

and this circle is the circle of convergence of the series

X (^Ij0^" (cos"^).

Hence the given series converges and represents an analyticfunction of z

providedonlythat j2re*"*j" | |; and, when this pairof inequalitiesis satisfied,

J-^ (ra-)y''5r''is also an analyticfunction of z.

* Cf. " 5-22.

Page 377: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, by the theoryof analyticcontinuation,(1) is valid through the

whole of the domain of values of z for which

I e*** I" i I"

If in (1) we replacey by " i^ we find that

Again,if we combine (1) with " ir4 (2),we see that,for the domain of

values of z now under consideration,

(3) ^^-P= 2" r (.) 2 (.+ m) %^" %M C," (coscf"),

and so, generally.

(4) ^) = 2^r(.) i (.+^)%i^)^%^c',/(cos"^).

If in (8) we make v ^-0 and use the formulae

Co"(cos0) = 1,

lim [r {v)(v + m) C,,,"(cos0)}= 2 cos mcj), (m i^0)

we find that


(5) Fo(t3-)=S ",nY,n{Z)J,n.(z)cos m(f).m=0

The formulae (1)and (2)have not been givenpreviously;but (3)is due to Gegenbauer,

and (5) was given by Neumann in his treatise (save that the functions "," were rej^laced

by the functions Ft"*)).The formula (3)with v equal to an integerhas also been examined

by Heine, Handhuch der Kugelfunctionen,i. (Berlin,1878),pp. 463 " 464. Some develop-mentsof (4)are due to Ignatowsky,Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3) xviir. (1911),pp. 322 "


If we replaceZ, z and ot by iZ, iz and m in the formulae of " 11'4 and

this section we find that

(6) ^-# = 2^ r (.) S (-)'"(.+ m) %^^ %^^ C^" (cos"/"),tJT-

," = oZ" Z-


(7) J^_-Ap= 2''r{v)i (-)-(.+,n)^^^^"%^6;/(cosc/,),

(8) ^" = 2^ r (.) i (.+ m) ^^^ ^^^ C.,r(cos"^).

Of these formulae, (8) is due to Macdonald, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxii. (1900),

pp. 156 " 157; while (6)and (7) were givenby Neumann in the specialease v = h

Page 378: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The formulae of "11"4 and of this section are of specialphysicalimportancein the case v = ^. If we change the notation by writingkxt,kr and 0 for Z.

2 and (b we see that the formulae become

sin k vX/^+ a- " 2ar cos 6).^^ V(/-'+ fl"'-2arcos^)

cos Z;v'(?+ "" - 2ar cos 6?)^ ^^

V(r^+ a- -2ar cos (9)

fi.=0 V" V'*

exp {"AVC?* + 0-" 2or cos ^)}

v(^ + a^ " 2ar cos ^)

= 2 (2,"+ l)^^iii"iA^^'Ii"i"^)p,"(oos").171=0 \ " \r

These formulae are of importance in problems in which pulsationsemanate from a

point on the axis of harmonics at distance a from the origin,in presence of a spherewhose

centre is at the origin.Cf. Carslaw, JJatk. Ann. lxxv. (1914),p. 141 et seq.

The followingspecialcases of (4) were pointedout by Gegenbauer,and

are worth recording:

If "f)= TT, we have

If 0 = |7r,we have

U Z=z. 6=0, and "ifis taken to be /",

a formula alreadyobtained ("o'o)by a different method; in this connexion

the reader should consult Gegenbauer,Wienei' Sitzungsherichte,lxxv. (2),

(1877),p. 221.

More generally,takingZ=z, ^=^0, 'fe'Y= /",,we have

Gegenbauer,loc.cit.givesalso specialcases of this formula,obtained by taking

(^= ^TT. (b = TT.

Page 379: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again,it can be shewn that*, if B{v)" " ^,

I sin-"( Cm" (cos(/))0/ (cos"^)c^0"_

it T {'Iv-\-m)_

"0 [~22''-J(^+ m).m!{r(i/)py'^^'V)

and so, providedthat R{v) " " \,

^ .'o (^^+ 2:2-2^^008 0)*" ^ ^ V 2/ V2/ ^^ ^z,

and, more generally,

/ -, KxT"'^".'fV(-^'+ ^' - 2^^ cos 4")] ,

, X "

.,. ^ .^


'^r(2"/+ 7H)'^Um(^)"/.+.,(^)2"-^m!r(i/) Z" 2"

A simple proof of this formula f, in the specialcase in which m = 0 and the cylinder

functions are functions of the first kind, was given by Sonine,Math. Ann. xvx. (1880),

p. 37, Another direct prooffor functions of the first kind is due to Kluyver,Proc. Section

of ScL, /{. Acad, van Wet. te Amsterdam, xi. (1909),pp. 749 " ^755. An indirect proof,

depending on " 12'13(l't,is due to Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsherichte,Lxxxv. (2),(1882),

pp. 491"502.

[Note. An interestingconsequence of (4),which was noticed by Gegenbauer, Wiener

Sitzuiiffsberickte,Lxxiv. (2),(1877),p. 127. is that,ifjse***\"\^\ throughout the contour

of integration,then fcf." 9'2)

(18) " -"-^ A," ,

(z)" = 2" r (.)" (.+ m)^

g,/ (coscj,).

Specialcases of this formula, resembling the results of " 9*2,are obtainable by taking0

equal to 0 or tt.]

1142. O'egenbauer'sinvestigationof the addition theorem.

The method used by Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,LXX. (2),(1875),pp. 6 " 16,

to obtain the addition theorem of " 11"4 is not quite so easy to justifyas Sonine's

transformation. It consists in proving that Q is a solution of the j)artialdifferential

equationd^a. 2i/+l 3q 1 d2j2 2;/cot(^9Q

dz^ z dz z^ d"p^ z^ d(f)~


and assuming that i2 can be expanded in the form

0= 1 ^,".C,/(cos"/)),m=0

whpre-iJj,!is independent of 0, and C'"/(cos(^)is a polynomial of degree m in cos"/);it

follows that

{|,+2.cotc^l}c,/(cos0)* Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxx. (2),(1875),pp. 433 " 443, and Bateman, Proc.

London Math. Soc. (2)iv. (1906),p. 472; cf. also Barnes, QuarterlyJournal, xxxix. (1908),p. 189;

Modern Anabjsi.%" 15-51 and Proc-. London. Math. Soc. (2) xvii. (1919),pp. 241" 246.

t Formula (16)has been given in the specialcase i/^O by Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory,in.

(London, 1912),p. 267, in a somewhat disguised form.

Page 380: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is a constant multipleof C^ (cos^),and so C^" (cos0) may be taken to be the coefficient

of a'" in the expansionof (1 " 2a cos 0 + a^)~ ". And then 5^, qua function of 2, satisfies the


so that i?m is a multipleof z""./^^"(2),the other solution of this differential equationnot

beinganalyticnear the origin.

From considerations of symmetry Gegenbauer inferred that 5"i,qua function of Z, is

a multipleol Z~'"Jy^yf^{Z\so that

i2= 2 Om rr;" " VrrCK^O"(p),

m=0 "^ -^

where 6,"is a function of v and m only ; and h^ is determined by comparing coefficients of

z^ Z"^ cos'^ (f)in Q and in the expressionon the right.

A similar process was used by Gegenbauer to establish " 11-41 (3),but the analysis

seems less convincingthan in the case of functions of the first kind.

11 '5. The degenerateform ofthe addition theorem.

The formula

(1) e^"""* = (")*^i^(2/1+ 1)t" Jn^ {Z)Pn (COSC^)

was discovered by Bauer* as earlyas -1859;it was generalisedby Gegenbauerf,

who obtained the expansion

(2) g"cos.*= 2''r(i;)i {v+ m) i^ ^"-^"^y^Cj' (cos"^);m=0


Bauer's result is obviouslythe specialcase of" this expansionin which t" =j.

In the limit when v-^0, the expansionbecomes the fundamental expansion

of "2-1.

Gegenbauer'sexpansionis deducible from the expansionof " 11 '41 (4) by

multiplyingby Z""^* and making Z -* 00 ; it is then apparent from " 11"41 (9)

and (10) that the physicalinterpretationof the expansionis that it gives

the effect due to a train of planewaves coming from infinityon the axis of

harmonics in a form suitable for the discussion of the disturbance produced

by the introduction of a spherewith centre at the origin.

A simpleanalyticalproofof the expansionconsists in expandingz" e'^''^"^^

in powers of z and substitutingfor each power the series of Bessel functions

suppliedby the formula of " 5'2 ; we thus find that


^ i"-cos" (b^

cos 1^ __ " z. 2"'^nV gJZCOSC



* t" cos" (^ * 2"+'* i^v+ n + 2^').

r (z/+ /I + ^')r / X




r-jJ v-it-n-\-'ik\Z)-

* Journal filrMath. lvi. (1859),pp. 104, 106.

t Wiener Sitzuvgsberichte,lxviii. (2),(1874),pp. 355"367; Lxxiv. (2),(1877),p. 128; and

Lxxv. (2),(1877),pp. 904"905.

Page 381: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we rearrange the repeatedseries by writingn = m " Ik, we deduce that

w=oA-=o fci{m " Zh;)l

= 2" r (v) I (i + "i)t'"-/,+",(^)C',/(cos"/)),m=0

and this is Gegenbauer'sresult.

Modified forms of this expansion,also due to Gegenbauer,are

_(3) gzcos* ^ 2" r (v) I (i.+ m) ^-^^"1^Cm" (cos"/"),

m = 0 -


(4) e-~^cos"^3= 2" r {v) % (-r " ('+ "0 ^-^^^^G^n"(cos"/"),

(5) cos(^cos"^)= 2''r(,0 5 (-y^.{v + 2m)'^^^"^!^C''^(cos(f"),m=0 " "^

'Ji'+2m+i \^)

(6) sin(^cos"/))= 2''r(i;)S (-)'".(i.+ 2/h + 1)

"^^ ,^'' '



(7) 1 = 2" :" (i + 2m)m=o ^ ^?i!

(8) /;."c"*,.."(e"s,)."=.,c/,=?:i"^"^|p^i"%i!i.The last is a generalisationof Poisson's integral,which was obtained by a

different method in "3'32. It is valid onlywhen R{i')" "^.

These formulae are to be found on pp. 363 " 365 of the firstof Gegenbauer'smemoirs

to which reference has justbeen made.

Equation (1)was obtained by Hobson, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxv. (1894),p. 59,by a

consideration of sohitions of Laplace'sequationin space of 2i/+ 2 dimensions, 2i/+ 2 being

an integer.

A more generalset of formulae may be derived from (2) by replacing

cos (f)by cos (f)cos "/"'-f sin cf)sin (f)'cos -v/r,multiplyingby sin^""^^jr,and inte-grating

with respectto yjr.The integral*r

C'^i"(cos( cos "/)'+ sin " sin cf)'cos -yjr)sin'-""-"/rfZ-v/r

^= ^"rir'i^l'^^'^-''(^^"'^) "''(c"^ ')"

which is valid when R (i')" 0, shews that

exp [iz(cos( cos ^' + sin ^ sin "/"'cos -v/r)]sin^""^-i/rrf\^

= 2-- {r (.)} 2 '71^9^Itr'%^ ^'""'"^''^"'"''"^^'^'^^

* Cf. Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsbertchte,lxx. (2),(1874),p. 433; cii. (2a),(1893),p. 942.

W. B. F. 24

Page 382: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so

t/"_j{zsin ^ sin "/"')

{zsin "f)sin 0')"

," ,t/ "_i 12^ Hill (D Sill ro )

r ., , ,,

The integralused in the proofconverges onlywhen K {v)" 0,but the final

result is true for all values of v, by analyticcontinuation.

This result was given by Bauer, Munchener Sitzungsheriehte,v. (1875),p. 263 in the

case v = \; the generalformula is due to Gegenbauer,Monatsheftefur Math, tmd Phys.x.

(1899),pp. 189 " 192; see also Bateman, Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),p. 182 and a letter from

Gegenbauer to Kapteyn, Proc. Section of Sci.,K. Acad, van Wet. te Amstcrdam,lY. (1902)

pp. 584"588.

Interestingspecialcases of the formula are obtained by taking"/"'equal to "^or to ^ ;

and,if we put ^' equal to ^tt,multiplyby e^^^"^^sin^" and integrate,we find that

(10) "TTi{''Jv-\(^sin 0) e'^cos. sin'^"( rfc/)

z - J 0

= 2" /f27r) i ( V"^ ^""*""' "

^^"^^"^ '^''"" ^"^ ^^^'^'^^ ^"^ ^^^

so that the expressionon the left is a symmetric function of z and Z; this formula also

was givenby Bauer in the case v = \.

11 '6. Bateman s expansion.

We shall now establish the generalexpansion

(1) ^0 J" (2^0080 cos "J")"/^(2 sin ^ sin "I")


= CDS'" " cos*^ ^ sin" " sin" ^ 2 (-)"(/i+ y + 2;? + 1)/^+^+27i+i(^)


.!r(;.4-. + l){r(.+ l)r^".F.(-.,^+ . + n4-l;. + l;sm-c/")

X o^i{-n,ix-^v + n + l\ 2' + 1 ; sin- "l"),

which is valid for all values of fx and v with the exceptionof negativeintegralvalues.

Some of the results of "11*5are specialcases of this expansionwhich was

discovered by Bateman* from a consideration of the two types of normal

solutions of the generalisedequationof wave motions examined in "4'84.

We proceedto givea proofof the expansionby a direct transformation.

* Messenger, xxxiii. (1904),pp. 182"188 ; Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)in. (1905),pp. 111"123.

Page 384: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


~^ro*=o ^-r ."=,"

^! {v + l)r (t-

r) \(r + s-ty.{u- r) ! (/a + \)r+B-^,



0 " =0 r =


! (y + l)r {t-

r) \{r + S-t)\{u-r)\{^l+ l)r+s-u


^=0 M=o r=or! (i/ + 1),. (^


r)\ {u-

r)\ (^ + 1),,_"

n 00


(- "), (/^ + .. + " + 1),^i^,.

(. + ., + 1) (- ^)"_"^._^," ^

={-Y^~^^^.,F,{-n,fi+ v-\-n+\: v + \- sin= c/,)

X 2^1 (- fi-n,v-vn-\-\; v+l\ sin- ^)

X 2^1 (- /I, /i + 1/ + n + 1 ; t- + 1 ;sin- 4)).

Hencewe at once

obtain the result

^z J^{z cos 0 COS "I") cTj,{z sin (/"sin $)

= cos'^ 4" cos'^ ^ sm^ 0 sm" "i" J^n! T (/x + 1) T (.+ 1)




x(-r^^^~j|"..i^i(-n,A*4-i/+ ^^ + l; r + 1; sin^ "^)

X 2^1 (- ??, /A + 2^ + w + 1 ; j; + 1;

sin^ $),

from which Bateman's form of the expansion is evident.

Page 385: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



12'1. Various typesofdefiniteintegrals.

In this chapterwe shall investigatevarious definite integralswhich contain

either Bessel functions or functions of a similar character under the integral

sign,and which have finite limits. The methods by which the integralsare

evaluated ai-e, for the most part,of an obvious character; the onlynovel feature

is the fairlysystematicuse of a method by which a double integralisregarded

as a surface integralover a portionof a sphere referred to one or other of

two systems of polarcoordinates. The most interestingintegralsare those

discussed in ""12-2 " 12-21, which are due to Kapteyn and Bateman. These

integrals,for no very obvious reason, seem to be of a much more recondite

character than the other integralsdiscussed in this chapter; their real sig-nificance

has become apparent from the recent work by Hardy described in

" 12-22. The numerous and importanttypes of integrals,in which the upper

limit of integrationis infinite,are deferred to Chapter Xlil.

The reader may here be reminded of the very importantintegral,due to

Sonine and Gegenbauer,which has alreadybeen established in "11*41,namely

r^^.{V(^^+ .--2Z.coscA)}..,,,.x,i^.. .^.

^7r^(2^/+ m) '^.+,"(^) /.+,"(^)

"l^-KmlViy) Z" z"

12' 11. Sonine's firstfiniteintegral.

The formula

(1) /,+.+,(z)= 2TC+l)/r^^^''^"^ ^'^^"^' ^ "^'""'' ^^^'

which is valid when both i^(/i)and R(v) exceed -1, expresses any Bessel

function in terms of an integralinvolvinga Bessel function of lower order.

The formula was stated in a slightlydifferent form by Sonine*, Rutgers-f

and Schafheitlin:[:,and it may be provedquitesimplyby expandingthe inte-

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 36; see also Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxsviii. ("2),

(1884),p. 979.

t Nieinv Archief voor IViskunde, (2)vi. (1905),p. 370.

J Die Theoria der BesseV sclicn Funktioncn (Leipzig,1908),p. 31. Schafheitliu seems to have

been unaware of previousresearches on what he describes as a new integral.

Page 386: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


grand in powers of z and integratingterm -by-term,thus

f'/ {zsin 6)sin'^+^ 0082"+!6'c;^'Jo

U 2'^+''+-'"mir(/Lt+ m-M)r (2/+ 1)


00 / \m /i^ V+''+2ni+i

^=0 m!r(yu.-F2/-fwH-2)'

and the truth of the formula is obvious.

It will be observed that the effect of the factor sin'^+i6 in the integrandis to eliminate the factors T(/u,+ ni + l) in the denominators. If we had taken

sin'"* 6 as the factor,we should have removed the factors m I.Hence, when

R{v) " " 1 and fi is unrestricted,we have

(2)" f*V (zsin 6)sin^-'^ cos2''+ Ode = ^^^^^^

j 0i"^ z0 .^ ---^^r(/.)-

In particular,by takingv = " \, we have

(3) (-)fV^(2sin d)sin"-^ ^^61 = H^_j (2).

A formula* which is easilyobtained from (1)is

^(4) J^ {zsin ^)/,{zcos ^)tan '^+1 ddd = Vfi

, 1 .

i!-^ (^X

when R(v)" R (/jl)" " 1.

This may be provedby expanding/^(zcos ^) and

integratingterm-by-term,and finallymaking use of Lommel's expansion

givenin "5"21.

The functional equation,obtained from (1)by substitutingfunctions to be determined,

F^ and F^^^ + i,in placeof the Bessel functions,has been examined by Sonine,Math. A nn.

LIX. (1904),pp. 529"552.

Some specialcases of the formulae of this section have been given by Beltrami,

Istituto Lomhardo Rendiconti,(2)xiii. (1880),p. 331,and Rayleigh,Phil. Mag. (5)xil. (1881),

p. 92. {ScientificPapers,I. (1899),p. 528.]

It will be obvious to the reader that Poisson's integralis the specialcase of (1)obtained

by taking/x=-^.

For some develoimientsof the formulae of this section,the reader should consult two

papers by Rutgers,Nieuiv Archiefvoor Wishmde, (2)vi. (1905),pp. 368 " 373 ; (2)vii. (1907),

pp. 88"90.

12" 12. The geometricalproofofSonine' s firstintegral.

An instructive proofof the formula of the precedingsection dependson

the device (explainedin "3 '33)of integratingover a portionof the surface of

a unit spherewith various axes of polarcoordinates.

If (I,m, n) are the direction cosines of the line joiningthe centre of the

* Due to Eutgers,Nieino Archief voor Wiskunde, (2)vii. (1907),p. 175.

Page 387: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


sphereto an element of surface dco whose longitudeand co-latitude are ^ and

0,it is evident from an applicationof Poisson's integralthat

r(fi+ l)r (i)(1zy+' f"

J" (^sin O)sln'^+id cos^-'+iOddJ 0

= (|2X+''+'I"IV^s'""'cos0gin2f^+i^cos2''+i^sin2""^rf(^()f^Jo .'o

= (1^)"+"+'11 e^^hn"! 71-"+'d(o

= {lzY+''+'11 e''^"l'^7)1'"+'dco

= (^zy*''+'ji V^cosegin-'^+2."+20 (,og2^^ sin^-'+i"/)(/(/"c^^Jo 0

2r(/.+ i. + f) Jo

and the truth of Sonine's formula is obvious.

An integralinvolvingtwo Bessel functions which can be evaluated by the

same device* is

I ^

J,(z sin26)/, (zcos2 6)sin^-'+i(9cos^-'+i6 dO,J 0

in which, to secure convergence, Riy) " " I-

If we write

w^ = sin^6 + cos^^ - 2 sin-^ cos^^ cos "^= 1 - sin^26 cos^(j",

and use 1 11*41 (16),we see that the integralis equalto

^_1M!_^ [*''I" 'lA^ sin^^+i6 cos'"-^'e sin^"6 debdO

(Izy f'^ri'J^{^v/(l-sin2^cos"(f))|.

. ^,/, ". o, 7^ 7^

= 2^-^^r(:+i)r(l)JoJo-(l-sm-^^cos-^)^-'^"""^"^^"--^^^^-^-^^^

2--r(. + i)r(i)jj,^o,.^o(1-^^)*"

J, (2sin 6)sin-'+i cos-" (/"cos-" 0 dd dcj)

2^"+^ r (z/+ I)r (1)jj,^0, ."o (1 - n')^"

^2-^^ro. + ^)r(i)j-iJo

so thatfinally,by |12-11(1),

(1) I*V,{zsm'0) J, {zcos' 6)sin'^''+^6 cos-=''+^cZ^ = \^^''+^r\v+ l)z^


* This integralhas been evaluated by a different method by Rutgers, Nietiw Archie/ voor Wis-

kunde, (2)vii. (1907),p. 400; cf. also " 12-22.

Page 388: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Some integralswhich resemble this,but which are much more difficult to evaluate,have beeu the subjectof researches by Bateman, Kapteyu and Rutgers; see " 12 "2.

As a simple example of an iutegi-alwhich may be evaluated by the same de\dce,the

reader may prove that,when R{v)" " i,


{x^- t^)h''cos t./, W(x^ - 1^)} ^=2^?r(l+ a) '

by writingthe integralon the left in the form

2''+ir(v+|)r(i)jojot)sm (pau(((ji.

This formula was given(with v = 0) by B6cher, Annals ofMath. viii. (1894),p. 136.

12'13. Sonines second finiteintegral.

The formula

(1) \y,{zsin 6)JaZ cos d)sin'^+^ cos-'+^Odd = '^^^^^^^^^^,

which is valid when both R (fi)and R{v) exceed " 1, is also due to Sonine* ;

and, in fact,he obtained the formula of " 12'11 from it by dividingboth sides

of the equationby Z" and then making Z ^0.

A simplemethod of proving the formula is to expand the integralin powers of z and Z

and to verifythat the terms of degree fi+ v + 2m on the left combine to form

(-)'-g^Z'-(Z2+ 22)'"ml T(fjL+ v + 7n + 2)


The proofby this method is left to the reader.

Wo proceedto establish Sonine's formula by integratingover portionsofthe surface of a unit sphere.Under the hypothesisthat R(fi) and R{v)exceed " |,we see that,with the notation of " 12'12,we have



^ \\ Ie''^""^^'=""*+'^"=""^"=""'''sin2'^+i^cos2''+i^sin='^"f)sin-''-v/rf?(f)ff"/rc/^Jo

.0 J 0

^izi+izncos^i^y^iH-11-"+ sin^"-fdcody^

=I If Qizm+iZlcos^'"2M [iu+iginS.- dwdyjrJ oJJ n^O.l^O

= I e^"'n"(^cos*+zsm"/.cos.A)cos2M^sin2''+i0sin'''+-^sin=''A/rf/(f)f/^(^-JrJO.'O J -hw

II gisuie(zn+ZD^^2ucos-''6sm-''+-edQ)dd

.'OJ .' m"0, n"0


0 J. ?)i"0

I/ gisin 0 (zl+Zm) j^2u(josSf0 sm'"'+^ ddw dd0 J J n'^0

/ / e"sinesiii.#,ucos^+zsmWcos2''"f)sin"/)Cos=^^sin-''+-6'fZ-v/rf?0rf^.

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 35"36.

Page 389: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now the'exponentialfunction involved here is a periodicanalyticfunction of

yjrwith period27r,and so, by Cauchy'stheorem, the limits of integrationwith

respect to yjrmay be taken to be a and 27r + a, where a is defined by the

equations"ST cos a = z, -CT sin a = Z,

and OT = \/(^'+ ^')- If we adopt these limits of integration,and then write

"\/r+ a for -v/r,the tripleintegralbecomes

q\^ Sin 6 sni ^ cos A" coS"" "/)Sm ( COS''' Q Sm^" +"- ^ c/-v/rf/"/)f/^,

and this integralmay also be obtained from its precedingform by replacing

^ by tsr and Z by zero. On retracingthe steps of the analysiswith these

substitutions we reduce the tripleintegralto

iff /'TT f TT

g/-Grsin0cos"f"sin"^'^+'^ C0S-''+i sin-'^"/)sin""l/rf/0fZx/rc/(9,0 J 0

r(i-'+ 1) J j "i^i),n^O


r(^ + i)r(i) pr(i;+l) Jo.'o ^

and we obtain Sonine's formula by a comparison of the initial and final


Sonine's own proofof this formula was based on the use of infinite dis-continuous

integrals,and the process of making it rigorouswould be longand


The formula may be extended to the domains in which "h'^R(fi)"-l,

and " i^i^(i/)" " 1, by analyticcontinuation.

In Sonine's formula, replaceZ by ^/{Z'+ ^-" 2Zl cos (f"),multiplyby

sin'''(/)/(^-+ ^--2Z^cos0)i^ and integrate.It follows from " 11-41 (16) that

(2"^ [V^ {zsin d)J, (Zcos 0)J, (^cos6)sin'^+i^cos 6(16



^^^-r r /M..^.{v(^^+^--+r-2irrcos(^)}2''r(v+ ^)r{^j}o (^"+ Z^'+ ^" 2Z?cos"^)i"^+''+^'

^ ^ ^'

providedthatR{^)"-1, R{v)"-h

This result is also due to Sonine, ibid. p. 45. In connexion with the formulae of this

section the reader should consult Macdonald's memoir, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv

(1903),pp. 442, 443.

Page 390: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


12*14. Gegenhauer'sfiniteintegral.

An integralwhich somewhat resembles the first of Sonine's integrals,


{zcos 6 cos y\r)J^_j{zsin 6 sin -v/r)0/ (cos6)sm''+i6dd,'^ cos

0 sm

has been evaluated by Gegenbaiier*;we shall adopt our normal procedureof

usingthe method of integrationover a unit sphere.

It is thus seen that

r gzzcosflcosj^_ (2sin d sin i/r)C/ (cos0)siw+idddJo

(-^zsin '\lrY~^C'^f'^= -

r. / N -n; 1 X

e''^*'"''"" *+'*" **'^" "''"'"'*^C/ (cos6*)sin^-"6 sin-"-'"idd.cZ^

i {v)i {^) JoJo^

iU sin i|r)_"-*

(i^sin aI^)"-*

A (J^)l(i) J. m"0

Qiz(?COS *+"nsin ^) (^^v(^)j2,.-i ^^

(^z sin "\!ry-*ri''r-''= Hy xrTAx e^ sinecos(*-^) c^..(gin cos 0) cos-"-" 6 sin ^c^"d^

A {v) 1 (2) Jo Jo


T^/NrT/ix e'^"""^c"*"^C/{sin^cos(0+ -f)}cos2"-"^sin(9rf(/)fZ^,

A (^) """(^) J 0 J 0

since the penultimateintegrandis a periodicanalyticfunction of "^ with


If we retrace the stepsof the analysis,usingthe last integralinstead of its

immediate predecessor,we find that the originalintegralis equalto

(^0smijr)"-"rI ^.^^^^(ICOS yjr-m sin y\r)n'"-' dayA (^) i (2)

. - ""o

= ^^^f^^^}\11 e'^"Or"(ncosf-l sin yjr)wi-"-i dw

^(^^sm^r)"p;%ucosec^.(cos"/rcos^-sin"|rsin^cos"^)sin2"^sin-^"-i"^cZ(^fZ^.I (^)I (2) "'O-'o

Now, by the addition theorem f for Gegenhauer'sfunction,

0/ (cosyjrcos 6 " sin yjrsin ^ cos (jj)

= ,V.. Mo

2 Vi/^ "


^ (2v + 2/j- 1) sm^^ sm'^-v^ J

X r :;(cos )C;;:;(cos^|r)C^*(coSc^).

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxv. (2),(1877),p. 221 and lxxxv. (2),(1882),pp. 491"502. "

t This was proved by Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxx. (2),(1874),p. 433; cri. (2a),

(1893),p. 942.

Page 392: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


that is to say

(2) r~J^{t)J.{z-t)dt= 2 i (-r J-^+,+,"+,(4.'0 n=(i

An importantdeduction from this result isthat,when R (/x)" 0 and R{v) " " 1,

[z M [z

Jo C J 0

so that

(3) fMt)JA^-t)^='^^^"^.

Jo t /"

This formula is due to Bateman*; some specialcases had been obtained

independentlyby Kapteynf,who considered integralvalues of /x and v only.

It will be observed that we can deduce from (2),combined with "2-22 (2),


(4) rj^(t)J.^(2-t)dt= sin 2, j J^(t)J,_^(z-t)dt = J, (z)- cos z,Jo Jo

when "1"R (/x)" 1, and when "1"R {/x)" 2 respectively.

By interchanging/x with v and t with 2- " ^ in (3),we see that,if R (fi)

and R(v) are both positive,then

^ Jot z " t \fl vj z

It seems unnecessary to give the somewhat complicatedinductions bywhich Kapteyn deduced (3) from the specialcase in which ix = v=\, ot to

describe the disquisitionby Rutgers;):on the subjectof the formulae generally.

12'21. Kapteyn s trigonometricalintegrals^.

A simplerformula than those justconsidered is

(1) 1 cos{z" t)Jo{t)dt=zJo{z).Jo

To prove this,we put the left-hand side equal to u, and then it is easilyverified that

d^uJ- , ,

and therefore

w = 2"JoC^)+ -4 cos z-\- B sin z,

where A and B are constants of integration.

* Froc. London Math'. Soc. (2)ra. (1905),p. 120. Some similar integralsoccurringin the theoryof integralequations are examined by the sapje writer,ibid. (2)iv. (190G),p. 484.

t Proc. Section of Sci., K. Akad. van Wet. te Amsterdam, vii. (1905),p. 499; Niemv Archief

voor Wishunde, (2)vii. (1907),pp. 20"25 ; Mim. de la Soc. E. des Sci. de Liege,(3)vi. (1906),no. 5.

X Nieuiv Archief voor Wislainde,(2)vii. (1907),pp. 385 "405.

" 3Iem. de la Soc. E. des Sci. de Liege, (3)vi. (1906),no. 5.

Page 393: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now, Avhen z is small,

and so J- = 5 = 0, and the result is established.

It follows from (1)by differentiation that

(2) \\\xx{z-t).J,{t)ilt= zJ^{z\Jo

and, by a partialintegration,

(3) I sin (z-t) .Ji(t)dt= sin z - zJ^{z).


The formula

(4) sin {z - 1)^^ dt = -^ (-r J,^,n-,^{z),Jo ^ Mw = 0

which is valid when R (/i)" 0,is of a more elaborate character,and the result

of the precedingsection is requiredto prove it.

We write v= Jo(z-t)J^(t)dt,Jo

and then we have

J o+ v= {J" (z-t) + J, (z - t)\J^ (t)dt + j; {z)

dz- : 0

= \^^'^^^JMdt+ j;{z)Jo z " t

= fMz-t)'^dt+ j;(z)

= fiJ^(z)/z,.

by " 12-2.

By the method of variation of parameters (cf"7'38),we deduce that

[^ J (t)v = Acosz-\-Bsinz + fx\ sm(z -t) -^

" dt,Jo *

and, since v =

^^^ _^+ 0 {z''+%

when z is small,it follows that,when R (/x)" 0,

A=B = 0.

Hence we obtain the requiredresult.

By differentiating(4)with respect to z we find that

(5) f'cos(Z - t)"^ dt=- I (-)" en J^+,n{z).

Page 394: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


12"22. Hardy's method of evaluatingfiniteintegrals.

As a typicalexample of a very powerful method of evaluatingfinite integrals*,we shall

now give a proof of the formula (cf." 12'12)

(1) f*" J^ izsin2 6)J, {zcos2 6)sinV + 1 6 cos^" ^^6d6= V^^^^i^~^l.


which is valid when R (fi)" - i and R{v)" -h.

The method is more elaborate than any other method described iu this chapter,because

it involves the use of infinite integralscombined with an applicationof Lerch's theorem t

on null-functions.

finLet I J^ {zr"'sin2 6) J, {zr cos2 6)r^'*+ 2.' + 3 ^{^2^.+ 1 q ^os^" ^^6d6 = f^(r),

By changing from polar coordinates (r,6) to Cartesian coordinates (x,y) and using

v 13'2 (5)we see that, whenever t"\I{z)\, then

I exp (- r20"A (?")c??-= exp (- x^ t)J^ {zx^)x"^"+ ^dx exp (-y^t)Jy.{zy^)y V + 1 dy

Jo ' .'LI y 0

=/ exp(-j-2i;)./2(r)o?j-,

and hence, by an obvious modification of Lerch's theorem, /i(r)is identicallyequal to

f^(r); and this establishes the truth of the formula.

12 '3. Chessin's integralfor Y" (2).

A curious integralfor Yji (2)has been obtained by Chessin, American Journal.,xvi.

(1894),pp. 186"187, from the formula

1 1 1 rii-^n + m

if we substitute this result in the coefiicients of the ascending series for Y,, (5),we obtain

the formula in question,namely

(1) Y"(2) = 2(y + logi2)J"(2)- \'m-''-Kn-m-r)\


m=o in \


* I must express my thanks to Professor Hardy for communicating the method to me before

the publicationof his owu developments of it. The method was used by Ramanujan to evaluate

many curious integrals; and the reader may use it to evaluate the integrals examined earlier in

this chapter.

t Acta Mathematica, xxvii. (1903),pp. 839 " 352. The form of the theorem required here is

that, if/('")is a continuous function of r when ?" " 0, such that

j bX'p(-rH).f(r)dr^O

for all sufficientlylargepositivevalues of t, then/(r) is identicallyzero.

Page 395: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



13*1. Various types of infiniteintegrals.

The subjectof this chapter is the investigationof various classes of infinite

integralswhich contain either Bessel functions or functions of a similar character

under the integralsign. The methods of evaluating such integralsare not

very numerous ; they consist,for the most part, of the followingdevices :

(I) Expanding the Bessel function in powers of its argument and inte-grating


(II) Replacing the Bessel function by Poisson's integral,changing the order

of the integrations,and then carryingout the integrations.

(III) Replacing the Bessel function by one of the generalisationsof Bes.sel's

integral,changing the order of the integrations,and then carrying out the

integrations;this procedure has been carried out systematicallyby Sonine*

in his weighty memoir.

(IV) When two Bessel functions of the same order occur as a productunder the integralsign,they may be replaced by the integralof a single.

Bessel function by Gegenbauer's formula (cf " 12*1), and the order of the in-tegrations

is then changed f.

(V) When two functions of different orders but of the same argument

occur as a product under the integralsign,the product may be replacedby

the integralof a singleBessel function by Neumann's formula ("5"43),and

the order of the integrationsis then changed.

(VI) The Bessel function under the integralsign may be replacedby the

contour integralof Barnes' type ("6*5)involving Gamma functions, and the

order of the integrationsis then changed ; this very powerful method has not

previouslybeen investigatedin a systematicmanner.

Infinite integralsinvolving Bessel functions under the integralsign are

not only of great interest to the Pure Mathematician, but they are of extreme

importance in many branches of Mathematical Physics. And the various types

are sooiumerous that it is not possibleto give more than a selection of the

most important integrals,whose values will be worked out by the most suitable

methods ; care has been taken to evaluate several examples by each method.

In spiteof the incompleteness of this chapter,its length must be contrasted

unfavourably with the length of the chapter on finite integrals.

* Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 33"60.

t This procedure has been carried out by Gegenbauev in a number of papers published in the

Wiener Sitzungsberichtc.

Page 396: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13*2. The integralofLipschitz,with HankeVs generalisations.

It was shewn by Lipschitz*that

(!)" J ly.KU(U)dt= -^^.where R (a)" 0, and, in order to secure convergence at the upper limit of in-tegration,

both the numbers R{a " ih)are positive.That value of the square

root is taken which makes |a + \/{a-+ lf)\"\h\.

The simplestmethod of establishingthis result is to replacethe Bessel

coefficient by Parseval's integral("2-2)and then change the order of the in-tegrations

" a procedurewhich may be justifiedwithout difficulty.It is thus

found that


0 TT ./0 ^ 0


IT j Q a " ih cos 6

= 1/V(a"+ 6"),and the formula is proved.

Now consider the more generalintegral


This integralwas first investigatedin all its generalityby Hankelf, in a

memoir publishedposthumouslyat about the same time as the appearance of

two papers by Gegenbauer:[:.These writers proved that,if R(/j,+ v)" 0, to

secure convergence at the origin,and the previousconditions concerningaand b are satisfied,to secure convergence at infinity,then .the integralis


a'^r(i.4-l) -A 2 '

/^+^+^, + l;_^^(I.4-1)

-^ '

\ 2 '

2 ' ' " '


To establish this result,first suppose that b is further restricted so that

I6 I" ja |. If we expand the integrandin powers of b and integrateterm-by-

term, we find that


I e-"'UAbt)t"^-^dt= X A-iir^^-^ rJ t'^-"'^"-"'-'e-^' dt/o m=ow' I {v + m + l)Jo


r"i=o ncTVlv+ m + 1) a'^+''+^'"

* Journal fur Math. lvi. (1859),pp. 191"192.

t Math. Ajin. viii. (1875),pp. 467"468.

1 Wiener Sitzuvgsherichte,lxx. (2),(1875),pp. 433"443; ibid, lxxii. (2),(1876),pp. 343"344.

lu thejormer, the special case ix"v-^\ was investigatedby tlie integralgiven in "3*32; in the

latter, Gegenbauer obtained the generalresult by substitutingPoisson's integralfor Jv(bt).

Page 397: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The final series converges absolutely,since |6 [" |a |,and so the process of

term-by-term integrationisjustified*.Hence

(2) re-^^J.{bt)t^-'dtJo


(^b/ayr {fi+ v) (iM+ v fi + v + i.


The result has, as yet, been provedonlywhen R (a) " 0 and I6 |" Ia |;but, so longas merely

R (a + ih)" 0 and R (a " ih)" 0,

then both sides of (2) are analyticfunctions of h ; and so, by the principleof

analyticcontinuation,(2)is true for this more extensive range of values of h.

Again,by usingtransformations of the hypergeometricfunctions,(2)maybe written in the followingforms :

(3) I"e-"'/. (ht)V'-' dtJo

(Way r (^ + ,.)i ^ ir^-^^^_/._-M"i_q^ + 1 .

, + 1 .

_ ^^ai^Tip + l) V a-J - '\ 2


2' '


(^byVifi + v)^, ff + v l-f^ + i^.

, -, .


~(a'+ "f^^^+"^r{v+l)- '\ 2 '

2' " ' '

a' + bV

The formula (2) has been used by Gegenbauerf in expressingtoroidal

functions as infinite integrals; specialcases of (2) are requiredin various

physicalresearches,of which those by Lamb J may be regardedas typical.

By combining two Bessel functions,it is easy to deduce that

(4) [ e-"t l\(bt)t''-^dt

= cot vir J- r 2^1 ^^^ )'^ v+ i ; .. ,.,

" cosec VTT ", ; 2'^i ~^r~ " "


"^ - " ; " "

rs ,("2^.^,-2^i(M-.')r(i-v)''\ 2 ' 2 a^ + 6V

providedR{ix)"\Il{v)\and R {a" ib)" 0; specialcases of this formida are due to Hobson,Proc. London Math. Soc. xxv. (1892),p. 75, and Heaviside, ElectromagneticTheory,iii.

(London,1912),p. 85.

It is obvious that interestingspecialcases of the formulae so far discussed may be

* Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries, " 176.

t Wiener Sitziaigsberichte,c. (2),(1891),pp. 745 " 766; Gegeubauer also expressedseries,

whose general terms involve toroidal functions and Bessel functions, as integralswith Bessel

functions under the integralsign.

XProc. London Math. Soc. xxxiv. (1902),pp. 276"284; (2)vii. (1909),pp. 122"141. See

also Macdonald, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv. (1903),pp. 428 " 443 and Basset, Proc. Camh.

Phil. Soc. V. (1886),pp. 425"4.33.

W. B. F. 25

Page 398: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


obtained by choosingfi and v so that the hypergeometricfunctions reduce to elementaryfunctions. Thus, by taking/x equal to v + 1 or v + 2, we obtain the results

(5) j\-a^JAbt)t^dt= ^^^^l^i^,Jo ^


(a'+ b'-y+itt'

^ jo ^ ^

{a + b-^y+^^TT'

providedthat R{v)" " ",^(i')" " 1 respectively.

These formulae were obtained by Gegenbauer, Wierier Sitzungsberichte,Lxx. (2),(1875),

pp. 433 " 443; they were also noticed by Sonine, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 45; and Hardy,Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi. (1912),p. 12; while Beltrami, Atti della R. Accad. delle Sci.

di Torino,xvi. (1880"1881), ^^. 203, and Bologna Alemorie,(4)ii. (1880),pp. 461"505, has

obtained various specialformulae by taking^ = 1 and v to be any integer.

Other specialformulae are

(7) f%-.....(60^'=


(8) e-''iJ^{bt)dt


W{a' + b^)-a}''

[Note. It was observed by Pincherle,Bologna Memoric,(4)viii. (1887),pp. 125 " 143,

that these integralsare derivable from the generalisedform of Bessel's integrals("6'2)by

Laplace'stransformation (cf." 9"15). This aspect of the subjecthas been studied by

Macdonald, Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv. (1903),pp. 428 " 443, and Cailler,3le' la Physiquede Geneve.,xxxiv. (1902 " 1905),pp. 295 " 368. The dift'erentialequationssatisfied by (5)and (6),qua functions of a, have been examined by Kapteyn, Archives

Merlandaises,(2)vr. (1901),pp. 103"116.]

. .Jo(bt)tdt was obtained by Neumann, Journal fiirHath. Lxxii.

0 Sinn Trt

(1863),p. 46, as a limit of a series of Legendre functions (cf." 14"64). The integraldoes

not seem to be capable of being evaluated in finite terms, though it is easy to obtain a

series for it by using the expansion

cosech 7rt = 2 2 e- (2"+ ^)^t.


A series which converges more rapidly(when b is large)will be obtained in " 13-51.

Some integralsof the same generaltyi3eare given by Weber, Journal fiirMath. Lxxv.

(1873),pp. 92"102; and more recentlythe formula

rJAbt)t''dt^{2b)''r{u+ ^) I 1

Jo e^i-l Jn n=i(7i2^2+ ^,'y+i'which is valid when Pt{v)"0 and |7(6)|""-, has been obtained by Kapteyn, Mem. de la

Soc. R. des Sci. de Liege,(3)vi. (1906),no. 9.

13*21. The Lipschitz-Hankelintegralsexpressedas Legendrefunctions.

It was noticed by Hankel that the hypergeometricfunctions which occur

in the integralsjustdiscussed are of the specialtype associated with Legendre

functions;subsequentlyGegenbauerexpressedthe integralsin terms of toroidal

functions (which are known to be expressibleas Legendre functions),and a

littlelater Hobson* gave the formulae in some detail.

* Proc. London Math. Soc. xxv. (1893),pp. 49"75.

Page 400: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


expresses a function of cosh a in terms of a function of coth a. The more

generalformula of the same type is

cos VTT QlZl(cosha)(6) f"e-^'^o"i^"^/^m^'^-irf^= ^

'o sin (/i+ i^)TT V(2'^)-sinh'^-*a*

In these formulae,R{fji1^ v)"^ and R (cosha) "\.,

On replacing?/ by " i/ in (6),we find that


,P*" (cosha)

(7) e-t^'''^'^K,{t)t^-'dt=^|{h^'^").T{^JL-v)T{^JL^v)~^^^-,


Sinn'* * a.

and this formula is valid when R (/x)"\ R (i/)\and R (cosha.)" " 1.

If we take cosh a = 0, we deduce that

(8) /JKAt)t--^dt=2'^--rl^^)r('^ya result givenby Heaviside* in the case v = 0.

When fi=l, (7)becomes


, w T' / s 7TT sinh va

Jo sin VTT snih a

and hence, if v = 0,

J" . . ,

arc sinh v'Cot^~ 1)_

^'"'^ ^"^ V(l - "*^)_

*rc cos a

"^^ -^^^-^"^_________


If we replacea by "zb, we find that

and so, when \I {b)\"l,


" /7 N r^ / N 7arc sinh 6

(11) j^sm{bt).Koit)dt =


The former of these is due to Basset,Hydrodynamics ii. (Cambridge,1889),p. 32.

[Note. Various writers have studied the Lipschitz-Hankelintegralsfrom the aspect of

potentialtheory; to take the simplestcase, if (p,0, z) are cylindricalcoordinates,we have



/It is suggestedthat,since e~P' J,,{^t)is a potentialfunction,the integralon the left is a

potentialfunction finite at all pointsof real space except the originand that ont the plane2=0 it is equalto 1/p,and so it is inferred that it must be the potentialof a unit chargeat

the origin.But such an argument does not seem to precludethe possibilityof the integral

being a potentialfunction with a complicatedessential singularityat the origin,and so

this reasoningmust be regardedas suggestiverather than convincing.

* ElectromagneticTheory, in. (London, 1912),p. 269.

t On the axis of z, the integralis equal to a constant divided by \z\.

Page 401: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


For various researches on potentialtheory with the aid of the integralsof this section,

the reader may consult Hafen, Math. Ann. lxix. (1910),pp. 517 " 537. For some develop-mentsbased on the potentialfunction

see Bateman, Messenger,sli. (1912),p. 94.]



13"22. Applicationsofthe addition formula to the Lipschitz-Hankelintegrals.

It is easy to deduce from the results of the precedingsections combined

with "|11"41(16) that,if all four of the numbers R(a"ib"ic) are positiveand R{}i + 21/)" 0, while sr is written in placeof ^/(b'+ c- " 26c cos cfi),then

(1) r e-"'./,(bt)./,(ct)f^-' dt

-V{v-\-h)r{h)]Jo ^^^^

^ ^ ,F,r-~^-,'^"

^"v + l;-~-]sm'''cf"d"t".

"7ra"^+"'r{2v+l).^o'\ 2'

2 ' ' 'a-^

The hypergeometricfunction reduces to an elementaryfunction if /x = 1 or 2 ;

and so we have

(2) /;.-.J, m J, (ct)dt = ^ Q,.,("^i|^).

The case ^l = 2 may be derived from this by differentiation with respect to a.

These formulae,or specialcases of theiu,have been examined by the followingwriters:

Beltrami, Bologna Memorie, (4)ii. (1880),pp. 461 " 505; AtH della R. Accad. delle Sci. di

Torino, xvi. (1880" 1881), pp. 201 " 205; Sommerfeld, Konigsherg Dissertation,1891;

Gegenbauer, MonatsheftefiirMath, und Phys. v. (1894),p. 55 ; and Macdonald, Proc.

London Moth. Sac. xxvr. (1895),pp. 257"260.

By taking/x= " 1, v = l in (1),we find that

^-at'-'il^;cu^ 1

;^/("2+ 2-2cos"/))-a}(l+cos0)(^0,0 t- "Itt J ,,

so that the integralon the left,which was encountered by Rayleigh,Phil. Mag. (5) xlii.

(1896),p. 195 [ScientificPapers,iv. (1904),p. 260],is expressibleas an ellipticintegral.


An integralwhich may be associated with (1)is

"i- de(S^ [ cos at I,{bt)K,(ct)dt=

.'0 .0 \/{a-+ (b+ c)--4"bcsin'd]'

This was discovered by Kirchhoff* as earlyas 18.53; the reader should have

no difficultyin deducing it from " 13"21 (10) combined with " 11"41 (16); it

is valid if all the numbers

R(c"b" ia)

are positive.

* Journal fiirMath, (1854),p. 364.

Page 402: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


A somewhat similar result,namely

(4) I e-"'U^-''J^ibt)J^{ct)dt

r (v+ ^)r (^) J 0 ("2+ 2iac cos "^- c2 cos2 "/,+62)^+^'

which is valid when R{a"ib"ic)"0 and It (fi)""h, is due to Gegenbauer, Wie?ier

Sitzungsherichte,Lxxxviii. (2),(1884),p. 995. It is most easilyproved by substitutingintegralsof Poisson's type for the Bessel functions. In the memoir cited Gegenbauer has

also given a list of cases in which the integralon the rightis expressibleby elementaryfunctions (cf." 13-23).

13'23. Gegenbauers deductions from the integralsofLipschitzand Hankel.

A formula due to Gegenbauer,MonatsheftefilrMath, und Phys.iv. (1893),

pp. 397 " 401, is obtained by combiningthe results of "13"2 with the integralformula of "5*43 for the productof two Bessel functions;it is thus possibleto

express certain exponentialintegralswhich involve two Bessel functions by

means of integralsof trigonometricalfunctions *. The generalresult obtained

by Gegenbauer is deduced by takingthe formula

2 r*''J

ft.(bt)J^(bt)= " Jy,+v(^btcos (f")cos {/jL" v)(bdeb,ttJ 0

multiplyingit by e'^"-f^^" and integratingfrom 0 to x ; it is thus found that,

if R (a)"\I (b)\and R (ti+ v)" - ^,then

re-''''^J"(bt)J^(bt)t"'-^''dt=-[ j^e-'''^J^^^{2btcos4))t''+''cos(ix-v)(}).d(bdtJo "^Jo Jo

= - f'"[6--"*/,.+.{2btcos (j")i''+''cos (/ji-v)(f).dtd(f"TTJO Jo

2 r^-(46cos 0^+" Tifi+v + l)= ;;-Jo(4"-+ 46- cos- c{"y-^-iV^

''' ^^ ~ '^'^"^^^-

The inversion of the order of the integrationspresents no great theoretical

difficulties; hence

(1) r e-"-^'J^{bt)J,{bt)t"^+UltJo


T{fl-\-V+ \)b^^" fi'COS"^+''(f)COS (fl- v)"f)TT^ Jo (a'+ b'-cos'(f"y+''^i


This result,in the specialcase in which fi = v = 0, had been obtained previouslyby

Beltrami,Atti delta R. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino,xvi. (18S0" 1881),p. 204.

As particularcases of (1)take /i = 1 and v equal to 0 and to - 1. It is found that

(2) r e-^'''Ji{bt)Jo{bt)tdt=



Jo '2nbJ{a^-\-b^)'

(3) r c-^'^^JHbt)dt(2"^+^'^)^-2(a^+6^)i:

^ ^ jo ' mat-^62v'(a2+ 6-^)

* See also an earlier note by Gegenbauer, ibid. pp. 379 " 380.

Page 403: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

13-23,13-24] INFINITE INTEGRALS 391

where the modulus of the complete ellipticintegralsK and E is.bls'{a+ b^)- Beltrami's

correspondingformula is

(4) /"-"-'"^('")*=W{5t-6?-Replacingb by ib,we deduce from (2)that


f -^"A (bt)h {ht)tdt = ^i5'"i''!Yy:


where R{a)"\R{b)\, and the modulus 1: of the ellipticintegralsis bja. The fonnulae (3)

and (4)may be modified in a similar manner.

It was stated by Gegeabauer that the integralsin (2),(3) and (5) are expressibleby

means of eUipticintegrals,but he did not give the results in detail ; some formulae

deducible from the results of this section were givenby Meissel, Kiel Programing 1890.

{Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1890, -^-g.521 " 522.]

13"24. Wehers infiniteintegral,afterSchafheitlin.

The formula

j,(t)dt_ r(iji)(1)

^,_^+i 2''-'^+ir(l/-iyLt+ l)'

in which 0 " R{^-)" R{u) +^,

was obtained by Weber* for integralvalues of

V. The result was extended to generalvalues of v by Soninef; and the com-pletely

generalresult was also provedby Schafheitlin :{:.

The formula is of a more recondite type than the exponentialintegralformulae given

in ^ 13'2 ; it may be established as a limitingcase of these formulae,for,since the conditions "

of convergence are satisfied,we have by " 13"2 (3)

''-^^ lim f e-at

J^ (0 dt

0 f-i^ + i

'" .F.fs,!^:^^';.^!;!2T(v + l)"'- V2'

whence the formula is at once obtained.

A direct method of evaluatingthe integralis to substitute Poisson's integralfor the

Bessel function,and then change the order of the integrations; this is the method used by

Schafheitlin,but the analysisis intricate because the result is established first for a

limited range of values of /x and v and then extended by the use of recurrence formulae

and partialintegrations.

Analyticaldifficulties are, to a largeextent, avoided by using contour

integralsinstead of the definite integralsof Schafheitlin. If we suppose that

* Journal fur Math. lxix. (1868),p. 230. The specialcase in which u = 0 was set by Stokes as

a Smith's Prize question, .Jan. 29, 1867. [Math, and Phys. Papers, v. (1905),p. 347.]

t Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 39.

+ Math. Ann. xxx. (1887),pp. 157"161.

" Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries, " 172.

Page 404: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


R (fi)" 0 and R(v)" "^, we then have (theintegralsbeingabsolutelycon-vergent)

.. (- 0--^-

2-^ r (.+ i) r (i)J ,.

"- '^'~'jy^ '''' ^"''^''''^^^'


2-r(. + i)r(i) Jo ^^^'^^^^^ ^^^

" 2t sin /MTT. r (-|yLt)

By the theoryof analyticcontinuation,this result is valid when /a and t- are

subjectedto the singlerestriction i?(/u,)"R(v + %).

When R (yu)" 0, we deform the contour into the positivehalf of the real

axis taken twice,and we at once obtain the Weber-Schafheitlin formula.

The integral*

(- ty-i^^'

may be treated in exactlythe same manner ; the only difference in the

analysisis that cos (tcos 6) has to be replacedby " sin {tcos 6),and so, byEuler's formula (adaptedfor contour integrals),the factor cos |/i7rhas to be

replacedby " sin I/att.

It is thus found that

r t"+)H. (- 0 dt_

2i sin fx-rr.T (|/z)tan Ifx-rrj+x {-ty-"'^^



providedthat R{fi)" R{v + %) and R (/j,)^ 0.

When R {fx)" " 1,

the contour may be deformed into the positivehalf of

the real axis taken twice,so that

.,,.r tlAt)dt



providedthat "\"R{ix)^0 and R{ii)" R (v)+ 1.

If we take /a = 0, v=l, we see that

(3)Hi (t)dt_^

0 f


This result,combined with the asymptoticformula

ir"^ J X

H.i{2t)dt 2 (\ \ \ cos(2a;-|-i"r)

was used by Struve,Ann. der Physik und Chemie, (3)xvii. (1882),p. 1014, to tabulate

i_ r'A^mdt

for both small and largevalues of x. The last integralis of importance in the Theory of


* Generalisations obtained by replacingBessel functions by Lommel's functions ("10-7)in

the integrals of this section and in many other integrals are discussed by Nielsen, K. Danske

Videnskahernes Selskabs Skrifter,(7)v. (1910),pp. 1 " 37.

Page 405: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[Note. Bj difi'erentiating(1)under the integralsign we obtain Weber's result

(4) f J^{t)\ogtdt=-y-\og%;

this formula has also been investigatedbj Lerch, MonatsheftefiirMath, und Phys. i.

(1890),pp. 105"112.

The formula for functions of the second kind, correspondingto (1),is

(5)P l\{t)dt^ V jhfi)r (hn - p)cos (hfi-v)iT

provided that IR {v)\" R {}i-v)"'i. This result has been given by Heaviside, Electro-magnetic

Theory,in. (London, 1912), p. 273, when i' = 0.]

13'3, Weber's firstexponentialintegraland itsgeneralisations.

The integralformula

(1) l^i"Jo {at)exp i-if-t').

tdt = ^ exp (- 3)was deduced by Weber* from his double integralformula which will be

discussed in " 14-2. This integraldiffers from those considered earlier in the

chapterby containingthe square of the variable in the exponentialfunction.

It issupposedthat |argp |" jtt to secure convergence, but a is an unrestricted

complex number.

It is equallyeasy to prove Hankel'sfmore generalformula,

(2) r J,(at)ex^{-p-t^).t'^-'dt

= "

2p^r(.+ l) ^-^^(i^+ ^^-^ + l'-4p^j'by a direct method. To secure convergence at the origin,it must now be

supposedthat:|:R{lJi+ v)"0.

To obtain the result,we observe that,since (by"7 '23)

[ /],,d a I0 " Iexp {-pH-)1. 1i'^-iIdtJo

is convergent,it is permissible^to evaluate the givenintegralby expanding

Jt,{atyi powers of t and integratingterm-by-term,

* Journal fiirMath. lxis. (1868),p. 227. Weber also evaluated (2)in the case;U = v + 2, v being

an integer.

f Math. Ann. viii. (1875),p. 469. See 'also Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsherichte,lxxii. (2),

(1876),p. 346.

% This restriction may be disregardedif we replacethe definite integral / by the contour

.' 0


" Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries, " 176.

Page 406: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is thus found that

J, (at)exp i-pH') .

f^-'dt = 2 )^\ ^'^ '" - f+i^+^-i exp {-pH')dt

and this is equivalentto the result stated.

If we applyKummer's firsttransformation ("4"42) to the function on the

rightin (2),we find that

(3) r J^{at)ex^{-p-f).t^-^dt

and so the integralis expressiblein finite terms whenever yu," i/ is an even


In particular,we have

(4) JV. {at)exp i-pH^) .t^^^dt =

("^^^^P (" )o / "

providedthat R{v)" " 1. This integralis the basis of several investigations

by Sonine, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 35 " 38; some of these applicationsare

discussed in " 13"47.

In order that the hypergeometricfunction on the rightin (2) may be

susceptibleto Kummer's second transformation ("4"42),we take fi " \] and,

if we replacevhy 2v, we then find that

(5) |V,.(aOexp(-^^i^).rf"=^exp{-^).L{^),a result givenby Weber in the case v = ^.

If we replacei/ by " j;,it is easy to see that

(6) \ Y.,,{at)ex^{-pH'')dt.' 0

when \R(v)\"^; and, if we make p -* 0,(abeing now positive),we find that

r*-r-r / X 7

tan VTT

(7) Y,Aat)dt =,

Jo f^

when \R{v)\" ^,hy using"7*23 ; and, in particular,

(8) rY,{t)dt= 0.J 0

Page 408: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13*32. GeneraUsations of Weber's second exponentialintegral.

When the Bessel functions in integralsof the type just considered are

not of the same order,it is usuallyimpossibleto express the result in any

simpleform. The onlymethod of dealingwith the most generalintegral


./"(at)J, (ht)exp (- jft-)t^-' (It

. 0

is to substitute the series of " 11*6 for the productof Bessel functions and

integrateterm-by-term,but it seems unnecessary to give the result here.

In the specialcase in which X = v " fx,Macdonald* has shewn that the integralis equalto

(hay-" r^'^,",/," .^,/, 7-

fab sin 6\ / b-+aHin-0^,,

by a transformation based on the results of ""12'11, 13"7.

An exceptionalcase occurs when a = b : i^ R(\+ /x + i')"0. we then have

J^ (at)J, (at)exp (- pH-) t^-'dt =

-^-r-^-^^ -n"




^ {lx+ v-\-l fi-\-v + 1 \ + iJb+v^ ^ ,


"^^n ^ '


2' ^ + 1. ^ + 1./^ + " + !-"-p2J'

by using the expansionof " 5"41. Some specialcases of this formula have

been investigatedby Gegenbauer+.

13 '33. Struve's integralinvolvingproductsof Bessel functions.

It will now be shewn that,when R{^ -^ v) "0, then

(1) /'J 0

Mt)JAt)^^^ T(,M + v)r{^)

^M+v 2'^+" r (fL+ V + ^)r (fi+ ^)r (v+ 1)

This result was obtained by Struve, Jle'm. de V Acad. Imp. des Sci. de St Pe'tersbourg,(7)

XXX. (1882),p. 91, in the specialcase /x = z/ = l ; the expressionon the rightis then equal

to 4/(37r).

In evaluatingthe integralit is firstconvenient to suppose that R (/u.)and

R {i')both exceed h. It then follows from " 3-3 (7) that

J^(t)JAt)^.^ (2/x-l) (2^.-1)

^+, 2'^-''-Vr(/x-hi)r(i;-F|)

c=^ rh- ch-Q[jx(ts,i'a.d)s,\n(tsv[\d").,.,/, ," , "



" 7/1 jj ;*I ^^ ^^" ^^ ^ cos-''"- 6 cos-""- " sin ^ sin 0 dd d(pdt.

. 0 J 0 J 0t'

* Proc. London Math. Soc. xxxv. (1903),p. 440.

t Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxxviii. (1884),pp. 999"1000.

Page 409: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

13-32,13-33] INFINITE INTEGRALS 397

In view of the fact that t~" sin {tsin 6)sin {tsin ^) does not exceed numeri-cally

the smaller of \jt-and sin 6 sin 0, the repeatedintegralconverges

absolutely,and the order of the integrationsmay be changed.


p sin {tsin 6)sin {tsin (/")._

i^irsin 6, {6 ^ (^)Jo ^^ "|i7rsin(/), (^^(^)

we find that the tripleintegralis equalto

i-TTr / cos-'*-- 6 cos-''-=="/)sin^ 6 sin (f)ddd(f"

-I- TTI I COS-''-- ^ cos-"-- (/)sin 6 s\n^(f)d(f)d6.J 0 J 0

But, by a partialintegration,we have

(2v-l) ['"cos^''-^(j)sin (^jj cos-'*-^ ^ sin^(9g?^1dcf)

= - cos-''-^ 0 cos-'^-- (9sin^ Odd + cos^-'-i ( .

cos^'*-^ ( sin-"^(/(/"L "'0 Jo ^ 0

_V{^i+ v-l)T{^)

"2r(^+ i/ + *)""

The other integralis evaluated in the same manner, and so we have

/"-JAt)"L{t)^^_V{^l+ v-l)V{%){{2^,-l) + {^v-l)]

whence the result stated is evident. The extension over the range of values

of //.and V for which merelyR{fi + v)"0 is obtained by the theoryof analyticcontinuation.

It may be sliewn in a similar manner that,when R{fi+ v) is positive,then also

r-H^(OH.(0^^_ r(;x+.)r(A)^

j i" t^"^" 2'*+T(iu+ i/+i)r(/i+i)r(i/+ i)'

This result was also obtained by Struve {ihid.p. 104) in the case \j.= v= 1.

By using" 10'45 we find that,when R (/x)and R iy)exceed |,

'" H^ (0 H. (0dt

(2^-l)(2v-l) r* p'-[h^{l- cos {tsin 6)\{1 - cos {tsin 0)}

~2'"+''-"^7rr(/L(,+|)r(i/+ ^-)-'"^ "'"'"'" ^^

X cos''^'*-''6 cos-"-- 0 sin 6 sin (j)dddcj}dt.

Now, if a and /3are positive,it appears from a consideration of

(1-e"'^)(l-e3'^)!" dz

This result is easilyproved by contour integration.

Page 410: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


round a contoyirconsistingof the real axis and a largesemicircle above it,that

/""" (1 - cos (at)}(1 - COS (301,


f""sin (at)smj^t)

Jo ^^ Jo t^

Hence the tripleintegralunder consideration is equal to the tripleintegralevaluated in

proving(1),and consequently(2)is established in the same way as (1).

The reader will prove in like manner that,if R (ju)and R (v)both exceed I,then

(3) rH.wj,w^,^ _j^J 0

and this may be extended over the range of values of fi and v for which R{v)"l and

R{fi+ v)" 1.

The integrals /J"^^^^^^^^^, /^ cit

may be evaluated in a similar manner, but the results are of no great interest*.

13 "4. The discontinuous integralof Weber and Schafheitlin.

The integral

r JAai)JAJ"t)^^^ .

Jo t

in which a and h are supposed to be positiveto secure convergence at the

upper limit, was investigatedby Weber, Journal fur Math. lxxv. (1873),

pp. 75" 80, in several specialcases, namely,

(i) x = ^ = o, v = \, (ii)\ = -\, /ti= 0, v="h.

The integralwas evaluated, for all values of X, ^ and v for which it is convergent,by

Soninet, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 51 " 52; but he did not examine the integralin very

great detail,nor did he lay any stress on the discontinuities which occur when a and h

become equal. Some years later the integralwas investigatedvery thoroughlyby Schaf-heitlin

I,but his preliminaryanalysisrests to a somewhat undue extent on the theoryof

linear differential equations.

The specialcase in which X = 0 was discussed in 1895 by GublerJ^who used a very

eleganttransformation of contour integrals; unfortunately,however, it seems impossible

to adapt Gubler's analysisto the more generalcase in which X =^0. The analysisin the

specialcase will be givensubsequently("13'44).

* Some related integrals have been evaluated by Siemou, Progrnmm, Ltiisenschule. Berlin,

1890 [Jahrbuch ilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1890, p. 341] .

t See also " 13-43 in connexion with the researches of Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,

Lxxxviii. (2),(1884),pp. 990"991.

X Math. An)t. xxx. (1887),pp. 161" 178. The question of priorityis discussed by Sonine,

Math. Ann. xxx. (1887),pp. 582"583, and by Schafheitlin,Math. Ann. xxxi. (1888),p. 156.

" Math. Ann. xlviii. (1897),pp. 37 " 48. See also Graf and Gubler, Einleitung in die Theorie

der BesseVschen Funktioyien,ii. (Bern, 1900),pp. 136"148.

Page 411: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The firstinvestigationwhich we shall giveis based on the results of " 13*2.

The conditions for convergence are*

[R{,jL+v+l)"R(\)"0, (a = b)

it beingsupposed,as alreadystated,that a and b are positive.

We shall first suppose that the former conditions are satisfied,and we

shall also take b " a. The analysisis greatlyshortened by choosingnew

constants a, /3,7 defined by the equations

I2a =fjL + v-X + l, i\ = y-a- /3,

7 = I' + 1,'j^ = 7 " 1.

It will be supposedthat these relations hold down to the end of "13'41.

It is known that

Jo i c-^+oJ 0t

since the integralon the left is convergent ; now, when c has any assigned

positivevalue,the integralon the rightis convergent for complexvalues of 6;

we replaceb hy z and the resultingintegralis an analyticfunction of 2^ when

R(z)"0 and \I{z)\" c.

Now] ^6-* ^piz-,dt

Jo [n"=o mir(y + m) J

",=o m!r(7 + m) Jo


^=0 m!r(7 + m) Jo

is absolutelyconvergent; and it is easy to shew that this is the case when


Hence, when 12^ |" c,

(ia)"-^r(2a+2m)J,/ ty-'^-^ ,"rom\r(ry+m)


(ft-+ c-)'^+'"r (a - ^ + 1)

X 2-Fi(a + m. h " /3" m; a " /S+1;a"

ft- + c-

* It follows from the asymptoticexpansions of the Bessel functions that the conditions

R{lii+ v + l)"R (\)--0

are sufficient to secure convergence when a = b, providedthat ^-^z is an odd integer.

t Cf. Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries, " 176.

Page 412: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the hypergeometricfunction on the rightmay be replacedby*

,r(a-/3 + i)r(-i) c

R^ /^_L _Li 1 /Q 3 ^M

Now the moduli of the terms in the expansionof

do not exceed in absolute value the alternate terms in the expansionof

(1 " \/x)~'^-'^"\where A isthe greaterof |2a ]and 12/3-11;and,similarly,the

moduli of the terms in the expansionof

oi^i(a+ 7?i + I,1 " /3" m; f; a?)

do not exceed in absolute value the alternate terms in the expansionof

(1 - V*-)"^"^"'"VVa;-

Hence the terms in the infinite series which has been obtained do not

exceed in absolute value the terms of the series

* (-)""(i^)Y+2"i-i{laf- r(2a+ 2m)

Lir(l-/5-m)r(a + m + l)|


where x = c'^l{a^+ c-).But this last series is absolutelyconvergent when

I2:1" V(a + C-)" c, and it representsan analyticfunction of z in this domain.

Hence, by the generaltheoryof analyticcontinuation,


(-)""(W+^'"-'' (lay- r (2" + 2m)

providedthat z satisfiesthe three conditions

R{z)"0, \I{z)\"c, \z\"^{ar+ c=)- c.

Now take C to be a positivenumber so small that

6 " V(a-+ C')- G,

and take 0 " c ^ C, so that also

h " s/(a-+ c")- c.

* Cf. Forsyth,Treatise on DifferentialEquations,(1914)," 127.


Page 413: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Then in the last integralformula we may take z = h,and when this has been

done, if we nse fonctionsmajorantesjustas before,we find that the resultingseries has its terms less than the terms of an absolutelyconvergent series

r(|)(i-.v/X)-^-^-^ (_)m (i5)Y+2m-]Qa)--^ r (2aH- 2m)

r=o wITT (7 + m) (a'+ C'Y^''-'^ r (1 - /S - III)r (a + m + \)I

+V(h-^-m)T{a + m)

where .Y=(7V(rt=+ 02).

Hence, by the test of Weierstrass,the originalseries converges uniformlywith respect to c when 0 ": c ^ C, and therefore the limit of the series when

c -* 0 is the same as the value of the series when c = 0.

We have therefore provedthat


"Zo m\r{y + m) a^''+^'V {a - j3+ 1)' "2 ^

and therefore


(_)m 5v+2m-i r (2a + 2m) V (i)_


",ro'//i!r (7 + III)2--^+v+2m-i (^a+^+2m i^(1 _ /5_ ,M) r (a + m + A)

It has therefore been shewn that

^^^ Jo ^r-a-^"^^

2v-"-^a"+^r(7)r(l-/3)-- ^V '^'^'aV'

that is to say

f^JAat)JAbt) bTilfi+h^-h^ + l)^'^- Jo ^^ 2^a-^+^ l^(z.+])r(i\ + */.-iz. + i)

providedthat 0 " 6 " a, and that the integralisconvergent. This is the result

obtained by Sonine and Schafheitlin.

If we interchangea and b,and also /u,and v, throughoutthe work, we find

that,when 0 "a "b and the integralis convergent, then

... [-J.-,{at)Jy-r(bt) a"^-Pria)^'^^

J. iv-"-^"


X oi^jfa, a - 7 + 1 ; a - / + 1 ;^,j-

\y. B. F.26

Page 414: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Now it so happens that the expressionson the rightin (1)and (3)are not

the analyticcontinuations of the same function.There is consequently a

discontinuityin the formula when a = h; and it will be necessary to examine

this phenomenon in some detail.

13*41. TJte critical case ofthe Weher-Schafheitlinintegral.

In the case of the integralnow under consideration,when a = b,we have,as before,

.'o tc^ + Q J a t^

assumingthat R{im-\-v I) " R{\)"0, to secure convergence.

Now consider

._,,Ja-((at)Jy- (at)


^ty-^^ '^^'

where ^ is a complex variable with R (z)positive.

When R (z)" 2a we may expand the integrandin ascendingpowers of a

and integrateterm-by-term,this procedurebeingjustifiedby the fact that

the resultingseries is convergent.

We thus get,by using" 5'41,


^1J Jg-p(at)/.y-i(at)

CO l*3C

"=0 J 0


e-^t(_)m (^^),-p+y+2;"-l^2a-Hom-lT (g - /g+ ry+ 2m)m\ r (a - ^ -H m + 1) T (7 + m) T (a - yS+ 7 -h m)


(-)" (^ay-^^y^-^-'V (2a 4- 2in)T (a - yg+ 7 -h 2m),"t

0z''^^^ m ! r (a - y8-I-m -h 1)r(y -h 7/i)T(a- /3-F 7 + m)


Now the integralon the left is an analyticfunction of z when R (z)" 0,and so its value, when z has the small positivevalue c, is the analyticcon-tinuation

of the series on the right.

But, by Barnes' theory*,the series on the rightand its analyticcontinua-tions

may be representedby the integral

(^a)"-^+y^-ir (2a -f 2s)r (a - /3-f-7 + 2s)" r2lTi]



. ^,a+,sr (a - /y-F 6- + 1 ) r (7 -h s)r (a - /3-h 7 + s)

and this integralrepresentsa function of z which isanal3'ticwhen arg^^ |" tt.

It is si:pposedthat the contour consists of the imaginaryaxis with loopsto

ensure that the polesof V (" s)lie on the rightof the contour, while the polesof r (2a+ 2s) and of T (a - yS+ 7 + 2s)lie on the left of the contour.

When \z\"2a we may evaluate the integralby modifyingthe contour so

as to enclose the poleson the left of the contour and evaluatingthe residues

* Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)v. (1907),pp. 59"118. See also "" 6'5, 6-51 svpra.

Page 416: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence

t^ 2r(p + ^\+i)r{a + ^\)r(^x-2J)'

unless X = 0. This should be compared with the more general formulae

obtained from " 13'4,namely that,when h " a,

(4) j^ dt

Y\2^1U-l\,-p-l\\ a-p: --,

2"^a''-P-^r{a-p)T{p + l\+l)

and, when b " a,


f Jg+p{at)Jg-p-i{bt) ,

JO t

"2^b'^+p-^+^r(a+p+ l)T{lX-p)F,(a-l\p+l-^X;a+p^l; -^

Since X, ^ 0, the functions on the rightin (4)and (5)do not tend to limits

when a ^ b.

On the other hand, when A, is zero, the contour integralbecomes

1 /"=-*" (^ay''+''-'[r(2a+ 2s)}-T (- s)

2^iJ-ooi'"+-* V{a+p + s+l)r(a-p + s)r {2a + s)*'

and the residue at s= " a is (")^/(2a).

It follows that

' a^-PT(.-p).pl^^^['''-i'-'"-^^' a^)'(6) j Ja+p(at)J"_^_i(bt)dt = \


accordingas b " a, b = a, b " a. Since

,F,(a,-2r,a-p; l) = (-)PplT(a-p)/V(a),

it is evident that tJievalue of the integrallulienb = a is the mean of its limits

tuhen b" a " 0 and b = a+ 0.

The result of takingX = l in (2)is


2 sin ^ {v- ^) IT

(7) / J^{at)J,{ca)'~j=

Jo 't IT

which is also easilyobtained by insertinglimits in v$5"11 (13); this formula has been

discussed in great detail by Ka^jteyn, Proc. Section of Sci., K. Akad. van Wet. te

Amsterdam, iv. (1902), pp. 102" 103; Archives Neerlandaises,(2) vi. (1901),pp. 103



Page 417: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13*42. Specialcases ofthe discontinuous integral.

Numerous specialcases of interest are obtained b} givingspecialvalues

to the constants \, ju.,v in the precedinganalysis.To save repetition,when

three values are givenfor an integral,the firstis itsvalue for h " a, the second

for h" a, and the third for b" a; when two values onlyare given,the firstis

the value for h ^ a, the second for h^a; and the values are correct for all

values of the constants which make the integralsconvergent.The followingare the most importantspecialcases* :

"-- J^(at)J^{bt)^^ ^


X r / ^\"


Ju.(at)sin bt,, .


V / /J'

^^ ^^ = "I "" si^ i/^"^' [fji{b+ V(6-^- a^),p"



[R if.)" 0]

(3)JAat)cosbt, |"-^cos{;.arcsin(6/a)},--^-^7^ at = - a" cos h/JLTT

[[R (/x)" 0]

(4) I J^ (at)sin bt.

dt =,

x or 0

f^{b+ ^(b-'- a')]'''


sin Ifiarc sin (b/a)]v'(a-^- b')

[R (f.)" - 2]

aJ"-cos }2f^7r

y(Jf-a').{b+ ^(b-'-a')\'^'

'cos {/J,arc sin (b/a)]

(5) J^{at)cos bt.

dt = -Ice w 0,

o/^ sin h/xTT


Specialcases of precedingresults are






I Jo (at)sin bt.dt= -jx ,

I Jo (aO cos bt.dt= -Uo,


These two formulae, which were given l"yWeber t, Journal filrMath. lxxv. (1873),

p. 77, are known as WeheYs discontinuous factors; they are associated with the problem of

determiningthe potentialof an electritied circular disc;.

* Numerous other specialeases are given by Nielsen,Ann. di Mat. (3)xiv. (1908),pp. 82" 90.

The integralsin (4)and (5)diverge for certain values of ix when a = h.

t The former was known to Stokes many years earlier,and was, in fact,set by him as a

Smith's prize examination question in Feb. 1853. [Math, and Phijs.Papers, v. (1905),p. 319.]

X Cf. Gallop,QuarterlyJournal, xxi. (188(J),pp. 230"231.

Page 418: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Another specialformula is

(8) f J^ (at)J,.,(bt)dt =\1/(26), . [R ifjC)" 0]

(O;and if we put fi=l, we obtain Weber's result {ibid.,p. 80),

(9) rMat)J,{bt)dt= \ll(2b)Jo U- 1/7


The result of putting;li= J^in (8)is known as BirichleVs discontimious factor;see the

article by Voss, Encyclopadieder Math. Wins. ii. (1),(1916),p. 109.

Some other specialformulae have been found useful in the theoryof Fourier series byAV. H. Young, LeipzigerBerichte,lxiii. (1911),pp. 369 " 387.

Another method of evaluating(5)has been givenby Hopf and Sommerfeld, Archiv der

Math, v/iidPkys.(3)xviii. (1911),pp. 1"16.

A consequence of formula (1)must be noted. When v " 0, we have,by " 5*51 (5),"" f ^ dt2 e"^-.

+ "(.i-)=2 / JvHt)-71=0 J n r

.' 0 " t

= 1,and so

(10) 1^.(^)1=$!, IJ. + i(aO1^1/^2,

providedonlythat v he positive;this is an interestinggeneralisationof Hansen's inequality

("2 "5)which was discovered by Lommel, Miinchener Abh. xv. (1886),pp. 548 " 549.

The reader may find it interestingto deduce Bateman's integral*,

[log(6/a),(11) f^J,{at)[l-J,{bt)]'^=^^'

from the Weber-Schafheitlin theorem.

13*43. Gegenbauer'sinvestigationofthe Weber-Schafheitlinintegral.

In the specialcase in which the Bessel functions are of the same order,

Gegenbauerf found that by his method Weber's integralcould be evaluated

in a simplemanner.

If R{'iv+1)"R (X)"R{v + h) we have

dtJ, {at)J. {bt)

{-lab)" I=^

/--J, [tV(a^+ 6" 2ab cos 0)} ." .



' ' sin-" cpdxpdtr{v + ^)T{h).K Jo t^-''{a'+ b'-2abcos"p)i

(aby T {v - IX + I) r sin-"(f"d(f)2^ r (J/ + 1) r (1)r (iX + i)j0 (a'+ ^- - 2ab cos (/))''-*^+^

* Messenger, xli. (1912),p. 101 ; for a proof of the formula by another method, see Hardy,

Messenger, xlii. (1913),pp. 92"93.

t Wiener Sitzimgsberichte,lxxxviii. (2),(1884),p. 991.

Page 419: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


by " 13'22. When h " a, the expressionon the rightis

Now from the recurrence formulae

^ 1(1-z^)-h^C,,^(^z)]= {n-v2,M- 1)(1 -^"^)-i"-iC^_,(^),

^ {(1- z'-f-+"^G,,^{z)]= - {n + 1) (1 - .-)^-+'^-ir",+,(^),

we see that

(n + l)|'(\ - z^y-i C^n^,{z)dz

=-C (1 - z"-)"-^^i''+^~\{l

- s")i"+CV (2)\dz

= {n + 2,x-2v - 1) f'^ (1 -^-""^)''-*a"'^(5)dzJ -1

="2':;!t-/!/'-^=""""' i{(i-.')-"'c,,(.)}rf.

so that



^(n + 2fi-2v-l)(n + 2fi-l)

{2v+ 7i + l){n + l)Hence it follows that

X ,fJv- l\ + H - IX; v+l; ^^Y

and this agrees with the result of " 13-4.

The method given here is substantiallythe same as Gegenbauer's; but

he used ilightlymore complicatedanalysisin order to avoid the necessityof

appealingto the theoryof analyticcontinuation to establish the result over

the more extended range R {2v + 1) " -R (X,)" " 1.

By expandingthe finiteintegralin powers of cos cf),we obtain the formula

(1) I ./.(at)J. (bt) =

-, ^^,^ ^^^_^,,, ^^^ ^~

^(2v+\-X 2z/ + 3 - \


4a-6- \

^"^^^1"4 '

4' ^+l;(a^T6^0'

which is valid whether a "b or a " b. This result was givenby Gegenbauer,and with this form of the result the discontinuityis masked.

The reader will find it interestingto examine the critical case obtained

by putting6 = a in the finite integral.

Page 420: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13"44. Ouhlers investigationofthe Weher-Schafheitlinintegral.

The integral.-00

J^ (at)/, (ht)dtJo

will now be investigatedby the method due to Gubler*. It is convenient

firstto consider the more generalintegral

(- JAo^t)J,{ht)^^-'0 t^

even though this integralcannot be evaluated in a simplemanner by Gubler's

methods. It is first supposedthat R{v)"0, R (k)"^, R(fM " X)" " I; and,

as usual,a and b are positive,and a "b.

From the generalisationof Bessel's integral,givenby "6*2 (2),it is evident

that the integralis equal to

Mv /I 2-"-^ expHhtlz- -]}-dzdt.27riJo ^^

We take the contour as shewn in Fig.29 to meet the circle j |= 1 and the

FiK. 29.

line R(z) = 0 only at z = " i; and then, for all the values of z and t under



and the repeatedintegralconverges absolutely,since



,-v-l dz\

is convergent. The order of the integrationsmay therefore be changed,and

we have



If we write

dt Lrr'r^M,,^i.27rij

- COj 0 t''

H'-i) y"V"l dtdz.

b(z-l/z) = -a(^-l/0,

Math. Ann. xlviii. (1897),pp. 37"48.

Page 421: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and suppose that that vahie of ^ is taken for which j j^ 1, we have, by " 13'2,

dt = "~. z

X oi^iU - X + 1,/i + X: /i + 1 ; j-^-^ojc^^,

b\^ Kummer's transformation*.

Next consider the path described by ^,when z describes its contour. Since

the value of ^ with the greater modulus is chosen, the path is the curve on

the rightof the circle in Fig.29; and the curve is irreducible because different

branches of z, qua function of ^,are taken on the different jmrts of it. The

curve meets the unit circle onlyat e-'", where w is the acute anglefor which

b " a sin co.

Now both the originalintegraland the final contour integralare analyticfunctions of X when R{X)" " 1, so longas a^^b. Hence we may takef \ =0,

providedthat R{/x) " " 1; and then we have

Next write ^= zr and then


br + a_

T(bT + a)



T (ar + 6)'

tiT + b '

and the t contour is that shewn in Fig.30; it starts from - b/a,encircles the

originclockwise,and returns to "b/a; where the contour crosses the positive

half of the real axis,we have arg r -0.

c,.dz 1 adr

bince",0(l+ n 2T(6T + a)'

we find (on reversingthe direction of the contour) that

I"'/^(at)J, (bt)dt =^r~.

f'"^'ri'-'-'^-i'(br+ a)-i"'+'^+i"(ar + 6)*c+'--i"dr

J 0ZttI J -1,1 a

b" /'"o+' / b- x-iiv+ft+ii


V a

* Journal fur Mat Ii.xv. (183G),p. 78, formula (57). See also Barnes, QuarterlyJournal, xxsix.

(1908),pp. 115"119.

t If X:^0,the hypergeometricfunction does not in general reduce to an elementary-function,

and the analysis becomes intractable.

Page 422: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we expand in ascendingpowers of h-ja-and substitute the values of the

Euler-Pochhammer integrals,then Gubler's result

//x+i^ + 1 V- ii + i^A-^^ -

is manifest.


13"45. A modificationof the Weber- Schafheitlinintegral.

The integral.'0


which converges ii R{a)"\I (b)\ and R{v + 1 "\)"\R (fi)\,


terms of hypergeometricfunctions,like the Weber-Schafheitlin integral,but

unlike that integralit has no discontinuitywhen a = b.

To evaluate it,expand J^(bt)in powers of 6,assuming temporarilythat

16 j" ja j in order that the result of term-by-termintegrationmay be a

convergent series. By using" 13"21 (8) it is found that

^ ^ Jo t" n=on\l {v + n + l)Jo ^ '

6" r (A y - ^x 4- ^At+ ^)r (^1/- 1\ - i/i-I-i)

'-"-X,4-;u,-|-ly" A- " /i+1

2v + \\ -



and, in particular,


providedthat J? (i/+ 1) ",i2 (/a)jand R (a) " I(b)\.


Formula (1) was givenby Heaviside* when fj,= v = 0 and A, is 0 and " 1.

* Electromagnetic Theory,iii. (London, 1912), pp. 249, 268, 275.

Page 424: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It has been observed by Macdonald* that the integralon the left in (1)is

always expressiblein terms of Legendre functions. The expressionmay be

derived from the integralon the rightin the followingmanner:

When a, b,c are the sides of a triangle,by the substitution

sin I"^= sin ^A sin 6

we have


(a-- h- - c- + 2 he cos (f"y-''-^sin-""/"d(j".



= (2bcy-'-^ I {cos(f"-COS Ay-"-^ sin-"(j)d(fiJo


= 2-''-'^''-^bcy-''-'sin-''-'hA. (l-sin-|A sin-^)''-Hin-"6'cos-'^--'-i^^6'


= i'^-' {bcy-^-'sin''^-'^A^^'''^f^^^~''\,F,(^+ vA-i']f^ + ^;sinnA),i (i + i)

and therefore,if R (yu,)and R (v) exceed " ^,and a, b, c are the sides of a

triangle,we have

(4) j J, (at)./.(60 -L (ct)t^-^ dt =

-^^:^^,,,,P:,-"^^ )"

If,however, a^ " (6+ cf, and we write

a- "b'- " c- = 26c cosh S^-,

we have

I (a--6--c=+ 26ccos "/))'^-"-isin-"^(Z(/)Jo

= (26c)'^-''-iI"(coshS4 + cos "/))'^-'-isin-""/)c7"^

= (260cosh ^V-'-'^;f^-fv-1 (I'M-1)

X .,F,{^^ + 1, '" f^;"^ + 1 ;sech-^ ),

so that,when a- " (6+ c)-,we have


T / ^\ r /j^N r / ^x^i 7^(6ey~^cos^'7^.sinh'*-*c^^.i-j^

. , ^.^(o) J^{at)J,ibt)JAct)f-''dt=^-^,

Q ,(cosh^).

In like manner, we deduce from ^ 13*45 (2)that

(6) j K (at)J. (bt)J. (ct)t^" dt = - --^-j^^-i^-j-^-Q^_ (A ),

where 2bc X = a- -\-b-+ c-; and in this formula a, b, c may be complex,

providedonlythat the four numbers

R{a " lb " ic)

are positive; this result is also due to Macdonald.

* Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)vii. (1909),pp. l-i2" 149.

Page 425: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[Note. The apparent discrepancybetween these fornnilae and the formulae of Mac-

donald's paper is a consequence of the difi'erent definitions adopted for the function Q^"^;see " 5-71.]

Other formulae involvingthree Bessel functions may be obtained by takingformuhx " 11"G (1),replacingz by x, multiplyingby

2/p{x cos 6)1x'^and integrating-.

It is thus found that

/"^. .

dx(7) ./ (" cos ^ cos (I")/^ (" sin ( sin 4))Jp(" cos ^) "

^jJo "^



cos'^ 0 cos'^ O sin" 6 sin"4" cos'' 6=

^W-'-Tip + l)[V{v + l)Y^



n = 0

r(^a+|/'4-ip-lX + n + 1)

X2F,(^111+ v + p " \ p " \ " /x " v" " " + " + 1,

^~ n; p + l; cos- 0


X 2-^1(" n, fx + i" + n + l; v + 1: sin-(/")

X 2F^{-n, /j,+ v + n + l; v+ I; sin- ^)

R (/i+ V + p + 2) " R (\) " - ^

and cos 0 is not equalto + cos (^ " 0).

Some specialcases of this result have been given by Gegenbauer in a letter to Kapte}-n,Proc. Section of Sci.,K. Acad, can Wet. te Amsterdam., iv. (1902),jip. 584

" 588.

Some extensions of formula (3)have been givenrecentlyby Nicholson*.

