Page 1: A note from the Newsletter Editor - Corridor Running · 2016-01-26 · three track events, a 400 meter run, a mile run, and a 100 meter sprint. ... older pentathletes and its not

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In this issue:

Des Moines Marathon Collage 2

Race Review—Pewterman Pentathlon 3

The Fringe Benefits of Racing—

CVRA Demographics—-


A Race for Your Bucket List 5

Meet The Board — Jenny Burkart 6

Charitable Members/New Members 7

Board of Directors 8

Calendar 9

Our Sponsors 10

As editor of the newsletter, I feel my primary duty

is to keep the membership of the CVRA informed of

the events that we either lead or are active

participants in. I also enjoy sharing stories that

convey the values that we as an organization promote.

These values include promoting a healthy lifestyle

through active living, the social benefits of participating

in our sport, and the benefits to our community by our

promotion of running.

In critiquing the past few newsletters, I would have to give myself the

grade of ‘Incomplete’. I’ve hardly begun to inform members of all of the

events that our organization played a role in bringing to a successful

conclusion. Our role may have been as central as chairing the event, or a

secondary role such as providing our expertise in planning or timing it, or

even calling on our membership for volunteer support.

So, I’m now going to ask you, the general membership of the CVRA, to

help me remove the ‘Incomplete’ from my report card. You can help by

writing articles about events you participated in that might not have been

covered or that a particular angle was missed. Send in pictures and more

pictures. With so many cameras out there I’m sure many of you have

images that ought to be shared with our membership. Finally, forward your

ideas, this is your organization, let your voice be heard.

Eric Wasson

CVRA Newsletter Editor

E-Mail me at: [email protected]

A n ot e f rom t h e N e w s l e t t er Ed i to r



r V



y R









November 2012

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The Des Moines Marathon

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Weekly Group Runs

Every Tuesday

@ 5:45pm at Downtown


Every Thursday

@ 5:45 PM at Downtown


Every Saturday @ 7AM

at Running Wild

Every Sunday @ 8AM

at the Sac & Fox Trail.

Park on East Post Road



October 14th was a cold, windy, and

rainy day, a day that most people would have

rather stayed in bed. If not in the comfort of

their own bed, at least staying indoors would

be a well thought out option for most. There

were however 16 intrepid runners who stood

up to the elements and spent the day in and

around the Washington High School campus

for 22nd Annual Pewterman event.

The Pewterman Pentathlon is a five

race event featuring a 5K run followed by

three track events, a 400 meter run, a mile

run, and a 100 meter sprint. The days events

are then capped off with a 10 mile run.

To score the event, runner’s times

are compared to the world record for each

event in the racers age division. Percentages

are calculated and points are awarded. By

comparing favorably to the record in your age

division, the playing field is leveled for the

older pentathletes and its not uncommon to

see a runner who normally runs in the Mas-

ters or Grand Masters category win this


The 2012 Pewterman Pentathlon had

2 females and 14 males, ranging in age from

21 to 63 participate on that cold, wet, and

windy Sunday and the winner was 55 year old

Ron Gierut.

Way To Go, Ron!

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Have you

renewed your



Go to






The Circuit is now


Have you entered your

points yet?

Go to:

The Fringe Benefits of Running Races By Janine Wasson

People sign up for races for many

reasons, but everyone has one goal: to fin-

ish the race. I have found that many of the

best benefits of a race are found after cross-

ing the finish line. For me the best benefit

is a post-race massage, stretch, or chiro-

practic adjustment.

Post-race massages are a real perk.

Near the finishing line of many races in-

cluding most CVRA events, Marion Arts

Festival, Quad Cities Marathon, and the

Des Moines Marathon you will find a mas-

sage tent. The minute I cross the finish

line I head there to get my name on the

waiting list. Depending on how fast you

run you could find a 15-30 minute wait.

This is just enough time for a nice cool

down and stretch before getting a massage.

Recently at the Des Moines Mara-

thon this year, there were 1st year students

from the Des Moines University in their

D.O. program. This is similar to an MD

program but D.O. students are trained in

Osteopathic manipulative medicine

(OMM) which is the hands-on manual

medical system of treatment which utilizes

the distinct osteopathic philosophy.

Michael, my D.O. student, spent

20 minutes stretching and working my

tired muscles. Just spending this short

amount of time with him eased my post-

race muscle soreness. Once I got done

stretching with Michael it was off to the

massage tent to get those newly stretched

muscles massaged.

Taking advantage of these fringe

benefits of a race isn’t for everyone but if

you haven’t taken time after a race to try a

post-race massage or stretch, why not?

You may just find your recovery a little

faster next time.

Janine Wasson soaking up the TLC after the Des Moines 1/2 Marathon

CVRA Demographics The CVRA boasts a diverse and growing membership. As the popularity of running con-

tinues to expand, so are we. Our ranks now include 370 members.

A breakdown of our membership shows that we currently have:

· 179 Females · 191 Males · 117 New members · 65 Charitable Members · 201 Family memberships

· Youngest Member—Age 4

· Oldest Member—Age 76

· Average Age—39

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Here’s one for your

bucket list!

Des Moines Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K

Des Moines, IA

October 21, 2012 A great race has lots of tradition, super course

support, a scenic route, and an enticing after-party.

All of these variables must be present at some level

but the one facet that needs to always be present for a

race to be great is a cheering and enthusiastic crowd.

The Des Moines races have all of these charac-

teristics and because of this, as it’s eleventh year has

passed, the race continues to grow and improve.

