Page 1: A remarkable journey to 31 abodes

A remarkable journey to 31 abodes.You may have had enough experiences of travelling within your country or around the world in this life.

But, have you had experiences of travelling in 31 abodes of life existences in your life up to now?

Though you see only the earth (only the superficial part of the earth), you have 30 more places where life is existing. I will give you what they are.

1. The 4 states of unhappy realms (DUGATHI).

2. The 7 happy states (SUGATHI).

3. The 16 kinds of Rupaloka (BRAHMA LOKA) – realms of fine material form.

4. The 4 kinds of Arupaloka – formless realms.

But, who believe it?

How do you prove it?

Is there any person who has seen them?

Have you heard about a man who saw them?

To day I will try my best to show you these worlds of life existence. The realm of human beings & the animal kingdom are not needed clarifications.

As I told you before, when the mental impurities of a person are subsided up to a certain level by meditation, you can see the whole world as a picture to your eye. Actually what you can see is the surface appearance of an item. What you can see as a human body is also a surface appearance of it. (I explained it previously)

When you go on as it Is, a date will come to you that the feeling of your body existence is totally disappeared & only the mind of you persists. There you have only the thin surface layer of vision. Wherever you see, whatever you see is then having only the surface vision only. You know now that you can see only the surface layer of an item. In this situation, your rough mentality is getting reduced & develops a soft mentality of reduced mental defilements. Now you can see the creatures of fine material forms in these abodes.

How many creatures are available in this universe than you see?

As humans, you have rough vision, but when it reduces you can see the lives of billions of creatures that can not be visible to your naked eyes or realms of fine material form.

Page 2: A remarkable journey to 31 abodes

What a remarkable vision! & you can see the OCEAN OF SANSARA WITH billions & billions of creatures & now you feel the definite danger of staying within it without a try to escape. You can see how equal we all are in mind part & only the body gives you a chance to classify them in to different 31 abodes. You develop a strong will to escape from this mind part because you know now the life as a human is temporary like a second in relation to sansaric life.

Mind part is equal in all 31 abodes so that everyone can think & act accordingly but the body gives them the classification from outside saying humans, animals, gods etc.

You can see how mind part forms or creates a new figure or shape after his death according to his KAMMA collected in previous life giving you a new name in the next life either as a human or any other creature in 31 abodes.


This procedure is never ending.

Try & see the things we mentioned here is right or wrong in practical way. Pl, do not believe it as I said.

Thank you.

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