If tti,rto, ... a,",are positivenumbers arrangedin descendingorder of magnitudeit is easy to shew that,if



. 0 71 = 1

n JJaJ) ^-= 0;

1 = 1 t

the sjjnplestmethod of establishingthis result isby induction, by substitutingGegenbauer'sformula of " 11 "41 [on the assumption that R{i')" " h] for

./^((/"i_ir)J,.{a,"t),and then changingthe order of the integrations.

When "!, a.., ... ""i are such that they can be the lengthsof the sides of

a polygon,the integralis intractable unless m = 8 (thecase alreadyconsidered),or III = 4.

* Quarterhj Joiinud, xlviii. (1920),pp. 321" 329. Some associated integralswill be discussed

in i^13-48;

Page 426: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When tti, a.2, as, a^ can foi'm the sides of a quadrilateral,we write

1 6 A- = IT ("!+ Oo + tts+ ttj" 2a,i),71=1

so that A is the area of the cyclicquadrilateralwith sides a^, a.2,a3, a4.

The integralcan be evaluated in a simple form onl}-*when v = 0: but

to deduce its value,it is simplestfirstto obtain an expressionfor the integralwhen R(v) " |,and deduce the value for v = 0 by analyticcontinuation: the

value of the integralassumes different forms accordingasf

th + a4 $ a2+ tts,

i.e.accordingas A- $ aj cio a^ a^.

We write ct- = a.;-+ o/ " 2a2^s cos ^, and replaceJ^,(a.,t)J^(aJ) by

Gegenbauer'sformula, so that ^

Jo ^^^^^^"^= V\^^\)V^,Jo ^^ sm-c^^^^

_(a,asr(a^a,r;^ f,

^ y._ ^.i.-j r^._ ,^ _ " yi.-*sin^"A#

where the lower limit is givenby "57 =ai " a^ and the upper limit by ot = aj + a^

or aa + "3 "

whichever is the smaller.

We write

Ts- - (o, - ",)- (fli+ a4)-- (ao - ^3 )-'

so that the upper limit for a- is 1 or A\\i{a^a.2asa^\this expressionwill be

called \\k.

We now carry out the process of analyticcontinuation (unlessaj + 04=00-^ a;,,

when the integralsdivergeat the upper limit if t- = 0),and we get

I n Jf)(ant)tdt0 "=i

=-. I[[("i+ "4)'- ^']{^'- (Oi - a,y][zT-^- (a,- 03)-}{(rt2+ fls)'^- t^i]- t:r(^^TT".'

1 rlorl/i- ";^.



1 j^Njaia-iOzCii)rx 4 Itt^A V A

(9) I n Jo ("nO ^C?i=

0 n = \K


where K denotes the completeellipticintegralof the firstkind, and that one

whose modulus is less than unityis to be taken.

* For other values of v it is expressibleas a hypergeometricfunction of three variables.

t We still suppose that "j^"._,^ 03^04.

Page 427: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Nicholson has also evaluated


{JAat)Y^,when R{v)"0 and a " 0. The simplestprocedureis to regardthe integralas

a specialcase of the last,so that it is equalto

1 1" in " ,-, ,M isin'-''(j)(16

and hence*


^13'47. I^/^ediscontinuous integralsofSonine and Gegenhauer.

Several discontinuous integrals,of a more generalcharacter than the Weber-

Schafheitlin type,have been investigatedby Soninef and Gegenbauer;!:;somemodifications of these integralsare of importancein physicalproblems.

The firstexample^ which we shall take is due to Sonine, namely

(1) \'j."fit)^^^'^'t^"dt^ Jo '^^ (^2+ ^-)-"

0, ("." 6)

To secure convergence, a and b are taken to be positiveand R(v) "R(fx,)" " 1 ;

if a = b,then we take R (v)" i? (/x+ 1) " 0. The number 2 is an unrestricted

complex namber, and the integralreduces to a case of the Weber-Schafheitlin

integralwhen z is zero.

The integralsinvolved beingabsolutelyconvergent Ij,we see from " 6'2 (8)

that,if 0 0, then



J^ {bt)f'^' u-"-' exp

(o-" b'-)u a

la {u "

t^ + 2'



u exp"la liu


* An arithmetical error in Nicholson's work has been corrected. The result for values oi R (v)

between 0 and J is obtained by analyticcontinuation.

t Math. Ami. xvi. (1880),p. 38 et seq.

X Wiener Sitzungsberichtc,lxsxviii. (1884),pp. 990"1003.

" This formula is also investigated by Cailler,il/e'm. de la Soc. de 2^ Geneve, xxxiv.

(1902"1905), pp. 348"349.

IIThe convergence is absolute only when R {v)"R(ijl+ 1}"0; for values of v not covered b}'

this condition, the formula is to be established by analyticcontinuation.

Page 428: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When a " h the contour involved in the lastintegralmaybe deformed into an

indefinitelygreat semicircle on the right of the imaginaryaxis,and the

integralalong this is zero; but, when a ^6, we have to apply" 6"2 (8),and

then we obtain the formula stated*.

A related integral

(2) /;J.(^o^i^fy"- cu = %|^')f-'-v^.w("=+6=)!may be evaluated in a similar manner.

We suppose that a and h are positivef,and that R (/x)" " 1 ;^\in4ivaluatingthe integralit is convenient to suppose that !arg2'!"i7r,though we may

subsequentlyextend the range of values of z to \a.rgz\"tt by analyticcontinuation.

From " 6*22 (8)it follows that the integralon the left of (2)is equalto

t- +z-~

^Jo .0

" ha[u +





{a-+")u az'

2a '2u

by " 6'22 (8);and this is the result stated.

Now make arg z^^ " \ir. If we put z = iy,where y"0, we find that

Jo \^ y J'

bi^{\/(a- + 62\)V-/X-1

= i7r.-i-''--i''-l^^^^^^l[/.-.-.{yV(a^ + 6^)i- tF._,_,{y^/(a+ ")}l

providedthat R(v) " 1 ; and it issupposedthat the path of integrationavoids

the singularityt = y by an indentation above the singularpoint,and that

interpretationis givento v'(i-" y-)which makes the expressionpositivewhen


If we had put z = - iy,we should have had the indentation below the real

axis and the signof i would have been changed throughout(3).

In particular

(A\ r T (ht\exp{-"\/(^" .V^)]

. ;. _

exv\+il|^l{a"^+b^)]^^^ ]


^" ^^^^"





where the upper or lower sign is taken accordingas the indentation passes

above or below the axis of y.

* For physicalapplicationsof this integral,see Lamb, Proc. London Math. Sac. (2)vii. (1909),

pp. 122" lil.

t With certain limitations,a and b may be complex.

Page 429: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The last formula (with the lower sign*)has been used in physicalinvestigationsby

Sommerfeld, A7m. der Phjsik unci Chemie, (4) xxviii. (1909), pp. 682 " 683; see also

Bateman, Electrical and OpticalWave-Motion (Cambridge,1915),p. 72.

If in (1)we divide by 6' and make h-^i),we obtain Sonine's formula

providedthat fOO and R{\v " \)"R{iju)" " 1; this might have been

established independentlyby the same method.

Similarly,from (2) we have

if a " 0 and R{ix)" - I.

In (5)replacev by 2v, a by 2 sin 6 and integratefrom ^ = 0 to 6 = ^tt.It

follows that

n\ r J-''Ml"^^ rwdt= ^AtL"J:}|-^^^..-M-:(2^sm^)^^.'^

Jo '{t''+z''-y TT^^-'-'^-i.'o sin^+^d*

this is valid when R{v " V) " R ijx)" " 1.

The integralon the rightis easilyexpansiblein powers of ^:; but the onlycase of interest is when 2/- = 2//-+ 3, and we then have

(S^ f^ ^!M^l+ fl)}...-. ^. -

^ ^^ - i)H (^z^^^^ Jo^if-\-z^ * '^^-2z^^7^^'^-''^'

so that

(9) I""

^ ^Y('^^^- ^"y- da = l-'^!rPpH. (2z);

and these are valid if R (v)" h The last formula was established in a

different manner (when y=l) by Struvef;and from it we deduce the importanttheorem thatij:,luhen v"^ and x"0, Il^{x) is positive.Struve's integralis

of considerable value in the Theory of Diffraction.

Some variations of Sonine's discontinuous integralare obtainable by

multiplyingby h'^'^and then integratingwith respectto b from 0 to b.

It is thus found that

the upper limit in the last integralbeingb or a, whichever is the smaller.

* My thanks arc due to Professor Love for pointing out to me the desirabilityof emj^hasiziiigthe ambiguity of sign.

t Ann. der Phijsikniul Clicmic,(3)xvii. (1882),pp. 1010"1011.

+ Cf. " 10-45."

w. v.. F. 27

Page 430: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If i " a, the integralon the rightseems intractable,but,when b" a, we

put u = a sin 6 and deduce that

(10) r j,,,(tt)'^^^^M^t^dt=^^^^^M,^ ^

Jo {t'-hz"')^" b^+^ z"'

providedthat R{v + 1) " R (/u,)" " 1 ; this is one of Sonine's integrals.

If we replacea by i* in (1) and then take a^b and integratewith respect

to u from a to 00 after dividingby ""-""',we find that,tvhen z is restricted to he



2"-"-' Jo (v + b-)"

by " 13'3 (4),and thence we see that

(11) )^ m(^";(^2_,. 2)j.+i

f "^^

2^-'r{v)'^^ ^'

providedthat a "h and R (v+ 2) " R (fj,)" - 1; the restriction that ^ is

positivemay now be removed.

Formula (10),which may be written in the form

(12) ]/^^^^) it'^z^)^^t at-

^^ ^^,

where i^(v+ 2)" J?(/a)"0 and 6"a, has been generalisedin two ways by

Gegenbauer*,by the usual methods of substitutingNeumann's integraland

Gegenbauer'sintegi'al(cf." 13-1)for the second Bessel function.

The firstmethod gives

(lo) J J^(6")(^2^^2^i(A+ W

^ ^^

= ^ioio '^(^^^-^^M-T^iM^-^^^ ^cos(X-.)"^#rf^


providedthat 6 " 2a and 22 (i/+ X + f) " i2 (/i)" 0.

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxxviii. (2),(1884),pp. 1002"1003.

Page 432: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


anglebetween s^ and cim+i, then,in the two-dimensional problem,all values of

the angle6,nbetween " tt and tt are equallyprobable.

Now let Pni't^';ch, "2" """)"m) denote the probabilitythat after )i stretches

the distance from the startingpointshall be less than r, so that the probability

that the distance lies between r and r + Sr is

dPn(r; a^,ao, ...,an)^dr

It is then evident that

Pn (r;a,,a.2, ...,an)= .-^-^;^i| |" " " / Id^n-idOn-o

. . .

dO, dO^,

where ^i, o,...,

^"_2 assume all values between " tt and tt, while 6n-i is to

assume onlysuch values as make*

Sn ^ r,

for each set of values of ^i,^o,... ,


Now ("13-42)

rrj,(rt)j,{s,,t)dt=\l'^';";;^Jo [0, {Sn " r)

and so, if this discontinuous factoris inserted in the (n " \)-twpleintegral,the

range of values of 6n-imay be taken to be (" tt, tt).

We change the order of the integrationswith respect to ^,j_iand t,and,

remembering that

S"ii= Sji_2

+ ft'H ^S)i_ift,jcos t/ji_i,

we get

Ji(rt)Jo {Snt)dt ddn-i = '27rr \ J,(I't)Jo(s"_it)Jq(a"t)dt. -TT.'O .0

by " 11"41 (16). We next make the substitution

S'n"i ^^ S",i_2 T ft'"i_i "^5)j_2ftji,"1 cos C/ji_2,

and performthe integrationwith respect to dn-2- By repetitionsof this pro-cess

we deduce ultimatelythat

r--c n

Pn (r; fli, "o,...,an)= r \ J,(rt)U J^{a,nt)dt,

.'0 M = 1

and this is Kluyver'sresult.

W^e shall now consider the correspondingproblemfor space of p dimensions.

In this problemit is no longerthe case that all values of 6"iare equallylikely.If generalisedpolarcoordinates (inwhich d,,,is regardedas a co-latitude)are

used, the element of generalisedsolid angle contains 6^ onlyby the factor

sii\P~ 6^1d6m" and 6,nvaries from 0 to tt. The symmetry with respect to the

polaraxis enables us to disregardthe factor dependingon the longitudes.

* It is to be remembered that 5"i is a function of the variables di, 6^,... ,

^^-i "

Page 433: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If P"(9';ai,ao, ...,a^Jj) denotes the probabilitythat the final distance is

less than r, we deduce, as before,that


[i {-kp-i) 1 W) .'c.'o .'0.'W=]

v/here the integrationwith respect to O^-i extends over the values of ^"_i

which make s" " r.

The discontinuous tactoi- which we now introduce is

and then, since, by " 11'41 (16),

we infer that

F,,(r "

a,, a,, ..., a, |p) = r [Ti^Wr^ |J(irtP'^J,,{rt)U^ i^^^]'^'-

When the displacementsa^, cu, ... ,"" are all equalto a, and n islarge,we may

approximateto the value of the integralby Laplace's*process. The important

part of the integrandis the part for which t is small,and, for such values of t,

so that ("13-3)

P, (7-;a, a,..., a \j))~ jT^/J(^rt)i'-'Jip(rt)exp (-'-|^')dt

This process of approximationhas been carried much further by Rayleighin

the cases jj = 2,jj = 3, while Pearson has publishedvarious arithmetical tables

connected with the problem.

13'49. The discontinuous integralsof Gallopand Hardy.

The integral

^ {z+ tr (x+ty

is convergent if a and 6 are positiveand R{/x + i')" - I; when a = b the last

condition must be replacedhy B. {fi+ v) " 0.

The specialcase of the integralin which /x = 0, i' = ^ has been investigatedby Gallop,

QuarterlyJournal, XXI. (1886), pp. 232 " 234; and the case in which a = b has been

investigatedby Hardy, Froc. London Math. Soc. (2)vii. (1909),pp. 469. The integralis

obviouslyto be associated with the discontinuous integralsof Weber and Schafheitlin.

* La theorie analytique drs Probabilites (Paris,1812),chapter in. The process may be

recognisedas a somewhat disguisedform of the method of steepestdescents.

Page 434: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To evaluate the integralin the generalcase, the method discovered by

Hardy is effective;suppose that a^b, and at first let us take R{v)" " ^,

R{/jl)"^, so that Poisson's integralmay be substituted for the second

Bessel function and all the integralswhich will be used are absolutelycon-vergent.

Write t in placeoi t+^, and let z" ^= Z, so that the integralto be

evaluated becomes


r (. + 1)r (i)11 .C~izv^'^^^ ^^'''' "^ ''''''^^^^^

2.(16)" [^ ^'''^''^cos {btcos (ji)cos (bZ cos (f")sm''^(f"d(l,dt

{Z + ty t"

(16)" f" [-J,{a{Z+ t)]

r(i;+ i)r(i)Jo .0 t"^


i2aY r (,W^TV^)/o''- ''^"^ ^^'-'''' ^'' '^' ^) ^^' ^'^'

by a specialcase of " 13 "4 (2).

This integralis expressiblein a simple manner onlywhen /i=:|,a case

considered by Gallop,or when a = 6,the case considered by Hardy.

We easilyobtain Gallop'stwo results

(1) f ^^^"^^^^Mbt)dt = '7TUbz), {b%a)J "00

Z -T I

f" sina(2 + 0r /7.^ 7.

f^cosuz .du,,

and Hardy'sformula

...r J. {a(^+ 1)]J. [a(^+t)]


r (; + .)r (i)^^^ J-. {z + tr i^+ty r(/.+ i)r(^ + i)

^aj (z- ^y+^'-h

The reader will find it interestingto obtain (1)by integrating"

gai{z+ t)

/' Joi^i)dtz-k-t

round the contour formed by the real axis and an indefinitelygreat semicircle above it ; it

has to be supposed that there is an indentation at "2 when z is real.

The integi'al

J_3o Z + t

has also been considered by Gallop.To evaluate it,we observe that



z + t z+t'

Page 435: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so the integralmay be written in the form

ro /""

{- sin a {z+ 1)]Jo{bt)dt + sin a (^+ 1)Jo(^0f^^j

- 00 Jo

+J" sin"("_M)

J J ^^^_ 2 J" sin"(^+i)

j ^^^^^.'-00 ^ + ^ Jo Z + t

r CO r a raj

= 2 cos az sin ai Jq (6^)fZ + ^ cos if {z+ t)jQ(bt)dtduJo

.0 .'

- 00

ra /"CO

"2z\ cos u(z + t)Jo(bt)dtdu


Too ra C'^

= 2 cos a^ sin a^ Jo(6^)dt + 2z j I sin "2; sin ut Jq(6^)cZ^cZm.Jo J 0 J 0

Hence, when a"b,

r* \t\sma(z + t)J.


2 cos az /"" sin it^

("i) "

^ ^^ Jo{bt)dt= ""^"

Y- + 22 --" " j^ditJ -^

z + t^ ^

V{a- - b-) J i V(w' - b)

2 cos az^

rare cosh "/6_ , ^, ,^

= V(^^6-^)-^-"Josm(^6cosh^)rf^,but, when a " b,


" ["^ \t\sma(z + t),;,.,, ^(o) j^ j~^^ '-Jo(bt)dt= 0.

13-5. Definiteintegralsevaluated by contour integration.

A largenumber of definite integralscan be evaluated by considering

integralsof the forms

^.j0 (z)H^^'^iaz)dz, ^.U(z)'^ (bz)JZ,")(az)dz,

taken round suitable contours; it is supposed that 4^{z)is an algebraic

function,and that a is positive.

The appropriatecontours are of two types. We take the firsttype when

0 {z)has no singularitiesexcept polesin the upper half-plane;the contour is

taken to be a largesemicircle above the real axis with its centre at the origin,

togetherwith that part of the real axis (indentedat the origin)which joinsthe eiidsof the semicircle.

We take the second type when ^ {z)has branch pointsin the upper half-

plane;the contour is derived from the first type by insertingloopsstartingfrom and endingat the indentation, one looppassinground each branch point,

so that the integrandhas no singularityinside the contour.

A more powerfulmethod (cf " 13"1) which is effective in evaluating

integralswith Bessel functions under the integralsignis to substitute for the

Bessel function one of the integralsdiscussed in "6'5,and change the order of

Page 436: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the integrations; since the integrandin "6'o(7)is 0 (x"'^),qua function of ^,

where 8 is an arbitrarilysmall positivenumber, the double integralusually

converges absolutelywhen the originalintegraldoes so, and the interchange

producesno theoretical difficulties.

13*51. HankeVs integralsinvolvingone Bessel function.

Before Hankel investigatedthe more abstruse integralswhich will be

discussed in ChajDterxiv, he evaluated a largeclass of definite integrals*by


taken round the first type of contour described in " 13"5. In this integral,ais positive,m is a positiveinteger(zeroincluded),r is a complexnumber with


\R(v)\"R{p)" 2m +.

The firstinequalitysecures the convergence of the integralwhen the radius

of the indentation tends to zero; and (as a consequence of Jordan's lemma)the second inequalityensures that the integralround the largesemicircle

tends to zero as the radius tends to infinity.

The onlysingularityof the integrandinside the contour is the pointr. It

follows that

1 p scP-' {ir,"^'(ax)- ep"' if,"''(axe^')},

1 /'""+'"-^.g,"'((i^)c^^J^iJQ (^2_r2)'"+i ^~2'KiJ (^f.- r'.yn+r~

It follows from " 3-62 (5)that

xc~^dx(1) ["[(1+ gCp-")-')J, (ax)+ i{l- e(p-'')-0F, (ax)]-

J 0 (^'(x^- ?-2)w+i

This result can be expressedin a neater form by writingr = ik, so that

R (k)" 0. It is thus found thatf

(2) I [cosl(p-v)-7T../,(ax)+ sin l(p-v)77. F, (ax)]t^^^^.^^

* Hankel's work was publishedposthumously,Math. Ann. viri. (1875),pp. 458 " 401. A partial

investigationof the integralwith v " n, p = 2h + 2, m=2n was given by Neumann, Theoric der

BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),p. 58.

"fThe evaluation of integralsof this character which contain only one of the two Bessel

functions is effected in " 13 -G.

Page 437: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The reader should notice the followingspecialcases of this formula :

(3) j {cosVTT .J, (ax)- sui VTT.K {a:c)}



, ^.^^ ," '

f"^ x^ + ^Jy (ax)dx a'" k" " "' K^_ ,"

{ah)^'^" J 0 (."2+ F)'"+ i



m !

The former is valid when - 2)n - f " /i (i/)" 1,and the latter when - 1" ^ (i^)" 2m + - .

For an extension of (4)to the case when m is net an integer,see " 13-6 (2).

The specialformula


r- xJ^{ax)dx_

has been pointed out bj Mehler, 3/ath. Ann. xviii. (1881),p. 194, and Basset, Hydro-dynamics.,

II. (Cambridge,1889),p. 19; while Nicholson, QuarterlyJournal, slii. (1911),

p. 220, has obtained another specialformula


Ko{ah)^^) jo :^ + i^



by a complicatedtransformation of repeatedintegrals.

Some integralsresemblingthose just given may be established here,

though it is most convenient to prove them without usingCauchy's theorem.

Thus. Nicholson has observed that


2 f" f^-""cos (ax cos 6),^^

7 f I 1 T^ U.l/1//^

0 X- + IC- TT J 0 Jo ^' + 1^'

1 a^


= '^-j^[I,{ak)-lMo{p.k)\,

by " 10'4 (11),providedthat a and R (k)are both positive;so that

(7) (^ ^^^ ^ ^{Io(ak)-I.,(ak)].

More generally,if R (v) " " |,we have

/. (ak)- L. {ak)= j.,^^2itra^f'^-"^--sin- ddd,

and since,by a specialform of (2),

V J_ cc .t" + /i'"" A;

providedthat R{y)"'2 and a is positive,it follows that

/.(a^)-L.(aA-)= -j.^^^^^^,^j^j_."^1^^ ^^'^^

_ki~''r' Jy{ax)-tin,,(ax)

TT j_ cc

^'" + k-

I'"v r^ dx

j [{I+ e^-^)J. (ax)+ i(1-e^-')llActA')]^^^,TT J Q

Page 438: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and so we have the formula

ft CC f4 /yt ^__

(8) [cos\v'K.J {ax)+ sin \v'k. H^ (ax)]" ^.,

= "

^ [I (ak)- L^ {ak)\,

where a"0, B, (k)" 0 and -^" R(v)"2. The change in the order of the

integrationspresentsno great theoretical difficulties.

A somewhat similar integralis

r" x^Ky (ax)dx

Jo x' + k' '

Avhich converges ii R(v)" " \ and R (a)" 0.

If we choose k so that R (k)" 0, we have, by " 616 (1),

x''K^{ax)dx _r(v + ^) p p (2a)''cos xu.dudx

0'^^+k' ~~r(i7 JoJo (x"-+ k^{u' + a'y+'-f



TT r (jM-i) r""(2aye-''^du

-~2krJl) Jo (w^+a-^r+i

TT ZjgV-1[II.^,(ak)-Y_,{ak)],

4 cos I/TT

when we use " lO'-il (3). Hence, when R(v) " " ^,

(9) I"

^-^.(a^Oc/a;^ ^r^^-^ ^^ _ -j,_ ^^^^ ^ j 0 ^' + ^^- 4 cos I'TT

^ '

and therefore,when i^ (v)" |,

These formulae (when v = 0) are due to Nicholson, and the last has also

been givenby Heaviside.

The integral f"=^"!^^ Jo x^ + k^ x"

has been investigatedby Gegenbauer*. To evaluate it,we suppose that

R(v)" " ^ and that a and R (k)are both positive;we then have

Jo x' + k^ x" T(v + ^)r(l)Jo '(" x- + k'

i )n''./ 0

and so

r(v + ^)r(^)kj,

(11) f"

'^f- = -^ {/,(ak)- L, (ay^OI-

* Wiener Sitzungshericlite,lxxii. (2),(1876),p. 349. Gegenbauer's result is incorrect because

he omitted to insert the term - L,,(ak); and consequentlythe results which he deduced from his

formula are also incorrect. A similar error was made by Basset, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),

p. 11. The correct result was given by Gubler, Zilrich Vierteljahrsschrift,xlvii. (1902),

pp. 422"424.

Page 440: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, when we expand ^^'^'(az)in ascendingpowers of z, we find that


sin vir.

r (/J,+ 1)(^a)"kP+''-^'^-'-S

V(h_p+iv + m).(laky

=0 w!r(y + ??i + 1) r (^p+ ^1/- /A + 7?i)

and therefore

r^' xP~'^dx(1) I [cos(^p - |i/--f.i)IT. J, {ax)+ sin {Ip-Iv - fx)it. Y^ (ax)]


2siny7r. r(//.+1)

lr(v+i)r(ip+ ^v-fMy n 2 '


p " y,


Fig. 31.

It is natural to enquirewhether the integralof this type which contains

a singleBessel function cannot be evaluated; it seems that the onlyeffective

method of evaluatingit is the method which will be explainedin " 13 '(J.

13'53. HankeVs integralsinvolvinga productofBessel functions.

Integralsresemblingthose of "13'51,except that they contain a productof Bessel functions instead of a singleBessel function,have been investigated

by Hankel* by applyingCauchy'stheorem to the integral


in which a'^h "0, m is a positiveinteger,7' is a complex number with a

positiveimaginarypart,^^ denotes any cylinderfunction of order fi, and

\R{v)\+ \R{fi)\"R{p)"2ni + 4".


* Math. Ann. viir. (1875),pp. 461"467.

Page 441: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[When (^^/ni" a Bessel function of the firstkind,\R{fj.)\may be replticedby "It{fj.)inthis inequahty.]

When a = h,the presence of a non-oscillatoryterm* in the asymptoticex-pansion

of the integrandshews that we must replace2m -f 4 by 2m + 3 in the

inequalityin order to make the integral,when taken round a largesemicircleabove the real axis,tend to zero as the radius tends to infinity.

The contour to be taken is that of "13"52 ; and if we proceedin the

manner of that section,we find that

(1) -^.I"

['2{hx)jy,'"(cix)- e^-i9^ (""e-0^'" (a^-e'^Olrf~'^^^

27riJo ' '^^ ' ' ^^,--

,-. . ^^i^^2_^.2yn+i

Numerous specialcases of this result are givenby Hankel.

It must 1)6 pointedout that, when p = 2?H + 3 and " = 6, tlie integralronnd the largesemicircle tends to a non-zero limit as the radius tends to infinity;and, ii

-g?{az)= c,H^m {az) c,ff^i'-)(az),

we then obtain the new formula

(2) 2^. j [%\{ax')H,i^){ax)+ "W {axe-^)J'^ (axe-i)](^^23^2)^+1

The particularcase of (1)in which p = 2,n "0 and '"'is a Bessel function

of the firstkind deserves specialmention ; it is

r "^" ccclor

(3) Jy.{hx)[cosl(fx-v)'7r.J^(ax\+ sm ^ (/j," v)tt. Y^ (ax)]~ ^

providedthat a^b-"0 and R{/j,)"\H (v)j- 2.

If we take fM = v and R(p)" -1 we see that

[" r / X r /7 ^^^f^^' {i7riJ,(br)HJ'"(ar),

accordingas a ^ 6.

The existence of the discontiniityin the expressionfor this integralwas

pointedout by Hankel.

If we modifyformula (3) we see that,if a ^ 6 " 0 and R {k)" 0, then

[^ X

(^) ^o"

7i ^M(bx)[cos]j{P'" v)7r.J^ (ax)+ sin |(^ " y)tt . F^{ax)]dx

= r^{bk)K, {uk).

* Since H^'-')(az)H^"'^i{a~2-~ "


c-^'^ ''""''when j" |i large.


Page 442: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


More generally,takingequation(1)with m = 0 and Wfj,= J^, we have

(^) ^TTT'^" \GO"\{p-fJL-v)Tr.J^{ax)+ s\u\ip-{-ij,-v)Tr.Y^{ax)]dx

= -I^{hh)K,{ak)kf"-\

In this result replacephy p -\-v,a by \J{a'-\-c- " 2ac cos 6),where a " c" b,

multiplyby sin-" /(a + c^ " 2ac cos 6)^",and integratewith respect to 0 from

0 to tt; we find from Gegenbauer'sformula," 11"41 (16),

(7) I ~

m( V^

AC'^)j-^^gi(p + fj,)TrJ^(ax)+ sin ^(p+ /i)tt Y,.(ax)]dx

Jo X- + fC

= -I^ {bk)I,(ck)K, (ak)kp-\

This process may be repeatedas often as we please; and we find that, if

a"b-"r 2c, then

(8) f" "^"^"'^'mC^^)jj j^ (^^^^^-^|-^Qgh^\p+ pi-"{N-l)v]7r.J, {ax)

J 0 X + k-" = i

+ sm^{p + p, + {X " 1 )2^iTT .Y^ (ax)]dx

= - 4 (bk)fl/,(c"k).

K, {ak).

k''--." = i

Again,by considering

2^-f,^"[n^'^(^^)]^''''("^)^^round the contour previouslyused, where both b and /x differ in the different

factors of the product,we obtain the slightlymore generalresult

(^" J,-r^,U^^"^(^^''-)]-l^osi^ip+ ^/j.-p)7r.J,{ax)

4- sin ^{p + 'Sfi-}.")IT .

Y^ (ax)]dx = -[U I^(bk)]K^ {ak)k"'-

providedthat a"^[R{b) and R {p-h - (a*))" R(v)r

lip + 1/ii" i^ is an even integer,th^'integralon th^eftinvolves functions

of the firstkind only;a result involving"the integralsofproductsof functions

of the first kind of this type was givenby Gegenbauer,who overlooked the

necessityfor this restriction (cf"13"51).

An extension of Hankel's results is obtained by considering

1 f.o-i-^.l^x/(^^+r-)]H,'^{az)

round the contour, where a ^ ft" 0, m is a positiveinteger,and

\R(v)\"R(p)"2m-i-^/i+ R{M').

It follows that

1 / d

2m+i."it \^.(Ij

Page 443: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and, in particular,

a result obtained in a much more elaborate manner by Sonine, Math. Ann.

XVI. (1880),pp. 56"60.

13*54. Generalisations ofNicholsons integral.

An interestingconsequence of Mehler's integralof " 13"ol (5) is due to

Nicholson*, namely that, when a and k are positive,

The method by which this result is obtained is as follows :

Jo p~ -"r h'

=-r [ -r^ Jo [a\/(r+ ^' - -P^''cos "/")}^dp.TT J 0 J 0 P' + k~

This repeatedinteg)-almay be regardedas an absolutelyconvergent double

integral,since the integrandis 0 (p~-)when p is large.Now make a changeof originof the polarcoordinates by writing

p cos (fi= k + r cos 0, p sin 0 = r sin 6,and we have

zz/ 7^ r/ /N1 r r JAar)rdddr [^J,{ar)rdr

and this is the result to be established.

To generalisethe result consider


(^ + 4kY^'

taken round the contour shewn in Fig.32.

Fig. 32.

It is supposedthat a is positive,and, to ensure convergence,

\R{v)\"R(p)"iR{fi) + \K

* Quarterly Journal, xlii. (lUll),p. 224.

Page 444: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



It is also supposedthat |arg k\" ^ir,and the loopsin the contour surround

the points

By analysisresemblingthat of "13"52,the reader will find that

(2) [cos{\p-h^v-2^l)7^.J,{ax)+ Bm{lp-^v-^,Ji)7^.Y,{ax)^]J ft I,^ , _,,, ,, ^, ,"", ."",,^ ._,. _^,,. ..,,_,_,


TT (^ ^2)"-^-". '- ^i 5 ^ cQs

r _r:^^

2sinz^7r.r(yu,+l) [",=o"i!r(y+7?i+ l)r(^/j+^z;-/i+i??i) 4


'^ ""

cos i TT

;"=ow!r(-y+m + l)r(^|0-^i/-;i + i??i) 4

If the series on the rightare compared with those given in " 5"41,it is seen

that the former isexpressibleas a productof Bessel functions ifp " 2 = ?/= /i,+ |

or if /3 " 4 = 1/ = yu.+ |,while the latter is so expressibleUp" '2

= " v = ijl-\-\or if p " 4 = " t- = /A + |.

The correspondingintegralwhich contains a singleBessel function will be

considered in " 13'6.

13* 55. Sonine's integrals.

A number of definite integrals,of which specialforms were given bySonine, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 63 " 66, can be evaluated by the method

of contour integration.

The most generalcontour integralto be taken is

r pi u+k)

"liriJ (z+ ky

round a contour consistingof the parts of the circles

\z\= 8, \z\= E,

terminated by the lines arg (" ^) = " tt, and the lines which jointhe extremities

of these cu'cular arcs*.

It is supposedthat ;n is an integerand k is not a negativereal number.

The integralround z =8 tends to zero as S^-0, providedthat R(p)"\R(v)\,and the integralround \z\ = R tends to zero as ii ^- x

, providedthat

R(p)" m +f.

By Cauchy'stheorem we have



* Cf. Modern Analysis, " 6-2; or " 7*4 supra.

Page 445: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and thus we have


7^10 ("+ A;)"'+^

^^' '^^^^ ip+ v)'n-+ 2i cos vtt cos p7r}

+ iYy (x)sin (jO" v)tt]o^a;.

In particular,takingm = 0, we get

(2) ki'-^H/ (k)= - ." [J^ (ic){sin(p+ v)7r+ 2i cos z^tt cos ott]

+ t'F (,r)sin (p " z/)tt]c/^'.

If we consider the integral

we find that

(3) kfl-'H,^-^(k)= -


-^" [/,{w){sin(/J+ ;')TT - 2i cos ptt cos ott!

" il" (a;)sin (p " z/)tt]dx.

If we take p = 1, t- = 0, we get

{A\ T n,\2 r"sin("+A;). . . ,

TT .'0 X -T IC

(5) F" (A;)= -

^ f"^


The last two results are due to Sonine*.

More generally,takingp = v + \ and -l"R{v)"h, we get

(6) - "^^J^^a^)dx=:^^ k^[JAl-)"iY,.{k)],TT j 0 .le+ a; 2i cos v-tt

a result also due to Sonine.

-D -J.-cos(a;+ A-) 1 r^ . / ,x ,

By wr.t,"g -_-^^=

--^_ j^"" J (,,+ i.),ft,

and u""ig the formulae (6)and (7)of " 13-42,Sonine deduced from (5)that

(7) F" {h)=

-^ r '^ dx+- 1^sin (k cos 6)d0,IT Jo X + k TT .'0

and hence from ""3-56(2),9-11 (2),

2 f^ 2 r^"'(8) Yn(k)= I On (a;+ /t)0(^)f^^ + " sin(A'cos^" |?i7r)cos7i^rf^.

''^ .' 0 T j 0

* See alsoLerch, MonatsheftefUr Math, und Phys. i. (1890),pp. 105"112.

w. B. F.28

Page 446: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13*6. A 7iew method* ofevaluatingdefiniteintegrals.

We sliallnow evaluate various definite integi-alsby substitutingfor the

Bessel function,under the integralsign,the definite integralof " 6'5,and

reversingthe order of the integrations.

As a firstexample consider the integralof Hankel's type

af~'^J^ (ax) ,

in which it is at firstsupposedthat

R{v)"(), R(2fi + 2)"R(p + v)"0:

and a is a real (positive)number, in order that the integralmay converge.

The integralis equal tof

1 ["p'' r(-g) x^^-^^axy-^^d -~

r' Tj-g)

1 (ah- 1)

When this is evaluated (by swinginground the contour so as to enclose the

poleson the rightof the contour) we find that

xp''-J^ (ax)dx

2''^'r(fx+ l)r(v+l) "~-'^'[2 ' 2^"'' + ^'



22^+3-pr(^+ 2+iv-^p)-^^'V^^-^-^^^^2

'^^"2 ' 4/-

The hypergeometricfunctions on the rightare reducible to Bessel functions

in certain circumstances ; the former if p = v + 2 or p = v + 2/ji+ 2, the latter

if p = 2 + I..

By the priucipleof analyticcontinuation (1)is valid when

-R{p)"R(p)"2R(p,) + h

, /""" A-^

+ ^ j; {ax)dx a'^k"-!^

In particular,takingp = v + 2, we find that

a formula obtained by another method by Sonine, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 50; it is

valid when

-l"R{v)"2R{ix) + %.

* This method is due to Lerch, Rozpravy,v. (1896),no. 23 [Jahrhiichiiher die Fortschritte der

Math. (1896),p. 233]; he shewed that

^.. w sr(s + i)

but no other use has been made of the method.

t The change of the order of the integrationsmay be justifiedwithout difficulty.

Page 448: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Finally,as an example suggestedby "13'55,we shall consider


0 (x+ ky+'

in which a " 0 and |arg k\" tt. It is first to be supposedthat

R(v)"0, R(fi + l)"E(p + v)"0.

The integralis equalto

r(-s) xp-'(iaxy+^1 pp27riJoj- dsdx

-l^r r (- .)r (p + . + 2.) r (^ 4- 1 - p - . - 2.), ^^"..^^_._. ^^

^^,p-M-l ^ (-)" daXO"^"" r (p+ i; + 2m)

m^o wz! r(j + m + 1) r(p + 1/- p, + 2m)


" (^a^O'^+^-P+'"r (/u,+ ?n + 1 )sin ^ (p + i^ -

At - :?n)tt

sin (p+ I' " p.)TT .

r (/i+ 1)

m = 0 wi !r (1 /x + i I' - ip + im + f) r (i /A -

iJ. -

1p + ^m + f)

The firstseries reduces to Jt,(ak)when /x = 0, and the second series is then

expressibleby Lommel's functions (cf."10"7).In particularwe have

,_.['^"'x" J^{aa)dx irk"

r_, , ,. "

/ txt

providedthat "^"R{v)"^.

The reader will find that a largenumber of the integralsdiscussed in this

chaptermay be evaluated by this method.

13*61. IntegralsinvolvingproductsofBessel functions.

If an integralinvolves the productof two Bessel functions of the same

argument (but not necessarilyof the same order),it is likely.that the integralis capableof beingevaluated either by replacingthe productby Neumann's

integral("5'43)and usingthe method justdescribed,or else by replacingthe


\_ p" r(-g)r(/x + t/ + 2g + i)(^^-)^+-+^-27rij_oe,r(/x+ 5+i)r(i. + s + i)r(/x + i/ + .s'+ i)


in which the polesof r(" s) are on the rightof the contour while those of

r(/x+ i/ + 2s+ 1) are on the left; this expressionis easilyderived from "5'41

by usingthe method of obtain-ing"6'5.

The reader may find it interestingto evaluate

3(^~ Jft.{ax)Jy {ax)dx/:by these methods. The result is a combination of two functions of the type ^F^

,and the^

final element in each function is a^k^.

Page 449: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Aaother integralformula,obtainable by replacingJ^ {bjx)by an integral,is

r" p-i

(1) / X J^ {ax)Jt,{blx)dxJo

"2-^''-''+^r(v+i)r(i^+iv-ip+ i)-"-H"^^'~2"+ ^'^ "2" + ^' -16-


This is valid when a and 6 are positiveand

The generalformula was given by Hanumanta Rao, Messenger,XLVii. (1918),pp. 134 "

137; specialcases had been givenpreviouslyby Cailler,Mem. de la Soc. de Geneve,

XXXIV. (1902"1905), p. 352; Bateman, Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. xxr. (1912),pp. 185, 186;and Hardy, who discussed the case of functions of orders " |,(see" 6'23).

An interestingexample of an integral*which contains a productis

lim I exp {-p'x')J^ {x)/i_,{x)"

5 "^

+ 4^!^l,)^^^^^'si8-i^(^^+ ^)-iri2-vy^

which may be Avaitten in the form



^icsinI'TT 1 dx

+ Jv(l-)It (2)- f ("+ 1) - f (2 - ")- 2 logipl.

It is easilyprovedthat

r="^ s

fr / ^ r / x

-g^i^;sin yTrl dx

exp { p X )r' /" , ,.

, 1 . T^ / 9_

", X r, /" , i,\


1 /-i+cc* r(-s)r(25 + 2) rfs

^-rrij^-^is{s+l)V{v + s+\)V{-l-v + s} (2^;)--'

1 ^ (27i+ l)!(2p)-2"= -

"S4 "riw. (n + 1)! r(y + n + 1)r(2 - 1/ + n)


and this series is an integralfunction of Ij}).

To obtain an asymptoticrepresentationof the integral,valid when jjaiis

small and ]argp j" jtt, we observe that the last integrandhas double polesat 0 and " 1, and simplepolesat " f, " 2, - |, " 3,


* This integral was brought to my notice by Mr C. G., who encountered it in a

problem of Diffusion of Salts in a circular cylinderof liquid.

Page 450: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence we find

J_ f^+--'-' T(-s)T(2s + 2) ds_S-jriJi^^i s(s + l)r{v + s + l)r(2-v^s) (:2py'

sin VTT

[chap. XIII

^^^^^^^^--^^{ir(2)-f(p+ l)-ir(2-j,)-2\0g2p][l + 2v(l-v)p^]

(-Y(273Yr(hi)(1 - 2v)sin VTT,


27ri'(l-z;)^' ^

"r3 2n (n - 2)r (v+ I -^n) F {2-v- i n) . (n - 2)!

and so

(2) lim exp (-2f-x-)J, (x)./i_(a;)"5 '^"

+sm VTT

4"7n"{l" v){l+ 2\ogi8-yJr(v+ l)-f{2-v)]

sini^TT,1 1 "

(1 " 27/)sin VTT"

--^;^ {ir{2)-^{r(v+l)-ylr{2-p)-2\og2p]f--^27rWl - I.)


+ S(_)n(2^)"r(l"l)

In the specialcase v = 0, we find that

(3) lim6^0

^ f^^-+ I exp (- f-af)Jo (*")Ji (*")-;;^X-

lf+ s-^

[r(m + f)l3(2/9)=""+3Zo 7r={2m + 1 )2(27W+ 3)

. (2m + 1)!"

13'7. IntegralreprenentationsofproductsofBessel functions.

From Gegenbauer'sformula of " 11-41 (16) an interestingresult is obtain-able

by taking the cylinderfunction to be of the firstkind and substitutingthe result of " 6'2 (8) for the function under the integralsign.

This proceduregives

2^r(. + i)r(i)':^^'^^

and if we change the order of the integrations,we find that

(1) J,{Z)J,{z)^^^.\ exp-ji^ i^r~\-^''\J)J-27rlJn-C"Xl

V 2t

This result isprovedwhen R {v)" " \ and ^ " Z,but the former restriction

may obviouslybe replacedhy R{v)" " 1,and the latter may be removed on

account of the symmetry in z and Z. It is also permissibleto proceedto the

limit by making \z'\-^\Z\.

Page 451: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

13-7,13-71] INFINITE INTEGRALS 439

By usingthe results of " 6"21 (4)and (5),we find in the same way that

providedthat R(p) " " l and | |" |Z |.

The formula (1) was obtained by Macdonald, Froc. London Math. Soc. xxxii. (1900),

{)p. 152 " 155, from the theoryof linear differential equations,and he deduced Gegenbauer's

integralby reversingthe steps of the analysiswhich we have given. The formulae (2)and

(3) were given by Macdonald, though they are also to be found in a modified form in

Sonine's memoir, Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),p. 61.

A further modification of the integralson the rightin (2)and (3)was givenby Sonine,

the objectof the change being to remove the exponentialfunctions.

For physicalapplicationsof these integrals,see Macdonald, Proc. London Math. Soc.

(2)XIV. (1915),pp. 410"427.

13'71. I'he expressionofK^ {Z)K^,{z)as an integral.

We shall next obtain a formula,due to Macdonald*, which representsthe

productK^{Z) Ky{z) as an integralinvolvinga singlefunction of the type

K^, namely

This formula is valid for all values of v when

Iarg Z \"7r, jarg z\"7r and |arg (Z + z)\" ^tt;

but it is convenient to prove it when Z, z have positivevalues X, x, and

to extend it by the theory of analyticcontinuation;the formula, which is

obviouslyto be associated with " 11"41 (16),is of some importancein dealing

with the zeros of functions of the type K^(z). It ispossibleto prove the formula

without tie rather elaborate transformations used in proving "11"41(16);

the followingproof,which differs from Macdonald's, is on the lines of " 2'6.

By "6-22(7)we have

y-^{,(X)K, (x)= \j^ r e-('+")- A-cosh ^^hu ^nci^^'i J

- 00j

" GO

Q-2i'T-Xcosh(T+U)-xcosh{T- U) dJJdT.2j-c.


If (A'e^+ .re~^)e^'be taken as a new variable v, in the integral

I Q~Xco9MT+U)-xcosh(T-U) ^JJ

* Proc. London Math. Sor. xxx. (1899),pp. 1G9-*171.

Page 452: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


1 f Z2 + a;^+ 2Za; cosh 2^1it becomes exp " ^j^H r



and so we have


K, (Z) /C {x)= ^I"J"e-2.r-(x./oco.h22'exp - ||_ ^^'land, on performingthe integrationwith respect to T, we at once obtain

Macdonald's theorem when the variables X and x are positive.

13"72. Nicholsons integralrepresentationsofproducts.

We shall now discuss a series of integralrepresentationsof Bessel functions

which are to be associated with Neumann's integralof " 5"43.

The formulae of this type have been developedby Nicholson*, and the

two which are most easilyprovedare

(1) K^ {z)K,(^)= 2 f K^+^ {2zcosh t)cosh (/J.-v)tdtJo

= 2 ir^_"(22cosh t)cosh {/j,+ v)tdt,Jo

when Iarg z\" ^tt,while /x and v are unrestricted.

To obtain these formulae we use " 6'22 (5) which shews that

K^ (z)K, (^)=T I e-~ ^""^^ t+coshu) cosh fitcosh vu dtdu.^ J

" 00 J- CO

The repeatedintegralis absolutelyconvergent, and it may be regardedas a

double integral.In the double integralmake the transformation

t+u = 2T, t-u = 2U,and it is apparent that

K^(z)K,{z) = ^j r e-2^'^"^h^"""i"^cosh/i(r+U)coshv(T- U)dTdU.

But 2 cosh fi(T+U) cosh v{T-U)

= cosh ifi+ v)T cosh (/Li" v) U+ cosh (yu,- i/)jTcosh {fu,+ v)U

+ sinh {/x+ v)T sinh (//,- v) U + sinh (/u,- v)T sinh (/x+ v) U.

The integralscorrespondingto the last two of these four terms obviouslyvanish; and, if we interchangethe parametricvariables 2"and Uin the integralcorrespondingto the second of the four terms, we obtain the formula

K^ {z)7C {z)= \\ \ e-^' """i^ T cosh u cosh {fi+ /')T cosh (,m-v)U dT d U.

If we integratewith respect to U we obtain the firstform of (1),and if we

integratewith respect to T we obtain the second form of (1).

*"QuarterUjJournal, xlii. (1911),pp. 220" 223,

Page 453: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

13-72,13-73] INFINITE INTEGRALS 441

The formula

(2) I^{z)/, {z)= -


/^+,{2zcos d)cos {fj^-v)edd,TT J 0

which is valid when R(fx,+v) exceeds "1, is at once deducible from Neu-mann's


If we take fjb= 0 and change the signof v, we find that

(3) Ioiz)K,{z) = ~

i' K,(2z cos 0) cos vdcW.

More generally,if we take fi = " m and then replace/n and v by m and " i',

we find that,ii \R{v " m) '" 1, then

/",{Z)K, {Z)=

^^^-^ K^^ra(2^COS 6) COS (m + v)0 cW.(4)^ ,

If we combine (8)with " 6'16 (1) we find that


," ,

,2 rCiz+ i) r^- r (4zY cos (h cos ^)cos i^^

, ,.

providedthat " | " 72 (z^)" 1 ; and in particular

Ja(u)du(5) I,{z)K,{z)=

.'o \/(u-+ 42^)'

a result of which a more generalform has been givenin " 13'6,formula (3).

13'73. Nicholsons integral*for J^-{z)+ IV {z).

The integral,correspondingto those just discussed, which represents

J^-{")+ IV (yz)is difficult to establish rigorously.It is first necessary to

assume that the argument is positive(= x), and it is also necessary to appealto Hardy'stheoryof generalisedintegrals,or some such principle,in the course

of the proof

Take the formula ("6-21)

I ,'OC +77?"

ZT^d)ix) = "


e-^sinh w-utv ^yj^-TTl


From the manner in which the integrandtends to zero as \iv\-*x on

the contour, it is clear that when an exponentialfactor exp {"\w'-}is inserted,the resultingintegralconverges uniformlywith regardto A.,and so it is a

continuous function of X. Hencef

i/^(i)(x)= lim "

. exp |-\w-]e-^sinhw-w"^l^^,^

* Phil. Mag. (6)xix. (1910),p. 234; QuarWrlij Journal, XLii. (1911),p. 2'21.

t Hcardy,QnarterhjJournal, xxxv. (HlOi),pp. 22"66; Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi. (1912),

pp. 1" 48. In this integral(as distinguished from which follow)the sign lim is commuta-tive

with the hitegralsign.

Page 454: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By Cauchy's theorem, the contour may be deformed into the line

I (w)= ^ir,so longas \ has an assignedpositivevalue ; writingt + ^Trifor w,

we get

if^(i)(x)= lim ^4^ f exp {-\(t + ^Trif]e'-i-cosh^-.^(^

K-^+O TTi J -OD

in Hardy'snotation. In like manner

Avni /-co

TTt J-x^

with an impliedexponentialfactor exp {" X,(u " ^iri)-].

Since the requisiteconvergence conditions are fulfilledwhen X "0, we may

regardthe productof the two integrals

.'" CO


(in which ei{t)and e.^iu)stand for the exponentialfactors)as a double


J -co J" X

We thus find that

J "X J "X

with the impliedexponentialfactor

exp [- X (t+ Itti)-- \ (u - lirif].

Make the substitution t + u = 2T, t " u = 2U and then

.' " X .'" X

with an impliedexponentialfactor

exp {- 2XT-' - 2\ (U + liriy].

In view of the absolute convergence of the integral,it may be replacedbythe repeatedintegralin which the integrationwith respect to U is performedfirst,so that

\_J0 J" X

+ r r e-2'-xsmhrsinhC^+2.-r^^(^2T.'0 J

- X

with an impliedexponentialfactor in each case equalto

exp {- 2\T- -2X{U + i-rriy}.

Page 456: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Now, qua function of T,

(1^,K^ {2xsinh T)\ = 0 [(logsinh Ty},

when T is small,and so we may proceedat once to the limit by making B -^0,

since the integralis convergent ; and, since the integrals


^ \~ K^ {2x sinh T)\ e" ^-^ clT0 [Oh-- Jm=o

are convergent, the result of making A, -* 0 is

1-tt' {J,-{cc)+ F,^{x)]- r /iTo(2^ sinh T) (e"2"^' + e^"'^)dT.J 0

It is therefore provedthat,when x "0,

J,'(x)+ 17 (x)=A 1 Ko (2^'sinh T) cosh 2vTdT.

If we replacex by ^, both sides of this equationbecome analyticfunctions

of 2, providedthat R (z)" 0. Hence, by the theoryof analyticcontinuation,

we have the result

(1) JJ"(2)+ 17 (2)= "


r Ko (2zsinh t)cosh 2vtdt,

providedthat R {z)" 0.

Another integralformula which can be established by the same method* is

(2) J, {z) i^- F, {z) -^h=-^r K,{2z sinh 0 e

-'"' dt.

To prove this formula,we firstsuppose that ^ is a positivevariable (which

we replaceby x),and then

/.(-)^^-F.(..)^4^OV OV


dv " ^^dv )

~.G j I (" - 1 - tri)e'^ fcosh"-cosh") g-K'+"). (o/^^u)


-^l^r r (2^^ + "^Oe^'"'"''"''^''"'' ^ e-^"^- (f^^ t^)" 00 ,' " 00



"T^^ f ( (2f^ + TTl)e-2'*sinh Tsinh U g2.T ^ f/'^J

For the full details of the analysis,see Watson, Proc. Royal Soc. xciv. a, (1918),pp. 197-

Page 457: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now, T beingpositive,we have

(2C/ + iri)exp [-2\{U+l irif]e2'"8i"i"Tniuh u ^ijj

"? ' {v+ iri)exp [- 2\ (v+ -rri)-]e--i^sinhrcosb^-^y


and, since ^e-2.^sinhrcoshvjg .^^ f^j^ function of v, it may be proved that the

last integralis

27ri I e-2^sinh Tcosh V(ly_^Q (^x),

where the constant impliedin the symbol 0 (A.)is a function of T such that

its integralwith respect to T from 0 to xi is convergent.

In like manner,

r {2U + iri)exp {- 2X (f7+ 1 irif]e-2" ^i"'^ rsinh u ^m

= 1 2 V exp (- 2\v-)e---^ """'! ^"="^*i " dv = 0../ - CO

Hence it follows that

4 /"


The extension to the case in which the argument of the Bessel functions is

complexwith a positivereal part is made as in (1).

It should be mentioned that formula (2)is of importancein the discussion

of descriptivepropertiesof zeros of Bessel functions.

The reader may find it interestingto prove that


and hence that



(3) j; (z)LlJ""

_. r,' (z) -^ = _

JL /""

(^2cosh 2T- v^)Ku (2.rsinh T) e-'^"'^dT.Cv Ov nz- J (,

Other formulae which may be established by the methods of this section are

(4) j^{z)j,{z)+r^{z)rAz).

= \ / A'^_^(2ssinh0.{e^''+"^'cos(^-r)7r+ t'-('^+ '')'}c/",^ y 0

{^) J^{z)i\{z)-J,{z)Y^{z):4 sin {ii" ^ i^K

J 0


these are valid when R(z)"0 and \R (ijl-v)\"1; they do not appear to have been


Page 458: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


13"74. Deductions from Nicholsons integrals.

Since -^o(f)is a decreasing*function of ^,it is clear from "13"73 (1) that


is a decreasingfunction of x for any real fixed value of v, when x is positive.

Since this function is approximatelyequal to 1l{Trx),when x is large,we

shall investigateX [JJ'{x)+ 17 {x)]

and prove that it is a decreasingfunction of x when v"\, and that it is an

increasingfunction oi x when v"\.

It is clear that

^\J^{x)+ YHm

=-"f"[K,{2x sinh T) + 2a;sinh TK^' {^^ sinh T)}cosh2vTdT


TT^ 0

d+ -J K,{2xsmhT) cosh2z^r-^{tanhrcosh2i/r}dT,

K, (2x sinh T) tanh Tcosh 2vT

on integratingthe second term in the integralby parts. Hence



r Ko i2x sinh T) tanh Tcosh 2vT {tanhT-2v tanh 2vT] dT.

Now \ tanh XT is an increasingfunction of X when X " 0, and so the last

integrandis negative or positiveaccordingas 2y " 1 or 0 " 2i^ " 1 ; and this

establishes the result.

Next we prove that, when x'^v'^0,


is an increasingfunction of x.

If we omit the positivefactor 8 (x^" v^)~^Itt^from the derivate of the ex-pression

under consideration we get

I [xK,{2x sinh t)+2 {x"-- v"")sinh t.Ko {2x sinh 0} cosh 2ut dt,


and to establish the theorem stated it is sufficient to prove that this integralis positive.

* This is obvious from the formula

Page 459: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We twice integrateby parts the last portionof the second term in the


1v' sinh t /C ("^-xsinh t)cosh Ivt dt

V sinh t sinh '2vtK^'{2xsinh t)


-VI " [sinhtlu (2a.'sinh 0} "inh -Iitdt0


= - y -y- {sinhAV (2a;sinh ^)|sinh 2vtdtJo M

z= " V \ 2x sinh t cosh tK, {2x sinh i)sinh Ivtdt

" X sinh ^ cosh tK^ {2xsinh i()cosh 2vt0

+ .^" I ;^ [sinh cosh tK^ {2x sinh ^)]cosh 2vt dt

0 "^

= :[^cosh 2f 7^0(2a;sinh 0 + 2*= sinh " cosh- tK^'(2xsinh 0] cosh 2vt dt:Jo

the simplificationafter the second step is producedby usingthe differential

equation^/lo"(z)+ K; (z)- zK, {z)= 0.

The integralunder discussion consequentlyreduces to

[- 2x sinh- 1 K^ {2x sinh t) " 2./.-sinlrtKo {2x sinhi)]cosh 2i^tdt

a-sinlr^rr ,r.

" 1 ,x , o

," Ao(2a' snih t)cosh Zvt

)sh t

J 0


" 2 sinh" t cosh 2vt + v:]

" ^, "


cosh 2vtdt (coshi

== X I A'o(2a;sinh t)[tanh t cosh 2f^ + 2v sinh^ i sech ^ sinh 2vt]dt,

a; A'o(2a;sinh t)Jo


and this is positivebecause the integrandis positive; hence the differential

coefficient of

(x^-- v^)i{J^(x)+ Y,'(x)]

is positive,and the result is established.

Since the limits of both the functions

a; {.7,^(x)+ F,-{x)\, {x'- v^)i{J,'(x)+ }V (.^O}

are 2/7r,it follows from the last two results that when a; ^ i' ^ |,

n^.-^"^^H-)+lV(.^)"^.{X-" 1^2)1 ^


An elementary proof of the last inequality(with various related inequalities)was

deduced by Schafheitlin,Berliner Sitzungsberichte,v. (1906), \). 8(5,from the formula

(cf." 5-14)

= %- + 62)- .r[|^^+ ''#;(-^O}'

+ 2 (l- I)'g';(,^)+ r^y2 (,,)

where 'g'{x)= aJ^ (,v)+ b )\ {x).

Page 460: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The next consequence which we shall deduce from the integralsof " 13*73

is that,when v is positive,d \\ (v)



:j J *-("')"

1" " 0-

dv dv

To obtain this result,we observe that the expressionon the left may be

written in the form

+ J.{^)




dJ" (x)

dxX = v



k\(2vsmh T)e-"'^dT

t1- / e-'KJ'Ivsinh^^dt

But, for each positivevalue of t,2vsmh{ltlv) is a decreasingfunction of v,

and so, since K^ix) is a positivedecreasingfunction of its argument, we see that

1-1 e-' Ko (2v sinh ^\dt

is a decreasingfunction of v, and therefore

v\J^{v) ,- l^{v)dv dv

r j dY^jv) .dJ.{v)['

= lim = 0,

^ lim




by usingthe asymptoticexpansionsof "8*42 ; and this establishes the result


13*75. The asymptoticexpansion ofJ^ {")+ F/ {z).

It is easy to deduce the asymptoticexpansionof t/^-(^)4Y^'^z)from

Nicholson's formula obtained in "13"73,namely

/^^{z)-vYy^iz)= "


r K^ (2zsinh 0 cosh 2vt dt :

for w^e have, by " 7*4 (4),


.,-",nApm)^^ ^.^^,",^^coshf

,"=o (2m)! ^



COS I'TT ^^i^^^^^^^^2^sinh=n-(2^)!

^ ^'"^ ^'wherei--i^ i -

o / x^cos It {vrr)

and, when v is real and p is so largethat p + ^" v, Up lies between 0 and


Page 461: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

13-75,13-8] INFINITE INTEGRALS 449

We at once deduce the asymptoticexpansion

JJ^{z)+ 17 (z)~ ;^,i m^^ 2- ["

K, (2zu)U-- du,^ m=0 {,-^ni)i Jo

that is to say, by " 13-21 (8),

(1) J.^(z)+ r,'(.)~^2 11.3. ..(2m -1)1*1^^;this is provedwhen R (z)" 0, but it may be extended over the wider range

Iarg z\Kir] and,if v is real and z ispositive,and j)exceeds v " \,the remainder

after p terms is of the same signas, and numericallyless than, the {p + l)th


13 '8. Ramanujans integrals.

Some extraordinaryintegralshave been obtained by Raman ujan*from an

applicationof Fourier's integraltheorem f to Cauchy'swell-known formula

which is valid if i^ (^ + i^)" 1. The applicationshews that

I 0, {\t\"'ir),where t is any real number.

By expandingin ascendingpowers of x and y, and then applyingthis

formula,it is seen that

(1) fJ-^'-^e^'^i^= U.-t^+ylia)"'""'''"""'""^-+'[^!2cos \t{ofe-i"+ fei")\l

ii "7r" t" TT ; for other real values of t,the integralis zero.

In particular

(2) r J^+^{x)J,_^{x)d^= J,^,{2x).J

" '"

In vi6w of the researches of March, Aim. der Phi/sikund Chemie, (4) xxxvil. (1912),

pp. 29" 50 and Rybczynski,Ann. der Physik ^md C/iemie,(4)XLi. (1913),pp. 191"208, it

seems quitelikelythat,in spiteof the erroneous character of the analysisof these writers |,

these integralsevahiated by Ramanujan may prove to be of the highestimportancein the

theoryof the transmission of Electric Waves.


QuarterlyJournal, xlviii. (1920),pp. 294"310.

t Cf. Modern Analysis,"" 9-7, 11-1.

t Cf. Love, Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccxv. a, (1915),pp. 123"124.

W. B. F.29

Page 462: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



14" 1. Problems connected with multipleintegrals.

The difference between the subjectsof this chapter and the last is more

than one of mere degreeproduced by the insertion of an additional integralsign.

In Chapter Xlii we were concerned with the discussion of integralsof perfectlydefinite functions of the variable and of a number of auxiliaryparameters; in

the integralswhich are now to be discussed the functions under the integral

sign are to a greater or less extent arbitrary. Thus, in the firstproblem which

wall be discussed,the integralinvolves a function which has merelyto satisfythe

conditions of being a solution of a partialdifferential equation,and of having

continuous differential coefficients at all pointsof real three-dimensional space.

In subsequent problems,which are generalisationsof Fourier's integral

formula, the arbitraryelement has to satisfyeven more general restrictions

such as having an absolutelyconvergent integral,and having limited total


14" 2. Weber's infiniteintegrals.

The integralswhich will now be considered involve Bessel functions only

incidentally;but it seems desirable to investigatethem somewhat fully

because many of the formulae of Chapter Xiii may easilybe derived from

them, and were, in fact,discovered by Weber as specialcases of the results of

this section.

Weber's researches* are based upon a result discovered by Fourierf to the

effect that a solution of the equationof Conduction of Heat

du d-u d^u d-u


u = \r r r ^{a: + 2X^/t,y+2Y^%z + 2Z^/t)

X exp {- (X- + Y' + Z')]clXdYdZ,

where "l"is an arbitraryfunction of its three variables.

Weber first proved that, if ^ {x,y, z) is restricted to be a solution of the

equation5'^ a-"i" d-"^


* Journal filrMath. lxix. (1868),pp. 222 " 237.

t La Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur (Paris,1822)," 372. The simpler equation with only

one term on the right had previously been solved by Laplace, Journal de I'Ecole iwlytechnique,

vm. (1809^ pp. 235"244.

Page 464: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


to (f),we see that its integralvanishes because d^/d(j"is supposedto be a one-

valued function of position.The firstterm on the rightgives

1sni 0 ^^77




and this can be made arbitrarilysmall by takingS sufficientlysmall since


is continuous and therefore bounded.

1 d f "rft3"(r)^^l(-'-"^V^-"can be made arbitrarilysmall by taking8 sufficientlysmall,and therefore it

is zero.


(3) *i^ + i=,-"W = 0.

,. .

A sin kr + B cos krso that CT (r) =



where A and B are constants ; since bt (r)and its derivate are continuous for

all values of r, A and B must have the same constant values for all values

of r.

If we make r^-O, we see that

B = 0, A = 4"'Tr^{x,y,z)/k.


u = exp ( " " jsin A;r.

rdr = exp (" k'-t)'t"{x,y, z),2k ^/{'Trt')j


and this establishes Weber's result.

A similar change to polarcoordinates shews that,if 4" {x,y, z) is a solution

of (1) of the type alreadyconsidered,and if/(?')is an arbitrarycontinuous

function of /',then

00 Too Too

00 .' " a" J " CO

(4) ) ( I ci"(Z, F,Z)fy[{X - xf + (F- yy + (Z - zy]-\dXdYdZ


^ ^ \ f (r)sm kr.r dr.


The reader will have no difficultyin enunciatingsufficient conditions

concerningabsoluteness of convergence to make the various changes in the

* This integralis most easilyevaluated by differentiatingthe well-known formula

I exp{


17 )cos kr.dr = J{irt)exp ( - K^t)

with respect to k.

Page 465: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


integrationspermissible.One such set of conditions is that ^ should be

bounded as the variables tend to infinity,and that

f{r) = 0{r-v), (r^O); f{r) = 0{r-% (r -* x ),

where jtx 3, q"\.

A somewhat simplerformula established at about the same time by Weber* is that,

if ?" (/",6) is a function of the polarcoordinates (r,6)which has continuous firstand second

differential coefficients at all pointssuch that 0-^r-^a, whose value at the origin is u^,

and which is a solution of the equation

l^u d^u,"

then / u (r,6)dd = Stt i^uJq(^t),y " 77

when 0 ^ r ^ a. The proof of this is left to the reader.

14'3. General discussion ofNeumanns integral.

The formula

(1) [ udu r f F {R,^) . J,[usl{R'+ r' -^Rr cob{^ - (^y^^Rid^dR)Jo J 0 J -77

was givenby Neumann in his treatisef publishedin 1862. In this formula,

F (R, 4") is an arbitraryfunction of the two variables {R, 4"),and the in-tegration

over the planeof the polarcoordinates (R,^) is a double integration.

In the specialcase in which the arbitraryfunction isindependentof "I",we

replacethe double integralby a i-epeatedintegral,and then performthe in-tegration

with respect to ^ ; the formula reduces to

(2) r udu rF(R)Jo (uR) Jo (ur)RdR = F{r),Jo .'o

a result which presents a closer resemblance to Fourier's integralJ than (1).

The extension of (2)to functions of any order,namely

(3) rudu rF(R)J, (uR)J, (ur)RdR = F(r),Jo Jo

was effected by Hankel". In this result it isapparentlynecessary that v^ " \,

though a modified form of the theorem (""14'5 " 14'.52)is valid for all real

value^^^fV ; when v= "\, (3)is actuallya case of Fourier's formula.

The formulae (2)and (3)are, naturally,much more easy to prove than (1);and the proofof (3) is of preciselythe same character as that of (2),the

" Math. Ann. i. (1869),pp. 8"11.

t Allgemeine Lostvig de.i Problentes iibcr den stationdren Tcmperatnrzustand einea homogencn

Korpers,welcher von zwei nichtconcottrischen Kugelfldchenbegrenzt wird (Halle,1862),pp. 147 "

151. Cf. Gegenbauer, Wiener Sitzungsberichte,xcv. (2),(1887),pp. 409 " 410.

t Cf. Modern Analysis,"9"7.

" Matft. ^HH. vm. (1875),pp. 476" 483.. .

Page 466: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


arbitrariness of the order of the Bessel functions not introducingany additional


FollowingHankel, many writers* describe the integrals(2) and (3) as

"Fourier integrals"or "Fourier-Bessel integi-als."

On account of its greater simplicity,we shall give a proofof (3) before

proving(1); and at this stage it is convenient to givea brief account of the

researches of the various writers who have investigatedthe formulae.

As has alreadybeen stated, Hankel was the first writerfto give the

generalformula (3). He transformed the integralinto

lim CRF{R)dR J,{uR)J,{ur)udu^.co

Jo .0k

= lim RF(R)[RJ,+,{\R)J,{\r)-rJ,+,{Xr)J,{\R)-^"^A -* oo

.'0 K- " r,2

and then appliedthe second mean- value theorem to the integrandjust as

in the evaluation of Dirichlet's integrals.Substantiallythe same proofwas

given by Sheppardj who laid stress on the importantfact that the value

of the integraldependsonlyon that part of the i^-rangeof integrationwhich

is in the immediate neighbourhoodof r, so that the value of the integralis

independentof the values which F(R) assumes when R is not nearlyequalto r.

A different mode of proof,based on the theoryof discontinuous integrals,has been givenby Sonine",who integratedthe formula ("13'42)

after multiplicationby F (R) RclR, from 0 to x,

so as to get


J,+i(ur)J, {uR)F(R) RdRclu = fR''+^F(R)dR;.'0 Jo Jo

and then,by differentiatingboth sides with respectto r, formula (3)is at once

obtained; but the whole of this procedureis difficultto justify.

A proofof a more directlyphysicalcharacter has been given by Basset ||,but,accordingto Gray and Mathews, it is open to various objections.

A proofdependingon the theoryof integralequationshas been constructed

by WeyllT.

The extension of Hankel 's formula, which is effected by replacingthe

* See e.g. Orr's paper cited later in this section.

t A statement of a mode of deducing (3)from (1)when v is an integer was made by Weber,

Math. Ann. vi. (1873),p. 149, but this was probablylater than Hankel's researches, since it is

dated 1872, while Hankel's memoir is dated 1869.

+ QuarterlyJournal, xxiii. (1889),pp. 223" '244. " JIath. Ann. x\i. (1880),p. 47.

IIProc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v. (1886),pp. 42-3"133. See Gray and Mathews, A Treatise on Bessel

Functions (London, 1895),pp. 80"82.

H Math. Ann. lxvi. (1909),p. 324.

Page 467: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Bessel functions by arbitrarycylinderfunctions,was obtained by Weber*, and

it will be discussed in ""14' 5 " 14"52.

An attempt has been made by Orrf to replacethe Bessel functions by any

cylinderfunctions,the w-pathof integrationbeing a contour which avoids the

origin*,but some of the integralsused by him appear to be divergent,so it is

difficult to say to what extent his results are correct. The same criticism

appliesto the discussion of Weber's problem in Nielsen's treatise. It will be

shewn ("14'5)that if,as Nielsen assumes, the two cylinderfunctions under

the integralsignare not necessarilyof the same type,the repeatedintegralis

not, of necessity,convergent.

It should be stated that, if r be a point of discontiimityof F{R), the

expressionson the rightin (2)and (3)must be replacedby:!:

l[F{r-0) + F{r + 0)\,

justas in Fourier's theorem.

For the more recent researches by Neumann, the reader should consult his treatise

Ueber die nach Kreis-,Kugel- unci Cylinder-functionenfortschreitendenEntwickelmigen


Neumann's formula (1) was obtained by Mehler" as a limitingcase of a

formula involvingLegendre functions ; in fact,it was apparentlywith this

objectin view that he obtained the formula of "5"7l,

lim P,,[cos{zin)]= /"{2),

but it does not seem easy to construct a rigorousproofon these lines (cf.

"14-64).A more direct method of proofis given in a difficult memoir by

Du Bois Reymond|| on the generaltheoryof integralsresemblingFourier's

integral.The proofwhich we shall givesubsequently(""14'6 et seq.)is based

on these researches.

SubsequentlyErmakoffH pointedout that the formula is also derivable

from a result obtained by Du Bois Reymond which is the direct extension to

two variables of Fourier's theorem for one variable,namely


J_ ["p j"

r yir(X,Y) cos [a{X - x)-\-i3{r-i/)].{dXd F) dad/S.

Ermakoff deduced the formula by changingto polarcoordinates by means of

the substitution

a = u cos 0), (3= u sin co,

and effectingthe integrationwith respect to co.

* Math. Ann. vi. (1873),pp. 146"161.

t Proc. Boyal Irish Acad, xxvii. a, (1909j,pp. 205"2-18.

J The value of the iutegral at a point of discontinuityhas been examined with some care by

Cailler,Archives des Sci. {Soc.Helvetiqne),(4)xiv. (1902),pp. B47" 350.

" Math. Ann. v. (1872),pp. 135"137.

IIMath. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 3G2" 390. H Math. Ann. v. (1872),pp. 639" G40.

Page 468: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If (?',"^)and (R,"i")be the polarcoordinates correspondingto the Cartesian

coordinates (x,y) and {X, Y) respectively,the formal result is fairlyobvious

when we I'eplace^ (X, Y) by F{R, ^) ; but the investigationby this method

is not without difficulties,since it seems to be by no means easy to prove that

the repeatedintegraltaken over an infinite rectanglein the (a,/3)planemaybe replacedby a repeatedintegraltaken over the area of an indefinitelygreat


If the arbitraryfunction F {R, ^) is not continuous, the factor F {r,(f")which occurs on the rightin (1) must be replacedby the limit of the mean

value of F(R, 4") on a circle of radius 8 with centre at (r,cf))when 8^0.

This was, in effect,provedby Neumann in his treatise of 1881, and the proofwill be givenin ""146 "

14"63. The reader might anticipatethis result from

what he knows of the theoryof Fourier series.

A formula which is more recondite than (3),namely

(4) I\IJ^^J.iu-r)-^^^^^F{R)dudR = F{r\

has been examined by Bateman, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) iv. (1906),p. 484 ; cf. " 12'2.

14'4. HankeVs repeatedintegral.

The generalisationof Neumann's integralformula which was effected byHankel (c""14"3)in the case of functions of a singlevariable,may be formallystated as follows :

Let F (R) be an arbitraryfunctionof the real variable R subjectto the

condition that


eocistsand is absolutelyconvergent; and let the order v of the Bessel functionsbe not* less than " |. Then

TOO rx

(1) udu \ F(R)J,(uR)J,{u7-)RdR = l{F(r + 0) + F(r-0)},J 0 .'0

providedthat the positivenumber r lies inside an interval in which F{R) has

limited totalfluctuation.

The proofwhich we shall now giveis substantiallyHankel's proof,and it

is of the same generalcharacter as the proof of Fourier's theorem ; it will be

set out in the same manner as the proofof Fourier's theorem givenin Modern

Analysis,Chapter ix. It is firstconvenient to prove a number of lemmas.

* It seems not unlikelythat it is sufficient for v to be greater than -1 ; but the proof for the

more extended range of values of i" would be more difficult.

Page 469: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

14-4,14-41] MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 457

14*41. The analogueof the Riemann-Lehesguelemma.

A result,which resembles the lemma of Riemann-Lebesgue* in the theoryof Fourier series,and which is requiredin the proofof Hankel's integraltheorem is as follows :

Let-fI F(R)\/R.dR exist,and (ifit is an improperintegral)let it he

absolutelyconvergent ; and let v^ " \. Then, "s A. -^ cc,

F{R) J, (XR) RdR = o (1/^/X).

It is convenient to divide the proofinto three parts ; in the firstpart it is

assumed that F(R) \/R is bounded, and that b is finite; in the second partthe restriction that b is finite is removed ; and in the third part the restriction

that F(R)\/R is bounded is also removed.

(I) Let the upper bound of \F{R)\/R\ be K. Divide the range of in-tegration

(o,b) into n equal intervals by the pointscc^, Wo, ... Xn-i {^o= ^,

Xn = b),and choose 7i so largethat

111 = 1

where e is an arbitrarilysmall positivenumber and 17, and L^ are the upperand lower bounds of FiRJ^/'R in the mih interval.

Write F{R) sJR = F(R,"_^)\/R"i-i+ Wm (R),so that,when R liesin the mth

interval,|"," (R)\- U,,^" L,". Now, when v^-h, both of the functions of a;,


x^J^{x), tiJ,(t)dt,.'o

are bounded when x ^ 0,even though the integralis not convergent as ^ -* oo.

Let A and B be the upper bounds of the moduli of these functions. It is then

clear that


2 F(R,,_,)s/R,,_, /, (XR) ^R.

dRm = l

. Xm-l

+ S I'"

oy,,,{R)J,{XR)sJR.dRm = l .'


2B '* Ae

A-," = ! \'A.

2BnK Ae

* Cf. Modern Analysis," 9-41.

t The upper limit of the integralmay be infinite ; and "^0. The apparentlyirrelevant factor

R preserves the analogy with " 1-1-3 (3).

Page 470: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By takingX sufficientlylarge(n remainingfixed after e has been chosen)the

last expressioncan be made less than 2Ae/'\/\,and so the originalintegralis 0 (1/a/X).

(II) If the upper limit is infinite,choose c so that

J c


and use the inequality


then,proceedingas in case (I),we get


" ; F(R)J,(\R)RdR' +A_


I J a

2BhJl 2Ae

The choice of n now depends on e throughthe choice of c as well as by the

mode of subdivision of the range of integration(a,c); but the choice of n is

stillindependentof \, and so we can infer that the integral(with upper limit

infinite)is stillo{l/\/\).

(Ill) If F{R) \/R is unbounded*, we may enclose the pointsat which it is

unbounded in a number p of intervals 8 such that

t\ \F{R)\s/R.dR"e.s J s

By applyingthe arguments of (I)and (II)to the partsof (a,b)outside these

intervals,we get

1'f(R)J.(XR)RdR I" 25-^(4"iM+ 3^,^J a I A,* VA,

where K is now the upper bound of [F (R) \\/R outside the intervals S. The

choices of both K and w now depend on e, but are stillindependentof X, so

that we can stillinfer that the integralis o (l/VX).

14'42. The inversion ofHankel's repeatedintegral.

We shall next prove that,when v^ " \,and I F{R)\'R.dR exists andJo

is absolutelyconvergent,then

ndu\ F{R)J,{uR)J,(ur)RdR0 Jo

f= lim F(R)] J,{iiR)J,{ur)

k-^aa J 0 [Jo

providedthat the limit on the rightexists.

* Cf. Modern Aiudysis, "9-41.

")uduy RdR,

Page 472: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To effect this,it is sufficient to prove that, if r is not a pointof the

interval* (a,h),then

f udu ( F{R) J, (uR) J, (ur)RdR = 0../0 J


We invert the order of the integrations,as in " 14'42, and we find that,if

the limits on the rightexist,

udu IF(R) J, {uR) /. (ur)RdRJ


= lini I F{R)\l\j,.(uR) ,/,(la-)udiilRdRK^:r. . n (,.'o "




= lim F{R) [RJ.+,(7^R)J. (Xr)- rJ,+,(Xr)J, (XR)]

Km A./,(Xr) f'~^^- J,+,(XR) dRx^x Jn -ti-" r-


R^ - r'

Since both the integrals

- lim XrJ^^,(X7')C ^J;f^^^JAXR)dR.

^ F(R) Rir F(U)




dRr^ I

a- R'-r'

are exhypothesiabsolutelyconvergent,itfollows from the generalisedRiemann-

Lebesguelemma ("14'41) that the last two limits are zero; and so

.' 0

u du F (R) /, (uR) ,/,(ur)RdR^O

providedthat r is not such that a ^ r ^b.

14"44. The boundedness uf I J^(uR) J^(a7^)uR^dudR.J

a J 0

It will now be shewn that,as \^~ cc,

the repeatedintegralh TA

Jt,(uR) Jt,(ur)uR dudR

a J 0

remains bounded,providedthat a and b have any (bounded)positivevalues. It

is permissiblefor a and b to be functionsofX ofwhich one (orboth)may tend

to r as \. ^ 00.

Let us firstconsider the integralobtained by takingthe dominant terms

of the asymptoticexpansions,namel}'9 rb rA


/ cos (uR " hi'TT" iir)cos (ur " ^vir" 4-7r)du dRTT'^rJaJo

1 f''[s\nX(R"r) cos [X(R + r)" vtt]" cos TTT

TT \/rja


TT \/'r


AC'-)-) sin X

X{a-r) X


R + r

A(Hr) cos (X - vtt)

Kia + r) ^'


dx + cos vir logb + r

a + r

It is permissiblefor li to be infinite.

Page 473: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The firstintegralis bounded becausesin a?


- dx is convergent ; and the

\^ Cos \'(jC VIT)second integralis bounded because I


^ dx \% convergent; and so


the integralnow under consideration is bounded, and its limit,as X -* x,is

the limit of


providedthat this limit exists.

But we may write

h ,-A

dx + cos VK logA(f(-)-) ^ a + r

J^ (uR) Jv (ur) uR- dudR

a J 0

TT '\/rJa

b ('00


" cos {uR " \viT" jtt)cos {ur " \v7r" jTr)]dudR

b ""

ll-rruJ,(uR) J, (wr) J(Rr)

" cos (uR " \v7r" jTt)cos {ur " ^vrr" jtt)]dudR

H T-I I COS (i^i^" |i'7r" Itt)COS ("r " i/TT" jtt)c?uc?ii.

TT \/r J"J 0

Now, of the integralson the right,the firstis the integi-alwith respect to

R of an integral(withrespect to it)which converges uniformlyin any positivedomain of values of R and r, and so it is a continuous (and therefore bounded)

function of r when r is positiveand bounded.

The third integralhas been shewn to be bounded, and it converges to a

limit whenever"Hb-r) sin X


\{a-r) X

does so.

The second integralmay be written in the form

4"v- - 1- h '' 00

y^TT \/r. a J \

uRsin {uR " |i/7r" Jtt)cos {ur " \v7r" ^ir)

-\ co?,{uR" \vTr" jtt)sin {ur " ^vir" \it)"{"0{llu-) dudR

4z;2-l [''

47r \/r Ja

^cf,^{X)+ lcfy,{\)+ cP,{X)dR,

where (j)^(X),(po(X) and ^3(X) are functions of X and 7^ which tend uniformlyto zero as X -^ 00



Page 474: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, for all bounded positivevalues of a, h,r, the integralrb r\


J^ (uR) Jv (ur)uR^ diidRJ


is bounded as A. ^- oo ; and it converges to a limit whenever

r\{b-r) sin a;,


J k(a-r) ^

does so.

14"45. Proof of HanleV s integraltheorem.

Now that all the preliminary^lemmas have been proved,the actual proofof Hankel's theorem is quitesimple.

Since F (R) has limited fluctuation in an interval of which r is an internal

point,so also has F{R) \/R ; and therefore we may write

where Xi (-^)^^ %2 (-^) ^^ monotonic (positive)increasingfunctions.

After choosinga positivenumber e arbitrarily,we choose a positivenumber

S so small that F(R) has limited total fluctuation in the interval (r " B,r + 8)

and also

%i (r+ 8) - %i (r+ 0) " e-| xi 0' - 0) - %i (r - 8) " e]

X2{r+8)-X2{r + 0)"e]' ;^,(r - 0) - ^.C/'-8) " ef'

If we applythe second mean-value theorem, we find that there exists a

number | intermediate in value between 0 and S such that

/i(R)J^ (iiR) J^ (ur)u"JR. dudR


= Xi (^'+ ^")\ \ J^ ("^) J^ ("0 u ^R.


+ [Xii^'+ S)- %i (^*+ 0)}r I J. (uR) J, (ur)u \/R .

dudR.J r+f J 0

t" sin cc

Since " I dx -^ ^-tt,Jo X

as X, -^ 00,

8 remainingfixed,it follows from " 14'44 that the firstterm on the

righttends to a limit as X -* go while 8 remains fixed. And the second term

on the rightdoes not exceed Ce in absolute value,where C is the upper bound

of the modulus of the repeatedintegral(cf."14-44),

Hence, if

Km I J^(uR)J^(ur)uR^dudR= C\/^r,

it follows that

lim r 1 x^(R)JAi(R)J.(ur)uR'^dudRA.-". 00 .'r Jo

exists and is equalto C^Xi(^+ 0)l\/r.

Page 475: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We treat x^i-^) '^^ similar manner, and also apply similar reasoningto

the interval.(;"" h,r); and we infer that,if

lim \ IJ^{uR) ./,(ur)uR^ duclR = C.,/\/7;

then lim I I F{R) J,{aR)J^{ur)uRdudR

exists and is equalto

C,F{r + 0) + C,F{r-0).

We now have to evaluate Ci and C.,. By the theory of generalised

integrals*,we have

ri rcc rr+S

, ,JAyR)Ju{iir)nR^dRdu

\/r Jo Jr

fr+S= lim exp (" |)-it^)I Jy(uR)J^,(ur)uR'-dRdu

I "exp(" jj-U-)J^ (uR) J^ (ur)uR^ dudRrr+S /'x

= lim

p^O . r .' 0

by "13-31(1).

Now, throughoutthe range of integration,



Pn , n /.V2M


^^'^!l+ 0 0/)]exp(|" V2/V v/(7ri?r)' ^^ ^^ -t-\2if)'

j, 2psJ{Rr) [ 4"p' J

as j9 ^ 0.

Hence 6'i= lim^

" " exp -^- "," ;H }"dR

and similarly

1 r*^"'= Km

"r- exp (" X-)dx = \,

1 /""Co = lim

"f" exp (" ^"^)dx = ^.

We^iave therefore shewn that

lim r^

fV (i?)./,(ui^)./,(ur)uRdudR

exists and is equalto

^\F(r+0) + F(r-0)}.

* Hardy, Quarterly Journal, xxxv. (1901),pp. 2-2" 66. For a difiereut method of calculating

C, and Co, see "14-52.

Page 476: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


But, if this limit exists,then, by "14"42,

r udu r F{R) J, (uR) J, {ur)RdRJo JO

also exists and is equal to it ; and so we have proved Hankel's theorem, as

stated in " 14"4.

The use of generalisedintegralsin the proof of the theorem seems to be due to

Sommerfeld, in his Kouigsberg Dissertation,1891. For some applicationsof such methods

combined with the generalresults of this chapterto the proUente des moments of Stieltjes,

see a recent paper by Hardy, Messenger,XLVii. (1918),pp. 81" 88.

14'46. Note on HankeVs proofof his theorem.

The proof given by Hankel of his formula seems to discuss two points somewhat

inadequately. The first is in the discussion of

lim I / F{R)J^{uR)J^{ur)uI{dudR,

which he replacesby

\^x, J 0 li--r-

In order to approximate to this integral,he substitutes the firstterms of the asymi^totic

expansionsof the Bessel functions without consideringwhether the integralsarisingfrom

the second and followingterms are negligible(which seems a fatal objectionto the proof),and without consideringthe consequences oi\R vanishingat the lower limit of the path of


The second point,which is of a similar character,is in the discussion of

lim I I J^ (uR) Jy (ur)uRdudR ;

A^* J r+f J 0

after pi'ovingby the method justexplainedthat this is zero if ^ tends to a positivelimit

and is ^ if ^ = 0, he takes it for granted that it must be bounded if ^-"-0 as X-^x ; and

this does not seem prima facieobvious.

14*5. Extensions ofHankeVs theorem to any cylinderfunctions.

We shall now discuss integralsof the type

u du F{R)^,( uR) "W,(Mr)R dR,

in which the order v of the unrestricted cylinderfunction '^^,(2')is any real*

number. The lower limits of the integralswill be specifiedsubsequently,since it is convenient to givethem values which depend on the value of v.

For definiteness we- shall suppose that

^,.(z)= a {coscc.J^,(z)+ s\n(i.Y^(z)],

where cr and a are constants.

* The subsequent discussion is simplifiedand no generalityis lost by assuming that v^O.

Page 477: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

14-46-14-51] MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 465

The analogueof the Riemann-Lebesguelemma ("14-41),namely that

J a

providedthat [F(R)^R.dRJ a

exists and is absolutelyconver^gent,may obviouslybe provedby preciselythe

methods of "14-41,providedthat a ": 6 " oo,and

^a^ 0 if 0 ^ y ^ 1,

\a"0 if v"h

The theorem of "14-44 has to be modified slightlyin form. The modified

theorem is that the repeatedintegral"b r^

(uR)'^,{ur)u^/R,dudRa J T

is bounded as X-^cc while t remains fixed;as in "14-44,a and h may be

functions of \ which have finite limits as X, -^ oc.

The number r is positive,

though it is permissiblefor it to be zero when O^t-^^,

Also the repeatedintegraland the integral

I dxJ \(a-r) ^

both converge or both oscillate as A, ^ qo.

[Note. If the two cylinderfunctions in the repeatedintegralwere not of the same

type,i.e.if we considered the integral

' f^

-^ (uR)^^ (wr)?t s/R .

du dR,a J r

it would be found that the convergence of this integralnecessitates the convergence of the

integralfK(h-r) 1 -cos.r


/ dx;

and so, ifX (a " r)-^-0as X-^ x,the repeatedintegralis divergent*.]

14-51. The extension ofHankel's theorem when 0 "^v %^.

Retainingthe notation of ""14-4 " 14-5,we shall now prove the followingtheorem.

