Page 1: A polylog competitive algorithm for the k-server problem

A polylog competitive algorithm for the k-server problem

Nikhil Bansal (IBM)Niv Buchbinder (Open Univ.)

Aleksander Madry (MIT)Seffi Naor (Technion)

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The k-server Problem

• k servers lie in an n-point metric space.• Requests arrive at metric points.• To serve request: Need to move some server there.

Goal: Minimize total distance traveled.

Objective: Competitive ratio.

1 2 3

Move Nearest Algorithm

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The Paging/Caching Problem

Set of pages {1,2,…,n} , cache of size k<n.Request sequence of pages 1, 6, 4, 1, 4, 7, 6, 1, 3, …

a) If requested page already in cache, no penalty.b) Else, cache miss. Need to fetch page in cache (possibly) evicting some other page.

Goal: Minimize the number of cache misses.

K-server on the uniform metric.Server on location p = page p in cache

1 n. . .

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Previous Results: Paging

Paging (Deterministic) [Sleator Tarjan 85]:

• Any deterministic algorithm >= k-competitive.• LRU is k-competitive (also other algorithms)

Paging (Randomized):

• Rand. Marking O(log k) [Fiat, Karp, Luby, McGeoch, Sleator, Young 91].

• Lower bound Hk [Fiat et al. 91], tight results known.

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K-server conjecture

[Manasse-McGeoch-Sleator ’88]:There exists k competitive algorithm on any metric space.

Initially no f(k) guarantee.Fiat-Rababi-Ravid’90: exp(k log k) …Koutsoupias-Papadimitriou’95: 2k-1

Chrobak-Larmore’91: k for trees.

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Randomized k-server Conjecture

There is an O(log k) competitive algorithm for any metric.

Uniform Metric: log kPolylog for very special cases (uniform-like)

Line: n2/3 [Csaba-Lodha’06]

exp(O(log n)1/2) [Bansal-Buchbinder-Naor’10]

Depth 2-tree: No o(k) guarantee

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Our Result

Thm: There is an O(log2 k log3 n) competitive* algorithm for k-server on any metric with n points.

* Hiding some log log n terms

Key Idea: Multiplicative Updates

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Our Approach

Hierarchically Separated Trees (HSTs) [Bartal 96].

Any Metric

Allocation Problem (uniform metrics): [Cote-Meyerson-Poplawski’08]

(decides how to distribute servers among children)

O(log n)

Allocation instances

K-server on HST

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• Introduction• Allocation Problem• Fractional view of Randomized Algorithms• Fractional Caching Algorithm• What makes Allocation Problem harder?• The Fix

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Allocation Problem

Uniform Metric

At each time t, request arrives at some location iRequest = (ht(0),…,ht(k)) [monotone: h(0) ¸ h(1) … ¸ h(k)]

Upon seeing request, can reallocate servers

Hit cost = ht(ki) [ki : number of servers at i] Total cost = Hit cost + Move cost

Eg: Paging = cost vectors (1,0,0,…,0)

*Total servers k(t) can also change (let’s ignore this)

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Allocation to k-serverThm [Cote-Poplawski-Meyerson]: An online algorithm for allocation s.t. for any > 0, i) Hit Cost (Alg) · (1+) OPT ii) Move Cost (Alg) · OPT

gives ¼ O(d 1/d)) competitive k-server alg. on depth d HSTs

d = log (aspect ratio) So, = poly(1/) polylog(k,n) suffices *HSTs need some well-separatedness*Later, we do tricks to remove dependence on aspect ratio

We do not know how to obtain such an algorithm.

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• Introduction• Allocation Problem• Fractional view of Randomized Algorithms• Fractional Caching Algorithm• What makes Allocation Problem harder?• The Fix

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Fractional View of Randomized Algorithms

To specify a randomized algorithm: i) Prob. distribution on states at time t. ii) How it changes at time t+1.

Fractional view: Just specify some marginals.

Eg. Paging, actual algorithm = distribution over k-tuples but, Fractional: p1,…,pn s.t. p1 + …+ pn = k

Cost: If p1,…,pn changes to q1,…,qn ,pay (1/2) i |pi – qi|

Not too weak: Fractional Paging -> Randomized Paging (2x loss)

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Fractional Allocation Problem

xi,j : prob. of having j servers at location i (at time t)

j xi,j = 1 (prob. distribution)

i j j xi,j · k (global server bound)

Cost: Hit cost with h(0),…,h(k) = j xi,j h(j)

Moving mass from (i,j) to (i,j’) costs |j’-j|

Surprisingly, fractional allocation does not give good randomized alg. for allocation problem.

