
A New Business Model. The Daily Deal

Aggregator Business Model Is Booming, But

Is It Profitable?

Posted on August 1, 2011 by HC Consulting Group

Since the internet has spawned there have have been a some new major business models that

have come along that have changed the way things are done, and more importantly, enabled

entrepreneurs to cash in by capitalizing on the up and coming trends.

Things like email marketing, social networking, software creation, digital product creation,

blogging, search engines, etc.

The internet has brought about many new business models, and as an entrepreneur it is important

to see a new up and coming trend and capitalize.

Well, one of the newest business models around right now is The Daily Deal Aggregator

Business Model.

Before going in and explaining the daily deal aggregator business model, you must first

understand what the Daily Deal Business model is.

Daily Deal websites have absolutely taken off over the past few years. Starting with

and most recently and the reason the model has gained mass media attention Hundreds of spin off daily deal sites have since been launching and there is no

stop in site.

Daily Deal websites typically offer one product or service a day for a discount. When the deal

expires, or sells out, the offer is gone.

Daily Deal sites have become extremely popular and companies have even launched around the

idea that they can help business set up daily deal sites. We own and operate a hosted daily deal

platform and software called Daily Deal Builder and are able to see first hand how lucrative and

quickly a daily deal site can get launched and begin so generate revenue…

The fact of the matter is that people love getting deals and daily deal sites allow the end

consumer to get just that… great deals.

The huge success of daily deal websites has spawned another business model entirely called the

Daily Deal Aggregator Business Model. You see, there are now a ton of daily deal sites

surrounding many geographic locations and niche markets and this opens up a new wave of

potential for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Aggregation on the internet is where a web site or computer software aggregates syndicated web

content on a wide variety of topics.

The internet is noisy.

The internet is noisy and there is no possible way that a human can see all that is available on the

web. This noisiness is growing which has given way to aggregator websites to begin syndicating

information in a central location making it easy for the end reader to consume the information.

Aggregating daily deals makes perfect sense now as the number of daily deal sites is ever

increasing. Rather than subscribing to 25 different daily deal sites and having your inbox

cluttered with daily deal messages all day – you could subscribe to one daily deal aggregator

website that compiles all of the daily deals that you are interested in.

Brilliant! was the first daily deal aggregator website that has done this and they have been

making some big headway. They received well over 6 million dollars in venture capital funding

and are not slowing down.

What we have done with our newest hosted aggregator software DOD Aggregator, is create a

Yipit Clone, or a hosted daily deal aggregator website platform that allows anyone to easily,

quickly, and effectively create and launch their own deal aggregator website literally in under a


DODAggregator allows our clients to target a specific niche market or geographic location, or

even just the entire daily deal industry – to compile and aggregate all of the deals out

there. Once you create a deal aggregator site using DOD Aggregator there is a small amount of

set-up required before you can begin working on driving traffic to your site and generating ad

revenue and affiliate commissions.

This new daily deal business model is growing fast in the daily deal market, as well as other

markets such as aggregating videos, news, information, polling data, travel deals, and just about

any type of information that can be found on the web where it would make life easier if the

information was aggregated into one location…

If you are interested in learning more about this brand new booming business model and

launching a deal aggregator website – we encourage you to visit

Make moves today,

Marc Horne

HC Consulting Group

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