Let^jF(R) \/R .dR exist and be an absolutelyconvergentintegral,and

letO^v^l. 'J^hen

(1) la du r F{R) 9^,(uR) ^^,(ur)RdR

* This point was overlooked by Nielsen, Handbuch der Tlworie der CylinderJunhtionen

(Leipzig,1904),p. 365, in his expositionof Hankel's theorem.

w. B. F. 30

Page 478: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


providedthat the positivenumber r lies inside an interval in which F(R) has

limited totaljiuctuation.

As in "14"42,we may shew that

I uduJo Jo

u du F{R)9^, (uR) "W,{ur)R dR

0 Jo

= lim \ F{R)\^'i^,(uR) "W,iiir)uR du dR,X -"" JO . 0 i 0

providedthat the limit on the rightexists.

But now we observe that



R' - r'uR '^^,+1{uR) "W,(m-)- ur %\+, (ur)"W,(uR)


2a" sin a sin (a + vtt) R^"- r^"

TT sin vir R''r''(R^-r')'

Hence we infer that,if r is not a pointof the interval {a,h),then

F (R) f^

'^^(uR) "",{iir)uRdudR

TT sin y-TT J" R''r''(R^-r^)

as X -^ 00 ; and so the last repeatedintegralhas a limit when X. -^ oo.

Now choose an arbitrarypositivenumber e, and then choose 8 so small

that F (R) has limited total fluctuation in the interval (r " B,r + 8)and so that

F(R) -F{r + 0)\"e if r"R^ r + 8,

F{R) - F{r - 0)I" e if r-8^R"r.

Now take r F{R) ^ 'i^,{uR)'^,{ur)ududR,Jo Jo

and divide the i?-pathof integrationinto four parts,namely

(0,r - 8),(r - 8,r),(/",r + 8),(r+ S, x ).

Apply the second mean-value theorem as in "14'45,and we find that

F {R) r IK (iiR)"^ (wr)uRdudR

2cr2gjj Qj gjjj Qj_^ j^^^fJ'*'"'*TTSm 1^73-

+I R"" - r'"v

+ i^(r+ 0)Vr.r+S r\

i'o ]r+slR''-'r''(R^-7-)




+ v,

F(r - 0)Vr .

f r "^,(uR) ^, (ur)uRhladRJ r-sJ 0

Page 480: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and these are all absolutelyconvergent. They may be evaluated as cases of

Weber's discontinuous integralof " 13"4,and hence we find that



{6"+'^.+z(uh)- V^^ K+, (ur)], {ur) *o--?-" sin (a + pir)sin (a+ vtt).V {}"-\-\"p)

22p sin pTT sin fTT.

r (i/+ l)r(|0+ 1)

X 62P.^,{v^\- p., + i.^V,. r(. + i)r(2p)-

a-r" sin a sin (a + pir + vtt)


F (1 " p)

2-f sin (pTT+ vk) sin i/tt.

r (1 " I/)r (i/+ p + 1)

]f.v+2piFiil-p,-V- p\ l-v; ^J - ]The limit of this expression,when p -^ 0, is reducible to

(r-r" sin a sin (a + vtt)

TT sin t'TT^ V h-J ^

r vr

log(l-2)+ 21og^-:^,i^(l,-.:l-.;^;)+ ^TTcot a " Jttcot (a + i/tt)" -^{\)-\-y^{" v) \,

after some algebra; and the limit of the last expression,when 6 -*-/" + 0, is


In like manner it may be shewn that

and so we have provedthat

u du F(R)^,(uR)^,(ur)RdR

= la^-{F(r+ 0) + F{r-0)]2a- sin a sin (a+ vtt)

TT sin VTT

R'" - riv

0 R''-'r''{R^-r'-)F{R)dR,

providedthat 0 ^v ":^,F {B.)\%subjectto the conditions stated in "14-4',and

*^"{z)= a- [cosaJ^ (z)+ sin ccY (z)];

and this is the generaltheorem stated at the beginningof the section.

14*52. ]Vehe7-'sintegraltheorem.

It is evident from "14-.51 that,if 1 F(R) 'JRdR exists and is absolutelyJ a

convergent,where a " 0, then

(1) lim r F{R) [RW.^, (\R) ^^ (Xr)- r^,^,(Xr)"^,(Xi^)] ^,= |(7={i^(r+ 0) + i^(r-0)},

providedthat r lies inside an interval m. which F {R) has limited total

fluctuation and F{R) is defined to be zero when 0 $i^ " a, if the order of the

cylinderfunctions lies between " \ and \.

Page 481: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We shall now establish the truth of this formula for cylinderfunctions of

unrestricted order.

Let [RW,^, (\R) W, (Xr)- r%^, (Xr)"",(XR)]^A^ = "j"(^^ ,.. ^y

It is an easy deduction from the recurrence formulae that

^.{R,r; \)-"P,_,(R, r; \) = j^S'^f.-dXR)%M\7^)+ ''S',.,(X7-)%M\R)],

and so, by the analogueof the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma ("14-41),we have

(2) lim ["[$, (R, r ; X) - "P,_,(R, r ; X)]RF(R) dR = 0.

Hence, by addingup repetitionsof this result,

(3) hm r ["I",{R,r; X) - "t","n(R, r ; X)]RF(R) dR = 0,

where 7i is any positiveinteger.

Choose n so that one of the integersv " n liesbetween + |,and then from (1)

lim r ^,^n{R,r; X) RF{R)dR = la'{F{r + 0) + F (r - 0)],A-".oo J a

and so, for all real values of v, we deduce from (3) that

(4) lim r ^,{R,r; X)RF{R)dR = la^{F{r + 0) + F(r-0)\.K^^x J a

This result is practicallydue to Weber*, and it was obtained by the method

indicated in " 14'46.

To obtain the result in Weber's form, let

P,(,)= F, (r)/, (z)- ./.(r)F. (z),^"'^ l"^.(^)= Y. (R) J. (s)- J. {R) F, (z).


XI 'W,(uR) "7 ^- -^^(ur)-^^

au du= (R' - ?"-) W, (U7-)W, (uR)u du,


and the expressionon the left is also equalto

u [iiC+ii'lR)% (wr) - r%+, {ur)W,{uR)]

= uR[Y, (R) /.+!("E) - J. (R) F,+i(iiR)][F, (r)J,(ur) - J, (r)F, (ur)]

- ur[Y^ (r)J^^,(ur) - J, (r)F,^,(ur)][F,(R) ./,(uR) - J^ (R) F..(uR)]

= uY, (R) Y, (r)[RJ.+,(uR) J, (ur) - rJ,+,(ur)J, (uR)\

+.^i {./,(R) F.,(r)- ./,(r)F, (R)][RJ,+,(uR) F, (ur) - R Y,+,(uR) J, (ur)

" ?'Fi,+i(ur)J^ (uR) + r./^+i(ur)Y^ {uR)]

-\u[J, (R) F, (r)+ J, (r)F,(R)][RB,+^ (uR) D, {ur)- rD,+,{ur)D, (uR)

- RD,+, (uR) D, {ur) + rD,^,(ur)D, (uR)]

- nJ, (R) J, (r)[RY,+,(uR) YAkv) - rY,+,(ur)F, (uR)],

wherep. (.)= J. (.)+ F. (.),

\DAz) = J.(^)-YA^)-

* Math. Ann. vi. (187H),pp. 14(3"161.

Page 482: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now suppose that



exists and is absolutelyconvergent ; and consider


Carryout the integrationwith respect to u, and replacethe integratedpartby the sum of the four terms written above, divided by R^ " r^.


si- " r-

is hounded near r, and has limited total fiuctuationin any hounded interval

containingr, it followsthat the integralscorrespondingto the second group

ofterms tend to zero as \-^y: ,hy the generalisedRiemann-Lehesguelemma.

Correspondingto the third group of terms we get a pairof integralswhich

happen to cancel.

When we- use (1),we are ther^eforeleft with the result that

lim r f {R)[ '^^(ur) , (uR) uR.

du dR

= i l^.HO + IV(r)}. {/(r + 0)+/(r - 0)},that is to say

(6) l'^udu \"f{R)%\{ur)%\{uR)RdR= i {/.M'O+ F.Hr)}. {/(r+ 0)+/(r - 0)1,

in which the cylinderfunctions are defined by (5),and r liesinside an interval

in which /(-R)has limited total fluctuation.

Apart from details of notation,this is the result obtained by Weber in the

case of functions of integralorder.

14"6. Formal statement ofNeumanns integraltheorem.

We shall now state preciselythe theorem which will be the subjectof

discussion in the sections immediatelyfollowing.It is convenient to enunciate

the theorem with Du Bois Reymond's* generalisation,obtained by replacingthe Bessel function by any function which satisfiescertain generalconditions.

The generalisedtheorem is as follows :

(I) Let '^{X, Y) he a hounded arhitraryfunctionof the pair of real

vaj'iables{X, Y), which is such that the douhle integral

r r ^ iX, Y) . {X' + rO"'"(dXdY)

exists and is ahsolutelyconvergent.

* 2Iath. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 383" 390. Neumann's formula (cf." 14-3)is obtained by writing

g{t)=Jo{t),and the conditions (I)"(III)are substantiallythose given in Neumann's treatise

publishedin 1881.

Page 483: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

14-6,14-81] MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 471

(II) When "^'(X,F) is expressedin terms of polarcoordinates,let it he

denoted hy F (R, "I"),and let F {R, "I")have the property tJiat(for all values

of^ bettveen " tt),F(B, "I"),qua functionofR, has limited totalfluctuationin

the interval (0, oo ); and let tJiisfluctuationand also F (+ 0, "I")be integrable


(III) If Q{R, ^) denote the total fluctuationof F (R,"I")in the interval

{" 0, R), let fl (R, 'i')tend to zero unifoj'm.hjwith resjjectto "l" as R^^O,

throughoutthe whole ofthe interval (" tt, tt),with the exception*ofvalues of "P

in a number of sectors the sum of tuhose anglesmay be assumed arbitrarily


Since \F(R, ^) - F {+ 0, (i")\n(R, "t"),this condition necessitates that

F (R; ^")^- F (+ 0, "I")uniformlyexceptin the exceptioncdsectors.

(IV) Let g{R) be a continuous functionof the positivevariable R, such

that g {R) \/R is bounded both ivhen R-^0 and ivhen R -^ cc.

f-K f" dtLet q{t)tdt= G{R), and let G{t)" he convergent.

.'o ' -'o t

Then I"udu ["["^ (Z, F). g \u^(X' + F'^)}. (dXdY)

is convergent,and is equalto

.'0 i-

'Where ^F {+ 0, "!")means^

^ r Fi+o,^)d^.Ztt J


Before provingthe main theorem, we shall prove a number of Lemmas,

justas in the case of Hankel's integral.

14*61. The analogueofthe Riemann-Lebesguelemma.

Correspondingto the result of " 14-41, we have the theorem that if T is

an unbounded domain\ surroundingthe origin,of which the originis not an

interior jwintor a boundarypoint,then,as \ ^ cc,

(dRd^)'j^FiR,ct")GiXR)^-^^= o(l).

* The objectof the exception is to ensure that the reasoning is applicableto the case (which

is of considerable physicalimportance)in which "if(A',Y) is zero outride a region bounded by one

or more analytic curves and is,say, a positiveconstant inside the region,the originbeing on the

boundary of the region.

t The discovery that the repeated integralis equal to an expressioninvolvingthe mean value

of F(R, "f")when the origin is a point of discontinuityof F(B, 4")was made by Neumann, Ueber

die nach Kreis-,Kugpl- und Cylinder-functionenforUchreitendenEntivickelungen (Leipzig,1881),

pp. 130"131.

X For instance T might be the whole of the plane outsile a circle of radius 5 with centre at the


Page 484: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It will be observed that this is a theorem of a much weaker character than the

theorem of ^ 14'41, in view of hypothesis(II)of " 14-6. The reason of this is the fact that

O (XR) may be* 0 (v^X)for certain values of R, and this seems to make arguments of the

type used in " 14"41 inapplicable.

To prove the lemma, suppose firstthat T is bounded. Then, for any value

of "t",F{R, "t")may be expressedas the difference f of two (increasing)mono-tonic functions 'x^i(R, "l"),%2 {R, *^).whose sum is the total fluctuation of

F(R, "l")in the interval (0,R).

If Rn and R^ are the extreme values of R for any particularvalue of "i",it

follows from the second mean- value theorem that,for some value of R2 between

Ro and R^,

j X^ (R,^) G (XR) ^ = X, (i^o,"^)j^G("^R) + Xx {R. ^)j^G(XR) ^^

= X^{R"c^)\G(t)+ xAR.,"^) Git)"^.J KE, t J "^E, t

[^ dt.

Since G (t)" is convergent,if e is an arbitrar}^positivenumber, we can

choose X, so largethat


for all values of | not less than the smallest value of Rq. Also

Ixi {R""E")I (Xi{R,^) - IF(+ 0,"!")}+ IIF(^ 0,^) I

^Xi{^,^)-hF{+0,^) + l\F(+0,^)\,

and similarly

whence it follows that

F(R,^)G(XR)^^^^T R

^ 2e r [x,{co,^) + x-^('^^^)+F (+ 0,^) I}d^^J "TT

J "71

and, since F {"{"0,^) is bounded, this can be made arbitrarilysmall by takinge sufficientlysmall,and it is independentof the outer boundaryof T. Hence

we may proceedto the limit when the outer boundarytends to infinity.

* This is the case when g {R)= Jf,(R); then G (R)=EJi (R). It is bj uo means impossiblethat

some of the conditions imposed on F (R,4")are superfluous.t Cf. Modern Analysis,"3-64.

Page 485: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



We infer that,if T has no outer boundary,the modulus of

can be made arbitrarilysmall by taking\ sufficientlylarge; and this is the

theorem to be proved.

14'62. TJie inversion of Neumanns repeatedintegral.

We shall next prove that the existence and absolute convergence ofthe integral

are sufficientconditions that

Cudur r ^V{X,Y).g[usJ{X''-+Y')].{dXdY)Jo J -r. J


= lim f" r ^(X,Y)rg{uW(X"~+Y-'}]udu{dXdY),

providedthat the limit on the rightexists.

For any givenvalue of X and any arbitrarypositivevalue of e, there exists

a number (3 such that

where A is the upper bound of jg {u) jf^u.

We then have

r \^F{R,^)g{uR) udu.

R (dRd^)

-f r r F{R,^)g{uR)R{dRd^)uduJ (J J

-TTJ 0

r-jT roo rx

r f"fF(R, ^)g{uR) udu.

R (dRd^)J

-nJ 13 Jo


F(R,(p)g{uR)R(dRd(^)udu0 J -n

^aT rr:F(R,^)\u'^duR^dRd^)-

J -ttJ p J 0

+ a[ j^ r \F{R,"P)\Ri(dRd"l^)uiduJo J -IT

J fi^^ " ".

Since this is true for arbitrarilysmall values of e, we infer that

""c r-rr C'-i-

F{R, ^)g(uR) R (dRd^) udu0 J -TT J 0

r f" r F{R, ^)g{uR) udu


R (dRd^^),J

-TTJ 0 Jo

= lim

the integralon the left existingbecause the limit on the rightis assumed to


Page 486: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence it follows that,if the limit on the rightexists,then

udu F(R,^)g{uR)R(dRd^).'0 J

-irJ 0

= lim r r F{R,^)G(XR)A-".30 J

-rrJ 0


14'63. The proofofNeumamn's integraltheorem.

We are now in a positionto prove without difficultythe theorem due to

Neumann stated in " 14'6. We firsttake an arbitrarilysmall positivenumber

e and then choose the sectors in which the convergence of H (R,"I")to zero is

uniform, in such a w^ay that the sum of their anglesexceeds 27r " e. We then

choose 8 so small that II {R, "!")" e in these sectors Avhenever R ^ 8; and we

take the upper bounds of

n (R,^) + \F{R,^)\ and f"(?(w) "

!to be B and C.

We then applythe second mean-value theorem. We have

r^ dR

jj,{R,^)G(XR)'^r^ dR C^ rlTl

= X^ (+ 0,^) /^G (XR)^ + (x.{8,"!")- X. (+ 0, "I")1j^G(xRf-^,where 0 ^ ^ ^ 8.



"^ dRG(\R)


AS ^j,



"* dR f"^ diiF(R,^)G(\R)~ = F{+0,^) G{ii)- + v,

0 -tt J 0 u

where \r]\isless than 2eC inside the sectors in which convergence is uniform,

and is less than 2BG in the exceptionalsectors.

Hence it follows that

"itJ 0. 0 wR

Hence, for largevalues of \


= 2eC{27r+ "}.

F(R, "!")G (XR) ^^^^1^^- 27ri"li?'(+0,"^)f'(?(u)"

"n J 0 Ji Jq u

that is to say

"2eC(27r + B) + o(l),


A -*" 00

j j^F(R,^)G(\R)^^^^^-27rmF(+0,^)j'^G(u)du I

^ 2eC {27r+ B).

Page 488: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The limiting process used by Mehler is that suggested by the result of

" 5'71 ; the radius of the sphere is made indefinitelylarge,and new variables

R, r are defined by the equations

R = kS, r = kO,

so that R, r are substantially cylindricalcoordinates of the points with polar

coordinates (k, ", "l"),{k, 6, cfi);the function of position /(", ^) is then de-noted

by F(R, "t"),and P,i(cos7) becomes approximately equal to Jo (117:7/k),


OT- = R- "{-r- -2Rr cos (^ - "^).

We are thus led to the equation

K-^'X M=0 "*7'" .'0 J-TT K'

If now we write 'h/k= u, and replace the summation by an integration (taking

1/k as the differential element), we get

F(r,6) =^ ["udur r F{R,^)Jo(u^)RdRd^,

which is Neumann's result.

But this procedure can hardly be made the basis of a rigorous proof,be-cause

there are so many steps which require justification.

Thus, although we know that

X (pY^"irr /(e, ^)P" (cos 7) sin 0cZ""de

is a potential function (when r " k), which assumes the value f(6, "/")on the

surfece of the sphere, the theorem that we may put p = k in the series

necessitates a discussion of the convergence of the series on the surface of the

sphere ; and the transition from the surface of a sphere to a plane,by making

/c ^ 00,

with the corresponding transition from a series to an integral,iff one

of considerable theoretical difficulty.

It is possible that the method which has just been described is the method

by which Neumann discovered his integral formula in 1862. Concerning his

method he stated that "Die Methode, durch welche ich diese Formel so eben

abgeleitet habe, ist nicht voUstandig strenge."

Page 489: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



15 '1. Problems connected tvitlithe zeros ofBessel functions.

There are various classes of problems,connected with the zeros of Bessel

functions,which will be investigatedin this chapter.We shall beginby proving

quitegeneraltheorems mainlyconcerned with the fact that Bessel functions

have an infinityof zeros,andwith the relative situations of the zeros of different

functions. Next, we shall examine the realityof the zeros of Bessel functions

(and cylinderfunctions)whose order is real, and discuss the intervals in

which the real zeros lie,either by elementarymethods or by the use of Poisson-

Schafheitlin integrals.Next, we shall consider the zeros of J^ {z)when v is not

necessarilyreal,and proceedto represent this function as a Weierstrassian

product.We then proceedto the numerical calculation of zeros of functions

of assignedorder,and finallyconsider the rates of growth of the zeros with

the increase of the order,and the situation of the zeros of cylinderfunctions of

unrestrictedlylargeorder. A full discussion of the applicationsof the results

contained in this chapterto problemsof Mathematical Physicsis beyond the

scope of this book, though references to such applicationswill be made in the

course of the chapter.

Except in ""15'4 " 15"o4, it is supposedthat the order v, of the fmictions

under consideration,is real.

The zeros of functions whose order is half an odd integerobviouslylend

themselves to discussion more readilythan the zeros of other functions. In


and by Rayleigh*;and more recentlyHermitei* has examined the zeros of

Jn+\{x).The zeros of this function have also been the subjectof papers by

Rudskiij:who used the methods of Sturm; but it has been pointedout byPorter and by Schafheitlin"that some of Rudski's results are not correct, and,

in particular,his theorem that the smallest positivezero of Jn^^(^) lies

between \{n + 1) tt and \ (n + 2) tt is untrue. Such a theorem isincompatiblewith the inequalitygivenin "15"3(5)and the formrdae of ""15'81,15"83.

* Schwerd, Die Beugungserscheinungen (Mannheim, 1835); cf. Verdet, Lemons cVOptiquc

rjujsique,I. (Paris,18G9),p. 260; Kayleigh, Froc. London Math. Sac. iv. (1873),pp. 95"103.

t Archiv der Math, und PInjs.(3)i. (1901),pp. 20"21.

X Mem. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Lie/ie,(2)xviir. (1895),no. 3. See also Prace Matonatijczno-

Fizyczne,iii. (1892),pp. 69"81. [Jahrbnch ilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1892, pp. 107"108.]

" Porter,American Joiirwil of Math. xx. (1898),p. 198; Schafheitlin,Journal fiirMath, cxxii.

(1900),p. 304.

particularthe zeros of "

^ -^^"

^ have been investigatedby Schwerd

Page 490: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15"2. The Bessel-Lommel theorem on the zeros ofJ^,(z).

It Wcas stated by Daniel Bernoulli* and Fourierfthat Jo (z)has an infinityof real zeros ; and a formal proofof this result by an analysisof Parseval's

integralis due to Bessel^. It was subsequentlyobserved by Lomniel" that

Bessel's arguments are immediatelyapplicableto Poisson's integralfor J" (z),

providedthat " | " i' ^ |. A straightforwardapplicationof Rolle's theorem to

x^''J^{a:)is then adequate to prove Lommel's theorem that J^ (2)has an

infinityofreal zeros^forany givenreal value of v.

The Bessel-Lommel investigationconsists in provingthat when " | " i; ^ |,and ;/; lies between mir and (m +|)7r,then J^(x) is positivefor even values

of m, (0,2,4, ...),and is negativefor odd values of m, (1,3, 5, ...).Since

J^(x) is a continuous function of x when x^O, it is obvious that J"(x)

has an odd number of zeros in each of the intervals (|7r,tt),(|7r,27r),


Some more preciseresults of a similar character will be givenin "" 15*32 " 15"36.

To prove Lommel's theorem, let x = (ni+ 1$)tt where 0 ^ ^ ^ 1 ; then, byobvious transformations of Poisson's integral,we have

2{l7ry r2m+9 cos ^ttu^'' ""^~

r{v + ^)r{i).(2m + dy]o {(2m + ey - 1^-]^-"''"'

r2m+9 cQg l,jj.y^and so sgn J. (x)= sgn j^ |^2m + 6)"-- ..^j^-'


Now the last integralmay be written in the form


r cos TTlf

where (-)-.,.= \^^_^


If now we write u = 2r " 1 " U, and then put

{(2m+ ey - (2/-- 1 + uy}"-^- [{2m + ey - (2r - 1 - uy]''-=f,.(U),

it is clear that

v,= ff-iU)sin ^TrU.dU,.'o

and, since IIv ^^,fr{U) is a positiveincreasing"[ function of r.

* Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petwp. vi. (1732"3) [1738],p. 116.

t La Theovie Anah/tique de la Chaleur (Paris,1822),"803.

i Berliner Abk., 1824, p. 39.

" Studicn liber die BesseVschen Functioiwti (Leipzig,1868),pp. 65 " 67.

IIThis is the point at which the copdition v $ ^ is required ; the condition v " -^ ensures the

convergence of the integral.

% The reader will prove this without any difficultyby regarding;" as a continuous variable and

then differentiating/^(6^)with respect to r.

Page 491: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that

and so

sgn J^ (i/iTT+ I^tt)= sgn [(-)^ [vj + (i',"- v,,,^,)+ (v,"_"- v,"_3)+ ...]]

= sgn(-l)'^,

since v"/ is obviouslynot negative.

That is to say, when " | " z^ ^ |,

+, - (m = 0, 2, 4, ...)

and from this result Lommel's theorem follows in the manner alreadystated.

The zeros of e/j(x),as well as those of J^ (.r),have been investigatedbj Baehr, Archives

JVeerlandaises,vii. (1872),pp. 351" 358, with the help of a method which resembles the

Bessel-Lommel method. Baehr's result for t/j{.v)is that the function is positivewhen x

lies in the intervals (0, tt),(f7r,Stt),(fir,5tt),..., and that it is negativewhen x lies in

the intervals (i^Tr,-Irr),{l-rr,-irv),(-V-TT,67r),.... The function Ji{x) has also been investi-gated

in this way by C. N. Moore, Annals of Math. (2) ix. (1908),pp. 156" 162.

The results juststated are of a less exact nature than the results obtained with the aid

of slightlymore refined analysisby Schafheitlin ("!15-33 " 15*35).


It was noted by Whewell, Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. ix. (1856),p. 156, that /q {'*"')lias a

zero between 2 and 2 ^72,and that the function H(,(2)has some real zeros.

15'21. The non-repetitionof zeros ofcylinderfunctions.

It is easy to prove that %^y{z)has no repeatedzeros, with the possibleex-ception

of the origin*.For,if^t^^,(z)a.nd'^Jiz)vanished simultaneously,it would

follow,by repeateddifferentiations of the differential equationV^ ^^ (z)" 0,

that all the differential coefficients of W" (z)would vanish at the common zero of

^^ (z)and WJ (z),and then,by Taylor'stheorem,^;,(z)would be identicallyzero.

15'22. The interlacingofzeros ofBessel functions.

It will now be shewn that if ". 1, jv,-!,"""are the positivezeros of J^ (if),

arrangedin ascendingorder of magnitude,then, if y " " 1,

This result is sometimes expressedby sayingthat the positivezeros of Jy (x)

are interlaced with those of J^^i(x).

To prove the result we use the recurrence formulae

d d

^ [x-^J,{x)]= - a"-^/,+l{x\^ \x^^/,+!{x)]= A-+" ./,(.c);

the first of these shews that between each consecutive pair of zeros of

OP"" ./ (,7)there is at least one zero of a;"" 1/^+1(a;),and the second shews that

between each consecutive pairof zeros of a'""^t/^+jix) there is at least one zero

oi x"^'^Jyix);and the result is now obvious.

* This is a specialcase of a theorem proved by Sturm, Journal de Math. 1. (1S3G),p. 109.

Page 492: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If i^^" 1, the zeros are obviouslystill interlaced but the smallest zero of Jv+i{x)is

nearer the originthan the smallest zero of Jt,{x).

The result concerning interlacingof positivezeros is obviously true for any real

cylinderfunction* ^^ (x)and the contiguousfunction "^ , ^(^')-

This fundamental and simpleproperty of Bessel functions appears never

to have been proved until about a quarter of a century agof, when four

mathematicians publishedproofsalmost simultaneously;the proofwhich has

justbeen givenis due to Gegenbauer;):and,Porter|;the other proofs,which

are of a slightlymore elaborate character, were given by Hobson|| and

van Vleckir.

It has been pointedout by Porter that,since

7-/\ r / \

2 (^+1)7-/\

J^ {x)+ J^+o{x) = J^+1 {x),

at any positivezero of J^{x) the functions .7^+1(a^)and J^+o(x) have the

same sign; but at successive zeros of J^ (x)the function i/^+i(x)alternates in

sign,and so there are an odd number of zeros of t/^^.,(x)between each con-secutive

pairof positivezeros ofJy(x); interchangingthe functions /^+2(^)and

J^ (x)throughoutthis argument, we obtain Porter's theorem that the positivezeros of J^+o{x)are interlaced with those of J^,(x).

15 "23. Dixon s theorem on the interlacingof zeros.

A result of a slightlymore generalcharacter than the theorem of " 15"22

is due to A. C. Dixon**, namely that, when v" " \, and A, B, G, D are

constants such that AD=f^ BC, then the positivezeros of AJ^.{x)+ BxJJ{x) are

interlaced with those of CJ^ {x)+ DxJJ (x),and that no function of this type

can have a repeatedzero other than x = 0.

The latter part of the theorem is an immediate consequence of the formula,

deducible from "5'11 (11),

J^ (x), xJJ (x)

d{J,ix)] d \xJJ {x)]dx ' dx


for the integralis positivewhen x is positiveand the expressionon the rightwould vanish at a repeatedzero of AJt,{x)+ BxJJ (x).

* A real cylinder function is an expressionof the form


in which a, j3and v are real,and x is positive.

t Cf. Gray and Mathews, A Treatise on Bessel Functions (London, 1895), p. -50.

+ MonatsheftefilrMath, uiid Phys. viii. (1897),pp. 383"384.

" Bulletin American Math. Soc. iv. (1898),pp. 274"275.

IIProc. London Math. Soc. xxviii. (1897),pp. 372"373.

IT American Journal of Math. xix. (1897),pp. 75 " 85.

** Messenger,xxxii. (1903),p. 7; see also Bryan, Proc. Camb. (1889),pp. 248 " 264.

j J,-(t)tdt= -^x.1 n

Page 493: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To prove the former part of the theorem, we observe that,if

A / \ =GJJ^)+^JJ (x)


then 0'{x)=

, " ^ , ,


" rw ^)o


J^'(0 tdt,^ ^ '

X [AJ, {x)+ BxJJ {x)Y\C, D U

and so 0 {x)is monotonia. The positivezeros of ^ (a;)are therefore interlaced

with the positivepoles,and from this result the former part of the theorem

is obvious.

If the function J^,{x)isreplacedby a real cylinderfunction a./^,(x)-\-j3Y^,{x),we have

j'gf,{x), x'W^ ix)

%V (0 tdt = !*"Id;^(x) d [x^i^J{x)] +

I dx '


providedthat " 1 " y " 1 ; and so the theorems concerningnon-repetitionand

interlacingof zeros are true for A9^^{x)+ Bx'WJ (x)and C'(ff^{x)+ Dx^ifJ{x)

providedthat /3(asin vtt + /3cos vir)is positive.


%^.{x\ x^J(x)

'2vj3(asin vtv + /3cos vtt)


ix d^'S.ix)dlx'^Jix)] = -

1 [{x-- v'')'gf;-{x)+ 0^9 J-"{x)],

.dx' dx

the theorem is true for zeros exceeding+ \/v-,whether v lies between " 1

and 1 or not.

The result of " 15"22 is the specialcase of Dixon's theorem in which

A = l,B = 0,G = v,I) = -l.

15-24. The interlacingofzeros ofcylinderfunctionsoforder v.

Let 'Wv(x)and ^^ {x)be any distinct cylinderfunctions of the same order ;

we shall prove that their positivezeros are interlaced*.

If '^.{x)= a/, {x)+ ^Y, {x\ %\ {x)= 7 J",(x)+ h \\ {x),

2(aS-/37)then %".(x)%%' (x)- '^%(x)-gf;(x)=


Now itisknown that,at consecutive positivezeros of ^^ (x),J (x)has opposite

signs,and therefore,from the last equation,'"y{x)has oppositesigns;that is

to say '^(")has an odd inimber of zeros between each consecutive pairof

positivezeros of '^ {x); similarly"Wyix)has an odd number of zeros between

each consecutive pairof positivezeros of '"'"{x); and so the zeros must be


If we take one of the cylinderfunctions to be a function of the firstkind,

we deduce that ail real cylinderfunctions have an infinityof positivezeros.


Olbricht,Nova Acta Caes.-Leop.-Acad.{Halle),1888, pp.43" iS, has giveuan elaborate dis-cussion

of this result with some instructive diagrams.

w. B. F.31

Page 494: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15'25. LommeVs theorem on the realityofthe zeros ofJv{z).

An extension of a theorem due to Fourier*, that the function J^iz)has no

zeros which are not real,has been effected by Lommel-f-, The extended theorem

is that,if the order v exceeds " 1, then the functionJv{z) has no zeros luhich

are not real.

To prove Lommel's theorem, suppose, if possible,that a is a zero of J^{z)

which is not real. It follows from the series for J^,{z) that a is not a pure

imaginary,because then

X (-)'"(ia)^

",^Qm\T {v-\-m+ 1)

would be a series of positiveterms.

Let Op be the complex number conjugateto a, so that olqis also a zero of

J^ {z),because J^,{z)is a real function of z.

Since i/ " " 1, it follows from "5"11 (8)that


tJ^(at)JAaot)dt=" ,

0 a " "o

J-dJ^(a^w) dJ^{ax)'


and so, since a- ^ a,,-,''1

tJ,{at)J,{a^t)dt= 0.0

The integrandon the left is positive,and so we have obtained a contradiction.

Hence the number a. cannot exist,and the theorem is proved.

Similar arguments | may be used to shew that,if A and B are real and v " - 1,the

function AJv{z)-\-BzJJ{z)has all its zeros real,except that it has two purely imaginary

zeros when {AjB)+ v"0.

These results follow from the series for-^ [z-^IBj^ (2)}combined with the formula


tJ^{^t)J^{Mdt = 0,1:which is satisfied if/3and ^0 are any zeros of AJ^ {z)+ BzJ^' (2)such that ^^^^q\

15'26. The analogueofLommel's theorem forfunctionsofthe second kind.

It is not possibleto prove by the methods of "15"25 that"V"{z)has no

complex zeros in the region||in which |arg^r j" it. But it has been provedby Schafheitlinl that Fq (~)has no zeros with a positivereal part,other than

the real zeros.

* La Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur (Paris,1822)," 308; see also Stearn,QuarterlyJournal,XVII. (1880),p. 93.

t Studieii iiber die BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1868),p. 69.

X See A. C. Dixon, Messenger, xxxii. (1903),p. 7.

" Or, more generally,"^ (2).

iiWhen arg ^ = " tt, 1^ (2)= e"^""l\ ( - 2)" 2/ cos virJ (- 2),and hence, by " 3-(53 (1),1^ [z)cannot vanish unless v is half of an odd integer. This type of reasoning is due to Macdonald,

Proc. London Math. Soc. xxx. (1899),pp. 165" 179.

H Archiv der Math, nnd Phijs.(3)i. (1901),pp. 133"137. In this paper Schafheithn also sub-jects

the complex zeros of Yi (z)to a similar treatment.

Page 496: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, for sufficientlylargevalues of m (i.e.those for which v + 2?n ispositive),the curve ^raihv) "

^ ^i^s in the finite part of the plane,and "f)m{^,v)is

negativewhen "^,"+i(|,v) is zero so the curve ^",+i(^,'"?)= 0 lies whollyinside

one or other of the closed branches which compose the curve ^",(^,77)= 0.

Hence as m-^00,

the complex zeros of gzm,^ (0 li" i^ibounded regionsof

the ^-plane,and consequentlyhave limit-points.

Now, since,by ""9"65,9'7,

can be made arbitrarilysmall in any bounded domain of the ^-plane,by taking

m sufficientlylarge,it follows from Lagrange'sexpansion*that the number of

zeros of/ (^)in any small area is at least equalto the number of zeros of g^m^^i^)

in that area when m is sufficientlylarge; and so /I(^)has 25 complex zeros.

None of these zeros is real,for if one of them were real it would be a limit

pointof two conjugatecomplex zeros of ^am,^(0" '^^^ so it would count as a

double zero of/^(^);and/^(^) has no double zeros.

Again,from the series for/ (^)it is seen that,when v liesbetween - (2s+ 1)

and " (2s+ 2),for then/ (^)has one negativezero, and itcannot have more than

one negativezero, then gom,y{^)could be made to changesignmore than once

as ^ varied from 0 to " 00 [sinceg."m,v{K)can be made to differ from /"(t)by

an arbitrarilysmall number],and this is impossible.

For similar reasons jfy(^)cannot have more than 2s complex zeros.

If we replace by ^z-, so that negativevalues of ^ correspondto purely

imaginaryvalues of z, we obtain the results stated in the case of Jt,{z).

For a discussion of zeros of Bessel functions in association with zeros of polynomials

based on rather different ideas,the reader should consult Lindner, Sitz. der Berliner Math.

Ges. XI. (1911),pp. 3 " 5. It may be mentioned that Hurwitz has extended his results to

generalisedBessel functions in a brief paper, Hamburger Mittheilungen,11. (1890)^

pp. 25 " 31.

15*28. Bourget'shypothesis.

It has been conjecturedby Bourgetf that, when v is a positiveinteger

(zeroincluded),the functions Jt,{z),-/"+,",(2^)have no common zeros, other

than the origin,for all positiveintegralvalues of m.

It seems that this theorem has never been provedexcept (cf"15'22)in

the simplecases m = 1, m = 2.

The formula

Jv+m (^)= Jv {z)Rm, f(z)- Ju-i{z)Rm-i,f+i (z)

* Cf. Modern A7ialysis," 7-32.

t A7in. Sci. de VEcole norm. sup. iii. (1866),pp.55 " 95.

Page 497: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


shews that,since J" (-2^)and J^_^{z)have no common zeros, the common zeros

oi Jv{z)and J"^4.,"(2^)must satisfythe equation

i.e.they must be algebraicnumbers.

The truth of Bourget'shypothesiscan therefore be established if it can

be proved that ./"{z)has no zeros which are algebraicnumbers when v is an

integer;but attempts to prove this theorem* have so far failed.

When V is half of an odd integer,it is easy to shew that J^ {z)and Jv+m {z)

have no common zeros + ; for such zeros are algebraicnumbers and it is known

that no algebraicnumber J can satisfythe equation

cot(^--|^7r-i7r) =


since the right-handside is algebraicin z when v is half of an odd integer.

The proofJ givenby Lambert and Legendre that ir- is irrational may be

appliedto "5"6 (6) to prove that ./"{z)has no zero whose square is rational

when V is rational;and so, from a consideration of R,n-i,v+i{z),Bourget's

hypothesisis true in the cases m = 3, vi = 4.

15"3. Elementarypropertiesof the zeros^ ofJ, {x).

It is possibleto acquirea considerable amount of interestinginformation

concerningthe smallest zeros of J^ {x)and related functions,when v ispositive,

by a discussion of the differential equationsatisfied by J^ {x) togetherwith

the recurrence formulae ; we shall now establish the truth of a selection of

theorems "concerningsuch zeros.

The reader will find a more systematicinvestigationijof these theorems in various

papers by Schafheitliu,notably Journal fiirMatli. cxxii. (1900),pp. 299"

321 ; Archiv

der Math, und Phys. (3) i. (1901),pp. 133 " 137; Berliner Sitzungsherichte,III. (1904),

pp. 83"85.

For brevity,the smallest positivezeros of /^ (x),J J {x),J J'(x),. . .

will be

called j^,jj,jj', The smallest positivezeros of Y^{x), YJ {x),YJ' (oj),...will similarlybe called y^, yj,yj',....

We firstprove that

(1) /^ jV" V, jj " V.

It is obvious from the power series for /" {x)and J J {x)that these functions

* I consider that the theorem is probably true ; it is an abstruse theorem, and I have not

succeeded in proving it.

t This was noticed by Porter, American Journal of 2["itli. xx. (1S9S),p. 203.

X Cf. Hobson, Squaring the Circle (Cambridge, 1913),pp. 44, 51"53.

" Some related results are due to Watson, Froc. London Math. Sac. (2)xvi. (1U17),pp. 165 "


Page 498: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


are positivefor sufficientlysmall positivevalues of x ; and, from the differential

equationd { dJ^,{x)\={v^-a?)J,{x\doc \ dx

it is evident that,so longas ^ " y and J^,{x)ispositive,xJ^ (a-)is positiveand

increasing,and so J^,(x)increases with x.

Therefore,so longas 0 " a; " v, both J^ (x)and xJ^'(x)are positiveincreasingfunctions so that j^,and jj cannot * be less than v.

Again,from the differential equation

vj;'(v)= -j;(v)"0,

and so //'(x)has become negativebefore x has increased to the value v from

zero. Hence, when I v"l,

(2) jj'"r.

Next, since

the expressionon the rightispositiveso longas a; " z^ + 2. Now, if // were less

than ^/[v(v-f 2)},the expressionon the rightwould be negativewhen x isequalto jj (which,from a graph,is obviouslyless than j")"and this is not the case.


(8) j;"^[v{v + 2)}.

Now, from " 15*22 it follows that

Jv " Jv+\ " Jv+2"

and, as has justbeen stated,

so that JvijJ) and J"+o{jJ)are both positive.If now we put cc=jj in the


/,+,{x)= - |1^^

" ^1J,{x) -^ J, {x\

it is obvious that

(4) " " V{2. {v + 1)}.

Similarly,by puttingx =j^ in the formula

(v+ 3)/, (x)+ 2 (i.+ 2)|l- il^i"^0:"?)|j^,^(^)+ (^+ 1)J^^ (^.)= 0,

we deduce that

and therefore

(5) ^{v(v+ 2)}"j,."^{2(v + l)(v+ S)].

* Cf. Eieinann, Partielle Differentialgleichungen(Brunswick,1876),p. 269.

t When 0";v"l, J/' {x)is negativefor sufficientlysmall values of .r.

Page 499: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In like manner, we can deduce from the formulae

and J\^,{x)=-vW- "^1J, {cc)-{v+l) J J'{x)


(6) "^\v{v-\)]"jj'"^{ir'-l).Some rather better inequalitiesthan these are obtainable by takingmore

complicatedformulae ; thus, from the equation

" p+ti ("*')=" v+l (*'}-^5,v+\ (j^)" J

V \^)^i,v+i('^7;

Schafheitlin* deduced that


i.e. 3"^-lQ{v + 2){v+ 4)j,-+ 16 (i/+ 1) (z;+ 2) (i;+ 4) (z/+ 5) " 0.

Since jj is certainlyless than f (i/+ 2) (i 4- 4),by results alreadyproved,J"must be less than the smaller positiveroot of the equation

3^' -\Q{v+ 2){v+ 4)X' + 16 (z/+ 1) (j + 2)(1/+ 4) (i/+ 5) = 0,

and hence, a fortiori,

"(7) ""V[|(^ + l)(^ + 5)}.

Similarly,from the equation

4J"'^+4{x)= J^ {x)[R,^{x)+ i^3,^+, {x)- Rs^(x)- i?,^,+o (x)]

- 2// (.c)[i?o.1 (ic)- i?"^i (")},

Schafheitlin deduced that

(8) jj " ^{v (v+ 2)},

and, when v " 4,

(9) i;"V[z.(. + 3)i,

these inequalitiesbeing derived from the consideration that j^'lies between

the positiveroots of the equation

x'-S(u + 2y x""+ 2v{v + 1) {v + 3)(i + 4) = 0.

The discussion of y^,requiresslightlymore abstruse reasoning.We use

the result that

JJ^(x)+ IV (a-)

is a decreasingfunction of x ; this is obvious from " 13 73. Hence it follows

that Yv"(x)decreases throughthe interval (0,jV),aiid so y^ exceeds jV; again,in this interval Y^{x) is negative,and it follows from "3'63(1) that Y^(j^,)is

positive,since JJ(ju)is obviouslynegative.


(10) j;"i/,"j,.

This inequality(withyVreplacedby i^ -f h) was established by Schafheitlinf

with the aid of rather elaborate analysis.

* Berliner Sitzungsberlchte,in. (1904),p. 83.

t Journal fur Math, cxxii. (1900),pp. 317"321.

Page 500: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15*31. Stationaryvalues ofcylinderfunctions*.

It has alreadybeen seen that the cylinderfunction J" {x)cos a " Y^ (x)sin a,

or ^t,{x),has an infinite number of positivezeros, and so there are an infinite

number of positivevalues of x for which it is stationary.Such values of x

which exceed the order v (supposedpositive)will be called /u,i,/Uo,/u.3,. ..,where

yLti" yU.2" Ms "" " " .

We shall now studysome of the simplerpropertiesof the sequence

"g^.W, -^.W, "^.W, ....

The firsttheorem which we shall establish is that

To prove this,observe that the function A {x)defined as

x'^^J-'ix)T- 7)^X-" v"

has the negativederivate


and so A(/u.j)" A (/Xo)" A(/u,3)"....

Since A (fXn)= ^V" (/*"),the truth of the theorem is now evident.

A more interestingresult is suggestedby Hankel's asymptoticformula


%% (x)= (^ycos {x + a-^v7r-l7r)+0 [^^.This indicates the possibilityof provinginequalitiesconsistent with

when fin is large.

It can in fact be shewn that

(I) The values assumed by (x-" v^)| ^(ic)|when x takes the values fi^, /m,

fi-i,-'.forman increasingsequence ivhose inernhers are less than "J(2/'7r).

(II) The values assumed by xi\^t,(x)\when x takes the values /Xr, f^r+i,

/jLr+2"-..form a decreasingsequence whose members are greater than \/{2j'ir)providedthat

(i)v"^ V3, (ii)yu,"" V- [^v-+ 4 + V(48i.-+ 13)}/(4i/='- 3).

Consider the function

A {x)W,^ {x)+ 25 {x)% {x)'W: {x)+ G {x)-^/ {x)= e (x),

where A (x),B {x),C (x)are to be suitablychosen. We have

"' (x)= {A'(x)- 2 (x'-- V-)B {x)lx^]'^:~{x)

+ 2 [B'{x)+ A(x)-B (x)/x- (x'- v')G (x)/x'}, (x)-^Z(x)

+ [C (x)+ 2B (x)- 2C(x)/x} :^ {x)

= i){xYW:-'{x\where D{x) =

G' {x)+ 25 {x)-2G {x)lx,

* Cf. Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xvi. (1917),pp. 170"171.

Page 501: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


providedthat A (cc)is chosen arbitrarilyand that B (x) and C (x) are then

defined by the equations

2B (x)= x-A' (x)l(x-- v'),

0{x) = x"-[B'(x)+ A (x)- B {x)lx]j{x^- v").

(I) If A {x)= {x-- v-)Kthen

2D {x){x"- v'-f= Of (3a,+ \4"x-v'+ ^v')" 0,

and so 0 {x)is an increasingfunction of x which is therefore less than

lim 0(ic)= 2/7r.

Since " {ixn)= {i^n'" v'-)^^V (/"")we see that when 7i assumes the values

1,2, . . , ,then the numbers (/u.,;-- v^)|'^^(fin)|form an increasingsequence

less than v'(2/7r).

(II) If A (x) = X, then

2D {x)("-- v-y = - X' {(4z.-- 3) X' - 8j/-(v-+ 1)x' + v'{^v~- 1)}"0,

providedthat 4y- " 3 and x exceeds the greatest root of the equation

{^v-- 3)ic"- Sv- {v-+l) X'-+ v' (4z/-- 1) = 0.

In this case 0 {x)is a decreasingfunction and we can applyarguments, similar

to those used in theorem (I),to deduce the truth of theorem (11).

15-32. Schafheitlinsinvestigationof the zeros ofJo(x).

By means of the integralswhich have been given in "6"12,it has been

shewn by Schafheitlin* that the onlypositivezeros of Jo(x)liein the intervals

(mTr+ ^ir,nnr +^7r) and the onlypositivezeros of Yq{x)lie in the intervals

{niTT+ ^TT,rnir + f-rr),where m = 0, 1, 2,"

We shall first give Schafheitlin's investigationfor Jo{x),with slight

modifications,and then w^e shall prove similar results for cylinderfunctions

of the typeJ,,(x)cos a " F" (x)sin a

(where v lies between " h and |),by the methods used by Schafheitlin.

Schafheitlin's investigationswere confined to the values 0 and ^irof a.

From an insjDectionof the formula of " 6"12 (7),

77. 0 sm 6 vcos u

it is obvious that,when rnv " x " vnr + f tt,

sgn (sin(x + ^0)}= sgn (" 1)'",

and so sgn Jo (x)= sgn (" 1)"'.

ConsequentlyJq(x)has no zeros in the intervals (nnr,imr + ftt).

* Journal JiirMath. cxiv. (1894),pp. 31"44.

Page 502: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To prove that J^ {x) has no zeros in the intervals {mir+ ^vr,imr + tt),write

X = {m 4- 1)TT " 0,

T. .2(-)'"+M-^-sin(A^-(f))

, ,, "

and then J,{x)^ -^"^" " ^jS " ^ ^ " d6.

^ "^TT j 0 sm ^ vcos 6

The last integi-andis negativeor positiveaccordingas

0 " ^ " 2(^ or 2"f""e" l-rr.

Since 0 " Itt,the second of these intervals is the longer;and the function

g" 2a; cot 9

sin 6 Vcos 0

is an increasingfunction* of 6 when x "f7r and 6 is an acute angle.

Hence to each value of d between 0 and 2c^ there correspondsa value

between 2"/"and ^ttfor which sin (|^ " "^)has the same numerical value,but

has the positivesign,and the cofactor of sin (i " 0) is greater for the second

set of values of 6 than for the firstset. The integralunder consideration is

consequentlypositive,and so Jo(x)cannot have a zero in any of the intervals

(niTr+ ^TT,mir+Tr). Therefore the only positivezeros of Jo(^) 'T-re in the

intervals (^mr+ f tt, ??i7r + |7r).

15'33. Theorems ofSchafheitlinstype,when " ^ "v ^^.

We shall now extend Schaf heitlin's results to functions of the type

^^ (x)= Jy {x)cos CL"Y^,{x)sin a,

where 0 ^ a " tt and " | " v^\.

We shall firstprove the crude result that the onlypositivezeros of ^" {x)lie in the intervals

{mir + f TT + ^ i^TT " Of, 1MT + TT " a)

where m = 0, 1, 2,"

This result follows at once from the formulae of "6"12,which shew that

c^ (^^ -

^"^^ ^^ f-'^ cos-^^sinCr+g-r^+i^) ,", , ,

for,when mir " a" x " irnr + f tt + |i/7r" a,

we have sgn [sin{x + a " vd -\-\6)'\" sgn (" !)'"",

and so, for such values of x, ^^ (x) is not zero. Consequentlythe onlyzeros

of ^y {x)lie in the specifiedintervals,and there are an odd number of zeros

in each interval,with the possibleexceptionof the firstif a " f tt + ^vir.

Next we obtain the more preciseresult that the onlypositivezeros of^^ {x)lie in the intervals

(mTT+ f TT + ^vTT" a, niTT + 1 TT + 5 i/TT " a)

* Its logarithmicderivate is

{2x- sin ^cos^) cosee-^ + itan 6.

Page 504: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


we have sgn [sin{x + a-v6 + l6)]= sgn (-1)*",

whence the theorem stated is obvious.

Next we obtain the more preciseresult that the onlypositivezeros of9^^(x)

lie in the intervals

{miT "^TT -V {vir" ayinir " ^TT^-^vir" oi),

where m = 0, 1, 2,..., except that,if a is sufficientlynear to it, there may be

a zero in the interval (0,IvTr" ^ir" a),and there may be one in the interval

(it" a, l7r+ \v7r " a).

We use the same notation and reasoningas in " 1533 ; onlynow, if

g-2xcotecog.-i6'/sin-''+i6 =/(^),

f(6)is not necessarilyan increasingfunction of 6 ; but it is sufficiejitto prove

that,when 0"ylr"2ct),then

To obtain this result,observe that

" ^ ^og-^Jr~^,= 2.^'{cosec2{2(j"+ x/,)+ cosec^ (2c^- yjr)}n\\r Tl'zfh " Air)dy}r "/(2(^-x/r)

" sin 40^

+2^ + 1 "1

. + ^/r)sin(20-V')J'_cos (20 + ^//-)cos(2(^" \^) sin (20-

But [cosec2(2" + 1|^)+ cosec^ {2(p- ^)]sin (20 + ^^)sin (20 - ij/)

is an increasingfunction of \|^,and therefore,a fortiori,

[cosec2(20 + \//)+ cosec2 (20 - "^)'\cos (20 + ^) cos (20 - -y/r)

is an increasingfunction,since this function exceeds the former by an increasingfunction

because 40 is an acute angle; and so^ log'-. "

y-is ahvayspositiveif it is positive

when i|/'= 0, i.e.if

Ax " {{v- i)tan2 20 + (2i/+ 1)}sin 40,

and this is the case when .v" !"'+ "".

Hence, when | " v"^, the onlyzeros of ^^ (x),which exceed f i; + 1, lie in

the intervals

(mTT " ^TT+ \v7r" a, nnr " {tt+ ^vtt" a).

The method seems inapplicablefor largervalues of v on account of the

oscillatorycharacter of sin{a;+ a " v6 + hO) as 6 increases from 0 to ^tt; a

method which is effective for these largervalues will now be explained.

15"35. Schafheitlins investigationsof the zeros of cylinderfunctionsof


We shall now prove that,if i^ " |,those zeros ofthe cylinderfunction

J^ {x)cos a " Y^ {x)sin a

which exceed (2i/+ 1) {2v + 3)/7rliein the intervals

{niTT" a-\-\v'Tr+ \'ir,nnr " a + |i'7r+ ftt)

ivhere m assumes integervalues.

Page 505: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The method used to obtain this result is due to Schafheitlin*;but he

considered the case of functions of the firstkind and of integralorder only,and

his reasoningis made lengthyand obscure by the use of arguments equivalentto the use of the second mean-value theorem when the explicituse of that

theorem is obviouslydesirable.

As in the precedinganalysis,write


V(^)COS a " Y^ (./")sin a,

so that


r (.+ f)r (i)J0

^^dd \ cos-'-^ie \'^^'

Now cot'-''+9.

e-2-"cot8illcreases as 6 increases from 0 to $2 and then decreases

as 6 increases from 62 to ^tt,where ^o = arc tanj-.

It will be observed that 62 is nearlyequalto ^irwhen x is largecomparedwith V.

Now suppose that "c lies between

^iTr " a + hTT {v" h) and 7H7r " a + ^tt{v" h)+ ftt,

and then choose d^ so that

a; -f-a " (f+ I)^1 = ?/i7r.

It is easy to verifythat

"2v -I TT^

2v + 2 TT

2vTS'2'^ '^2^7^- 2'

so that 61 is a positiveangleless than 0..,providedthat

arc tan "

X 4i/+ 6"

We suppose now that

a;"(2i'+ l)(2j + 3)/7r,

so that ^1 is certainlyless than 6.2.

Then, by the second mean- value theorem,there exists a number ^0,between

0 and ^such that

, i".cos-^^sin(^'+ a-z^^ + i^)^^^^^,,

= fcot-+"^ e-=xcot.,]"^'A |cosj^rJ^a-^^^-^[

= {cot-+e,.

6-cotM {cos(m7r+ ^0_

cosjx + a-ve,- m^ ^ \ cos"-^ 6'i cos''+ (^o J

* Journal filrMath, cxxir. (1900),pp. 299"321.

Page 506: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now qua function of 6,

cos {a:+ a-v6 - |^)/cos''+^6

is stationarywhen s,m{x -\-a " v6 + \6)=^0, and for such values of 0 the

fraction is equalto + l/cos""6.

cos(" + a-i^6?o- 2^o)Hence -tt-?,

cannot exceed numericallythe greatestvalue of l/cos""*6 in the interval (0, i),

and therefore


cos{x + a-ve-W\^

" I 008"+* ^1 COS-'+^^o Jo ^ ^

Therefore,since the signof sin {x + a" v9 -\-\6)is the signof (" 1)'"when 6

lies between 6^ and ^tt,we see that,for the values of x under consideration,

sgn W^,(a;)= sgn (- 1)'".

Hence, when x exceeds {2v + 1) {2v+ S)/7r,'^"(a;)has no zeros in intervals of

the type(lUTT" a + ^rTT" ^TT,mir "a + ^v7r+ ^tt),

and so the onlyzeros of ^^ (x)which exceed (2v+ 1)(2i/+ 3)/7rlie in intervals

of the type(niTT" a + hi'ir+ |7r,mir " a + hvir + fvr),

and this reduces to Schafheitlin's result* when a = 0 and v is an integer.

The reader will observe that this theorem givesno information concerningthe smaller zeros of ^"(^) when v is large; it will be apparent in " 15"8 that

there are a largenumber of zeros less than {2v + 1){2v + d)/7r,and that

intei-estinginformation can be obtained concerningthem by usingDebye's


15"36. Backer's tJteoremfon the zeros ofW^ix).

A result of a slightlydifferent character from those justestablished was

discovered by Bocher from a consideration of the integralformula " 11-41 (16).The theorem in questionis that ^^ {x)has an infinite number of positivezeros,and the distance between consecutive zeros does not exceed 2;owhere j is the

smallest positivezero of Jq {x)-

To establish this result,write j^ = 0, z=2o in " 11-41 (17),and then

f'^#0(tir)d"^= TT-^^o{Z)J, (jo)= 0.


Hence '"0'o("sr)cannot be one-signedas ^ increases from 0 to tt, ot

increases from Z " j, to Z + j^;and so Woi'^) must vanish for at least one

value J of or in the interval {Z "Jq,Z+j^). Since Z is an arbitrarypositivenumber (greaterthan Jo),Bocher's theorem is now evident.

* Schafheitlin gives(2c + 3)(2v+ 5)/7ras the lower limit of the values of x for which the zeros

lie in the specifiedintervals.

t Bulletin American Math. Soe. v. (1899),pp. 385"388.

X Cf. Modern Analysis, " 3-G3.

Page 507: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[Note. By a form of Green's theorem,

[ dv, f du

i u^^ as = I V ;r~ as,J dv J cv

where w, "" are two solutions of "^-\-^-\-u = ") with continuous second differentialox'' dy'-

coefficients inside the closed curve s, and l^l'hvindicates differentiation along the normal.

By taking v = J^{s]{x^-\-y'^)\and the curve to be .t-+^- = /u^ Weber* deduced that u

must vanish at least twice on any circle of radius y^.

Bochor inferred from this result that since Wn (r)cos n6 satisfies the requisiteconditions

except at the origin,if a circle of radius j^ is drawn with centre on the axis of x and

subtending an angle less than tt/?*at the origin,/In(?')must vanish somewhere on the

circle. Hence the positivezeros of (?"(?")are such that consecutive zeros are at a distance

apart less than 2/n,and the distance from the originof the smallest of them does not

exceed j^|l-fcosec ^|.

These results are of interest on account of the extreme simplicityof the methods used

to prove them.]

15*4. On the nuniber of zeros ofJ^{z)in an assignedstripofthe z-plane.

We shall next givethe expressionfor Jv{z) as a Weierstrassian product,and then developexpressionsinvolvingquotientsof Bessel functions in the

form of partialfractions ; but as a preliminaryit is convenient to prove the

followingtheorem, which givessome indication as to the situation of those zeros

of.7^(2)which are of largemodulus. In this investigationit is not supposed

that V is restricted to be a real number, though it is convenient to suppose

that V is not a negativeinteger.When v is real the results of " 15"2 to some

extent take the placeof the theorem which will now be proved.

Let C be the rectangularcontour whose vertices are

" iB + 1 7ri7 (z'),"iB + unr + ^ i^TT + ^ tt,

where i? is a (large)positivenumber.

We shall shew that when 7/^ is a sufficientlylargeintegerthe number of

zeros of z"" J^,(z)inside C is preciselyequalf to ni.

Sinde z~^ J^ (z)is an integralfunction of z, the number of its zeros inside



ZTrlJc dw ZTTlJcJ^iW)

* Math. Ann. i. (18(59),p. 10.

t When t' is a real negative number (and for certain complex values of v)there may be pairs

of zeros on the ima^^inary axis ; in sueVi circumstances the contour C lias to be indented, and each

pairof zeros is to be reckoned as a single zero.

Page 508: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We now consider the four sides of C in turn. It is firstto be observed that

on all the sides of C,

If^i)(w) = (")%'"^-i--J-) (1+ ^1 . (w)},yirwj . N /J

iT," (w) = (''-^Ye-'-('"'-i--^-){1+^,_^(^y)},

where ?7i_ {w)"and 772,v (w) are 0 (1/w)when jw |is large.

Now, since the integrandis an odd function*, we have, as 5 -^ x,


^. ,

idiu = ^il{v).

Next take the integralalongthe upper horizontal side of G\ this is equalto



[1+ 0 (e^"0]div

27rij iB+mn+iun+^n J^v{w)

27r j iB + imI{v) { 1 + V2,u{w)


27rm.r + Ki^(.) + ivr+-^log ^"^"^.^-^^^/+0(l/i?)

as B^'oo.

Similarlythe integralalongthe lower side tends to the same value,and

so the limit of the integralalongthe three sides now considered is m-^ ^v + l.

Lastlywe have to consider the integralalongthe fourth side,and to do

this we firstinvestigatethe difference

^"-tan("-i..-i.),which, when \iu\is large,is equalto

2ot W



and so

rtB+mn+^vn+iTr1 tan (w" ^VTT" Iit)diu = 0,J "iB+mn+\viT-{-\iT


_1_ n^-


r^'^"-^" \^"l+0(1)1dn,]^ riB-\-mit-\-iv7,-\-\n(2v + 1 /'I


i-(2i.+ l)+0(l/m).

Hence the limit of the integralround the whole rectangleis m-\- 0(l/m).

* Allowance is made for the indentations,justspecified,in the firststep of the followinganalysis.

Page 509: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If we take m sufHcientlylarge,we can ensure that the expressionwhich

is 0 (l/m)isnumericallylessthan 1 ; and since the integralround the rectanglemust be an integer,it is equalto m.

That is to say, the number of zeros of 2""/^ (z)between the imaginaryaxis

and the line on which

is exactlym.

Note. The approximate formulae quoted for the functions of the third kind shew

that the largezeros cannot have a largeimaginaryport; and so all the zeros of J^ (z)lie

inside a stripwhose sides are parallelto the real axis and at distances from it which are

bounded when ji' |is bounded.

15 "41. The expressionofJy,{z)as cm infiniteproduct.

It is possibleto express J^ {z) as a product of ' simple factors '


Weierstrassian type,each factor vanishingat one of the zeros of Jv{z).In

order to express Jv{z) in this form, it is convenient first to express the

logarithmicderivate of z~^Jv{z)as a series of rational fractions by Mittag-Leffler'stheorem*.

The zeros of z~''J^(z)are taken to be "jy,i,"ji._2""jf,3,""" wherefR (j"',n)" 0 and 1R(j",i)\^\R {jv,2)\^\R (As) I """

,the values of j.^,yV^o,

j;,3,... being all unequal ("15"21).We draw a (large)rectangleD, whose

vertices are " A " iB, where A and B are positive,and we suppose that "ju,"iare the zeros of highestrank which are inside the rectangle.

We now consider

27riJ J) w {w " z) Jv{w)

Avhere z is any pointinside the rectangle,other than a zero of Ji,(w),and v is

not a negativeinteger.

The onlypolesof the integrandinside the rectangleare z, "jv,i,tjy,2,""",

"Jv, III-

The residue at z is J^+i{z)jJt,{z)and the residues at "j^," are

[Z + Jv,n Jv,n)

since -//{z)= " J^^ (z)when z= " j^,n, by "3*2.

It follows that

Jv{z) n=l[z"Jv,n Jv,n] n=l[z+Jy,n Jv,n


J) w {lu" z)' Jv {w)

* Acta Soc. Scient. Fennicae, xi. (1880),pp. 273"293. Cf. Modern Analysis," 7-4.

t If iv ("j^ ,J= 0 for any value of u, we choose j^ ^^to have its imaginary part positive.

W. B. F. 32

Page 510: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We next shew that,by givingA and B suitable sequences of values which

increase without limit,Jy+i(w)/J^(w)can be taken to be bounded on D.

Since this function is an odd function of w, it is sufficient to consider the

right-handhalf of D.

We take A = Mir -\-R{\v + \)'ir,where M is a positiveinteger; and then

we take M to be at least so largethat M = m, which is possibleby "15'4,and

also to be so largethat we can take the functions -ij^i^iv),Vv,-2{w),defined in

"15"4, to be less than, say, ^ in absolute value.

Then Z^+i{iv)/J(w) is bounded whenever

jg2l(W" Ji'ir"Jn-)I

is* less than | or greater than 2 ; and when the expressiondoes not liewithin

these limits,I (lu)is bounded and w is not arbitrarilynear a zero of J^ (w) ;

so that,from the asymptoticexpansionoi ^1'2l,J^+i{iu)IJy(w)is bounded on

the part of the rectanglewithin this strip.

That is to say J^,+i(tu)/J(w) is bounded on the whole of the perimeterof

the rectangleD as B and M tend to infinity.


1 r 2 J"+i{w)

]dw(w-z) J Aw)2iri]i)w{w " z) Jy{w)and thereforet

"fV-^/ n = \ ("^ Jv,n Jv,n) n = \ {. "^Jv,n Jv,n)

When we integrate,we find that

( (',] " [/ z \_^f z \] ^ if,,

z \ / z



and hence

This is the expressionof J^ {z)in the specifiedform.

The formula may also be written in the modified form

This formula was assumed by Euler,Acta Acad. Petrop.v. pars 1, (1781)[1784],p. 170,when j/ = 0, aud subsequentlyby various writers for other values of r; cf. "" 15-5,15-51.

The analysisof this section is due in substance to Graf and Gubler,Einleitungin die

Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen, i. (Bern, 1898), pp. 123 " 130, and it was givenexplicitlyby Kapteyn,Monatsheftefur Math, und Phys. xiv. (1903),pp. 281"282.

* Because' ^

" _

1 + i 2-

t If we take the rectangleto have its vertices at A"iB, -A'^iB, we see that the two series

on the rightconverge separately.

Page 512: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


while the residue at_y^,,jis

- 2t J^(j,,nX) 7,(j\n)Jv(jv,nx)/[J,'(",")(^'-j\n)]


~ ^" ''v (",n^)'Jv ijv,n x) \y ("

\ T '/ A \_ T ( i \V'(i V-

T 'o / " \T^ ^ \{"'v\Jv,n) ^

V \Jv,n) " v\Jv,7i} -tu \Jv,nJ)

^v~\Jv,n)\2 ~ J'v,n)

'Jrj,,n J.' (j.,n)(2^- j\ n)'

and on summing the residues we at once obtain the stated expansion.

For a generalisationof this expansion,obtained by replacingJy {xiv)jJy(w) by

"^i,(.rw)/^(w) in the contour integral,see Carslaw, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xvi.

(1917),pp. 84 " 93 ; Carslaw has also constructed some similar series which contain

Legendrefunctions as well as Bessel functions,and these series representthe Green's

functions appropriateto certain physicalproblems.See also Beltrami,Lomhardo Rendiconti,

(2)XIII. (1880),p. 336; and Lorenz,OetivresScientifiqties,II. (1899),p. 506.

15* 5. Elders investigationofthe zeros ofJ^{2\/z).

An ingeniousmethod of calculatingthe smallest zeros of a function was

devised by Euler*,and appliedby him to determine the three smallest zeros

of Jo(2 z).

If the zeros arrangedin ascendingorderfof magnitudebe Qj, Wg, Cs, """ "

then by "15-41,

j"(2V^)=n (i-f).11=1 \ "n/

As has alreadybeen stated ("15"41),this formula was assumed by Euler;ifit

is differentiatedlogarithmically,then

d =" 1

-;i-logJ'o(2V^)=Sdz "

n=l an - Z

CC 00 yVd

providedthat | ^|" Oj ; and the last series is then absolutelyconvergent.00

Put 2 l/a,i"*+^= a-,"+iand changethe order of the summations ; then


az," = 0

ReplaceJq{2\Jz)on each side by

z z'^

X2+]^222 12.2^3-'^'"''

* Acta Acad. Petrop.v. pars 1, (1781)[1784],pp. 170 et seq. A paper by Stern,Journal fiivMath. XXXIII. (1846),pp. 363 " 365 should also be consulted.

t From " 15*25 it follows that the zeros are positiveand unequal.

Page 513: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


multiplyout the producton the right,and equate coefficients of the various

powers of 2 in the identity;we thus obtain the system* of equations1 = CTi,

"1= 0-0 " 0-1,

j2= o"3 " o"2 + i^n,

- -rii:= ^4 - 0-3 + i 0-2 - aV^i"

2580= o"5 - ^4 + jo-a - aVo"2+ sfoo-i.


HS'Toci" ^s " 0-5+ i 0"4

1_3 0 5T0 tO-."

1 4 4 0 U" 1 '


0-1 = 1, o-o = |,0-3 = 4, cr, = ^i, cTg = yVij, 0-6 = i%*#,ii ^ =

_UL 473

Since 0 " Oi " Wo " Oo ". . .


it is evident that

and so o-"r^""" "! " cr",/o-,"+i.

By extrapolatingfrom the followingTable :

Euler inferred that a^ = 1"445795, whence

!/"!= 0-691661, 2Vai = 2-404824.

By adoptingthis value for Aj, writing

S l/a,i"'= o-";,

and then usingthe inequalities

l/ao'"" o-',",cr',n+i" o-'in/oi;,

Euler deduced that ci!o= 7-6658, and hence that a:;=18'63,by carryingthe

process a stage further.

These results should be compared with the values

ai = 1-445796, 02 = 7-6178, 03=18-72,

derived froEuihe Tables of Willsou and Peirce,Btdletm American Math. Soo. in. (1898),

pp. 153"155.

The value of oj is given by Poissou+ as 1-446796491 (misprintedas 1-46796491);

accordingto Freeman I this result was calculated by Largeteaufor Poisson by solvingthe

quartic obtained by equating to zero the first five terms of the series for J^ (2Jz) ; the

magnitude of the sixth term is quite sutficient to account for the error.

* This system is an obvious extension of Newton's system for an algebi'aicequation.

t Mem. de VAcad. R. des Sci. xii. (1883j,p. 330.

X Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. iii. (1880),pp. 375 " 377. Of, Freeman's translation of Fourier's La

Theorie Analytiquede la Chaleur, p. 310, footuote.

Page 514: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15*51. RayleigKsextension ofEuler s fomnula.

The method justdescribed was used independentlyby Rayleigh* to calcu-late

the smallest positivezero of t/"{z).

Taking the formula ("15'41)

1and writing S


= o-^**"',M = l J' v,n

we find,after Rayleigh,that

.(1)= =-.

fl-..(2)= -.




5r + llo-




29 (i;+ ly {v + 2)-'(i;+ 3) (y + 4)(i/4- 5)"

The smallest positivezeros of J^(z)and Jj(z) are deduced to be 2-404826

and 3-831706.

Immediately afterwards Cayley f noticed that o-^(''"can be calculated rapidlywhen r is

a power of 2 by a process which he attributed to Encke J,but which is more usuallyknown

as Graefte's"method of solvingan equation. _^

The method consists in calculatingo-^*'')when r is a power of 2 by startingwith the

givenequationand forming from it a sequence of equationseach of which has for its roots

the squares of the roots of its predecessor;and a-J'^then rapidlytends to a ratio of

equalitywith llj'^''y^i.

Cayleythus found o-..'^)to be

4291^5^ 7640i/"+ 53752./3 + 185430i/2 + 31 1387i/ + 202738

2i6(,.+ l)8(,.+ 2)i(v+ 3)2(r+ 4)2(i'+ 5)(^+ 6)(v + 7)(v + 8)*

It was observed by Graf and Gubler||that the value of o-^t'')can easilybe checked by the


,.j('-)= 22'-ii?,/(2;-)!,

where B^ is the ?-th BernouUian number ; this formula is an evident consequence of the


Extensions of some of these results to the zeros of zJi,'{z)+ hJ^ (z),where h is a constant,

have been made by Lamb, Froc. London Math. 8oc. xv. (1884),p. 273.

The smallest zero of "/;,(s),for various values of v between 0 and 1,has recentlybeen

tabulated by Airey,Phil. Mag. (6)XLi. (1921),pp. 200"205, with the aid of the Kayleigh-

Cayley formulae.

* Proc. London Math. Soc. v. (187i),pp. 119"1-24. [ScientificPapers, i. (1899),pp. 190"195.]t Proc. London Math. Soc. v. (1874),pp. 123"124. [CollectedPapers, ix. (1896),pp. 19"20.]

:;:Journal fur Math. xxii. (1841),pp. 193"248.

" Die Auflosung der hoheren numerischen Gleichungen (Zurich,1837).

IIEinleitung in die Theorie der BesseVschen Funktionen, i. (Bern,1898),pp. 130 " 131.

Page 515: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[Note. The proeedui-eof calculatingthe sum of the rth powers of the roots of an

equation in order to obtain the numerical value of its largestroot seems to be due to

Waring, Meditationes Analyticae (Cambridge, 1776), p. 311 ; other writers who were

acquaintedwith such a method before GraefFe are Euler (cf." 15-5); Dandelin*,Mem. de

VAcad. R. des Sci. de Bruxelles,ill. (1826),p. 48; Lobatschevsky*, Algebra,or Calculus

of Finites (Kazan, 1834)," 257.]

15*52. The largezeros ofJq{x).

The most effective method of calculatingthe largezeros of cylinderfunctions (when the order v is not too large)is,in substance,due to Stokes-f*,

though subsequentwriters have, to some extent, improved on his analysis.

Stokes' method will be sufficientlyillustrated by his own examplej Jo(rf'),whose zeros are the roots of the equation

with the notation of " 7"3. It will be remembered that the asymptotic

expansionsof P(a;,0) and Q{x,0) are

", ^, ^1.9

1 1 9 25

Wbx 3 !{%xf""

For sufficientlylargevalues of x, P (x,0) is positive,Q (x,0) is negativeand the quotientQ(x,0)/P(x,0) is a negativeincreasing!function of x.

The function cot(^ " ^tt)is a decreasingfunction which vanishes when

x=n7r " ^'7r,and so it is obvious from a graph of cot(*'" |^7r)that there

exists a positiveintegeriV such that when n " N, Jo(x) has preciselyone zero

in each of the intervals (mr " ^vr,mr + ^ir),and that the distance of the zero

from the left-hand end of the interval tends to zero as 7^ -^ oo.

Again,if ",-, v,-denote the (r+ l)th terms of P {x,0) and Q(x,0) we may

writem-l m~l

P (x,0) = S ^^. + du," Q (x,0) = S V, + d,v"^,

where 6 and 0^ are certain functions of x and m which lie between 0 and 1.

* I owe these two references to Professor Whittaker.

t Camb. Phil. Trans, ix. (1856),pp. 182"184. [Math, and Phys. Pajyers,u. (1883),pp. 350"


f Stokes also considered Airy'sintegral("6-4)and Jj (.f),for the purpose of investigatingthe

positionof the dark bands seen in artificial rainbows.

" The reader may verify,by " 3-63, that its derivate is


where P, Q stand for P{x,0), Q(x,0); and, by the asymptotic expansions,this is ultimately


Page 516: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now consider the equationm-l

2 V,.+ d^V.n

cot (os" Itt)= ^^^,

1 Uy + 0Umr = 0

in which it istemporarilysupposedthat 6 and ^j,instead of havingtheir actual

values,are any numbers which lie between 0 and 1.

The equationnow under consideration involves no functions more compli-catedthan trigonometricalfunctions. If x were supposed complex,there

would be a number of contours in the a;-planeeach of which enclosed one of

the pointsn-rr " ^ttand on which |cot (a;" \'jt)\exceeded the modulus of the

quotienton the right.

By Biirmann's theorem * the modified equationwould have one root inside

the part of the contour which surrounds mr " ^tt,and this root can be ex-panded

in descendingpowers of nir " ^tt.

We thus obtain an expansionfor the root of the equationin the form

in which the coefficients/^(^, i)are independentof n but dejDendon 6 and 6^;and it is readilyperceivedthat the first m of the coefficients are actually

independentof 6 and 6^,so that,when r " iii, we may write

Now the sum of the terms after the 7nth is a bounded function of 6 and 0^

as 0 and 6^ vary between 0 and 1; and it is clear that the upper bound of the

modulus of the function in questionis 0(?i~-"*~^)as n-* cc.

Hence, when 6

and $1 are given their actual values which they have at the zero under con-sideration,

the sum of the terms after the mth is still0(n~'^'"~^).

That is to say, it has been provedthat there exists one zero (nearlyequalto WTT " ^ir),and its value may be written

Hence the asymjitoticexpansionof the zero is


It remains to calculate the firstfew of the coefficients f,..If

. .Q(x,0)

where yjr0 as x ^ x,then

, ,1 33 3417

tan vr i-^ "" I-

* Cf. Modern Analysis, " 7-31.

Page 517: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


25 1073

and therefore the equationto be solved assumes the form

, ,1 25 1073


The result of revertingthe series is

, ,

,1 31 3779

S{mr-lTr) 384 (wtt- ^Tr)^ 15360 (nvr- |7r)s

This series is adequatefor calculatingall the zeros of J^,(x),to at least five

placesof decimals,except the smallest zero, for which n= 1.

15"53. The largezeros of cylinderfunctions.

It is easy to see that the largezeros of any cylinderfunction,

Jy (z)cos a " F" (z)sin ",

where v and a are not necessarilyreal,may be calculated by Stokes' method

from a consideration of the equation

cot(^ -^VTT " iTT + a) =

7j7 r-r {z, V)

It seems unnecessary to prove the existence of such zeros (withlarge

positivereal parts)or the fact that they may be calculated as though the

series for P (z,v)and Q (z,v) were convergent, because the proofdiffers from

the investigationof the precedingsection onlyin tedious details.

The expressionfor the largezeros of a cylinderfunction of any givenorder

was calculated after the manner of Stokes by McMahon*; but the subsequentmemoirs of Kalahnef and Marshall :|:have made the investigationmore simpleand have carried the approximationa stage further with no greater expendi-ture

of work in the calculation.

FollowingMarshall we define " two functions of ^, called M and i/r,by the

equationsi/ cos i/^= P (z,v), M sin y^ = -Q{z, v),

on the understandingthat il/-* + 1 and i/r- 0 as ^ -^ + x.

It is then clear that

J^,{z)cos a - F^ {z)sin a = [" j Jf cos {z " ^vit" \'jr-\-a " y^).

* Annals of Math. ix. (1895),pp. 23"2.5 ; see also Airey,Proc. Plujs.Soc. 1911, pp. 219"22-1,


f ZeitschriftfiirMath, nnd Phijs.liv. (1907),pp. 55"86.

+ Annals of Math. (2)xi. (1910),pp. 153"160.

" Cf. Nicholson,Phil. Mat;. (6)xix. (1910),pp. 228"249.

Page 518: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



arc tan j^^ ^Y= z " ^vtt" ^tt" i/r,

and, when we differentiate this equation,and use |3*63 (3),we find that



so that,by " 7"51,


TO = 02m^2?n

When the expressionon the rightis expanded as far as the term involving

l/z^,we find that

1 _

^^ 1 _



(;a-l)(^''-114yL6+ 1073)dz


2^z^ 2V 2""z''

(fi-l)(5fji'- 1dS5/m'+ 54703/^- 375733)215^

in this equationfi has been written in placeof Aiv^for brevity.It follows,on


{^l- 1){bij?- 1535yLt^+ 54703/^- 375733)+


and so the equationto be solved is*

1 1At-1 (y^-l)(/^-25)

z-mr-lv'Tr + l'7r-\-a^--^^ g-^f^g ....

If /3= (/i,+ ly - 1)TT " a, the result of reversion is

^l-l (/i,-l)(7/^-31) (ya-1) (83/^2_ 982^ + 3779)^~/3 "

2^/3 3.2'y8^ 15


(/i- 1)(694V - 153855/^2+ 1585743/z- 6277237)


Therefore the largezeros of /^ (2)cos a " Fj,(^)sin a are given by the


4i." 1 (4i/--l)(28i^--31)(?i+ 1^ " ^)77" a "

8 {(/I+ li/ - 1) TT - a} 384 [{n+ ^v - \'rr)- a]'

* This equation (in the case v = l) was givenby Gauss in his notebook with the date Oct. 16,

1797, but no clue is given concerning the method by which he obtained it. [Cf.Math. Ann.

Lvii. (1902),p. 19.]

Page 520: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since J^(j)= 0, it follows that "//(j)= " J^+i(j)t^O,so long as j is not

zero, and hence, from "5'11 (15),when R (v)" 0,


2i/(2) ^^no?.

dv jJ\+,{j)Jo " '"' t

This formula shews that tuhen v is positive,the positivezeros of J^ ix)in-crease

as V is increased.

Equation (2) was stated without proofby Schlafli,Math. Ann. x. (1876),p. 137 ; aud the

deduction from it was established in a different manner by Gegenbauer*, Mem. de la Soc.

B. des Sci. de Liege,(3)ii. (1900),no. 3, in the case of the smallest zero of Jy{x).

We proceedto extend the results alreadyobtained to the positivezeros of

^^ (z)= J^ {z)cos a"Y^ {z)sin a,

where v is an unrestricted real variable,and a is constant (i.e.independentof v).

The extended theorem is as follows :

Any 'positivezero, c,of^^ (z)is definableas a continuous increasingfunction

ofthe real variable v.

To prove this theorem w-e observe that c is a function of v such that

arc tan

is constant, so that



and therefoj-e

^ arc tan -j-

'\dz \J^{z))_



J Ac)

s- arc tancv

TTC dv+ J,.{z)^^-Y^{z)a/,.(^)'

= 0,

dv= 0.

Hence, by "13-73(2),we have


-r= 2c ^0 (2csinh t)e-^^Ht.

dv j 0

Since the integrandis positive,this formula shews that c is an increasingfunction of v.

A less generaltheorem,namely that,if c is a zero which is greater than

the order v (supposedjjositive),then c is an increasingfunction of v, has been

provedby Schafheitlinfwith the aid of very elaborate analysis.

It will be observed from the definition of Y^ (z) that c tends to zero onlywhen V tends to ant/ negativevalue which satisfiesthe equation

sin (a " vtt)= 0.

* The reader should note that the analysis in the latter part of Gegenbauer's memoir is

vitiated by his use of Eudski's erroneous results ("15-1).

t Berliner Sitzungsberichte,v. (1906),pp. 82 " 93 ; Jahresbericht der Deutschen Math. Vereini-

(jimg, XVI. (1907),pp. 272" 279.

Page 521: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It should be noticed that (3)shews that,when v is taken to be a complexnumber and c is a (complex)number, with a jiosifivereal part,then c is an

analyticfunction of v ; and so, as v varies,the zems of '^ (z)vary continuously,and theycan onlycome into existence or disappearwhen c fails to be an

analyticfunction of v, i.e.when c = 0.

It follows that the positivezeros of 9^ (2)are derived from those of '^ (z)by a process of continuous variation as v varies,except that one positivezero

disappearswhenever v passes throughone of the specifiednegativevalues.

If we now choose a so that* O^ccKtt, we see that, as v varies from |to any value exceeding(ck/tt)" 1, no zeros disappearduringthe process of

variation of v, and so in the case of zeros which are so largethat the formula

of Stokes' type ("15"58)is available,the formula

7177 + ^VTT" iir- a - "

-J r-...

givesthe nth positivezero, when the positivezeros are regardedas arrangedin order of magnitude.

If,however, v has varied so that it finallylies between (o/tt)" A; and

(o/tt)" k "1, where k is a positiveinteger,k zeros have disappeared,and so

the formula justquotedgivesthe (n " k)th.positivezero.

This tjijeof argument is due to Macdonald, Proc. Londoii Math. Soc. xxix. (1898),

jjp..575" 584 ; it was appliedby him to the discussion of the zeros of Bessel functions of the

firstkind of order exceeding- 1.

If we draw the curve ^t^xiy)= 0, it evidentlyconsists of a number of

branches startingfrom pointson the negativehalf of the "-axis and movingupwardstowards the right,both x and y increasingwithout limit on each


If we take any pointwith positivecoordinates (v^t,yo)and draw from it a

line to the rightand a line downwards terminated by the ^-axis,it is evident

that the curve "^-j(y)= 0 meets each of the lines in the same number of

points.It follows that the number of zeros ofVJ'^(y,^),qua function of v, which

exceed i\tisequalto the number of positivezeros of ?J?^^(y)qua function of y

which are lessthan y^,.This isa generalisationof a theorem due to Macdonald f,who took Vn = 0 and the cylinderfunction to be a function of the firstkind.

Fig.33 illustratesthe generalshapeof the curves Jx (y)= 0,the lengthof the sides of the squares being5 units. A much largerand more elaborate

diagramof the same character has been constructed byGasser|,who has also

constructed the correspondingdiagz-amfor Yx{y)= 0. The diagram for

'Wxiy)= 0 is of the same generalcharacter as that for J^ (y)= 0,exceptthat

* This does not lead to any real loss of generality.

t See a letter from Macdonald to Carslaw, Froc. London Math. Soc. (2)xiii. (1914),p. 239.

X Bern Mittheilungen,1904,p. 13o.


Page 522: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the portionsof the curves below the axis of x consist merelyof a number of

isolated pointson the lines on which 1x is an odd integer.


- = -."

-, (c'2cosh 2" - ..2) /2c'sinh t)e ' 2'" dt,V c^-v Jo


[Note. The reader will find it interestingto deduce from 5 13-73 (3)that,if c'is a zero

of "gV (z),then

(" rand hence, if the variables are real and c'" |v |" 0, then c' increases with v.

The signofdc'/dvhas also been discussed (by more elementarymethods)by Schafheitlin,

Jahresbericht der Deutschen Math. Ve?'einigung,xvi. (1907),pp. 272 " 279; but the analysis

used by Schafheitlin is extremelycomplicated.]

15*61. The problemofthe vibratingmembrane.

The mode of increase of the zeros of J^,(x)when v is increased has been

examined by Rayleigh*with the aid of arguments dependingon propertiesof

transverse vibrations of a membrane in the form of a circular sector. If the

membrane is bounded by the lines ^ = 0 and 6 = ir/v(where v " ^),and by

* Phil. Mag. (6)xxi. (1911),pp. 53"58 [ScientificPapers, vi. (1920),pp. 1"5]. Cf. Phil. Mag.

(6)XXXII. (1916),pp. 544" 54fi [ScientificPapers, vi. (1920),pp. 444"446].

Page 523: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the circle r = a, and if the straiglitedgesof the membrane are fixed,the dis-

pUicementin a normal vibration is proportionalto

J^ (rp/c)sin vd cos (pt+ e),

where c is the velocityof propagationof vibrations. If the circular boundaryof the membrane is fixed,the values of ap/care the zeros of J^ (x),while if

the boundary is free to move transverselythey are the zeros of JJ (x).

The eff'ectof introducingconstraints in the form of clampswhich graduallydiminish the effective angle of the sector is to increase v and to shorten the

periodsof vibration,so that p is an increasingfunction of r, and therefore

(sincea and c are unaltered)ap/c is an increasingfunction of v. That is to

say, the zeros of -/,,(x) and J J (w)increase with v.

By using arguments of this character,Rayleigh has given proofsof a

number of theorems which are provedelsewhere in this chapterby analj'ticalmethods.

15-7. The zeros ofK,.(z).

The zeros of the function K^ (z),where i^ is a givenpositivenumber (zero

included),and z lies in the domain in which )arg^ |" |7r,have been studied

qualitativelyby Macdonald *.

From the generalisationof Bessel's integral,givenin "6"22,it is obvious

that K^ (z)has no positivezeros; and it has been shewn further by Macdonald

that Ky(z) has no zeros for which |arg2^ | ^tt. This may be proved at once

from a consideration of the integralgivenin "13'7l ; for,if z = 7'e^'^were such

a zero (r" 0, " ^tt" a " ^tt),then z = re~^"-would be another zero ; but the

integralshews that

jr , ," ^ rr ^ ," x

I f^ { V ?'-COS 2a]" / ?'- \ dv

K. (r.'^)/C (r.-'^)= - j exp |-, - -^\k.(-)-"0,

which is contrary to hypothesis.

If a is equalto + ^tt,we have

and so K^(z) has no purelyimaginaryzeros.

Next we studythe zeros for which R (z)is negative,the phase of z lyingeitheHbetween ^tt and tt or between " |7rand " tt.

It may be shewn that the total number of zeros in this pairof quadrantsis the even integerfnearest to v " ^, unless v " \\s,an integer,in which case

the number is v " ^.

In the firstplace,there are no zeros on the lines SiTgz= " tt, unless v " h

* Proc. London Math. Hoc. xxx. (1899),pp. 165"179.

+ This is not the number given by Macdonald.

Page 524: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is an integer; for K^,(re*'"')= e^""^K^ {r)+ iriI" (r),and, if both the real and

the imaginaryparts of this expressionare to vanish,Ave must have

cos VTT.K^ (r)= 0, sin vtt .

K^ (r)+ vr /^(?")= 0.

Since the Wronskian of the pairof functions on the left of the equationsis

(7r/7-)cosZ'TT,they cannot vanish simultaneouslyunless cosi'7r = 0.

Now consider the change in phaseof z" K^ {z)as z describes a contour

consistingof arcs of largeand small circles terminated by the lines arg ^ = + tt,

togetherwith the parts of these lines terminated by the circular arcs.

(Cf Fig.15 of "7-4.)

