
Innovations and trends in communications, brand and fundraisingConference

30 January, 2013

London #CCinnovations

A roadmap to creativity and innovation

Lucy Gower @lucyinnovation

Innovation =Problem x Solution x Execution


“What you need to do differently to get to where you said

you would go”


“If I had one hour to save the world,

I would spend the first 55 minutes

analysing the problem and then 5 minutes on the solutions”


Technique for producing ideas

1. Gather raw material

2. Order and catalogue your thoughts

3. Incubation

4. Out of nowhere the idea will appear

5. Shaping and development of the


“Part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians, and poets, and artists, and zoologists, and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world.” Steve Jobs

P&G – Connect and Develop

2. Order and catalogue your thoughts

3 and 4. Incubation and the idea will come

5. Shaping and development of the idea

“ A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke, or worried to death by a frown on the right person’s brow”

Charles Brower

The F Word

© lucyinnovation

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

Thomas Edison

© lucyinnovation




Have a process to manage risk

Seek to understand your audience

What are you setting out to achieve?

Only then generate ideas based around your strategic objective and understanding of your audiences



Have a process to manage risk


Make it real, draw it, role play it, say it

Small scale – one geography one audience type

Refine make changes and launch

Every employees job

Deliver wow through service

• Resources books and blogs

The roadmap to creativity • Generate ideas around a strategic

need• Get good insight • Deliberately make connections• Take time to relax • Aim for lots and lots of ideas• Use criteria to select the best ideas• Greenhouse the best ideas• Do something

Find out more

Innovation still rules Joe Saxton and Lucy Gower

Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson

Switch and Made to Stick Chip and Dan Heath

Sticky Wisdom ?What if! The Innovation Company

Business beyond the Box John O’Keefe

Linchpin and Purple Cow Seth Godin

Enchantment Guy Kawasaki

The Art of Woo G Richard Shell and Mario Moussa

Making ideas Happen Scott Berkun

Good to Great Jim Collins

Speed of Trust Stephen Covey



[email protected]

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