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A gap example

Allocation Problem on 2 points

Requests alternate on locations.Left: (1,1,…,1,0) Right: (1,0,…,0,0)

Any integral solution must pay (T) in T steps.

Claim: Fractional Algorithm pays only T/(2k) .XL,0 = 1/k xL,k = 1-1/kXR,1 = 1

No move cost. Hit cost of 1/k on left requests.

Left Right

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Fractional Algorithm SufficesThm (Analog of Cote et al): Suffices to have fractional

allocation algorithm with (1+,()) guarantee.

Gives a fractional k-server algorithm on HST

Thm (Rounding): Fractional k-server alg. on HSTs -> Randomized Alg. with O(1) loss.

Thm (Frac. Allocation): Design a fractional allocation algorithm with = O(log (k/)).

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Outline• Introduction• Allocation Problem• Fractional view of Randomized Algorithms• Fractional Caching Algorithm• What makes Allocation Problem harder?• The Fix

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Fractional Paging Algorithm

Current state, p1,…,pn s.t. i pi =k.

Say request at 1 arrives.

Algorithm: Need to bring 1-p1 mass into p1.

Rule: For each page i decrease pi / 1–pi + ( = 1/k)

Intuition: If pi close to 1, be more conservative in evicting.

Multiplicative Update: d(1-p) / (1-p)


Pg 1 Pg 2 Pg n… p11-p1 1-p2 p2

0001 11 1

1-pn pn

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Potential Fn. Analysis

Will Show: On(t) + (t) - (t-1) · O(log k) Off(t)

Contribution of page i to : 0 if pi =0, log(k+1) if pi=1.

=0 if online and offline state coincide.

Suppose, page 1 is requested.Analyze in two steps: First offline moves, then online

If offline moves a server increases by · log(k+1)The claim holds easily.

= 1/k

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Will show: On(t) + (t) - (t-1) · O(log k) Off(t)

Suppose mass enters p1.

pi decreases by dpi = (1-pi+) / N Offline Online

On = {i : pi > 0}

Key Obs: For each page i in On\Offdecreases by dpi ¢ d/ dpi = dpi (1/(1-pi+)) = /N

At least |On|-k such pages, so potential drop >= (|On|-k)/N

Claim: Potential drop ¸ Pf: N = i 2 On (1-pi+) = |On|-k + |On| ¼ |On|-k.

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What makes Allocation Harder?

Paging: If location 1 requested, Know that OPT also has server on 1.

Allocation Problem: Not so clear.

Say, already 10.5 servers at location 1. Should we add even more? May be OPT just has 1 server there.

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An Instructive ExampleCase 1: K servers, and allocation problem on 2k locations.

Cost Vectors = (1,0,…,0)At Locations: 1, 2, …, 2k 1, 2,…, 2k, …

Case 2: 2 k servers in total. 1/2 server on locations 1,…,k-1 and k+1/2 on location k.

Vector (1,0,…,0) on location 1,2,…,k-1 and vector (1,1,…,1,0,…,0) on k.

Right thing: Release the servers on location k. Much better solution: 1 server on each location.

1 2 2k. . .

k k+1

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The FixSuppose cost vector j = (,,…,,0,…,0) at location 1.(i.e. cost if · j servers, 0 otherwise)

Hit cost Y= (x1,0+ …+ x1,j)Increase servers by ¼ Y

Fix number: For each location i (including 1), rebalance prob. mass by multiplicative update.

(location 1)0 1 2

j j+1k

Recall j xij = 1, 8i

…… Each xi,j (except last j) increases / xi,j

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Proof Idea

Eg: Location i contributes 3 log (1+k) to .

Key observation: For every cut · j, xi,· j increases / xi,· j.

Lemma: For any offline state, pays for online movement.Pf: Each cut for j > k*

i, decreases potential by /|ON-k|. There are |ON-k| such cuts.

Location i


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Concluding Remarks

Removing dependence on aspect ratio.HST -> Weighted HST with O(log n) depth.

Extend Allocation to weighted star.

Main question: Can we remove dependence on n. 1. Metric -> HST 2. But even on HST (lose depth of HST)

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Thank you

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