If the circles be called V and 7, their equationsbeing\z\= R and \z\= h,

it is evident that the number of zeros of K^,{z)in the pairof quadrantsunder

consideration is equalto the number of zeros of z" K^,{z) inside the contour,

and this is equalto l/(27r)times the changein phaseof z^ K^ {z)as z traverses

the contour.

Now the change in phaseis

arg [z"A% {z)]


arg [z K^ {z)]

S exp -rri

+ arg [z''I{,(z)]Rexf)(-Tri)



As R^cc and S-^0, the first two terms* tend to 27r{u " l) and 0

respectively,because when | |is largeor small on the contour,

z" K^ {z)-" ^-'-ig-V^TT),2" 7C {z)~ 2"-! r {v)


The last two terms become

lim 2 arc tanTT cos vir


K^ (r)+ TT sin VTT.7^(?")_


Now K^ (?")is a positivedecreasingfunction of r while /^ (r) is a positive

increasingfunction,and so the last denominator has one zero if sin vtt is

nf^gative,and no zero if sin vtt is positive.

If therefore we take the inverse function to vanish when ?--"-0,its limit

when 1 " "-X) is arc tan (coti/tt),the value assignedto the inverse function

beingnumericallyless than two rightanglesand havingthe same signas the

signof cos VTT.

Hence the total number of zeros ofK^{z)in the pairof quadrants:]:in which

R (z)is negativeand |arg z\" -rr is

v " -k+ " arc tan (cotvtt),TT

* This is evident from the consideration that the asymptoticexpansion of " 7 "23 is valid when

Iarg z I^ TT.

t The second of these approximate formulae requires modificatiou when ^ = 0.

X The two zeros of A'o {z)are not very far from the points - l-29=fc0-44;(.

Page 525: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the reader will find it easy to verifythat this number is the even integerwhich is nearest to v " ^.

When v " ^ is an integer,Ky(z) is a polynomialin z multipliedby a

function with no zeros in the finite part of the plane,and so the number of

zeros for which B (z)"0 is exactlyv " ^.

Next consider the portionof the planefor which vr " arg^ ^ 27r.

If we write z " ^e^"*,we have

K^ (z)= - ^7re-i-'[F, (0 + ^"(1 + 2^2-) J, (^)],

and so K^ (z)has a sequence of zeros lyingnear the negativepart of the

imaginaryaxis. The zeros of largemodulus which belong to this sequence

are givenapproximatelyby the roots of the equation

tan (f - hvTT - Itt)= -{(1+ 262""');

it may be verified that theyare ultimatelyon the rightor leftof the imaginaryaxis in the ^-planeaccordingas cos- z/tt is less than or greater than I; i.e.

accordingas v differs from the nearest integerby more or less than J. The

sequence does not exist when e'^'"'^=" 1, i.e.when v is half of an odd integer.

There is a correspondingsequence of zeros near the line arg z = " ftt.

15*8. Zeros ofBessel functionsof unrestrictedlylargeor^der.

The previousinvestigations,based mainlyon integralsof Poisson's type^have resulted in the determination of propertiesof zeros of Bessel functions,,

when the order v is not undulylarge.This is,of course, consistent with the

fact that Hankel's asymptoticexpansions,discussed in Chapter vii, are

significantonlywhen v^ is fairlysmall in comparisonwith the argument of

the Bessel function.

The fact that Debye'sintegralsof "8"31 afford representationsof functions

of largeorder suggests that these integralsmay form an effective means of

discussingthe zeros of Bessel functions of largeorder; and this,in fact,provesto be the case*. Moreover, the majorityof the results which will be obtained

are valid for functions of any positiveorder,though theygainin importancewith the increase of the order.

We shall adoptthe notation of " 8'31, so thatf

gvi(tan/S"/3) /" 00 + ni" ifi

H, "" {vsec /3)= ^ e- "^ dw,

where " t = sinh w " lu + i tan /3(cosh'W " 1),and the contour in the planeofthe complex variable w is chosen so that t is positiveon it.

* Watson, Froc. Royal Sue. xciv. a, (1918),pp. lyU" 206.

t We shall use the symbols x and v sec /3indifferentlywhen x " v.

W.B. F. 33

Page 526: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



If w = u + iv,where u and v are real,u and v both increase steadilyas w

describes the contour, so that

e-'^ du, e'"^ dvJ -e

are both positive.

Hence, if we regard/3 as variable,and define

arg "'"'' dwJ - X - ?"j3

to be a positiveacute anglewhen /8= 0, and to vary continuouslywith /3,it

will remain a positiveacute anglefor all values of y8between 0 and ^tt;and,

moreover, by " 8"32,it cannot exceed J tt, since dwjdu ^ \/3.

This positiveacute anglewill be called ;t^,and then ^ will be defined bythe equation

-^ = i;(tan/S-yS) + x - ^TT.

It is then evident that

^,w(i,sec/3)= ilWe^*,

where J"l is positive(notzero);and

J-^(a;)= iHilcos^, r,(")= ittsin^.

If ^y {x)= Jy (x)cos a- Yy (x)sin a,

it is clear that the onlyzeros of ^^ (x),greater than v, are derived from the

values of ^ which make ^ + ot equalto an odd number of rightangles.

It is easy to shew that ^ increases with x, when v remains constant. For

we have

^ = arc tan V^, -j-

=t,/ % t/,/ x

" ^^J^ (x) dx JJ"(x)+ Yj"(x)

Hence, as x increases, increases steadily,and so, to each of the values

of ^ for which

^ = (m + I)77- - a,

correspondscme and onlyone positivezero of ^^ (x).

Next we shall prove that % is also an increasingfunction of x. This is a

theorem of a much deepercharacter,since the result of " 18'74 is required

to prove it ; we thence have

dx_(^_ d (tan/3- /3)_


^/jx"- v')

dx dx dx J^ (x)+ Fy-(x) X'


From Hankel's asymptoticexpansionit is clear that

lim X = lini [x" hvTr " lTT" ^/{x-" v~)+ v arc cos (vjx)+ | tt + 0 (1/^)]

A .( "^"'(^)1 1and so arc tan i "

" ; .

" " y " xtt,

in which the expressionon the left is a positiveacute angle.

Page 528: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15"81. The smallest zeros of Jy {x)and Y" (oc).

It has been seen ("15'3)that /^ (x)and "" (x)have no zeros in the interval

(0,v),when p is positive,and it is fairlyobvious from the asymptoticformulae

obtained in |842 that theyhave no zeros of the form v + o(v^)when v islarge.

The asymptoticformulae which were quoted in " 8'43 shew that,with the

notation of "15'8,

where the inverse tangent denotes a negativeacute angle.

Hence, at the smallest zero of J^,(x),

tan \v(tan/3-/8)-|7r + 0 {l/\/v)\= -


As yS increases from 0 to ^tt,the expressionon the left increases from

1 + 0 (1/^v),while the expressionon the rightdecreases from 0'2679 to 0; the

smallest root occurs for a value of /3for which v (tan^ " ^) lies between f tt

and fTT, so that

V (tan/3-^) = ^v tan^ ^+0 (v-i).

Hence, if we solve the equation

tan(^-f7r) = -Q(^,J)/P(^,i),

the value of ^ so obtained is the value of ^y tan^'ySat the zero with an error

which is 0 {v~^). The value of f is approximately2"383447, and hence the

smallest positivezero of J^ (x)is

v + vix 1-855757 + 0(1).

In like manner, by solvingthe equation

tan(|-i7r) = -Q(f,i)/P(^, a

of which the smallest root is approximatelyf = 0'847719, we find that the

smallest zero of Y^ (x)is

z; + 7.4X 0-931577 + 0(1).

The formula for the smallest zero of Jy(x) has been given by Airey, Phil. Mag. (6)

XXXIV. (1917),p. 193. Airey'sformula was derived by usingDebye'sasymptoticexpansion

of " 8-42 for /" {x)when x has a value such that

x-v = 0{vi)^o{v^).

For such values of the variables,it has not been proved that Debye'sexpansionis valid,

and although Airey'smethod givesthe two dominant terms of the smallest zero of t7"(x)

correctly,the numerical result which Airey givesfor the smallest zero of // (x)is not the

same as that of " 15-83. The reason why Airey'smethod givescorrect results is that J^ {v+ ^)

is expansiblein powers of ( so long as f is o{v\ and in this expansion it is permissibleto

substitute Debye'sformulae for Jv{v),// (v),JJ' (v),

A formula for the smallest zero of J^^ix) was givenby Airey. This zero may he any-where

between 0 and the smallest zero of J^ (x),accordingto the value of v.

Page 529: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It does not seem to be possibleto make further progress by the methods used in this

section. We shall now make a digressionto explainthe methods of Sturm (which have

been appliedto Bessel's equation by various mathematicians),and we shall then givean

investigationwhich leads to the fascinatingresult that the two expressionswhich, in this

section,were proved to be 0(1) are in reality0 {v~^),sothat approximationsare obtained

for the smallest zeros of J^ (x)and Fy(.f)in which the errors are 0{v~^),i.e. the errors

become negligiblewhen v is large.

[Note. An elementaryresult concerningthe smallest zero of J^ (x)has been obtained

from the formula of " 5'43 by Gegenbauer, Wie7ier Sitzungsberichte,cxi. (2a),(1902),p. 571;if ^ = I' + 6 where 0 " e " 1,then the smallest zero of J^v

+ e {^)is less than twice the smallest

zero of J^,(x),because,for the latter value of .v the integrandcannot be one-signed.]

15'82. ApplicationsofSturm's 'methods.

Various writers have discussed propertiesof Bessel functions by means of

the generalmethods invented by Sturm* for the investigationof any linear

differential equationof the second order. The results hitherto obtained in

this manner are of some interest,though they are not of a particularlydeepcharacter,and most of them have alreadybeen proved in this chapterbyother methods.

The theorem which is at the base of the investigationsin questionis that,

givena differential equationof the second order in its normal form


in which the invariant / is positive,then the greater the value of /,the more

rapidlydo the solutions of the equationoscillate as x increases.

As an example of an applicationof this result,we may take a theorem due to Sturm

{ibid.pp. 174 " 175) and Bourget, Ann. sci. de Vi^colenorm. sup. in. (1866),p. 72,that,if

v^ - 1-be positiveand c be any zero of "^^(,^")which exceeds s/{v^- ^),then the zero of 'g' {x)

which is nest greaterthan c does not exceed c +,, "




j-, .

This result follows at once from the consideration of the facts that the function

"^'"^('("*')is annihilated by the operator ("4-3)

dx- \ x'^

and that,when x^-c, 1 " - " ^^ "~''



X' 6-2

A slioiitlymore abstruse result is due to Poi-ter,American Journal of Math. xx. (1898),

pp. 196"198, to the efiect that,if i/- " jand if the zeros of ^^ {x),greater than s^{v--^),

in ascending oi-der of magnitude are Ci, Co, C3, ...

then e^ + i-Cn decreases as n increases.

This has alreadybeen proved in i 15-8 by another method.

Other theorems of like nature are due to Bocher, Bulletin American Math. Soc. in.

(1897),pp. 205"213; vii. (1901),pp. 333"340; and to Gasser, Bern Mittheilungen,1904,

pp. 92"135.

* Journal de Math. i. (1836),pp. 106" ISO; an account of recent researches on differential

equations by Sturm's methods is given in a lecture by Bocher, Proc. Int. Congress of Math. i.

(Cambridge,1912),pp. 163"195.

Page 530: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


15*83. ApplicationsofSturm's methods to functionsoflargeorder.

We proceedto establish a number of results concerningcylinderfunctions

of largeorder which are based on the followingtheorem of Sturm's type :

Let Wj (x)and U2 {x)he solutions ofthe equations

such that,when x = a,

Ui (a)= U2 (a), u( (a)= u^ (a),

and letIi and In be continuous in the interval a^x^h, and also let u/ (x)and

U2 (x)be continuous in the same interval.

Then, if1^^ /o throughoutthe interval*,\u2{x)\exceeds \u^ (x)1so longas

X liesbetween a and the firstzero of tt^(x)in the interval,so that the firstzero

ofui(x)in the interval is on the leftofthe firstzero ofuoix).

Further,if w/ (a)has the same signas u^ (a),the firstmaximum pointof

IUt^{x)Iin the interval is on the leftofthe firstmaximum pointof \u^ix)|,and,


max iWi {x)i" max 1^2(^)1-

To prove the theorem f,observe that,so longas u^ix)and u^{x)are both

positive,d'Uo a U-i .J jr V

^ rv

and so, when we integrate,

du2 dui^ dx ""^ dx


Since the expressionnow under consideration vanishes at the lower limit,

we have

du2 dui^


Hence we have

and therefore

that is to say,





Ui (x)'^

u^ (a)

* To simplifythe presentationof the proofof the theorem, it is convenient to change the signs

of u-y(x)and (/._"(.r),if necessary, so that Wi (x)is positiveimmediately on the rightof j: = a; the

signsindicatingmoduli may then be omitted throughout the enunciation.

t The theorem is practicallydue to Sturm, Journal de Math. i. (1836),pp. 12-5" 127,145"147.

Page 531: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that just before Ui(x)vanishes for the first time Uii^) is still

positive,and it has remained positivewhile x has increased from the

value a.

The firstpart of the theorem is therefore proved.

Again,ifUi'{a)ispositive,as well as Ui (a),then Ui(x)must have a maximum

before it vanishes,and at this point,/Xj, we have from (1)

so ihat ii2(fJ-i)is positiveand u. {x)must be positivein the interval (0,/Hj).Therefore the firstmaximum point/lo of u,2,{x)must be on the rightof /^i.

Finallywe have

max Ml {x)= Ui (/ii) Uo (/ij) u.2{fx-,)= max k,, i^),

and the theorem is completelyproved.

When two functions,Ui (x)and u^ (x),are related in the manner postulatedin this theorem, it is convenient to say that Ui(x)is 7nore oscillatory*than

Wj (x)and that Uo (x)is less oscillatorythan Uj (x).

We shall now applythe theorem justprovedto obtain resultsf concern-ing

J^ {x) and Y^ (x)when v is largeand ic " i; is 0 (v^).Our procedurewill

be to construct pairsof functions which are respectivelyslightlyless and

slightlymore oscillatorythan the functions in question.

In the firstplacewe reduce Bessel's equationto its normal form by writingX = ve^ ; we then have

(3) "l"^^-^-^ 9r%{ye')= ^,

A function which is obviouslyslightlyless oscillatorythan '^^(ye^)for

small positivevalues of Q is obtainable by solvingthe equation


since e~ " \ '^W when 6'^Q.

The generalsolution of (4)is

u = 0,

and the constants impliedin this cylinderfunction have to be adjustedsothat u and its differential coefficient are equalto "^^(ve^)and its differential

coefficient at ^ = 0.

* The reason for the use of these terms is obvious from a consideration of the specialcase in

which Zjand I2 are positiveconstants.

t These results supersede the inequalitiesobtained by Watson, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)XVI. (1917),pp. 166"169.

Page 532: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows that a function which is (slightly)less oscillatorythan ^v{x),

when x'^v,'\'"

(2e)i '(f)a-)*^. (v)J-,(^")+ r a) (i.)3"^;(^)/j3

We now endeavour to construct a function which is (slightly)more oscil-latory

than ^y (x),in order that we may have ^^ (x) trappedbetween two

functions which are more easilyinvestigatedthan ^^ (x).

The formula for the less oscillatoryfunction,combined with the result

stated in " 8*43,suggests that we should construct a function of the type*

where o/r(6) is a function of 6 to be determined. It might be anticipatedfrom "8'43 that the suitable form for "yjr(6)would be | tan^ /3,where sec /3= e^ ;

but it appears that this function leads to a differential equationwhose solution

is such that its degreeof oscillation depends on the relative values of v and 6,

and we are not able to obtain any information thereby.

The invariant o/ the equationdetermined by

is known to be ("4'31)

2 tT^T"

4 WW)\ +36 \^Td-)\+ ' i^ ^^^J


and itisrequisitethat this should slightlyexceed p^(e-^" !)" It isconsequentlynatural to test the value of yjr(6)which is givenby the equations

,|r'(^)=V(e^"-l),ir{0)= 0,

by determiningwhether, for this value of t/t(6),

2 i/r'(6) 4 {yjr'(d)]"^

36 (^/r{0)\^ ''"

When we replacee* by sec ^, we find that

""|r'(6)= tan 13, ^Ir{6)=,tan/3 - /3,

and hence we have to test the truth of the inequality

sin^yS(5) 3(tan;8-/3)^





cos2/SV(l+ itan-yS)_

is negativewhen tan- /3" \/24 " 3, and it is positivefor greater values

of tan^/S.

* The multipleof the cylinderfunction is taken so that the product satisfies a differential

equationin its normal form; cf. "4'31 (17).

Page 533: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence, since (5) is true when /3 = 0, it is true when 0^/3^ ySo,where ^p

is a certain angle between arc tan \/{\/24" 3} and Itt. The sexagesimal

measure of j3,is 59" 39' 24"-27.

Proceedingas in the former case, we find that the function

V{3 (1 - ^ cot /3);. [r (f)(i^)i ^ {v)J_j[v(tany3- ^)]

+ r (i)(^)5'^Z(^)Ji [v(tan/3- /3)]]

is slightlymore oscillatorythan /^(i/sec/3),so longas* 0 ^^^/Sq.

We can now obtain an extremelyimportantresult concerningthe smallest

zero of ^^^,(w)which is greaterthan v; for let ^X.^*be the smallest value of ^

which makes

r (f)(1v)i'^.(v)./_.(I)+ r (^)(1v) -#; (^)/^(|)

vanish. Then 6o^A-of the equations26 = \,yv^ V (tsin13- /3)= I\/

give x = V + ^\/v- + 0 (v~-^).

Since,by Sturm's theorem, the zero of '^^(x)lies between two expressionsof

this form, we see that the value of the zero of'Wv(^)which is next greaterthan v

is expressiblein the form

When ^y (x)is equal to J^ (x)it is easy to verifyfrom a Table of Bessel

functions of orders " ^ that

K = 1-926529 + 0 (i/-S),and so the smallest zero of J^,(x),when v is large,is

v + v'^x 1-855757 + 0(z^-i).In like manner, the smallest zero of Y^ (x)is

V + v' X 0-9S1577 + 0 (v-i).

The firstmaximum of J^(x) may be obtained in a similar manner, by differ-entiating

f the two expressionsconstructed as approximations.

The result is that if ^fi^,^is the smallest value of | which makes


vanish;]:,then the firstmaximum of J^,(x)is at the point

v + ^fi^'fi+Oiv-i), the point

v + v^x 0-808618 + 0 (i^-i).

The^rst maximum of the function V^,(x) cannot be treated in this manner because its

first maximum is on the rightof its first zero ; this follows at once from " 15"3,because

Yy (x)increases from - qo to 0 as .r increases from 0 to the first zero.

For an investigationof the maximum value of Jy{.v)qua function of v the reader

should consult a paper by Meissel,A sir. Nacli. cxxviii. (1891),cols. 435" 438.

* This restriction is trivial because we have to consider values of ^ for which v^" is bounded ;

i.e. small values of /3.

t The permissibiHtyof this follows from the second part of Sturm's theorem just fj;iven.

X This vaRie of f is approximately 0-685548.

Page 534: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



16*1. The definitionof Neumann series.

The object of this chapter and of Chapter xvii is the investigationof

various types of expansionsof analyticfunctions of complex variables in series

whose general terms contain one or more Bessel functions or related functions.

These expansions are to some extent analogous to the well known expansions

of an analyticfunction by the theorems of Taylor and Laurent. The expansions

analogous to Fourier's expansion of a function of a real variable are of a much

more recondite character, and they will be discussed in Chapters xviii and xix.

Any series of the type

is called a Neumann series,although in fact Neumann considered* only the

specialtype of series for which v is an integer; the investigationof the more

general series is due to Gegenbauerf.

To distinguish these series from the types discussed in " 16'14, the description 'Neu-mann

series of the first kind ' has been suggested by Nielsen,Math. Ann. LV. (1902), p. 493.

The reader will remember that various expansionsof functions as Neumann

series have alreadybeen discussed in Chapter v. It will be sufficient to quote

here the followingformulae :

(^.)., s"'-^^""T'"^"^j""..(^).n=o


J,(z + t)= S J,.,n{t)Jm{z),m= -00

where -sr^= Z""-{-z- -2Zz cos "/".

We shall first discuss the possibilityof expanding an arbitraryfunction

into a Neumann series ; then we shall investigatethe singularitiesof the

analyticfunction defined by a Neumann series with given coefficients ; and

finallywe shall discuss the expansions of various particularfunctions.

For a very general discussion of generalisationsof all kinds of series of Bessel functions,

the reader may consult memoirs by Nielsen, Journal fur Math, cxxxii. (1907), pp. 138"

146; LeipzigerBerichte,lxi. (1909), pp. 33"61.

* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867), pp. 33"


t Wiener Sitzungsberichte, lxxiv. (2),(1877),pp. 125"127.'

Page 536: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


16* 12. Neumanns* analogueofLaurent's theor 6771.

Let f{z) be a function of z which is analyticand one-valued in the ring-

shapedregiondefined by the inequalities

Let C and c be the contours formed by the circles

\z\= R, \z\=r, '

both contours beingtaken counter-clockwise ; then,if ^ be a pointof the regionbetween the circles,we have

^^ ^ 27riJc t-z 27riJe z-t

= X ^Jn{z)lf(t)On{t)dt+X ~On(z)tf{t)Jn{t)dt.

Consequentlyf{z) is expansiblein the form

00 00

(1) f(2)= S anJn(z)+ S an'0n{2),


(2) an =

9"f f(t)On (t)dt, a,/=^ ffit)Jn (t)dt.

If the Laurent expansionoff{z)in the annulus is

00 00 I- '

f(z)^ S bnZn+ t ^,we have,as in "16'11,

(") C= "'f'2"-'.""''-'",-'"'i,_.",(""1),

,m" (")


16*13. Gegenhauer'sgeneralisationofNeumann s expansion.

By using the polynomialAn,v{t) defined in "9"2,Gegenbauerf has

generalisedthe formula givenin " 16" 11.

If f{z) is analyticinside and on the circle \2\= R, and if G denotes the

contour formed by this circle,we have

,, ,If z''f(t)dt

= 2^Jc{Jo^"^"^'^ ""^(0}/(0dt,

and so


(1) Z^f{z)= 2 anJ^+n{z),M = 0

* Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen (Leipzig,1867),pp. 36"


t Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxiv. (2),(1877),pp. 124 " 130. See Wiener Denkschriften,xlviii.

(1884),pp. 293 " 316 for some specialcases of the expansion.

Page 537: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-12-16-14] NEUMANN SERIES 525


(2) an = -^.\j{t)AnAt)dt,providedonlythat v is not a negativeinteger.

If,as in "16"11,the Maclaurin expansionoif{z)is

f{z)==t hnZ^\


(3) ,,. = (" + ,o1"2" "nid:4^)t';"=0 m\

^n"zm "

Neumann's expansionof "16"12may be generalisedin a similar manner.

16'14. TJie Neumann-Gegenbauer expansionof a /mictionas a series of

squares or products.

From the expansionof "9"o,namely

t " Z n=0

which is valid when \z\"\t\, we can at once infer that,iff(z) is analyticwhen 1^1^?',then the expansion


(1) Z"-+''f(z)=% anJ^+in(2)J,+Uz)

is valid when \z\"r,and the coefficients are givenby the formula

(2) an=^^.j^f(t)Bn.,,,.{t)dt,C being the contour formed by the circle \z\= r. This expansionis due to

Gegenbauer*; an expansioncloselyconnected with this,namely that

(3) f(z)= i a,:J,Hz),


(4) a,:=-^^.^f{t)nn{t)dt,and Q.n{t)is Neumann's second polynomial("9"4),is y-Alidprovidedthat f(z)is an even analyticfunction; this expansionwas obtained by Neumann f


Gegenbauei''sformula has been investigatedmore recentlyby Nielsen,Nouv. Aim. de

Matkr(A)II. (1902),pp. 407"410.

A type of series slightlydifferent from those previouslyconsidered is

derived from the formula of "5'22(7)in the form

^-' = 2^ r (1. + 1) s ^^^ /i.+,(4

* Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxxv. (2),(1"77),pp. 218"222.

t Math. A7171. III. (1871),p. 599.

Page 538: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


which shews that

(5) i ftn^"-^'^=i

a" (iz)i(''+'^"Jh.+u)(^Xn=0 w=0


Expansionsof this type have been the topicof a detailed investigationbyNielsen *.

16'2. Pincherles theorem and itsgeneralisations.

Let S anJv^n{z) be any Neumann series,and let the function defined by

this series and its analyticcontinuations be called /(^).

Let also

The function defined by f{z)y and its analyticcontinuations will be called

the associated power series off(z).

The Neumann series converges throughoutthe domain in which

lim ^i{anJ'"+"(^)1|"1,n-"-"x"

and this domain is identical with the domain in Avhich

Km "/Jl-*-00 V


T{p + n+l)

by Horn's asymptoticformula ("8-1).

It follows that a Neumann series has a circle of convergence, justlike a

power series,and the circles of convergence of a Neumann series and of the

associated power series are identical.

The theorem that the convergence of a Neumann series resembles that of

a power series is due to Pincherlef;but it is possibleto go much further,

and,in fact,it can be provedthat/(2^)has no singularitieswhich are not also


To prove this theorem, we write

2 Sctna^Y"^'

* Nijt Tidsskrift,ix. (b),(1898),pp. 77"79.

t Bologna Memorie, (4) iii. (1881),pp. 151 " 180; see also Nielsen, Math. Ann. lv. (1902),

pp. 493"496.

Page 539: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-2,16-3] NEUMANN SERIES 527

and then, inside the circle of convergence *,

f{z)= j^^cos {^(1 - t^]. (/"(zt^)-^^^--^^.

From the theoryof analyticcontinuation it follows that,if (f)(z)is analytic

for any value of 2',so also isf(z),providedthat the pathof integrationissuitably

chosen ; and so all the singularitiesoif{z)must be singularitiesof (f"(z).

Now the series definingcf)(z)may be written in the form

^^ ""^ T(v + n+l)

Vtt "ro2''+" r{v + n + l)r{v + n + |-)'

and a theorem due to Hadamard f states that,if

F,(Z)^ i b"Z"\ F,(Z)= 5 CnZ'\ F,(Z)= i bnCnZ\"=0 "=0 M=0

then all the singularitiesof F^ (z) are expressiblein the form ^j, where /3is

some singularityof F^ (z)and 7 is some singularityof F.2(z).

Since the onlyfinite singularityof the hypergeometricfunction

is at the point = 1,it follows that all the singularitiesof 0 (z)are singularities

off(z)y;and therefore all the singularitiesof f{z)are singularitiesoff(z)x;and this is the theorem which was to be proved.

The reader should have no difficultyin enunciatingand provingsimilar

theorems:!:connected with the other types of expansionswhich are dealt with

in this chapter.

16*3. Various specialNeumann series.

The number of Neumann series,in which the coefficients are of simpleforms,whose sums representfunctions with importantanalyticalpropertiesis

not large; we shall now giveinvestigationsof some such series which are of


By usingthe expansion

(^-2f- cos 2^ + 1)-*= i r-^"--P"(cos2^),n = 0

* It is assumed that R{v + h) is positive; if not, the several series under discussion have

to be truncated by the omission of the terms for which R (v+ h + A) is negative,but the general

argument is unaffected.

t Acta Miith. XXII. (1899),pp. 55"64; Hadamard, La Serie de Taylor (Paris,1901),p. 69.

X For such theorems concerning the expansion of " 16-14, see Nielsen, Math. Ann. lit. (1899),

p. 230 et seq.

Page 540: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Pincherle* has observed that

i 7.,.(.)P" (cos2^) =

1 f""';,!?'If-Vl^it,.

n = Q^TTl J \/{P " 2t- COS 2^+1)

where the contour lies whollyoutside the circle j" |= 1.

If now we write ^{t " 1/t)= w, so that the contour in the w-planeis a

(large)closed curve surroundingthe origin,we find that

00 1 /"(

2 J,,+,(^)P,(cos2^)= ^-^

(0+) e^'^dw

^^^.n+.v/ nv / ^^.j V{K+l)0^Hsin2^)}'

and so we obtain the formula

X 1 /"(0+) 1 r{iK-+)

(1) S J.,n+i{Z)Pn (cos26) = -:-e-^'"'''du=

-r-e-f^sinesnw j^^

M = 0^"^ J ^TT j

where the modulus of the ellipticfunction is sin 6.

The interestingexpansion

has been givenby Jolliffef,who provedthat the series on the rightsatisfied

the same differential equationas Jy-{^z). This expansionis easilyderived as

a specialcase of " 11"6 (1),but the followingdirect proofis not without

interest :

By Neumann's formula ("5 "43)we have|

and, if we expand Jzv{z\jt)into the series

T i+\-^^'s (2i + 2m + l)r(2i;+ m+l)J,. {zv") - -^^^^ ;^r(2. + i)

X 2^1(- TO, 2i;+ 7?i + 1 ; 2v + \; t)J2,.+mt+ii^),

we find on integrationthat

^ 2{2v + 2m+l)J. , .

m = 0 Z


Bologna Memorie, (4)vin. (1887),pp. 125 "143. Pincherle used ellipticfunctions of modulus

cosec 0 in his result.

t Messenger, xlv. (1916),p. 16. The corresponding expansionof zhJv-^ (\z)Jv {^z)was obtained

by Nielsen,Nyt Tidsskrift,ix. b, (1898),p. 80.

X li R{v + ^)"0, we use loop integralsinstead of definite integrals.

Page 541: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



T(2u + m + l) n



-L 7"7 4- n / i

-^7o^A t''-Hl-trK,F,(-m,2v + "n + l; 2j. + 1 ; t)(UI {-Zi'+ 1) Jo

by m partialintegrations.

It follows that a", is the coefficient of h'^ in the expansionof



^2. (^ _ ]^t.(1 _ ^)}-^-i{1_ ^ + /, (1 _ t)]-^dt0

in ascendingpowers of It;and this expansionis absolutelyconvergent when

IA I" 1.

It we write t "

-^ -,"


1 " hu

we find that

i aji'^ =

^ ff-i{1-h(l- OJ-"- (1 - t)-i(1 + /?e)-idt

= -

I ^i-'-i(1 - m)-*(1 - h-u)-du.TT Jo

It is now evident that ftoji+i= 0 and that

1 1.3 ...(2/i-l)fi^" ,

,, , , ,

"- = -



2.4...(2n) Jo'' ^' - ''^~'"


l^ 1.3 ...(271-1) r{v + n + i)r(^)~7r' 2.4... (2n) r(z/+ n + l)


and this formula at once givesJolliffe'sform of the expansion.

16'31. The Neumann series summed hy Lommel.

The effects of transformingNeumann series by means of recurrence

formulae have been studied systematicallyby Lommel*; and he has suc-ceeded

by this means in obtainingthe sums of various series of the^tyjje

in which a^ is a polynomialin ?i.

Tafee the functions


M,,,n{z)= 2 (z.+ -In + 1)/:,,{V + 2n + 1)./,+",,^j{z),

i" = 0

\ /( = 0

where /^,i,(t')is a function to be determined presently.

* Studien ilher die Bessel'scheii Functioiten (Leipzig,1868),pp. 46 " 49.

\v. B. F. ,34

Page 542: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


By the recurrence formula we have

2 ""

(1) - 64y,,n{Z)= S f2y,{v+ 2m + 1){J'.+s{Z)+ J^+2n+2(2)}

=f-2m{V + 1)J",(^)+ IM.^yn{z\

"provided that /^(v)satisfiesthe equationofmixed differences*

/;"(v+ 2n + 3)+f,,n(v +2n + l)=2(v + 2n + 2)/,,^^^,(v+ 2n + 2).

A solution of this equationis

We adoptthis value of/w(i')and then it is found by the same method that

2(2) 'v,m{Z)= -f-2m-i{v)J^+i(z)+ 2S4u,m-i(z).

Hence it follows that

"S^.,m(z)= W2m {V + 1)'/.(Z)- \Z%"_, {v)J,+,(z)+ Z'S^^,^,n-l (z\


and so a,,rn(z)= z^^ S {i^^-^/;,(v+ l)./.{z)71 = 0

- l^^-^'7;"-i('').+1(Z)]+ Z^^+^-a., -^ (Z).


we have

00 1 f^S^u.-l(z)= 2 J"+2n+i(^)=

o / "^"'(0 dt,M=0 ^Jo

and similarly,from the expressionfor My^m(z),

V / or,.Tav+n + m + ^)

J , .

(4)_1 (.+ 2" + 2)r(^^^".,"^^^^."" (.)

* Recent applicationsof Neumann series to the solution of equationsof mixed differences are

due to Bateman, Proc. Int. Congress ofMath. i. (Cambridge,1912),pp. 291 "294.

Page 544: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Therefore,on integration,

I = Ce-'"" +^I"e-"^""-^' IJo {v)- J

I (v)/t}dv,2.0

where C is independentof a. By takinga = 0, we see that C=lft.

Hence we have

\z t^^+H'^l

%yA^)Jn{a)=^^.j", exp \l{z-a)\t--^)\

+2I exp

U (^- a + v)(^- - U [tJ,{v)- J"i{v)\dv

= ^r [J,(2- a + v)+ J,(2 - a + v)]Jo(v)dv,


the majorit}of the terms having a zero residue at ^ = 0.


S nJn (z)Jn (aj =

.s I " " -" " -'o(v)dv,"=i ^ 0 2 " a i- V

that is to say

(1) S 7iJ"(^)/" (a)= ^f" JA'^A

j^ (" _ ^)dv.

If we select the odd and even parts of the functions of z on each side of

this equation,we find that

(2) i (2n+l)J,n+,('^)J2n+Aa)

^}q [ Z-V Z "\-V ]

which is one of Kapteyn'sformulae ; and

z r" (Ji {z-v) J,{z + v)]^ ^ ^ ,

4Jo I z-v z + v 1 '^ ^

z f" (Jo{z+v) jAz-v)\J. , . ,

=T \-^ '^^^ '\J,{a-v)dv,4.J0 ( z-\-v z-v ]

when we integrateby parts.

Hence it follows that

(3) i 2n/,"(^)/,,(a)= ^ \\ltni^^L"J^ +'Ili'JZl)\j^^t-v)dv,n = \ 4JoJo(-S' + 'V Z "V )


which is the other of Kapteyn'sresults.

Page 545: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The reader should have no difficultyin provingby similar methods that,

when R (v)" 0,

(4) l(v+ n)J^^n{z)-/.+"(")= ^"^- I"'^^"^J^ (" - ^0dv" = 0 "^ .'0 z" V

2 Jo z " v


16*4. The Webh-Kapteyn theoryofNeumann series.

Neumann series have been studied from the standpointof the theoryof

functions of real variables by H. A. Webb*. His theoryhas been developed

by Kapteynf and subsequentlyby Bateman+ .

The theoryis not so im-portant

as it appears to be at firstsight,because, as the reader will presentlyrealise,it has to deal with functions which must not only behave in a

prescribedmanner as the variable tends to " x,but must also satisfyan

intricate integralequation.In fact,the functions which are amenable to the

theoryseem to be included in the functions to which the complextheoryis

applicable,and simple functions have been constructed to which the real

variable theoryis inapplicable.

The result on which the theoryis based is that ("13'42)

dt (0 {m^n),I 'Jzm+i yt) 211+1 {t)

, ]-i i/A^, I o\ / \0 t (l/(4w+ 2) (m = n),

so that,if an odd function f{x) admits of an expansionof the type


J yX) =", "^2tH-l'J271+1 \^)}

w = 0

and ifterm-by-termintegrationis permissible,we have

CLt C^2)i4-lr^" df


4/1 -h 2"

We are therefore led to consider the possibilitythat

(1) f{x) = S (4n -f-2)J,,^,{X)I"-^V(0 dt ;H=0 .'0

and we shall establish the truth of this expansionunder the followingconditions :

(I) The integral


exists and is absolutelyconvergent.

* Messenger, xxxiii. (1904),p. 55.

t Messenger, xxxv. (1906),pp. 122" 125.

X Messenger, xxxvi. (1907),pp. 31"37.

Page 546: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(II) The functionf{t) has a continuous differentialcoefficientfor all

'positivevalues ofthe variable which do not exceed x.

(III) The functionf (t)satisfiesthe equation

(2) 2/'it)=r'^ {f{v+ t)+ f{v - 1)]dvJo V

luhen t does not exceed x.

We now proceedto sum the series

oc ("" 7" (f\8=1. (4/1+ 2)J,n+ (^)I ^^^^ fit)dt,

71 = 0 JO f

and we firstinterchangethe order of summation and integration.It is evident


^ JfM+l\^) ['Jin\i)+ " 2rH-2 (01n=0

converges uniformlywith respect to t for positive(unbounded) vahies of t,

since |J^n(01^1 ^^^ ^ ! 2(1+1(^)!is convergent. Hence, since f{t)possessesan absolutelyconvergent integral,we may effect the interchange,and then,

by "16-32,

S=r fit){2 (4n + 2)J,,^,ix)J^, it)]^Jo U=o J f

=2.0^^'\Li"^ "7+7^f^"^"-'^"^

= IfVo(^ - t^)IJ'^{fit+ V)+fit - V)}dtdv

+ fVoix - v)rfiv- 1)'^ dtdv.Jo Jo t

We now transform the last integralby using"12"2,and then we have*

n''j,ix-v)fiv-t)'^dtdvJo. 0


=r IVoiu - t)fix- u)'^ dtduJ oJ 0 t

= \ t/iiu)fix" u)duJo

=fix)" jQiu)f'(x" u)du.Jo

* The first transformation is effected by writing

v=x + t-u.

Page 547: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



(3) i (4/.-F 2)X,+, {x)\''


= f{x)-\y,{!n-v)W'{v)-\f^^'^[f{t+ v)+f{t-v)\dt

Now write

so that ^(w) is a continuous function of v, since Ji{t)/thas an absolutely-

convergent integral.

If then we are to have S=f{x) when x has any value in such an interval

as (0,X), we must have

rj,{x-v)F{v)dv= 0,Jo

throughoutthis interval ; and, differentiatingwith respect to x,


Since jJj{x " v)\^l/\/2,it follows by induction from this equation,since

\F(x)\^^j')F(v)\dv,A. x""

that \F{x)\'i^j^^,where A is the upper bound of jF{x) \in the interval and n is any positive


If we make n^--^


it isclear that F{x) = 0, and so the necessityof equation

(2)is established.

The sufficiencyof equation(2) for the truth of the expansion*is evident

from (3).

It has been pointedout by Kapteyn that the function sin (i*?cosec a) is

one for which equation(2) is not satisfied;and Bateman has consequentlyendeavoured to determine generalcriteria for functions which satisfyequation

(2); but IjO simplecriteria have, as yet,been discovered.

[Note. If/(a-)is not an odd function,we expand the two odd functions


separately; and then it is easy to prove, by rearrangingthe second expansion,that

f{x)=2 ClnJni-O-),

1 f^where "o =

gI / W "^i(I"*'I) -^j

f "" dv"" = ?i I ./"("'")'A (-^Orri "

("" 0),

J " " I*^ I

providedthat the appropriateintegralequationsare satisfied.]

* The sufficiency(butnot the necessity)of the equationwas proved by Kapteyn.

Page 548: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


16'41. Cailler's theoryofreduced functions.

The Webb-Kapteyn theoryof Neumann series which has justbeen ex-pounded

has several pointsof contact with a theorydue to Cailler*. This

theoryis based on Borel's integralconnectinga pairof functions. Thus, if


" = 0

then the function /(2^) defined by the series


f{z)R= 2 Cn.n\z'\" = 0

supposedconvergent for sufficientlysmall values of \z\,may be represented

by the integral

f{z)j,= r e-^f(tz)dt.J 0

The function y (2")maybe termed the reduced function{lareduite)o{f(z).

If the Neumann series which representsf{z) is


f(z)= 2 anJn{z),n=0

then we have, formally.00 r x

f{z)R= % an\ e-f .In{tz)dtn=0 J Q

Now put

and we see that

v(n-^^)"ro "


1 + ^- ./ 2^

= K

Hence, if the Neumann series for f{z)is 2 anJn (z),then the generatingM = 0

function of 2 a,i^"isw=0

providedthat this function is analyticnear the origin.

More generally,iff{z)has a branch-pointnear the originof such a nature


(1) /(^)= 2 anJ^+n(2),

then=" 1 + c- / zr \

Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de Gemve, xxxiv. (1902"1905),pp. 295"368. "^

Page 549: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-41,16-5] LOMMEL's functions 537

In like manner, if

(3) f{z)= i a"^''+"J,+"(^),)j = 0


^^ .to2''+-r (i.+ rn + 1)"""^

v(i - n^ ^v(i - n^ "

[Note. If e"^sin"3= 2 a"y" (0),n=l

^ 26^(1+^2)tbeu 2 ""i"=-" "

^ ,T"^,,,,"

This result,wbich is immediatelydeducible from Cailler's theory,was set as a problemin the Mathematical Tripos,1896.]

16'5. LommeV s functionsof two variables.

Two functions,which are of considerable importancein the theory of

Diffractionand which are defined by simpleseries of Neumann's type,have

been discussed exhaustivelyby Lommel* in his great memoirs on Diffraction

at a Circular Apertureand Diffraction at a StraightEdge.

The functions of integralorder n, denoted by the symbols Un{w,z) and

Vn (w,z),are defined by the equations

(1) UA^U,Z)= X (-)'M- Jn^2m(z),m = Q \ZJ

(2) Vn (^^,)= S (-)- - /_"-,,"{Z).

It is easy to see from "2*22 (3)that

(3) Un{w,z)-V,n^,(w,z)= 2 (")'"(^ Jn+U^)"i = - 00 \Z /

Iw z- nir

= ^^H2+ 27.-T



rr / X Tr / n" fW Z' mr\

(4) Un+^ (w, z) - F_"+,(w,z) = "^n (^-+ 2^-


The last equationmay be derived from the precedingequationby replacingn by n + 1.

There is no difficultyin extending(1) to define functions of non-integralorder j_forunrestricted values of v we write "

(5) UAw.z)= s (-r - J".+...(4m=0 \Z/

* Abh. der math. phys. Classe der k. b. Akad. der Wiss. (Miinchen),xv. (1886),pp. 229" 328,

529 "664. The first memoir deals with functions of integralorder ; and the definition of V, (w,z)

in it differs from that adoptedsubsequently by the factor ( - 1)". Much of Lommel's work is repro-duced

by J. Walker, The Analytical Theory of Light (Cambridge, 1904). The occurrence of Lommel's

functions in a different physicalproblem has been noticed by Pockliugton, Nature, lxxi. (1905),

pp. 607"608.

Page 550: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The expressionon the rightis an integralfunction of z, and (when the

factor W is removed) an integralfunction of w.

The correspondinggeneralisationof (2) gives a series which converges

only when v is an integer.And consequentlyit is convenient to define

V" {w,z) for unrestricted values of v by means of the natural generalisationof


(6) F, (w,z) = cos (^^+ ^ + " + f/_,+,{lu,z).

It is evident that

(7) U^{w,z)+U,^,{w,z)={^)^J,{z),

(8) F, {w,z)+ n+,3{w,z) = (^y/_. (z).

As specialformulae, we deduce from " 2*22 that

(9) U, (z,z) = V, {z,z) = l [J {z)+ cos z],

(10) U,{z,z)= -V,{z,z) = l^xnz;

and hence,by (7)and (8),

(11) U^^{Z,Z)= F"(^,^) =l(-)4cOS^-S'{-T"^",J^rn{z)\,

\ j" = 0 J

(1 2) U,n+,{z,z) = - F^+i {z,z) = l {-T jsinz-^'t (-)'"e^",^, /^m+i(^)l;

providedthat ?i ^ 1 in (11),and /" ^ 0 in (12).

It is also to be observed that, as a generalisationof these formulae,

(13) Vn{w,z) = {-YUn{z'jiu,z).

The functions 2 md.J"j(s), 2 sin (m + ^) 6

. J^j^I("^))OT=o cos TO=0

which are closelyassociated with Lommel's functions, have been studied by Kapteyn,

Proc. Section of Sci.,K. Akad. van Wet. te Amsterdam, vii. (1905), pp. 375 " 376, and by

Hargreaves, Phil. Mag. (6)xxxvi. (1918), pp. 191" 199, respectively.

16*51. The differentialequationsfor LommeV s functionsof tiuo vanables.

It is evident by differentiating"16 5 (1) that

(1) ^UA'w,z)= --U,+,{w,z),

and hence

9" z- 1

and consequently

Page 552: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Hence it follows that Z7"{cz,z),and similarlyV_v+2{cz,z),are particular

integralsof the equation

a) ^ ^ + ( "^ c)"^ = ''''"-^^^ "^ '^''"'^''^^^"

The particularcase in which ^r = 0 is of some interest ; we have

(8) U,{w,0)= 2=or(y + -2m + l)'

and so U^ (tu,0)and F_^+2('^.0) are expressiblein terms of Lommel's functions

of one variable by the equations




F_^+2(iv,0) =


Of these results,(1)" (8)were givenin Lommel's memoir.

The followingformulae,valid when n is a positiveinteger(zeroincluded).

should be noticed :

(11) V',n{w,0)= (-r cos |w "S'"-i(-)"'(Jw)^'^=o"~(2""")!^.

(12) U^+,(w,0) = (-r 2

^=0 (2m+l)!.

(13) ?7_"(w,0) = cos(|w + ^W7r).

Hence it follows that

(14) Fo(^^,0)= l, Vn+^(w,0) = 0,




F_^_, (i^,0) = {-r ti-y^ilwYsm+1

^0 (2m + 1)!

16*53. IntegralrepresentationsofLommel's functions.

The formulae



w" '^

U^ (w,z) =

-^^ J^,_i(^) .cos {|w; (1 - ^0}"



C^.+i(w,^) =

^;zi ^.-1{zt). sin {iw (1 - f")]. ^''(;^,"3 / n

which are valid when R {v)" 0, may be verified immediatelyby expanding

the integrandsin powers of w and then using the result of " 12"11 (1) in

Page 553: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-53] lommel's functions 541

performingterm-by-termintegrations.For other values of v, they may be

replacedby the equations

(3) U. {w,z) = -

2,-^.-isi^ 2.7r J,

'^"'^~ '^ '''''^ ^^"^^ ~ ^'^^" ^~ ^^^ ^'

(4) ^.4.,{w,z) = -

^.^^_^ ^.^ ^^^ I J,_,(-^0-sin{li^(l-^01-(-0''^""

in which the phaseof " ^ increases from " tt to tt as ^ describes the contour.

It is clear that,when R {v)" 0,

w" [^(5) U, (w,z) " iU,+,(w,2)=

-^1^.-1(2t)exp ["^{w{l- 1^)}. t" dt.

Z 'ft.' 0

By modifyingthis formula we can obtain integralrepresentationsof F^(w, z)

valid for positivevalues of w and z. Let us consider



/,_i{zt)exp {"liw (1 - r-)]. t" dt.

The integralconverges at the lower limit when R{v)"0 and at the upper

limit when R{v)"'^,\i w and z are restricted to be positive.

To evaluate the last integral,swing the contour round until it coincides

with the ray arg t= ^- ^ir,this ambiguity in signbeing determined by the

ambiguity in sign in the integral; such a modification in the contour is

permissibleby Jordan's lemma.

When we expand the new integralin ascendingpowers of z, as in " 13"3,

we find that

W ["^

z Jo

./,_i(zt)exp {"^iw{l- t-)}. t" dt

2" 1 ,"=ow!l {v+ m)Jo1 V 2 /

" ~

2" ,^0 ^l V w) '

that is to say

(6) ^ [V._,{zt)exp {" liiv(1 - t-)].t''dt= exp (" f " ^ + "f-')"

When we combine the results contained in this formula, we see that,if iv " 0,

z"0, and 0"R(v)"^, then


(7) ^ J /._:(^0 cos [lw(l- f-)].t^dt = cos (^-+ 2^y 2

(8) ^^[ ./,_,(.0 sin {!..(1 - t?)].t^dt= sin (^^+ -"^- ^

Page 554: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It follows at once from (1)and (2)combined with " 16"5 (6)that

(9) V,_,(w,z) = -'^\ /,_!(zt)cos {|w (1 - f)}.

t" dt,^ .'1

(10) F,_, (iv,z) = -


/._,(zt)sin {1w (1 - t^}.

t" dt.^ .'1

Since convergence at the originis now unnecessary, the theoryof analyticcontinuation enables us to remove the restriction It (v)" 0.

Changing the notation,we see that

(11) n (w,z) = - - - I J,_.{zt)COS [Iw (1 - ^^)}"t"--'


(12) n_, {w,z) = - -l^^_/,_.{zt)sin {1..(1 - t^)]-^,

providedthat "m; and 2^ are positiveand R(v)" |.

The followingspecialformulae are worth mention :

(13) Ujn^^^ j'

J^^_ (^^)COS {|0(1 - t^)}. f^- dt


= I"/^i-2(^0 sin {i (1 - ^^)|. t'""-'dt,.'6


=IV^,(^0 cos {i0(1 - "2)}



= \J,n-i(zt)sin {^z(1 - "2)}. t^"dt..


Again,from (6),we see that

r=^^ / X

/^iwf-\, ,,

^"-1 / iz- _v'iri\(15) J ./.-,(.0 exp (+ j ."-* = " exp ("j^ + ^) ,

and, in particular,

r=^. , ,,

cos /w"2x 1 sin / ^^ \

^ ' ./0 sin V 2 / w cos \2w/

The last results should be compared with " 13'3; see also Hardy, Trans. Camb. Phil.

Soc. XXI. (1912),pp. 10, 11.

The formulae of this section (withthe exceptionof the contour integrals)are all to be

found in one or other of Lommel's two memoirs.

16' 54. Lommel's reciprocationformulae.

It is evident from "16'5(13)that functions of the type U^(z^/w,z) are

closelyconnected with functions of the type U^ {w,z) providedthat v is an


Page 555: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-54,16-55] LOMMEL S FUNCTIONS 543

To appreciatethe significanceof such relations observe that


dtcos (Iwt-). U^ ["


2t]+ sin (Iwt-). U^+^ ( ,zt

= sin (|w^").


" wt U^ {", zt\ " wt U^^2[- ,zt



= - zJ, {zt)sin i^wt'). (wt/zy-'.

On integrationwe find that

(1)to J (I

./,(zt)sin (Iwr-)t'-" dt

= " cos -kw.



and, similarly,


sm i".f/."(|,.)+ f,',g.O

w"(2) -^

J, {zt)cos {lwt')t'-''dt

= sin |w. UJ", zj "cos |w. f/'^+i("

, zj+ U^^^f"



Hence it follows that




"ivu ,-1

-^^ J,_,{zt)cos {fw (1 - t')].

t" dtz" J 0

= - Uo^^ f"

, ^j+ sin |w .C7'i_f-


0 j+ cos |w.?72_ ("

,0 ]


wV n

- /!_,{zt)sin {|-w (1 - t')\.fdt

= f/i_ ("

,-2 ) - COS iw. f/'i_p("

,0 )+sin Itv

.Uo^^ I "

,0 |


\'W J '"" \w J

"" '

\iu J

and these integralsdiffer from the correspondingintegralsof the precedingsection onlyin the signof the order of the Bessel function.

The reader will find some additional formulae concerning Lommel's functions in a

paper by Schafheitlin,Berliner Sitzungsberichte,viii. (1909),pp. 62" 67.

16*55. Pseudo-addition formtdaeforfunctionsoforders ^ and ".

Some very curious formulae have been obtained by Lomrael, which connect

functions of the type ?7 {iv,z) with functions of the same type in which the

second variable is zero, providedthat v is equalto ^ or |.

When we write v = ^ in " 16"5o (5),we get

f/'i{w,z)i ill?,(w,z) = (^^YI exp {+i {Iw - zt - ^wt-)]dtV-^TT/ Jo

+ (^-j I exp {+i {Iw -\-zt- Iwf^)]dt.

Page 556: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now write


(w 4- zy^


("^- zf

and we find that

U^ (w,z) " it^3{w,z) = gT'z j^^y[ exp {" o-i (1 - p)}d^

+ e"^' f-Vf exp {" hi (1 - p)}rff,

in the respectiveintegrals,and \Ja,\/S are to he interpretedby the conventions*

w + z,^

w " z


'//o \'V^ =

V(2?/;)'^ V(2iy)'

Hence we have

U {w,z)" iU^_{w,z) = igT^^ (u^(2a,0) + iU^(2(7,0)}

+ ^e^'^{U,{28,0)"iU^{26A))}

-e'^^'l-]I exp {+0-1(1-^OWf

+ e"^'M - 1 exp I" 8i (1 - f-)}d^\7r/ Jo

When we take o-|'and S^-as new variables in the last two integralsrespectively,

these integralsare seen to cancel ; and so we have the two results combined

in the formula

(1) U, (w,z)" iU^{lu,z) = le^i'[U, (2(7,0) + iU, (2(7,0)}

+ ^e^^-{Ui{28,0)"iU,{2h,0)],and, as a corollary,

(2) U, {z,z) " iJJ^_(z,z) = le^fe{U, (4"z,0) " iU, (4^,0)}.

These formulae are (iue to Lommel, Miinchener Ahh. xv. (1886),pp. 601 "605 ; they are

reproducedby Walker, The AnalyticalTheoryofLight (Cambridge,1904),pp. 401 " 402.

16"56. Fresnel's integrals.

It is easy to see from " 16"53 (1)and (2)that,when R {v)" 0,

L\^,(w, 0) = 2^;=^^j^t^"-'sin {^w (1 - t^)\dt,

w f ^

^1)o.-i-p/ X

i'"'' COS (Iwt-)dt = U^{w,0)coslw + U,+i(w,0)sin | w,"^ I {^) Jo

w" /""'"(2) ^i^;z:^r7-^

*""' ^in (lwi^)dt = U, {w,Q) sin |w - f7,+i(w, 0)cos ^w.

* These are not the same as the conventions used by Lommel,

so that

Page 557: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-56] lommel's functions 545

If we take v = ^ and modifythe notation by writing w = z = ^iru'-,we

see that

(3) JJcos (^TTf-)dt = j~(;^J^cos tdt = ^j'/_i (t)dt= [U^(2z,0) cos 2 + U^(2z,0) sin 2]/V2

=2 + [^^i(2^,0)sin ^ + F|{'2z,0) cos 2]/V2,


(4) JJsin (ITTt')dt = I"(^J'sin tdt = ^j''J^ (t)dt

= [f^j(2^r,0)sin z-U^ (2z,0)cos z]/^/2

= i - [T^j(2^,0) cos z-V.^(2z,0) sin z]{^/2.

We thus obtain ascendingseries and asymptoticexpansionsfor Fresnel's

integrals*ru ru

I cos(^7rt')dt,I sin {^7rt-)dt.Jo J {)

The ascendingseries,originallygivenby Knockenhauer, Ann. der Physikund Chemie,

(2)XLi. (1837),p. 104, are readilyderived from the f-series,namely

\7rJ { 1.3







while the asymptoticexpansions,due to Cauchy, ComptesRendus, xv. (1842),pp. 5.')4,573,

are derived with equal ease from the T-series,namely

Tables of Fresnel's integralswere constructed by Gilbert,Mem. coihronnees de I'Acad.

R. des Sci. de Bruxelles,xxxi. (1863),pp. 1 " 52,and Lindstedt,Ann. der Physik und Chemie,

(3)XVII. (18S2),p. 720; and by Lomiuel in his second memoir.

Lommel has givenvarious representationsof Fresnel's integralsby series

which are specialcases of the formulae f

(9)^ \~JAt)dt = 2 i ,L+,n+,{z)J 0 n = 0


\Z Jv+iiyZ)

n=o (v + l){i'+ -^}...{v+ 2n + 1)'

(10) f JAtXU^ I ("l+l"iii^gI"-(-'^^"-l)^,,.(.).J 2 " = 0 Z

* Mem. de VAcud. des Sci. v, (1818),p. 3.S9. [Oeuvres,i. (186G),p. 176.]t It is supposed in (9)that 7? (c)" - 1.

w. B. F. 3,-,

Page 558: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These are readilyverified by differentiation. Other formulae also due to

Lommel are

(11) r J^{t)dt=2icosl.Jo

(12) r Ji{t)dt= 2^ sin ^zJo

s (-rJn+idz)n = 0

+ 25sin iz

ti-yjn^iilz)M = 0

" 2^ cos ^z

These may also be verified by differentiation.

2 (-)"^.+i(i^)M = 0

t i-y-Jn+iiiz)LM = 0

16" 57. Hardy'sintegralsfor Lommel' s functions.

The fact that the integrals

[^ f^

h\ dt r " f.

h\ tdt


are expressiblein terms of elementaryfunctions* when a and h are positive

suggestedto Hardy f the consideration of the integrals

r=" f^

h\ dt r " f.

^\ id*

Jo'''r^ijiTt- Jo^^"r-'^"Jr"i-and he found them to be expressiblein terms of Lommel's functions of two

variables of orders zero and unityrespectively.This discoveryis importantbecause the majorityof the integralsrepresentingsuch functions contain Bessel

functions under the integralsign.

If l/tbe written in placeof t,it is seen that

(1 , IJCOS [at+ ^), = " I'cos [U+ ^)jf^,.

,",i'' .


h\ tdt [' " f,

b\dt C .

(2) 1 sm(a"+^)j^="j^sm ("(+ -)--(^sm/,

,a\ tdt

and since,by " 6*13 (8),

- i sin (at + j) = Jo {2^{ab)},TT

.0 V I / I

it is sufficient to confine our attention to the case in which b "a.

We now write

c = ^/ib/a),x=2 ^/(ab), (9= |(1 - c')/c,

* Hardy, QuarterlyJournal, xxxii. (1901),p. 374. When the lower sign is taken it is supposedthat the integralshave their principalvalues.

+ Messenger, ixxvm. (1909),pp. 129"132.

Page 560: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The last two results may be written in the form

(8) U,{w,x) + V,{w,x) = -~Pj^ ^'"^V2^

+ 2"Jrr72'providedthat 0 "w "x.

16*58. Integralsof Gilbert's typefor LommeVs functions.

An obvious method of representingL\(w, z) and F"(?^',z) by integralsis

to substitute the Bessel-Schlafli integralof " 6*2 for each Bessel function in

the appropriateseries. We thus get

^- ("-^)= 2^-"!."-)"""")'""'/!!'-p ('- S)A. "

When the contour is so chosen that it lies whollyoutside the circle on

which I I= ^ Ity I,we may change the order of summation and integration

and get

(1) U.{w,z) = ".^_^ ^-^^^_^exp(^--)-.Now the residues of the integrandat + \iw are

,[ iw iz-



and so

Making a slightchange in the notation,we deduce that

(2) ^^(^'^)=2^-j_r+-F/"7^^"P(2-2^)T'and, in this integral,the points+ iw lie outside the contour.

In generalit is impossibleto modifythe contour in (2)into the negativehalf of the real axis taken twice,in consequence of the essential singularityof

the integrandat the origin.The exceptionoccurs when z = 0, because then

the essential singularitydisappears,and

1 f^^+Ht/wye^*dt(3) '^'(".0)= 2^-/.27rij_" 1 +t-lw- t


and hence

(4) V,(w,0) =,


TT J 0 I -i-U

providedthat R{v)"0 and a. is an acute angle(positiveor negative)such


)" + argw| " Jtt.

Page 561: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

16-58,16-59] LOMMEL's FUNCTIONS 549

If V is equalto ^ or f ,the integralon the rightin (4)is called Gilbert's integral*.

Formula (4)was obtained by Lonimelt from the formula of " 16"53 (11)by a transforma-tion

of infinite integrals.

From (4)it is clear that,when v and w are positive,V^{w,0) has the same signas, and

is numericallyless than

Sni VTT I"


1,,", ,


TT jo r{i-u).{hwy

A similar but less exact inequalitywas obtained by Lommel.

The reader will also observe that Vv{i(',0)/sinvn is a positivedecreasingfunction of lo

when w is positive.

16"59. Asymptoticexpansionsof LommeVs functionsoftwo variahles.

From Gilbert's integralsit is easy to deduce asymptoticexpansionsof

F^(w;,0) and U^(io,0) for largevalues of \w\; thus, from " 16'5 (8), we


where p is any positiveinteger.We choose p to be so largethat R{v + 2p)" 0

and then, by " 16'58 (4),we have

{-y F,+, {w, 0) = -" -


I rx exp ta '\

= 0(w-''-'P),

when I?^ Iis largeand, as in the similar analysisof " 7'2,|arg w |" tt.


(-r(1) VAw,0)

ZoT{l- V -2m). (Iwy^'-^

for the values of w under consideration.

When u+2p and tv are both positive,(")^F^+2^(w,0) has the same sign

as, and is numericallyless than

sin VTT f^^"" , ,

; (-)P

TT Jo r(l-v-2p).{lwy+-'P'

so that the remainder after p terms in (1) has the same sign as, and is

numericallyless than the (p + l)th term.

It may be provedin like manner from "16"53 (11) that


F, [w, z)^ X (-)- {z/ivy+"--J"_,_.,(3)

when \io\is largewhile v and z are fixed ; but it is not easy to obtain a simple

expressionwhich givesthe magnitude and signof the remainder.

* 3Iem. couronnees de VAcad. R. des Set. de Bruxellea, xxxi. (18(53),pp. 1" 52.

t MUnchener Ahh. xv. (1886),pp. 582"585.

Page 562: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is evident from " 16'5 (6) that the corresponding formulae for U^{w, z)


(_)m(3) t^,(w;,0)-'cos(iw-ii'7r)+ 2

=0r (i'-

1- 2m) (iw)^-''+'"'

(4) Uy (w, z) ~ cos {\w + ^z^/w - Ii/tt)+ S (-)"^{z/iuy-"'-''+'J,.o.o,"(z).

These results were given by Lommel*, but he did not investigatethem in

any detail.

The asymptotic expansion of Vy (ex,x),when i/ is 0 or 1 and c is fixed,while

X is largeand positive,has been investigatedby Mayallf.

The dominant term for general (real) values of v greater than" | is

readilyderived from | 16'53 (12) which shews that

Vy {ex,x)^--^^j("^ cos (xt + Iv-jr- Itt)sin {|ex (1 - f^}"


Now, if c"l, the functions ^ca;(l" ^^)+ (a?i+ ^vir " ^'Tr)vary monotonically

as t increases from 1 to oc,

and hence it may be verified by partialintegra-tions


/ 2 \^ c^"""(5) Vy {ex,a;)~ (" " - cos (a;+ ^ r;7r - ^ it),

virxj G " 1

the next term in the asymptotic expansion being 0 {x~^).

If, however, e"l, then ^cx (1 - t"^)+ (xt"\-^ptt " lir),qua function of t,

has a maximum at 1/c;and hence, by the principleof stationaryphase ("S'2),it follows that

(6) Vy (ex,x) -^

-1^^cos \-^x(c+ -] + ^vir[

Finally,when c=l, the maximum-point is at one end of the range of

integration,and so the expression on the right in (6) must be halved. We

consequently have

(7) Vy(x, x)'^ ^cos(x + ^v'7r).

This equation,like (5) and (6),has been established on the hypothesis

that v" " ^; the three equations may now be proved for all real values of v

by using the recurrence formula " 16'5 (8).

* MUnchener Abh. xv. (1886),pp. 540, 572"573.

t Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. ix. (1898), pp. 259"269.

Page 563: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



17*1. Definitionof Kcipteynseries.

Any series of the typeCO

11 = 0

in which *v and the coefficients cin are constants, is called a Kapteyn series.

Such series owe their name to the fact that they were first systematically

investigated,qua functions of the complex variable z, by Kapteyn f in an

important memoir published in 1898. In this memoir Kapteyn examined the

question of the possibilityof expanding an arbitraryanalyticfunction into

such a series,and generallyhe endeavoured to put the theory of such series

into a positionsimilar to that which was then occupied by Neumann series.

Although the propertiesof Kapteyn series are, in general,of a more

recondite character than propertiesof Neumann series,yet Kapteyn series

are of more practicalimportance; they first made their appearance in the

solution of Kepler'sproblem which was discovered by Lagrange^ and redis-covered

half a century later by Bessel";and related series are of general

occurrence in a class of problems concerning ellipticmotion under the inverse

square law, of which Kepler'sproblem may be taken as typical.More recently,in the hands of Schott||they have proved to be of frequent occurrence in the

modern theory of Electromagnetic Radiation.

The astronomical problems, in which all the variables concerned are real,

are of a much more simpleanalyticalcharacter than the problems investigated

by Kapteyn; and in order to develop the theoryof Kapteyn series in a simple

manner, it seems advisable to begin with a descriptionof the series which

occur in connexion with ellipticmotion.

17*2. Kepler'sproblem and allied problems discussed by Bessel.

The notation which will be used in this section in the discussion of the

motion in an ellipseof a particleunder the action of a centre of force at the

focus,attractingthe particleaccordingto the inverse square law, is as follows :

The semi-major axis, semi-minor axis,and the eccentricity of the ellipse

are denoted by a, h, and e. The axes of the ellipseare taken as coordinate

* It will, for the most jjart,be assumed that v is zero,

t Ann. set. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)x. (1893),pp. 91 " 120.

X Hist, de VAcad. R. des ScL de Berlin, xxv. (1769) [1770], pp. 204"233. [Oeuvres, iii. (18(;9),

pp. 113"138.]

" Berliner Abh. 1816"7 [1819], pp. 49"55.

ilElectromagnetic Radiation (Cambridge, 1912).

Page 564: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


axes, the direction of the axis of x beingfrom the centre of the ellipseto the

centre of force. The centre of force is taken as originof polarcoordinates,

the radius vector to the particlebeingr, and the true anomaly,namely the

anglebetween the radius vector and the axis of x, being w. The eccentric

anomaly,namely the eccentric angleof the particleon the ellipse,is denoted

by E. The time which has elapsedfrom an instant when the particlewas at

the positiveend of the major axis is called t.

The mean anomaly M is defined as the anglethroughwhich the radius

vector would turn in time t if the radius vector rotated uniformlyin such a

way as to performcompleterevolutions in the time it actuallytakes to perform


The geometricalpropertiesof the ellipsesupplythe equations*

(1) r =r



= a (1 " e cos A),^ ' 1 + ecosw^ '

from which the equations

(2) tan iw = /JU^J tan^E,

\/%l- 6^).sm E

. " Vd-e^sinw(3) smw = ^ i=i

" ,sinA= "


^ ^ 1 " e cos E 1 + e cos zu

are deducible ; and an integratedform of the equationsof motion (theana-lytical

expressionof Kepler'sSecond Law) suppliesthe equation

(4) M = E-"smE.

Kepler'sproblem is that of expressingthe various coordinates r, w, E,

which determine the positionof the particle+, in terms of the time t,that is,

effectively,in terms of M. It is of course supposedthat the variables are real

and, since the motion is elliptic(orparabolic,as a limitingcase),0 " e^ 1.

The solution of the problem which was effected by Lagrange was of an

approximatecharacter,because he calculated onlythe firstfew terms in the

expansionsof E and r.

The more completesolution givenby Bessel depends on the fact that (4)

defines E as a, continuous increasingfunction of M such that the effect of

increasingM by 27r is to increase E by 27r.

It follows that any function of -E*with limited total fluctuation is a function

of M with limited total fluctuation,and so such functions of E are expansiblein Fourier series,qua functions of M.

* The construction of these equations will be found in any text-book on Astronomy or

Dynamics of a Particle. See, e.g. Plummer, Dynamical Astronomy (Cambridge,1918),Ch. iii.

t Keplerhimself was concerned with the expression of E in terms of M.

Page 565: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In particulare sin E is an odd periodicfunction of M, and so, for all real

values of E, it is expansibleinto the Fourier sine-series

where An =


e sin ^ = S An sin nM,


esin ^sin iiMdMTT J 0



2 f'^ ..dUsmE),,,

+ " cos nM -^,,..


'- dM0 nir '


2 r ,^dE-dM" cos nM TTT


mr J "dM


cos nM.dEn-TT .'o

- - ./,,(ne).n -

Hence it follows that

(5) E = M+ i.^Jr,{ne)8mnM,

and this result givesthe completeanalyticalsolution of Kepler'sproblem con-cerning

the eccentric anomaly.The series on the rightisaKapteyn series which

converges rapidlywhen e" 1,and itisstillconvergent when e = 1 ;cf ""8*4,8'42.

The radius vector is similarlyexpansibleas a cosine series,thus

- = ^0 +-

^"icos nM,(^

71 = 1

where Bo=~ l^{l-"cosE)dM

(1 - e cos Ef dETT J Q

while,when n ^ 0,

2Bn = -\ {l-"CosE) COS nM dM


mr 0 nir J 0

C^(6C0S^),"Sin niU TTT dM



nir J

sin E sin (nE " ne sin E) dE

so that




- =1 + 4^2- T"" 2e


S " Jn {ne)cos nM.

"-i n

Page 566: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The expansionof the true anomaly is derived from the consideration that

tu - M is an odd periodicfunction of if,and so

w " M = % Gn sin nM,w = l

where C.n,=- {w " M)s,mnMdMTT J 0

2 (lu - M) COS nAri'' 2 f"^j

( dw ^\ ,,,

" + " cos nil/.hxr - 1 d^^

niT Jo nir J Q \dl\i )

2 f"",^


= " cos nM. -,-r,dEnir J 0



2 V(l - e-)f""cos {nE - ne sin E)

mr JQ

1 " e cos E

This expressionis not such a simpletranscendent as the coefficients A^

and Bn. The most effective method of evaluatingit is due to Bessel*,who

used the expansion

V(l-e-)^ ^ ^ .^^^ ^ ^ 2/2 cos 2^ + '2f-^cos3E+...,

1 " 6 cos E -^ ^ -^

where /'=.

On making the substitution,we find at once that

2 r "^

Gn = -\ Jn {ne)+ 2 /'"[Jn-m(ne)+ Jn-r-m{ne)]

17*21. Expansionsassociated with the Kepler-Besselexpansions.

A largeclass of expressionsassociated with the radius vector, true anomalyand eccentric anomaly,are expansiblein series of much the same type as those

justdiscussed. Such series have been investigatedin a systematicmanner by

Herzf,and we shall now state a few of the more importantof them; theyare

all obtainable by Fourier's rule,and it seems unnecessary to write out in

detail the analysis,which the reader will easilyconstruct for himself

First,we have

a(l-e-)- r

r cos iv = x " ae


so that

(1) '-^-^^= -

ae + I ^

J,'(ne)cos nM,a


" = i?i

and next

/-.xrsiniu h

. ^\/{l-e-) ^ 2

^, . . ,-.

(2) = - sm ^ = " S - Jn (we)sm nM,a a 6 n=i n

* Berliner Abh. 1824 [1826],p. 42.

t Astr. Nach. cvii. (1884),col. 17 " 28. Various expansionshad also been given by Plana, Mem.

delta R.Accad. delle Sci.diTorbio,(2) x. (1849),pp.249" 332. In connexion with their convergence,

see Cauchy, CoviptesRendus, xviii. (1844),pp. 625"643. \_Oeuvres,(1)vni. (1893),pp. 168"188.]

Page 568: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


More generallywe find by differentiating" 17'21 (6)that





d' 1


dM-'^ \-ecosE

d'"" 1

dM"^ 1 - e cos ^

= S n^"^ J nine),M=0 n=l

= 2 (-)"-iw-'"j:"(?ie).M=ir n=l




T E^ te^.the expressionson the left in (4)and (5) can

be calculated for any positiveintegralvalue of m, with sufficient labour.

Again,if we regard e and M as the independentvariables,it is easilyseen that

_^f 1 I_

cos "* BE

de {sin^ (1 - e cos E)]~

sin^ ^ (1 - e cos ^ a^

1 fE. "



rTri Etv" i - cos A + e Sin A ^r-

sin E{1 "" cos A^)2[ Be


so that,by " 17-21 (6)

(1 -ecosjE')^

A 1

dlM 1 - e cos A"


9 f 1 ] ""

de [sm E (1- e cos E)] "=i


and therefore,if we integratewith e = 0 as the lower limit,

1 1 "


(6) -."

irj^ =--. "


= - 2 S n sin ?iil/.

/" (nx)^

sin A (1 -6 cos ^) smMn=i Jo

If we differentiate with respect to M, we find that

_.cos A" cos ilf e

^ ^sin^ a; (1 - e cos Ef


su^M"*"(1 - e cos Ef

= 2 S n^ cos nM. j Jn{nx)dx.

w = l .'0

The last two expansionsdo not appear to have been publishedpreviously.

Expressionsresemblingthose on the rightof (6)and (7)have occurred in the researches

of Schott,ElectromagneticRadiation (Cambridge,1912) /"as"m.

Thus, as cases of (4)and (5),Schott proved {jhid.p. 110) that

(8) J .'. ,"(2ne)= ^iL"^,,

In^J^. (2..-)d.= ^^^^,.

The last of these may be obtained by takingM equal to 0 and iz in (7).

Page 569: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


17'23. MeisseVs expansionsofKapteyns type.

Two extremelyinterestingseries,namely

n=i n^+r 1^+r (r^+r)(:i^+r)

^ ^ -^

"=i {M - If + 1^ P + r"*"

(1-+ f) (3^+ a



have been stated by Meissel * who deduced various consequences from them ;

it is to be supposedat presentf that 0 " e ^ 1, and ^ is real.

The simplestmethod of procedureto adopt in establishingthese ex-pansions

is to take the Fourier series]:

"cos 2'"if_7rcosh (7r-2ilf)f 1

Z\ n' + f~

2f^F7r^ 2p'

(which is valid when 0 ^ if ^ tt),replaceM hy E " " sin E, and integratefrom

0 to TT. It is thus found that

^ ^ X^(2ne) 1 r (7rcosh(7r-2"'+ 26sin"')^ M ^7^

^.rl '^"^+r -^ui ^sinh7^^ H


1 fi- [ttcosh (2^ + 2e COS ^i)_


-ST^ sinh TT^ ^"-

2 fi'(ttcosh 2^0.

cosh (2e^cos 0) 1,

TT.'o [ I sinh 7r| f^

Now the last expressionis an even integralfunction of e, and hence it is

expansiblein the form"

z "

-; ^-j"


m=i C-^w)! .'o smhTTf

^1 r(l+rBr(l-t|)^

Z,r{7n + i + i^)r(m + i-i^y^m-

by a formula due to Cauchy||;and the truth of Meissel's firstformula is now


The second formula follows in like manner from the Fourier series

"cos (2n - 1)i"_ TT sinh (Itt- M)^

"=; (2/i-ir+p"


* A)"tr. Nach. cxxx. (1892),col. .863"368.

t The extension to complex variables is made in " 17'31.

J See Legendre, Exercices de C'ulc. Int. ii. (Paris,1817),p. 166.

" It is easy to see that the term independent of e vanishes.

IIMem. siir les integralesdejinies(Paris,1825), p. 40. Cf. Modem Aiialy.iis,p. 263.

Page 570: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now, since the series obtained from (1) and (2) by differentiations with

respect to ^^ are uniformlyconvergent throughout any bounded domain

of real values of ^,we may diiferentiate any number of times and then make

We thus deduce that

are polynomials*in e; the former is an even polynomialof degree Im, and

the latter is an odd polynomialof degree2m " 1.

The values of the former polynomialwere givenby Meissel in the cases m = l,2,3,4, 5;

the values for m = \,2, 3 are

2 ' 2 8 ' 2 32 '*'72*

The values of the latter polynomialfor ??i.= l,2, 3 are

2' 2~18' 2~ 81 "^450"

Meissel also gave the values of the latter polynomialfor m = 4.,5.

Conversely,it is evident that every even polynomialof degree 2m is

expressiblein the form


71 = 0

and that every odd polynomial,of degree2m" 1, is expressiblein the form


2 hnJ2n-i{{2n-\)e],n = l

where "" and 6" are even polynomialsin l/n and 1/(2/?" 1) respectively,of


17*3. SimpleKapteyn series with complexvariables.

It was stated in " 17'1 that, in general,Kapteyn series are of a more

recondite character than Neumann series,and we shall now explainone of

the characteristic differences between the two types of series.

In the case of Neumann series it is,in general,possibleto expand each of

the Bessel functions in the form of a power series in the variable,and then to

rearrange the resultingdouble series as a power series whose domain of con-vergence

is that of the originalNeumann series.

* It is to be noted that the coefficientsof e-'" and e-""-i in the respectivepolynomialsare not

zero ; thev are

( - y-'^.

( - r-'2

. (in!)"- 2.


. .(2m - I):'


Page 571: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The correspondingproperty of Kapteyn series is quitedifferent ; for the

Kapteyn series

'^anJu+n{(v+ n)z]

is convergent and representsan analyticfunction (cf." 87) throughoutthe

domain in which

z exp \/(l"2-)

l + V(l-^')" lim


while the double series obtained by expandingeach Bessel function in powers

of z is absolutelyconvergent onlythroughoutthe domain in which

l^l.expV(l-I^P) 1 "

and the latter domain is smaller than the former ; thus, when the limit is 1,

the first domain is the interior of the curve shewn in Fig.24 of " 8'7,in

which the longestdiameter joinsthe points+ 1, while the shortest joinsthe points" i x 0'6627434 ; while the second domain* is onlythe interior of

the circle \z\= 0-G627434.

Hence, when we are dealingwith Kapteyn series,if we use the method of

expansioninto double series we succeed,at best,in provingtheorems onlyfor

a portionof the domain of their validity;and the prooffor the remainder of

the domain either has to take the form of an appealto the theoryof analyticcontinuation or else it has to be effected by a completelydifferent method.

As an example of the methods which have to be employed,we shall give

Kapteyn'sfproofof the theorem that

(1) -^^1+ 2 i J,,(nz),

providedthat z lies in the open domain in which

z exp \/(l- z")"1.


: ' l + ^(l-z"-)

This domain occurs so frequentlyin the followinganalysisthat it is con-venient

to describe it as the domain K; it is the interior of the curve shewn

in Fig.24 of "8-7.

Formula (1)is,of course, suggestedby formula (2) of " 17"22.

To establish the truth of the expansion,we write


1 + 2 i J"{7iz)= S(z),

and then it has to be provedthat S{z) = 1/(1- z).

1 /"(0+)Since J,,(nz)=

,^" .

/Ztti J

'exip{^z{t-l/t)\t T

* For an investigationof the magnitude of this domain, see Puiseux, Journal de Math. xiv.

(1849),pp. 33"39, 242"246.

+ Nieiiw Archief voor Wiskunde, xx. (1893),pp. 123" 126; Ann. sci. de VKcole norm. sup. (3)

X. (1893),pp. 96"102.

Page 572: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


we see that,if we can find a circle T with centre at the originof such a radius

that on it the inequalityexp {1^(^-1/0}


; ^' "1

is true, then

(^\ ^(z\ =

J^ i l+^~^exp 1^^(^-1/01 dt

^^ ^ '27ri ./,r+)1 - r' exp [^z(t- 1/^} t


To investigate(2),we recall the analysisof " 8'7. If 2 = pe'",t = e""*"**,

where p, u, a, 6 are all real (p and u being positive),then (2)is satisfied for

all values of ^ if

p v^sinh-u + sin-a) " "" " 0 ;

and when u is chosen so that the last expressionon the left has its least

value,this value is (|8'7),

z exp .v/(l" z^)

'"8|14-V-^')which is negativewhen z lies in the domain K. Hence, when z lies in the

domain K, we can find a positivevalue of u such that the inequality(2)is

satisfied when |i |= e".

Again,if we write \jtin placeof t in (3) we find that

^^ ^^ 27rzJ(^+)1-^ exp {-1^(^-1/0} ^'

where 7 is the circle \t\= e~".

When we combine (3) and (4) we find that

9"^(,\-l^{ * + exp {1^(^-1/0}dt


and so 2S{z) is the sum of the residues of the integrandat itspoleswliich lie

inside the annidus hounded by V and 7.

We next prove that there is onlyone poleinside the annulus*, and, having

provedthis,we notice that this poleis obviously = 1.

For the number of polesis equalto

1 [ d log[1 - t-^ exp {\z{t- I/O]]^^



J_ [ c^log[1 - r^ exp {i^(^-1/01]^^



^_l_i rflog[l-^exp 1-1^(^-1/0}]27rl J ir-i-\


-m J "





+_L I

c?log[-" exp {-1^(^-1/0}]^^^27ri J (r+)


The correspondingpart of Kapteyn'sinvestigationdoes not seem to be quiteso convincingas the investigationgiven in the text.

Page 573: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now the firstof these integralsvanishes ; for,if we write

t"' exp {^ {t- l/t)]= U,

then I?7|" 1 on V, and so the expressionunder consideration may be written

in the form

J (V+) i"= o ] dt71"^ J (V+) {n=0

and the integralof each term of the uniformlyconvergent series involved is


Hence the number of zeros of 1 - ^ ^exp {^z(t- l/t)}in the annulus is


1 1 ^ / 1

i-2 ^+^ clt=l.Iiri J r+

It follows that 2S{z) is equalto the residue of

^ + exp {1^(^-1/0}

^-exp [\z{t- ijt)]

at i = 1 ; and this residue is easilycalculated to be 2/(1" z).

It has therefore been shewn that 8{z) isequalto 1/(1" z)throughoutthe

domain K, i.e.throughoutthe ivhole of the open domain in which the series

definingS(z) is convergent.

[Note. It is possibleto prove that S {z)converges to the sum 1/(1" 2)on the boundaryof K, except at s= 1,but the proofrequiresan appealto be made to theorems of an Abelian

type; cf. " 17 '8.]

17'31. Tlie extension ofMeisseVs expansionsto the case ofcomplexvariables.

We shall now shew how to obtain the expansions

^^ Zi n''+^' p+r''^(p+n(2^+n (i'+r'^)(^'+r)(3--^+r"


^^ "Z, (2/1-1)2+r^ 12+^2+

(p+^2^3.+ ^.)

which are valid when z lies in the domain K and ^ is a complex variable

which is unrestricted apart from the obvious condition that ^i must not be an

integerin (1) nor an odd integerin (2). These results are the obvious

extensions of Meissel's formulae of "17-23.

[Note. The expansionswhen ^ is a pure imaginaryhave to be estabhshed by a limiting

process by making ( a|)[)roachthe imaginaryaxis ; since the functions involved in (1)and

(2)are all even functions of ^,no generalityis lost by assuming that li{Q is positive.]

w. B. F. 36

Page 574: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In order to establish these formulae, it is first convenient to effect the

generalisationto complex variables of the expansionof the reciprocalof the

radius vector givenby "17'21 (6). That is to say, we take the expansion00

1 + 2 S Jn {nz)cos il^,n = \

which we denote by the symbol S{z,^),and proceedto sum it by Kapteyn'smethod (explainedin "17'3),on the hypothesesthat "/"is a real variable and

that z liesin the domain K. We define a complexvariable i|rby the equation

(^= y^ " z Q\n ' .

The singularitiesof i/r,qua function of "^,are givenby cosi/r= \Jz,that is

^ = arc sec z " isj{z^" 1 )"

None of these values of (/"is real* if z lies in the domain K \ and, as ^ in-creases

from 0 to GO through real values,t/tdescribes an undulatingcurve

which can be reconciled with the real axis in the -\/r-planewithout passing

over any singularpoints.

It follows that if,for brevity,we write

t^= nexp{i^("-l/0},


^"^^'^P^ 27rtj(r+)l-2(/cos(^+U' t'

with the notation of " 17"3. By the methods of that section we have

9cr ^^-_L/" l-^'' dt

and so 2S(z, (/")is equalto the sum of the residues of the integrandat those of

itsjjoleswhich lie inside the annulus hounded hy T and y.

We shall now shew that tJiereare onlytwo polesinside the anmdus, and,

havingprovedthis,we then notice that these polesare obviouslyt = e""^.

By Cauchy'stheorem, the number of polesis equalto

1 r dlog(l-2t/cos(^+ ?70

"^TTt '(r+,v-) dt

c^log(l-2"rcos"^+ JJ')

(r+) dt

1 r (^log[^^exp{- (^-1/011


in J







S f7"COS (??.+ !)"/)n.=0



dtdt + 2

= 9

* It is easy to shew that such vahies of (psatisfythe equation

so that 1e"^ I" 1. "

Page 576: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and that

roc \ fine-^* sin2'"-i'Jrdylr= "

p-j" - cosh td


cos^'"-! OddJo cosh|7r^Jo


By substitution in (5)and (6)and writing2^ for ^ in (5) we at once infer the

truth of (1)and (2) when R{0" 0: and the mode of extendingthe results to

all other values of'(

has alreadybeen explained.The requiredgeneralisationsof Meissel's expansionsare therefore completelyestablished.

17'32. The expansion ofz^ into a Kapteyn series.

With the aid of Meissel's generalisedformula it is easy to obtain the

expansionof any integralpower of z in the form of a Kapteyn series. It is

convenient to consider even powers and odd powers separately.

In the case of an even power, z^^,we take the equationgivenby "17'31 (1)

in the form


1 f2r{n + l+iOr(n + l-i^) - J.mi^mz)^ ^

2'7riJ r^"-ir{l+iOT{l-iO ,"=im' + ^^



J- f i ^(.-n+^"D^(. + l-^"o^,"_,,_,^.

27riJ",t1r (m + 1 + t'or (m + 1 - io

^ ^'

where the contour of integrationis the circle | \ = n + ^. Since both series

converge uniformlyon the circle,when z lies in the domain K, term-by-term

integrationsare permissible.

Consider now the value of

j^f (p+n(2^+n...0i^4-n

When in " n, there are no polesoutside the contour, and so the contour may

be deformed into an infinitelygreat circle,and the expressionis seen to be

equalto unity;but when m " n, the poles" im are outside the circle and the

expressionis equalto unityminus the sum of the residues of the integrandat these two poles,

(m + n)I


The expressionon the left of (])is therefore equalto

9 V r /9,"^\ 9 V(m + n)\.L,J27n2)

m=i "i=ji+inv"^^^

. {m " n"l)\

Next we evaluate



^(/^+ l+^"O^0^ + l-^"O d^

il^nH r{m + l+ i^)r (m -h 1 - iO ^^'-'"'+'

Page 577: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


When m ^ n, the originis the onlypoleof the integrand,and, if we take the

contour to be an infinitelygreat circle,the expressionis seen to be equalto 1.

But, when m " n, there are no polesinside the circle {^\ " n + \,and the

expressionis zero.

Hence we have

If we replacen by n - 1 and subtract the result so obtained from (2),we

find that


vi=nW'"--. (m - n)! m=n+i'^n-''+\(m - n - 1)!


and so

m = n

If n = 1, equation(3)is at once deducible from equation(2),without the


When we have to deal with an odd power, z^^~'^,we take the equation

givenby "17"31 (2)in the form


rrZi r + (2m-l)^"^^

00 ^2m" 1 yam" 2m" 1

"" Ji{p+?^H3^+n--K2^-iy+n '^^'

and we deduce in a similar manner that

(o) -

^-.^J,",_,\{2m -l)z\ .

,,^-^^ (m-ir.(m-^-l)!"

= ^ + 2^ +. . .

-t- -'^-^


The formulae (3)and (6)may be combined into the singleformula

which is obviouslyvalid throughoutthe domain K when n has any of the

values 1, 2, 3,"

This formula was discovered by Kapteyn*; the proof of it which has

justbeen given,though somewhat artificial,seems rather less so than Kapteyn'sproof.

* Ann. sci. de I'Ecole norm. suj). (3)x. (1893),p. 103.

Page 578: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


17-33. The investigationof the Kapteyn seHes for z' ii the method ofinduction.

We shall now givean alternative method* of investigaiigthe expansion

of z^ as a Kapteyn series,which has the advantageof usig no result more

abstruse than the equations


= 1 + 2 i J-^{mz), t4-.= 1 + 2 ^ (-)" " (^^)'V " z

," _ 1 I -t z", _ 1

which were provedfor real variables in " 17*22 and for c"jiplexvariables in

"17"3 ; it is,of course, supposedthat, if z is real,then - 1 ^^ " 1,and, if z is

complex,then z lies in the domain K.