The day features three races, a Marathon and

a 1/2 Marathon that begin at 8:00 and a 5K that starts

at 8:30. The starting line is on Locust Street facing

the Capital. The event begins with a few miles of

running through town before heading off into resi-

dential districts and a long jaunt through park trails.

The highlight of the marathon is the trip

through the Drake athletic stadium with a lap around

the Blue Oval. As you exit the stadium be sure to

wave so you recognize yourself on the jumbotron.

Although most of the cheering spectators are

located at the start and finish area, you’ll find pockets

of cheering fans throughout the entire course.

Des Moines offers a quality race that is well

supported in the community and at 8,000 participants

in their events, you can feel comfortable without a

sense of being lost in a crowd.

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Meet the Board Spotlight on a member of CVRA’s Board of Directors

Editors Note: This is the second of a

series of articles that will

feature a member of the CVRA’s Board of Directors. We hope

you enjoy reading about the leaders of our organization and be

sure to say “hi” when you encounter them at the many events you

will find them at.

Meet Jenny Burkart

Hometown: Marion

Currently resides in: Marion

Age: 46

Years Running: 7

Years on the CVRA Board: 10 months

With just 10 months on the Board of Directors of the

CVRA, Jenny has jumped in and made her presents felt. She has

stepped in to the role of Treasure for the organization, a position

the requires an great deal of both talent and time. As Treasurer,

Jenny’s responsibilities include: keeping track of and depositing

all receipts, seeing that all invoices are paid, manage CVRA dis-

bursements and participate in the budget process.

Jenny’s contribution to our organization doesn’t end

with her duties as Treasurer. New runners who participated in

our Couch to 5K program over the past couple of years will be

familiar with Jenny’s encouraging smile. As you prepare for

events you will frequently find Jenny volunteering at packet pick-

up and if she isn’t running in a particular event, you will probably

see her on the course helping out.

One of the most important and time consuming tasks

that board members are asked to perform is that of Race Direc-

tor. The CVRA currently sponsors 8 events each year, they are:

the Freeze Fest in February, Mall to Mall in May, the 5th Season

race on the 4th of July, the Swamp Fox and Timber Trek in Sep-

tember, Indian Summer and the Pewterman Pentathlon in Octo-

ber, and end the year with the Fairview Trail Run in November.

With less than a year of service on the board, Jenny stepped up

and took on the challenge of Directing the Indian Summer event

at Lake McBride.

There are many tasks involved in putting together an

event such as Indian Summer. You need to have the course re-

served and also set up and taken down. You need to have shirts

as well as awards ordered. There is also the matter of timers, race

packet preparation, and even food. A race director can’t do it all

by themselves so they also organize a cadre of volunteers. In her

first event as Race Director, the consensus is that with the excep-

tion of the rainy weather the race went off without a hitch.

Jenny began running in 2005 with weight loss being her

motivation. She continues to run because "I want to be around

runners and their positive attitudes”. One of her favorite aspects

of being a runner is sharing her experiences. “If someone has had

a bad race, maybe sharing an experience I’ve had may help them”.

Jenny’s most memorable running experience is her 1st

marathon. Having endured the training regimen and the 26.2

miles of the event, Jenny realized that “at that point life became


It’s the hard work and dedication of board members like

Jenny that keep our organization vibrant, our events well man-

aged and our future secure.


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Char itable Members

Th a nk s t o t h e f o l l o w i n g m e m b e r s w h o h a v e

g i v e n C V R A e x t r a s u p p o r t !


For all the latest

news and photos

from the CVRA,

be sure to friend

us on Facebook

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Board of Directors

Jane Bosenberg Secretary [email protected] Jennifer Burkhart Treasurer [email protected] Jim Dwyer Equipment Manager [email protected] Colin Flynn Vice-President/Marketing [email protected] Dan Haugen Finance [email protected] Nate Hopp Merchandise Manager [email protected]

Andy Kauder At Large [email protected] Gretchen Lawyer At Large [email protected] Dennis Lee At Large [email protected] Kris Lee President [email protected] Joshua Merrifield Website [email protected] Bret Nilles At Large [email protected]

Suzanne Nilles At Large [email protected] Michael Regan Treasurer [email protected] Ryan Scheckel At Large [email protected] Eric Wasson Newsletter [email protected] Janine Wasson Membership [email protected]

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November 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


6PM Group Run


2 3

7AM Group Run

@ Running Wild


8AM Group Run

@ Sax & Fox Trail

Fairview Trail Run

5 6

6PM Group Run




6PM Group Run


9 10

7AM Group Run

@ Running Wild

Return of the

Turkey Trot


8AM Group Run

@ Sax & Fox Trail

12 13

6PM Group Run




6PM Group Run


16 17

7AM Group Run

@ Running Wild


8AM Group Run

@ Sax & Fox Trail


Deadline for




6PM Group Run




6PM Group Run




7AM Group Run

@ Running Wild


8AM Group Run

@ Sax & Fox Trail



6PM Group Run




6PM Group Run



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Fitness Sports (Des Moines) — Discount on all running items

River Valley Chiropractic — Free foot scan (for

customer orthotics) and if ordered get 10% discount. 10% off full body massages

Running Wild (Davenport, Coralville, & Cedar Rapids) — 10% off every purchase

The Runner’s Flat (Cedar Falls) — 10% of running and

tri gear

Northtowne LTD Cycling and Fitness — 5% discount on all bikes, clothing, fitness

equipment. No sale items apply

Nutri-Sport & Nutri-Smoothie — 15% discount on all products

CVRA Sponsors

P r e s e n t y o u r m e m b e r s h i p c a r d t o t h e s e b u s i n e s s e s

t o r e c e i v e a d i s c o u n t

Remember W hen???





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