The induction which will be used dependson the fact " it when the sum,00

f(z),of the Kapteyn series S UmJmi'niz)is known, then ii sum F(z) of them = l

series 1" " "

^canbe obtained by two quadratures,the former seriesm=i w^

converges uniformly.To establish this result,observe tha by term- by-termdifferentiations.

z^az' az ,"=i

= (1-;-) a,"J,n{mz),

so that (z^yF{z) = (l- z')f{z);

it follows at once that F{z) can be determined in terms of i z) by quadratures.

Now, from (1),we have

i J^" (2,nz)= -1^^.


and SO, if Fiz)= X '^'"^/^mz)^111=^1 4"i^

then (^^)V(^)= ^^,dzl

Therefore,in the domain K,

where A and B are constants of integration.If we mat --*0, we see that

A=B = 0.


(2) 2- = 2 i '^""*(^^"-^)

m=i m"

* Watson, Messenger,xlvi. (1',)17),pp. 1.50"157

Page 579: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In like manner, we deace from (1)that

:.4"^.,K2m+ i)^}= -i^^,and hence that

^ ^ "^ mto (2m + 1)^"

The expansionsof z*^ nen n is 1 or 2 are therefore constructed.

Now assume that,foisome particularvalue of ?i,z'^ is expansiblein the


z^ = n'' 2 K.^n'J'mi'mz),m = 1

and consider the function(z)defined by the equation

"l"(zh(n -f 2)" S^" 6,","J,n(mz).

m = 1 ^^

By the process of ditirentiation alreadyused,we have

z'az- az ,re=i


= (n + 2)-z''+\

On integrationwe dedu-; that

(ji{z)= z''+-+ ^ '

log + B'.

It is obvious that A' =


= 0 from a consideration of the behaviour of "f){z)

near the origin.

Hence the expansioof z'^'^is



where 6m,n+2 ="":,

" b^,ti-lt

follows at once b induction that


,7^i;^=rr(|m - " + 1) *"""

,_ .,

" '2^'V{m+ n)J^{2mz)^^^ ^" ^^^ ''"

"Zi{2m)^-' .nf- r (m -n + 1)*

That is to say

and this is equation(c of "17-32.The expansionof 2-"-' is obtained in the

same way from the esansion of z ; the analysisin this case is left to the


Page 580: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We therefore obtain the expansion

/.^ /I sn_ .. yr (w + m)

.Jn+^m \{n+ 2m) z\

^ ^2^^ ~"''"m=o (n + 2m)"+i.m!

which is the expansionobtained by other methods in "17'32; and the ex-pansion

is valid throughoutthe domain K.

Since the series

^=(?i+ 2mf+i.m!

is absolutelyconvergent (beingcomparablewith S 1/wi^),the expansion(4)

converges uniformlythroughoutK and its boundary.The expansionis there-fore

valid (from considerations of continuity)on the boundaryof K, and in

particularat the points2^ = + 1, as well as throughoutthe domain K.

17"34. The expansionofl/{t" z) in a Kapteyn series.

From the expansionof z''^,obtained in the two precedingsections,we can

deduce, after Kapteyn*,the expansionof l/(^" z) when z lies in the domain

K and t lies outside a certain domain whose extent will be defined later in

this section.

Assuming that | |" j ^ |,we have

_1 1 ^ ^_

1 ^ 2"w2 " r {n -\-m) Jn+2m{{n+ 2m) z}

Now, ifgexpV(l - z'')\


1+^(1-22) I '''

the repeatedseries is expressibleas an absolutelyconvergent double series if

the double series

^ " 2'*?i-r {n + m) F"+2^"i

"ti"r-o("+ 2m)"+^m!|"|"+i

is convergent. But the terms in this series are less than the terms of the

double series

I X 2'"F''+=''^_2FexpF-

" = i m-o m!|"r^"


providedthat Ii [" 2 F.

Hence, when

t\"2 ^"exp \/(l" z^)

1 + V(1-^-^) ;'

rearrangement of the repeatedseries for l/(^" z) is permissible,and, when we

arrange it as a Kapteyn series,we obtain the formula

(1) r^= 0" (0 + 2 i "Bn (t)Jn (nz),

t " z "=i

* Ann. sci. de I'Ecole norm. sup. (3)x. (1893),pp. 113 " 120.

Page 581: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

17-34,17-35] KAPTEYN SERIES 569

where *

(2) "Bo{t)=llt,

(o^ era /A -

1 v" ('^- 2m)^(n-m-l):

From the last formula we may deduce a very remarkable theorem discovered

by Kapteyn ; we have


dV- 1 "4"(^n-vi-l)l 1 "4"(M-2m)-.(??.- w-1)!

and therefore,by " Ol (2),

so that,by " 9-12(1),

(4) ^" {t)= w (1 - ^2)0" (/^O+ sin^\n'rr+ " cos'^\mrwhen ?i = 1,2, 3,


Kapteyn s polynomial ". (^)i" tJierefofeexpressiblein terms of Neumann's

polynomial0^ (nt).

It is now possibleto extend the domain of validityof the expansion(1);for,by " 8-7 combined with " 9-17, it follows that the series on the rightof

(1)is a uniformlyconvergent series of analyticfunctions of z and t when 2

and t lie in domains such that

(5) n(z)"n(t), n(z)"n{i),

where n(z)^\l^^^jMlzA^)|

The expansion(1)is therefore valid throughoutthe domains in which both

of the inequalities(5)are satisfied.

[Note. This result givesa somewhat more extensive domain of values of t than was

contemplated by Kapteyn ; he ignored the tlicorem proved in " 9-17,and observed that

(sincethe coefficients in the series for (""(0 are positive)wiien | |^ 1,

I""(0|"""(1^|)=$""(1) = 1,

by (4); so that Kapteyn proved that (1)is valid when

0(2)"fl(l), |i:|:$:l.]

17 "35. Alternative proofsof the expansioiiof l/(t" z) into a Kapteyn series.

Now that explicitexpressionshave been obtained for the coefficients in the expansion

/ l~Z" = i

it is possibleto verifythis expansion in various ways. Thus, if "" {t)be definedas

n{\- 1-)On (n")+sin2 \mT + 1 cos^ ^rm-,the reader will find it an interestinganalysisto take the scries

7 4-f^ + 2{\-f^)^ n 0^ {nt)J" {m\

* Cf. Kapteyn, Nicuw Archie/ voor Wiskunde, xx. (1893),p. 122.

Page 582: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


substitute suitable integralsfor the Bessel coeflBcients and Neumann polynomials,and

reduce the result to 1/(^" 2)after the manner of " 9'14.

Or again,if we differentiate the expansiontwice with respect to z we find that

f 222

\+ (^^^2}=(1 - 2')J^nn^"n it)Jn {m),\{t-zf {t-zf

and then,dividingby 1 "z^^and making use of " 17 "3 (1),we find that

{t^-\){t-zf if-\f {t-zf {f'-\f{t-zf

whence the differential equationfor "" {t)is easilyconstructed in the form

and hence it follows that "

"n{t) = nil -f)On{nt) + sm^hin-irtco^' Hit +1-"^ {A^Jnint)+ Br^Yn{nt)],

where A^ and B^ are independentof t; but it does not seem easy to prove that An = Bn=().

17'4. The expansionof an arbitraryanalyticfunctioninto a Kapteynseries.

We shall now prove the followingexpansion-theorem:

Let f{z) he a functionivhich is analyticthroughoutthe regionin ivhich

"1 {z) a, luhere a ^ 1.

Then,at all pointsz inside the region,-A

(1) f{z)= Oo + 2 i: aJn {nz\


(2) ^=^.\(Bn{t)f{f)dt,and the path ofintegrationis tliecurve on ivhich il (t)= a.

This result is obvious when we substitute the uniformlyconvergent


n = l

for l/(t" z) in the equation

J^'^-^iri]t-z '

since D,{t)= a on the contour, while both D,{z)"l and Q,(z)"Cl (t)when z

is inside the contour.

This theorem is due to Kapteyn.

Page 584: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is not difficult* to express S4n,v{t)in terms of Gegenbauer'spolynomialAn,v{nt-\-hvt),defined in "9"2.

And the reader will easilyprove that if/(^)satisfiesthe conditions specifiedin " 17-4,then

(4) z^f{z)= S a", ,/,+,,{(v+ 71)z]


n = 0


in which the contour of integrationsurrounds the origin; and hence

_1 "^''(v + n- 2m)- r(v + n- m) an-(6) ".


where cio,a^, ...are the coefficients in the Maclaurin series for/(2^).

[Note. Jacobi in one of his later papers, Astr. Nach. xxviii. (1849),col. 257 " 270["'es.Math. Werke, vii. (1891),pp. 175 " 188] has criticised Carlini for statingthat certain

expansionsare valid only when \z\"0'663 But Carlini had some excuse for his state-ment

because the expansionsare obtained by rearrangements of repeatedseries which are

permissibleonlyin this domain, althoughthe expansionsare actuallyvalid throughoutthe

domain K.']

17'6. Kapteyn series ofthe second kind.

Series of the type

2/3../^.{(^"'+ ").}J-.^IC^^+").}have been studied in some detail by Nielsen f. But the onlyseries of this

type which have, as yet, proved to be of practicalimportance|,are some

specialseries with ix = v, and with simplecoefficients. The results requiredin

the applicationsjustspecifiedare obtainable by integratingMeissel's expansionof I 17"31 (1) after replacingz by 2 sin ^. It is thus found that,throughoutthe domain K,

\l M ="?(p.p)(2'4...(..'+r)-^/.^^"'"''

so that

^^ Zi n' + ^- 2 P-f ^""^2.4'(l-+ ^2)(22+ H

and hence we deduce that 'S,Jn-{nz)ln-'"'is a polynomialin z- of degreem;while the sum of series of the type 'Zn^^Jn^(nz)may be found in a similar

manner from the correspondingexpansion'2n^^"'J.2n{2nz).

* Cf. Nielsen, Ann. sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)xviii. (1901),p. 60.

t Ann. sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)xviii. (1901),pp. 39 " 75.

X Cf. Schott, Electromagnetic Radiation (Cambridge,1912),Chapter viii.

Page 585: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

17-6,17-7] KAPTEYN SERIES 573

Thus Schott* has shewn that

(2) 2 J^'{nz)=

2v/(l-22) 2' [Tfyn=i

" ^ ' 2^/(1-22)

(3) 2 7i'JJ{nz)=^zH4 + z^)

A generaltheoryresemblingthat of " 1 6'14 is deducible from the ex-pansion

which is easilyderived from " 17 "5 (1) and is valid throughoutK\ but it

seems unnecessary to go into details which the reader should have no difficultyin constructing,in the unlikelyevent of his requiringthem.

17'7. Kcipteynseries wJiich converge outside the domain K.

If Im |v/"n|= l,

we have seen that the Kapteyn series %anJn{^^z)represents an analyticfunction throughoutthe domain K. But since,when x is real,\Jn{nx)\"1,the series may converge alongthe whole of the real axis,althoughwhen \z\" 1,

the series does not converge at pointswhich are not on the real axis.

The behaviour of such a Kapteyn series may be summed up^f*by sayingthat it resembles a power-seriesthroughoutthe domain K and that it re-sembles

a Fourier series on the real axis outside K.

As an example,let us consider the series

^ Jn jnx)

It is evident that,if (^= -v/^" ^ sin -v/r,then

-^Jo " = i n-

since the Fourier series is uniformlyconvergent.

Now, when x "1, cf)decreases as yjrincreases from 0 to arccos(l/a-)and

then increases to ir as yjrincreases from arc cos (1/^')to tt. If vi be the integersuch that the minimum value of (f"lies between " 2m7r and " 2 {m + 1)tt, let

the values of -\ correspondingto the values

0, - 27r, -47r,...,

- "liHTr,-2??i7r,...,

- 27r,0

of "/)be 7o, 7i, ... jm, S/", ,/(-i,...

"1,So,and then

S =

TT (,.= 0 J7r "'7m r = () J S,.+l -Soin-l M"

* Electromagnetic Radiation (Cambridge, 1912), p. 120.

t The suggestion of these analogies was made by Professor Hardy.

Page 586: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Now when yjrlies in the intervals (jr,7r+i)and (S,.,8r+i)the sum of the

series under the integralsignis

i"f"'--Ittc+ Itt^ + r (r + 1)tt^ + (r + 1)ircf),

and, since

l(-^" X sin t/t)fZ-v|r= ^-\/r-+ a; cos yjr,

{(yfr" X sin i/r)^c^-v^= ^^i/r*+ 2a;(i^rCOS "\//'" sin ""^)+ x^{-^jr" sin yfrcos -^/r),

it may be shewn without much difficultythat

m m

S = :^x'+ \x + S {I(8,-- 7,^)+ X (cos8^ - cos 7,)}+ '2'ir r {h,- 7,).,.=0 j-=i

The reader will see that a largeclass of Kapteyn series may be summed bythis method*.

17*8. The convergence ofKapteyn series on the boundaryofthe domain K.

With the exceptionof the points+ 1, the boundary of K presents no

features of specialinterest;because,by means of Debye'sasymptoticexpansionthe consideration of the convergence of the Kapteyn series Son Jv+n[{v+ n)z]is reducible to that of the power series

^ On (^exp V(l -g-)l""

Vn i 1 + \/(l-z'))'

and that of two similar seriesfwith \/'^ V'*''written for ijn.

The points+ 1 present more interest,because the ordinaryasymptotic

expansionsfail. But the lacuna therebyproducedisfilled,for real values of v,

by the followingtheorem of an Abelian type:

The convergence of

i ^

is sufficientto ensure both the convergence of % a^Jv+n(^ + ^^)(^f^dthe continuity

of S anJv+n{{v+ n)x] throughoutthe interval0 ^x^\.

Since lajn^ converges and {n/{v+ 7i)|is monotonic, with a limit as n-*oc,

itfollowsthat 'S,anl(v+ n) converges; and since,by "8'54,(v+ n) Ju+n(v+ n)

is monotonic, with a limit as n ^ x,it follows that %anJv+n{v + n) converges.

* In this connexion the researches by Nielsen, Oversigt K. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs,

1901, pp. 127"146, should be consulted.

t If aj^n does not tend to zero the series cannot converge ; and if it does tend to zero

2"aJ^n^ is absolutelyconvergent, and so, if we replaceeach Bessel function by the first two terms

of the asymptotic expansion with a remainder term, the series of remainder terms is absolutely


J Due allowance has to be made for the originif v"0.

" Bromwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries, " 19.

Page 587: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Again, sinceJ.^^\iv+ n)x]


function ofn

which does not increase as n increases, for all values ofx

in the interval O^ic^l, it follows from the test of Abel's type for uniformity


* that

Sa"/^+" [{v + n)x\

is uniformly convergent (and therefore continuous) throughout the interval

0 ^ a- $ 1 ;and this

provesthe theorem.

By reversing the reasoning, itmay

be shewn that if ^a^Jv+niv + n) con-verges,

sodoes 2a,i/n^, so

that theconvergence

of ^dnju-^ is bothnecessary

and sufficient for the theorem to be true; the theorem is therefore the best

theorem of its kindf.

* Bromwich, Theory of Infinite Series, " 44.

t This was pointed out by Professor Hardy. Cf. Watson, Proc. London Math. Sac. (2) xvi.

(1917), pp. 171"174.

Page 588: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



18* 1. Fourier s formal expansion of an arbitraryfunction.

In his researches on the Theory of Conduction of Heat, Fourier* was led

to consider the expansion of an arbitraryfunction /(ic)of a real variable of ,r

in the form00

(1) /(")= 2 a,nJo(jm'^),

where ji,j^yjs,...

denote the positivezeros of Jo (2')arranged in ascending

order of magnitude.

The necessityof expanding an arbitraryfunction in this manner arises

also in Daniel Bernoulli's problem of a chain oscillatingunder gi-avityand in

Euler's problem of the vibrations of a circular membrane with an initial arbi-trary

symmetrical displacement (""1'3, 1"5).

In order to determine the coefficients a," in the expansion,Fourier multi-plied

both sides of (1)by ocJq{jmx) and integratedbetween the limits 0 and 1.

It follows from " 5"11 that

0 l^^i' \Jm)" m" ti,

and hence Fourier inferred that

(2) a,, = j-^^\'

t f{t)Jo ijmt)dt.fflKJm) '


If we now change the significanceof the symbols J",,so thatf j'l,jg, Ja,...

denote the positivezeros of the function J^ {z),arranged in ascending order

of magnitude, then


(8) /(";)= 2 a,nJ,(jmOo),m=l


("i) am=J,



v+i \ Jm) J 0

This more general result was stated by Lommel;]:; but, of course, neither

in the general case nor in the specialcase z--= 0 does the procedure which has

been indicated establish the validityof the expansion;it merely indicates how

the coefficients are to be determined on the hypothesis that the expansion

exists and is uniformly convergent.

* La Thiorie Analijtiquede la Chaleiir (Paris,1822), ""316"319.

f The omission of the suffix v, associated with ji,J2, js,


should cause no confusion, and it

considerabh' improves the appearance of the formulae.

X Studien iiber die BesseVsclien Functionen (Leipzig,1868), pp. 69" 73.

Page 589: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In fact the simplicityof the procedureis somewhat deceptive;for the

reader might anticipatethat,if the function /(a;)is subjectedto appropriaterestrictions,the expansionwould be valid for all values of v for which the


I tJAjmt)JAint)dtJo

is convergent,i.e.when v^ " 1.

But, as was pointedout by Dini in the course of his researches on the

expansion,it seems impracticableto establish itexcept on the hypothesisthat

i'^ " ^; and althoughvarious subsequentwriters,while provingtheorems on

the hypothesisv^ " ^,have stated that the extension of the analysisto

values of v between " | and " 1 is merelya matter of detail,their statements

appear to be open to question.

The fir.stattempt at a rigorousproofof the expansions(1) and (3) is

contained in some notes compiledby Hankel* in ]869 and publishedpost-humously.

A more completeinvestigationwas given by Schlaflifa year

after the publicationof Hankel's work; and an importantpaper by Harnack:^contains an investigationof the expansion(3) by methods which differed

appreciablyfrom those of earlier writers.

A few years after the appearance of the researches of Hankel and Schlafli,

the more generalexpansionCO

(5) f{^)= S KJA^ni^Xm = l

where Xj, "2" ^a, """

denote the positivezeros (inascendingorder of magnitude)of the function

when v^ " h,and H is any givenconstant, was investigatedby Dini",

The coefficientsin the expansionare givenby the formula

(6) {(X"r- v-")JJ^(X" ) + X"r J;^ (X^)}6^ = 2\^' \tf(t)J. (X,"i)Jo


The mode of determination of the numbers \n subjects/(*")to what is

known as a' mixed boundarycondition,'namely that /'{x)+ Hf {x)should

formallyvanish at a? = 1.

The^xpansion (5)was examined by Fourier (when v=i}) in the problemof the propagationof heat in a circular cylinderwhen heat is radiated from

the cylinder;in this problemthe physicalsignificanceof H is the ratio of the

external conductivityof the cylinderto the internal conductivity.

* Math. Ann. viii. (1875),pp. 471 " 491. In the coarse of this paper, Hankel obtained the

integralformula of " 14-4 as a limitingcase of (3).t Math. Ann. x. (1876),pp. 137"142.

% Leipziger Bcrichte,xxxix. (1887),pp. 191"214; 3Iath. Ann. xxxv. (1889),pp. 41"62.

" Serie di Fourier (Pisa,1880),pp. 190"277.

w. B. F. 37

Page 590: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It was pointedout by Dini that the expansion(5) must be modified* by

the insejxionof an initial term when H + v = 0: and,althoughDini's analysis

contams a numerical error, this discoveryseems to make it advisable to

associateDini's name rather than Fourier's with the expansion.

The researches which have now been described dependultimatelyon a set

of lemmas which are provedby Cauchy'stheoryof residues. The use of com-plex

variables has,however, been abandoned, so far as possible,by Kneserf

and Hobson^:,who have constructed the expansionby using the theoryof

integralequationsas a basis.

On aesthetic grounds there is a great deal to be said for this procedure,because it seems somewhat unnatural to use complex variables in provingtheorems which are essentiallytheorems concerningfunctions of real variables.

On the other hand, researches based on the theoryof integralequationsareliable to give rise to uneasy feelingsof suspicionin the mmd of the ultra-

orthodox mathematician.

The theoryhas recentlybeen made distinctlymore complete by the

importantmemoir of W. H. Young|, who has thrown new lighton many

parts of the subjectby usingmodern knowledgeof the theoryof functions of

real variables in conjunctionwith the calculus of residues. An earlier paper

by Filonjlwhich makes some parts of the analysisappreciablyless syntheticmust also be mentioned here.

The questionof the permissibilityof term-by-termdifferentiation of the

expansionwhich represents a function as a series of Bessel functions has been

discussed by Fordii, who has obtained importantresults with the helpof

quitesimpleanalysis(cf" 18"4).

More recondite investigationsare due to C. N. Moore**, who, after studyingthe summabilityof the expansionby Cesaro's means, has investigatedthe

uniformityof the convergence of the expansionin the neighbourhoodof the

origin,and also the uniformityof the summabilityof the expansion(whennot necessarilyconvergent)in this neighbourhood.

The reason why the uniformityof the convergence (or summability)of

the expansionin the neighbourhoodof the originneeds rather specialcon-sideration

is that it is necessary to use asymptoticformulae for J^,{Xm^) which

are valid when \n^ is large;and, as x approacheszero, the smallest value of

m, for which the asymptoticformulae are significant,is continuallyincreasing.

* Details of necessary modifications when H + v ^0 will be given in " 18"3. The modification

was also noticed by Kirchboff, Berliner Sitzungsberichte,1883, pp. 519 " 524.

t Archill derMath. undPhys. (3)vn.(1908),pp. 123"133; Math.Ann.i.xiu. (1907),pp. 477"524-

% Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)vii. (1909),pp. 359"388.

" Ibid. (2)xvin. (1920),pp. 163"200.

ilIbid. (2)IV. (1906),pp. 396"430. Cf. "" 19-21" 19-24.

IT Trans. American Math. Soc. iv. (1903),pp. 178"184.

** Ibid. X. (1909),pp. 391"435; xii. (1911),pp. 181"206; xxi. (1920),pp. 107"156.

Page 592: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and a Fourier series in which the coefficients are expressedas integrals,

0^ = " I f (t)cos mtdt, b^ = "

I r\t)sin mtdt.TT .'

-s-IT J ^^-^

It is necessaiy to make a similar distinction* between the types of series

which will be dealt with in this chapter:any series of the t\-peX

m = l

in which the coefficients a^ merelyform a given sequence of constants, will

be called a series ofBessel functions.

If,however, the coefficients in this series are expressibleby the formula"

Oi-m "j\f{t)J,{j^t)dt,

the series will be called the Fourier-Bessel series associated with f{x).

And if,farther,the series converges to the sum f(x) for any pointx of

the interval (0,1),the series will be described as the Fourier-Bessel expansion


In like manner, the series


where Xj, X", Xj, ...are the positivezeros of

will be called Dints series ofBessel functions.

If the coefficients 6,"are determined by the formula^

[(x,";-- ^) J,2(x^) + x.,^2j/^ (xj] b",= 2x"^ r tf{t)J, (X"0 dtJO

the series will be called the Dini series associated with f (x).

And if,further,the series converges to the sum/'(jr)for any pointx of the

interval (0,1),the series will be described as the JXni expansionoff{x).

Some writers have been inclined to regardFouiier-Bessel expansionsas

merelya specialcase of Dini expansions,obtainable by making H -* x : but

there are certain distinctions between the two expansionswhich make this

view somewhat misleading(cf ^ 1826, 1834, 18-35 ).

18 12. Specialcases ofFourier-Bessel and Dini expansions.

There are very few expansionsof simplefunctions in which the coefficients

assume a simpleform.

One function whose expansionhas simplecoefficients has alreadybeen

* The greater part of the terminologyis dae to Young, Proe. London, Math. Soc. (2)svm.

11920), pp. 167"168.

t It is supposed that the integralis convergent for all positiveintegralvalues of m.

X It is supposed that the series is modified, as in " 18'34, when fl t- f ^ 0.

Page 593: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


investigatedin " 15"42. Another isx", which givesrise to the formal expansions


"_ "r 2J,{jmCC)


(2) ^"=2

= \JmJ v+\ \Jm)


It will be seen subsequentlythat (1)is valid when 0 ^^ " 1, and (2)when

0 ^ .r s: 1, if iT + z^ " 0. Cf. ""18-22, 18-35.

The reduction formula

.'"" J "'

is easilyestablished,so that the Dini expansionof .r"*-" may be determined when v is any

positiveinteger.The Dini expansion of .r^ + ^'i + ixnay similarlybe determined; in this

case the generalcoefficient is expressiblein terms of known functions and


In order to calculate this when v is an integer,McMahon* has proposedto tabulate the



1 /"*'

,{t)dt = ,/i(.r)+ J-,(.^")+ Jr,{.v)4- . . . ,

which is a specialform of one of Lommel's functions of two variables (""16-5,16-56).

18-2. The methods of Hankel and Schldfli.

The earlier investigationswhich were described in " 18-1 are based on the

analysisused by Dirichletfin his researches on trigonometricalseries of

Fourier's type; this method of proceedingis obviouslysuggestedby the

fact that the trigonometricalseries are specialcases of the Fourier-Bessel

expansion,obtained by givingv the values " \.

In the case of Fourier's theorem, to prove that


/(*")= 1*^0+ ^ (a,rtcos 7*?,^ + 6,"sin "i.r),m = l

where "," = - f (t)cos mtdt, 6,,,,= - f(t)sin mtdt,

it is sufficient to prove that

^-^ 1 f""f (if)= lim "

/ { + cos {x " t)-h cos 2{oc" t)+...

+ cos n {cc" t)\J(t)dt,

.....that /W=,.'!!",2^./,.sW^'Iqf(t)dt

* Pioc. American Assoc. 1900, pp. 42 " 43. The tabulation is most simply effected by using

" 10-74(3)in conjuuetion with Table I. (pp. 666"697) ; see Table VIII.

t Journal far Math. iv. (1829),pp. 157"169.

Page 594: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In the case of the generalFourier-Bessel expansion,the correspondinglimit to be evaluated is

lim i^^^%^!\f(t)JAj,J)dt,and so it is necessary to investigatethe behaviour of the sum

I 2J^{j,"a;)J^(jmt)

m = l " 'v+i \.lm)

when n is large;and it is in this investigationthat the use of the calculus of

residues is more than desirable.

In the case of Dini's expansion,the correspondingsum which needs

examination is

An applicationof the calculus of residues which will be described in ""18'3 "

18"33 shews that the difference of the two sums is readilyamenable to dis-cussion,

and so we are sparedthe necessityof repeatingthe whole of the

analysisof the Fourier-Bessel expansionwith the modifications appropriateto the more generalcase of the Dini expansion.

18*21. The Hankel-Schldflicontour integral.

We shall now beginthe attack on the problemof Fourier-Bessel expansions

by discussingpropertiesof the function Tn (t,x),defined by the equation

/I \ rn /J. ^\_

V-"" v\.1m^) "

v \Jmt)\^) J-nV'yX)" ^ j:^ Tl~\ '

m = \ " v+\ \Jm)

where 0"a;^l, O^^^l, and the order v is real and issubjectto the condition

v + l^O.

The method which will be used is due to Hankel* and Schlaflif,though

many of the details of the analysisare suggestedby Young's;):recent memoir.

The function Tn (t,a;)is obviouslyas fundamental in the theoryof Fourier-

Bessel expansionsas is the function

sin (n4- ^){a:" t)sin ^ (iJO"t)


in the specialtheoryof Fourier series.

In order to obtain the formulae connected with Tn (t,x) which are sub-sequently

requiredit is necessary to express the mth terra of the sum for

Tn (t,x) as the residue at jm of a function,of the complex variable w,

which has ipolesat ji,jo,jo,...jn.When this has been done, we express

* Math. Ann. win. (1875),pp. 471"494.

t Ibid. X. (1876),pp. 137"142.

X Proc. London Math. Sac. (2)xviii. (1920),pp. 163"200.

Page 595: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Tn (t,x) as the integralof this function round a rectangleof which one of the

sides lies along the imaginaryaxis while the oppositeside passes between

jn and jn+\-The sides parallelto the real axis are then moved off to infinity"in oppositedirections,so that,in order to secure the convergence of the integral,it is necessary to prescribethe behaviour of the integrandas |/ {w)|^ oo


There are three integrandswhich we shall study,namely

(2) 2 [tJ {xw)J,+,(tw)- xJ^ (tw)J,+,{xw)}f{{t''- x')J^ (w)},

(3) irw [J (w) Y" (xw) " J^ (xw) Y^ (w)}J^ (tw)jJ(w),

(4) TTiu {J (w) Y^ (tw)- Jy (ttv)Y^ (w)}J^ (xw)/J (w).

The first of these was the integrandstudied by Schlafli;the other two are

suggestedby the work of Kneser and Carslaw which was described in " 15'42.

A studyof the asymptoticvalues of these integrandsindicates that (2) is

suitable for discussions in which x=^t and 0 "x + t " 2; (3)when* 0 -^^"^" 1 ;

and (4)when 0 ^x"t"l.

We proceedto verifythat the integrandsallhave the same residue,namely

^Ju (jmX)JAjmt)/J\+i(jm),

at w=jm- In the case of (2),we define the functionfg(w) by the formula

2w(5) g (w) = [tJ (xtu)J^+i(tiv)- xJ^ (tw)J^+i(xw)},

and then, if lu = ;"",+ 6, where 6 is small,we have

J. (tv)= dJ,( jm)+ iO'J," (j,")+ ...,

so that

WJ,' (W) = e"-j^JJ(j",)+ d'JJ (j,n)[jmJu"(jm)+ J J (jm)]+ " " ""

It is easy to verify,by usingBessel's differential equation,that the coeffi-cient

of 6-'on the rightvanishes; and hence the residue oi g (w)l[wJj^(iu)]at j,nis

f)'{Jni)l\jmJJ'-(jm)\,and this is easilyreduced to

2/^ (jmX)Jv (jmt)IJ\+i(jm)

by usingrecurrence formulae.

In the case of (3),the residue at j^ is

T^i-n[J"'(jm)Y^ (j,nX)- J, (jmX)Y" (j^)]J^ (jmt)IJJ(jm)

= - -jrjmJv.(jmX)Jv (jmt)Yv (j"n)IJJ(jm)

^= 2 J^ (jniX)Jv (j,nt)IJJ'(jm),

by 13"63, and this is the expressionrequired; the integrand(4)is dealt with

in the same way.

* This is most easilyseen by writingthe integrandin the form

l-rriw{HyC")(ic)Hv^) [xw] - Hut}) (xi(7)if^(2)(it;)J.,T^(tw)IJv(iv).

"\The results obtainable by using the integrand (2) are discussed in great detail by Graf and

Gubler, Einleitung in die Theorie der BesseV schen Funktionen, i. (Bern,1898), pp. 131 " 139.

Page 596: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We next take the contour of integrationto be a rectanglewith vertices

at " Bi, An " Bi, where B will be made to tend to qo,and An is chosen so

that jn " An"jn+i- When it is desired to assigna definite value to ^", we

shall take it to be equalto(n + ^v+ ^)7r,which lies between j" and jn+iwhen

n is sufficientlylarge("15'53).

Now it is easy to verifythat the three integrandsare odd functions of w,

and so the three integralsalongthe left sides of the rectanglesvanish *.

Again,if io= u -\-iv,it may be verified that when v is large,and either

positiveor negative,while u ^ 0, then the three integrandsare respectively

0 {e~i^-^-t'\% 0 (e-*^-*'!"!),0 (e-""-^)l"i),

and so, for any assignedvalue of ^,i,the integralsalongthe upper and lower

sides of the rectangletend to zero as B ^ oo when x and t have the relative

values which have alreadybeen specified.

We thus obtain the three formulae

(6) r"(",.)-1 i"-"-'?(''i*"

1 rAn+'^i ri 2 0wJ^ (xOw) J^ (tdw) dddw

~27ri.'^"_aoiJo J"-=(w){"d"x-\-t" 2; xi^t)

(7) Tn (t,x) = ^. w [J.{w) n {xw) - J, {xiu)F, {w)]''^)-7^",


(8) Tn (t,X) = ^.f "^"u-{J.M Y.itw)- J. (tw)F. (w)]'^-'^^.


From equation(6)it is easy to obtain an upper bound for jTn{t,x) !;for

it is evident from the asymptoticexpansionof " 7"21 that,when ;^ + -|-is posi-tive(or zero)and bounded, there exist positiveconstants d and Cg such that

(^"i 'J (tw) I"g^expli7(^^)1} c,_exp[J/(w)||

(y) ^JAtw)\^^^l^^^i

, u.wi^^,^j

when w is on the line joiningAn " oc i to An + cci and f^O, providedthat n

exceeds a value which depends on v. Hence

\it'-^')Tn{t,x)\^^J'j^^^^j\xip{-{2-x-t)\vl}dv,so that

4r -

This inequalitygivesthe upper bound in question.

* It is necessary to make an indentation at the origin,but the integralround the indentation

tends to zero with the radius of the indentation.

Page 597: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


It is also easy to see that

fr+i T, (t,x) (t-- .^"-)dtJo

{tJ, (xw)J,+,(tw) - .r J,+i{tiu)J^+i{xw)]J ,

and hence

[Note. Theorems obtained by a consideration of integralsinvolvingBessel functions

of the firstkind only can usuallybe made to cover the origin,in view of the fact that the

constant Cj in equation(9)is independentof t in the interval 0^" " 1. Thus (11) may be


\ J 0 I TTCo Jin [Z " X" I)

valid when O^.r^l, O^t^l. This extension is not so easilyeffected when integrals

involvingfunctions of the second kind have been used because the simplestinequality

correspondingto (9)is

!Y^ (tw)I" c'l'{1tw !""logIiw I+ 1tic \-i}exp {[7 (tw)\},

and it is a somewhat tedious matter to obtain a simple upper bound to the integrandin

(8)from this inequality.]

Equation("j)was used by Schlafli to prove that,when n is large,then

^"^''^"^'^2;^)sin-4"(^ " ^) sin -rl,j(^+ ^)sin ^TT{t " x) sin i tt (i+ x)j


but, since the order of magnitude of the error in this approximationis not

evident,we shall next evaluate some integralsinvolvingTn {t,x) by means of

which difficultiescaused by the unknown error may be evaded.

18"22. IntegralsinvolvingTn{t,x).'



The two fundamental formulae which we shall now obtain are as follows :

(1) lim [t^+'T,,{t,x) dt = a-",'

(0 " x " 1 )

(2) lim I't''+'Ta{t,x)dt= ^x''.'

" (0".r"l)

From these it is obvious that

(3) lim [f^' Tn (t,x) dt = ^x". -

^ (0"x"l)

In the course of proving(1)it wall be apparent that

xi ! t''+'T"(t,x)dt-^x''+i "'"' "


uniformlyas n -^ z) when x lies in the interval "


0 ^^'^ 1 - A, ^ .,

w^here A is any positivenumber.

Page 598: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We shall also investigatethe boundedness of



in the interval in which 0 "t ^1.

Of these results,(1) was given by Young, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xviir. (1920),

pp. 173 " ^174,and the proofof it,which will now be given,is his. Formula (2)seems to be

new, though it is contained implicitlyin Hobson's memoir.

It is evident that

f "'+1T^ (t,x)dt= I ^lA^cc)_

When we transform the sum on the rightinto a contour integralafter the

manner of 118'21, we find that it is equalto

1 r=^^ 2J^(a;w)dw 1 1'-^'^+'^'"2J^{a;w)dw

In the former of these two integrals,the originhas to be avoided by an

indentation on the rightof the imaginaryaxis.

Since the integrandis an odd function of w, the value of the firstintegralreduces to iri times the residue of the integrandat the origin,so that


1 1 C^n-^^^i2J (xw)diu

02711 J An- ^i WJ^{W)

^n+^i 2J" (xw) dw I 2ci


2c r"*

"^^-r exp {" {\ " x)\v\} dv

CiAn (1 " x)\Jx'

and, from this result,(1)is evident;it is also evident that


tends uniformlyto zero as n -^ x so longas 0 ^^."r 1 " A.

It will be observed that the importantexpansion

(4 x^-^i= x\ i ^\'y\,

(0^^"1)m=l Jm** v+i \Jm)

which was formallyobtained in "18'12,is an immediate consequence of (1).

Formula (2) can be proved in a somewhat similar manner (though the

details of the proofare rather more elaborate)by usingan integrandinvolvingfunctions of the second kind. It is easy to see that

rt''+'Tn(t,x)dt=S ^''''^''^''Uf'"f':+^(J^-00)Jo w=l Jm" f+iiJm)

B^x ^^ J A"-Bi Jv{W)

Page 600: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Moreover, if we close the range of values of x on the rightso that 0 " a; ^ 1,

we infer fi-om the Lemma that the integrals

["v"^^Tn {t,w) dt, [ V^' Tn {t,a:)dtJo Jo

are bounded as ??. -^ oo when 0 " ;" $ 1.

Lastlywe shall consider


and we shall prove that,when 0 " ^ ^ 1 and 0 " ^' ^ 1,this integralis a. bounded

functionofn, x and t,as n -^ co.

It is easy to shew by the methods which have justbeen used that,when

1 "x + t'^l,i.e.when t^x, then



m = l Jin" v+iKjm),

0 14-]- lim '-^. I"------ V- ^,^.^,.w


= lim-^ {J" {w) Y^ (xtu)" J" (xw)J\ (w)]

J5-*oo ^* J A"-Bi Jv (W)


f^'^ f''^"'+^'sinw(l"x). sin (tw-^vir- Iit)

\AJ b^^ TTi*'J A "- Bi w COS {iu-lv'Tr-\ir)


V""^ f-^n+BiCOS (xw + tw " w"lvrr " ^tt),

= 0-r-

- hm"

'. ,




r- " - dw\AJ B^^^TTIX- J An-Bi W COS i^lV- \vTr- {tt)

fv+h rAn+Bi (jQs lyj ^tW " XW " il/TT" Itt),

+ hm^r"r-,






.""-'dw.s^ao lirix'! J A"- Bi w cos{w " hi"'rr" \7r)

These integralsare of the type examined in the Lemma givenearlier in this

section ; and so the originalintegralis bounded when " 1"j" + ^" 1^1

and " 1" 1+^ " ic^l, i.e.when 0"t^x^\.

To prove that the integralis bounded when 0 " r" ^ ^ ^ 1,we firstshew that


I t''+'Tn{t,x)dt

= lim*"'" i"'"^^''' ^ -^ ^^ ^-^ ^ ^-^ ^ ^-^^


B-*"x"-^p- {J {w) F^+i(tw) - J^+i(tw)Y^ {w)] "y ,


^* : An-Bi Jv{W)

and then apply the arguments just used in order to approximateto the

integralon the right; the details of the analysisare left to the reader.

It has thereforebeen provedthat,ifA be an arbitrarypositivenumber, then


J 0

^"+1 Tn {t,x) dt "u,

where U is independentofn, x and t luhen A^o;^!, A^t^l.

Page 601: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


These results constitute the necessary preliminarytheorems concerning

Tn it,x),and we are now in a positionto discuss integrals,involvingTn (t,x),

which occur in the investigationof the Fourier-Bessel expansionassociated

with an arbitraryfunction /'(a?).

18*23. The analogueof the Riemann-LehesgueLemma*.

We shall now prove that,if {a,b)is any part of the closed interval (0,1),

such that X is not an internal pointor an end pointof (a,h),then the existence

and the absolute convergence of"b


are sufficientto ensure that,as n ^cc,



'where-f0".r ^\.

The reader will observe that this theorem asserts that the only part of the

path of integrationin

ftf{t)Tn (t,x) dtJo

which is of any significance,as n -^ oo,

is the part i7ithe immediate vicinityofthe point x.

It is convenient to prove the theorem in three stages. It is firstsupposedthat t^f{t)is bounded and that the originis not an end pointof (a, b). In

the second stage we remove the restriction of boundedness, and in the third

stage we remove the restriction concerningthe origin.

(I) Let t~''f(t)= F(t){f'-x%

and let the upper bound of \F{t)\in (a, b) be K. Divide (o,b) into p equal

parts by the pointst^,t2,... ^^-i,(^o= c*,tp= b); and, after choosingan arbitrary

positivenumber e, take p to be so largethat


S (U"" - L",){t,n- t,n^^)" e,

m = l

where Um and L,n J^re the upper and lower bounds of F(t) in (Y",,_i,1^)-


F{t) = F{t,,^,)+ co,,{t),

so th?lt 10)," (t)\^U,n " Lm, in (^,"_i,tni)-

It,is'thenevident that

("!' P [tin

tf(t)Tn {t,X)dt^ X F (^,,_,) f+' Tn {t,X)(f'- of)dtJ a tn = \ J t-m-i

P I'f-m

+ i: t''+'Tn{t,x)(f'-x^)ay,n{t)dt,m = l J tm-i

* Cf. Modern Anuli/sin," 9-41.

t If x= 1, it is,of course, supposed that b"l.

Page 602: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and hence, by the inequalities(10)and (11)of "18'21,

\\f{t)Tn{t,x)dtJ a


7rC2^^"(2 " X " h)six


that is to say


tf(t)Tn(t,x)dt\^4ci- 2Kp

+ "


Now the choice of e fixes p ; when e (and therefore p) has been chosen, we

are at libertyto choose An so largethat An" ^Kpje. That is to say, by a

suitable choice of ^,1,we may make the integralon the left less than

TTci(2 " X ~ b)\lx'

which is arbitrarilysmall. Consequentlythe integralis 0 (1)as A^ -^ 00,and

this is the theorem to be proved.

(II) When F(t) is not bounded throughout(a,b),let it be possibleto

choose r intervals /x, such that F(t) is bounded outside these intervals and

such that

"^ f F(t)\dt"".fl J IX

When t lies in one of the intervals yu,we use the inequality

If^^ {t^- X^)Tn (t,X)I"^''



TTCa {2 " X " b)^/x

and hence, if K is the upper bound of ii^(^)]in the parts of {a,b)outside the

intervals /x,by applying(I)to each of these parts,we have

tf{t)Tn (t,x)dtSci" '(r+\)Kp

+ e

irci(2 " X " b)\/x

If we take e sufficientlysmall (thusfixingK) and then take A^ to be

sufficientlylarge,we can make the expressionon the right(and therefore also

the expressionon the left)arbitrarilysmall,and this is the result which had

to be proved.


(III) If t^-f{t)dt exists and is absolutelyconvergent, we can choose 77Jo

so small that

and then, since we have





dt " e,


TTC^ {2 " X " b)i^xf


Page 603: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


it follows from (II)that

(r + l)Kp 3e"



where K is the upper bound of \F(t)\in (77,6)when the intervals /j, are


Hence it follows that the expressionon the left can be made arbitrarilysmall by takingn sufficientlylarge,and so the analogueof the Riemann-

Lebesgue Lemma is completelyproved.

18"24. TIte Fourier-Bessel expansion.

We shall now prove the followingtheorem*, by means of which the sum

of the Fourier-Bessel expansionassociated with a givenfunction is determined :

Let f{t) he a functiondefinedarbitrarilyin. the interval (0,1); and let

t~f{t)dt exist and (ifitis an improperintegral)letithe absolutelyconvergent.

2 [^Let am =

Yo 7^-^ tf(t)J (j,nt)dt,'J'v+\ \Jm) J 0

where v + ^^0.

Let X he any internal pointof an interval {a,b)such that 0" a" h "1 and

such thatf{t)has limited totalfluctuationin (a,6).

Then the series 2 a"iJw{jm^^m = l

is convergentand its sum is h,[/( + 0) +f{x " 0)}.

We firstobserve that,by ""18-21, 18-22,

n n

2 a,nJAjm^) = tf(t)Tn(t,x)dt,m = l Jo

i{f(x- 0)+f(x + 0)}= lim x-\f(x - 0)[%''+^T,,(t,x) dt

+ lim x-'fix + 0)(f+'Tn (t,x)dt.

Hence, if

8n {X)= 1%"+^[t-^f{t)- X~^f{x - 0))r" {t,X) dtJo

+ ft"^'[t-^fit)- X-^fix + O)}Tn{t,x)dt,

it is sufficient to prove that Sn {x)-* 0 as w -* 00 in order to establish the

convergence of"x"

"^ (^m "f \Jm, X)

m = l

to the sum | {f(x+ 0)+f(x - 0)}.

* Hobson, Proc. London Math. Sac. (2)vii. (1909),pp. 387"388.

Page 604: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We now discuss

I\^^'U-'fit)- X--f{x + 0)}Tn (t,X)dt

in detail,and the reader can then investigatethe other integralinvolved in

Sn (x)in preciselythe same manner.

The function t'" f{t) " x~''f(x+ 0) has limited total fluctuation in (x,h),

and so we may write*

r "/ (t)- x-^f{x+ 0) =

xi (0 - X. {t),

where X\ (0 ^^^1 ')({t)are bounded positiveincreasingfunctions of t in {x,b),such that

%i(^+0) = x.(^ + 0)=0.

Hence, when an arbitrarypositivenumber e is chosen,there exists a

positivenumber S not exceedingb " x, such that

whenever x ^t ^x + 8.

We then have

!\^+'[t-\f(t)- X-\f{x + 0)]Tn (t,X)dtJ X

= f r+" [t-'fit)-X-^ f{x + ())}Tn {t,X)dtJ x+S

+ r'

i"-^'%i (0 Tn (t,x)dt -

r^ t"^'x^ (t)T" (t,X) dt.

We now obtain inequalitiessatisfied by the three integralson the right.

It follows from the analogueof the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma that the

modulus of the first can be made less than e by takingn sufficientlylarge.

Next, from the second mean-value theorem it follows that there is a number

^ between 0 and 8 such that

["'"^V^'X^ (0 Tn {t,X) dt = X. 0^+ 8)f''"'

""+' Tn (t,X)dt,J X J x+$

and, by " 18'22, the modulus of this does not exceed 2Ue; and similarlythe

modulus of the third integraldoes not exceed 2U6. By treatingthe integralbetween the limits 0 and x in a similar manner, we deduce that,by takingn

sufficient!}^large,we can make the difference between


S araJAjmSc)and |{/(a;+0)+/(a;-0)}

numericallyless than (8t/+ 2) e; and this is arbitrarilysmall.

Hence, by the definition of an infinite series,we have provedthat, in the00

circumstances postulated,2 CbmJvijm^)is convergent and its sum is

M/(^ + 0)+/(^-0)};

and this is the theorem to be proved.* Cf, Modern Analysis," 3'64.

Page 605: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


18*25. The uniformityofthe convergence ofthe Fourier-Bessel expansion.

Let/(^)satisfythe conditions enunciated in "18'24, and also let/(^)be

continuous {m addition to havinglimited total fluctuation)in the interval (a,h).

Then the Fourier-Bessel expansionassociated withf(t)converges uniformlyto

the sumf(x) throughoutthe interval {a + A, i " A) where A isany positivenumber.

This theorem is analogousto the usual theorem concerninguniformityof

convergence of Fourier series *; the discussion of the uniformityof the con-vergence

of the Fourier-Bessel expansionnear ^ = 1 and near x= 0 requires,rather more careful consideration,in the firstplacebecause formula 118'22 (1)is

untrue when x= 1, and in the second placebecause it is not practicable

to examine the bounds of"f



when X and t are small,without usingapproximationsfor Bessel functions of

the second kind.

The difficultiesin the case of the neighbourhoodof ^ = 1 are easy to over-come

(cf." 18*26);but the difficultiesin the case of the neighbourhoodof

the originare of a graver character ; and the discussion of them is deferred

to "18-55. "'

We shall prove the theorem concerninguniformityof convergence through-out(a+ A, 6 " A) by a recapitulationof the arguments of the precedingsection.

In the firstplace,since continuityinvolves uniformityof continuityf,the

choice of 8 which was made in " 18'25 is independentof x when x lies in

(a + A, 6- A).

Next we discuss such an integralas -

. ., ,

r t"^^[t-\f{t)- c^-\f\x)]Tn {t,x)dt "'

J x+S " -"

Since B is independentof x, it follows from the proofof the Riemann-

Lebesguelemma ("18-23)that this integraltends to zero uniformlyas n-*oc,


r t''^'^{t-''f{t)-x-''f{x)]dt

is a bounded function of x.^


f t^-^^t'^f{t)-x--f{x)]dt%C\t'^f{t)\dt+\x--f(x)\Ct'+'^dt,J :xr^ 'Jo' Jo

and this is bounded in (a-f-A, 6 " A) since /(*")is continuous and therefore

bounded in this interval.

* Cf. Modern Analysis," 9-44.

t Cf. Modern Analysis,"3'61. It is now convenient to place an additional (trivial)restriction

on 5, namely that it should be less than A, in order that the interval {x- 5, x + d)may lie inside

the interval {a,b).

w. B. F. 38

Page 606: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Similarlythe other integralsintroduced in " 18'24 tend to zero uniformly,

and so


tends to zero uniformlyas ?i ^ x,and this proves the theorem stated.

18'26. The uniformityof the convergence of the Fourier-Bessel expansion

near a; = 1.

It is evident that all the terms of the Fourier-Bessel expansionvanish at

the pointa; = 1, so that,at that point,the sum of the terms of the expansionis zero.

Since uniformityof convergence of a series of continuous functions involves

the continuityof the sum, it is evident that the condition

/(l-0) = 0

is necessary in order that the convergence of the Fourier-Bessel expansionassociated with f{t)may be uniform near x = l.

We shall now prove that the conditions that f(a;)is to be continuous in

(a,1) and that /(I) is zero, combined with the conditions stated* in " 18"24,

are suffi,cientfor the convergence to be uniform throughout(a -I-A, 1).

The analysisisalmost identical with that of the precedingsection ; we take

\''+'\t-''f(t)-w-''f{x)]Tn{t,cc)dt,IJ 0

just as before,and we then divide the interval (0,1) either into three parts

(0,X " B),(x " B,x+ B),{x+ B, 1),if a; ^ 1 " S, or into two parts (0,x " B),

(x" B,1),if x"^! " B. And we then prove that the three integrals(orthe two

integrals,as the case may be) tend uniformlyto zero.

Again,when /(I) = 0, we can choose Bi so that

when 1 " Bi^x ^1.

Then the expression



tends uniformlyto zerof as w-*-oo when x lies in (a + A, 1" 8i),and the

expressiondoes not exceed (?7-|-l)efor any value of w when x lies in


* The interval (a,b)is,of course, to be replacedby the interval (a,1).

t Because the integralinvolved tends to x" uniformlythroughout (A, 1- 5i),by " 18-21.

Page 608: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This theorem is due to W. H. Young*, and it may be provedin preciselythe same manner as the theorem of " 18'23. We shall write out the proofwhen jt^f(t)i is bounded, with upper bound K, and leave the reader to con-struct

the proof,when the function is unbounded, on the lines of | 1823.

Divide (a,b)into p equalparts by the points i, t.^,..., tp^ {to= a, tp= b),

and let the parts be so numerous that


where Um and Z," are the upper and lower bounds of t^f{t)in (^,"_i,t^n)-

Next let t-f{t)= F{t), F{t) = F {t,,_,)""co,n{t),and then

\'tf{t)J,{\t)dt"irl|r"t^-J,{\t)dtWi ['"'\tU,{\t)"Om{t)\dt

where c' is the upper bound of \t^J^(t)\in the interval (0,oo ). Hence, by

reasoningresemblingthat used in " 18*23,the integralon the left is o (X~-^),and this is the theorem to be proved.

The theorems of this section can be made to cover the closed interval

(O^a?^ 1) in the forms

;f/;./(07,("o.^"={"%^""'"^ v+i \Jm)

This is evident when it is remembered that

Hence the general term in the Fourier-Bessel series associated with'f{x)tends to zero {aftermidtiplicationhy \/x)throughoutthe inter'val (0 $ a; $ 1)

if^'/i'"^)f^o, o.n integralwhich is absolutelyconvergent;and, ifthis functionhas limited totalfluctuation,the generalterm tends to zero as rapidlyas l/jm-

18*3. The applicationofthe Hankel-Schlafiimethods to Dini's expansion.

We shall now consider a class of contour integralsby means of which we

can obtain theorems concerningDini's expansion,analogousto those which

have been proved for Fourier-Bessel expansions,either in a direct manner or

by means of the correspondingtheorems for Fourier-Bessel expansions.

The Dini expansionassociated with /(a;)is


Z( O^JpyKmOC),7n = \

where Xi,X2, ^3, ...are the positivezeros (arrangedin ascendingorder of

magnitude) of the function


* Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xviii. (1920),pp. 169"171.

Page 609: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18-3] DINI SERIES 597

where U and v are real constants, and

The coefficients h^ are to be determined by the formula




tJ;-(X,J) (it= t/{t)J^ (\J) (it0 Jo

2\J ! tf{t)J,(\nt)dtJo

so that

Before proceedingfurther,we shall explaina phenomenon,peculiarto certain

Dini expansions,which has no analogue in the theoryof Fourier-Bessel


The investigationof Dini expansionsis based on propertiesof a function

which has polesat the zeros of '

and, when H + v = 0, this lastfunctionhas a zero at the origin.

Further, \i H +v is negative,thefunctionhas two purelyimaginary zeros.

It is onlyto be expectedthat these zeros should contribute to the terms

of the series,and such a contribution in fact is made.

li H -^v = 0, an initial term"

(1)" 2{v^l)x^\\''+'f{t)dt

Jo : .."..";,

has to be inserted on account of the zero at the origin.

If H+v is negativeand the purelyimaginaryzeros are "i\n, then an

initial term' '

'' "

'- "

{\r + ir)1^-(A,o)- V^.- " (^o)J 0

must be inserted on account of the zeros 4- i\0-

These initial terms in the respectivecases will be denoted by the common

symbol ^^{x),so that the series which will actuallybe considered is

mi = 1

wh^re J^Q^x)is zero when H + v is positiveand is defined as the expression

(1) or (2)in the respectivecases H + v " 0, H + p"0.

[Note. The fact that an initial term must be inserted when H+v = 0 was noticed by

Dini, Serie di Fourier (Pisa,1880),p. 268, but Dini gave its vakie incorrectly,the factor

x" being omitted. Dini's formula was misquoted by Nielsen, Handhuch der Theorie der

Cylinderfwnktionen(Leipzig,1904),p. 354. For corrections of these errors, see Bridgenian,Phil. Mag. (6) XVI. (1908),pp. 947"948; Chree,PJul. Mag. (6) xvir. (1909),pp. 329"331;

and C. N. Moore, Trans. American Math. ^oc. x. (1909),pp. 419"420.]

Page 610: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We now consider the function

'2wJ"(xw)J^ (tw)

J^iw) [wJJ (w) + HJ^ {w)]'

This function has polesSitji,J2,J3,...,Xj, X^,X3,

..., (0 or " iXq).

The residue of the function at J, is

The residue at X," is

2 X"jJ^(X^ a;)(/ (X^ t)

Jv (^m) V^mJv (X"i)+ Jy'(X,")4- HJy (X^)}

(X^'^- V^)J"^(X"i)+ X"i-Jy- (X,rt)*

The residue at the originwhen IT + 2/ = 0 is |

The residues at + iX^ when if + y is negativeare both equalto


(Xo"-Vv-)/"-(Xo)- X(,-/^'- (Xo)'

Now let Dn be a number, which lies between X^ and X"+i, so chosen that

it is not equalto any of the numbers j^ ; and let ^*jvbe the greatest of the

numbers j"i which does not exceed D^^.

Let Sn {t,x-H)=l ^MI^f}Z^mil_ ^^ (^^ )m = l "^

v+i \Jm)

where S4o{oc,t)is defined to be 0, 2 (1/+ 1)^"^" or


(Xo-*4- V-)IJ"(Xo)- Xo'*//^ (Xo)'

accordingas if + y is positive,zero or negative.

Then, evidently,iV n n 12 at",Jy(jm^)-^oi^)- 2 bmJA'^mX)= tf(t)Sn{t,x;H)dt.

m = l m = l "'0

We shall now prove a number of theorems leadingup to the result that,when

0 " ^" 1, the existence and absolute convergence of

'tV(t)dt I

are sufficient to ensure that,as n^^cc,

Itf{t)Sn(t,x;H)dt = o(l).

Page 611: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18-31,18-32] DINT SERIES 599

This equationenables us to deduce the propertiesof Dini's series in respect

of convergence*from the correspondingpropertiesof the Fourier-Bessel


18-31. The contour integralforSn{t,x\H).

It is evident from Cauchy'stheoryof residues that

1 CDn+^i 2w J" {xw)J"{tw)dw

1 p *" 2iuJ"(xiu)/"(tw)diu

'2'iriJ -Qoi J"(iv)[wJJ{w)+ HJ^ {w)\'

where the symbolP denotes Cauchy's' principalvalue.' The integrandbeingan odd function of w, the second integralvanishes,and so we have

n\ ^ (t1 cBn+^i 2wJ,{xw)J,{tw)dw

An immediate consequence of this formula (cf."18-21)is that


(2) |S.((,,;J)|^____i___,

where Cj is independentof n, x and t.


l\^^^8(t x-mdt-^^ r^^+-'- 2Mxw)J^^,itio)dw

and hence



where c^ is independentof n, x and t.


18*32. The analogueforSn,{t,x; H) ofthe Riemann-Lebesguelemma.

We shall now prove the theorem that,if(a,b)is any part {or the ivhole)

ofthe interval (0,1),then the existenceand absolute convergence of

'\if(t)dt .:.:-.;

J a

are sufficientto ensu7'e that,as n-^"x,

tf{t)Sn{t,x;H)dt = o{l),

providedthat 0 " x" 1. And, ifb " 1, the theorem is valid when 0 " ^' $ 1.

The proofhas to be divided into three stages justas in the corresponding-theorem ("18-23)for Tn {t,x). We shall now givethe proofof the firststage,when it is supposedthat t-f(t)is bounded and a"0. The proofsof the re-maining

stagesshould be constructed by the reader without difficulty.* Except at the point a;=l.


Page 612: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Let t-''f(t)= F{t),

and let the upper bound of jF(t)\in (a,h)he K.

Divide (a,b) into p equalparts by the points i,^2,

" " " , ^j"-i(^0= a,tp = h),and, after choosingan arbitrar}^positivenumber e, take p to be so largethat

^ {Urn" Lm){t^n"tm-i)"e,,


where 17^ and Lm are the upper and lower bounds of F{t)in (^,"_i,^^).",

Let F{t)= F{t,^,)+ "o",{t),

so that Ia),n (t)\^ U^i- Z", in (tm-i,tm).




= ^ F(t,n^,) t"-*-'Sn (t,x;H)dt+:i r+1 CO,, (t)Sn (t,x; H) dtm = l J tm-i m = l J t.m~\

Hence, by "18-31,

tf{t)Sn (t,x; H)dt(2 " x " h)\/x l)r


and if we now take n so largethat Dn ec^ " 2Kp c^, we have

[\f{t)S,,{t,X ; E) dt !" ^'')",

Ja \ {2"x " b)-Jx

and the expressionon the rightis arbitrarilysmall. Hence the integralonthe left.tends to zero as 71 -*- 00


When the reader has removed the restrictions concerningboundedness

and the magnitudeof a by the method of "18*23,the theorem is completely


As a corollary,it should be observed that


x^ tf{t)Sn(t,x;H)dtJ a

tends uniformlyto zero as w -*- 00 when O^aj'^l if6"l, and when 0 ^ a; ^ 1 " A

if 6 ^ 1, where A is an arbitrarypositivenumber.

18*33. Dini's expansionofan arbitraryfunction.

An immediate consequence of the result of the precedingsection is that

the existence and absolute convergence of the integral


are sufficient to ensure that the Dini expansionassociated with/(.r)behaves

in the same manner, as regardsconvergence (orsummability),as the Fourier-

Bessel expansionthroughoutthe interval {0 "x" 1).

Page 613: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18-33] DINI SERIES 601

For it is evident that

m = 1 m = l

tends to zero as w ^x when 0 " x " 1 ; and this sum (multipliedby \/x)tends

uniformlyto zero when 0 ^^ a' ^ 1 " A.

Now, since the numbers X",,and j,^ which exceed |v \ are interlaced

("15"23),it follows that Dn may be chosen so that n- N has the same value

for all values of n after a certain stage.



uniformlythroughout(0,1),we have provedthat


X Mo(x)+ S x^ {b,nJi"(\na;)- a^nJAjm^)}m = l

tends to zero, as n-^oc,uniformlythroughout(0,1 " A).

' ''


That is to say, the series



is uniformlyconvergentthroughout(0,1 " A) and its sum is zero.

It follows from the 'consistencytheorems' concerningconvergent series*

that,when the series is 'summed' by Cesaro's means, or any similar method, it

is (uniformly)summable and its '


is zero.

Hence, if,for any particularvalue ofx in the interval (0,'1 " A), the series

.iw x-a-Dio I, \jviX), " -. ,




m = 1.


associated with f{x),is convergent (or is summable by some method),then the

series - ^ . ..





' "'"





xiMo{x)+ S xibmJy(\mX)m = l

is convergent(oris summable by the same method) and the two series have the

same 'sum!

And if,further,the Fourier-Bessel series (mtdtipliedby \/x)is uniformly

convergent(or uniformlysummable) throughoutan interval (a,b),ivhere

0^a"b"l, :., .



then also the Dini series (mtdtipliedby \Jx)is uniformlyconvergent (or uni-formly

summable) throughout(a,b).

In particular,y^f(x)has limited total fluctuation in (a,b) where




' O^a "6" 1,/

* Cf. liiomwich, Theory of InfiniteSeries," 100.

Page 614: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


then the series

w = l

converges to the sum

if/(^ + o)+/(^-o)}

at all 'points x such that a + A^x^b " A, where A is arbitrarilysmall ; and

the convergence is uniform iff{x) is continuous in {a,b).

18*34. The value of Dini's series at x = 1.

We shall now completethe investigationof the value of the sum of Dini's

series by consideringthe pointx=l; and we shall prove the theorem, due to

Hobson*, that,if/(a;)has limited total fluctuation in the interval (a,1),the sum

of the Dini expansionat ir = 1 is/(I " 0).

We firstwrite

Tr,{t,x;H)=T,,{t,x)-Sn(t,x; H)

" "iyt'Q[^tC,tJ-f " .

2 ox ^2/^ \ I -v """ T '2 i-\ \'m = \ y'^m ~ V-) Jt, \A^) + f^m' 'J

V K'^n)and then we have

, I j-Ai+"'"^ (^ sc)J^ (tw)dw

I ":

T"{t,x-H).27riJBn-ooi wJJ (w)+ HJ^ (w)


'Dn+^ilU (W, t)J,.ixw) dw

,i wJJ (w) + HJy {w)'

1 rJJn+


(}"(lu,a;)s TT [{wJJ (w)+ HJ^ (w)}Y^ (xw) - [wF/ (w) + HY, (w)}J, (xw)].

The former representationof 2'n(t,x;H) is valid when Q"t"x^\, the

latter when 0" x"t^\.

[Note. These representationsof T" {t,x\ H) are strictlyanalogousto the representa-tionsof Tn {t,x) givenby " 18-21 (7)and ^51821 (8); the fact that there is no formula for

Tn (t,X ; R) analogousto " 18*21 (6)is the reason why Dini series were discussed in " 18'33

with the help of the theory of Fourier-Bessel series.]

Now consider the value of


t-^'Tn{t,l\H) dt0

when 0 " ^ " 1. We have


^.+1 cDn+Bi ^(^^fj^l)J,+,{tyj)dwt"^^ Tn {t,1 ; H) dt = lira f"



(iv)+ HJ^ {w)

^^'+lrD"+Bi J^^^(tw)dw

jB^x7ri J D^-BiwJJ {w)+ HJ^{w)

"t Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)vii, (1909),p. 388.

Page 616: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


18' 35. The uniformityofthe convergence ofDini's expansionin an interval

extendingto x=l.

Because Dini series do not vanish identicallyat a; = 1,it seems not unlikelythat the condition that f{x) is continuous^ in (a, 1), combined with the

existence and absolute convergence of


and the condition that f(x) has limited total fluctuation in (a,1),may be

sufficient to ensure the uniformityof the convergence of the Dini expansion

in(a + A, 1).

We shall prove that this is,in fact,the case.

The reason for the failure in the uniformityof the convergence of the

Fourier-Bessel expansion("18"26) near x = 1 was the fact that


does not converge uniformlyto x" in (A, 1),as was seen in " 18'22. We shall

prove that,on the contrary,


does converge uniforml}'to x" in (A, 1), and the cause of the failure is


A consideration of " 18'26 should then enable the reader to see without

difficultythat the Dini expansionconverges uniformlyin (a + A, 1).

It is easy to see, from " 18'34,that

[ t''+'T"(t,x:H)dtJo

is the sum of the residues of

77^"+! [{wj; (w) + HJ, {w)]F,+,(tw)- [wY: (w) + HY, (tu)}J,+,(tw)]

X J^ {xio)l{wJJ(w) + HJ^ (w)],

at Xj, Xo,. . .,

X", plushalf the residues at 0 or + iX^if H + v^O.

Hence [f^' T^ (t,x; H)dtJo

is the sum of the residues of

- {21w) (H + v)J, {xio)/{ivj;(w) + HJ, {tu)],

and hence, when 0 "j-^\,

H + V C^^n+^i J^ {xw) divt''+'T^{t,x;H)dt =


{l0)+ HJ,{lv)y

* Without restriction ou the value of/ (1-0).

Page 617: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18-35,18-4] DINI SERIES 605

and the integrandon the right*is of the order of magnitude of

exp {" {l"x)\ I{w) \]10- sjx

and so the integralon the rightconverges uniformlyto zero like l/(Dn\/a;)when A ^ iz; ?; 1. That is to say


converges uniformlyto x" in (A, 1); and we have justseen that this is a suf-ficient

condition for the uniformityof the convergence of the Dini series

associated with f{t)to the sum/(^) in {a + A, 1) under the conditions postu-lated


18'4. The differentiabilitijof Foitrier-Bessel expansions.

In the earlier part of this chapterwe obtained an expansionwhich, when

written in full,assumes the form

(1) /(^)= S arrJ"{jm,uX)- " '



We shall now studythe circumstances in which, given this expansion,it

is permissibleto deduce that

(2 ) f (x)= t a.mjm,u Jv (im,v")"

m = \

This problem was examined by Fordf, and his investigationis analogousto Stokes' researches on the differentiabilityof Fourier series:|:.

Ford also investigatedthe differentiabilityof Dini's expansionwhen R" -v, but his

method is not applicableto other values of H.

It is evident that we can prove the truth of (2) if we can succeed in


(3) /(^)--/(^') = - S a,J",,.J.+i(jm,.^y,X

m = l

and the numbers J,",are the positivezeros of

Now we know that/'(.r)"(v/x)f{x)admits of the Dini expansion00

i O^n'Jv+1 \Jm,v ^)m = l

inside any interval in which the function has limited fluctuation,providedthat

jy[f'{t)-jf(t)\dtexists and is absolutelyconvergent.

* The term in wJ"' (lo)is more important than the term in J"(iv)except in the limit when H

is infinite;this shews clearlythe reason for the difference in the behaviour of the Dini expansionfrom that of the Fourier-Bessel expansion (of." 18-2()).

t Traiis. American Math. Soc. iv. (1903),pp. 178"184. + Cf. Modern Analysis," 9-31.

Page 618: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The coefficients bm are givenby the formula

2 j^",. I\tf(t)- vfit)}J-.+i(",,, 0 dtJ 0



2 f d

'J''v+i{jm,v)J 0dt



"J^v+l(jm,v) [_

^^ Jm, V (^m "

if{t)Ju+l(jm.ut) Jm, I tf(t)JAjm,.t)dt

providedthat = 0.

Sufficient conditions that this may be the case are

(i) ^"^-yXO^O as t^O,

(ii)/(l-0) = 0,

(iii)f{t)is continuous in the open interval in which 0 " ^ " 1.

These conditions combined with the existence and absolute convergence of

'y'^j^[t-^f{t)]dtare sufficient to ensure the truth of (2)in any interval in which

/' {x) - (vlx)f(x)

has limited total fluctuation.

18*5. The summahilityofFourier-Bessel series.

A consideration of the values of the coefficients in the Fourier-Bessel

series associated with f{x),combined with the expressionof T^ (t,x) as a contour

integral,suggests that it is no easy matter to discuss by direct methods the

questionof the summability,byCesaro's means, of the Fourier-Bessel expansion.

It is,however, very easy to investigatethe summabilitywhen the method

of Riesz* is used to 'sura' the series,and then the summability(CI) can be

inferred with the helpof quiteelementaryanalysis.

The expressionwhich will be taken as the 'sum' of the series by the

method of Riesz is

lim 2 (1 - T^)O'mJvijmOo);

and when this limit exists,the Fourier-Bessel series will be said to be sum-

viable (R).

It is evident that

(1) i (l-^)ar",JAj,n^)=f\f(t)Tn(t,x\R)dt,'

m=l \ -^n' JO

Cf. Hardy, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)vui. (1910),p. 309.

Page 619: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



(2) T^.{t,x\R)= i (i^fy-"^^p^^}^

and so it will be convenient to discuss the propertiesof T" (t,a; \R) after the

manner of " 18"22 before we make further progress with the main problem.

18'51. Theorems concerningTn(t,x \R).

When Tn{t,x\R) is defined by equation(2) of " 18'5, it is a symmetric

function of t and x, and so we shall proceedto establish the propertiesof the

function on the hypothesisthat 0 ^t^x^l, and we can then write down the

correspondingpropertieswhen 0 ^ .r ^ ^ ^ 1 by interchangingt and x in the

results alreadyobtained.

We firstobserve that Tn (t,x \R) is the sum of the residues of

J^ {tw)TTW (1 - "){/.{w) F, {xw) - J-,{xw) F, (w)]y^

^" Ji)J2}Jsf ' "' " Jn-

For brevitywe write

w [J (w) Yy (xiv)" J^,{xw) Fy {lu)]= ^ (w,x),

and then it is obvious that,when * t "x,


1 f^' ^/.Ju{tw)dw

since 4"(w,a;)J'^(^w;)/J'p(t{;)is an odd function of w, r

We shall now^ obtain some upper bounds for

j4" {w,x) Jy (tw)/Jy(w) \

both when w is on the line joiningAn" oo i to An + c" i,and when w is on the

imaginaryaxis ; the formulae which will be discussed are valid when 0 ^ ic $ 1

and 0 ^ ^ ^ 1, the signof a: " ^ beingimmaterial.

To obtain these inequalities,we shall use series of ascendingpowers of lu

when Iw| is not large,and inequalitiesderived from the formulae of Chaptervii

when I"; 1is not small. "..




': "" ;

* When t 5; x, the integralstaken along the lines joining" ii? to J" " iB do not tend to zero

as B -*" 00 .There is no need to make an indentation at the origin,because $ {w,x) is analyticat

the origin. ...

Page 620: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We firstdeal with the factor Jt,{tw)/J^{w).We observe that*

(1)Jy (tw)l"^^exp{-(l-01/(t^)|l

when w is on either contour; this follows from inequalitiesof the type

" 18"21 (9)when |w[ is not small,and from the ascendingseries when \w\ is

not large(i.e.less than j^.

We next consider O (w,x),which is equalto

liw {H,^'{w)F,'--^'{ayw)- ^,"' (xw)H,^^ {w)];

it is convenient to make two investigationsconcerningthis function,the

former beingvalid when "^^v^^, the second when v^^.

(I) The first investigationis quite simple. It follows from "3*6 and

S 7-33 that.

- -

(2) ^,"i)(xw)I"

\xw 1^ ,\Hy'"^{xw)\"

L Ie-^''"'


for all the values of w and x under consideration when " h ^v ^^. Hence

(3) O (w,x)I" -~~ exp {(1- x)\I(w)\].

(II) When V ^ i and |w | is not large,it is easy to deduce from the

ascendingseries for Jy (w), Y^ (lu),J^,{xiv)and Y^ (xw) that

(4) \"t"{w,x)\"k3\w\x'".

If Iw Iis not small,we use the inequalities(deduced from "7"33)

(5) ii7."'(to)\"h Ie^'


h\e- IW


(6)gtXW I

o"ixw I

togetherwith the inequalities

ir^")(xw) \"ki{\xivr* + Ixw j-"}!e"

^^'2'(xw)\"k^{\xw\-i+\xw j-"}Ie-

It fullows from " 3*6 and " 7*33 that the inequalities(6) are true whether

\xw\ is largeor not. Hence,

- (7) I (w, x)I" k^ki{x-i+ a;-" Iw I*-"}exp {(1-x)\I(w)\ ],

when V ^ | and \w\ is large,whatever be the magnitudef of jxw |.

If we now combine the results contained in formulae (3),(4) and (7)we

deduce that,whether " h -^v ^ J or y ^ ^,

(8) 4" (w,x)\"k,(x- + x-")exp {(1-x)^I (w)i},

* It is supposed that the numbers Aj, A-2,A3,...

are positiveand independentof lo, x and t\

their values may, however, depend on the value of v,

t Provided of course that 0 "x ^ 1.

Page 621: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


when w is any pointof either contour and 0 " a; ^ 1. Hence, by (1),it follows


(9) ^{%v,x/-j~^j'"^\"ht-Hx-^+ x-'')ex^[-{x-t)\I{iu)\\,

when 0^x^\ and O^^^l.

We now return to the integralformula for T" {t,x \R). If we replacew byAn " iv and + iv in the first and second contour integralsrespectively,we

deduce that,when 0 ^t "x^l,

Ir. ft . IiJ)i" -5 (..-.+ .-0 /;.e" cfo= ^l^^^^^ilfWe have consequentlyprovedthe two inequalities

(10) |r"(,,|^),"2Ai^^i"iC^"


(11) ^TAt..m"J"^, "


It is to be remembered that k^is independentof x and t,so that we may

make |a; " ^ |tend to zero, if we desire to do so.

One other pairof inequalitiesisrequiredin order to discuss the behaviour

ojfTn {t,X IR) when x and t are nearlyequal.To obtain them, we write

2'..(",.,iJ)= 2.j(l-^J*(",.)-^-,.

when 0 ^t^xi^l; in this integralthe contour is taken to be a rectanglewith

vertices + iAn, A^ " iA^-

It is easy to see that (9) is satisfied whether tv be on the horizontal sides

or on the vertical sides of this rectangle; and the factor 1 " {w/An)does not

exceed \/2in absolute value at any pointof the contour.

Consequentlythe modulus of the integranddoes not exceed

kst-^ix-+ x-")^-!;

and since the lengthof the contour is QA", we infer that,when 0^^^^^ 1,


" iT.,,Mm"'-^^^^^i^.and similarly,when 0 "^x -^t^1,

(13) \T,,(t,x\R)\"-^^^^-^


The last four inequalitiesare sufficient to enable us to discuss adequatelythe summability(R) of Fourier-Bessel series. The reader will observe that

the consideration of small values of x has increased the lengthof the analysisto an appreciablebut not to an undue extent.

W. B. F. 39

Page 622: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


18'52. The analogueofFejer'stheorem.

We can now prove that the existence and the absolute convergence of


are sufficientto ensm'e that the Fourier-Bessel series associated with f{t) is

summable (R) at all pointsx ofthe open interval (0,1) at which the two limits

f{x"0) exist. And the sum (R) ofthe series is '

i{/(^ + 0)+/(^-0)}.

This theorem isobviouslythe analogueof Fejer'stheorem* concerningFourier


Since f a series which isconvergentis summable (R),it follows from "18'35

that,when 0 " a; " 1,

lim rt''+'Tn(t,x\R)dt=lim [t"-*-'Tn{t,x\R)dt


2 "

Hence it follows that,when the limits /'(ir+ 0) exist,then

lim rt"-^'Tn(t,x\R)x-''f{x-0)dt+ lim ft-+'Tn(t,x\R)x-^f(x+ 0)dt

= |{/(^ + 0)+/(^-0)}.

We are now in a positionto consider the sum "S^"{x 1R), defined as

I (l-Jf)am J. Umx) -I ^"-^^T, (t,X IR) x-''f{x- 0)dt

m = l \ -^n/ Jo

-\ t''+'Tn(t,x\R)x-''f{x+ 0)dt,

and we shall prove that it can be made arbitrarilysmall by taking?t sufficiently


The sum Sn {x\R) is equalto

[%'+'[t--f{t)- x--f{x - 0)}Tn (t,x\R)dtJo

+ I*"+' [t-'fit)- x-^f{x+ 0)}Tn (t,X IR) dtJ


Now, on the hypothesisthat the limits /(ic+ 0) exist,if we choose an arbitrary

positivenumber e, there exists a positivenumber^ 8 such that

i\t-'fit)- x-^f{x + 0)I" e, {x^t^x^-l),li"~''/(0- ^""/(^ - 0) I" e, {x-^t^x-h).

We now choose a positivefunction of n, say "r (n),which is less than S for

sufficientlylargevalues of n, and divide the interval (0,1) into six parts bythe pointsx"8,x "(t (n),x.

* Cf. Modern Anulysis, " 9-4. t Cf. Modern Analysis," 8-43.

i It is convenient to take 6 less than x and 1 - a;.

Page 624: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since each of the limits on the rightis equal to ^x",it has now been


2t Cim^ V \Jm'^)m=l

is summable (B) with sum ^ {/{a:+ 0)+f{x " 0)}providedthat the limits

f{x " 0) exist ; and this is the theorem to be established.

As a corollary,the reader should be able to prove without difficultythat,if/ {t)is

continuous in {a, b),the summability (R) is uniform throughout the interval in which

a + A^.v'^b-A, where A is any positivenumber. Cf. " 18'25.

18*53. Uniformityof summabilityof the Fourier- Bessel series near the


We shall now examine the uniformityof the summability{R) of the

Fourier-Bessel expansionthroughoutan interval of which the originis an

end-point.It will be supposedthat the expansionis modified by beingmul-tiplied

throughoutby "^x,and it Avillthen be provedthat,ift~''f(t)is con-tinuous

in the interval (0,h),then the modifiedexpansionisuniformlysummable

throughout(0,b" A),where A is any positivenumber.

Given e, we can now choose S (lessthan A) so that


whenever x " S^t^^x + B and t^O, providedthat x liesin (0,6 " A).

Since continuityinvolves uniformityof continuity,this choice of 8 may be

taken to be independentof x.

We now write

Sn{a;\R)=\f^' [t-^fit)- x--f{x)]Tn (t,x\R)dtJo

and then examine jx^Sn {x\R)\ after the manner of "18'52.

We express x^Sn{x\R) as the sum of six integrals(some of which are to

be omitted when x " 8),and we see that jx^Sn(x|R) \does not exceed


+2k,e {x^^ + x)\ {''-''(") dt 3^ "'2 rx





dt +



:,+ -7f| dt


V2 Jx" '


P-S \[t-^f{t)-x-^f{x)]\dt.

In this formula any of the limits of integrationwhich are negativeare supposed

to be replacedby zero.

Page 625: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18*53,18-54] FOURIER-BESSEL SERIES 613

Now this upper bound for \xiSn(x\R)\ does not exceed

and, since x~''f{x)is bounded (because it is continuous),this can be made

arbitrarilysmall by a choice of w which is independentof ic.

Consequentlyx^Sn{x \R) tends to zero uniformlyas w-* oo.

Now it has alreadybeen shewn ("18"22) that


is uniformlyconvergent in (0,1 " A), and so, since uniformityof convergence

involves uniformityof summability,


tends uniformlyto x^f{x)in (0,6 " A).

Hence, since x^Sn{x\R) tends to zero uniformly,

xi [ tf{t)Tn {t,x\R)dtJo'

tends uniformlyto x^-" f(x)i f+'^Tn(t,x \R)dt, x^f{x)in (0,h - A)."Jo


It has therefore been provedthat


S a",x^J^{j,nOc)

is uniformlysummable {R) in (0,6 " A) with sum x\f(x),providedthat


t^f{t)dt " ''


exists and is absolutelyconvergent, and that t~''f{t)is continuous in (0,6).

18"54. Methods of ' summing' Fourier-Bessel series.

We shall now investigatevarious methods of summing the Fourier-Bessel

series *



on the hypotheses(i)that the limits /(a-+ 0) exist,(ii)that

^ Ctif(t)dtJo

exists and is absolutelyconvergent, and (iii)that the series is summable (R).

It conduces to brevityto write /^ (if)in placeof dm^^Jvi'^),so that/"i(a;)tends uniformlyto zero ("1827) as m-^cc when x lies in (0,1),

"* The factor x- is inserted merelyin order that the discussion may cover the investigationof

uniformityof summability near the origin.

Page 626: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Consider firstthe limit

lim S (lJf)f^{a")which givesthe most natural method (ofRiesz' type)for summing the series.

Since (jJAn)-^!,it is evident that

lim i (^^^)Ma^exists and is equalto

lim I (l-i^)/^(^).

Again,since/n(a;)= o(l),it is easy to see that


2 fm{x) = o{n),m = \

SO that

and therefore

lim(-^^-^)I A(^) = 0,w-".oo \ Jn / m=l

lim I fl-^fVm(^)=lim I (l-^)/"(^);Jr

the limit on the rightexists in consequence of the hypothesesmade at the

beginningof the section.


Jn n \nj

whether m be o{n) or 0{n), it follows that

lim Spf-^V".(^)= 0,n-"ao m = \ \Jn "/

and so

lim S (l- ^)/^ (^O= lim I (l- ^f)U (^).

Consequentlythe hypothesesthat the limits /(^r+ 0) exist (0"a'"1) and

that the integral

exists and is absolutelyconvergent are sufficientto ensure that


m = \

is sutnniahle (G 1) with sum ^x^[f{^+ 0)+/ (^'~ 0)|-

By the same reasoning,iif{x)iscontinuous in (a,h),the summability(C 1)

is uniformin (a+ A, 6 " A) ; and, if a = 0 and t~"f{t)has a limit as t --*" O.'the

summability(Cl) is uniformin (0,6 " A).

Page 627: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

18-55,18-56] FOURIER-BESSEL SERIES 615

18'55. Uniformityofconvergence of the Fourier- Bessel expansionnear the


We can now prove, by usingHardy'sconvergence theorem*, that,ift^f(t)has limited totalfluctuationin (0,6),while /(^)is also subjectto the conditions

of "18-53,then00

2^ a^yiX''Ji,\jq^i,x)111=1

is uniformlyconvergentin (0,6 " A) with sum x^f{x).

Let h (t)be an auxiliaryfunction defined to be equalto f(t)in (0,6) and

equalto zero in (b,1); and let the Fourier-Bessel series associated with h{t)be


Hl = l


Then, by 118*54, S am^c^Jv(jm^)isuniformlysummahle (C*1)throughout

(0,6 " A) with sum x^f(x),and, by Sheppard'stheorem ("18*27),am/\//i",is

0(l/ni),while (jm^) Jvijm^) is a bounded function of x and ni. Hence, by

Hardy'sconvergence theorem,

2 a^x^J^ijrnx)m = l

is uniformlyconvergentthroughout(0,h " A), with sum x^f{x).


2 {am-0im)0C^Jv{jmX)= X^\tf{t)Tn(t,x)dt,m=\ J b

and this tends uniformlyto zero in (0,6 " A) as n^-oo by an analogueof the

Riemann-Lebesguelemma ("18'23).

Hence % (ijnX^Jv{jm^)tends uniformlyto the sum x^f(x)in (0,6 " A) as

m = l

n -JO : and this is the theorem to be established.

18 56. SunimahilityofDini series.

Except when x=\, the summability(C 1)of the Dini series associated with

f{t)may be inferred by combiningthe results of " 18'33 and ""18*51 " 18*53.

The summability(Cl) may, however, be established independentlyf for

all pointsx such that 0 " ^ ^ 1 by replacingAn and the functions J^ (iv)and

F^ {'w),which occur in "18*5,by Dn and the functions wJJ (lo)+ HJ^ (in)and

wYJ (w) + HY^ (w)respectively;the details of the analysismay be left to the

reader,and he will find that when x = l the expression {f{x + 0)+f{x - 0)]

must be replacedby/(I " 0).

* Cf. Modern Analysis," 8-5.

t Of course on the hypothesesconcerningf(t)which were assumed in " 18-53,

Page 628: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The uniformityof the summabilityin the interval (a + A, 1) when /(so)is continuous in (a,1) may be dealt with in the same way as the uniformityof convergence was dealt with in ""18"33,18"35.

The summabilityof Dini series (and of Fourier-Bessel series)by a modifi-cation

of Abel's method is of some physicalimportance.Thus, in Fourier's*

problem of the Conduction of Heat in an infinite solid cylinderof radius unity,the temperature v at distance r from the axis satisfiesthe equation


J(d^v 1 dv \

dt~ W'-^rd^Vwith the boundaiycondition

dv= 0,

if the initial distribution of heat is symmetrical.

Normal solutions of the differential equationsatisfyingthe boundarycondition are

^0 (^w?')exp (- A;\,,rO'

and so the temperature v is givenby the seriesf


S b,nJo(Knr)exp (-k\Jt),

where the coefficients b,nare to be determined from the consideration that


S bmJo(Xmr)m= 1

is the Dini series associated with the initial temperature f(r). It is evident

that the initial temperature is expressibleas


lim S Z"";Jo(\nr)exp{ " kX^' t);

and this limit exists when the Dini series is summable (R).

18*6. The uniquenessofFourier-Bessel series and Dini series.

It has been shewn by Young J that the existence and the absolute con-vergence


\\\f(t)dtJ 0

are sufficient to ensure that if all the coefficientsa^ of the Dini series {or the

Fourier-Bessel series)associated ivithf(t)are zero, then thefunctionf {t)must

be a null-function.

* La Theorie Analytiquede la Chaleur (Paris,1822),"" 306"320. Cf. Rayleigh,Phil. Mag. (6)XII. (1906),pp. 106"107 [ScientificPapers, v. (1912),pp. 338"339] ; and Kirchhoff, Berliner

Sitzungsbericlite,1883, pp.519 " 524.

+ In this physicalproblem, H " 0, and so there is no initial term to be inserted.

t Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xvm. (1920),pp. 174"175.

Page 629: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


To prove this theorem we observe that, when p " 0,1,2,...,

we may write

where the coefficients a,,,,are determined by the formula


u 0'^''v+iijm).

and the series on the right converges uniformly in (0, 1 " A) and oscillates

boundedly in (1 " A, 1). It is therefore permissibleto multiply the expansion

by t^f(t)and integrateterm-by-term.

It follows that

0 m = 0 J 0

= 0.

Since all the integrals

rtu+.p+.f(t)dt "" (p =1,2,2,...)Jo

are zero, it follows that t^f{t) is a null-function,by Lerch's theorem*, and

the theorem stated is proved for Fourier-Bessel series. The theorem for Dini

series can be proved in preciselythe same way, and it is theoreticallysimpler

because the Dini series associated with f^'^P does not fail to converge uni-formly

in (1 " A, 1).

It is possibleto construct a theoryof series of Bessel functions of the types

m " l w=l

(where the coefficients a^ and bm.are any constants)which resembles Rieraann's

theory of trigonometricalseries f. " ".


Such a theory is, however, more directlyassociated with Schlomilch's

series of Bessel functions, which will be discussed in Chapter Xix ; and it

seems convenient to defer the examination of the series


00 00,





" 711 = 1 Wl " 1

by Riemann's methods to "19"7,when the discussion of the series forms a simple

corollaiT to the discussion of Schlomilch series, ' "

* Lerch, Acta Mathematica, xxvii. (1903), pp. 345 " 347; Young, Messenger, xh, (1910),

pp. 37"43. Cf. " 12-22.

t Cf. Modern Analysis,"" 9-6" 9-632..



. ,


Page 630: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



19 '1. SchlomilcJis expansionof a functionof a real variable.

In Chapter XViii we dealt with the expansionof a function f(x) of the

real variable x in the form00

f(x)= 2 a^J^(jmx),m = l

where /," is the mth positivezero of /" {z),so that,for largevalues of m,

jm = (m + lv-i)7r+0 (l/"0.

That is to say, the argument of the Bessel function in a term of high rank in

the series is approximatelyproportionalto the rank of the term.

In this chapterwe shall discuss the series in which the argument of the

Bessel function in each term is exactlyproportionalto the rank of the term.

By choosinga suitable variable,such a series may be taken to be

S a,ftJy {nix).

It will appear subsequentlythat it is convenient to add an initial term

("19"11;cf "18'33);and the analysisis simplifiedby making a slightmodi-fication

in the form of the coefficients in the series ("19'2).

Series of this type were first investigatedby Schlomilch *. They are not

of such great importanceto the Physicistas Fourier-Bessel series,though

Rayleighf has pointed out that (when v = 0) they present themselves

naturallyin the investigationof a periodictransverse vibration of a two-

dimensional membrane, if the vibration is composed of an unlimited number

of equalone-dimensional transverse vibrations uniformlydistributed in direction

throughthe two dimensions of the membrane.

Apart from applicationsthe series present various features of purelymathematical interest;and, in particular,it is remarkable that a null-function

can be representedby such a series in which the coefficients are not all zero


In some respects the series are more amenable to analysisthan Fourier-

Bessel series,but the two types of series have many propertiesin common;

and the reader will be right when he infers from a comparison of the

arguments j^^xand mx that the relevant range of values of x is (0,ir) for

Schlomilch series,correspondingto the range (0,1) for Fourier-Bessel series.

* Zeitschriftfilr Math, imd Phys. ii. (1857), pp. 155 " 158; Schlomilch considered only the

specialcases j' = 0 and v = l.

t Phil. May. (6)xxi. (1911),pp. 567"571 [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 22"25].

Page 632: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and change the order of the integrations.We deduce that

- g{wsme)dd-f(0) = ~


f'{xsine sin "b)sin OdcbdeTT



TT Jo Jo

[chap. XIX


2w ri' r" sin ^ cos X dx dd



TT .'o) J Y


" arc sm= ^ I / (^sin x)

= a; f'{xsinx)QosxdxJo

sin ^ cos X dd dx

\/(cos-X " cos'^^)

cos 6'"'^^/cos c'X ^"^,

cos vav

Vcosx/Jx -^ '^

= /(^)-/(0),

and so, when g (x)is defined by (4),g (x)is a solution of (3).

Now it is easy to verifyfrom (4) that,when /'(x)is a continuous function

with limited total fluctuation in the interval (0,tt),so also is g(x); and

therefore,by Fourier's theorem, g (x)is expansiblein the form

g (x)= ^tto+ ^ "m cos mx,



2 f^^m "^19 ('^)COS mudu

2 /"'^

ttJo/^O)+ i^I


/"'(u sin "^)(i( COS mudu,

and this series for g (x)converges uniformlythroughoutthe interval (0,tt).

Hence term-by-termintegrationsare permissible,and so we have

f(cc)= - g (xsin 6)dO

="- li",o+ S "," cos (wa;sin 6)\dd


" 2'-*'om=l

and this is the expansionto be established. It is easy to verifythat the

values obtained for the coefficients am are the same as those given by


When the restriction concerningthe limited total fluctuation of f (x)

is removed, the Fourier series associated with g (x)is no longernecessarily

convergent, though the continuityoi f (x) ensures that the Fourier series

Page 633: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is uniformlysummable (C 1) throughout(0,tt);and hence, by term-by-term

integration,the series


is uniformlysummable (Cl) throughout(0,tt),with sumy(^); an applicationof Hardy'sconvergence theorem* then shews that the additional condition

ttrn = 0{\l\/m)

is sufficient to ensure the convergence of the Schlcimilch series to the sum

f{x) when x lies in the half-open interval in which 0 " x ^tr.

For further theorems concerningthe summabilityof Schlomilch series,

the reader should consult a memoir by Chapman f.

[Note. Tlie integralequation connecting/(.r)and g (x)is one which was solved in 1823

by Abel,Jotcrnal fiirMath. l. (1826),p. 153. It has subsequentlybeen investigatedJ byBeltrami, 1st. Lombardo Reiidiconti,(2) xiii. (1880),pp. 327, 402 ; Volterra,Ann. di Mat.

(2)XXV. (1897),p. 104 ; C. fi.Smith, Trans. American Math. "Soc.viii. (1907),pp. 92"106.

The equation



I' f'{xsin dsiiKJ))sin 6 "^0dd = f (x)-/(O)"" ./0 ./ti


.. ,

. . ,

is most simply established by the method of changing axes of polarcoordinates,explainedin " 3'33 ; this method was used by Gwyther, Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),pj). 97 " 107, but

in view of the arbitrarycharacter of f{x) the analyticalproofgivenin the text seems pre-ferable.

In connexion with the changesin the order of the integrations,cf Modern Analysis,

"4'51. .

:" "





19*2. The definitionofSclduniilch series.

We have now investigatedSchlomilch's problemof expandingan arbitraryfunction into a series of Bessel functions of order zero, the argument of the

function in the {m 4- l)th term beingproportionalto m; and the expansionis

valid for the range of values (0,tt)of the variable.

Such series may be generalisedby replacingthe functions of order zero byfunctions of arbitraryorder v; and a further generalisationmay be effected by

takingthe generalterm to contain not onlythe function J^ {nix)but also a

function which bears to the Bessel function the same kind of relation as the

sine does to the cosine. The latter generalisationis,of course, suggestedbythe theoryof Fourier series,and we are thus led to expect the existence of

expansionsvalid for the range of values (" tt, tt)of the variable.

The functions which naturallycome under consideration for insertion are

* Gi. Modern Analysis, %%-b.

t Quarterly Journal, xliii. (1011),p. 34.

J Some interestingapphcations of Fourier's integral theorem to the integralequation have

been made by Steam, QuarterlyJournal, xvii. (1880),pp. 90 " 104.

Page 634: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Bessel functions of the second kind and Struve's functions;and the types of

series to be considered may be written in the forms*:


+ ZT(v + 1) r"t=i (ima;)"

2 ^n+^ a^n Jv (tnx)+ hm "H-v(mx)

Series of the former type (withv=0) have been considered by Coatesf;but his proofof the possibilityof expanding an arbitraryfunction f(x) into

such a series seems to be invalid except in the trivial case in which f(^)is

defined to be periodic(withperiod27r)and to tend to zero as a; -* oo.

Series of the latter type are of much greater interest,and theyform a

direct generalisationof trigonometricalseries. They will be called generalisedScJilomilch series.

Two types of investigationsuggest themselves in connexion with general-isedSchlomilch series. The first is the problem of expanding an arbitrary

function into such a series;and the second is the problemof determiningthe

propertiesof such a series with given coefficients and, in particular,the

construction of analysis(resemblingRiemann's analysisof trigonometrical

series)with the objectof determiningwhether a generalisedSchlomilch

series,in which the coefficients are not all zero, can represent a null-function.

Generalised Schlomilch series have l)een discussed in a series of memoirs by Nielsen,

Math. Ann. Lii. (1899),pp. 582"587 ; Nyt Tidsskrift,x. B (1899),pp. 73"81 ; OversigtK. Danske Videnskahernes Selskahs,1899, pp. 661"665 ; 1900, pp. 55"60 ; 1901, pp.

127"146 : Ann. di Mat. (3)vi. (1901),pp. 301"329.

Nielsen^ has given the forms for the coefficients in the generalisedSchlomilch expansionof an arbitraryfunction and he has investigatedwith

great detail the actual construction of Schlomilch series which represent

null-functions,but his researches are of a distinctlydifferent character from

those which will be givenin this chapter.

The investigationwhich we shall now giveof the possibilityof expanding

an arbitraryfunction into a generalisedSchlomilch series is based on the

investigationgivenby Filon"for the case y = 0 in his memoir on applicationsof the calculus of residues to the expansionsof arbitrarj'^functions in series of

functions of givenform. It seems to be of some importanceto givesuch an

investigation!!because there is no obvious method of modifyingthe set of

* The reason for insertingthe factor .r" in the denominators is to make the terms of the second

series one-valued (cf." 19*21).

t Quarterly Journal, xxi. (1886),pp. 189"190.

J See e.g. his Handbuch der Theorie der Cylinderfunktionen(Leipzig,1904),p. 348.

" Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)iv. (1906),pp. 396"430.

IIIt has to be assumed that - i " f " J. The results which will be proved in "" 19'41 " 19'62

suggest that it is only to be expectedthat difficulties should arise for other values of i'.

Page 635: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


functions Jy{mx), ll^(mx) so as to obtain a set which is a normal orthogonalset for the interval (" tt, tt);and consequentlythere is no method of obtainingthe coefficientsin a Schlomilch expansionin so simplea manner as that in which

the coefficients in a Fourier-Bessel expansionare obtained ("18"1).

The investigation,which forms the latter part of the chapter,concerningthe representationof null-functions by generalisedSchlomilch series,is of

exactlythe same character as the expositionof Riemann's researches on

trigonometricalseries givenin Modern Analysis,""9'0 " 9'6"32.

19*21. The applicationof the calculus of residues to the generalisedSchU'miilch expansion.

We shall now explainthe method* by which it is possibleto discover the

values of the coefficients in the generalisedSchlomilch expansionwhich

representsan arbitraryfunction /(a;),when the order v of the Bessel functions

lies between " | and |. When this has been done, we shall not consider the

validityof the processes by which the discoveryhas been made, but we shall

prove directlythat the Schlomilch series in which the coefficients have the

specifiedvalues actuallydoes converge to the sum f{x).

This is anaJogousto the procedurewhich is adopted in Dirichlet's proof of Fourier's

theorem : in the expansion

/(.r)= 5ao+ 2 (a"iC0S7)i.r-|-/3"(SinmA')m " 1

the values of the coefficients are discovered by multiplyingthe expansionby cos ms and l^v

sin mx, and integrating,so that the values of a"j and /3";are taken to be given by the

equations1 /""" I f-^

"""=-! f (t)COH 7)1tdi, (3m= - I f (t)sin 7ntdt.'r J -TT* '^J


We then take the series in which the coefficients have these values,namely

1 /"tt 1 "^ T'^-" / f{t)dt+- 2 f it)con m{x-t)dt,

and prove that it actuallyconverges to the sum /(.r).

It conduces to brevityto deal with the pairof functions

J^,(mx) " i H^ (mx)


instead of with the pairof functions

'^ Jy(mx)l(^mxy, 'H.^(mx)j(\mxy.We shall write

(A\J^(z)+ i-a,(z)_

* Apart from details of notation, the followinganalysis is due to Filon; it was given by him,in the memoir justcited,for the specialcase ^ = 0, but the extension to values of v between "h

presents no difficulty.

Page 636: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


so that* "j"v{^)is analyticand uniform for all finite values of the complexvariable 2; and evidently

J^ (7nx)" m^ (mx),


We now observe that (")"*(pv(nix)is the residue at ^^ = m of the function



where m = 0, +1, "2, . . . ; and so we shall consider the integral

1 fJ, ;.^,(^

ziTi J c sin TTZ

in which the contour C is a circle,of radius M-\-\,with its centre at the

origin,and M is an integerwhich will be made to tend to infinity.

The function F{z) is assumed to be one- valued throughoutthe 2^-plane,and to be analyticat infinity(cf"19"24);its only singularityin the finite

part of the planeis an essential singularityat the origin.

By Jordan's lemma, the integraltends to zero as M tends to infinity,

providedthat v " " |.

It is evident,by calculatingresidues,that

S {-y [F(m) "}),(mx) +F{- m) (f),(- 7nx)]OT=1

is equalto the residue at the originof

-F(z)'^i^^\sm irz

that is to say

(2) i (-)" {F(m) (f",(mx) + F (- m) "j",(- mx)]"i=i

1 /"""+'r-...-^*.('t^)I ^ '

cm TT'z27ri ' sin TTZ

The problem of expanding an arbitraryfunction f{x) into a generalisedSchloinilch series is consequentlyreduced to the determination of the form of

F{z) in such a way as to make


difi"erby a constant fi'om f(x).


^iz)-Sm TTZ

* The insertion of the factor {hzf in the denominator makes "p^,(z)amenable to Cauehy'stheorem when the contour of integrationcompletelysurrounds the origin.

Page 637: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


19*22. The construction of thefunctionF {z).

We now take the contour integral

1 i^'^^j.^.^'^^^^i^^)"] ^(^)

27rzJ sinTT^'dz.

and, in order to calculate it in a simplemanner, we shall suppose that F {z)is

expansiblein a series of Filon's type*

(1) ^w=i?'"-*#," = 1 z

where -v|r"{z) denotes the sum of those terras in the expansionof tt"' sin ttz

whose degreedoes not exceed n, and the coefficientsp^ will be defined later.

The reader will observe that

With this definition of i^(2^),it is evident that,for small values of |^;,

sm TT^ "=i ("r"+ism TT^)

2. j 1 7r'^+ cos1

nvr + 0 {z)] .


"=i [2"+i {n+l)\ smirz j ^"^ ^ ^

It follows immediatelythat

Ziri J sm TT^

^, .^x V

Jt"7i7i-^COs|?i7rI PrJMxf

and consequentlywe proceedto identify




,^^V{^n+l)T{^n + v+\) -

with /(a;)~/(0). For this purpose we have to assume temporarilythat /(a;)has differential coefficients of all orders at the origin,and then we define the

coefficients 'p^ by the equation.


(3)/'-'(Q"_ PnihiT

r._i2 3 ^

We next transform this equationdefiningpn in such a way that the sum

of the series,by which F{z) is defined,is expressiblein a compact symbolicform ; the transformation of the series for F{z) can be effected by expressing

* This type of series is fundamental in Filon's theory,and is not peculiar to Schlomilch

expansions; thus, in his work on Fourier-Bessel series,sin ttz is replaced by z~''J^,{^z)and '/'"(;)denotes the sum of the terms whose degree does not exceed n in the expansion of that function.

w. B. F..


Page 638: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


the coefficients pn in a form which involves n onlyas an exponent. For this

purpose we make use of Eulerian integralsof the first kind, and, in order

that theymay be convergent,we shall find that it is necessary to suppose that

" \ " V " ^. We then have

^_r(i)r(i. + . + i)

^- w{r^V"^'(0)"(i-^r*-"^'^-"- dt

and so we obtain the symbolicformula




M = 0

W P" = -,M^(t^)1.(1-'')-'-'I.2. D''f{tu)M = 0


where D stands for djdu.

Now, if we arrange the series

in descendingpowers of z, it is easy to verifythat

^ ylrn(z)D''_sinhTrD

" = 1i"2"+" TT (t"- Z))'

and therefore

(5) ^"^)=r5^/i(i-"r'-',^[*"sinhTri),,,


7r(D " izydt.


Again,a consideration of (2)shews that we need to sum the series

^ Pn tt" cos \ nir

and we are able to effect our purpose by making use of formula (4),whence

we find that

(6) 2Pn'Jr COS ^ntr

- T{\-v)]^^^^ dtY \(sinh irD

77 Dl\f{tu) dt

M = 0

We have now obtained symbolicexpressionsfor all the coefficients in the

generalisedSchlomilch expansionof f{x),but it is necessary to transform

these expressionsinto more useful forms, by findingthe significanceto be

attached to the symbolicoperator -"j,"

:-t ,both for generalvalues of z and

for the value zero of z.

Page 640: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


at 0, "1, "2, ...

is concerned,we may omit the second terrti on the rightin (1),

and calculate the residues ofTTff)^{xz)

F{z)sin TTZ

where F {z)is definedby theformula

dtp e-i^^f{tv)dvdt.

Again,from ^ 19'22 (6)and equation(1)of this section we have

" pnir^^cos^nir_

r(l)/(0) p dt^^("^^

Z. (r + i)! -Tjf:r^]^^-'^' dt""'


2ra-.,ra)/; - ^'- It /:/(^^"H '^-

The firstterm on the rightin (3) is equalto F (v+ l)/(0),except when "

v = 0; when v = 0, the vakie of the term in questionis zero.

We thus obtain the expansion

(4) f{x) = "f",(0)F(0)-\- i (-)'"[F (m) 4",{mx) + F (- m) cf",(- mx)].m=\

In the specialcase in which y = 0, the modified form of (3)shews that an

additional term/(0) must be inserted on the rightin (4),

When we change the notation to the notation normallyused for Bessel

functions and Struve's functions,the expansionbecomes


where f

/(^) =


r(i;+ l)'^Jlo^mJv{mx) + 6,"H^ {mx)


(6) \\'- = r(i-l)r(i)/o"i - ^^""-'iW jj^''^''' ""^^

This is the generalisedform of Schlomilch's expansion.



19 "24. The boundedness of F{z),as \z\-"-cc.

We shall now prove that,when the function f{x) is restricted in a suitable manner,

the function F {z)is bounded when 12 |-*- oc,whatever be the value of arg z. The leader

will remember that the assumption that F{z) is bounded was made in " 19'21 to secure

the convergence of the contour integral.

We take the series of " 19-22 (1),by which F{z) was originallydefined,namely

" Pn^niz)

n=l-n + l '

* When V is negativeit is necessary to use a modified expressionfor the integrals; cf. " 19'3.

t When v = 0, the expression for oq has to be modified by the insertion of the term 2/(0),in

consequence of the discontinuityin value of the expression on the rightof (3).

Page 641: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

19-24,19-3] SCHLOMILCH SERIES 629

and divide it into two parts,namely the first iV terms and the remainder of the terms,where N is the integersuch that


When n ^ JV,the terms of "(//""(z)do not exceed tt**" ^ 12 |"/n!,and therefore,when n ^ JV,


n7r"-l|3h/("!)": ! '-LS '



When n ^ JV,we have |-^n(s)|" tt~ ' sinh tt 12 1, and therefore

' ^ ^'i0i"=i (n-l)! Trl^jA+i"=o |2|"


sinh Tr\z\bince


tends to zero as 12 ]- o),it is evident that a sufficient condition for F{z) to be bounded

as 12 1-*- Qc is that the series


2 \Pn\n=l

should be convergent ; and this is the ease i{f{x)is such that

IS convergent.

2 7.''+ i|/(")(0)|

19*3. The expansionof an ai^hitr^aryfunctioninto a generalisedSchlomilch


Now that the forms of the coefficients in the generalisedSchlomilch

expansionhave been ascertained by Filon's method, it is an easy matter to

specifysufficient conditions for the validityof the expansionand then to

establish it.

The theorem which we shall prove* is as follows:

Let V be a number such that "^"v"\; and letf{x)be definedarbitrarilyin the interval (" tt, tt),subjectto thefollowingconditions:

(I) The functionh{oc),definedby the equation

h{x) = ^vf{x)+ xf{x),

exists and is continuous in the closed interval (" tt, tt).

(II) The functionh(x)has limited totalfluctuationin the interval (" tt, tt).

(III) If V is negativeI the integral

is absolutelyconvergenttuhen A is a (small)number either j)ositiveor negative.


* The expansion is stated by Nielsen, Haiidbuch der Theorie der Ci/linderfunktionen(Leipzig,

1904),p. 348; but the formulae which he gives tor the coefficients in the expansion seem to be

quite inconsistent with those given by equation (2).

t The effect of conditions (I)and (II)is merely to ensure the uniformityof the convergence

of a certain Fourier series connected with }i(x).

t If v is positive,this Lipschitzcondition is satisfiedby reason of (II).

Page 642: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Thenf{x) admits of the expansion

, . .,

^_lap ^ argJ^(mx) + 6m H^ (mx)

(!) f{x)-^-^^^^y^^ ^^"y^ ,


I rn Mir sec^""*"d) d

w/zew wi " 0; the value of ao is obtained by insertingan additional term

2r(^ + i)/(0)

on the rightin the firstequationofthe system (2).

We shall base the investigationon a discussion of the integralequation

(3) /(^) =

r7-ZW7r^T cos- % (a.sin ^)^6^;

it will be provedthat a continuous solution is givenby the formula

(4) g{x)=^T{v + \)f{())

+ rTfl^)Ifsec-+i (^ [sin-4"{/(^sin"^)-/(O)]]dc^.

[Note. The (absolute)convergence of the integralcontained in this formula is securetl

by condition (III). It should be observed that the aggregate of terms containing /(O) in

equation(4)may be omitted when v is positivein view of the formula


'^' 'P"d^'^'P- rW) -

which is valid only when v is positive.]

We proceedto verifythat the function g (x)defined by (4) actuallyis a

solution of (3),by takingg (x)to be defined by (4),substitutingin the expres-sion

on the rightof (3),and reducingthe result tof(x).

The result of substitution is

2 cos vir f^ C^'^ d,cos- e sec-+^ d" ~ [sin-6 [f{x sin 6 sin "h)- /(O)}]d^dd


Hence we have to prove that

2 cos vTT fi"'r^ /7^ I cos-(9sec-+i(^^[sin-(/"{/(a;sin6'sin"/))-/(O)}]rf0d"9


Replace"^on the left by a new variable-y

defined by the equation

sin ;^ = sin ^ sin "/",

change the order of the integrationsin the resultingabsolutelyconvergent

integral,and then replace by a new variable i/rdefined by the equation

cos 6 = cos ;^ sin "/r.

Page 643: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We thus deduce that

Jo J n

dcos-" d sec-"-^!4" ,^

[sin^"(^{f{x sin 6 sin "/))-/(O)}]cZc^ci^,

sin^cos-"^ rf-r.

, f /./ "X /-/^MT ,/i 7

(75?^iSrs"""T.3^["""''X l/(^"m X)-/(0)1]Mdx

0 Jx

"i- dI tan-'" \|/-rtY.



tan-^" ^/.rf^/..

^[sin-;,":[/(^sin x) -/(O)}](^x

= ir (^+ i)r(i- 1.){/(..)-/(O)},"

and hence the formula to be established is evident ; and so, when [/(,c)is

defined by (4),then equation(3)is satisfied.

Now, by Fourier's theorem,

g (a;)= l^o+ 2 (o.,ncos mx + b^ sin mx),'


m = l


1 f"g (u)cos mudtii

(5)TT '


1 f"^m =1 5^(")Sin mudu;

and it is easy to verifythat when f(x) is a continuous function with limited

total fluctuation in the interval (" tt, tt)so also is g (x),and therefore the

expansionfor g (x)is uniformlyconvergentwhen " ir + S ^x^tt " S, where S

is an arbitrarilysmall positivenumber.

Replacex by x sin 0 in the expansionof g (x),multiplyby cos-*' 0, which

has an absolutelyconvergent integral,and integrateterm-by-term: we deduce

at once that

/"/ A=

t^o, V

ctm^."(mx) + bmilu {mx)

and this expansionconverges uniformlywhen "tt+S^x^tt " S.

The values of a,^ and b^ given by formula (5) are easilyreconciled with

those givenby formula (2).

It should be noticed that,by the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, "," and 6,",

are botn 0 (1/?n)when m is large.This seems to be connected with the fact

that when we come to deal with any Schlomilch series (" 19"6"2)we are

unable to make any progress without assuming that S6,"/?yiis convergent (or

some equivalenthypothesis);this assumptionwill appear in " 19'62 to be

necessary because the diff"erentialequationwhich Struve's function satisfies

is not homogeneous,so that Struve's function is not of a type which occurs in

solutions of Laplace'sequationor the wave equation; there would conse-

Page 644: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


quentlyseem to be reasons of a physicalcharacter for the limitations which

have been placedon f{x) in order to ensure the existence of the Schlomilch


[Note. Just as in " 19-11, if condition (II)concerningthe limited total fluctuation of

ivf{x)+ xf'{x) is not satisfied,then all statements made in this section up to this pointabout convergence of series have to be replacedby statements about summability (Cl).]

There is one importantconsequence which follows from the fact that a"i

and 6^ are both 0 (1/m)when 2vf(x)+xf' (x) has limited total fluctuation

in (" TT, tt),namely,that in the neighbourhoodsof " tt and tt, the generalterm of the Schlomilch expansionis 0 (1/m''"*'^),and so the expansionrepre-sents

a continuous function ; hence the expansionconverges (uniformly)to

the sum/(^) throughoutthe interval (" tt, tt).

19*4. Specialfunctionsi^epresentedby Schlomilch series.

There are a few problemsof Mathematical Physics(otherthan the problemmentioned in " 19"1)in which Schlomilch series occur in a natural manner,

and we shall now givean account of various researches in which Schlomilch

series are to be found.

A very simpleseries is

1+ i e-'"' Jo (mp);

this series is convergent when p and z are positive,and, if p and z denote

cylindrical-polarcoordinates,it is a solution of Laplace'sequationat all pointsof space above the planez = 0.

Various transformations of the series have been given by Whittaker*;

thus,by changingto Cartesian coordinates (x,y, z) and using" 2'21,we have

(1) 1 -f ^ e-^^J,{mp)= ^ :, . , ^ ^"

r" -.

", = i'^ 27r j _"1 " exp }" (2:-f-ia;cos M + t?/smw)}

When X- -\-y^"\-z"-" 1,the integrandmay be expandedin ascendingpowersQ){z-V ix cos 11 -h iysin u.

If this is done, we getf

(2) 1 -f S e-'-/"{mp) = ^ ^-^ '^'^-.-^-+'-

,"=!llT J ^T,Z + IX COS, u + iys\T\u 2

+ s"2

~--^" ~

I (z+ ix cos u + iy sin u)^"~ du

r 2,"=i {2m)\

where (/",6) are the polarcoordinates correspondingto the cylindrical-polarcoordinates {p,z),and B^, Bo, B^,

...are Bernoulli's numbers.

* Math. Anil. lvii. (1903),pp. 341"342.

t Cf. " 4-8 and Modern Aiiahjsis,"" 7-2, 18-31.

Page 645: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Another transformation of the series,also givenby Whittaker, is obtained

from the expansionfor 1/(1"e~^) in partialfractions;this expansionis

1 1 )


whence we deduce that

1 112,


7 + 9+ ^.=1

1^" 2m7ri t + ^rmri)

(3) 1 + i e-^-Vc,(mp) = ^.+ ^


+ :^,tiLVi(2w7ri+ 2)-+ X- + if] ^/[{2m'I^i- zf + x' + y-^_

It follows that the series represents the electrostatic potentialdue to a

set of unit charges(some positiveand some negative)at the originand at a

set of imaginarypoints.

The reader may find itinterestingto discuss the Lijjschitz-Hankelintegralof I 13*2 as a limitingform of a series of Whittaker's type.

Some other series have been examined by Nagaoka* in connexion with a

problem of Diffraction. One such series is derived from the Fourier series for

the function which is equalto l/\/(l" ^')in the interval (" 1, 1).

The Fourier series in questionis


, ,^ ^;r= iTT + TT S t/,,(?H7r)COS WtTT.r,

\/(l- X-)," = i

and it converges uniformlythroughoutthe interval (" 1 + A, 1 " A),where A

is any positivenumber.

Multiplyby e"** and integrate,and we then obtain the formula (alsodue

to Nagaoka)

(5)a: ",axi dx le .axi

TTJ V(l-^") 2



+ 2 S Jo (m-rr)a cos TUTTX " min sin mirx

m = lq2 _ ^y^2^2

The series on the rightin (.5)converges uniformlythroughoutthe interval

("1, 1) and so we may take " 1 and 1 as limits of integration.

Hence, for all values (realand complex)of a,

(6) Jo(")=

sm a


1 + let? t(-)'"Jo(m7r)

1=1 a" " m-TT-

A more generalresult,valid when /^ (y+ 1) " 0, is

sin a

0) J" (a)=

a r (i.+ 1 ) W)",=i

m" (a-- m'TT')

* Journal of the Coll. of Set.,Imp. Univ. ofJapan, iv. (1891),pp. 301 " 322. Some of Nagaoka's

formulae are quoted by Cinelli,Nuovo Chnento, (4)i. (1895),p. 1;""2.

Page 646: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


This expansion is also obtainable by expressing " "^ as a sum of partial


Various representationsof the integralon the left of (5)were obtained by Nagaoka ;

the formula quoted seems to be the most interestingof them.

Finallywe shall givethe formula f

"") J,^^|^^= "-^- (" "

This is deducible from the Fourier series

^ cos(2m " l)a; tt, ^

. , .

by replacingw by x sin d and integratingwith respect to 6 from 0 to ^tt.

As an example of the calculation of the sum of a Schlomilch series when

the variable lies outside the interval (" tt, tt),we shall take 7r"x" lir,and

then, \if{(t)denotes the sum of the Fourier series,we see that

9 f /"arcsin(7r/x) rin- 1=

^+ /(.rsin^)rf^

T (Jo .'arc sin (Wj-)J

= - ^(7r-2^sin^)rf^

+ -


\ (2x sin e - Sir)dO,"""'

arc sin (n/x) ^

SO that,when tt " x " 'lir,we have

/Q\ ^ Jo [(2m- 1)a;}.,

, .,^-

/7r\ tt^^^^ ix~(2^;r:riy- = V(^ - -) - Ix - ^ arc cos (-j+

^ .

19'41. Null-functions expressedas Schlomilch series.

We shall now prove the remarkable theorem that

(1) ^+ i (-r Jo(wA-)= 0,

providedthat 0 " ^c " tt ; the series oscillates when x = Q and divergesto

+ 00 when x=7r.

This theorem has no analoguein the theoryof Fourier series,and, in fact,

it is definitelyknown]:that a Fourier cosine-series cannot represent a null-

function throughoutthe interval (0,tt).

* Cf. Modern Analysis," 7-4.

t This was set as a problem in the Mathematical Tripos,1895.

J Cf. Modern Analysis, "" 9-6" 9-632.

Page 648: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


may be appliedn times to equation(2). The effect of applyingthe operator

once to the function J^ {mx)l{\mxY is to multiplythe function by " m- ; and

therefore,when 0 " a; " tt,

that is to say,

= 0,

providedthat either

(i)"\"v"1ni^^ and 0 ^ a; " tt, or (ii)v - 2n " | and 0 ^ ." $ tt.

The formulae given in this section are due to Nielsen* Math. Ann. lii. (1899),

pp. 582 " 587 ; two other papers by Nielsen on this subjectwere publishedat about the

same time, A^t/tTidssh-ift,x. P" (1899),pp. 73"81 ; OoersigtK. Danske Videnskabernes

Selskahs,1899, pp. 661 " 665. In the first two of these three papers integralvalues of v

only were considered,the extension to generalvalues of v being made in the third paper.

Shortlyafterwards t Nielsen gave a formula for the sum of the series in (2)when x"n ;

this formula is easilyobtained from the integralof Dirichlet's type

(-) M/-"^cos(J/+i)..



by consideringthe behaviour of the integrandat z( = 7r, Stt,Stt,

It is thus found that,when x is positiveand q is the integersuch that



_J__ I {-r,h{r,ix)_ %T{\) '1 f {^n-lYn^-y-h^^"

r(v + l)"^",=,{hmxY xT{v + i)n=x\ X' j"

The impoi'tanceof Nielsen's formulae lies in the fact that they make it

evident that,when a function f{x) is defined for the interval (" tt, tt),if the

function can be representedby a Schlomilch series throughoutthe interval

(exceptpossiblyat a finite number of points)the representationis not uniqueand there are an unlimited number of Schlomilch series which are equalto

the function y (a;)throughoutthe interval,except at a finite number of points,

namely the pointsalreadyspecifiedtogetherwith the originand (when

" ^ " y ^ I)the end-points+ tt.

The converse theorem, that the onlySchldniilch series with non-vanishing

coefficientswhich represent null-functionsat all poiiitsof the interval

" '7r"x"7r, {whe7il" ^ " V ^ ^) except the originare constant multiplesof



* Formula (1)was rediscovered by Gwyther, Messenger, xxxin. (1904),p. 101.

t Ovcrsigt K. Danske Videnskabernes Selskahs, 1900, pp. 55 " 60; see also a later paper by

Nielsen, Ann. di Mat. (3)vi. (1901),pp. 301"329 for more compHcated results. Cf. " 19-4(9).

J The theorem is untrue when lof ; cf. formula (3). It would be interestingto know whether

any Schlomilch series other than the one given can represent a null-function when ^--:"'"f.

Page 649: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is,of course, of a much deepercharacter,and it seems that no proofof it has

yet been published.We shall now discuss a series of propositionswhich lead

up to this theorem ; the analysiswhich will be used resembles,in its main

features,the analysis*,due to Riemann, which isapplicableto trigonometricalseries,


19"5. Theorems concerningthe convergence of Schlomilch series.

We shall now discuss the specialtype of Schlomilch series in which v = 0,

and in which Struve's functions do not appear; the objectof takingthis par-ticular

case is to avoid the loss of clearness due to the greater complicationin the appearance of the formulae in the more generalcase. With a few

exceptions,the complicationsin the generalcase are complicationsin detail

Only; those which are not matters of detail will be dealt with fullyin

""19-6" 19-62.

The series now to be considered is


(1) i"o+ S cimJoimx),m = l

in which the coefficients a^ are arbitrarilygivenfunctions of ni.

We shall first prove the analogueof Cantor's lemma t,namely that the

condition that a^ Jo ('''*')^ 0 as ni -* oo ,at all pointsofany interval of values

ofuc,issufficientto ensure that

a,n = 0 {\fm).

[Note. If the originis a pointof the interval in question,then the theorem that

"m = 0(l)is obviouslytrue.]

Take any portionJ of the interval which does not contain the origin,andlet this portionbe called /j. Let the lengthof /j be L^.

Throughout/j we have (c""7'3)

a"i,Jo (mx) = a," ("^^J " [- i^mx,0) cos {mx " \ir)" Q{nix,0)sin {mx " \'tt)\;

and, as ni-^ oo,

P(mx,0)^l, Q(mx,0)^0.

Hence, for all sufficientlylargevalues of m, (sayall values exceedingmo)

at all pointsof /j.

Now suppose that a^ is not o (\/w); we have to shew that this hypothesisleads to a contradiction.

* Cf. Modern Analysis,"" 9-6" 9-632. t Ibid. " 9-61.

X Since Jg("nx)is an even function of .r, the portionmay be supposed to be on the right of

the origin without loss of generality.

Page 650: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


If am is not o (\/m),a positivenumber e must exist such that

Km I" e \/m

whenever m is given any value belongingto a certain unending sequence*

mi, Wg, tris, Let the smallest member of this sequence which ^ceeds both

mo and 27r/Zibe called ?h/.

Then cos(mi'x " ^tt)goes throughall its phasesin I^,and so there must

be a portionf of /j,say /g.such that

Icos (m^'x- l-rr)\^ | ^S, \sin (niiX- ^tt)|" ^

at all pointsof /g. If Xg is the lengthof I^,then L2 = ^Tr/m^'.

I^Text let the smallest member of the sequence vir which exceeds both mj'

and 27r/Zy2be called wio'.

Then cos (mz x " ^tt)goes throughall its phasesin lo,and so there must

be a portionof /o, say I^,such that

Icos {7110X " Iv) I ^ \/S, Isin (m^'x" {tt)\ ^

at all pointsof I3. If L3 is the lengthof I3,then Z3 = jTr/mg'.

By continuingthis process, we obtain a sequence of intervals I^,I.-,,I^,...

such that each is contained in its predecessor; there is therefore a pointX

which lies inside all these intervals,and at this pointwe have

Icos {mX " itt)I^ |-\/3, Isin {inX " \ir)\^ \,

when m has any of the values m^, m^, mj,

For such values of m we consequentlyhave

2ittm /"i^^) I I"m Ia/ rmrXj

X [P (mX, 0). Icos (mX - ^tt)]- |Q (mX, 0)




sin (mX - ^tt)|]


4 V Uxj'

and this is inconsistent with the hypothesisthat amJoii^^)tends to zero at

all pointsof /j.

The contradiction which has now been obtained shews that a", must be

0 (s/m).

The next theorem which we shall prove is that,if the Sclildmilch series

converges throughoutany interval,then the necessary and suffi.cientcondition

* It is supposed that m\ ".m^"m^"

t There are, in fact, at least two such portionsof Ij ; in order that Zv may be uniquelydeter-mined,

we take I^ to be that portion which lies on the left of the others.

Page 651: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


that the series should converge for any positivevalue of x (whethera pointofthe interval or not)is that the series

TO=i V \nnrxjcos {mx " Itt)+ 7-

" sin (mx " ^tt)0 11 tt/y

should be convergentfor that value of x. "

This theorem is evident from the fact that the general term of the

trigonometricalseries differs from a^nJo{mx) by a function of m which is

0 (amni~^)" 0 (m~-); and S o (m~-) is a convergent series.

19"51. The associated function.

Let the sum of the series

m = 1

at any pointat which the series is convergent, be called /(a-).


(1) F(x) = iaoX^- i "^^-^).

Then F (x) will be called the function associated with the Schlomilch

series whose sum isf{x).

It is easy to see that,if the series defilingf{x) converges at all points

of any intet^al,then the series definingF (x) converges for all real values

of X.

For am Jo(nix)-^ 0 as m^- oo at all pointsof the interval,and therefore


am = o('sJm).

Again,by "2*5 (5),for all real values of x

IJo(^^) k 1 5

and consequentlyam Jo{in^)


m? \m^

i oi"\= 1




is convergent, it is obvious that the series on the right in (1) must be


It is evident,moreover, not onlythat the convergence is absolute,but also

that it is uniform throughoutany domain of values of the real variable x.

Page 652: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


19 "52. Lemma I.

We shall now prove that, if"F

(x) is the functionassociated ivith the

Schlomilch series whose sum isf(x),and if

,,. ^,.

(cc+ a)F (or.+ 2cc)+ (x-a)F(x- 2a) -2xF(x)(1) G(x,a) = "

^, ,


(2) limG(^,a) = ^/(a;)

at any pointx at ivhich the series definingf{x) is convergent,providedthat*

dm = 0 (\/m).

It is easy to deduce from (1)that

G(x,a) = ^a,x-1^^^X [{x+ a)Jo(mx + 2ma) + {x " a)J^ (mx " 2ma) " 2xJo {mx)];

and, from I'Hospital'stheorem, it follows that

lim \(x+ a)Jq {mx + 2ma) + {x " a)Jq {mx - 2ma) " 2xJf){mx)]

= lim - " " [Ju {mx + 2ma) " Jo{mx " 2ma)"^o om-a.

+ 2m {x + a)Jo'(mx + 2?"a)" 2m {x " a)Jo {mx " 2/"a)]

= X Jo"{mx) + Jo'{mx)/m

= " xJo {mx).

Consequentlythe limits of the individual terms of the series definingG(ie,a)

are the individual terms of the series definingxf{x).

It is therefore sufficient to prove that the series for G {x,a) converges

uniformlywith respect to a in an interval includingthe pointa = 0 when x

has any value such that the series for/(ir)is convergent.

It may be assumed, without loss of generality,that x ispositivef, and we

shall then take |ct |so small that it does not exceed Ix ; we shall now prove

that the series for G {x,a) converges uniformlywhen " |a; a $ |a?.

By observingthata^

X + a" \/\x{x + 2a.)]= ^t- ; ^. v^ ^ ^- ^^ x"a+\/{x{x"2a)}

" itt'/x,and that the series

am Jq (mx " 2ma)Xim^[x " a + \/{x{x" 2a)]]

* Since we are not assuming more than the convergence of f (x)at a singlepoint,it is not

permissibleto infer from " 19'5 that a," must be o {^/m).

t The functions under consideration are even functions of x ; and since G (0,a)= 0,the special

case in which x = 0 needs no further consideration.

Page 653: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


is uniformlyconvergent (upperor lower signsthroughoutbeing taken),we

see that G {x,a) differs from

W{x + 2a) .Jo(7nw+ Ima) + \lix" 2a)

.Jo{mx " 2ma) " 2 \Jx


by the sum of two series,each of which is uniformlyconvergent.

It is therefore sufficient to establish the uniformityof the convergence of

the last series which has been written down.

Now take the generalterm of this series,namely

_^im^'r^(^.^ 2a) .

J"(mx + 2mo) + V(^ - 2a).Jo(mx - 2ma) - 2 V^ "


and write it in the form


V \miT) |_ ^ ^ ^ ^mx J V ma /

y( 2x\ cos imx " l-7r)sin 2ma" )

'6m {x? - 4o-)"


(2x\ sin(ma;" jtt)cos2ma


i*"mx {a;-" 4a-)*


+ """VimTT.24" {mx) " "I"{mx + 2/?ia)- ^ {mx " 2mo)


where $ (y)is defined by the formula

"!" ;i/)= [P (y,0) - 1]cos {1/_ i,r)- |1+ Q (^,0)|sin {y - Itt).

The generalterm is thus expressedas the sum of four terms, and we

proceedto prove that each of the four series,of which these terms are the

generalterms, is uniformlyconvergent.

The firsttwo series are provedto be uniformlyconvergent,in connexion

with the theoryof trigonometricalseries*;and the third is obviouslyuniformlyconvergent from the test of Weierstrass.

To deal with the fourth series,we observe that,by the first mean-value

theorem, numbers f 6 and 6i exist such that

^-1"^"1, -l"6'i"l,

* Cf. Modern Analysis,""9'62, 9'621. It has been the general (butnot invariable)custom to

obtain various propertiesof the series without establishingthe uniformityof their convergence.

The convergence of the series for f (x)is required to deal with the first series ; the second series

can be dealt with in consequence of the less stringenthypothesisthat ""j = o(,^'w).t The number 6 is a function of a variable t which will be introduced immediately.

W. B. F. 41

Page 654: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



for which

2"I"(mx) - "I"(mx + 2ma) " O (mx " 2?Ha)

= 2ma I {4"'{mx - 2mat) - "!"'(mx + 2moit)}dtJo

= - 2ma I 4"mat "!""(mx - 2ma9t) dtJo

= " 4tm.^a^"t""(7nx " 2madi).

Since "1""(_?/)= 0 (l/^/")when y is large,it is evident that

2 "i""(mx-2mae,)

is uniformlyconvergent with respect to a.

Hence G (x,a) isexpressedas the sum of six series each of which converges

uniformlywith respect to a when " lx"a" ^x; and therefore

lim G (x,a)

is equalto the sum of the limits of the terms of the series for Cr{x,a),

IS equalto xf(x),providedthat the series for/(a;)is convergent ; and this is

the lemma to be proved.

19 "53. Lemma II.

We shall next prove that,with the notation o/ ""19"51,19"52,the condition

that arn = o{\/m) is sufficientto ensure that

, .

(x + a)F {x + 2a)-\-(x - a)F (x - 2a) - 2a;P (x)_


for all values of x.

As in " 19"52,we need consider positivevalues of x only;and we express

the series for a G {x,a) as the sum of six series each of which is easilyseen to

be uniformlyconvergent when "\x"a" \x,by applyingthe theorems con-cerning

trigonometricalseries which were used in " 19'52.


lim [aG (x,a)]


"lim (looo)" 1 lim "I [{x+ a)Jq(mx + 2ma)a^o m"ia^o4/"ra

+ (x " a)Jo(mx " 2ma) " 2xJo (mx)]= 0,

and this is the lemma to be proved.

19-54. The analogueofRiemann's theorem* on trigonometricalseries.

We can now prove that,if two Schlomilch series of the type now under

consideration (i.e.with v = 0, and with Struve's function absent) converge

* Cf. Modern Analysis,"9-63.

Page 656: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


But (f)(C]+ 2a)^ (f)(Ci),( (Ci" 2a)^ (f"{Ci),so the limit on the left must be

negativeor zero. This contradiction shews that the first term of ^ (x) must

be zero throughout (|i,fa),that is to say that F (x) must be a linear

function of logx ; and this is the theorem to be proved.

Hence the curve whose equationis y = F {x) consists of a set of segments

of logarithmiccurves with equationsof the type

y= A logx + B.

Now, by " 19"51, P {x)is continuous in (0,tt),and so these logarithmiccurves

are connected at the exceptionalpoints; and the curve y = F {x)cannot have

an abruptchange of direction at an exceptionalpoint,because,by Lemma II,



T(il-T(i-M^ ^ 2a vb / 2a

= 0,

even when f is an exceptionalpoint; that is to say

fF'(f + 0)=fF'(f-0).

Hence the constants A and B cannot be discontinuous at the exceptional

points,and so they have the same values for all values of x in the

interval (0,tt).

Consequently,when 0 " a; " 77,

%af)X^" z ;;^= A log x + B.

Make x-^0; the series on the left has a limit,namely

because it is uniformlyconvergent. Therefore A \ogx+ B has a limit when

x-*0, and so A is zero.

Consequently,when 0 ^x^tt,

" = laox-- B ;

and the series on the leftconverges uniformlythroughout(0,tt),so integrations

term-by-termare permissible.

Replacex by x sin 0,multiplyby sin 6, and integratefrom 0 to ^tt.Then,

by "1211,

^aox'-B= i ""'"f'Vo(m^sin6')sin^(^^


ttm Sin mx


Hence, when 0 ^x ^tt,

"cim sm mx


^ .3/3


Page 657: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Multiplyby sin mx and integi'atefrom 0 to tt ; it is then evident that

TTfto TT-B"

To 7r*ar,

2m" m2ni^

Since "," is givento be o (\/m),this equationshews that

B = j\TT'tto, a,n = (- )'""t).

Hence we must have

f(w) = a. 1+ S (-rJo(mw)2

m = l

From the results contained in " 19'41 concerningthe behaviour of the

series on the rightat w = 0 and at a;= tt, it is evident that f{a:)cannot be a

convergent Schlomilch series at either pointunless Uq is zero; and this proves

the theorem stated at the beginningof this section.

19*6. Theorems concerningthe convergence ofgeneralisedSchlomilch series.

We shall now studybrieflythe series

We shall first prove that,ivhen v"\, the condition that the (m + \)thterm ofthe series tends to zero as m-^ cc at all pointsof any interval of values of x

is sufficient to ensure that

a,n = 0 {m^+^X by,= 0 {m^+i).

[Note. If the originis a pointof the interval in question,then the theorem that

is obviouslytrue.]

Since the series under consideration is unaffected by a change in the signof X if the signsof all the coefficients 6," are also changed,no generalityis

lost by consideringan interval on the rightof the origin.

We call this interval /j; and, at all pointsof /j, we have, by | 10'41 (4),

a-,nJv{mx) + h,"H" {mx) c^^m[P (n),r,v) cos (mx " |/'7r" jtt " tjyt)

{^m.x)" (Imxy+'^x/ir

" Q {mx, v)sin {mx " |;/7r" jtt " 7/"()]+ h,n"

0 {ni~^),

where a," = c", cos 77", ,6,"= c," sin r}"^ .

We-^ow suppose that a^ and 6",are not both o{m"'^^);we have to shew

that this hypothesisleads to a contradiction.

If a," and h,"are not both 0(7/^"+*),a positivenumber e must exist such



whenever m is given any value belongingto a certain unending sequence

m,, m.,, m.j,....

Page 658: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


We now prove, exactlyas in " 19'5, that, at some point X of /j, the


Icos (inX " IvTT- Itt" J7,n)i 2 \/3, Isin (mX " ^vir" ^tt" 7;,")| \

are satisfied whenever m has any value belongingto a sequence (w/) which

is a sub-sequenceof the sequence (m^).

For values of m which belongto this sub-sequencewe have

;a,"J,(mZ)+ 6""H,(mZ)l^

ig (x/3- 1)

and, since j^ " ^ is negative,the expressionon the rightcannot be arbitraril}-small. This is the contradiction which is sufficient to prove that a",, and 6.",

must both be o (m''+*)if the (m -t-l)th term of the Schlomilch series tends to

zero at all pointsof Jj.

The reader may now prove (as in " 19"5) that,ivhen v " \,ifthe generalisedSchldmilcJi sei^iesconverges throughoutany interval,the necessary and sufficientcondition that it may converge for any positivevalue of a; {luhethera pointofthe interval or not)is that the series


in = l m

"\/("D1'"'^^^^^- ^''^- ^'^- ^-^

sm (ma;- hvTT " ^TT- 7}"M +^^ '

should he convergentfor that value of x.

19'61. The associated function.

liBt us take "^"v"-^, and let the sum of the series

i "" ^ a," Jy (mx) + b^ H^ (7nw)

at any pointat which the series is convergent be calledf^{x).



^ a,n J" (mx) + hm Hp {mx)11) '"'^*'"-

81^1^+2) Zi i^^.(^mxy

Then Y"(x) will be called the function associated with the Schlomilch series

whose sum '\^fv(x).

It is easy to prove that,ifthe series definingf^(x)converges at all points

ofany interval,then the series definingF^ (x) converges for all real values of x.

The only respect in which the proof differs from the analysisused in

" 19'51 is that the additional theorem that IIy(x)/x''is a bounded function of

the real variable x has to be used.

Page 659: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions

19-61, 19-62] SCHLOMILCH SERIES 647


(2) G, (cc,a) = i[(x-^2va + a)F, (a;+ 2a)

+ (x- 2va. - cl)F^ {x - 2a) - 2,xF^ (a;)]/a-.

Then, justas in " 19'52,we may prove that*

2 '^ hlim G^ {x,a)= xf^{x)-



^ "


"^ r(i/+ |)r(^)",=i m

at any pointx at which the series definingf^{x) is convergent,iprovided that

a", and h^ (ii'" both o {nV^^)and that the series S hmlm is convergent.m = 1

Further we may prove that

lim [aG;,(.'r,a)]= 0,'"' '^ '

'" a-*0

j)rdvidedonly that a.,n and 6",are both o (m'"^^),whether the series" bmlm is

m = 1

convergentor not.

19-62. The analogueof Riemann's theorem.

We can now prove that,if two generalisedSchlOmilcJi series of the same

order v (ivhere"

o" '' " i) converge and have the same sum-functionat all

pointsof the closed interval (" tt, tt) luith the possibleexceptionof a finitenumber ofpoints(itis supposedthat the originand. the points" ir are not all

exceptionalpoints),and ifthe coefiicientsofthe terms containingStruve's func-tionsin the two series are sufficientlynearlyequalf each to each, then all

correspondingcoefficientsin the two series are equal.

Let the difference of the two series be


^ttoV '^"t-^fi'"i-^)+ bm H^ (mx)

and let the sum of this series be f"{x),so that the series for f"(x)convergesto zero at allpointsof the interval (- tt, tt)with a finite number of exceptions.

The convergence of the series fov fy(x)nearlyeverywherein the interval

(- TT, tt)necessitates the equations

".",= 0 (m''+^),"",- 0 (m-'+i).

The statement that the coefficients of the terms containingStruve's func-tions

in the two series are to be sufficientlynearlyequalis to be interpretedto

mean ikscib,a.^ 0 as w -* oo in such a way that 1 ~ is convergent.

We now discuss the function Fp(a;)associated with the Schlomilch series

iov fv{x).It can be provedjthat if the interval (|^i,2)is such that the origin

* The presence of the series on the rightis due to the lack of homogeneity in tlie differential

equation satisfied by Struve's function.

"}"This statement will be made definite immediately.''

X It seems unnecessary to repeat the arguments alreadyused in " 19"54.

Page 660: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and the exceptionalpoints(ifany) are not internal pointsof the interval,then

F^(x) is a linear function* of a;~^'' in the interval. It may then be shewn

that the exceptionalpointsdo not cause any discontinuityin the form of F" (x),

and hence we deduce that

(F^{w) = Ax"'''-{-B, (0"x^tt)

If,(a;)= A'\x [-2-+ B', (0"x^-7r)

where A, B, A', B' are constants.

Now take the equation


a"i J" (mx) + 6,"H, (mx)F. {X) -


^^^^^ mKi^vixy '

replacea; by " sin 6, multiplyby sin-''^^ /cos-"0, (which has an absolutely

convergent integi^al)and integratefrom 0 to hrr. The series for F"(a;sin6^)

converges uniformlyin this interval of values of 0, so term-by-termintegra-tionsare permissible.

It is thus found that


anx^ fi''sin^-''+^0



8r(. + 2).Lcos-" 6

'^-"Urn Jv (tnxsin 6)+ 6,"H, (mx sin 6) sin''+i6


dd- 2"i = 1 J0

wi^ (^mxy cos-" 6^

_aQX-V{\ " v) T{l " v) ^-"""jSin7H.x--F6,"(1" coswia;)

12r(i) r(i) ,Zx m'x

When we substitute for F^ {xsin 6) we deduce that

/Tx V "m sin r"^-+ 6^(1 -cos w") a^x"" Ax^-""" V (%)^ ", ..

" i, m'=

12- r(|-.)"-'ft''r(.+ l).

when O^x^ir \ and a similar equationmay be obtained when 0^,i'^ " vr.

Since "," and 6",are both o (7?i"+^),it is permissibleto differentiate (1)twice

term-by-termwhen 0 " f " " ^ ; but it may only be differentiated once if

If we differentiate,twice or once as the case may be, the resultingseries

on the left tends to a limit as x-^0, but the resultingexpressionon the rightfailsto do so unless A is zero.

We infer that ^ = 0, and in like manner A' must be zero ; the continuit}'^of F"(ii';)at the originthen shews that B and B' must be equal.

It now follows from (1) that

/o\ V""" ^^^ ^"-^ + br"(l- C0.S mx) a^af

" j^ .,

, ,(2) S^ -, =^-Bxr{.+ l)

when " TT^x^'ir.

* When V is zero x''^" has to be replacedby logx.

Page 661: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Multiply(2) by cosmx and integratefrom " tt to tt; and then

(3) b,,= 0.

Again,multiplyby sinma; and integrate;and then

( - )'"a," = "" + vf- {2Br(v + l)- ^ao7r%

This equationis inconsistent with the fact that a", is o (^"+2)unless

25r(;- + l) = la"7r=,

and then a^ = (" )'"ay.

Hence the series for f^(x) must reduce to

r h,

^ (-r-/.(m^-y

Now at least one of the points0, tt, " tt is not an exceptionalpoint; and

the series for/i,(a;)cannot converge at that pointunless "" is zero, so that a,^

is also zero.

We have therefore proved that, if the series %b"Jm is convergent all the

coefficients"," and !),"must vanish ; that is to say, the two Schlomilch series

with which we started must have correspondingcoefficients equal.And this

is the theorem to be proved.

We have therefore established for Schlomilch series in which "\"v"\theorems analogousto the usual theorems concerningthe representationof

null-functions by trigonometricalseries.

19"7. Theorems ofRiemanns type concerningseries ofBessel functionsand

Dims series ofBessel functions.

We shall now^ givea very brief sketch of the method by which the series

discussed in Chapter xviii, namely

00 X

m=l m = \

(inwhich v " " ^) may be investigatedafter the manner of Riemann's investi-gation

of trigonometricalseries.

The method is identical with the method of investigationof Schlomilch

series justgivenin ""196" 19"62, though there are various pointsof detail*,

whiclv^o not arise in the case of Schlomilch series,due to the fact that J,"

and X,,,are not linear functions of m.

* These pointsof detail are very numerous and there is no specialdifficultyin discussingany

of them ; but it is a tedious and lengthy process to set them out in full,and they do not seem to

be of sufficient importance to justifythe use of the space which they would require. The reader

who desires to appreciatethe details necessary in such investigationsmay consult the papers by

C. N. Moore, Trans. American Math. Hoc. x. (1909), pp. 391"435; xii. (1911),pp. 181"206;

XXI. (1920).pp. 107"156.

Page 662: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In the jfirstplace,it is easy to prove by the method used in " 19'5 that

if the series00 00

m = \ m = l

converge throughoutany interval of values of x, then

am = o{s/m), hm = o{s/in).

Next we consider the associated function ; we write

and then the function associated with/(.t')is defined by the equation

F{x)= 2m = 1 Jm" "^'

It may be provedthat,when x has any positivevalue for which the series

defining/(^) is convergent, and if the expression

]-"[(a-+ 2m + a)F{x + 2a) - 2x F{x) + {x - %"a - a) F{x - l-x)]

is arrangedas a series in which the mth term has a", for a factor,then the

latter series isuniformlyconvergent with respectto a in an interval containingthe pointo = 0, and that its limit when a^-0 is "x^~''f{x).

It may also be proved that,whether the series for f{x) converges or not,

the condition that "," = o{\Jm) is sufficient to ensure that

~ [{x+ 2m + a)F{x + 2oi)- 2x F{x) + {x - 2m ~tx)F {x - 2a)]4a

tends to zero w'ith a.

The proofsof these theorems dejjendon a number of lemmas such as the lemma* tliat

2siiiVm+i" sinVm"

is a bounded function of a ; proofsof the leiumas can be constructed on the lines of the

proofsin the special(trigonometrical)case in which v = ^.

It now follows in the usual manner (cf." 19'54)that,when /(a;)is a null-

function throughoutthe interval (0,1),then F {x) satisfies the differential


and so t F{x) = A + Bx--",

where A and B are constants. This equationis valid when 0 " x ^1.

* Cf. Modern Analysis, "9"62.

t When v = 0, F (x) A + B' logx.

Page 664: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


and it is inferred that when f {x)is a null-function throughout(0,1),then

constants A and B exist such that

F{x) = A +5a;-^



" A,,,

= \f ( (Ax" + Bx-") xJ^ (\nx)dxJ 0

and B = 0 when v'^0.

Now, Avhen n is large

so that,if 5 ^ 0,

-/.+i(^n)= 0 (\"-*),J.-1(X,)= 0 (X"-3),



and this is inconsistent with the equation

bn = 0 (\/n),since v " " ^.

Hence B is zero, and therefore

hn (i-^,^JJ'{K)+ JJHK) " AXn^v+i \\i)'

This equationis inconsistent with the equation

K = 0 (\/'')

unless A is zero, since J^+i(\n) is not zero ; and then bn is zero.

We next consider what happenswhen ^ + 1' is zero or negative; in these

cases Dini's series assume the forms


m = l


bolu0^o^)+ 2 bmJ,.(\n^)"m = l


In the second of the two cases the previousarguments are unaffected bythe insertion of an initial term ; the firstof the two cases needs more careful

consideration because the initial term to be inserted in the associated

function is



4(i.+ l)'and hence, when n^l,

/"I f 5 ^v+-i \

bn-Jj"(X,/)= X,;-I \Ax" +^

"+ Bx-")-xJ^ {Xnx)dx


IFiTTT)- ^^^^"|+ 207Tr) "

Page 665: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Since hn= o {\/n) we

infer first that B=

0, by considering the term in

{"i^n}", and then that 1^=

0 ;and

so 6"=

0 for all values ofn.

We infer also that, asin the limiting case of series of Bessel functions,

Dini's series of Bessel functions cannot represent anull-function throughout

the interval (0, 1), and that if two of Dini's series (with thesame v

and H)


are equal at all points of the interval (0, 1), with the exception


finite number of points, then corresponding coefficients in the two series

are equal.

Page 666: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



20*1. Tables of Bessel Functions and associated functions.

It is evident from a consideration of the analysiscontained in Chaptersvii,VIII and XV that a largepart of the theoryof Bessel Functions has been con-structed

expresslyfor the purpose of facilitatingnumerical computationsconnected with the functions. To the Mathematician such computationsare

of less interest and importance*than the construction of the theories which

make them possible;but to the Physicistnumerical results have a significancefwhich formulae may fail to convey.

As an applicationof various portionsof the Theory of Bessel Functions,

it has been considered desirable to insert this Chapter,which contains an

historical account of Tables of Bessel Functions which have been previously

published,togetherwith a collection of those tables which seem to be of the

greatest value for the present requirementsof the Physicist.

The reader will not be concerned with the monotony and technical irrele-vance

of this Chapterwhen he realises that it can be read without the efforts

requiredto master the previouschaptersand to amplif}arguments so ruth-lessly


The firstTables of Jq (x) and J^ (x) were publishedby Bessel himself in

his memoir on PlanetaryPerturbations,i?e?'/i?ierAbhandlungen,1824 [1826],

pp. 46 " 52. These tables givethe values oi Jn{x)and J^ix) to ten placesof

decimals for a range of values of x from x = 0 to x = 3"20 with interval 0*01.

A short Table of Ji,{x)and J^ix) to four placesof decimals was constructed

by Airy,Phil. Mag. (3) xviii. (1841),p. 7; its range is from a; = 0 to a; = 10*0

with interval 0"2. Airy| had previouslyconstructed a Table of 2/, {x)lx,of

the same scope.

The function Ji{.v)lxwas subsequentlytabulated to six placesof decimals by Lommel,

Zeitschriftfur Math, und Phys. xv. (1870),pp. 164" 167, with a range from x--0 to .r=20'0

with interval 0"1 ; this Table, with a Table of J^ (^)/^^ was republishedby Loumiel,Miinchener Abhandlungen, xv. (1886),pp. 312 " 315.

* Of. Love. Proc. London Math. Sac. (2)xiv. (1915),p. 184.

t Cf. Lord Kelvin's statement "I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their arithmetical

magnitude " at all events when formulas are intended for definite dynamical or physicalproblems."Baltimore Lectures (Cambridge, 1904),p. 76.

+ Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. v. (1835),p 291. A Table of 2Ji (.r)/xand its square, to four or five

places of decimals, in which the range is from 0 to the circular measure of 1125" (withinterval 15"),was given by Schwerd, Die Beugungserscheimmgen (Mannheim, 1835), p. 146.

Page 667: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


In consequence of the need of Tables of t/"{x)with fairlylargevalues of

n and .?" for Astronomical purposes, Hansen constructed a Table of Jo(*')and

Ji(x) to six placesof decimals with a range from x = 0 to a; = 100 with

interval 01; this was publishedin his Erinittelungder ahsoluten Storungenin Ellipsenvon beliehigerExcentricitdt und Neigung (Gotha,1843). Hansen's

Table was reprintedby Schlomilch* and also by Lommelf who extended it

to X = 20.

These tables,however, are supersededby Meissel's great Table of Jo(x)

a,ndJi(x) to twelve placesof decimals;]:,publishedin the Berliner Abhand-

lungen,1888; its range is from a; = 0 to x = 15-50 with interval O'Ol.

Meissel's Table was reprintedin full by Gray and Mathews, A 'Treatise

an Bessel Functions (London, 1^95), pp. 247 " 266, and an abridgementof it

is givenin Table I infra,pp. 666 "697.

A Table of Jq (x)and Jj (x) to twenty-one placesof decimals,from x = 0

to .j; = 6"0 with interval 0*1,has been constructed by Aldis,Proc. Royal Soc.

Lxvi. (1900),p. 40.

A Table of ./((mtt)to six placesof decimals fovn=l, 2, 3,...,

50 has been computed by

Nagaoka, Juurnal of the Coll. of Sci. Imp. Univ. Japan, iv. (1891),p. 313.

The value of ./o(40) was computed by W. R. Hamilton from the ascendingseries,Phi.

Mag. (4)xiv. (1857),p. 375.

A Table of Ji(x) to six placesof decimals from .r = 20'l to .^ = 41 with interval O'l or

0'2 has been publishedby Steiner,Math, und jyaiurwiss. Berichte aus Ungarn, xi. (1894),

pp. 372"373.

The earliest table of functions of the second kind was constructed byB. A. Smith, Messenger,xxvi. (1896),pp. 98 " 101; this is a Table to four

placesof decimals of Neumann's functions F'"* {x)and F"'* {x). Its range is

from ^ = 0 to a; = l"00 with interval 0 01 and from ^=1"0 to x = 10"2 with

interval O'l.

A more extensive table of these functions is given in the British Asso-ciation

Report,1914, pp. 76" 82; this is a Table to six placesof decimals

whose range is from x = 0 to a;= 15"50 with interval 0"02; a year later a table

was published,ibid. 1915, p. 33, in which the values of F'"' {x) and F'^' {x)

were given to ten placesof decimals for a range from x = 0 to x" (rO with

interval 0*2 and from x = 6"0 to x= 160 with interval 05.

Shortlyafter the appearance of Smith's Table, an elaborate table was con-structed

by Aldis,Proc. Royal Soc. Lxvi. (1900),p. 41, of Heine's functions "

Ga{xf~am\Gi(x) to twenty-one placesof decimals; the reader should be

* Zeitschriftfur Math, und Fhijs.ii. (1857),pp. 1.58"165.

t Studien iiber die Bessel'schen Functioneii (Leipzig,1868), pp. 127 " 135.

X Meissel's Table contains a misprint, the correct value of Jg(0-62)being +0-90G18..., not

+ 0'90518.... A.n ailditioual misprint was made in the reprintof the Table hv Gray and Mathews.

"s These functions were also tabulated by B. A. Smith, Fhil. Mag. (5),xlv. (1898),pp. 1*22 "

128 ; the scope of this table is the same as that of his Table of I'W [x)and i'(^)(.r).

Page 668: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


reminded that these functions are equal to "^7rYo(x) and "^tt Fj (a;)re-spectively.

The range of Aldis' Table is from x = 0 bo a:= 6 0 with interval O'l.

Another table of these functions with a smaller interval was publishedin

the British Association Report, 1913, pp. 116" 130; this table givesthe

functions to seven placesof decimals for a range from a; = 0 to a; = 16'00 with

interval 001. The Report for 191o, p. 33, contains a table to ten placesof

decimals from x= 65 to ^= 15"o with interval 0*5.

The functions Yq (x)and Fj (x) are tabulated to seven placesof decimals

in Table I t'iifra; this table has an appreciableadvantage over the British

Association Tables*, in that the auxiliarytables make interpolationa trivial

matter; in the British Association Tables interpolationis impracticable.

By means of the recurrence formulae combined with the use of the tables

which have now been described,it is an easy matter to construct tables of

functions whose order is any integer.Such tables of J^ix) were constructed

by Hansen and reprintedby Schlomilch and Lommel after their Tables of

Jq(x)and J^ (x).SubsequentlyLommel, Milnchener Abhandlungen, xv. (1886),

pp. 315 " 316, publisheda Table of Jn{x) to six placesof decimals,in which

n^O,l, 2,...,20, and x = 0,\, 2,...,12; this Table is reprintedin Table IV

infra,pp. 730"

731. A Table of Jn {x)of practicallythe same scope was also

publishedby Meissel,Astr. Nach. cxxviii. (1891),col. 154 " 155.

A much more extensive Table of Jn{x) was computed by Meissel,but it

seems that he never publishedit. He communicated it to Gray and Mathews

for publicationin their Treatise,pp. 267 " 279. This table givesJn(^) to

eighteenplacesof decimals when n=0, 1, 2, ...,60, and x^O, 1, 2, ...,24.

Some graphsof /" (x)were constructed,with the helpof the last-mentioned

table,by Hague, Froc. Phys.Soc. xxix. (1917),pp. 211 " 214.

The correspondingTables of functions of the second kind are not so ex-tensive.

The British Association Report,1914, pp.83 "86 contains Tables of Gn{oc)

to five placesof decimals forf w = 0, 1, 2 ,13 for the range a; = 0 to 6*0

with interval O'l and x = 6"0 to 16"0 with interval 05.

Similar Tablesf of F*"'(a;)to six placesof decimals (with the intervals

in the earlier part equalto 0*2)appearedin the Reportfor 1914, pp. 34" 36.

Some values of Hankel's function Y"(a') had been given previouslybyNicholson, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xi. (1913),pp. 113"114.

A Table of Yn{x) to seven (or more) significantfiguresis contained in

Table IV infra.This has been computed from Aldis' Table of Go (x)and Gi (x).

* In the course of computing Table I, a small part of the British Association Table of (?"(.r\and Gj (.r)was checked, and the last digitsin it were found to be unreliable in about 5 % of the

entries checked.

+ For the larger values of n the functions are not tabulated for small values of x.

Page 669: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Tables of \ogiQ['\/(^'jrx).\H^^^i(x)\']to eightsignificantfiguresai^e givenin the British Association Report.,1907, pp. 94 " 97. The values assignedto V are 0,|,1, 1|,...,

6|,and the range of values of x is from ;"= 10 to 100

(interval10) and 100 to 1000 (interval100). For this range of values of x,

the asymptoticexpansion("7'51)givesso rapidan approximationthat the

Table is of less value than a table in which the values of x and the intervals

are considerablysmaller.

Functions of the firstkind with imaginaryargument have been tabulated

in the British Association Reports.The Reportfor 1896, pp. 99 " 149, con-tained

a Table of /"(x)to nine placesof decimals,its range beingfrom x=0

to X = 5"100 with interval 0001. A Table of /j(x)of the same scope had been

publishedpreviouslyin the Report for 1893, pp. 229 " 279; an abridgementof this (withinterval O'Ol) was givenby Gray and Mathews in their Treatise,

pp. 282"284.

Tables of /"(x)and /j(x)to twenty-one placesof decimals have been con-structed

by Aldis,Proc. Royal Soc. lxiv. (1899),p. 218. The range of these

Tables is ic= 0 to x = Q'0 with interval 0*1; Aldis also gave (ibid.p. 221) the

values of /"(x)and /j(x)for x=7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Extensive tables connected with Io{x)and 1^(x)have been publishedby

And'mg,SechsstelligeTafelnder Bessel'schen Funktionen imagindrenArguments

(Leipzig,1911). These tables givelog,o/o(^-c)and logio{ i(ic)/^}from x=0

to x= 10"00 with interval O'Ol. The}-also givethe values of the functions


e-* /o(."),V(27ra;).e-^/j{x), logio[V*"" U (")}and logiox .


for values of x from a; = lO'O to ^; = 50"0 (intervalO'l),.t = 50 to a- =200

(interval1), = 200 to x = 1000 (interval10),and for various largervalues oix.

Table II infra,pp. 698 " 713, givesthe values of e~^/o(;c)and e^^Ii{x)\

these have been computed,for the most part,by interpolationin Aldis' Table.

The earliest tables of functions of the type K^ (*')were constructed byAldis,Proc. Royal Soc. lxiv. (1899),pp. 219"221. These giveK^ia;)and

/Tj(x) to twenty-one placesof decimals for values of x from x = 0 to x = 6'0

with interval O'l,and also to between seven and thirteen significantfiguresfrom x= 5"0 to x= 12*0 with interval O'l.

The values of e-^Ko{x)and e^K^ (x)in Table II infrawere computed with

the helpof Aldis' Table, like the values of e~^Io(x) and e~-^/i(x).

By means of recurrence formulae,/"(.")has been tabulated to twelve signi-ficant

figuresfor n = 0, 1, 2,...,

11 over the range of values of x from x = 0

to x=GO with interval 0'2. These Tables of In(x) were publishedin the

British Association Report,1889, pp. 29 " 32, and reprintedby Gray and

Mathews in their Treatise,pp. 285 " 288. An abridgement(to five significant

figures)of these Tables has been givenby Isherwood, who added to them

w. B. F. 42

Page 670: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Tables of Kn{x) to five significantfiguresfor n = 0, 1,2,. . . ,

10 over the range

of values of x from x = Q to x = 6*0 with interval 0"2. Isherwood's Tables were

publishedin the Mem. and Proc, Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc, 1903 " 1904,

no. 19.

Tables of e~^In(x) and Kn{x) to seven placesof decimals are given in

Table IV infra,pp. 736"739.

The earliest Tables of Bessel functions of largeorder were constructed by

Meissel,who has calculated J2n(") to twelve significantfiguresfor ?i = 10,

11, ...,2\,Astr.Nach.cxxix. (1892),col.284; Meissel also calculated /n(lOOO)

to seven significantfiguresfor u=1000, 999,...,

981, ibid, cxxviii. (1891),

col. 154"155. The values of /"(n),Jn-i{n),FW(w), F'"-i)(?i),Gn{n),Gn-,{n)

to six placesof decimals for values of n from n = l *to 7? = 50 (interval1),

n = bO to w=100 (interval5), ?i = 100 to n = 200 (interval10),?? = 200 to

n = 400 (interval20), n = 400 to n = 1000 (interval50),n = 1000 to n = 2000

(interval100) and for various largervalues of n, are given in the British

Association Report,1916, pp. 93 " 96.

Tables of J,i(w),Jn'{n),Yni''^),J^/(^0to seven placesof decimals are givenin Table VI infra,pp. 746"747.

The functions ber (x),bei (x),ker (x)and kei (x) have been extensivelytabulated on account of their importancein the theoryof alternatingcurrents.

A brief Table of ber (x)and bei (x),computed by Maclean, was published

by Kelvin, Math, and Phys.Papers,iir. (1890),p. 493. Tables of J^{x \/i)

and V2"Ji (^VO to twenty-one placesof decimals have been constructed

by Aldis, Proc. Royal Soc. LXVI. (1900),pp. 42" 43; their range is from

x = 0 to a; = 6*0 with interval 0"1. These are extensions of the Table of

J^{x sji)to nine placesof decimals for the range from x = 0 to a; = 60 with

interval 0'2 publishedin the British Association Report,1898, p. 228, and

reprintedby Gray and Mathews in their Treatise,p. 281.

Tables of ber {x),bei (a;),ker {x) and kei {x) to four significantfiguresfor

a; = 1,2,3,... ,

30, have been publishedby Savidge,Phil. Mag. (6)xix. (1910),

p. 53.

The functions hex {x),bei (a;),ber' (a;)and bei' (a;)are tabulated to nine

placesof decimals, from a; = 0 to x^ 10*0 with interval 01 in the British

Association Report,1912, pp. 57 " 68 ; and a Table of ker {x),kei (x),ker' {x)and kei' {x)of the same scope (exceptthat onlysix or seven significantfigureswere given)appearedin the Reportfor 1915, pp. 36 " 88. Tables of squaresand productsof the functions to six significantfiguresfi:om a; = 0 to a;= 10"0

with interval 02 were givenin the Reportfor 1916, pp. 118 " 121.

The functions t7"(M+j)(a;)have been tabulated to six placesof decimals byLommel, Munchener Abh. xv. (1886),pp. 644 " 647, for n = 0, 1, 2,...,6 with

x=l, 2,. . . ,

50, and (inthe case of functions of positiveorder)w = 7,8,. . . ,



Page 672: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Bourget'sTables have been reprintedso frequentlythat their authorship has been

overlooked by the writers of the articles on Bessel Functions in the Encycloplidieder

Math. Wiss. and the Encydopedie des Sci. Math.

The firstfive zeros oi Ji{x) and Jo{x) were givento six placesof decimals

by Lommel, ZeitschriftfiirMath. und. Phys. xv. (1870),p. 167 and Munchener

Ahhandlungen, xv. (18S6),p. 315.

The first ten zeros of Jo{x) were computed to ten placesof decimals by

MeisseljBerliner Ahhandlungen,1888.

The firstfiftyzeros (and their logarithms)of Jo{x)were givento ten placesof decimals by Willson and Peirce,Bulletin American Math. Soc. III. (1897),

pp. 153 " 155; they also gave the values of Ji{x) and log jJi(j;)|at these

zeros to eightand seven placesof decimals respectively.

The first fiftyzeros of J,{x) and the correspondingvalues of Jq{x) were

computed to sixteen placesof decimals by Meissel*, Kiel Programm, 1890;

this Table is reprintedby Gray and Mathews in their Treatise,p. 280.

Tables of roots of the equation

Jn {X)Yn (kx)- J,,(kx)Yn (x)= 0

have been constructed by Kalahne, Zeitschriftfur Math, und Phys.Liv. (1907),

pp. 55 "86 ; the values taken for k are 1'2,1'5 and 2 0, while n is given the

values 0, h, 1,f,2,|.

Dinnik in his Tables of functions of fractional order mentions the values

of a few of the zeros of each function, while Airey,Phil. Mag. (6) XLI. (1921),

pp. 200" 205, has computed the value of the smallest zero of J^,{x)for small

fractional values of v by Euler's method.

Rayleigh,Proc. London Math. Soc. x. (1878),pp. 6"

7 [ScientificPapers,I. (1899),pp. 363"364], has calculated that

(1 - x^)xl, {x)lh{oo)

has a maximum when x'^ = 0'4858.

Airey,Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3) xx. (1913),p. 291, has computedthe firstten zeros of SxJ^ (x)" 2J^ (x)and of 2xJo (x)" J^(") to four placesof decimals.

In his memoirs on Diffraction,MiXnchener Ahhandlangen,xv. (1886),Lommel has publishedtables connected with his functions of two variables,

but these tables are so numerous that a detailed account of them will not be

givenhere. His Table of Fresnel's integrals(p.648) to six placesof decimals

from x = 0 to x= 50*0 with interval 0'5 (withauxiliarytables for purposes

of interpolation)must, however, be mentioned, and with it his Table of the

firstsixteen maxima and minima of these integrals.

* Jahrbuch ilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1890, p. 521. In consequence of the inaccessibility

of Meissel's table,the zeros of Ji (.r)were recomputed (to ten places of decimals)for insertion in

Table VII, p. 748.

Page 673: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Lommel's form for Fresnel's integralswas


a different form was tabulated earlier by Lindstedt,Ann. der Ph"/sikunci

Chemie, (3)xvii. (1882),p. 725.

Definingthe functions M {x)and N {x)by the equations

/ooCOS f^dt = M (x)cos x^ " N (x)sin x-,X


sin t-dt = M {x)sin x^ + N {x)cos x-,

and writingA' = {(y+ 2)'""P.Lindstedt tabulated M{x) and N {x) to six placesof decimals from 3/= 0 to t/ = 9 0 with interval 0"1.

The function I {x)defined as



has been tabulated to four placesof decimals by Struve, Ann. der Physik und

Chemie, (3) XVli. (1882),pp. 1008"1016, from ^ = 0 to 4*0 (interval01), from

X = 4-0 to 7-0 (interval02) and from x - 7-0 to ll'O (interval0-4).

A table of values of the integi'al

j x

in which the limits are consecutive zeros (up to the forty-ninth)of J^(x),has

been publishedby Steiner, Math, und Naturwiss. Berichte cuts Ungarn XI.

(1894),pp. 366" 367 ; this integraloccurs in the problem of Diffraction by

a Circular Aperture.

No Tables of Struve's functions seem to have been constructed before the

Table of H" (x)and H^ {x)which is givenon pp. 666"697.

20*2. Descriptionof the Tables contained in this book.

Preliminary considerations on the magnitude and character of the tables

to be included in this book led to the followingdecisions :

(I) That space did not usuallyadmit of the inclusion of more than seven

places^ decimals in the tables.

(II) That the tables should be so constructed as to minimise the difficultyof making interpolations.In particular,it was decided that a table with a

moderatelylargeinterval (such as 002), togetherwith an auxiliarytable to

facilitate interpolation,would be more useful than a table with a smaller

interval (such as O'Ol),occupyingthe same space as the first table and its

auxiliary,in which interpolationwas impracticable.

Page 674: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


(III) That in computing tables,calculations should be carried to ten

placesof decimals in order to ensure that the number of cases of inaccuracyin the last figureof the publishedresults should be trivial*. This does not

applyto the auxiliarytables of angleswhich are entered in Tables I and III.

In order to obtain seven-figureaccuracy, it is not sufficient to tabulate to

tenths of a second of arc, because the differences per minute of arc in a seven-

figuretable of natural sines may be as largeas 00002909 ; on the other hand,

an error of a hundredth of a second does not affect the value of the sine by

more than 0'00000005. Hence, for seven-figureaccuracy, it was considered

adequateto compute to nine placesof decimals the sines (or cosines)of the

anglestabulated and then to compute the anglesfrom Gifford's Natural Sines

(Manchester,1914) ; these are eight-figuretables with an intervalfof 1".

The anglestabulated may consequentlyfrequentlybe in error as to the

last digit,but, in all probability,the error never exceeds a unit (i.e.a

hundredth of a second of arc).

^ We now proceedto describe the tables in detail.

Table I consists primarilyof Tables of Jq (^).J^o(^^),J\ {^)and F, {x)from

x = 0 to 16"00 with interval of 0"02. The values of Jo{x) and Ji{x) up to

15"50 are taken from Meissel's Table;):,while the values of Y^ix)and Yi{x)were computed partlyby interpolationin Aldis' Table of (ro{x)and G^ {x)and

partlyfrom the asymptoticexpansionsof J^ {x)+ Yq-(x)and Ji (x)+ Y^-(x)

givenin "7*51.

The auxiliarytables " give the values of l//,i*"(^)|and arg^""^'(a;)for

n = 0 and n=l. In these tables the first differences are sufficientlysteady

(exceptfor quite small values of x) to enable interpolationsto be effected

with but little trouble on the part of the reader; thus, when x is about 10

the second differences of |iTo'^'(^)Ido not exceed 0'0000009.

The values ||of | w"' (x)\and arg ^"'^'(x)can consequentlybe computed

by the reader for any value of x less than 16, with the exceptionof quitesmall values. The correspondingvalues of Jn{^) and Yn{x) can then be

calculated immediatelyby the use of seven-figurelogarithmtables.

* The tables were differenced before removing the last three figures,and it was found that the

ten-figureresults were rarelyin error by more than a unit in the tenth place ; so it is hoped that the

number of errors in the last figureretained does not exceed about one in every thousand entries.

t No tables with a smaller interval have been published; the use of any tables with a larger

interval and a greater number of decimal placeswould have very greatlyincreased the labour of

constructing the auxiliarytables of angles,and the increased accuracy so obtained would be of no

advantage to anyone using the auxiliarytables for purposes of interpolation.+ I must here express my cordial thanks to the Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu

Berlin for permittingme to make use of this Table.

" The idea of constructing the auxiliarytables grew out of a conversation with Professor Love,

in the course of which he remarked that it was frequentlynot realised how closelyBessel functions

of any givenorder resemble circular functions multipliedby a damping factor in which the rate

of decay is slow.

IIThe remarks immediately followingof course presuppose that n is 0 or 1.

Page 675: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


The relation between the various functions tabulated may be expressedmost brieflyby regarding|Hn^^ {x)\and arg Hn^^''{x) as the polarcoordinates

of a pointin a plane; then the Cartesian coordinates of this pointare ./"{x)

and Yn (")" Thus, from the entry for x = 800,

+ 01716508 = 0-2818259 cos 412" 28' 40"-60,

+ 0-2235215 = 0-2818259 sin 412' 28' 40"-60.

Table I also contains the values of Struve's functions Hq{x) and Hi(.x').

These functions are included in Table I, instead of being contained in a

separate Table, to facilitate interpolation;by " 10-41 (4), the difference

H" (^) " F,i(.r)is a positivemonotonic function,and it varies sufficiently

steadilyfor interpolationto be easy when x is not small.

The Tables of Struve's functions were computed by calculatingthe values of Hq (^)

and Hq (x) directlyfrom the ascending series when x = l, 2, 3,...,and then calculating

Ho" (^),Ho'" (""),...for these values of ,r from the difl'erentialequation"510-4 (10)and the

equationsobtained by differentiatingit.

A few differential coefficients are adequate to calculate Ho(.^^)and Hq' (a-)l)yTaylor's

theorem for the values 0*5,0'6,0"7,...

oi x. Interpolationto fiftieths of the unit is then

effected by usingTaylor'stheorem in the same manner. This process, though it seems at first

sightto be complicatedand lengthy,is,in reality,an extremelyrapidone when a machine*

is used. It is very much more effective than the use of asymptotic expansions or the

process suggestedin the British Association Beport,1913, p. 116. As an example of the

rapidityof the process, it may be stated that the values of e~^/o(.r)and e~^/i (x)in Table II

took less than a fortnightto compute ; of course the time taken over this tabulation was

appreciablyshortened by the use of Aldis' Table as a framework for interpolation.

Table II consists of Tables of e~* /"(x),e~^ /j(x),e* Kq (x),and e^ K^ (.r),

and a Table of e^ is inserted,in case the reader should requirethe values of

the functions'!"I(,{x),Ii{x),Kq{x) and K^{x); the functions are tabulated

from 0 to 16-00 with interval 002.

Interpolationby differencingis easy in the case of the firstfour functions

throughoutthe greater part of the range.

The Table of e^ was constructed with the helpof Newman's Table of e~^,

Trews. Camb. Phil. Soc. xiii. (1883),pp. 145 "241. Unlike the other Tables

in this book, the Table of e^ is given to eightsignificantfigures^,and care

has been taken that the last digitgivenis accurate in every entry. Interpo-lationjn this Table is,of course, effected by multiplyingor dividingentries

by exponentialsof numbers not exceeding0-01 ; such exponentialscan be

calculated without difficulty.

* The machine on which the calculations were carried out is a Marchant Calculating Machine,

10 X 9 recording to 18 figures.

t These functions were not tabulated because tables of them are unsuited for interpolation,

i Nine figuresare given in parts of the Table to avoid spoilingits appearance.

Page 676: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Newman's Table gives e~^ to a large number of places of decimals, but the actual

number of significantfiguresin the latter part of the Table is small ; and less than half of

the Table of e^ was constructed by the process of calculatingreciprocals; the rest was con-structed

from Newman's Table by using the values of e^^ and e^^ given by Glaisher*, and

the value of e"!^"^ given by Newman in a short table of e~*^ with interval O'l. These ex-

l^onentialswei'e employed because the tenth significantfiguresin all three and the eleventh

significantfiguresin the first and third are zero.

Table III consists of Tables of J'i(^),Yx{x),\H^^ {x)\and |argifj'"(a;)|of the same scope as Table I,and interpolationsare effected in the manner

alreadyexplained. A Table of e* K^ {oc)is also included. These Tables are

of importance in dealing with approximationsto Bessel functions of largeorder ("8"43),and also in the theoryof Airy'sintegral.

The reader can easilycompute values of J_i {x) from this table by means

of the formula

/_j{x)= I j"i){x)Icos {60"+ arg Hf^ {x)].

Table IV givesthe values of Jn (^),Yn {oc),e~^In (x)and Kn (x) for various

values of x and n. The values of Jn {x)are taken from Lommel's Table f, with

some corrections,but the remainder of Table IV, with the exceptionof some

values of Kn{x) taken from Isherwood's Table f, is new; they have been con-structed

in part by means of Aldis' Tables of functions of orders zero and unity.

Table V is Lommel's Table -f-of J"(n+h)i^)^^ Fresnel's integralswith

some modifications and corrections.

Table VI gives the values of Jn(n), Yn(n), Jn (n),Yn (n) and n^Jn{n),

n^Yn(n), n^Jn(n), n^Yn (n) for n = l, 2, 3,...

50. Interpolationin the tables

of the last four of the eightfunctions is easy.

Table VII givesthe first fortyzeros of Jn (^) and F" (.r)for various values

of n; part of this Table is taken from the Tables of Willson and Peirce"f".

Forty zeros of various cylinderfunctions of order one-third are also given.

Table VIII givesthe values of

^r Jo(t)dt, hrYo(t)dt,-'O ^0

from a; = 0 to 50 with interval 1,togetherwith the first sixteen maxima and

minima of the integrals.The former table of maxima and minima can be

used to compute the coefficients (c" " 18'12) in certain Fourier-Bessel series

for which i' = 0,

* Trans. Camb. Phil Soc. xiii. (1883),p. 245.

t I must here express my cordial thanks to the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu

Miinchen, to the Manchester Literaryand PhilosophicalSociety,and to the American Mathe-matical

Society for permitting me to make use of these Tables. The non-existence of adequate

trigonometricaltables of angles in radian measure has made it impracticable to check the last

digits in the entries in the greater part of Table V.

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

W. B. F. 43

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order zero

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Table I. Functions of order unity

X /iW























































































- 0-0660609- o-o6i784i- 0-0574892- 0-0531781- 0-0488525

- 0-0445140- 0-0401645- 0-0358056- 0-0314391- 0-0270667

- 0-0226902- 0-0183113- 0-0139317- 0-0095532

- 0-0051775

- 0-0008063+ 0-0035587+ 0-0079157+ 0-0122630+ 0-0165990

+ 0-0209219

+ 0-0252301+ 0-0295218+ 0-03379544- 0-0380493

+ 0-0422817+ 0-046491 1

+ 0-0506758+ 0-0548341+ 0-0589646

+ 0-0630655+ 0-0671353+ 0-0711725+ 0-0751755+ 0-0791428

+ 0-0830728-f 0-0869640+ o 0908150+ 0-0946243+ 0-0983905

+ 0-1021121

+ 0-1057877+ 0-1094160

-+ o- 1 129955+ o- 1 165249

+ 0-1200029

+ 0-1234282+ 0-1267995+ 0-I30II56+ 0-1333752
































219678421 951 17




















arg HJ{x)

6i2"38'i3'^5613" 46' 49 -71

614" 55' 25 -99

616" 4' 2'-30617" i2'38'-63

6i8"2i'i4'-996i9"29'5i'^38620"38'27'-8o621" 47' 4-24622" 55 4o'^7i

624" 4'i7'-2i625" 12' 53 -73

626"2i'3o'^28627" 30' 6-85628" 38' 43-^45

629"47'2o'^o8630" 55' 56-73632" 4' 33 -41

633 13 I0''I2


635" 30' 23'-6o636^39' o'^38637" 47' 37-19

638"56'i4'-o2640" 4' 50 -87

641" 13' 27 -75

642" 22' 4 "66

643" 30' 41 '-59644"39'i8'^54645" 47' 55 -52

646" 56' 32 -52

648" 5' 9-55

649 13 46'-6o650" 22' 23^67651" 31' o'.77

652" 39' 37 -89

653"48'i5'.04654"56'52'-2i656" 5' 29-41


14' 6'-62657"

658" 22' 43'659" 31' 21'

660" 39' 58'661" 48' 35'662" 57' 13'

664" 5' 50'

665" 14-27'666" 23' 5'

667" 31' 42'






668" 40' 2o'-'o4


+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

4- O

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

^' o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o

+ o










421280742 1 20 1 4
















45088504530871455360345770364601 160




































Page 706: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table I. Functions of order zero

Page 707: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table I. Functions of order unity

Page 708: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table I. Functions of order zero

Page 709: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table I. Functions of order unity

Page 710: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argnment, and e^

Page 712: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 713: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e*

Page 714: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 715: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 716: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 717: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

W. B. F. 45

Page 718: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e'"

Page 720: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 721: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e*


I I -02

11-041 1 -06

1 1 -08


























11-7611-781 1 -80


























































I 2 i 0 1 69


I2I39I2I2I2789I 21 1669



1 20501 1




1 1995471 198463I 1973821 1963031 195228

II94I561 1930861 192020

1 1909561 189895


II83589II82548II8I5091 1804731 1 79440

II784IOII773821 176357II75335




II702631 169256

I 168252II6725I1 1662521 165256II64262



















































1 159603II5863II 1576621 1 56694


II54767II53807II528491 15 1894I I 5094 I

1 1499901 149042I 148096

II47I521 1 462 1 1

II452721 144335


II406IO1 1396851 138762II3784III36922

1 1 3(^0051 1 35090II34I78II33268II32360

II3I4541 1 3055 1

1 1 29649II28750II27852

II269571 1 26064

11^51731 1 2428411-23398


II2I6301 120750II I987I1 1 18995


III7248I I 16378III 5509

1 1 14643















e"" K^{x)














61083-68062317-65263576-55264860-883661 71 -160






















1 1



















1 1

























1 1


1 1






































Page 722: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 723: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 724: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e^

Page 725: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table II. Functions of imaginary argument, and e*

Page 726: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60".

Page 728: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60^.

Page 729: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

'/_]/3(4-00)=0-3981444 X COS 213" 12' 56'-65=

y_i/3(4-00)=0-3981444 X sin 213" 12' 56'-65="0-3330932.-o-2i8ioo8.

Page 730: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60".

Page 731: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

J'_i/3(6-00)=0-3254331 xcos 328" 7'I2''96= +0-2763443.

y_";(6-00)=0-3254331 xsin 328"7'12-^96= -0-1718736.

Page 732: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60".

Page 733: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third


J-Hi (8-00)=0-2819433 X COS 442"52'2i''64= +0-0349823.

7_i;3(8-00)=0-2819453 xsin 442"52'2i'-64=+0-2797667.

W. B. F. 46

Page 734: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60^.

Page 736: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one- third

To corajjutefunctions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60".

Page 737: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

"^_i/3(12-00)=0-2302745 X COS 672" I3'8'-I7=+0-1547365.r_i,3(12-00)=0-2302745 xsin 672" I3'8'-I7=-0-1705373.

Page 738: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60".

Page 739: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

J_l,3(14-00)=0-2132061 X COS 786"51'26-/78= +0-0837943.

r_j.3(14-00)=0-2132061 xsin 786"51'26-/78= +0-1960494.

Page 740: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

To compute functions of order - 1/3,increase the phase by 60"

Page 741: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table III. Functions of order one-third

"J-113(16-00) =0-1994442 xcos 901" 29' 3'-42= -0-1993773.

y_j,3(i6-oo)=0-1994442 xsin 901" 29' 3''42= -0-0051662,

Page 742: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of J" (.r)

Page 744: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of J^{x) and 7"(a:)

Page 745: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of Yjx)

Page 746: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of Y^{x)

Page 747: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of Y^{x)

The numbers in [ ] are the numbers of digitsbetween tlio last digitsgiven and the decimal

points. For example, the integralpart of Y-^^{o-\)is a number containing19 digitsof which the

first14 are given.

Page 748: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table TV. Values of e-^/"(a;)

Page 749: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of K^ {x)

W. B. F. 47

Page 750: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table IV. Values of K,, [x)

Page 752: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Values of Jj^i^^i)(x)

Page 753: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Values of Ji c^+ i ) {x)

Page 754: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Values of J^ /,j^. ^\ [x)

Page 755: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Values of J^^^

i {x)

Page 756: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Fresnel's integrals

Page 757: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table V. Fresnel's integrals

Maxima and minima

of Fresnel's integrals

X = {n








I J^x{t)dtI n 2









+ 0-779893+ 0-321056+ 0-640807+ 0-380389+ 0-605721

4- 0-404260+ 0-588128+ 0-417922+ O-577121+ 0-427036

+ 0-569413+ 0-433666+ 0-563631+ 0-438767+ 0-559088

+ 0-442848

' 0 2


+ 0-713972+ 0-343415+ 0-628940+ 0-387969+ 0-600361

+ 0-408301+ 0-584942+ 0-420516+ 0-374937+ 0-428877

+ 0-567822+ 0-435059+ 0-562398+ 0-439868+ 0-558096

+ 0-443747

Page 758: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VI. Functions of equalorder and argument

Page 760: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VII. Zeros, j^," ,

y^," ,

ji,n , Vi,


of J^ {x), J\ (.r),Ji (x), J\ {x)

Page 761: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VII. Zeros, j.;,," , y.^,

,, ,j^,

" ,y^,

" ,

of J^ (.r);Y^ (x), Jg (x), Y^ {x)




















2 2


















































102-8689327106-01 10655















































Ja n

6-3801 619







































J's, "


































1 15-4156229
















2 2
















Page 762: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VII. Zeros,J4," , y^, " ,

J5.,, , yr^," ,

of J^ [x),Y^ {x),J, {x),Y^ {x)

Page 763: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VII. Zeros, ji,3,",?/i;3,", of Jy.^{x), Yy,.i{x);with zeros,

Sn,dn, of J_i,3{X) + J"3 {X),J_i,3 (X-)- e/i;3{X)

[Note. The last two functions arc eciualto

v'3- Wvi{x)iiOfiZO"- l\,3{x)smio''\, ^3. :./i,,3(.r)cos120"- I'j3(.r)8in i20"[


)l i, n M::ui"



















































































1 1 1-2653639114-4069394




































































-y y
















Page 764: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Table VIII. Integralsof functions of order zero

Maxima and minima of

Jo (i)dt and 1 T i\ (t)dt

X" Jo. "




18-07106402 1 -2 1 1 636624-3524715




ii J,{i)di0

+ 0-7352208+ 0-3344230-I-o-f-)34o842+ 0-3845594+ 0-6028269

+ 0-4064156+ 0-5864441+ 0-4192836+ 0-5759911+ 0-4279931

+ 0-5685888+ 0-4343856+ 0-5629957+ 0-4393331+ 0-5585784

+ 0-4433085

For values of x between o and 16, the integralsmay be calculated with the help of Table Ifrom tlieformulae {oi." 10-74)

ij 'f,U)dl=i^x\J,{,)llo{""-")+Ji{x)H.o{x)},ij''^yo(i)dt= i7rx{Y"(x)Uo'i.v)+ Y,{x)Uoix)}-

Page 765: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



On the asymjitoticrepresentationof the cylinderfunctions J^ (z)and J^'{z)for largevalues of the modulus of z. Petersburg,Ann. Inst, polyt.1906, pp. 239"265. [Jahrbuchiiher die Fortschritte der Math. 1907, pp. 492"493.]


Note on the Function A'^ {x),the Solution of the Modified Bessel's Equation. I'roc.

Phijs.Math. Soc. ofJapan, (3)ii. (1920),pp. 8"19.


The Roots of the Xeumann and Bessel Functions (Dec.29,1910). Proc. Phys.Soc. xxiii.

(1911),pp. 219"224.

The Vibrations of Circular Plates and their Relation to Bessel Functions (Feb.15,1911).Proc. Phys.Soc. xxiii. (1911),pp. 225"232.

The Oscillations of Chains and their Relation to Bessel and Neumann Functions.

Phil. Mag. (6)xxi. (1911),pp. 736"742.

Tables of Neumann Functions 6^"(.i')andY^ix). Phil. Mag. (6)xxii. (1911),pp. 658 "


The Asymptotic expansionsof Bessel and other functions. Archio der Math, und Phys.(3)XX. (1913),pp. 240"244.

The Vibrations of Cylindersand CylindricalShells. Archiv der Math, und Phys. (3)XX. (1913),pp. 289"294.

Tables of the Neumann functions or Bessel functions of the second kind. Archiv der

Math, und Phys.(3)xxii. (1914),pp. .30"43.

Bessel and Neumann Functions of Equal Order and Argument. Phil. Mag. (6)xxxi.

(1916),pp. 520"528.The Roots of Bessel and Neuma,nn Functions of High Order. Phil. Mag. (6) xxxii.

(1916),pp. 7"14.

Bessel Functions of Equal Order and Argument. Phil. Mag. (6)xxxii. (1916),pp. 237 "


The Numerical Calculation of the Roots of the Bessel Function J^ix) and its first

derivative Jn{x). Phil. Mag. (6)xxxiv. (1917),pp. 189"195.

The Addition Theorem of the Bessel Functions of Zero and Unit Orders, Phil. Mag.(6)xxxvi. (1918),pp. 234"242.

The Lommel-Weber Q. Function and its Applicationto the Problem of Electric Waves

on a Thin Anchor Ring (Dec. 7, 1917). Proc. Royal Soc. xciv. A (1918),pp. .307"314.

Bessel Functions of small Fractional Order and their applicationto problemsof Elastic

Stability.Phil. Mag. (6)xli. (1921),pp. 200"205.


On the Diffraction of an Object-glasswith Circular Apei-ture(Nov.24, 1834). Trans.

Camb. Phil. Soc. v. (1835),pp. 283"291.

On the Intensityof Light in the neighbourhoodof a Caustic (May 2, 1836 ; March 26,

1838). Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1838),pp. 379"402.

On the Diffraction of an Annular Aperture(Dec.4, 1840). Phil. Mag. (3)xviii. (1841),

pp. "" 10.

Supplement to a Paper,On the Intensityof Light in the neighbom-hoodof a Caustic

(March 24, 1848). Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. viii. (1849),pp. 595"599.


Transcendantes de Fourier-Bessel a plusieursvariables (July10, 1916 ; June 25, 1917 ;

Dec. 24, 1917). Comptes Rendus, CLXiii. (1916),pp. 26"29; clxv. (1917),pp. 23"25,


* In the case of a few inaccessible memoirs, references are given to abstracts in the Jahrbuch

iiher die Fortschritte der Matli. or elsewhere.

W. B. F.48

Page 766: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Tables for the Solution of the Equation

dx-'^x dx y-^xv^

(June 16, 1898). Proc. Royal Soc. LXiv. (1899),pp. 203"223.

On the numerical computation of the functions G(){x\Oi{x) and Jn{x ^li)(June 15,

1899). Proc. Royal Soc. Lxvi. (1900),pp. 32"43.


Expansion of Functions in terms of Linear, Cylindric,Sphericaland Allied Functions

(Dec.20, 1886). Trans. Edinburgh RoyalSoc. xxxiii. (1888),pp. 313"320.


SechsstelligeTafeln der Besselschen Funktionen imaghuirenArguments (Leipzig,1911).


Untersuchungen liber die Function // mit Anwendungen auf das Kepler'scheProblem.

Neueste SchrifteMder Naturforschendender Ges. in Danzig.,v. (1855),pp. 1 " 29.


The generalisedform of Riccati's equation. Proceedingsof Warsaw University,1896,

pp. 1 " 33. [Jahrhuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1896, p. 256.]


Sur I'inversion approchee de certaines integralesreelles et sur I'extension de I'equationde Kepler et des fonctions de Bessel (April6, 1915). Comptes Rendiis,CLX. (1915),

pp. 419"423.


Sur la nature des integralesalg^briquesde I'equationde Riccati (May 7,1883). ComptesRendus, xcvi. (1883),pp. 1354"1356.

Sur les integralesalgebriquesde I'dquationde Riccati (Feb.13,1899). ComptesRendus,cxxviii. (1899),pp. 410"412.


De I'integrationpar les series de I'equation

d^y n " 1 dy_

dx"^ X dx

Ann. VEcole norm. sup. (2)iii. (1874),pp. 47 " 68.


Sur les racines des Equations I cos(a;cosw)c?")=0 et j cos (.rcoso))sin^ wrfw =0

JO jo(April,1872). Archives Neerlandaises,vii. (1872),pp. 351 " 358.


AbleitungeinigerFormeln aus der Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (June 6,1891).Astr. Nach. cxxviii. (1891),col. 1 " 4.


On the homogeneous linear difference equation of the second order with linear coeffi-cients.

Messenger,xxxiv. (1905),pp. 52 " 71.

On Functions defined by simple types of Hypergeometric Series (March 12, 1906).Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xx. (1908),pp. 253"279.

The asymptoticExpansion of IntegralFunctions defined by generalisedHypergeometricSeries (Dec.3, 1906). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)v. (1907),pp. 59"116.


On a method of findingthe potentialsof circular discs bv means of Bessel's functions

(May 10, 1886). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v. (1886),pp. 425"443.

On the Potentials of the sui-faces formed by the revolution of Lima9ons and Cardioids

about their axes (Oct.25, 1886). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),pp. 2"19.

A Treatise on Hydrodynamics(2 vols.)(Cambridge,1888).On the Radial Vibrations of a CylindricalElastic Shell (Dec.12, 1889). Proc. London

Math. Soc. XXI. (1891),pp. 53"58.

On a Class of Definite Integralsconnected with Bessel's Functions (Nov. 13, 1893).Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. viii. (1895),pp. 122"128.

* See also under Bourget and Cauchy.

Page 768: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Untersuchung des Theils der planetarischenStorungen welcher aus der Bewegung der

Sonne entsteht (Jan. 29, 1824). Berliner Ahh. 1824 [1826],pp. 1"52. [Abhandiungen,I.

(1875),pp. 84"109.]Beitragzu den Methoden die Storungen der Kometeu zu berechnen (Sept.24, 1836).

Astr. Nach. xiv. (1837),col. 1"48. [^Abhandiungen,i. (1875),pp. 29"54.]


Note siir I'intdgrale/ y^^dye r^^

priseen tre des limites arbitraires (May 24, 1841).J a,

Comptes Rendus, xii. (1841),pp. 958"962.


On Bessel's functions of the second kind (Jan.1892). Annals of Math. vi. (1892),pp.85"90.

On some applicationsof Bessel's functions with pure imaginary index (Feb.11, 1892).Annals ofMath. vi. (1892),pp. 137"160*.

On certain methods of Sturm and their applicationto the roots of Bessel's functions

(Feb.1897). Bidletin American 3Iath. Soc. III. (1897),pp. 205"213.

An elementaryproofthat Bessel's fimctions of the zeroth order have an infinite number

of real roots (Feb.25, 1899). Bulletin American Math. Soc. v. (1899),pp. 385"388.

Non-oscillatorylinear difterential equationsof the second order (Feb.4, 1901). Bulletin

American Math. Soc. vii. (1901),pp. 333"340.


ijber die Zylinderfunktionen(Nov. 26, 1913). Sitz. der Berliner Math. Ges. xiii. (1913),pp. 30"36.


Tiber das Airysche Integralt (Oct.6, 1902). Bern Mittheilungen,1902, pp. 236"239,


On the transformation of Definite Integrals.Camb. Math. Journal,ill. (1843),pp. 216 "


On a generalmethod in analysis(Jan.18, 1844). Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. 1844,

pp. 225"282.

A Treatise on DifferentialEquations(London, 1872).


Note sur une formule de M. Anger (Aug. 7, 1854). ComptesRendtis,xxxix. (1854),p. 283.

Mdmoire sur les nombres de Cauchy et leur applicationk divers probl5mesde mccaniqueceleste. Journal de Math. (2)vi. (1861),pp. 33 " 54.

Memoirs sur le mouvement vibratoire des membranes circulaires (June 5, 1865). Ann. VEcole norm. sup. ill. (1866),pp. 55 " 95.


tjber die Fourier-Besselschen Funktionen und deren Anwendung zur AuffindungasymptotischerDarstellungen von Integi-alender linearen Diff'ereutialgleichungeumit

rationalen Koefiizienten. Warschau Polyt.Inst. Nach. 1902, nos. 1,2. [Jahrbuchiiber die

Fortschritte der Math. 1903, pp. 575 " 577.]


Sur diverses equationsdifterentielles du premier ordre analoguesk I'equationde Ricatti

(sic).Mem. de VAcad. R. des Sci. de Toidouse,(3)iv. (1848),pp. 234" 236.

Sur des equations difterentielles qui se rattachent a I'equationde Riccati. Journal deMath. XVI. (1851),pp. 255"256.


Summation of a series of Bessel's functions by means of an integral(Nov. 27, 1909).Bidl. American Math. Soc. xvi. (1910),pp. 225 " 230.


On a Certain Development in Bessel's Functions (July22, 1908). Phil. Mag. (6) xvi.

(1908),pp. 947"948.


* See also ibid. p. 136.

t This paper, which might have been mentioned in " 6-4, contains the formula "6-4 (1); butthe author does not give the formula "6-4 (2).

Page 769: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


BRUNS, H.Ueber die Beugungsfigurdes Heliometer-Objectives(Oct. 15, 1882). Astr. Nach. civ.

. (1883),col. 1"8.

BRYAN, G. H.On the waves on a viscous rotatingcylinder(June 4, 1888). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi.

(1889),pp. 248"264.

Wave Motion and Bessel's Functions. Nature^lxxx. (1909),p. 309.


TrigonometrischeReihen und Integrale(bisetwa 1850). Encyklopddieder Math. Wins.

II. 1 (Leipzig,1904"16), pp. 819"1354.


On the Evahiation of Certain Combinations of the Ber, Bei and Allied Functions (May30, 1913). Proc. Phys. Soc. xxv. (1913),pp. 294"297.


Sur les fonctions de Bessel. Archives des Sci. {Soc.Helvetique),(4)xiv. (1902),pp. 347 "


Note sur vine operationanalytiqueet son applicationaux fonctions de Bessel (March,1904). Mem. de la Soc. de d^histoire nuturelle de Geneve,xxxiv. (1902" 5),pp. 295 "



Calcul des transcendantes de Bessel

, ,


(i)'r, (Sf.

(I)' 1"^"^

1.2..." L l.C" + l)'^1.2.(?i+l)(7i+ 2) """J'

pour les grandesvaleurs de a au moyen de series semiconvergentes.Bulletin des Sci. Math.

(2) XIV. (1890),pp. 110"114.

Sur le calcul des polynomes X^ (cos6)de Legendre pour les grandesvaleurs de n. Bulletin

des Sci. Math. (2)xv. (1891),pp. 121"124.


Ricerche sulla convergenza della serie che serva alia soluzione del prohlema di Keplero*(Milan,1817).


Some Multiform Solutions of the Partial Differential Equations of PhysicalMathematicsand their Apphcations (Nov. 10, 1898). Proc. London Math. Soc. xxx. (1899),pp. 121 " 161.

The Green's function for a wedge of any angle and other Problems in the Conduction

of Heat (Oct.30, 1909). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) viii. (1910),pp. 365"374.

The Scatteringof Sound Waves by a Cone. Math. Ann. Lxxv. (1914),pp. 133 " 147.

The Green's function for the equationV-u + k-u^O (April28, 1913; March 20, 1916).Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xiii. (1914),pp. 236"257 ; (2)xvi. (1917),pp. 84"93.

The Theory of the Conduction of Heat (London, 1921).


f '^ COS ft3j docNote sur I'integraleI


^r- (Feb.1840). Journal de Math. v. (1840),pp. 110"114../0 (1+X-)'"'

[Reprinted,Mem. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Liege,(2) xii. (1885),pp. 26 " 31.]Sur I'equationde Riccati (March 4, 1871). Bulletin de I'Acad. R. de Belgique,(2)xxxr.

(1871),pp. 68"73.

Note sur I'equationxy" + ky'" xy = 0 par M. C. Le Paige (Rapport de M. Catalan).Bulletin de I'Acad. R. de Belgique,(2) XLI. (1876),pp. 935 " 939.

^Applicationd'une formule de Jacobi (Nov. 1868). 3Iem. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Li^ge,(2) XII. (1885),pp. 312"316.


Rdsume d'un memoire sur la mecanique celeste et sur un nouveau calcul appelecalculdes limites (Lu k I'Acad. de Turin, Oct. 11, 1831). Exercices d^Analyse, ii. (Paris,1841),

pp. 48"112. [Oeuvres,(2) xii. (1916),pp. 48"112.]Memoire sur la convergence des series (Nov. 11, 1839). Comptes Rendus, ix. (1839),

pp. 587"588. [Oeuvres,(1) iv. (1884),pp. 518"520.]

* Translated into German by Jacobi, Astr. Nach. xxx. (1850),col. 197 " 2.54. [Ges. Math.

Werke, vn. (1891),pp. 189"245.]

Page 770: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Considerations nouvelles sur la theorie des suites et sur les lois de leur convergence

(April20, 1840). Comptes Rendiis,x. (1840),pp. 640"656. [Oeuvres,(1)v. (1885),pp. 180"

198.]Methode simpleet gdndralepour la determination numerique des coefficients que ren-

ferme le developpement de la fonction perturbatrice(Sept.14, 1840). ComptesRe7idus,xr.(1840),pp. 453"475. [Oeuvres,(1)v. (1885),pp. 288"310.]

Note sur le developpementde la fonction jjerturbatrice(Sept.21,1840). ComptesRendus,XI. (1840),pp. 501"511. [Oeuvres,(1)v. (1885),pp. 311" 321.]

Methodes propres h simplifierle calcul des inegalitesperiodiqueset seculaires des

mouvements des planetes(Jan. 11, 1841). Comptes Rendus, xil. (1841), pp. 84 " 101.

[Oeuvres,(1)vi. (1888),pp. 16"34.]Note sur une transcendante que renferme le developpementde la fonction perturbatrice

relative au systeme planetaire(Oct.4, 1841). ComptesRendus, xiii. (1841),pp. 682 " 687.

[Oeuvres,(1)vi. (1888),pp. 341"346.]Note sur la siibstitution des anomalies escentriquesaux anomalies moyennes, dans le

developpement de la fonction perturbatrice(Oct.25, 1841). ComptesRendus, xiii. (1841),pp. 850"854. [Oeuvres,(1)VI. (1888),pp. 3.54"359.]

Nouveau Memoire sur le calcul des inegalitesdes mouvements planetaires(April8,1844). Comptes Rendus, xviii. (1844),pp. 625"643. [Oeuvres,(1) viii. (1893),pp. 168"


Sur la transformation des fonctions iraplicitesen moyennes isotropiques,et sur leurs

developpements en series trigonometriques(May 22, 1854). ComptesRendus, xxxviii.

(1854),pp. 910"913. [Oeiivres,(1)xii. (1900),pp. 148"151.]Sur la transformation des variables qui determineut les mouvements d'une plan^teou

meme d'une comete en fonction explicitedu temps, et sur le developpement de ses fonctions

en series couvergentes (June 5, 1854). Comptes Rendus, xxxviii. (1854),pp. 990 " 993.

[Oeuvres,(1)xii. (1900),pp. 160"164.]Sur la resolution des equationset sur le developpement de leurs racines en series con-

vergentes (June 26, 1854). ComptesRendus, xxxviii. (1854),pp. 1104" 1107. [Oeuwes,(1)

XII. (1900),pp. 167"170.]Sur une formule de M. Anger et sur d'autres formules analogues (July 15, 1854).

ComptesRendus, xxxix. (1854),pp. 129 " 135. [Oeuvres,(1) xii. (1900),pp. 171 " 177.]


Sur quelquesformules du calcul integral.Journal de Math. xii. (1847),pp. 231 " 240.

[CollectedPapers,I. (1889),pp. 309"316.]On Eiccati's equation (Sept.29, 1868). Phil. Mag. (4)xxxvi. (1868), pp. 348"351.

[CollectedPapers,vii. (1894),pp. 9"12.]Note on the integrationof certain differential equations by series. Messenger(Old

Series),v. (1869),pp. 77"82. [CollectedPapers,viii. (1895),pp. 458"462.]Proc. London Math. Soc* v. (1874),pp. 123"124. [CollectedPapers,ix. (1896),pp.


Extension of the Solution of Eiccati's Equation (Oct.5, 1864). QuarterlyJournal,vii.(1866),pp. 51"53.


On the generaltheoryof summability with applicationsto Fourier's and other series.

QuarterlyJournal,XLlii. (1911),pp. 1 " 52.


Note on the General Solution of Bessel's Equation. American Journal of Math, xvi,

(1894),pp. 186"187.

On the expression of Bessel's Functions in Form of Definite Integrals.Johns HopkinsUniv. Circulars,xiv. (1895),pp. 20

" 21.

Note ou Cauchy'sNumbers. Annals of Math. x. (1896),pp. 1 " 2.

On the relation between Cauchy's numbers and Bessel's Functions (July 1, 1898).Annals of Math. xii. (1899),pp. 170"174.

On some relations between Bessel functions of the first and of the second kind (Oct.20, 1902). Tra7u. Acad. ^ci. ofSt Louis,xii. (1902),pp. 99"108.

Sur I'equationde Bessel avec second membre (Oct. 27, 1902). Comptes Rendus, cxxxv.

(1902),pp. 678"679.

Sur une classe d'equationsdiflerentielles rt'dactibles k I'equationde Bessel (May 11,1903). ComptesRendus, cxxxvi. (1903),pp. 1124"1126.

* See under Lord Rayleigh.

Page 771: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Longitudinalvibrations of a circular bar. QuarterlyJournal, xxi. (1886),pp. 287 "298.

Ou the Coefficients in certain Series of Bessel's Functions. Phil. Mag. (6)xvii. (1909),

pp. 329"331.


Zur Abhandlung : "Ueber die Ziihler und Nenner der Niiherungswertevon Ketten-

briichen" pag. 231 des vorigenBandes* (March, 18G0). Journal far Math. LViii, (1861),pp. 90"92.


DifFrazione per aperture fatte sopra sujierficicurve. II Nuovo Cimento,(4) i. (1895),

pp. 141"155.


Ueber die Reflexion an einer Kugelflache(Oct.30, 1861). Journal fur Math. LXi. (1863),

pp. 195"262.


On Bessel's Functions t. Mathematical Papers (London, 1882),pp. 346 " 349.


Bessel's functions of the Second order. QuarterlyJournal.,XX. (1885),pp. 250 " 260.

Bessel's functions of the Second order. QuarterlyJournal,xxi. (1886),pp. 183 " 192.


On I,inear Difierential Equations of the Second Order (Dec. 24, 1861 ; Jan. 15,1862;May 21, 1862). Messenger(Old Series),i. (1862),pp. 118"124, 164"173, 241"247.


A New Method of Solving Legendre'sand Bessel's Equations and others of a similar

type (May 27, 1907). Proc. R. Irish Acad. % xxvii. A (1909),pp. 157"161.


A proof of Rodrigues' Theorem S sin nx=- " - "

;" " " ( ~. "

-5-I sin^""' x and

^ " '^ I .A .b...(2n~\) \ii\nxdxjsome expansionsderived from it (Dec.13, 1901). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. xx. (1902),

pp. 11 " 15.


Sur quelques proprietesdes fonctions Besseliennes tirees de la theorie des fractions

continues (June, 1895). Ann. di Mat. (2)xxiv. (1896),pp. 131"163. [Dissertation,Bern,

1895.]Sur la fonction Besselienne de ii"=espece ^S'"(.i-)(Dec. 1896). Bern Mittheilungen,1897

[1898],pp. 61"96.

Sur les fonctions besseliennes 0{x) et .S'"(.'r)(Sept.6, 1897; Nov. 29, 1897). ComptesRendus, cxxv. (1897),pp. 421"423, 860"863.


On the integrationof Linear and Partial Differential Equations (Nov.24, 1854). Camb.

and Dublin Math. Journal, IX. (1854),pp. 272 " 290.


Generalisations of the Hermite functions and their connexion with Bessel functions

(Nov. 10, 1913). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xiii. (1914),pp. 417"440.


On a generalisationof Neumann's Expansion in a Series of Bessel Functions (Feb.29,

p20). Bulletin Calcutta Math. Soc. xi. (1921),pp. 23"34.

On an extension of Sonine's Integralin Bessel Fuuctions|l (Jan.6, 1921). Bulletin

Calcutta Math. Soc. xi. (1921),pp. 221"230.

* See under Heine. t Clifford died March 8, 1879.

J Not Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi., as stated in the Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Math.

1008, p. 383.

" See footnote t on p. 27.

IIThis paper, which deals with the corrected forna,given in " 18-46 (10),of Nicholson's in-tegral,

and with various related integrals,was published after Chapter xni had been passedfor


Page 772: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Naherungsformelu fiir die Zylinderfunktionenfiir grosse Werte des Arguments und

unbeschrankt veranderliche Werte des Index (Dec. 1908). Math. Ann. Lxvii. (1909),

pp. 535"558.J ., , , .

Semikonvergente Entwickelungen fiirdie Zylinderfunktionenund ihre Ausdehnung ins

Komplexe (Feb?5, 1910). Miinchener Sitzungsherichte,XL. (1910),no. 5.


Integrationde I'equationde Bessel sous forme finie (Jan. 26, 1905). Ann. de la Soc.

Sci. de Bruxelles,xsix. (1^'partie)(1905),pp. 140"143.


On the Influence of Yibrations upon the Form of Certain Sponge Spicules(May 11,

1917). Proc. Royal Soc. lxxxix. B (1917),pp. 573"587.


Se7-iedi Fourier e altere rappresentazionianalitiche delle funzionidi una variabile reale

(Pisa,1880).DINXIK, A.

tJber die Dar.stellungeiner willkiirlichenFuuktion durch Bessel'sche Reihe. Kief.Polyt.Inst. {EngineeringSection),1911, no. 1, pp. 83"85. [Jakrbuchuher die Fortschritte der

Math. 1911, p. 492.]Tafelu der Besselscben Funktionen J^^^ und J^a. Archiv der Math, und Phys. (3)

XVIII. (1911),pp. 337"338.

Tafeln der Besselscben Funktionen ^^ l, ^" s, "^"s- Archiv der Math, und Phys. (3)

XX. (1913),pp. 238"240.

Tafeln der Besselscben Funktionen t/^, und J'^g-.Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3)

XXI. (1913),pp. 324"326.

Tafeln der Besselscben Funktionen J^ ^ {xi)und J^ 2 {xi).Ai'chiv der Math, und Phys.

(3)xxil. (1914),pp. 226"227.


On a property of Bessel's Functions. Messenger,xxxil. (1903),pp. 7 " 8.

The expansionof ."" in Bessel's Functions. Messenger,xxxil. (1903),p. 8.


On tbe Equation of Laplace'sFunctions,etc. (Dec.11, 1856). Phil. Tram, ofthe RoyalSoc. cxLvii. (1857),pp. 43

" 57.


Tbe determination of Green's function by means of Cylindricalor SphericalHarmonics

(March 9, 1900). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. xviii. (1900),pp. 33"83.

A Theorem of Sonine in Bessel Functions with two Extensions to SphericalHarmonics

(Dec.13, 1918). Proc. EdinburghMath. Soc. xxxvii. (1919),pp. 33"47.


Die Theorie der Fourier'schen lutegraleund Formeln (June 26, 1871). Math. Ann. iv.

(1871),pp. 362"390.


Partial differentialequations.An essay towards an entirelynexo "method of integratingthem (London, 1871).


On the Integrationof certain Differential Equations (Nov. 1840 and Feb. 1841). Camb.

Math. Journal,11. (1841),pp. 169"177, 193"201.

On the Method of Least Squares (March 4, 1844). Trails. Camb. Phil. Soc. viii. (1849),pp. 204"219.


Zur Berechnung der reellen NuUstellen der Bessel'schen Zylinderfunktionen.Archivder Math, und Phys.(3) xxiv. (1916),pp. 239"250.


Ueber ein bestimmtes Integral.Math. Ann. vi. (1873),pp. 360 " 365.


Die vier Rechnungsoperationenmit Bessel'schen Functionen nebst einer geschichtlichenEinleitung(Bern, 1894, 58 pp.),[Jahrbuch Uber die Fortschritte der Math. 1893 " 94, pp.

845"846.]* See also under Jahnke.

Page 773: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


ERMAKOFF, W.Ueber die Cylinderfunctionen(May, 1872). Math. Ann. v. (1872),pp. 639"640.


Zur Bessel'schen Diflferential-Gleichung.Monatsheftefur Math, und Phys. iii. (1892),

p. 142.

tjber eine Nalierungsformel.MonatsheftefiirMath, uiid Phi/s.ill. (1892),p. 234.


Lettre de M. Euler ;\M. de la Grange (Jan.1, 1760). Misc. Taurinensia, ii. (1760" 61),

pp. 1"10.

Recherches sur rintegrationde I'equatiouddz


ddz h dz c

dt" dx'^ X dx XX

Misc. Taurinensia,III. (1762"65), pp. 60"91.

De integrationeaequationum differentialium.Novi Comm. Acad. Petrop.viil. (1760" 61)

[1763],pp. 154"169.

De resolutione aequationis dy-\-av"/dx= Kv''"'dx. Novi Coium. Acad. Pctroj).ix. (1762"

63) [1764],pp. 154"169.

Je motu vibratorio tympanorum. JVovi Coinm. Acad. Petro-p.x. (1764) [1766],pp.243"260.

InstitrUionum Calculi Integralis,ii. (Petersburg,1769).De oscillationibus minimis funis libere suspensi.Acta Acad. Petrop.v. pars 1 (1781)

[1784],pp. 157"177.

De perturbationemotus chordarum ab earum pondere oriunda. Acta Acad. Petrop.v.

pars 1 (1781) [1784],pp. 178"190.

Analysisfacilisaequatiouem Riecatianam per fractionem continuam resolvendi. Mem.

de I'Acad. R. des Sci. de St. Pe'tersbourg,vi. (1818),pp. 12 " 29.


Ueber das Verhalten der Integraleeiner Riccati'schen Gleichung in der Nahe einer

singularenStelle. Nieutv Archiefvoor WisL-unde,(2)Vl. (1905),pp. 209 "248.


Expansion in series of the integral/ e""*it"t-i^} ^^^^ (April14,1920). Arkiv for Mat.J V

Astr. och Fysik,xv. (1921),no. 13.


The theory of Riccati's equationand applicationsof the function which satisfies it.

Warsaw University,1898, nos. 5 and 7 ; 1899, no. 4. [Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der

Math. 1898, pp. 279"280.]


Sur les fonctions hypercylindriques(June 13, 1921). Comptes Rendus, CLXXii. (1921),

pp. 1464"1466.


A method of solvingRiccati's Equation (April8,1886). Johns HopHns Univ. Circulars

VI. (1886"87), p. 29.

Solutions Analogous to Riccati's of Equations of the form y-^=T'"_y(May 19, 1886).

Johns Hopkins Univ. Circidars,vi. (1886 " 87),pp. 29 " 30.


On a New Mode of ExpressingSolutions of Laplace'sEquation in Terms of Operatorsinvolving Bessel Functions. Phil. Mag. (6)vi. (1903),pp. 193"213.

On the expansionof polynomialsin series of functions (May 10, 1906). Proc. London

Math. Soc. (2) iv. (1906),pp. 396"430.


On the possibilityof diflferentiatingterm-by-term the developments for an arbitraryfunction of one real variable in terms of Bessel functions (June,1902). Trans. American

Math. Soc. IV. (1903),pp. 178"184.

Page 774: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



On lijieardifferentialequations: in particularthat satisfiedby the series


-^"^1.2.y.y + l.f.f + l

' '^"""

QuarterlvJournal,XIX. (1883),i^^.292" S37.",.,""

The expressionof Bessel functions of positiveorder as products,and of their inverse

powers as sums of rational fractions. Messenger,h. (1921),pp. 129"149.


La Theorie analytiquede la Chaleur (Paris,1822). [Translatedby A. Freeman, Cam-bridge,

1878.]FREEMAN, A.

Note on the value of the least root of an equationallied to Jq{z)= 0 (April19, 18S0).

Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. iii. (1880),pp. 375"377.


Memoire sur la diffractionde la lumifere [July29, 1818 ; crowned 1819].Mem. de VAcad.

R. des Sci. v. (1821"22),pp. 339"476. [Oeuvres,i. (1866),pp. 247"382.]


Sopra la dipendenzafra i differenziali delle funzioni e gliIntegralidefiniti (Feb.4,

1818). 2Ie7n. soc. ital.(Modena),xviil. (1820),pp. 458"517.


Correspondancemathe'matiqueet physique de quelqtcescelebres geotnetresdu xviii^'""

siecle*,II. (Petersburg,lb43).GALLOP, E. G.

The distribution of electricityon the circular disc and the sphericalbowl. Quarterli/Journal,xxi. (1886),pp. 229"256.


Ueber die NuUstellen der Besselschen Funktionen (July,1904).Mittheilungender Naturf.Ges. in Bern, 1904, pp. 92"135.


Note liber die Bessel'schen Functionen zweiter Art (Feb.8, 1872). Wiener Sitzungs-herichte,Lxv. (2)(1872),pp. 33"35.

Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen zweiter Art (July4, 1872). Wiener Sitzungs-berichte,Lxvi. (2)(1872),pp. 220"223.

Note iiber bestimmte Integrate(Feb.6,1873). Wiener Sitzungsherichte,Lxvii. (2)(1873),pp. 202"204.

tjberdie Functionen AV" (June 13, 1873). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxviii. (2)(1874),

pp. 357 " 367.

tJberdie Bessel'schen Functionen (March 19,1874). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxx. (2)(1875),pp. 6"16.

tJber einige bestimmte Integrale(June 18, 1874). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,lxx. (2)(1875),pp. 433"443.

tJbereinigebestimmte Integrale(June 17, 1875). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxxii. (2)(1876),pp. 343"354.

Tiberdie Bessel'schen Functionen (June 22,1876). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,LXXiv. (2)(1877),pp. 124"130.

Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Jan.18, 1877). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxxy. (2)(1877),pp. 218"222.

tJberdie Functionen (7/(.r)(April12,1877). Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxxv. (2)(1877),pp. 891"905.

Das Additionstheorem deijenigenFunctionen welche bei der Entwicklungvon e"^ nach

den NaheruugsnennernreguliirerKettenbriiche auftreten. Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxxxv,

(2)(1882),pp. 491"502.

Uber die Bessel'schen Functionen (Oct.11,1883).Wiener Sitzungsberichte,Lxxxviii. (2)(1884),pp. 975"1003.

* This work contains a number of letters from Nicholas Bernoulli (theyounger) to Goldbach,in which Bernoulli's solution of Eiccati's equationis to be fonnd. The reader should notice that,inDaniel Bernoulli's letters to Goldbach [ibid.pp. 254, 256, 259),the equationdescribed in the tableof contents as Eiccati's equation is reallythe linear equation; Eiccati's equation is mentioued

on p. 260.

Page 776: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Example illustrative of a point in the solution of ditlerential equations by series.

Messenger,viii. (1879),pp. 20"23.

On a symbolictheorem involvingrepeateddifferentiations (May 19,1879). Proc. Camb.

Phil. Soc. III. (1880),pp. 269"271.

On Riccati's Equation and its Transformations and on some Definite Integralswhich

satisfythem (June 16, 1881). Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. 172 (1881),pp. 759"828.

[Proc.Royal Soc. xxxii. (1881),p. 444.]


See under Hermite.


Ueber die Addition und Subtraction der Argumente bei Bessel'schen Functionen nebst

einer Anwendung (March, 1893). Math. Ann. XLiii. (1893),pp. 136"144.

Ueber einigeEigenschaftender Bessel'schen Function erster Art, insbesondere fiii-ein

grosses Argument. Zeitschriftfur Math, xxxviii. (1893),pp. 115"120.

Beitragezm- Auflosung von linearenDifierentialgleichuugenzweiter Ordnung mit liuearen

Coeificienten so wie von Differentialgleichungenzweiter Ordnung denen gewisse bestimmte

Integralegenugeu (March, 1894). Math. Ann. XLV. (1894),pp. 235"262.

Relations entre la fonction Besselienne de l""*espfeceet une fraction continue (May, 1894).Ann. di Mat. (2) xxiii. (1895),pp. 45"65.

Ableitung der Formeln fur die Bessel'schen Functionen bei welchen das Argument ein

Distanz darstellt (Aug. 4, 1896). Verhandlungen der Schweiz-Naturf.Oes. Lxxix. (1896),

pp. 59"62.

Einleitungin die Theorie der Besselschen Funktionen. Von J. H. Graf und E. Gubler

(2 Hefte ; Bern, 1898, 1900).Beitrag zur Auflosung von Diflfereutialgleichungenzweiter Ordnung denen gewisse be-stimmte

Integralegeniigen (May, 1902). Math. Ann. lvi. (1903),pp. 423"444.


A Treatise on Bessel Functions. By Andrew Gray and G. B. Mathews (London, 1895).


On Riccati's Equation and Bessel's Equation. QuarterlyJournal, xvi. (1879),pp. 294 " 298.

On the Differential Equation of the Ellipticitiesof the Strata in the Theory of the

Figureof the Earth (April8, 1880). QuarterlyJournal, xvii. (1880),pp. 203"207.

Determination of the greatestheight consistent with stabilitythat a vertical pole or

mast can be made, and of the greatestheightto which a tree of givenproportionscan grow(Feb.7, 1881). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. iv. (1883),pp. 65"73.

The Bessel-Cliftbrd Function (March 14, 1919). Engineering,cvii. (1919),p. 334.

The Bessel-Cliftbrd Function and itsapplications(Aug.11,1919). Phil. Mag. (6)xxxviir.

(1919),pp. 501"528.


(^i-iH" 22y-j sin?".rBeweis der Gleichung ITJ^ " =(-l)'"U.3...(2i-l)"

r"fur3 = cos.r. Archiv

der Math, und Phys. iv. (1844),pp. 104"109.

GUBLER, E.+Die Darstellungder allgemeinen Bessel'schen Function durch bestimmte Integrale

(Sept.1888). Zurich Vierteljahrsschrift,xxxiii. (1888),pp. 130"172.

Verwandlung einer hypergeometrischenReihe im Anschluss an das Integral/"oo

I J''{.v)e-'"'.v'-'^dx.

Inaugural-dissertation,Zurich, 1894 (38 pp.). [Grafand Gubler,Einleitungin die Theorieder Besselschen Funktionen, ii. (Bern,1900),pp. 110"135, 156.]

Ueber ein discontinuierliches Integrale(Dec.1895). Math. Ann. xlviii. (1897),pp. 37"48.Beweis einer Formel des Herrn Sonine (Dec.1896).Math. Ann. xlix. (1897),pp. 583"584.Ueber bestimmte Integralemit Bessel'schen Functionen (Oct,1902). Zurich Viertel-jahrsschrift,

XLVii. (1902),pp. 422"428.


Bemerkungen iiber Cylinderfunctionen.Archiv der Math, und Phus. lvi. (1874),pp. 292"297.

* See also under Sir Joseph John Thomson.t See also under Graf.

Page 777: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



The employment of a geometrical construction to prove Schlomilch's series,and to aidin its develoijmentinto a definite integral.Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),})p. 97 " 107.


Sur I'expressionasymptotique de la fonction de Bessel. Balletin de la Soc. Math, de

France, xxxvi. (1908),pp. 77 " 85.


Ueber die functionentheoretischen Zusammenhang zwischen den Lame'-schen,Laplace'-schen und Bessel'schen Functionen. Zeitschriftfur Math. xxxi. (1886),pp. 55 " 33.

Ueber die Fourier Bessel'sche Transcendente (Nov. 20, 1887). Zeitschriftfur Math.

XXXIII. (1888),pp. 185"186.


Studien iiber einigeProbleme dcr Potentialtheorie. Math. Ann. Lxix. (1910),pp. 517 " 537.


A Note on the Graphs of the Bessel Functions of IntegralOi'der. Proc. Phys.Soc.XXIX. (1917),pp. 211"214.


The Besselian Function. The Analyst, i. (1874),pp. 81"84.


On FluctuatingFunctions (June 22, 1840). Trans. R. Irish Acad. xix. (1843),pp. 264"321.

On the Calculation of the Numerical Values of a certain class of Multipleand Definite

Integrals(Sept.29, 1857). Phil. Mag. (4) xiv. (1857),pp. 375"382.


Die Cylinderfunctionenerster und zweiter Art (Dec.15, 1868). Math. Ami. i. (1869),

pp. 467"501.

Bestimmte Integralemit Cylinderfunctionen+. Math. Ann. viii. (1875),pp. 453 " 470.

Die Fourier'schen Reihen uud IntegralefiirCylinderfunctionent (May 16,1869). Math.

Ann. VIII. (1875),pp. 471 "494.


Ermittelung der absoluten Storungen in Ellipsen von beliebigerExcentricitat und

Neigung, i. Schriftender Sternivarte Seeberg(Gotha,1843). [Memoire sur la determination

des perturbationsabsolues dans les ellipsesd'uue excentricite et d'une inclinaison quel-conques. Par M. Hansen. Traduit de TAIlemand par M. Victor Mauvais (Paris,1845).]

Entwickelung des Pi'oducts einer Potenz des Radius Vectors mit den Sinus oder Cosinus

eines Vielfachen der wahren Anomalie in Reihen. LeipzigerAhh. ii. (1855),pp. 181 " 281.


On a certain definite integral.Messenger,XLVii. (1918),pp. 134 " 137.


General theorems in contour integration: with some applications.QuarterlyJournal,xxxii. (1901),pp. 369"384.

Notes on some pointsin the integralcalculus,xviii. Messenger,xxxv. (1906),pp. 158 " 166.

Further researches in the Theory of Divergent Series and Integrals (May 18, 1908).Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi. (1912),pp. 1"48.

On an IntegralEquation (Feb. 20, 1909). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) vii. (1909),

pp. 445 " 472.

On certain definite integralswhose values can be expressedin terms of Bessel's functions.

Messenger,xxxviii. (1909),pp. 129"132.

On certain definite integralsconsidered by Airy and Stokes. Quarterb/ Journal,xli.

(1910),pp. 226"240.

Notes on some pointsin the integralcalculus,xxvii. Messenger,XL. (1911),})p. 44" 51.

NMes on some points in the integralcalculus,xxxv. Messenger,XLII. (1913),pp.89"93.

On the expressionof a number as the sum of two squares. QuarterlyJournal, XLVi.

(1915),pp. 263"283.

On Dirichlet's divisor problem (April22,1915). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xv. (1916),

pp. 1"25.

Notes on some pointsin the integralcalculus,xlvii. Messenger,xlviii. (1918),pp. 81 " 88.

* A letter by Hamilton on Bessel functions is published in Sir G. G. Stokes, Memoir and

ScientificCurreiipoiidence,i. (Cambridge, 191)7),pp. 131"


t Hankel died Aug. 29, 1873. These memoirs were composed from materials found among his


Page 778: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



On the Solution of Linear Diflferential Equations (June 10, 1847). Phil. Trans, of the

RoijalSoc. 1848, pp. 31"54.

On Riccati's Equation (April4, 1865). QuarterlyJournal, vii. (1866),pp. 256"258.


A Diffraction Problem and an Asymptotic Theorem in Bessel's Series. Phil. Mag. (6)

xsxvi. (1918),pp. 191"199.


Ueber die Darstellung einer willkiirlichen Function durch die Fourier-Bessel'schen

Functioneu (Dec. 12, 1887). LeipzigerBerichte,xxxis. (1887),pp. 191 " 214; Math. Ann.

XXXV. (1889),pp. 41"62.


On Harmonic Functions. American Journal of Math, xxxiv. (1912),pp. 391 " 420.


Integrationder Differentialgleichung2 + ^=^'^/^'^^^'elliptischeund parabolische

Coordinaten. Archiv der Math, und Phys. (2) xiv. (1896),pp. 170"199.


See under Riemann.


Mathematical Analysis of Wave Propagation in IsotropicSpace of p Dimensions

(March 16, 1904). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 11. (1904),pp. 122"137.


On a definite integralfor Neumann's cylindricalfunction. Nyt Tidsskrift,xxiii. B

(1912),pp. 86"90. [Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1912, p. 555.]Ctc f OOS \ COS

On the IntegralsI esp [x. p6\.

qOdO (Dec. 1920). Tohoku Math. Journal, xx.

(1922),pp. 107"114.


Electrical Papers,i., 11. (London, 1892).On Operatorsin PhysicalMathematics (Dec.15, 1892 ; June 8, 1893). Proc. RoyalSoc.

Lll. (1893),pp. 504"529; Liv. (1893),pp. 105"143.

Mectro7nagneticTheoryf, 11.,iii. (London, 1899, 1912).


Ueber die Ziihler und Nenxier der Naherungswerthe von Kettenbruchen J (Sept.1859).Journal fUr Math. LVii. (1860),pp. 231"247.

Die Fourier-Besselsche Function (June,1868). Journal fur Math. Lxix. (1869),pp. 128"


Handhuch der Kugelfunctionen:Theorie und Anwendungen (2 Bande) (Berlin,1878,1881).


Sm' la transcendante E,^. Ann. di Mat. (2) iii. (1870),p. 83 ".Extrait d'une lettre de Monsieur Ch. Hennite k Monsieur Paul Gordan (June 9, 1873).

Journal fur Math, lxxvi. (1873),pp. 303"311.

Extrait d'une lettre a M. E. Jahnke (Nov. 25, 1900). Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3)I. (1901),pp. 20"21.


tjber die Induktion in rotierenden Kugelu. Dissertation,Berlin,March 15, 1880. \Cles.We7-ke,I. (Leipzig,1895),pp. 37 " 134.]

Uberdas Gleichgewichtschwimmender elasticher Flatten. Ann. der Physikund Cheinie,(3)XXII. (1884),pp. 449"455. {Ges.Werke,I. (Leipzig,1895),pp. 288"294.]

* Harnack died April 3, 1888.

t This work consists of a series of articles firstpublishedin The Electrician, Nature and else-where

in and after 1894, with numerous additions.

J See also under Christofl'el.

" This note contains a statement of Carlini's formula, which Hermite apparently derivedfrom Poisson's integral.

Page 779: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Sept.21, 1883). Astr. Nach.

cvii. (1884),col. 17"28.

Note, betreffend die Entwicklung dei- storenden Kriifte (Mar. 30, 1884). Astr. Nach.

CVII. (1884),col. 429"432.


Ziir Theorie der Eiitwicklungenwillkiirlicher Fuiiktionen nach Eigenfunktionen(Sept.11, 1917). Math. Zeitschrift,i. (1918),pp. 58"69.

tjber die Laplacesche Reihe (March 15, 1919; Nov. 17, 1919). Math. Zdtschrift,v.(1919),pp. 17"25 ; viii. (1920),pp. 79"90.

HILL, G. J. D.

De radicibus rationalibus aequationisRiccatianae

c^y + a + by+ cy^=0,ubi a, b, c fiiuctiones rationales ipsiu.s.v (May 24, 1840). Journal fur Math. xxv. (1843),

pp. 22"37.


Systems of SphericalHarmonics (June 11, 1891). Proc. London Math. Soc. xxii. (1891),

pp. 431"449.

On the Evaluation of a certain Surface- Integral,and its applicationto the Expansion,in Series,of the Potential of Ellipsoids(Jan.12, 1893). Fi-oc. London Math. Soc. xxiv.

(1893),pp. 80"96.

On BessePs Functions, and Relations connecting them with Hyper-sphericalandSphericalHarmonics (Dec. 14, 1893). Pi-oc. London Math. Soc. xxv. (1894),pp. 49 " 75.

On the most generalsolution of given Degree of Laplace'sEquation (May 9, 1895).Proc. London Math. Soc. xxvi. (1895),pp. 492 " 494.

Note on some propertiesof Bessel's Fimctions (Jan.14, 1897). Proc. London Math. Soc.

xxviii. (1897),pp. 370"375.

On the representationof a function by series of Bessel's functions (Dec. 10, 1908).Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)vii. (1909),pp. 359"388.


tJber komplexe Integraldarstelluugender Zylinderfunktioneu.Archiv der Math, und

Phys. (3) xviii. (1911),pp. 1"16.


Ueber lineare Difterentialgleichungenmit einem veriiuderlichen Parameter (Dec.30,1898). Math. Ami. lii. (1899),pp. 340"362.


Ueber die Nullstellen der Bessel'schen Function (June 2, 1888). Math. Ann. xxxiii.

(1889),pp. 246"266.

Ueber die Wurzeln einiger transcendenten Gleichungen.Hamburger Mittheilungen^II. (1890),pp. 25"31. [Jahrbuchiiher die Fortschritte der Math. 1890, p. 115.]


Treatise on DifferentialEquations.,and on the Calculus of Finite inferences(Cambridge1839).


tJber ilie Reihenentwicklungen mit Zylinderfunktioneu(May 13, 1911). Archiv der

Math, und Phys. (3) xviii. (1911),pp. 322"327.

tJber Reihen mit Zylinderfunktioneunach dem Vielfachen des Argumentes (Dec.1913).Archiv der Math, und Phys. (3) xxill. (1915),pp. 193"219.


Die Riccati'sche Gleichung. Dissertation,Bern, 1909 (42pp.).[Jahrbxichiiber die Fort-

schrifteder Math. 1909, p. 369.1


Tables of the Bessel Functi(ms for pure imaginary values of the argument (April26,1904). Manchester Memoirs, XLViii. (1903" 4),no. 19.


Generalised forms of the series of Bessel and Legendre. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

XXI. (1903),pp. 65"72.

On Generalised functions of Legendre and Bessel (Nov. 16, 1903). Trans. Edinburgh

Royal Soc. xli. (1905),pp. 1"28.

* See also under Gegenbauer.

Page 780: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


A generalizationof Neumann's expansion of an arbitraryfunction in a series of Bessel

functions (Nov. 26, 1903). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) i. (1904),pp. 361"366.

Theorems relatingto a Generalisation of the Bessel-Function (March 21,1904). Trans.

Edinburgh Royal Soc. XLI. (1905),pp. 105"118.

Note on a theorem of Lommel (May 13, 1904). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. xxii. (1904),

pp. 80"85.

The applicationof Basic numbers to Bessel's and Legendre'sfunctions (June 2, 1904;Dec. 1, 1904 ; Jan. IS, 1905). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) ii. (1905),pp. 192"220; (2) iii.

(1905),pp. 1"20, 21"23.

The completesolution of the diflerential equationfor J^nj(July4,1904). Proc. EdinburghRoyal Soc. xxv. (1904),pp. 273"276.

Theorems relating to a Generalization of Bessel's Function (Feb. 20, 1905). Trans.

Edinburgh Royal Soc. xli. (1905),pp. 399"408.


On the diffraction of lightproduced by an opaque prism of finite angle(Nov. 11,1903).Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)I. (1904),pp. 393"414.


Formula transformationis integraliumdefinitorum (July9, 1835). Journal filrMath.XV. (1836),pp. 1"26. [Oes.Math.Werke, vi. (1891),pp. 86" 118.]"Formule pour la trans-formation

d'une classe d'integralesdefinies,Journcd de Math. i. (1836),pp. 195 " 196.

Versuch einer Berechnung der grossen Ungleichheitdes Saturns nach einer strengenEntwicklung. Astr. Nach.xxxin. (1849),col. 65"80, 81"94. [Ges.Math. Werke, vii. (1891),

pp. 145"174.]tjber die annahernde Bestimmung sehr entfernter Glieder in der Entwickelung der

elliptischenCoordinaten, nebst einer Ausdehnung der Za/3^ace'schenMethode zur Bestim-mung

der Functionen grosser Zahlen. Astr. Xach. xxviii. (1849),col. 257 " 270. [6-'es.Math.

Werke,vii. (1891),pp. 175"188.]


Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven. Von E. Jahnke und F. Emde (Leipzig,1909).tJber einige,in der elektromagnetischenStrahlungstheorieauftretende,bestimmte In-

tegrale.Archiv der Math, imd Phys. (3)xxiii. (1914),pp. 264 " 267.


Sur les equations anharmoniques (Sept.13, 1901). Comptes Rendus de I'Assoc. Fran-

gaise,XXX. (Ajaccio)(1901),pp. 207 "228.

Sur les equations anharmoniques. Ann. de la Fac. des Sci. de Marseille,xii. (1902),pp. 1"21.


Les fonctions de Bessel de plusieursvariables exprimees par des fonctions de Bessel

d'une variable (Feb.28, 1916). Comptes Rendus, CLXii. (1916),pp. 318"319.

Sur la fonction generatrice des fonctions de Bessel k plusieursvariables. Bulletin desSci. math. (2)xli. (1917),pp. 58"60.

Sur les fonctions de Bessel a deux variables (May 30, 1921). ComptesRendus, CLXXii,

(1921),pp. 1331"1332.


On the Differential Equation

g+y2+Py+(2=o.Annals of Math. iii. (1887),pp. 112"115.

JOLLIFFE, A. E.The expansion of the square of a Bessel function in the form of a series of Bessel

functions. Messenger,XLV. (1916),p. 16.

JULIUS, V. A.Sur les fonctions de Bessel de deuxifeme espfece(Dec. 1893). Archives Neerlandaises,

XXVIII. (1895),pp. 221"225.

Sur les ondes lumineuses spheriqueset cylindriques(Dec. 1893). Archives Neerlandaises,XXVIII. (1895),pp. 226"244.

* See also under Carlini. + See also under Hermite.

Page 781: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


KALAHXK, A.Tiber die Wurzeln einigerZylinderfuuktionenmid gewisser aus ihnen gebildeterGleich-

ungen (March 1,1906). ZeitscliriftfilrMath, unci I'hys.liv. (1907),pp. 55"86.


Nouvelles formules pour representer la Ibnctiou J,^_-^{x).Bulletin des Sci. Math. (2)XVI. (1892),pp. 41"44.

Over BESSEL'sche Functien (Marcli12,1892). Nieuw Archiefvoor Jfis/fcurtrfe,xx. (1893),pp. 116"127.

Recherches sur les fonctions de Fourier- Bessel. Ann. I'Ecole norm. sup. (3) x.

(1893),pp. 91"120.

Sur quelques integralesdefinies con tenant de" fonctions de Bessel. Archives Neer-

landaises,(2)vi. (1901),pp. 103"116.

A definite integralcontainingBessel'.s functions (June 29, 1901). Pi-oc. Section of Sci.,K. Akcid. van Wet. te Amsterdam, iv. (1902),pp. 102 " 103.

Sur un developpement de M. Neumann. Nieuw Archiefvoor Wiskunde,(2) vi. (1905),pp. 49"55.

EinigeBemerkungen iiber Bessel'sche Functionen. MonatsheftefilrMath, und Phys.XIV. (1903),pp. 275"282.

The values of some definite integralsconnected with Bessel functions (Nov. 26, 1904).Proc. Section ofSci.,K. Akad. van Wet. te Amsterdam, vii. (1905),pp. 375 " 376.

On a series of Bessel functions (Dec. 24, 1904). Proc. Section ofSci.,K. Akad. van Wet.

te Amsterdam, vii. (1905),pp. 494 " 500.

A definite integralof Kummer (Sept.30, 1905). Proc. Section of Sci.,K. Akad. van

Wet. te Amsterdam, viii. (1906),pp. 350 " 357.

On an expansionof an arbitraryfuiictiou in a series of Bessel functions. Messenger,XXXV. (1906),pp. 122"125.

Sur la sommation d'une serie iufinie. Nieuw Archiefvoor Wiskunde, (2)vii. (1907),pp.20"25.

The quotientof two successive Bessel Functions (Dec. 30, 1905 ; Jan. 27, 1906). Proc.Section of Sci.,K. Akad. van Wet. te Amsterdam, viii. (1906),pp. 547"549, 640 " 642.

Sur le quotientde deux fonctions besseliennes successives. Archives Ne'erlandaises,(2)XI. (1906),pp. 149"168.

Recherches sur les fonctions cylindriques.Me'm. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Liege,(3)vi.

(1906),no. 5.

Sur le calcul numerique de la serie



(a2+ ^V)2^Mem. de la Soc. It.des Sci. de Liege,(3)vi. (1906),no. 9.

On some relations between Bessel's Functions (Feb.24, 1912). Proc. Section of Sci.,K,Akad. van Wet. te Amsterdam, xiv. (1912),pp. 962 " 969.


On the waves produced by a singleimpulse in water of any depth or in a dispersivemedium (Feb. 3, 1887). Proc. Royat Soc. xui. (1887),p. 80; Phil. Mag. (5)xxiil. (1887),

pp. 252"255. [3fath.and Phys.Papers,iv. (1910),pp. 303"306]Ether, Electricityand Ponderable Matter (Jan.10, 1889).Journal of Inst,of Electrical

Engineers,xviii. (1890),pp. 4" 37. \_Math.and Phys.Papers,III. (1890),pp. 484 " 5 15.J


tjber die Differentialgleichung/" 3^2 m-\-\ dz i^^z


dx^ X ex X 8"

(Jan. 1905). Math. Ann. lxi. (1906),pp. 397"406.

Integrationder Ditterentialgleichung

a^i_i(^_^e ^ ct


Bull. int. de VAcad. des Sci. de Cracovie,1905,pp. 198 " 205.

* See also under Gegeubauer.

W. B. F. 49

Page 782: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Ueber den inducirten Magnetismus eines unbegreuzten Cylindersvon weichem Eisen

(June,1853). Journal filrMath, xlviii. (1854),pp. 348"376.

Zur Theorie der Bewegung der Elektricitait in unterseeischen oder unterirdischen Tele-

graphendrahten(Oct. 29, 1877). Berliner Monatsherichte,1877, pp. 598 " 611.

Ueber die Transversalschwingungen eines Stabes von versinderlichem Querschnitt

(Oct.27, 1879).Berliner Monatsberichte,1879, pp. 815 " 828; Ann. der Physik U7id Chemie,

(3)X. (1880),pp. 501"512.

Ueber die elektrischen Stroiaungen in einem Kreiscylinder(April26, 1883). Berliner

Sitzimgsberichte,1883, pp. 519 " 524.


A local probabilityproblem (Sept.30, 1905). Froc. Section of Sci.,K. Ahad. van Wet.

te Amsterdam, viir. (1906),pp. 341 "350.

An integraltheorem of Gegenbauer (Feb. 27, 1909). Proc. Section of Sci.,K. Akad.

van Wet. te Amsterdam, xi. (1909),pp. 749 " 755.


Die Entwickluug willkiii'licherFuuktionen in Reihen die nach Bessel'schen Funktionen

fortschreiteu (July,1903). Archiv der Math, und Phys.(3) vii. (1903),pp. 123"133.

Die Theorie der Integralgleichungenund die Darstellung willkiirlicher Funktionen in

der mathematischen Physik. Math. Ann. LXiii. (1907),pp. 477 " 524.


Ueber die Oerter der Maxima und Minima des gebeugtenLichtes nach den Fresnel'schen

Beobachtungeu. Ann. der Physik und Chemie, (2) xli. (1837),pp. 103 " 110.


Ueber die Darstellung von Functionen durch unendliche Reihen (Sept.1871). Math.

Ann. V. (1872),pp. 310"340.

Ueber Reiheneutwicklung nach Bessel'schen Functionen (1880). Math. Ann. xvii.

(1880),pp. 85"86.


Beitragezu Reiheneutwickelungennach Besselsche Zylinderfunktionen.Dissertation,Bern, 1907 (110 pp.). \Jahrbuchitber die Fortschritte der Math. 1908, p. 535.]


Die Ausbreitung einer Erschtitterungan der Wellenmaschine darstellhar durch einen

neuen Grenzfall der Bessel'schen Functionen. Programm (96). Andreas Realgymn. Berlin,1899 (28 pp.).[Jahrbuchuber die Fortschritte der Math. 1899, pp. 420 " 421.]


Sur I'integrationde I'equationde Riecati par des integralesdefinies. Journal fur Math.

XII. (1834),pp. 144"147.

Ueber die hypergeometrischeReihe

a^ a(a + l)^(/3+ l) a(a+l)(a + 2)^(/3+l)(/3-^2)'^Ly""^ 1.2.y(y+l)

"^ ^1



3. y (y+ 1)(y+ 2)


Journal fur Math. xv. (1836),pp. 39"83, 127"172.

De integralibusquibusdam detinitis et seriebus infinitis (April,1837). Journal furMath. XVII. (1837),pp. 228"242.

Note sur I'integrationde Tequation --j-^"x"Ky.Journal fiirMath. xix. (1839),pp.


d^^vSur I'integrationde I'equation-r^= x^ .y. Journal de Math. iv. (1839),pp. 390"391.


Sur le probl5me de Kepler (Nov. 1,1770). Eist. de V Acad. R. des Sci. de Berlin,xxv.(1769)[1771],pp. 204"233. [Oeuvres,in. (1869),pp. 113"138.]


On the Oscillations of a Viscous Spheroid (Nov. 10, 1881). Proc. London Math. Soc.

XIII. (1882),pp. 51"66.

On the Vibrations of an Elastic Sphere (May 11, 1882). Proc. London Math. Soc. xill.

(1882),pp. 189-212.

Page 784: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Die Beziehungeu der begrenztenAbleitungenmit komplexenZeigerzu den Besselschen

Funktionen und ihren Nullstellen (Nov.29,1911). Sitz.der Berliner Math. Ges. xi. (1911),

pp. 3"5.


Zur Theorie der Fresnel'scheu Integrale(Aug. 1882). Ann. der Physikund Chemie,(3)XVII. (1882),pp. 720"725.


Sur la classificationdes transcendantes et sur I'impossibilited'exprimerdes racines de

certaines equationsen fonctious finies explicitesdes coefficients(June 8,1835). Journal

de Math. II. (1837),pp. 56"105; iii. (1838),pp. 523"547.

Sur I'integrationd'une classe d'Equationsdifierentiellesdu second ordre en quantitesfinies explicites(Oct.28, 1839). ComptesEendus, ix. (1839),pp. 527"530 ; Journal de

Math. IV. (1839),pp. 423"456.

Remarques nouvelles sur I'equationde Riccati (Nov. 9, 1840). ComptesRendus,xi.

(1840),p. 729; Journal de Math. vi. (1841),pp. 1"13.

Sur I'intdgraleI cos i{u - .v sin u)du. Journal de Math. vi. (1841),p. 36.

Sur une formule de M. Jacobi (March,1841). Journal de Math. vi. (1841),pp. 69"73.


Ueber ein Integralder Differentialgleichung-" ^ + - ^4-/=0 (July14,1858).Journal

fur Math. LVi. (1859),pp. 189"196.


Sur I'integrationdes equationsd^ V d^ i/

d.V' ^ ' dx^ ^

(April,1837).Journal fiirMath. xvii. (1837),pp. 363"371.


Note on the SemiconvergentSeries of J" {.v).British Association Report,York,1906,pp. 494"498.


Beitragezur Theorie der Beugung des Lichts. Archiv der Math, und Phys. xxxvi.

(1861),pp. 385"419.

Methode ziu- Berechnungeiner Transcendenten. Archiv der Math und Phys. xxxvii.

(1861),pp. 349"360.

Zur Integrationlinearer Diflferentialgleichungen.Archiv der Math, und Phys. xl.

(1863),pp. 101"126.

Studienilher die BesseV schen Functionen (Leipzig,1868).

Integrationder Gleichung"* + K .^^^^-^+y = 0*. Math. Ann. ii. (1870),pp. 624"63.5.

Ueber der Auwendung der Bessel'seheu Functionen in der Theorie der Beugung. Zeit-

schriftfUrMath, und Phys.xv. (1870),pp. 141"169.

Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Dec.1870). Math. Ann. iii. (1871),pp. 475 "


Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Jan.1871).Math. Ann. iv. (1871),pp. 103 "


Ueber eine mit den Bessel'schen Functionen verwandte Function (Aug.1875). Math.Ann. IX. (1876),pp. 425"444.

Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Oct.1878). Math. Ann. xiv. (1879),pp. 510 "


Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Oct.1879). Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 183 "


Die Beugung-serscheinungeneiner kreisruuden Oeffuungund eines kreisrunden Schirm-chens theoretisch und experimentellbearbeitet. Miinchener Ahh. xv. (1884"86),pp. 233 " 328.

Die BeugiuigserscheinungengeradlinigbegrenzterSchirme. Miinchener Abh. xv.

(1884"86),pp. 531"663.

* The headmgs of the pages of tins paper are" Zur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen."


Page 785: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


LORENZ, L.Sur le developjiementdes fonctions arbitraires au moyen de fonctions donnees. Ti(h-

skriftfor Mathematik,1876, pp. 12!)" 144. [OeuvresScientifiques,ii. (1899),pp. 495"513.]Tlieorie de la dispersion.Ann. der Physikund Chemie, (3)xx. (1883),pp. 1 " 21. \Oeuvres

Scientijiques,i. (1898),pp. 371"396.]Sur la lurniere refiechie et refractee par line spheretransparente. K. Danske Videnska-

herncs Selskabs Skrifter,(6)vi. (1890),pp. 1"62. [OeuvresScientifiques,i. (1898),pp. 405"

LOVE, A. E. H.

Tlie Scatteringof Electric Waves by a Dielectric Sphere (Feb.9, 1899). Proc. London

Math. Sac. xxx. (1899),pp. 308"321.

The Transmission of Electric Waves over the Surface of the Earth (Dec. 19, 1914).Phil Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccxv. A (1915),pp. 105"131.


Note on Bessel Functions (Nov. 11, 1897). Proc. London Math. Soc. xxix. (1898),pp. 110"115.

Zeroes of the Bessel Functions (April 7, 1898 ; Jan. 12, 1899). Proc. London Math. Soc.

XXIX. (1898),pp. 575"584; xxx. (1899),pp. 165"179.

The Addition Theorem for the Bessel Functions (April5, 1900). Proc. London Math.

Soc. XXXII. (1901),pp. 152"157.

Some Applicationsof Fourier's Theorem I'Dec. 11, 1902). Proc. London Math. Soc.

XXXV. (1903),pp. 428"443.

The Bending of Electric Waves round a Conducting Obstacle (Jan. 21, 1903 ; May 12,1903). Proc. Royal Soc. lxxi. (1903),pp. 251"258; Lxxii. (1904),pp. 59"68.

Note on the evaluation of a certain integralcontainingBessel's functions (Dec.6,1908).Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) vil. (1909),pp. 142"149.

The Diffraction of Electric Waves round a PerfectlyReflectingObstacle (Aug. 13,1909).Phd. Trans, of the Royal Soc. ccx. A (1910),pp. 113"144.

The Transmission of Electric Waves around the Earth's Surface (Jan.10, 1914). P7-oc.

Roy id Soc. xc. A (1914),pp. 50"61.

Formulae for the SjjhericalHarmonic /'"~"'(/li)when l-/i is a small quantity(Feb.6,1914). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)Xlil. (1914),pp. 220"221.

[Extractfrom a letter to Prof. Carslaw, Oct. 17,1912.] Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xiii.

(1914),pp. 239"240.

A class of diffraction problems (Jan. 14,1915). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)xiv. (1915),

pp. 410"427.

The Transmission of Electric Waves around the Earth's Surface (May 23, 1916). P7'oc.

Royal Soc. xcii. A (1916),pp. 433"437.


On the Descending Series for Bessel's Functions of Both Kinds. Anncds of Math. viii.

(1894),pp. 57"61.

On the Roots of the Bessel and certain Related Functions. Annals of Math. ix. (1895),

pp. 23"30.

The Ex[)ressionfor a Rational Polynomial in a Series of Bessel functions of nth. Order

as requind in certain Cases of Dirichlet's Problem. Proc. American Assoc. 1900, 2)p. 42 "



The Modified Bessel Function A'"(2)(Feb. 13, 1920). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

xxxviii. (1920),pp. 10"19.

Asymptotic Expressionsfor the Bessel Functions and the Fourier-Bessel Expansion(Jai".^4,1921). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. xxxix. (1921),pp. 13"20.


Sulla storia delle funzioni cilindriche. Atti della R. Accad. dei Lincei,Ser. 3 (Transunti),vol. IV. (1880),pp. 259"263.

Sopra un problema di elettrostatica (June 3,1880). Rend, del R. 1st.Lombardo^ (2)xm.

(1880),pp. 384"390.


/ COS (JjVCajTj

" " ^Jr^.

K. Svenska V. Akad. Handlingar, LXii. (1841),pp. 65 " 74.

0 (l+A'T

* See also under Gegeubauer.

Page 786: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


De I'equationdiffdrentielle y^"+"+ ^^'",y= 0 (March 18, 1849). Journal fiirMath.

XXXIX. (1850),pp. 108"115.

Theorfemes sur I'integrationde I'Equation-j\+ ~ ^ = (^^'' + T2 )V- Camh. and Dublin

Math. Journal, v. (1850),pp. 180"182.


Sur la chute des corps dans le vide et sur certaiues fonctions transcendantes. Nouvelles

Annales de Math. (4)xi. (1902),pp. 197"204.


De eonstructione aequationumdifferentialiumpnmi gradus (Bologna,1707).


tJberdie Ausbreitung der Wellen der drahtloseu Telegraphieauf der Erdkugel (Oct.21,

1911). Ann. der Physikund Chemie, (4)xxxvii. (1912),pp. 29 " 50.


Alcuui teoremi suUe funzioni ciliudriche di prima specie(April6, 1889). NapoliRen-

diconto,(2)iii. (1889),pp. 96"99.


On a New Method of Computing the Roots of Bessel's Functions (Oct.1909). Annals

ofMath. (2)XI. (1910),pp. 153"160.


See under Gray.


On the Diffraction Pattern near the Focus of a Telescope(Feb.22, 1897). Proc. Camb.

Phil. Sac. IX. (1898),pp. 259"269.


Integrationof Eiccati's Equation. Annals of Math. i. (1886),pp. 97 " 103 ; lii. (1887),

pp. 47"49.


Ueber die Vertheilungder statischen Electricitat in einem von zwei kugelkalottenbe-

grenzten Korjier(July,1867). Journal fiirMath, lxviii. (1868),pp. 134 " 150.

Ueber eine mit den Kugel- und Cylinderfunctionenverwandte Function imd ihre An-

wendung in die Theorie der Electi-icitatsvertheilung.\_ElhingJahreshericht,1870.]Math.Ann. xviii. (1881),pp. 161"194.

Ueber die Darstellungeiner willkiirlicheu Function zweier Variablen durch Cylinder-function* (Dec. 1, 1871). Math. Ann. v. (1872),pp. 135"140.

Notiz iiber die Dirichlet'schen IntegKilausdrtickefiir die KugelfunctionenP" (cos5)und iiber eine analogelutegralformfiir die CylinderfunctionJ{x)\ (Dec. 2, 1871). Math.

Ann. v. (1872),pp. 141"144.


Iserlohn Programm, 1862. [Nielsen,JVoiovellesAnnales de Math. (4)ii. (1902),pp. 396 "

410.]Tafel der Bessel'schen Functionen /^.ound Ij} von ^-=0 bis ^"=15-5 (Nov. 8, 1888).

Berliner Abh. 1888. {Math. Abh. i.)Ueber die Besselscheu Functionen JfP und Jj.^.Programm, Oberrealschitle,Kiel, 1890.

[Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1890, pp. 521 " 522.]EinigeEntwickeluugen die Bessel'schen /-Functionen betreffend (May 3, 1891). Astr.

Nach. cxxvii. (1891),col. 359"362.

Beitragzur Theorie der allgemeinenBessel'schen Function (June 11,1891). Astr. Nach.

cxxviii. (1891),col. 145"154.

AbgekiirzteTafel der Bessel'schen Functionen I^^(July10, 1891). Astr. Nach. cxxviii.

(1891),col. 154"155.

Beitragzur Theorie der Bessel'schen Functionen (Oct.7, 1891). Astr. Na^h. cxxviii.

(1891),col. 435"438.

* The headingsof the pages of this paper are "Ueber die Cyhnderfunction J (x)."t The headingsof the pages of this paper are "Notiz iiber die Functionen P" (cos3^)und J (a;)."

Page 787: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Neue Entwickelungen iiber die Bessel'schen Functionen (Jan.25, 1892). Astr. Nach.

cxxix. (1892),col. 281"284.

Weitere Entwickelungen iiber die Bessel'schen Functionen (May 2, 1892). Axtr. Nach.

cxxx. (1892),col. 363"368.

Uber die Absoluten Maxima der Bessel'schon Functionen. Proyramm, Oberrealschule,Kiel, 1892 (11 pp.). [Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1892, pp. 476 " 478.]


Abriss einer einheitlichen Theorie der Gamma und der hypergeometriscbenFunktionen(June,1909). Math. Ann. Lxvnr. (1910),pp. 305"337.


The Wave Resistance of a Ship* (Aug.9, 1897). rhil. Mag. (5)xlv. (1898),pp. 106"123.


Sur I'integrationde I'equationdifF^rentielle -j = ax^"'j/(March 6,1876). Me'm. de V Acad,

des Sci. de Toulouse,(7) viii. (1876),pp. 167 " 189.


Note on the roots of Bessel functions. Annals of Math. (2)ix. (1908),pp. 156 " 162.

The summabilit} of the developments in Bessel functions with applications(Sept.11,1908). Trans. American Math. Soc. x. (1909),pp. 391"435.

On the uniform convergence of the developments in Bes.sel functions (Oct.30, 1909).Tra7is. American Math. Soc. xii. (1911),pp. 181"206.

A continuous function whose development in Bessel's functions is non-summable of

certain orders (Sept.4, 1916). Bulletin American Math. Soc. xxiv. (1918),pp. 145 " 149.

On the summability of the developments in Bessel's functions (Sept.4, 1917). Trans.

American Math. Soc. xxi. (1920),pp. 107 "156.


The Value of the CylinderFunction of the Second Kind for Small Arguments (Oct.25,1900). iVature,LXiii. (1901),p. 29.


On the generalpropertiesof definite integrals(May 24, 1830). Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc.

in. (1830),pp. 429"443.


See under LebedefF.


DiflFraction Phenomena produced by an Aperture on a Curved Surface. Joiwnal of the

Coll. ofSci.Imp. Univ. Japan, iv. (1891),pp. 301"322.


AllgemeineLbsung des Prohl ems iiberden station'dren Tempcratxirzustandeines homogenenKiirpers,welcher von ziuei nicht concentrischen Kugelfi'dchenbegremt vnrd (Halle,1862).

Ueber das Gleichgewichtder Warme und das der Electricitiit in einem Korper,welcher

von zwei licht concentrischen Kugelfliichenbegreuztwird (1862). Journal fiirMath. Lxn.

(1863),pp. 36"49.

Ueber die Entwickelung beliebiggegebenerFunctionen nach den Besselscheu Functionen

(March 28, 1867). Journal fiirMath, lxvii. (1867),pp. 310"314.

Theorie der BesseVschen Functionen. Ein Analogon zur Theorie der Kugelfunctionen(Leipzig,1867).

Ueber die Entwicklungen einer Function nach Quadrateu und Prothicten der Fourier-

Bessel'schen Functionen (Nov. 1869.) LeipzigerBerichte,xxi. (1869),pp. 221 " 256. {Math.Ann. III. (1871),pp. 581-610.]

Ueber Producte und Quadrate der Bessel'schen Functionen. Math. Ann. ii. (1870),p. 192.

iiberdie nach Kreis-,Kugel- und CylinderfunctionenfortschreitendenEntwickelungen(Leipzig,1881).

Ueber gewisseparticulareIntegraleder DiflerentialgleichungAi^= F insbesondere iiber

die Entwickelung dieser particularenIntegralenach K\igelfunctionen(March 8, 1886).

LeipzigerBerichte,xxxvili. (1886),pp. 75 " 82.

* This paper contains some Tables of Bessel functions wliich were computed by B. A. Smith.

t See also under Schlafli.

Page 788: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Eiiie Verallgemeinerungder Zylinderfunktionen.Dissertation,Halberstadt,1909 (25pp.).

[Jahrhuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1909, p. 575.]


The Asymptotic Expansions of Bessel Functions of High Order. Phil. Mag. (6) xiv.

(1907),pp. 697"707.

On Bessel Functions of Equal Ai-gument and Order. Phil. Mag. (6) xvi. (1908),

pp. 271"279.

On the Inductance of Two Parallel Wires (June 12, 1908). Phil. Mag. (6) xvii. (1909),

pp. 255"275.

On the Relation of Airy'sIntegralto the Bessel Functions. Phil. Mag. (6)xviir. (1909),

pp. 6 " 17.

The Asymptotic Expansionsof Bessel Functions. Phil. Mag. (6)xix. (1910),pp. 228"249.

On the^Bendingof Electric Waves round a Large Sphere,i. Phil. Mag. (6)xix. (1910),

pp. 516 "537.

The Approximate Calculation of Bessel Functions of Imaginary Argument. Phil. Mag.

(6)XX. (1910),pp. 938"943.

The Scatteringof Lightby a Large Conducting Sphere (March 10,1910). Proc. London

Math. Soc. (2)IX. (1911),pp. 67"80.

Notes on Bessel Functions. Quarterlt/Journal, xlii. (1911),pp. 216"224,

The productsof Bessel functions. QuarterlyJournal, XLlii. (1912),pp. 78"100.

The pressure of radiation on a cylindricalobstacle (Dec. 14, 1911). Proc. London Math.

Soc. (2)XI. (1913),pp. 104"126.

The Lateral Vibrations of Bars of Variable Section (May 11, 1917). Proc. Royal Soc.

xciii. A (1917),pp. 506"519.

Generalisation of a theorem due to Sonine. QuarterlyJournal, XLViii. (1920),pp. 321 " 329.

A Problem in the Theory of Heat Conduction (Sept.29, 1921). Proc. Royal Soc. c. A

(1922),pp. 226"240.


Etude des fonctions de Fourier (premiereet deuxifeme espfece).Ann. sci. de I'Ecole

norm. sup. (2) xi. (1882),supplement,pp. 3 " 90.


Sur le produitde deux fonctions cylindriques(July30, 1898). Math. Ann. Lii. (1899),

pp. 228"242.

Udviklingerefter Cylinderfunktioner(Aug. 28, 1898). Nyt Tidsskrift,ix. B (1898),pp.73"83.

Sur le developpement de zero en fonctions cylindriques(March 25, 1899). Math. Ann.

Lll. (1899),pp. 582"587.

FlertydigeUdviklingerefter Cylinderfunktioner.Nyt Tidsskrift,x. B (1899),pp. 73"81.

Note sur les developpementsschloemilchiens en serie de fonctions cylindriques(Nov. 15,

1899).OversigtK. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs,1899, pp. 661 " 665.

Note supplementaire relative aux developpementsschloemilchiens en .soriede fonctions

cylindriques(June 23, 1900). OversigtK. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs,1900, pp. 55 "60.

Sur une classe de polynomes qui se presentent dans la theorie des fonctions cylin-driques(Feb.26, 1900; Jan. 8, 1901). Ann. di Mat. (3)v. (1901),pp. 17"31 ; (3)vi. (1901),

pp. 331"340.

Evaluation nouvelle des integralesindefinies et des series infinies contenant une fonc-

tion cyUndrique (May 23, 1900). Ann. di Mat. (3) vi. (1901),pp. 43"115.

Sur une classe de series infinies analoguesa celles de Schlomilch selon les fonctions

cylindriques(Aug. 17, 1900). Ann. di Mat. (3) vi. (1901),pp. 301"329.

Recherche sur les series,des fonctions cylindriquesdues k MM. C. Neumann et

W. Kapteyn. An7i. I'Ecole norm. sup. (3)xviii. (1901),pp. 39 " 75.

Note sur la convergence d'une serie neumannienne de fonctions cylindriques(Feb. 10,

1901). Math. Ann. Lv. (1902),pp. 493"496.

Recherches sur une classe de series infinies analogue a celle de M. W. Kapteyn(April13, 1901). OversigtK. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs,1901, pp. 127 " 146.

Sur les series defactorielles(Jan. 20,1902). Comptes i2e?i(^?w,cxxxiv.(1902),pp.157" 160.

Theorie nouvelle des series asymptotiquesobtenues pour les fonctions cylindriqueset

pour les fonctions analogues(March 16, 1902). OversigtK. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs,1902, pp. 117"177.

* See also under Datta and under Dandy. f See also under Souine.

Page 789: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Equations differentielles lineaires obtenues pour le produit de deux fonctions cylin-driques.Nouvelles Annales de Math. (4) ii. (1902),pp. 39G" 410.

Handhuch der Theorie der Cylinderfwiktionen(Leipzig,1904).Note sur las series de fonctions bernoulliennes (Dec.14, 1903). Math. Ann. lix. (1904),

pp. 103"109.

Sur une iutegraledefinie (June 5, 1904). Math. Ann. LIX. (1904),i^p.89 " 102.

Sur quelquesproprietesnouvelles des fonctions cylindriques(April 1, 1906). Atti delta

R. Accad. del Lincei,(5) xv. (1906),pp. 490"497.

Recherches sur quelquesgeneralisationsd'une identity integraled'Abel (Sept.17,1906).K. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Hkrifter.,(7)v. (1910),pp. 1 " 37.

Sur les series des fonctions cylindriques.Journ. fiirMath, cxxxii. (1907),i^p. 127 " 146.

Sur quelquesproprietesfondanientales des fonctions spheriques(Dec. 20, 1906). Ann.

di Mat. (3)xiv. (1908),pp. 69"90.

tjber dieVerallgemeiuerungeinigervon F. und C. Neumann gegebenen nach Kugel- und

Zylinderfunktionen fortschreitenden Reihenentwickelungen (Jan. 26, 1908). LeipzigerBerichte,LXi. (1909),pp. 33"61.

Uber das Produkt zweier Zylinderfunktionen.MonatsheftefiirMath, und Phys. xix.

(1908),pp. 164"170.

tJberden Legendre-BesselschenKettenbruch (July4, 1908). Munchener Sitzungsberichte,xxxviii. (1908),pp. 85"88.


Ueber Schwingungen einer Saite deren Spannung eine stetigeFunction der Zeit ist.

ZeitschriftfiirMath. xxv. (1880),pp. 44"48.

Formeln zur numerischen Berechnung des allgemeineu Integrals der Bessel'schen

Differentialgleichungen.Zeitschriftfiir Math. xxv. (1880),pp. 65"71.


Studien iiber die Kugel- und Cyliuderfunctionen(June 2, 1886). Noca Acta Acad.

Cues. Leop. {Halle),1888, pp. 1"48.


Note sur Tintegrale'O'

/. cos yx ,


0 {d + b'^x^f

ComptesRendus de V Assoc. Frangaise,xxiv. (1895),part i. p. 182; part ii. pp. 167-171.


On the First Root of Bessel Functions of Fractional Order (April2, 1921). Phil. Mag.(6)XLli. (1921),pp. 1020"1021.

ORR, W. McF.

On Divergent (or Semicouvergent) Hypergeometric Series (May 16, 1898; April 3,

1899). Trans. Carnb. Phil. Soc. xvii. (1899),pp. 171"199, 283"290.

On the product J^{x)J,,{x)(May 15, 1899). Proc. C'amb. Phil. Soc. x. (1900), pp.


Extensions of Fourier's and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems (Dec.14, 1908). Proc. R. Irish

Acad. XXVII. A (1910),pp. 205"248.


Neue Losung des Sommerfeldschen Ditiraktionsproblems(Jan. 10, 1912). Arkiv forMat. Astr. och Fi/sik,vii. (1912),no. 40.


-^genschaftenBessel'scher Funktionen ii^erArt. Bern Mittheilungen,1898 [1899],pp.61"96.


Sopra gl'integralidefiniti (Oct.8,1827). Mem. di Mat. e di Fis. della Soc. Italiana delle

Sci. {Alodena),xx. (1828),pp. 161"182.

SuU' integrazionedell' equazione

(Oct.8, 1827).Mem. di Mat. e di Fis. della Soc. Italiana delle Sci. xx. (1828),pp. 183"


Page 790: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Memoire sur les series et sur I'integrationcomplete d'une equation aux differences

partielleslineaires du second ordre a coefficiens constans (Le 16 germinal,an 7" April5,

1799). Mem. presente'sa I'lnst.par divers savans, i. (1805),pp. 639"648.


On the solution of some differential equationsby Bessel's functions. Messenger,ix.

(1880),pp. 127"131.

The Problem of the Random Walk. Nature, Lxxii. (1905),pp. 294, 342.

A mathematical theory of random migration. Drapers Company Research Memoirs^

Biometric Series,iii. (1906).


See under Willson.


Sur les fouctions de Bessel de plusieursvariables (August 9, 1915). ComptusReiidiis,

CLXi. (1915),pp. 168"170.


iJber die Kettenbruchentwicklung des Quotienten zweier Bessel'schen Functionen

(Dec. 7, 1907). Mii7ichener Sitzungsherichte,xxxvii. (1907),pp. 483"504.


Integrationder linearen Differential-Gleichungen,I. (Vienna,1851).


Applicationde la theorie des complexes lineaires h,I'etude des surfaces et des courbes

gauches. Ann. sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (2) vi. (1877),pp. 329 " 366.


Sopra alcuni sviluppiin serie per funzioni analitiche (Jan.12, 1882). Bologna Memorie,(4)III. (1881),pp. 151"180.

Alcuni teoremi sopra glisviluppiin serie per funzioni analitiche (March 23, 1882).Rend, del R. 1st. Lomhardo, (2) xv. (1882),pp. 224"225.

Delia trasformazione di Laplace e di alcune sue applicazioni(Feb.27, 1887). BolognaMemorie, (4)viii. (1887),pp. 125"143.


d-yNote sur I'integrationde I'equationT-^+5'^''"y= 0 (Jan.20, 1822). Mem. della R. Accad

delle Sci. di Torino, xxvi. (1821),i:.p.519"538.Recherches analytiquessur la decouverte de la loi de pesanteur des planfetesvers le

Soleil et sur la theorie de leur mouvement elliptique(June 20,1847). Mem. della R. Accad.

delle Sci. di Torino,(2)x. (1849),pp. 249"332.


Ueber die lineare Differentialgleichungzweiter Ordnung mit linearen Coefficienten.

Math. Ann. xxxvi. (1890),pp. 84"96.

Ueber einigebesondere Falle dcr linearen Differentialgleichungzweiter Ordnung mit

linearen Coefficienten (Sept.1890). Math. Ann. xxxviii. (1891),pp. 225"246.

Ueber eine binomische lineare Differentialgleichungn^^^ Ordnung (Sept.1890). Math.

Ann. XXXVIII. (1891),pp. 247"262.

Ueber die Differentialgleichungder allgemeinereni^-Reihe (Jan.1891). Math. Ann.

XXXVIII. (1891),pp. 586-597.

Ueber eine speciellelineare Differentialgleichung2**" Ordnung mit linearen Coefficienten

(May, 1891). Math. Ann. XLi. (1893),pp. 174"178.Ueber die Differentialgleichungender Reihen jF(p,o- ; x) und JF(p,"t, t ; .r)(June, 1891).

Math. Ann. xli. (1893),pp. 197"218.

POISSON, S. D.Memoire sur les integralesdefinies. Journal de V^cole Polytechnique,ix. (cahier16)

(1813),pp. 215"246.

Sur une nouvelle manifere d'exprimerles coordonnees des plan^tesdans le mouvement

elliptique.Connaissance des Terns,1825 [1822],pp. 379"385.

Memoire sur I'integrationdes Equationslineaires aux differences partielles.Journal deVEcole Polytechnique,xii. (cahier19) (1823),pp. 215"248.

Page 792: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


On the Open Organ Pipe Problem in two Dimensions. Phil. Mag. (6) viii. (1904),

pp. 481"487. [ScientificPapers,v. (1912),pp. 206"211.]

On the ExperimentalDetermination of the Ratio of the Electrical Units. Phil. Mag.

(6)XII. (1906),pp. 97"108. [ScientificPapers,v. (1912),pp. 330"340.]

On the Light dispersedfrom Fine Lines ruled upon ReflectingSurfaces. Phil. Mag. (6)

XIV (1907),pp. 350"359. [ScientificPapers,v. (1912),pp. 410"418.]

The Problem of the Whispering Gallery.Phil. Mag. (6) xx. (1910),pp. 1001"1004.

[ScientificPapers,v. (1912),pp. 617"620.]Note on Bessel's Functions as appliedto the Vibrations of a Circular Membrane. Phil.

Mag. (6)xxi. (1911),pp. 53"58. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 1"5.]On a PhysicalInter^jretationof Schlomilch's Theorem in Bessels Functions. Phil. Mag.

(6)XXI. (1911),pp. 567"571. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 22"25.]Problems in the Conduction of Heat. Phil. Mag. (6) xxii. (1911), pp. 381"396.

[ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 51"64.]On "thepropagationof Waves through a stratified Medium (Jan. 11, 1912). Proc. Royal

Soc. Lxxxvi. A (1912),pp. 207"226. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 111"120.]Electrical Vibrations on a thin Anchor Ring (June27,1912). Proc. Royal Soc. Lxxxvii. A

(1912),pp. 193"202. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 111"120.]Further Applicationsof Bessel's Functions of High Order to the Whispering Gallery

and Allied Problems. Phil. Mag. (6) xxvii. (1914),pp. 100"109. [ScientificPapers, vi.

(1920),pp. 211"219.]Further remarks on the Stabilityof Viscous Fluid Motion. Phil. Mag:{") xxviii. (1914),

pp. 609"619. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 266"275.]On the Stabilityof the simple Shearing Motion of a Viscous IncompressibleFluid.

Phil. Mag. (6)xxx. (1915),pp. 329"338. [ScientificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 341"349.]On Legendre'sFunction* Pn\."),when n is great and 6 has any value (April27, 1916).

Proc. Royal Soc. xcii. A (1916),pp. 433"437. [Scie^itificPapers,vi. (1920),pp. 393"397.]On Convection Currents in a horizontal Layer of Fluid, when the higher Temperature

is on the under side. Phil. Mag. (6) xxxii. (1916),pp. 529 " 546. [ScientificPapers, vi.

(1920),pp. 432"446.]On the Problem of Random Vibrations and of Random Flightsin one, two, or three

dimensions. Phil. Mag. (6) xxxvii. (1919), pp. 321 " 347. [ScientificPapers, vi. (1920),

pp. 604"626.]REIXECK, A.

Die Verwandtschaft zwischen Kugelfunktionenund Besselschen Funktionen. Disserta-tion,

Bern (Halle,1907). (72 pp.) [Jahrbuchilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1907, p. 495.]


Animadversatioues in aequationes diflerentiales secundi gradus. Actorum Eruditorum

quae LipsiaepublicanturSupplementa,viii. (1724),pp. 66 " 73.

Com. Jacobi Riccati Appendix ad Animadversatioues in aequationes differentiales

secundi gradus,editus in Actis Eruditorum quae LipsiaepublicanturTomo viii. Supple-mentorum, Sectione ii. p. 66. Acta Ervditoi-um puhlicataLipsiae,1723, pp. 502 " 510.


Zur Theorie der Nobili'schen Farbenringe (March 28, 1855). Ann. der Physik und

Chemie, (2)xcv. (1855),pp. 130"139.

Partielle Differentialgleichungenund deren Anwendung axif physikalischeFragen. Von

Bernhard Riemann. Fiir den Druck bearbeitet und herausgegebenen von Karl Hattendorf

(Brunswick,1876).ROHRS, J. H.

Sphericaland CylindricMotion in Viscous Fluid (May 14, 1874). Proc. London Math.Soc. V. (1874),pp. 125"139.

RUDSKI, P.Ueber eine Klasse transcendenter Gleichungen. Prace Mat. Fiz. iii. (1892),pp. 69 " 81.

[Jahrbuchiiber die Fortschritte der Math. 1892, pp. 107"108.]Note sur la situation des racines des fonctions transcendantes Jn+^{a;)= 0 (May 10,

1891). Mem. de la Soc. R. des Sci. de Likge,(2) xviii. (1895),no. 3.

RUSSELL, A.The Effective Resistance and Inductance of a Concentric Main, and Methods of Com-puting

the Ber and Bei and Allied Functions (Jan.22, 1909). Phil. Mag. (6)xvii. (1909),pp. 524"552.

* This is the function which other writers denote by the symbol P"(cos 6).

Page 793: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Over die bepaaldeintegraalI e-'^z^-'^dz. Nieuw Archiefvoor Wiskunde,(2) vr. (1905),

pp. 368"373.

Over eene reeks met Besselsche Functies. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, (2) vii. (1907),

pp. 88"90.

Over reeksen van Besselsche functies en daarmede samenliangendebepaaldeintegralen,waarin Besselsche functies voorkomen. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, (2) vii. (1907),pp.164"181.

Sur les functions cylindriquesde premiere espcice. Nieuw Arcldef voor Wiskunde, (2)VII. (1907),pp. 385"405.

Over eenigetoepassingen der Fourier'sche ontwikkelingvan een willekeurigcfuuctienaar Besselsche functies. Nieuw Archiefvoor Wiskunde, viii. (1909),pp. 375 " 380.


Uber die Ausbreitung der Wellen der drahtlosen Telegraphicauf der Erdkugel (March5, 1913). Ann. der Physik und Chemie, (4)XLi. (1913),pp. 191"208.

On the roots of the equation"


"^" ,"


= 0. Tohoku Math. Journal,v. (1914),Jn {kr) Jn {fca)


y (,roots of the equation "-f

pp. 45"47.


Tables of the ber and bei and ker and kei Functions with further formulae for their

Computation (Nov. 12, 1909). Phil. Mag. (6) xix. (1910),pp. 49"58.


Ueber die Darstellungder hypergeometrischeReihe durch ein bestimmtes Integral(Feb.1887). Math. Ann. xxx. (1887),pp. 157"178.

Ueber einc Integraldarstellungder hypergeometrischen Reihen (Jan. 1888). Math.

Anyi. XXXI. (1888),p. 156.

Ueber die Gauss-fiche. imd Bessel-ache DifFerentialgleichuugund eine ueue Integralformder letzteren (Feb. 16, 1894). Journal fiirMath. cxiv. (1895),pp. 31"44.

Die Nullstellen der Besseliich.e\iFunctioneu. Journal fur Math, cxxii. (1900),pp. 299 "


Uber die Nullstellen der Besselschen Funktionen zweiter Art (Jan. 10, 1901). Archiv

der Math, und Phys. (3)i. (1901),pp. 133"137.

tjberden Verlauf der Besselschen Funktionen (May 18,1904). Berliner Sitzungsberichte,in. (1904),pp. 83"85.

Die Lage der Nullstellen der Besselschen Funktionen zweiter Art (June 27, 1906).Berliner Sitzunffsberichte,v. (1906),pp. 82


tJber den Verlauf der Besselschen Funktionen zweiter Art. Jahresbericht der Deutschen

Math. Vereinigung,xvi. (1907),pp. 272 " 279.

Die Theorie der Besselschen Funktionen. Von Paul Schafheitlin (Leipzig und Berlin,

1908; Math. Phys. Schrf ten fiirIngenieureund Studierende,4).

Beziehungen zwischen dem Integrallogarithmusund den Besselschen Funktionen (Feb.24, 1909). Berliner Sitzungsberichte,viii. (1909),pp. 62 " 67.

Die semikonvergenten Reihen fiirdie Besselschen Funktionen (Sept.1, 1909). Jahres-bericht

der Deutschen Math. Vereinigung,xix. (1910),pp. 120 " 129.


On the asymptotic values of the coefficients in the development of any power of the

radiusyector according to the mean anomaly (March, 1856). Gould's Astronomical Journal,IV. (1^6),pp. 177"182. [Math. Ann. xvii. (1880),i)p. 531"544.]

Ueber die asymptotischeWerthe der Coefficienten in den nacli der mittleren Anomalie

vorgenommeuen Entwickclungen (May 31, 1856). LeipzigerBerichte,vni. (1856),pp. 40 "

64. [Math. Ann. xvil. (1880),pp. 545"560.]


lie Integration der Oleic

pp. 92"97

tJber die Integration der Gleichung ~ = (a+ ^.v)i/.Journal fiirMath. x. (1833),

* See also under Sonine.

Page 794: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Sulle relazioni tra diversi integral!definiti che giovano ad esprimerela soluzione generaledella equazionedi Riccati. A/m. di Mat. (2)i. (1868),pp. 232"242.

Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn Neumann's Untersuchungen iiber die Bessel'schen

Functionen (May 4, 1870). Math. Ann. iii. (1871),pp. 134"149. [With note by C. N.

p. 149.]Sopra un teorema di Jacobi recato a forma piu generaleed applicataalia funzione

cilindrica (Aug. 1871). Ann. di Mat. (2) v. (1873),pp. 199"205.

Sull' uso delle linee luugo le qualiil valore assoluto di una funzione h constante (Oct.4,

1872). Ann. di Mat. (2) vi. (1875),pp. 1"20.

Ueber die Convergenz der Entwicklung einer arbitraren Function fix) nach den

Bessel'schen Functionen /* (/3i,f),J" (/So^),"^"Os-^^),""., wo ^i, ^2, ^s,"""

die positivenWm-zeln der GleichungJ^^(i3)vorstellen (Jan.17,1876). Math. Ann. x. (1876),pp. 137"142.


Note sur la variation des constantes arbitraires d'une integraledefinie. Journal furMath. XXXIII. (1846),pp. 268"280.

AnalijtischeStudien. il. (Leipzig,1848).Ueber die Bessel'schen Function. Zeitschriftfur Math, und Phys. ii. (1857),pp. 137"



Ueber die Auswerthung bestimmte Integralemit Hiilfe von Veranderungen des Integra-tionsweges{Dissertation,Bern, 1877). [Graf and Gubler, Einleitung in die Theorie der

BesseVschen Funktionen, ii. (Bern,1900).]


ElectromagneticRadiation (Cambridge, 1912).


Die Beugung und Polarisation des Lichts durch einen Spalt. Math. Ann. LV. (1902),pp. 177"247.


Die Beugimgserscheinungenaus den Fundamentalgesetzender Undulationstheorie (Mann-heim,1835).


On the propagationof waves in an atmosphere of varyingdensity.QuarterlyJournal,XXXIX. (1908),pp. 51"66.


On the roots of certain continuants. Messenger,xxii. (1893),pp. 171 " 181.


Note sur quelquesformules de calcul integral.Journal de Math. viii. (1843),pp. 1" 27.

Memoire sur I'integrationd'une equationdifierentielle h.I'aide des difierentielles k indices

quelconques (Sept.4, 1843). Comptes Rendus, xvii. (1843),pp. 458 " 475; Journal de

Math. IX. (1844),pp. 193-216.


On the Reflection of Sound at the Surface of a Paraboloid (Nov. 1874). QuarterlyJournal, xv. (1877),pp. 1


On a diflferentialequation. Messenger,x. (1881),pp. 174"185; xi. (1882),pp. 41 " 44.

On a transcendental differential equation.Messenger,XI. (1882),pp. 56 " 63.On a differential equation.Messenger,xiil. (1884),pp. 66 " 79.

Note on Legendre'scoefficients. QuarterlyJournal,xxiv. (1890),pp. 383 " 386.

On The Reflection of Sound at a Paraboloid (June 20, 1899). Froc. Camb. Phil. Soc. x.

(1900),pp. 101"136.


On some expressionsof a function of a singlevariable in terms of Bessel's functions.

QuarterlyJournal,xxiii. (1889),pp. 223"260.


Sulla integrazionedi una equazionedifferenziale e suUa equazionedi Riccati (April13,1901). NapoliRendiconto,(3)vii. (1901),pp. 139"143.

Page 795: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Sopra r equazionedi Riccati. Riv. fis.mat. xix. (1909),pp. 216 " 220. [JahrbuchiiherdieFortschritte der Math. 1909, p. 369.]


Ueber die Integraleeiner iiicht homogeneii Diflerentialgleichungzweiter Ordimng. Pro-

gramm, Luisenschule,Berlin, 1890, 22 pp. [Jahrbuchiiher die Fortschritte der 1890,

pp. 340"342.]


Table of Bessel's Functions Fq and J'j.Messenger.,xxvi. (1897),pp. 98 " 101.

Arched Dams. Proc. American Soc. of Civil Engineers,XLVi. (1920),pp. 375 " 425.


A theorem of Abel and its applicationto the development of a function in terms of

Bessel's functions (June 8, 1906). Trans. American Math. Soc. viii. (1907),pp. 92 " 106.


Quelques relations integralesentre les fonctions sphdriqueset cylindriques.Giornale di

Mat. (2) Xll. (1905),pp. 365"373.

SOMMERFELD, A. J. W.fDie willkiirlichen Functionen in der mathematischen Physik. Dissertation,Konigsberg,

1891 (75 pp.). [Jahrbuchilber die Fortschritte der Math. 1891, pp. 519"523.]Zur analytischenTheorie der Warmeleitung. Math. Ann. xlv, (1894),pp. 263 " 277.

Mathematische Theorie der Diffraction (Summer, 1895). Math. Ann. xlvii. (1896),pp.317"374.

tjber die Ausbreitung der Wellen der drahtlosen Telegraphic(Jan.15, 1909). Ann. der

Physik und Chemie, (4) xxviii. (1909),pp. 665"


Die Greensche Funktion der Schwingungsgleichung. Jahreshericht der Devtscher Math.

Vereinigung,xxi. (1912),pp. 309" 353.


On the resolution of functions into infinite series (Jan. 17;29, 1870). Mathematical

Collection publishedby the Moscow Math. Soc. [MaTeMaTIIieCKiaC6opHIIKt],v. (1870),

pp. 271"302, 323"382.

Recherches sur les fonctions cylindriqueset le developpement des fonctions continues en

series (Aug. 1879). Math. Ann. xvi. (1880),pp. 1"80.

Sur les fonctions cylindriques(Oct.24, 1887). Math. Ann. xxx. (1887),pp. 582 " 583.

[Note on a paper by Schafheitlin.]Sur les fonctions cylindriques.(Extrait d'une Lettre adressee k M. Niels Nielsen,

k Copenhague, May 6, 1904.) Math. Ann. lix. (1904),pp. 529"552.


Integi-alder Differentialgleichung.vy"-y=Q. ZeitschriftfilrMath, und Phys.II. (1857),

pp. 165"170.

Entwickelung von e^^'^'^^-^in unendliche Reihen. Zeitschriftfur Math, und Phys. in.

(1858),pp. 244"246.

Darstellungdes unendlichen Kettenbruches

2.r + H

2x +'i


2:f + 5 +,


2:r + 74-...

in geschlossenerForm. Archiv der Math, und Phys. xxx. (1858),pp. 331 " 334.

X?eber die Integrationder Differentialgleichung

dx'"- -''

(1859).Journal filrMath. Lvii. (1860),pp. 82"87.


On some cases of the Varying Motion of a Viscous Fluid. Quarterh/ Journal, xvii.

(1880),pp. 90"104.

* See also under Michell. + See also under Hopf.

Page 796: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Intensitiits-verhaltnisse der Beugungserscheinungdurch eine kreisformigeOffnung

(June 19, 1893). Math, und Naturwiss. Berichte aus Ungam, xi. (1892"93) [1894],pp

362"373.STEINTHAL, A. E.

On the Solution of the Equation

QiutrterlyJoxvrnal,xviil. (1882),pp. 330 " 345.


An extension of the Fourier method of expansionin sine series. Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),

pp. 70 " 77.

A more generalcase of expansion in sine series. Messenger,xxxiii. (1904),pp. 178"


On Expansion in Bessel's Functions (June,1907). Phil. Mag. (6)xiv. (1907), pp. 547"



Ueber die Anwendung der Sturm'schen Methode auf transcendente Gleichungen.Journal fur Math, xxxiil. (1846),pp. 363 " 365.


Recherches sur quelques series semi-convergentes. Ann. sci. de VEcole norm. sup. (3)III. (1886),pp. 201"258.


On the numerical Calculation of a Class of Definite Integralsand Infinite Series

(March 11, 1850). Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. ix. (1856), pp. 166"187. [Math, and Phys.

Papers,ii. (1883),pp. 329"357.]On the Efl:'ectof the Internal Friction of Fluids on the Motion of Pendukims (Dec.9,

1850). Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. ix. (1856),pp. [8]"[106J.[Math, and Phys. Papers,ill.

(1901),pp. 1"141.]On the Discontinuityof ArbitraryConstants which appear in DivergentDevelopments

(May 11, 1857). Trans. Camh. Phil. Soc. X. (1864),pp. 106"128. [Math,and Phys.Papers,IV. (1904),pp. 77"109.]

Supplement to a paper on the Discontinuityof ArbitraryConstants which appear in

Divergent Developments (May 25, 1868). Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. XI. (1871),pp. 412"425.

[Math,and Phys.Papers,iv. (1904),pp. 283"298.]On the Communication of Vibration from a Vibrating Body to a surrounding Gas*

(June 18, 1868). Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. CLVlii. (1868)[1869],pp. 447 " 463. [Math.and Phys.Papers,iv. (1904),pp. 299"324.]

Smith's Prize Examination Papers, Feb. 1853 and Jan. 29, 1867. [Math, and Phys.Papers,v. (1905),pp. 319, 347.]

Note on the Determination of Arbitrary Constants which appear as Multipliersof

Semi-convergent Series (June 3, 1889). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vi. (1889),pp. 362"366.

[Math,ayid Phys.Papers,v. (1905),pp. 221"225.]On the Discontinuity of ArbitraryConstants that appear as Multipliersof Semi-con-vergent

Series t (April23, 1902). Acta Math. xxvi. (1902),pp. 393"397. [Math,and Phys.Papers,v. (1905),pp. 283"287.]


See Rayleigh(Lord).STRUVE, H.

Ueber den Einfluss der Diflraction an Fernrohren auf Lichtscheiben (May 25, 1882).Mem. de VAcad. hnp. des Sci. de St. Petershourg,(7)xxx. (1882),no. 8.

Beitrag zur Theorie der Diflraction an Fernrohren (Aug. 1882). Ann. der Physil-und

Chemie,(3) xvii. (1882),pp. 1008"1016.


Sur les Equations difierentielles lineaires du second ordre (Sept.28, 1833). Journal de

Math. I. (1836),pp. 106"186.

* An abstract will be found in Proc. Royal Soc. xvi. (1868),pp. 470"471.

t This, the last published paper which Stokes wrote, contains a summary of his researches

composed for the Abel centenary volume.

Page 797: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Sur les equationsdifferentielles lineaires reciproquesdu second ordre (Nov. 18,1903).Bidl. de la Soc. Math, de France,xxxii. (1904),pp. 103"116.


De integralibusdefinitis disquisitiones.Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsala, x. (1832)

pp. 231"288.t^ y \ h


On the integralj e''"''"'^'^smqd, conqBdO (May 17, 1920). Tohoku Math. Journal,

XVIII. (1920),pp. 295"296.


Bestimmte Integrale.Monatshcftefur Math, und Phys. xxiv. (1913),pp. 328"346.


Die Brauchbarkeit der Bessel-Fourierschen Reilie. Berichte der Math. Seminar zu Jena,1912"13, pp. 8"10. [Int.Catalogneof Scl. Lit. xiii. (1913),p. 100.]


/COCOHSX, ^, , ^


2^iT5-T|:jTdx. QuarterlyJournal,xvin. (1882),pp. 377"381.

Recent Researches in Electricityand Magnetism (Oxford,1893). [Review by A GrayNature,XLix. (1894),pp. 357"359.]


See Kelvin (Lord).


ElementaryTreatise on Laplace'sFunctions,Lame's Functions and BesseVs Functions

(London, 1875).


Uue applicationgeometrique de la serie consideree par Airy dans la diflfraction des

ouvertures circulaires. Nouvelles Annales de Math. (4)ix. (1909),pp. 433"441.


tjber die beiden Integraleie^^^^'^^^{nx-co^x)dx (April16,1868). Wiener Sitzungs-

berichte,LVii. (1868),pp. 611"620.


Over asymptotischeontwikkelingen(Dissertation,Haarlem, pp. 138). [Jahrhuch Uher

die Fortschritteder Math. 1905, p. 328.]


On the Roots of Bessel- and P-functious. American Journal of Math. xix. (1897),

pp. 75 " 85.


Legonsd'OptiquePhysique,i. (Paris,1869).


Sur quelques equationsdifferentielles ordinaires du second ordre. A nnales de la Fac.

des Sci. de Toulouse,ix. (1895),no. 6.


Sopra alcime questionidi inversione di integralidefiniti. Ann. di Mat. (2)xxv. (1897),

pp. 139"178.


Sur une fonction transcendante et ses applicationsa la sonuuation de quelquesseries.

Ann. VEcole norm. sup. (3)xxi. (1904),pp. 207"268, 459"534.

Sur le develo^jpementja I'aide des fonctions cylindriqucs,des somiues doubles

2/ {pni + ^qmn + rn^)

oh pm' + 2qmn + rn'^ est une forme positiveh coefficients entiers. Verh. des dritten Int.

Kongressesin Heidelberg(1904),pp. 241 " 245.

W. B. F.50

Page 798: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Bossel'schen Function i. Art. Bern Mittheilungcn,1894,

pp. 204"266.

tjber die Darstellung einigerbestimmten Integraledurch Bessel'sche Funktionen

(June 12, 1895; Aug. 5, 1895).Bern Mittheilungen,1895, pp. 115"119; 1896, pp. 53"60.


Some formulae for transformingthe originof reference of Bessel's functions. Messenger,XXV. (1896),pp. 76"80.


The scatteringof electromagneticwaves by a sphere. QuarterlyJournal,xxxi. (1900),

pp. 36"49.


IVie AnalyticalTheory ofLight (Cambridge,1904).


Ueber Riccati^sche DifFerentialgleichungenhoherer Ordnung. Journal filrMath. cxxi.

(1900),pp. 196"199.

Die Diflerentialgleichungeuderen allgemeinesIntegraleine lineare gebrocheneFunction

der willklirlichen Constanten ist. Journal filrMath. cxxi. (1900),pp. 210 " 217.

Sur I'equationdifferentielle de Riccati du second ordre (Dec.14, 1903). ComptesRendus,cxxxvii. (1903),pp. 1033"1035.


Cylinderfunktionenoder Bessel'sche Funktionen. Encyclopddieder Math. Wiss. Bd. Ii.

Teil 1 (Leipzig,1904 " 16), pp. 742 " 757. [Encyclope'diedes Set. Math. Tome n. vok 5

(Pariset Leipzig,1914, pp. 209 " 229),translation by A. Lambert.]


On a certain difference equation of the second order. QuarterlyJournal, xli. (1910),

pp. 50"55.

Bessel Functions and Kapteyn Series (April26, 1916). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2)XVI. (1917),pp. 150"174.

Bessel Functions of Equal Order and Argument (June 17, 1916). Phil. Mag. (6)xxxir.

(1916),pp. 232"237.

Simple types of Kapteyn Series. Messenger,xlvi. (1917),pp. 150" 157.

Bessel functions of equal order and argument (Nov. 13, 1916). Proc. Carnh. Phil. Soc.

XIX. (1918),pp. 42 " 48.

The limits of applicabilityof the Principleof StationaryPhase (Nov. 22, 1916). Proc.

Camb. Phil. Soc. XIX. (1918),pp. 49"55.

Bessel functions of largeorder (June 14, 1917). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. xix. (1918),

pp. 96"110.

The Zeros of Bessel Functions (Aug. 17, 1917). Proc. Royal Soc. xciv. A (1918),pp.190"206.

Bessel Functions of Equal Order and Argument. Phil. Mag. (6)xxxv. (1918),pp. 364 "


The Diffraction of Electric Waves by the Earth (May 29, 1918). Proc. Royal Soc. xcv.

A (1919),pp. 83"99.

The Transmission of Electric Waves round the Earth (Jan. 13, 1919). Proc. Royal Soc.

xcv. A (1919),pp. 546"563.

On Nielsen's functional equations. Messenger,XLViii. (1919),pp. 49 " 53.

The zeros of Lommel's polynomials(May 15, 1919). Proc. Londoii Math. Soc. (2)xix.

(1921),pp. 266"272.


The expansionof an arbitraryfunction in a series of Bessel functions. Messenger,xxxiii.

(1904),pp. 55-58.

On the Convergence of Infinite Series of Analytic Functions (Nov. 10, 1904). Phil.

Trans, of the Royal Soc. cciv. A (1904),pp. 481"497.

WEBER, H.Ueber einigebestimmte Integrale(Jan. 1868). Journal filrMath. LXix. (1869),pp.

Ueber die Integrationder partiellenDiffereutialgleichung:^ + ^ + /?^^m= 0 (July,

1868). Math. Ann. i. (1869),pp. 1"36.

Page 800: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions



Note sur I'integration de I'e'quation

dx^ Xdx

Journal de Math. (3) iv. (1878), pp.177"186.


On infinite integrals involving a generalisation of the sine and cosine functions (Oct. 6,

1911). Quarterh/ Journal, XLiir. (1911), pp. 161"


On series of Bessel functions (Dec. 6, 1917). Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) xviii. (1920)



On the integration of Riccati's equation (Jan. 27, 1890). Proc. Phys. Math. Section,

Naturalists' Soc. Imp. Univ. Kazan, viii. (1890), pp. 337"


Page 801: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[^Thenumbers refer to the pages on inhich the symbolsare defined.^

J",, 243, 244, 263 j"F,{a"oi,,...,oi^\p"p,,..., J. (^),308

An,Q; 584 ...,p,; ^),100 3).(^),61

^,,,(0,283 F(*-).639 j,507

S4o{cc,t);598 F,(a,-),646 j.n,576

"S^:,.n{z),529 "M, /9;7, V; I V),"'^71 ",./;,"",485

^n.. (0,571 /.(^),55 i.,n,479

a, 6 /"(z),483

/(^)j^,526 K, 559

^", 6 f{2)R,536 A^n(^),78 [seealso p. 65]

Bm("2), 247 K,(z),78 [seealso p. 65]

Bn;M, .

(t),293 (?,21 1 ; 232 /C,, (z),46

^0 (^),597 Gn (z),64 : 65 K (2t)n,288

^''^..m (^),529 a (a,-,a),640 K, (^),78

ber (x),bei (a;),81 G, (a;,a),648 ker (z),kei (^),81

ber^(a;),bei^(a;),81 gn(t),276

5'n,.(0284 Ln(z),71

0,, 554 ^^,,(^),303 Ii.(4 329

C"(^),658 Z,^,,111

C{n(a),S20 H,o77

Cn" (z),50 ir,w (^),i7.'='(z),73 il/,6 ; 505

"^.(^X82 H,(^),328 M{a;),mi

W (zip),129 her (^),hei (z),81 ii\ 471, 475, 514

c, 508 her,(^),hei^(z),81


i),,598 //, 13 iV^(^),661

i)"(2),74 /.(^),77


E,6 J,(z),10,16 On(t),271,272

En{z),56 Jn{z\ 6, 14, 19 0_, (0,276

Bin (a),320 J-n {z\ 16 """ (0-569

E;5),308 /^,",10

e, e,, 111 J'^rC^),30 7^547

J,(^),38 P., 227

i^(6'),258 J(/i,a?),49 Pn(^), 156

J?'(a,0, 90 J{z\p),129 P,"'^-'(^),295

F{e, x),253 ^n.fc(^),326 P.-' (^),51

P,(a;),77 J{z; v, k),327 F,Acoscf"p),129

Page 802: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


Page 803: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[The numbers referto the pages. Referencesare not given to entries in the bibliography/,

pp. 753"788.]

Abel, N. H., 68, 616, 621

Adamoff, A., 196

Aichi, K., 80

Airey,J. R., 65, 142, 214, 247,319, 502,505,

516, 659, 660

Airy,Sir George B., 188, 189, 229, 249, 320,

321, 322, 654, 659

Aldis, W. S.,65, 655, 656, 657, 658, 662, 663,


Alexander, P., 579

Anding, E., 313, 657

Anger, C. T.,21, 22, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312

Ani^imov, V. A., 92

Appell,P. E., 146, 371

Autonue, L.,94

Bach, D.,96, 102, 1 10

Bachmann, P., 197

Baehr, G. F. W., 479

Ball,L. de, 157

Barnes, E. W., 83, 100, 102, 104, 105, 156,

190, 192, 195, 196, 220, 221,340,351,357,

367, 383, 387, 402, 409

Basset, A. B., 76, 77, 78, 80, 172, 173, ISO,

385, 388, 395, 425, 426, 454

Bateman, H., 130, 131, 367, 370, 372, 373,

376, 379, 380, 389, 406, 417, 437, 456,530,

533, 535

Bauer, G., 50, 128, 368, 370

Beltrami, E.,51, 358, 361,374,386, 389, 390,

391, 500, 579, 621

Berne ulli,Daniel (1700-1782), 2,3, 4,9, 85,

86, 87, 88, 111, 123, 478, 576

Bernoulli,James (1654-1705),1, 2,3,88,90,92

Bernoulli,John (1667-1748), 1, 2, 3

^louUi, Nicholas, (1687-1759),2


Bessel,F. W., 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13,14, 15, 18, 19,

21, 24, 25, 38, 84, 140, 148, 153, 160, 295,

308, 478, 551, 554, 654

Binet, J. P. M., 183

Bocher, M., 46, 57, 64, 376, 494, 495, 517

Bohmer, P. E., 142

Boole, G., 27,47, 110,627

Borel,E.,8, 281, 536

Bourget,J.,6, 324, 325, 326, 484, 485, 517,

659, 660

Brajtzew,J. Ti.,169

Brassinne, E., 91

Brenke, W. C, 23

Bridgeman, P. W., 597

Bromwich, T. J. Fa., 8, 11, 44, 68, 156, 187,

189, 191, 202, 203, 214, 230, 231, 234, 279,

302, 349, 360, 385, 391, 393, 399,574,575,601

Bruns, H., 327

Bryan, G. H., 127, 480

Burkhardt, H. F. K. L.,236, 280

Burnside,W. S.,305

Cailler,C.,44, 149, 386, 395, 415, 437, 455,

536, 537

Callandreau, 0.,196, 208, 387

Cantor, G. F. L. P.,637

Carhni, F.,6, 7, 194, 225, 226,227,249,255,

268, 572

Carslaw, H. S.,177, 366, 395, 499, 500, 507,

509, 583

Catalan,E. C, 21, 22, 27, 96, 173, 188

Cauchy, (Baron) A. L., 7, 15, 16, 21, 150,

183, 230, 231, 232, 233, 247,249, 259, 309,

319, 324, 449, 545, 554, 557, 579

Cayley,A., 88, 90, 96, 102, 103, 109, 188,502*^

Challis,IT. W., 91

Chapman, S.,621

Chessin, A. S.,135, 175, 325, 346, 382

Chree, G, 6, 597

Christofiel,E. B., 154

Chrystal,G., 102, 288, 295

Cinelh, M., 633

Clebsch, R. F. A., 359, 363

Cliftbrd,W. K., 90, 91

Coates, C. v., 173, 180, 313, 622

Cotter,J. R., 41

Crawford, L.,27

Crelier,L.,286, 287, 288, 295, 300, 301, 302

Curtia,A. H.,96, 1 10

(hirzon,11. E. J.,395

Page 804: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


D'Alembert, J. le Eond, 3

Dandelin, G. P., 503

Dai-boux, J. G., 233

Darwin, C. G., 437

Debye, P.,225, 235, 237, 240, 241, 247, 249,

250, 251, 255, 262, 263, 268, 513, 516

De la Valine Poussin, Ch. J.,53, 160, 189

De Morgan, A., 188, 190

Dendv, A., 107

Dini, U., 10, 577, 578, 597, 600, 616, 651

Dinnik, A., 579, 659, 660

Dirichlet,P. G. Lejeune,157, 230, 406, 581,


Dixon, A. C, 35, 480, 481, 482

Donkin, W. F., 109

Dougall,J.,65, 411

Du Bois Reymond, P. D. G.,183, 455, 470

Duhamel, J. M. C, 38, 49, 59, 68, 227

Earnshaw, S.,108

Ellis,R. L.,95, 109, 110, 173

Emde, F.,248

Encke, J. F., 342

Enestrom, G., 92

Enneper, A., 173

Epstein,S. S.,145, 290

ErmakoflF,W., 455

Escherich, G. von, 165

Euler, L.,3, 4,5, 6, 24, 49, 53,60,62,87,88,

92,93, 123, 133, 183, 410, 498, 500, 501,

503, 576, 659

Falkenhagen,J. H. M., 94


Feldblum, M., 92

Fields,J. C.,110

Filon, L. N. G., 51, 578, 622, 623, 625, 629

Ford, W. B.,578, 605

Forsyth,A. R., 42, 57, 107, 109, 117, 346,

358, 400, 499

Fourier, (Baron) J. B. Joseph, 4, 9, 10, 13,

22, 84, 135, 449, 450, 454, 455, 456, 478,

482, 483, 501, 576, 577, 578, 616

Freeman, A., 501

Frenet, F., 27

Fresnel,A. J.,544, 545

Frobenius, F. G., 57

Frullani,G., 14, 19

Gallop,E. G.,405, 421, 422

Gaskin, T,,109

Gasser, A., 509, 517

Gauss, C. F. (JohannFriedrichCarl),191,506

Gegenbauer, L. von, 50, 51, 129, 138, 151,

274, 283, 284, 290, 293, 351, 362, 363, 365,

366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 373, 378,379, 383,

384, 385, 386, 389, 390, 391, 393, 395, 396,

398, 406, 407, 413, 414, 415, 418, 426, 430,

438, 439, 480, 508, 517, 522, 524, 525, 579

Genocchi, A., 119

Gibson, G. A., 197

Gifford,E., 662

Gilbert,L. P.,545, 548, 549

Giuliani,G., 155, 156, 324, 326, 327

Glaisher,J. W. L.,89,96, 102, 103,108, 109,

140, 171, 173, 183, 664

Gordan, P. A., 55

Goursat,Edouard J. B., 120

Graeffe,C. H., 502, 503

Graf, J. H., 32, 64, 75, 145, 153, 160, 165,

175, 197, 215, 227, 286, 287, 290,295, 296,

299, 301, 302, 303, 341, 344, 345, 359, 360,

362, 398, 498, 502, 583

Gray, A., 64, 65, 78, 194, 206, 454, 480, 655

656, 657, 658, 660

Green, G., 124

Greenhill,Sir A. George,91, 96

Gregory,Duncan Farquharson, 391

Gregory,Walter, 224

Grunert, J. A., 27

Gubler, E.,32, 64, 145, 160, 165, 177, 197,

215, 227, 286, 287, 301, 329, 341, 351, 398,

408, 410, 426, 498, 502, 583

Gunther, S.,153

Gvvyther,R. F.,621, 636

Hadamard, J.,204, 205, 527

Haentzschel, E., 71, 96, 159

Hafen, M., 389

Hague, B., 656

Hall, A., 15

Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, 12, 195, 655

Hankel, H., 10, 38, 57, 58, 61, 62,63,65,73,

75, 76, 77, 160, 163, 164, 165, 167, 175,

195, 196, 203, 206, 208, 211, 384, 386, 390,

393, 395, 424, 427, 428, 429, 430, 434, 453,

454, 456, 457, 458, 459, 462, 464,465,471,

488, 513, 514, 577, 579, 581, 582, 633

Hansen, P. A., 14, 20, 30, 31, 37, 152, 154,

155, 158, 195, 292, 406, 655, 656

Hanumanta Rao, C. V.,437

Hardy, G. H., 8,111, 180, 183, 188, 189,200,

309, 320, 321, 322, 324, 373, 382, 386, 395,

406, 421, 422, 437, 441, 442, 463,464, 542,

546, 547, 573, 575, 579, 606, 615, 621

Hargreave,C. J.,88, 170, 171

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Harnack, A., 577

Harris,J. A., 15,T. H., 125, 171

Hayashi,T., 165

Heaviside, 0.,64, 65,203,367,385,387,388,

393, 395, 410, 426

Heine, H. E.,4, 56, 65, 66,84, 154, 155,156,

157, 181, 358, 363, 365

Hermite, C, 55, 477

Hertz, H., 80, 81

Herz, N.,554, 555

Hill,C. J. D., 94

Hobson, E. W., 10,33, 54, 58, 125,128,129,

149, 172, 174, 280, 353, 363, 369, 385,386,

387, 480, 485, 578, 586, 591,602

Hopf, L.,178, 406

Horn, J.,225, 526

Hurwitz, A., 9, 297, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306,

307, 483, 484

Ignatowsky,W. von, 365

Isherwood,J. (".,657, 658, 664

Jackson,Dunham, 343

Jackson,Frank Hilton, 43, 44

Jackson, William Hartas, 177

Jacobi,C. G. J.,6, 8, 14, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27,

28, 29, 84, 195, 379, 555, 572

Jamet, E. Y., 94

Johnson, W. W., 92

Jollifte,A. E.,528, 529

Julius,Y. A., 65, 200

Kalahne, A., 505, 507, 660

Kapteyu, W., 35, 183, 200, 268, 279, 281,

282, 292, 351, 370, 373, 376,380,386,404,

413, 498, 499, 531, 532,533,535,536,538,

551, 559, 560, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569,


Kelvin (Sir William Thomson), Lord, 81,

124, 203, 225, 229, 230, 233, 248, 654,



Kepler,J.,551, 552

i^rchhoff,G., 107, 196, 203, 389, 578, 616

Kluyver,J. C, 367, 419, 420

Kneser, J. C. C. A., 499, 578, 583

Knockenhauer, K. W., 545

Konig, J.,354, 523

Koppe, M., 247

Kummer, E. E., 49, 90, 101, 102, 104, 105,

148, 185, 190, 191, 196, 203, 394, 409

Lacroix,S. F.,27

Lagrange,J. L. de,6, 27, 28, 551

Lamb, H., 56,96, 385, 416, 475, 502

Lambert, J. H, 485

Lamd, G.,96, 159

Landau, E. G. H., 197

Laplace,P. S. de,6,7,8,9,53, 280, 395, 421,450

Largeteau,C. L.,501

Laurent,Paul Mathieu Hermann, 157

Lam'cnt, Pierre Alphonse, 100

Lebedeff,Wera Myller-,99

Lebesgue,Henri, 457

Lebesgue,Victor Amddee, 110, 123

Lefort,F., 6

Legendre,A. M., 52, 90, 183, 204, 485, 557

I'Hospital,G. F. A. (Marquis de St Mesme),


Leibniz,G. W., 1, 2, 3

Le Paige,C.,96

Lerch, M., 382, 393, 433, 434, 617

Lindner, P.,484

Lindstedt,A., 545, 661

Liouville,J., 27, 28, 87, 111, 112, 116, 117,

119, 120, 123

Lipschitz,R. O. S.,11,12,195, 200,206,331,

339, 384, 386, 390, 633

Lobatsclievsky,N., 503

Lobatto, R.,49, 90

Lodge,A., 224, 229

Lommel, E. C. J. von, 13,21, 23,25,30, 34,

38, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 59, 62, 65, 66,

71, 73, 76, 77, 96,97,98,99,106,107, 132,

133, 135, 136,140, 142, 143, 145, 148, 151,

152,154, 196, 200, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298,

299, 300, 303, 308, 315, 328,341, 345, 348,

350, 364,374,406, 478, 479, 482, 529, 531,

537,538,539,540, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546,

548, 549, 550, 576, 654, 655, 656,658,660,

661, 664

Lorenz, L.,57, 96, 224, 229, 500

Love, A. E. H., 56, 226, 417, 449, 654, 662

Macdonald, H. I\l.,78, 79,80, 158, 170, 171,

225, 229,233, 365, 377, 385, 386, 389, 395,

396, 412, 413, 439, 440, 482, 509, 511

Maclean, j\L,658

McMahon, J.,64, 195, 200, 505, 507, 581

MacRobert, T. M., 197

Maggi, G. A.,13

Mabnst^i, C. J.,99, 173, IS.J,187, 188, 196,


Manfredius, G., 92


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March, H. W., 56, 225, 449

Marcolongo, R., 135

Marshall, W., 505, 506

Mathews, G. B., 64, 65, 78, 194, 206, 454,

480, 655, 656, 657, 658, 660

Maxwell, J. Clerk, 125

Mayall,R. H. D., 550

Mehler, F. G., 65, 155, 157, 169, 170, 180,

183,425, 431, 455, 475, 476

Meissel,D. F. E.,7, 145, 204, 226, 227, 229,

232, 233, 234, 247, 391, 521,557, 558, 561,

564, 572, 655, 656, 658, 660, 662

Mellin,R. Hj.,190, 196

Mittag-Leffler,M. G., 83, 497

Molins, H., 106

Moore, C. N., 479, 578, 579, 597, 649

Morton, W. B., 65, 66

Murphy, R., 91, 156, 157

Myller-Lebedeff,W. {seeLebedeflF)

Nagaoka, H., 340, 633, 634

Neumann, Carl Gottfried,16, 19, 22, 23, 30,

31, 32,33,34, 36,37,46, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67,

68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 128, 143, 150, 151, 155,

271, 273,274, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284,

286, 290, 291, 292, 345, 358, 359, 361, 363,

365, 386,418, 424, 440, 441, 453, 455, 456,

470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 476, 522, 523, 524,


Neumann, Friedrich E., 154

Newman, F. W., 663, 664

Newton, Sir Isaac, 120

Nicholson, J. W., 107, 108, 145, 146, 149,

150, 189,226, 229, 231, 247, 248, 249, 250,

252, 262, 329, 332, 413, 415, 425, 426, 431,

440, 441, 446, 448, 505, 656

Nicolas,J.,77, 84

Nielsen,N.,24,44, 49, 64, 73, 74, 77, 82, 83,132, 142, 145, 148, 149, 154, 169, 224, 297,

298, 299, 315, 350, 355, 357, 359, 392, 405,

455, 465,522, 523, 525, 526, 527, 528, 571,

572, 574, 597, 622, 629, 636

NiemoUer, F., 57, 68, 195

Olbricht,R., 158, 481

Oltraraare,G., 173

Orr,W. McF., 145,146,206,224,454,455,579Otti,H., 71, 274, 286, 341

Panton, A. W., 305

Paoli,P.,53, 95, 186

Parseval,M. A., 9, 21, 24, 68, 105, 229, 358,359, 384

Pearson, Karl, 98, 99, 419, 421

Peirce,B. 0.,501, 660, 664


Perron, O., 154


Phragm^n, E., 358

Picard,C. E.,93, 94

Pincherle,S.,190,196,271,274, 386,526, 528

Plana, G. A. A., 10,38,42,45,49,53,95,96,

99, 195, 554

Plummer, H. C, 270, 552, 555

Pochhammer, L., 100, 101, 297, 346, 410

Pocklington,H. C, 537

Poincare, J. Henri, 236

Poisson,S. D., 6,9,10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 38,

47, 49, 52, 67, 68, 69, 73, 95, 96, 160, 173,

183, 185, 186, 187, 194, 195, 308, 369, 477,


Porter, M. B.,299, 477, 480, 485, 515, 517

Preece, C. T., 27

Puiseux,v., 559


Ramanujan, S.,382, 449

Rawson, R., 91

Rayleigh(J.W. Strutt),Lord,50, 55, 56, 74,

95, 137, 155, 157, 189, 230, 231, 233, 331,

333, 374, 389, 395, 419, 421, 477, 502, 510,

511, 616, 618, 660

Riccati,(Count)J. F.,1,2,3,85,86,87,88,94

Riemann, G. F. B., 80, 158, 172, 203, 229,

235, 427, 457, 486, 623, 637, 649

Riesz,M., 606, 614


Rohrs, J. H., 10

Rudski, P.,477, 508

Russell,A., 81, 82, 204

Rutgers,J. G.,373, 374, 375, 376, 380, 579

Rybczynski,W. von, 56, 225, 449

Sasaki, S.,507

Savidge,H. G.,82, 204, 658

Schafheitlin,P.,64, 137, 142, 168, 169, 207,

215, 373, 391, 392, 398, 401, 402, 406, 408,

421, 447, 477, 479, 482, 485, 487, 489, 490,

491, 492, 493, 494, 508, 510, 543

Scheibner,W., 6

Schlafli,L.,10, 14, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 63,64,

65, 67, 72, 79, 90, 91, 143, 145, 151, 160,

171, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 185, 195,

196, 215, 216, 228, 253, 274, 276, 278, 284,

285, 286, 288, 289, 290,341, 342, 344, 345,

508, 577, 579, 581, 582, 583, 585

Page 808: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


[7^henumbers referto the jmges.]

Addition theorems, 358-372 (Chapterxi); for Bessel coefficients of order zero, 128, 359; for Bessel

coefficients of order ", 29; for Bessel functions of the first kind (Gegenbauer'stype),362, 367;

for Bessel functions of the first kind (Graf'stype),130, 143, 359 ; for Bessel functions or cylinderfunctions of any kind (Gegenbauer'stype),363 ; for Bessel functions or cylinderfunctions of any

kind (Graf'stype),143, 361 ; for hemi-cylindricalfunctions, 354; for Lommel's functions of two

variables, 543; for Scblafli's function r"(;),344; for Schlafli's ijolynomial,289; integralsde-rived

from, 367 ; phvsicalsignificanceof, 128, 130, 361, 363, 366; specialand degenerate forms

of, 366, 368

Airy's integral, 188 ; expressedin terms of Bessel functions of order one-third,192 ; generalisedbyHardy, 320; Hardy's expressionsfor the generalisedintegralin terms of the functions of Bessel,

Anger and Weber, 321 ; references to tables of, 659

Analytic theory of numbers associated with asymptoticexpansionsof Bessel functions, 200

Anger's function Jvi"),308; connexion with Weber's function, 310; differentialequation satisfied

by, 312; integralsexpressed in terms of, 312; recurrence formulae for,311; representation of

Airy's integi-al(generalised)by, 321; with largeargument, asymptoticexpansion of,313; with

largeargument and order,asymptotic expansion of, 316

Approximations to Bessel coefficients of order zero with largeargument, 10, 12 ; to Bessel functions

of largeorder (Carlini),6, 7 ; (extensionsdue to Meissel),226, 227, 232, 247, 521 ; (in transitional

regions),248; to functions of largenumbers (Darboux),233; (Laplace),421; to Legendre func-tions

of largedegree,65, 155, 157, 158 ; to remainders in asymptotic expansions, 213 ; to the sum

of a series of positiveterms, 8. See also Asymptotic expansions, Method of stationary phase and

Method of steepest descents

Arbitrary functions, expansions of, see Neumann series (ind Kapteyn series (forcomplex variables);Dini series, Fourier-Bessel series, Neumann series "/*;"/Schlomilch series (forreal variables)

Argument of a Bessel function defined,40

Asymptotic expansions, approximationsto remainders in,213; conversion into convergent series,

204; for Bessel coefficients of order zero with largeargument, 10, 12, 194; for Bessel functions

of arbitraryorder with largeargument, 194-224 (Chaptervii); (functionsof the first and second

kinds),199 ; (functionsof the third kind),196; (functionsof the third kind by Barnes' methods),220 ; (functionsof the third kind by Schlafli's methods), 215; (functionswith imaginary argu-ment),

202; for Bessel functions with order and argument both large,225-270 (Chapterviii);(ordergreater than argument),241 ; (orderless than argument), 244 ; (ordernearlyequal to argu-ment),

245; (ordernot nearlyequal to argument, both being complex),262; for combinations of

squares and products of Bessel functions of largeargument, 221, 448; for Fresnel's integrals,545 ; for functions of Anger and Weber (ofarbitraryorder with largeargument),313 ; (withorderand argument both large),316; for I,omniel's functions, 351; for Lommel's functions of two

variables,549; for Struve's function (ofarbitraryorder with largeargument), 332; (withorder

and argument both large),333 ; for Thomson's functions,ber (,:)and bei (z),203 ; for Whittaker's

function, 340; magnitude of remainders in, 206, 211, 213, 236, 314, 332, 352, 449; sign of

remainders in, 206, 207, 209, 215, 315, 333, 449. See also Approximations

Basic numbers appliedto Bessel functions, 43

Bateman's type of definite integral,379, 382

Bei (-:),Ber (:). See Thomson's functions

Bernoullian polynomials associated with Poisson's integral,49

Bernoulli's (Daniel)solution of Eiccati's equation, 85, 89, 123

Bessel coefficient of order zero, Jy (z),3, 4; differential equation satisfied by, 4, 5 ; (generalsolu-tion

of),5, 12, 59, 60; expressed as limit of a Legendre function, 65, 155, 157; oscillations of a

uniform heavy chain and, 3, 4 ; Parseval's integralrepresenting,9 ; with largeargim^ent,asymp-toticexpansion of, 10, 12, 194; zeros of,4, 5. See also Bessel coefficients,Bessel functions and

Bessels differential equation

Bessel coefficients J" (z),5, 6, 13, 14-37 (Chaptern); addition theorem for, 29; Bessel's integi-alfor,19; expansion in power series of, 15; generating function of,14, 22, 23; inequalitiessatisfiedby, 16, 31, 268; notations for, 13, 14; order of, 14; (negative),16; recurrence formulae for, 17;

square of, 32 ; tables of (oforders 0 and 1),662, 666-697 ; (oforder n),664, 730-732 ; (withequal

order and argument), 664, 746; tables of (referencesto),654, 655, 656, 658. See also Bessel

coefficient of order zero, Bessel's differential equation and Bessel functions

Bessel functions, 38-84 (Chapter in) ; argument of, defined, 40; differential equations of order

higher than the second satisfied by, 106 ; expressed as limits of Lam^ functions,159 ; expressedas limits of P-functions, 158 ; historyof, 1-13 (Chapteri); (compiledby Maggi and by Wagner),13 ; indefinite integralscontaining, 132-138 ; order of, defined, 38, 58, 63, 67, 70 ; rank of, de-fined,

129 ; relations between the various kinds of, 74 ; representation of cylinderfunctions in

terms of, 82; solutions of difference equations in terms of, 83, 355; solutions of Laplace's

Page 809: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


equation containing,83, 124 ; solutions of the equation of wave motions containing,123 ; tbree-

temi relations connecting, 300 ; with negativeargument, 75. See also the two preceding"iud ten

foUou-int)nitri,.",and Cylinder functions

Bessel functions of the first kind, -/,.(:),38; addition theorems for, 143, 359, 362, 363, 367, 368 ;

Barnes' type of integralrepresenting,190 ; Bessel's type of integialrepresenting,176 ; cut in

plane to render uniform, 45 ; differential equation (Bessel's)satisfied by, 38 ; expansion of, in

ascendingseries,40 ; expansion of, in descendingseries,xee Asymptotic expansions ; expressedas a generalisedhypcrgeometricfunction, 100, 101 ; expressed as the limit of a hypergeometricfunction, 154 ; expressedas the limit of a Legendre function, 156; (physicalsignificanceof),155;expressed as the limit of a Lommel i)o]ynomial,302 ; functional ])ropertiesof, 45 ; generalisationsof,43, 44, 308-357 ; Inequalitiessatisfied by,49, 255, 259, 270, 406 ; infinite intogi-alscontaining.Chapter xiii, paxdm ; of complex order, 46 ; of order u "\-\, 41 ; (expressedin finite tei-ms),52,55 ; (notationsfor),55, 80 ; Poisson's integralrepresenting,47, 48 ; (modificationsof),161, 163,

164, 169, 170 ; products of, see Products of Bessel functions ; quotient of two, expressed as a

continued fraction, 153, 154, 303 ; recurrence formulae for,45, 294 ; relations with Lommel's

polynomial, 297; representedbv integralscontaining Legendre functions, 173, 174; symbolicformulae for, 170 ; tables of (of orders 0 and 1),662, 666-697 ; (oforder n),664, 730-732 ; (oforder n-\-\).664, 740-745; (oforder ^),664. 714-729; (oforder -^, method of computing), 664;

(withequal order and argument), 664, 746; (zerosof),664, 748-751; tables of (referencesto),654, 655. 656, 658, 659, 660 ; Weierstrassian product representing,497 ; with largeargument, xee

Asymptotic expansions ; zeros of, itee Zeros of Bessel functions

Bessel functions of the second kind, ""(-) (afterHankel),57, 63; G" {z)(afterHeine), 65; r''"(s)(afterNeumann), 67; ir(~)(afterWeber-Hchlatli,the canonical form),63; addition theorems

for, 144, 361, 365, 368; Bessel's type of integralrepresenting,177; component parts of, 71, 72,

840; continuityof [quafunction of their order),63; differential equation (Bessel's)satisfied by,59, 63 ; expansion of, in ascendingseries,59, 60, 61, 69, 72 ; expansion of, in descendingseries,nee Asymptotic expansions ; expressedas an integralcontaining functions of the firstkind, 5,

133, 382, 433 ; infinite integralscontaining,385, 387, 393, 394, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 430, 433;Poisson's type of integralrepresenting,68, 73, 165; (modificationsof),169, 170; products of,

149; (rej)reRentedby infinite integrals),221. 441, 446; (asymptoticexpansions of),221, 448;

recurrence formulae for, 66, 71 ; representedby integi-alscontaining Legendre functions, 174 ;

symbolicformulae for, 170 ; tables of (oforders 0 and 1),662, 666-697 ; (oforder "),664, 732-

735 ; (oforder h),664, 714-729 ; (oforder - J, method of computing), 664 ; (withequal order

and argument), 664, 747 ; (zerosof),748-751 ; tables of, references to,655, 656, 658 ; with largeargument, xee Asymptotic expansions ; with negative argument, 75 ; zeros of, t^ee Zeros of

Bessel functions. See also Neumann's polsoiomial

Bessel functions of the third kind, Hv'^' (z),Hi.'-'(z),73; Barnes' integi'alsrepresenting,192Bessel's type of integiulrepresenting,178; Poisson's type of integralrepresenting,166; (modi-fications

of),168, 169. 170; representedby integralscontaining Legendre functions, 174;

symbolicformulae for, 170 ; tables of (oforders 0 and 1),662, 666-697 ; (oforder ^,),664, 714-

729; tables of (referencesto),657; with large argument, asymptotic expansions of, 199, 210,

215; with large argument and order,asymptoticexpansions of, 244, 245, 262; with negative

argument, 75

Bessel functions whose order and argument are equal, approximationsto, 229, 231, 232, 259, 260,448, 515 ; asymptotic expansions of, 245 ; integralsrepresenting,258 ; tables of, 658, 664, 746,

747 ; tables of (referencesto), 658

Bessel functions whose order is a fraction. Of orders "i (and Airy's integi-al),190; (and the

sta]iilityof a vertical pole),96 ; tables of, 664, 714-729 ; tables of (referencesto),659 ; zeros of,

751. Of orders "?, tables of (referencesto),659. Of orders "^, "1/,tables of (referencesto),659 Of small fractional orders, tables of zeros of (referencesto), 502, 660. See also Bessel

functions whose order is " (n+ ^)Bessel functions whose order is large, 225-270 (Chapterviii); asymptotic expansionsof, 241, 244,

245, 262 ; Carlini's approximation to,6, 7 ; (extended by Meissel),226, 227 ; Horn's (elementary)approximation to, 225 ; Laplace's approximation to,7, 8, 9 ; method of stationaryphaseappliedto, 232 ; method of steepest descents applied to, 237 ; miscellaneous propertiesof, 252-261 ;

talDles of (referenceto),658; transitional formulae for,248; zeros of, 513, 516, 517, 518. See

"^Iso Bessel functions wnose order and argument are equal

Bessel functions whose order is ^n ,- ^),10, 52, 80 ; expressiblein finite terms, 52 ; notations for,

55, 80; tables of. 664, 740-745; tables of (referencesto),658, 659

Bessel functions with imaginary argument, I,.{^),Ki"{z),Ki(c), 77, 78; differential equationsatisfied by, 77 ; integralsrepresenting(ofBessel's type),181 ; (ofPoisson's type),79, 171. 172;

(proofof equivalenceof various types),185-188 ; monotonic property of, 446 ; of order =" [iif A),

80 ; recun-ence formulae, 79 ; tables of lof orders 0 and 1),663, 698-713 ; (oforder i),664, 714-

729 ; (ofvarious integralorders),664, 736, 737-739; tables of (references to),657, 658; with large

argument, asvmptotic expansions of, 202; zeros of, 511 ; (computation of),512; (referencesto),660

Bessel's differential equation, 1, 19 ; (generalised),38 ; for functions of order zero, 5, 12, 59, 60;

for functions with imaginary argument, 77 ; fundamental system of solutions of. 42, 75 ; has no

Page 810: A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions


algebraicintegral,117 ; soluble in finite terms when and only when the functions satisfyingit

are of order n + ^, 52, 119; solution of. in ascending series,39, 40, 57, 59-61 ; solution of, in

descending series"see Asymptotic expansions ; symbolicsolution of, 41 ; transfoi-mations of,94,97. See also Bessel coefl"cients and Bessel functions

Bessel's integral representingBessel coefficients,19, 21 ; generalisationsand extensions of, see

Anger's function, Bourget's function, Bruns' function and Weber's function; modifications of,

to represent Bessel functions of arbitraryorder,175, 176, 177, 178, 181 ; Theisinger'stransforma-tion

of, 184 ; used in theoryof diffraction,177 ; used to obtain asymptoticexpansions,215. See

also Parseval's integral

Bounds, upper, see Inequalities

Bourget's function J" ^. (z),326 ; differential equationsatisfied by, 327 ; recurrence formulae for,326

Bruns' function J (z;v, k),327

Carlini's approximation for Bessel functions of largeorder,6, 7; extended by Meissel,226, 227

Cauchy's numbers jV_"_i.,", 324; recurrence formulae for, 325

Cayley's solution of Riccati's equation,88

Chain, oscillations of a uniform heavy,3, 4, 576

Cognate Eiccati equations,91

Complex variables, expansions of arbitraryfunctions of,see Kapteyn series and Neumann series

Complex zeros of Bessel functions, 483 ; of Bessel functions with imaginary argument, 511 ; of

Lommers polynomials, 306

Composition of Bessel functions of the second kind of integralorder, 340

Computation of zeros of Bessel functions by various methods (Graeffe's),500, 502; (Stokes'),503;(Sturm's, for the smallest zero),516. See also Zeros of Bessel functions

Constant phase, Sehlafli's method of, 216

Constants, discontinuityof arbitrary(Stokes'phenomenon), 201, 203, 238, 336

Continuants, connected with Sehlafli's polynomial,288

Continued fractions representingquotientsof Bessel functions,153 ; convergence of, 154, 303

Convergent series,Hadamard's conversion of asymptoticexpansionsinto, 204

Crelier's integral for Sehlafli's polynomial,288. See also Neumann's integral for Neumann's

polynomialCross-ratio of solutions of Eiccati's equation,94

Cube of a Bessel function,expansion of, 149

Cut necessary for definition of Bessel functions, 45, 77

Cylinder (circular),motion of heat in, 9, 10, 576, 577

Cylinder functions, '^^(^),4, 82, 480; addition theorems, 143, 361, 365; connexion with Bessel

functions,83 ; originof the name, 83 ; rank of, 129; solutions of differentialequations of order

higherthan the second by, 106 ; three-teiTn relations connecting,300. See also Bessel functions

and Hemi-cylindrical functions

Darboux' method of approximatingto functions of largenumbers, 233

Definite integrals, containing Bessel functions under the integralsign, 373-382 (Chapterxii);evaluated by geometricalmethods, 374, 376, 378 ; the Ramanujan-Hardy method of evaluation,382. See also Infinite integrals

Definite integrals representingspecialfunctions,see Bessel functions and Integrals

Determinants, representingLommel's polynomials,294 ; Wronskian, 42, 76, 77

Difference equations (linearwith linear coefficients)solved by means of Bessel functions,83. See

also Functional equations and Recurrence formulae

Differentiabilityof Fourier-Bessel expansions, 605 ; of specialSchlomilch series,635

Differential coefficients,fractional,107, 125

Differential equations (ordinary),linear of the second order,equivalentto the generalisedRiccati

equation,92 ; of order higher than the second solved by Bessel functions, 106 ; oscillation of

solutions of, 518 ; satisfied by the productof two Bessel functions, 145, 146 ; solved by elemen-tary

transcendants,112; symbolicsolutions of, 41, 108. See also under the names of specialequations,such as Bessel's differential equation, and under the names of various functions a7id

polynomials satisfyingdifferentialequations,such as Anger's function

Differential equations (partial),solution of by an integi-alcontaining Bessel functions, 99 ; see also

Laplace's equation and Wave-motions, equation of

Diffraction,theoryof, connected with Airy'sintegral,188; with Bessel's type of integral,177; with

Schlomilch series,633 ; with Struve's functions, 417

Diffusion of salts in a liquid,and infinite integi-alscontaining Bessel functions, 437

Dini expansion, 580. See also Dini series

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Dlni series, 577, 580, 596-005, 615-617 (Chapterxviii),651-653 ; expansion of an arbitraryfunc-tion

of a real variable into. 580, 600 ; methods of theory of functions of complex variables appliedto, 596, 602; Kiemann-Lcbesgue lemma, analogue of, 599; Riemann's theorem, analogue of,

("49;summabilityof,601, 615 ; uniformity of convergence of,601, 604 ; uniqueness of,616, 651 ;

value at end of range, 602

Dirichlefs discontinuous factor, 406

Discontinuity of :ul)itniryconstants (Stokes'phenomenon), 201, 203, 238, 336

Discontinuous factor (Dirichlet's),406; (Weber's),405

Discontinuous integrals, 398, 402, 406, 408, 411, 415, 421

Domain A' (Kapteyn's),559 ; diagram of, 270

Du Bois Raymond's integrals with oscillatoiyintegrandsexpressedin terais of Bessel functions, 183

Electric waves, 56, 226, 449

Electromagnetic radiation, 551, 556

Elementary transcendants, definition of. 111 ; order of, 111 ; solution of differential equationsby,112

Equal order and argument, Bessel functions with, 231, 232, 258, 260 ; tables of,746, 747 ; tables

of (referencesto),658, 664

Eulers solution of Eiccati's equation, 87

Exponential function, tables of, 698-713 ; tables referred to, 663, 064

Factors, discontinuous (Dirichlet's),406 ; (Weber's),405 ; Neumann's e" (= 1 or 2),22 ; expressionof Bessel functions as productsof Weievstrassian, 497

Fej^r'stheorem, analogue of, for Fourier-Bessel expansions, 610

Finite terms, Bessel functions of order " (n+ i) expressed in, 52 ; Bessel functions of other orders

not so expressible,119 ; solutions of Eiccati's equation in,85, 86, 89 ; the solution of Eiccati's

equation in, not possibleexcept in Daniel Bernoulli's cases and their limit, 123

Flights, problem of random, 419

Fourier-Bessel expansion, 580. See alao Fourier-Bessel series

Fourier-Bessel functions, 4, 84

Fourier-Bessel integrals, ^^ee Multiple infinite integrals

Fourier-Bessel series, 576-617 (Chapterxviii),649-651 ; expansion of an arbitraryfunction of a

real variable into, 576, 580; Fejer'stheorem, analogueof, 610; Kneser-Sommerfeld expansionof a combination of Bessel functions into,499 ; methods of theory of functions of complex vari-ables

appliedto, 582, 607 ; order of magnitude of terms in (Sheppard'stheorem),595 ; Eiemann-

Lebesgue lemma, analogueof,589 ; Eiemann's theorem, analogue of,649 ; summability of,578,

606, 613 ; term-by-term differentiation of, 578, 605 ; uniformity of convergence of, 593, 594 ;

(near origin),015 ; uniformityof summabilityof,612 ; uniqueness of,616, 649 ; value at end of

range, 594, 603

Fractional differential coeCacients, 107, 125

Fresnel's integrals, 544 ; asymptotic expansionof, 545 ; tables of, 744, 745 ; tables of maxima

and minima of, 745 ; tables of (referencesto),660, 661, 664

Functional equations deliningcylinderfunctions, 82 ; generalisedby Nielsen, 355

Functions of large numbers, approximations due to Darboux, 233 ; approximations due to Laplace,8,421. See ahi" Approximations, Asymptotic expansions, Method of stationary phase and Method

of steepest descents

Fundc^mental system of solutions of Bessel's differential equation,42, 75, 78

Gallop'sdiscontinuous infinite integrals, 421

Gamma functions, representationof Bessel functions by integralscontaining,190, 192, 221 ; appli-cationsto determination of asymptotic expansions,220, 223 ; applicationsto evaluation of infinite

integrals,383, 434, 436

jBamma functions, representationof Lommel's functions by integralscontaining,351 ; applicationsto determination of asymptotic expansions, 352

Gegenbauers addition theorem for Bessel functions,362, 363, 367

Gegenbauer's discontinuous infinite integrals, 415, 418

Gegenbauer's function Cj {z),50, 129, 363, 365, 367, 308, 369, 378, 407

Gegenbauer's polynomial A"^v{t),283 ; contour integralscontaining,284, 524; differential equa-tion

satistied by, 283 ; equivalence with specialforms of Lommel's function, 351 ; recurrence

fornxulae for, 283

Gegenbauer's polynomial I'n.n.i'(t),293, 525

Gegenbauer's representation of Jt,(z)by a double integralresembling Poisson's integral.51

Gegenbauer's type ot delinite integral,378

Generalised hypergeometric functions, -fee Hypergeometric functions (generalised)

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Generalised integrals (withimpliedexponentialfactor),188, 441, 463, 464

Generating function of Bessel coefficients,14, 22, 23 ; of Neumann's polynomials,281, 282

Gilbert's integrals, 548, 549

Giuliani's function, sr-r Bourget's function

GraefiFe's method of calculatingzeros, 500, 502

Grafs addition theorem for Bessel functions, 359, 361

Group velocity, 229

Growth of zeros of Bessel functions, 485

Hankers infinite integrals, 384, 386, 389, 390, 393, 395, 424, 427, 428, 434

Hansen's upper hound for J^i^),31 ; generalised,406

Hardy's functions Ci,^{a),Si,^(a),Ei,^{a),(generalisationsof Aiiy's integral),320; expressedinterms of functions of Bessel, Anger and Weber, 321, 322

Hardy's integrals representingLommel's functions of two variables,546

Hardy's method of evaluatingdefinite integrals,382

Heat, conduction of,9, 10, 450, 576, 577, 616

Hemi-cylindrical functions S" (~),defined,353 ; expressedin terms of the function of order zero,

353 ; addition theorem for, 354

Hypergeometric functions, limitingforms expressedas Bessel functions,154

Hypergeometric functions (generalised),90, 100; Bessel functions expi-essedin terms of,100, 101;notations for,100 ; relations between (Rummer's formulae),101, 102 ; Sharpe'sdifferential equa-tion

solved by, 105

Imaginary argument, Bessel functions with, .'iee Bessel functions with imaginary argument ;

Struve's functions with, 329, 332

Indefinite integrals containingBessel functions under the integralsign,132-138, 350, 581 ; tables

of, 744, 745, 752 ; tables of (referencesto),660, 661, 664

Inequalities satisfied by Bessel functions, 16, 31, 49, 255, 259, 268, 406; by Neumann's poly-nomial,273, 282 ; by Struve's function, 328, 337, 417 ; by zeros of Bessel functions,485, 489,

490, 492, 494, 515, 516, 521

Infinite integrals containing Bessel functions under the integralsign,383-449 (Chapterxrn); dis-continuous,

398, 402, 406, 408, 411, 415, 421 ; generalised,441 ; methods of evaluating,described,383 ; Eamanujan's type (integralsof Bessel functions with respect to their oi'der),449. See also

under the names of various integrals,e.p. Lipschitz-Hankel infinite integral

Infinity of the number of zeros of Bessel functions and cylinderfunctions,4, 478, 481, 494, 495

Integrals, expressed in terms of Lommel's functions of two variables,540; expressed in terms of

the functions of Anger and Weber, 312; Fresnel's,544, 545, 660, 661, 664, 744, 745; Gilbert's,548, 549 ; values of, deduced from addition theorems, 367 ; with oscillatoryintegrands,183 ;

with the polynomialsof Neumann and Gegenbauer under the integralsign,277, 285. See also

Definite integrals (uul Infinite integrals

Interference, 229

Interlacing of zeros of Bessel functions and of cylinderfunctions,479, 480, 481

Irrationalityof tt, 90, 485

Jacobi's transformation connecting sin"j5 with the {n - l)thdififerentialcoefficient of sin2"-i^ with

respect to cos 6, 26 ; erroneouslyattributed to Eodrigues,27 ; various proofs of, 27, 28

Kapteyn's domain K, 559 ; diagram of,270

Kapteyn series,6, 13, 551-575 (Chapterxvii); connexion with Kepler'sproblem,551 ; expansionsinto,derived from Kepler'sproblem,554, 555 ; expansion of an arbitraryanalyticfunction into,570 ; fundamental expansions into, 557, 559, 561, 564, 566, 568, 571 ; Kapteyn's domain A', of

convergence of, 559 ; (diagramof),270 ; nature of convergence outside and on the boundary of

K, 574 ; second kind of,572

Kapteyn's polynomial "" (t),568; expressed in terms of Neumann's polynomial,569

Kapteyn's type of definite integral,380

Kepler's problem, 6, 551, 554 ; Bessel's solution of, 13 ; Lagi-ange'ssolution of,6

Kinds of Bessel functions, (first)40 ; (second)58, 63, 64, 65, 67 ; (third)73Kneser-Sommerfeld expansion of a combination of Bessel functions as a Fourier-Bessel series,499

Kummer's formulae connecting generalisedhypergeometricfunctions,101, 102

Lam6 functions, limitingforms expressedas Bessel functions,159

Laplace's equation, generalsolution due to Parseval,9 ; generalsolution due to Whittaker, 124 ;solutions involvingBessel functions, 83, 124; used to obtain addition theorems for Bessel func-tions,


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Laplace's methods of approximatingto functions of largenumbers, 8, 421

Laplace's transformation, 280, 395

Large numbers, mctliods of approximation to functions of (Darboux),283 ; (Laplace),8, 421. See

(tho Approximations "'(*/ Asymptotic expansions

Large order, mv Anger's function, Bessel fimctions whose order is large, Struve's function mid

Weber's function

Lebesgue's lemma, -fee Riemann-Lebesgue lemma

Legendre functions, Ikunes' notation for, 1.56; integialscontaining,50, 173, 174, 339, 475; limits

of, expressed as Busscl functions, 65, 155, 157 ; (physicalsignificanceof),155 ; of largedegree,approximationsto, 15H ; relation between two kinds of, 174 ; Whipple's transformation of, 387.

See also Gegenbauer's function C'"''{z)LipscMtz-Hankel infinite integral, 384 ; generalised,389

Lommel's functions '^^,v(z),S^,i,(z),345, 347; cases of expressionin finite terms, 350; integrals

representing,346, 350 ; recurrence formulae, 348 ; specialcases expressibleby the polynomialsof Gegenbauer, Neumann and Schliitii,350; specialcases with ^"c an odd negative integer,348 ; with largeargument, asymptotic expansionof, 351

Lommel's functions of two variables, ?v(w, z),V:,{w,z),537, 538; addition formulae for,543;integi-alsrepresenting,540, 546 ; reciprocationformulae, 542 ; recurrence formulae, 539 ; specialease of,581, 752; tables of

,752; tables referred to, 660; with largeargument, asymptotic expan-sions

of, 549

Lommel's polynomial Rm, v [z),294, 295 ; differentialequationsatisfied by,297 ; Hurwitz' notation

(]m,v{z),303 ; limit of,expressedas a Bessel function, 302 ; of negativeorder,R-m,v [z],299;recurrence formulae, 298; recurrence formulae in Hurwitz' notation,303; relations with Bessel

functions, 295, 297, 302; three-term relations connecting, 300, 301; zeros of, 304, 305, 306

Magnitudes of remainders in asymptoticexpansions,206, 211, 213, 236, 314, 332, 352, 449

Maxima of Bessel functions, 488; of Fresnel's integrals,table of, 745; of integralsof Bessel func-tions,

table of, 752

Mean anomaly, expansions of elements of an orbit in trigonometricalseries of, 6, 13, 552, 554, 556

Mebler-DiricMet integral representingLegendre functions, limitingform expressedas Poisson's


Mehler-Sonine integrals representingBessel functions, 169, 170

Meissel's approximations to Bessel functions of large order, 226, 227, 232, 247, 521 ; types of

Kapteyn series,557, 561, 564, 566

Membrane, vibrations of a circular,5, 576, 618 ; vibrations of a sectorial,510

Method of constant phase (Schlalli's),216

Method of stationary phase, 225, 229 ; appliedto Bessel functions, 231, 233

Method of steepest descents, 235 ; appliedto Bessel functions, 237, 241, 244, 245, 262 ; appliedtofunctions of Anger and Weber, 316 ; appliedto Struve's function,333; connexion with Laplace'smethod of approximation, 421

Minima of Bessel functions, 488 ; of Fresnel's integrals,table of,745 ; of integi-alsof Bessel func-tions,


Monotonic properties of J^ {vx)lJi,{v),257 ; of Jv {v)and JJ {v),260 ; of A' (.i),446

Multiple infinite integrals, 450-476 (Chapterxiv); investigatedby Neumann, 453, 470 ; (generalisedby Hankel), 453, 456, 465; (generalisedby Orr),455; (modifiedby Weber), 468; Riemann-

Lebesgue lemmas, analoguesof, 457, 471 ; Weber's type of, 450

Neumann series, 522-537 (Chapterxvi);expansion of an arbitraryanalytic function into, 523;

generalised,525 ; (specialseries),30, 31, 36, 69, 71, 151 ; Laurent's expansion,analogue of,524;Pincherle's theorem on the singularitiesof, 526; specialseries,18, 23, 25, 33, 34, 35, 12.^. 130,

138, 139, 140, 527, 581 ; Webb-Kapteyn (realvariable)theoryof,533. See also Addition theorems

and Lommel's functions of two variables

Neumann's factor f,i(= 1 or 2),22

^x-Neumann'sintegral for J J {z),32 ; for Neumann's polynomial,278, 280

Neumann's polynomial 0" {t),271, 272, 273 ; connected with Kapteyn's polynomial.569 ; connected

with Neumann's polynomialt2"{t),292 ; connected with Schliifli'spolynomial,285, 286 ; contour

integralscontaining,277 ; differential equation satisfied by, 276 ; expressedin terms of Lommel's

functions, 350 ; formerly called a Bessel function of the second kind, 67, 273 ; generalisedbyGegenbauer,see Gegenbauer's polynomial .(",i/(0;generating function of, 281, 282; inequali-ties

satisfied by, 273, 282 ; infinite integralscontaining,433 ; Neumann's integralrepresenting,278, 280 ; of negative order defined, 276 ; recurrence formulae for, 274

Neumann's polynomial (2,(f),290, 291; expressedas integralcontaining Neumami's polynomial0" (t),292 ; Gegenbauer's generalisationof,see Gegenbauer's polynomial Ihi.^.y (t); recurrence

formula for, 292

Nicholson's infinite integrals, 431, 441

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Nielsen-Hankel functions, st'f Bessel functions of the tliird kind

Null-functions, Lerch's theorem on integralsrepresenting,382 ; representedby Schlomilch series,634, 636, 642, 647

Numbers, analytictheoryof, associated with asymptotic expansionsof Bessel functions,200

Numbers, Cauchy's,324 ; recurrence fonnulae for, 325

Order of a Bessel function defined,38, 58, 63, 67, 70 ; integralswith regardto, 449

Ordinary differential equations, see Differential equations

Oscillation of solutions of linear differential equations,518

Oscillations of membranes, 5, 510, 576, 618 ; of uniform heavy chains, 3, 4, 576

Oscillatory integrands, Du Bois Keymond's integralswith, expressedin terms of Bessel functions,183

P-functions, limitingforms expressedas Bessel functions,158

Parseval's integral representingJo (^)i9i 21 ; modifications of, 21

Partial differential equations, see Differential equations

Phase, method of stationary,generalprinciplesof, 225, 229; appliedto Bessel functions,231, 233

Phase, Schlafli's method of constant, 216

Pincherle's theorem on singularitiesof functions defined by Neumann series,526

Poisson's integral for Bessel coefficients,12, 24, 25 ; for Bessel functions, 47, 48, 49 ; (generalisedbyGegenbauer),50 ; (symbolicform of),50 ; for Bessel functions of imaginary argument, 80 ; for

Bessel functions of the second kind, 68, 73 ; limit of the Mehler-Dirichlet integralfor Legendrefunctions as, 157 ; transformation into contour integralsto representBessel functions of any order

(ofthe firstkind),161, 163, 164 ; (ofthe second kind),165 ; (ofthe third kind),166, 167; (withimaginary argument), 171, 172; transformations of the contour integrals,168, 169, 170. See

also Parseval's integral nmJ Struve's function

Polar coordinates, change of axes of, used to obtain transformations of integi'als,51, 374, 376, 378 ;

used to express Bessel functions as limits of Legendre functions, 155

Probl^me de moments of Stieltjes,464

Products of Bessel functions, 30, 31, 32, 82, 146, 147, 148, 149; Bateman's expansion of, 130, 370 ;

expansions of arbitraryfunctions into series of,525, 572; integralsrepresenting,31, 150, 221, 438,

439, 440, 441, 445, 446, 448 ; series of,30, 151, 152 ; with largeargument, asymptoticexpansionsof, 221, 448

Products of Weierstrassian factors,Bessel functions expressedas, 497

Quotient of Bessel functions expressedas a continued fraction, 153, 154, 303

Radius vector of an orbit,expansionastrigonometricalseries of the mean anomaly,6,13,552,553, 554

Ramanujan's integrals of Bessel functions with respectto their order,449

Ramanujan's method of evaluatingdefinite integrals,382

Random flights,problem of,419

Rank of Bessel functions and cylinderfunctions, 129

Real variables, expansions of arbitraryfunctions of, see Dini series, Fourier-Beasel series,Neumann series (Webb-Kapteyn theory),and Schlomilch series

Reality of zeros of Bessel functions, 482, 483, 511

Reciprocation formulae for Lommel's functions of two variables,542

Recurrence formulae for Anger'sfunctions,311 ; for Bessel coefficients,17 ; for Bessel functions

of the first kind, 45 ; for Bessel functions of the second kind, 66, 71 ; for Bessel functions of the

third kind, 74 ; for Bessel functions with imaginaryargument, 79 ; for Bourget'sfunctions, 326 ;

for Cauchy's numbers, 325 ; for cylinderfunctions, 82 ; for Gegenbauer's polynomials,283 ; for

Lommel's functions, 348 ; for Lommel's functions of two variables,539 ; for Lommel's poly-nomials,298, 303 ; for Neumann's polynomials0, (t),274 ; for Neumann's polynomialsii,(t),

283; for Schlafli'sfunctions,71, 342, 343; for Schlafli's polynomials,285; for Struve's func-tions,

329 ; for Weber's functions, 311 ; for Whittaker's functions, 339. See also Functional

equations, Hemi-cylindricalfunctions mid Three-term relations

Reduced functions, Cailler's,536

Remainders in asymptotic expansions, magnitudes of, 206, 211, 236, 314, 332, 352 ; signsof,206,207, 209, 215, 315, 333 ; Stieltjes'approximations to, 213

Repetition of zeros of Bessel functions and cylinderfunctions, impossibilityof, 479

Riccati's differential equation, 1, 2, 85-94; connexion with Bessel's equation, 1, 90; equationcognate to, 91; limitingform of, 86; soluble cases of (D. Bernoulli's),85; soluble cases of,exhausted by D. Bernoulli's formula and its limit,123 ; solutions by various mathematicians

(D.Bernoulli),2, 85, 89 ; (Cayley),88 ; (Euler),87 ; (Schlafli),90 ; solved by means of infinite

series by James Bernoulli,1 ; transformations of,86

Riccati's differential equation generalised, 3, 92, 94 ; cross-ratio of solutions,94 ; equivalence

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Tables of Bessel coefficients (oforders 0 and 1), 662, 666-697; (oforder n),664, 730-732; (withequal order and argument),664, 746 ; of Bessel functions of the tirstkind (oforders n + i, - n - i),664, 740-741 ; (oforder ^),664, 714-729 ; of Bessel functions of the second kind (oforders 0 and

1),662, 666-697 ; (oforder ?(),664, 732-735 ; (oforder A),664, 714-729 ; (withequal order and

argument), 664, 747 ; of Bessel functions of the third kind (oforders 0 and 1),662, 666-697; (oforder ^),664, 714-729; of Bessel functions with imaginary argument (oforders 0 and 1),663,698-713 ; (oforder )i),664, 736, 737-739 ; (oforder i),664, 714-729 ; of c^',663, 698-713 ; of Fresnel's

integrals,664, 744-745 ; of integralsof Bessel functions of order zero, 664, 752 ; of Struve's func-tions

(oforders 0 and 1),663, 666-697 ; of zeros of Bessel coetJicients and functions of integralorder n and of order i, 664, 748-751

Tables (referencesto)of Airy'sintegral,659; of Bessel coefficients and functions derivable from

them, 654, 655, 656, 658 ; of Bessel functions (oforders " + i, - n - i),658, 659 ; (oforders "i,

"1), 659; (of orders "i, "|), 659; of Bessel functions of the second kind, 655, 656,658; of

Bessel functions of the third kind,657 ; of Bessel functions with imaginary argument, 657, 658 ; of

Fresnel's integrals,661 ; of integralsof Bessel functions and Struve's functions,661 ; of Lommel's

functions of two variables,660 ; of Thomson's functions ber .r and bei x, etc.,658 ; of zeros of

Bessel coefficients,functions and associated functions, 659, 660

Theisinger'sintegralrepresentationof Bessel functions,184; of Struve's and Weber's functions,338

Thomson's (SirWiiliam)functions, berz, bei", 81 ; connexion with Bessel functions,81 ; generali-sations,81 ; references to tables of, 658 ; squares and productsof,82, 148 ; with largeargument,

asymptotic expansions of, 203

Three-term relations connecting Bessel functions,cylinderfunctions and Lommel's polynomials,300, 301

Transcendants, elementary,definition of. 111 ; order of, 111 ; solutions of differentialequationsby, 112

Transitional regions associated with Bessel functions of largeorder,248

Uniformity of convergence of Dini series,601 ; of Fourier-Bessel series,593, 594 ; of Kapteyn series,575 ; of Schlomilch series,632

Uniqueness of Fourier-Bessel and Dini series,616, 649, 651 ; of Schlomilch series,643, 647

Upper bounds, see Inequalities

Viscous fluid,motion of, associated with Airy'sintegi-al,189

Wave-motions, equation of, generalsolutions,125 ; generalisedto p dimensions, 128 ; used to

obtain addition theorems for Bessel functions,129

Waves, electric,56, 226, 446 ; on water, and the method of stationaryphase,229

Weber's (H.)discontinuous factor, 405

Weber's (H.)infinite integrals, 391, 393, 395, 396; (discontinuoustypes of),398, 402, 405, 406,408, 411

Weber's (H. F.)function E,/(z),308 ; connexion with Anger'sfunction,310 ; connexion with Struve's

function, 336 ; differential equation satisfied by, 312 ; integralsexpressedin terms of, 312 ; re-currence

formi^lae for,311 ; representationof Airy's integral(generalised)by, 321 ; tables of,seeStruve's function ; Theisinger'sintegi-alfor,338 ; with largeargument, asymptotic expansionof,313 ; with largeargument and order, asymptotic expansion of, 316

Weierstrassian products, expressionfor Bessel functions as, 497

Whipple's transformation of Legendre functions, 387

Whittaker's function W^ {z),339 ; differential equation satisfied by, 339 ; recurrence foi-mulae for,339 ; with largeargument, asymptotic expansion of, 340

Wronskian determinant, 42, 76, 77

Zeros of Bessel functions, 477-521 (Chapterxv);computationof (variousmethods of),142,500,502,503, 516 ; inequalitiesconnected with, limits of, rates of growth of, 485, 489, 490, 491, 494, 507,513, 516, 518 ; infinityof, 4, 478 ; interlacingof, 479, 480, 481 ; non-coincidence of (Bourget'shypothesis),484 ; non-repetitionof, 479 ; number of, in a stripof arbitrarywidth, 495; realityof,482, 483; tables of, 664, 748-751 ; tables of (referencesto),659 ; values of, 4, 5, 512, 516 ; with

imaginary argument, 511 ; with unrestrictedlylargeorder,513, 516

Zeros of Lommel's polynomials (realityof),304, 305, 306

Zeros of Struve's function, 479


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